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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”


    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:52 pm
    SerialBrain2: The Amazing Secret Behind the July 4th Parade: Winning, Winning, Winning!

    Jul 10 2019


    Jul 10 2019 23:25:45 (EST)
    Only Anons can fully appreciate the continued 'validation(s)/confirmation(s) thru covert' (series of mathematically impossible coincidences) means in order to maintain structural integrity.
    [Wheels up]


    Jul 10 2019 23:10:11 (EST)
    D_KpGBFXoAITD9i.jpg-large.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 5beb6d5059718c9e0f4a18e548618bb731c96c1beefc0b9f317bea96a3c52ad2

    Jul 10 2019 22:34:20 (EST)


    Jul 10 2019 22:10:07 (EST)
    You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched against the public – all in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution (public exposure) and regain power (control).

    [Attempted removal of the duly elected President of the United States by illegal [manufactured] means]

    They believed they could win [con] public support by controlled assets (media, tech, H-wood…).

    These controlled assets set out to immediately create division through the use of a pre_designed misinformation campaign.
    Groups such as ‘Antifa’ were funded and formed to prevent and/or lessen the appeal for ‘regular’ hard-working Americans to gather and express non_narrative viewpoints.

    Control of this ‘projected narrative’ depends primarily on their ability to ‘con’ the masses into thinking they are the majority.

    The mindset of most: If the majority of people believe ‘this’, than ‘this’ must be more true than ‘that’ [CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED].

    Without public support – they are powerless.

    We, the People, hold the power.


    — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

    You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.



    Stealth Bomber.
    Date of 1st flight?
    Date of Mueller's testimony?
    A, B, C, D, E….
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5…..



    Jul 10 2019 16:02:01 (EST)
    Smoke & Mirrors
    Fake News Media’s attempt to truncate size of movement while ‘building up’ size of the opposition.

    Inauguration Day to current, attempts to diminish and instill a ‘you are the minority’ mindset (narrative) continues.

    People want to believe they are part of the bigger group (size equates to accuracy in most minds)(acceptance)(the ‘right’ side).

    One of the primary purposes of POTUS holding a RALLY is to demonstrate the massive appeal, energy, and size of this movement (+ability to correct false reporting and/or highlight achievements, goals, etc.).

    (Compare & Contrast) 45-RALLY vs ANY SINGLE ONE of the [D’s].

    What is obvious & true?

    Why does POTUS mention crowd size at each and every RALLY?

    What is projected by the MSM?
    LIES becomes TRUTHS.
    TRUTHS become LIES.

    Smoke & Mirrors
    You are the MAJORITY.

    People UNITED & AWAKE is their BIGGEST FEAR.
    Do you think it’s a coincidence we are being attacked aggressively by some of the biggest media corporations in the world right after our return?

    If we are simply a ‘conspiracy’ or ‘LARP’ or ‘some kid living in a basement’ as stated repeatedly, why do the world’s largest media Co’s continue to dedicate so much attention and time to attacking us?

    Billion-dollar Co’s expending resources to stop a LARP?

    Billion-dollar Co’s expending resources to attempt to ‘shape the mindset (narrative)’ to prevent and slow digestion of the masses?
    You attack those you fear the most.

    Why does the media rush to ‘shape’ events?

    Why are the same ‘keywords’ always used?

    Psych 101 – If you see and hear the same thing over and over again……..

    They do not want you thinking for yourself.

    They do not want you challenging their authority.

    Logical thinking always wins.
    Trust yourself (always).

    Attacks will intensify [FAKE NEWS [arm of the D party]].
    Enemy of the PEOPLE.



    Jul 10 2019 13:25:35 (EST)
    [PP = Planned Parenthood] news coming.


    Jul 10 2019 12:29:53 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 7574e42728790a9f6b26eb20bcc9f970403137c6d9c029b4fa2da6c7aa902028

    Re: Border Fight
    Worth remembering.



    Jul 10 2019 12:10:35 (EST)
    Unchallenged allegations of a @DNC computer “hack” permeated nearly all media coverage and were sprinkled throughout much of the #MuellerReport.

    But analysis of the files themselves shows otherwise.



    D_IIQN1WkAAgZT-.jpg ⬇

    Reality is hard to swallow.
    FAKE NEWS keeps you asleep (sheep) and fixed in a pre_designed false reality (narrative).
    Google altering search results to 'support' the pre_designed narrative and 'prevent' (make harder) for one to learn the TRUTH?

    Those (w/ influence) who challenge the narrative are banned, shunned, threatened………

    [Planned Parenthood is GOOD]_narrative

    [China is NOT a threat]_narrative

    Do you know the market price for a fetus?

    Correlation of market price & days old of fetus/baby?

    As age (days) increases so does the value?

    D's block 'born alive' bill?
    Planned Parenthood political donations?
    What party?

    Do you believe this has anything to do w/ a Woman's Right to Choose?

    Welcome to the Real World.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:28 pm
    Published on Jul 11, 2019
    Greg Hunter of gives his take on the week's top stories
    in the weekly News Wrap-up.

    Jul 12 2019


    Try Harder!
    Nothing can stop what is coming.



    Jul 12 2019 10:07:25 (EST)

    Trump: "Jeffrey Epstein was not somebody that I respected."

    Anons know.



    Jul 12 2019 09:49:33 (EST)
    [MUELLER] hearing delayed?
    What are the odds of that?



    Jul 12 2019 09:27:58 (EST)
    [Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?


    Jul 12 2019 09:26:09 (EST)
    [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]


    Jul 12 2019 09:19:57 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 510ed940832b32778a023d58f8c41fa5d50da48d7c4e710ab54e517aae94e3f8

    Why Pence Spiked a Trump Judge
    July 12, 2019 at 7:38 am

    Vice President Mike Pence vetoed the Donald Trump’s pick for a federal judge nominee because he feared the nomination would bring up events from the past that could damage his reputation, Politico reports.

    “The clash provides a rare glimpse into the vice president’s political calculations and ambitions, which he has been excruciatingly careful to conceal since signing on to the Trump ticket in the summer of 2016.”

    SerialBrain2 - 7/11/2019:
    The Explosive Message Trump Coded in his Speech on Independence Day.

    Washington DC. July 4th 2019. Salute to America.

    This date and this event will be in history books.

    When all is accomplished and what is now classified is made public, this day will be recognized by historians as the day of the Announcement of a Great Victory.

    Those who are familiar with my writings already know about the silent but deadly war POTUS is engaged in against the Cabal and how he regularly updates us through his tweets and the Q board.

    By learning the comms and paying attention, I have shown you through more than 170 articles how POTUS and Q reward us with the most privileged information about the Battlefield.

    Before we dive into decoding the message Trump gave us during this Salute to America event, did you notice that he confirmed my decode made on July 2nd 2019 about Parkland and the glitch at the Democratic Debate? He coded it in a tweet pulling Q3230. Enjoy:Img1

    We went through several confirmations from POTUS and Q in the past but this one is particularly welcomed because I see there is a growing number of people wanting to learn the comms. These confirmations from POTUS and Q are also for you. You are being strongly encouraged to learn.

    Q1225 Learn our comms. Q

    Let’s now get to it.

    Question: why did POTUS call the event: Salute to America? Answer: Img2

    Did you solve the riddle generated by Phantom Fireworks and Grucci, the 2 companies that donated the fireworks to the event? You needed to pay attention to Melania’s dress and a slight taste for luxury, tanks and horror movies: Img3

    As you can see, this riddle started with a play on the letter R=18 and landed on Heavens and Earth through the Rainbow.
    How is the letter R connected to the Heavens and the Earth? What are we being told?

    Did you know there is a correspondence between letters and energy, through numbers?

    Look how the letter R=18 is connected to the same energy of LIFE by both Jewish and Islamic Traditions: Img4

    In Semitic languages, consonants are vocalized with an additional sign that is not part of the alphabet. For example, in Arabic, Ra would just be the letter R with a line on top and its value would still be the same. Egyptians were well aware of this correspondence between letters, numbers and energy and this is why the divinity Ra was the most important one in their metaphysics: video.

    Do you like painting? Have you heard of the Rainbow Portrait? It’s the portrait of Queen of England Elizabeth I. Read very carefully: Img5

    With everything we gathered so far, is the puzzle coming together? What can you deduce from this Rainbow Portrait?
    Here’s a hint from Bill about the Witch: until 16:47. You got that? The Witch talks to the dead. Wow. Is it figurative or part of some therapy as they tried to later sell us? Not according to Bob Woodward: article. As you can see, I call her the Witch for a very specific reason…

    With this additional clue can you solve the Rainbow Portrait? Here is the solution:Img6

    Ok, let’s recap: Queen Elizabeth died in 1603, at 69, after 44 years on the throne and, like Pharaoh, rules England and its territories from the afterworld through the Cult of the Immortal Queen she established before dying. Now you know why the Queen’s ride is a Rolls Royce and why they had to create the Phantom model.

    Question: can you name a prominent member of this Cult?

    Peruvian Coffee on me for those who pulled the right July 4 tweet posted by the Maestro and who noticed the 44th president was BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA=163, which is the same value as IMMORTAL QUEEN=163 and confirms the year of the Queen’s death in 1603! Discover how and why HUSSEIN was created:Img7

    Now that we know Liz lost her throne to a demon, let’s analyze how he operates. It’s coded in her outfit. Let’s zoom on it: Img8

    Isn’t this fascinating? Metaphysical chemtrails. This has been going on even before Sumer. When you think about it, it’s very simple: through sacrifices and rituals, you allow a demon to hack your biology, then, he uses your subtle body as a medium to exhale his “commands” in the ambient air that is in turn inhaled by the ruled masses who are instructed to obey. This means as long as the subtle body of the host (manifested by the aura) is available to the demon, he can still operate in our dimension and access a human throne when in his world, he’s just a low life entity. Would he bother coming here otherwise? Welcome to the Cult.

    Q620 These people are stupid. Q

    A good question to ask is: was the Maestro able to neutralize this entity? Look at this drop:

    Q134 One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history). Other sides falling.

    This is proof the Maestro and his troops are also fighting at the metaphysical level. In the case of the Cult of the Immortal Queen and metaphysical chemtrails, he coded his victory in his stop at Morristown on July 7 and the use of the world “mild” in one of the July 4th tweets. Those who are cigar aficionados know this word very well. Can you picture Q with his Partagas D5?

    Q3361 Many were disappointed w/ H report when released. Just because the 'public' isn't aware of something…… D5 Q
    Hahaha! Peruvian Coffee on me Anons!

    Look how the Queen’s low cost cigar serpent was defeated and how the Maestro walks over its dead body: Img9
    How did I know I had to check the Maestro’s shoe area on July 7?

    Answer: because Melania’s shoe color on Independence Day was the 7th color of the Rainbow! Read very carefully: Img10

    Now you are equipped to understand the power of 163, how it relates to our recent history, how it was used by the Cabal to enslave us and how Trump took it from them to free us and WIN. We’ll call it the Phoenix Principle: Img11
    This Phoenix Principle is in the Bible. Right here:

    This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666. Revelation 13:18

    Do you see it? That 666 is the number of the beast as long as there is not enough wisdom and insight for the Seeker to transmute it to the number of a man. There is no number of the beast intrinsically. God is saying it’s just a transitional state of knowledge. Everything belongs to God. Before Trump was elected, 163 was the number of the IMMORTAL QUEEN and its dark derivatives. His insight and wisdom allowed him to make it the number of MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, then of SALUTE TO AMERICA. I know… One day we’ll decode the Bible together, with the Maestro watching… :)

    Now that we know that the Maestro has put an end to the metaphysical chemtrails by applying the Phoenix Principle to the dynamics of the Immortal Queen, let’s go through all his July 4th tweets to see how he dealt with the physical chemtrails: Queen/Monarch Seeking Shelter.

    Let’s listen to a whistleblower to understand how chemtrails are operated: video. With this information, we can now decode the next tweets:

    Links here

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:32 pm
    [DS] Baited, The Island Is The Key


    CA passes law, Presidential hopefuls must show your tax return. Barr is moving forward with investigations. Flynn’s new attorney goes after fake dossier, FISA warrant. The D’s expose their real plan for America, it’s exactly what we thought it was. AOC, Pelosi, and HRC explain how to avoid ICE. Rep Gooden says people that break the law in this country that is sedition. Q drops more bread, Wheels Up,flight logs, look at those people that went to the island. Nothing can stop what is coming. —

    AND: YouGov has taken a poll, Boris Johnson has already won and the people are pushing for the BREXIT, if Johnson can’t complete the BREXIT he must resign. Trump is explaining why tariffs are so important right now, they are being used to create new trade deals for the new economy. Trump put out a message saying that he didn’t like cryptocurrency, especially Facebooks Libra. The message is for the [DS], there plan was to crash the economy during Trump’s Presidency. –-
    SerialBrain2: The Explosive Message Trump Coded in his Speech on Independence Day.

    Subpoenas issued for FBI, Crowdstrike

    Jul 14 2019


    Jul 14 2019 18:50:24 (EST)


    Jul 14 2019 15:21:25 (EST)
    FAKE NEWS attacks only validate the message (OLD GUARD threatened).
    Think size & scope of continual MSM attack(s).



    Jul 14 2019 15:10:14 (EST)
    Capture.PNG ⬇

    DJI_0205 - Copy.JPG ⬇

    This is the area I am really interested in.  We have not one, but two tunnel/bunker entrances, one of them leading under the flag pole / house.'52.0%22N+64%C2%B049'20.5%22W/@18.297787,-64.8229122,259m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x8c051168d7542dc5:0x110473b6198e7717!2sLittle+Saint+James!3b1!8m2!3d18.300278!4d-64.825556!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d18.2977874!4d-64.8223651

    This is not another 4 year election….
    "DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC….



    Jul 14 2019 14:50:40 (EST)
    Ghislaine Maxwell Guests United States America xzGfZciyisPl.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 6b1084338bfe39ccbc654a48b3275d9d496a307f1fce459908d31d815b1b1b5a
    Here she is with a Rothschild

    (L to R) Nat Rothschild, Nefer Suvio, Nick Rhodes and Ghislaine Maxwell attend the National Youth Orchestra of The United States of America Reception at the The Royal Albert Hall hosted by Ronald O. Perelman in London.

    Coincidence those mentioned in the past are now coming into the LIGHT?
    Think LdR.
    Think Gloria V.
    Think Epstein.



    Jul 14 2019 14:50:47 (EST)


    Jul 14 2019 14:47:53 (EST)
    How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?
    Where is EPSTEIN being held?
    Do you believe in coincidences?
    POWERful people connected?



    Jul 14 2019 14:41:11 (EST)
    Ghislaine Maxwell.
    Follow the Family.
    UK/US 1&2
    Umbrella SURV (leapfrog [1-4] points of contact).
    Open source.
    Find [4]
    [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]



    Jul 14 2019 13:55:27 (EST)
    These people are sick.
    Hunters become the HUNTED.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13474
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:15 am

    Some say President Trump is vulnerable in the Epstein takedown. I watched a couple of videos (which I won't post) from somewhat reliable sources which seem highly problematic for the President. I hesitated to make this post, but we might be facing a nasty showdown in the near-future.

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Mon Jul 15, 2019 1:46 pm

    Oxy, Epstein take down is orchestrated by the President's military team. No worry. Trumps mission is to expose the pedophiles, end the human sex slave trafficking and clean out the swamp in DC. His team is orchestrating how this is to be done and so far doing a good job when it comes to arresting pedophiles and rescuing kidnapped children sold into the Satanic sex slave industry.

    These 2 videos take a devoted amount of time and mental gymnastics to get all the codes and what has been hidden from us for so long. If you didn't catch part one of this chemtrail related expose, please first go to:
    The Spell Against America Is Broken
    #SerialBrain2 - Winning: Trump now controls the chemtrails! (Pt.2) 47.32

    "This one takes a bit of getting through, but the outcome is quite amazing. So, we have been dealing with nephilim all this time! Well, watch as the chemtrails (how about Q Trails) now cleanse the air and water. Are they also protecting us from 5D as has been stated many times. This is a metaphysical battle, on top of all else. We must choose the level of our belief!!"

    I also came across this video. I can only imagine what is the contents of the DVDs that fill the safe they confiscated out of his home in Manhattan this weekend it is also well worth watching.

    Then Mr Schumer is entangled.

    Acosta says he was told Jeffrey Epstein beonged to the Intelligence agencies and to leave the deal he made with prosecutors alone.

    This article in the UK Daily Mail gives the full lowdown of Jeffrey Epstein

    Pedophile Island New Yorker Magazine Article.

    REPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS
    Jul 13, 2019
    By Patrick Howley

    "President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.

    (article continues)
    .....Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”

    Documents released by the FBI pertaining to Clinton-connected pedophile Jeffrey Epstein show that the known child predator had a professional relationship with then-FBI Director Robert S. Mueller.

    “Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon,” says one of the court documents. “Case agent advised that no federal prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the state of Florida."

    from released FBI files:

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Epstein_letter

    full story:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13474
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jul 15, 2019 5:32 pm

    Carol, I keep thinking in terms of a Sun-God Parent-Faction with Moon-God Subservient-Factions. Draining the Swamp might involve a couple of Subservient-Factions fighting for power (sort of similar to 'Crips v Bloods'). I also keep thinking about the movie 'JFK' in general, and the David Ferrie rant in particular, regarding how things work (past, present, and future). Decades ago, I asked "Do We Need to Go to Hell to Get to Heaven??" I've been speculating that we live in 'Purgatory Incorporated' which might involve the Illusion of Freedom with Hidden-Rulers. Transitioning to 'Heaven Incorporated' might involve Total-Disclosure, Open-Rulership, and Absolute-Obedience (which the General-Public would almost certainly rebel against with extreme-prejudice, resulting in 'Hell Incorporated'). So really, the Road to Utopia might be a Primrose Path of Purgatory > Hell > Heaven, but when people got tired of following orders, the process might start-over. This might constitute an 'Endless-Loop' for All-Eternity. An Individual of Interest told me "Things Continue to Worsen" and "We Need to Start Over". Both Believers and Unbelievers might be horribly-disillusioned. The Horror.

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Obamacover-thumb-425x564

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Wed Jul 17, 2019 10:17 am
    Dr. Dave Janda: President Trump's Secret Weapon vs The Deep State - Part 2
    The spotlight of the 2nd part of this Operation Freedom Briefing focuses on the growing case
    surrounding Jeffrey Epstein and other deep state players.


    Jul 16 2019


    Jul 16 2019 11:03:07 (EST)
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    What happens when the 'controlled' are told to create a new false 'racist' narrative [disinformation campaign]?
    Do the 'SHEEP' follow?
    Think for yourself.
    SEE truth.


    Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c198d8 No.7059125  
    Jul 16 2019 10:51:38 (EST)
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    Rep. Ilhan Omar
    Verified account

    This president would love nothing more than to divide our country based on race, religion, gender, orientation, ability, or immigration status. This is the only way he thinks he can prevent the solidarity of working people.

    We’re not falling for it.

    Define 'Projection'.

    Don't forget Ms. Aretha! POTUS seems to giving her a large donation.
    They never called him racist until he took on Hillary and the Democrats. And, the money stopped coming.
    Lying, hypocritical, DIVISIVE Democrats.

    #MAGA HAS NO SKIN COLOR, except the color of Americans.

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” D_nawrSXUAIayYo

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” D_nAtPHVAAEPO76

    Posted byu/SerialBrain2
    All links here:

    Trump confirms he took control of the chemtrails and reveals more!

    In my previous article, I told you how Trump coded in his July 4 speech that he took control of the Cabal’s chemtrail infrastructure and how he was purifying the sky with healing chemtrails.

    Did you notice that after I posted my article, he confirmed my decode in a spectacular way?

    Before I show you how, let’s take a brief moment and look at the sky.

    First, in the areas where the purification process is completed, many have already noticed the change and are sharing their experience online: Img1
    In the areas where chemtrails are still noticeable, as I said in the previous article, the sky is being treated until it heals completely and becomes similar to the pictures we’ve gone through earlier.

    I hear those who express their skepticism with: “is SB2 out of his mind? He wants to convince us Trump is fighting chemtrails with chemtrails?”
    Well, my answer is they should really take the time and read my previous article and grasp the full meaning of the Phoenix Principle and how the Maestro revealed it to us in code. Do you remember the reference to the ashes? The final resolution was: “ashes to ashes, dust to dust”. Somewhere in the article, I called the Maestro Moses Trump, referring to his stop at Morristown and how he put an end to the metaphysical chemtrails by defeating the Witch Queen’s serpent. What is the wisdom in the story of Moses and Pharaoh’s magicians? What is God teaching us about Moses’s staff changing into a serpent and devouring the other serpents? Answer: to win a battle, you need to get to the battlefield. You need to adapt. In other words, the staff could only be active if it became like its enemies, with similar attributes. This is why it changed its shape to a serpent. A good way to remember this principle is if you consider you were missioned to kill a fly in a room and had to choose between a multi-million dollar F-15 and a small towel…

    Okay! Now to the confirmations!

    Confirmation 1: The Letter R

    You remember the whole article posted on July 12 2019 at 2:46 GMT was about chemtrails, the power of the letter R, its number 18, how it connected to the energy of LIFE, how it connected to the Queen of England through the Rainbow, how it was illustrated by the riddle generated by the 2 companies that offered the fireworks etc… Value for CHEMTRAILS? Yes: 108. And here’s your 18 and R again… Now what are the odds that 19 hours and 49 minutes after my article was posted, the Maestro posted a tweet with the letter R missing, with capital letter adding up to THE TRUE QUEEN OF ENGLAND and connected through its timestamp to a Q drop with 5 lines out of 6 starting with the letter R? Coincidence? Look: Img2

    Confirmation 2: Can you solve?

    The Maestro made several references to important aspects of the chemtrail article. I have listed a few of them for training purposes, check if you can decode them: Img3

    Let me give you the solution to riddle 4, the one with the highest level of difficulty. Why is the Maestro mentioning the MV-22 Osprey and the invisible F35 in the same sentence? Here is a hint: video.

    You got it? Coupling a transforming plane and an invisible one symbolizes the invisible and metaphysical transformation of America as illustrated with the journey of the number 163 from IMMORTAL QUEEN to KEEP AMERICA GREAT.

    Confirmation 3: The Spectacular “Beast to Air Force One” Riddle.

    This is the strongest confirmation from POTUS. Amazing stuff. As you know, my article was posted on July 12 at 2:46 AM GMT, it was lastly edited on July 12 at 11:26 PM GMT, and on July 13 at 1:13 AM GMT, the Maestro posted the following tweet. Watch very carefully and see if you can decode it and identify how he linked it in several ways to my article: tweet

    Did you catch it?
    Peruvian Coffee for those who saw that the camera angle moving from the motorcade to Air Force One with the aircraft engine prominently displayed as POTUS was walking was connected to the image where I linked Air Force One to the motorcade through Q1775! Look: Img4

    But you have more connections. Look how the Maestro confirms the now purifying chemtrails by symbolizing how the Queen’s serpent was defeated, transformed and made profitable thanks to the Phoenix Principle: Img5

    And, just to make sure we are all on the same page, the Maestro made sure 2 MV-22 Osprey were parked by the control tower to represent the battle in the physical and metaphysical realms. Look: Img6

    Let’s now analyze the video length and the capital letters of the tweet. We discover EDEN is confirmed and that there is a sub riddle to be solved to obtain the extra E generating the path to Ra, the Rainbow and Queen Elizabeth I: Img7

    The path through Q707 is particularly powerful for those who would like to go further. It confirms an article I made in the past about this airport sign where I explained that it was referring to access to the invisible realm.

    What if I told you that there is an amazing third way to generate this extra E with some juicy intel graciously offered by the Maestro as a reward?

    Difficulty level HIGH but trust me, it’s worth the bake.

    It’s coded in Acosta’s resignation that occurred the same day. Watch: until 3:54.
    BIG BIG BIG load of Peruvian Coffee for those who cracked this one!

    First, let’s check who Pat Pizzella is. When you google search him, he comes as Patrick Pizzella. Everywhere. Why would the Maestro call him Pat in an official setting, especially when the paper where he was reading from most likely had his official name? Did you notice the color of the paper? Stop here. Let’s see if you are learning the comms. Watch the segment one more time. Will you have that HAHA moment and solve?

    You’re back? Did you notice the paper and pizza dough have a similar color? How about Pizzella’s name? Does it ring a bell? Here is the solution: Img8
    As you can see, we were able to generate French through the Google translate language detection feature. Next? We use it: we go back to the BOA NIL riddle and notice the NILE River is spelled NIL in French and we can therefore bypass the extra E problem and hit directly Ra and the Witch Queen through the Rainbow portrait. Pretty cool right?

    POTUS taking control of chemtrails confirmed by POTUS himself. In multiple ways.

    Q2567 How do you 'safely' & 'securely' communicate w/o breaking the law and violating NAT SEC? Add multiple layers of 'coincidences' which mathematically proves legitimacy (standard deviation). At what point do people wake up? Q

    One thing leading to the other, I’m sure you now want me to tell you more about Acosta and his “resignation” and how he’s part of the Plan. Let’s watch some more: until 4:46. You caught that?

    “What he's done with plans and you see the plans coming one after another. You're just about done with the 401(k) and that happened. Things that nobody would even think of.”

    Did you solve? To understand this, you need 2 pieces of the puzzle:

    I told you in this article and this image how Mueller and Comey are involved in the Epstein case and how they activated their lawyer to file a John Doe complaint to stop its unsealing.

    You have to detect the Cabal’s effort to position the claim that Epstein may have been an intelligence asset and how Acosta dodged the question as reported in articles like this one.

    Do you see the implications of 1) and 2)?

    Acosta was fighting alone against the system. Either he chose to go as far as he could at the State level and get what he could get against Epstein or the case migrated at the Federal level where his buddies Mueller, Comey and all the network up to the White House could have created a false and retroactive intelligence profile for Epstein that would have protected him and the whole network. Do you see the trick? What would you have done? Now you know why Acosta was appointed Secretary of Labor and why POTUS randomly mentioned the 401K: Acosta was in the perfect position to know exactly if Epstein was working for the Government or not.

    Now you are equipped to go through the decode of the tweet about Acosta’s resignation: Img9

    Do you now see why they are in full panic mode?

    With the chemtrail reversal, they have lost the skies and are now inhaling a “human air” that is harmful to them and with the Epstein case, their whole human blood and flesh supply chain is being taken down.

    Q2051 Those who know cannot sleep. Q

    Yes, we were being invaded, mind controlled, eaten and replaced by species coming from other dimensions who, in complicity with the Cabal, puppet politicians and Big Tech, were hoping to put the last nail in the coffin through the election of the Witch.

    Unfortunately for them, Trump won and has resurrected our Military. With the US Military leading the charge, Mankind is fighting back and knows exactly who the enemy is and how it operates.

    Q114 US Military = savior of mankind.

    When Trump says: “If you are not happy here, you can leave!”, they know he’s referring to Divine Cosmic Laws that I will tell you about in my next article.
    They know very well what he’s talking about and they are TERRIFIED.

    Q1009 The WALL means more than you know. The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more. Q (it's also a wall against inter dimensional invaders.)
    Edit: typos & Img8

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 18, 2019 8:53 am


    Jul 17 2019


    Jul 18 2019 01:36:26 (EST)
    done, thank you for the direction

    Thank you for your continued service, BO.
    It is greatly appreciated.



    Jul 18 2019 01:29:55 (EST)
    Anons will ask, does this include removing the captcha?
    Captcha can be easily bypassed by those who would seek to cause disruption.
    Having active serves no purpose.



    Jul 18 2019 01:27:46 (EST)
    will do
    Thank you, BO.


    Jul 18 2019 01:25:38 (EST)
    Please revert bread back to original form.
    New structure eliminates / reduces 'hive mind' cataloging & expansion.
    Why change a good thing?



    Jul 17 2019 21:43:41 (EST)

       BOOM            👀

    Imagine my shock.


    Sheep no more


    Jul 17 2019 21:17:37 (EST)
    Q-17-7-19.19.13PDT.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 0e23d80f40df9e02fb18f452a6e503331514d8ea3ddc336eed8a96155224fee5

    Well outside.
    Date today?
    How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
    For Anons/Patriots.



    Jul 17 2019 21:14:49 (EST)


    OCT 5, 2018
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” D_uRjlXXYAER92dPART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” D_uRjlbWwAA8A5K
    Outside of the standard deviation?


    Jul 17 2019 19:50:41 (EST)
    ClipboardImage.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 1c434c153fc5440383a62fd2c4e7e92703e41480b029328703dc360559a8536d

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 16208548-0-image-m-4_1563456100046
    'I am legally married to one and culturally to another':
    How Ilhan Omar desperately tried to shut down rumors she married her BROTHER amid evidence
    she never really split up from her first husband she married in sharia ceremony

    President Donald Trump suggested Rep. Ilhan Omar was 'married to her brother'

    Reignited an explosive rumor that first emerged during Omar's 2016 campaign

    Omar has failed to fully disprove the claims of bigamy and fraternal marriage

    THE SPECTATOR USA: 'I'm not legally married to two people, but I am legally married to one and culturally married to another.' That's how Ilhan Omar's campaign spokesman summarized her arrangements in 2016, when Omar was running for Congress and her advisers were trying to stifle allegations of double marriage - with a man alleged to be her brother (pictured: Omar with her first and current husband, left; and with her second husband, right, in London before they were divorced and another man who some have suggested is her first husband). Omar supplied this email to the Minnesota Campaign and Public Disclosure Board's investigation into her campaign financing. That investigation concluded on June 6 by ordering Omar to refund $3,500 in misused campaign funds, and to pay a $500 fine. It also revealed that in 2014 and 2015, Omar may have broken federal and state law by filing a joint tax return with her husband Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi - when she was married to another man.

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 16203214-7260557-image-a-3_1563446077370
    A marriage certificate from 2009 appears to show her second marriage was officiated by a Christian minister at a Minnesota registry
    - despite her previous marriage and divorce being in strict accordance with Islamic tradition and shariah law

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 16203914-7260557-image-m-5_1563446118913
    The marriage certificate to her second husband dated February 12, 2009

    The full certificate also shows that, despite Omar's 'faith tradition', the couple seem to have been cohabiting before their marriage

    Omar refuses to answer questions as to when and how she happened to meet a British subject, or why she married him so soon after separating from the father of her children. Then again, she didn't separate that much from Husband 1. Documents released on Monday seem to show that she and Husband 1 were living together in Minneapolis at the time of her marriage to Husband 2. And when Omar and Husband 2 went to college in Fargo at North Dakota State University, Husband 1 came too. That must have made for some awkward silences at the breakfast table.

    According to Omar, Husband 2 went back to London in 2011 after a 'faith-based' divorce. But according to Alpha News, screenshots from Husband 2's social media show him living in Minneapolis as late as August 2012. In the same year, she had a third child with Husband 1 and turned Husband 1 into Husband 3 with, she has claimed, another 'faith tradition' marriage. Regardless of the 'faith tradition' divorce from Husband 2, she was still legally married to him in civil law. Unwittingly or not, she was, as Ben Goldfarb admitted in 2016, now married to two people at the same time.

    The posting includes photographs that appear to disprove Omar's claim that she couldn't divorce Husband 2 because she didn't know where he was. The posting also claims that Husband 2 refers on social media to Omar children by Husband 1 & 3 as his 'nieces and nephews', that his and Omar's father is called Nur Said Omar, and that her marriage to Husband 2 was false and bigamous:

    'A look at her social media accounts proves that at no point were her and Ahmed Hirsi [Husband 1 and 3] living apart,' the anonymous poster to Somali Spot wrote, 'nor was she ever in any other relationship. They have always been a couple, even when she was legally married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi [Husband 2].' On Sunday, the Washington Examiner published what it described as 'dozens of documents' proving, the Examiner claims, that Omar was living with Husband 1 (Hirsi) while married to Husband 2 (Elmi).

    Records already unearthed by David Steinberg appear to confirm that one 'Ahmed N. Elmi' studied at Arlington Senior High School in St Paul, MN. This Ahmed N. Elmi has the same birth date as the 'Ahmed N. Elmi' listed on Ilhan Omar's marriage certificate of 2008 and divorce papers of 2017. Several of his classmates confirmed to Steinberg that the father of Ahmed N. Elmi the high schooler was called Nur Said Elmi Mohamed — the same name as a name used by Ilhan Omar's father.

    Omar's campaign finance irregularities — and perhaps also advance information about further releases of damaging evidence — seem to have woken the Strib from its slumbers. Earlier this month, the editorial board noted that filing false tax returns is against the law. It also described the entire issue as 'worthy of greater scrutiny'. It certainly is, and one of the questions worthy of scrutiny is why the Strib took so long to address a scandal on its own doorstep, and why it allowed itself to be 'shut down' in the first place. As Omar has said, the allegations are a 'XXXX show'.

    This article first appeared in The Spectator USA on June 24, 2019.

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Jul 18, 2019 7:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 18, 2019 4:00 pm
    Prayingmedic - Published on Jul 19, 2019
    Q gives us information about Jeffrey Epstein, and at a rally, the President pointed out a baby wearing a Q.

    Fulford full newsletter: "Execution of George Bush Sr. doomed JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Merkel"
    Date: Thursday, 18-Jul-2019 12:50:53


    July 15, 2019

    The execution of George Bush Sr. and his wife Barbara is finally opening doors to a real takedown of the satanic Khazarian mafia cabal, multiple sources agree. This is seen in all sorts of news events being reported even by the corporate slave media. The resignation of Trump’s Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta over his involvement in covering up for Mossad agent Jeffrey Epstein is just another domino to fall. At least 110,000 others will follow, including a wide swathe of politicians, celebrities, and billionaires, promise Pentagon sources.

    This purge at the top of world power will go hand-in-hand with a massive campaign to fix up the planet. “A letter of recommendation for a world future planning agency has been distributed to all sovereign heads of state,” according to a high-level European royal family source. The plan to reforest an area the size of the U.S. and China combined has been added to this proposal, the source also said.

    This proposal is under a diplomatic corporate/associated press embargo until the market-moving details of its structure are worked out, the source says. However, he says it has already been decided that the project will dwarf even the multi-trillion-dollar Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.

    World financial markets, which are becoming a giant hallucination with negative interest rates and soaring stock prices, may be shut down and rebooted as a part of the preparations, the source adds.

    However, a complete purge of the satanic elements of the world power structure will be needed before this is possible, Pentagon and CIA sources note. This has continued with a Special Forces raid on the Clinton Foundation and other satanic infrastructures that took place during a power outage in Manhattan last week, the sources say.

    “While China may get media attention, an extreme prejudice counterintelligence task force aided by the NSA, the military, and Russia is ridding America of the [satanic] Zionist parasite, as the CIA and FBI atone for their crimes and protection of Epstein,” Pentagon sources say.

    “With 110,000 indictments that are being unsealed with Epstein, a Twitter outage and California quakes, ICE raids with federal troops may lead to mass arrests, as Trump knows that it is now or never if he is to win in 2020,” one Pentagon source says.

    Clearly, even if Trump is a Zionist agent, the push from the lower and middle ranks of the military-industrial complex will pop him out of power like a cork from a champagne bottle if he tries to stop it.

    The Pentagon sources add, “Israel is under siege as former Prime Minister Ehud Barak may have commanded Epstein blackmail operations as well as 9/11.” Barak appears to have been ratted on by war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, and internecine fighting in Israel intensifies, MI6 sources note.

    Israel is also feeling the heat because “Turkey is getting Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles to break up NATO, project power, protect its offshore gas in Cyprus, and put Israel back in its sandbox,” the Pentagon sources say.

    When in trouble, the fake Jews attack themselves in order to appear persecuted and justify aggression, Mossad sources say. That is why the Mossad-created Hamas organization is now calling for Jews to be killed around the world, they say.

    Message to the Jews: Relax, nobody is going to kill you; you are just being liberated from thousands of years of satanic Babylonian tyranny.

    This imminent liberation can be seen as pressure against the satanists is intensifying from all directions, with pushes for “FISA disclosure, 9/11, 3/11 [Fukushima], and Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 declassification,” Pentagon sources confirm.

    This can be seen with investigations of Deutsche Bank, which indicate it was involved not only with financing Epstein, but also with drug-money laundering and with the Malaysian 1MDB scandal, multiple sources agree.

    Former Prime Minister Najib Razak, who has been arrested in this scandal involving the embezzlement of billions of dollars, has been singing like a canary, CIA sources in Southeast Asia say. Razak is negotiating a plea bargain in which he will trade his secret files on Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 for leniency, the sources say. As long-time readers of this newsletter know, Flight 370/17 was used by former U.S. President Barack Obama for nuclear blackmail against world leaders, among other things.

    Another sign that Bush Sr. is no longer around to sweep things under the carpet came when a ship owned by Bush-linked JP Morgan was busted with $1.3 billion worth of cocaine on it.

    The fall of Bush has also exposed the German-led EUSSR. The British, as we mentioned last week, have shown they can cut off European access to the Baltic and Mediterranean as well as the Suez Canal as they start playing Brexit hardball.

    The European Galileo GPS system was also taken out of commission as part of a pressure campaign to get the EU to surrender, Pentagon sources say.

    No wonder Angela Hitler was seen trembling in public for the third time in three weeks.

    German right-wing sources say if Merkel is not being attacked with electronic weapons, then “she has serious health problems based on a neurological or even neurodegenerative disorder like Parkinson’s disease or even a prion disease like Kuru. The public is entitled to know the exact reasons for her tremors,” the source adds. It may just be stress.

    The firing of the British Ambassador to the U.S. last week was also part of the high-level infighting, a British royal family source says. “We fired our envoy to Washington for insulting the Farnese [Pentagon] family. Don’t pay attention to the rubbish they publish, common a day tittle tattle.”

    This source also provided insight in the infiltration by Satanists of the highest ranks of European power:

    “Really, it is quite horrid, but it is a cult and as we know, a religious fanatical one at that. All fanatics are deadly and dangerous outside very advanced psychiatry to deal with them. [Former UK Prime Minister] Tony Blair, by the way, was compromised to be totally controlled by the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult at the Mothers of Darkness site in Europe. We believe it was that incident that was used in the illegal Anglo-American Iraq war. A lot of what you report is symptomatic of the total rot at the very highest levels of world government, which I have had to meet face on.”

    Remember, Tony Blair and George Bush Jr. both went for private talks with Pope Maledict (Benedict XVI) after leaving office, apparently seeking protection from prosecution for their crimes in Iraq. Take a look at this picture of Maledict (or any picture of him) and you can see pure evil. It looks like he is under the control of some sort of malign entity.

    World institutions were “very dysfunctional and hugely compromised by the Western families who, to be very honest, either simply gave up or found their new generations to be completely inept, as happened with Rothschild, whom I replaced,” the royal source said.

    “There was an element in the world ruling class that was very rotten—really it was a mafia—and things have changed now, or at least the trajectory has pivoted,” he added.

    The power transfer at the very highest level of Western institutions is what is making all the public disclosure and arrests possible, as this and other sources agree.

    The last domino to fall may well be Japan. Here, a criminal government that rules through fake opinion polls, fake elections, fake economic statistics, murder, and bribery is clinging to power. They are probably going to get away with another election theft in the July 21st upper house election. However, the person who put this government in power, Richard Armitage, is a dead man walking. This murderer and drug dealer, a cousin of Barbara Bush and bagman to Bush Sr., has lost his high-level patrons. When the move comes on Japan, “it will be sudden and absolute,” Asian secret society sources say.

    The U.S. military, who control Japan, are about to dump criminal Japan handlers like Armitage, Michael Greenberg, and Gerald Curtis, Pentagon sources say. However, this will only happen after the U.S. is cleaned up, they note.

    Meanwhile, the U.S. military is making public preparations to stay in operation even if the U.S. corporate government goes bankrupt. They have already convinced Kuwait to help finance them, together with Saudi Arabia. Now they are working on getting Japan to pay more, too.

    The end game involves a Russian/U.S. military alliance to replace NATO, Pentagon sources say. This unified “Christian” alliance would then negotiate world peace with the Asians, they say. British royal family sources agree and add, “Usually things happen very fast when the deal is done, so hang on to your hat.”

    As usual, though, we warn our readers to only believe it when you see it. Trump, for example, has yet to make good on his promise to disclose 9/11 truth. The world expects and demands a Nuremberg-style public trial of the high-level criminals. Seeing people like Hillary and Bill Clinton dragged off in handcuffs would be a good start.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Sat Jul 27, 2019 5:38 pm

    July 27, 2019


    Jul 27 2019 20:48:09 (EST)
    DX-JFPcVoAAbkiN.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” B0fc5a1c1ce7b0402b2a3d226f83f59f7f847a48f418ce4d7430270cdd445eb0


    Jul 27 2019 20:22:25 (EST)


    Jul 27 2019 19:54:54 (EST)
    90.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 055658c16840134b968a98aaef4569ecfd088bfce3dc3c79e195202339ac2e05
    Was the corn ripe for harvesting?
    It is now.
    [     93           dk]



    Jul 27 2019 19:47:57 (EST)
    x.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” E0d99fa0a9df2e3d117f0889bfc60f1146762c9b6da977afbd1ad6e340469555

    The President of the United States retweeted this graphic.
    Pause, re-read above.
    Pause, re-read above (again).
    Nature is unpredictable.



    Jul 27 2019 19:30:54 (EST)
    D_ATf51WsAA3SOO.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 09a582c70baf01d06dce08c72d35880feb518900171a0b8c53ad592bc636cd64



    Jul 27 2019 13:01:26 (EST)


    Jul 27 2019 12:51:46 (EST)
    Corn ready for to be cut!
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” EAf_i0qU4AA0NzI
    On Hannity radio show Friday afternoon he said he had been given the authorization to say Docs will begin to be released this coming week.
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” EAgGVnEWwAMfn0O

    Farms produce ………



    Jul 27 2019 12:36:07 (EST)
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    Enemy of the People.


    Jul 27 2019 11:49:22 (EST)
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    Jul 27 2019 11:40:14 (EST)
    Ask yourself a very simple Q -
    How did someone die from this type of accident?
    Severity of impact?
    Do you believe in coincidences?



    Jul 27 2019 11:37:11 (EST)
    Screenshot_20190727-1135PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” F3365c7d51ab8ad8a608a93d2564ce642130ecb416948fad6ab70d986e535e2733_Chrome.jpg ⬇

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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 4a256e2e6bb409572d27708e9493e2361b2ce461177900b5e8054bcb755a0ba3



    Jul 27 2019 11:30:17 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” A77ac6a184d7b0df8106d0bb3d6eb33a55342b910ea4e0670079069fa5aae8de


    Jul 27 2019 11:21:30 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 70135d9ca4752cb1622a1c9feb042bcd4dcc8418beeab5571a0f9b19b677d377


    Jul 27 2019 11:01:48 (EST)
    One or both of his parents fluent in Russian?
    Is Russian a common language to learn?
    Farms develop necessary (unique) skill-sets in order to produce results.
    Stay awake.


    Jul 26 2019


    Jul 26 2019 15:33:06 (EST)
    Soloman on Hannity Radio

    Next week
    Change of DNI, Coates Gone
    Declass of Docs
    Durham news

    said on the show, might be on Hannity tonight, did not say that but this is big so watch Hannity



    Jul 26 2019 15:33:22 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 3ac342bba22ca55fb87b2c28e03c12f4727846c0588b44646a6905c2b43c659f


    Jul 26 2019 15:02:14 (EST)


    Jul 26 2019 13:57:28 (EST)
    Do you remember?
    We do.



    Jul 26 2019 13:54:22 (EST)
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Image2-h_2019
    Coming to a theater near you.


    Jul 26 2019 13:50:38 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 91cd430f45a1a4e9ebe8cead2e4b4dafba53b500491051f01b9e662c2b3731f6


    Jul 26 2019 12:44:45 (EST)
    [Smoke & Mirrors]
    How do you attempt to keep the 'narrative' in play [control the 'sheep']?

    Key sentence:
    Nadler called the grand jury materials “critically important” for their investigation.
    Does Nadler understand that the 'critically important' material requested would be illegal for AG Barr to disclose?

    "This means Attorney General Barr must redact grand-jury material from the Mueller report before disclosing it to Congress. Democrats will complain long and loud about this, but I don’t see how Barr can be reasonably faulted for following the law. Congress, after all, has the power to legislate an amendment to Rule 6(e) that would permit disclosure of grand-jury materials from a special counsel investigation to appropriate congressional committees."

    Will members of the D party Congress attempt to amend Rule 6(e) in order to obtain grand jury material deemed 'critically important'?


    Logical thinking, why?

    Why paint a narrative that the one item you cannot possess is the one item you need in order to justify your argument?
    People elected 'knowingly' spreading false-information [disinformation]?
    Puppets follow orders.
    Think for yourself.


    Jul 25 2019


    Jul 25 2019 22:52:45 (EST)
    Some Anon add the Punisher face to Pepe.
    While it is certainly not meant to be 'funny', it sends a very important [intended] message.
    "Cast of Characters" are known.



    Jul 25 2019 22:49:40 (EST)
    It's all coming out soon!!!
    Nunes to receive a special package from BARR?


    Jul 25 2019 22:35:06 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” A61cc4f1455318879b69574579d10ae2493f1bcc3e5675687bab297b6163ef88
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    Anons going to play the new 'Save the Children from…….' video game when released?
    The cast of characters should be interesting.



    Jul 25 2019 21:39:17 (EST)
    ThanQ baker. Wouldn't be here without you.
    & we wouldn't be here without all of you (Anons/Patriots).
    God bless and thank you.



    Jul 25 2019 19:28:13 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 28df6857c912aced5776c95177f9773a7f0b5454ea4b992b044a08d715a3f585


    Jul 25 2019 19:09:23 (EST)
    Possible China monitored [MUELLER] hearing?
    Possible China analyzing likelihood of POTUS re_ELEC 2020?
    Possible China taking steps [think propaganda] to harm POTUS re: 2020?
    Possible China in sec_comms w/ D candidate(s) running for President re: re-institute US piggy-bank?
    Possible China in sec_comms w/ former D_party senior officials re: re-institute US piggy-bank?
    Possible China put extreme [threatening?] pressure on NK the day of the [MUELLER] hearing (coincidence?) should hearing swing to POTUS?
    Possible acts were taken in effort to diminish (lessen) D_blow?
    Possible acts were taken in effort to 'change the narrative'?
    Define 'False Flag'.



    Jul 25 2019 13:47:31 (EST)


    Jul 25 2019 12:59:37 (EST)


    Jul 25 2019 12:52:21 (EST)
    Nothing can stop what is coming.



    Jul 25 2019 11:21:36 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 618f10ff5ea141097e0111d20b7e6e8b137aa5092a50807436e74a59e7207a6e
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 77482c4276470afa90f791f86c7c0e427f15cb574bcbc96a5289acf25e399648
    >Afterward, make your way to your second snorkel stop — Little St James Island — where curious fish dart back and forth in the clear blue water, and colorful coral formations nestle next to amazing underwater formations.

    Little St James Island
    fd4e8da191568609884c70a3e97438c1cab311ee26864328316afd4e53169782.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 7e0d4243b0eb09433c9684cf92f173b9f5783d6c3076acb87b15c1438397729b
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    Jul 24 2019


    Jul 25 2019 00:38:05 (EST)
    Does a person who fights hard for bail, then appeals the original decision (attempt to overturn), attempt suicide prior to the ruling of the appeal?
    Logical thinking.



    Jul 25 2019 00:31:20 (EST)
    Do you TRUST the media?


    Jul 25 2019 00:22:23 (EST)
    Look what I found from the pdf Q just posted. Mind blowing. The words KNOWINGLY, KNOWINGLY, KNOWINGLY. Gang of Eight. C, D, and E.

    Expand your thinking.


    Jul 25 2019 00:02:29 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” De4051eff480ee0e8282d4c0c0dbcfca8e1e9ff36661bd2da4c8f8362260d926

    ABC News told us it was just a 'gym' inside of the 'TEMPLE'……


    Jul 24 2019 23:39:52 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Ef1cc0808d2a413ec39368c33567bafc8236bc81c4481f44dc2468d055b163ac
    Painfully obvious or willfully ignorant?


    Jul 24 2019 22:14:41 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 534aca3d182ca5548e8d14c58fb586c48dd46cc84a23a5294a456eedd0c12671
    Eyes on.


    Jul 24 2019 22:14:35 (EST)
    Check the 'DECLASS ON' date anons:
    Classified By: 2476680
    Derived From: NSA/CSSM 1-52
    Declassify On: 20411231

    2041 Dec 31

    This has been declassified 22 years earlier than it should have been. What does that tell you?
    Archive and save.
    Will become extremely important.



    Jul 24 2019 22:10:56 (EST)
    Signed by Clapper and Lynch shortly after POTUS was elected.

    Q 3488 is the pdf file Q posted. SIGINT (FVEYS). Spying could not have been done against POTUS and his campaign members without "presidential authorization." [Hussein]. (See PPD- 228). They declassed this document in order to share intel. How? FISA. Lynch/Clapper


    Jul 24 2019 22:07:58 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” E0a9cdc73b6b87047fbd61d7bb189e241714220972c8563d4dd30bb4921cf84a

    Late last bread

    [Signature page]
    DECLAS for specific reason (public).
    Analyze carefully.
    Relevant to future pending events.



    Jul 24 2019 22:06:43 (EST)


    Jul 24 2019 21:58:43 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 70c923e0585274a11d41401764f2aaee9afc940511f4874bb61501774b4916b8

    Important to remember.
    Public 'Guide' _ DECLAS



    Jul 24 2019 21:54:48 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 60bfa780f66790bca22a950664af0d08ddff8305d7437da086477c4870a18ae5
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 60bfa780f66790bca22a950664af0d08ddff8305d7437da086477c4870a18ae5



    Jul 24 2019 21:47:39 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Ac41a74223f11a22862ea45ba5458a3cd6e40cd8dcb216a640293e0d5de36d9c

    Why is Bruce Ohr still @ Justice?
    Nellie Ohr _ C_A
    Fluent in Russian?

    BgxWBRxjvNhnbM9DiyHtCptYaDNF3xx85r8if8spuMjfmZvenUCfYxBfJduVDPeEdCY8BZTyFzEWN3UmnM7GYvGh1629oghzTzSWyivBUS1cFYpLfkbcqGu8Ap59D8pjiYVnz4pKJ5sWsYMhTMak49TrQRjgBBiCSAKCeU7ARYoM41U.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Ac41a74223f11a22862ea45ba5458a3cd6e40cd8dcb216a640293e0d5de36d9c


    Jul 24 2019 21:47:39 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Ac41a74223f11a22862ea45ba5458a3cd6e40cd8dcb216a640293e0d5de36d9c

    Why is Bruce Ohr still @ Justice?
    Nellie Ohr _ C_A
    Fluent in Russian?


    Jul 24 2019 21:40:40 (EST)
    DmSHl7PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 86252fef32d1c842ebfda77cd3a051c32970f7fb5a6ba4032cce29d7078c23ebUU0AET7OM.jpg ⬇

    Important to remember.
    Correlation between FISA abuse [treason remove DE_POTUS] & Midyear investigation?


    caf3916c41cb6444d3759359baf65b48a716dc55135b6cfdad395af54e854a99.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Caf3916c41cb6444d3759359baf65b48a716dc55135b6cfdad395af54e854a99


    Jul 24 2019 21:40:40 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 86252fef32d1c842ebfda77cd3a051c32970f7fb5a6ba4032cce29d7078c23eb

    Important to remember.
    Correlation between FISA abuse [treason remove DE_POTUS] & Midyear investigation?



    Jul 24 2019 21:30:34 (EST)
    Worth remembering.
    0b72867c67fe3a97731033c2c31cd1abe3058f042dec7c15b508cd023048f829.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 0b72867c67fe3a97731033c2c31cd1abe3058f042dec7c15b508cd023048f829


    Jul 24 2019 21:30:34 (EST)
    Worth remembering.


    Jul 24 2019 21:18:04 (EST)
    eaed091c37f3f79bc2142ccffbce93fbcdb59a8def999e4369669ddac0de70fb.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Eaed091c37f3f79bc2142ccffbce93fbcdb59a8def999e4369669ddac0de70fb

    Worth remembering.


    Jul 24 2019 16:09:16 (EST)
    In resurfaced interview, Ilhan Omar answers question on 'jihadist terrorism' by saying Americans should be 'more fearful of white men'

    The POWER of Anon research.


    Jul 24 2019 15:35:08 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 6e5056bb58ce66c0e5f1a33c2539d4386e70ea0489151f535c621b6a19815ca8


    Jul 24 2019 15:14:50 (EST)


    Jul 24 2019 13:07:39 (EST)
    Irrefutable evidence that @IlhanMN is a dangerous racist & bigot.
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” EAQpAPnU4AA7Nhz

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” EAQ7Dg5XsAAN0wB

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” EAQ3NatXYAEKofL
    Who are the REAL racists?
    Projection does not work when WE, THE PEOPLE, are awake.



    Jul 24 2019 11:40:27 (EST)
    There are Puppets.
    There are Puppet Masters.
    Which is [MUELLER]?
    Attempt to replace [JC] as FBI Dir FAILED [attempt to regain FBI control].
    Plot & Plan [backup] to initiate SC to safeguard against criminal prosecution re: illegal and criminal actions?
    [SC = loss of FBI command/control safeguard]
    DOJ depends on what agency for investigating criminal actions?
    [MUELLER] U1.
    [MUELLER] [Epstein bury & cover-up].
    [MUELLER] [plot to remove duly elected POTUS].



    Jul 24 2019 11:22:53 (EST)

    Jul 23 2019


    Jul 23 2019 18:59:31 (EST)
    Bigger than most realize.
    [Be Ready], [Bob]


    Jul 23 2019 17:35:02 (EST)


    Jul 23 2019 17:12:14 (EST)
    Targets ('models') made to fill out an extensive background report?
    Targets ('models') asked in detail re: family?
    Targets ('models') generally 'green lit' based on 'loner' 'insecurity' 'depressed' P_eval?
    Targets ('models') generally 'green lit' based on 'humble' 'poorer' family background? [prevent possible 'legal' retaliation]
    Highest Level Security + MAX Protect



    Jul 23 2019 16:18:25 (EST)
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    DkWeO4RVAAAs6iN.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 67c7e919101e878b06efe1f1e6d67fe766feeb65356b185752e8452baa45a62d

    Jul 22 2019


    Jul 22 2019 19:53:46 (EST)
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    Jul 22 2019 19:51:16 (EST)
    quote-never-interfere-with-an-enemy-in-the-process-of-destroying-himself-napoleon-bonaparte-142-52-09.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 1346492ce45e07ec136d3542af49846a1ed8e31614681e78b94b51197060a449

    These people are stupid.
    Enjoy the show!



    Jul 22 2019 16:06:42 (EST)



    Jul 22 2019 15:40:20 (EST)

    Kevin Shipp

    Pedophilia, child trafficking, Satan worship, bloodletting of children. In plain view.
    ‘But I say to you, the rest who are in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not known the deep things of Satan, as they call them—I place no other burden on you." Revelation 2:24

    Dark to LIGHT.
    Hunters become the HUNTED.
    This is not another 4-year election.



    Jul 22 2019 11:18:24 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” A03a502597f9df23bf51942610deaad1e211d138889df89062744910b1609351


    Jul 22 2019 10:41:08 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 0354d92b7d1e2cba5cb054cf1d643cd02a07cedde36c99de6dc056535420b619
    What is this?



    Jul 22 2019 10:48:38 (EST)


    Jul 22 2019 10:25:10 (EST)
    [Be Ready]

    Jul 21 2019


    Jul 21 2019 15:41:15 (EST)
    Every single 'dirty' tactic being deployed to stop the growth of this movement.
    Ask yourself a very simple Q - why?
    Why are the biggest media co's in the world…….



    Jul 21 2019 15:35:27 (EST)

    If AG Barr has access to all classified material, how does [MUELLER] navigate?
    If [MUELLER] provides FALSE and/or MISLEADING testimony, will AG Barr be forced to DECLAS all documentation to ensure full public awareness of the TRUTH?
    If [MUELLER] defers to the original report but D's / FAKE NEWS push a false narrative 'knowing majority of the public did not watch the actual hearing' will AG Barr be forced to DECLAS all documentation to ensure full public awareness of the TRUTH?
    [Be Ready], [MUELLER].
    [Be Ready], [JC].
    [Be Ready], [Traitors one & ALL].
    Thank you for playing.
    FISA goes both ways.


    Jul 18 2019


    Jul 18 2019 17:50:35 (EST)
    D2tSyy7W0AAjGeC.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee720573ee519877d600ab795cf4115aa1bb75875531
    Worth remembering.
    If you look close enough you might see….


    Jul 18 2019 17:50:35 (EST)
    D2tSyy7W0AAjGeC.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee720573ee519877d600ab795cf4115aa1bb75875531
    Worth remembering.


    Jul 18 2019 17:47:40 (EST)
    D_ybXhqW4AELyk-.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 05803fa1522caed2216fe3cd0e44764c5129406b187932a4e1f76c8731cf3a3c
    D_ylJ46WwAEgRI9.jpg-large.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 3779a964d1c9b6b9c73b6ac043b4052345d1398ebf2e669e36ed21f98b191883
    Shall we play a game?


    Jul 18 2019 17:36:16 (EST)
    Primary Purpose of the Article:
    "A colorful building that some news reports have called the "temple" was actually a gym when Epstein worked out when he was on the island, Scully said, noting in an interview with ABC News that the gym had a memorable feature – a massive framed photo of a topless woman."
    How do you 'shape' a story?
    Facts vs Fiction.
    Think for yourself


    Jul 18 2019 17:17:56 (EST)
    Explore further.

    Note the date of the post - Nov 2017.
    Note events happening today.
    News unlocks.



    Jul 18 2019 17:17:56 (EST)
    Hiding in plain sight, symbolism to be their downfall.
    Another “Keystone” from Epstein’s Island.
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” D_ykm_IVUAAbapQ
    Explore further.


    Jul 18 2019 17:17:05 (EST)
    Jake Tapper's wife said #CometPizza in DC was her favorite restaurant.  When she said that it was hosting bands singing about child rape (see Heavy Breathing), had satanic/pedophile paintings on the walls (they had to paint over) , and the food was below Chucky Cheese quality.
    Explore further.


    Jul 18 2019 16:39:56 (EST)
    D-2GIvrWwAAcSHK.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 99b765b48ccbc5c3a8940c8ed00e4335ef79074b5529ba8238b1430086072ddb


    Jul 18 2019 16:15:57 (EST)
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    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Ae1e33cf864225b0347325037546ff39250e13dab5ec5bce72d49a6a702c6a5b
    Worth remembering.


    Jul 18 2019 16:12:31 (EST)


    Jul 18 2019 16:00:58 (EST)
    D_yRfKFUwAA2HSj.png-large.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” B7ff27ec247c6628e5299ccb678fda89f7136e0c155623f05a2c6a997ff6858b

    What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?
    What happens when the FAKE NEWS MEDIA can no longer control the narrative (when disinformation is no longer swallowed and/or accepted as auto-truth)?



    Jul 18 2019 13:09:18 (EST)
    D_xsUBRUcAAbIYh.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 956ceee75a2ad585a007e14e677537aa9e6957840cd79d338810324913de9214
    Symbolism will be their downfall.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:04 pm

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Deep-state-2-800x416

    THE UPDATED LIST: 130 Times the FBI, DOJ and/or Mueller Gang “Deviated from Standard Practice”
    or Committed Crimes in Efforts to Exonerate Hillary and Indict President Trump

    Joe Hoft - July 27, 2019

    On March 8th, 2019, we prepared a list of the more than 100 times that Obama’s Deep State FBI took actions that deviated from standard practice and/or were corrupt and/or were criminal in their efforts to exonerate Hillary from her crimes and then spy on and frame candidate and then President Trump. After the Mueller train wreck this past week we thought we’d provide an updated list of these unbelievable actions.

    As we noted in March, current and former FBI associates were embarrassed to even turn on their TV’s before the Mueller testimony. Now they must be enraged.

    Time magazine of all places reported about the many efforts the FBI took related to Hillary’s exoneration and then the framing of President Trump. These corrupt and criminal actions have taken a desperate toll on the current members of the FBI –

    In normal times, the televisions are humming at the FBI’s 56 field offices nationwide, piping in the latest news as agents work their investigations. But these days, some agents say, the TVs are often off to avoid the crush of bad stories about the FBI itself. The bureau, which is used to making headlines for nabbing crooks, has been grabbing the spotlight for unwanted reasons: fired leaders, texts between lovers and, most of all, attacks by President Trump. “I don’t care what channel it’s on,” says Tom O’Connor, a veteran investigator in Washington who leads the FBI Agents Association. “All you hear is negative stuff about the FBI … It gets depressing.”

    Of course the employees of the FBI are in a funk, their fearless and corrupt leaders, as well as leaders in Obama’s corrupt DOJ, participated in extravagant efforts to exonerate the obvious criminal actions of Hillary Clinton, and then to do all they could to prevent candidate Trump from winning an election. Then once the election was won by President Trump, they went to unheard of depths of deceit and corruption to attempt to remove him from office.

    Here’s our list from March of more than 100 actions the Deep State FBI and DOJ took that were either outside of policy and/or were corrupt and/or were criminal surrounding the 2016 Presidential election and exoneration of Hillary Clinton and the setup/attempts to remove Donald Trump from office –

    In 2008, a questionable person on John McCain’s presidential campaign caught the attention of FBI counterintelligence, and the FBI privately approached McCain. That questionable person was quietly removed from Team McCain. The Trump campaign was never afforded this same courtesy [source].

    Paul Manafort interviewed with the FBI twice before he joined the Trump campaign [source] (If Manafort was guilty of anything, he was guilty during the time period he served as McCain’s campaign manager, not Trump’s campaign manager, and if Manafort was guilty of anything, why did it take ten years for the FBI to take action against Manafort?) And why didn’t the FBI warn Trump about Manafort if they had concerns?

    Somehow every clear security breach in the Clinton camp was no big deal, while every fourth-hand contact with someone who could possibly be linked to Russia was evidence that Donald Trump was secretly serving as a Russian agent [source].

    Comey made no public show of his announcement on the Oct. 28, 2016, decision to reopen the Clinton email investigation. Instead, Comey quietly sent a terse and private letter to the chairs and the ranking members of the oversight committees on the Hill, informing them, vaguely, that the FBI was taking additional steps in the Clinton email investigation, unlike the public announcement about the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign [source].

    FiveEyes has a standing agreement to not spy on each other’s citizens without a warrant, and yet, the FBI and the CIA frequently accepted both official and unofficial intelligence on members of the Trump campaign, from not only FiveEyes but other countries as well [source].

    Additionally with regard to FiveEyes, not using normal intelligence channels for a major counterintelligence investigation and, instead, relying on political channels is another deviation from the standard practice, such as in the instance of Alexander Downer relaying information to the State Department who then passed it on to the FBI [source].

    Andrew McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI, told House lawmakers during a closed-door interview in late 2017 that other than the probe into Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized use of a private email server, he was not aware of any instance in which an FBI exoneration statement was drafted months prior to the conclusion of an investigation as was done (twice) in the case of the Midyear investigation [source].

    Right before the election, the DOJ also inexplicably dropped all charges against Marc Turi in the Benghazi legal matter that had lasted for five years. Some saw it as a way to protect Clinton [source].

    Comey sidestepped direct questions over whether Clinton’s carelessness should disqualify her from future access to classified information but indicated that any government employee who had similarly handled secret government information would be subject to a rigorous security review to determine “suitability” [source].
    IG Report: Nobody was listed as a subject of this [Clinton email] investigation at any point in time (So neither Hillary nor her top aides were formally under investigation by FBI at any time in 2015-2016, but the agents handling the issue thought it was a criminal action) [source].

    There was no investigation regarding Bill Clinton’s famously clandestine meeting with the head of the Department of Justice, Loretta Lynch, on a private plane in Phoenix just days before the FBI announced its decision to exonerate Clinton [source].

    Lindsey Graham recently argued, in the Washington Post, “You can be an FBI informant. You can be a political operative. But you can’t be both, particularly at the same time.” (The FBI knew of Steele’s politics but continued to engage him).

    A deviation from the standard practice is to start an investigation without a crime. Under FBI and Justice Department guidelines for opening a full investigation, agents have to first establish an “articulable factual basis,” which means facts must be specified and verified. And investigators have to have a “reasonable suspicion,” as opposed to mere speculation, that a suspect committed a crime. In a May 19, 2017, text message to McCabe’s counsel Lisa Page, Strzok remarked, “My gut sense and concern is there’s no big there, there” regarding collusion. Page also admitted during a private 2018 congressional interview that when McCabe opened the probes, “We still couldn’t answer the question [of whether Trump conspired with the Kremlin]. … It still existed in the scope of possibility that there would be literally nothing” to connect Trump with Russia [source].

    Investigators are tasked with “detecting and interrupting criminal activities at their early stages, and preventing crimes from occurring in the first place,” which is much more preferable than “allowing criminal plots to come to fruition.” According to the DIOG, assessments and investigations should be proactive to stop crimes or “national security-threatening activities.” In other words, law enforcement can’t just sit back and eat popcorn while they watch subjects weave their way toward a crime so they can catch them in the act. The purpose of law enforcement is to actively stop danger in its tracks, not urge it on with passive observation (This occurred not only during the Russian hacking incidents but also with the elements of the Trump campaign that the FBI/Obama admin declared to be troubling) [source].

    The FBI’s miss of the Russian influence operation against the 2016 election, which went largely undetected for more than two years (The FBI had the chance to kill this Russian intrusion years before it reached crisis point in the election). Mueller’s Russia probe has found that Moscow’s operation against the 2016 election first got underway in 2014, but the FBI failed to grasp the scope and danger of what was unfolding [source]. The bureau missed the significance of the damaging 2015 hack of the DNC database [source].

    Instead of opening an investigation as procedure demands, Comey usurped the role of Loretta Lynch, further compounding the first error) Comey would later say he broke with normal procedures whereby the FBI collects evidence and the Department of Justice decides whether to bring charges, because he believed Attorney General Loretta Lynch had engaged in actions that raised doubts about her credibility, including secretly meeting with Clinton’s husband, the former president, just days before the FBI interviewed her [source].

    Peter Strzok forwarded a draft of the warrant to his personal email account in violation of FBI policy and further violated department policy by editing the warrant affidavit on his home email account, bypassing the FBI system for recording such government business. He also began drafting a second exoneration statement before conducting the search [source].

    Two FBI investigators were in a “relationship” while they were working on the Clinton email investigation and later were married [source].
    Peter Strzok/Lisa Page were having an affair in the middle of a counterintelligence probe and later became part of the Special Counsel Mueller probe, which in and of itself is a compromise [source].

    Initially, the FBI and Department of Justice claimed [Bruce Ohr] had no involvement in the probe, despite his marriage to a Fusion GPS contractor. Then they claimed his role was unique and was unknown by others in the department [source].

    The Obama administration pulled the levers of every available tool of the state (CIA, FBI, NSA, FISA etc.) to not only illegally surveil the campaign of their political opponents but to usurp and obstruct Mr. Trump’s every effort even after assuming the office of the Presidency [source].

    The FISA Court continued to authorize FISA warrants on the Trump campaign members after finding that the Obama admin had used the FISA process to punish political foes [source].

    James Clapper limited the IC report for review to only 3 agencies rather than send the report out to all 17 agencies for review. This way he was able to control the outcome of the investigation [source].

    The FBI failed to farm out the classified information found on the unsecured laptop to other intelligence agencies for review as part of a national security damage assessment — even though Horowitz confirmed that Clinton’s illegal email activity, in a major security breach, gave “foreign actors” access to unknowable quantities of classified material and despite the fact that an internal FBI review did find that the server was compromised by unauthorized individuals [source].
    2016-08-02 Peter Strzok, while still in London, submits a report on his interview of UK intelligence officials “Summarizing report was a “break in diplomatic protocol.” The following text message from Peter Strzok-Lisa Page is referring to this report. This information in this report “helped provide the foundation” for the case – instead of sparked the case – as has been claimed” [source].

    Comey’s FBI did not pursue “intent” with Mrs. Clinton during the late hour interview. While this may not sound all that important, simple acceptance of the explanation that the server was purely for personal convenience allowed for Mrs. Clinton not to be charged with evading federal statutes. Indeed, lack of intent was one of the primary excuses Comey used in his decision to declare her cleared [source]. However, in the case of Dr. John M. Deutch (similar case to Clinton’s), “intent” was never a factor of that investigation [source].

    “An unclassified email system is no place for classified information,” he [Comey] added. “The root of the problem is people using personal email systems to conduct business that is classified’’ while FBI agents in charge of the Clinton email investigation violated these same policies [source].

    During the low-level assessment stage (before the counterintelligence investigation is formally opened), there can be no use of a confidential human source or undercover agent (such as was done in the case of Stefan Halper). It’s strictly forbidden. Only public records, information from other departments, voluntary interviews, etc., can be used at this stage [source]. Roger Stone and Mike Caputo say they believe they were the targets of a setup by U.S. law enforcement officials hostile to Trump….They cite records showing that the man who approached Stone is actually a Russian national who has claimed to work as an FBI informant, which, if true, was before an official investigation had commenced, a deviation from standard practice [source].

    The DOJ knew that political actors were involved in the creation and use of the Steele Dossier at the time of initial FISA application [source].

    Peter Kadzik requested that the subject of his investigation employ his son and then shared classified case information with the representative of the same subject (John Podesta) and attended intimate dinner parties with that representative as well. Additionally, records indicate Kadzik and Podesta were close friends in college [source]. Peter Kadzik refuses to confirm or deny whether the DOJ is investigating Clinton [source].

    Joe Biden (whom the DOJ and FBI reported to) and his son enter into a financial relationship with China who was concurrently under investigation for hacking at the time [source].

    The FBI wasn’t adequately investigating “high-risk” employees who failed polygraph tests (but, in fact, putting them in charge of high-profile investigations, like Peter Strzok who failed his poly). In one instance, an FBI IT specialist with top-secret security clearance failed four polygraph tests and admitted to having created a fictitious Facebook account to communicate with a foreign national but received no disciplinary action for that [source]. And the FBI agents in charge of investigating the polygraph results, like Andrew Castor, had questionable pasts all their own [source].

    The threat assessment stage of the FBI’s investigation in 2016 likely occurred sometime in late winter/early spring because former Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified that she met with Comey about the intelligence “matter” during this period. At this early stage, she and Comey decided not to tell the Trump campaign about possible national security threats regarding his campaign. When the topic was revisited in late spring, they again decided to say nothing. This choice to remain silent was a deviation from established guidelines (At the same time, however, Lynch was warning the Trump admin about Michael Flynn) [source].

    The Obama administration took extraordinary measures to withhold information from Congress about its Trump-Russia probe — such as not briefing the bipartisan leaders of the both chambers and their intelligence committees, the “Gang of Eight” [source].

    Andrew McCabe entered into a financial relationship with the DNC/Terry McAuliffe, a close friend and confidante of Hillary Clinton, who was also the subject of the investigation that McCabe was overseeing. Then the DNC endorsed McCabe’s wife’s political candidacy. McCabe later recuses himself from the investigation into Hillary Clinton but then maintains some amount of control over the investigation after the recusal [source].

    Andrew McCabe lied to the bureau’s internal investigations branch to cover up a leak he orchestrated about Clinton’s family foundation less than two weeks before the election and had lied for months about it [source].

    Not following the Woods Procedure: Trisha Anderson admitted that the Page FISA process was handled outside of normal procedures, receiving early approvals from leadership officials at both the FBI and DOJ—including Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates—prior to the document reaching her desk [source].

    The FBI interviewed Carter Page in March of 2016 about his Russian ties before his being hired by Team Trump. Two months later, Comey is briefing the NSC about his concerns about Carter Page. Nothing of any note happened in those intervening months to cause a rise of concerns, so whatever concerns Comey had Comey had them before Page was hired on as an adviser. It was a deviation from the standard practice for Comey to not have warned Trump about Page. Comey warns Obama instead who also takes no steps to warn Trump either. Comey had the opportunity to prevent someone he believed to be a Russian spy from infiltrating the Trump campaign and failed to do so [source].

    “The attorney general seemed to be directing me to align with the Clinton campaign strategy. Her ‘just do it’ response to my question indicated that she had no legal or procedural justification for her request, at least not one grounded in our practices or traditions. Otherwise, I assume, she would have said so,” Comey later recounted in his memoir, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership [source].

    Comey also said he had seen material that he thought might cast “serious doubt” about Lynch’s independence [source].

    Later, though Comey repeatedly told President Trump he was not a suspect, he gave House testimony patently geared to lead the public and the media to believe Trump was a suspect – which is exactly how the media reported it. In so doing, the FBI (and the Obama holdovers in the Justice Department who authorized Comey’s testimony) violated DOJ rules about publicly confirming the existence of an investigation, and publicly identifying a subject of an investigation: the Trump campaign, which Comey publicly announced was suspected of “coordinating” in the Kremlin’s widely reported cyber-espionage interference in the 2016 campaign [source].

    Comey’s unprecedented leaking of classified material to the press and then denying it [source].

    Comey sent FBI agents to question General Michael Flynn about perfectly legal conversations they already had transcripts of, without following White House protocol, in a deliberate effort to entrap him [source].

    Unprecedented leaking to the press: 13 different individuals at the FBI were feeding a journalist information [source]. IG report has “profound concerns” about the volume and extent of unauthorized media contact by FBI personnel which influenced the 2016 investigations [source].

    FBI employees improperly received graft from journalists [source].

    The “probable cause” arrest of George Papadopoulos is a deviation from the standard practice [source].

    Dan Bongino asks the question: How did Halper go from being a CIA informant to an FBI informant? It is a deviation from the standard practice for law enforcement agencies to give up/share their assets. Furthermore, the CIA is prohibited from spying on American citizens. Was this transfer enabled to bypass this prohibition? [source].

    The Director of the FBI is either a blatant liar, completely ignorant, or both: “I kind of just put it out of my mind,” he [Comey] said, because he claimed it did not “index” with him that Abedin was loosely connected to Clinton. “I don’t know that I knew that [Weiner] was married to Huma Abedin at the time” [source].
    The FBI found Clinton guilty of essentially every act they investigated. Despite these findings, Director Comey cleared Clinton by making a statement that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case”. This allowed Loretta Lynch at DOJ to announce the matter closed. It also allowed Clinton to pronounce herself cleared of all wrongdoing. Note, the FBI does not decide who will be prosecuted. They investigate [source].

    James Comey made it clear that the exoneration of Hillary Clinton’s crimes is only a one-time offer; that others committing the same offenses could not expect to be cleared as well: “To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions” [source].

    James Comey took copious notes in the form of the Comey memos that were later leaked to the press and diligently informed others of all interactions with Trump while lying about having had any interactions with Obama, never taking notes or notifying anyone [source].

    James Comey briefed John Brennan, James Clapper, Samantha Power, Loretta Lynch on the alleged Russian interference into the Trump campaign, yet the Trump campaign was left in the dark [source].

    The FBI notifies members of Congress of sensitive matters on a quarterly basis; however, James Comey failed to notify Congress of the Trump-Russian investigation due to the “sensitivity of the matter” [source].

    James Comey breached Justice Department protocols in a July 5, 2016, press conference when he criticized Hillary Clinton for using a private email server as Secretary of State even as he cleared her of any crimes [source].

    James Comey reopened the Clinton email probe less than two weeks before the election (which violates the FBI’s policy of taking action so close to an election date) [source].

    James Comey broke with Justice Department rules and norms by assuming authority usually held by prosecutors and speaking in public about a case that did not produce criminal charges [source].

    Comey’s follow-up release of the FBI’s investigated file was done on the Friday before the long Labor Day weekend – a timing sure to stymie full reporting [source].

    Director Comey did not interview Clinton until the end of the investigation – three days before the press conference where he announced his conclusions. This runs against standard FBI protocol. Typically (always) they get the witness on record early so they can see how the testimony holds against what they find in the investigation [source].

    The FISA court application to surveil Carter Page — an application that breaks every rule in the book: anonymous foreign sources spouting multiple hearsay, no corroboration, no disclosure to the court that it comes from the opposition presidential campaign, no explanation that the foreigner who supplied the unverified allegations has been booted from the investigation for lying, etc., [source]. The initial FISA application does not include Steele’s employment by Fusion GPS or founder Glenn Simpson. Fusion GPS was paid by Perkins Coie – a law firm representing the DNC. Neither the initial FISA application in October 21, 2016 – nor any of the renewals – disclosed the role of the DNC and/or the Clinton Campaign’s funding of the Steel Dossier [source]. The political origins (funding) of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials when all FISA applications were made (and yet failed to disclose this information to the FISA Court) [source].

    So even after having been warned of Mr. Steele’s motivations, even after having fired him for violating the rules, the FBI continued to seek his information—using Mr. Ohr as a back channel. This surely violates the FBI manual governing interaction with confidential human sources [source]. Newly released messages between Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr and Christopher Steele show that the pair maintained frequent contact as late as Nov. 27, 2017, more than a year after the FBI cut ties with Steele for disclosing to the media his association with the FBI, in violation of the bureau’s rules for confidential human sources [source].
    Ohr was not assigned to the Trump–Russia investigation by the DOJ and apparently[?] kept his relationship with Steele secret from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, his boss at the DOJ [source].

    The FBI claimed it was “unaware of any derogatory information” about Steele, that Steele was “never advised … as to the motivation behind the research” but that the FBI “speculates” that those who hired Steele were “likely looking for information to discredit” Trump’s campaign [source], despite the fact that FOIA records later revealed that Steele was “admonished” by the FBI in 2/2/2016 and then ultimately fired by the FBI in November of 2016 for lying [source].

    2017-07-19 The FBI files a 302 in regard to Michael Flynn and Peter Strzok/Pientka interview. This 302 report was taken six months after the interview. This is a violation of FBI policy to have a contemporaneous record when interviewing a subject — Sara Carter noted that FBI reports must be placed in the system in a 1-A file within five days of the interview,” said Jeff Danik, former FBI SAC” [source].

    The bureau also sat on the disputed dossier prepared by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele [source].

    Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS and, for a time, worked on the same Clinton-financed Russian research project as Steele, according to the testimony. DOJ ethics rules forbid department officials from working in cases where a spouse has a financial interest, a prohibition that Bruce Ohr said he knew about when he forwarded his wife’s evidence to the FBI. Ohr admitted his conduct was extremely unusual [source].

    Even though the unique classified material was improperly stored and transmitted on an unsecured device, the FBI did not refer the matter to U.S. intelligence agencies to determine if national security had been compromised, as required under a federally mandated “damage assessment” directive [source].

    FBI guidelines state that unverified information should not be submitted to the FISA court [source]; however, the FBI used the admittedly “salacious and unverified” opposition research called the Steele dossier paid for by the opponent in a political campaign to open a counterintelligence investigation and obtain warrants against US persons of the opposing campaign (Andrew McCabe testifies in private to HPSCI that no warrant would have been sought from FISA Court without Steele dossier [source]).

    Congressional investigators have confirmed that James Baker met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign [source].

    The Justice Department is forbidden by federal law from hiring employees based on political affiliation. Yet the resumes revealed the following ideological breakdown among the new hires: Leftist lawyers: 113; Moderate, non-ideological, or conservative lawyers: 0 [source]. 97 Percent of the DOJ’s political donations went to the DNC [source].

    An analyst with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and also a member of #Resist was charged for leaking Michael Cohen’s bank records to Michael Avenatti and The New Yorker [source].

    The bureau’s decision to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was influenced by politics [source]. IG report indicates a strong pro-Clinton/anti-Trump bias in FBI investigators of Midyear and Operation Russian Collusion [source].

    FBI agents demonstrating the desire to affect the outcome of an investigation for political purposes: 2016-11-09 Unnamed Anti-Trump FBI agent assigned to Clinton email investigation and later to Team Mueller texting event-“I am numb,” the attorney wrote on Nov. 9, 2016, the day after President Trump’s election. “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently,” the lawyer continued, apparently referring to the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email probe [source].

    Peter Strzok/Lisa Page texts appeared to show that they were prepared to take action in their official capacity as FBI agents to “stop” candidate Trump from winning the election, citing an “insurance policy” that they had put together [source] and [source]. Former prosecutors say that politics is the only explanation for why FBI brass dragged their feet for a month after the New York office alerted them about the Clinton emails [source].

    Comey later admitted in his memoir “A Higher Loyalty,” that political calculations shaped his decisions during this period. But, he wrote, they were calibrated to help Clinton [source].

    Peter Kadzik, who was forced to recuse himself from the Clinton email scandal due to his close relationship with Podesta and whose wife, Amy Weiss, currently at Weiss Public Affairs worked on the 1992 Clinton/Gore Campaign as a Press Secretary, and Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee, and a White House Deputy Assistant to the President/Deputy Press Secretary to President Bill Clinton [source], was the DOJ representative chosen to head up a “thorough” review of the new Huma Abedin emails as revealed by a letter he wrote to Congress [source], and this despite the fact that McCabe was forced to recuse himself from the email investigation “because of the perception” [source].

    Robert Mueller obtains Trump transition emails without first obtaining a warrant [source].

    Special Counsel Bob Mueller investigates Paul Manafort for his questionable ties to Viktor Yanukovych while Mueller has his own questionable ties to Yanukovych [source].

    James Baker leaks evidence [Steele dossier] to the press [Mother Jones] during an ongoing investigation [source].

    Special Counsel placing potential witnesses in charge of an investigation: Bruce Ohr informed then DOJ Andrew Weissman and Zainab Ahmad of Ohr’s contacts with Christopher Steele. Weissman and Ahmad later become a part of the Special Counsel’s team [source].

    Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz believes Mueller has a conflict of interest because his FBI previously accepted financial help from a Russian that is, at the very least, a witness in the current probe [source].

    Planting evidence [Isikoff article] in order to later be used in court to obtain a warrant [source].

    Peter Strzok’s and Lisa Page’s phones should have been immediately seized and sealed in evidence bags and locked up tight the moment the IG requested those devices from the DOJ [source] but they were not.

    FBI was getting information it shouldn’t have had access to when it used controversial parts of the Patriot Act to obtain business records in terrorism and counterintelligence cases [source].

    Before the Clinton email investigation was even begun, the FBI drafted exoneration letters: At the urging of Lynch, Comey began drafting a new exoneration statement several days before investigators finished reviewing the sample of emails they took from the Weiner laptop. High-level meeting notes reveal they even discussed sending Congress “more-clarifying” statements during the week to “correct misimpressions out there” [source].

    We then learned through Comey’s congressional testimony that he decided to take it upon himself to clear Hillary Clinton on her email controversy, and that the memo clearing her was drafted months in advance of much of the actual investigating. Once he believed the attorney general was compromised, as he testified, he should have asked for an independent counsel. Instead he exceeded his role and authority, politicizing the FBI in the process [source].

    IG found that the FBI and DOJ, during MidYearExam probe of Hillary Clinton email server, “did not require any witnesses to testify before the grand jury,” despite at least three witnesses lying to FBI agents [source].

    Per Peter Strzok: “Re 302s, didn’t search the laptops given to us voluntarily by various attorneys” [source].

    The IG report found: “The MYE Team did not seek to obtain every device, including those of Clinton’s senior aides, or the contents of every email account through which a classified email may have traversed [source].

    The FBI granted immunity to five Clinton staff members — and agreed to destroy what evidence they did collect — when finished [source].

    In his May 2017 testimony, however, Comey maintained that both Abedin and Weiner had been investigated [source]; however, it was later revealed that the FBI did not interview key witnesses Huma Abedin or Anthony Weiner in regard to the Weiner laptop issue [source].

    The FBI ignored direct evidence that Clinton’s aides knew about the server and helped to cover its existence up. This is particularly important in regards to Cheryl Mills. She took on the role of personal attorney to Clinton upon leaving the State Department – since she was able to claim she didn’t know about the server until that time all conversations with Mrs. Clinton are protected by attorney-client privilege. There are emails that were public at the time and in the possession of the FBI that directly show Mills and Huma Abedin discussing the server as far back as 2010 [source].

    On March 2, 2015 the NY Times broke the server story. On March 4, 2015, the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued a subpoena for Clinton to produce her emails. On March 31, 2015 an employee of the company that maintained the server deleted the archive mailbox from the server. The FBI found a work ticket related to the deletion that referenced a call with Clinton attorneys David Kendall and Cheryl Mills. This is destruction of evidence under subpoena and somehow the FBI chose not to investigate further [source].

    FBI agents found Abedin deleting classified & Clinton emails from her Yahoo account but failed to subpoena her devices. If they had, maybe they wouldn’t have had to reopen the case in 11th hour when NY agents found work emails on the laptop she shared w her perv husband [source].

    One career FBI special agent involved in the case complained to New York colleagues that officials in Washington tried to “bury” the new trove of evidence, which he believed contained the full archive of Clinton’s emails — including long-sought missing messages from her first months at the State Department [source].
    After being notified of the “mother lode” of emails found on the Weiner laptop, Strzok remained uninterested. “This isn’t a ticking terrorist bomb,” he was quoted as saying in the recently issued inspector general’s report. Besides, he had bigger concerns, such as, “You know, is the government of Russia trying to get somebody elected here in the United States?” Strzok and headquarters sat on the mountain of evidence for another 26 days [source].

    The FBI made public claims that the new emails were duplicates, but at least five classified emails recovered were not duplicates but new to investigators [source].
    Sally Moyer — a registered Democrat, the lead FBI attorney on the Midyear team who had initially discounted the trove of new emails as “duplicates” and failed to act upon their discovery, who drafted an unusually narrow scope for the search warrant, and was also head of the email “filtering” team — after various searches of the laptop, she and the Midyear team came up with 6,827 emails they classified as being tied directly to Clinton. Moyer then culled away from that batch emails she deemed to be personal in nature and outside the scope of legal agreements, cutting the stack in half. That left 3,077 which she deemed “work related” out of 694,000 emails On Nov. 5, Moyer, Strzok and a third investigator divided up the remaining pool of 3,077 emails — roughly 1,000 emails each — and rifled through them for classified information and incriminating evidence in less than 12 hours, even though the identification of classified material is a complicated and prolonged process that requires soliciting input from the original classification authorities within the intelligence community [source].

    The search warrant crafted by Sally Moyer on the Abedin/Weiner laptop was too narrow: “The FBI only reviewed emails to or from Clinton during the period in which she was Secretary of State, and not emails from Abedin or other parties or emails outside that period,” Horowitz pointed out in a section of his report discussing concerns that the search warrant request was “too narrow” [source].

    Also excluded from the search warrant were Abedin’s Yahoo emails, even though investigators had previously found classified information on her Yahoo account and would arguably have probable cause to look at those emails as well [source].

    Also removed from the search warrant were the BlackBerry data — even though the FBI had previously described them as the “golden emails,” because they covered the dark period early in Clinton’s term [source].

    “Noticeably absent from the search warrant application prepared by the Midyear team is both any mention that the NYO agent had seen Clinton’s emails on the laptop and any mention of the potential presence of BlackBerry emails from early in Clinton’s tenure,” Horowitz noted [source].

    Even though the BlackBerry messages were “critical to [the] assessment of the potential significance of the emails on the Weiner laptop, the information was not included in the search warrant application,” he stressed, adding that the search warrant application appeared to misrepresent the information provided by the New York field agent. It also grossly underestimated the extent of the material. The affidavit warrant mentioned “thousands of emails,” while the New York agent had told them that the laptop contained “hundreds of thousands” of relevant emails [source].

    Strzok and his team never forensically examined the Weiner laptop to see if classified information residing on it had been hacked or compromised by a foreign power before Nov. 6, law enforcement sources say. A complete forensic analysis was never performed by technicians at the FBI’s lab at Quantico [source].
    No electronic record exists of the case agent’s initial review of the Weiner laptop. The case agent told us that at some point in mid-October 2016 the NYO ASAC instructed the case agent to wipe his work station. The case agent explained that the ASAC was concerned about the presence of potentially classified information on the case agent’s work station, which was not authorized to process classified information. The case agent told us that he followed the ASAC’s instructions, but that this request concerned him because the audit trail of his initial processing of the laptop would no longer be available. The case agent clarified that none of the evidence on the Weiner laptop was impacted by this, explaining that the FBI retained the Weiner laptop and only the image that had been copied onto his work station was deleted. The ASAC recalled that the case agent “worked through the security department to address the concern” of classified information on an unclassified system. He told us that he did not recall how the issue was resolved [source].

    The Department of Justice reportedly refused to impanel a grand jury in either the e-mail case or in connection with the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation pay-for-play allegations [source]. “Los Angeles agents had picked up information about the Clinton Foundation from an unrelated public-corruption case and had issued some subpoenas for bank records related to the foundation. Anti-corruption prosecutors at the Justice Department told the FBI they wouldn’t authorize more aggressive investigative techniques, such as subpoenas, formal witness interviews, or grand-jury activity” [source].
    Anthony Weiner’s laptop was sent out to a private company, Granite Intelligence, after being seized by the FBI instead of preserving the chain of custody within the FBI evidence lockers [source].

    “Most of the emails were never examined, even though they made up potentially 10 times the evidence” of what was reviewed in the original year-long case that Comey closed in July 2016, said a law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the investigation. Yet even the “extremely narrow” search that was finally conducted, after more than a month of delay, uncovered more classified material sent and/or received by Clinton through her unauthorized basement server, the official said. Contradicting Comey’s testimony, this included highly sensitive information dealing with Israel and the U.S.-designated terrorist group Hamas. The former secretary of state, however, was never confronted with the sensitive new information and it was never analyzed for damage to national security [source].
    We have updated this list with an additional 24 instances of irregulaties and/or criminal acts by Obama’s FBI, DOJ and Deep State –

    Potential fact witnesses Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson were allowed to attend Clinton’s interview, but no other potential fact witnesses were allowed to attend anybody else’s interview [ 16, Lisa Page testimony, Day one].

    It was customary for the FBI to have regular briefings with the DOJ for high profile investigations, but this was never done in the case of Midyear [ 19, Lisa Page testimony, Day one].

    In a Peter Strzok-Lisa Page texting event- they discussed evading rules for preserving their communications and justified it because other agencies don’t follow the rules either [source].

    “Multiple sources tell me none of the FISA applications the FBI submitted to judges over the course of a year’s surveillance of Page made any mention of exculpatory statements or protestations of innocence that Page made to informants. If such statements exist, in the form of a tape or a transcript or an FBI interview report — three routine investigative tools the FBI uses when managing informers — then it would be a huge omission that likely violated FBI rules” [source].

    Former CIA Director John Brennan gave testimony to the House Intelligence Committee more than a year ago, when he acknowledged reaching out to the FBI in July 2016 to try to get an investigation started into Trump and Russia — even though he knew such an investigation was “well beyond my mandate” as CIA chief [source].

    Ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page said there was an order handed down from the DOJ to the FBI, telling them not to charge Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information on her unauthorized and unsecured server from which she did all of her official business when she served the Obama administration as Secretary of State [source].

    Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok told Congress last year that the agency “did not have access” to Clinton Foundation emails that were on Hillary Clinton’s private server because of a consent agreement “negotiated between the Department of Justice attorneys and counsel for Clinton” [source].

    In August of 2016, the DOJ rejected an FBI request to look into the Clinton Foundation [source].

    The Defense Intelligence Agency, Homeland Security, State Department’s intelligence bureau and other agencies with relevant expertise on Russia were excluded from the JAR/ICA, in violation of normal rules for drafting such assessments. And in another departure from custom, the report is missing any dissenting views or an annex with evaluations of the conclusions from outside reviewers [source].

    The FBI is hiding information from Congress [source].

    While the FBI actively sought any excuse to bring obstruction of justice charges against Trump, they turned a blind eye to clear obstruction of justice from the DOJ in regards to Hillary Clinton [source].

    The FBI declared that Secretary Clinton’s server was never hacked in order to close out the email scandal investigation and without charging Clinton with a crime [source] while simultaneously declaring that Clinton’s server was hacked in order to charge Team Trump with the crime of obtaining Clinton’s emails from the Russians.

    DNC operatives enjoyed abnormal levels of access to top level executives of both the FBI and DOJ [source].

    Mark Meadows, North Carolina Republican, asked: “So you are using DOJ officials without the knowledge of the hierarchy at DOJ? That seems strange. Why would you do that? Is that the normal way that you would conduct an investigation?” Mr. Baker: “No, it is not normal” [source].

    “Why would Peter Strzok, who would participate at Jim Comey’s direction in a defensive briefing designed to protect and warn a candidate, be the same person who is in fact at that time already investigating the candidate’s campaign? That shouldn’t happen. There should be answers to those questions,” Congressman Ratcliffe said [source].

    State Department spokesman John Kirby consistently has stated the majority of the 2,100 Clinton server emails containing classified information were “retroactively classified” and not classified at the time they were sent and received. But that explanation is disputed by seasoned intelligence officials. An unnamed State Department witness cast doubt on the claim during an FBI interview. (Redacted) heard the argument that some of CLINTON’S emails were unclassified back in the 2009-2012 timeframe when they were initiated, but were later classified due to various circumstances. It was very rare for something that was actually unclassified to become classified years after the fact [source].

    Two bankers boxes full of Clinton emails that were to be turned over to the State Department go missing, and no investigation is conducted [source].
    The FBI fails to document at least four interviews of witnesses in the Clinton email investigation [source].

    Oleg Deripaska’s interview with the FBI reportedly was never provided by Team Mueller to Manafort’s lawyers, even though it was potential proof of innocence, according to Manafort defense lawyer Kevin Downing [source].

    “Recent revelations by The Hill prove that the Office of Special Counsel’s (OSC) claim that they had a legitimate basis to include Paul Manafort in an investigation of potential collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government is false,” Downing told me. “The failure to disclose this information to Manafort, the courts, or the public reaffirms that the OSC did not have a legitimate basis to investigate Manafort, and may prove that the OSC had no legitimate basis to investigate potential collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government” [source].

    Deripaska’s tale has the potential to raise questions about a conflict of interest, since Mueller’s FBI first received a gift in the form of the privately funded rescue mission before Mueller, as special prosecutor, investigated Deripaska’s ties to key figures in the Russia case [source].

    The over 160,000 emails found on the Weiner laptop came from Huma Abedin’s email account. There were classified emails on the laptop that was in Anthony Weiner’s possession. General Petaeus was prosecuted for allowing a citizen to have access to classified material on his computer, but in the case of Huma Abedin, there is question of whether the FBI even questioned her at all about this incident [source].

    McCabe’s defenders in the agency said that following the call, he repeated the instruction that he had given earlier in the Clinton Foundation investigation: Agents were to keep pursuing the work within the authority they had. Others further down the FBI chain of command, however, said agents were given a much starker instruction on the case: “Stand down.” When agents questioned why they weren’t allowed to take more aggressive steps, they said they were told the order had come from the deputy director—Mr. McCabe [source].

    Chris Swecker: Right… I thought all along that Deputy Director McCabe’s initiation of an investigation out of the Deputy Director’s office was thoroughly unprecedented. The deputy director should not be running any investigation whatsoever. And the director should not be operational in any investigation. So it’s hard to number all the things that are wrong with the things that are described in this article, again assuming these sources are true. [source].
    The FBI and DOJ are two of the most mistrusted entities in the US today because of the actions of the leaders of these departments during the Obama Administration through today. The Mueller investigation which resulted from their corrupt and criminal acts is an extension of the corruption. This must be addressed or the US will officially remain a banana republic.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Sun Jul 28, 2019 4:46 pm

    SerialBrain 2
    The Secret message behind Ivanka Trump

    The secret message behind Ivanka Trump tweeting “United Kingston”.

    Are you enjoying the show?

    Are you sensing the acceleration since Epstein’s arrest?

    Have you caught that George Nader, a key Mueller witness, was indicted on child sex trafficking charges? link. Did you make the connection with Q2118? Hint: [RR] opens 2 doors.

    As to the comms, are you detecting the multiple confirmations from POTUS?

    For example, did you hear him refer to Rolls Royce several times at the rally in Greenville after I published this image from this article? Let’s watch him tell us about Crazy Bernie until 53:28.

    I know you are all waiting for Part2 of my article about the SQUAD. It’s coming. Don’t miss it.

    Today, I just wanted to give you a quick heads up about Ivanka and the monumental “error” she made yesterday when congratulating UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Following the footsteps of her father the Maestro, she gave us a wonderful and memorable “United Kingston” instead of “United Kingdom”. Priceless!
    She did so well that, a few moments after she posted, United Kingston was trending on Twitter.

    Look how the low IQ Fake News mocked her and discover how she’s secretly enjoying trolling the desperate Cabal: Img1

    You know what’s going on right?

    Let’s get to it.

    First, you have to notice the Maestro posted a tweet at 6:54 AM where he included the numbers 15 and 16. Then, Ivanka tweeted United Kingston at 7:06 AM and the Maestro re-tweeted at 7:23 AM. 9 minutes later, at 7:32 AM, Ivanka posted her corrective tweet. Do you see the pattern here? Try to pull these tweets and solve. When you are done, compare with the solution and its decoded message: Img2

    As you can see, she received very high honors from the Maestro after this Covfefe-type operation.

    Let’s now find the message she coded. I showed you the following method in previous posts like the ones solving HAMBERDER or COUNTRTY. You have to count the number of steps required in the alphabet to get from each letter in the error string to each letter in the corrected string and analyze the extracted key. To get from KINGSTON TO KINGDOM, S is corrected to D, T to O, O to M and N to nothing. For example, since S=19 and D=4, you either need +11 steps to go from S to D if you are going from left to right (because you are circling the alphabet, after Z=26, you keep counting from A=1+26) or you need -15 steps if you are going from right to left. If you remember, in the hamberder example, I explained that we had to look for additional clues in the riddle to determine whether we were going right (+) or left (-). In our case, Ivanka made sure that the 7:06 AM timestamp of the United Kingston tweet pointed to Q706 where we see in minus sign in brackets. Pretty cool right? She told us right there that we had to count steps from right to left and analyze the result. Try and do that on your side and compare with the solution with its decoded message: Img3

    So Ivanka’s typo has 2 components: the bone for the low IQ Fake News and the meat for us, the Q Movement, who are learning the comms. Do you see why she picked these 4 letters S T O N? I’ll tell you later. Peruvian Coffee for those who have solved this at this stage of the conversation!
    Let’s now enjoy our steak. Open your Bible and read the decoded message very carefully: Img4

    Do you understand what is being said here? I have just revealed to you the secret meaning of this verse:

    So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jewish leaders began to persecute him. In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” John 5:17.

    If you think like the Rabbis of the Sanhedrin, know Nicodemus knew the Torah perfectly and did not understand this verse. It is intended for those who raise their intellect above the secret of the Sabbath and know through certainty that everything that happens in the horizon already happened in cycles in the Spirit…
    The baby needs 9 months to appear for our eyes to see, but while waiting, he’s in the presence of the Father…
    I will stop here. For now.

    At 2:01 PM, Ivanka tweeted this. Did you solve that capital T? Let’s go back to KINGSTON and its 4 disruptive letters S T O N. Do you see it? Considering the sequence of letters in the alphabetic order (A,B,C…M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z) ST elliptically brings the surrounding letters RU and ON brings MP. With that capital T, what do you get? Yes: TRUMP! Hahaha! Ivanka signed the KINGSTON “error” perfectly!!!

    You think she stopped here? Look how she brings HAITI into the equation, why the Maestro mentioned the number 9 in his 7:23 AM tweet and why she corrected her KINGSTON tweet 9 minutes after the Maestro congratulated her: Img5

    You think HAITI’s appearance is a stretch or a coincidence? Then look how the Maestro confirms it in his 6:32 PM tweet: Img6
    Do you want more?

    Did you notice the Maestro’s choice of words when expressing his sadness about Bob Morgenthau’s passing? Wait a minute. Morgenthau. Did you catch it? Our current conversation with the Maestro is about chemtrails right? Are you familiar with Morgellons? If you can handle it, watch until the end.

    I am sure the Maestro will tell us about black goo soon. But did you catch how they were already advancing their trans humanist agenda by progressively and covertly transforming us into bots using nano bots disseminated by chemtrails? That was the end game. Harald brilliantly made the connection with black magic and demons and if you think about it, you’ll see that the visible shape of the Morgellons are just the vehicle with which the archons or demons move around in our dimension. Now you know why in the movie BONE, the rapist pretends to kill bugs, why the husband is a car dealer and why Harald makes the connection with the Bush family and Skull and Bones. Under Satan’s command, these extra dimensional species entered our planet illegally with the complicity of governments, secret societies and magicians. They sometimes presented themselves as “bug killers” when in fact they were “rapists” and “robbers” with a long term agenda written by Satan himself. I strongly advise you to go through the scientific component of Harald’s work and understand how the Demonic Cabal was replacing us.

    Question: why did the Maestro mention Morgenthau the same day Ivanka made her United Kingston tweet?
    Answer: so that we use the same solving method to get from MORGENTHAU to MORGELLONS.

    Since there is no specification from the riddle on which +/- polarity to pick, we keep both results and BINGO! The riddle reveals who were behind this extra dimensional population replacement agenda and how they were operating. Read very carefully: Img7

    Now we may conclude and pull the Q drop connected to the 1:43 PM timestamp. We hit Q2543 where Q describes the Art of Trolling the Fake News media and here is the decode: Img8

    Do you see it? We now know Ivanka excels in this art.

    TRUMP, kingston, chemtrails and BONE have all appeared in this riddle and it would be a crime of lèse majesté to end this article without mentioning TOM BROWNE. He is a talented jazz trumpeter from Queens who, to support his family, became a full-time pilot after leading the R&B charts in the 80s with his song Funkin’ for Jamaica. Let him tell you about the Village Door and his amazing story: video.
    So, where do you get the 1?

    SerialBrain2 - 07/26/2019:
    Mueller, The Mess, The Shambles, The Lamb And The Flood
    NBC NEWS: Hillary Clinton covered up pedophile ring.

    Tweet from Praying Medic (@prayingmedic)
    Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) Tweeted:
    Attorney General William Barr Has Directed the Bureau of Prisons to Adopt an Addendum to the Federal Execution Protocol and Schedule the Executions of Five Death-Row Inmates Convicted of Murdering Children

    GOP rep explodes at Dems over ‘dehumanizing’ hearing on border crisis: ‘Put a bill up!’

    Former Acting AG Whitaker: 'Completely unfair' to have Russia probe 'hanging over Trump's head' for 2 years

    Newt Gingrich: I watched Mueller's testimony. Here's my biggest question
    The biggest conclusion I reached after watching Robert Mueller in front of Congress was that he clearly did not have a detailed knowledge of the report issued in his name.
    He failed to answer nearly 200 questions.
    He frequently was not familiar with citations from his own report.
    On several key points, he contradicted his own report and his own letters to Attorney General Barr.

    When he said he never asked his team their political views I believe him.

    It also signals that the most charitable conclusion you could reach was that Mueller had come of age in an era of professional responsibility and did not realize he now lived in an era of harsh, even vicious, partisanship.

    My first reaction to his assertion that he did not ask the political opinions of his staff was that it was laughable that he could randomly assemble a hard-line anti-Trump group of Democratic prosecutors without a single pro-Trump Republican lawyer in the room.

    The more I watched Mueller, the more I came to the conclusion that he had been a figurehead. The tough younger Trump-hating Democrats had networked with each other and assembled a legal team dedicated to destroying Trump and protecting the Clintons. There was no Mueller report. There was a report signed by Mueller, but it was really someone else’s work. This was the biggest lesson from Wednesday's hearings.


    Trump, in no uncertain terms, calls the Witch Hunt, "Treason"

    DJT: "We want to find out what happened with the last Democrat President. Let's look into Obama the way they've looked at me...Let's subpoena all of the records having to do with Hillary Clinton and all of the nonsense that went on with Clinton and her Foundation."

    INTO THE ABYSS: Democrats Say Mueller ‘Delivered,’ Ready to Launch ‘Impeachment Investigation’

    Mollie Hemingway: Robert Mueller hearing left shocked media with new 'revelations' to pursue

    Charlie Kirk: Mueller engaged in much more effective election tampering than anything Russia might have done

    Jeffrey Epstein's famous guests on Lolita Express may be exposed as the pedophile's pilots are subpoenaed in federal sex trafficking case
    ”The arrest of billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein on child sex trafficking charges threatens to unmask a far deeper layer of crimes that involved the ritualistic abuse of children on Epstein’s private island, and the many political elites that were flown there to participate. The arrest directly supports repeated claims made by the military intelligence group Q Anon that Epstein was part of a global Satanic cult that blackmailed political elites who were compromised at Epstein’s island through the sexual exploitation of children, and more serious physical abuses.”

    Democrats Denied Transgender Athletes Have Advantages In Women’s Sports. Science Says They’re Wrong

    40 years in prison and deportation. Congresswomen aren't above the law...

    Gateway Pundit picked up the Imam story:
    EXPLOSIVE: Imam Mohamed Tawhidi Accuses Ilhan Omar of Organizing a Smear Campaign with Qatari Officials Against Her Loudest Critics

    Sharia 100% against the constitution of this country. Anyone who says otherwise is 1. uninformed and deluded by the game or 2. lying...very common as lying is one of the tenants of Sharia...(i.e. whatever lie necessary to get Sharia in and get it a foothold).....Sharia is a well laid out plan (hundreds of years old) and is normally a get it done by small steps -step-by-step at first while hiding, very covertly, and make the them seem harmless and so on (remember we're talking Sharia Law, not Islam)...The goal is 'hiding the real intended reality' until it's tool late for those being taken over... like was done in Dearborn MI where seeds of Sharia deception are coming to fruition ...This is not hearsay, it has all been carefully documented.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Mon Jul 29, 2019 4:57 pm        

    Devin Nunes said intel that started the FBI investigation of POTUS did not come through normal channels. The Dems attempts to conceal intelligence gathered illegally failed. Corrupt politicians will be held at Gitmo and other locations.

    Daily Mail: Jeffrey Epstein is in danger of being murdered before his trial says victims' lawyer

    Obama’s delete all Hillary tweets as well as unfollow her on Twitter!!

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” EAq08jiUYAAAl1i


    Jul 29 2019


    Jul 30 2019 01:28:22 (EST)

    1e9805e60274e4725c0c878d3e0fa6e798f80edd9e291c06bc34fb1fb4821f57.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 1e9805e60274e4725c0c878d3e0fa6e798f80edd9e291c06bc34fb1fb4821f57
    Unrelated but worth noting.


    Jul 30 2019 01:19:51 (EST)


    Jul 30 2019 01:01:21 (EST)
    [Placeholder - [DECLAS] Exculpatory Evidence [Illegal Hold-Non_Report] FISA_T_SURV]


    Jul 29 2019 21:59:43 (EST)
    Praying for POTUS, Q team and all patriots. God wins!
    EAr6ONbUYAAI0v3.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 61688dd83177419dd8c9e371021fac1b02e0d5ea15c1e5bb6d71cc5080e5b6ed


    Jul 29 2019 21:55:57 (EST)
    EArAVPjUwAAmOg_.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 898a01d347352cc572e06f8a6d3c96fc9040670107274c9244d907320ec74495


    Jul 29 2019 21:55:03 (EST)


    Jul 29 2019 15:47:08 (EST)


    Jul 29 2019 15:27:17 (EST)


    So obvious. Ugh. Kicking myself.

    C Before D'
    Coats before DECLASS

    We have to remove the blockade to DECLAS by removing the DNI. Then we can DECLAS. Duh.

    Speed accelerated +5


    Jul 29 2019 13:59:53 (EST)
    Joe diGenova just dropped a BOMBSHELL
    Good crop this season?



    Jul 29 2019 13:36:42 (EST)
    Macron’s stormtroopers pulverise those who dare dissent his policies. UK media remain mute. No coverage.

    No coverage by US MSM?
    Ask yourself a simple Q - why?



    Jul 29 2019 13:18:29 (EST)
    Salvini is a PATRIOT
    Italy is w/ POTUS.
    Attempts by D's to prevent disclosure of FVEY material (re: Nunes non_official ways) was DENIED.
    They are powerless.
    Enjoy the show.



    Jul 29 2019 13:14:06 (EST)
    EAqOgRhWwAA8d8d.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 29a449fffa2b7a735b9d77b2971a3acb8355c1db71669ac0f99961ac713c75c8

    We now have plenty of space.


    Jul 29 2019 12:13:22 (EST)
    Wray is a sleeper
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” EAqUZcBU4AAesYH

    Future marker.


    Jul 29 2019 12:11:56 (EST)
    Thank you for confirming….
    Coats BAD
    Ratcliffe GOOD
    Sleepers present problems re: staff fills.
    More coming?


    Q used Brennan's comments about Dan Coats as confirmation that he's a deep state asset.
    Phony patriots (sleepers) present a problem when it comes to filling staff positions.
    Q suggested more sleepers will be removed in the future.


    Jul 29 2019 12:01:13 (EST)
    The weblink wont open
    screenshot_1-46.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 5d9d6b7a19bab9202cdcab17bb3f40059e7f2d8b8536a07d2a6be5620694e9ae

    Anons crashed the site.
    High-volume traffic.



    Jul 29 2019 11:50:06 (EST)
    Maryland has second-most defendants charged in federal human trafficking cases?
    Who represents Maryland in the House/Senate?
    The More You Know…


    Jul 29 2019 11:34:19 (EST)
    Reminder re: impeachment.
    2/3rd Senate vote required to impeach POTUS.
    Logical thinking.
    You are watching D's 'con' liberal base using 'hope' tactics while maintaining 'POTUS obstruction of Justice' FAKE NEWS narrative.
    Think 2020.

    Jul 28 2019


    Jul 28 2019 18:53:47 (EST)
    The SWAMP runs deep.
    DNC server(s) hold many answers.
    DNI & NSA
    House of Cards.
    You didn't think the plea deal was the end did you?


    The Awans didn't hack the House server(s). They were employed by the Democratic Caucus and granted access. The same way Hillary granted access to China.
    The scandal is that members of Congress [KNOWINGLY] allowed the Awans' access. Coincidentally, at the same time that Hillary's emails were making their way into the hands of the Chinese government, the Chinese were able to locate and kill or imprison 18 CIA agents. Q suggested that the tech firm Crowdstrike set up Hillary's server so that donors like China could get access to it in exchange for donations. If access was granted re: HRC private server(s) can you assume access was granted re: House server(s) re: AWAN?
    AWAN>Pakistani Intelligence?
    Huma>Muslim Brotherhood?

    Q said DOJ & FBI knew Hillary's emails had been obtained by foreign governments. Access was granted in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. If it were made public, it would discredit other investigations & open the door to inquiries about Anthony Weiner's laptop. Obama and his intelligence community knew about Hillary's server. But they couldn't take action against her without implicating themselves. As soon as Hillary emailed them, they became guilty.


    Jul 28 2019 18:11:09 (EST)
    Baltimore rec $1.8 BILLION from [HUSSEIN]'s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?
    Follow the money.
    Follow the family.


    09a582c70baf01d06dce08c72d35880feb518900171a0b8c53ad592bc636cd64.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 09a582c70baf01d06dce08c72d35880feb518900171a0b8c53ad592bc636cd64
    Those who take are offered more powerful positions within the party (controlled).
    Italy is w/ POTUS.



    Jul 28 2019 18:11:09 (EST)
    Baltimore rec $1.8 BILLION from [HUSSEIN]'s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?
    Follow the money.
    Follow the family.



    Jul 28 2019 14:11:59 (EST)
    Ratcliffe, a Texas Republican on the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees who was critical of special counsel Robert Mueller during his testimony in front of those committees last Wednesday, is Trump's pick to replace outgoing Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. Although many of the GOP lines of questioning last week focused on the origins of the investigation, Mueller largely shut them down, often saying these were issues that were "outside my purview."

    Ratcliffe explained this is why Barr, who has tasked U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead the so-called investigation of the investigators, must fill in the gaps.

    “Now the things that Bob Mueller said he didn’t know about and his team clearly didn’t look at, those are things that would be fair for Bill Barr and the Department of Justice to look at. Because we know that things happened in the Obama administration that haven’t been answered. There’s been no accountability for that yet," Ratcliffe said.

    “Well, the special counsel told us ... that they didn't do it. And if they didn't do it, the only place we can get the answers is from the Justice Department right now," Ratcliffe said. "The American people want that. Their faith and trust, Maria, has been shaken in our Justice Department, and the only way to get that back is for there to be real accountability with a very fair process. Again, I have supreme confidence in Bill Barr's ability to deliver that. And at the end of the day, wherever the outcome may be, as long as we know that the process was fair, the evaluation was fair, justice will be done. Look, the truth always defends itself.”

    Relevant to the Barr-Durham review is Horowitz's inspector general investigation into alleged government surveillance abuses against at least one adviser for Trump's campaign, Carter Page, an American citizen who was never charged with wrongdoing. Barr has said he is working closely with Horowitz, who is expected to wrap up his inquiry this fall, and the Justice Department could take prosecutorial action depending on the findings and recommendations.

    Ratcliffe recommended three leads for the "investigation of the investigators."

    While Congress is away….
    The month of AUGUST is traditionally a really HOT month.
    Nature is unpredictable.



    Jul 28 2019 14:00:25 (EST)
    The director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, is expected to step down. He has been at odds with President Trump throughout his tenure

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 3-format2020-800x445
    The Epstein Associate Nobody’s Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS
    July 20, 2019

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:32 pm 61 MIN
    Praying Medic; Q puts a laser pointer on former President Obama's book deal
    and suggests the Awan brothers scandal may be returning to the headlines.


    Jul 30 2019


    Jul 30 2019 23:41:49 (EST)
    [24hr Warning]
    Be vigilant.
    See something.
    Say something.
    Know your surroundings at all times.



    Jul 30 2019 23:08:18 (EST)
    See Guardian article.
    How do you get ahead of a story?



    Jul 30 2019 23:00:46 (EST)


    Jul 30 2019 19:23:13 (EST)
    Godfather III
    It's going to be BIBLICAL.



    Jul 30 2019 19:17:15 (EST)
    he-sent-among-them-swarms-of-flies-which-devoured-them-4995882.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” D0b24d5a5e71107fdd9e92355eb26f7c80c97f3155a97ce1822133cf0b441086


    Jul 30 2019 13:32:02 (EST)
    The More You Know…
    MSM coverage?
    When you control the media, you control public opinion.



    Jul 30 2019 13:27:42 (EST)
    Logical Q.


    Jul 30 2019 13:18:54 (EST)
    Logical Q.


    Jul 30 2019 13:02:45 (EST)
    ClipboardImage.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 30c4cbb9e8d22864fbcb5877e3deb79e3d6b28a97a1f2c64e50665d437223ff7
    Trump threatens worse trade deal for China if Beijing stalls until after his re-election

    US President Donald Trump has once again criticized China’s trade practices, warning negotiations could get tougher. The statements come as Beijing and Washington are headed into another round of trade negotiations in Shanghai.

    In a series of tweets on Tuesday, Trump warned if China waits and he wins re-election, the trade deal will be much tougher for Beijing.

    “China is doing very badly, worst year in 27 – was supposed to start buying our agricultural product now – no signs that they are doing so. That is the problem with China, they just don’t come through,” Trump wrote.

    My team is negotiating with them now, but they always change the deal in the end to their benefit. They should probably wait out our Election to see if we get one of the Democrat stiffs like Sleepy Joe. Then they could make a GREAT deal, like in past 30 years, and continue to ripoff the USA, even bigger and better than ever before.”

    US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday in Shanghai with a delegation led by China’s Vice Premier Liu He.

    According to Trump, “The problem with them waiting, however, is that if & when I win, the deal that they get will be much tougher than what we are negotiating now… or no deal at all. We have all the cards, our past leaders never got it!”

    EAXVA56X4AAB3vH.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 2cad02edbebd296c7ba991597eb7ed30f12287d726d7a1d594a242c3dbc985eb
    News unlocks…



    Jul 30 2019 13:00:02 (EST)
    >>7260840 (/pb)
    [Placeholder - [DECLAS] Exculpatory Evidence [Illegal Hold-Non_Report] FISA_T_SURV]
    T = Target(s)(ed)?
    Watch the news this week.



    Jul 30 2019 12:47:51 (EST)
    voterid.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” E2c008c17628e6bdae2796434f4d01570d36ea585a0d57f68c8ad68bc65e1024

    The Hill
    ‏Verified account @thehill

    JUST IN: Trump tags QAnon account in calling for voter ID law

    "Trump has periodically called for stricter voter ID laws, which advocates warn could restrict ballot access in low-income communities, students and people of color."
    Like Clockwork.
    ID required (when)?
    Sheep follow the most absurd arguments.
    D_party voter corruption on display.



    Jul 30 2019 12:52:43 (EST)
    Targets may be closer than they appear.
    Hunters become the HUNTED.



    Jul 30 2019 12:38:22 (EST)
    DzJLsLnWoAAE_d8.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 4b2132f03430013b3617a56058148da118169fb1eb759977226dd63590ad9e01
    Prepare for 'VOTER ID = voter suppression of minority vote'.


    Jul 30 2019 12:34:14 (EST)
    Time travel is fun.



    Jul 30 2019 12:14:53 (EST)
    ClipboardImage.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 44eaeaa005deb40acd75362ff2efe97e2f61b83af29f15232d92f3cca2d9d18b
    ClipboardImage.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 0436254ebc28df578bdf539b6f03d5fb8b4f742ecc68b52649bba44b9966e984
    Thx baker….

    Missed POTUS linking a Qanon  @Voteridplease

    Would say that might be
    directly to page, not a specific twat



    Jul 30 2019 12:23:38 (EST)
    Not the first time.
    Not the last time.
    Re-read past drops re: VOTER ID.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:43 pm
    The spotlight of this Dave Janda Briefing focuses on the two year goat rodeo centered on the coup to remove Donald Trump from Then Presidency. 12 min
    Joe diGenova - New Docs Reveal Sedition
    First half is good report on coming DECLAS. Second have is interesting stem cell treatment testimonial 16 MIN
    Are You Ready For The Economic Fireworks, It’s Show Time

    Consumer confidence is up, pending home sales are looking good. Trump and the patriots have control over the economy, next move will be for the Fed to cut rates, once this happens we will see fireworks. Q drops a post about trade with China, the trade talks are moving forward, Trump and team will not budge on certain aspects of the deal, China will have to concede. 5 MIN
    John Brennan's got some splainin' to do

    FBI Braces for Durham’s First Intel Drop; ‘No One Is Safe’



    1. Alcohol
    2. Cigarettes
    3. Opening a bank account
    4. Apply for food stamps
    5. Welfare
    6. Medicaid/Social Security
    7. Unemployment
    8. Rent/buy a house
    9. Drive/buy/rent a car
    10. Get on an airplane
    11. Get married
    12. Purchase a gun
    13. Adopt a pet
    14. Rent a hotel room
    15. Apply for a hunting license
    16. Apply for a fishing license
    17. Buy a cell phone
    18. Visit a casino
    19. Pick up a prescription
    20. Hold a rally or protest
    21. Blood donations
    22. Buy an "M" rated video game
    23. Purchase nail polish at CVS
    24. Purchase certain cold medicines
    25. Enter State and Federal Buildings


    1. Voting

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1185
    Join date : 2010-04-13
    Location : The Shire of Wilts

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Swanny Fri Aug 02, 2019 3:58 am

    Last night I dreamt that Trump won the next election Cool

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:12 am

    Now that's a happy dream Swanny.
    Limbaugh on 2020: ‘Tonight, Nobody Thinks Anybody on That Democrat Debate Stage Can Win’

    Tucker Carlson: ‘At This Point’ Democrats Can’t Win in 2020 — ‘They’re Not Impressive Enough’
    “Can any of these candidates win a general election?” Carlson said. “At this point, no. They can’t. They’re not impressive enough. Joe Biden was the party’s one real hope. And after last night, it seems pretty clear — conclusively clear, really — that Uncle Joe is headed for a well-deserved retirement.”
    Tulsi Gabbard sounds off after ripping Kamala Harris at debate
    Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on calling out fellow candidate Sen. Kamala Harris over her hypocrisy on prison reform during the debate.

    Too funny.

    CNN’s Lemon: Don Lemon said that it “doesn’t make sense” that 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are “tearing down” President Obama.


    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Cat-humor-houston-we-have-problem-moon-mooncat
    Houston, We Have A Problem.


    Aug 1 2019


    Aug 1 2019 12:22:36 (EST)
    [C] before [D].
    [C]oats before [D]eclas.
    The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.
    You have more than you know.



    Aug 1 2019 12:19:20 (EST)
    Bigger [slam-dunk] charges coming?
    Public understanding of events just around the corner.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 04, 2019 4:35 pm



    August 4, 2019
    American Mass Shootings Conceal Dangerous Trump Showdown With Defiant US Navy

    A thought provoking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov declaring that Russia will never lose the arms race, because it has demonstrated its ability to generate economically effective responses to challenges, states this declaration is in direct response to the citadels of America's elites fracturing and being at odds with each other—a fracturing currently being masked by two mass shootings in America that have claimed nearly 30 lives over the past 24-hours—but whose true and dangerous dimensions of were put on full display during this same time period when President Donald Trump angrily lashed out at the US Navy for awarding commendations to the lying and cheating prosecutors who led, and lost, the beyond disgusting murder trial of US Navy SEAL war hero Edward Gallagher—that saw Trump publicly ordering Pentagon officials to strip them of the medals—with this announcement being a remarkable rebuke by a President of his own Navy leadership—a rebuke followed a few hours ago by an even more stunning announcement that Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson had removed all court-martial authority from Navy Region Southwest who illegally prosecuted Gallagher—and his further ordering that all charges be immediately dropped against Gallagher’s platoon leader US Navy SEAL Lieutenant Jacob Portier.

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Award1

    According to this report, and as shamefully demonstrated time and time again, the socialist Democrat Party aligned American mainstream propaganda media is pummeling their nation’s citizens minds today with an endless stream of false outrage over two mass shootings—the latest one occurring a few hours ago in Dayton-Ohio where 10 have been left dead, that includes the shooter—and came a few hours after 20 were left dead in El Paso-Texas when a madman gunned them down.

    Though as senseless and tragic as these mass shooting deaths are, this report notes, the American people are still being kept from knowing that what occurred yesterday is in reality a “Normal Tuesday Afternoon” for the peoples of Mexico—a nation whose strict gun laws The Washington Post says could be a model for the US—most particularly because Mexico has only one store licensed to sell guns that their citizens aren’t even allowed to own—but so far this year hasn’t stopped their citizens from being gunned down in historic numbers—with this year’s gun deaths so far being 14,603—that’s on pace to overtake the historic 29,111 of their citizens gunned down last year.

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Award2

    Most demonically, this report continues, the true and real reason the American mainstream propaganda media relishes mass shootings is for their being able to use them to further the Democrat Party socialist agenda to disarm a population before they violently take control of a nation—most particularly because they can use them like a cudgel against anyone they despise who stands in their way—best exampled in this case by Democrat Party presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke blaming President Trump for the El Paso-Texas mass shooting because he’s a “racist”—a “blame”, however, that stands in direct opposition to the El Paso gunman’s own “manifesto” that saw him declaring “some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack…this is not the case…I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric…the media is infamous for fake news…their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that…many people think that the fight for America is already lost”—and about whom it’s critical to note, that upon his capture, his social media MyLife Public Page showed him listing himself as a Democrat—at 2:50 PM yesterday, while he was in police custody, then saw it being mysteriously changed to Republican—at 2:52 saw it being changed again to say he was a Republican and QAnon member—and later on Saturday evening, saw his profile filled with anti-Jewish slurs and links to Trump and Jeffrey Epstein and it calling him an Evangelical Christian—thus leaving one supposing that the next mysterious change will show that he’s really a secret Russian agent who helped Trump get elected and whom the Democrats will subpoena next to appear before them. .

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Award3

    At the same time the socialist Democrat Party and its mainstream media lapdogs are inventing even greater lies to tell the American people about these mass shootings, this report details, they’ve yet to inform them at all about the most dangerous and consequential happenings that will soon affect them at this past week’s Aspen Security Forum—the “sold out” gathering of all of the top intelligence, military and political leaders in America who determine the future of their nation’s foreign policy—all of whom “united behind the idea of a new cold war”—and that caused two Financial Times columnists – pillars of the Western Establishment—to raise a warning flag declaring: “This is something that takes my breath away…eighteen months ago the phrase was dismissed as fringe scaremongering…today it is consensus”.

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Award4

    The American people, of course, this report points out, haven’t had “their breath taken away” because no one has told them that their leaders are pushing the United States to the brink of all-out nuclear war with both Russia and China—a natural consequence of a “Cold War” whose last iteration saw the US and former Soviet Union poised on the knife-edge of a nuclear holocaust for nearly half a century—and whose only hope of averting is a President Trump who’s pushing to remove all US military forces from Afghanistan before the 2020 election as he desperately tries to keep his nation at peace.

    As in all such nations as the United States, however, this report continues, the leader is never sovereign—as President Trump sits atop a pyramid of quarrelling princelings (Deep State princelings, in this instance), who have their own interests and agenda—and Trump is not immune to their machinations—most particularly because these princelings can initiate actions (including false flags) that drive events to their agenda; that can corner Trump.

    The best example of how these princelings have been trying to corner President Trump, this report explains, can be seen in his open warfare against the US Navy—a military service that keeps crashing its own warships, and can only manage to get 2 out of its 11 plane and weapons elevators to work on its newest nuclear powered multi-billion-dollar super aircraft carrier—that caused Trump to turn to the US Army and have them start training on how to fire howitzers from their fleet of ships for the first time in decades—a training regime that proved so successful, this past week Trump ordered the Pentagon to abruptly stop their planned sale of the US Army’s naval fleet.

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Usarmy1
    President Donald Trump begins rapid expansion of US Army naval fleet to counter renegade US Navy forces

    In further moves President Trump has taken against a US Navy openly defying him and pushing for a new cold war, like his ordering the revocation of medals to their spying prosecutors, this report concludes, includes this past week his placing this past week Rear Admiral Shoshana Chatfield in command of the Naval War College after he ousted its former leader Rear Admiral Jeffrey Harley, and his appointing two of his loyalists to serve on the US Naval Academy Board of Visitors—all of which is being kept from the knowledge of the American people who, instead, are having to listen to the deranged lunatic ravings of top Democrat Party presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, who just astonishingly claimed that “The Economy Is Collapsing Because Of The Trump Presidency”—a crazed outburst that caused even top leftist television host Bill Maher to lament that “the 2020 Democrats are blowing it”, but his further adding that he, in fact, “Wishes For A Crippling Recession To Unseat Trump”—a demonic wish no sane person would ever place upon a nation and its peoples—which, however, is being countered by new evidence showing that this nightmare of leftist lunacy affecting America may soon be coming to an end—best exampled by the shaving cream and razor giant Gillette having just posted losses in the billions-of-dollars after they ran a “woke” advertisement insulting every man in the US—while at the exact same time, the conservative pro-Trump and deeply Christian fast food giant Chick-Fil-A refused to bow to any leftist pressure, and because of, has now become the most favorite restaurant in all of the United States.

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Award5

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:32 am

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” EBnVbsSWwAAEc8T
    The driver took the photo.
    AND CNN KNEW FIRST???? And George Conway tweeted it first?

    That Was Quick: #ClintonBodyCount Is Trending on Twitter Following Epstein’s Death

    Gregg Jarrett on Epstein’s Death: If You Are on Suicide Watch
    — It’s Hard to Commit Suicide Unless Prison Violated Its Own Protocol (VIDEO)

    – Financier Found Dead in Prison — Was on Suicide Watch?
    — Day After Documents Implicate Democrats
    Epstein found dead a day after documents were unsealed implicating several Democrats including Al Gore and former Governor Bill Richardson. And yesterday court documents revealed Bill Clinton held a private party on Epstein Island.



    Prince Andrew is in trouble, and London's gone dark.
    All about that #Epstein.
    Keep an eye on Assange, @DefendAssange.
    Timing Timing timing.

    I took the liberty of going to PACER and downloading ALL of the #Epstein drops & making them into 2 batch pdfs.
    This way, it's organized, and you dont have to pay.
    Batch 1 (20 MB - 366 pages)
    Batch 2 (124 MB - 644 pages)


    Corrupt Clowns at FBI Forgot to Remove Search Words in Redacted Rybicki Transcript
    – Now We Know Obama DOJ Prevented FBI from Obtaining Weiner Laptop

    Transcripts obtained from the FBI in a request for information show that James Rybicki, the former FBI Chief of Staff under James Comey, testified that the Russia Conspiracy sham came from Obama’s White House in October 2016.

    We first reported in late July that businessman Ed Butowsky filed a lawsuit where he outed reporter Ellen Ratner as his source for information that Seth Rich and his brother provided WikiLeaks the DNC emails before the 2016 election, not Russia. This totally destroys the FBI and Mueller’s claims that Russians hacked the DNC to obtain these emails.

    Butowsky claims in his lawsuit:

    Ms. Rattner said Mr. Assange told her that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron, were responsible for releasing the DNC emails to Wikileaks. Ms. Rattner said Mr. Assange wanted the information relayed to Seth’s parents, as it might explain the motive for Seth’s murder.

    Next we reported that Butowsky and his attorney, Ty Clevenger, requested and obtained documents from the FBI related to their case which we were able to analyze.


    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 20_lsLD-?format=jpg&name=600x314
    EXCLUSIVE: Is Ilhan Omar having an affair with this Dem strategist?

    The man she was holding hands with at a secluded eatery is Tim Mynett, who has constantly been by her side, left his physician wife and was paid $250K by her campaign.

    Immigration Fraud ✔

    Illegal Tax Filings ✔

    Campaign Finance Fraud ✔

    Bigamist ✔

    Married Brother ✔

    Homewrecker ✔

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1185
    Join date : 2010-04-13
    Location : The Shire of Wilts

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Swanny Sat Aug 10, 2019 11:21 am


    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Sat Aug 10, 2019 2:15 pm

    Yup. Or faked


    Photo overlay text: Sign says "Please turn off engines," NYPD gurneys, a bunch on a hook, Compressed air hose - This filthy wall would not be in ANY hospital ANYWHERE.

    Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist



    GET THIS: Epstein's death was not recorded because the jail had "camera problems".

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Fake-gurney-photo

    Sean Hannity 8/8/19 FULL | Sean Hannity Fox News August 8, 2019
    its been scrubbed to one second like the others.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Sat Aug 17, 2019 10:34 am
    SerialBrain2: Epstein secured. Scaramucci and Maher nervous. Let’s watch the $nakes at the zoo

    Note: A number of the links posted by SerialBrain2 have been scrubbed by google and others.

    Post # 188 – Epstein secured. Scaramucci and Maher nervous. Let’s watch the $nakes at the zoo.

    Epstein secured. More was revealed in the following tweets. Read very carefully: Img1

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 8pu9

    Q drops interrupted but they are now terrified by the comms.

    Those who are familiar with my writings and everything I have shared about the comms and my insistence on learning them as stated multiple times by Q, understand the following drops very well:

    Q993 Learn how to archive offline. The streets will not be safe for them. Q

    Q679 You have so much more than you know. SO MUCH! Future proves past. News unlocks map.

    Q is describing a situation where the enemy manages to interrupt the live and continuous flow of drops that would have no impact on the ability for Anons to get the truth about the news. Why? Because, through the comms, the news will continue to unlock what has already been dropped by Q and safely archived by Anons.

    So? We already have more than we know and Nancy can continue trying to block Q as described here:

    Q3370 We are back online (Pelosi attempted block). Q

    and she will continue to miserably fail because:

    Q1127 Our comms must be this way.
    Refer back – the ‘Why?’ NAT SEC laws.

    You got it? Q made sure the comms are in compliance with National Security laws. Have fun with the structure and the trip codes Nancy! Hahaha!

    You triangulated that Q was the real target of all the recent false flags right? Just like he was the ultimate target of the Christchurch attacks. Every time you hear “manifesto” or see a failed effort to profile their mind controlled attackers to establish a link with POTUS, you should know that Q is the real target and be prepared.

    Q told you about this play right here, after Christchurch:

    Q3114 Who is the real intended target? Q

    Knowing this, why are they working so hard to interrupt the drops for a few days? Answer:

    Q2108 Desperate people do desperate things.

    They look at the polls and the real numbers and they are devastated. They assess the impact of their Fake News and realize they lost control. Beside Russia Russia and the latest local bar fight, they don’t have anything to report while Q feeds us with scoops after scoops and real intel. So? They get what they can: if they can interrupt Q for a few days, they’ll take it.

    Let’s now head to the zoo and watch the snakes.

    Species 1: Chemtrelus Conspiracius

    As more truth is revealed, are you seeing the horns of the devil coming out slowly? Do you see Satan’s minions getting more and more nervous?

    I told you here [ ]that now that POTUS has reversed the chemtrails, their next move to survive on our planet will be to accept chemtrails are not a conspiracy theory. It didn’t take long: 2 weeks after my article about POTUS confirming the chemtrail reversal, Harvard announced Louise Beworth will lead an advisory panel supported by Bill Gates and aiming at injecting chemicals into the atmosphere to block sunlight! Not kidding, here’s the link and here is Zero Hedge astonished that Harvard validates what was once believed to be a “conspiracy theory”: link.

    You got that? That’s how they kill us through academia.

    Species 2: Demonus Infiltratus

    This species is easy to catch. It’s recognizable through its inexpressive dark eyes, extremely high blinking rate and an inability to crawl coherently. Listen to Tucker describe the amazing one he caught: until 2:22. Frank Figliuzzi is pretty creepy but he was assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division under Mueller and is in the know. He therefore deserves our attention.

    It’s true 8/8=H/H appears coded in the date when POTUS tweeted about lowering the flags until 08/08/2019. However, what Figliuzzi fails to tell his audience is that this tweet was posted on Aug 4 at 2:49PM and was a response to Comey’s tweet dated July 28th 2019 where he shared Coats’ resignation letter and where 8/8=H/H was already coded. In this article I told you how Coats coded “THIS IS IT” in his letter along with the distress message RENEGADE and MICHELLE. A few hours after this letter made all the headlines, Gilroy happened and you already know why. Here is Comey praising his divinities and coding 8/8=H/H: Img2
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 8pua

    Are you enjoying the brilliance of the Maestro lowering the flags until 08/08/2019? The trap was in the tweet and poor Frank Figliuzzi jumped with his feet together: Img3
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 8pub

    In case you missed it, here is the decode of the secret message Comey hid in the image of his May 28 2019 WaPo op-ed. It confirms Comey is a Satanist and passionately fights for his religion: Img4

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 8puc
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 8puc
    Much more:

    No wonder previous administrations could not do anything significant against Epstein, drugs, child abuse, pedophilia and human sacrifices: those who were in charge of protecting us against this evil were at the top of the very satanic pyramid they claimed to fight. This has been going on for decades with the active complicity of politicians, the Fake News, Wall Street, Hollywood and academia. To be part of the club and get the bucks, all you needed to do was to show you agree that Satan is the boss and wait for Santa to show up with campaign donors, a show, investors, a movie deal, a record deal or a Nobel prize and its byproducts.

    The third species will illustrate this reality perfectly.

    Species 3: Scaramucus 666 (also called Scaramucus Often Firus)

    Did you know Scaramucci turned his hedge fund Skybridge from a $666 million fund to a $7.2 billion within 5 years as proudly reported here? You caught the first 666, but did you catch the second one? Yes: 7.2=0.6+6.6. Coincidence? How about his first hedge fund Oscar Capital Management he founded in 1996 after he left Goldman Sachs? Did you catch it? O=15, C=3 which leads to 18=6+6+6. Coincidence? How many illuminati bloodlines? Yes:13=M. Mooch coded in his company’s initials: “Hey guys, Satan is the boss and I’m ready to play ball for the 13 families, please send Santa ASAP”. You thought he stopped there? You know Mooch right? Not very subtle… What was OCM’s address in NY? Yes: 666 Fifth Ave 34th floor link You know what that 34=32+2 stands for right? And just to make sure everybody is on the same page, the value for total asset managed by OCM was $684 Million. And of course, you caught 684=666+6+6+6. Coincidence?

    His belly dance for the Cabal worked and he got tipped. Forbes reported OCM was sold to Neuberger Berman in 2001 for an “undisclosed sum”. If you know bragging about the amount of a transaction in Wall Street is like proudly introducing your new girlfriend to your parents, reconcile why even Forbes does not know the amount of that transaction…

    Mooch is a Harvard Law graduate. Not a very brilliant one. He was first hired by Goldman Sachs in 1989 in the Investment Banking division, was fired a year later and, thanks to a friend, was rehired 2 months later in sales: until 6:11.

    We gather from this that Moloch is not really good at numbers or assessing markets but is definitely better at PR. He’s so good at it that he had no problem serving as fundraiser for HUSSEIN in 2008, then as national finance co-chair for Mitt Romney in 2012, endorsing Scott Walker and later Jeb Bush in 2016 and joining the Trump Finance Committee in May 2016 when Jeb was sent home and after tweeting that he hoped the Witch would be the next president! Mooch, ‘gotta give to you: you gooood, realy good. But there’s more. He tweeted several times he has “always been for strong gun control laws” and that “Republicans should support gay marriage” and, channeling his Trump-hater wife Deidre Ball, he called Trump a “hack politician” on Fox in 2015.

    So? You know the Maestro right? He knew he had a 666 self-terminating snake somewhere and kept him at a distance until he needed to use his vacuum services. He activated Mooch to clean the Whitehouse knowing very well that he would soon make the mistakes allowing Gen. Kelly to let him go.

    Did you follow how things played out? It was reported Mooch’s wife filed for divorce when she learned her husband was hired at the White House and they reunited when he was fired. Okay… Now question: how about when he was in Trump’s campaign? Analysis: Img5

    You got that? This is how they offer their services to the Cabal in plain sight. For a burger or 2. From now on, everything you hear about POTUS coming from Scaramucci should not surprise you. He has always been against Trump but tried to keep a foot in to pull as many people as possible the day he will announce he’s totally out because of racism, night temperatures in Honolulu or the color of the monkey’s lipstick.

    Don’t let the door hit ya’ Mooch!

    The Maestro knew all along that Scaramucci was a plant sent to infiltrate his campaign, here’s the tweet with the details: Img6
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 8pud

    Species 4: Maherus Panicus

    Did you notice Bill Maher’s surprising silence after Epstein’s arrest? He did not make jokes, did not try to connect Epstein to POTUS. Nothing. Total silence. The answers are in a puzzle made of 5 tweets posted on August 10: Img7
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” 8pug

    Try to solve it and we’ll compare our findings. Hint: where’s the best place for a hot potato?

    Q3385 You didn’t think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you? It was all under the direction and oversight of AG Jeff Sessions. Expect a lot more to become public (unsealing). Q

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Aug 29, 2019 1:04 pm

    List of Donald Trumps Accomplishments as President of the United States
    In case you didn’t know. Trump will go down as the greatest president ever and will be re-elected in 2020.

    Economic Growth
    4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018.
    For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year.

    - 4 million new jobs have been created since the election, and more than 3.5 million since Trump took office.
    - More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history.
    - Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades.
    - The economy has achieved the longest positive job-growth streak on record.
    - Job openings are at an all-time high and outnumber job seekers for the first time on record.
    - Unemployment claims at 50 year low
    - African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates have all recently reached record lows.
    - African-American unemployment hit a record low of 5.9 percent in May 2018.
    - Hispanic unemployment at 4.5 percent.
    - Asian-American unemployment at record low of 2 percent.
    - Women’s unemployment recently at lowest rate in nearly 65 years.
    - Female unemployment dropped to 3.6 percent in May 2018, the lowest since October 1953.
    - Youth unemployment recently reached its lowest level in more than 50 years.
    - July 2018’s youth unemployment rate of 9.2 percent was the lowest since July 1966.
    - Veterans’ unemployment recently hit its lowest level in nearly two decades.
    - July 2018’s veterans’ unemployment rate of 3.0 percent matched the lowest rate since May 2001.
    - Unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma recently reached a record low.
    - Rate for disabled Americans recently hit a record low.
    - Blue-collar jobs recently grew at the fastest rate in more than three decades.
    - Poll found that 85 percent of blue-collar workers believe their lives are headed “in the right direction.”
    - 68 percent reported receiving a pay increase in the past year.
    - Last year, job satisfaction among American workers hit its highest level since 2005.
    - Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality job.
    - Optimism about the availability of good jobs has grown by 25 percent.
    - Added more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since the election.
    - Manufacturing employment is growing at its fastest pace in more than two decades.
    - 100,000 new jobs supporting the production & transport of oil & natural gas.

    American Income
    - Median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high.
    - Wages up in August by their fastest rate since June 2009.
    - Paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade.
    - Council of Economic Advisers found that real wage compensation has grown by 1.4 percent over the past year.
    - Some 3.9 million Americans off food stamps since the election.
    - Median income for Hispanic-Americans rose by 3.7 percent and surpassed $50,000 for the first time ever in history.
    - Home-ownership among Hispanics is at the highest rate in nearly a decade.
    - Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels ever recorded.

    American Optimism
    - Small business optimism has hit historic highs.
    - NFIB’s small business optimism index broke a 35 year-old record in August.
    - SurveyMonkey/CNBC’s small business confidence survey for Q3 of 2018 matched its all-time high.
    - Manufacturers are more confident than ever.
    - 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future, the highest ever.
    - Consumer confidence is at an 18-year high.
    - 12 percent of Americans rate the economy as the most significant problem facing our country, the lowest level on record.
    - Confidence in the economy is near a two-decade high, with 51 percent rating the economy as good or excellent.

    American Business
    - Investment is flooding back into the United States due to the tax cuts.
    - Over $450 billion dollars has already poured back into the U.S., including more than $300 billion in the first quarter of 2018.
    - Retail sales have surged. Commerce Department figures from August show that retail sales increased 0.5 percent in July 2018, an increase of 6.4 percent from July 2017.
    - ISM’s index of manufacturing scored its highest reading in 14 years.
    - Worker productivity is the highest it has been in more than three years.
    - Steel and aluminum producers are re-opening.
    - Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and NASDAQ have all notched record highs.
    - Dow hit record highs 70 times in 2017 alone, the most ever recorded in one year.

    - Achieved massive deregulation at a rapid pace, completing 22 deregulatory actions to every one regulatory action during his first year in office.
    - Signed legislation to roll back costly and harmful provisions of Dodd-Frank, providing relief to credit unions, and community and regional banks.
    - Federal agencies achieved more than $8 billion in lifetime net regulatory cost savings.
    - Rolled back Obama’s burdensome Waters of the U.S. rule.
    - Used the Congressional Review Act to repeal regulations more times than in history.

    Tax Cuts
    - Biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs act into law
    - Provided more than $5.5 trillion in gross tax cuts, nearly 60 percent of which will go to families.
    - Increased the exemption for the death tax to help save Family Farms & Small Business.
    - Nearly doubled the standard deduction for individuals and families.
    - Enabled vast majority of American families will be able to file their taxes on a single page by claiming the standard deduction.
    - Doubled the child tax credit to help lessen the financial burden of raising a family.
    - Lowered America’s corporate tax rate from the highest in the developed world to allow American businesses to compete and win.
    - Small businesses can now deduct 20 percent of their business income.
    - Cut dozens of special interest tax breaks and closed loopholes for the wealthy.
    - 9 in 10 American workers are expected see an increase in their paychecks thanks to the tax cuts, according to the Treasury Department.
    - More than 6 million of American workers have received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to tax cuts.
    - Over 100 utility companies have lowered electric, gas, or water rates thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
    - Ernst & Young found 89 percent of companies planned to increase worker compensation thanks to the Trump tax cuts.
    - Established opportunity zones to spur investment in left behind communities.

    Worker Development
    - Established a National Council for the American Worker to develop a national strategy for training and retraining America’s workers for high-demand industries.
    - Employers have signed Trump’s “Pledge to America’s Workers,” committing to train or retrain more than 4.2 million workers and students.
    - Signed the first Perkins CTE reauthorization since 2006, authorizing more than $1 billion for states each year to fund vocational and career education programs.
    - Executive order expanding apprenticeship opportunities for students and workers.

    Domestic Infrastructure
    - Proposed infrastructure plan would utilize $200 billion in Federal funds to spur at least $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investment across the country.
    - Executive order expediting environmental reviews and approvals for high priority infrastructure projects.
    - Federal agencies have signed the One Federal Decision Memorandum of - Understanding (MOU) streamlining the federal permitting process for infrastructure projects.
    - Rural prosperity task force and signed an executive order to help expand broadband access in rural areas.

    Health Care
    - Signed an executive order to help minimize the financial burden felt by American households Signed legislation to improve the National Suicide Hotline.
    - Signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments.
    - Signed Right-to-Try legislation, expanding health care options for terminally ill patients.
    - Enacted changes to the Medicare 340B program, saving seniors an estimated $320 million on drugs in 2018 alone.
    - FDA set a new record for generic drug approvals in 2017, saving consumers nearly $9 billion.
    - Released a blueprint to drive down drug prices for American patients, leading multiple major drug companies to announce they will freeze or reverse price increases.
    - Expanded short-term, limited-duration health plans.
    - Let more employers to form Association Health Plans, enabling more small businesses to join together and affordably provide health insurance to their employees.
    - Cut Obamacare’s burdensome individual mandate penalty.
    - Signed legislation repealing Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board, also known as the “death panels.”
    - USDA invested more than $1 billion in rural health care in 2017, improving access to health care for 2.5 million people in rural communities across 41 states
    - Proposed Title X rule to help ensure taxpayers do not fund the abortion industry in violation of the law.
    - Reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy to keep foreign aid from supporting the global abortion industry.
    - HHS formed a new division over protecting the rights of conscience and religious freedom.
    - Overturned Obama administration’s midnight regulation prohibiting states from defunding certain abortion facilities.
    - Signed executive order to help ensure that religious organizations are not forced to choose between violating their religious beliefs by complying with Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate or shutting their doors.

    Combating Opioids
    - Chaired meeting the 73rd General Session of the United Nations discussing the worldwide drug problem with international leaders.
    - Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand, introducing new measures to keep dangerous drugs out of our communities.
    - $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
    - DEA conducted a surge in April 2018 that arrested 28 medical professions and revoked 147 registrations for prescribing too many opioids.
    - Brought the “Prescribed to Death” memorial to President’s Park near the White House, helping raise awareness about the human toll of the opioid crisis.
    - Helped reduce high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent in 2017.
    - Opioid Summit on the administration-wide efforts to combat the opioid crisis.
    - Launched a national public awareness campaign about the dangers of opioid addiction.
    - Created a Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis which recommended a number of pathways to tackle the opioid crisis.
    - Led two National Prescription Drug Take Back Days in 2017 and 2018, collecting a record number of expired and unneeded prescription drugs each time.
    - $485 million targeted grants in FY 2017 to help areas hit hardest by the opioid crisis.
    - Signed INTERDICT Act, strengthening efforts to detect and intercept synthetic opioids before they reach our communities.
    - DOJ secured its first-ever indictments against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers.
    - Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team, aimed at disrupting online illicit opioid sales.
    - Declared the opioid crisis a Nationwide Public Health Emergency in October 2017.

    Law and Order
    - More U.S. Circuit Court judges confirmed in the first year in office than ever.
    - Confirmed more than two dozen U. S. Circuit Court judges.
    - Followed through on the promise to nominate judges to the Supreme Court who will adhere to the Constitution
    - Nominated and confirmed Justice Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
    - Signed an executive order directing the Attorney General to develop a strategy to more effectively prosecute people who commit crimes against law enforcement officers.
    - Launched an evaluation of grant programs to make sure they prioritize the protection and safety of law enforcement officers.
    - Established a task force to reduce crime and restore public safety in communities across Signed an executive order to focus more federal resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations such as drug cartels.
    - Signed an executive order to focus more federal resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations such as drug cartels.
    - Violent crime decreased in 2017 according to FBI statistics.
    - $137 million in grants through the COPS Hiring Program to preserve jobs, increase community policing capacities, and support crime prevention efforts.
    - Enhanced and updated the Project Safe Neighborhoods to help reduce violent crime.
    - Signed legislation making it easier to target websites that enable sex trafficking and strengthened penalties for people who promote or facilitate prostitution.
    - Created an interagency task force working around the clock to prosecute traffickers, protect victims, and prevent human trafficking.
    - Conducted Operation Cross Country XI to combat human trafficking, rescuing 84 children and arresting 120 human traffickers.
    - Encouraged federal prosecutors to use the death penalty when possible in the fight against the trafficking of deadly drugs.
    - New rule effectively banning bump stock sales in the United States.

    Border Security and Immigration
    - Secured $1.6 billion for border wall construction in the March 2018 omnibus bill.
    - Construction of a 14-mile section of border wall began near San Diego.
    - Worked to protect American communities from the threat posed by the vile MS-13 gang.
    - ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations division arrested 796 MS-13 members and associates in FY 2017, an 83 percent increase from the prior year.
    - Justice worked with partners in Central America to secure criminal charges against more than 4,000 MS-13 members.
    - Border Patrol agents arrested 228 illegal aliens affiliated with MS-13 in FY 2017.
    - Fighting to stop the scourge of illegal drugs at our border.
    - ICE HSI seized more than 980,000 pounds of narcotics in FY 2017, including 2,370 pounds of fentanyl and 6,967 pounds of heroin.
    - ICE HSI dedicated nearly 630,000 investigative hours towards halting the illegal import of fentanyl.
    - ICE HSI made 11,691 narcotics-related arrests in FY 2017.
    - Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand introduced new measures to keep dangerous drugs out the United States.
    - Signed the INTERDICT Act into law, enhancing efforts to detect and intercept synthetic opioids.
    - DOJ secured its first-ever indictments against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers.
    - DOJ launched their Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team, aimed at disrupting online illicit opioid sales.
    - Released an immigration framework that includes the resources required to secure our borders and close legal loopholes, and repeatedly called on Congress to fix our broken immigration laws.
    - Authorized the deployment of the National Guard to help secure the border.
    - Enhanced vetting of individuals entering the U.S. from countries that don’t meet security standards, helping to ensure individuals who pose a threat to our country are identified before they enter.
    - These procedures were upheld in a June 2018 Supreme Court hearing.
    - ICE removed over 226,000 illegal aliens from the United States in 2017.
    - ICE rescued or identified over 500 human trafficking victims and over 900 child exploitation victims in 2017 alone.
    - In 2017, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested more than 127,000 aliens with criminal convictions or charges, responsible for
    Over 76,000 with dangerous drug offenses.
    More than 48,000 with assault offenses.
    More than 11,000 with weapons offenses.
    More than 5,000 with sexual assault offenses.
    More than 2,000 with kidnapping offenses.
    Over 1,800 with homicide offenses.
    - Created the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office in order to support the victims and families affected by illegal alien crime.
    - More than doubled the number of counties participating in the 287(g) program, which allows jails to detain criminal aliens until they are transferred to ICE custody.

    - Negotiating and renegotiating better trade deals, achieving free, fair, and reciprocal trade for the United States.
    - Agreed to work with the European Union towards zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers, and zero subsides.
    - Deal with the European Union to increase U.S. energy exports to Europe.
    - Litigated multiple WTO disputes targeting unfair trade practices and upholding our right to enact fair trade laws.
    - Finalized a revised trade agreement with South Korea, which includes provisions to increase American automobile exports.
    - Negotiated an historic U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement to replace NAFTA.
    - Agreement to begin trade negotiations for a U.S.-Japan trade agreement.
    - Secured $250 billion in new trade and investment deals in China and $12 billion in Vietnam.
    - Established a Trade and Investment Working Group with the United Kingdom, laying the groundwork for post-Brexit trade.
    - Enacted steel and aluminum tariffs to protect our vital steel and aluminum producers and strengthen our national security.
    - Conducted 82 anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations in 2017 alone.
    - Confronting China’s unfair trade practices after years of Washington looking the other way.
    - 25 percent tariff on $50 billion of goods imported from China and later imposed an additional 10% tariff on $200 billion of Chinese goods.
    - Conducted an investigation into Chinese forced technology transfers, unfair licensing practices, and intellectual property theft.
    - Imposed safeguard tariffs to protect domestic washing machines and solar products manufacturers hurt by China’s trade policies
    - Withdrew from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
    - Secured access to new markets for America’s farmers.
    - Recent deal with Mexico included new improvements enabling food and agriculture to trade more fairly.
    - Recent agreement with the E.U. will reduce barriers and increase trade of American soybeans to Europe.
    - Won a WTO dispute regarding Indonesia’s unfair restriction of U.S. agricultural exports.
    - Defended American Tuna fisherman and packagers before the WTO
    - Opened up Argentina to American pork experts for the first time in a quarter-century
    - American beef exports have returned to china for the first time in more than a decade
    - OK’d up to $12 billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation.

    - Presidential Memorandum to clear roadblocks to construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
    - Presidential Memorandum declaring that the Dakota Access Pipeline serves the national interest and initiating the process to complete construction.
    - Opened up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to energy exploration.
    - Coal exports up over 60 percent in 2017.
    - Rolled back the “stream protection rule” to prevent it from harming America’s coal industry.
    - Cancelled Obama’s anti-coal Clean Power Plan and proposed the Affordable Clean Energy Rule as a replacement.
    - Withdrew from the job-killing Paris climate agreement, which would have cost the U.S. nearly $3 trillion and led to 6.5 million fewer industrial sector jobs by 2040.
    - U.S. oil production has achieved its highest level in American history
    United States is now the largest crude oil producer in the world.
    - U.S. has become a net natural gas exporter for the first time in six decades.
    - Action to expedite the identification and extraction of critical minerals that are vital to the nation’s security and economic prosperity.
    - Took action to reform National Ambient Air Quality Standards, benefitting American manufacturers.
    - Rescinded Obama’s hydraulic fracturing rule, which was expected to cost the industry $32 million per year.
    - Proposed an expansion of offshore drilling as part of an all-of-the above energy strategy
    - Held a lease sale for offshore oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico in August 2018.
    - Got EU to increase its imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States.
    - Issued permits for the New Burgos Pipeline that will cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

    Foreign Policy
    - Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
    - Withdrew from Iran deal and immediately began the process of re-imposing sanctions that had been lifted or waived.
    - Treasury has issued sanctions targeting Iranian activities and entities, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force
    - Since enacting sanctions, Iran’s crude exports have fallen off, the value of Iran’s currency has plummeted, and international companies have pulled out of the country.
    - All nuclear-related sanctions will be back in full force by early November 2018.
    - Historic summit with North Korean President Kim Jong-Un, bringing beginnings of peace and denuclearization to the Korean Peninsula.
    - The two leaders have exchanged letters and high-level officials from both sides have met resulting in tremendous progress
    - Negotiated the return of the remains of missing-in-action soldiers from the Korean War.
    - Imposed strong sanctions on Venezuelan dictator Nicholas Maduro and his inner circle.
    - Executive order preventing those in the U.S. from carrying out certain transactions with the Venezuelan regime, including prohibiting the purchase of the regime’s debt.
    - Responded to the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime.
    - Rolled out sanctions targeting individuals and entities tied to Syria’s chemical weapons program.
    - Directed strikes in April 2017 against a Syrian airfield used in a chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians.
    - Joined allies in launching airstrikes in April 2018 against targets associated with Syria’s chemical weapons use.
    - New Cuba policy that enhanced compliance with U.S. law and held the Cuban regime accountable for political oppression and human rights abuses.
    - Treasury and State are working to channel economic activity away from the Cuban regime, particularly the military.
    - Changed the rules of engagement, empowering commanders to take the fight to ISIS.
    - ISIS has lost virtually all of its territory, more than half of which has been lost under Trump.
    - ISIS’ self-proclaimed capital city, Raqqah, was liberated in October 2017.
    - All Iraqi territory had been liberated from ISIS.
    - More than a dozen American hostages have been freed from captivity all of the world.
    - Action to combat Russia’s malign activities, including their efforts to undermine the sanctity of United States elections.
    - Expelled dozens of Russian intelligence officers from the United States and ordered the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle, WA.
    - Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on government computers, due to the company’s ties to Russian intelligence.
    - Imposed sanctions against five Russian entities and three individuals for enabling Russia’s military and intelligence units to increase Russia’s offensive cyber capabilities.
    - Sanctions against seven Russian oligarchs, and 12 companies they own or control, who profit from Russia’s destabilizing activities.
    - Sanctioned 100 targets in response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine.
    - Enhanced support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine better defend itself.
    - Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
    - Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.

    - Executive order keeping the detention facilities at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay open.
    - $700 billion in military funding for FY 2018 and $716 billion for FY 2019.
    - Largest military pay raise in nearly a decade.
    - Ordered a Nuclear Posture Review to ensure America’s nuclear forces are up to date and serve as a credible deterrent.
    - Released America’s first fully articulated cyber strategy in 15 years.
    - New strategy on national biodefense, which better prepares the nation to defend against biological threats.
    - Administration has announced that it will use whatever means necessary to protect American citizens and servicemen from unjust prosecution by the International Criminal Court.
    - Released an America first National Security Strategy.
    - Put in motion the launch of a Space Force as a new branch of the military and relaunched the National Space Council.
    - Encouraged North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies to increase defense spending to their agree-upon levels.
    - In 2017 alone, there was an increase of more than 4.8 percent in defense spending amongst NATO allies.
    - Every member state has increased defense spending.
    - Eight NATO allies will reach the 2 percent benchmark by the end of 2018 and 15 allies are on trade to do so by 2024.
    - NATO allies spent over $42 billion dollars more on defense since 2016.
    - Executive order to help military spouses find employment as their families deploy domestically and abroad.

    Veterans affairs
    - Signed the VA Accountability Act and expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
    - Delivered more appeals decisions – 81,000 – to veterans in a single year than ever before.
    - Strengthened protections for individuals who come forward and identify programs occurring within the VA.
    - Signed legislation that provided $86.5 billion in funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the largest dollar amount in history for the VA.
    - VA MISSION Act, enacting sweeping reform to the VA system that:
    Consolidated and strengthened VA community care programs.
    Funding for the Veterans Choice program.
    Expanded eligibility for the Family Caregivers Program.
    Gave veterans more access to walk-in care.
    Strengthened the VA’s ability to recruit and retain quality healthcare professionals.
    Enabled the VA to modernize its assets and infrastructure.
    - Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act in 2017, which authorized $2.1 billion in addition funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
    - Worked to shift veterans’ electronic medical records to the same system used by the Department of Defense, a decades old priority.
    - Issued an executive order requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life.
    - Increased transparency and accountability at the VA by launching an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with access to wait time and quality of care data.
    - Signed legislation to modernize the claims and appeal process at the VA.
    Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, providing enhanced educational benefits to veterans, service members, and their family members.
    - Lifted a 15-year limit on veterans’ access to their educational benefits.
    - Created a White House VA Hotline to help veterans and principally staffed it with veterans and direct family members of veterans.
    - VA employees are being held accountable for poor performance, with more than 4,000 VA employees removed, demoted, and suspended so far.
    - Signed the Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act, increasing the number of VA employees that can assist justice-involved veterans.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 608
    Join date : 2015-04-30
    Location : Antares

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  NANUXII Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:08 pm

    I remember mentioning to buy up on Rupea , wasnt sure if it was on this thread ... ?

    Anyway you have about 2 months to bulk up.

    The pillars just got another leg taken away...


    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:01 pm

    Harvest time. Sept - Oct.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 2:20 am