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    Gene DeCode Videos


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    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:32 am
    Gene DeCode: The Underground War Happening Now Part 2

    Massive bore machines explained. More info about the The Underground War Happening Now January 2020.

    Whats this all mean ?
    Mass arrests on the surface of earth planned for spring of 2020?
    All DUMB removal starts in the USA?
    Are dark factions holding down the DUMBs in China, Iran and Israhell?
    Will we hear of conflicts/DUMB take outs in these areas in early 2020?
    How many months will it take for trials?
    Will trials extend into Europe, arrests of very powerful world controllers in late 2020?

    How many people are stepping down from positions of power?
    Notable resignations, current, world wide, tracked here since 2017:​

    Love and light is overtaking the dark.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:25 pm

    Gene Decode Discusses Latest with Nicholas Veniamin / 1/23/21

    A MUST LISTEN AS IT DESCRIBES OUR GUARDIAN ALLIANCE SPACE FORCE and how they have been fighting the Chinese taking out the deep underground bases next to the Northern boarder that were filled thousands of soldiers ready to invade the US. The Alliance can go into the area of the Capital and Congress with their technology and take them out with an energy beam that puts all of them into a deep Beta sleep. OMG… lots of disclosure. Military is at DEFCON 2 all over the country right now. We’ve been invaded by a foreign government.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:28 pm
    Navy Seal Michael Jaco:
    Gene Decode Reveals The Ascension Is Upon Us
    As The Planets of 4 & 5D Are Already Visible!

    After all of this- a 1,000 years of peace. IT’S GOING TO BIBLICAL!

    There’s a man who does videos about DC and today he was showing the FBI spy buildings across from the Russian embassy and he said there are tunnels between the two places underground. I agree with Gene, make DC a bird sanctuary.

    Praying for the marines and special ops who had to endure that horrific rescue in DC. Bulldoze that place down!

    When I went to D.C I felt so much heaviness and dark all I can do was to pray and ground light there I felt it!

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:33 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    ClearWater likes this post


    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:44 pm

    SpirituallyRAW Podcast: Gene Decode Part 1 & 2, New World ...

    For those who didn’t read the SpirituallyRAW Gene Decode Podcast Part 1 here is the essential information from that blog: 1. Before the end of October ’20. iden, [H]il_lary and [B]renn*an will be brought up on charges of [T]r*eason for the mu*rder of SEAL Team Six. 2.

    [b]SpirituallyRAW Podcast: Gene Decode Part 1 & 2, New World Incoming (Decode by Kat)
    Posted on October 23, 2020
    Friday, October 23, 2020

    GEORGE ORWELL’S 1984, been saying that for years = COVID masks, anyone ?

    PASS. they won’t let you in a store or on a bus in CANADA without a mask, don’t YOU JUST LOVE THIS “SUPER-TRUMP dancing in America”, CAN ANYONE MAKE A MEME like the SUPERTRAMP OR SUPERMAN & PUT SUPERTRUMP ON IT and pass it round. It should be done by an American, feeling blessed to live in North America even living in Canada. CANADA is FED-UP WITH “THE TURDEAU NIGHTMARE” IN OUR COUNTRY

    SpirituallyRAW Podcast: Gene Decode Urgent INTEL (Decode by Kat)
    Thursday, October 22, 2020

    Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat I enclose below my partial transcription of a very important Gene Decode podcast made on 10-19-20. Major … Kids Being Rescued from Child Trafficking by the Q Team and Trump(OpDis) The World will Never be the Same — Rinus VerhagenChildren Rescue Operation — Sierra (NZ)

    Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat

    I enclose below my partial transcription of a very important Gene Decode podcast made on 10-19-20. Major ar*rests imminent.

    [Thank you to IDC reader Catherine M. for sending me the link.]

    Before I get to that, I wanted to address the information that is coming fast now.

    I apologize for the sh*ock*ing photo of a younger i*den and the little girl (on the left) but I’ve seen far worse (of that moment) and wish to God I hadn’t. BOTH images are re*vol*ting.

    However THIS is the kind of stuff that is going to be released and I know A_nons / Digital Warriors / Starseeds / Lightworkers are prepared with the truth and can therefore remain balanced and help those who will be sh*ock*ed and confused by it all.

    Laura Eisenhower posted something so compassionate about [H]unter [B]i*den on 10-18-20 that was a great reminder for us to hold on to our Humanity, kindness and understanding, especially in these increasingly chaotic times.

    Laura re-Tweeted this on her site:

    Q posted this today:

    I do have faith in Humanity. Those of us who have researched the TRUTH, and who have unplugged from the de_mon de_ep st*ate matrix are ready to hold God’s light in the coming confusion.

    [b]The Alliance has a Plan. It is a Genius Plan. I trust it.

    Gene Decode reveals that major arr*ests are going to happen between the 15th of October to the end of the month.

    Wouldn’t it be thrilling / amazing / and splendiferous if, during these reveals, we had the RV-GCR? I believe.

    With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness, Abundance and Truth for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
    xo, Kat

    SpirituallyRAW podcast: Gene Decode Urgent INTEL 10-19-20

    3:00 Gene Decode: Pretty excited about this, known about it for over a year but now I can talk about it…

    3:35 SpirituallyRAW:Bren_nan, Hil_lary and Bi_den will be brought up on Tr_eason charges…Tru_mp will get everything except maybe 1 electoral vote… for what happened to SE*AL Te*am Six… the info is in the hands of Congress and verified by Gen. Flynn…

    [Kat note: SEAL Team Six is the most elite unit of America’s Naval Special Warfare Development Group. That larger group is more familiarly known as the SEALs, an acronym that stands for SEa, Air, and Land – the three theaters of the commandos’ operations.]

    4:38 Gene Decode: I knew this quite a while ago when I started digging and decoding the person who was attacking me for a DUMB decode we did… I won’t go into it at this time cuz… I don’t want to interfere with the investigation… the information is in the hands of a Senator and has been vetted by Gen. Flynn…

    This individual, when the SEAL Team left… 2-people always stay to mop up… it’s one of these 2… this person is responsible along with Hil_lary and Bi_den for SEAL Team 6’s de*ath…

    Once they ‘supposedly’ took out Bi*n La*den… that was NOT B*in L*d*en it was a body double… they said he was buried at sea… but in fact they spread his body parts over the mountains as they traveled… and that is NOT the correct way to bury a Mu*slim who always need to be buried with their head facing Mec*ca and Bren*nan would know that cuz he’s a Mu*sl*im…

    6:00 I’ve been told… he’s involved in this as well… his foundation and the [Clin]ton Foundation both received kickbacks… they’re about to be brought up on T*reason charges…

    6:38 It’s going to be exploding worldwide… I don’t see how the Mainstream Media… even though they’re fake can keep it completely undercover and if they do it will be really obvious that they’re fake…

    6:56 This is HUGE… terabytes of information were handed off… the 3 whistleblowers… which is a Falconer… who has had over 20 years in the Middle East he handed off terabytes of information that includes video, transcripts of calls, documents saying what and when they’re going to do from the St*ate Dept… of course that would be [H}il*lary…

    It goes into payoffs… $2 billion dollars in cash delivered through Pak*istan, I*ran… they got kickbacks to various Senators and people in the [C]lin*ton and re*nnan foundations to keep their mouths shut…

    7:40 To grease palms that allowed this all to happen… [C]lin*ton and [B]r*ennan Foundation also got part of that $2 billion… it was pallets of cash delivered by U.S. Air Force craft…

    [b]Pallets of cash

    8:00 SpirituallyRAW: So this is the $2 billion that Trump keeps referring to over and over and over again?

    8:08 Gene Decode: Yes… and then there was an additional $150 Billion that got transferred to the government… because they said OK he’s here [B*n L*d*en]… and then they put a body double in… and then the person that was killed was not him so they had to get rid of SEAL Team 6 cuz they know who they really got… and it wasn’t him it was a body double…

    8:46 What I’ve been told is there are going to be Grand Jury indictments between October 15th and the end of the month… the Trump administration has known about this for some time… that’s why Trump did a photo-op underneath the President… that ran unopposed… that President got all but 1 Electoral College vote… so I know how Trump works… he always does everything that is highly symbolic…

    9:24 i*den was responsible for giving out the Flight Path of to the various countries that the CH-47 Chinook Helicopter… which is not normally what SEAL Teams fly in, that’s like an airbus…

    Boeing CH-47 Chinook Helicopter

    9:24 Gene Decode cont.: They [SEALs] fly in the Helicopters that most people are very familiar with… they are quick and fast…

    Kat note: [b]Why Navy SEALs Almost Always Go Into Action Aboard Non-Navy Helicopters 6-6-19

    9:45 Gene Decode cont.: When this helicopter lifted off… the 2-persons that stayed behind… one of the SEAL team members that stayed behind sabotaged the rotor assembly so that when the helicopter… now the Flight Path is known [thanks to B*d*en]… was shot at by Stinger Missiles that were transferred by the Sec. of State [H]ill*ary…… through..

    10:07 And there are witnesses in that terabytes of information… shipping documents and everything for the Stinger Missiles that took out the Helicopter…

    10:20 If the helicopter tries to bank [when the Missile is incoming] then the rotor assembly malfunctions and the helicopter goes into a spin and crashes… it was a set-up from the get go… they already knew that this was not what was really happening… it was a trophy k*ill to get O*bam_a re-elected…

    10:44 That handoff of all this information was done at the America Priority Conference… Anna White (?sp) was a witness to that… wonderful reporter… in the hands of a congressman… I’m being told it’s going to come out between the 15th of October and the end of the month…

    13:51 That’s also part of the cover-up… that they never gave the bodies to the parents of SEAL Team Six… I don’t want to dishonor parents that are grieving… so I won’t go into that about why the bodies were cremated… it’s part of the cover-up…

    The people who stayed behind should not have m*ur*dered their own team…

    14:04 I want to honor the fallen: Aaron Bond, Dr. Ken Burger, Spencer Dunkin, Alexander Bennet, Andrew Harvell, Christopher Campbell, Derrick Benson, Chief Robinson, Jason Walkman, Jesse Pittman, John Brown… reads off the whole list of names…

    14:55 Them being taken out by these de*spicable people… men who gave their lives to serve their country…

    15:45 SpirituallyRAW: When i*den is brought up on charges of [T]re*ason… will that stop the election in any way?

    16:00 Gene Decode: My understanding is that a person cannot run for President while they’re under indictment for [T]reason… he would be pulled and Trump would run unopposed…

    If you’re convicted of [T]reason that’s a death penalty…

    16:25 SpirituallyRAW: Will they remove [O]bam*a’s title?

    16:31 Gene Decode: Yes. He’s primarily not the one calling the shots… his handler is Big Mike… Big Mike is involved in this Big Time as well… the person who sabotaged the Helicopter is going to hang…

    21:21 SpirituallyRAW: Getting back to O_b_ama and T_r_eason…

    21:26 Gene Decode: That’s why I showed a picture of his boyfriend… these 2 have gotta hang…

    21:34 SpirituallyRAW: A lot of people are saying they’re already de*ad and what we’re seeing is clones… so, if they are, do you think they are already de*ad? And if they are, what will happen…

    21:34 Gene Decode: Yeah [they’re clones]… We’ll see the clones hang… the Alliance has had this for a while… it’s just going to go viral now…

    This is timed so that the de*ep state doesn’t have time to get another person up and running to get into [B]iden’s place… they don’t have time to react or respond anymore… the charges have already been done… this is all part of it…

    22:30 Yes, it will be put out in the Media that they’ve been hu*ng…

    22:53 I see the House also going completely into Republican… by the end of this next term there won’t be a Dem*ocratic party…

    23:07 I want to remind people that I’m talking the Timeline we’re on… and so to maintain this… when you pray visualize the outcome and see it as done and feel it as done and that will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven… so visualize and see this done…

    23:21 These families need closure… we need to see the right thing done for a change here… we all need to see this done and pray for all of this and in your prayers visualize it with the power given to you through your imagination by God to your soul to create this… so this is the Timeline… it currently is the Timeline… but we all need to maintain that and hold positions….

    23:55 So the ca*bal can’t use us like they have been for thousands of years through their fake Mainstream Media to visualize something else and create a different Timeline…

    24:08 Gene Decode cont.: You can VOTE… again, people are asking are they going to hijack the election? Well if there’s only one person running, he’ll win… you can’t really hijack an election or change votes to somebody else, there is nobody else… that’s what we want to see too in the Timeline…

    24:38 Although the Quantum Voting System is already installed… I don’t know if they’ll announce it but it is running… kind of like a Beta test…

    25:18 Alan, Charles Woods and Nick N___ thank you for your bravery… these 3 whistleblowers and coming forward with this information… the shield of God is upon you… we need to pray for their safety and Gen. Flynn’s safety and this congressman’s safety…

    26:03 [Q: Will they concede on the election?] They have no option but to concede if there’s only one person running… I’m going to be holding an all night vigil of prayer and meditation on that night and hoping that it’s announced Trump won…

    27:15 SpirituallyRAW: Are [B]ren*nan, [H]ill*ary and [B]i*den are they clones?

    27:26 Gene Decode: My understanding is not [B]ren*nan but the other 2 are, yes [H*llary and B*d*en]… that’s from my understanding and my information…

    27:32 SpirituallyRAW: So now Trump wins, thank you Jesus, everything looks good on November 4th and then what happens, Gene? A restructuring or do we go on how we’re used to?

    27:55 Gene Decode: We’re going to go on a little bit it’s going to start a restructuring but we’re going to go on until the Ides of March…

    28:03 The Ides of March, the Fall of Caesar, the Fall of the ca_bal… on the Timeline we’re currently on we’re going to see the first Big Indictments… and also shortly after that we’re going to see NESARA / GESARA… on this Timeline…

    28:32 God’s Timeline is the most positive Timeline… fix this in your prayers and in your minds at all times… so the ca_bal can’t use us… like they’ve been doing with their black magic… showing us their stuff in their movies and their cartoons and we visualize their stuff…

    29:10 Now I’m giving people the visualization to hold it in your mind whatever you need to do to make this happen… we’ve been given this power from God to imagine…

    29:55 Gene Decode: NESARA… explains it for peeps who may not know about it… includes all kinds of great information about gold, library in the Vatican… fascinating… how much has been taken from Humanity by the ca_bal…


    End Kat Partial Transcription

    SpirituallyRAW Podcast: Gene Decode Part 2, New World Incoming (Decode by Kat)

    SpirituallyRAW Podcast: Gene Decode Part 2, New World Incoming (Decode by Kat)
    Friday, October 23, 2020

    Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat “SpirituallyRAW Podcast: Gene Decode Urgent INTEL” by Kat – 10.22.20 For those who didn’t read… Benjamin Fulford Report: “Babylon has Fallen” — April 27, 2020FrazzleDrip — Thinker2God’s Needle, and Human Trafficking Painfully Exposed — Rinus Verhagen

    Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat

    “SpirituallyRAW Podcast: Gene Decode Urgent INTEL” by Kat – 10.22.20

    For those who didn’t read the SpirituallyRAW Gene Decode Podcast Part 1 here is the essential information from that blog:

    1. Before the end of October ’20. [B]iden, [H]il_lary and [B]renn*an will be brought up on charges of [T]r*eason for the mu*rder of SEAL Team Six.

    2. De*mo*crats will have to pull [B]iden out of the race and POTUS will run unopposed because you can’t be indicted for [T]rea*son and run for President of the United States. If you’re convicted of [T]reason it carries the de*ath penalty.

    3. This has all been timed so the de*ep state won’t have time to put in a replacement for [J]oe [B]iden. They don’t have time to react or respond anymore. The charges have already been done. This is all part of it.

    4. [H]ill*ary, [B]i*den, [O]b_ama, [M]iche*lle i.e. Big Mike [O]bama [and many more] are all clones. They have already been arrested, Gitmo’d, their trials and confessions videoed, and many have already been ex_ec_uted. Gene Decode said the public will see the clones hang.

    5. According to this Q post from 10-23-20, it looks like [K]am*ala is in it as well:

    The link takes you to this article:

    “EXCLUSIVE: A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hun*ter Bi*den and now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co. included former Vice President Jo*e Bi*den’s current running mate Sen. Ka*m*ala Ha*rris, among other prominent Democrats, Fox News has learned…” By Brooke Singman / Fox News

    [b]6. So—no more [B]id*en and… no more [K]am*ala?! BOOM!

    What is important to keep in mind is that EVERYTHING the public is seeing now falls into the Alliance’s Operation RedPill for those who are still mesmerized i.e. MK-Ultra’d by the de*ep st*ate Mainstream Media.

    EVERYTHING we are seeing now has already happened. It’s all been done.

    The way you can tell people are under a de*ep st*ate bl*ack m*agic spell is this:

    When someone says they h*ate Trump ask them why? They’ll look blank. They’ll be totally silent. They won’t have an answer.

    When someone says they’re voting for iden, ask them why? They’ll look blank. They’ll be totally silent. They won’t have an answer.

    That is how you know they’re still under the MK-Ultra de*ep sta*te propaganda Mainstream Media machine.

    But Santa Surfing, Charlie Ward, Gene Decode, Laura Eisenhower, JC Kay, Colleen and Charlie Freak and others emphasize that the monstrous fate of millions of our children [c*ag*ed and/or born in DUMBs, harvested for their bl*oo*d/adr_ene*chrome, traff*icked as s*ex slav*es and/or or*gan donors, etc.] is the spell-breaker. It goes beyond Politics.

    These are unbelievable ho*rr*ific crimes against children. These are unspeakable di*abolic crimes against Humanity by the revolting sa*ta*nic de*ep st*ate de_mons.

    And the mu*rder of SEAL Team Six is another deal-breaker. It goes BEYOND Politics. As Gene Decode said, “[SEAL Team Six] being taken out by these de*spicable people… men who gave their lives to serve their country.” It’s hor*rendous and those responsible will hang.

    Abhorrent as everything is right now — what we are seeing is literally a show being put on by Q, POTUS and the Alliance to WAKE PEOPLE UP!

    But AFTER the Alliance Operation RedPill show is done. AFTER the ca_bal cr*imes have been revealed and AFTER the trials and puni*sh*ments have been seen by all, then what?

    Then comes everything amazing, miraculous and righteous for Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity.

    All that was destroyed is Divinely restored. The wealth that was stolen is restored. All emotional wounds and traumas are healed. All sickness and disease eliminated. Miraculous technologies incoming and Gene Decode outlines some of that for us in Part 2 of my transcription.

    The next weeks will be rocky but they end with POTUS re-elected by a historic landslide and then, as Santa Surfing likes to say, the ‘GREATNESS’ POTUS is chomping at the bit to bring to everyone can really get going.

    According to Gene Decode, the Timeline we’re on goes something like this: Trump wins in a landslide, then big indictments, shortly after that NESARA / GESARA, then the Ides of March 2021 and the fall of Caesar / the fall of the ca_bal and then Multiverse celebrations and dancing in the streets without end!

    Thank you so much, Coach Jerry, for your very gracious praise of my Gene Decode Part 1 blog. Deeply appreciated. Bless your heart for taking the time to write it.

    And Maxwell, my friend, you are a constant wonder. Thank you for your valuable input.

    With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness, Abundance and Truth for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,

    xo, Kat

    Part 2 – SpirituallyRAW podcast: Gene Decode Urgent INTEL 10-19-20

    Partially transcribed by Kat

    Paintings by Gilbert Williams

    29:28 SpirituallyRAW: What is life going to be like with NESARA and GESARA? Can we give people lots of hopes and dreams? Can you give us at least the Cliff Notes? (laughter)

    30:01 Gene Decode: OK, so NESARA is the National Economic Securities and Readjustment Act (for the USA)… [GESARA is the Global Economic Security and Readjustment Act (for the world)]

    And that document [NESARA] was brought forth by farmers that had found out, with insiders, all kinds of information, like secret technologies and secret space programs that were being held back…

    30:26 So it includes bringing forth technologies that have been held back such as Anti-Gravity and Free Energy like what powers the TR-3Bs… that have been around and out running since 1947… they went to Mars and the Moon with one in 1947…

    TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts 11-23-13

    30:41 The power for that is massive so the TR-3B uses a device the size of a shoe box that develops 1 TRILLION watts of power from Free Energy… [uses Scientific words Kat didn’t understand]… it’s a massive amount of energy… that’s equal to all the energy in the entire Universe…

    31:08 That’s because God is on mission and everywhere… so the power of God is everywhere… it’s in all of the Universe and in every location of the Universe simultaneously… it’s all holographic and fractal…

    31:15 And so bringing those technologies out as well as putting us back on a Rainbow currency gold, silver and platinum… that has already been secured and brought back to the US…

    31:30 Additionally, when they got to the Vatican D.U.M.B. that goes from the Vatican to Jerusalem… the first 150 miles of that over 1500 mile DUMB is NOTHING BUT GOLD stacked 30 levels high with Gold Bullion…all taken from all the Crusades and all of us…

    31:55 Gene Decode cont.: And because the ca_bal likes to gloat, after that is the Library with the missing books of the Bible and many other Sacred Documents and Sacred Items…

    32:01 Such as the Shroud of Turin, the Spear of Destiny, the Arc of Covenant, 3 of the 4 Covenants are down there… additionally they have documents on ledgers on exactly how much they’ve taken from you exactly based in gold to the penny…

    32:32 SpirituallyRAW: So Gene… all of these documents, all the hidden books of the Bible, all of the Scared books have been hidden underground in the DUMB…

    32:55 Gene Decode: I want people to think about the fact that we currently have 66 Books of the Bible… that is NOT a Sacred Number… that’s exactly the opposite… they gloat… the original Sacred number is a Trinity… 7-7-7… that’s how many books originally… so if you remove that by 66 you get 711…

    32:32 SpirituallyRAW: So the 7-11 we see, the convenience store… all this is bred from sa*tanic entities?…

    Gene Decode: They love to gloat and put it in our face… it started out with that name [7-11] to laugh at us and gloat at us… if you look at the Target Symbol, or Wal-Mart, that’s 33, Masons, MacDonald’s, Chevrolet… all of the symbols we see in any company… Shell Oil… star lu*cifer with 1000 points of light… every symbol of every company is sa*tanic… back of the dollar bill, face of the dollar bill… pyramid with 13 levels, 13 bloodlines, the 72 stones, the 72 names of l*uc*ifer through time… 13 – 13’s on the back of the dollar bill… all sa*tanic…

    35:05 SpirituallyRAW: What’s going to happen to a lot of these corporations?

    35:10 Gene Decode: They’re going to have new CEO’s… because a lot of the CEO’s along with the Mainstream Media are guilty of [T]rea*son and [S]ed*ition as well…

    [Tr*eason: The crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to k*ill the sovereign or overthrow the government.]

    [Se*dition: “Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.”]

    35:16 Gene Decode cont.: A lot of them have been stepping down through Trump’s Administration… there is an An_on in Germany who does the resignations site… he still has his website where you can look at all the people who have resigned because they’re guilty…

    35:55 SpirituallyRAW: I want to get back to really manifesting this moment where you want people to hold this space and hold this vision, this prayer… create and manifest this energy… so if we visualize the election is already done, NESARA and GESARA are already being applied in our lives… what’s the best action so we collectively are thinking the same thoughts for that moment in time?

    36:35 Gene Decode: This goes back to the Ancient Sorcerers… and the Pharaohs were taught this as well… as it is said… let it be written and done and sealed now and for all time…

    37:00 Gene Decode cont.:
    Write it down verbatim
    with as much complete detail as you can…
    the more detail you give it
    the easier it is for God to manifest it
    through our souls…

    37:11 If you were going to say let’s go get a car… that’s like every place in the entire city… but if you say let’s get a 4-wheel drive, high clearance with low gears, with this make, this model, that makes it really simple, we want to give it to God straight and simple so He can manifest it for our Timeline… this is what we want…

    37:40 So write it down, every detail…
    then every day go back to that exact same thing
    that you’ve written down…
    read it in your mind,
    read it out loud,
    visual it, feel it and
    see it as if it has happened…
    as if you are looking back in time at it…

    37:54 So you say, WOW, Trump got in, he ran unopposed, he got all but one electoral vote… the photo-op showed that’s exactly what happened… I’m seeing this restructuring… the House is turned over to Republican… now the Big Indictments come out and we’re seeing all these people being indicted… seeing the people responsible for SEAL Team Six have already hu*ng… or been ex*ecuted… all of this has been done… it’s been done by the power of God…

    38:31 SpirituallyRAW: OK, so Gene, writing #1… got my homework… is there an invocation, a blessing, a prayer… something people can say daily, like a Mantra?

    38:53 Gene Decode: I’ll Email it but it’s similar to the invocation: “By the power of the one True God of all Love, Light, Compassion, Creation, of all that’s Holy, and his only son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, I see ___ whatever it is you want to see ___ done! On Earth as it is in Heaven, and sealed now and for all Time…”

    39:15 SpirituallyRAW: I want to get back to the {T}rea*son charges and we won’t be seeing a Democratic Party… will there no longer be a Republican party?

    40:00 Gene Decode: I still see a multiple party system, a Republican party system and a Constitutional Party… for example when you go to court… [discussion of Constitutional legality…] When Trump gets back in he’ll be appointing 2 more Supreme Court Judges, including the big one [replacing Ch*ief Ju*stice [J]o*hn [R]ob*erts]… if you’ve committed [T]rea*son you can’t sit on the court (hello)…

    Trump will have appointed a total of 5 Supremes… we will go back to the Constitution… that should be taught in Elementary School… you should at least know the Preamble of the Constitution, the Declaration and the Bill of Rights…

    44:40 There will be a restructuring of Education as well… because of NESARA our Sciences will drastically change…

    45:30 The top of the world and the North Pole is Antarctica… [Scientific discussion]… everything we’ve been taught is backwards and upside down…

    [b]George Orwell, 1984

    48:30 SpirituallyRAW: What’s going on in Antarctica?

    48:40 Gene Decode: What’s going on there it will come out… which is a massive like base 211… and the stuff with the Greys and the Alphas down there… the AD’s… the Alpha dracos… and all of the dark fleet and all of this stuff… will come out…

    48:57 Once they’ve finished the other DUMBs… and they’ve already started to surround it… they’ve already done all the way down to the islands that are just off the Antarctic Peninsula… they’ve already taken DUMBs out there… so they’re surrounding it… you surround it so your enemy has nowhere to run so that if you take out their base they no longer have little tunnels to run away… and come at ya again…

    49:33 SpirituallyRAW: The people that are working on these projects… I’m just going to use the Antarctica one for an example… They’re seeing stuff that are just beyond the mind’s comprehension… how are they dealing with it? Is there some type of program that they’re going to have to go through to de-program themselves? Or just rehabilitate their minds just to be able to absorb everything they’re seeing?

    Kat Note: Regarding Clearing out the Deep Underground Military Bases, we have learned the following:

    The Global Militaries and specialized personnel, under the direction of U.S. Militaries and the Army Corps of Engineers, go into labyrinthine DUMBs, and some can be as deep as 6-miles down. But as we learned in Australia, there are many that are even deeper than that because there was an entire tunnel system underneath an entire tunnel system that circumvented Australia.

    At that depth, one can lose a sense of direction and become disoriented even if they’ve had years of training, which the U.S. Militaries have had.

    They have to evade lasers that can evaporate them.

    They have to burn out the “Kuru” which is a disease that could kill them that comes from ca*nni*balism, because the d*eep st*ate de_mons not only s*crifice children to sa*tan, and drink the bl*ood of children in the form of ad*reno*chrome, they eat them as well.

    [Please keep in mind these are NOT Human Beings… these are diabolic entities without a soul. If they ever were Human they are no longer. No Human Being could EVER do these desp*icable things.]

    If the Militaries have managed to make it alive into the tunnels, then they discover children in cages in various states of hor*rofic to*rture and dy*ing that no one should ever see much less experience.

    The brave Militaries rescue as many children and trafficked men and women as they can and it’s a painstaking job. The goal is to bring the children safely to the surface and into Med Beds for instant healing. But many of the children are too weak to make the journey.

    Not only do they find ho*rr*ors beyond description, but they video everything, remove all the stashed gold, cash, valuables, documents, etc. and then also have to contend with de_mons of an other-worldly sort.

    If the brave Military men and women have managed to survive all of that, then they blow up the DUMBs so they can never be used again.

    It has been reported by Charlie Freak that the Med Beds are not only for the children but also for the Military and specialized personnel involved in this dangerous work, because Med Beds not only heal physical ailments, but also mental traumas and the children and the Military need trauma healing.

    Here is a description of what Med Beds can do. They exist. And sooner than later, they will be available for all:

    “…There are three (3) types of Med Beds: (1) Holographic Med Beds; (2) Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, that’s powered by a different source; (3) Re-atomization Med Beds that in about two-and-half to three minutes will regenerate the whole human body, head to toe. What does this advanced technology mean for an 80-year old woman? She could be 30-years old again in less than three (3) minutes. Fifty years pealed off her life. Now, she can have children again. She could have a whole new family if she wants. It looks like to this writer that the Med Bed technology is a perpetual fountain of youth.

    The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections. The technology has been around for quite some time. It’s not something out of the clear blue sky. It’s just been kept hidden from the human race for a very long time.

    The technology of the Med Beds is not from planet Earth. It is not human-created technology. It is a technology that has been given to humanity by off-world ET’s. A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy and plasma (plasmatic) energy. The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency…”


    49:54 Gene Decode: They all will [need rehabilitation and to be de-programmed]… when I first realized all this, when I was in the Military… I’m sure the SEAL Team briefing wasn’t all that was set up and they didn’t know what was going to be done for them… this is what the ca_bal does… when everything you know turns inside out and upside down… there are things that are TRUE we need to hold on… the best answer is “all of the above”…

    [When Charlie Freak began revealing truths about the ca_bal he said: “Everything is a lie.”]

    51:40 SpirituallyRAW: Is NESARA / GESARA literally giving the wealth and the power and the resources back to the people?

    51:46 Gene Decode: When you want to change the flow of the river, in this case the River is the River of Time… and this is how the ca_bal’s done it… is you throw little rocks and create ripples… and more and more ripples in a certain side of the stream can change the direction of the stream…

    52:08 There is actually an adept who could see into the future… in the case of India… knew that India in the Indus valley… they needed a River and they didn’t have one… so he changed the flow of the Ganges by throwing a tiny pebble way up at the headwaters in a certain way and a certain place that changed the flow… and this has archeologically been proven… it completely changed where it used to go…. goes into a totally different country now…

    52:39 So we are now doing exactly what the ca_bal is doing… we’re changing the flow of Time… so each and every one is like a pebble and if you have enough pebbles thrown into the thing at the right place at the right direction and the right angle it will change the River of Time and it’ll be in our control… we’ll have the hand of God on Earth and the return of Christ… that’s how it works…

    53:23 SpirituallyRAW: Talking about the Free Energy… are you literally saying we’re not going to have a light bill every again?

    53:44 Gene Decode: Yes, that’s the March 2021 Timeline… if you talk about Free Energy and the Healing Modalities and we no longer use Fossil Fuels and the Zeno effect for communications… the satellites aren’t needed… all the power lines, stations, grids… don’t need it… everybody’s lives are going to change…you come out with Regeneron, like Trump’s talking about, and the Med Beds… there goes the power of the Pharmaceuticals… when you can regenerate entire limbs, there goes the prosthetic industry…

    55:00 You don’t need highways because we now have anti-gravity so we’re going to have Hover Cars… you now have greenbelts… you can take up all of that heat sink in cities… that causes the change of weather we’re seeing… take all the asphalt up and put in sand or greens cuz cars are just hovering along… it’s going to be amazing…

    55:55 SpirituallyRAW: Then the thing everybody wants to know about, the debt, cars, mortgages, credit cards, are we really just dreaming that will poof! Just go away?

    56:02 Gene Decode:Did I mention they have meticulous records of every person, not just you, but your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents… etc. etc. all the way back… for thousands of years… of how much they’ve looted from you and your family that you are owed… and not only that, it’s exactly to the penny… and that also goes to the cities, the states, the provinces, the countries… ALL of that is reappropriated…

    56:27 It is a world that there are very few people that I know who can visualize it completely… it’s going to be so different…

    56:44 Now we see cars and Power Lines and Tesla said at the time, “You mean you’re going to be wiring the Earth?!?!”… we’re just going to tear it all down and recycle it… we don’t need it…

    57:45 If we all put little rocks in the same direction as much as possible… the ripples will add together and create a synthesis in the same direction all in the service of God… and it’s not going to be a walk in the park, of course… you’re looking at a massive amount of work, if everything changes… you’re going to have to be re-educated about physics, electricity…

    Everybody and all of this… there’s a lot of work coming for everybody… but if you know you’re making a difference… no more taxes… not working at a job you don’t like… if you’re working on something you love… people will have the joy of going to work… you’re going to want to jump in there…

    We’ve got to change it from being “me me me” and it’s about “us.”

    59:59 People ask me all the time, what does God look like? Look at your children. Look in the eyes of a small child… and you’ll see God…

    1:00:56 Then we get motors running efficiently, because they’ve been deliberately inefficient… I taught a child how to do calculus in a hour… on a train in India…

    1:02 SpirituallyRAW: Embrace this… manifestation can happen… get your visions together… this could start tomorrow… going down to the end of the month…

    1:02:45 Gene Decode: Now we’re doing our opposite… the ca_bal has been giving us moments… and everybody my age can remember exactly where they were when we heard about JFK… people can remember where they were when they saw 9-11… and they can remember where they were when the Space Shuttle blew up…

    1:03:01 So this is a moment you can remember when you heard about the changing of the tide and dark to light… and the power of God came back to the people and we took the power back and we now make the Timeline and we now make now Time flows and we are in service to each other… and in service to God and Christ… and we are NOT in service to the ca_bal anymore… NO MORE… NEVER AGAIN…

    1:03:25 We care about our children and our children will no longer be harvested for their addictions… our children will be honored and get full lives and children and grandchildren… and be treated with respect and dignity… in the province of god… and they will be treated with kindness… they will never be treated like this EVER AGAIN…

    1:05:50 SpirituallyRAW: Amen… Amen…

    1:04 Gene Decode:As it is said let it be done and sealed on Earth as in Heaven by the power of the one True God of all Love, Light, Compassion and Creation, of all that’s Holy, and his only son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit… Amen…

    End Kat Partial Transcription Part 2


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:48 pm

    Gene DeCode Videos 95a61-122blight2bcity252c2bgilbert

    Gene DeCode Videos F6417-132bshambala2bgilbert

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:54 pm

    Gene DeCode Videos Researcher-Claims_-Deep-Underground-Military-Bases-Recently-Destroyed%E2%80%94And-Seems-to-Have-Evidence-to-Prove-it-348x180
    Researcher Claims: Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.)
    Recently Destroyed—And Has Some Evidence to Prove it

    (Will Justice) An online researcher claims Deep Underground Military Bases used by the so-called Illuminati or Deep State were recently destroyed using highly advanced technology. What’s even more mind-blowing is that he seems to have evidence to back it up.


    Holy XXXX. The VENTILATORS!!!!!
    The children being PULLED UP (Rapture – it's going to be biblical)
    Pulled up from DUMBS!!! They'll need oxygen!! From Dark to light.
    It is about saving children from DUMBS first. THEN arrests.
    Comey gave us a HINT!
    His ass is Definetly captured

    — vDarkness Falls (@VdarknessF) April 1, 2020

    Here is detailed information about the DUMBS being destroyed as recently as January. You can see a list of them with some details, sometimes the depth of it. Some seems to be really deep.

    — Pierre Francis Roy (@pierrefroy) April 1, 2020

    Gene Updates – April 2020
    Battle Patriot Protection Prayer
    FOR The Truth and Freedom of ALL

    People give me your ear those that have been lied to controlled, manipulated and enslaved through oppression and fear, a voice from you soul for deliverance cried; God heard our prayers in his perfect time. God choose a leader and warriors to liberate us with Love and Pride; Where We Go One We Go ALL!

    Wars of confusion and hatred we see, all of it orchestrated by a satanic oligarchy; soon we the people will have power restored! God sent anointed a Trump and he replied with a roar and way down inside their souls the people replied to the call; together we stand and united we take back what the devil stole.

    Ocean to Ocean, Sky to sky, Mountains to grains, continent to continent, darkness to light the people of The True God have risen and the enemy will be driven to the Judgement halls of Christ!

    Books will be written of the Victorious and Brave, tales will be told of a time when the victory was won and the Patriots of man and the Army of God answered God’s call;

    Where We Go One We Go ALL!

    Philippians 2:10-11

    that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

    Know that the war is achieving great wins for ALL Patriots and the Army of God World Wide:

    Children rescued and being cared for in New York (testimonials off hand)

    These 2 ships MAY be taking cabal arrested to Gitmo!!

    This may be to clear hospital beds for the children rescued and for them to face military tribunals and take responsibility for exactly such things.

    More at

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:47 pm

    Navy Seal Michael Jaco: Deep State is Already Gone to Prisons,
    Just the Actors are Left! - Friday, February 12, 2021

    A number of people arrested are at GITMO or prison on the moon. Others were executed following their military tribunal. It will be revealed when it's ready.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:49 pm

    Gene Decode! Kids Exiting the White House! Non Terrestrial Bloodlines!
    Black Goo AI Threat! McAllister tv - Tuesday, February 16, 2021

    Linda Paris with Gene DeCode. 10 days of darkness when the light were off. Toward early in the morning the porch light came on and about 100 or more children and 2 or 3 adults carrying a bundle coming out of the White House.

    Other than Trump every single President since before WWII has been caballed black Satanic half not human genetics or more who feed on kids everyday and they need that supply constantly. To hold their shape shift they have to consume Adrenochrome laced blood because the Shuman frequency is going up.. and as it is going up, to hold their shapeshift - they look like a draco prime with scales and everything. Think back to Obama 68k was billed for hotdogs and pizza.. (kids).

    Linda said they're not shape shifting they really look like that like a white reptilian

    Discussed what’s going on at the White House and analyze VIDEO of CHILDREN being ESCORTED out the front door in the MIDDLE of the NIGHT! 2 hour interview.

    The lights have been off at the White House since DT left. Nobody is living there. See for yourself.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:36 pm

    Sarge & Gene Decode! DC Smoke! Dumbs! Quantum Computers! Nesara! (Part One) - McAllister TV - Saturday, February 27, 2021 17

    Partial Transcript:

    Fed going down for 2 hours is preparing for the QFS. It was a test for the quantum computer for National Economic Security - go back to gold-back money replacing fiat system.

    Will no longer need Central Banks with the Quantum System and can access accounts on cell phone.

    It's to boot up the new financial system. It's to track down everything in all of the servers.

    Lee Rothchild dead. 3 top operatives in chain of command taken out and one passure. The Asters have been taken out... the house of Norse (Neatherlands).

    For thousands of years the money came out of that area because that is where the money came from.

    When they raided the Vatican they raided a city - up to hundred thousand people had a tunnel from Rome all the way to Jerusalem. Quite a few of the galaxy big ships helped take out the gold that was under there.

    It was much bigger underneath Rome and Denver than above. The DUMB us 1400 miles long. 60 meters high, 40 meters wide, 150 miles filled with solid gold bullion bars. 35 quadtrillion ... more than what they thought the earth had. It was there to highjack the earths lay line and hijack all the energy of the earth. They had it both digitally and on paper meticulous records of who they stole what from. It made it easy for the Alliance to redistribute that gold back. Under the Alps in the DUMBs is also gold. There is also what was under London, a mass amount.

    The Federal Reserve bank has been taken out. How can you owe something to someone who made it up. Why did they have to shut it down world-wide.. for 2 hours. Due to operator error?

    DC is covered in smoke. Smoke is coming up from under ground. The majority of what was underground is being cleaned. the 1776 flag flying at half mask. There was scaffolding in front of the White House. Looks like the world's biggest open air prison. A smooth transition of power to a prison facility surround by military. Trump retired as President of the Corporation. During his inaugural in 2016 he said we are taking the country back for the people. He is showing code - has a massive IQ and knows what to say.

    They been arresting people long before Trump around the world for crimes against humanity. This is ongoing and the Alliance and originally started with Nicola Tesla, the Trump brothers, Howard Hughs. They did have the dark fleet that was also cleaning up. Trump created Space Force that has automaticity all over the ground force.

    The English AI Q has been taken out. The Chinese AI is not up to American Q.

    Summit has been integrated with our Quantum Computer is so powerful can do in minutes compared to what the Summit can do in a thousand years.

    Other world technology monitored by other-worlders to make sure no negativity can happen with it. 5 systems that the cabal can't get into it. A note that can be redeemed in lawfully currency is like a promissory note.

    There are another few big ones to go, Israel, China, Europe, under the Alps, but the servers are controlled by the Space Program and the biggest one is under Antartica and South Africa. The head of the cabal surrendered and was removed.

    Sacred books 777 hundred books of the Bible. They reorganized the Bible, took large chunks out of it. Information is distorted.

    Mark Taylor said the answer lies between Jerusalem and Roam. Underground tunnels & DUMBs
    Tesla says if you resonate with a frequency that is the frequency we are going to get.

    The EO is a blueprint on what is going to happen regarding being caught stealing or abetting in subverting, stealling the election is that all of their assets can be confiscated.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:36 pm

    This is one of Gene DeCodes best interview and goes into 3 hours. He discusses the DUMBs, quakes, time lines, Galactic roles, Alliance roles, his interactions with off-worlders, etc. Well worth listening to if these topics interest you. There even is a short video where the energetic event horizon with time lines touching/crossing was captured with sky/clouds from both someone on earth video taping it and sky satellite capturing it on video from above.

    Robert David Steele Mirror: Gene Decode & Hyper Drive!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 06, 2021 5:53 pm

    President was at the White House on 3/3/21 to meet with Biden about the next phase to go over Biden’s (actor James Woods) script.

    Lot of fighting under ground a bunch of DS surrender and when the went to get them, they (DS) blew up a bunch of Special Forces. A DUMB with 2k Special Forces went but 200 died by trap in th e DUMB that surrounded their feet. The DS activated it on the ground and it blew up and incinerated those in there. It (location) was not in the US. It was located between one island and another island in the Atlantic. Since, the Alliance changed the way they do handle DS surrenders. If they surrender they have to go outside first. Then Special Forces  send robotics in to check if the DUMB safe before prior to cleaning it out and destroying it.

    There have been quakes about a week straight in Iceland. Non-stop quakes. This is also a volcanic area. They will fill DUMBs that they’re taking out with magma. There are only S waves.  Not P wave related to quakes, compared to what the Alliance is taking out which generate S wave quakes.

    Two countries they’re focused on now is Iceland and Greece. Tirotnous, Greece - all DUMGs at 10 kilometers. They’re clearing out a big DUMB in that area. It goes out into the Iona sea. Armenia, they’re cleaning that all out. They are working on Myanmar and Mandalay. Their  military still in control. Papua New Guinea DUMB is one for children that they’re cleaning out.

    Chinese submarines report outside of Mar A Lago. There were a lot of planes tracking foreign submarines. That area is covered with numerous ways to track submarines.

    The Alliance is taking out interlacing tunnels and DUMBs from Oklahoma and Wichita, Kansas areas. Won’t be done for awhile. It will take a while to clear out all of the DUMBs.

    Wealthy homes with caves underneath them near Montauk areas.. a lot of them are involved as well.. Project Rainbow MarkUltra, also Mannequin. They all come under Project Rainbow. Lot of people in Hamptons area were involved. Martha Stewart is also under arrest. Her Vineyard is involve in all of that business. She’s turning evidence. Branstein is also turning evidence - he’s the A list (royals). Epstein is the B list.

    Translations of the Sumerian scrolls are in error. There were mistranslated. They created workers from Neanderthals, bloodlines of Cane, totally different and totally not human.

    Project Blue Beam, they shut down. The cabal was going to take the Christians down. Use the pandemic to take down.

    Looking more towards late Spring.. May. Depends on the timeline.  We can’t wait until 2024 because they’ll have us all in camps.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:18 pm

    Gene Decode: The DUMBs Underground War Interview
    Friday, March 5, 2021

    A tunnel is an underground passageway, dug through the surrounding soil/earth/rock and enclosed except for entrance and exit, commonly at each end. A pipeline is not a tunnel, though some recent tunnels have used immersed tube construction techniques rather than traditional tunnel boring methods.

    Cleaning out DUMBs in Iceland and Greece (15 quakes at 10 kilometers depth. Armenia is being cleaned out and Myanmar. They're cleaning that out. One in New Guinea and Philippines. Chinese military is still trying to mess with the

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:23 pm

    Robert David Steele - Mirror: Gene Decode on DUMBS, Extraterrestrial, & More Hyper Drive!
    Taking Down the Deep State
    February 21/21

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:43 pm

    3.10.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #60: Gene Decode on latest DUMBS OPS

    Partial Transcript

    Scott & Gene discuss the need for unity in the Patriot online influencers excusing agenda seekers from the conversation. Gene updates the latest DUMB clearining

    DUMB take outs in Canada, Mercenary Seals to rescue children are being paid to take the cabal out. Gene gets coded info in emails. Which then disappear off his computer. He’s referenced to decode. He will give 1-2 days later when he is told he can release info. Can’t compromise ops releasing info too soon. Sometimes he’s given a hard date that something has to be disclosed by this date this time. He is used to make the cabal to react the certain way because the cabal follows him because the cabal doesn’t know what’s going on either. He keeps who and what they are private. This how he keeps his sources safe. Sources are classified. What’s is important is the information that is vetted, not the source.

    A general talks to Scott who wants info to get out from NSA generals. He too keeps his source classified. 200 patriots marines were killed in one of the DUMBs they were there to arrest cabal.  Truthers trying to get info out are patriots.

    This cabal takedown is serious. Soldiers are losing their lives every single day.

    Gene likes to be anonymous. He doesn’t like being a household name even as an alias. He wants to end the cabal causing families grief. He got emails from the parents whose children wasn’t coming home.

    People can no longer surrender in the DUMBs. They have to surrender outside or be taken down. This is not a game. We are in a war for earth, humanity, the children. We are at war. Things are coming to an end.

    Let's focus and get this war done and reveal these people worldwide. Solar Winds data company lost severs that affect banks, IRS, search engines, the big ones are going down all over the world. Trump’s team, they’re cleaning out the internet. Cleaning the world for us.

    Infowar, Alex Jones helped bring the cabal down. We have to have a united front. Names can’t be mentioned because this is a war and much is classified. It’s a war for the entire planet and the entire human race.

    Our governments are owned by corporations that are run by psychopaths that are out to demean humanity. 28 min mark

    We need to wipe the cabal off the earth. What’s going on in DC. Children are coming out with military personnel, put in busses with darken windows taken to place where they can be healed. Body bags coming out - that should never have happened. Obama had many parties - hot dogs and pizza, sexually abused children - pedophiles in the WH. It was in the John Podesta emails. Other past presidents also were complicit. They killed presidents. JFK. He gave his life to try and help the human race. These cabal/Satanist people are evil. Cockroaches are cleaner then these nasty evil people.  Still coming out and being cleaned up in DC. The troops are staying on as there is so much still going on. Need to get the info out so people know what’s going on.

    There was a plot to enslave every man, woman and child. JFK said he wanted to get it out and that was 7 days before he was killed. The cabal sacrifice children every day to their god/Satan.

    Human trafficking: The US Navel Carriers USS Mercy and NY US Comfort - filled - used as recused operations for children taken out of the DUMBs. Children who have been raped and trafficked, protect their privacy.. they did show incubators, pampers being loaded, orange crush and gummy bears.. things for kids.

    38 min.. billionaires making billions from the pandemic. What’s going on?
    Elon Musk - likely on the cabal side?

    We have Tesla technology. Antigravities was done in Germany in the 1890s. Tesla was a god loving man and said this great power comes from god. In 1947 TR3B is the size of a shoe box free energy. They’ve had that and using that 1 trillion wats of power.. we use all this ridiculous stuff to fuel our planet. Don’t need to be on the grid. Tesla spoke of that back in 1890s. Tesseract can go faster than the speed of light, go around the speed of light. Here we are over a century later and nothing has changed at all. And nothing says anything at all. Imagine what the world would be like if the human race worked together and the human race was out there with their galactic family.
    Gene wants to see all of these technologies all come down. Teeth can be regrown, Perfect health. Car can be running on a silent motor with the power coming from the head of a pin. No more pollution because of free energy. An economy can be based on a healing system.

    The amount of gold coming out of the DUMBs in Switzerland, the Vatican is more than they thought exist in the whole planet.

    NESARA law, all the repatriated wealth would be used to stop - humanitarian funds will be used as a rescue operation for humanity. It will come out slowly so people can get beyond the poverty consciousness, so that they don’t need to hoard things.

    Need to have quality products. Cabal has a victim mentality like a predator that is fearful where at any moment they are going to be discovered .. need to realize the bounty of God’s creation.

    Map of DUMB from the Vatican to Jerusalem under Albania,,, show quakes to 10 kilometers.
    Packed tunnel with artifacts, gold, wealth. Can see the P waves and S wave they only have primary wave.j. They are blowing DUMBs and rescuing children.  At 10 kilometers. In Iceland there have been days of constant explosions.

    3, 5, 10, 15 deep tunnels connecting DUMBs created with particle beam boring head that vaporize the rock  The neutron bomb goes off and creates a DUMB. Within hours it can be fitted to be used.

    Texas DUMBs are around 3-5 kilometers run under freeways because of the oil fields. There is a lot of activity of them being breached and blown up.  Negative values were ships trying to escape and the Space Alliance was taking them out.

    They are bring all this technology under the cover of the whiteouts and the US Guardian Space Force Alliance.

    In the programs a lot of the patriots got disgusted with the human trafficking and they defected from the cabal control system and said no more. 1/5 of the Dark Fleet defected and got all of the info and took over Solar Warden…
    1:05 minute

    Scott: USAP:
    They are here 5 inter-stellar groups
    Photograph of an Annunaki sitting at a dinner table looks like an exotic asian woman who looks like she weights 800-1k lbs.

    Gene talks about the red-hair giants. They are the upper part of the cabal. Why does the UN have an Exo-politics especially to deal with Exo-politics developing treaties with off-worlders. Dr. Salla shows this quite a lot.  The statues in the Valley of the Kings are replica statures 1-to-1.
    God’s creation far greater than anyone an imagine. These are things that have been kept from us so that we cannot learn the true power of who we are. Genetic royalty.

    Gene wants to see all humans turn on the cabal as we re fighting for the earth and the entire human race. IF we lose this one we lose it all. We  are the guardian for this planet. This is about the war for this planet. We need to get back to the beauty of god’s creation and the soul that’s in there. Attack the cabal, not each other, save the children. We need to get over our petty difference and learn how to become organize and stop being petty, pray for each other, walk in service to god and his creation, and walk in the manner of Jesus Christ. We re compassionate. We’re going to clean this rabble out of this planet, the solar system and the universe. We’re going to take back our rightful place - we unify together, it’s over for them. We have two purposes as humans and spiritual being.. it is to love each other and serve each other.

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:07 pm

    Q-Tip - March 11, 2021
    Trump Statement & Scavino Comms!

    Trump statement includes the word “Unstoppable”.

    -Scavino IG Story passing 82 street, Exit 5.
    Q82: Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.
    Q5: Follow the Money.
    NY= N =14, Y=25
    NY = Q1425: We are in full control, PAIN.

    -Scavino vid tweet timestamp 6:35.
    Q6: Follow the Money. Military Intelligence.
    Q35:POTUS will be well insulated.
    Vid rewinds and goes back in time. Many QDrops mention “Going back in order to go forward”. One drop in particular includes “WATCH NYC”. Coincidentally, Trump and Dan just left NY blasting Frank Sinatra’s NY.

    -Scavino vid tweet timestamp: 8:26.
    Tweet includes WARNING, which ties back to Q552- WARNING: STORM COMING.
    Red Button = Red Pill..Release Coming.
    Q826: Comms Good, Nice Try. (Kek).
    Q8: Military Intelligence
    Q26: The Only Way Is the Military!

    Richard Grenell IG Pic of Trump: “I think it is time I circle back!” 😉


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:05 pm
    Gene DeCode with Michael Jaco 3/17/21
    DUMBs; fight for it all
    Navy Seal Michael Jaco: Gene Decode Breaks Down The DUMB Situation
    & Isolation of Antarctica Before The Final Assault!

    Partial Transcript:

    Michael: hello everyone it's Michael Jayco with unleashing intuition secrets and i'm joined today by gene decode. now gene decode and i you know did a show probably about three weeks ago or so um back in uh has like almost 400 000 views. it's like genius you're like people want to know what you know so let's let's jump right into it. what do you want to start off with. i know we were kind of talking a little something about uh just before we started on so what would you like to focus on in the beginning here.

    Gene: i’m up to your lead Michael. Anything you like.

    Michael: Yeah. So there's a there seems to be a delay in taking down this deep state. i don't know what that's all about. What do you yeah so you know on that you know based on the video clip that was played from gene unleashed backstage level about the seriousness of this war.

    Gene: like I said there um that was an introductory to a decode i did on some non-terrestrial situations that are involved here and this war is not like world war one or two.

    This is a war for creation. This is a war for humans and all of humanity everywhere. this is a war for the milky way, our solar system. It’s a war for it all. This is the war. The beginning of the war between dark and light. If we do not prevail here we're done. There's nowhere you’re gonna run and hide and stick your head in a hole in the ground. You can’t. Their plans uh plan B, that they're on now is to go in their DUMBs, take 500 million Chinese that they have realized through the history of humanity are the only group that don't rebel against slavery.

    Every other group does. So they will take them. Go underground in their DUMBs. they still have enough left. Although most in the US are cleaned out and they'rethe alliance is cleaning them out all over the place.

    The situation such they still have enough they could do that and eradicate all life on earth and then proceed outwards through the galaxy once they're done and then on through creation. So this is as serious as it gets and i understand that and you know it's and everybody needs to understand that we stand together back-to-back with our weapons pointed at the cabal and not each other and we go and take it to the cabal and not each other. That's what they want and then it's serious. You're not going to run in heights if you're going to join the other team or whatever. You're not of them. I guarantee even if you think you are, you’re not. Even if you’re non-terrestrial and you think you're up there. You’re not. You're a tool and the upper above you is going to take you out when they're done. Just like the Native American trackers that tracked down other tribes and then they took them out when they didn't need them and then same for those elite supposedly thought they were elite, they got taken out too. So that's the way the cabal works all the way up the chain to the very top. You’re just food when they're done with you. They don't need you. Then you're done. So that being said however, i do know, that there's a flag officer situation in which they’re debating when and where and how and so i would suggest that that debate needs to come to a realization that in a war between dark and light that we're involved in that has a 5d chess game, where you have moves and counter moves and at the point we're at now, there's a thousand variables and a thousand different scenarios and a thousand different playouts from every scenario that a super genius stable genius like Trump could hold 500 of those thousand in his mind or some trained combat veteran like Michael could. You know hold 500 in battle in his mind. A quantum computer could hold 750 but only god can hold all thousand variables, so at some point you've got to make a decision and you've got to come to a decision and realize that you proceed, you do your prayers and you put it in god's hands and you proceed and you know we'll have the Red Sea moment and we'll go out into the red sea and we'll see the Pharaoh's troops coming after us and we get out and it'll close over. You've got to trust in god and you've got to move forward. yYou cannot wait till 2024 and i would suggest you cannot wait till 2022.

    It's got to happen because if you do and math the cabal moves with their mass, you know beyond mass to vaccination mandate and they start doing things that do certain you know, second amendment and all of that gone. The American people that voted for Trump, a good 50% of them are you know armed and ready and will if the military is not going to do anything. They, if they don't see it at a certain point ,they’re going to say “Okay, fine. If you're not, we will.” So it cannot be allowed to wait too long.

    i'm just saying i don't have the flow from other than down to me and i don't have the privy of the details but i've been told that there are certain situations or disagreements, or exactly, how and when and where and precisely what to do you gotta at a certain point.

    In a martial arts conflict, you know i’ve been in fights and been in all that and hand-hand combat and all that stuff and i watch my enemy come in and learn his moves over and over he comes in and I, you know, I inflict some injury.

    I do some damage each time he comes in and I watch all of his techniques and I learn but at a certain point you got to go. He's going to keep coming and coming and coming and coming he's getting weaker and weaker and weaker, yes but at certain point you got to take it to him and take him out. That's it and we're pretty much near that point right now. So if there's going to come a point where if you go past that, he’s going to go get buddies. He’s going to come back with some buddies (evil ET aliens), so we can't allow that. So it's a choice has got to be made and then all you can do is pray. Leave it. The rest in god's hands. Those other 250 variables in god's speed. So you have my prayers and I you know all those who are devout and know there's only one god of all creation and the son of Jesus Christ of the lord and savior and all those who have made oaths to defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic. We understand that casualties will happen and life limb and property etc and we accept it and so it has to happen at some point. It has to happen. So i'm saying godspeed and make a choice and let's move.

    Michael: Yeah. Awesome. Both of us you know having military backgrounds, we we know how to be patient because we know that things changed. I was in a Panama invasion. I was there many months before we actually did an invasion and um uh you know we had Noriega. Like, you know taunting the us. i'm like, why don't we come in and spank this guy right now but there were things that were, you know, going on situations were in motion trying to align things just perfectly because i was there, still team six and Delta and all of us, uh we started to see things that were being manipulated and uh you....

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 20, 2021 1:05 pm

    PART THREE: Gene Decode and Sarge! Soul Scalping! Saturn Matrix! Underground Dumbs!

    44 min mark Sarge: Trump is working with over 200 countries in the alliance and controlling 17 armies - We are at war right now.. World War 1-2-3 at once. The primary allegiance in the military is to god. Before a battle they pray to God and to Christ.

    Gene DeCode parts ONE - THREE at this link:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:26 am

    Waking Warriors Michael Jaco ~ Gene Decode Ascension Upon Us as the Planets of 4 and 5D Are Visible (Video) - Monday, March 22, 2021


    In this latest video, patriot and hero, Michael Jaco talks with Gene Decode about the planets aligning and the current events we are witnessing now.

    This site has a number of Gene DeCode videos:


    PART 2... Into The Unknown WEEKEND...GENE DECODE And SARGE From ICONS!
    Posted by Linda Paris on March 14, 2021


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:18 am

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:44 am

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:47 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:51 am

    Gene DeCode Videos 53dyip

    Gene Decode & Sarge! Evergreen Containers Have Seats!
    Military Control! Reptilians! Soul Hijack! (Video) 3/27/21


    In this latest video, Gene decode and Sarge take on the topics most avoid! The evergreen containers have seats lining the inside with restraints! We are under military control! Reptilians! Annunaki! Adrenochrome! The moon soul hijack!

    Gene DeCode Videos YhRqrISu07qtF6XrTfobu6SB_320x180

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:03 pm

    Nicholas Veniamin mentioned an EBS in England on March 30th - Tuesday 9pm London time.
    Gene Decode 4 Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin

    T E L E G R A M:

    Suppose to be about COVID and NHS. Docs and nurses in Ireland putting class action suit agains Governments, WHO, NHS.

    The 30h of March is what he has been told about the EBS.

    Gene: The Biggest Red Pill EVER GIVEN: Had over 20k containers. Things in the containers that are going to shock the world. Shows container lined with seats where people can be strapped in.

    EVERGREEN ship is a coincidence that it is HRC secret code name.

    Shooting going on in the US. Mass shooting in Boulder Colorado at King Super store. One state is pushing gun removal - total. Pushing a $850 year fee for people to keep a gun. Colorado shooting called Operation Mesa - code and counter code by Cabal and the Alliance.

    Biden video of hand goes over mike CGI.

    Need people worldwide need to raise consciousness by at least 69%. Now it’s at around 30%.

    Gene shows WH studio in Atlanta Georgia of white house.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:04 am

    SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth, April 5, 202‪1‬
    GENE DECoDE, PLANET X, Marduk, Bohemian Groove, Col Michael Aquino, Galactic Federation Vs Alliance

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:02 pm

    SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth, March 23, 2021
    GENE DECODE's Shocking Life Story. From the Beginning.

    SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth, March 16, 2021
    GENE DECODE, CASTLE ROCK, 2-Dueling Presidents, Trump Retired, Q Boards, D.C. Official Foreign Country, Martial Law, Alliance, Controlled Opposition, Tribunals

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Gene DeCode Videos Empty Re: Gene DeCode Videos

    Post  Carol Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:34 pm

    1.29.21 PSF Scott McKay & Gene DeCode Discuss Deep Underground Military Bases... With Cirsen W

    CWConnect Youtube for News and GeneDecode #39  Backups

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:36 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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