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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System


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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Empty Re: Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon May 16, 2011 10:28 am

    1. Consider the Psychological, Ethical, Religious, and Political Implications and Ramifications of the Teachings of Jesus, the U.S. Constitution, the Latin Mass, and Sacred Classical Music (Including Improvisation and Gregorian Chant).

    2. Consider the Psychological, Ethical, Religious, and Political Implications and Ramifications of a Vatican-Based Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System.

    The first option includes specific historical items - while the second is more general, and is based upon principles and concepts. I think it is extremely important to study this subject from the perspective of both options - and to study them separately and together. Also, repetition is highly useful in gleaning all of the gems hidden within these few words. It is easy to just read options one and two - and then forget them - and turn to the 'experts' for answers. Once again, consider reading 'The Desire of Ages' by Ellen White, 'The Keys of This Blood' by Malachi Martin, and 'The Federalist Papers' - while listening to Latin Masses, Gregorian Chants, and Sacred Classical Music. This is also deceptively simple and anti-intellectual sounding - but this is a very deep study - and I didn't just pull all of the above out of an anatomical black hole. This isn't just the idle chit-chat of a completely ignorant fool.

    I really like studying all of the new material on the internet (even though it's hard on the nerves), but I think we need some historical structure to all of this - and the best aspects of the church can help us to achieve lasting gains for humanity. I have chosen to attempt to sort out the madness - by looking at everything from the context of the Roman Catholic Church - despite the historical and theological problems. I am both a friend and an enemy of the church. I continue to think that the top people in the Roman Catholic Church know more about what's really going on than just about anyone in the solar system - but I don't follow them, because there is only so much that they can say without losing their jobs - or worse. Once again, I am a Protestant Catholic New-Age Agnostic! I'm so gonna burn.

    I wish I had the resources to hire a dream-team of Philadelphia Lawyers to make a detailed and convincing case for and against all of the above. Then I would love to watch them fight it out in Moot-Court. Wouldn't that be cool? I'm sure they would unearth pros and cons that I never dreamed existed. Then I'd like to see a small country or island adopt the hypothetical religious and political system - and observe it in action for a decade - and possibly use it as a model for implementation on a larger scale. Once again, THIS IS A TEST. THIS IS ONLY A TEST. Someone please talk to me about all of this. Is there a small country out there which would be willing to try this?? I really don't know if it would work - especially long-term. The world is changing so quickly, and there are so many problems, that perhaps nothing will really be satisfactory. I really wish to positively reinforce the best of the past, as we move into a Brave New Solar System. The Weapons of Mass Destruction REALLY worry me. I suspect that presently they might be in the worst of hands. We need to somehow get the WMD situation under control - so that they would be in the best of hands - and only be used to defend the solar system from hostile invaders - rather than using the WMD's to exterminate ourselves. Using them on ourselves would be the epitome of stupidity - don't you agree??

    I keep wondering what Russia and China would think about this sort of thing. If they had a prominent seat at the table - and were not dictated to - would they be receptive to maximizing Responsible Freedom - while minimizing Church and State? Again, the goal would be to maximize political and religious freedom within the member states. I am sorry to keep repeating a lot of things over and over again - with various applications - but this is really the only way that I can properly do a conceptual study - especially when I am mostly going solo - with a galactic masturbation of the mind. I really could use some help with this. How rich, corrupt, and ruthless would I have to be - before I would be taken seriously, and given at least a tiny bit of respect? Just using common-sense and logic - in a nice and polite manner - really doesn't seem to work in this solar system - does it????

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon May 16, 2011 4:29 pm; edited 7 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon May 16, 2011 2:54 pm

    Just another note to the Powers That Be - Human or Otherwise - Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial:

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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Empty Re: Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon May 16, 2011 4:44 pm

    Wouldn't it be cool if there were someone who could really make the bad-guys tremble - but who would never be a threat to the good-guys, or to the rank and file members of society? What would a Pope and/or President look and act like in a Vatican-Based Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System? I just think that the current governmental systems are HIGHLY corruptible - and that it's almost impossible to be a really good guy or gal at the highest levels of governance - in both secular and sacred settings. That haunting image of Pope Pius XII is both attractive and repulsive to me. If he were emerging from a meeting where he had just read the riot-act to the Nazis, and had told them NOT to go to war, or to harm anyone in any way, shape, or form - THAT would be cool - wouldn't it??? But if there were some sort of diabolical and corrupt collusion in the works - that would be reprehensible - wouldn't it??? I would LOVE to talk to the most knowledgeable individual in the solar system - regarding what REALLY went on between Eugenio Pacelli and Adolph Hitler!! I would also like to know what part Gizeh Intelligence played in all of this. I wonder if Pope Pius XII visited any Underground Bases??!! I tend to think that he was under more pressure than anyone could possibly imagine. I'm not sure exactly why I think that might've been the case. What reincarnational parts did Isis, Ra, and Horus play in the first half of the twentieth-century?? We might be surprised!! Osiris seems to be absent throughout most of recorded history. Just my impression. I should stop...
    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 PiusXIINamaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 He162_Salamander_productionNamaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 F-6-8-25-CLOFTING-IMG_0539-2

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue May 17, 2011 9:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Empty Re: Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 17, 2011 12:16 am

    I continue to be very afraid of the dangerous state of the world, and possibly the dangerous state of the universe. I am terrified by who I might've been, and what I might've done - reincarnationally. I feel quite desperate because of my not seeming to fit-in anywhere on this planet - and because of the lack of interest in my research and ideas over the past couple of years. I am very, very nervous that I might've gotten key elements wrong in my threads in 'Avalon 1' and 'The Mists of Avalon'. I sometimes get the feeling that the only ones who might take any of this seriously are in underground bases or huge ufo's. Who knows? The most faithful readers of my work might be Dracs and Greys - and I'm not kidding one little bit...

    Posts : 13410
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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Empty Re: Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 17, 2011 12:31 am

    What would the Traditional Latin Mass - combined with the Teachings of Jesus and Sacred Classical Music - and nothing more - yield theologically and liturgically? Isn't the whole Roman Catholic raison d etre supposedly based upon what Jesus taught? So why do we need all of the church councils and excathedra pontifications to supposedly show us the way of salvation? Why aren't the Teachings of Jesus the Rock Upon Which the Church is Built???


    You new age types might think my discussion of religion is a waste of time - but look at how many people in this world practice some form of the Mass. This is something which must be properly dealt with - whether we like it or not. I love cathedrals, cathedral music, ceremony, reverence, reflection, etc. - but I have HUGE problems with the history and theology of the church. The following is a very conservative Roman Catholic view - and it has it's good points and bad points. I can't imagine arguing with whoever wrote the detailed and passionate article. I really don't like to fight with people - so I just keep talking to myself on the internet - hoping that someone might notice my tripe. Hope springs eternal. Why will no one so much as give me the time of day??? Should I just wash my hands - and walk away from this mess??? I'm sick and tired of the bullshit. What would Isis, Osiris, Ra, and Horus say???

    What are Catholics to think of the New Mass?

    The Catholic Church has always first and foremost spoken of the Mass as a "sacrifice." In fact, it is infallible teaching that Christ left a visible Sacrifice to His Church "in which that bloody sacrifice which was once offered on the Cross should be made present." (Council of Trent)

    This doctrine is wonderfully and precisely expressed in the traditional Latin Mass. And down through the centuries the Church closely guarded the text of the Mass to make sure that nothing would find its way into the Missal which compromised this doctrine. She knew that the way you pray shows what you believe. Pope Pius XII expressed this principle in his Encyclical on the Liturgy:

    "The worship she [the Church] offers to God, All Good and Great, is a continuous profession of the Catholic Faith…. In the Sacred Liturgy, we profess the Catholic Faith explicitly and openly."

    The Protestants also knew that the Mass clearly expressed the Church’s doctrine. When they wanted to spread their new and false doctrines, they changed the liturgy. In the 16th century, Luther made Catholics into Protestants by getting Catholics to worship like Protestants. In Roland Bainton’s book on Luther entitled "Here I Stand," we read:

    "Next came the reform of the Liturgy, which touched the common man more intimately because it altered his daily devotions. He was being invited to drink the wine [sic] at the Sacrament, to take the elements into his own hands, to commune without previous confession, to hear the words of institution [consecration] in his own tongue, and to participate extensively in sacred song."

    "Luther laid the theoretical groundwork for the most significant changes. His principle was that the Mass is not a sacrifice…" (p. 156, Mentor ed.)

    Since the early 1960s, Catholics began to notice more and more changes being made in the Mass. Those changes resemble, to a remarkable degree, the changes made by Martin Luther in the 16th century. His motive was to destroy the belief that the Mass is a sacrifice. Is it any wonder, then, that many Catholics - priests and lay people - have lost their faith? Since worship and belief go hand in hand, it is important to find out what the beliefs were which brought about all these changes in worship. To do this we have to speak about the Second Vatican Council.

    Vatican II & Its Reforms

    The Second Vatican Council (October 11, 1962 to December 8, 1965) was called by Pope John XXIII. He said he wanted to "open the windows" of the Church to the modern world. He said he hoped to "update" the Church, make it more relevant to the times, and thus draw more people to the Church. He called the Catholic bishops together so that they could discuss sweeping changes in Catholic worship and discipline. After the death of John XXIII, the work of this Council continued under Paul VI and resulted in many radical changes. Catholics soon found themselves faced with "reforms" in every phase of their religious life.

    Millions of words have been written about these "reforms". Catholics were told time and time again, "the essentials of the faith have not been changed" and that Vatican II brought about a true "renewal" in the Church.

    However, Our Lord said that we can know a tree by its fruit - that a good tree brings forth good fruits and a bad tree brings forth bad fruits. What then have been the fruits of Vatican II? Priests and sisters abandoned their sacred calling by the tens of thousands, once-full seminaries and convents now stand empty or closed, attendance at Mass has dropped dramatically, theologians have called into question or denied nearly every doctrine of the Catholic Faith, and the Church’s teachings on morality are openly denied or carefully ignored by clergy and laity alike.

    Can these fruits be called good fruits? Most Catholics would say no. And, since the fruits are bad, this leads many people to conclude that the tree that produced such fruits, in this case Vatican II, is bad as well.

    The reason the "renewal" of Vatican II produced such disastrous effects is that its spirit was founded on the wrong principles, particularly that of ecumenism. When you get right down to it, ecumenism has come to mean "union at any price". It meant that the hierarchy was ready to compromise and water down the Church’s doctrine and worship in order to achieve unity with non-Catholics and to attract the world to her. It was ecumenism that led to the creation of the "New Mass."

    The New Mass

    The Catholic Church, as we said earlier, always taught that the Mass is, first and foremost, a sacrifice, one which is offered to God to make satisfaction for sin. This teaching, however, has always been rejected by Protestants. Luther, and countless heretics before and after him, taught that it is blasphemous to say that the Mass is a sacrifice offered up for the living and the dead, or that the bread and wine are really and substantially changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. They also taught that the Mass is a simple meal where Christians gather together to commemorate what Christ did at the Last Supper.

    Because of this Protestant teaching, those who promoted ecumenism and unity with non-Catholics at any price set about to purge the Mass of any specific references to the Mass as a sacrifice offered up for the living and the dead, and to blur other Catholic doctrines which Protestants found offensive. A Vatican commission was formed to change the Mass, and among the participants were six Protestants: Dr. George, Canon Jaspar, Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Konneth, Rev. Eugene Brand and Max Thurian. They represented the World Council of Churches, the Anglicans, the Presbyterian Community of Taize, and other Protestant bodies. On June 27, 1967, Bishop (later Cardinal) William Baum told The Detroit News that "they [were] not simply there as observers, but as consultants as well, and they participated fully in the discussions on Catholic liturgical renewal. It wouldn’t mean much if they just listened, but they contributed." The result of the work of this Vatican commission was the introduction of the New Mass in 1969.

    In the document which originally introduced the official text of the New Mass, its authors presented a definition of the Mass which clearly shows that the New Mass is founded on Protestant and ecumenical principles. They call the Mass "the Lord’s Supper" - a term favored by Protestants - and define it as "The sacred assembly, or gathering together of the people of God, with a priest presiding, to celebrate the memorial of the Lord."

    A member of the Vatican commission, Father Luca Brandolini, said of this passage: "It defines it [the New Mass] exactly, beginning with the assembly."

    Martin Luther could have accepted this new definition of the Mass. There is no reference to the Mass as a sacrifice offered unto the remission of sins for the living and the dead, but only to a "memorial of the Lord," nor is there any mention of the Real Presence in this definition. The priest is only called someone who "presides" over an assembly of people, in the same way that a Protestant minister "presides" over a communion service.

    The prayers and ceremonies of the New Mass were brought into line with these ideas. Old prayers and ceremonies were deleted or changed, and new ones were added which represent the Mass as just a "community meal" shared among the faithful. This, of course, led to the introduction of Communion in the hand, another Protestant practice.

    The Protestant nature of this new definition of the Mass was so obvious to many that it was later deleted and replaced with another definition. But the rites and prayers which were based on that definition were used and continue to be used to this day in churches throughout the world. They clearly reflect the ecumenical and Protestant nature of the New Mass.

    Traditional & New: Contrasts

    To see how these Protestant principles in the New Mass differ from the Catholic principles of the traditional Latin Mass, it is useful to contrast how they are celebrated.

    In a typical modern parish on a Sunday, the man in the pew notices a number of things: The entire service is conducted in English; the priest sits or stands facing the people, and often makes spontaneous remarks to them during the course of the service; sometimes a number of lay people are in the sanctuary, adding their comments and doing readings; part of the service takes place on a table with the priest facing the people; the tabernacle is almost never on the table, but at the priest’s back, or off in a corner; there are handshakes and smiles all around at the "Sign of Peace"; the priest usually distributes Communion in the hand many times, assisted by lay men and women; the priest makes few genuflections (if any); and the prayers hardly mention the idea of the Mass as a sacrifice. The emphasis is often on vague ideas such as "brotherhood" and "sharing," etc.

    Such is the typical celebration of the New Mass. Remember, though, that no two celebrations are ever necessarily exactly alike. They vary from priest to priest and from parish to parish. In many places some very surprising things have been incorporated into the New Mass: There are "Clown Masses," "Puppet Masses," "Balloon Masses," Masses which feature movies, slide shows, skits, and popular music of every sort.

    When a Catholic who has assisted at the New Mass for a while begins to assist at the traditional Mass, he finds the differences striking: The Mass is celebrated in Latin, the ancient and venerable language of the Catholic Church; the priest faces Our Blessed Lord in the tabernacle on the altar; he makes no spontaneous comments on his own, but recites exactly the same prayers which have been used by priests for centuries; only the priest is permitted to touch the Sacred Host with his consecrated hands; the people kneel for Holy Communion before their Lord and Savior, and receive Him on the tongue alone; there is no handshaking and socializing before the Blessed Sacrament, but rather the people follow the Mass silently and reverently with their Sunday or Daily Missals which translate the words of the priest; the gestures of the priest are reverent and restrained, and include numerous genuflections out of reverence for the Blessed Sacrament; the texts of the Mass speak of the Real Presence of Christ on the altar and of the awesome sacrifice that is offered for the living and the dead.

    The traditional Latin Mass is offered the same manner everywhere. It does not vary from priest to priest and from church to church. This is so because the Catholic faith is the same everywhere, and that true unity of faith must be reflected in a true unity of worship as well. It should be clear from this description that the traditional Mass is absolutely faithful to Catholic teaching and the New Mass is not.

    Ecumenical Compromises, Doctrinal Distortions

    But, you might say, give me some more specifics - where and how does the New Mass "give in" to Protestantism or "distort" Catholic doctrine?

    When you place the prayers and ceremonies of the traditional Latin Mass side by side with those of the New Mass, it is easy to see how much of the Church’s traditional doctrine has been "edited out" - and the "editing" always seems to have been done on those parts of the Mass expressing some Catholic doctrine which Protestants find "offensive." Here are some examples:

    1. Common Penitential Rite: The traditional Mass begins with the priest reciting personal prayers of reparation to God called "The Prayers at the Foot of the Altar." The New Mass begins instead with a "Penitential Rite" which the priest and people recite together. Who were the first to introduce a common penitential rite? The 16th-century Protestants, who wanted to promote their teaching that the priest is no different from the layman.

    2. The Offertory: The Offertory prayers of the traditional Mass clearly express a number of Catholic teachings: That the Mass is offered to God to satisfy sin, that the saints are to be honored, and so on. The Protestants rejected these teachings and abolished the Offertory prayers. "That abomination called the Offertory," said Luther, "and from this point almost everything stinks of oblation!" In the New Mass, the Offertory is gone - it has been replaced with a ceremony called "The Preparation of the Gifts." The prayers "offensive" to Protestants have also been removed. In their place is the prayer "Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation," based on a Jewish grace before meals.

    3. The "Eucharistic Prayer": The traditional Mass has only one "Eucharistic Prayer," the ancient Roman Canon. The Canon was always a favorite target of Lutheran and other Protestant diatribes. Instead of just one Canon, the New Mass now has a number of "Eucharistic Prayers," only one of which we will mention here. Eucharistic Prayer No. 1 is an "edited" version of the Roman Canon. The lists of Catholic saints, so despised by Protestants, are now optional, hence rarely used. The translators did some further "editing": among other things, the idea that Christ the Victim is offered at Mass (a notion Luther condemned) has disappeared. All the Eucharistic Prayers now incorporate some typical Protestant practice: They are recited in a loud voice instead of silently, and they have an "Institution Narrative" instead of a Consecration. (According to Protestant beliefs, their ministers do not consecrate the Eucharist like Catholic priests do; they just narrate the story of the Last Supper.) The various signs of respect toward Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament (genuflections, signs of the cross, bells, incense, etc.) have been reduced, made optional, or eliminated.

    4. Communion in the Hand: The 16th-century Protestant Martin Bucer condemned the Church’s practice of placing the Host on the tongue of the communicant as something introduced out of "a double superstition; first, the false honor they wish to show to this sacrament, and secondly, the wicked arrogance of priests claiming greater holiness than that of the people of Christ, by virtue of the oil of consecration." The practice in Protestant churches of "communion in the hand," thus, is based upon their rejection of Christ’s Real Presence and the priesthood. At the New Mass, just as at a Protestant service, there is Communion in the hand. But the men who created the New Mass went the Protestants one better: A layman may not only receive Communion in the hand - he is actually permitted to distribute it as well, even on a moment’s notice.

    5. Veneration of the Saints: The prayers of the traditional Mass frequently invoke the saints by name and beg their intercession. The Church’s veneration of the saints in her worship was another practice which Protestants dismissed as "superstition." The New Order of the Mass dropped most invocations of the saints by name, or made them optional. In the new Missal, moreover, the weekday prayers for saints’ feastdays (most of which are also optional) have been rewritten for the benefit of Protestants - allusions to miracles, the defense of the Catholic Faith, or to the Catholic Church as the one, true Church have disappeared.

    6. The Faithful Departed: As a Catholic, you know that when someone dies, you pray for the repose of his soul. This Catholic belief is reflected in the Prayers for the Dead in the traditional Mass - "Be merciful, O Lord, to the soul of …" etc. Again, the Protestants rejected the teaching that we can pray for the soul of someone who has died. Now, the New Mass provides 114 prayers for the Dead. In all of the prayers but two the word "soul" has been removed. An oversight? Father Henry Ashworth, who helped compose the New Mass, stated in 1970 that the omissions were intentional.

    7. False Translations: Then there is the matter of the false official English translations of the New Mass. A whole book could be written on the errors and distortions they contain. Here we will mention briefly only the official translations of the prayers for the 34 "Sundays in Ordinary Time." The following are some of the ideas which the English translation suppresses: God’s wrath, our unworthiness, error, sins which "burden our consciences," God’s majesty, obedience to His commandments, supplication, humility, eternity, heaven - the list could go on and on. Perhaps the most serious omission is the word "grace." It appears 11 times in the Latin original. Not once does it appear in the official English "translation." Grace has disappeared without a trace!

    Clearly, then, the prayers and ceremonies of the New Mass represent a change of doctrine. The new worship is Protestant, ecumenical - hence, a danger to the Catholic Faith and to the salvation of souls.

    Why Catholics Should Never Go To The New Mass

    What has been said above ought to make it clear why Catholics should not assist at the New Mass. However, there is more to the issue than just what a Catholic "should" do; there is also the question of obligation, under pain of sin, not to assist at a service which is Protestant and ecumenical.

    Now, at first, this might sound surprising and even radical. But when you apply Catholic principles to the concrete case of the New Mass, this is the practical conclusion which follows.

    But perhaps you are yet not convinced. If not, consider then three more reasons why it is sinful to assist at the New Mass.

    1. The New Mass is False Worship: Father Heribert Jone, an eminent Catholic moral theologian, in his famous Handbook of Moral Theology, discussed the sin of "False Worship," which is one of the offenses against the First Commandment. He said that "God is worshipped in a false manner if one mingles religious errors and deception with the worship of the true God" (Newman Press: Westminster MD, 1961, p. 97)

    Is this a description of the New Mass? We have already shown that the rites and prayers of the New Mass are based on a Protestant and ecumenical understanding of the Eucharist. We have also shown how the erroneous official translations distort Catholic doctrine. So in this respect the element of religious error is present. As well, those who created the New Mass insisted there was nothing wrong with it, in spite of its Protestant nature. In so doing, the element of deception was added; an essentially Protestant service was presented as something Catholic.

    2. The Validity of the New Mass is at least Doubtful: Every sacrament has a form, that is, certain essential words which must be pronounced to make the sacrament "happen." For the Eucharist, the form is: "This is My Body" and "This is the chalice of My Blood of the New and Eternal Testament, the Mystery of Faith, which will be shed for you and for many unto the remission of sins."

    In the New Mass, however, the form for the consecration of the Precious Blood is different: The phrase "the Mystery of Faith" is omitted, and "for you and for many" was changed to "for you and for ALL." When this point is brought up, a common answer is that Christ died for all men. Therefore, it should be "all." Well, Christ died for all men, but all men are not saved. And when Our Lord instituted the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, He said "many" not "all" because He was speaking not about His desire to save all men, but rather of the fruits of His Passion - that is, the "elect," those who would be saved.

    How do we know this? We know it because this is the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. You can find this teaching in the Catechism of the Council of Trent. Here is what it says about why Our Lord did not use "for all".

    "With reason, therefore, were the words ‘for all’ not used, as in this place the fruits of the Passion were alone spoken of, and to the elect only did His Passion bring the fruit of salvation." (p. 227)

    The New Mass’s use of "for all" is then a new meaning; it contradicts the Catholic teaching that the Mass is for the "many," or the "elect." The consecration form in the New Mass implies that all men are the elect, that all men are going to be saved, that all will go to heaven. You can see how this fits in with ecumenism. (The use of "for all," by the way, was first suggested in our day by Joachim Jeremias - a German Protestant.)

    "Many," obviously, is not the same as "all" - they mean two different things. What’s more, Our Lord didn’t say "all" - He said "many." Thus, the meaning of the form of Consecration in the New Mass is different from the meaning of the form Our Lord Himself gave us. And when the meaning of a sacramental form is changed, the sacrament becomes invalid. If the Consecration is invalid, then Christ’s sacrifice is not renewed. There is no Mass.

    But let us say for the sake of argument you are not absolutely convinced. Perhaps, you think, "many" means "all" and "all" means "many," or that only the words "this is My Blood" are necessary. Are there not theologians who say that those words alone are essential? If they are right, then maybe the meaning of "all" and "many" doesn’t matter for the validity of the Consecration.

    The first answer is that St. Thomas Aquinas says the words which follow "This is My Blood" "are of the substance of the form." (Summa Theologica, III, q. 78, art. 3) But just for the sake of argument, let us admit that there are two opinions on just which words are essential to the form. This being the case, we are left with a dispute and hence a doubt. Thus at the very least, all honest men must admit that the words for the consecration of the wine in the New Mass in English are "doubtful" - that is, there is a doubt as to whether or not the sacrament is valid or "happens." In the case of the New Mass, then, the changes in the form give a reason to doubt whether Our Lord is really present there under the appearances of bread and wine.

    Father Jone tells us: "Matter and form must be certainly valid. Hence, one may not follow a probable opinion and use either doubtful matter or form. Acting otherwise, one commits a sacrilege" (ibid., p. 308). Because of this change in the sacramental form, then, one can consider the New Mass in English to be objectively a sacrilege.

    3. The New Mass is Irreverent: Moreover, St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that "…whatever pertains to irreverence for sacred things is an injury to God, and comes under the head of sacrilege" (Summa, II-II, q. 99, art. 1). There are, of course, other practices in the New Mass which show "irreverence for sacred things" (such as the practice of "communion in the hand" and lay distributors), but space here does not permit a full treatment.

    So, it would seem clear that Catholics are obliged to stay away from the New Mass in English, not only because its nature is Protestant and ecumenical, but also because (1) it is false worship, (2) its validity is doubtful and (3) it is irreverent and sacrilegious.

    It is for these, and many other reasons, that Catholics who "stand fast and hold the traditions" do not assist at the New Mass, but assist at the traditional Latin Mass exclusively. They want to be sure that their public worship is not offensive to God and that they are receiving real Catholic sacraments - and not doubtful or invalid ones. In fact, they will not go to church on a Sunday at all if the traditional Mass is not available, but will stay home, read their missals and unite themselves to the true Masses being said throughout the world.

    Fulfilling The Sunday Obligation

    This is a problem which troubles many Catholics who have just begun to assist at the traditional Latin Mass. Their parish priests or diocesan bishop will say that "they are not fulfilling their Sunday obligation." The solution to the problem is really quite simple.

    The Third Commandment which obliges us to keep the Lord’s Day holy is a divine law, that is, it comes from God Himself. The law which binds Catholics to assist at Mass every Sunday in a particular type of building is a Church law. Now, while it is true that the purpose of the Church law is the same as the purpose of the Third Commandment, nevertheless, it is still a Church law and subject to God’s law. Thus, the Church could not force her children to participate in the Mass of an heretical or schismatic priest. If that were the only Mass available, a Catholic would sin gravely by assisting at it. Hence, we are excused from the Church’s law in certain cases if there is a serious reason.

    As Catholics, our first obligation and the highest law is the glory of God and the salvation of our souls - all other purely ecclesiastical laws are subordinate to this. The means through which we save our souls are the Catholic Faith and the Catholic sacraments. Since the New Mass celebrated in parish churches is both irreverent worship and a positive danger to the salvation of a person’s soul, a Catholic is automatically released from his obligation to assist at it, even if he is directly ordered to do so - for no one has the authority to command you to do something which is sinful. Therefore, since it is a sin to assist at the New Mass, it is impossible to fulfill one’s Sunday obligation by going to it. Otherwise one would be in the impossible position of rendering homage to God by committing a sin.

    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 07HM_ELEV_HOST_65

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue May 17, 2011 8:13 pm; edited 15 times in total

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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Empty Re: Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 17, 2011 9:27 am

    When I have spoken of reading the Gospels in the King James Version - this is merely a preference. I love reading the Old English. It makes the reading experience seem more special to me. I know about the mistranslation problems with the KJV - but how do we really know that the original autographs were the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth??? I use the Gospels as a mental and spiritual excercise - and not as an arsenal of proof-texts, to hurl at those who disagree with me. Also, I have tried to imagine what it might be like to be a somebody in the galactic pecking order - but this does not imply that I actually believe that this might be the case. This whole thread has been somewhat of a mind-game. I am very concerned about our plight - but I have chosen to think about it in a rather free-wheeling manner. I don't know what's really going on - but I do know that this solar system has HUGE potential - for greatness or disaster. So much of what has been going on for thousands of years is so sad - that I have to at least try to laugh. I continue to be concerned that most don't seem to have the ability to jump right in - and have some fun with the subjects I have TRIED to discuss. In light of the deplorable state of affairs in this solar system - perhaps I should just be pragmatic, and tell all of you to compete without ceasing, with positive response ability, in the pursuit of fame, fortune, power, and pleasure. Why should the bad boys and girls have all the good times, while the good boys and girls grind their teeth and have nervous breakdowns trying to save the solar system???? The excrementals are at the top of the pyramid - and these stinking bastards need to be flushed down the toilet!!! Put that in your bong, and smoke it!!!

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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Empty Re: Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 17, 2011 1:06 pm

    And now, I present to you, Pope Obe Wan Kenobi!!! Notice that he is young, masculine, sexy, intelligent, and carrying a 'Light Sabre' instead of that damned 'Bent Cross'!!! Shouldn't Popes be elected by at least all of the priests, and possibly by all of the church members??? Shouldn't Popes serve for a decade, and then retire, and remain in the Vatican as Prime Papal Advisors??? Wouldn't this ensure that the church had the best and the brightest Popes possible???

    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Obi-obi-wan-kenobi-215164_800_600

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:05 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Empty Re: Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 17, 2011 3:58 pm

    One more time. Thank-you Mercuriel. I'm thinking of various possibilities regarding Coordinate Representation - but I don't wish to post them until I have a better idea of what you mean by the term. Your post was quite interesting, especially this part:

    The Outer Doctrine Trinity = Father - Son - Holy Spirit.

    The Inner Doctrine Trinity = Father - Mother - Only Begotten Son and Daughter.

    The Unholy Trinity = Lucifer - Jahbulon - Mehabone...

    The Father seems to be absent - and this really bothers me. I keep seeing Hollywood representations of a Queen killing a King. Or even the story of Oedipus. I fear that somehow God the Father (Osiris?) has been removed or murdered. I'm sensing a Vengeful Mother (Gabriel?) Assisted by a Sinister Son or Daughter (Lucifer?) - and a Despised Out of Power Son or Daughter (Michael?). I have speculated that the Obelisk and the Crucifix are symbols of the Vengeful Mother and Sinister Child's victory over Osiris and Horus. But this is just more speculation. I'm suspecting a Family Feud / Civil War - spanning tens or hundreds of thousands of years - throughout our solar system and Sirius. But I could be completely wrong. A galactic tug of war could REALLY get out of hand in a hurry. When I speculate about all of this - I mean no harm or disrespect to any and all involved parties. I'm just trying to figure out what the hell is going on - and how to defuse whatever madness exists in this neck of the woods. The official history is horrible - and I think the real truth will prove to be unimaginably horrible. I am VERY concerned regarding what part I might've played in the madness. I have no peace - even on a good day. Take a long, hard look at 'East of Eden' and 'Rebel Without a Cause'. Guess who Osiris, Isis, Ra, and Horus might be. God the Father, Mary/Isis/Queen of Heaven, God of This World/Amen Ra/Lucifer, and Michael/Horus/Jesus? Righteous Parent and Child vs Rebellious Parent and Child? Local Annunaki vs Incoming Annunaki? Was Michael/Horus/Jesus a Rebellious Annunaki who became a completely Human Being - and became Persona Non Grata and Galactic Enemy Number One - of both the Local and Incoming Annunaki? Are we facing a Three-Way Showdown? Is there any way to properly unite the three hypothetical parties - and to avert Armageddon? Would a Vatican-Based Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System be a possible solution? Would uniting the Secret Government, the United Nations, the United States, the City of London, and the Vatican - under the Teachings of Jesus, the U.S. Constitution, the Latin Mass, and Classical Sacred Music - in a completely transparent and minimalist union of church and state - provide at least a transitional modality - which might maximize Responsible Freedom - going forward for thousands and millions of years??? But wouldn't this just piss everyone off???!!! Can you imagine the editorials, speeches, sermons, conspiracy theories, talk shows, and running in the streets???!!!

    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 1f1c5a83468a72008bc2bbe295aa2487Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Rebel-without-a-causeNamaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Rioting%20Polish%20Police%27s%20Mickey%20Mouse%20Uniform%20picture%5B4%5DNamaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Political-pictures-rioting-crowd-torches-frankenstein

    Thank-you Mercuriel. I will give this some thought - and make a detailed reply later today. I am not dogmatic in all of this. I am really terrified. The possibilities regarding the way things REALLY are - are staggering. I've known something was very, very wrong throughout my life - but I've been very passive - probably because I didn't have a clear picture of what was really wrong. It turns out that just about everyone was wrong - including me - and I'm still trying to sort things out. Anyway, I will research the contents of your post - and create the best reply possible. Actually, I'll be adding to this post as I get insights and ideas. I will probably just lay the groundwork for a refined answer, which I will include in a subsequent post. This is to help me think, more than anything else. Namaste.

    1co·or·di·nate adj
    \kō-ˈȯrd-nət; -ˈȯr-də-nət, -də-ˌnāt\
    Definition of COORDINATE
    1a : equal in rank, quality, or significance b : being of equal rank in a sentence <coordinate clauses>
    2: relating to or marked by coordination
    3a : being a university that awards degrees to men and women taught usually by the same faculty but attending separate classes often on separate campuses b : being one of the colleges and especially the women's branch of a coordinate university
    4: of, relating to, or being a system of indexing by two or more terms so that documents may be retrieved through the intersection of index terms
    — co·or·di·nate·ly adverb
    — co·or·di·nate·ness noun
    See coordinate defined for kids »
    Origin of COORDINATE
    probably back-formation from coordination
    First Known Use: 1641

    rep·re·sen·ta·tion noun \ˌre-pri-ˌzen-ˈtā-shən, -zən-\
    Definition of REPRESENTATION
    1: one that represents: as a : an artistic likeness or image b (1) : a statement or account made to influence opinion or action (2) : an incidental or collateral statement of fact on the faith of which a contract is entered into c : a dramatic production or performance d (1) : a usually formal statement made against something or to effect a change (2) : a usually formal protest
    2: the act or action of representing : the state of being represented: as a : representationalism 2 b (1) : the action or fact of one person standing for another so as to have the rights and obligations of the person represented (2) : the substitution of an individual or class in place of a person (as a child for a deceased parent) c : the action of representing or the fact of being represented especially in a legislative body
    3: the body of persons representing a constituency
    — rep·re·sen·ta·tion·al \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective
    — rep·re·sen·ta·tion·al·ly adverb
    See representation defined for English-language learners »
    See representation defined for kids »
    Examples of REPRESENTATION
    Each state has equal representation in the Senate.
    The letters of the alphabet are representations of sounds.
    First Known Use of REPRESENTATION
    15th century

    sov·er·eign·ty noun
    \-tē\\ˈsä-v(ə-)rən-tē, -vərn-tē also ˈsə-\
    plural sov·er·eign·ties
    Definition of SOVEREIGNTY
    1obsolete : supreme excellence or an example of it
    2a : supreme power especially over a body politic b : freedom from external control : autonomy c : controlling influence
    3: one that is sovereign; especially : an autonomous state
    See sovereignty defined for English-language learners »
    See sovereignty defined for kids »
    Variants of SOVEREIGNTY
    sov·er·eign·ty also sov·ran·ty \-tē\ \ˈsä-v(ə-)rən-tē, -vərn-tē also ˈsə-\
    Examples of SOVEREIGNTY
    <upon leaving home she felt that she had achieved sovereignty for the first time in her life>
    <as parts of the same sovereignty, the states should not enact laws intended to harm one another economically> Nor was the sovereignty of the Native Hawaiian race recognized at the time Hawaii became a state. —Ramesh Ponnuru, National Review, 18 July 2005
    Cesaire's wrenching chant of self-affirmation announced a new era of intellectual and cultural sovereignty for black writers in French. —Lila Azam Zanganeh, New York Times Book Review, 12 June 2005
    The position plunged him into a supremely complicated religious and political game. Throughout Europe the old order of divinely sanctioned kingdoms was battling models of popular sovereignty and citizenship inspired by the Enlightenment, the French Revolution and the adolescent U.S. —David Van Biema, Time, 4 Sept. 2000
    Origin of SOVEREIGNTY
    Middle English soverainte, from Anglo-French sovereinté, from soverein (see 2sovereign)
    First Known Use: 14th century
    Related to SOVEREIGNTY
    Synonyms: autonomy, independence, independency, liberty, self-determination, self-governance, self-government, freedom (also sovranty)
    Antonyms: dependence (also dependance), heteronomy, subjection, unfreedom
    Related Words: emancipation, enfranchisement, liberation, manumission, release
    Near Antonyms: captivity, enchainment, enslavement, immurement, imprisonment, incarceration, internment, subjugation
    see all synonyms and antonyms

    An initial thought regarding Coordinate Representation - is that we might be dealing with three primary parties:

    1. Reptilian Humanoids with Reptilian Souls - in This Solar System. (Part of the Orion Group?)

    2. Mammalian Humanoids with Reptilian Souls - in This Solar System. (Part of the Orion Group?)

    3. Reptilian Beings - Possibly from Orion. (Who the Orion Group rebelled against at the commencement of the War in Heaven?)

    The goal of Coordinate Representation might be to end all mischief and hostilities between both factions of the Orion Group - and for both factions of the Orion Group to reconcile with the Orion Powers That Be. If this is the case, I favor peace rather than war - but I do not favor Peace At Any Price. I still do not know what's REALLY been going on - and seeing the true state of affairs very clearly would be an essential prerequisite to any definitive and binding agreements. Philadelphia Dream Team Lawyers would need to examine any documents with a scanning electron microscope! In all of this - I think I might be attempting to be a combination of Teal'c, Daniel Jackson, Captain Carter, and Vala Mal Doran - from Stargate SG-1.

    Here is a composite of some of your relevant posts, Mercuriel, from Avalon 1 and the Mists of Avalon:

    OK - I have read the Bourdon Material as well as the Julien Material and It correclates with what I have been trying to get out...


    Simply put - I've been trying to tell many that the whole Rebellion / Power Struggle Issue has been Their Issue...

    The Bible is Their Story - Not Ours. Did We fall with Them - Yep - But then You'll follow someone Whos never lied to you before won't You...

    We've learned the Discernment on that one - Late Yes - But learned It We have...

    Yeah its definately a three way power struggle but lets simplify It first - Then complicate it later...

    > One Being wishes for a Larger Agenda to be implemented - Universe Wide (Perhaps Prime Creator ?).

    > Another Being is in Charge by proxy of that Agenda (Perhaps the local System Sovereign - Nannar / Christ Michael ?).

    > The Third Being wishes for there to be a different Agenda and be in Control of It (Perhaps Marduk / Lucifer ?)...

    That said - Their Battle of Armegeddon will be between the Kasim (The Remnant Annunaki) and the Useanesda (The Incomers from the Homeworld).

    Now guess Who's inbetween 'em as this gets going ?

    Yep - Us...

    K - Well let Me set a premise...

    Their Plan is that the U.N. will be the One World Government under One Titular Head following which One Worldwide Religion ?

    Seriously - Find out which new Religion They are about to foist on Us and It will expose alot of what We and You have been talking about alot lately...

    Please post what You find and Yes - I have gone down this Path but find it will be useful to go about it this way to begin a more concise discussion of the Issue...

    Awesome and Their One World Religion will be based on the...

    Urantia Book.

    Their U.N. Theosophist was a student of Blavatsky's and Alice Bailey's Works. I'll have to find You His name...

    Hes like the U.N.'s Archbishop by Position even though there isn't a Position for It yet or so They tell Us.

    Ashtar Command - Gizeh Intelligence ring a bell ? Yep - All related...

    No Ashtar Command and the Gizeh Intelligence are not the same thing but as You have said - They are two factions of essentially the same Group.

    As I understand It - They are both Renegade Corps and are made up of Lyrans, Pleiadians, Sirians and such that do not fit into the Reptilian or Draconian Ranks...

    The Kasim (Remnant Annunaki / S.a.A.M.i.) have Their own Command for the Earth Mission of which Marduk is the Titular Head and shares power with a Council of Twelve. The Useaneshda (Incoming Annunaki / S.a.A.M.i.) are under S.a.A.M.e. Governance with Nannar as the Titular Head now taking over from Anu (Finally)...

    Yep - Theres alot of 'em and I'm only touching the surface here.

    The above said - The Ashtar Command was not always compromised as It is now but was taken over in a Mutiny led by the Renegades. When that Mutiny occurred I am not sure but it was a long time ago to be sure. Aeons likely...

    It will go back to Its rightful owner have no doubt of that. Just another Job in a long list of Jobs to do here before the Shift - LOL...

    You're not the only One that would like to tell Them where to go...

    You have It Oxy. We must be Sovereigns and Govern Ourselves...

    But how can One Govern Themselves if They are not Soveriegn ?

    Do You now see where I was going with this Idea of Sovereignty previously ?

    The Namaste Constitutionally Responsible and Free Solar System is an absolute impossibility WITHOUT Us being Sovereigns thereby ensuring It...

    Once We are Sovereign - The Model You've espoused will work very well.

    So with that said - We must learn to be Sovereign and through that as We Govern Ourselves in Unity and Harmony - We will make the Namaste Constitutionally Responsible and Free Solar System - A fact...

    What We must do is deserve a place at that Table by becoming Sovereign and this is in the ET's Words...

    Once We are of enough understanding - That place at the Table is waiting for Us...

    That said - Perhaps We now see why It is so important. If We don't become Sovereign as a Race on Our own by demanding and supporting the right kind of change not only in Our World - But in Ourselves - That place will not be forthcoming - And others will speak for Us by Proxy as has already been happening for Aeons...

    If We want that place at the Table - We must change Our ways and become Sovereign or Its a no-go - Period...

    So then one should say to Themselves at this Point - "Time to become Sovereign"...

    You are right in that it requires responsibility for Ones actions but moreso It is that the Individual Who is Sovereign seeks the Highest and Best Good of All Concerned in All Things before deciding on a course of action.

    In this respect it could be said that Christ Consciousness = Sovereignty - But that would be an oversimplification. What would better be said of this is that Sovereigns are Christ Conscious or hold the same understanding and responsibility as that.

    These Individuals by Governing Themselves responsibly - Are viewed as Sovereigns because They will not make a decision in which there is a loser and a winner. All will Win in effect by decisions that are made by Sovereigns. Now when I say All will win - This means that All will get what They focus on as it relates to a decision made by a Sovereign.

    Sovereigns will not violate the Free-will of another and are Integrated in that understanding. Sovereigns rule Themselves without the need of Rules or Governing by others as They know how to not Violate the Free-will of others not only by Their actions - But also by Their Mentalisms...

    Technically - We give up Our Sovereignty when We take on the Birth Certificate but that is Sophistry by Fallen Entities and truly - Act as a Sovereign and thou wilt be One...

    I will have to think on putting this into more of a Layman's understanding but I hope that the general thrust of My explanation here is adequate to begin the Discussion on It...

    Don't get caught up on Win-Win semantics or front-load It too much. Launguage is so limited but what is meant by a Win-Win SITU with a Sovereign is that Negatives may be expressed if that is what those specific Individuals have focus'ed on.

    For instance - If Dark Ones Focus on Power over Others - Sovereigns should then act to ensure that any Free-will that the Darks have violated - Receives release if that is what They seek whereas in relation to the Dark pushing the Program - They would then be left alone to Contol each other - Also getting what They have focus'ed on - IE - Where Their Minds are at...

    You have it essentially - Become Fully responsible in order to Govern Oneself and One will then be Sovereign...

    The Roman Catholic Church was taken over by Forces Loyal to the Fallen Ones on June 29th, 1963. It was then signified by the carrying from that point forward by the Pontiff Pope Peter the VI and all others since, of the Crooked or Bent Cross (Which is an Esoteric Symbol of the Antichrist).

    Pope John Paul the II and others have sat in a Chair with an Inverted Cross - Again the AntiChrist Symbol, and If You think that They've just missed that one while setting up the Area for His audiences - Then You haven't studied their Protocols in the right way. They miss nothing when setting up for a Papal audience and it's ALL on Purpose. Bank on that...


    Fish Hat = Dagon or Poseidon Worship...

    INRI = Ishtar / Nimrod / Rah Marduk / Isis (Inner Doctrine for the Initiate)

    INRI = Acronym of the Latin inscription 'IESVS·NAZARENVS·REX·IVDÆORVM' (Jesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum), which translates to English as "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews". (Outer Doctrine for the Profane)

    I could go on Ad Infinitum...

    Here is a composite of some other material within this thread - which is somewhat relevant to the subject at hand:

    Has anyone done a study of 'The King of Heaven (Father/Lucifer/Amen Ra?) and Queen of Heaven (Mother/ Hathor/Isis/Mary/Gabriel/Holy Spirit?) - and the Heir to the Throne (Horus/Michael/Jesus?)' concept? I just thought of that! This could be applied in so many situations - terrestrial, extraterrestrial, mythological, theological, astrological, dynastic, etc. - with a high likelihood of overlap. I reread those abraxasinas posts - and I still think of abraxasinas - or the spirit behind abraxasinas - as being more feminine than masculine. I keep thinking of Adria or Katesh in Stargate SG-1. This part caught my attention:

    Q: Who is the God or Goddess of This World?

    A: The Father and Mother, cosmically not biologically speaking of Jesus.

    Q: Has corruption and sanity been a problem for this being?

    A: Nope.

    Q: Are Satan and Lucifer two separate and distinct beings?

    A: Yes, Satan is the true manifestation of a fake image, called the Devil. Satan is the 'court prosecutor' of 'humanity' and Lucifer is the template for this collective humanity being prosecuted by Satan. Satan is the 'Kali' of Shakti as two sides of the one coin called God. Satan is God and you are Lucifer in individuality. You can either 'play' a Christ White Lucifer look LUCIFER=74=JESUS=MESSIAH=CROSS=...or you can play a Dark Lucifer as an absorber of the 'brought' light.

    Q: Is there...or has there ever been...a God who was higher than Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer?

    A: Yes, this is the 1st Order of Abraxas aka Abrasax as the polarity unexpressed BUT contained within, like the Dark White Lucifers as One or as Satan God as One.

    Q: If so...was this God destroyed in the War in Heaven?

    A: No, this 1st Order is omniness and above such polarity issues as a war in heaven on earth or otherplace.

    Q: Is Satan one of these three?

    A: Satan is 1st Order, the archangels are 2nd order.

    Q: If so...which one? Did Lucifer instruct Charles Darwin?

    A: Ask Charles Darwin.

    Q: Would Human sovereignty in this Solar System be a good thing?

    A: Not yet, later perhaps.

    Q: Is a theocracy a good or a bad thing?

    A: Your polarity issue.

    Q: Is Responsible Freedom fundamentally rebellious in nature?

    A: No

    I'm beginning to think that I'm in trouble with BOTH the God of This World AND the Creator God of the Universe. Sort of like when a police officer tries to break up a domestic dispute - and gets pounded by both parties - even though he or she is trying to help both parties. I have a very bad and sick feeling regarding what might be going on in the entire universe. I so hope that I'm wrong. Is the following a harbinger of things to come?

    I received the following responses from posts I have made on the internet. They don't sound human.

    'Y'all love fantisizing over my ancestral decorations, places, spirituality that you don't get, the greatness you won't achieve, and the melanin you'll never have. This depiction of my ancestors is pathetic. Y'all always make them look just as degenerative and recessive as you. Anyway, play and have fun as much as you still can. Yes you are running out of time, and to be honest, there is absolutly nothing you can do about it. I have no mercy, you lie and mock and blaspheme all the way to hell.'

    abraxasinas: Very human egocentricity orthodoxus.

    On another website...I received this message:

    'You know this isn't funny! The Lord God will judge you for claiming God ship. Just because God showed you a little bit of His secrets you think you know everything. He will NOT have mercy on you!' [orthodoxymoron note: This was in connection with me fictionally using the name KRLLL - causing me to wonder if someone equated Godship with the name 'Omnipotent Highness KRLLL'?]

    abraxasinas: Very human ego mimicking the divine ego of God (who does not judge and is always full of 'mercy').

    I once heard a mocking, sing-song, high-pitched feminine sounding voice...emanating from a usually deep and masculine voiced televangelist...directed toward public...almost shouting 'That was gooooooood!!!!' reaction to a polite, well intentioned, and well reasoned comment by me.

    abraxasinas: Even more so human ego-based, accentuating separation and not the natural unity of God.

    This was a short unedited internet exchange I had some time ago:

    ME: What if the aliens who have been here for thousands of years are the 'bad-guys'? What if we will need the help of good aliens from elsewhere to get rid of the demonic aliens who are already here? Could this be viewed as a hostile alien attack? I really don't know. I am just speculating.

    THEM: Try not to think in terms of good or bad. Understand this is not your planet. Then, understand nothing can be done to you that you don't do to yourself. Know that there are quadrillions of planets and they don't have a massive climate change every 26,000 years and violent deranged people like yourselves. Why on Earth would any race want to live here with you knowingly? The most intelligent life on the planet is not human.

    abraxasinas: This is basically true, but omits the 'inner human core' whch IS in fact the most intelligent cosmic lifeform (the planet belongs to All) - yet remains hidden in the superconsciousness ONLY accessible by the Individual Logos partnering the Cosmic Logos.

    ME: I'll try not to think of the Iraq War in terms of good or bad. I'll try to be morally ambiguous. I might even become CIA or a CEO. Hey, maybe violent and deranged is neither good nor bad...but thinking makes it so. The aliens who are here need us to not get our acts together. If that happens...they'll probably have to live on Nibiru...or worse. Sorry for being a smart-XXX. Wait...I'm not's neither good nor bad. I couldn't resist. I mean well. Really.

    THEM: And your point was?...............

    ME: Who owns earth? Where do humans belong? What is the most intelligent life on earth? If they are so smart, and earth is so bad...why are they here? I may be deranged...but I'm not violent. You sound as though you are not human...are you an alien? If so...what kind...and from where? My point was that ethics are supremely important. I don't hurt, kill, terrorize, or abduct people...but some aliens apparently do(as do some humans). They should stop.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    "I was serious when I said that I hoped that this activity was being duly noted somewhere in the galaxy. I fear that we are headed down the wrong road, and that we will not turn back, regardless of the warnings, and regardless of the rantings and ravings of lunatics such as myself. I really wish that I had a shallow underground civilian base to go down into. At this point - I am ready to go down - and stay down - for a long, long time. I would really like to know if anyone has taken a close look at this thread - or any of the other threads I have posted."

    Raven wrote:

    "Indeed Oxy, duly noted it is. You will not be alone hiding under those rocks." - Rev.6 KJV

    [12] And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
    [13] And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
    [14] And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
    [15] And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
    [16] And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
    [17] For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

    Barely,as its full of nothing but egotestical puritanical rantings from a completely ignorant fool, who would rather spend hours typing endless bathering bullshit out of his incessant mouth, and listening to his own"higher" ego then the True higher ego of the Divine.

    No comment, but if one reads your bullshit enough,one gets an idea as to the degree and level of how deep your rabbit hole goes. Mostly the hole leads right up your XXX.

    Oh bullshit oxy, you LOVE this XXXX, its all you talk about and point people in the direction of it!! Get over yourself already. You are an incredibly ignornant Xxxxx hiding behind a false puritanical skirt, who needs to grow some balls and accept his own self responsibility. Law of attraction baby, what you dish out will be in kind served back to you. Your so called sincere search is nothing but your own whining out loud,hoping for some small platitude from anyone taking the time to read your vomit.

    Watch this very carefully Oxy. Infact watch it several times, maybe it will sink in. I keep offering you the Red Pill and you keep choosing the Blue one. I do not hate you, just the bull$hiT you stand for and allow to blind you to the Truth.

    Lionhawk wrote:

    I sense a storm brewing in this thread. Not because of anything that Mercuriel or ODM has posted. But once that Thuban ooze seeps into any place, nothing good comes from it. I've seen the exchanges on that one.

    Fact of the matter is that once you do the work within, you will embrace your sovereignty and won't need a philosophy that originated outside of yourself. So for someone to say to go within and still be preaching from a Thuban pedestal is just simply hypocritical.

    One shoe doesn't fit all here. Much of it depends on the individual. To take a paint brush and consider everyone to be the same is an insane perspective. If you have to be guided by a philosophy so you can function, means you have already been compromised.

    And if you quote Jesus and never even met him, just goes to show you how really connected you are. Operating from a second hand perspective is second hand no matter how you slice it.

    And if I had to choose between ODM's constitution and the Thubans rhetoric, I would go with ODMs' and would work my arce off to make it happen. At least he embraces and invites everyone to the table. Instead of you being served up at a Thuban table.

    I throw caution to the wind at this moment. And whoever is listening in the background, just know I am still breathing and my memory is like an elephant. The exchange will not go in your favor this time around. This is not a threat but a promise. Thanks for the convincing exchange you provided last time. You will reap the wrath that you have sown and I will gladly deliver it.

    othdodoxymoron wrote:

    If an extermination/enslavement is about to be inflicted upon the human race - this thread is a complete waste of time - right? Or - could the implementation of this thread prevent an extermination/enslavement from occurring? If there are ET's here in this solar system who are not here to help - I hereby request that you leave this solar system immediately. I may not be in a position to make such a request - but I'm making it anyway. I wish to help create a paradise in this solar system through non-violent and non-coercive means. If there are those who have a great karmic debt - I request that they be incarcerated, educated, and reformed - in a dignified and respectful manner - and that they be directed to make restitution in a reasonable manner. Obviously - I don't know the whole story of what is really going on in this solar system - so this request might be nullified by an overwhelming original and continuing sin. I might be the biggest historical s.o.b. of them all. I am very concerned that this might be the case. But really - is a violent solution ever really a solution? If an extermination occurs - I believe that it will not stop with the original target - but will continue - with the exterminators eventually exterminating themselves. Those who live by the sword - will die by the sword. I am a big-time pacifist - in this incarnation, anyway. I will continue to talk to myself on this thread. This is the most important subject imaginable, yet very few seem to wish to talk to me. I have even been cussed-out, and called 'Satan' and a 'completely ignorant fool'. I declare War on War. War is a Sin. I am looking for a big-tent solution - and nothing seems to be coming of it.

    I have repeatedly expressed disgust and dissatisfaction regarding the history of the world - and regarding the hidden governance which seems to be behind a lot of the trouble - but what would I have done if I had been in the shoes of the hidden governor(s) of the world and solar system? What if it turns out that I had a lot to do with the historical problems? I am really haunted by not knowing the real-deal. Could someone conceivably be reincarnationally BOTH the best AND the worst? Could Jesus also be Hitler? Was Jesus as good as we think? Was Hitler as bad as we think? What if there is some overlap of the roles and deeds of Michael and Lucifer? What if they fought side by side, at some point in time? Sorry for the explosive questions - but I think we need to think through ALL possibilities. We're not very good at doing that sort of thing - are we? Could someone please slip me a 1,000 page classified file with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the history of ALL of the beings within 1,000 light-years of Earth - over the past 1,000,000 Earth Years????? I think a lot of us are good, simply because we lack the opportunity to be bad. We might not be nearly as civilized as we think we are. Is there a legitimate reason why we seem to be living in a Prison Planet which sometimes seems like a Torture Chamber - and often feels like Death Row? I don't wish to be Rebellious Regarding Righteous Justice - but I also do not wish to be Submissive to Regressive and Demonic Tyranny and Enslavement. This might be an optimal time for the lies to stop - and for us to face the ugly truth, whether we like it, or not - and I'm frankly bracing for the worst. I have taken a non-committal, but very suspicious approach to the present Powers That Be - both visible and invisible. I continue to call for a changing of the guard in this solar system - but do I really understand what I'm asking for? They say to be careful what you ask for - because you just might get it. What if this world needs to be ruled by a hidden and ruthless dictator? Would a kind and loving supreme leader be the worst thing for this solar system? I tend to think that whoever the 'next guy, gal, or guy/gal - human or otherwise' might be - that they will have to be a lot like their despised predecessor - but without all of the corruption and violence - which seems to have been sanctioned and implemented at the highest levels. I am more torn-up about all of this than I could possibly describe. You have no idea what I think about - and fear. Might Azrael be somewhat like those who rule humanity? Might they have been authorized by those higher than themselves, to teach humanity (and the rest of the universe) a lesson? Just wondering. The horror. Viewer discretion highly advised for the following video clip from 'Dogma'. (Interesting points made with very poor taste.) Was Serendipity the Whore of Babylon? Who wrote the Bible? What did Azrael have to say about responsibility? The movie presented 'God' as being a funny and eccentric female - hidden in a male body - and not very talkative. You don't suppose? I think I've met 3 or 4 of the 'people' pictured below - but perhaps they were all one - merely figments of Serendipity's Musings. Serendipity really gave me something to think about...

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    I got to thinking about the Queen of England, the Pope of Rome, and the God of This World. They're a pretty exclusive trio - with extreme power - aren't they? They don't get elected by the general public, do they? Should they? I really don't know. I'm really conflicted about this sort of thing. How does a civilization make sure that they have the very best individuals in those roles? I've been trying to combine the best aspects of theocracy and democracy - and the best of the royal and servant models of leadership and authority. The whole damn thing is a slippery-slope. I've had a lot to say regarding a hypothetical Queen of Heaven ruling Earth as the Goddess of This World. I've imagined having conversations and debates with such a being - and I have really mixed-feelings about the whole thing. Extreme intelligence, economy of words, elegance, straight-forwardness, and beauty - might all be on the plus side. But harshness, cruelty, causing atrocities, committing mass-murder, corruption, deception, treachery, moral-ambiguity, and demonic-possession - might be on the negative side. But I don't know the true state of affairs. They might be human. They might be reptilian. They might be hybrid. They might be male. They might be female. They might be hermaphroditic. They might have a wardrobe of bodies. They might be able to shapeshift into any form and anyone they choose. Could a being be a God or Goddess of This World for any length of time - without becoming corrupt and insane? Are the Pope of Rome and the Queen of England - really the modern-day equivalents of the King and Queen of Egypt - serving the Hidden God Amen Ra? Are all three ruling in place of Christ? I have speculated quite a bit about this in the past. I am concerned about this, because these three seem to have control over pretty much the whole world. Is this power legitimate or illegitimate? Is this power being used benevolently and wisely? Are they doing that which is in everyone's best interest? Could the throne of this world have been stolen in antiquity? Could this hypothetical theft be ongoing? Did someone steal fire from the gods? I really and truly don't know - but I am becoming increasingly suspicious. What effect would a Michael/Horus/Jesus administered Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System have on these three? What would Michael/Horus/Jesus say? Somebody please talk to me about this. Please think long and hard about these three jobs. They don't give out job-applications - do they? This is VERY tricky territory - to say the least. I deeply appreciate the Divine Feminine as an integral part of the Divinity Within Humanity - but I am deeply suspicious of a hypothetical Reptilian/Human Hybrid, Hermaphrodite Queen of Heaven / God of This World - being at the core of monotheism - ruling a Controlled Patriarchy - and presiding over a Subjugation of Women - to control and enslave the human race - complete with the 'Chastenings of the Lord' in the form of wars, persecutions, tortures, the Crusades, the Inquisition, terrorist events, etc, etc. Who REALLY controls the Monarchy and the Papacy?

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    One more time: I keep thinking of reincarnating archangels, in the form of Isis and Horus, or Lucifer and Michael. I keep thinking of Gabriel looking on in disgust and condemnation - ready to end the madness with terrible finality - and not without some justification. I hate to spout off speculation - and not know what I'm talking about - but I really do want to know. I keep thinking that the human race is about to receive a great, big "GAME OVER". I'm watching a very interesting episode of 'Dr. Who' titled 'Frontier in Space' from the mid-70's. I keep thinking of the Doctor as being sort of a Michael-figure - and the Madame President as being sort of a Lucifer-figure. I'm not sure exactly why. Reviewing this thread might give some clues as to why I might think this way. I'm really going to try to wind this thing down - and mostly edit this thread - and maybe add some pictures and illustrations. I just started reading 'The Secret Plot to Make Ted Kennedy President' by Geoff Shepard - and 'Taking on the System' by Markos Moulitsas Zuniga. I am continuing reading 'The Jesuits', 'The Keys of This Blood', and 'Windswept House' by Malachi Martin. That ought to keep me out of trouble - for a while. I have kept thinking of Lucifer as being the Mary-figure - secretly running the Roman Catholic Church. Of course, this has been speculation, but when one keeps getting lied-to, what are they supposed to do? On the other hand, Gabriel might be most closely represented by the Madame President in the above-linked 'Dr. Who' episode - and as being the Mary-figure running the church (and not necessarily the pure Mother of Christ). Consider again, this clip from 'V'. I get the picture of Lucifer being a behind the scenes adventurer, wheeler-dealer - who is very smart, smooth, and brave - but who can be very temperamental, sinister, and violent. I see Michael as being very good and refined - but not being BadAss like Gabriel and Lucifer. I continue to see three archangels in conflict with each other. I could be very, very wrong. Every time I post something - I feel torn-up inside - and again, I neglect important things on the home-front - and I pay a very high price for this. Could Gabriel and Lucifer really be two sides of the same coin? We? Might Michael be a prisoner/hostage of Gabriel/Lucifer? Original Hostage Michael? Front Man Michael? Gabriel/Lucifer in place of Michael/Christ - or Anti-Christ? The Roman Catholic Church might've had to deal with more problems than we can possibly imagine. Who Really ordered that Christians (including women and children) be eaten by lions in the Colliseum? Who really ordered the Crusades and Inquistion? Who really ordered the wars and terrorist events of at least the last 2,000 years? Who really ordered the Kennedy Assassinations? Who really ordered 9/11? Might they all have been ordered by the same being or beings? Think about THAT!!

    Please take a VERY close look at the last couple of posts - and please tell me what you think. What is the relationship between the Archangels, the Queen of England, the Pope of Rome, and Ancient Egypt? Are the right Archangels and Human Beings in power in London and Rome? As usual - I don't know - but I suspect an Ancient Cou De Ta. Did Humanity Get Hijacked? Do we have a hostage crisis? If so - who is the hostage? To those of you who might know - what might we do to rectify the situation? Again, I don't know very much about all of this - which is why I am asking for help in this matter. I'll bet there are some people who know in Salt Lake City, Utah! I'll bet they even know a thing or two about Obama! What is really behind the name 'Original Hostage KRLLL'? 'Omnipotent Highness KRLLL'? Might this imply that an Omnipotent Highness was taken as an Original Hostage by the God of This World? Are We the Ancients? The tone of the ringing in my ears changed when I typed that! It never changes! Nuff said! Here is another interesting looking episode of 'Dr. Who'. They're sort of old and corny - but they communicate some very interesting information. I don't think the problems facing us are anything new - and that 'they' were trying to give us clues - a long time ago. We should listen - shouldn't we? Notice the words at the top, right-middle, and bottom of this royal geneology chart. Interesting...

    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 RoyalGen

    Might we be dealing with an ancient overthrow of Osiris/God the Father and Horus/Michael/Jesus by Gabriel/Lilith/Isis/Queen of Heaven and Lucifer/Amen Ra/God of This World? Might Lucifer/Amen Ra/God of This World have overthrown Gabriel/Lilith/Isis/Queen of Heaven around the middle of the twentieth-century? Might this have been when the Old World Order (Zionist?) was replaced with the Masonic New World Order (Teutonic Zionist?)? Of course, there might not have been a changing of the guard at all - but rather the next phase of an ancient plan might've been implemented. Who knows? Might things be SERIOUSLY deteriorating at the present time - with virtually everyone at each other's throats? Each faction probably has it's pros and cons. I simply wish to contemplate doing that which is in EVERYONE'S BEST INTEREST. I still don't know what's REALLY going on - and I still don't have a Fecal List - but I'm starting a file. I think we need to be VERY careful that we don't kill the patient when we try to save them. I am attempting to focus upon historical continuity and evolutionary change by positively reinforcing the best of the past. I hope we survive this ordeal. This isn't going to be fun, to say the least. Whatever we try, isn't really going to work. No matter how we put things together, it will always be wrong. But we do need to attempt to implement more sane ways of managing the insanity. For starters - we need to stop killing each other. Godspeed.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue May 17, 2011 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Empty Re: Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 17, 2011 11:13 pm

    Why can't we get past violence and corruption? I'd almost settle for getting past violence. It's the violence and human misery that REALLY gets me. There's something cool about 'The Godfather' - but the violence ruins it for me. Why can't the human race simply decide that there will be no violence? Why can't we have a 'Meals on Wheels Military'? Wouldn't we get a bigger bang for our buck by MAKING FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE GODDAMN WORLD - INSTEAD OF MAKING ENEMIES FASTER THAN WE CAN KILL THEM?????
    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Godfatherparty

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 17, 2011 11:44 pm

    In a hypothetical Vatican-Based Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System - should the jobs of Pope and President be combined into one job? Damned if I know - but it's sort of fun to think about! What if everyone in the Solar System voted for the Popident? What if the Congress and Senate debated political and theological issues? Just think of the entire Solar System being the Sacred United States of the Solar System - instead of being the Holy Roman Empire!! I'm not saying this would be a good idea. I'm just suggesting that some of you think about it - pro and con. Perhaps the Popident would serve a ten year term - for purposes of continuity - and then retire from Popident - and become Vice Popident!! Hmmmmm. I think I need to go to bed, and sleep it off...

    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Obamahopepope_picNamaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 President-Barack-Obama-Pope-Benedict-XVI

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 18, 2011 10:03 am

    I feel like leaving Mists, and going on an intellectual road-trip, and just sort of look at everything, rather than being focused on the contents of this thread. But I'm not going to talk about this journey! I'm not sure if I will go, or when I will go. I might just keep making token posts here, while my thinking is really somewhere else. That would make it harder to figure me out, wouldn't it? I care, but I am so numb, that it often doesn't seem as if I care about much of anything. Perhaps I have a very bad case of the 'Paralysis of Analysis'. I'm really sick and tired of the silence and the stupid games. Why does simple conversation and common sense seem to be verboden? I feel like I'm a nut in a nut-house, who is trying to communicate with the men in the white coats, who are nuttier than I am. I just go berzerk!!! What would Billy Jack say???

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed May 18, 2011 11:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 18, 2011 1:17 pm

    I was just listening to Alex Jones, and I noticed this image (the badge) on his website. I don't agree or disagree with it, but I thought it quite interesting. I agree with a lot of what Alex and his guests say, but I don't always like the way they say it. I can only expose myself to so much negativity. I also wonder how people like Alex would govern if they got their way with everything, and then had to keep the public happy and content. They are quite good at making people angry, but what if they became the elites and the powers that be? What would they do then? I tend to favor positive response ability and positive reinforcement. On the other hand, I think I need to be a lot more like Alex than I am presently, so I listen to his show occasionally, to try to toughen myself up!! Some say that Alex is a White-Knight with a Hidden Agenda. What do you think? Are the Old World Order and the New World Order two sides of the same coin, or did the New World Order defeat the Old World Order? Is the New World Order running into more trouble than they expected, after having awakened a Sleeping Giant? I'm thinking that the New World Order screwed things up so badly that now they are in desperation mode, and are extremely dangerous, because they probably have control of enough WMD's to turn this solar system into one big asteroid belt. This might not be about ideology at all. This might be a gun to the head situation - if you know what I mean. Based upon what little I know, I continue to like the words Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System - but I remain conflicted regarding how the Roman Catholic Church would relate to this sort of thing, especially if they were no longer secretly governed by very powerful dark forces. The galactic and theological issues might have more to do with what Alex Jones rants and raves about than anyone realizes. The elites we love to hate might hate the New World Order more than Alex does! Just a thought.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed May 18, 2011 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 18, 2011 2:23 pm

    What would a Roman Catholic Crystal Cathedral be like? Do the two concepts really go together? What about a focus on the Teachings of Jesus, the U.S. Constitution, the Latin Mass, and Sacred Classical Music - in a Contemporary Roman Catholic Cathedral Which Incorporated the Best and Most Appropriate Aspects of the Crystal Cathedral? I'm not talking about 'Buddy Christ' modernization here. I don't like the Sacrifice of the Mass aspect of the Latin Mass - yet I do like the solemn and reflective dignity. There really should be genuine sorrow for sin. (Sorry Dr. Schuller) But this sin problem should be remedied by becoming a better person - and not by the repeated unbloody sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Why is this so damn hard? I was watching a recorded service from the Vatican today - and it was quite boring! On the other hand - I'm not a big fan of 'Look at Me - Celebrity Churchianity'. Where is the happy medium in all of this?

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed May 25, 2011 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 18, 2011 4:30 pm

    Conservative and Progressive Modernity are Knocking on the Doors of Church and State! What if church services were like mini congressional or senatorial sessions - complete with elected officials and unelected observers? What if the elected officials wore robes (along with the choir) - and processed and recessed with sacred classical music? Political and Theological Issues would be discussed and voted upon. The choir/organist/orchestra would perform before and after the sessions. The utmost dignity and courtesy would be expected. Each comment or question would be a short and polished oration, which would be both informative and inspirational. These services would mirror the daily sessions of the United States of the Solar System - and would inform and assist the 10,000 representatives in arriving at their important and binding decisions. Might this be a safe and proper union of church and state? Imagine this sort of thing occurring at Notre Dame de Paris! Might this be a Latin Mass - Without the Mass? Do you see my point? Holy Deliberation Instead of Holy Sacrifice? Heresy? I think not! The Secular Must Become Sacred - and the Sacred Must Become Secular! BTW - how are things going in San Francisco??? Let Freedom Ring!!! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat May 28, 2011 9:34 pm; edited 8 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 18, 2011 8:10 pm

    The bottom-line is that I would like for things to work out well for all concerned, if that is at all possible. At this point, I don't have an enemies list. I have hope for those who are supposed to be my arch-enemies. I even have hope for myself. I obviously believe in justice, but I do not believe in cruel and unusual punishment. On the other hand, there may be thousands of years of some very negative karmic debt to deal with, some of which might be my own. I don't know what to do. I just want to do the right thing, whatever that is. I might even negotiate with the most dangerous beings, if I knew that I wouldn't be lured into their web, and eaten alive. It seems as though we need to look into antiquity, to understand what is really going on in this solar system. Atlantis, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome may have more to do with our modern lives than we think. Take a long, hard look at the City States. This may be the generation who really needs to understand who we really are, and where we have been, so as to be able to take the most rational next step, even if it is a painful step.

    This might be a good time to rewatch:

    1. 'The Secret History of America's Beginnings'

    a. 'The New Atlantis'

    b. 'Riddles in Stone'

    c. 'Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill'

    2. 'The Ring of Power'

    3. 'The Money Masters'

    4. 'Satan, the Beast, and the False Prophet' (20+ parts)

    I don't know how accurate these videos are, but I find them to be quite interesting. They really make my head spin, and I am being pulled in so many directions, that I am having a hard time keeping my head screwed on straight. I like all of this, in a morbidly curious and masochistic sense, but then I'm a bit different.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 18, 2011 9:22 pm

    We are learning so much regarding what has really been going on, yet nothing really seems to be changing for the better. What is it going to take to turn this solar system into a paradise for all concerned? We seem to be on the brink of extinction, at the hands of who knows who, and for who knows what reasons? I continue to call for all factions to unite around at least the principles and concepts contained in a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System. I obviously don't know the details regarding what is really going on, but I am doing the best I can to seek to unite everyone in non-coercive and non-corrupt ways, which maximize responsible freedom, long-term. Once again, this thread is intended as a study-guide, rather than as an excathedra encyclical on life, the universe, and everything. Solar System Without End. Namaste.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 18, 2011 9:53 pm

    Just another note to the Powers That Be - Human or Otherwise - Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial:

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 18, 2011 10:51 pm

    What sort of Solar System Governance would John F. Kennedy have desired? Is this what really got him killed? Does anyone know? What about Pope Pius XII? Did the two of them ever meet together? Does anyone know? Unrelatedly, I'm still interested in knowing who Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer have been reincarnationally, throughout history. Are they the wife and kids of God the Father? What really went wrong? What can be done to remedy the situation? Consider rewatching 'East of Eden' and 'Rebel Without a Cause' for some possible clues. Is God the Father in charge of the Incomimg Annunaki? Are Gabriel and Lucifer in charge of the Local Annunaki and the Human Race? Are Michael and the Human Race S.O.L.? I have a very bad feeling about all of this. I see possible solutions to most of the visible problems, but I fear that the ancient and hidden problems might be nearly impossible to solve. I so hope that I'm wrong. Watch the driver...

    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 John-f-kennedy

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu May 19, 2011 5:26 am

    When I speak of the possibility of a Non-Sacrificial Latin Mass, this is really an impossibility, because a Mass is a Sacrifice. Indeed, the Sacrifice of the Mass. But what if the Latin Mass were practiced, as is, up to the point of the Homily, which might be tripled in length, and which might apply the Words of Christ to the theological and political issues of the day, in a highly detailed and eloquent manner. Then the 'mass' would skip to the post-communion section. I know this would make the faithful livid, but I am simply trying to get you to think, which is probably a mistake. One would really probably have to start a new church, and create a completely new liturgical service. It is very difficult to put new wine in old wineskins. I sometimes wonder how many Masses have involved live human-sacrifices. Obviously these would have occurred behind locked doors with utmost secrecy - but I have heard stories. I have a difficult time thinking of the Mass as anything but a Human Sacrifice. I love the art-form, the solemn ritual, and the devotion of the faithful, but it's still a sacrifice, even if it is an unbloody one. Interpreting the Traditional Latin Mass by the Teachings of Jesus and by the Mass Itself - rather than by endless church documents - would be an excellent place to begin - but I think I'm going to leave this subject alone, for the time being, and let the Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Episcopalians, Lutherans, and Orthodox figure this one out for themselves. I'll let the experts figure things out - like they always do - with thousands of hours of meetings and thousands of footnoted documents. I doubt they would pay any attention to me anyway. I really enjoy going through this thread myself. If no one else looked at it, it would still be something which I could benefit from, in some way. I really do need to stop rambling, and start doing some serious multidisciplinary academic research. I think I've done enough whining for a while. One more thing. Check this out. Namaste and Have a Nice Day! Wink
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    For over three hundred years the rulers of the Roman Empire worshipped the god Mithras. Known throughout Europe and Asia by the names Mithra, Mitra, Meitros, Mihr, Mehr, and Meher, the veneration of this god began some 4000 years ago in Persia, where it was soon imbedded with Babylonian doctrines. The faith spread east through India to China, and reached west throughout the entire length of the Roman frontier; from Scotland to the Sahara Desert, and from Spain to the Black Sea. Sites of Mithraic worship have been found in Britain, Italy, Romania, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, Persia, Armenia, Syria, Israel, and North Africa.

    In Rome, more than a hundred inscriptions dedicated to Mithras have been found, in addition to 75 sculpture fragments, and a series of Mithraic temples situated in all parts of the city.

    One of the largest Mithraic temples built in Italy now lies under the present site of the Church of St. Clemente, near the Colosseum in Rome.

    The widespread popularity and appeal of Mithraism as the final and most refined form of pre-Christian paganism was discussed by the Greek historian Herodotus, the Greek biographer Plutarch, the neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry, the Gnostic heretic Origen, and St. Jerome the church Father. Mithraism was quite often noted by many historians for its many astonishing similarities to Christianity.

    Have You Heard This Before?
    The faithful referred to Mithras (REMEMBER, 4000 years ago!) as "the Light of the World", symbol of truth, justice, and loyalty. He was mediator between heaven and earth and was a member of a Holy Trinity. According to Persian mythology, Mithras was born of a virgin given the title 'Mother of God'. The god remained celibate throughout his life, and valued self-control, renunciation and resistance to sensuality among his worshippers. Mithras represented a system of ethics in which brotherhood was encouraged in order to unify against the forces of evil.

    The worshippers of Mithras held strong beliefs in a celestial heaven and an infernal hell. They believed that the benevolent powers of the god would sympathize with their suffering and grant them the final justice of immortality and eternal salvation in the world to come. They looked forward to a final day of judgement in which the dead would resurrect, and to a final conflict that would destroy the existing order of all things to bring about the triumph of light over darkness.

    Purification through a ritualistic baptism was required of the faithful, who also took part in a ceremony in which they drank wine and ate bread to symbolize the body and blood of the god. Sundays were held sacred, and the birth of the god was celebrated annually on December the 25th. After the earthly mission of this god had been accomplished, he took part in a Last Supper with his companions before ascending to heaven, to forever protect the faithful from above.

    However, it would be a vast oversimplification to suggest that Mithraism was the single fore-runner of early Christianity. Aside from Christ and Mithras, there were plenty of other deities (such as Osiris, Tammuz, Adonis, Balder, Attis, and Dionysus) said to have died and resurrected. Many classical heroic figures, such as Hercules, Perseus, and Theseus, were said to have been born through the union of a virgin mother and divine father. Virtually every pagan religious practice and festivity that couldn't be suppressed or driven underground was eventually incorporated into the rites of Gentile Christianity as it spread across Europe and throughout the world.

    The Lord's supper was not invented by Paul, but was borrowed by him from Mithraism, the mystery religion that existed long before Christianity and was Christianity's chief competitor up until the time of Constantine. Paul's "home-town" was Tarsus, from where Mithraism began. In Mithraism, the central figure is the mythical Mithras, who died for the sins of mankind and was resurrected.

    Believers in Mithras were rewarded with eternal life. Part of the Mithraic communion liturgy included the words, "He who will not eat of my body and drink of my blood, so that he will be made one with me and I with him, the same shall not know salvation."

    Originally Mithra was one of the lesser gods of the ancient Persian pantheon, but he came to be regarded as the spiritual Sun, the heavenly Light, and the chief and also the embodiment of the seven divine spirits of goodness; and already in the time of Jesus he had risen to be co-equal with, though created by, Ormuzd (Ahura-Mazda), the Supreme Being [J.M. Robertson, /Pagan Christs/, p. 290.], and Mediator between him and man [Plutarch, /Isis et Osiris/, ch. 46; Julian, /In regem solem/, chs. 9, 10, 21.]. He appears to have lived an incarnate life on earth, and in some unknown manner to have suffered death for the good of mankind, an image symbolizing his resurrection being employed in his ceremonies [Tertullian, /Praescr/., ch. 40.]. Tarsus, the home of Paul, was one of the great centers of his worship, being the chief city of the Cilicians; and, as will presently appear, there is a decided tinge of Mithraism in the Epistles and Gospels. Thus the designations of Jesus as the Dayspring from on High [Luke, i. 78.], the Light [2 Cor. iv. 6; Eph. v. 13, 14; I. Thess. v. 5; etc.], the Sun of Righteousness [Malachi iv. 2]; and much used in Christianity, and similar expressions, are borrowed from or related to Mithraic phraseology.

    Mithra was born from a rock [Firmicus, /De errore/, xxi.; etc.], as shown in Mithraic sculptures, being sometimes termed ''the god out of the rock'', and his worship was always conducted in a cave; and the general belief in the early Church that Jesus was born in a cave is a direct instance of the taking over of Mithraic ideas. The words of Paul, "They drank of that spiritual rock ... and that rock was Christ'' [I Corinthians x. 4.] are borrowed from the Mithraic scriptures; for not only was Mithra "the Rock'', but one of his mythological acts, which also appears in the acts of Moses, was the striking of the rock and the producing of water from it which his followers eagerly drank. Justin Martyr [Justin Martyr, /Dial. with Trypho/, ch. 70.] complains that the prophetic words in the Book of Daniel [Daniel ii. 34.] regarding a stone which was cut out of the rock without hands were also used in the Mithraic ritual; and it is apparent that the great importance attached by the early Church to the supposed words of Jesus in regard to Peter -- "Upon this rock I will build my church" [Matthew xvi. 18.] -- was due to their approximation to the Mithraic idea of the /Theos ek Petras/, the "God from the Rock''. Indeed, it may be that the reason of the Vatican hill at Rome being regarded as sacred to Peter, the Christian "Rock'', was that it was already sacred to Mithra, for Mithraic remains have been found there.

    The chief incident of Mithra's life was his struggle with a symbolical bull, which he overpowered and sacrificed, and from the blood of the sacrifice came the world's peace and plenty, typified by ears of corn. The bull appears to signify the earth or mankind, and the implication is that Mithra, like Jesus, overcame the world; but in the early Persian writings Mithra is himself the bull [J.M. Robertson, /Pagan Christs/, p. 298.], the god thus sacrificing himself, which is a close approximation to the Christian idea. In later times the bull is interchangeable with a ram; but the zodiacal ram, Aries, which is associated with Mithra, was replaced by a lamb in the Persian zodiac [Bundahish, ii. 2.], so that it is a lamb which is sacrificed [Garucci, /Les Myste`res du Syn. Phrygien/, p. 34.], as in Easter concept of Jesus. That this sacrifice had originally a human victim, and that it later involved the idea of the sacramental death of a human being, is clear from the fact that the Church historian, Socrates, believed that human victims were still sacrificed in the Mithraic mysteries down to some period before A.D. 360 [Socrates, /Eccles. Hist., bk. iii., ch. 2.].

    Thus the paramount Christian idea of the sacrifice of the lamb of God was one with which every worshipper of Mithra was familiar; and just as Mithra was an embodiment of the seven spirits of God, so the slain Lamb in the Book of Revelation has seven horns and seven eyes "which are the seven spirits of God'' [Revelation v. 6.]. Early writers say that a lamb was consecrated, killed, and eaten as an Easter rite in the Church; but Easter was a Mithraic festival [Macrobius, /Saturnalia/, i. 18.], presumably of the resurrection of their god, and the parallel is thus complete, in which regard it is to be noted that in the Seventh Century the Church endeavored without success to suppress the picturing of Jesus as a lamb, owing to the paganism involved in the idea [Bingham, /Christian Antiq./, viii. 8, sec. 11; xv. 2, sec. 3.].

    The ceremonies of purification by the sprinkling or drenching of the novice with the blood of bulls or rams were widespread, and were to be found in the rites of Mithra. By this purification a man was "born again" [Beugnot, /Hist. de la Dest. Du Paganisme/, i. p. 334.], and the Christian expression "washed in the blood of the Lamb" is undoubtedly a reflection of this idea, the reference thus being clear in the words of the Epistle to the Hebrews: "It is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins". In this passage the writer goes on to say: "Having boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say his flesh ... let us draw near ... having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water" [Hebrews x. 19.]. But when we learn that the Mithraic initiation ceremony consisted in entering boldly into a mysterious underground "holy of holies", with the eyes veiled, and there being sprinkled with blood, and washed with water, it is clear that the author of the Epistle was thinking of those Mithraic rites with which everybody at that time must have been so familiar.

    Another ceremony in the religion of Mithra was that of stepping across a channel of water, the hands being entangled in the entrails of a bird, signifying sin, and of being "liberated" on the other side; and this seems to be referred to by Paul when he says: "Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage" [Galatians v. 1.].

    Tertullian [Tertullian, /Praescr./, ch. 40.] states that the worshippers of Mithra practiced baptism by water, through which they were thought to be redeemed from sin, and that the priest made a sign upon the forehead of the person baptized; but as this was also a Christian rite, Tertullian declares that the Devil must have effected the coincidence for his wicked ends. "The Devil'', he also writes, "imitates even the main parts of our divine mysteries", and "has gone about to apply to the worship of idols those very things of which the administration of Christ's sacraments consists".

    In this rite he must be referring both to the baptismal rite and also to the Mithraic eucharist, of which Justin Martyr [Justin Martyr, /1 Apol./, ch. 66.] had already complained when he declared that it was Satan who had plagiarized the ceremony, causing the worshippers of Mithra to receive the consecrated bread and cup of water. The ceremony of eating an incarnate god's body and drinking his blood is, of course, of very ancient and originally cannibalistic inception, and there are several sources from which the Christian rite may be derived, if, as most critics think, it was not instituted as an actual ceremony by Jesus; but its connection with the Mithraic rite is the most apparent.

    The worshippers of Mithra were called "Soldiers of Mithra", which is probably the origin of the term "Soldiers of Christ'' and of the exhortation to Christians to "put on the armour of light" [Romans xiii. 12. Compare also Ephesians vi. 11, 13.], Mithra being the god of Light. As in Christianity, they recognized no social distinctions, both rich and poor, freemen and slaves, being admitted into the Army of the Lord. Mithraism had its austerities, typified in the severe initiation rites endured by a "Soldier of Mithra"; and the Epistle to Timothy, similarly, exhorts the Christian to "endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ" [2 Timothy ii. 3.]. It also had its nuns and its male celibates [Tertullian, /Prascr./, ch. 40.]; and one of its main tenets was the control of the flesh and the repudiation of the world, this being symbolized in the initiation ceremony, whereat a crown was offered to the novice, who had to reject it, saying, as did the Christians, that it was to a heavenly crown that he looked. We hear, too, of hymns which could be used with equal propriety by Christians and Mithraists alike [/Rev. Arch./, vol. xvii. (1911), p. 397.]. The Mithraic worship always took place in caves, these being either natural or artificial. Now the early Christians, openly and for no reasons of secrecy or security, employed those subterranean rock chambers known as catacombs both for their burials and for public worship. Like the Mithraic caves, these catacombs were decorated with paintings, amongst which the subject of Moses striking the rock, which, as I have said above, has a Mithraic parallel, is often represented. The most frequent theme is that of Jesus as the Good Shepherd; and although it is generally agreed that the figure of Jesus carrying a lamb is taken from the statues of Hermes Kriophoros [Pausanias, iv. 33.], the kid-carrying god, Mithra is sometimes shown carrying a bull across his shoulders, and Apollo, who, in his solar aspect and as the patron of the rocks [/Hymn to the Delian Apollo./], is to be identified with Mithra, is often called "The Good Shepherd". At the birth of Mithra the child was adored by shepherds, who brought gifts to him [/Encyc. Brit./, 11th ed., vol. xvii., p. 623.].

    The Hebrew Sabbath having been abolished by Christians, the Church made a sacred day of Sunday, partly because it was the day of the resurrection, but largely because it was the weekly festival of the sun; for it was a definite Christian policy to take over the pagan festivals endeared to the people by tradition, and to give them a Christian significance. But, as a solar festival, Sunday was the sacred day of Mithra; and it is interesting to notice that since Mithra was addressed as /Dominus/, "Lord'', Sunday must have been "the Lord's Day" long before Christian times. December 25th was the birthday of the sun-god, and particularly of Mithra, and was only taken over in the Fourth Century as the date, actually unknown, of the birth of Jesus.

    The head of the Mithraic faith was called /Pater Patrum/, "Father of the Fathers", and was seated at Rome; and similarly the head of the Church was the /Papa/, or "Father", now known as the Pope, who was also seated at Rome. The Pope's crown is called a tiara, but a tiara is a Persian, and hence perhaps a Mithraic, headdress. The ancient chair preserved in the Vatican and supposed to have been the pontifical throne used by St. Peter, is in reality of pagan origin, and may possibly be Mithraic also, for it has upon it certain pagan carvings which are thought to be connected with Mithra [J.M. Robertson, /Pagan Christs/, p. 336.].

    Do you think that the Teachings of Jesus are a part of all of this - or are they somehow isolated from the paganism? Also, if reincarnation is a valid concept, might the Horus/Jesus story have repeated in some sort of a cyclical ritual? I'm trying to figure out the best next step for Christianity. I'm continuing to consider 1. The Red-Letter Teachings of Jesus. 2. The U.S. Constitution. 3. The Latin Mass. 4. Sacred Classical Music. 5. Dropping the BS. The Protestants are more Roman Catholic than they realize - and all of Christendom is indebted to Pre-Christian Paganism. But this doesn't mean that there isn't right and wrong - and that there is no afterlife or reincarnation. I simply expect to get recycled back into the madness in this solar system - which is why I am trying to make it a better place for all concerned.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri May 27, 2011 2:23 pm; edited 14 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu May 19, 2011 11:11 am

    Check out this fantastic documentary on Hitler, the Nazis, the Vril, Advanced Technology, and Gizeh Intelligence. This is a must see. This is the best video I've seen on these subjects. I am not necessarily opposed to advanced technology and underground bases. I actually think that it's sort of cool. But how did this technology REALLY come into existence? Did someone steal fire from the gods? What if the gods are really pissed-off now? I keep thinking that we are in a HUGE amount of trouble in connection with all of this, but I don't know the details, and I'm not sure that I want to know. But I would like to know more about Adolph Hitler, Victor Schauberger (died in 1958), Pope Pius XII (died in 1958), Nicola Tesla, God the Father, Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer - in connection with all of the above. Here's another excellent video.

    Who gave Adolph Hitler and Eugenio Pacelli their marching orders? I think these men were naive pawns. What was the relationship between the SS, the Jesuits, and Gizeh-Intelligence? Aldebaran might've been key in antiquity, but what about in modernity? I tend to doubt it. I lean toward a theory of the Orion Group essentially stewing in it's own juice for many thousands of years, rather than aliens from distant stars getting involved in our madness. But I obviously can't prove this bias.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu May 19, 2011 3:53 pm

    When one stops trying to improve politics and religion - I think there is a euphoric exhilaration. Unfortunately, I think we need some form of politics and religion. I favor positively reinforcing the best of the past, with a Minimalist Traditionalist approach, as an evolutionary methodology of reforming admittedly corrupt societal structures. Letting go of politics and religion, on an individual basis, probably works, at least for a while - but on a global level, I think we're stuck with these strange bedfellows. I will continue to contemplate idealistic conceptualizations of church and state - and the proper relationship between the two. I will also continue to contemplate a perfected humanity, living in a perfected solar system. I doubt that this is going to happen anytime soon. In fact, we might be very lucky to simply survive. As the general public learns more of the horrible historical abuses of church and state - and as they find out more and more about the New World Order - and as they are adversely affected by it - there may very well be anarchy - complete with running in the streets. Then the noose might get a lot tighter. I feel quite comfortable with many of my conclusions - but I don't have a clue regarding how and when to implement them. Great ideas can be horribly botched. It seems as though the New World Order is being installed in a very sloppy and shoddy manner. I have huge problems with the Old World Order and the New World Order - but I think we need some sort of a World Order. In fact, I think we need a Solar System Order or a New Solar System. But as we all know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions...

    Once again, I'm just trying to listen to everyone, and then ask a lot of questions. I like considering Jordan Maxwell, Manley Hall, Helena Blavatsky, et al without getting too close to their material. I wish that I had visited the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles. I drove right past it for years. I like listening to researchers, such as Dr. Obediah Harris. I think we need to encourage people to become skilled researchers in all subjects. I'd rather have people become researchers, than have them listen to my opinions and biases. We need a critical mass of responsible researchers if we wish to have an enlightened solar system representative republic.

    I'm planning on doing less internet work, and more textbook work. I might not even notice when they shut down the internet. I wish to make it clear that the subjects covered in this thread are so much bigger than I am. I am truly an amateur, and I know it. This is like trying to ride a tricycle on the freeway. I'm trying to get up to speed, but it just isn't happening. I really do wish for things to work out well for all concerned, but I remain a bit flippant and irritable. For this I am sorry. I am trying to be open and friendly, while remaining neutral and non-committal. I might even be a two-faced, backstabbing sonofabitch, at times. My problem-solving modus operandi seems to require this mildly schizophrenic behavior. I just don't know what I'm dealing with, and this makes me somewhat paranoid and suspicious. I've been in over my head, right from the beginning, and I'm in way too deep, at this point. I really mean no one any harm. I'm simply trying to solve some impossible problems in some unconventional ways. This whole thing continues to be an experiment. I've done a certain amount of role-playing, which is way out of my league. Don't take this too seriously. Take everything I have said with a sea of salt. My level of burnout is reaching critical levels, but I will continue to contemplate a Vatican-Based Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System, in a very passive and non-academic manner. This is playing with hotter fire than the fires of an eternally burning hell. If you don't wish to talk to me, and I don't know what's really going on, or who I have been reincarnationally - what's the point in continuing this thread? The madness is always someone elses fault, right? The bottom-line really is the bottom-line - right? It's all about fame, fortune, power, and pleasure - right? The corrupt will always rule the stupid - right? Has the technology and industrialization made us safer and happier? I think we're going down - HARD. I'm sorry, but you know where I work and live. You know more about me than I know about myself. So if you ever wish to talk to me, just give me a call. I want my next life to be like the painting below, except I'd like to have a research library with a Cray! Namaste and Geronimo!

    Argh study Beer
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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:53 pm; edited 7 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon May 23, 2011 6:48 pm

    I think I've asked this question before, but here it is again, in a slightly different form. What would the Teachings of Jesus, the U.S. Constitution, the Latin Mass, and the Best and Most Appropriate Sacred Classical Music (lists and applications) look like in Canon Law Format? Do you see what I'm saying? The Historical Church Councils and Papal Statements would be disregarded, and only the above sources would be utilized in a VERY comprehensive, thoughtful, and organized manner. I'm very serious regarding this proposed project. It would take a helluva lot of work, money, and courage to do this properly. To me, this is a proper form of Protestant and Catholic, Theocratic and Democratic Ecumenism. I don't go to church, because I have too many issues with all churches. This doesn't mean that other people shouldn't go, or that the churches aren't doing the best they can. I just think that a group of Roman Catholic Scholars could do an excellent job of putting something like this together. This would probably not be for publication. At least not immediately. This sort of thing would take a huge amount of time and planning to properly introduce. I am not dogmatic about this, but I think this approach should be seriously considered, in consultation with all of the churches and governments of the solar system. A Catechism and Missal should be included in this project. Why will no one talk to me about any of this? Do any Roman Catholics even know that I'm writing this tripe? I would love to discuss this with a room full of Jesuits - but I wouldn't eat or drink anything. What I am proposing could NOT be openly proposed by an employee of the church. Can you imagine what would happen to them???!!! I think the only thing which saves me, is that I am unknown, and that I don't shout this from the top of one of the Seven Hills of Rome. This would essentially be an attack on historic Roman Catholicism - where what the church says - goes. Period. My idea is fundamental heresy - and I know it. 99% of the church would probably oppose it - but I think this might be the right thing to do - and it would probably be a prerequisite for a Vatican-Based Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System. Once again, I realize that this is playing with hellfire. I'm so gonna burn.

    I continue to be very interested in how God the Father, Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer fit into all of this - reincarnationally and presently. I realize that there are aspects of the Latin Mass which are problematic and which do not have mass-appeal - that there are some hard-sayings in the Teachings of Jesus - and that the U.S. Constitution is not a perfect document - but I think this might be a possible next step toward a peaceful and unified humanity - which would not involve coercion or corruption. I don't intend that everyone would participate in this sort of thing - but rather that it might form a fixed point of reference, which would guarantee responsible political and religious freedom in all the member states of the United States of the Solar System. It would, in essence, form a Minimalist Traditionalist Core for Solar System Governance. There is a somewhat arbitrary aspect to all of this - but perhaps this might be a foundation for a future evolutionary refinement of the basic idea. Again, all of this is mostly intended as a starting point for the creative thinking of those who are much more capable than myself. There might be a better solution, which bears no resemblance to this one, but this proposal might be a productive beginning. The issues which would undoubtedly emerge, would be most enlightening. Here is an eleven-part documentary called 'The Hidden Story of Jesus'. As most of you know, all too well, I am currently attempting to integrate the Teachings of Jesus, the U.S. Constitution, the Latin Mass, and Sacred Classical Music. Would this conceptual integration survive the implications and ramifications of this documentary? Would this basic framework be something which most nations and religions could comfortably participate in? Is the real problem the abuses and absurdities of the past two thousand years? If I'm wrong, what might be a proper foundation for religious and political unity - without coercion or persecution? How should we properly unite as a human family? Should we even try to unite? What about the Dracs, Greys, and Hybrids? Are they people too? What would Isis say? Is Jesus a Christian? Does Jesus go to church? Did Jesus tell people to go to church? BTW - I don't even want to think about what these two men have had to deal with. Namaste to the Beings of the World, Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat May 28, 2011 11:19 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon May 23, 2011 10:10 pm

    Just another note to the Powers That Be - Human or Otherwise - Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial:


    Consider Consider 'Day the Earth Stood Still' and 'Battlestar Galactica: The Plan'.
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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Empty Re: Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon May 23, 2011 11:29 pm

    What if Gabriel, Lucifer, and Michael were the Wife and Children of God the Father in Sirius - and travelled to Earth with a third of the 'Angels' - and engaged in a Genetic Hybridization Program which resulted in Reptilian Humanoids, Mammalian Humanoids, and Hybrid Humanoids? Veni Creator Spiritus? What if - at some point - Gabriel rebelled against God the Father - and the children sided with their mother? What if Gabriel was the Sovereign Queen of the Air - or the Queen of Heaven? What if Lucifer and Michael followed the orders of Gabriel - serving as Patriarchs, Prophets, Pharaohs, and Pontiffs - to name a few? What if Michael rebelled against Gabriel and Lucifer (siding with the humans) - at least a couple of thousand years ago - and became Persona Non Grata (nailed to crosses in thousands of churches)? What if Lucifer rebelled against Gabriel within the last couple of centuries (wanting it all?)? What if God the Father has recently come to Earth to clean up the mess? I don't have a clue if any of this is accurate - but do think about the possibility of a Galactic Familiy Feud. This thing might be simpler and more complex than we can possibly imagine. But once again, take everything I say with a sea of salt. Perhaps if I used some really big words, and made things really complicated, I might get into some sort of conversation with someone. Remember the 100,000+ views of the Abraxasinas / Thuban Q&A Thread on the original Project Avalon site? Perhaps I should try THAT approach. The sing-song, above-it-all, numerological, eschatological, evasive, dragonian mumbo-jumbo seemed to be a mind-game of sorts. Whoever was really behind it was quite bright - in a twisted way. I considered it to be more of a spiritual warfare exercise than anything. The deranged Wraith Goddess in the movie 'Stargate Atlantis' comes to mind. Could reading through the original thread - even at this late date result in some sort of mental and spiritual programming which could potentially be quite dangerous? I never could get very far into the thread. Perhaps this was a spiritual defense mechanism of a bifurcated chiasmatic interpolation of a synaptic stereoscopic worldview of a reincarnational geosphere tangentially oriented relative to the galactic plane in a perpendicular perpetuity of concupiscence. 888=III=MYMYMY=666=orthodoxymoron=Thuban I'm REALLY tired of this guessing game. I'm REALLY tired of thinking about the technological nightmare we've created for ourselves. I'm REALLY tired of the infinite stupidity. I'm REALLY tired of being ignored. This might REALLY be over - whether or not the ample lady sings. I'm REALLY tired of the bullshit. Take me to your therapist.

    I was recently told that Satan was influencing me, when I tried to discuss some of these ideas. Heck, I was called 'Satan' within the sacred halls of this very thread. I recently told someone that no matter what we do, it's not going to work. They looked a bit startled and troubled. What I meant was that as soon as a standard is established, people want a different standard. We are a very restless, fickle, and impatient race. This has its good points and bad points. I simply see a future of conflict, no matter how clever we think we are when we try to create paradise. I also told someone that I was not particularly 'solid' regarding my view of things. This seemed to surpise them. I take issue with myself on everything I think or propose. I'm my best friend and worst enemy. I will continue to work with the principles and concepts presented in this thread - but I realize that there are thousands of other ways to look at things. However, if I were put on the spot, I would diligently work toward a Vatican-Based Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System. I would work outward from these few words. Working out the details would probably start World Wars III & IV - simultaneously. I really would make an about-face if I were presented with a brutal gang of facts. I am stubborn and stupid (bad combination!) - but I usually know when to call it quits, before things get too ugly. Anyway, listen to this Bill Cooper video. It covers a lot of important territory. This world is so screwed-up that I think we will be lucky to simply survive, and maintain our current level of existence, for the remainder of this century. Hopefully things will vastly improve toward the end of the century - or near the beginning of the next. I do not intend to lie, or to create false hopes, which will only be beaten to a pulp by reality. We need to get real - real fast. I feel a bit like John Nash in 'A Beautiful Mind' - in that this thread is an imaginary tempest in a teapot - where I sometimes think I'm saving the whole damn universe, single-handedly - but in reality I'm just making a couple of NSA interns laugh their asses off!! On the other hand, I think a lot of the principles and concepts in this thread are valid - whether I ever really get my act together, or not. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to rewatch '2001 - A Space Odyssey'.

    I would be VERY interested to see what the Vatican, the City of London, Washington D.C., the United Nations, and the Secret Government could put together, relative to a Vatican-Based Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System, which would be in complete harmony with this word-combination, but which would draw upon their unique perspectives. I'm at the bottom, and if I were at the top, I might not like the view. I like the basic concept, but I'd be lucky to get clearance to board a commercial airliner at this point - let alone hobnob with the people we love to hate - or visit a D.U.M.B. I like the idea of a Completely Non-Corrupt Washington D.C. within the Walls of Vatican City, which would Replace the Secret Government and the United Nations, and which would Govern the United States of the Solar System, with the Pomp and Circumstance of the Roman Catholic Church. Does anyone see what I'm conceptualizing? What would it take to make this happen? What would it take to make this proposed governmental system completely transparent? What would the Nazis, Masons, Magicians, Dracs, and Greys say? Eh?

    Imagine being a composite of the smartest, toughest, and least corrupt people (or beings) in the Vatican, the City of London, Washington D.C., the United Nations, and the Secret Government. This is the person I aspire to be, but I fully realize that this will never be a reality. Still, I think this is a worthy goal. I'm trying to be in it all, and above it all - simultaneously. I guess I'm trying to improve the existing solar system government, rather than trying to reinvent it. I don't think I'm smarter than they are, but I do think that I have a unique perspective, which might be of some use.

    I think there exists a spectrum of souls in this solar system - from the very best to the very worst. What labels one wishes to utilize to describe the best of the best and the worst of the worst is irrelevant to me. I don't know how much of recorded history is truth or lies. I like to study history for clues regarding where we came from, who we are, what we are supposed to be doing presently, and where we might be going - but nothing is for certain. This mostly seems to be a monumental and utterly ridiculous most dangerous game. But we're all in the middle of it, so we might as well make the best of it.

    Once again, I'm going to try to stop posting, and just digest what I have already posted (including the links and books). This is probably more about self-development than anything else. I've invited others along for the ride, but no one really seems to need a ride. This might be just as well, because this journey seems to travel through the valley of the shadow of death, and to the edge of sanity. I just hope that if I ever meet some of the universal powers that be - face to face - that I will be able to converse with them in a reasonable and respectful manner. What might it be like to stand before a Holy God - without a mediator? Perhaps all of us are about to find out. Namaste and Godspeed.
    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Porky_pig_thats_all_folks

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    Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - Page 30 Empty Re: Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:20 pm

    Does no one have an opinion regarding solar system governance? This thread has been mostly intended as a motivational tool to make YOU think. It is sort of a Solar System Governance 101. I believe that it is necessary to carefully think through the contents of this thread before moving on to bigger and better things. I think that a wide variety of individuals view this forum - human and otherwise - terrestrial and extraterrestrial. I think there are some VERY intelligent beings who view this thread - yet there seems to be a stonewall of silence. Why? I would really like to get into a hot and heavy debate with someone who is capable and willing. I had a brief conversation with someone who was much more intelligent than myself, yet who I profoundly disagreed with. This conversation is no longer occurring, and I'm not sure exactly why. It's really hard to formulate anything without intelligent discussion. I hate to keep flying-blind and keep talking to myself. But what other choice do I have? I don't want to do the Alex Jones thing. I respect Alex, but that just isn't my style. It's as if my presence is not welcome. I also sense that if I really spoke my mind and really laid things out as I see them, that I might not be around for very long. I keep feeling as though the hope is that I will hang myself in more ways than one.

    Should this thread NOT include a discussion of the Teachings of Jesus and the Latin Mass? I simply like to listen to Latin Masses, Gregorian Chant, and Sacred Classical Music as I read the Four Gospels. This is a preference. My use of the King James Version of the Holy Bible is a preference. Should a Vatican-Based Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System be based solely upon the U.S. Constitution? Should all of the historical religious and political systems be brought to bear on this methodology of solar system governance? Politics cannot be properly understood without considering religion. Religion cannot be properly understood without considering politics. United States of the Solar System Representatives should be highly ethical and spiritual people, as well as being worldly-wise. They should not be politics as usual, stupid nitwits, who are merely teleprompter readers, and who are compromised in the extreme.

    Come, let us reason together.

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