Are you ready ?
If you have been on these forums for a while for most of you preparation for emergency times are already a done.
For others as myself this is still on their todo list.
I now have the time, space and some money to invest in this so I turn to you experienced and wise people to devote this thread to tips for preps.
Not such a huge investment I would think and it may well make a difference in case of emergency.
From elementary to more sophisticated, from crucial to secondary, what are your advices in terms of:
House hold
Health and hygiene
Natural Remedies
Vits or superfoods supplies
Emergency kit
Survival items
Indoors stuff
Outdoors stuff
Where does an ignorant fool as I alone with a daughter and absolutely no muscles nor a man around proceed ?
Well I have got some ideas but it would be great you share your expertise , common sense and wits for our larger public to benefit from.
Thank You
Much Love