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Vidya Moksha
9 posters

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates


    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 21, 2021 1:27 pm

    Q Frogman5326 - 2/21/21

    SpecOperator17 Will Be With 45 For The Remainder of the Weekend & Into Next Week.

    What An Honor That Must Be.
    The plan does not care about your feelings
    Wanted to Give Spec Some Credit Where Credit is Due
    If you follow Spec, Then You Know . . .

    Tom Hanks
    Washed ashore without wilson.
    “Washed ashore without Wilson”

    Ooopsey Classic[/
    Take note of Gov Cuomo attempting to dispel accusations about his involvement in the burgeoning nursing home deaths scandal in NY.  He's simply taking a worn page out of the thin leftist playbook and running the old "it's a conspiracy theory" play in hopes of dismissing it.  

    I consider this a telltale sign of desperation and, in my experience, innocent people aren't desperate in that manner.  That he's already purportedly threatening people with ruin only makes the point.

    You will also notice the same dance being played out across any number of other conspiracies - some of which are being theorized about currently.  

    That's not to say all theories can be true, no one would try and make that argument.  But logic also dictates that not all of them can be false either.  And some theories are much more dangerous than others when exists AMPLE evidence of significant criminal activity.  History itself has taught us as much time & again.

    Think [Blackwater]

    “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.”

    - Mathew 24:7

    We serve at the pleasure of the Presidnet. DJT

    China’s Cyberwarfare Attack On 2020 US Election Tied To Mitch McConnell’s CCP-Connected Wife Elaine Chao The American Report By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | February 19, 2021 Elaine Chao, the Taiwanese-born wife of now-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel.
    Nancy's Brother (he got an aquital)
    Rape and Perverted Practices
    11 and 13 Years Old
    pp. 42-43
    "XXXX, cocaine Mitch and CCP Chao really did help steal this election.
    put this graphic together from this article… smfh"

    Australian spy found dead reportedly planned to release classified data on Afghan 'war crimes'

    Feds now say right-wing extremists responsible for majority of deadly terrorist attacks last year

    The U.S. government is acknowledging for the first time that right-wing extremists were responsible for the majority of fatal domestic terrorist attacks last year, according to an internal report circulated by the Department of Homeland Security last week and obtained by Yahoo News.
    National Security ‘Experts’: GOP ‘Behaving Like a Terror Group,’ to Be Viewed ‘as Enemy Combatants’

    "Several “national security experts” interviewed for an essay in The Root published on Thursday, attacked the Republican Party, claiming it behaves “like a terror group,” is rife with “terrorist sympathizers,” and should be viewed as “enemy combatants.”

    The essay, penned by senior reporter Terrell Jermaine Starr and titled “Democrats Are Stuck With a Republican Party Rife With Conspiracy Theorists, Anarchists and Terrorist Sympathizers,” begins by asserting that the GOP is “authoritarian” and only cares for whites. "

    "[W]e have an entire political party that has converted into an authoritarian—albeit Americanized version—style of politics that cares nothing about U.S. democracy or anyone who is not white,” the essay starts.

    US Navy veteran Pam Keith, who ran as the Democrat nominee for election to the U.S. House to represent Florida’s 18th Congressional District, is quoted as saying that Democrats cannot work with Republicans.

    “The only way a country like ours survives is through mutual agreement to set a standard. That’s what the Constitution is. That’s what the rule of law is,” she said. “If you don’t have that, then there’s no incentive to peacefully allow the other sides to exercise power.”

    Earlier this month, Keith compared Trump to Osama bin Laden, and in 2019, she openly called for women to stop having sex with conservative men.

    According to Keith, the days of compromise are over.

    “We still have this delusion of bipartisanship, Keith said. “There’s no Xxxxxxxx bipartisanship. Get off that ship. It does not work. It’s sinking. It’s done. It’s at the bottom of the ocean. It’s the Xxxxxxxx Titanic. It’s down in the water. Let it go.”

    "Former Marine Corps Infantry officer Kyle Bibby, the national campaign manager at Common Defense, told The Root that if those who took part in the early January riot at Capitol Hill “were in Afghanistan” they would have been hit.

    “We would’ve hit them,” he said. “Either a raid, drop a bomb on them, whatever it is.”

    Ultimately, Bibby claims, it is the Republican Party and conservative media that are responsible.

    “But the organizations that are funding this and who are backing this that are creating the political movement behind this are organizations like Fox News, Breitbart, One America News Network, and the Republican Party,” he said.

    “If these organizations existed in another country, we would be sanctioning them. We would be seizing their assets for inciting terroristic threats against an American ally or against U.S. interests.”

    According to Pam Campos-Palma, director of Peace & Security at the Working Families Party, “white nationalist violence” like that witnessed during the early January Capitol riot, is “inherent to the GOP, policing and national security institutions.”

    Starr then accuses Republicans in Congress of not doing much to quell “right-wing media lies.”

    “In fact, they are spreading them,” he writes.

    Furthermore, Starr writes, the ideal type of supporters Republicans can “groom into ill-informed and lethal insurrectionists and white supremacists who will help you maintain power” are those who will believe the “lies,” adding that this is so even if the enemy — “Black folks and people of color” — may “suffer and/or die as a result.”

    "According to Malcolm Nance, a national security expert and author, the Republican Party behaves like a terror group and if Trump were to have won the recent presidential election, then “the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, the state militias, all these other groups, are essentially going to become semi-official Brownshirts [the original paramilitary of Germany’s Nazi Party] of the Trump campaign.”

    Nance also predicted that if Trump would lose, these same groups “are going to become the Iraq insurgents. They’re going to go underground” and “will resort to armed violence, political standoffs, and terrorism.”

    “We have to view the GOP as enemy combatants because, for years, they have proven that Democrats are theirs,” he added.

    Just Give It Time, [They] Will Make Christian Terrorists a Household Term

    We Are Under Attack From All Avenues

    ⁣A deleted Bill Gates documentary has been revived. Remember he made a statement saying he doesn't understand why people don't like him? Another fine display of Phychotic behaviour!    Please share, my little truth warriors
    Polar Vortex set to bring cold to all 50 states in the US on Monday to cause temperatures to plug to  minus 35 degrees - so cold that car anti-freeze can solidify

    Thoughts anons?

    WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 Gen Flynn

    No matter WHAT you think is happening in the MSM, stand strong. We're IN this together. ⚔ - power outages
    Seems very fitting at a time like this

    Saudi Arabia hit by rare blizzard as snow covers areas around the world
    These camels are taking their lumps in Saudi Arabia, which was hit by a blizzard Thursday, according to a report.

    That was the cold we had last week...

    Nancy B 2/21/21 - I just lived through the most horrific weather event Texas has ever seen. Do I think it was natural? Hell no. Do I think it was a lesson? Yes. Texas is not set up in any way, shape or form for a week-long subzero event. In my 68 years, it has never happened before. We lost a lot of people in this week. People froze. Houses were destroyed. Now,  in the aftermath, things are thawing out and we have to boil water to drink. And there is no water pressure. The stores are empty. We stocked up well in advance and are ok. We knew to shut off our water and wrap our water intake pipe. So many had no clue, having never had to. We melted snow for toilet flushing. What spilled on the stove had to be scraped off. How was this not man made?

    [Raytheon] + [HAARP] + [Chinese Transformer Software & Hardware] + Bidan-Xi EO’s + Remote Access = Artificial Large Scaled EMP Style Event


    Extensive List Of Patents
    United States Patent and Trademark Office​0462795 – July 16, 1891 – Method Of Producing Rain-Fall

    Everyone wanted to know what the storm was, yet little realize the storm has been here getting bigger and bigger ever since the EO’s by 45 were signed (2018). The effects of said storm only took effect recently in November. It’s been a long time coming leading up to this dark winter. We’re almost there, just hang tight & continue to pray for our country and everyone who’s innocent being negatively effected by said storm.

    The Shills & Fake Patriots Who Continue to Say “Nothing is Happening” Are Clearly Not Paying Attention.

    They Say This Daily, & It Grows Old.

    Wouldn’t Matter if We Had 10 Mega BQQMS Per Day, [They] Would Still Claim Nothing is Happening Because [They] Have Been Blinded By The Darkness.

    Real Patriots See The Light. They Know What It Loos Like. So Don’t Let a Few Idiots With No Faith in God Deter You From Seeking Truth & Following Christ.

    The Occult Ether Theory and Electropulsion - Stillness in the Storm
    (Staff Writer) The theory which I espouse in this book is based on what can be corroborated throughout the words and developments of Nikola Tesla and their logically construed implications, in combination with other special information linked to that, as presented here and in my prior book, Space Aliens From the Pentagon. This theory is close to Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity, and I like to think that it even makes some corrections that Tesla himself made or would have made, had he lived long enough.

    The Occult Ether Theory and Electropulsion

    RELEASE: Myanmar Financials: 330 GB and hundreds of thousands of records relating to the corporate ownership and for companies in Myanmar from the offices of and

    This release includes:

       Registry information (machine readable).
       incorporation documents and ID scans of officers for 120k companies.
       Beneficial ownership disclosures for the gem and mining industry
       3k+ public tenders.
       Various assorted documents related to corporation law in Myanmar.
       Identifying information for political candidates for cross-referencing with the financial and corporate documents.


    “God is our strength. God gives us the power we need to endure hardship as we serve Him, fight spiritual battles, resist temptation, and bear up under persecution.

    We are weak, but He is strong.”

    - 2 Corinthians 12:10

    “God is our refuge and strength, an Ever present help in trouble.

    Therefore we will not fear, though the Earth give way in the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its Waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”

    - Psalms 46:1-3

    Keep the Faith. This is God's Country.
    New SPACECOM Strategy Warns US Adversaries

    In August 2019, the US Space Command, or ‘SPACECOM’, was revived after being disbanded for 17 years, integrating its work with the other combatant commands that rely on and defend space assets.


    Just got off a very rough phone call from an Agent who’s experienced Hell on Earth 25X over. He was weeping while he explained briefly to me what his team & his department found beneath D.C.’s Cesspool Invested Swamp not too long ago.

    This is not a man that I have ever heard cry in my 20+ years of knowing him. Some things are better left unseen/unsaid. He is also a father. Unfortunately, I think he had no one else to vent to because of the legality of the situation.

    I don’t know how some of these elitist psychopathic pedophiles commit such atrocities. It’s something I’ve been asking myself for years now especially after some of my past rescue operations.

    I truly don’t know how such an evil could exist on an Earth made by such a loving God. I wish the Earth was a perfect world. I wish things could be different. I wish it had not taken this country 60+ years to finally execute a rescue operation for these innocent children in harms way.

    I’m just grateful that we’ve finally been able to put an end to these atrocities worldwide in recent years with the help of Trump’s leadership, the help of our military & the help of every Ghost we’ve deployed since 2017.

    God will continue to deliver on his promises. God will continue to deliver justice to those that seek us harm. The Storm is here & it’s going to eventually reveal the truth to those who remain asleep as ignorant stubborn sheep. But it will be on God’s time. Not our time. God’s.

    I believe the more we pray and the more blessings we give to our beloved President Trump the faster it will happen. Our prayers are stronger in numbers. So let’s pray today on this Holy Sunday. Let’s give thanks to the Lord our God for all that he has done for us up until now. Let’s pray for our children & the children still trapped in Satan’s grasp. Let’s pray for the Military Operation currently underway and pray that it is executed flawlessly & in a timely fashion. Let’s pray for all those who laid down their lives during Operation Q.

    Let’s pray for the forgotten men & women of this country who have been affected by the Polar Vortex in Texas and the fake Bidan Administration’s lack of common sense and human dignity. Let’s pray that the light overcomes the darkness.

    We pray for all of this and more Dear God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
    . 🙏

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:31 am

    QFrogman5326 - 2/22/21

    Wherever in the World You Are, We Will Find You, We Will Rescue You, & We Will Eliminate Those Who Have Done Evil Unto You. I Promise. 🔱🐸🇺🇸

    Nate Burruano
    It takes a very strong individual to sit with themselves, calm their storms, and heal all of their issues without trying to bring someone else into that chaos.

    This is known as being one with yourself.
    He's got nations by the balls folks. Snap out of it.
    It's so much bigger than a 4 year election.
    Still the boss.
    Trump's only boss. - God

    There’s Nothing More Racist Than a White Liberal

    Change My Mind
    So Majestic

    Trump's not running in 2024. He won in 2020.

    There was no coup. There was a failed insurrection. Keyword failed.

    Biden isn't President. An actor playing Biden is playing President for a short time. The Whitehouse is closed for business. DC is locked down like a prison. Trump and the military are in control. Why are bad things happening then? America has been a slavery corporation since 1871. Worse things have happened to you in the past several decades without even realizing it. The effects of corruption don't disappear overnight. It's a dimmer switch not an off on switch. Unless you wake up you'll just be deceived again by the Msm. This is the wake up stage. If you think that's Biden you're asleep.

    Real Biden died in 2019. Firing squad. Barr sent him off to justice.
    Barr Played The Bagpipes. Never Forget.
    Barr Also Stonewalled The Process Out of Fear For His Own Life & Well Being.

    I Will Never Forgive That.
    Barr is Just As Guilty as Mike Pence.
    Ghislaine Has The Bill Barr Tapes
    Remember Who AG William Barr’s Father Was. It Runs in The Family.
    I’m Surprised Trump Spared Him Tbh

    But Barr Was a Necessary Tool for Trump

    A Stealth Bomber Per Say. A Guilty One.
    His Crimes Were Minuscule in Comparison to Mike Pence’s Crimes.

    I Don’t Know The Details, But I Trust Trump’s Judgement. (photo of Gen Flynn
    Remember This: (Prince Harry with Satan hand sign standing next to Melania)
    Satanism is Real.
    Read the Bible. President standing next to the pope.
    When a Picture is Worth 17 Thousand Words
    Ivanka's fierce glare says it all.
    These people are sick.
    The Funeral For The Vatican 👆
    Special Operations Command / Office of Strategic Service Dissolved 1945

    Hope you’re all having a great weekend!

    Scavino and Trump MIL Intel Comms! 🍿

    Scavino changed his IG story to Mar-a-Lago playing “U2”.

    The Lockheed U-2, is an American single-jet engine, high altitude reconnaissance aircraft operated by the US Air Force and previously flown by the CIA. It provides day and night, high-altitude all-weather intelligence gathering.

    Trump’s photo had a heart around his left hand. Flip the photo, it is the symbol of the US Special Operations Command. It is the unified combatant command charged with overseeing the various special operations component commands of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force of the US Armed Forces.

    AND, the Office of Strategic Services had the same logo, and was dissolved in 1945. The OSS functions included the use of *PROPAGANDA, subversion, and post-war planning*. It was a predecessor CIA.

    Q4163: What media assets are farm (CIA) born?
    Q3126: Obama’s Family linked to the CIA?

    Trump destroying the CIA via the Military! 😉
    If you’re wondering about the shining in that 45 photo. Flip the pic.
    He was never talking about Covid here. Virus = corruption. Vaccines = arrests.
    When Trump says “As The Heat Comes in”

    What’s that mean?

    The Heat = Men Like Myself

    Trump never took the vaccine. Nor did any of his children. It's kind of a sign not to take it right there.
    Ep. 2410b - How Do You Break Up Something Big, Define Trap ,Make Them Feel The Heat
    Here This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^💪💪
    The [DS] has trapped themselves, they are digging the hole deeper
    Make Them Feel The Heat Eh?

    Interesting Choice of Words  JFK
    The Man That Started It All. We’ll Take It From Here Sir. The World Has No Clue What’s About to Go Down.
    The Naysayers Will Be in a State of Shock

    How Many Coincidences Before Mathematically Impossible???
    This YouTube channel posted "QAnon" back in 2012

    Biden was supposed to be President
    Read Q posts
    He had to be exposed

    Remember, Most People in the US and Abroad Don’t Know About the Actors, the Doppelgängers, The Body Doubles, 3D Laser Printed Skin Suits & Masks & Even in Some Cases; The Clones That Our Military Has Put Together in Secret.

    Q Said That We Are Watching a Movie

    The World Must Be Shown The Very Evil Trump Warned Them About, But Failed to Listen. Most People Are Not as Clairvoyant as We Hoped They Would Be.

    C’mon Folks, They’re Not Called Sheep for No Reason. Everyone Must Awaken.

    This Was The Only Way Without Making Trump Look Like a Totalitarian Dictator.

    Look at Myanmar. That Situation is Completely & Totally 100% Xxxxxx. White House
    Everything is Not What It Seems 🔱🐸🇺🇸
    Missile Assassination attempt of President in Hawaii taken out by a DEW
    The Clintons and Huma were there on Big Island to watch.

    If People Realized That Coverups Rule the MSM Maybe They Would Know More About What is Actually Happening in Reality. What the MSM Has Done is Unforgivable. [They] Will Soon Be Held Accountable.
    REVEALED: Parler’s New CEO Wants Convention That Would Let George Soros Rewrite The Constitution - Soros takes orders from Prince Phillip - GAME OVER

    Be Careful Who You Follow!

    Expanding on Scavino Comm.

    -U2 with George Soros.

    -National File released an article today stating that Parler’s New CEO Wants Convention That Would Let George Soros Rewrite The Constitution. However they left out some prominent names from the list.

    -Mark Levin, Jeb Bush, James O Keefe, Sean Hannity, Rand Paul, Charlie Kirk, Allen West are all part of this to name a few.

    -Levin clip talking XXXX on Trump in 2016.

    “Soros takes orders from P.”
    P = Prince Phillip.
    Prince Phillip = Hospital
    Some reports claim P’s already dead.


    Clip of Mark Levin talking XXXX on Trump:

    Almost forgot about this Qproof. ThanQ 60min
    God.” 1


    10:14 timestamp match

    George News, Don Jr. & Pompeo Comms!

    George News post draws attention to a Trump pic taken at 9:44 (2144 military time). The post ends with, “We serve at the pleasure of the President”.

    Q Drop 2144 includes, “We serve at the pleasure of the President”.

    Don Jr. Q Proof & Decode:-
    Tweet date: Today 2/21/21.
    Tweet contains 2 “two’s”.
    Don Jr. holding up 2 fingers. This can be read as “2” or “V2”, as the fingers form a “V” and a “2”.

    Q Drop from 3 years ago on 2/21:
    Q Drop contains 2 “2’s”. Coincidence?

    Don Jr. = V2
    Q Drop 953 mentions, “TRUMP ADMIN V2”. (Version 2).

    Pompeo QProof and Decode:-
    Pompeo tweet includes “God 1”.
    Q Drop 3432 states, “God Wins”. Coincidence?

    Tweet mentions 1, 2:2.

    Notice the 2:2 repeating, from Don Jr’s decode? Coincidence?

    1 = Q Drop 1
    2:2 = 2+2 = 4 = Q Drop 4
    1,2:2 = 122 = Q Drop 122

    All 3 Q Drops mention HRC. Coincidence?

    How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

    Trump Administration V2 COMING SOON!
    Filmed in Greenland. Not Mars. This is Fact. Don’t Believe Me? Do Your Research. You Can Determine That This is 100% Greenland Just By Using Google Earth. What a Xxxxxxxx Joke. NASA = To Deceive.

    Your Ability to Endure Suffering Leads to Survival. You Will Not Survive, If You Cannot Endure Temporary Affliction.

    Suffering in Various Forms is A Part of The Process.

    Where else does NASA like to film scenes for “the Planet Mars” ?

    The Mojave Desert in Southern Nevada Right Outside Las Vegas, Henderson, & Boulder City.

    Every now & then they’ll use some photos from Flagstaff, AZ but for the most part it’s just Greenland & Southern Nevada

    My bad guys, forgot to also mention another filming location specifically for this bullshit mission to Mars.

    Today photos will be released & those photos will be coming from Greenland & Devon Island, Canada.

    If You Use Google Earth, You’ll See a Mars Rover and a NASA truck parked at the scene on Devon Island.

    Check it out for yourselves.
    NASA at Devon Island Getting Ready to Fake It Until They Make It. Disgraceful.

    Are the NASA Mars Rover images actually from Devon Island Canada?

    New NASA Storm Trooper Rover

    NASA Engineers with Rovers

    Travel to Mars Landscape via Southern Utah

    NASA Astronauts at Devon Island, Canada

    Fake Mars Image—+Ireland+turned+into+Mars.png

    Images of Different Rovers

    Whale Bones from Devon Island Spotted…

    ...Don’t Look For Them to Save You


    It wouldn’t matter if they were all republican Justices. They will be assassinated if they overturn the election.

    Do you get it yet?

    Justice Scalia Was Assassinated Because He Knew Too Much

    Same With RBG

    Everything is NOT What It Seems

    The Military is The Only Way Out of This

    We Have Confirmed 11.3 as 1st Marker in Over a Dozen Different Ways

    We’re Just Waiting For The Storm (ARRESTS) to Pass

    Q Said This Was Going to Be a Dark Winter

    And So It Is

    Dark to Light


    Side Note:

    I’m still searching for the 3 Rovers in Greenland & Devon Island.

    Give me some time & I will post

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:39 am

    GhostEzra - 2/21-22/21

    Those you think are alive are dead. Those you think are dead, are alive.

    Hillary worm food. Kappy doing well.

    60 year plan. It's all connected.

    JFK gravesite. A letter Q.

    If you are still talking Republican vs Democrat you are still asleep. Both parties are corrupted through and through.

    Trump's not running in 2024. He won in 2020.

    There was no coup. There was a failed insurrection. Keyword failed.

    Biden isn't President. An actor playing Biden is playing President for a short time. The Whitehouse is closed for business. DC is locked down like a prison. Trump and the military are in control. Why are bad things happening then? America has been a slavery corporation since 1871. Worse things have happened to you in the past several decades without even realizing it. The effects of corruption don't disappear overnight. It's a dimmer switch not an off on switch. Unless you wake up you'll just be deceived again by the Msm. This is the wake up stage. If you think that's Biden you're asleep.

    Real Biden died in 2019. Firing squad. Barr sent him off to justice.

    Forget arguing with your friends,...neighbors, and family. It's useless. Tell them things aren't what they appear and the best is yet to come. When they get the Ebs (EMERGENCY BROADCASTING SYSTEM}, they'll understand. Instead use all that time to seek and grow and research.

    What was the Great Awakening? Know the Facts & Summary
    The event that has become known as the Great Awakening actually began years earlier in the 1720s. And, although the most significant years were from 1740-1742, the revival continued until the 1760s.

    Last awakening was in the 1700's.
    history/timeline/1701-1800/the-great-awakening-11630212.html (2020) He never said which April.

    I remember Bidan saying last month, masks until April. It caught my ear. (Trump)
    He was never talking about Covid here. Virus = corruption. Vaccines = arrests.

    People get it confused. This is a military operation against corruption. Globally. Yes vaccines actually exist, and don't take them. But, his language always had and still has a different meaning.

    Trump never took the vaccine. Nor did any of his children. It's kind of a sign not to take it right there.

    Seeing if you are all alive tonight. Bitcoin is terrible sell it fast.
    Awaiting replies.😂

    XRP : Gold, XLM : silver, and XDC : copper are all winners.

    Is X22 really recommending bitcoin?

    There's really a guy named bitcoin Ben? 😂😂
    Should I buy a survival kit? I'm concerned there's not enough fiber in it. Last thing you need is to be constipated when XXXX hits the fan.😂😂
    Wheat is on the right. Chaff is on the left. [Like Father-Like Son]
    Moving right along. Let's talk Rockafellers tonight.
    Ellen's not doing very well right now her 12 month bout with Covid hasn't seemed to pass.
    Mikey (selling children)
    Remember Wayfair?
    So the pillows are current at 16k a piece. Here's Wayfairs number. You know what to do. (844) 907-0901
    Nobody actually buy one of those pillows as a test. It's very likely they are running a sting operation at this point.

    Who gave Levin a black eye? (Dead and host for a lizard?)
    You have to assume anyone and anything is a possible enemy when at war. Is Levin bad? Who knows. I do know if Fox and Disney were my boss I'd find a new employer. That's for certain.
    Anyone have any reasonable idea of what this could be selling for 50k on Etsy by seller tangledinwitchcraft?

    For those who have trouble sleeping, 30 minutes of this and it's lights out. No need to watch just listen. Watching and listening even better. It's 432hz. Perfect harmony. I never believed in this until I really studied it. I'm a believer

    Nikola Tesla 369 Code Music with 432Hz Tuning, Ancient Frequency Healing Music
    Nikola Tesla 369 Code Music with 432Hz Tuning, Ancient Frequency Healing Music. Our channel Similar track: Sub Bass Meditation Music channel is dedicated to relaxing music, study music, soothing music and sleep music. Focus music can be used as studying music or as work music. Our calming music will work as healing music, Zen meditation background music, reiki music and deep trance music for out of body experience. Soothing music sessions can be used for stress relief, meditation session or as sleep music. Most of our tracks are 8 hours long, so you can use them as sleep meditation music during sleep. Relaxing music has healing powers and is one of the best resources for stress relief and complete relaxation. Our meditation music contains deep bass pulse so it’s best to use with headphones or high quality speakers. Use our soothing music for sleep relaxation and better quality of sleep.

    There are many benefits of listening to relaxing music:

    * Reducing Stress with…
    Here's your brain on 432 vs 440.
    I posted this earlier for those who missed it.
    440 is the bad one. 432 good.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

    Posts : 1301
    Join date : 2010-04-17
    Location : on the road again :)

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:17 pm

    Carol wrote:
    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    I'll leave you with this, nothing is what it seems right now. Nothing. The future is bright whether you can see or understand what is going on right now. This was not another 4 year election. This is good vs evil. Biblical.

    Global cleanup. It has to be. All or nothing.

    I Am The Punishment of God...If You Had Not Committed Great Sins, God Would Not Have Sent a Punishment Like Me Upon You

    if q is a psy-op, and that possibility can not be excluded (indeed there are more alarm bells now Q has made the MSM). then the above is quite a chilling piece of truth.

    [b]Q is a quantum computer that operates faster than the speed of light and can definitively identify future events.
    COVID was the Reptilians plan to gain total control over humanity with the NWO agenda to bring them under control unitizing AI and finances. COVID was being used to kill off the elderly and the vaccines were being used to alter human DNA, implant AI to enhance control and to cut humans off from their connection to god within.  Charlie Ward also spoke of how COVID was being used to usher in the Satanic Cabal One World financial system. [Note: not happening because the QFS is already in place and ready to go.]
    A quantum computer and the ability to predict the future and the banksters still stole the US (and other) election and have already given millions of folk the death shots on a global scale.

    But we are to believe that, actually its, ok.... the cavalry will arrive in the form of good aliens, UFO2 Enlightened  who will not only rescue us, but give us all med beds too Tacodog .

    clever these banksters. MSM and social media only entrap so many. Have to cater for the folk who like to partake in a little mental masturbation. Mind wQnkers.  

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    Post  Carol Wed Feb 24, 2021 8:53 am

    Indeed taking down the DS world-wide is a massive undertaking. And it boiled down to them/reptilians along with their minions or humanity - because the DS is a Satanic cabal that literally has been controlling the planet for thousands of years and feeds off of humans (negative energy, blood and bones). Humanity would not have survived without help from the Galactic Guardian Space Alliance.

    The truth will be out there soon for all to view. Red pill time upcoming for those who were asleep.

    Lots of changes with still a bit of a bumpy ride to go. Being red pilled is all the negative stuff you identified.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:04 am

    As always, take with grains of salt - Truth mixed with disinformation? You decide…

    February 22, 2021
    Massive March Campaign Planned Against Global Idiocracy
    By Benjamin Fulford

    The Khazarian Mafia Cabal that controls the West and Communist China is rejecting the Gnostic Illuminati’s demand to surrender and is about to face a massive March campaign to permanently eradicate them, multiple agencies and secret society sources say.

    The Cabal is now in panic mode after planning to institute global idiocracy featuring diminished mental capacity and population reduction through a series of vaccines.

    This is because proof has been sent to the world’s military and intelligence agencies that the entire “Covid-19” epidemic is a fraud designed to trick the global population into being injected with experimental gene therapy “vaccines” that will alter their DNA in order to permanently enslave them.

    For example, the peer-reviewed scientific report(Science, Public Health Policy and the Law Volume 2:4 October 12,2020)sent to us by British and French intelligence says:

    “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 23, 2020, ‘For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.’”

    The report goes on to say the CDC then illegally contradicted its own findings, which essentially admit Covid-19 is at most a seasonal cold or flu, to illegally shut down society and impose an agenda to vaccinate people with gene-altering CRISPR technology.

    Here, for example, is a link to a scientific report admitting CRISPR is used in “Covid-19” vaccines.

    The Cabal’s state actors are now under increasing attack for their criminal activities. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told puppet President Biden off last Wednesday after China Joe instructed him to shut down the state because of the fake Pandemic. Speaking to vaccine czar Dr. Anthony Faustus DeSantis asked, “How much do you stand to earn from these vaccines, Dr. Fauci?” He then added, “And, Joe, if you continue with this course of action, I will authorize the state National Guard to protect the movement of Floridians.” When Biden replied, “Address me as Mr. President or President Biden,” DeSantis replied “I will not, and you can go f uck yourself,” before hanging up.

    DeStantis now needs to watch his back for assassins and mobilize the Florida National Guard to march on New York and other Khazarian Mafia strongholds.

    He will surely get the support of Texas and the National Guard of most other states, as well as the rank and file (up to Colonel) of the Pentagon if he does so.

    By the way, the link to the article above was sent to me on Telegram but it only appeared on my iPhone and not my PC. According to CIA, MI6 and FSB sources Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and Google are now controlled by criminals who are censoring the truth.

    Many Pentagon sources say Trump is only acting and giving lip service to the Zionists and will soon turn against them. However, people need to keep in mind that he has always been an Israel firster by doing things like recognizing Israel’s illegal annexation of the Gaza strip and moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. He also carried out blatant Nepotism by giving his Chabad (kill 90% of humanity, enslave the rest) son-in-law Jared Kushner inordinate power to negotiate Middle East peace deals for Israel. (Jared Kushner has been recently arrested as a traitor under Trumps orders)

    In any case, the United States Corporation is finished (both legally defunct and bankrupt). As these charts show, it is now like Wiley Coyote hanging in mid-air after running off the cliff.

    The situation on the ground is now so dire that, in just one example, a new survey by the NYC Hospitality Alliance reveals that 92 percent of New York restaurants couldn’t afford to pay December rent.

    Also even to corporate propaganda media is starting to revolt against their fake narratives. For example, in an appearance on MSNBC, White House COVID adviser Andy Slavitt said the fact that Covid infection patterns were identical in no lockdown Florida and hyper-lockdown California was “a little bit beyond our explanation.”

    The Cabal is now desperately dialing down the fake pandemic as reality becomes impossible for them to deny any longer. That is why they are reporting a huge drop in “Covid” cases and propaganda news articles are now saying the entire “pandemic” could be over by April.

    Of course, we must never under-estimate these criminals because they have literally thousands of years of experience in herding humans as if they were livestock. The attack on Texas -which involved deliberately shutting down their power grid in the middle of a cold snap- is one example. This came after Texas Congressman Ron Wright “died of Covid-19,” and as an election for his replacement looms, the corporate propaganda media is full of articles criticizing the Texas establishment for “mishandling,” its energy grid.

    Now, NSA sources are telling us the next thing the criminal regime is planning is…
    food shortages. The NSA notes:

    1) Small farms shutting down world-wide.

    2) Over 1,000 ships off our coast with food as the FDA keeps them out at sea; allowing the food to rot,

    3) China is outbidding everyone for food worldwide as their crops fail,

    4) This NASA-created freeze is not allowing food shipments across the nations; USA, Europe, etc.

    Furthermore, the NSA notes railroads are sitting idle so trucks must pick up the slack meaning shipping costs went from $1,000 per container to $10,000 per container from Seattle to Chicago. They note the same trouble in Japan as ports need constant upgrades due to shaking. To top things off, they say “Biden is shipping USA Grain Reserves to China again.”

    The cabal has also been tearing down power substations in the U.S. for years “so a 3-hour power outage becomes a 3-week power outage,” the sources note. They say what happened in Texas was “just a foretaste.”

    In addition to economic sabotage, the Cabal is now promoting multiple space missions to gather money.

    Now let us look at a recent snapshot of some of the moronic policies the Cabal is trying to impose on the world. For one thing, they are still harping endlessly about Iran and its so-called “nuclear bomb.” Here for example is a Mossad linked Debka comment saying “the blank wall reached by President Joe Biden’s policy for re-engaging Iran in nuclear diplomacy is that his advisers could not get together on a strategy for stalling its progress towards a bomb.” This is the same BS they have been repeated endlessly for over 30 years.

    Of course, if you take a look at Iranian leaders wearing their sheep masks, you can tell Iran is also just a cabal colony playing their role in trying to get us all to kill each other in WWIII.

    In Israel meanwhile, the sheeple there are now being given the mark of the beast vaccination certificates that allow them to go shopping, etc.

    And then we have German Chancellor Angela Hitler saying, “the pandemic is not over until all people in the world have been vaccinated.”

    Of course, any nations opposed to this are “rogue nations,” opposed to a “rules-based world order,” which is why NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said, “China and Russia are trying to re-write the rules of the road to benefit their own interests.”

    The above is just a small sample of the many reasons why a massive offensive to remove these criminals is continuing and accelerating.

    According to MI6:

    Things will only begin to change when the Khazarian Mafia is spoken about openly – they rely upon abject secrecy and retaliation by way of mafia tactics including nuclear terrorism and blackmail such as the recent U.S. Presidential debacle. I believe efforts are ongoing to sweep the planet of their [nuclear blackmail] devices but regime change is a more military thing and invasion and occupation would be the only solution. Essentially Israel will have to be put into international administration much like the Berlin of the day.”

    In other words, MI6 confirms the fake Biden administration was put in place in response to Israeli nuclear blackmail.

    The Pentagon is on board with the plan to occupy Israel and so are the Russians. “Russia is the last island of freedom,” State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said recently adding, “Do you see what’s happening in the United States of America? The country is dying, everything has been canceled out.”

    Several targets have been outlined for the spring offensive against the cabal. In addition to Israel, any world leader pushing for Covid-19 vaccines has to be removed ASAP. These include Boris Johnson of the UK, Justin Castro of Canada, Angela Hitler of Germany, Joe CG Biden of the U.S. etc.

    Removing Justin Castro in Canada is a high priority because it will allow Canadian troops to join their compatriots in states like Texas and Florida to fight against the Khazarian mafia strongholds like California and New York.

    Also, Google and Facebook were created with taxpayer money and then given to private individuals. They are now taking over power from elected governments and must be nationalized. “Freedom of speech is not something that anonymous moderators working for private companies should decide,” Deputy Polish Justice Minister Sebastian Kaleta said recently. “Instead, that is for the national body; duly elected officials,” he added.

    Also as a part of this offensive, companies like Pornhub are preparing to file mark of the beast lawsuits against Visa & Mastercard. The millions of Pornhub subscribers around the world became unable to pay for their subscriptions using credit cards because some illegal videos of 15-year-olds were posted. This is a crime that should be dealt with by the police, not by card companies, Pornhub has already taken remedial measures but to no avail. Now, pornography has become a new incentive for people to migrate to non-cabal controlled crypto-currency.

    The card companies chose child porn – a subject that causes revulsion among many – to establish the principle where they become the judge and jury that decides what we can spend our money on. Next it will be purchases of drugs and then guns. Soon it will be history books that teach real but banned history. It is a slippery slope. This is part of a coup against democracy by the inbred families that control the Western financial system. Make no mistake this is the mark of the beast.

    People need to understand just how big the stakes are in this battle. These criminals are preventing human progress and stunting our evolution. My grandmother was born in the era of horse-drawn carriages and lived to see computers, jet planes and space missions. People born in the 1970s got to see things like Twitter and Netflix but not much more. Manned space travel, for example, has ground to a halt.

    The ruling idiocracy, in a bid to maintain power, has suppressed inventions ranging from anti-gravity, to virtually free energy, to immortality. They are blocking a future with unlimited potential good for humanity.

    The cabal attempt to use CRISPR technology to lower people’s abilities and turn them into permanent slaves is a good example.
    By contrast Russia is proposing a new international agreement to discuss CRISPR technology. They are proposing CRISPR should only be used to enhance, not detract. In theory CRISPR could be used to make us all superhuman and immortal if we choose. If we fail to act, instead CRISPR will be used to make us sub-human.

    It is a war for the future of humanity and WE WILL WIN.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
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    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:07 am

    X22 Report interviews Jordan Sather - The War Is Real, The News Is Fake, Optics Are Important, Information War (39 min)


    Situation Update, Feb. 23 – The COSMIC WAR against human civilization

    The war against humanity isn’t merely a globalist extermination agenda run by power-crazed humans. Far beyond that, there is a cosmic war to commit planet-scale genocide against the human race in order to prepare Earth for a post-human existence.

    In today’s Situation Update, we begin by covering the Pentagon’s confirmation that wreckage from crashed UFOs has long been tested for its exotic physical properties, with results no doubt being used to accelerate human development of exotic technologies.

    Aside from shape-shifting materials, were other components also acquired from crash sites? Many of today’s most powerful technologies — quantum computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and faster-than-light communications may be derivatives of technology originally discovered at crash sites.

    Adding to the mystery, NASA just announced they’ve landed a helicopter on Mars. Known as Ingenuity, the helicopter is now “reporting” from the Red Planet and, we are told, is flying around there. (See article here.)

    The obvious problem with this news, of course, is that Mars has virtually no atmosphere according to official NASA figures, which state the Mars atmosphere is 0.6% the pressure of Earth’s atmosphere. Notably, helicopters can’t fly in a near-vacuum, even in the lower Mars gravity (which is 38% of Earth’s gravity, roughly).

    So either NASA is completely lying to us about a helicopter on Mars, or Mars actually has a much thicker atmosphere than 0.6%. For a helicopter to be able to fly around on Mars, the atmosphere would have to be thick enough to breathe, assuming the atmospheric chemistry were compatible with whatever being was engaged in respiration.

    When Elon Musk is talking about colonies on Mars, is he talking about future colonies, or existing colonies?

    From there, today’s podcast ventures into quantum computing and the possibility that such systems may be “alien tech,” now used to help predict future events that can be numerically well-defined. We also cover Artificial Intelligence and why non-Earth civilizations would naturally use AI probes to venture across the Milky Way in search of habitable planets (with Earth being one of them). Faster-Than-Light warp drive technology is also covered, allowing occupants to travel at multiples of the speed of light without violating the laws of physics, all by bending spacetime with powerful gravity projection technology (that no doubt existed on some of the crashed craft).

    Finally, we discuss why exotic technology and knowledge is deliberately withheld from humankind so that the everyday people of Earth never gain enough technology or information to challenge the power structure of the controlling elite. Those same elitists are working to exterminate most of the human race, even as they are attempting to colonize Mars, followed by the colonization of habitable planets in other star systems. Getting there, however, requires FTL drive systems and the ability to harvest and deploy enormous amounts of energy that can only be acquired from stars or magnetars.

    If you’ve been wondering why so many powerful, connected people seem to be determined to exterminate the human race, today’s podcast answers those questions with jaw-dropping information about the cosmic war to rid Earth of human existence.

    Listen here:

    Tomorrow we return to more Earthbound topics such as the coming economic collapse, which is also being deliberately engineered to achieve mass extermination of the human race.

    Catch each day’s new podcast at:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
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    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:54 am

    Dark Outpost: Mass Executions at Gitmo Since January 6th
    Saturday, February 20, 2021

    Since January 6th, there have been multiple executions of high level VIP prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. All famous people arrested were either treasonous or involved in satanic worship rituals. These rituals involved torturing children then murdering them as a sacrifice. Drinking the blood of children that contains adrenochrome is the drug these Satanic famous people and politicians have been involved with for decades.

    Tonight, we name names. We give a complete update on who has been arrested, detained, tried, convicted and sentenced to death. Plus…Dr. James Fetzer breaks down the truth about the Capitol riots, the impeachment of Donald Trump and false flags. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Watch the full show at!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:06 pm

    GhostEzra 2/24/21
    Fisa = Start.

    Trump doesn't give medals to pedophiles folks.
    That wife of Tiger was no angel. Btw.

    That wife of Tiger was no angel. Btw.So for those that don't know there's a publication called the conservative beaver that said Tiger Woods died. Msm would get that story first. Regardless of it was true or false. Pay no attention to the beaver.

    Trump comes out of the shadows to speak prime time first with Rush's "death" and now with Tiger Woods. All within a few days. Interesting.

    No skid marks in the Tiger Woods accident. Report also that he wasn't intoxicated.
    Not Gates speaks about Bitcoin.

    So expand your thinking here of what's going on. Takedown of Bitcoin.
    It's  a white hat for God's sake. 😂😂
    Remember. Not Gates.

    When this movie's over you'll never go to the theater again.😂😂

    It might be a late night on the DC live streams.
    Party usually gets started when the lights go out.

    Anyone heard from Bloomberg? Been awhile.
    He literally ran for President and completely disappeared.
    Kim Clement.
    President Trumps on Tiger Woods
    Jenna Bush was a good friend of Elllen. People ask often what happens to the kids. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
    Greatness. Michael Jackson performing as kid in 1969

    Michael Jackson – They Don’t Care About Us (2020)
    "Great Protest Songs Can't Get Old, Stale Or Nonrelevant Because The Struggle Still Continues.  That's Why THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US IS The Anthem During This Chaotic, Pandemic World We Are All Living In.  To Celebrate Michael Jackson's Born Day, We Have Made...

    2020 release.
    MJ Vocals.
    Mask on right.
    Jr. & Mj. Both uniters.
    EXCELLENT MASKS go a long way……
    Red Pill about to be launched
    Virus dies by April. March madness here we come.

    Invisible enemy = Virus. Not Covid.
    Trump called Covid a hoax then created operation warp speed. Expand your thinking.

    When you see how many sons of bitches hang for their crimes in a relatively short amount of time, you too will agree it was warp speed. Military operation. Fisa = start.

    Don't go back to sleep.
    Hoax perpetrators.
    The Truth is the Matrix was a documentary.

    The cabal kids pushing crapcoin.

    3 Gorges is shakey. Rods of god should finish the job.

    'Rods from God' Weapon System Gets Another Look

    Dropping the atomic bombs that essentially forced Japan to end World War II led to a number of weapons and munitions developments. Amongst them was research into the use of a kinetic energy projectile, or basically finding ways to project a really dense piece of metal at ridiculous speeds.

    This would lead to damage, but without the explosive effects – similar to the Navy’s work with an electromagnetic railgun.

    However, earlier iterations didn’t focus on generating the velocity. Rather, basic physics could come into play by dropping it from really high in the sky.

    So, imagine a 2,000-pound tungsten rod dropped from 1,000 miles above the earth. Unlike a bullet, it would actually gain speed as it dropped, eventually hitting its target with power equivalent to an intercontinental ballistic missile, but without the mess of a nuclear weapon.

    The U.S. actually used a variation of this tactic in Vietnam. These Lazy Dog bombs were small pieces of non-explosive steel fitted with fins.

    They were dropped by the hundreds…
    Guardians = Space Force
    Dc last night. (On fire)

    DC Fire and EMS
    Update 2 Alarm Fire 2600 block 31st St NW. Very large 3 story house under renovation fully involved. Fire has extended to homes on both sides. Attacking fire inside adjacent homes and and using master streams on original building.
    Ariel view.

    What happened with any of the live feeds last night. Did anybody notice anything unusual?
    If we can find where all the snipers went on the Whitehouse roof we can find President Trump.
    Nobody is living in the Whitehouse.

    Real Biden gone. Actor living somewhere over the rainbow. Also camel toe double. Not at vp residence.
    Kappys in portal.
    Epstein = Keystone.
    Epstein didn't kill himself. Double meaning. photo of Barr with bagpipes
    2019. The year of the boomerang.  fakes Biden  Real Joe.
    The Tiger Woods symbol.
    Terramar is the inverse of TW symbol. Was he helping Trump against Maxwell?
    Everything that happened in the 2020 election has a direct tie to child trafficking. It's all connected.

    Covid was released to try and steal an election. Why were they so afraid of losing to Trump? China Ccp ties and child trafficking businesses were being threatened.
    Like taking candy from a baby with the Msm.

    Webcam Washington D.C. White House live | earthTV
    With earthTV’s live webcam Washington D.C.., you can visit Washington D.C. live online and enjoy The White House and other attractions. Be inspired by the world live.
    For those who wonder why I call him Bidan. Misspellings always matter.

    Btw did someone call Jpow Kurt Russell? You have me 😂😂😂

    Yes Fed is down. It's a foreshadowing of what's to come.

    Fed will be permanently eliminated soon. Qfs gold and silver backed everything.

    Nesara has everyone covered. Better than your social security.

    X22 guy thinks Biden is in the Whitehouse. His bitcoin recommendations are equally flawed. Qfs. Fully backed by gold and silver. The way a currency should be. Shitcoin going to sheol. Don't kill the messenger here. Just giving it to you raw. I can sugar coat it if you like?

    I don't sell survival kits either.
    Great survival kit btw. Ammo is the tough part.
    Yellen be yelling at that bitcoin. Who's Yellen really? What colored hat? Exactly. Operation Bitcoin takedown is underway.

    In the rebirth of our nation there will be labor pains. Who has a child with no pain?
    Who would love to see hedge funds collapse?
    Jumpers of 29.

    The only stock for silver is pslv. Never ever buy slv. Physical is always the best. The roth IRAs for silver can be tricky. Ask your financial advisor lots of questions.
    Mining companies with good balance sheets isn't a bad idea either.

    Pompeo, Flynn, and Mcinerney aren't here either. Lin is. Powell and Flynn on Parler. Why? Beats me. Parler sucks. I think they are using it as a wake up tool though. Pompeo is on Twitter.

    The way you can spot these fake telegram accounts is they promote a bunch of other fake accounts. I don't promote anyone elses channel for that reason. Except Lin Wood.

    Powell is here I'm pretty certain.
    Of course Don Jr is here.

    Last edited by Carol on Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:50 pm

    QFrogman5326 2/24/21

    Federal Judge Gives FBI Less Than 90 Days to Release ALL Seth Rich Information to Attorneys

    A federal judge has now given the FBI less than 90 days to stop stalling and to release all information in regards to Seth Rich, the DNC Staffer who was murdered at 4:19 AM on the morning of July 1…


    Federal Judge Gives FBI Less Than 90 Days to Release ALL Seth Rich Information to Attorneys

    Due date: April 23, 2021

    MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER. It is therefore ORDERED that Defendants’ Motion to Stay Scheduling Order Deadlines (Dkt. [10]) is hereby GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. It is FURTHER ORDERED the Scheduling Order in this case is amended as follows: April 23, 2021 Deadline for Defendants’ Complete Production of Documents and Vaughn Index;
    John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen were asked about the best public place where they did it.
    Chrissy answers by saying,
    "Probably the Obama thing.”
    What Did Everyone Think of Joe Bidan’s State of the Union?
    That’s what I thought 🤣
    POTUS on Tiger Woods Crash is Down
    "Irrefutable Proof Is Coming Soon - We Are NOT Done" - Sidney Powell Responds to Supreme Court Decision to Ignore Election Fraud

    General McInerney
    If you have liberal employee’s you should definitely fire them. They are most likely spying on you and trying to set you up. Terminate them immediately from your work.

    Liberals are psychotic people. They are attempting to silence us here as well.

    Welcome to Hell
    I’m well aware this is not the General
    Doesn’t mean he isn’t spot on here
    Lesson in this 👆

    It takes just only 1 legal decision for the military to step in without anyone blaming Trump for it.


    Justice John Roberts Will Receive Death by Firing Squad.

    Over/Under? Prob Before July.

    The Pentagon & USSS Have Seen 6 Hours Worth of Video Confessions From Lin Wood’s Whistleblower

    Waiting on Justice for Our Children

    Mark My Words Trump Will Avenge Their Deaths. Trump Will Avenge Their Sodomy & Torture.

    God Wins in The End.

    This Will Be The Greatest Story Ever Told
    FCC response to call for deplatforming of OANN, FOX, NEWSMAX (Kamela as Jesabel)
    These Are Biblical Times My Friends

    March & April Are Going to Kick My Ass
    Tiger Woods Crash Comms!

    -Last night, David Spade tweet with Tiger Woods. Notice the pedo caps. Coincidence?

    -Today, TW involved in rollover car crash, where the sunroof doesn’t break.

    -TW crashed on Rt “107”. Drop the 0 = 17. Coincidence?

    -“TW and the GIRAFFE Mindset”.

    -3 rare GIRAFFES electrocuted by power TODAY, which is the *ROTHSCHILDS* GIRAFFE. Posted at timestamp :17 (mins), or 17. Coincidence?

    -Jimmy debuts the TW GIRAFFE song.

    -Golf Channel tweet emphasizing on 24 feet 8 inches or 248. Q Drop 248 = FLYROTHSFLY (Rothschilds). Coincidence? “For Kobe” 👀

    -Big game HUNTER who shot GIRAFFE defends actions by saying PEDOPHILES are worse. Goes on talking about a “17-year old giraffe”. Coincidence?

    -DoD tweet featured the London EYE, forming a Q. Their all seeing EYE being destroyed by Q. Coincidence?

    -Connect the Dots with Decode. Coincidence?

    -Decode: Unbelievable Coincidence.
    Jesuit Order = 54
    Tiger Woods = 54

    Broken fibula = 53
    Blackhorse Rd. = 53

    Patriots Are In Control!
    Enjoy the Show!
    Mask on right.
    EXCELLENT MASKS go a long way……
    Are You Paying Attention Yet???

    When you see how many sons of bitches hang for their crimes in a relatively short amount of time, you too will agree it was warp speed. Military operation. Fisa = start.

    'Rods from God' Weapon System Gets Another Look
    Dropping the atomic bombs that essentially forced Japan to end World War II led to a number of weapons and munitions developments. Amongst them was research into the use of a kinetic energy projectile, or basically finding ways to project a really dense piece of metal at ridiculous speeds.

    This would lead to damage, but without the explosive effects – similar to the Navy’s work with an electromagnetic railgun.

    However, earlier iterations didn’t focus on generating the velocity. Rather, basic physics could come into play by dropping it from really high in the sky.

    So, imagine a 2,000-pound tungsten rod dropped from 1,000 miles above the earth. Unlike a bullet, it would actually gain speed as it dropped, eventually hitting its target with power equivalent to an intercontinental ballistic missile, but without the mess of a nuclear weapon.
    The U.S. actually used a variation of this tactic in Vietnam. These Lazy Dog bombs were small pieces of non-explosive steel fitted with fins.

    They were dropped by the hundreds…

    City of London (finance) BOARDED
    Vatican City (religion) RAIDED
    Washington DC (military) MILITARY, GATED/CLOSED
    Closed for Buisness……😎

    My Trip To Italy Was Sweat n Lead Filled

    If Anyone Understands My Cryptic Rhetoric at Times, You’d Know That I Didn’t Go to Italy for an Intelligence Briefing.

    We Were There to Shut It Down

    No not the pope. We were there for other reasons.

    “Gold Shall Destroy The FED”

    Recently, I discussed the “Two Pins That Pop The Bubble,” specifically noting the risk of rising interest rates and inflation. However, the real threat is not just the stock market bubble’s deflation but rather blowing up the “everything bubble.”

    During previous periods in financial history, the focus was primarily on the deflation of a singular market bubble. Such was a point we touched on in “Extraordinary Popular Delusions:” The two tables below show the history of bubbles and what they all had in common.
    And there's your morning desperation from JP Morgan... Right on time, 30 minutes before the market opens, they try to break the price at least 50 cents but they prefer $1 which gives the technical traders teeth to push it down more at the open.

    ..."The impact will be significant."


    The Tech Sector Bubble is About to Burst. I give it a few months before we see a decent sized pullback. Keep an eye on CEO resignations within the EV, Solar, and Tech Sector

    Make No Mistake, Cash is a Position

    Your Financial Advisors Are Mentally Handicapped Compared to Retail Traders With 8+ Years of Trading Experience.

    Get Rid of Your Financial Advisors

    You’re Wasting Your Time & Money

    Learn How To Trade & Invest Properly

    Invest in Your Financial Literacy & Invest in Furthering Your Market Knowledge

    CFPs , Financial Advisors, CPAs THEY ARE ALL IDIOTS.

    Don’t Let Them Dictate Your Positions

    Make Those Decisions Yourselves & I Promise You, You’ll Make More Money Without Them

    Nate Burruano: I personally yielded 384% on my account in 2020 just day trading and swing trading options, Frogman couldn't be more right. People just hate to hear the hard truths behind this system.

    I rest my case 👆

    If you want something done right, do it yourself

    James Shanta: While I can appreciate what you are saying, most don't have the resources or know-how to monitor and make the moves necessary for good return(s). Emotions and money making decisions are a bad combo, and what is counter-intuitive, i.e. buying extra when the market has tanked some is not what most people do. Not to give you another task, but if someone could point people in a direction to gain some Market tools that they could use to be more self-sufficient, it would Help More than you would know.!!

    Ask & You Shall Receive James

    If you want an A-Z; Beginner to Advanced Stock Trading Course Go Talk to Nate.

    We met a while back in Vegas & Exchanged Contact Info Because of His Stock Market Knowledge. I think we talked for at least an hour over drinks at the Bellagio.

    Now, listen carefully. He will NOT charge you a dime as he is here for the same reasons I’m here.

    He told me he’s spent thousands on his trading education & I know without a doubt that he wants others to learn, but not be bankrupted by the costs of these courses.

    I’ll throw his Telegram Handle in this chat and you can talk to him about it if he has the time.

    I will work on getting this course for y’all completely free of charge.

    I’m not here to make money off this chat as I said before. I’m here to speak truth. Nate is here to do the same.

    You won’t find any other chats dropping knowledge that costs thousands of dollars to learn.

    We are all in this together.

    I’ll drop the A-Z course once I figure out how to properly send it in a file since the file is extremely large.

    I’m sure Nate will do the same.
    Nate Burruano
    Options Trader / Former MI Analyst

    Also in the meantime, I’ll hit up a few other traders I’m friends with to see if they can provide some more free info for you guys in this chat.

    For now, Umar Ashraf should be your first priority if you want to learn how to trade. His course alone is enough to make some serious money. Follow his advice and you’ll quickly realize that having a financial advisor is a complete waste of time and money.

    Nate Just Posted The Course
    Course Name: Stock Market Lab

    Creator: Umar Ashraf (Multi Millionaire)

    Content: Hacked

    Cost: Roughly $4,000


    Nate bought the course himself, but Umar decided to add a bunch of extra videos for the super advanced stuff 2 years after he released the course.

    Nate saw the scam and felt compelled to hack Umar’s website to get the content for free so he didn’t have to pay twice. Umar is a straight businessman, his prices are outrageous, and that’s honestly unfair.

    So Nate stripped the extra bonus video he added and organized all of them into a smaller file.

    You’re All Very Welcome! 🔱🐸🇺🇸

    Now Let’s Get Back to The MI Drops! (drugs to alter child’s sex)
    This tech has been out for over a decade. Military patented. Patent was eventually stolen by China. Then stolen again by Russia.
    The Biggest Scam on Telegram 👆
    Look at Their Ears. Biden’s Head Also Looks Smaller Than Bidan’s Head.

    Misspellings Matter.

    JUST IN:
    Video shows Tiger Woods driving moments before violent accident -
    What Kind of Car Was This Idiot Driving?
    Looks like an Audi E-Tron
    Genesis GV80 is Hackable imo

    This is still crazy talk though imo. I need to see more info before making any conclusions. Something still tells me it’s just an accident by a drug addict.

    But we’ll see how this plays out.
    It’s time to start suing them all, including CNN.

    DJT Jr: Big Surprise: Leftists Are Scamming Their Own Supporters with BLM
    Scam after scam the radical left will never learn Feb 23rd
    Uh huh
    This XXXX is Hilarious
    Liberals Wouldn’t Understand The Joke
    I have these 2 both costed me 30 days but totally worth it

    Breaking911 NEW: William Burns, Biden's nominee for CIA Director, called China a "formidable, authoritarian adversary" while testifying to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

    Burns also said our national security relies on "out-competing China," and advocated for shutting down Confucius Institutes (CCP-funded higher education partnerships with schools in other countries).

    BREAKING: The Fed’s system that allows bans to send money back and forth is down. CNBC

    Eyes on.

    I Thought Nothing Was Happening?
    This has been the most action packed week since Frankfurt.
    The FED is down!

    Service Status
    Service status information about the various services offered by the Federal Reserve Banks
    The Fed Is 'Down'
    If only there was an alternative method to transfer value over the internet... for free?

    Yeah nothings happening guys.

    Nothin to see here

    Ooopsey Idiots 👆

    We The Media: No one from this channel or any of the channels that we have come to engage with and respect are advertising anything related to an alleged March 4 event. The fake news media is pushing this narrative to launch their next false flag and blame it on the truth movement. We do not condone violence. We never have and we never will. If there are groups out there planning and advertising events on or around March 4 anywhere in the country (DC included) we strongly urge everyone to avoid them entirely. Be smart. The enemy hates that people are learning the truth and waking up to their crimes, and they will do anything to hang onto power. Don’t help them.

    Share and distribute this message to your networks.

    Someone Keeps Hyping Up March 4th & Other Dates is Spreading Misinformation on Purpose.

    Again, Only 10-12 People Know The Date Trump Publicly Takes Back Control.

    If You See Any Channels or Accounts That Spread Specific Dates of When Something is Going to Occur, Expect It To Be a Shill, a Troll, or a FF Event.

    The Hammer Has Been Slowly Dropping

    More Bizarre & Strange Events to Come

    The MSM Will Continue to Cover Them Up With Words Like “Conspiracy” or White Supremacist Ideology, Radical Hate Groups, Whatever [They] Call Us, Don’t Believe It For a Second.

    United We F*cking Stand


    Yes Fed is down. It's a foreshadowing of what's to come.
    Fed will be permanently eliminated soon. Qfs gold and silver backed everything.

    Spot on 👆
    It’ll Habben When We Least Expect It

    Entire Federal Reserve payment system CRASHES - Breaking911
    The United States Federal Reserve wire systems went down completely Wednesday, making it impossible for banks and other financial institutions to transfer money. BREAKING...

    Entire Federal Reserve payment system CRASHES -

    Time to Buy Silver & XRP
    Be very very very careful if you invest in XRP. That trade isn’t a 100% guarantee.

    On the Other Hand, Silver is Easy & Guaranteed to Payoff in the Long Run. Probably in the Short Run Too, I’m Up Big on Silver. Been Buying Since March of 2020. Slowly & Gradually Building That Silver Portfolio.

    I Say This Again!

    BE CAREFUL Investing in XRP

    Service Status
    Service status information about the various services offered by the Federal Reserve Banks

    Qanaon+: EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden was living with his brother Beau's widow Hallie while sending raunchy texts and FaceTiming in the shower with her married SISTER as they declared their love and she called him her 'prince'

    Hunter Biden had a controversial affair with his brother Beau's grieving widow Hallie at the same time he was exchanging raunchy texts, 'partying', and even renting a house with her sister.

    Hunter Biden = The gift that keeps on giving.

    🚨OVER 25 TONS of COCAINE SEIZED by Germany, Belgium in historic haul~Street value $730 Million🚨
    🔹The cocaine was found in SHIPPING CONTAINERS🔥
    🔹The owner of a Dutch import company has been arrested in connection with the haul🔥
    🔹The cocaine was found Feb. 12 in a search of 5 containers from Paraguay that had been flagged as suspect.
    🔹They had detected “clear irregularities” in 3 containers, which were loaded with putty in tin cans but appeared also to contain other items, said officials, who found the drug in more than *1,700* cans.
    New York Post
    Over 25 tons of cocaine seized by Germany, Belgium in historic haul

    You Are Witnessing The Systemic Destruction of the Old Guard
    Occult Symbolism
    This is a Great Read

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:07 am

    QFrogman5326 Military Intelligence
    2/25/21 5:47pm

    Special Forces just pulled up to Mar a Lago again.

    4th time in a week.  I believe there’s  an ongoing potential risk of family members. I don’t believe 45 is with them right now.

    Hopefully we’ll see some Comms that can confirm where 45 actually is

    What in the hell is going on these days
    Now there’s too much happening, and not enough intel to confirm where 45 really is.
    It bothers me that i don’t know

    Official U.S. Marshals Twitter Account Feeds Speculation Biden About To Be Removed!

    Official U.S. Marshals Twitter Account Feeds Speculation Biden About To Be Removed! - USA Dramalert
    Joe Biden is the “Imposter in Chief” An illegitimate president. We all know the election was stolen, and we’re all expecting President Trump to re-emerge and take his rightful seat for a Second Term. On March 4 perhaps? FUNNY VIDEO: Trump And Sidney Celebrating Impeachment

    🚨Former Air Force Contractor Pleads Guilty to Illegally Taking 2,500 Pages of Classified Information🚨
    🔹Izaak Vincent Kemp, 35, was employed as a contractor at the Air Force Research Laboratory 7/2016 to 5/2019 & later at the U.S. Air Force National Air & Space Intelligence Center. Kemp had "Top Secret" security clearance.
    🔹Despite having training on various occasions on how to safeguard classified material, Kemp took 112 classified documents & retained them at his home.
    🔹Unauthorized removal or retention of classified documents is a federal crime punishable by up to five years in prison.

    Former Air Force Contractor Pleads Guilty to Illegally Taking 2,500
    A former contractor with the U.S. Air Force pleaded guilty in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio today to illegally taking approximately 2,500 pages of classified documents.

    🚨South Carolina: Columbia Man Sentenced to 25 Years in Federal Prison for Sex Trafficking of Minors🚨
    🔹Donnell Salethian Woodard, aka “Tank,” will spend 25 yrs in prison, after he pled guilty to conspiracy to sex traffic minors & benefiting from sex trafficking of minors.
    🔹Woodard & India Tykeyah-Najee Cuyler, aka “Lady Tank,” were arrested 11/21/17, as part of a prostitution sting that rescued two 16-yr-old girls.
    🔹Cuyler previously pled guilty in court to using a facility of interstate commerce (cell phone) to entice a minor under the age of 18 to engage in sexual activity. Sentencing is 3/17/21.
    🔹In addition to prison term..Woodard must make restitution to the victims. After prison, Woodard will be on supervised release for 15 years & must register as a sex offender.
    Trump new site coming soon
    ...stay tuned!

    Expect a fake FF in March
    I’ll be all over it

    WOW!! This is quite the story of Human Smuggling!!
    🚨Canadian National Pleads Guilty to Human Smuggling Conspiracy🚨
    🔹As part of the plea, Sri Kajamukam Chelliah, aka Mohan, aka Richie, 55, of Sri Lanka, admitted to conspiring with others to facilitate the travel of aliens from Sri Lanka through Haiti, Turks & Caicos Islands & the Bahamas to the U.S.A.
    🔹During the course of the conspiracy, Chelliah worked with other human smugglers, arranging housing & transport for illegal aliens en route to Canada through the United States.
    Sentencing to be held at a later date. There is no info given on how much prison time he will face.

    I recommend reading the whole story. Very interesting.


    Jr giving us a glimpse of what’s to come
    The Best is Yet to Come

    US strikes in Syria killed 17 according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
    Of course it was 17.

    🚨Kentucky Man Sentenced to 36 Years in Federal Prison for Sex Trafficking Multiple Victims + Other Offenses🚨
    🔹September 2020: Federal jury convicts "Prince Bixler" of 15 federal felonies related to his extensive, violent sex & drug trafficking operation that forced young, drug-addicted women to prostitute & sell crack cocaine, heroin & meth throughout the Lexington, KY area.
    🔹Convicted Charges:
    -3 counts sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion.
    -2 counts tampering with a witness, victim or informant.
    -1 count operating unlawful prostitution business enterprise
    -6 counts distributing controlled substances=crack cocaine, heroin & methamphetamine
    -3 counts of being a felon in possession with a firearm.
    🔹U.S. Attorney on Bixler: “His conduct caused enduring physical & emotional damage to these women & further spread the devastation of highly addictive & dangerous drugs.."
    White House lights going out looks like a hologram
    Webcam Washington D.C. White House live | earthTV
    With earthTV’s live webcam Washington D.C.., you can visit Washington D.C. live online and enjoy The White House and other attractions. Be inspired by the world live.

    CPAC: 02-28-2021
    A Special Day.
    Don't miss it.
    Lin Wood accuses John Roberts of illegally adopting two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein

    Chief Justice John Roberts has faced many accusations over the years, particularly in the last few weeks as his weak leadership of the Supreme Court has seemed to be the primary roadblock to President Trump correcting the fraudulent 2020 election. He’s been accused of working to block the President’s reelection, of traveling to Epstein Island, […]

    🔰 Leaked Emails Confirm UN Gave Names of Dissidents to CCP

    Leaked emails prove that, contrary to United Nations denials, UN human-rights officials did in fact give the names of Chinese dissidents to the communist regime in Beijing before those activists were set to testify in Geneva against the Communist Chinese Party’s abuses.

    ● In fact, it appears from the leaked documents that the practice of handing over names of Chinese dissidents to the dictatorship was viewed as a “usual practice” by all involved. The whistleblower told The Epoch Times that it continues to this day, despite UN denials.

    ● Chinese communist authorities used the names received from the UN to prevent the dissidents from leaving China. At least one dissident identified by the UN and detained by the CCP before leaving for Geneva, Cao Shunli, died while in detention.

      🔗 Read more: The Epoch Times

    What the FBI neglects to mention is that Kilimnik was also a source for the US Embassy in Ukraine.

    This is the unsealed Court transcript we obtained from Manafort's DC case. The Judge discusses that the Special Counsel confirmed that "Kilimnik regularly spoke with officials in the embassy."

    3rd ebs test in one night.
    Most Undervalued Asset According to POTUS

    I’m going to be extremely busy these next 2 months with you know what, so I’m going to buy a hefty amount of silver this weekend and then just hold from there. As I’ve said before I’ve been buying silver like once a week since the March flash crash. So this will be my last time buying silver before I just hold while Silver starts to really squeeze hard. This will put myself close to owning more silver than I have equity in my Ford Raptor and in my convertible summer car. That should say something about my faith in this silver squeeze.

    Physical Silver, Bought in Person From a Legal Precious Metals Dealer/Exchange

    Don’t rape yourself on these overextended spot prices. I refuse to pay above $5 spot. Some places are charging $14.5 above spot. That’s ludicrous and it’s a scam. Look elsewhere. Plenty of mom and pop shops will give it to you for a fair deal. Just be sure to inspect the silver bars and coins for any inconsistencies like dents, scratches, and imperfections that could decrease the resale value of your physical silver.

    Billy: Busy with what? Thought all the bad guys were dead or in prison? Y’all gonna make us wait another two months from now? Lol.

    You know what . . .
    Pentagon statement regarding Biden's airstrikes on Iranian-backed militia groups in Syria.

    Growing Assessment in Israel Is That Ship Explosion in Gulf Was Iranian Attack
    Vessel and crew are safe, officials say, as reason behind the explosion remains unclear

    Updated: Feb. 26, 2021 7:22 PM

    Israel, Israel, Israel 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱
    Hmmm Nate B left for Israel yesterday 🤔
    March Madness

    Silver Squeeze: Can the COMEX Be Broken? Mike Maloney
    With all eyes on silver this week, take a deep dive into whether or not the COMEX could actually be broken. Is this a sprint to the finish? Or a marathon eve…

    JUST IN - Judge rules Maricopa County must provide 2.1 million ballots from 2020 election to #Arizona Senate for audit under subpoenas.

    BREAKING: U.S. intel report finds Saudi Crown Prince ordered murder  of journalist Jamal Khashoggi
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Statement from Senate Republicans on judge's ruling allowing access to election equipment, ballots in #Arizona.
    I smell another coverup

    STATE OF THE UNION, 2020 with LIVE CHAT replay and Official WH Transcript embedded into the English Subtitles:

    LIVE: State of the Union Address with President Donald J. Trump, Feb 4th 2020 #GEORGEnews | WITH OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT IN SUBTITLES - LIVE: State of the Union Address with PRESIDENT TRUMP, Feb 4th 2020
    | Team 45 NEW Podcast:

    Department of Defense 🇺🇸
    LIVE: @PentagonPresSec John F. Kirby holds a briefing at the Pentagon.

    US intelligence report released: "Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved an operation in Istanbul, Turkey to capture or kill Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi."

    Nate Burruano
    Could be that Iran has the receipts, yes?

    January 23, 2021:

    “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to dispatch Mossad chief Yossi Cohen to Washington in the coming weeks to lay out Israel’s demands of the Biden administration for any new version of the Iran nuclear deal”

    TV: Mossad chief to meet Biden, set out terms for overhaul of Iran nuclear deal | The Times of Israel

    Scavino tweet looking at GITMO? ~anon 5:5

    Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar - Mondestuff
    In a statement about the news, Mr. Putin said his country is finally free from the “icy grip” of the

    It’s happening now
    Archive everything

    Corresponding timestamps
    What was in the folder??? Trumps red folder
    Explosive CIA Report Blaming MbS For Khashoggi Murder To Be Released Today

    8:30 AM · Feb 25, 2021·Zero Hedge Publisher II
    "CIA report." funny stuff. Everything mockingbird "releases" lays the groundwork for its next advance against America.
    More Arrests, Deaths & Resignations/Terminations and events.
    Some photos have multiple stories.

    JUST IN - John Durham to resign from the U.S. Attorney’s Office effective at midnight on February 28. Durham was appointed as Special Counsel in October. @disclosetv @disclosetv_chat
    After serving as the United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut for more than three years, and as a federal prosecutor in Connecticut for more than 38 years, John H. Durham today announced his resignation from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, effective at midnight on February 28.

    Durham done Feb28

    Huber done Feb28

    DJT speaks Feb28

    How Many Coincidences Before Mathematically Impossible?

    The Greatest Covert Military Operation in the History of The World
    This Will Go Down in History as The Greatest Covert Military Operation in the History of The World.All Assets Deployed
    - Waiting on CommsMusic / Song : Paper...

    Truly sickening....
    Hartford, Connecticut Man Admits Sexually Assaulting Young Girl, Producing Child Pornography.
    🚨Ronald Daniel, 51, pled guilty to one count of production of child pornography stemming from his sexual assault of a young girl.
    🔹On at least two occasions in 2018, Daniel sexually abused a prepubescent female & took cellphone photos of his sexual abuse. He also distributed some of these images, as well as other images & videos of child pornography, through the "Kik" mobile application.
    🔹Sentencing is 5/24/21. Daniel faces a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 15 years & a maximum term of imprisonment of 30 years.
    Look up “mail-in” in the Q drops. It’s all there.

    Also note: Guangdong

    They are saying the ballots were printed in Guangdong, China. A monthly output of 500,000 forged blank US ballots since July 2020 just from there.

    “FEINSTEIN” - Q2277

    “Do you believe in coincidences?” - Q2380
    The collaboration is fascinating. What she up to these days?

    Visa and MasterCard are showing issues on Downdetector

    Status overview
    Realtime overview of issues and outages with all kinds of services. Having issues? We help you find out what is wrong.

    Some trading apps are down too
    SEC suspends trading in multiple issuers based on social media and trading activity
    Adrenochrome on Live TV Right in Front of Our Faces This Entire Time. #SheepNoMore
    WATCH: GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert Hints She’s Still Carrying Gun in Capitol Building -
    Clown world. All of it. One anon theorizes they couldn't risk having him fall into MBS' hands for interrogation. Dude prolly had receipts.

    Anon suspects that the DS planted the killer within the kidnap team. Their plan was two-fold: 1) tie up the Khosshoggi loose end, and 2) blame the "murder of journalist" on MBS hoping that it would shake his grip on the Kingdom.

    "Britain knew of Saudi plan to target journalist, warned Saudis against it"

    Remember, Gates is no more. All this vaccination was supposed to scare you to death, but many people did not give in to fear. Trump specifically publicly refused the vaccine, which is a good sign to open the eyes of the sleepers. You don't need this vaccination. You need a strong immune system. Learn how to remove toxins from your body and strengthen your immune system. That's all.

    CNN has always reported coronavirus cases, not Covid-19 cases. Technically, anyone who has a cold can legally qualify as a coronavirus patient and not be held legally responsible for it. The sleepers buy into it and don't even notice the catch.

    The problem is that most people only view the entire battle through the lens of the country they live in, but they don't realize that this is a global operation. A world operation that has been prepared for decades.

    Putin is another Trump ally. For years, he tried unsuccessfully to end these corrupt people. Finally, he made a key pass. By the way, there was a gift in that soccer ball, too.

    America is the last country to contact. We don't really want wars. The goal of the clique is to start these wars. Xi also does not do this, he is fighting the CCP as well as Trump in the United States with the Deep State.

    Kennedy Sr. died recently. He survived an assassination attempt and recently suffered a stroke. He lived a long life. In recent years, Trump has been seen with him in public several times. Do you understand the scale of this operation? Let go of your impatience and enjoy living in this historic time. The fight isn't over, but things are already changing. And there will be more events soon.

    The tunnels in Washington are a complex network. Those kids who were pulled out of the White House didn't live under the White House all that time. Otherwise, Trump wouldn't be sitting there. It was just an exit point. A light was installed and many people were invited there with cameras. The footage will be evidence during the tribunals. I hope you've seen that video of several dozen police cars driving out of the White House under the cover of night. The White House is empty at night, with some exceptions, from February 20 to 29. They let the Psaki actress go about her business during the day. Look at it carefully and you will understand everything. Right now, access to the White House is severely restricted.


    The New Breed of Patriots
    The New Generation of Patriots is Need If We Want to Survive as a Free & Fair Country.

    We Will Not Bow to The Mob.

    But, We Will Strangle The Mob.

    Grassley tweets missing [C]
    News unlocks... Durham resigned, future proves past.

    [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat s [C]oming
    Who stepped down today [forced]?
    More coming?
    Why is this relevant?
    How do you 'show' the public the truth?
    How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?
    How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
    It had to be this way.
    Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.
    ⚔ MILITARY - REPORT: US urgently raises troop threat levels in Iraq over possible airstrike retaliation: report.

    The Most Honest Gentleman in Hollywood:

    Jim Caviezel Ladies & Gentleman . . .

    CNN special tonight at 11pm ET...

    I believe they are gonna try to smear Scavino, which is going to be hilarious kek

    Eyes on 👀
    Dan Scavino Major Comms:

    Scavino tweeted a photo from Mar-a-Lago, of the ocean and the American flag, and the he wrote today’s date 2/26. Tweet timestamp 1:06 or 1306 military time. Tweet date: February, 26.

    -Q Drop 106:
    Nothing is a coincidence.
    SA (Saudi Arabia) cut the strings.
    They are scrambling for cover and using any means necessary out of their remaining power/control.

    MBS (leader of SA) has been implicated in Khashoggi’s death today. Coincidence?

    -Q Drop 1306:

    Define cover.
    Why did we strike Syria?
    Why did we really strike Syria?
    Define cover.


    US just struck Syria. Coincidence?

    -Feb 26, 2020 (Q Drop 3890 from exactly 1 year ago, aka 1 YEAR DELTA) includes the American Flag, tying back to Dan’s tweeted photo of the American Flag. Coincidence?

    -Feb 26, 2019 (Q Drop 2903 from exactly 2 years ago, aka 2 YEAR DELTA) says:

    It's going to be HISTORIC!
    Planned long ago.


    Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HABBENINGS are going to take place.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:08 am

    GhostEzra Military COMMs 2/26/21
    Yikes this chart is worse. Real time.

    All the geniuses kept saying it's going to 100k.😂😂😂
    Look don't come bitcoin crying here I warned everyone for weeks. Months actually. The game is silver. I'm telling you this now. Again.
    Xrp survives from the ashes, but the bitcoin drop will bring them all down together in the short term. Hold your xrp. Sell your btc. Xrp will be gold backed. Bitcoin won’t.

    Yes, I'm shilling for the collapse of the Fed. Who's shilling with me?
    Bitcoin Ben must be having a rough night. Sorry I couldn't help myself.
    😂😂😂 rifles
    I'm buying a survival kit for support. I just hope these are included in the kit.
    No I'm not making light of people losing on Bitcoin. If you didn't vote for Bidan and own it I feel for you. I just saw tons of warning signs all over and repeated it almost daily to warn people. Seriously who buys a mythical coin at 50k though. I mean it's kind of common sense.
    XI JINPING is that you?😂😂
    Buy the dip.😂😂😂
    Ok. Moving right along. Trump and company are just humiliating the media with these stories. It's great.😂

    Just so everyone knows, nobody stole Lady Gaga's dog. No dog walker shot. No Lady Gaga. This is being spoon fed to embarrass, humiliate, and destroy the mockingbird media in the end.
    Gaga and the witch doctor have been dealt with.
    I wonder how Pence is doing tonight.😂😂 noose
    3rd ebs test in one night.
    To be blunt, game over. 🏌️‍�

    We ever going to see a picture of Tiger Woods and his new cast?

    We are the news
    The invisible virus is being eradicated daily.
    Trump is still Potus, whether you like it or not.
    March Madness
    Nothing can get you down. You all have too much faith. Too red pilled. KEK
    You are in a cult of free thinking, questioning the lying media, and trusting God's plan. Who's in that cult?

    for KING & COUNTRY - amen (Official Music Video)
    Click here to stream and download "TOGETHER":
    Join us for 'A DRUMMER BOY DRIVE-IN': 2020 Christmas Tour!11.12 Norc…
    Flag half mast. Maralago. It's not from Covid.

    Flag half mast. Maralago. It's not from Covid.
    Flags in DC also half mast.
    Rush Limbaug funeral today 2/26/21

    If you believe there were 500k Covid deaths you're wearing your mask too tight.
    Fauci on camera, takes mask off for off camera
    If you know the media is bs, why be so news driven with every headline?
    Nobody stole Lady Gaga's dogs.
    Lady Gaga is in Italy. Yeah, she's likely with the hologram Pope.😂😂
    In a pine box, with pink socks.
    Pope has been gone longer than most of you think.
    Figure out this one, and we may be able to crack the case of who's under the mask.
    James Woods girlfriend
    Those James Woods ears are definitely a match. That 4 sure.
    The guy playing Bidan is a whitehat hat. In case that hasn't dawned on you yet.
    This was late 2018. He was gone in 2019. You think they'd replace a bad guy with a bad guy? C'mon man.😂
    He's given so many clues. Like this one.
    Actors will act. Period.

    I think she was against all those things. I thought she was for all those things. I might have read it backwards. So I erased.

    Trump didn't take the vaccine so I wouldn't either. I keep it simple.
    Find out when Pelosi was switched out. It will unravel many clues.
    Go month by month on YouTube. Start in January 2021 work backwards.
    Fox news talking about "Deep fake" right now
    Double/Cgi Tom Cruz. He's got an IG page and all.

    Here's a different double. Not as good as the one above.
    For those that can't view the Instagram page. Tom Cruz stunt double
    Wow. I can't even spot the real one.
    So the actual official ig account of Cruise hasn't posted anything since August 2020.

    Gold backed.😎😎
    Gold and silver backed currency. That's the message. Don't miss it. Nobody worships golden Trump. Lol. Relax.
    Remember what Trump said.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 27, 2021 12:47 pm

    GhostEzra Today 2/27/21

    I had to let Alan go, the red pill was too much for him. I feel like he was going to have a heart attack.

    I love discussions. I don't expect everyone to be at the same level at the same time. It's a wakeup process. But some aren't willing to take the first step. They complain about the media and yet lap everything up from them as truth or reality. I'll never block someone for disagreeing. But if you're straight trolling you gots to go.

    People don't have to agree on everything. There's Anon accounts I see that are highly confused. I don't call them out unless they are either intentionally misleading someone or taking advantage of people. Otherwise I see it as they got something wrong and will simply come around if their motives are right. I am getting sick of all the Bitcoin scammers here on telegram though.

    Parler is terribly compromised. Gab went soft. Telegram is having a party.

    I still Gab it. But gotta ease in the red pills slowly over there, otherwise you have a hundred Allan's like tonight having aneurysms.

    Gates didn't buy telegram. Gates is dead.

    Trump should just seize Twitter and change it to Have Scavino run it full time.

    #Qpac is trending on Twitter?

    Smokey still on the live streams?
    Smokey isn't a person. It's a condition in the swamp.
    What flag is underneath the US flag at the capital?
    We're at Castle Rock.
    Way too creepy photo. Naked men (Biden) with weird jock strap.

    Meadows is playing his role. But it's really Meadows. Which means not a double. Hasn't been replaced. Good sign.

    Pence betrayed Trump and his country long ago. Not in 2020. 2018. Trump replaced him.

    If a Congressman or Senator is actually the real one still there, they either we good and made it through the storm and acting/playing a role. Or they've been removed and replaced by a double. Just look at who looks considerably different before and after Covid. real pic on left, body double on right
    Cruz had a rocky voyage.
    The new cruz is a bull rider.

    Borris Johnson long replaced. The new one is as hilarious as Bidan. Borris with Pinocchio nose.
    It's a filter. Still hilarious though.

    If I don't say it's a filter I'll have 12 Karens and 24 Allan's down my throat by noon.

    Forget 2024. 2021. (Trump)
    2024 = Loser/Give up mentality. We win, because we won. The best is yet to come.
    Go slap some he'll run in 2024'ers today.
    The only people I care about listening to at Cpac are Trump/his kids. Also Pompeo. Tomorrow at 3:40 is Trump. Pompeo is today. Don't miss them both.

    what time is pompeo? 1:30 EST = 12:30 CST

    From 5 to 4.

    Current Defcon Level 4 was raised today, Feb 27, 2021 in Iraq.
    From 5 to 4.

    Level #1 is total panic. #2 is when normies wake up. Remember just a 4. No real threat.

    We likely never get to 1. I don't think people can handle that. 2 should do the trick.
    5 no threat. 1 nuclear war is imminent. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. In that order.

    Level 3 alone would put every blue check mark Twitter account in a tailspin.
    You don't want more a bunch of more drops. It only means the movie goes longer. Quiet on the drops is actually a good thing. Plenty already there. Future proves past. Will there another? Maybe a celebration drop. Barr playing the funeral bagpipe song.
    Who was AG during the year of the boomerang?

    Late 2018 was the (Bush) funeral. 2019 was the replacement.
    Muller investigation.
    Barr was the stealth bomber.

    The msm media loved Mueller and hated Bill Barr. C'mon man.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:14 pm

    QFrogman5326 2/27/21

    We Will Not Falter
    We Will Not Succumb to the Darkness
    Greatness Lays Within Each One of Us
    1 st Place is Where We Belong
    We Will Fight Against Injustices & Sin
    Get Ready For The Final Homestretch
    America’s Patriots Are in Full Control
    Missing Air Force One (AF-1) call sign when it's en route?

    Who is really in control?

    Who is REALLY in control?
    Waiting on Sunday Comms from 45

    If you’re concerned about Durham & Syria, read this post.

    -Durham Resignation:
    We already knew Durham resigned at the beginning of this month on Feb 9. Yet the media outlets are focusing on it now.

    Durham to resign Feb 28.
    Huber to resign Feb 28.
    Trump to speak at APAC Feb 28.

    The time between when Q posted “Durham” on Nov 13, 2020 and the day he is set to resign Feb 28, 2021, is 107 days. (Drop 0, you have 17, coincidence?).

    Q Drop 107 states, “Note when we just sent the go orders and when this Tweet went live.

    Durham’s investigation is most likely complete. Durham will REMAIN as Special Council.

    -US Strikes in Syria:

    “17” people, pro-Iranian fighters, were killed in the attack. Coincidence?

    When Q mentions “Iran”, also gives us reassurances:
    Patriots in Control.
    Moves and Countermoves.
    Trust the Plan.
    Trust POTUS.
    Why is the Military so Important?
    Art of the Deal.

    DS have lost all control. The end is near.
    Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

    Also trump is giving the speech on 2/28/2021 2+2+8+2+2+1=17
    How many coincidences before mathematically impossible??? 🔱🐸🇺🇸

    We Are All Children of God, and We Are Awaiting on Our Father to Bless Donald J Trump in His Final Act.

    “The Masterpiece.”

    Soon the World Will Know The Truth.

    We Humbly Ask For Your Strength & Guidance in These Troubled Waters We Are Taking On. We Ask That You Grant Us The Fortitude to Finish What JFK Started & Eviscerate Our Enemies Once & For All.

    In Jesus’ Name, We Pray to the Lord.

    🙏 🇺🇸 Flag
    INVASIVE WARFARE - 02/27/21

    More Cavalry Tonight

    Lark is Back in D.C.

    Can You Feel The Heat?

    Bigger Than You Could Possibly Imagine BRUTE FORCE WILL BE NECESSARY
    [Their] satanic world is being exposed and [they] are the ones exposing it themselves for the world to see.

    Best Part is; [They] Don’t Even Realize It

    These People Are Stupid

    Anderson Vanderbilt was so busy explaining it wasn’t him on the pedo art he totally forgot that people don’t know about pedo art.

    Too late now

    I Rest My Case 👆

    [These People] Are Truly XXXX Stupid
    ⚔ MILITARY - Russian air strike forces site targets of the "Islamic Party of Turkestan" group, consisting mainly of people from the former Soviet Republic.
    [DECLAS] - A report has been released by the CIA, which shows the leadership of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia in the assassination of opposition journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
    Read tweet carefully & please open her notes.  Catherine Herridge's tweet: John #Durham resigns (expected) as US Attorney for Connecticut. DOJ website updated to say Durham's Special Counsel office will be located in DC, another indicator suggesting work continues. RE-READ: Oct/20 AG Barr order establishing Special Counsel. Language matters. Criminal.

    Maricopa County judge finds GOP Senate subpoenas of election materials are 'legal and enforceable'
    The Superior Court of Maricopa County, Arizona, found that the state's Senate Republicans' subpoenas of election materials and equipment are "legal and enforceable." [Professor: I do heroin regularly for ‘work-life balance’]
    These Are The Kind of People Who Are Educating Our Youth. Remember That.

    #ThankYou Military for saving and protecting us 🙌🏻🇺🇸🕊

    Looks like the entire Q community is spreading this bad ass video around.

    Amazing how fast our movement spreads information & intel around the world.
    ⚠ ALERT - The U.S. FBI announced a $250,000 reward for information contributing to the arrest of Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, who in the West is called the owner of the CVC “Wagner”.

    Trump Authors Sealed Indictment on William Barr - Real Raw News
    In a display of confidence that he will soon overturn the 2020 presidential election and return to power, Donald J. Trump, and Jeffrey Rosen, who served as acting AG in the final days of Trump’s presidency, has authored a sealed indictment charging former Attorney General William Barr with High Crimes and Misdemeanors against America and […

    Can You Say Stonewalling???
    The Picture that Ghost Ezra paints about Bill Barr is next to laughable.

    Y’all still don’t even realize what went down. All these Telegram Channels talk about a stealth bomber, okay kind of, but they missed the part of the story here in which Bill Barr dropped the Ooopsey ball October 2020 through January 2021.

    Bill Barr isn’t our friend. Y’all still don’t know the full story, so maybe you should tell all these fake Q Telegram Channels to stop trying to shove Bill Barr down our throats as a Ooopsey hero.

    He’s far from it.

    [DS] Has Had Dirt on Barr For Years.

    He is no where near hero status.

    You’ll hear the full story eventually.

    Until then, watch who you follow.

    All I’m saying is there’s more to many of these stories than truly meets the eye.

    Just like only 10-12 people truly know when the hammer will be dropped, when the big reveal will happen, and what exact dates it will happen on, only 10-12 people truly know the full story behind everything we’ve seen since 2016.

    These people have been sworn to secrecy & hold the highest levels of security clearances within the U.S. Government.

    I can guarantee you that none of those said individuals will be on social media blatantly broadcasting intel for not only the Patriots to see, but our enemies to see as well.

    However, if these said individuals are indeed on social media, then they’d be giving us Comms through the use of subliminal messages & symbolism just as Dan Scavino gives us.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:31 pm

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 FbXmKi1jwrXVDiD5orad_27_f69a9730dada706cb19a2ca07d94ae47_image_original

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:46 pm

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 JdC2STWEHUIoEHVYH1iL_27_1ee6e55f775d26a0c5c898a81f0ddcbf_image_original

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:40 pm
    It's Going to Be Biblical
    305th MIB/111th MIB

    GhostEzra: Aside from Trump, it doesn't get more solid than Pompeo. Bring it home Kansas.🔥🔥
    Anons will disagree on things. As I mentioned last night, I won't go on the offensive unless I believe someone is intentionally deceiving or taking advantage of someone. Some get things wrong. Time will tell. Doesn't mean they are a shill, it just means they got something wrong. As Potus always says, let's see what happens.

    Nobody on earth has been tougher on China than Mike Pompeo. HRC/Pompeo photos
    The difference between good and evil. The devil wears red.
    My phone won't open graphic photos 😂😂😂
    The boss speaks tomorrow.

    What did everyone expect Pompeo to say? Hey folks this is a really large 60 year plan let me blow the lid off of everything today at Cpac? 😂😂

    Just watch the movie. Don't try predicting it. You won't be able to. Too many twists and turns. It's a comedy, a horror film, and a thriller all rolled in one.🍿🍿🍿

    Masks come off 100% when this movie ends. All lies will be revealed. You can take that to the bank.

    Not talking about face diapers. I'm talking latex. Face diapers end too.
    Definitely a liberal.
    Top Karen of the year.🥇🥇

    Sorry for those named Karen who aren't actually Karen's. Covid gave Karen's a bad name.
    Yeah I think the male version of Karen is Allan. I met an Allan last night that almost had a heart attack when he found out Hillary was gone. Maybe he had a crush?

    Golden globes should be interesting this year.

    Last year was the epic roast.🔥🔥
    Ricky Gervais' Monologue - 2020 Golden Globes

    Those who voted for Trump but gave up on him, will deeply regret it. Go ahead and bookmark this. Take a picture. Write it on your refrigerator. The scope of things to come is astounding. All great things. Power back to we the people.

    Freemasons have FAILED!

    Russian President Valdimir announced on Russian television that the New World Order has Collapsed claiming that the world is NOW the latest contraction to the Death of the elite regime.

    Putin told Russian broadcaster NTV, that the new global world order has Failed due to the AWAKENING of People around the World who have come to realize the insidious TRUTH about the elites plans.

    The BEST is Yet to COME!

    If you believe Putin is a bad guy you've been watching too much cable news.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 27, 2021 4:34 pm

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:36 am
    Scott McKay patriotstreetfighter is pretty much spot on

    It had to be this way. 45 had to lose. The ppl must be shown to believe.

    He also explains China & Texas freeze out.

    Its a gr8 synopsis with an encouraging outcome.

    Listen to this. Begin at 45:50

    Partial transcript:

    January 1 Trump was inaugurated as President of the Restored Republic.

    On January 18th U.S military began sweeping arrests of congress for the next two days.

    After the January 20 (Bidan) inauguration the military gathered over 200 people from various state governments and took them for a helicopter rides forcing them to confess about the crimes of treason in regard to foreign interference including the Chinese Communist Party. In a 2020 election Biden who was president of the bankrupt U.S. Inc was said to have made a deal with China for 4 billion dollar trade-off that allowed the Chinese Communist Party to test their new weather harp warfare machine on Texas last week.

    A military intel contact reported that Texas was targeted with weather warfare of the polar vortex ice storms because Texas had the most Zim holders followed by Florida, then California and because Texas was likely to be the seat of the new restored Republic Federal Government in the Houston and or Austin Texas area.

    On Monday, February 15th lights were again out at the White House and there were reports of gunfire witnesses reported that they were using a vast amount of tunnels under the white house to move prisoners on that same Monday, 15 February in the early morning hours at least five to six police cars were loaded up from the White House left returned five or six times on Thursday, 18 February. At 3 a.m eastern time dozens of military attorney Jags, that's judge in general. That those of the military court system arrived at the White House.

    20,000 troops had been sworn in as U.S Marshals at least half of congress were in the process of being arrested. A convoy of buses arrived at the capitol empty groups of what appeared to be jag lawyers and then were filled with what appeared to be prisoners.

    On Tuesday evening, 23 February, thousands of rounds were heard fired around the Capitol Hill. It was rumored that over two hundred thousand thousand Chinese CCP troops were in underground tunnels and bases around Washington D.C. and said to have been there for months. The U.S. Military was clearing them out on that same Tuesday evening, 23 February.

    There were pictures of people in orange jumpsuits with black hoods on their head being taken out of the fenced area of D.C. it was said that there were many found hiding in congress buildings and were being hunted down.

    Under acting Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, Ezra Cohen Watnick said we were watching a movie and a lot of what we were seeing was completely [ __ ] and fake. The whole election was fake, along with a fake inauguration. Fake executive orders and fake oval office right now.

    The military was controlling our country until the new elections in a couple of months. The Vatican-owned corrupt D.C. Corporation - that was no longer, and that we would soon be a Republic.

    That sentence didn't make sense but the Vatican owned the corrupt D.C. Corporation and that was now no longer. It would soon be a republic for which it stands under the Constitution as originally intended. Many corrupt D.C. rats and Hollywood pedophiles have gone to jail and or have been executed for crimes of high treason and conspiracy. Many more are in the process of meeting justice via military tribunals. Things will be made public in time very soon. No more secrets. No more games. End quote Ezra Cohen Watnick.

    Biden signed an executive order putting a tax on RV funds. That's revaluation funds though his executive orders weren't officially registered and assumed to be a valid. Former President Trump was expected to make a major announcement at the CPAC Conference in a keynote address on February 28, Sunday.

    107 (Juan O Savin) sent out notifications saying we we citizens demanded that COVID 19 lockdown be over as of March 1, plus reported by Thursday, April 1st 2021 Trump would be our president again, the beginning of a new global economic tax year was on that same Thursday, April 1st 2021.

    Tier four “US, the internet group shotgun start liquidity release was imminent. Although no one was privy as to an exact time on Tuesday. 23 February, the quantum financial system switch which is QFS switch was turned on and liquidity was released to platforms in Zurich on 24, February at 4 30 a.m Eastern time Quantum Financial System funds were released. At 10 a.m eastern they shut down the Federal Reserve and didn't allow any more bank-wires to go through the old SWIFT System.

    The QFS has been completely absorbed by the new U.S. Treasury by Treasury by 6 pm eastern on Wednesday, 24 February. The fiat U.S. dollar has crashed and the new global asset-backed U.S. Treasury note had been activated.

    The reason for the outage in the Federal Reserve was due to the difficulty in understanding how to maintain the process when the operating system was changing to a new paradigm. Many trillions of dollars were backed up as the payment by wire system collapsed, after just over one hour the system came back the quantum financial system trading platform, where 23 global currencies were available to be traded activated at 2 am eastern on Thursday, February 25th. The total activation of the QFS system had occurred by 4 pm eastern on Thursday, 25 February redemption centers were ready with schedulers for Friday, 26 February groups out west would be notified that they have access to funds sometime this weekend. Trump will give his keynote CPAC address at 5 p.m Sunday, 28th February NASARA would kick off on Monday, 1 March.

    Tier 4b should be notified Monday, 1 March or Tuesday but we may be notified sooner (highly unlikely). Redemption centers have been given a (tentative) schedule to do exchanges through 6 March. On Monday 15, March, NASARA could be announced to the general public. Liquidity should start March 2nd to March 15th. News from Zurich, Reno, Basil and Geneva were very positive.

    So keep the faith. Patience I know it is very hard. Earlier than March 2nd, I do not think so. Nobody knows what the hold up is. Military is in control. Word from Flynn, no later than 27th of March Trump would be reinstated. Now what does all of that mean. I don't know. It's simply intelligence that keeps coming in, so again, i think these things are in play.

    Certainly because you can't explain D.C.. You can't explain. There’s no good explanation. it's obvious right you just look at it it's staring at you in the face. There is a big event that is suppose to happen around March 6th. It could be cyber. So that would make sense to me to propel us into this new quantum system.

    Last edited by Carol on Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:56 am

    GhostEzra 11:21 pm 2/27/21

    Now back to business. Joe Biden is gone. Replaced in 2019. You are watching an actor replaced by WhiteHats (good guys). It's one of the largest red pill wakeups in history. The great awakening.

    You might think you're awake and many are, but this is the tip of the iceberg too many things that have been hidden from you for centuries.

    Know that Potus was asked to run for president many years ago by some really good/smart people who saw corruption in our government for decades. The goal was to globally remove these people from power and return power back to the people. It's not another 4 year election. It's so much bigger than you can imagine. What you need to know is that we are winning. They are losing. At times it may feel the opposite.

    Remember feelings aren't facts. Furthermore, the news cycle right now is completely trash. We are the news. There's a cleanup process and a wakeup process. Everything in the news cycle is to wake people up and eventually destroy the MSM.

    Many you think are alive are dead and others you think are dead are alive. Epstein was the Keystone that Q referred to. It's real. He set a lot of this in motion. Epsteins arrest is proof alone that people weren't crazy. It's all connected. Therefore it's all taken down together. You don't need to understand everything. You never will fully understand until the movie ends. Crazy will become normal and normal crazy. You have seen too many coincidences. Too many mathematically impossible situations. They can't put you back to sleep.

    At this point you can only wake them up. My advice. Don't let it consume you. Don't let it rip your families apart. Every lie will be revealed. Trump never abandoned you. He's right now preparing some pretty amazing things while this wakeup process takes place. There's no 2024 election unless fraud proof blockchain voting is implemented. Nothing else matters.

    Tons of empty seats will be filled in Congress. Big change is coming for the USA and the rest of the world.

    Arrests have happened that you don't publicly know about. You will at the proper time. More arrests are happening daily. CEOs are stepping down. Hollywood actors are disappearing.

    Actor (James Wood) Joe's goal right now is to self destruct. So that all who voted for him will see the light and how easily they were fooled. It's been a dark winter, but it doesn't stay dark forever. It gets much much brighter.

    You are witnessing biblical times and events unfolding. God's plan. Never doubt it. If God is for you who can be against you? Fear not, you are getting your country back better than you've witnessed in your lifetime. Not a corrupt DC corporation but a Constitutional Republic. Revival will be fruit of this movie.

    Hold on tight, buckle up, and pray hard. It's a rollercoaster ride for sure.

    Just know that undoubtedly the best is yet to come.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:18 am

    Q-Tip 2/27/21
    Scavino Major Comms: QProofs and Decodes!🍿

    Scavino tweeted a photo from Mar-a-Lago, of the ocean and the American flag, and the he wrote today’s date 2/26. Tweet timestamp 1:06 or 1306 military time. Tweet date: February, 26.

    -Q Drop 106:
    Nothing is a coincidence.
    We are at war.
    SA (Saudi Arabia) cut the strings.
    They are scrambling for cover and using any means necessary out of their remaining power/control.

    MBS (leader of SA) has been implicated in Khashoggi’s death today. Coincidence?

    -Q Drop 1306:
    Define cover.
    Why did we strike Syria?
    Why did we really strike Syria?
    Define cover.
    Patriots in control.

    US just struck Syria. Coincidence?

    -Feb 26, 2020 (Q Drop 3890 from exactly 1 year ago, aka 1 yr delta) includes the American Flag, tying back to Dan’s tweeted photo of the American Flag. Coincidence?

    -Feb 26, 2019 (Q Drop 2903 from exactly 2 years ago, aka 2 yr delta) says:
    It's going to be HISTORIC!
    Planned long ago.

    Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.
    Comfort Post!🍿

    If you’re concerned about Durham & Syria, read this post.

    -Durham Resignation:
    We already knew Durham announced his resignation on Feb 9. Yet the media outlets are focusing on it now.

    Durham to resign Feb 28.
    Huber to resign Feb 28.
    Trump to speak at CPAC Feb 28.

    The time between when Q posted “Durham” on Nov 13, 2020 and the day he is set to resign Feb 28, 2021, is 107 days. (Drop 0, you have 17, coincidence?).

    Q Drop 107 states, “Note when we just sent the go orders and when this Tweet went live.

    Durham’s investigation is most likely complete. Durham will REMAIN as Special Council.

    -US Strikes in Syria:

    “17” people, pro-Iranian fighters, were killed in the attack. Coincidence?

    When Q mentions “Syria”, also gives us reassurances:
    Patriots in Control.
    Moves and Countermoves.
    Trust the Plan.
    Trust POTUS.
    Why is the Military so Important?
    Art of the Deal.

    DS have lost all control. The end is near.
    Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
    President Trump & Pompeo Comms! 🍿

    5 Photos (Read and follow the order).

    -Photos 1-3:
    Attorney General Ken Paxton posted a pic playing golf with President Trump this morning. Dated Feb 27.

    Only three Q Drops have a Feb 27 date and they say: Test 10, Test 11, and Test 12. So we Test Q Drops 10, 11 and 12.

    ->Q Drop 10: Military Intelligence.
    ->Q Drop 11: Military Intelligence.
    ->Q Drop 12: Military Intelligence.

    Coincidence? 👀

    President Trump speaks at CPAC tomorrow at 3:40pm. Remove the zero and you have 34. Interesting that Q Drop 34 is “Q Clearance Patriot”.

    Coincidence? 👀

    -Photo 5:
    Pompeo tweet timestamp 3:04. Remove the zero and you have 34 again, coincidence? Q Drop 34 is “Q Clearance Patriot”.

    Coincidence? 👀

    Pompeo also mentions the word “Pipe Hitter”.

    Definition of Pipe Hitter: A terminology often used to categorize the elite, special operations, direct action units of the United States Military. Some elements Special Forces groups are all considered "Pipe Hitters"!
    Scavino Comms! 🍿

    Military is the only way. Today was a big day for military comms from President Trump and Pompeo. Now Scavino is joining the act.

    Scavino new Facebook post timestamp 11:08pm.

    -Q Drop 1108 points to Iran’s threat to restart nukes - Like Clockwork. You have been prepared.

    News unlocks the map. The MSM reported that the US bombed facilities in Syria used by *Iran-backed militia*.

    -Q Drop 2308 is interesting. It includes a YouTube link to Reagan’s "Peace through strength" phrase used in his speech, which is a phrase that suggests that military power can help preserve peace.

    Scavino is blatantly sending comms that peace will be restored through military power.

    Link to Q Drop 2308:

    Reagan YouTube link in Q Drop 2308:

    WikiPedia link to “Peace through Strength”:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:28 am
    The New Breed of Patriots

    The New Generation of Patriots is Need If We Want to Survive as a Free & Fair Country.

    We Will Not Bow to The Mob.

    QFrogman5326 2/27/21 3:00 pm

    Anyone ever heard of “The Blind Agents”
    Anyone ever heard of “Naked Orders”

    Let’s just say that there’s a lot less of them now than there were before 2016.
    assassins taking out assassins
    More Arrests, Deaths & Resignations/Terminations & Events.

    Some pics have multiple stories.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:34 pm

    SpecOperator17 - 2/28/21 10:34am

    You wouldn't believe the amount of lead that has been exchanged over the past 2 weeks.

    Americans never knew how close we were to a World War 3.

    Americans never really knew how close we were to losing it all.

    On the surface, it's a digital war.

    In reality it's a war fought on our own soil, underground, and around the world in select cities.

    Welcome to the most complex battlefield in human history.

    A war fought on all fronts.

    And no one even knows it's happening.

    Rest assured, we are winning this fight.

    I'm here today to tell you that The Military has your six.

    I'm here today to let you patriots know that the violence is almost coming to an end.

    Sleepers everywhere.

    There's no escape for [them].

    [They're] a dying species.

    [Their] time on this earth is coming to an end.

    We've made tough sacrifices; we've lost good men to this war. More good men will perish to bring the pain to those who pray on the innocent.

    And we're gunning for every single one of [them].

    Your CIC (Commander in Chief, President Trump) will be giving a covert SOTU Address this afternoon. And I'll be right there with him.

    Hang in there guys, we're almost at the home stretch.

    God Bless President Trump.

    And God Bless America


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 28, 2021 4:56 pm

    QFrogman5326 2/28/21 2:02pm

    “In the end, we will win. We’re winning right now.” - What a Statement. Sounds similar to what SpecOperator17 said not too long ago before the event.

    “I may even decide to beat them for a third time.” - DONALD J TRUMP

    “They just lost the White House”


    The White House is Empty
    [CASTLE_ROCK] is Full & Locked Down
    What we are seeing now are just OPTICS

    Bidan’s America vs Trump’s America

    He Knew He Couldn’t Just Tell These Libtards

    He Needed to Show Them What Life Would Look Like With These Communist Psychopaths in Charge Temporarily

    The Truth is on full display now.

    > QFrogman5326:
    [CASTLE_ROCK] is Full & Locked Down

    > QFrogman5326:
    What you are listening to now is your real President giving us the SOTU Address. Where’s Joe?

    Where’s Joe’s SOTU?

    “We took care of a lot of people” (arrested a lot of traitors and predators)

    “Joe got his shot”

    “He’s shot” (He was executed for treason and crimes against humanity in 2019. Ask Bill Barr.)

    This is your President giving you the straight truth and half of America doesn’t realize the meaning behind these statements except the anons.

    Things are wrapping up

    It was a FISA shot, not a phizer shot.



    Trump just told you he won the election and Democrats lost the Whitehouse. Pull it together soldiers. This is the wakeup stage.

    Couldn’t be more spot on 👆

    “We won the election twice”


    “People are now seeing how bad it can be”

    4:50 PM… Check the time! DJT entered at 4:49pm EST (17 = Q)

    There are NO COINCIDENCES!
    Follow The Watch
    2 Differences Now Twined as One
    Today was confirmation
    Here we go

    How many coincidences before mathematically impossible???

    Fun Fact: Feb 28 is the same day as his 2017 State of the Union Address if I Recall Correctly

    Can you say 5:5 ?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 3 Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:02 am

    QFrogman5326 3:10pm

    Blockchain Voting System Inbound According to 45
    He’s just dropping bombs today
    He’s talkin a lot of XXXX too. I love it.

    America needed the confidence booster. Many weak links barely hanging on by a thread needed to hear this kind of confirmation & this kind of confidence and enthusiasm.

    Don’t wake up tomorrow morning and forget the words he’s spoken here today.

    What he said this evening was monumental.
    Oh XXXX
    He just said it
    Holy Ooopsey XXXX
    He wasn’t supposed to do that

    Last 2 sentences of that speech was just a nuclear bomb going off
    You’re looking at a 3 term President by definition if you were paying attention to the very last moments of that speech.
    2021 Will Be A Year to Remember
    Xxxxxxxx Biblical

    Lin Wood: I just finished watching President Trump’s State of the Union Speech delivered at CPAC. I thought the President did an excellent job summarizing the country’s last four years, the status of the country now, and the vision for the near and long-term goals for the country.

    Excellent speech. We The People LOVE Trump.

    I am fired up for that next election when President Trump WINS for the THIRD time in a row. (2024)

    I sure hope that next election occurs sooner as opposed to later! We need that election in order to save our country from the Communists/Globalists/DeepState.

    Keep praying!”

    I’ve said it before, & I’ll say it again:

    You are witnessing the systemic destruction of the Old Guard.

    It won’t matter how many sanctimonious platitudes the Fake Bidan Administration throws at us in an arrogant fashion.

    What Trump just said solidifies what anons have been asking themselves since January 20th.

    Major military operations will follow.

    Keep your eye on international AND domestic news, both military & non military related headlines.

    It’s time to wrap things up.
    POTUS just delivered a monumental State Of The Union full of trolls & comms. Here’s the breakdown:

    Trump 4:47pm arrival, 1 hr. 7 mins late. Or 17.

    Within his arrival is 4:49pm, which matches the infamous watch posted as a marker by Q.

    Trump starts talking at 4:50. Remove zero = 45.

    Trump started his speech with “Miss me yet” (which is a meme going around the Q community), followed by, “WE WILL WIN”.

    He went straight into talking about the horrors of human trafficking.

    Q said:
    “Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.

    POTUS: “People are now seeing how bad it can be”.

    OPTICS ARE VERY IMPORTANT. Vaccine is optics. Vaccine also has double meaning.

    VAQ: Electronic Attack Squadron (US Navy), among others.

    [Vaccine = VAQscene].

    POTUS: Our military has never been stronger than it is today.

    POTUS: “They just lost the White House, but, it’s one of those things”.

    POTUS: “Our brightest days are JUST AHEAD, and we will make America greater than it ever has been before”.

    The message couldn’t be more clear.

    Shills & haters out in full force.

    Smells like pure panic to me.

    Those last 2 sentences of tonight’s speech shouldn’t have been said in the way that Trump said it.

    That was the most blatantly obvious confirmation he’s ever given.

    That was wayyy too direct & I’m sure his handlers & PR Agents are bitching at him for that one.

    But that’s why we love Trump. He doesn’t give a XXXX. He just says what he wants to say. He says exactly what’s on his mind with little to no filter whatsoever.

    Even I thought he should’ve been more discreet with those last 2 sentences of his speech. He said enough already.

    There was no further need to elaborate.

    Then Trump goes full nuclear. 🤣

    The fact that he was so blatantly obvious tells me we’re closer than we thought we were to the big reveal of his masterpiece.

    Anyone watching the Golden Globes tonight? (CGI - where are the real people?)
    The what?
    Oh God Mark Ruffalo just went off the deep end. His wife was like “shut up idiot, you’re about to get canceled”. Then his mic starts acting up.

    I’m done. 5 minutes was enough for me.
    Beer now in left hand, cigar in right hand.
    My buddy (civilian) just texted me asking if Hollywood was giving us Comms via the Golden Globes.

    My response:

    Who gives a damn?

    NEW - Office of the Director of National Intelligence quietly swapped the unclassified Khashoggi intelligence report with a second version on Friday, inexplicably removing three names, CNN reports. The White House didn't respond to a request for comment. @disclosetv @disclosetv_chat

    “As Written” - DJT
    Public will soon know.
    March Madness. Heat Incoming.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:40 pm