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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”


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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Mon May 06, 2019 9:42 am

    Bank of Japan to be nationalized as new era starts
    Benjamin Fulford – May 6, 2019

    Note:  Last Friday, May 3, 2019, I had an interesting discussion with Sean Stone.

    It can be seen here:

    Now that Japan has a new Emperor, the Bank of Japan will be nationalized and Japan will be liberated from the Khazarian mafia, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor. This move will force the Washington, D.C. political establishment into Chapter 11 bankruptcy and pave the way for the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America, Pentagon sources say. The liberation of Japan will be a decisive victory for humanity in the ongoing, undeclared, secret battle for the planet Earth, Asian secret society and CIA sources agree.

    To understand how important this is, let’s start by looking at why the Washington, D.C. establishment and its Khazarian Zionist masters are mathematically doomed.

    The breakdown of trade negotiations last week between China and the U.S. regime headed by Donald Trump is likely to be the immediate trigger for the bankruptcy of Washington, D.C.  That’s because without the promised “trillion dollars” worth of Chinese purchases of U.S. goods, there’s no way the U.S. can stay solvent.

    The U.S. government has been trying to pretend all is well by jacking up the stock market with Federal Reserve Board money, faking unemployment figures, and other measures.  However, denying reality will not help.  This great article by Michael Snyder lists 19 facts that blow the “all is well” story right out of the water.

    The U.S. Treasury Department was able to end a 35-day government shutdown earlier this year by stealing tax refunds and looting public pensions, but these tricks bought only enough time to keep it going until July.  “Treasury expects that the extraordinary measures will be exhausted sometime in the second half of 2019,” said Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Brian Smith.

    They were hoping for a big infusion of Chinese money by then, but Asian secret society sources say a decision has been made to stop financing the warmongering Zionist-controlled political apparatus in Washington, D.C.

    Even though the new Japanese regime will keep buying all the U.S. treasuries they can afford (because they do not want China to take over the world), it won’t be enough, according to the Japanese right-wing sources.

    The Zionists, meanwhile, with their moves to start World War III thwarted, have been reduced to attacking a small ghetto of mostly unarmed civilians inside the Gaza Strip.  You can be sure there also will be new provocations in Iran, Venezuela, and elsewhere by the desperate Zionists.

    However, even if the Washington, D.C. government manages to use war blackmail to kick the can down the road yet again in July and get permission to borrow more money, the way things are going, by 2024 all U.S. borrowing will be used to pay interest on debt.

    Efforts by Henry Kissinger, the Rothschilds, and others to cash historical Asian bonds for astronomical sums of money in order to save the old political structure have all run into a brick wall.  There’s not going to be a “Global Currency Reset” or miracle revaluation of defunct currencies like the Zimbabwe dollar, the Asian secret society sources say.

    Instead, the sources say the petrodollar system created by Henry Kissinger will be taken over by Asian powers and moved from being petroleum-backed to being backed by a basket of commodities.  This move is being carried out because Asia consists of 60% of the world’s population and 46% of GDP, while Europe plus the Americas and Australia only have 25% of the world’s population and 43% of GDP, the Asian secret society sources explain.  These numbers make it clear that it’s time for Asia to run the world, the sources claim.

    The 8-trillion-dollar Chinese-led Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is China’s view of how the world should be run.  They say win-win co-operation on big infrastructure projects that benefit everybody is a much better alternative to the perpetual warmongering of the Zionist-controlled West.  They have managed to get 126 countries, covering much of the globe, to participate.  This map illustrates the vast scope of this project.

    However, despite this shift of the economic and demographic tides, the West can still turn the situation around, Pentagon sources say.  The key is to get Russia, India, and Japan on board.  The handing over of a Japanese-owned F-35 fighter jet to Russia by Kim Jong-un was a key move in this strategy.  It was a gesture aimed at dispelling well-placed Russian mistrust of the hitherto Zionist-controlled United States, the sources say.

    This move was followed up by a 90-minute phone call last week by U.S. President Donald Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin.  As a result of the call, Russia’s government issued a statement saying, “The presidents have confirmed their mutual commitment to activate dialogue in various spheres, including on the issues of strategic stability.”

    This will be followed up by a meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on May 6th and 7th.

    Manchu imperial family sources, for their part, say North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un was chosen as the person to hand over the F-35 because the Japanese and Koreans want Russian support for the reunification of Korea and the re-creation of a Manchu dynasty.  The hope is to co-opt the Manchu-dominated Northern Chinese military district into this Manchu revival, the sources say.  This would create a Russian, American, and Mongol alliance to “put China in its place,” they say.

    The British Commonwealth, for its part, is offering an alternative to this sort of zero-sum thinking where one side has to lose power to the other.  The Commonwealth proposal is to carry out a massive multi-trillion-dollar project, in parallel with the BRI but not controlled by China, to end poverty and stop environmental destruction, MI6 sources say.

    This plan has been given impetus by the release of a report by the UN showing that humans are on the verge of destroying the world’s environment to such an extent that it “threatens humanity itself.”  This report is not more of the bogus “global warming” excuse for a world carbon tax controlled by European aristocracy.  Instead, it describes how hungry people burning down rainforests and killing animals for food are the main reason for the largest extinction event on Earth since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago.  According to the report, humans are on the verge of wiping out one million species and polluting so much as to make the planet uninhabitable.

    It would be hard to find any rational world leaders who are opposed to a massive plan to end this planetary destruction, which is why it has a better chance of succeeding than the neo-Manchu empire plan does.

    However, a prerequisite for this plan to be carried out will be to remove irrational world leaders like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  This article here describing Jewish racism shows the mindset of the fanatics who want to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest.

    Now that this group has failed to cause a nuclear World War III or kill humanity off with bioweapons, it appears they are trying to use 5G technology to do the job.  This secret effort is why UK Prime Minister Theresa May fired Defense Secretary Gavin Williams last week, “for leaking that May supported Huawei 5G technology,” MI6 sources say.

    As a result, UK Prime Minister Theresa May “has been referred to the London Metropolitan Serious Crimes Unit” for her role in promoting 5G technology even though it has been shown to be extremely harmful, MI6 sources say.

    The source says this is “a very serious breakdown in London… as bad as it gets.  The point being that someone did know how dangerous 5G was – not because of the Chinese connection.  The real problem is its damage to the mitochondrial structures of the body,” the source said.  “The leak by the defense minister was aimed at stopping this,” he said.  “Theresa May is a disaster and needs to go as soon as possible.”  May is being controlled by “Ritter von Sedwill,” a German agent posing as Mark Sedwill, May’s Chief Cabinet Secretary, the MI6 sources say.  Sedwill is using Siemens technology to eavesdrop on all UK cabinet ministers, the source says.

    Of course, this problem is not limited to the UK.  Russian FSB sources tell us their research indicates that 20 million Americans are already targeted using previous generations of Directed Energy Weapons, including 4G cell phone towers.  Despite this, the American people are waking up, which is why there was a push to get the higher-frequency 5G technology on the market there as well.

    To summarize, the current global governance regime, controlled by Khazarian satan-worshiping central bankers, is destroying the natural world and trying to kill 90% of humanity in order to stay in power.  The world’s military and intelligence communities are well aware of their well-documented attempts to kill us with nuclear war, bioweapons, and now Directed Energy Weapons disguised as “5G.”

    The only possible response is to remove their control of the main source of their power – the world’s privately-owned central banks.  That’s why nationalizing the Bank of Japan will help overthrow them.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Mon May 06, 2019 10:22 am 14 min
    Lindsey Graham BLISTERING Statement On Mueller Report And Hillary Clinton

    [5.3] Latest Q: May 2019 / MSM Admits Conspiracies are Popular /
    Infowars "Deplatforming"—from Jordan Sather

    Terror Compound Discovered in Alabama

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Mon May 13, 2019 7:17 am

    Kimberly Strassel: AG Barr gets attacked because his probe endangers powerful people

    The only thing uglier than an angry Washington is a fearful Washington. And fear is what’s driving this week’s blitzkrieg of Attorney General William Barr.

    Mr. Barr tolerantly sat through hours of Democratic insults at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday. His reward for his patience was to be labeled, in the space of a news cycle, a lawbreaking, dishonest, obstructing hack. Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly accused Mr. Barr of lying to Congress, which, she added, is “considered a crime.” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said he will move to hold Mr. Barr in contempt unless the attorney general acquiesces to the unprecedented demand that he submit to cross-examination by committee staff attorneys. James Comey, former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, lamented that Donald Trump had “eaten” Mr. Barr’s “soul.” Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren demands the attorney general resign. California Rep. Eric Swalwell wants him impeached.

    These attacks aren’t about special counsel Robert Mueller, his report or even the surreal debate over Mr. Barr’s first letter describing the report. The attorney general delivered the transparency Democrats demanded: He quickly released a lightly redacted report, which portrayed the president in a negative light. What do Democrats have to object to?

    Some of this is frustration. Democrats foolishly invested two years of political capital in the idea that Mr. Mueller would prove President Trump had colluded with Russia, and Mr. Mueller left them empty-handed. Some of it is personal. Democrats resent that Mr. Barr won’t cower or apologize for doing his job. Some is bitterness that Mr. Barr is performing like a real attorney general, making the call against obstruction-of-justice charges rather than sitting back and letting Democrats have their fun with Mr. Mueller’s obstruction innuendo.

    But most of it is likely fear. Mr. Barr made real news in that Senate hearing, and while the press didn’t notice, Democrats did. The attorney general said he’d already assigned people at the Justice Department to assist his investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. He said his review would be far-reaching – that he was obtaining details from congressional investigations, from the ongoing probe by the department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, and even from Mr. Mueller’s work. Mr. Barr said the investigation wouldn’t focus only on the fall 2016 justifications for secret surveillance warrants against Trump team members but would go back months earlier.

    He also said he’d focus on the infamous “dossier” concocted by opposition-research firm Fusion GPS and British former spy Christopher Steele, on which the FBI relied so heavily in its probe. Mr. Barr acknowledged his concern that the dossier itself could be Russian disinformation, a possibility he described as not “entirely speculative.” He also revealed that the department has “multiple criminal leak investigations under way” into the disclosure of classified details about the Trump-Russia investigation.

    The Entire House Of Cards Is About To Come Down
    Roger Stone wants the information on DNC hack, discover is a wonderful thing. JW reports Schiff to the ethics board. JW shows Obama was the gatekeeper in the WH. Guilianni not going to Ukraine. JB worried about the IG report. Comey tries to cover up everything with a tweet. Lindsey Graham goes after Kavelic. Carson says that illegals can not get free housing anymore. Training camp found in Alabama.

    [size=16]Prayingmedic’s Tweet:


    May 12 2019


    May 12 2019 19:26:09 (EST)
    A158110C-9F30-4974-AC16-4BD698ECE162.jpeg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 D65dffae90f7d14b93d067152f88eb4e109bbe0359ef175a806a8be3665a8997

    Boom time baker


    May 12 2019 19:26:01 (EST)
    Attempts by Dems, FAKE NEWS, and those 'guilty of TREASON' to shape the public narrative [prior to] by providing FALSEHOODS will FAIL.


    May 12 2019 19:13:07 (EST)
    Eyes on.


    May 12 2019 19:10:40 (EST)
    Treason doesn't pay well in the end.


    May 2 2019


    May 2 2019 11:41:23 (EST)

    You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
    May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'
    Enjoy the show!


    Apr 27 2019


    Apr 27 2019 14:13:33 (EST)📁
    Chain of Command
    Chain of Custody
    PENCE' CoS + Wife
    FBI 302's
    FISA (spy) > Flynn
    Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN?



    Apr 27 2019 13:44:56 (EST)
    Fast Forward 1 Year.

    Rewind 1 Year.
    Bigger story yet to be discovered.
    Leak investigations go both ways [R + D].
    A House needs to be constantly cleaned.



    Apr 27 2019 13:27:08 (EST)
    23ceb48bc3b4ea850d29b94c309e6f09.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 2a97dc939be4c1617c6670eba5f6bbf1f3b4904b91265e2d6bf96d0e4cf289cd

    Declass is coming!
    DECLAS pre or post IG report?
    [Comey]  pre or post IG report?
    C comes before D.


    Apr 27 2019 13:25:06 (EST)
    Soon To Be A HouseHold Name.


    Apr 27 2019 13:19:55 (EST)
    Truth, Transparency, and Equal Justice Under the Law.
    United We Stand.
    We, The People.

    After a ten day absence, Q is back. The four new posts indicate that this is the week we have been waiting for...

    Q drop number 3332...

    Treason doesn't pay well in the end.'

    And Q drop number 3334...

    'Attempts by Dems, FAKE NEWS and those 'guilty of TREASON' to shape
    the public narrative [prior to] by providing FALSEHOODS will FAIL.

    The report on corrupt former FBI Director James Comey is due out any day. Q re-posted a great meme from an Anon - it features a picture of a bomb with MOAB on it, heading straight for a James Comey lookalike who says, 'XXXX'.

    Q has said 'C before D'. In other words, the Comey report will be closely followed by the DECLAS. We can expect a mighty cascade of bombs to rain down upon the Deep State in the next few weeks. No wonder there is little sleep in corrupt DC.

    Two pieces of information give me cause for great optimism...

    a) There will be a full audit of USA gold reserves for the first time ever.

    b) President Trump has stated that the Chinese tariff money will go to the US Treasury, NOT the Federal Reserve. Bingo!

    Last edited by Carol on Mon May 13, 2019 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Mon May 13, 2019 7:37 am

    Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war
    Benjamin Fulford – May 13, 2019

    The U.S./Chinese trade war that took most pundits by surprise is actually the result of an agreement between Eastern and Western secret societies to permanently rid the world of the Zionist menace, multiple sources agree.  The other thing to note is that Western, especially American, media are ignoring the trade war elephant in the room – the threat by China and the rest of the world to dump U.S. Treasury holdings and thus formally bankrupt the U.S. Corporation.

    Let’s step back a minute and look at why the world wants to bankrupt the corporate U.S. government and force a regime change there.

    Ever since George Bush Jr.’s handlers stole the election in the year 2000 and staged 9/11, the Zionist (Khazarian) mafia-controlled U.S. regime has spent trillions of dollars on never-ending war.  This same regime, and its evil twin Israel, have created terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and Daesh to perpetuate this war.  This same regime has been actively trying to kill 90% of the world’s population with bioweapons, starvation, nuclear war, and now 5G microwave technology.  The latest sign of how antisocial this regime is came last week when 187 countries, with the sole exception of the U.S., agreed to stop dumping toxic plastic into the oceans.

    The Chinese used to support this endless warmongering and murder by buying U.S. Treasury bonds, until they realized they were paying the Americans to kill them.  They thus decided to take their dollars elsewhere and spend them on helping the planet, and the multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative is an example.  Now suddenly the Zionist controllers of the Washington, D.C. regime are realizing their US$800 billion dollar per year trade deficit and US$ trillion dollar per year budget deficit are endangering the survival of their regime.

    The budget deficit is being covered up by accounting tricks (such as the Feds using proxies to buy their own bonds), but the trade deficit is another matter.  It is based on real stuff in the real world and cannot be covered up with accounting tricks forever.  As the saying goes, “You can avoid reality for a certain amount of time, but eventually it has a way of catching up with you.”

    In an attempt to fix the problem, U.S. President Donald Trump asked the Chinese to buy a “trillion dollars” worth of American stuff.  The Chinese rationally responded that the U.S. does not have that amount of “stuff” to sell even if they wanted to.  Now, the Trump plan to use tariffs to fix the trade deficit is going to be a tax on U.S. consumers and will not help the U.S. economy become competitive.  That’s because the so-called U.S. dollar is too expensive, but the Americans cannot devalue it in order to make their exports competitive because the “U.S. dollar” is not an American currency.  It is owned by European and Asian royals, together with international oligarchs, who do not want it to lose value.

    On the other hand, if the U.S. government started issuing its own currency, say worth half what a U.S. dollar is now worth, U.S. consumers would still pay more for Chinese imports just as they would with tariffs, but this time U.S. exports would be competitive.  The U.S. government could then spend as many trillion of, let’s say, greenbacks, as it wanted to in order to fix its domestic infrastructure, etc.

    The main drawback is that the U.S. military could no longer afford to be guarding corporate interests at its 800 or so locations around the world.  That’s why the White Dragon Society (WDS), Asian secret societies, the British Commonwealth, and others are proposing an alternative.  This would involve replacing the entire political structure in Washington, D.C. with competent new people.  The current system is so corrupt with its fake elections and bribed and blackmailed politicians that it is beyond reform.
    However, the U.S. is full of competent and honest people who ran into a glass ceiling in the current system because they were immune to Zionist bribery and blackmail.  These are the people who would rebuild a debt-free Republic of the United States of America.  In such a scenario, the multi-polar world would pool its resources to transform the U.S. military-industrial complex into a benevolent force for planetary protection and space exploration.

    Okay, now let’s finally get to the breaking news of the past week.  The biggest news from last week is that newly installed Japanese Emperor Naruhito issued coded calls for help, according to British royal family sources.  The cry for help was conveyed through “neuro-linguistic programming” in a brief speech the Emperor made, the sources say.  He used “a certain combination of words written in a certain style and embedded with wordings and other devices” to let the world know the Imperial Family was being attacked, the sources say.  The attacks were carried out by “Japanese gangsters subcontracting for David Rockefeller Jr. and the French branch of the Rothschild family,” according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor. Special Forces are now hunting these gangsters down, WDS sources say.

    The death of Italian intelligence agent “50-year-old Massimo I” who was found “lying in a pool of his own blood and vomit” in Paris last week was also part of the secret war on the Zionists, P2 Freemason sources say.  “Cohen family mercenaries working for members of the Rothschild family closest to the Cabal” hired the renegade Italian secret service agent “in a conspiracy against German banks,” they say.  These people think “hatred and war” can prevent them from losing their “faltering financial hegemony,” they added.  The P2 didn’t directly take responsibility for Massimo’s death, though.

    There are also signs the U.S. regime is planning to put pressure on China by fomenting trouble in Thailand, Indonesia, and Laos, according to Asian secret society sources.  One source says the police in Indonesia “have already been handed live bullets from military storehouses for security purposes in preparation for May 22,” when results of the Indonesian presidential election are expected to be formally announced.  The sources say similar trouble will brew in Thailand and Laos as well due to disputed elections.

    The WDS has advised the CIA that trying to stage “color revolutions” in Southeast Asia would backfire even more than they did in Venezuela, Iran, and Turkey.  Pentagon sources warn that “after the failed coup in Venezuela and opposition to military intervention, Trump may have no choice but to fire neocons John Bolton, Elliot Abrams, and Mike Pompeo.

    Also, “The devastating armyworm pest” could soon “affect important Chinese staples such as rice, soybeans, and corn,” a new U.S. government report said this week.  “The voracious, inch-long fall armyworm… can breed rapidly, spread great distances, and is hugely difficult to eradicate,” the report says.  The report adds the “armyworm” has already “devastated agricultural produce across Africa and the Americas, where it originated, and has now begun to march across Asia.”  The timing of this outbreak, or the false fear-mongering report about it, makes it look suspiciously like an attack on China’s food supply related to the trade war.

    There was also a false flag attack in the United Arab Emirates last week that the Mossad-linked site Debka was quick to blame on Iran, even though the attack was carried out by aircraft with French and U.S. markings.

    This obviously Israeli false-flag attack on Saudi Arabian oil tankers is almost certainly retaliation for a recent Saudi pivot away from the Zionists and towards China.

    Meanwhile, in the U.S. patriots are intensifying their fight to liberate their country from Khazarian Zionist rule.  Here is what our Pentagon sources had to say about the fight:

    “After two lost years with Mueller and giving Zionists enough rope to hang themselves, former White House Chief of Staff Marine General John Kelly finally added gravitas to [the recent anti-Zionist] New York Times cartoon and declared war on Israel by publicly saying, ‘Trump’s family (Javanka) needs to be dealt with.’” The source says, “This also implies Sheldon Adelson and all unregistered foreign agents of Israel.”

    In other anti-Zionist developments, “the shyster Israeli drug company TEVA is being sued by 44 states for the price-fixing of generic drugs, with the Department of Justice lurking in the background,” the Pentagon sources note.

    Furthermore, “The House snubbed Israel by not passing the AIPAC-drafted $38 billion military aid package that also criminalizes free speech,” the sources note.  In a further sign the Zionists are losing control, the sources noted that Congress also invited “BDS (Boycott, Divestment Sanctions against Israel) and Palestine supporter Imam Omar Suleiman to deliver the opening prayer on May 9th, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said such moves did not mean the Democratic Party-controlled house was anti-Semitic.”

    The military-industrial complex is also under assault, the sources note.  The U.S. Air Force has commandeered the Boeing 737 investigations because the FAA and Boeing have lost the trust of the flying public, the sources say.  Lockheed Martin, meanwhile, is “reeling from F-35 problems,” they add.  “Boeing is subject to death by 1,000 cuts with drip-drip media reports, global regulators, whistleblowers, shareholders, investigators, prosecutors, customers, pilots, flight attendants, passengers, NASA, and the U.S. military weighing in,” they elaborate.

    The fight against Zionist extortion, hypocrisy, and crime is also raging in Poland, as locals fight for truth about how Polish Christians suffered as much as Jews did during WWII.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Wed May 15, 2019 5:29 pm

    The Secret Reason Why Nadler Wants Barr to Break the Law.

    Photo links at link below:

    Continuing this article, we are solving the May 9 2019 riddle.

    As usual, we will first gather all the pieces of the puzzle and assemble them at the end to extract the final decoded message.
    POTUS welcomes the Boston Red Sox.

    At 3:45 PM, the President hosted the Boston Red Sox for their victory at the World Champion Series. A few hours prior to the event, the White House website ‘misspelled’ Red Sox, wrote it ‘Red Socks’ and later corrected it. Some things never change. They still don’t get it. Look at how the Fake News, yet again, enjoyed their ignorance: Img1. You know what’s going on right? Kudos to those who connected this to the mysterious red stocking in the Q2595 Gingerbread Riddle we solved last December! In this article, and this image we found the letter for the red stocking was S=19.

    Not convinced this is what Trump was talking about with this White House ‘typo’? Then let’s listen to his response earlier at the event on Medical Surprise Billing when he’s asked about the divisiveness shenanigans the Red Sox Manager agitated on Puerto Rico to justify his absence: video. Did you solve? Peruvian Coffee on me for those who got this one! Img2 The Maestro said the number 91 6 times, 30: 2 times, 12: 2 times and the number 9. Now let’s single out the 91 and add up all the other numbers. What are the odds they add up to 6+30+2+12+2+9=61, which when juxtaposed with the 91 gives you the 9161 we found in the Red Stocking Gingerbread riddle?! Of course you remember this 9161 came from turning the year of the Keating-Owen Labor Act (1916) upside down.

    Now let’s pause for a second. Do you realize the Maestro did this on the fly? Now you know he was not kidding when he said this: video.

    Knowing we are walking in the direction the Maestro indicated, the next phase is to find the hidden information.

    Img3 Why did he insist on the 91 Billion dollars for Puerto Rico? If you notice the value for THE HAMMER is 91, you can pull Q2598 which is part of the Gingerbread riddle, mentions HAMMER and shows a picture of Santa Claus holding a HAMMER and signed QA. Now expand your thinking. This QA can be seen as Q Anon but you can also see it as Question and Answer. By doing so, you find the path to
    Comey’s famous Questions and Answers that he tweeted about and you can pull Q3227 where Q quotes him but also brings in Rosenstein.

    With Rosenstein joining the riddle, you know why Trump’s Red Sox jersey was not 45 but a random 18=R with the 2018 Red Sox victory plausible deniability. He solidifies this link even further with his 7:50 PM tweet about the Red Sox. It’s a video starting with the team’s jersey showing the word RED and its duration is 1:00. If you notice 1:00 brings the number 100 which is the value for RED STONE and that ROSENSTEIN is a Jewish Ashkenazi name compound from German Rosen- 'rose' + Stein 'stone', you have a clear and solid path from the tweet video to Rosenstein. Pretty cool right?

    Now in this context, what is THE HAMMER?

    Answer: according to whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, THE HAMMER is a secret supercomputer system set up by Obama’s DNI Clapper and CIA Director Brennan that they used to conduct illegal and unconstitutional government data harvesting and wiretapping. Let’s listen to General Tom McInerney as he is interviewed by Dave Janda until 6:53.

    As you can see, Clapper and Brennan have been busy and we have a better understanding of the means they used to spy on Trump and on millions of Americans. Here is an article where you will learn how Comey officially ‘launched’ the Trump Russia investigation the very next day THE HAMMER was exposed in that interview. If you go through the Montgomery audio tapes released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow, you will learn how the Obama’s administration could plant files such as child pornography or state secrets on a target’s computer, to set him up for blackmail or framed prosecution.

    Just in case you are interested in a low IQ explanation of THE HAMMER from someone who is in the know but who does not know when not to talk, here it is: video.

    And there you have it.

    According to Montgomery, THE HAMMER was used to spy on Trump, millions of innocent Americans, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts (that would explain his mysterious flip flop on Obamacare), the head of the FISA Court (well, well, well…), murdered Supreme Court Justice Scalia (hello Brennan) and business leaders.

    From Q1337 and Q1103, we already know China or whoever pays is spying on every American on social media through a Central Algorithm. And for example, FB spies on you even if you don’t have an account! Yes: if their ‘services’ are ‘free’, you are the product and if you are the product, Big Tech makes sure they can access their product whatever you choose to do. That’s how Big Tech gets its cut from illegal surveillance.

    How about politicians? Obama, HRC, Clapper and Brennan figured that in addition to the FVEY loopholes they were already having fun with, they had to set up their own illegal surveillance capabilities with THE HAMMER and rule America through blackmail and framed prosecution for the next 91 thousand years…

    And of course who controls these 2 groups? Yes: The family Y Cabal. They are the politician and Big Tech puppet masters, creators of fake politicians and fake billionaires, hiding in the shadows and enslaving us from the top of the food chain with their bogus money, their Fake News and global special interests.

    My friends, we dodged a HUGE bullet. If the Witch had entered the White House after Hussein, it would have been the end.
    Q855 The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable. Pure EVIL. HELL on earth - HRC victory. Q

    Now is a good time to re-watch this: Q602


    Let's continue to identify the other clues the Maestro gave us during this Red Sox event. Watch until the end. Who solved the “smell in the air”? You caught the value for SMELL is 61, which is the value for QANON right? The Maestro was essentially saying: “QANON is in the air, you’d better pay attention, we are entering the coded comms area”. Did you catch the message? He referred to the Lincoln Bedroom 3 times and ended the event with 1 last mention. Big load of Peruvian Coffee for those who saw he was talking about the Clown black ops sleeper cells! Explanation: 3 stands for C and 1 for A: C_A, the Clowns. Then, I told you in this post and this image that Comey used Abraham Lincoln as code to activate his sleeper cells through his tweets. Comey is confirmed in the riddle and his C_A sleeper cells are pulled in.

    Final message from this Red Sox event: it started at 3:45PM. We gather all the Q drops with the +-1200 rule. We get this image: Img4 and discover that the 2 traitors within Trump’s cabinet who were ready to support Rosenstein’s 25th Amendment effort belong with A. Cooper to the same sick cult/club. Makes sense right? Solidarity or blackmail…

    The Event on Surprise Medical Billing.

    Let’s listen to the most explosive response Trump gave to the Press at that event: until 23:00. Wow. Let’s start with what he said about Mueller being ‘in love’ with Comey and that if we look at the ‘picture file’, we would see hundreds of pictures of him and Comey. Do you think this is figurative? Think again. This event was scheduled at 11:45 AM. We pull Q1145 and Q2345 and Bingo! Look what you get: Img5

    Rosenstein-Omarosa and now Mueller-Comey! Pop Corn please. The Fisagate Soap Opera has begun. Now you know why the Maestro wished a happy Mother’s Day at 12:11 PM, exactly 144 minutes after the Rosenstein/Omarosa affair was revealed: Img6

    Here are the other decoded pieces: Secret Societies – The Angry Democrat Code – Surprise Legal Billing – The Muller Situation

    Then, the Maestro tells us about Nadler: until 39:30. With Mueller out, the Cabal activated Nadler to continue the witch hunt. You’ll find online info about Trump and Nadler’s NY real estate feud in the 90’s. Nothing major could happen in NY real estate without Nadler’s involvement since he entered the NY Assembly in 1974. Did you go through the link I gave you about his wife? Don’t you find it fascinating she earned her MBA from NY Stern in 1989, one year after a landmark $30 million gift from alumnus Leonard N. Stern allowed the School to expand? Here are other strange things about Nadler: Img11

    Here are all the pieces: Img12
    And here is the solution: Img13 - Img14

    Q2512 Mueller will face charges re: U1 He's working to save himself. Q
    Q1223 They think they are clever. Q

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Wed May 15, 2019 6:31 pm
    Praying Medic: Spygate Update - May 14 2019
    Published on May 14, 2019 / An update on investigations into Spygate.
    [size=18][b]Trump Traps The [CB], This Is What Control Looks Like - Episode 1868a

    Report date: 05.15.2019

    Don Jr makes a deal he will testify in front of the Senate. Matt Gaetz says transcripts will be released very soon. Gowdy says that this is much worse than people think. Papadopoulos says Brennan lies, he spied on me. Joe D, it all leads back to Brennan. The dossier was used as the cover-up. NY is being challenged about the gun rules. DOJ reports 43% offenders are illegal immigrants, wall being built in California. The push is now in Iran, the patriots are going after the [DS].
    [DS] Begins To Turn On Each Other, The Cover-Up Always Gets You In The End - Episode 1868b

    Report date: 05.15.2019

    Don Jr makes a deal he will testify in front of the Senate. Matt Gaetz says transcripts will be released very soon. Gowdy says that this is much worse than people think. Papadopoulos says Brennan lies, he spied on me. Joe D, it all leads back to Brennan. The dossier was used as the cover-up. NY is being challenged about the gun rules. DOJ reports 43% offenders are illegal immigrants, wall being built in California. The push is now in Iran, the patriots are going after the [DS].

    Three Florida radio stations will broadcast snippets from Trump speeches EVERY HOUR until Election Day as owner says he'll give listeners 'what they want'

    BOMBSHELL: Bayer discovers “black ops” division run by Monsanto, shuts it down, initiates internal investigation as law enforcement prepares criminal charges against the chemical giant

    Donald Trump signs executive order declaring national emergency on information security, laying ground for US ban on China’s Huawei
    The order bars the use of telecoms equipment made by companies deemed a threat to US national security
    Move would stymie Huawei’s efforts to expand into critical 5G market, giving US a chance to play catch-up

    John R Parkinson
    Follow Follow @jparkABC

    Source confirms AG Barr approached @SpeakerPelosi at National Peace Officers Memorial Service, shook her hand + said loudly “Madam Speaker, did you bring your handcuffs?” Pelosi smiled and indicated to Barr the House Sergeant at Arms was present should an arrest be necessary.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Wed May 15, 2019 6:48 pm

    [DS] Didn’t See This Coming, The Secret Weapon Revealed

    Giuliani's plan worked prefectly, Biden is now defending his actions in regards to Ukraine. Barr revealed his secret weapon, the [DS] didn't see this coming. Baker is in the middle of a leak investigation. Durham is now investigating it all, the [DS] should be worried, this is not just looking at bad procedures in different departments, Durham is looking into criminality. The patriots are now on offense and the [DS] is running for cover. 26 MIN

    Boom Week Ahead, C Comes Before D, No Sleep In DC

    Sweden is going to reopen rape case, this is being done so Assange does not get extradited to the US. Trump calls out FBI Directory Wray, is this being done on purpose to have Wray push what he has. No D's have looked at the unredacted Mueller report. Rep Ratcliffe says Comey is or might be investigated.Pompeo goes to Brussels to try to get the EU to drop the Iran deal. Q drops more bread. Boom week ahead, Is Collins about to drop the hammer. 24 min


    The spotlight of this Briefing focuses on President Trump and the take down of the Deep State's Brennan & Comey.

    Executive Order on Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain
    / The White House

    Lawyer issues warning to Congress on Barr contempt: 'You are heading into a world of hurt'

    Joe M
    Joe M Retweeted The White House
    Now we can do more than just complain. Thank you, President Trump, for giving us the tools to fight the globalist tech tyranny that was fortifying their monopoly on speech.

    The unsealing of over 90,000 indictments has begun. conceal-foreign obamas-2012-presidential-campaign/

    This is long but very good from
    Joe M
    1. There’s a lot surfacing that suggests that #ReleaseTheMemo will produce the following rather devastating revelations about a massive criminal cabal leading all the way to the Oval Office.

    More indictments will be unsealed overtime as Deep State officials are exposed.
    The Inspector General (IG) report on former FBI Director James Comey is about to be released. The report will contain incriminating evidence of Comey and those who conspired with him. The declassification (DECLAS) of FISA court abuse and misconduct will be next.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Fri May 17, 2019 12:58 pm
    Rocky Mountain Heist - The systematic take over by the  progressives in Colorado

    A 'must watch' and share documentary that reveals the systematic take over by the progressives in Colorado. Similar tactics are being used everywhere by the friends of the DNC. Citizens United has been on the forefront exposing the mode of operation of the left. Don't be deceived by those who are against Citizens United. The Clinton operation was exposed by "Hillary: The Movie" thanks to Citizens United. So much effort to push for an investigation of Hillary by an organization -- is there any surprise that the left hates Citizens United? This is about the 'real dark money' the left doesn't want you to know about!
    [DS] Tries To Out Maneuver Trump, This Will Fail - Episode 1869a

    Report date: 05.16.2019

    The automobile industry has been hard, since 2008 the [CB], [DS] pushed the subprime buyer into the market to boost the auto industry, now the manufactures and the borrowers are starting to feel the pain. Housing market is almost ready to implode, rate cut will be coming to save the housing market from crashing. Trump is now deciding to delay the auto tariffs. The [DS] is still trying to pull strings, the tried to push their agenda with China and it will fail
    [b]WW Resignations, [DS] Scrambling, Wait For It, Boom - Episode 1869b[/b]

    Report date: 05.16.2019

    The Dems are throwing their hats into the Presidential race, this will not protect them. The White House is now going after big tech for censoring individuals. New Zealand, France and many countries are now pushing censorship and trying to get the US to signup. The [DS] is now trying to get ahead of what is coming and many are now turning on each other. The documents have been collected and the evidence prepared, wait for it because the boom it coming. Peace talks are now in progress with Venezuela. The [DS] continues to push their agenda with Iran, Trump is waiting for a phone call.
    Dan Bongino Spells it out. Ep. 981 Is This What They’re Hiding?
    The Dan Bongino Show 5/16/2019.
    Solomon: State Official Informed FBI Agent of Steele Meeting Days Before Carter Page FISA Warrant

    The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986 freed pharmaceutical companies from liability for injuries resulting from childhood vaccines—“no matter how toxic the ingredients, how negligent the manufacturer or how grievous the harm.”
    NCVIA: The Legislation that Changed Everything—Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health: Part II • Children's Health Defense

    Both Comey And Brennan Voted Communist While Cold War Was Raging

    Military set to build six tent cities to house more than 7,500 migrants along the US-Mexico border

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Mon May 20, 2019 12:38 pm
    SerialBrain2: Nadler activated by the CABAL to continue the witch hunt. (part 3)

    Nellie Ohr Deleted Emails Exchanged With Top Ranking DOJ Husband: Judicial Watch                           

    The police report on Biden's son.

    Battleships and war planes gather near Indonesia as U.S./China proxy war escalates
    Benjamin Fulford – May 20, 2019

    A full undeclared proxy war between China and the United States is now raging around the world and is only going to escalate.  Tariffs and the U.S. blacklisting of telecom giant Huawei was just an opening salvo in a war that could turn hot, multiple sources agree.  The Chinese have already told the Americans, “If you want to talk, the door is open;  if you want to fight, we will fight to the end.”

    The biggest battlefield in this war is about to be Southeast Asia, according to White Dragon Society (WDS) sources in the region.  Chinese, American, and Australian warships as well as French fighter jets are now congregating around Indonesia in preparation for major battles when disputed presidential election results are announced on May 22nd, the sources say.

    The incumbent President, Joko Widodo, is backed by China and is expected to win by 11%.  He will face mass demonstrations by students and Muslim activists complaining about vote fraud and supporting his anti-Chinese opponent Prabowo Subianto.

    Prabowo is married to the daughter of long-term dictator Suharto and was also head of the Indonesian special forces.  Prabowo once warned Singapore founding father Lee Kuan Yew that “Chinese in Indonesia were at risk because in any trouble – riots – they would be hurt as a minority.”**  Already one pro-Chinese general has died from an engineered “monkey pox” virus brought in from Singapore, Asian secret society sources say.  The planned demonstrations “will be attacked with poison gas and bioweapons,” the sources say.

    An engineered crash of the Indonesian rupiah and stock markets will further destabilize the Widodo regime, they say.  CIA sources in Southeast Asia agree, and say it might be a good time to temporarily evacuate funds from Indonesia.

    The troubles brewing in Indonesia will coincide with a major anti-Chinese push in Laos and Thailand, the WDS source says.  The push in the region will also be against what are perceived to be “fraudulently elected Zionist lackeys,” according to CIA sources in the region.

    It’s also a good guess that the “miracle” victory (defying exit polls) by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in a general election over his more pro-Chinese opponent Bill Shorten was “engineered” as part of this general anti-Chinese offensive.

    The Chinese, for their part, are not planning to respond with half-measures.  Chinese military intelligence sources have previously told this writer that China has made contingency plans to occupy India, Korea, and Southeast Asia (minus Vietnam) within two months in the event of excess provocations by the Americans.

    The airing of anti-American Korean war movies in China is a hint about what the Chinese plan.  For sure, something big is about to happen on the Korean Peninsula, confirm North Korean and Asian secret society sources.  A North Korean source who contacted this writer for the first time in many months says that North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un is intensifying his activities in South Korea.  “Kim has reached a deal where he will be emperor of Korea while [South Korean President] Moon Jae In will be president,” the source says.  U.S. troops in the region will be presented with a fait accompli, the sources say.  Not only that, Kim has ambitions to oust Japanese Emperor Naruhito, the North Korean source says.

    This U.S. State Department propaganda “news” report about the arrest of hundreds of “Falun Gong believers” in North Korea provides a hint of these moves.  This is because Falun Gong is a psyop run by Neocon Zionist agent Eliot Abrams, say French intelligence and other sources.

    We are also getting interesting reports about the two Canadian citizens arrested in China for espionage – ex-diplomat Michael Kovrig and businessman Michael Spavor.  “Canadian military intelligence sold these two deep-state assets to the Chinese,” say U.S. military intelligence sources.  This was part of a campaign by the Canadian military against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whom they consider to be a “Zionist deep-state asset” working against Canadian interests, the sources say.  It has to do with “dirty trade deals done cheap” by Trudeau, add sources in the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

    The death last week “while running in Yokohama” of 57-year old Eric David Talmadge, North Korea bureau chief for the Associated Press, is also suspicious in these circumstances.  This could be a coincidence, or it may be part of an ongoing purge of Khazarian Zionist agencies who control the slave government of Shinzo Abe in Japan, Japanese underground sources say.

    We also got this interesting report last week about funky goings-on in Malaysia:

    “One of my Malaysian intelligence contacts told me last week that [disgraced former Prime Minister] Najib Razak is not really in custody as is publicly stated.  He is under a type of house arrest and does travel around West Malaysia as he wants.  He cannot leave the country officially, but “unofficially” he has been seen in Brunei.  There is a way for foreign dignitaries to enter Brunei totally under the radar and he was there last month.  A private meeting was arranged with the Sultan.  I confirmed this with my contact in BSB, Brunei.

    “Najib has made a deal with his handlers, the Khazarian Zionist Mafia.  He has all the data on the MH370/17 inside job.  He has it placed in several safe locations.  If he goes to jail and has his offshore assets confiscated, the data is to be released.  I was told that he has at least $5 billion USD parked in Brunei, Singapore, and Hong Kong.  It seems that [Malaysian] PM Mahathir’s hands are tied.”

    Despite efforts like this by the Rothschilds to cover up the Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 scandal, it is also coming to a head in Holland.  Already Russia has formally accused the Dutch government of covering up evidence relating to the downing of that flight.  In diplomatic terms, that’s close to a declaration of war.  It’s just a matter of time before this murderous farce is exposed to the world.

    Hopefully the liberation of the United States from Khazarian mafia control will be the trigger.  Here, Pentagon sources are now telling us that, “As sealed indictments approach 100,000, Mueller time is over;  time to pay the Barr tab.”  However, we keep waiting for these indictments to be acted upon and want to see action, not talk, on this front.

    The sources respond that as a start, U.S. President Donald Trump “may” release Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz and former FBI Director James Comey reports, plus declassify FISA documents before leaving for the UK and France on June 2 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of D-Day.  “D-Day may come to have a new meaning,” the sources say.

    Efforts by the Zionists to stave off all these investigations by stirring up trouble in the Middle East are also failing dramatically.  The recommendation by former CIA Operations Officer and U.S. Marine Intelligence agent Robert David Steele that Trump call Iranian leadership has had an effect, the Pentagon sources say.  “Trump may have a summit with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei which may help in his dealings with North Korea,” they say.

    There’s also a huge push by the Pentagon to “shake up the corrupt, wasteful military-industrial complex (MIC),” the sources say.  “As Turkey, India, Iran, China, Syria, Libya, and even the EU get better Russian weapons, a tsunami warning was delivered” to “purge” the MIC and force it to make better products, they say.  Pushing Turkey closer to Russia with the purchase of Su-57 fighters and S-500 anti-aircraft defense “is a bold move to dismantle NATO and weaken Israel,” they add.

    The Pentagon sources also seem pretty sanguine about the conflict with China, saying “the China trade war and extreme prejudice against Huawei may be used to nosedive Boeing, with China-led global boycotts, order cancellations, certifications revoked, groundings, and denial of landings and airspace” to force that company to clean up its act.

    The Pentagon sources say the U.S. military wants to help “America rid itself of the Zionist parasite,” while Israel is “consigned to pariah status.”

    The Polish government has also become a major player in the anti-Zionist movement following attempts by the Zionists to extort $300 billion from that country as “compensation for the Holocaust.”  The Poles have published the Red Cross report on the Nazi concentration camps that claims 271,301 people were killed, not 6 million.  They also have argued that Poland itself was the worst victim of Nazi atrocities.

    As someone with Polish-Jewish blood, I certainly think it is about time a real, historical, impartial, fact-based and public investigation puts this matter to rest once and for all.  Putting people into jail for questioning the official “holocaust” (burnt offering to Baal) story only creates suspicion.  Truth does not need to hide behind punishment.

    In any case, the fact that the Poles are standing their ground is a sign of the growing worldwide backlash against the Khazarian mafia and their Zionist nightmare.

    There is also a growing backlash against Khazarian mafia corporate control, the Pentagon sources say.  They note that the landmark Supreme Court case against Apple “paves the way for consumer antitrust suits to force the Department of Justice to break up tech giants like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and even Apple.”

    Also, Monsanto has now lost three major court cases and has been exposed for using special operations against journalists and opinion makers.  That company and its parent Bayer are learning about the laws of karma.

    Finally, I’d like to end this week’s report with one more bit of good news.  An Amazonian tribe has defeated big oil companies in a lawsuit and preserved 7 million acres of rain forest.

    Who says the good guys aren’t winning?  The bad guys are losing on all fronts, and planetary liberation is possible in 2019.

    **  From Third World to First:  The Singapore Story by Lee Kuan Yew, p. 280.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Tue May 21, 2019 8:58 am
    Rep. Trey Gowdy: I've Seen Transcripts So Damning
    They Would Change Even the Minds of Some of Those Who Hate Trump if Made Public

    Trump, The Hammer, The Beast and Sally Yates.

    Trump, The Hammer, The Beast and Sally Yates.

    Have you caught the recent comms from POTUS about THE HAMMER?

    Now that you know about this system and how Hussein illegally spied on millions of Americans with Clapper and Brennan’s help, it should be easier for you to decode the conversation.

    Let’s start with the Maestro’s May 14 Press Gaggle: until the end. You caught that? Did you notice he spoke about billions, then switched to millions? How about when he mentioned David and Emerald? Here are a few hints: Img1 I’m sure you want me to tell you about WRAY. I will not. Not now. But I promise I will. All I can say now is:

    Q1122 TRUST WRAY.

    Now who is this David that Freemasons know and why did the Maestro mention Emerald? Answer: Img2 As you can see, David has been very busy not being busy. From HRC selling State secrets through her private server to The HAMMER running on American soil, to selling our Uranium to Russia, Hussein’s top level administration knew everything. Read very carefully: Img3 You got that? HRC’s server was never hacked, she sold access. Now look how Hussein’s administration willingly participated: Img4 They all had private emails to access the “market” and Eric Schmidt from Alphabet/Google was the anointed IT guy who would set up the communication platforms. Then Q says this:

    Q1504 ES is KEY.

    Why? Because the person who runs the platform has it all. He knows the strengths and weaknesses of all the countries gathering in HRC’s market and can silently sell anything to anyone.

    Did the US have some kind of defense mechanism? Yes, we learn from Q1981 that there is a paper trail: the NSA tried to warn Hussein who did not do anything because he was complicit. Img5

    Let’s now listen to the Maestro the same day at the Hackberry Rally in LA. Wait a minute. “Hackberry”? You got that one? Yes: hack+blackberry but also BL+H=> Bleach=> BleachBit. The Maestro is referring to the acid washed server and the Blackberries the Witch destroyed with a HAMMER and that have all the evidence about THE HAMMER and her international State secret market. Comms good? Look how in his April 15 2018 ABC interview with Stephanopoulos, High IQ-not-a-weasel Comey lies about it and suggests there are people who resell destroyed phones and other people who buy them: Img6

    Now that you know why the rally happened in Hackberry, let’s listen to the Maestro in the first coded area of his speech: until 27:33. Did you solve? You caught his reference to “clean air” was code for the “SMELL in the air” from the White House Red Sox event right? That’s how he was signaling we were entering the coded area. If you still want to play, here is the transcript with highlights to help you decode, try to solve as much as you can: Img7

    First, what did he mean with his insistence on the presidential car The Beast? You need to solve: HAMMER+TRUMP+CAR. I told you, I’ll tell you again: always start with the BBC. By doing so, you find this video. “If only cars could talk, what stories this one might tell” and “there’s a lot of beautiful women that’s ridden in me” are pretty straightforward messages right? They tried to threaten Trump with THE HAMMER at the beginning of his presidency and in this bogus report, they told us right there and then about the Stormy play that was coming. Did you detect the Witch in the video, solve the name of the Limo Owner, who he was working for and why they capitalized “Owner”? It’s right here: Img8

    As you can see, we caught another David. You remember the Maestro’s old friend I told you about in this post and this image? HRC’s state secret market is an old game the Rockefellers and similar creatures know very well. In one shot, I gave you that the Witch was a Vatican asset and that Rockefeller was a C_A puppet. Pretty cool right?

    With this car auction, you now know why they named the system THE HAMMER: they were selling our data and our State secret intel in international auctions.

    Q855 AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder. AMERICA has been weakened on purpose. The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable. Pure EVIL. HELL on earth - HRC victory. Q

    With all these connections, we’ve established that whatever is connected to the Beast is related to the Vatican (Rev 17:3-4), secret societies (33K emails), treasonous activities (private emails) and espionage in particular (THE HAMMER).

    When Trump got elected, the air was not as clean as he mentioned in his Hackberry speech. Remember Chucky? He said this. How about Senator Reid who during the campaign said this? The Maestro had to develop mechanism to detect the traitors. One of them is called the BEAST TEST and is revealed in a tweet where he rhetorically asks if Nadler was going to look into HRC’s 33K deleted emails: Img9

    Army tank, windows, walls, John Kennedy… Does it make sense now? The Maestro is referring to operating systems, firewalls, his comms secured by the Military and the enemy multiple attempts to infiltrate his cabinet and assassinate him politically and physically.

    Who solved the I-10? Tough one isn’t it? You need to solve [I-10 6 times, 20, 3, 16]. If you notice I=9, the sequence I-10 is 9-10 and therefore elliptically represents 11. 11 6 times is 66. 16 can be read one 6. Which, when juxtaposed to 66 gives you the number 666.

    How about the remaining [20,3]? Yes: Q=17=20-3. The Maestro was therefore saying: 666 Q.

    This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666. Rev. 13:18.

    If you notice the Maestro changed the order [Bill, Steve, John] to [Steve, John, Bill], since BSJ=31, we can change the order and get 13, which is the chapter with the beast number 666 in Revelation. Let’s go further: BILL+STEVE+JOHN=153 and the Maestro said: “And I can't (or can) play with these 3 - Steve, John, Bill, everybody sitting here” which is code for I can move these 3 numbers 1,5,3 composing 153 if I don’t break them down. By doing so, you transform 153 to 15+3=18, which gives you the verse of the beast number within Revelation 13. The message 666 Q is confirmed.

    Now what is the intrinsic meaning of I-10, why does he mention a bridge and beauty?

    Since I=9, I-10 connects to 90=9x10, which is the value for BEAST MARK and COMPOSED. Bingo! The Maestro wrote “composed” in quotes in his 6:55 May 19 tweet. Coincidence? This is where we need to look at. To make sure we access the core of the information, let’s analyze all the surrounding tweets to gather the pieces of the puzzle. We get these 4 sets: Img10 – Img11 – Img12 – Img13

    Here are all the pieces in a synthetic image: Img14 Do your research and try to identify the hidden message.
    Here is the solution: Img15

    There’s more.

    Let’s listen to the Speech Writer Riddle: until 32:19.

    Peruvian Coffee for those who solved this one! The key was to make the connection between the year 2015 and $215 billion. Here is the solution: Img16

    Now you are equipped to resolve one of the most challenging questions in the Q board.

    It’s in Q3210. Q gives us text messages from McCabe. I’ll first give you the appetizer where we discover which technical expertise Brennan and Clapper used to set up THE HAMMER on Obama’s instructions: Img17

    And here is the main course: Img18 On Nov 18 2016 McCabe refers to the DAG as HE. But at the time, it was Sally Yates. Did he know RR was coming in or was RR already active? Impossible: Sessions was nominated on Nov 18 and had to take the time to pick RR:
    Q1318 Why did Session pick RR?

    RR was nominated on Feb 1 2017. So? McCabe assumes Sally Yates is a man!

    Next? We take a closer look at Sally Yates: Img19 – Img20 – Img21

    Ready for the Grand Finale? Can you decode this tweet: Img22

    What if I told you the Maestro coded Sally Yates in this tweet? Img23 The timestamp brings Q3335. There are 2 missing words in the tweet: IT between ‘before’ and ‘the’ and THE between ‘of’ and ‘two’. This gives us IT THE, and when re-arranged: ET HIT, you know what that means right? Since E=5, T=20 and Y=25, ET=Y and ET HIT can be written Y HIT which when connecting to Comey’s XXXX in Q3335 and dropping the doubles, you get YS, which are Sally Yates initials.

    Now you know why the tweet is about Gen. Flynn who was specially targeted by Sally Yates and why it reads: ‘being one of two people’ and ‘I could make a change’.

    Sally Yates made a change and is now two people. He has willingly become a bridge for dark creatures from extra-terrestrial dimensions to advance the Antichrist agenda. He’s riding the beast. McCabe knew. They all knew.

    “Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society” Lisa Page.

    They had one at the White House, another one at the DOJ. Do you see the power of the symbol and where they were going?
    Q133 “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan” Q

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Tue May 21, 2019 10:21 am
    Patriot Intel Report 05 21 19

    Loretta Lynch accuses Comey of misrepresenting key Clinton probe conversation,
    was 'quite surprised' by his testimony


    The transcript release: includes testimony from:

    Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe – pdf Link Here

    Former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch – pdf Link Here

    James Comey former chief-of-staff James Rybicki – pdf Link Here

    Former FBI lawyer, Office of Legal Counsel, Trisha Beth Anderson –

    Deputy Asst. Attorney General (DOJ-NSD), George Toscas – pdf Link Here

    FBI Deputy Asst. Director, Jonathan Moffa – pdf Link Here

    Former FBI Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch, John Giaclone – pdf Link Here

    FBI Unit Chief, Office of Legal Counsel, Sally Moyer – pdf Link Here

    FBI New York Field Office, Assistant Director in Charge, William F. Sweeney Jr. – pdf Link Here [link to (secure)]

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Wed May 22, 2019 6:12 pm

    SerialBrain2: Something big is about to drop: confirmed by POTUS himself.

    A few hours ago, exactly at 8:01:03 PM EST on May 21 2019, I posted the following image asking you to buckle up because something big was about to drop: Img1.

    As you can see, I decoded the Maestro’s 5:48 PM tweet and advised to watch Congress.

    Many in the comment section wondered what this thing that was about to drop could be.

    Exactly 79 minutes and 48 seconds later, at 9:20:51 PM, POTUS tweeted this tweet.

    Not only this tweet confirms my previous decode but it gives us the information we were looking for.

    Look: Img2 The timestamp of the tweet is 9:20 PM or 21:20 military time, we go to Q2120 and it’s a picture of the US flag echoing the US flag in my image. Coincidence? The capital letters add up to 188, value for JUDGEMENT IS COMING and YOU ALL GOT CAUGHT. Pretty straightforward right?

    Now let’s go further and analyze the exact timestamps: the delta between my post and POTUS’s tweet is [9:20:51]-[8:01:03] = 79 minutes and 48 seconds. 79 is the value for ORANGES, which is code for ORIGINS as discussed in this post and positioned by the Maestro in the media timeline here: video. And of course, you caught 48 is the value for HOAX.

    This big thing that is about to drop is POTUS officially launching the process that will reveal the origins of the Russian Hoax and force all the criminals involved to face justice.

    The sequencing of the process is revealed here:

    Q3328 DECLAS pre or post IG report? [Comey] pre or post IG report? C comes before D. Q

    From this drop, we deduce Comey will be the first domino to fall, then POTUS will DECLAS.

    With everything you now know, do you realize the magnitude of this? Do you see this beautiful MOAB in Q3335 zeroing in Comey? It has fragmentation capabilities. When it hits, it’s the end and everything explodes in sequences: Clinton Foundation, Crime against Children, Uranium 1, HRC selling State secrets through her private server and all the those involved Img3, FISA, The Flynn set up, Seth Rich, the Fake Memos, AWAN, Justice Scalia, 9/11, ISIS, the Sleeper Cells, the False Flags and all those involved who communicated through tweets, game platforms or email drafts, etc…

    Q759 Where are the tweets from HRC, BC, CC, Hussein, others re: the shooting today? Do you believe in EVIL? Make no mistake, they will all PAY THE PRICE. Q

    You now see why [Comey] has to happen before DECLAS: once this domino falls, all the other actors will either unsuccessfully try to run away and inexorably face the dynamics of this drop:

    or spill the beans:

    Q2203 PANIC IN DC. LYNCH talking. Q

    Are you guys ready? Have you adjusted your popcorn budget? I doubled mine to handle the ride until the public knows Adam is C_A, why he secretly met Glenn Simpson in Aspen and why Simpson was picked for the Steele Dossier from the first place.

    Q2004 The FARM requires select skill-sets. Q

    You didn’t know Adam was C_A? You didn’t know he’s Brennan’s puppet? It’s right here:

    What was BRENNAN's background re: SAUDI ARABIA?
    Does the C_A hold blackmail on political leaders?
    Does the C_A protect those who protect them?
    Why are ex C_A contractors running for office?
    How many ex C_A contractors are currently in office?
    Hello, [AS].
    Once an agent, always an agent.

    Now watch. Since Comey and Brennan are currently at each other's throats, it will be very interesting to see how Adam will be silent about Comey’s disintegration and hyper vocal about Brennan’s.

    As I said in a past article about the Fake News, when I was a kid, analyzing encaged snakes at the zoo was something I could joyfully do for hours. When my mother was not around to enforce the schedule, I would even skip the ice cream break…

    Q3320 Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Q


    level 1

    Q2203 PANIC IN DC. LYNCH talking. Q
    I had the following comment finished under the 'Buckle up' image before your new post came in, SB. Now I notice it fits in much better here. So exceptionally a second time:

    Has anyone seen Hussein's tweet from two days ago? It's a video on the occasion of the mayoral election in Chicago?
    This is definitely a coded message! Let's have a look at his speech.

    "Hi Chicago!" - His tone is not very friendly, although he wants to spread a 'good' message, so I guess the initials HC rather point to Hillary and the message is addressed to her.

    Ok, if we stay on this track, we can also assume that Lori Lightfood might refer to 'Loretta Lynch'.

    He says: "Lori made history today. That is a great sign not just for her but for Chicago." Another rather angry look, hence this interpretation: "Loretta has talked. This is not only a disaster for her, but also for the Clintons and their friends."

    Next: "It sends an especially important message to all the young people out there who don't know yet what it is that they are going to achive but, in seeing Lori's achivement see greater possibilities for themselves."

    Interpretation: "That LL cooperated and talked out everything (TARMAC meeting) is a catastrophe for all of us, nobody knows what will happen to us if others imitate her and also start talking to save themselves."

    Then he threatens all those who are not silent: "Congratulations everbody. We send our best." Best what? Sleeper cells? Suicide bombers? Assassins?

    He closes with the words: "We make sure our city continue to thrive. We'll see you soon." His emphasis and his look at the end is a single threat, see for yourself.

    Interpretation: "Beware. We will not stand idly by. We're watching you."

    The video is 1:17 long. 17 = Q = another threat

    The capital letters: CCMLLTMCECCCAVCC = 122 = I OWN YOU = 122 = Bill Clinton
    Notice that there are a lot of C's in the capital letters, exactly 8 = 8C = HC.

    Hussein warns the Clintons and their allies not to change sides in panic and divulge secrets. He has Bill Clinton and the witch in his pocket (blackmail, pedo videos?) and many others too. Those who don't shut up will be destroyed. He knows, if the Clintons are toast, he is toast. Notice that he sent this message not from his personal account, but from the Obama Foundation. A hint, that he speaks about anyone connected to this evil 'network'.

    Q91: Why is MS13 a priority? Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure? The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails? Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof! Snow White Godfather III Q

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Fri May 24, 2019 7:10 am
    CRAZY NANCY: President Trump UNLOADS On Pelosi and Chuck Schumer

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 13908914-0-image-m-6_1558699354602
    Trump's payback begins:
    President tells Bill Barr to declassify ALL documents related to 'spying' on his 2016 campaign
    and orders intelligence chiefs to help the AG with his investigation

    In a memo released by the White House on Thursday, President Trump demands that the agencies 'shall promptly provide such assistance and information as the Attorney General may request in connection with that review.' The order also allows Barr to declassify any information he sees fit during his review. Last month, Barr said at a Senate hearing that 'spying' on Trump's campaign was carried out by U.S. intelligence agencies, though he later referred to his concerns as focused on 'unauthorized surveillance.'

    Trump gives AG Barr authority to declassify documents related to 2016 campaign surveillance

    Trump moves to escalate investigation of intel agencies

    BREAKING….. IT’S HAPPENING! President Trump Calls on DOJ
    to Declassify Intel Related to Spying on Trump Campaign

    President Trump released a statement on Thursday night ordering declassification of the intelligence related to the spying on the Trump Campaign in 2016.

    This is breaking news…

    President Trump: “Today, at the request and recommendation of the Attorney General of the United States, President Donald J. Trump directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election. The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information. Today’s action will help ensure that all Americans learn the truth about the events that occurred, and the actions that were taken, during the last Presidential election and will restore confidence in our public institutions.”

    First Batch of Declassification to Include ‘Bucket 5’
    – FBI Docs Exonerating Papadopoulos and Carter Page

    It’s happening!

    President Trump on Thursday evening announced that at the recommendation of Attorney General Bill Barr, he has directed the Intel Community to quickly and fully cooperate with Barr’s investigation into surveillance activities.

    President Trump ordered declassification of the intelligence related to the spying on his presidential campaign in 2016.

    Investigative journalist Paul Sperry reported Thursday evening that the first phase of declassification is said to include FBI documents that will exonerate Trump campaign officials George Papadopoulos and Carter Page.

    Earlier this week, award-winning journalist John Solomon said that President Trump will start with the release of “Bucket 5” documents, the exculpatory statements that the FBI possessed about its targets before it went to the FISA Court.

    Sarah Carter then added that Bucket 5 includes transcripts and tapes of Papadopoulos and Carter Page saying there was no way the Trump campaign was working with Russia.

    “First batch of POTUS declassification said to include FBI docs of recorded conversations exculpating Papadopoulos & Page–prior to FBI going for FISA warrant based on their alleged conspiracy.Papadopoulos says Halper & Downer both tried to record him w their cell phones,” reported Paul Sperry.

    Last edited by Carol on Fri May 24, 2019 7:32 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Fri May 24, 2019 7:12 am
    SerialBrain2: Trump, The Hammer, The Beast and Sally Yates.
    Praying Medic: Did You Say TREASON?
    Today, the President accused James Comey, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok of treason.
    My website:


    May 23, 2019


    May 23 2019 22:13:18 (EST)
    Why did POTUS circumvent DNI Coats (normal protocol for DECLAS) and give AUTH directly to AG Barr?


    May 23 2019 21:25:37 (EST)
    ad88dd98cbb2c71ad56729431f1994ba368470fac5e394e5910285bd066421a4.jpg ⬇
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    May 23 2019 21:23:51 (EST)
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    May 23 2019 21:09:11 (EST)
    what about the Comey report?

    Moves & countermoves.
    Misdirection sometimes creates one person to turn on another (publicly).
    [C]oming soon.



    May 23 2019 21:05:06 (EST)
    ClipboardImage.png ⬇
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    May 23 2019 21:01:04 (EST)
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    UK/AUS assist/set up


    May 23 2019 21:01:32 (EST)
    >>6572364 (/pb)
    Under protection.
    Threat is real.
    Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.



    May 23 2019 20:45:18 (EST)
    Carter Page anon.

    Carter Page 'public' FISA.
    Remainder are still under classification (until today).
    Waterfall of proofs coming (post DECLAS).



    May 23 2019 20:40:07 (EST)
    Is Potus going to ask the Queen about UK assist

    Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.


    May 23 2019 20:41:57 (EST)

    May 23 2019 20:39:35 (EST)
    cruz.PNG ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Ea12bfeb641d5c8562cc253c0f2ea390183c4cf6a2527484d66cef29633ddeb1


    Follow the watch.


    May 23 2019 20:35:23 (EST)
    eaed091c37f3f79bc2142ccffbce93fbcdb59a8def999e4369669ddac0de70fb.jpg ⬇
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    Important to remember.
    Page is public.
    Remainder are still classified.



    May 23 2019 20:29:33 (EST)
    PANIC IN [DC].

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 D7TMFxyWkAAbgw2
    The jig is up.

    Joe M

    Q reminds us that Ted Cruz was also surveilled, and that was actually even worse than what they did to Trump because with Cruz there wasn't even a Russia pretext - just blatant espionage & criminality; something we'll learn was being done to secure Deep State power for decades.

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 D7UQQzlX4AAiwLk

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 D7TjqdUXYAAyDPu

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 D7TGeu7XkAAaxk_

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Fri May 24, 2019 10:05 am
    Ingraham: The great Pelosi crack-up
    Nancy Pelosi spends her days obsessing over President Trump.

    Tucker Carlson: The left doesn't think MS-13 is a problem because Trump thinks they're 'animals'
    [DS] Already Lost & They Don’t Know It Yet,Transparency Is The Only Way Forward
    - Episode 1875b

    Report date: 05.23.2019

    Trump fires back at Tillerson. The [DS] is now pushing their agenda, the problem is that they already lost, the truth is about to come out. The [DS] is now receiving Trumps financial records, this will set a new precedent and the [DS] will be caught up in it. The documents of what happened during the spying of Trump is about to be revealed to the public, this will not be accepted by many, many will go into shock, some will be angered. But it must be done, the people must know what really happened.

    Something big is about to drop: confirmed by POTUS himself.

    A few hours ago, exactly at 8:01:03 PM EST on May 21 2019, I posted the following image asking you to buckle up because something big was about to drop: Img1.

    As you can see, I decoded the Maestro’s 5:48 PM tweet and advised to watch Congress.

    Many in the comment section wondered what this thing that was about to drop could be.

    Exactly 79 minutes and 48 seconds later, at 9:20:51 PM, POTUS tweeted this tweet.

    Not only this tweet confirms my previous decode but it gives us the information we were looking for.

    Look: Img2 The timestamp of the tweet is 9:20 PM or 21:20 military time, we go to Q2120 and it’s a picture of the US flag echoing the US flag in my image. Coincidence? The capital letters add up to 188, value for JUDGEMENT IS COMING and YOU ALL GOT CAUGHT. Pretty straightforward right?

    Now let’s go further and analyze the exact timestamps: the delta between my post and POTUS’s tweet is [9:20:51]-[8:01:03] = 79 minutes and 48 seconds. 79 is the value for ORANGES, which is code for ORIGINS as discussed in this post and positioned by the Maestro in the media timeline here: video. And of course, you caught 48 is the value for HOAX.

    This big thing that is about to drop is POTUS officially launching the process that will reveal the origins of the Russian Hoax and force all the criminals involved to face justice.

    The sequencing of the process is revealed here:

    Q3328 DECLAS pre or post IG report? [Comey] pre or post IG report? C comes before D. Q
    From this drop, we deduce Comey will be the first domino to fall, then POTUS will DECLAS.

    With everything you now know, do you realize the magnitude of this? Do you see this beautiful MOAB in Q3335 zeroing in Comey? It has fragmentation capabilities. When it hits, it’s the end and everything explodes in sequences: Clinton Foundation, Crime against Children, Uranium 1, HRC selling State secrets through her private server and all the those involved Img3, FISA, The Flynn set up, Seth Rich, the Fake Memos, AWAN, Justice Scalia, 9/11, ISIS, the Sleeper Cells, the False Flags and all those involved who communicated through tweets, game platforms or email drafts, etc…

    Q759 Where are the tweets from HRC, BC, CC, Hussein, others re: the shooting today? Do you believe in EVIL? Make no mistake, they will all PAY THE PRICE. Q

    You now see why [Comey] has to happen before DECLAS: once this domino falls, all the other actors will either unsuccessfully try to run away and inexorably face the dynamics of this drop:

    or spill the beans:

    Q2203 PANIC IN DC. LYNCH talking. Q

    Are you guys ready? Have you adjusted your popcorn budget? I doubled mine to handle the ride until the public knows Adam is C_A, why he secretly met Glenn Simpson in Aspen and why Simpson was picked for the Steele Dossier from the first place.

    Q2004 The FARM requires select skill-sets. Q

    You didn’t know Adam was C_A? You didn’t know he’s Brennan’s puppet? It’s right here:

    What was BRENNAN's background re: SAUDI ARABIA?
    Does the C_A hold blackmail on political leaders?
    Does the C_A protect those who protect them?
    Why are ex C_A contractors running for office?
    How many ex C_A contractors are currently in office?
    Hello, [AS].
    Once an agent, always an agent.

    Now watch. Since Comey and Brennan are currently at each other's throats, it will be very interesting to see how Adam will be silent about Comey’s disintegration and hyper vocal about Brennan’s.

    As I said in a past article about the Fake News, when I was a kid, analyzing encaged snakes at the zoo was something I could joyfully do for hours. When my mother was not around to enforce the schedule, I would even skip the ice cream break…

    Q3320 Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Q

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Sat May 25, 2019 9:17 am
    SerialBrain2: Trump, Sally Yates & the Enemy's Agenda. (Part 2)

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Image0135
    Trump Strikes Back

    "...the bad faith of his antagonists exceeds even Mr. Trump’s defects and vices. The plot they concocted to get rid of him failed... and they fu*ked it up magnificently, leaving a paper trail as wide as Interstate-95..." Hence, the desperate rage of the impeachment faction, in direct proportion to their secret shameful knowledge that the entire RussiaGate melodrama was, in fact, a seditious subterfuge between the Hillary Clinton campaign and a great many key figures in government up-to-and-including former president Barack Obama, who could not have failed to be clued-in on all the action. Even before the declassification order, the true narrative of events has been plainly understood: that the US Intel “community” trafficked in fictitious malarkey supplied by Mrs. Clinton to illegally “meddle” in the 2016 election.

    “The Transparency Organization”, Judicial Watch Weekend Update—Exposes More....Transparency somehow is The Coverup ??? Treason, Coup Cabal, Sedition, DS, Judicial Lawlessness, Ohr Deleting Classified Emails, HRC Chart Of Treasonous Acts Release, Stonewalling & Protection Of Corrupt Politicians, FISA, TOTAL Barr Authority Authorization, DECLAS Initiative, unmasking (privacy protections) documents from Obama eras, etc., BARR is The Declassification Czar!
    Fitton: Trump Declassification, Bruce Ohr Deleting Emails? Clinton Email Cover-Up, & More

    Most of the facts are already documented. Only a few details remain to be confirmed: for instance, whether international man-of-mystery and entrapment artist Josef Mifsud was in the employ of the CIA, and/or Britain’s MI6, and/or Mrs. Clinton’s Fusion GPS contractor (or Christopher Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence company, a subcontractor to both Fusion GPS and the FBI). Questions will now be asked — though not by The New York Times.

    The evidence already public indicates that Robert Mueller must have known as early as the date of his appointment (and likely before) that the predicating evidence for his inquiry was false. After all, his soon-to-be lead prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, was informed of that in no uncertain terms by his DOJ colleague, Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, in 2016. Justice may seek to know why Mr. Mueller did not inform the target of his inquiry that this was so. The answer to that may be that Mr. Mueller’s true mission was to disable Mr. Trump as long as possible while setting an obstruction of justice trap — which also failed tactically.

    Notice that Mr. Mueller declined to testify before the House Judiciary Committee last week. Chairman Jerrold  Nadler (D-NY) was a fool to invite him. Did he not know that minority members of his committee get to ask questions too?

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Mrz052319-color-1-1-mb_1_orig

    In an interesting turn of the screw last week, polling showed that a majority of those asked were in favor of investigations into the origin of the RussiaGate story. The FBI, being an agency under the direct supervision of the Attorney General, will be hosed out for sure. The CIA, on the other hand, has a sordid history of acting as a sovereign state within the state — hence the derivation of the Deep State. They are renowned for protecting their own. Remember, the Senate Minority Leader, Mr. Schumer, snidely told the incoming President Trump at the get-go that the Intel community “has six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” I guess we’ll finally get to see about that because the CIA’s former director, the wicked Mr. Brennan, is grand jury bound. I suspect he will not be protected by his former colleagues. His downfall may presage a more thorough cleanup, and perhaps a major reorganization, of this monstrous agency.

    The indictment of Julian Assange adds a big wrinkle to these upcoming proceedings. Apart for what it means to First Amendment protection for a free press (no small matter), Mr. Assange is the one person who actually knows who handed over the “hacked” DNC emails to Wikileaks. Perhaps getting the answer to that question is the real reason that the DOJ is throwing the book at him. The trial of Mr. Assange is sure to be a humdinger.

    I’m convinced, personally, that all this melodrama will play out against the background of a cratering global economy, tanking financial markets, and epic disruption of the established international order. Consider laying in some supplies.

    CNN now the 'hate Trump' network, ex-contributors say: Network 'openly despises conservatives'

    Several conservative commentators who were previously employed by CNN are now speaking out against the network, claiming its current identity is "anti-Trump" instead of neutral, as it claims to be. One claims the network "openly despises conservatives." "Most of us got squeezed out involuntarily,” Jack Kingston, a former Georgia congressman who appeared on the network, told Mediaite. “I was there for two years and was certainly willing to continue. It was clear to me in the end that the Republicans they prefer are anti-Trump Republicans.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Mon May 27, 2019 10:26 am

    As Theresa May loses battle of Britain, West Coast oligarchs sue for peace

    Benjamin Fulford – May 27, 2019

    The forced resignation of British Prime Minister (and Hitler daughter) Theresa May marked a decisive turning point in the battle for the planet Earth, multiple sources agree.  Already, her resignation has forced high-tech oligarchs Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk to seek peace negotiations with the White Dragon Society (WDS), according to P2 Freemason sources.

    Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump has spent the Memorial Day weekend in Japan, in part to avoid assassination as moves begin to end the long political deadlock in Washington, D.C., Pentagon and Japanese right-wing sources say.

    As many of us are aware, U.S. politics has been stuck in an endlessly repeating loop for two years, with hysterical Democrats using control of corporate media and every legal tool possible to remove Trump, while Trump endlessly tweets “witch hunt.”

    To understand why the resignation of May is crucial to breaking the political deadlock, we need to take a quick look at the FISAgate scandal.  Basically, in 2016 the Rockefeller/Clinton oligarchs asked their Rothschild counterparts in the UK to circumvent U.S. law in order to spy on Trump and concoct the Russiagate scandal to impeach him.  May’s resignation means the British Nazi (Zionist) -allied oligarchs who fought against Trump are now all being purged from the British military/intelligence/political power structure, according to British royal family sources.  This purge will be accompanied by a similar purge in the U.S., according to Pentagon sources.

    “Trump giving [U.S. Attorney General William] Barr power to declassify gives him clean hands to terminate Zionists when files are released about 9/11, 3/11 [Fukushima], and other military intelligence,” Pentagon sources promise.

    A foretaste of the sorts of files that are about to be released came with this leak from Holland of video and photographs taken immediately after “Malaysian Air” Flight 370/17 was shot down over the Ukraine.  The film has been made available for download until June 1, but be warned that it contains graphic, stomach-churning images of mangled corpses.

    The whistleblower who sent the file noted that the victims of “Flight 17” had invalid Dutch passports belonging to people who boarded Flight 370.  Also, many of the bodies were decomposed, wearing winter clothes for a summer flight or else naked, and had no blood.  The information contained on the flights’ black boxes has “never been made public by the English, who received them,” the source notes.

    British MI6 sources say, “Both the current and former prime ministers colluded to pervert the course of the emancipation of Great Britain and as always, we found out, so they had to go.”  Now that they have been removed from power, the release of information from the Flight 370/17 black boxes is forthcoming, the sources add.  Also, former U.S. President Barack Obama is testifying now about the use of Flight 370/17 for nuclear blackmail against world leaders, CIA sources note.

    There are many signs the Khazarian mafia is not taking these imminent disclosures well.  For one thing, CNN headlined an article about Trump’s visit to Japan with a photo of John F. Kennedy exiting a plane on the day of his assassination.

    We also were treated to the spectacle of Rep. Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee which ran various congressional investigations against the president, passing out at a press conference.

    Meanwhile, an obviously highly stressed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for an “intervention” against Trump. (As in assassination of him and his family.)

    If the U.S. military police do not round up these criminals after such blatant threats against a sitting president, they’re guilty of dereliction of duty.

    In any case, the Zionist rogue state of Israel is also under siege.  Mass-murdering war criminal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been unable to form a government after his recent attempt to steal the election there.

    “Israel is surrounded by missiles, S-400s, tsunami nukes, and may have to give up the Golan Heights,” Pentagon sources note.  Meanwhile, the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel “escalates with Trump forcing Israel to abandon Chinese projects, while Siemens, Bombardier, Hitachi, Macquarie, Alstom, and a Greek consortium all withdrew from the Jerusalem light rail project,” the sources note.  The EU is also reviewing its ties with the Zionist Israeli Bank Leumi,” they note.  Furthermore, Israeli crimes are “stoking anti-Semitism to the extent that Germany is warning Jews not to wear their skull caps,” the sources note.

    “The true cost of war is being discussed among Pentagon insiders, perhaps including Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley, already designated to become the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” comments Robert David Steele, former Marine and CIA officer.  “Both the President and the best of the senior leaders understand that being the Zionist tool for the Middle East has cost the USA not just seven trillion dollars, but 75,000 amputees, 250,000 or more confirmed PTSD cases, tens of thousands of rapes (male as well as female), and a virtual trillion-dollar crime wave as contractors have leveraged ‘easy money’ to cheat the military and the taxpayer,” he says.

    Internationally, the Zionist neocon attempt to force regime change on Venezuela and steal that country’s oil has publicly been declared a failure.  Also, attempts to start a war with Iran have failed, and instead the U.S. government is now working on a comprehensive Middle East peace deal with Iran and Saudi Arabia, CIA sources note.  In Indonesia, a Zionist attempt to overturn the re-election of President Joko Widodo resulted in 7 deaths, 250 injuries, and 400 arrests before fizzling out.

    In Europe, French Euro-skeptic Marine Le Pen defeated Rothschild-slave Emmanuel Macron in EU parliamentary elections.  The American and British leaders who will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of D-Day in France on June 6 look as if they are set to once again liberate France from German conquerors.

    These events are all very promising and show that things are indeed coming to a head, but – and this is a big “but” – we need to see the people behind these international criminal acts in handcuffs facing a public war-crimes tribunal before we can actually believe real change is imminent.

    There are also signs that many oligarchs are far from defeated.  Patrick Wood from has uncovered a Rockefeller scheme to launder $6 trillion created by fiat-money stock market inflation into 8,700 tax-free “opportunity zones” in the U.S.  He notes that this initiative was started by Sean Parker, who co-founded Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg.  Wood does not appear to know that Zuckerberg is David Rockefeller’s grandson.

    In any case, as mentioned earlier, last week Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Elon Musk of Tesla, and Zuckerberg all contacted the WDS via the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy to propose a peace agreement, P2 sources say.  The three agree that some sort of world federation needs to be set up and humanity needs to be allowed to expand out into the universe, the sources say.  They also agree that whoever is blocking human progress needs to be dealt with.

    The P2 identify Israel’s Netanyahu as one of the enemies who needs to be “flushed out and dealt with.”  The others are die-hard Zionist fanatics who still think they are going to artificially create the biblical end times, they say.

    The other big issue that needs to be settled is the U.S./China trade war.  Pentagon sources think that “Trump has wisely used the trade war to let China hammer U.S. companies like Apple, Google, Boeing, and Nike, forcing them to move back home to ‘MAGA’ while creating an alternative global supply chain.”

    However, the Americans need to study their own recent history.  Back in the late 1980’s they forced Japan to increase the value of the yen by over 100% – in effect, creating massive tariffs – in order to eliminate the U.S./Japan trade deficit.  The only result was that Japanese manufacturing moved to the rest of Asia and the U.S. trade deficit kept rising.  Because Japan is occupied by the U.S. military, the Japanese were forced to keep buying U.S. government bonds and thus keep the U.S. afloat.  This is not the case with China.

    Also, even if manufacturing should move from China to places like Vietnam, Asia as a whole will maintain a huge surplus relative to the United States.  The only way for the U.S. to end its trade deficit, as we keep repeating, is for it to give up the so-called “U.S. dollar” and issue its own lower-priced sovereign currency.

    While Asia as a whole does not want to replace U.S. imperialism with Chinese imperialism, they will not continue to buy U.S. Treasuries to support constant U.S. warmongering.  The Asian secret societies transcend China and promise to keep up the fight against the Zionists until their fanatical nightmare is permanently ended.

    Once this is done, the Asians and the rest of the world would be happy to support the U.S. military-industrial complex as it transforms itself from a Zionist imperialist tool into a benign planetary protection and space exploration force.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Wed May 29, 2019 1:20 pm

    Mueller-Rosenstein-Comey: The Infernal Trio.

    In recent months, we have debated at length whether Mueller and Rosenstein were white hats or not.

    I have written several articles on this issue and have highlighted the fact that Q himself has at one time considered it to be an open question:

    Q1286 Confused? SC targeting who? SC on team? SC off team? Questions reveal answers. Time will tell. Q

    This question raised in April 2018 illustrates the idea I put forward in this article that the Maestro had made the bet that once Mueller realized there was no collusion or obstruction, he would pursue the crimes encountered along the way and perpetrated by the other side.

    He didn’t.

    Future proves past. We now have the evidence that Muller and Rosenstein with their accomplice Comey (whom we already know what he’s all about link) are not only bad actors, but certainly among the worst.

    Mueller, Rosenstein and Comey were a team operating in concert to destroy Trump and his presidency:

    Q2110 Why did [RR] recommend the firing of [JC] to POTUS?

    Did the firing of [JC] provide the 'necessary vehicle' to appoint Mueller?
    Who appointed Mueller?

    As you can see, they plotted to get POTUS to fire Comey who was willing to sacrifice his FBI Director position to get Mueller in. Was this a heavy price for Comey? No: he knew Trump did not trust him anyway. They figured it was more efficient for their team to position a powerful and independent Mueller than to keep a watched Director of the FBI on the chess board.

    Mueller discovered very early there was no collusion and instead of honestly putting an end to this Russia nonsense, he deliberately let the clock run hoping the Maestro would make the mistakes that would give him enough meat for the building of an obstruction case.

    Unfortunately for Mueller, Rosenstein and Comey, the Maestro did not fall into their trap: he did not DECLAS and he did not fire Rosenstein.

    This Infernal Trio even tried to use Rosenstein’s physical access to POTUS to wiretap him in an attempt to invoke the 25th Amendment:


    They also used known spy techniques by activating assets in the White House to record whatever they could record. Have you ever wondered the real reason why Omarosa was fired? I already told you in this article that she was a Skull and Bones asset. But there is more. Let’s listen to what Piers Morgan has to say about her: link.

    Now let’s listen to the conversation with Gen. Kelly that she covertly recorded the day she was fired: link. You got that? Kelly says there were money issues but above them, there were very serious integrity issues. In this article, Omarosa claims she was shunned from the White House because she was a black woman. Now question: why didn’t she sue and become a millionaire?

    Answer: because she was a spy in the White House working for Rosenstein with whom she was having an affair. You did not know? It’s right here, in Q2257: Img1

    Now you know what “serious integrity issues” Kelly was talking about.

    When the Mueller-Rosenstein-Comey Infernal Trio realized Trump limiting himself to tweeting his indignation was not going to be enough for them to build their Obstruction case, they tried to do a remake of the Comey play: force him to fire Rosenstein.

    How? By publishing a New York Times article revealing the Rosenstein wiretap attempt link.

    Again, unfortunately for them, Trump did not take the bait:

    Q2273 POTUS will not be BAITED TO FIRE when the release itself will FORCE RESIGNATION/TERMINATION [RR].

    Instead, Trump waited patiently until Barr got in to squeeze Rosenstein like an origin and extract all the juice he needed from him before throwing him away after an epic coded countdown. Read very carefully: Img2

    As you can see, Barr kept Rosenstein around to force him to validate the Mueller report, knowing very well that he signed the fraudulent FISA warrant. In other words, Rosenstein signed two documents that should have not existed because of the absence of probable cause and that ultimately contradict one another. Pretty cool right?

    Peruvian coffee for those who caught that the Rosenstein termination date 5/11=4+1/11 was referring to the [L]ynch recordings because it comes L=12 days after the resignation letter and more generally relates to all the evidence collected against RR!

    Q1131 “Drop after testimony.” R U learning yet? Q

    It seems the NY Times has learned. See if you can spot the ropes around Rosenstein in the picture illustrating this article. Don’t you think it’s a good time to re-watch my October 2018 video ? Here is the corresponding article.

    Once again, have you ever hunted with lions? Wouldn't you take precautions to prevent them from attacking you or disappearing into the wild?

    Q2496 Item used when walking a dog? Q

    Trump and Sessions gave to the Mueller-Rosenstein-Comey Infernal Trio the illusion that they had the tools to harm Trump and his presidency. In fact, they were positioned on the chessboard to see if they would make the best of the opportunity they were offered to do what’s right.

    Q1318 Why did Sessions pick RR? Everyone has an opinion. Few have the facts. Few know the plan.

    Sessions picked RR because he had the FISA seed of his self-termination in the event he would try to dishonestly use his power against Trump. He also had the right bio connection with Mueller and Comey to mechanically cause their destruction after his self-termination (Mueller report validation and the subsequent DECLAS counterattack).

    Q1318 Define single shooter.

    As for Hillary the day after the presidential election, the Maestro gave them a way out because that's what true leaders do. Just like Hillary, they blew it. They had their shot but they did not know they were operating within the scope of The Plan, with its set of safeguards. When the Maestro decided recess was over, Barr got in and Q dropped this on Feb 14 2019:

    Q2717 Effective today, MUELLER reports to BARR.

    A few hours later, this surrealist conversation occurred between Barr, Muller and Rosenstein: Img3

    Can you believe this?

    Mueller admitted that the investigation started based on the unverified Steele Dossier presented to FISA by the FBI without the information on how the dossier was produced and financed. We heard this in the news but here, it comes from Mueller himself! This conversation shows Mueller started his investigation with nothing, had nothing and ended with nothing. But we also learn that Rosenstein expanded his mandate and did not inform Congress!

    You don’t need a law degree to see that all this time, these evil people were desperately looking for a crime to take down the President we elected and they were using our own money to do so!

    As you can see, they tried EVERYTHING to stop Trump: they spied on his campaign, hired plants, started illegal investigations, expanded these investigations, tried to use the 25th Amendment against him and discussed the possibility of assassinating him through the Viva Le Resistance network.

    Q586 What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family? What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

    We know these documented text discussions within the DOJ were later translated into real attempts with unfortunate casualties in the Secret Service link1 – link2.

    We can conclude there’s nothing more to expect from the Mueller-Rosenstein-Comey Infernal Trio. They are definitely black hats and among the worst. They played. They lost. They are now all out.

    With the availability of this information now as clear as daylight, it was time for the Maestro to reveal more.

    Can you extract the Maestro’s message hidden in the amazing May 9 2019 riddle? The related puzzle is composed of the tweets posted that day and of the statements made in these two White House events: Medical Billing Practices – Boston Red Sox

    I will give you a hint: this riddle reveals among other things the secret reason why Nadler wants to force Barr to release the unredacted version of the Mueller report. Can you solve?

    Let’s meet here in a few hours and we will compare our findings.

    Q1343 Truth is Freedom. Truth is logic. Stay the course. Q

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Wed May 29, 2019 10:01 pm
    Reposting this video, Tucker nails it in this video! He's destroying "their" narrative!
    [CB] Resignations, Transition Moving Forward - Episode 1880a

    Report date: 05.29.2019

    Germany is starting to feel the heat, unemployment explodes the most since the financial crisis. The housing bubbles in the US are gigantic, much larger than the financial crisis housing bubbles. The [CB] is responsible for creating these bubbles. Trump has trapped China by using Huawei, the Chinese have no other ammunition, the rare earth elements are a dead end, other countries have the ability to supplies these. Two individuals from the Fed resigned.
    Praying Medic: Joe DiGenova on John Huber-Disappointment, Bias or

    SerialBrain2:Comey's arrest imminent

    Nellie Ohr Caught Lying to Congress About When She Obtained Her Ham Radio License                      

    Sheriff Willing To Go To Jail Over Red Flag Gun Law: "It's A Matter Of Doing What's Right"                 

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Fri May 31, 2019 10:47 am

    Posted by/SerialBrain2
    5/29/19 day ago

    Comey’s arrest imminent.

    Did you listen to the last two speeches of the Maestro during his stay in Japan?

    Ending his 2019 visit to the Land of the Rising Sun, the Maestro stopped by the JS Kaga with Prime Minister Abe where he made his first speech at 10:25 AM local time. Then, at 11 AM, he addressed Japanese and US troops on the USS Wasp.

    As usual, he gave us very important information from the battlefield but also informed us of what is coming soon.


    The JS Kaga speech was mainly about security and was an opportunity for POTUS to pray for the victims of the stabbing attack that happened earlier in the morning in Tokyo link. You know what’s going on right? The black hats are flexing their muscles to force negotiations on DECLAS.

    Q3113 What occurred the last time a countdown was presented? [FF] Do you believe in coincidences? Never interfere with an enemy…….. Ammunition is hard to come by. Q

    Keep reading, you’ll soon see this is not me speculating.

    First, the Maestro mentions Happy Memorial Day twice. Solving HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY=182 and memorial+stabbing attack, you hit the famous gun shape drop Q1440 with its 4 BOOMS, the price to pay (BLACKOUT) and this very important line: A WEEK TO REMEMBER.

    We are informed something historic is about to happen. Then, the Maestro says about the crew of the JS Kaga: “They love this ship. You all love the ship, right? You feel good about it, don't you? I do too. I feel very safe on this”. Did you solve? JS Kaga? Love? He’s talking about JameS Komey! You caught this ‘love’ was about the Mueller/Comey episode of the FISAGATE soap opera right? What do we do next? Since we know we are in Comey’s comms area, we use the Q645 translation template to decode the Maestro. He’s essentially saying: “Comey and his buddies are on a sinking ship and they know it. They are not feeling safe because they know what’s coming”.

    Do you now see the connection with the stabbing attack? You now know that Comey, just like J. Kerry or Michael, is a sleeper cell operator: since Japan has joined the Alliance, they will try whatever they can to destabilize it. This is the reason this JS Kaga event was scheduled at 21:25 POTUS DC time. We go to Q2125 and see it’s about the efficiency of the wall in Hungary, which is code for security measures taken against terrorism and destabilization. This is confirmed with the purchase of 105 stealth F-35s which, since MASONRY=105, is code for the infiltration of secret societies operating in Japan. The Maestro is revealing that tech and expertise is given to Japan to help them fight the Cabal. Here is the summarizing image: Img1

    The second speech was made at 22:00 POTUS DC TIME, we go to Q2200 and it’s about the dems offering to confirm Justice Kavanaugh in exchange for a pullback of DECLAS. This means the Cabal and its puppets are desperately trying anything they can to stop DECLAS and confirms the stabbing attack false flag. The Maestro started with: “At Ease! At Ease!” You know from this post that he’s referring to the Viv[a] L[e] Resistance network and the need to swap [a] and[e] to get the correct French orthography. SWAP? Now you know why the Maestro picked USS WASP.

    Img2 The play on the letters [a] and [e] is also confirmed by the Maestro’s insistence throughout his speech on the words stEAlthy and stEAm. Did you catch that the ‘best submarines in the world’ were the anons who learned the comms? How about we have ‘plenty of time’? Yes: he’s promising plenty of jail time to members of the Viva le Resistance network. Then he says: ‘steam has only worked for about 65 years’. This 65 is referring to James Comey when he said this: video. Why? Because WEASEL=65. Knowing this, you can solve the 900 million cost overruns on the electric catapult with the 3 matches for 900 in Img2.

    NO I DONT FORGIVE (...) POORLY = 900

    Do you know who the Maestro is talking about here? He’s talking about Satanists. How do I know? Because Comey coded his response for his brothers and sisters in the image used in his latest Wapo op-ed. Did you notice how he wrote ‘dumb lies’ in the title to send the message he wanted to make a DL=deal? Read his decoded message very carefully: Img3

    Now look how the Maestro shows a picture of McCabe and announces that the dead cat is about to bounce: Img4
    In the next tweet, he reveals who the cat is:

    And just in case you still have doubts, he doubles down and asks you to be ready: Img6
    And this morning, the Maestro started the day reminding us that he always keeps his promises: Img7
    Do you still have doubts? The BOOMS are coming, buckle up: Img8

    Q2344 Are you ready to see arrests? Are you ready to see PAIN? Are you ready to be part of history? Q


    Posted byu/SerialBrain2
    May 30, 2019

    Bob Mueller and Democrats desperately trying to stop what’s coming.

    Like Clockwork. Everything is moving as planned.

    I told you in this post and this one that Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were black hats.

    I also told you that Rosenstein tried everything he could do to destroy Trump’s presidency but he was defeated. I also told you he was the main obstacle to DECLAS:

    Q2397 Remember, POTUS already ordered the DECLAS. [RR] pushed back hard

    Barr kept Rosenstein around to have him validate the Mueller report that essentially contradicts the FISA he previously authorized against Trump. Then, Barr gave him a nice party, invited Sessions to the party so that skilled observers may triangulate what is really going on and he assigned him the last task of singing as loud as he could on his way out. Rosenstein happily delivered by sniping Comey here. Good job RR. Check.

    Then, I told you in this post that DECLAS was imminent. POTUS authorized it the next day.

    I told you yesterday in this post that Comey’s arrest is imminent. Popcorn.

    I also told you in this post that Schiff is a C_A asset controlled by Brennan and that you should watch how Schiff will react when Comey goes down. You’ll see he’ll have a completely different reaction when it’s Brennan’s turn to bite the dust.

    Who’s left? Yes: Mueller. Comey’s lover. link

    He came out of the woods yesterday. The same day I announced Comey’s arrest was imminent. Why? Because he reached the same conclusion: he knows Comey’s toast. The difference is he’s in love with him. He can’t think straight. I coldly wrote about it with my keyboard, he made a public statement with a trembling voice. link.

    Those who are familiar with Q and my writings are not surprised by Mueller’s yesterday move. They knew Mueller’s tactical purpose was to use the Special Counsel to clean up the mess:

    Q2116 FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos. Mueller>>Papadopoulos. YOU MUST TARGET, REMOVE, AND SILENCE ALL THOSE ILLEGALLY TARGETED FOR FISA SURV….
    and that his strategic goal was impeachment:

    Q1974 Mueller: Impeach POTUS operation?
    but we never worried about it:

    Q2584 Impeachment requires 2/3rd vote by the Senate. What are the odds of that?

    The infernal trio Mueller-Comey-Rosenstein and the Dems thought they had time to prepare an impeachment process with all the optics required to make it successful or at least usable for the 2020 campaign.

    Mueller found there was no collusion as early as Nov 2017:

    Q3316 At what point did MUELLER determine there was no collusion? [18-months ago?]

    But with Rosenstein’s help, he let the clock run, expanded his investigation and was hoping to build his obstruction case with the mistakes the Maestro never ended up doing.

    When Barr got in, things accelerated: RR out, the report out, no collusion, no obstruction and Schiff lost the insurance policy he thought was running when threatening to go after POTUS’ children:


    They lost everything.

    They needed a new plan.


    and they needed this plan yesterday because the first DECLAS collateral damage is around the corner:

    Q3028 Think timing. [Pelosi] pull threat to impeach? Effort to prevent DECLAS?

    With RR out and their beloved SC instrument dismantled, Dems had a problem: how do you get the ball from Mueller without having him to testify before Congress and answer these very difficult questions:

    When did you find out there was no collusion? Q3316

    Then why was the investigation kept ongoing? Midterms?

    Are you aware of a John Doe request from Nick Lewin? Q3132

    Do you know Jeffrey Epstein?

    Have you ever visisted his Island?

    Was Uranium 1 a transaction you think preserved our security? Q2512

    What was your involvement in U1?

    Did you have IT experts in your staff?

    With the powers you had, were you finally able to access the DNC server that the FBI did not see?

    Don’t you think access to the server would have helped tremendously your investigation and improve your knowledge of the hacking?

    Do you know Seth Rich?

    Do you know Julian Assange?

    Are you aware Seth Rich sent the content of a USB drive to Assange?

    What was the justification for a massive investigation domestic/foreign on Trump and his campaign? Q2777

    Since the Steele Dossier was the starting point for the investigation, did you do your due diligence on the dossier?

    Did you determine who funded it? (no) Q2777

    So you relied on FISC. Did you notice all the 4 FISA Judges who approved the 4 FISAs were appointed by Republican Presidents (Bush Sr, Bush Jr and Reagan) Didn’t you find it odd?

    Was FISC made aware of the details surrounding the Steele dossier? (no)

    Don’t you think it was then your responsibility to investigate these details for the manifestation of the truth?

    What justification did you give to DAG RR for him to expand your mandate?

    Why was this expansion not reported to Congress?

    Were you seeking for a crime outside of Russian collusion?

    Did you investigate POTUS’ finances?

    Were you contemplating investigating POTUS’ tweets for obstruction charges? Q1711

    It is open source information that Senator McCain gave the Steele dossier to the FBI. Are you aware?

    Then why isn’t Senator McCain mentioned even once in your 448 page report to confirm at least that open source information?
    Do you know Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS?

    Assuming you did the proper due diligence on the Steele Dossier, did you know Steele was hired by Fusion GPS which was in turn hired by the DNC through its law firm Perkins & Coie?

    Were you aware Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie? Q2330

    Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS and Perkins & Coie are therefore key to the manifestation of the truth. Why are they not mentioned even once in your 448 page report?

    1. Do you know Bruce Ohr?

    2. Are you aware of his personal relationship with Glenn Simpson?

    3. Do you know his wife Nellie Ohr?

    4. Did you know Nellie Ohr was hired by Fusion GPS and was involved in the production of the Steele Dossier?

    5. Did you know Bruce Ohr was the conduit for Steele at the DOJ and that all their interactions were reported by Bruce Ohr to Sally Yates?

    6. Did you know Bruce Ohr ultimately told the FBI that the Steele Dossier was not true? Q2041

    7. Since Bruce Ohr’s involvement was this crucial, why didn’t you call him to testify? Q1974.

    8. Why didn’t you call Nellie Ohr to testify?

    9. How about Glenn Simpson?

    10. And John McCain?

    11. And Christopher Steele?

    As you can see, Mueller testifying before Congress would have been carnage.

    So? Nadler and Mueller set it up in such a way that Mueller could say just enough to get the impeachment ball rolling, without having to be grilled by Congress. Why didn’t Mueller make this statement earlier? Answer: because Comey’s arrest was not imminent.
    The dark stars aligned and it was time for Mueller to forget his most elementary law school classes and suggest that, from now on, each American citizen should seek for a document from the DOJ unequivocally attesting he did not commit a crime. Our 12 year FBI Director shamelessly says this:

    “And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime”.
    and cowardly says that:

    “Now, I hope and expect this to be the only time that I will speak to you in this manner. I am making that decision myself. No one has told me whether I can or should testify or speak further about this matter”.

    Well, sorry Bob. If there are impeachment hearings, I’m pretty sure many republicans in Congress will want to hear a little more from you before sending the ball to the Senate for immediate deflation…

    Q2582 These people are stupid. Q

    One last thing I need to clarify about Mueller is his meeting with POTUS when he wanted the FBI Director job.
    Q challenges us and says:

    Q1285 “Congress passed Public Law 94-503, limiting the FBI Director to a single term of no longer than 10 years.” Reconcile. Q
    In this article, we discover Mueller was appointed FBI Director by Bush 7 days before the 9/11 terrorist attacks and exceptionally served 12 years at the post. HUSSEIN sought a two-year extension to Mueller's term given “the nation's heightened concern about another attack”. Look how Comey lovingly supported it: video.

    So Mueller gets the job a few days before 9/11, organizes the 9/11 investigation cover-up and gets a 2 year extension because there supposedly was a threat of another attack which did not happen. Okay…

    Are you aware of the 9/11 S.Res.610 resolution in Q2328?

    With what you now know, do you see it?

    I told you John Kerry was Bin Laden’s handler and Comey was ISIS’ Baghdadi’s.

    The only way Mueller could have had the FBI Director job again is if he and his buddies in the Intelligence Community played the same extension card and convinced Trump that there were concerns about an attack.

    Trump did not fall for it. There was no way he would have handled this supposed attack with U1 Mueller at the helm. He had true patriots in the Team available for that.

    The next day, Rosenstein appointed Mueller Special Counsel…

    Q154 Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 39 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Jun 04, 2019 6:46 am

    Thats Ole '45 for Ya. Firing on all cylinders and the Deep state is on the Run.


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Post  Carol Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:39 am 30 min
    Durham’s Secret Weapon, [DS] Setup, Panic, Server Brings Down The House

    The extradition papers have been signed the UK, Assange will be coming back to the US, the server brings down the house.George Nader's lawyer is connected to Susan Rice. Trump approves of Flynn's new attorney, Sidney Powell responds to Trumps tweet about being Flynn's attorney. The [DS] players are panicking, think projection and mirror when reading their tweets. Trump just setup the [DS], they are being cornered. Durham has a secret weapon, he is going right to the source, boom. Obama before leaving the White House deleted all his speeches on ICE. Japanese tanker hit with missile, timing is the key there are no coincidences. [DS] using coded numbers to communicate. 11 min
    Keeping Up With The Intel, Filling In The Gaps Hannity: Brennan, Clapper, Comey better lawyer up
    Justice Department reportedly seeks to question CIA officers in Russia inquiry review. 17 min
    Trump Just Activated The Economic Reset, It Has Begun

    The economic reset has begun, Trump has activated it when he started reseting all the trade agreements. Companies are now moving out of China and some are moving back to the US. Trump is disrupting the trade system the globalist setup and resetting it. Once the US is no longer the reserve currency the US will need equal trade around the globe, this is the first part of the reset.

    Meadows; Deep State Whistleblowers Coming to Report to AG Barr.

    Great opening speech from Rep Nunes. Read it.
    Excellent! Nunes Opening Statement for HPSCI Hearing on Mueller Report

    Italy, UK’s MI-6 aid the Durham probe of Brennan, Mifsud’s Trump Spygate 120008/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

    Sudden Death of Hillary Clinton's Youngest Brother who was a Potential Witness in AG Barr's Investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Discusses pattern of using Clinton influence in many criminal activities.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:59 am

    The title of this thread concerns me constantly. 'America Warned is Unprepared for Q & Trump's Cataclysmic Destruction of 'Deep-State''. What if said 'Deep-State' keeps us alive while simultaneously exploiting and robbing us?? What if that's been the deal for thousands of years?? One theory is that several factions wish to gain exclusive-control of the New World Order without significantly reforming it for the better (long-term). Doing so might involve throwing Rival-Factions under the bus (or destroying the 'Deep-State'). Do you see what I mean?? An Anciently-Reprehensible Earth-Humanity might somehow require Reprehensible-Management (even in modernity). What if the Cold-War Version of a Hot-War in Heaven = New World Order = Purgatory Incorporated?? BTW, Theodicy Trumps Patristics!! WTF??

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    Post  Swanny Fri Jun 14, 2019 1:57 pm

    "Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

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    Post  Carol Mon Jun 17, 2019 9:11 am

    Zionist meltdown as Oman tanker stunt fails to manipulate oil futures markets
    Benjamin Fulford – June 17, 2019

    The meltdown of the Zionist control grid is now public, as even the corporate mainstream propaganda media is reporting the attacks last week on tankers near Oman as “false flag.”  The situation has reached the point that former U.S. colonies like Germany and Japan are openly and publicly defying the U.S. President and Secretary of State on this issue.  This surreal turn of events is comparable to the fall of Communism and the Soviet Union.

    In this case, we are witnessing the fall of the U.S. corporate government and (possibly) the rebirth of the Republic of the United States of America.  In fact, we may even be witnessing the fall from power of the secret family groupings hiding behind monotheism.

    The 13 bloodlines who have controlled monotheism are, in fact, negotiating a new system for running the planet, according to European royals and members of the White Dragon Society (WDS).  If these negotiations succeed, it will be the biggest event in thousands of years of human history.  If they fail, there will be chaos and bloodshed, especially among the elite, anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati, sources say.

    Even if this sounds exaggerated, events in the actual real world do show a fundamental change.  Let’s start with the failure of the false flag attack of the coast of Oman.  U.S. naval intelligence and CIA sources followed the money to see who benefits from this attack.  The trail led to the Rothschild-owned Glencore commodities company in Switzerland, which had positioned itself to profit from a spike in oil futures prices immediately before this attack took place, the sources say.  Unfortunately, the oil futures price spike turned out to be merely a dead cat bounce and the Rothschilds failed to profit as expected.  That’s because the markets, and the world, have had enough of the Zionists crying Iranian wolf, they say.

    What’s interesting about this latest provocation is how even a former U.S. colony like Japan is no longer going along with the Zionist playbook.  To quote from corporate news reports, “Even if it’s the United States that makes the assertion, we cannot simply say we believe it,” said a source close to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.  If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, “That would apply to the United States and Israel as well,” said a source at the Foreign Ministry.

    As far back as I can remember, this sort of public Japanese rebuke of a sitting U.S. administration has never happened even once since Japan lost World War II.

    The attack in Oman came as Abe was in Iran trying to get Iranian agreement for a new financial system, Japanese military intelligence sources say.  The Iranians were supportive, but not if Zionists like Trump and his Rothschild stooges were involved, the sources say.  “I do not see Trump as worthy of any message exchange,” Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told Abe.

    “The botched false flag to blame Iran has only weakened the Zionists, and may lead to the firing of [National Security Adviser John] Bolton and sincere efforts for a summit with Khamenei,” Pentagon sources said.

    However, Iran and other countries are taking a hard line because it’s clear the U.S. is losing the trade war with China big time.  Here’s the bottom line:  ships are going from China to the U.S. full of real stuff and then returning empty.  Even if China wanted to buy stuff from the U.S., it’s too expensive and there’s not enough of it.  So, in the real world, if trade between the U.S. and China stopped, Americans would stop getting Chinese computers, smartphones, etc. while the Chinese would stop getting American IOUs.  In other words, the Chinese would just be losing a customer who cannot pay his bills.  It’s a no-brainer as to who will win.

    Public statements last week by the respective commerce ministers of both countries show this power imbalance.  “President Trump has indicated his strong desire for a meeting [with Xi Jinping],” Trump economic adviser Larry Kudlow said.  Kudlow also made vague threats.

    Here was the response:  “China’s attitude is very clear.  The United States must change its attitude, show sincerity, and correct its wrong practices if it wants the talks to continue,” Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Gao Feng told a press conference.

    So now Trump has asked for a meeting with Vladimir Putin at the G-20 meeting in Japan on June 28–29, in the hopes of getting Russian help in dealing with China.

    However, Trump has been threatening Germany with troop cuts and other sanctions if they buy gas from Russia instead of (at a much higher price) from the U.S.  This was “nothing other than blackmail and a form of unfair competition,” according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

    The fact is that the Trump regime is now threatening or carrying out sanctions on Russia, Iran, India, Turkey, China, North Korea, Germany, Venezuela, Japan, etc.  What these “sanctions” really boil down to is a hollow threat to “buy our stuff or else.”  With so many countries not obeying, the schoolyard bully is quickly becoming isolated.

    However, this does not mean the U.S. military-industrial financial complex is powerless.  The Oman attack did serve as a discrete reminder that the U.S. military still has the technical ability to choke off vital world trade routes like the Hormuz or Malacca Straits.

    Also, the Anglo/Dutch/American nexus still controls much of the world’s oil, especially in the Middle East.  They are negotiating behind the scenes with other oil powers like Russia and France to create a more stable Middle East and bring Iran back to the negotiating table.  Already, the Pentagon sources say, “Lebanon is now a multilateral protectorate of not just Russia, France, and Italy, but the UK is hoping to drill for gas there with British Petroleum.”

    The U.S. military-industrial complex also still has a huge military advantage over all other countries.  “United Technologies buying Raytheon should give pause to Boeing and Lockheed and foster more competition and innovation for the military-industrial complex,” the Pentagon sources say.

    Finally, as the huge demonstrations last week in Hong Kong showed, Asians – including India, ASEAN, Japan, and the Korean Peninsula – do not want total Chinese domination.  The Asians remain willing and able to finance the U.S. military to guard their independence, multiple Asian sources concur.

    The rest of the world also does not want to replace Zionist hegemony with Chinese totalitarianism.  That means that in the end, despite the posturing, the world will make sure the U.S. and China reach a win-win conclusion.

    The Zionists, meanwhile, are waving their Stuxnet card around like crazy in an effort to keep from imploding.  They staged a blackout last week all over Argentina as that country prepares to remove Zionist stooge President Mauricio Macri.  The New York Times article last week saying the U.S. could shut down Russia’s entire electrical grid was also an obvious Zionist Stuxnet threat.

    However, Stuxnet may be the Zionists’ last card, as they lose their grip over the media and the financial system.  (They have already lost control of the military.)

    The latest development in their media meltdown was the revelation that “A fake Iranian activist (he doesn’t exist) published 61 articles in Forbes Magazine (my former employer).”

    Although I did not read these 61 articles, it’s a safe bet that they were anti-Iranian fearmongering propaganda.

    The chart below shows how the fearmongering corporate media constantly harps on about murder, terrorism, and suicide, even as people tune out because none of these issues are even close to being the biggest threats we face.

    The age-old bloodline tactic of divide-and-conquer fearmongering is no longer working.

    The attempts by the ruling elite families to keep power by murdering people are also failing.  The probable murders of New York Deputy Police Chief Steven Silks, veteran detective Joe Calabrese, and former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith failed miserably to stop ongoing investigations of elite pedophilia.  The Justice Department responded to these attempts with the June 11th announcement of the arrest of 1,700 suspected child predators.

    The Zionists are also about to lose financial control.  Pentagon sources say “a Deutsche Bank implosion should lead to the collapse of fiat currency and the launch of the Quantum Financial System (QFS).”

    The people behind the QFS are negotiating now with the White Dragon Society for the creation of a future planning agency and the start of a massive campaign to “save the planet,” WDS and British royal family sources say.  However, no announcement is likely before the autumn, the sources say.  This is because changing the world without a world war takes time.

    In the meantime, we shall see if the U.S. corporate government finally goes bankrupt over the summer.  This will be seen in public as another U.S. government shutdown.  However, this time it may lead, as many U.S. patriots hope, to a formal announcement of the rebirth of the Republic of the United States of America on the 4th of July this year.  Maybe by then Trump will reveal whether he is a Trojan horse for the patriots, as many still hope, or for the Zionists, as his own public words and actions seem to show.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:38 pm