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    The Tarot Guild


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Jan 09, 2021 10:12 pm

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Snapsh80

    You are too stupid, and this is the problem!

    How could you persuade me into hope? I have none!

    Finally it is only me, and it is no solipcism!

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Jan 10, 2021 12:14 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Snapsh81

    How do you come to the idea that I would or could delegate identity? Democratically?

    You faceless niggers, no matter if white or not?

    Finally even prenatally?

    This species has no evolutive potential!

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Jan 10, 2021 12:52 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Snapsh82

    Spear of Destiny?

    Urn and Chalice!

    I mingled the ashes with my blood!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Snapsh83


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Jan 10, 2021 3:33 am

    Ready for the zoo, "we"-people?


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Tue Jan 12, 2021 6:44 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Snapsh84

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:33 pm

    Brothers to the Sun of Liberty!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Pelosi10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Impera10

    Revelation 6:12 - And I beheld when he had opened the sixt seale, and loe, there was a great earthquake, and the Sunne became blacke as sackecloth of haire, and the Moone became as blood.

    Footnote 10 - Here is the first account of the Black Brothers of the Left Hand Path. Each a Exempt Adept must choose between the Crossing of the Abyss to become a Master of the Temple, and the building of a false tower of egoism therein.

    Footnote 12 - (I think the trouble with these people was, that they wanted to substitute the blood of someone else for their own blood, because they wanted to keep their personalities.)

    I rather say persons because the ego is meant.

    Sura 2:102 - And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah. And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Harut_12

    Last edited by Ashera on Sun Jan 17, 2021 1:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:41 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Allah_12

    I am not interested in watching socialist fairs! The observer position does not suit me, mess media! Your world view is naive! Shipwreck without audience!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Titani10

    Except from having the majority (based on gossip and opinions) they have not a single argument against me!

    Aphrodite Pandemos? Pandeimonos!

    And it is Samadhi on something!

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Jan 17, 2021 2:47 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Roma-i12

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Daener26

    Russia got Crimea and I get Bornholm!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Elbia110

    Last edited by Ashera on Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:41 pm

    They lie and cheat, build and occupy things by mimesis that they cannot fill with poeisis and content, the form exceeds the meaning.

    Its climax this middle mass money power game reached in Second Life Gor - nice landscapes dominated and ruled by idiots. The Linden Terms of Service rule and not Gorean Law. This is a nice interpretant to understand the real life relation of Civil Law and State Law.

    Sura 16:86 - And my Rabbi, the Lord of Sirius, inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct."

    A sign for a people who use reason!

    Battlefield Earth... this is the consequence.

    The Dominion has spoken.

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Screen67
    (it doesn't rhyme but nevertheless it does - anthropologically/psychologically [rhythm based], and this exceeds grammer [poetic license] into another dimension)

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:39 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 763px-11


    The position of Sweden is not so sure but the U.S. principially supports them. This may partly be dependent on family relations but also the impact of Luther is not to underestimate. It could well be that the retreat of U.S. troops from "Saxonia" has to do with this.

    Nord Stream 2 is needed... (Luxembourg, EU
    the link is clean, safe, and double-checked; if then now...)

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:47 am

    My alienne_v Yahoo account, also my Microsoft account, exists since 2005.

    And off you stupid hogs, go east!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Nazi_k10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Nazisc10

    Last edited by Ashera on Tue Jan 19, 2021 7:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:31 am

    I do not represent Germany, and even would not do it if punished to do that!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Sechem10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 House_12
    House Atlantis
    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Guido_10

    (I am on Valerian... Old Valyria?)

    Alienne Laval ‏@asheraXonline Jun 19, 2009
    Perhaps nameless points must be turned into well defined xxxxxxxx to make them visible and easier to kick.

    One of my first tweets ever

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:23 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Atlant11

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Atlant12

    À santé!

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:52 am

    Initiation does not mean to accept to get manducated by the people, the initiation monster, but to survive that with your visionary and transductive impulse. This also means that you do not initiatory die in/to a reality but that this reality dies at you (cp. my Magistra thesis). And this is the "culture shock" that you must bear.

    Future Shock... this time it does not only affect the horizon of expectations but also the structure of ideals...

    "The existence of magic priests or shamans can be understood in its full significance and power only if it is shown in its whole being and not only on the basis of psychological and sociological facts. The fact that the misunderstanding of 'shamanism' within ethnology appears as a problem of its own, has its cause ultimately in the disguise of the phenomena, which essentially determine the existence of the shamans and magic priests. Above all, there is the certainty of death as the outermost possibility of being, whose understanding acceptance into one's own existence forms the root of the understanding of self and world of the shamanic existence, and above all the phenomenon of the world of spirits, which does not show itself as an existing beyond, but rather as a world of possibilities that have existed and belong to existence. Dasein can consort with the spirits only insofar as it precedes into death, acquires the freedom and power to open up all previously been possibilities on its own." (Joachim Sterly 1965)

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:49 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Ace_of10

    Finally it is the state...

    CONAN: Mm-hmm. And so this idea that these - there is hidden history to the gospels that were suppressed by the church. Dan Brown writes about that. And broadly, you're saying, he got that right.

    Prof. PAGELS: He did. And that's the great adventure that those of us who work on these texts are exploring at this point. Actually, I find what we - what the real story is more interesting to me than what we could make up, because it does show a secret gospel of Mary Magdalene, for example.

    CONAN: And saying that - talking a lot more about the feminine side.

    Prof. PAGELS: Well, that's true, and that's another thing Dan Brown picked up from some of these sources. That is, if you can speak of God, who anyway would be infinite, in masculine form as a father and king and judge and all of that, you could also speak of God in feminine form as Holy Spirit and mother, because those words in Hebrew and Syriac are feminine words; Holy Spirit, wisdom, and so forth.
    Da Vinci Code

    It is not the mother, it is YHVH - the maiden (I without social ego; Odin, Frigga, and their kin...).

    This also was part  of the struggle between mother Dr. Vadder and me who wanted to fixate me at least... She could not hide her religious position... In the end neither she nor Bearwinkle, or Dr Boo, were in charge...

    Is it truly my concern if some never got the meaning of the state? Let the judges decide...

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Thu Jan 21, 2021 3:04 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Aztec_10
    Xuchitl  (Uchti... Asha... Anja)

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Aztec_10
    Aztec Queen

    Dr. Funzel: "Transsexualism..."

    If I had had my bow I had cadaered that royal stag and his clamp*; nevertheless the arrow did not miss its aim, his second face.


    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Alienn15

    Analysis/Synthesis or archaic: Diabolon/Symbolon,  is a very original  form of tertiary codification, that we can find in almost all mythology and religion as the diabolic and the symbolic principle (twin phenomenon; with continual inversions of “good” and “evil”, it is so to say the innermost motor). Analysis/Synthesis is a step to rationalization;  ususally one pole is minimized or annulled in the run of evolution (the dwarf twin). This asymmetric self image leads to symmetric expectations of salvation from the outside.


    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 126b188541e3a33f01c320e9d5dbc747

    * de ole sack un siene krampüle...

    Last edited by Ashera on Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:53 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Snapsh87

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:28 pm

    What does it mean, "my devils"? I am not Solomon, they are glued to me, by attribution.

    "Did you like how we tormented you and offered buckets with dung?"

    "I want fruitful fields and things that I like!"

    (Marie Cordes was my Freistatt great-grandma...)

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Crucif12

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:28 am

    Since I do not get Codeine anymore I use Valerian, in a combination with Echinacea, Honey, and Ascorbic Acid - solved in warm water.


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:24 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Snapsh88

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:39 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Cups_a10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Cups_a10
    ...and the sparrows tweet in from the roofs

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:15 am

    Why should I accept to get sacrificed for a to me alien sake? Because I was socialized to altruism, down to masochism in the name of the LORD? I still knew old Freistatt stories...

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Screen80

    They read their wishes from my lips!

    I never said that I could revoke, and why should Luther's common place be valid for me, departing from emergent abduction?

    And woe, you do not hear and obey!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 2017New-font-b-SIEMENS-b-font-6-Channels-font-b-Siemens-b-font-FUN-P-font

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:20 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Mail_410

    Voluntarily was almost nothing except my university education, my relation, and the psychoanalysis...

    I am a Huntress!

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:57 pm

    Ashera wrote:I do NOT act in the name of your LORD but appealed to the Master of the Universe!

    Satan and his Asmodeus did not only base a verdict on lies but crapped all profiling, computing, and manhunt with it - in the name of the LORD and his people!

    And many believed it because they wanted to, and collaborated, even faked filing.

    Corruption rules and the false expectation of salvation!

    To hell with them!

    A science that leads to nowhere (except the proposal of my fixation) because the same processes are at work...
    ...I decided for Islamic Science.

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 PM-Netanyahu-at-the-start-of-the-Cabinet-meeting-e1611517569873-750x400

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:33 pm

    The Tarot Guild - Page 8 Snapsh89

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