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Vidya Moksha
13 posters

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”


    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Tue Apr 09, 2019 8:25 am

    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    Swanny wrote:Here's a question

    If they kill billions of us and this is a soul trap. Where are we all going to go? Lawless

    I have the answer to this, and more... I placed it in a sealed indictment, which will be opened next week :)

    (p.s. if time is nonlinear then also, "when are we all going to?" Luckily I have lots of sealed indictment with all the answers)

    Insanely Happy Good one Moksha.

    Oxy, from what is out there about how consciousness can be transferred from one physical body to another (similar to the movie Avatar), your hypothesis may have some merit.

    I just don't envision that for myself. As a soul, an inte-rdimensional being, returning to that form is far more preferable. Being downloaded into a 3-D form and dragging around a physical body is similar to being encased in wet cement after the experience of moving about in an astral form.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:47 am

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 DyxQSojX4AAKu7Q

    Face of a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. We love him, they hate him. He loses sleep fighting, even for those that will never thank him/acknowledge his sacrifices. He fights not only for u, but for ur children & their children's future. He fights. & he's ours! Kurt Russel
    Kobach: DHS has been unwilling to execute Trump's policies

    The spotlight of this Briefing focuses on the misrepresentation by the Deep State's Media Division of The President of The United States of America. Additional content available at :
    British spies everywhere. Watch out POTUS!!

    Praying Medic: How do you spell winning?

    Wyatt (Kurt Russel)
    Follow Follow @SayWhenLA

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:49 am

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 DyxQSojX4AAKu7Q

    Face of a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. We love him, they hate him. He loses sleep fighting, even for those that will never thank him/acknowledge his sacrifices. He fights not only for u, but for ur children & their children's future. He fights. & he's ours! Kurt Russel

    The spotlight of this Briefing focuses on the misrepresentation by the Deep State's Media Division of The President of The United States of America. Additional content available at :
    British spies everywhere. Watch out POTUS!!

    Praying Medic: How do you spell winning?

    Wyatt (Kurt Russel)
    Follow Follow @SayWhenLA
    YUGE !!

    President Donald J. Trump announced TWELVE Judicial Nominations today....while the MSM is chasing rabbits. Several are for the Southern D of NY which has been giving us some troubles as of late. And since Mitch went nuclear, judges can he confirmed at much higher rates!

    Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes
    House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes filed a $150 million lawsuit in Virginia state court against The McClatchy Company and others on Monday, alleging that one of the news agency's reporters conspired with a political operative to derail Nunes' oversight work into the Hillary Clinton campaign and Russian election interference.

    The filing, obtained by Fox News, came a day after Nunes, R-Calif., revealed he would send eight criminal referrals to the Justice Department this week concerning purported surveillance abuses by federal authorities during the Russia probe, false statements to Congress and other matters.

    In March, Nunes filed a similar $250 million lawsuit alleging defamation against Twitter and one of its users, Republican consultant Liz Mair. In Monday's complaint, Nunes again named Mair as a co-defendant, charging this time that she conspired with McClatchy reporter MacKenzie Mays to spread a variety of untruthful and misleading smears -- including that Nunes "was involved with cocaine and underage prostitutes" -- online and in print.

    Reached for comment late Monday, Mair directed Fox News to a USA Today op-ed she penned earlier this week concerning Nunes' previous lawsuit entitled, "Free speech means I don't have to be nice to Devin Nunes on Twitter. So why's he suing me?"

    Mark Meadows: More criminal referrals coming, 'overwhelming evidence' shows DOJ, FBI abuse
    "The right move from @DevinNunes. More criminal referrals to come. And certainly more deserved. Overwhelming evidence shows multiple FBI + DOJ executives abused their power to undermine a duly elected President Trump. They will be held accountable."

    Clinton, Trump investigations show Democrats' double standard, Grassley says

    Mike Gallagher, the 8th most recognized talk radio personality, in the U.S.A., is heard by over 2.25 million listeners weekly. He compiled and wrote the following essay entitled,
    "Obama: It was You."

    * It was you who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner - "I am one of you."
    * It was you who on ABC News referenced - "My Muslim faith."
    * It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
    * It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict- "I will stand with the Muslims."
    * It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that - "I am a Muslim."
    * It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
    * It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning America and professing Marxism.
    * It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
    * It was you who purposefully omitted - "endowed by our Creator " - from your recitation of The Declaration Of
    * It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ's Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the 'HOLY' Qur'an.
    * It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
    * It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.
    * It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the
    White House
    * It was you who ordered Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would
    agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested the mosques you have visited to adjust their decor.
    * It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.
    * It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security.
    * It was you who said that NASA's "foremost mission" was an outreach to Muslim communities.
    * It was you who as an Illinois Senator was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.
    * It was you who was the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the White House, and went so far as to hang
    photos of Chairman Mao on the White House tree.
    * It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.
    * It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
    * It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture,
    but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.
    * It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead
    profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.
    * It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.
    * It was you who ordered the United States Postal Service to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
    * It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help "empower" the British Muslim community.
    * It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.
    * It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
    * It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal
    White House religious events.
    * It was you who was uncharacteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt's Hosni
    Mubarak, formerly America's strongest ally in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood
    led slaughter of Egyptian Christians.
    * It was you who appointed your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an
    off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.
    * It was you who said this country is not a Christian nation.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 17, 2019 6:46 am
    The World Is Starting To Notice, They Are Exposed - Episode 1843a

    Report date: 04.16.2019

    Many Americans received a tax cut, but the MSM continually brainwashes people into thinking they have not received a tax cut. When Trump proposed the tax cut the [DS][CB] put together all the things that will go wrong and how this was the worst tax package every, none of it happened. Precious metals was slammed down again today, if you notice it is getting harder and harder to keep gold down. The two nominees for the Fed are going through the vetting process and the administration has other candidates. ECB credibility is now being questioned, the people of the EU countries are realizing that there is no growth coming the second half of this year.
    Time Is Ticking Down, Markers [1] & [2] Are Set, Follow The Watch - Episode 1843b

    Report date: 04.16.2019

    The clowns are now trying to build a case against Assange by creating fake reports. The MSM is now trying to get ahead of the spying story that is about to break. Trump tweets out no collusion and obstruction. Judicial Watch files suit against the FBI for HRC, John Kerry and others email and documentation. Patriots make a move on Cuba. Time in ticking down, follow the watch market [1] and market [2] set.

    Apr 11 2019


    Apr 11 2019 13:34:08 (EST)

    If we are merely a LARP asking questions on the Chans, why are we being attacked daily by some of the world's biggest media co's, social media co's deliberately applying censorship/banning, shills paid/inserted to disrupt (media matters), blue checkmark
    coordinated attacks, etc.?

    All for a 'conspiracy' on the Chans?

    All for a 'LARP'?

    Why is there a constant flow of disinformation being pushed re: Q?


    Disinformation push re: Mueller is a white hat.
    FAKE & FALSE narrative.
    Think BLOCKADE.

    When you can't attack the information directly, you attack the source, if that fails, you 'create false misleading information' to discredit knowing 'select' 'unaware' followers would not take the time to self-corroborate the claims (same vehicle/tactics used by FAKE NEWS media).

    Logical thinking always wins.
    Nothing can stop what is coming.

    As the target(s) turn to the other side, the attacks will intensify.
    We have the source. (Assange)

    Apr 10 2019


    Apr 10 2019 11:59:08 (EST)

    SerialBrain2. Trump’s pinned tweet decoded. 9/11 was a satanic sacrifice and an inside job.

    FBI dropped requests for 'necessary' classified info during Clinton probe, and GOP asks why

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:33 am
    Victor Davis Hanson:
    Mueller Probe Could Backfire on Those Who Fabricated Russia-Collusion Narrative
    Avalanche is coming per Sean Hannity
    Apparently 50+ transcripts. diGenova said Barr’s press conference will confront a rebellious congress (dem’s). This will start a process that will lead to a series of Fed Grand Jury’s to hold people accountable. "An Avalanche of epic proportions is coming per Sara Carter and John Solomon, who started this whole Coup attempt investigation. Solomon said evidence coming next week that links the White House to first Russian meeting. We all knew it was conceived there, but he claims proof is coming."
    John Solomon: Obama Administration Spying on Trump Began in January 2016
    -- Evidence Is Coming
    Joe diGenova: Russia Collusion Narrative All Started in Obama White House

    Now House Democrat Chairs are demanding AG Barr cancel his planned presser on Mueller’s report.
    House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY), House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Foreign Affairs Chairman Elliot Engel (D-NY) released a joint statement late Wednesday evening calling on Barr to cancel his presser, calling it “unnecessary and inappropriate.”

    “There is no legitimate reason for the Department to brief the White House prior to providing Congress a copy of the report,” the Dems added. The Dems also accused Bill Barr of protecting President Trump.

    FITTON: FBI Warned About Hillary Clinton’s Private Server –
    Her ENTIRE Server System Could Have Been Classified! (VIDEO)

    Hillary Clinton’s national security breach was so egregious, the FBI said that her entire email system could have been classified!

    “While working with this inspector, I have reviewed hundreds of documents in the HRC collection.” Fitton said reading a report by an intel official. “I can now say without reservation that there are literally hundreds of classified emails in this collection, maybe more. For example, there are comments by Department staff in emails relating to WikiLeaks….this material is subject to FOIA litigation…”

    Tom Fitton then dropped the bomb on Hillary. “…The emails will now have to be found, reviewed and upgraded under EO 13526 — IT WILL BE OUR RIGHT TO CLASSIFY THE ENTIRE HRC COLLECTION AT THE SECRET LEVEL BECAUSE OF THE MOSAIC EFFECT.”
    The “mosaic effect” derives from the theory of gathering intelligence in which dissimilar pieces of information become very significant when put into context and combined with other information.

    “The government could have classified ALL of Hillary Clinton’s emails!” Fitton exclaimed. “And she was never prosecuted.”

    Fitton continued to read the report by the intel official, “The potential damage to the foreign relations to the United States could be significant.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:40 am

    Trump’s pinned tweet about 9/11: the final decoded message.

    Trump’s pinned tweet about 9/11: the final decoded message.
    We continue to decode the Maestro’s pinned tweet about 9/11.
    Before you proceed, make sure you went through part1.

    So we found Hussein was hinting at the MARK OF CAIN in his speech in Cairo. Just like Bush, No Name, and HRC, Peace Nobel Prize Hussein is in the Club: he wanted human blood spilled. As much as possible. To feed the Child of Darkness. Not allegorical. In addition to moving forward in the treasonous 16 Year Plan to Destroy America described in Q570 and Q2640, how do you get to kill/sacrifice as many people as possible without having to worry about the Military questioning the morality of your actions? Answer: you purge and weaken the Military by firing whoever openly questions you: step1. Then, you increase military funding to create undisclosed capabilities like a drone squadron controlled by psychopaths from the White House and without Pentagon’s involvement to watch people die in real time: step2. Then, for those you can’t kill with drones, you slaughter them by funding, supporting and protecting groups like ISIS:

    Q2640 HUSSEIN "ISIS JV TEAM…." Did ISIS form on HUSSEIN's watch? Did HUSSEIN take care of business or allow them to expand? How long did it take POTUS to ERADICATE and DESTROY ISIS?

    Then, to make sure the Hidden Masters are adre-satisfied and to prove to them that the chaos they ordered is real on the ground, you regularly broadcast this type of video in complicity with the Fake News: step3. Then, when Patriots like Gen. Flynn try to do what’s right, you shut them down: step4. And, finally, this is what you get: step5.

    That’s who we elected as President of the United States for 8 years. Are you surprised? You shouldn’t. Back in 2012, the Maestro asked this rhetorical question: tweet.

    Here is the appetizer: link. And here is the main course, read the decoded message very carefully: Img8

    As you can see, Hussein was a major step for SA and the Muslim Brotherhood in their attempt to infiltrate and completely hijack the US Government. They managed to get their puppet in the White House and control it, just like they controlled the Senate and Congress through spying and blackmail link.

    Q674 AWAN/DWS/Paki intel/MB.

    Q1626 AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.

    Yes AWAN is coming soon in a theater near you. Do you think JA will bring us some pop corn from London?

    The final nail in the coffin was to get HRC to replace Hussein and Huma Abedin to replace Valerie Jarrett. Did you see how much more blood Hussein brought to the Child of Darkness tanks in comparison to his friend and predecessor George W Bush? Well, HRC would have won the prize and make him look like a small village butcher. Just as Secretary of State, look at what she did to Lybia video, and look how she bragged about it: video.

    You are now equipped to read Hussein’s inverted speech in Cairo: Img9

    Now look at this drop about Dopey:

    Q539 He doesn't have 6b. We froze his assets. Think logically. When does a BIRD TALK? Q

    Q is signaling Dopey was just a straw man. He was used by his masters from the Cabal as a conduit to manage their illegal operations because he had the perfect Saudi prince cover. Do you imagine the wealth of information gathered when he started singing?

    Q1948 HUSSEIN should be VERY nervous. BRENNAN should be VERY nervous. KERRY should be VERY nervous. MERKEL should be VERY nervous. +29. How were the pallets of cash divided? How many planes were used to transport? Who operated the planes?

    This Q drop, with Dopey unsuccessfully trying to buy patriots like Giuliani after 9/11 article are an indication the Maestro has it all regarding the WTC attacks and the Iran deal. Buckle up.

    As you can see, all these people do not have anything to do with Islam when they claim to be Muslims or Christianity when they claim to be Christians. How do you explain operatives like Schiff and Nadler who claim to be Jews are not offended by Ilhan Omar? Answer: because they are as Jew as Ilhan is Muslim! Their true allegiance transcends the religions they claim to follow and in reality, they share the belief in an extreme version of Communism. From Q2364, you already know about Valerie Jarrett’s communist DNA.

    Now go through this article and discover how Ilhan Omar’s family was connected to Siad Barre’s bloody genocidal Marxist Leninist regime in Somalia. Is it a coincidence they all have ties to Communism? These people are posing with religions we know but their hidden allegiance is revealed in Q1954 where Q shows us a picture of a Nazi pin tag with communist symbol. Go through the following decode and discover who they really work for: Img10

    Did you see One World Religion Pope Francis with his chains? Now you know why Ilhan tweeted this. She was trying to play smart in her response to Trump with this tweet in Arabic as if it came from the Quran. It doesn’t. And she knows it. This is why she did not reference it. But it’s out there and those who don’t know will make up their own mind about it. It seems RT fell for it: link.

    This is a perfect example of what they do: they bet on people’s ignorance and sell them shiny objects using deception to create confusion and division. What does that tell you? Yes: they have no respect for the Holy Books they claim to believe in and have no scruples to deceitfully use them to achieve petty goals. They are Cabal operatives and God does not have anything to do with their true agenda.

    Img11 The next tweet’s capital letters add up to 85, value for ENCODED IMAGE. This is how I knew I had to analyze the image sizes found through the Q904 string. The tweet was posted at 12:57PM, we can pull Q57, Q1257 and Q2457 and realize they are all in context. With the highlighted lines, we deduce the decoded message.

    Img12 Next, we gather the last two tweets in the same image and pull all the in-context Q drops connected to their respective timestamps. The first tweet’s capital letters add up to 150, value for DAVID ROCKEFELLER, when connected to the line “Titanic” in Q127 and the list of central banks in Q136, we solve with John D. Rockefeller who was part of the Jekyll Island conspiracy that led to the creation of the Federal Reserve.

    To know the details of this conspiracy, I highly recommend reading The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. His research shows how John D. Rockefeller was remotely involved through his omnipotent father in law Senator Nelson Aldrich and how, later, David Rockefeller funded Marxist and Communist countries by his own admission. This excellent book also describes the mechanics of the collusion between Washington, big money, monetized intelligence and the best enemies money can buy. As you will see, HRC’s private server is not an innovation for these people… You’ll also learn the NK/Iran/ISIS model is actually a very old one. We deduce the decoded message.

    We have gathered all the pieces of the puzzle, here is a visual summary: Img13
    And here is the final decoded message: Img14 – Img15

    Links at:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:31 am

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D4ZlSlQWsAA5fEA

    The "Dirty Truth"
    Joe lights in on Obama. He says it all started in the Obama White House and Obama approved it.

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D4a77tNX4AEUpUd

    List of Generals that we purged by Obama, posted by SB2.

    We know who your sources are, too!

    Avalanche coming...lots of indictments...leading all the way to the Huseein WH....time for them to lawyer up!

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 7rrn

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 7rrs

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D4ZtbRrWkAEdiHx

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D4ZoYfaX4AMM4qT

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 I_Spy_Trump_-_Shirt-F_900x900

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:45 am

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 12436438-0-image-m-20_1555596191860

    Attorney General Bill Barr will finally unveil the 400 page report that Special Counsel Robert Mueller assembled over a two-year investigation on Thursday. Ahead of releasing the partially redacted document, Barr held a press conference on Capitol Hill to announce the findings, to the fury of Democrats who say he is spinning it in favor of Donald Trump. Mueller's team conducted 500 interviews, though President Trump would only submit to an interview in writing while consulting with lawyers. He obtained eight convictions so far, including of Trump's campaign chair Paul Manafort on corruption charges. But according to Barr, Mueller found no evidence that Trump or his campaign conspired with the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 elections.

    Mueller 400 pg Report                                                                                                                                                                    

    Furious Trump attacks 'PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT' and launches tirade of anti-Clinton claims as he posts 'No Collusion' video prior to AG Bill Barr exonerating him

    President Donald Trump sought to get ahead of the attorney general and the special counsel on Thursday morning, branding it the entire probe a 'Political Hoax' conducted by 'Crooked Dirty Cops' before William Barr released the redacted report of Russian election meddling. The report will shed light on Robert Mueller's decision not to make a determination on obstruction of justice. Attorney General William Barr says Mueller left that decision up to him. Before the report's release, the president sent out a flurry of tweets, accusing his political enemies, including former FBI director of James Comey, of crimes. 'The Greatest Political Hoax of all time! Crimes were committed by Crooked, Dirty Cops and DNC /The Democrats,' he said in a tweet. 'PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!' he said in another. Several other tweets highlighted charges that a conservative judicial activist group had levied against the FBI and an informant at the origins of allegations that Russia could be blackmailing President Trump.

    No collusion, no collusion, no collusion! Trump fires back ahead of Mueller with minute-long video of him protesting his innocence and blasts probe as 'greatest political hoax of all time'

    Nunes Statement on Mueller Report

    The Mueller report ignored a wide range of abuses committed during the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign. And now, with the revelation that the Special Counsel was authorized at the outset to investigate Carter Page for allegedly colluding with Russians to hack the election, it’s clear that false allegations from the Steele dossier played a major role not only in the FISA warrant application on Page, but in the appointment of the Special Counsel as well.

    The biggest takeaway from the entire Russia hoax is that our nation’s counter-intelligence capabilities should never again be abused to target an administration’s political opponents. Those who colluded in this effort – the media, Fusion GPS, Democratic Party leaders in Congress, the Clinton campaign, and partisan intelligence leaders – should apologize to the innocent people they maligned and to the American people they deceived.

    Apr 18 2019


    18 Apr 2019 - 9:53:00 PM

    Rod's departure next?


    Apr 18 2019 14:52:02 (EST)
    Fake investigations by committee members will not delay what is about to be unleashed.



    Apr 18 2019 14:47:48 (EST)
    LBP.PNG ⬇️ (Long Beach Port)
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 C23625be38db498c30e114e29c3d5b67b1f570078fba27f7f924ffd4c00fd2ac

    1st & 10 on the 40.

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:06 pm
    Now The Fireworks Begin, Full Speed Ahead, Next Target- Episode 1845a

    Report date: 04.18.2019

    Initial jobless claims have now tumbled to the new 50 year low, the Fed is trapped, Trump and the Patriots are making it impossible for the Fed to get out of this trap. Retail sales surge but more stores close down. Trump pushing to help many areas in this country with jobs. The doesn't know which move to make. Cain says he is in, he wants the job at the Fed, structure change coming.
    Hidden Info Inside The Mueller Report Will Be Used To Expose The Email Coverup - Episode 1845b

    Report date: 04.18.2019

    Mueller report is out an it shows no collusion or obstruction. There are many parts to the report, one part shows how the [DS] was going to use the report to exonerate [HRC] and continue to blame Russia. Trump says this should never happen again to another president. We are now moving into the next phase, this is the DECLASS, will the [DS] try to pull off an event to cover this up?

    Dr. Steve Pieczenik
    Published on Apr 18, 2019

    If you want to manipulate the public then you have to be smart about it....Like the Democrats, NOT! Go back to school and learn from the big boys and girls.


    Apr 19 2019


    Apr 19 2019 14:41:40 (EST)

    [Pg 11] Previously CLAS 'scope' > [RR] to [MUELLER]
    The scope memo [highlighted w/in Mueller report] confirms the 'dossier' was the 'tool' used by [RR] to justify SC and was the primary 'vehicle' to which [RR] tasked MUELLER.
    If the dossier was known to be unverified and fake, how then was an investigation started to begin with?
    At what point did MUELLER determine there was no collusion?
    [18-months ago?]
    Was the investigation kept ongoing as a 'talking point' to rig the midterm elections?
    Was the investigation kept ongoing to retain the 'BLOCKADE' to essentially restrict POTUS from unmasking and informing the public as to the TRUTH about what really happened?
    Was the investigation kept ongoing to PROTECT THOSE WHO 'KNOWINGLY' COMMITTED TREASON/SEDITION?


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:00 am

    Steve Pieczenik video
    Published on Apr 22, 2019
    Pay Back's a Bitch! Thanks Macron for your #FF. Christianity is under assault.  22 min
    Why Did POTUS Tweet "138 Million"?
    There are several possible reason President Trump tweeted 138 million people died in the attacks in Sri Lanka. While the Fake News media runs in circles, we know that means DIG, Patriots! In this video I'll show you several possibilities, plus give you my top choice.
    The [CB]’s Have Been Outed, The Secret Has Been Revealed

    US existing homes decline, this is the 13th straight month in a row, the patriots will need the Fed to cut rates to keep the economy going until 2020. Warren wants student loan forgiveness, why don't we go after the real problem, which is the [CB], what she is suggesting will not fix the problem. SS is going negative in 2020. Cain backs out, because the [DS][CB] players are pushing back, they know whats coming.The Nobel laureate Steven Chu lets the secret out of the bag, the [CB] needs population growth to continue their system.

    TRUMP was a secret underworld spy for Guliani!
    Worked with Mueller, Barr, Rosenstein!Imperator Rex says you should carefully read pgs 135-149 here, where Donald Trump's FD302 is discussed during the takedown of the Five Families. Rudy Giuliani was the SDNY US Attorney at the time.
    With This One Tweet Trump Just Slammed Down The Hammer

    The [DS] are throwing everything they have at Trump to try to get him on impeachment, nothing is going to stick because the crimes that were committed were by the [DS]. Think Mirror. Trump slammed down the hammer with a single tweet which starts everything in motion. Obama, HRC and other are tweeting from the same script in regards to the latest event.

    TRUMP; The greatest actor of all time
    Trump prepared from childhood to be president.
    Connections to Nikola Tesla, and revelation of secret world controllers revealed.
    Holy poop RBD!!! What a fantastic article, Trump the greatest actor of all time. Anybody if you have not read this and listened to everything on that do yourself a favor and do it. Wow, absolutely incredible information. Not only is it incredible information but it has a timeline. Thank you so so much for posting this. Incredible article. Love and prayers hope your wife is much better. Have a wonderful day. EJ

    Last edited by Carol on Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:15 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:14 am
    All Exits Blocked, Plan Executed, Transition Coming - Episode 1849a

    Report date: 04.23.2019

    May is going try once more to get the vote for her plan, most likely it will fail, the EU wants this plan this is why she is pushing so hard. New home sales soar more than expected as prices fall. Gold was forced down once again, somebody dumped 11,500 contracts which brought the gold price down. Trump points the finger at Krugman, he was completely wrong about the market, it did not crash.
    Last Resort Activated, No Blockade = Game Over, Tick Tock - Episode 1849b

    Report date: 04.23.2019

    Judicial Watch reports that [HRC] emails were found in the White House and on Weiner's laptop, Obama is most likley implicated in her scheme. The dossier was used for it all and it is completely fake. JW wants Schiff investigated for ethical violations. Illegal immigration used for voting and to change the electoral college. SC investigation did not work, obstruction did not work, impeachment did not work, the [Deep State] is preparing to use the last resort, it has been activated.
    The Unexpected Advantage of the Fake Russia Collusion Scandal

    DECLASSIFIED - The Epoch Times
    Published on Apr 23, 2019

    The United States is witnessing history, as a corrupt network of  career officials has been actively working against President Donald Trump and the interests of the American people. During the 2016 elections, this network—alongside politicians, Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and foreign government officials—helped create the narrative that Trump colluded with Russia. The goal was first to prevent him from becoming president, and after that failed to undermine it as much as possible. However there is an unexpected advantage to this scandal and we explore it.  

    SerialBrain2: Trump’s pinned tweet about 9/ll: the final decoded message.

    Judicial Watch: FBI Found Clinton Emails At Obama White House

    OAN Newsroom
    UPDATED 1:11 PM PT – Tuesday, April 23, 2019

    A top FBI official has confirmed Hillary Clinton’s missing emails were found in the Obama White House. Assistant FBI Director Bill Priestap admitted under oath the bureau had found 49,000 Clinton emails at the Executive Office of President Obama. The new revelations are according to a statement made Tuesday by government watchdog group Judicial Watch.

    Giuliani Lashes Out At Clintons: You Are "America's Number One Crime Family"

    As Democrats continue to back away from trying to impeach President Trump for obstruction of the Mueller probe which cleared him of the underlying charge of conspiring with Russia in the 2016 election, Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani is on the war path - and is now targeting Hillary Clinton.

    Following Tuesday remarks by Clinton that Donald Trump would have been indicted if he weren't president, Giuliani hit back in a Wednesday tweet - writing: "I encourage Hillary to get very involved in the 2020 election. She blew the last one for the Dems," adding "She is working on a book called “How To Obstruct And Go Free.” And the sequel will be “How My Husband Escaped” a perjury conviction.From America’s number one crime family."

    House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan demands answers over Democrats' secret meetings about Trump-focused probes

    Very interesting exchange between Graham and Hannity tonight...
    SH: "It might be a lot earlier than the date we were told, which was July 31st..."
    LG: "A LOT earlier."
    Graham's facial expression speaks volumes.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:40 am

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D4-GL0sW0AAKc-S

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D48mJ7DX4AA8gyi

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D4-SgaRWkAAoPK1

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D4-S2FhXoAAT0wu


    Apr 25 2019


    25 Apr 2019 - 9:20:28 PM
    Why would a President of the United States [HUSSEIN] assign 'RENEGADE' as his USSS codename?

    Define 'Renegade'.

    1. a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
    synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer;
    adjective: renegade

    1. having treacherously changed allegiance.


    Cross Ref Q time stamp 8:11:38

    Q 811

    Black Hats Should be Scared

    22 Feb 2018 - 9:18:09 PM

    22 Feb 2018 - 9:13:11 PM
    How do you break up something this big?
    What happens if low/mid/senior (non corrupt) Patriots learn they were sold out?
    What happens?
    Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots?
    Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection?


    For those watching, this should scare you.
    It’s the POWER you depend on to survive.
    Money is worthless w/o those in power serving you.
    WH / Military / Patriots.
    Ready to play?


    AND Q 838


    4 Mar 2018 - 1:24:16 AM

    Now, we we cross reference the last posts' time stamp of 9:20:28. we get:

    Q 920

    Twitter in Receivership Stringer

    10 Mar 2018 - 2:09:03 PM
    POTUS Made Deal with Kim in Nov, 2017

    10 Mar 2018 - 2:05:58 PM
    You are learning.
    How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?
    Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.

    Another coincidence @Snowden Tweets after the ‘24 Twitter’ requirement?
    Public view.
    You have more than you know.

    and 928, which also give us 929 as well:

    Angela Merkel Daughter of Hitler #928

    10 Mar 2018 - 4:39:16 PM
    Angela Merkel Daughter of Hitler

    10 Mar 2018 - 4:35:34 PM
    Angela Dorothea Kasner.
    Daughter of a Pastor?
    Name of FATHER?
    History of FATHER?
    Hitler youth (member).
    Haircut today vs THEN (A).
    US Intelligence post war controlled who?
    The ‘Mission’
    Who is Angela Hitler?
    Relationship to Adolf?
    How were children named in Germany during this period?
    First or middle.
    Family tree.
    Risk of ‘conspiracy’ label the deeper we go.
    Truth will shock the WORLD.

    Relevant to coming events.
    Future will PROVE past.

    Renegade = Obama's self assigned USSS code name
    Universal Law = they have to state in advance their intentions, our free will choice to see/hear or not.
    We have chosen Wink
    Scale irreversibly tipped in favour of Light


    go to and type in Renegade, that's a very deep rabbit hole.

    Remember SCIF?

    Former President's (Obama) Can Still Arrange Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities

    21 Feb 2019 - 11:27:56 AM

    What is the process to enter a SCIF?
    What security level must exist in order to gain entry?
    Can non-security-level person(s) be invited to participate?
    Do logs exist for each designated meeting?
    Do logs record time in/time out/who in/who out?
    Ability to enter (arrange) w/o paper trail?

    :RT Jan 29 2018 - IDEN [not for anons]
    IDEN Jan 29 2018 & run back 1-2 [not for anons]
    SCIF logs can be 'very' revealing.

    Define 'Renegade'.
    1. a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
    synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer

    SCIF = Secret Compartmentalized Information Facility!

    Joe Digenova States [4] FBI Contractors Were Illegally Spying (Q Proof)

    24 Apr 2019 - 11:58:06 PM

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 Dz45ZVOXQAAM-rL

    Q is saying that there were unauthorized people looking at the Nunes Memo in the SCIF--they were being watched; it is known who they are: members of the house and senate but also 2 former members of the Obama administration and 4 outside contractors

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 Dz5J5kfW0AUKrCU

    What does [DC-CAP] refer to? (DC Capital Building)
    This is why we are here.
    Good find, Anons.
    [4] Contractors?
    Joe D. stated tonight?
    Nothing to see here.

    So, what was Joe D really telling us last night, let's break it down.


    That there were 4 contractors approved by BO that had ZERO TS/SCI clearances, yet they collected unfettered ACCESS to TOP SECRET/SECRET CONPARTMENTALIZED INFORMATION from as far back as 2012! Plus there were at least (7) Congressman, [3] Senators, and + [2] former O senior officials, and of course, again, the [4] contractors...

    Chief Justice for the FISC has already sent his findings back to Dept. of Justice recommending indictment.

    Took down a Federal Judge is Massachusetts 4/25/19



    Apr 25 2019 20:11:38 (EST)
    How the Obama White House engaged Ukraine to give Russia collusion narrative an early boost


    Apr 24 2019


    I SPY
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 BDLo_HQCIAA9YKG

    Will this age well?


    Stay tuned.


    Apr 24 2019 22:58:06 (EST)
    D4-CcO-WAAAk1WN.jpg-large.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 1b4e0e22e736b5178949de32a641de9d06495dd68aa60d30d2e3845c2efdb4be

    This is why we are here.

    Good find, Anons.
    [4] Contractors?
    Joe D. stated tonight?

    Nothing to see here.



    These are the kind of Q proofs that are almost eerie. Today Joe D. tells the world about "4 FBI contractors" spying for 4 years prior to 2016.

    This Q drop is from Jan of 2018.
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D4-GdDjVUAAUf2F

    You attack those you fear the most.
    Nothing can stop what is coming.



    Listen very carefully to statements made by Joe D.
    It's happening.


    Michael S. Rogers.


    Listen very carefully to statements made by Joe D.
    It's happening.


    6E7E8257-6B02-4EC7-9547-058AEFA34D3A.png ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 2c7bdab59f3fa9b802a0eb1aaf0efec8625aec237fca93e6a4fdadd01d1f0287



    Apr 24 2019 21:41:21 (EST)

    Listen very carefully to statements made by Joe D.
    It's happening.


    Apr 19 2019


    [Pg 11] Previously CLAS 'scope' > [RR] to [MUELLER]

    The scope memo [highlighted w/in Mueller report] confirms the 'dossier' was the 'tool' used by [RR] to justify SC and was the primary 'vehicle' to which [RR] tasked MUELLER.

    If the dossier was known to be unverified and fake, how then was an investigation started to begin with?

    At what point did MUELLER determine there was no collusion?

    [18-months ago?]

    Was the investigation kept ongoing as a 'talking point' to rig the midterm elections?

    Was the investigation kept ongoing to retain the 'BLOCKADE' to essentially restrict POTUS from unmasking and informing the public as to the TRUTH about what really happened?

    Was the investigation kept ongoing to PROTECT THOSE WHO 'KNOWINGLY' COMMITTED TREASON/SEDITION?



    Apr 18 2019


    Rod's departure next?


    Fake investigations by committee members will not delay what is about to be unleashed.



    Apr 18 2019 14:47:48 (EST)
    LBP.PNG ⬇ (Long Beach Pier)
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 C23625be38db498c30e114e29c3d5b67b1f570078fba27f7f924ffd4c00fd2ac
    1st & 10 on the 40.

    Apr 11 2019


    If we are merely a LARP asking questions on the Chans, why are we being attacked daily by some of the world's biggest media co's, social media co's deliberately applying censorship/banning, shills paid/inserted to disrupt (media matters), blue checkmark coordinated attacks, etc.?

    All for a 'conspiracy' on the Chans?

    All for a 'LARP'?

    Why is there a constant flow of disinformation being pushed re: Q?


    Disinformation push re: Mueller is a white hat.

    FAKE & FALSE narrative.

    Think BLOCKADE.

    When you can't attack the information directly, you attack the source, if that fails, you 'create false misleading information' to discredit knowing 'select' 'unaware' followers would not take the time to self-corroborate the claims (same vehicle/tactics used by FAKE NEWS media).

    Logical thinking always wins.

    Nothing can stop what is coming.

    As the target(s) turn to the other side, the attacks will intensify.

    We have the source.


    Apr 10 2019


    Apr 10 2019 11:59:08 (EST)

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D4-NfArXsAEPqmY

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D4-JRIpUEAAI72s

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D5DSgeJUYAEefwF

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 DX2eBF6UQAI-HQN
    He will have to admit he fooled America and was an illigitimate president in order
    to get out of the noose, even though there are NO DEALS!! #QAnon

    Last edited by Carol on Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:14 am; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:18 am

    SerialBrain2 DECODED MESSAGE
    The Truth about Notre Dame may surprise you.

    To know the truth about the Notre Dame fire, we first need to go through the cathedral’s history and understand the current political context in France. Don’t worry, it won’t be school-boring and you’ll get a cool free tour of Paris.

    Ready? Allons-y!

    The current political context: the following image sums it all: Img1 It is well known Macron is a product of the Rothschild Cabal and his election number 66.06% was them clarifying that even if they lost the US with Trump’s election, they still had their grip over France and most of Europe. Listen to how his former Rothschild Director contemptuously talks about him: video and how his masters terrorize him and humiliate him at dinners like this one on Feb 20 2019: video.


    The construction of Notre-Dame began between March 24 and April 25 1163 with the laying of the cornerstone in the presence of King Louis VII and Pope Alexander III.

    In this article, we learn about Biscornet’s story. We are in the 1300’s and the cathedral is almost completed. Biscornet was given the herculean task of producing the doors and it is rumored he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for his assistance in the production of a piece that contemporary artists consider to be a technical feat. When he completed his job, he was found dead and the doors mysteriously remained closed despite multiple efforts. They finally opened when they were sprinkled with holy water. Okay... If this story is true, kudos to Satan for signing his name on a door that millions of Catholics would go through to pray...

    If it’s not true, you still have these beautiful pieces to ponder upon: Img2

    During the 1789 French Revolution a mob of angry democrats looted Notre Dame and decapitated the twenty-eight statues of the Kings of Judah located at the west façade. History books will tell you they mistook them for statues of French kings. Of course, as a Q researcher, you know the French Revolution was a masonic project that weaponized peasants to overthrow the King, crush the Church and kick it out of schools, empower the Tiers Etat and get the French bourgeoisie to rule. Have you ever asked yourself if Democracy was divinely inspired? Did you notice when Israel needed leaders after Moses, they were not advised by God to vote but were given Saul as their king? When Christ comes back, isn’t it obvious voting him in will not make sense since we all accept he has a divine right to rule the world as the Messiah? Now you know why it’s critical for our enemies to sell us his bloodline is interrupted, why those from this bloodline live in secrecy, why State and Government are promoted almost like divinities and why freemasons decapitated these Kings of Judah statues and never tried to restore them. Quite the contrary, they proudly display what they consider to be trophies at the Cluny Museum: Img3

    Q354 Therefore, they openly showcase their symbolism.

    Just to make sure everybody understood there was a new sheriff in town, the freemasons rededicated the cathedral in 1793 to the Cult of Reason, a state sponsored atheistic religion intended as a replacement for Roman Catholicism, and later to Robespierre’s deist Cult of the Supreme Being.

    In July 1801, the new ruler Napoleon Bonaparte restored the Cathedral to the church. Because he was cool? No: because he wanted the Pope to validate his coronation and that of his wife Josephine as Emperor and Empress of France, which Pope Pius VII reluctantly did on December 2, 1804. video.

    In 1844, King Louis Philippe ordered the restoration of the Cathedral. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was one of the two architects supervising the restoration and he took this opportunity to add the sculpture of very creepy creatures in the Galerie des Chimères and to replace the statue of Saint Thomas with a statue of himself! With this move, he entered the group of the 12 biblical apostles represented on the spire of the cathedral but with a twist: the other eleven statues are facing Paris when he is the only one facing the cathedral.
    As you can see, this place which was supposed to be devoted to worshipping the Father has gone through a lot... layer after layer... darkness after darkness.

    Now fast forward to 2017. In this article, we learn how Notre Dame is in desperate need for repairs and how a charity is seeking to raise $120 million for that purpose. The $2.4 million budget the French State allocates to the cathedral yearly is not enough to finance these repairs.

    Now let’s see what happened 5 days before the fire: video. Again, they beheaded the Apostles! Did you hear the reason given this time by the engineer in charge? He said he’s going to restore them and that he needed to know the internal structure! He should have asked any 11th grade student. Supposing he does not know there is a science called chemistry, he could have cut the base or a finger but no: he needed the head. You know what’s going on right? Yes: they applied the same fate as the one applied to the statues of the Kings of Judah during the 1789 French masonic revolution.

    Let’s recap: 5 days before the fire, Notre Dame needed money, all the Kings of Judah were out, beheaded and stored in the Cluny Museum, all the 11+1 Apostles were also out, beheaded and stored somewhere, all the demonic statues remained on site.
    Next? We look at their satanic calendar to know if this place was not being prepped for a satanic ceremony. We go through this list and BINGO! We discover Easter Eve Day is celebrated by Satanists with adult human sacrifices.

    So based on this calendar and these clues, something should have happened there around April 21 2019. Nothing happened. Instead, the fire took place on April 15 AND: nearly 300 people were killed in Sri Lanka on April 21 2019.

    Do you see it?
    The cathedral was being prepared for a secret mass sacrifice but the premature fire stopped their plan. Sri Lanka was their plan B.

    How do I know?
    First, you noticed Notre Dame was a cathedral and a touristic destination right? Well, this is why in plan B they translated the cathedral to multiple churches and met the touristic requirement by targeting hotels. Coincidence?

    Second, I told you in this post in this image about the number 74=A SACRIFICE and how the Maestro coded it in his tweet relative to 9/11. Now let’s calculate the number of days between 9/11 and the day of the Notre Dame fire. Img4 We find 17 Years, 7 Months and 4 Days. This 7 and 4 stands for 74=A SACRIFICE and 17 stands for Q! We are told the fire at Notre Dame is the White Hats’ response for the 9/11 attacks! The White Hats had the intel they were preparing another satanic sacrifice for Easter Eve and they stopped it by advancing the date of the fire!

    If things had worked the way they planned, it would have been a political masterpiece: Macron’s speech on the controversial French National Debate in the evening of April 15, media coverage and political reactions on April 16 and April 17 and yellow vest protest against the speech on April 20 overshadowed by the Notre Dame fire that would have happened sometime between April 20 and April 21. You get the political gain, the satanic sacrifice and more renovation money than you could have ever dreamed of.
    Now, is it me just speculating and selling you a plausible story with these coincidences? You know I have more than that. Of course, I got the confirmation from the Maestro!

    It’s all coded in his April 17 tweets.
    Img5 The first tweet of the day refers to 11 payments. Now look at the last capital letter before this number 11: it’s the I from FBI. Value for I? Yes: 9 and here is your 9/11! Coincidence? Go through the highlighted lines and read the decoded message.
    Here are the other tweets with their respective decoded messages: Img6 – Img7 – Img8 – Img9 – Img10

    Peruvian Coffee for those who noticed in the last image that the capital letters adding up to 86=NEPHILIM were also solved with ADAM LEVINE=86 because of Mark Levin’s last name! Adam Levin is an artist and his real name is Adam Noah Levine. Noah? Nephilim? Coincidence? No, if we notice he’s a coach on NBC’s show The Voice, we deduce what the Maestro is telling us about their cult and rituals: they use vibrations to open portals and import dark spirits in our realm. Read the decoded message: Img11
    Songs? Music? Vibrations? Voice? What are the odds Michel Obama tweeted this 3 days after the fire: link? What are the odds she was in Paris the day of the fire? And why does the version of how she learned about the fire change: Driver version – Boat version. What are the odds the 5 capital letters of her tweet about Beyonce add up to 66=MOLOCH? Why the subtitles? Yes: the 19 capital letters. What are the odds they add up to 161, Jewish value for MOLOCH?

    Q153 Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch? Check later for Part2.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13473
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Apr 25, 2019 9:10 pm

    Carol, I'm trying to go-incognito today (for the rest of 2019) but on my way out the door, I noticed this upsetting video, and I thought I'd share the joy. Politics and Religion seem to be a Cesspool and/or Bottomless-Pit. You are painfully aware that I've tried to create a Potpourri of Religious and Political Science-Fiction on this website, but I wish I hadn't. Thank-you for your accommodation and patience throughout the years. At this point, I believe, but I don't know what I believe, and that's the inconvenient-truth. This video involves the Third-Temple, Kabbalists, Zionists, Donald Trump, Jared, Ivanka, and Jim Bakker!! Enjoy!! See you in 2020 (maybe)!! Namaste and Godspeed!!


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    Post  Carol Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:23 am

    What you can believe in Oxy is yourself and your experience. We love your posts and how you challenge the matrix - and appreciate how far down the rabbit hole you've been willing to dive down. Your science fiction stories has numerous elements of truth mix in which makes it so fascinating. And you offer up multiple perspectives in which our world-view continues to expand, similar to concentric circles ever widening to include as much as possible. We appreciate you and what you have to offer so feel free to share whenever it suits you.

    Last edited by Carol on Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Apr 26, 2019 1:57 pm


    Thank-You Carol!
    The Karen

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    Post  Carol Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:12 pm
    Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.26.19

    Q's posts on Yemen

    "Yemen is strategically important for two reasons. First, there are oil pipelines that crisscross the country and that connect to major pipeline networks in Saudi Arabia. Secondly, it is situated in a geographically significant location. It has access to the Bab el Mandeb (the Gate of Tears), the strait which links the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden."

    Yemen is a controlled British territory

    Do all roads lead to Saudi Arabia?
    Muslim brotherhood, Clinton Foundation, Barack Obama, Huma Abadien, Alwaleed, Saudi Arabia...

    How do the Globalists turn the world into a Global New World Order?
    Do they send millions of fighting age Muslim men into other countries?
    Do they seek to destroy each of these countries Sovereignty by taking it down from the inside?
    A global spiritual war?

    Saudi Arabia (SA) Critically Important
    6 Nov 2017 - 4:52:24 PM
    Why were the acts that recently occurred in SA so critically important?
    What US assets are in place in/near SA?
    What assurances were made to protect the Kingdom?
    Who shot down the missile from Yemen?
    POTUS declassify_speech_Jap_11_5
    Was it really from Yemen?
    How do we know?
    Why is this relevant?
    Who are the puppets?
    Who are the puppet masters?
    Who pulls the strings?
    What provides power?
    What if US elections can be rigged?
    How are JFK, Reagan, and Trump different from the rest?
    Why did JFK surround himself w/ family much like POTUS?
    What if it was bought and paid for?
    How would this be possible?
    Why are there no voting ID laws in place?
    What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh.
    What is the argument for not allowing voter ID laws to be enacted?
    Why are immigrants important? (MB)(Votes)(Attacks)
    Why are illegals important? (MS13)(Votes)(187)
    Why is open border important?
    What did BO say on the campaign trail last year to illegals within the US?
    What did BO encourage?
    Was this illegal?
    Who owns sizeable stakes in voter machine co’s?
    Who decides what voter machines are used in elections?
    Why are some ‘important’ counties still manually/hand counted?
    God save us.

    Rothschild Banks (Continued)

    11 Nov 2017 - 11:32:49 PM
    Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
    Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
    Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
    Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
    Poland: National Bank of Poland
    Portugal: Bank of Portugal
    Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
    Romania: National Bank of Romania
    Russia: Central Bank of Russia
    Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
    San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
    Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
    Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
    Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
    Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
    Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
    Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
    Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
    Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
    Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
    Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
    South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
    Spain: Bank of Spain
    Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
    Sudan: Bank of Sudan
    Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
    Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
    Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
    Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
    Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
    Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
    Thailand: Bank of Thailand
    Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
    Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
    Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
    Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
    Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
    Uganda: Bank of Uganda
    Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
    United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
    United Kingdom: Bank of England
    United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
    Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
    Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
    Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
    Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
    Zambia: Bank of Zambia
    Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
    The FED and the IRS
    FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.

    Worldwide Human Trafficking/children, Drugs, Money Laundry, Cash Contraband Lanes Shutdown

    15 Aug 2018 - 2:52:15 PM

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:40 pm
    ‘Hannity’ Exclusive: Trump says tables have turned in Russia probe

    President Trump on Hannity last night - President Trump: 'Yes, everything is going to be declassified and more, much more than what you just mentioned. It will ALL be declassified and I'm glad I waited. Because I thought maybe they would obstruct if I did it early, and I think I was right. So I'm glad I waited, and now the Attorney General can take a look, a very strong look, at whatever it is. But it will be declassified, and more than what you just mentioned...'

    Check out @annvandersteel’s Tweet:
    [CB] Slowing Growth Narrative Falls Apart, The Economic Plan Is Working- Episode 1852a

    Report date: 04.26.2019

    Theresa May realizes that her plan will not pass, so she decided to abandon plans for an early vote. The economy grew by 3.2%, of course this is manipulated by the magic wand, remember when they were trying to make believe that 1% was going to be the new normal under [BO]. Global growth is slowing but its not because of tariffs, this happened during the financial crisis and the US had no tariffs. XI promised to go after corruption and make economic policies more transparent.Kudlow is guessing that the Fed will lower rates. Trump is ready to take over the Fed, why because the people need to take back control.
    Trump Ready To Declassify It All, The Manchurian Candidate Will Be Exposed - Episode 1852b

    Report date: 04.26.2019

    Since the Mueller report was released Concord Management is pursuing legal matters against Mueller. [RR] admits that the FBI was leaking to the MSM. Trump uses the word overthrow and attempted coup when talking about the BO administration. Trump backs out the ARMS treaty, we will not ratify. Q drops more bread, points the finger at the Manchurian candidate, he is about to be exposed.
    Sovereignty was a main course today, by DJT at NRA...  
    Trump tells NRA he's pulling US from arms treaty

    President Trump on Friday announced he is withdrawing U.S. support for an international arms-trade treaty, the administration’s latest move to distance the country from global agreements and institutions.

    Trump to receive immigration plan favoring high skills over family ties, Kushner says

    Rosenstein slams Obama administration for choosing ‘not to publicize full story’ of Russia hacking

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:43 am
    Praying Medic: Qanon April 26 2019 - I Spy

    Published on Apr 26, 2019
    Q highlights comments by Joe DiGenova and John Solomon that point to the prosecution of corrupt people.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:25 pm
    - details of Q information
    Bill Marshall: Top FBI Official Admits Under Oath
    That Obama White House Hid 49k Illicit Clinton Emails
    Shocking Use of FISA by Obama's FBI to Spy on Trump Campaign
    - Exclusive with Tony Shaffer


    Apr 27 2019


    Apr 27 2019 14:13:33 (EST)
    BREAKING: FBI Texts Show Agents Discussed Recruiting White House Sources To Spy For Bureau
    Senior Republican chairmen submitted a letter Thursday to Department of Justice Attorney General William Barr revealing new texts from former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok to his paramour FBI Attorney Lisa Page showing the pair had discussed attempts to recruit sources within the White House to allegedly spy on the Trump administration.

    Chain of Command
    Chain of Custody

    PENCE' CoS + Wife

    FBI 302's
    FISA (spy) > Flynn

    Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN?



    Apr 27 2019 13:44:56 (EST)
    Fast Forward 1 Year.
    Adam Schiff, Glenn Simpson and their Forrest Gump-like encounter in Aspen

    Photographs taken at the prestigious Aspen security conference last July show Schiff meeting at the event with Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson, one of the key and most controversial figures in the Russia collusion scandal. Both men insisted to me through spokesmen that they met only briefly last July. At the time of the encounter, Simpson was an important witness in the House Intelligence Committee probe who had given sworn testimony about alleged, but still unproven, collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Simpson ran the firm hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic Party to find dirt on Trump in Moscow. He employed retired British intelligence operative Christopher Steele, whose infamous and unverified dossier became the main evidence for the FBI’s probe of the Trump campaign, particularly the surveillance warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. And by the time of the meeting, the House Intelligence Committee had already received evidence from a senior Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, that called into question Simpson’s testimony to lawmakers.

    Rewind 1 Year.
    Bigger story yet to be discovered.
    Leak investigations go both ways [R + D].
    A House needs to be constantly cleaned.



    Apr 27 2019 13:27:08 (EST)
    23ceb48bc3b4ea850d29b94c309e6f09.jpg ⬇
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 2a97dc939be4c1617c6670eba5f6bbf1f3b4904b91265e2d6bf96d0e4cf289cd

    Declass is coming!

    DECLAS pre or post IG report?
    [Comey]  pre or post IG report?
    C comes before D. (Comey before DECLAS)



    Apr 27 2019 13:25:06 (EST)
    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 2031

    Hannigan only took over at the UK’s surveillance agency in November 2014 to oversee a more open approach after revelations by the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden put GCHQ on the defensive in 2013. His sudden resignation – he informed staff just hours before making this decision public – prompted speculation that it might be related to British concerns over shared intelligence with the US in the wake of Donald Trump becoming president.

    Soon To Be A HouseHold Name.


    Apr 27 2019 13:19:55 (EST)
    Truth, Transparency, and Equal Justice Under the Law.
    United We Stand.
    We, The People.


    House Approves Resolution Demanding DOJ/FBI Docs
    Nation Sara Carter -  June 26, 2018

    The House Judiciary Committee approved for the first time a resolution Tuesday demanding that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein turn over all requested documents regarding the FBI’s handling of the Russia investigation during the presidential election...

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:27 pm

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 Mike-pence-inaug

    Vice-President Mike Pence:
    “This is an outrage” On Claims of FBI Considering Seeding Spies to His Staff…

    Can’t make this stuff up folks…. as if on cue.

    Vice President Mike Pence responds to Senator Grassley and Senator Johnson’s speculation that FBI agents wanted to use Pence’s chief of staff to infiltrate President-elect Trump’s transition team in 2016:

    “I was deeply offended to learn that two disgraced FBI agents considered infiltrating our transition team by sending a counter intelligence agent to one of my very first intelligence briefings only 9 days after the election,” Pence said in a statement to Axios. “This is an outrage and only underscores why we need to get to the bottom of how this investigation started in the first place.”

    “The American people have a right to what happened and if these two agents broke the law and ignored long-standing DOJ policies, they must be held accountable.”

    Rosenstein Slams Obama, "Selective Leaking" Of Classified Information                                                 

    Robert Steele: Notre Dame Cathedral Burning a False Flag, with Complicity of the
    Pope, Organized by Macron, Merkel, and May, Each a Satanist. 2019/04/16 organized-by-macron-merkel-and-may-each-a-satanist/#more-140191

    Last edited by Carol on Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:30 am
    SerialBrain2: Michelle Obama in Paris during the Notre Dame fire: connection to Sri Lanka attacks
    1AM | Sean Hannity 4/28/19 | Fox News Today April 28, 2019
    2AM | The Ingraham Angle 4/28/19 | Laura Ingraham Fox News April 28, 2019
    Kevin Shipp – Arm Yourself, Dark Left Violence is Coming

    "I expect the court and Justice Roberts to ask questions of the DOJ and FBI, 'did you mislead us?'" @LindseyGrahamSC #Spygate

    Remember this?

    Nothing to See Here

    19 Aug 2018 - 3:05:47 PM

    Define 'Subversion'.

    The act of subverting : the state of being subverted; especially : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within?


    "The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons."
    "I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.


    January 1, 2019
    "Sec. 12.  In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law."

    + FBI personnel removal
    + DOJ personnel removal
    + C_A personnel removal
    + State personnel removal
    + WH personnel removal
    + House personnel removal
    + Senate personnel removal
    + Chair/CEO/VP removal
    + MIL budget (largest in our history).
    + MIL presence around POTUS
    + 45,000 sealed indictments

    Nothing to See Here.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:19 am
    The [CB] Restructuring Is Now Taking Shape - Episode 1853a

    Report date: 04.28.2019

    The US debt problem is getting worse and the new FICO scores are making it all a lot riskier. Charge offs are on the rise and the credit card debt level is rising. India is now accumulating tons of gold just like Russia and China, they are considering making gold a mandatory financial asset. There is now a call to change the Fed mandate from a dual to a single mandate. Trump is maneuvering to place a gold bug into the fed to push the gold standard.
    Coded Message Sent, Newly Discovered Evidence Will Be Made Public - Episode 1853b

    Report date: 04.28.2019

    Biden continually pushes how there is no scandal during Obama's Presidency, this is about to change. GP says that Trump contacted the Italian PM once Mifsud was located. Florida pushes new bill to make sanctuary cities illegal. [DS] tried to push another event. Q drops more bread, Comey tweets another message.
    SerialBrain2: Michelle Obama in Paris during the Notre Dame fire: connection to Sri Lanka attacks
    SB2's material. Really well done and easy to watch.

    Published on Apr 27, 2019

    Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says, “The danger for ‘We the People’ is the Dark Left and Dark Left violence.  As these indictments begin to come out, and as the players are called out, the violence on what I call the Dark Left, the violence is going to increase to the point where it’s going to be very, very bad.  There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police. . . . There is going to be a lot of violence coming from the Left in the next year or two.  This is one of the reasons you need to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights . . . because of what the Left is going to do with these findings and what is going to be the death knell for the Democrat Party and the death knell for taking over our Constitution and culture.  They will exponentially bring up their violence, and Americans need to arm themselves and protect themselves against that.”

    Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp, founder of the popular website

    Bill Maher mocks Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff (CA) over his obsession with President Donald Trump and Russia: “But this was our big gun. Now it just looks like you’re stalking him”

    NEW Org chart focused on the State Department under Obama

    State's role is often under-discussed when talking about #spygate

    A full 7 of Nunes' 42 names were from State

    PDF here:

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 D5JDqtiUUAA1ijE
    TRUMP TURNS THE TABLES #Renegade44 #EnterBarr
    #ClintonComeyStrjokPage #GetReady4Gitmo

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:08 am

    Ben Fulford 4-29-19
    Attempts to start Muslim/Christian warfare backfire on Zionists

    The recent massacre of Sri Lankan Christians plus attacks on churches and mosques have turned into a fatal mistake for the Zionists, multiple sources confirm. In reaction, the U.S. Department of Defense is handling background checks to root out Israeli dual citizens, agents, assets, and sayanim (Hebrew for “helpers”), Pentagon sources say.

    Arab and Iranian TV broadcasts throughout the Muslim world have quoted this writer and others as saying ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. “Almost all Arabs think ISIS is created by Israel and regional governments,” one prominent Arabian TV personality confirmed. This means that when “ISIS” claimed responsibility for various recent attacks, the satanic Israeli regime of Benjamin Netanyahu committed international suicide and lost all regional support, especially among Jews (as opposed to satanists pretending to be Jews).

    Pentagon sources say “The Jew York Times” was forced to publish the following editorial cartoon:

    “The NYT International Edition and German dachshund is another dog whistle to Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world after Sri Lanka that Zionism=terrorism,” the Pentagon sources explain. The sources added, “Trump is not so blind,” and “any Trump outrage is just kabuki theater, as the military intelligence community, patriots, and Europe post-Notre Dame have had it with Israel.”

    “Anti-Zionism is now mainstream, as Ilhan Omar, the Democrats, and The New York Times normalize the conversation,” the sources say. As a part of the attack on Zionists, “the Department of Justice may prosecute Chicago Jewish billionaire and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker for tax fraud,” the sources add.
    Also, the Mueller Report is going to be followed with an anti-Zionist blitzkrieg, including the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report and FISA declassification,” the sources say. “Trump is apparently saving Israel for last,” they add.

    Speaking of Israel, a U.S. military officer involved in negotiations over the Golan Heights says the Israeli army “is fed up with Bibi [Benjamin Netanyahu] and unable to hold Golan anyway.” The U.S. military is negotiating with the lawyer of the Arab League over the details of the return of the Golan to Syria, he says.

    Israel, Zionism, central banking, and North Korea were also important topics of discussion between representatives of Asian secret societies and the White Dragon Society (WDS) that took place last week. The Asian secret society representative said that a limited war was going to take place soon in... order to “unify the Korean Peninsula.”

    This source also independently confirmed that North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un had brought a U.S. F-35 fighter with him as a gift when he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week. Russia responded by agreeing to support North Korea in its move to reunify the Peninsula, the source said.

    The WDS, for its part, said such a war would need to take place in tandem with a surrender ultimatum to Israel in order to ensure that the situation did not escalate unintentionally into a World War III.

    The Asian society source also noted that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his ruling party would be replaced with a coalition of opposition parties over the coming year or so, as the new Emperor took over. However, the WDS pointed out that the opposition, just like the ruling party, was full of low-IQ nepotistic hacks who would not be able to deal with Japan’s fundamental problems like a shrinking population and plunging living standards.

    The WDS said the Bank of Japan would have to be nationalized and its financial system would have to be reset; otherwise, special forces would step in and remove the entire corrupt Japanese body politic.

    The Asian society source agreed that this would have to take place, after hearing how Singapore’s incredible success was due in large part to the fact that it does not have a central bank.

    In his book From Third World to First, Singapore’s founding father Lee Kuan Yew explains why he determined that “Singapore should not have a central bank that could issue money and create currency.” It was because “We were determined not to allow our currency to lose its value.” Instead, Singapore used “a currency board which only issued Singapore dollars when backed by its equivalent value in foreign exchange (based on a basket)” (pg 72). In other words, Singapore has a currency backed by money earned from selling real stuff to the real world. “Not spending more than we collect in revenue has been a guiding principle,” he explains later (pg 232).
    In the same book, Lee quotes former Finance Minister Lim Kim San as saying, “A central bank is an easy way out for a finance minister who wants to juggle [his figures] when he has a deficit in his budget.”

    What’s interesting is that as Singapore separated from Malaysia, Malaysian Finance Minister Tan Siew Sin said, “If the central bank system is an inferior system, then it is clear that it is a mistake made by every industrialized country of the Western world....” (pg 231).

    Sin sinned and went ahead and created the Malaysian central bank, which is now engulfed in a giant corruption scandal involving the usual suspects like Goldman Sachs and the Rothschilds. Since independence in 1965, the reality-based Singapore dollar has risen 300% against the Malaysian ringgit. Also, having started at an equal level, Singapore’s per capita GDP is now U.S.$58,000 compared to Malaysia’s U.S.$9,900.

    The U.S. dollar, for its part, has lost 84% of its value since it was taken off the gold standard in 1971.

    The real living standard for 90% of Americans also has plunged dramatically since then.

    The widespread appeal of the following Ben Garrison cartoon also shows that the world, like Singapore did long ago, is now waking up to the Zionist central bank Babylonian debt slavery scam. images/iAHofwAbVE4MmqpIx8sIQA_RTntosyljnYme_7Gez3g.jpg?itok=dIYprQHH

    Former mainstream economists and pundits such as David Stockman, Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan, are finally figuring things out. Stockman notes how central banks (including China’s) created $15 trillion “from thin air” since the Lehman crisis of 2008. the-world-economy/

    This $15 trillion sum is the money that was created using fake “gold-backed” bonds forged by Wilfredo Saurin. outright-fraud/

    That money has now run out and new attempts at Zionist forgery are being systematically quashed. Instead, a global financial reset is being prepared, according to sources involved in the planning. However, a senior MI6 official in charge of establishing the quantum financial system says the new system will not just be suddenly announced.

    “The reset doesn’t work like that. It is a change project, so the current system runs in tactical while the new system is developed in strategic. They both then conjoin. It’s a bit like building a new motorway alongside an older road, really,” he says. “The algorithm for deployment also includes the off-ledger assets and the debt reset piece,” he explains. The resulting currency will be a hybrid of existing currencies, he says. This probably explains why world currencies have been moving within a narrow band relative to each other recently.

    The West, especially the U.S., had better hurry up with the reset and it had better be good, because the rest of the world is moving on regardless. The Asian secret society source says Asia has been plowing ahead and building its alternatives to Western-dominated institutions like the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, etc. He noted that a massive construction project was under way in Laos to create the new Asian-centered UN there.

    China’s trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is also gathering so much momentum that soon only the U.S. will be the only country that isn’t part of it.

    Russia’s Putin, speaking at last week’s BRI summit, explained that the U.S. was being isolated by its “growing protectionism, with illegitimate unilateral restrictions imposed bypassing the UN Security Council or, even worse, trade wars.”

    By contrast, Putin noted, “the Great Eurasian Partnership and the Belt and Road concepts are both rooted in the principles and values that everyone understands: the natural aspiration of nations to live in peace and harmony, benefit from free access to the latest scientific achievements and innovative development, while preserving their culture and unique spiritual identity.”

    At its meeting last week with the Asian secret society, the WDS suggested bankrupting the corrupt and now deeply divided Zionist Washington, D.C. political establishment.

    Instead, the Asians could work with the British Commonwealth and the Western military intelligence community to create a future planning agency to work in harmony with the BRI. The Asian representative supported this proposal. An actual and concrete method to make this happen was also proposed, but for reasons of operational security we cannot disclose this to our readers yet.

    To close, we note that the “Jewish” new President of the Ukraine celebrated his victory with a satanic hand sign. pm-president/

    We can guess that many of the satanists are preparing to return to their Khazarian homeland in the Ukraine. The Jews, for their part, are about to liberate Israel and free themselves from millennia of Babylonian slavery.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 38 Empty Re: PART 2 - CONTINUED: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu May 02, 2019 10:22 am
    Trump Has The MSM, [DS] Right Where He Wants Them, Economically - Episode 1856a

    Report date: 05.01.2019

    Mortgage apps are declining at an accelerated rate, the [CB] system is collapsing under the wait of debt. Starting in 2024 the US Government will need to borrow just to pay the interest on the debt. Trump manufacturing wages are increasing since he took office. Gallup survey, people are very happy with the economy. The Fed decided to keep rates steady, this is part of the plan, the Fed is independent or is it.
    [DS] Fear, Hopelessness, Anger, Second Act Begins, Justice - Episode 1856b

    Report date: 05.01.2019

    Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in a UK prison. An anon picks up on what was in RR letter of resignation. The [DS] and the MSM timed the hearing perfectly with Mueller letter and tweets. Meadows says that there are three criminal referrals. Graham, Cruz and other continued to hit the point that nothing was found, and that it was the other side that created this. ES is off the board, financials are released. The coup in Venezuela did not work, Trump points to Cuba. Enjoying the show, get ready for the second act, its coming, justice is coming.

    For decades, the world has been run by a corrupt political system.
    The mainstream media has kept you in the dark about it.

    Q is communicating Trump's plan to remove that corruption.
    Research for yourself.
    Think for yourself.
    Trust yourself.
    Sheep no more.

    Barr is under no obligation to release any of the Mueller report.
    He released the full report anyway.

    Joe M
    Joe M Retweeted Eric Holder

    An easy way to tell what feet will soon dangle in the damp Cuban twilight: look for anyone making baseless accusations against the highest ranking enforcer of justice in the land. They are nothing but caged animals throwing their own turds to try stop what's coming. #PAIN
    Patriot Intel Report 05 02 19

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:56 pm