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    The Tarot Guild


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Wed Nov 18, 2020 10:15 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Mirror10

    "Enter the heart of your enemy until he has your full empathy in Understanding, for only thus may he be defeated, and only thus will you obtain power to slay him. Now the slaughter of which I speak is a Mystery. It is not that which is procured by arms or physical prowess, for then you would but mirror upon the physical realm what this Thing which Hates Love has dealt you upon the spiritual, emotional and psychological realms – and then you would become It, to Its loathesome and despicable triumph. No, this slaughter is that which is pure annihilation, for it has turned the mirror ‘round outward for a shield. This slaughter is pure Destruction, for it obtains its object. This annihilation is not of The Enemy, but of Enmity, not of the Antagonist, but of Antagonism. This annihilation is both inward and outward, for what is no longer within your consciousness ceases to exist externally for you. Taste, and see!"
    - Shedona Chevalier

    I did not aim to show them the mirror but their pervert projections left no other way!


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:12 am

    These redistributions and allocations - how I hate this! I do NOT like the majority of "we, the people"! And this globally. Away with social justice!

    Finally the people outs as the demiurge, the ruler of the realm of shadows! The devil always shi*s on the biggest pile.

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Devil11


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:50 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Lucifa11
    I am the offspring of the Isais root of David, and Ashera and Lucifa!

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:54 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empres12

    I refuse any representation, and I delegated no one to administer me! And democratic decisions I do not accept! Intrusion into personal rights is a criminal offense!

    This is what I want...

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 State_10
    State Court Bremen Verden

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:11 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Sword10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Redhai11

    I am the Sword, the Power, and the Glory!
    (your problems are not mine)

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Nov 21, 2020 2:06 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Daath10

    You should not speak things that you did not experience! I am emergent and immediate state law!

    The Laws
    In the Magic Circle, the words, commands and wishes of the High Priestess are Law. She is the earthly representative of our gracious Goddess. She is to be obeyed and respected in all things. She is our Lady and, above all others, a Queen in the highest sense of the word. All female coveners will curtsy and say "Blessed Be" when they come before Her, and all male coveners will bend their knee and kiss Her on the right cheek and say "Blessed Be".

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Nov 22, 2020 7:04 am

    An Oxen Skin Is Needed!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Tarot_19

    This must not necessarily be voluntarily...

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 85px-w12

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Edathy13

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Saturn11

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 The_fo11

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Bremen18

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Screen29

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Nov 22, 2020 10:18 pm

    Sebastian Edathy (originally Edathiparambil), is a German citizen of Indian offspring (son of an Indian Lutheran priest and a German mother), born in Hannover ( ).

    He was an SPD member of the Bundestag from 1998, representing Nienburg II – Schaumburg. He was a member of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's red–green coalition, and a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's grand coalition. He was the chairman of the Bundestag Committee on Interior Affairs and was chairman of the German–Indian group of members of the Bundestag. He was re-elected in the general election in September 2009 and again in the general election in September 2013... 2013 about information showing Edathy's link to a globally-operating child pornography syndicate and plans to take up an investigation against Edathy on suspicion of possessing such material...

    Also the former Bremen President of the Senate and former member of the Bundestag, Carsten Sieling, came from Nienburg...

    Also the Lutherist Freistatt clique had personal connections to India and Poland, and systematically hired such personage.

    At this time I still had a Deutsche Bank (Frankfurt) bank account that was systematically hacked repeatedly and finally destroyed. The Deutsche Bank outsorced most of its activities to India the last years. The new account that I was forced into in Bremen did not improve the matter - I informed the prosecution.

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:22 am

    I do not prevent the self-bottization of certain people who do not understand a "lax discipline" and some cultivated jokes... certain Low Castes and certain slaves...

    They are not to change, or they had changed for long, n*est ce-pas?

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Slaver10
    Slavers Compound

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Snapsh55

    I am a Free Woman but too poor to formulate a negotiation basis. The only thing that stays is plain state power and the authenticity of my signature. I see no reason to let them get away with their crimes.

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:44 pm

    As correct as the Epoch Times coverage is, I see their China attitude and conclusions as false. This may have to do with their origins and founding by Chinese migrants. Another mistake, and this also concerns the Trump administration and the Gatestone Insititute, is a too vaguely scrutinized Christianity and LORDism. The socialist danger is India!

    From the East they came, from Venom Valley
    Headed by Slid, a stream of swords and axes
    And again all was corrupted and treason ruled

    Radical Völuspá, :copyright: 2020 Alienne Laval, Alle Rechte vorbehalten - ISBN: 9783752606676

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Wed Nov 25, 2020 2:22 am

    File Number: V II 1

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Valki10

    Es kann nur Eine geben!

    The sting in the flesh of civil law is constitutional law.

    Bremen is a state and in this respect even superior to the EU.

    If even the Bremen members of the Bundestag ignore their own state constitution when they pass federal laws, how can these laws be higher-ranking than state law?

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Wed Nov 25, 2020 6:22 pm

    Who is informed so far? Adobe DC, Berlin, Bremen, Verden, Munich, Hamburg, Luxembourg

    Luxembourg: "Are you really sure that this is fermented orange juice and not a drug based on cannabis?"
    (Belgium is half-height, the true freaks live in Luxembourg...)

    Everyday the hotel boys must wet my my room floor because of the Sudan floods... and tell me that this is the reason why I am here and must stay here... only my soles may get wet.

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Prince13

    Nobody's going to take over from me, and if my way is cobbled with skulls. But some did not listen.

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    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:52 am

    I answer sadism with cruelty!

    The "Ashera Archetype" does not refer to a male pattern, neither to Narciss nor a masochist Ganymed. A Kajira is in no way male, and her feminine submissivity follows a different pattern.

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Dina10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Alienn15

    P.S.: democracy means that the flatworms arrogate the right to press their flat heads into everything... I will not write an "Ashera book", I am not their bridge over troubled water...

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:03 am


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:26 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Tarot_10

    What the social media did/do, also the Google bot, I experience as harassment. Maybe that it in some way reflects the social cloud but what does this change? I will not submit to gossip and rumours, even if neuroscience and parish therapy may support that!

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:51 am

    My first avi version still exists...

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Screen40

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Wed Dec 02, 2020 2:48 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Ace-sw10
    The Sword in the Stone

    It is not so much about the blood (people) but the territory. In Gor this idea is symoblized as "Home Stone". It does not matter from where you are, you swear to the Home Stone. This for example in modern terms means the Bremen State Constitution. I will deport all those subversive elements!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Alienn16

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:31 am

    How can someone define my needs? It is social arrogance and hubris! And it is blasphemy!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Vril_e10

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:15 am

    What does it say when the conservator says he cannot follow me anymore? It says nothing at all! Already over 20 years ago he would have said this!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Taro_110

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:54 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Arag10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Two_sw10

    I am a legal successor of the first sword... 2004/5. We both, Alienne and Cassandra, signed the contract. Super protection. I did not think that I ever would need the second sword but the social moronies force me to.

    Suppose that the information in a data bank documentation contains incorrect data, but you do not want anyone to know about it and at the same time you want to correct it. Then you need to send someone with the correct data but who is not authorized to access the data to be corrected...

    I do not misuse people, but I instrumentalize the misusers to execute my interests worthy of protection.

    And once again a monkey trained!

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:16 am

    What do I care if some socio-clerical barrels say that I am too skinny? I feel well!

    I did not stage any rebellion in what or whose name soever, and did not aim at this!

    “There can be no doubt that in the Christian myth the original sin was one against God the Father. If, however, Christ redeemed mankind from the burden of original sin by the sacrifice of his own life, we are driven to conclude that the sin was a murder. The law of talion, which is so deeply rooted in human feelings, lays it down that a murder can only be expiated by the sacrifice of another life: self-sacrifice points back to blood- guilt. And if this sacrifice of a life brought about atonement with God the Father, the crime to be expiated can only have been the murder of the father.

    In the Christian doctrine, therefore, men were acknowledging in the most undisguised manner the guilty primaeval deed, since they found the fullest atonement for it in the sacrifice of this one son. Atonement with the father was all the more complete since the sacrifice was accompanied by a total renunciation of the women on whose account the rebellion against the father was started. But at that point the inexorable psychological law of ambivalence stepped in. The very deed in which the son offered the greatest possible atonement to the father brought him at the same time to the attainment of his wishes against the father. He himself became God, beside, or, more correctly, in place of, the father”, Sigmund Freud, Totem and Tabu

    I am neither a man nor a male, and why at all should I be interested to free Evie? The true candidate in my environment who followed this "Lutherist approach" was gallant Jesus-Paris.

    Exactly this essay of Freud btw. led to the final break of anthropology/ethnology and pyschology that were seen as one and the same science before.

    I used this Freud quote as intro to the Primordial Gnosis. But who ever read more than this quote?

    The Age of the Bobblehead!

    Stupid middle schoolers!

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:54 am

    I did not hand Evie the apple, she stole it by court decision in the name of the people - the fall of democracy! And again this change of sign in the name of the LORD? Go to hell, non serviam!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 7web10

    Nothing I did for the sake of "social justice" but in commitment to the spirit of truth!

    Merciful christmas time? To whom? Those Lutherist culprits and their fellows and fellahs because they once again got away with their crimes and corruption?

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Tue Dec 08, 2020 1:53 pm

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Magus10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Snapsh60


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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:45 am

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Allahu11

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    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Empty Re: The Tarot Guild

    Post  Ashera Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:02 pm

    I have no hope that the system that caused all the trouble can solve the problem. I came to the pragmatic belief (scientific conviction) that the system itself is the mistake!

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Castes10

    The High Castes

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 High_c11

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Major_10

    The Tarot Guild - Page 5 Minor_10

    I cannot see where this baseless juridicial picking in coffee grounds and extispicy is better than Tarot...

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