Allow me to share something very interesting , i have been pen testing several wifi units for security. And have found one that is pretty much the best so far.
Its from a company that has recently come under scrutiny from the usg. That piqued my curiocity and prompted me to do the former.
huawei technologies. From guandong china.
I have several of their mobile wifi units , i use one in my car for my nav system and other things. I did a back end test on this unit and 2 of my other wifi units , one being this bad boy here is this one 2 above being the belken and the wirecutter have very solid back end firewall security , in pen testing them i still found up to 17 back end ports being accessed, the wirecutter had as little as 5 to 7 ... now thats pretty good but its still too many open ports.
When i tested the huwei i only found port 80 open , every time i test it it only has the one port open. Even when i have multiple tabs open.
SO i think i know why the usg. is so opposed to this tech. similar to this one... i know if they wanted to they could get past its firewall and encryption, and ill repeat , im not opposed to the alphabets doing their job, the majority of people working at these agencies are people of high moral value. And again this thread is not in opposition to them. Actually i thank the gods they are there because without them we would be truly up the river in a barb wire boat.
Now, not only does it offer the best security i can get from a civilian isp, its faster than even my wirecutter ! which you would think with all the bells and whistles would be a badass.. and it is, but it fades in comparison to the huawei.
Just a side note , if your internet connection is slow ... slower than normal , or gotten slower over time , its because you are sharing your bandwidth with other users who may have a trojan or back end mim tech siphoning your bandwidth. I would go as far as re installing your software once a month and generate new pass codes that are at least 8 to 10 digits using a mixture of symbols, numbers caps and non caps.
the Huwei mobile wifi units are cheap to buy , easy to set up and offer great value and security. You may be paying a premium for your internet through one of these things but thats been set up on purpose so you go the cheaper option.
When i was using the belken unit it was wired through the phone line and i paid 60 aud per month and it was all i needed. The Huwei is costing me between 75 and 90 per month but the extra 20 aud is priceless because of the added security and internet speed is at least double. I was getting an average of 480 kbps on the belken which is pretty slow... The Huwei is anywhere between 900 kbps to 1400 kbps which is almost triple the speed !
Anyway i hope this has been helpful
Safe surfing