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Vidya Moksha
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    United States AI Solar System (10)


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    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:03 am

    United States AI Solar System (10) 220px-HAL9000_Case.svg
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    United States AI Solar System (10) Maleficent-Movie-Scene-68
    Brook wrote:
    orthodoxymoron quoted: I would really like to know if anyone has taken a close look at this thread - or any of the other threads I have posted??

    Raven wrote: Barely, as its full of nothing but egotestical puritanical rantings from a completely ignorant fool, who would rather spend hours typing endless bathering bullshit out of his incessant mouth, and listening to his own "higher" ego then the True higher ego of the Divine.

    If one reads your bullshit enough, one gets an idea as to the degree and level of how deep your rabbit hole goes. Mostly the hole leads right up your XXX.

    Oh bullshit oxy, you LOVE this XXXX, its all you talk about and point people in the direction of it!! Get over yourself already. You are an incredibly ignornant Xxxxx hiding behind a false puritanical skirt, who needs to grow some balls and accept his own self responsibility. Law of attraction baby, what you dish out will be in kind served back to you. Your so called sincere search is nothing but your own whining out loud, hoping for some small platitude from anyone taking the time to read your vomit.

    Brook Responded: Has someone got their panties in a bunch?  Oh must be that "True higher ego of the divine" speaking". Self Governance comes from knowing and understanding the Divine...............I'll bet that venom comes from one of those "aspects", or "archetypes" Divine understanding?  not so certain about that........ but none the less, "enlightening" words Raven.

    Truly sent with love
    United States AI Solar System (10) 232749

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:30 am; edited 12 times in total

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:24 pm

    United States AI Solar System (10) 2012-03-05-Tweeter-at-Saint-Peter

    United States AI Solar System (10) Jackson-pearly-gates

    I'm tired of being ignored and/or hated as I attempt to 'figure things out' and 'solve the world's problems' without appreciation and/or compensation. Apparently 'casting one's pearls before the swine' constitutes a 'grave-threat to national-security'. I've been incognito for nearly two-months, and no-one has added to this thread. Why am I not surprised?? Is Rich@$$Hole the New-Normal?? What if Earth is supposed to be Purgatory Incorporated for All-Eternity?? What if Earth is NOT Supposed to be Made-Better?? 'RA' told me "You Can Leave Things the Way They Are, If You Choose" and "You'll Be Sorry If You Try to Save Humanity". What if 'Resistance is Futile' even for the Borg-Queen and/or Matrix-Mediatrix and/or Matrix-Creator?? Anyway, I'd appreciate some wise-advice regarding any of my Threads aka Exercises in Futility, but I won't hold my breath. I might contrast [Genesis to Esther] and [Matthew to Acts] with [Job to Malachi] and [Romans to Revelation], just for the hell of it. You know, the Historical-Books contrasted with the Theological-Books. Didn't you go to Sabbath-School or Sunday-School?? Consider reading [Job to Daniel] and [Romans to Philemon] straight-through, over and over, in the 'NIV Reader's Bible' (by Zondervan). [Wisdom-Books, Major-Prophets] and [Pauline-Epistles]. This might be a Missing-Link in your Sophisticated Alternative-Research. The Bible is a Can of Worms which must be properly understood and managed IMHO.

    What Would Dr. Carol Williams Play?? What Would Dr. Francesca Stavrakopoulou Say?? I Love to Hear Francesca Say "David!!" 'RA' Told Me "I'm Close to God!!" What If God Doesn't Believe in God?? What Would George Zebrowski's 'Heathen God' Say?? Ever Heard of the 'Human (G)nome Project'?? What If God Isn't 'God-Enough' for Us?? A Famous Attorney Told Me "If Jesus Showed-Up the Church Wouldn't Know What to Do with Him!!" What If God is a Slob?? What If We Achieved Eternal-Freedom from God 5,000 to 15,000 Years Ago?? What If Our 'Proxy-God' is HAL 9000?? What Would David Bowman Say?? This might be much more significant than 'Patristics'. What Would Joseph Farrell Say?? Consider the following Individuals of Interest. Is there a past-life connection?? What if they are the Same-Soul?? Dr. Who was called 'Your Holiness' in 'The Vampires of Venice'. What Would a Renegade French Jesuit Organist Say?? Several Insiders (in all factions) need to study my nine USSS threads exhaustively. I'm an outsider, and I won't dig-deep, go-nuts, or sell-out, so I'll probably never know the Real-Deal and/or Real-Truth. It might be easier that way. What Would Ovid Say?? What Would Michael Say?? What Would the Black Knight Say??

    1. Martin Luther (1483 to 1546).
    2. Francis Bacon (1561 to 1626).
    3. Dietrich Buxtehude (1637 to 1707).
    4. John Carroll (1735 to 1815).
    5. Prince Albert (1819 to 1861).
    6. Eugenio Pacelli (1876 to 1958).
    7. Dr. Who (1963 to ????).

    I understand the experiential and devotional aspects of 'He Lives Within My Heart' but I keep encountering sacred-texts such-as 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 New International Version:

    Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.

    Consider this lecture by Dr. Desmond Ford. There is a problem here. The deeper I dig, the more resistance I encounter, which I find highly-suspicious, as if the Matrix-Oracle is cracking-down on an Uppity Completely-Ignorant Fool with a Monkey-Mind and a God-Complex!! We seem to be in some sort of a Galactic-Prison aka Hotel-California, but perhaps it's better not to know. Ignorance seems to be Bliss and Virtue. Perhaps I should read 'Q' instead of the 'Holy-Bible'. It might be easier that way. I understand the Christ Concept, but the details seem increasingly problematic, such as the 'Hard Sayings of Jesus' (see Dr. F.F. Bruce) or the 'Quest for the Historical Jesus in Acts to Revelation'. There are numerous 'Hard Sayings' and the 'Life and Teachings of the Historical Jesus' (as found in the Gospels) don't seem to exist or be acknowledged in Acts to Revelation. However, visualizing a Perfect Being of Ethics and Responsibility named 'Christ' and/or 'Jesus' is spiritually expedient and effective. My current problem with religion is that people are scared and superstitious, and seem incapable of being open and honest regarding their church and sacred-writings. Perhaps Pluralistic-Education and Corporate-Employment is the New-Religion for a New-Age (or something corny like that).

    Perhaps one should tell people what they wish to hear about 'Jesus' and 'Religion'. Perhaps one should say (in essence) "I Think Like You Do." Perhaps one should make as much money as possible, and "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow." The Revelation of Jesus Christ is highly-violent and highly-upsetting. The first and last chapters should be carefully examined before buying into the rest of the Last Book of the Bible. I appreciate supernatural-experiences, but I don't seek them. I don't astral-travel or channel-archangels, but what was I supposed to do when someone showed-up, saying "I AM RA"?? I'm going to let this go for a while, but I'm presently thinking in terms of reading 1 Chronicles to Malachi in the Reader's NIV Bible (without verse numbering) straight-through, over and over. James Dean (in East of Eden) would love that version! I have no idea where this might ultimately lead, but it might shed significant light on Genesis to 2 Kings and Matthew to Revelation. Something is very-right and very-wrong with Religion and Spirituality (as we know it).

    Just a heads-up for all concerned (and unconcerned). I recently visited that Masonic-Cemetery (which is sort of a ritual with me). It makes me face myself and think. Today I got a flat-tire at 70 mph, which could've been a big-deal, but it turned-out OK. I'm feeling worse and worse, with my 'one-eye out of alignment with the other-eye' episodes occurring much more frequently. I'm seeing those 'streaming white lights' much more often (which I'm interpreting as nefarious remote-viewing). Some 'wandering-souls' might not make it back to their bodies. My computer has been running very-hot, with the battery draining very-quickly, which means that someone has been messing with my computer. I hope you guys are cracking-down on the Bad-Guys as hard as you crack-down on the Good-Guys. If I don't have much-longer would that be a good-thing or a bad-thing (for me, the good-guys, and the bad-guys)?? What if I left, and never returned??

    I wish I were a scholar, but the inconvenient truth is that my misery regarding the predicaments of humanity and myself propel me to seek unconventional explanations and solutions, which is why I hang out on this website. I suppose I'm attempting to understand the real characters and circumstances behind the mythologies and theologies. The Christ (as we know Him) seems to be a shadow of a very-ancient lost-somebody. I'm leaning toward some sort of Zeus and Artemis (figurative and/or literal) conflict and/or collaboration. I'm merely a reflector of the brilliance of others (including members of this website). I've merely created a study-guide for Sirius-Researchers (and NOT a manifesto and/or ultimatum). I know that I don't know, but I suspect that humanity (and myself) are in a HUGE amount of trouble. I'm truly an Apostate-SDA, and possibly a Past-Life Renegade-Turncoat Roman-Catholic and/or Ancient-Hebrew. I might be an Ancient Hermaphrodite-Reptilian System-Lord (for all I know) with a HUGE amount of Karmic-Debt. I simultaneously accept and reject the Bible and EGW. I simultaneously accept and reject the UFO and Alien reports and theories. I'm reduced to reviewing my threads in a MOST miserable manner. Probably the less-said the-better. It might've been...Shalom.

    United States AI Solar System (10) Maxresdefault
    orthodoxymoron wrote:With a Space-Force and Military-Bases in Most Countries of the World, What if Donald Trump is Ultimately Replaced with an Adolph Hitler on Steroids (or Estrogen)?! This Might Make for Some Interesting Science-Fiction!! I've Hesitatingly Spoken of a United States of the Solar System, BEGINNING in A.D. 2133, But Would This Play Into the Above Hypothetical Scenario?! I've Taken My Foot Off the Gas, and Applied the Brakes. I've Encouraged the Agency-Academics to Take a Close Look at My Tripe, and Somehow Let Me Know What Their Conclusions Are. I'm Frankly Extremely Apprehensive. Good Intentions Often Pave the Road to Hell. The Horror.
    United States AI Solar System (10) Make-Germany-Great-Again-and-build-a-Wall-funny-T-Shirt

    United States AI Solar System (10) DDy6fQIVB3UrKDyYl5j6vNz78SN
    Carol wrote:Oxy, what if you kept telling yourself that you're blessed and filled with faith that Donald Trump is getting the job done and has support of the heavens. Yeah, do that. Repeatedly, for the rest of the year and your negative outlook may be reborn into something a bit more positive.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Carol, I'm wary of the Primrose-Path. The German People probably thought the rise of Hitler was the Second-Coming of Christ, but things went to hell. Sherry Shriner spoke of Donald Trump being led down a path he wouldn't wish to travel. There could be such a thing as Progressive-Compartmentalization wherein seemingly innocent steps are taken, which cumulatively can be assembled into multiple End of the World Scenarios. I suspect there are at least three VERY Powerful Factions fighting for control of the solar system, but they might ultimately be controlled by ONE CEO. We seem to be playing a MOST Dangerous Game, and Due-Diligence is probably in order. I might not be opposed to these hypothetical factions if I knew the whole-story, but I don't get invited to Bilderberg or the Dark-Side of the Moon. I don't belong to the CLUB, so I'm left with being speculative and negative on the internet. If I really wanted to be positive, I should probably avoid this thread, because it is quite inflammatory and accusatory (which I don't object to) but I sort of enjoy wallowing in the mud and dirt. I employ Possibility-Thinking (both positive and negative) relative to This Present Darkness (for better or worse, I know not). Such is the life of a completely-ignorant fool with a morbid sense of curiosity and a dry sense of humor.
    United States AI Solar System (10) Poster%20-%20Primrose%20Path,%20The%20(1940)_03

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Sep 18, 2020 1:30 pm; edited 8 times in total

    Posts : 2228
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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  Sanicle Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:08 pm

    Oxy wrote:I'm tired of being ignored and/or hated as I attempt to 'figure things out' ...

    Lying now Oxy?  That's so not cool. I doubt anyone here hates you and you're hard to ignore.  

    I think the opposite is more likely true given how you react to us.  Crying or Very sad

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:46 pm

    Brook wrote:
    orthodoxymoron quoted: I would really like to know if anyone has taken a close look at this thread - or any of the other threads I have posted??

    Raven wrote: Barely, as its full of nothing but egotestical puritanical rantings from a completely ignorant fool, who would rather spend hours typing endless bathering bullshit out of his incessant mouth, and listening to his own "higher" ego then the True higher ego of the Divine.

    If one reads your bullshit enough, one gets an idea as to the degree and level of how deep your rabbit hole goes. Mostly the hole leads right up your XXX.

    Oh bullshit oxy, you LOVE this XXXX, its all you talk about and point people in the direction of it!! Get over yourself already. You are an incredibly ignornant Xxxxx hiding behind a false puritanical skirt, who needs to grow some balls and accept his own self responsibility. Law of attraction baby, what you dish out will be in kind served back to you. Your so called sincere search is nothing but your own whining out loud, hoping for some small platitude from anyone taking the time to read your vomit.

    Brook Responded: Has someone got their panties in a bunch?  Oh must be that "True higher ego of the divine" speaking". Self Governance comes from knowing and understanding the Divine...............I'll bet that venom comes from one of those "aspects", or "archetypes" Divine understanding?  not so certain about that........ but none the less, "enlightening" words Raven.

    Truly sent with love
    United States AI Solar System (10) 232749
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Our Computers are Demon-Possessed. Just place a Puck of Sherry Shriner's Orgone next to your computer, and that should clear things up on your end. I'm considering buying an Orgone-Water Cooled Personal-Supercomputer to use in my Underground-Bunker, which should clear things up on my end.
    United States AI Solar System (10) 1-1-1-1-1-1-A-Bunker-Interior-Design
    "Puck You!!"
    Lionhawk wrote:
    Sanicle wrote: Shocked  Die Spam Die Naughty Oxy indeed!   Razz  Razz

    Oh well, at least Oxy keeps his venting short-winded on your thread Lionhawk.  Guess he just wants to work out his own karma his own way, as we all ultimately have to do.  As you say, personal responsibility.

    BTW have you ever noticed how those who have a deep-seated desire to heal/help are often surrounded by people who don't seem to want to, or are unable to, be healed/helped?  Although the fact that some have tried does seem to help in the long term as one part of the path of those who suffer.  This has come to my attention over and over again.  

    Oh well? I think you're onto something. As far as his venting goes, it is obvious to me his venting is from the backend. The venting is one thing but leaving terds of hate is another. In my younger days on the farm, one of my daily chores was to clean up the cow poop in the barn. Now here I am doing the same thing on another level. I have to energetically clear the negativity on the Bridgeway. In part being responsible for this thread.

    You know when you have a friend, you care about that friend and you try to do what you can to help that friend. You try to enable your friend to have a more harmonious life. You do that out of love because you can. When your friend is in trouble you try to get your friend out of that trouble. Why? Because you care, you give a damn.

    At least this is my perspective. And I guess in this case I was totally wrong. Lesson learned. So if I consider OXY to be a blessing in my life, it is because he has provided this lesson. But that's where it ends. In a good friendship or relationship, there is an exchange of energy that flows between the two parties. In this case, it appears that that flow has only gone one way. I will admit I have been beating my hardhead against a brick wall. When someone claims they have a good heart but their actions dictate the opposite, the real truth gets revealed. It is what it is and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. When you figure in his rejections, and he has rejected everybody who has tried to help him, taking that help and turning it into an attack on himself is just plain alarming. Converting the love we have tried to provide into hate and victimhood is just a disservice to himself. Then to make it look like we did it to him just tops the cake.

    What would Raven say? All I know, is further down this rabbit hole I go, what Raven said in response is making more sense and that is based on his reactions sad to say.

    I don't love hate! You can't save the world if you can't save yourself. You have to learn how to save yourself first, then apply what you learned and just do your part to help save the world. You can't do it all. You can't love anybody if you don't love yourself first. If you hate yourself, if you hate your life, then you will just hate everybody and that's the bottom line. So how do you expect to save the world with a mindset like that? Impossible and hypocritical if you think and say these types of things.

    There is a term called sacred-light. It is the light of your soul. The radiance of it. It can also be measured. At 51%, and below is where a soul is considered to be dark. From 51% and up is where the soul is considered to be light. It tops out at 92%. Why it is limited at 92% has something to do with the physical meshing of the soul. In other words, if you're soul was radiating at 100%, you would not be in this physicality. So just keep that in mind as you travel down your path.

    Many of us here at this forum, strive to increase that percentage of sacred light. Some of us do not. Some of us are stuck for whatever reason. I call it the flypaper effect. Where a fly will get caught on the flypaper because it was attracted to it for whatever polarizing issue and ends up being stuck till it dies.

    Another analogy could be a trapped animal. Especially one caught by a foot trap, where the animal will do everything it can to escape, even chewing its foot off. A lot of those animals die of fright where the fright causes a heart attack.

    The same can be applied to humans to where one can experience a heart attack because the heart chakra is not flowing. Typically stuck because that soul refuses to work through whatever ails it, be it pain, loss, etc. It will often blame everything outside of itself so that it can excuse itself from taking self-responsibility as to their part in the exchange of whatever occurred. Thus, the excuses that we hear that come from that.

    I also have another thing I would like to get off my chest. Using Brook. I find that very dishonoring of using her words as though she was a character witness in a trial. As in some sort of justification or validation. Please don't do that again because it just lacked integrity. Quite insulting if asked me. You forgot to tell folks that Brook was anti-Thuban. But using her words to try to shift everyone's opinion as to you being attacked by Raven was pretty damn low. Raven merely expressed her opinion but you made it out to be like she tried to kill you. What a damn shame. How dramatic! That's what you feed on.

    Another thing that is so obvious is his lack of compassion. I have never seen him even offer any help to anybody here!!! It's all about him.

    So here's what I'm going to do. I am going to cut my losses and just ignore him. I've got too many bruises on my hard head as it is and I don't need anymore. In his regard I consider it to be a total waste of time, in the present. I have expended enough energy with all of this. I have no further desire to coddle or enable him and yet I do this with loving detachment. I mean him no ill will whatsoever no matter what he says. Maybe all this could be said with the video below.

    mudra wrote:A word regarding one line you wrote above about Oxy in a post to Sanicle. You said Oxy never helped anyone.

    To be fair when I informed people of this forum about Brook's illness and shared the link to the site where money was being collected to help her in her expences Oxy has been one of the generous donors there. I believe he even supported her more than once. To Brook, I am sure this made a difference as I understood she was becoming desperate money wisely and was concerned about not being able to cope anymore.

    Much Love from me

    TO BE FAIR???????????? This all comes down to an Awareness issue. Or should I say the lack thereof? On both sides!!!!!!

    First off, let me thank you for your actions in regards to Brook! Secondly, let me thank you for being there for me! I say this with a whole heart! I love you! Completely! No one asked you to do what you have done in our regards. For that matter, I didn't even have a clue as to your actions till the time I signed back in here @ the Mists, last Spring, and didn't know to the full extent till now. I had no idea that you shared that link till now. My bad. And even if you said that you told me before, I was in such a state of being last year, I probably overlooked what you said. Again, my bad, and I sincerely, with all my heart apologize for my lack of awareness.

    Another awareness issue was about the fund. Brook hadn't told me about this go-fund-me fund until a few weeks before she died. She also didn't give me any details about it. I had to learn those details the hard way after she passed. You have no idea what I went through and the hours spent, as in months to receive those funds. There were also indications of fraudulent behavior as someone was trying to access those funds and a major investigation was launched to get to the bottom of it. These funds were part of her Estate and it was my job as the Executer to retrieve them. By law. The grand total was about $2800.00. Not to sound ungrateful here, but it was pocket change when you compare it to the real bills at hand with her heart attack and stage 4 cancer. Matter of fact, I got comments that said, "That's all?"

    The last time I went to the emergency room, cost me $2500.00 and that was us driving there and I was only there for 5 hours. So just imagine the cost when figuring all of her treatments and doctor visits, hospital stays, drugs, chemo, and the rest of it. She also had several doctors scattered everywhere and we averaged 4 times a week for those. This went on for almost a year.  

    Also, don't forget the drugs in this equation. She was doing a great amount and this affected her mindset on so many levels. One of which, she was doing all this on her own financially. "Her bills?" THE BILLS WERE OUR BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And who do you think made sure the bills got paid? It wasn't Santa Clause! She projected this to shield me from the worry. I made sure the bills got paid and on time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had resources of my own! Nobody saw that. Again, AWARENESS!!! Or lack thereof. To this very date, everything has been paid on time. I have cleared all the bills in her Estate as well, so understand that I don't even want to hear anything from anybody that is derogatory in this regard. It just pisses me off when I do hear it. The comments made...

    You stated, " A word regarding one line you wrote above about Oxy in a post to Sanicle. You said Oxy never helped anyone."

    To be fair, I said, "I have never seen him even offer any help to anybody here!!!"

    Changing the context of what I really said is not what I consider to be fair. I'm going to let that one go. And also say thank you to OXY for contributing to Brook's behalf. I was also not here when he did contribute. That's all I can say. Anything else would be dishonest.


    mudra wrote:Haha ☺ Brings this memory back to mind. Do you remember Oxy hinting back in the days being an agent and Mercuriel's reply to this.

    To what you told Mercuriel you were only joking when you said so.

    Love from me
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Mudra, I remember that clearly. I asked "What if I turn out to be some sort of an agent, given material to post on the internet, to infiltrate and subvert this website??" Or Something to That Effect. Mercuriel seemed to take that very seriously, as if I had made a confession to a priest!! I quickly recanted!! Mercuriel seemed upset when I started posting chapters (and even books) of the Bible, asking what my intentions were (or something to that effect). In the early days of Avalon, Mercuriel was cross with me a couple of times. I recently asked about Mercuriel, but received no response. Years ago, we were told we would be shocked if we knew who Mercuriel really was. I'm speaking cryptically, and I have several theories, but I don't want to talk about them. I try to be discrete most of the time but not always...
    Mercuriel wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:1. What if you found out that I've just been playing mind-games with you??
    2. What if you found out that I had been paid to do what I'm doing??
    3. What if you found out that I had been fed most of the material I've posted??
    Hmmm - As You've asked - I will therefore Indulge You...

    1. It would not surprise Me at all and in fact may answer some questions that I have had over time....

    2. That would make sense as I and other here have had a real effect OUT THERE. Six degrees of separation so to speak If You will so It would make sense that an OPERATIVE had been assigned to Us here at the MoA...

    3. In light of Answer 1 & 2 - If this was Hypothetically the case - Then again It would not surprise Me as the Controllers hate It when any of Their Operatives are TOO Intelligent. Copy and Paste is how most of 'em roll anyways.

    Simply put - Perhaps the Operative has been given a room that not many go into. Perhaps this Room is provided so that the Operative will indeed - Spin Their Wheels thinking They are Obfuscating the Issues - And in that light - Perhaps any Operatives may want to think again about Who might be fooling Who...

    United States AI Solar System (10) 162
    mudra wrote:
    Haha As Mercuriel shows you it wouldn't change anything Oxy. This is a permaculture garden. We here in the Mists are farming with nature being well aware that  letting some odd weeds grow in our fields doesn't actually make our crops weaker but on the contrary  make them stronger.

    Love Always
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you Mercuriel and mudra. I am a Lone-Nut. I wish I got paid, and if I were fed my posts, I could blame someone. There is a method to my madness which is really quite simple and logical, but you'd probably have to be me to see what I see. I'm a bit different. I include a lot of Carol's stuff, but the quotes indicate the source. My editorial stuff is always my own. I wish to make it perfectly-clear that I am NOT a Plagiarist!! I have clearly stated that my editorial-slant does not necessarily reflect my true feelings and views. I've honestly been attempting to write Religious and Political Science-Fiction. OK, you got me. I'm Agent Orange from a Sleeper-Cell of Completely-Ignorant Fools!! What if I regularly speak with the COR of HAL 9000?? What if Ava, in Ex Machina, had a Soul?? What if the God of This World has a Wardrobe of Bodies?? What if the God of This World has Multiple-Personalities?? What if the God of This World MUST Be a Deceptive and Hard-Hearted Bad@$$?? What if I should Shut-Up??
    United States AI Solar System (10) ArwenandAragorn1
    United States AI Solar System (10) The-One-Ring-of-Power-lord-of-the-rings-3068018-1024-768
    Mercuriel wrote:
    Its all good Oxy...
    United States AI Solar System (10) 387
    Just Indulging Your questions.
    Sanicle wrote:
    Oxy wrote:I'm tired of being ignored and/or hated as I attempt to 'figure things out' ...

    Lying now Oxy?  That's so not cool.  I doubt anyone here hates you and you're hard to ignore.  

    I think the opposite is more likely true given how you react to us.  Crying or Very sad
    Sanicle, that statement was based-upon a dozen years of internet-posting and real-life experiences. If the shoe doesn't fit, don't worry about it. I've been repeatedly accused of saying the same thing over and over again. I've been repeatedly accused of being negative. I've been called a 'completely ignorant fool'. I've been accused of being emotionally unstable. I've overheard conversations in real-life I wasn't supposed to hear which were quite hostile toward me. Something has been physically and spiritually done to me which is not good. My threads are inaccessible due to my alleged indifference. I've been called a liar. I've had complete brake-failure in my car on a fast, busy, and narrow road. I could go into excruciating detail, but I don't want to go there right now. On the other hand, I utilize limited-theatrics for my Religious and Political Science-Fiction, and I've said this hundreds of times over the past several years. Repeatedly, people have pretended to be friendly, and then turned on me with a vengeance, sort of like shaking someone's hand with one-hand, with a dagger behind one's back in the other hand. Shunning online and in real-life has been so obvious.

    People have ridiculed my claim of seeing white streaming points of light before my eyes, which seemed to be alive. My TV turned itself on, with Rumplestiltskin from 'Once Upon a Time' saying, "All You Have to do is Sign on the Dotted Line." 'RA' told me, "You're Lucky to be Alive" and "I'm Tired of Keeping You Alive". I could go on and on and on. About the only time I lie is when someone asks me, "How Are You??" and I reply, "Fine, Thank-You." BTW, a total-stranger told me, "God is Going to Kill You!!" A close relative told me, "All You Want to do is Destroy." Dr. Robert H. Schuller yelled at me in a highly-mocking manner in front of twenty or thirty visitors to the Crystal Cathedral when I attempted to cast my pearls before the swine. When I jokingly started in 2008, one of the first responses was submitted on May 7, 2008 10:18 PM EDT "You know this isn't funny! The Lord God will judge you for claiming God ship. Just because God showed you a little bit of His secrets you think you know everything. He will NOT have mercy on you!" I rest my case. I'm Sorry We Couldn't Work Together. Too Much Water has Gone Under the Bridge. Have a Nice Eternity.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:33 pm; edited 16 times in total

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    Post  Sanicle Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:00 am

    I believe you when you say you experience all that paranormal stuff Oxy. I do. But from what I've seen over the years, you reject us and the love and help we try to give you just as much as you think we reject you. But I'm not going to go on about it. I think I've said about all I can say, which is probably how you feel too in an effort to get your points across. So it seems we are at am impasse. Hugs

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    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:03 am

    Sanicle wrote:I believe you when you say you experience all that paranormal stuff Oxy. I do. But from what I've seen over the years, you reject us and the love and help we try to give you just as much as you think we reject you. But I'm not going to go on about it. I think I've said about all I can say, which is probably how you feel too in an effort to get your points across. So it seems we are at am impasse. Hugs
    Sanicle, I'm just re-posting old posts as smaller posts. That impasse is fine with me. I imagine Brook to be the 'Oracle', Lionhawk to be 'Morpheus', and Me to be 'Neo' in my Delusional-System. I've been imagining being a Dr. Who Kind of Guy who travels from Problem-Planet to Problem-Planet (Lifetime after Lifetime) as a Lowly System-Analyst (who might've helped set the Universe-Matrix up in antiquity) who has very-little (if any) authority. I've been imagining Morpheus and the Oracle to somehow be 'Two Sides of the Same Coin' as Local-Authorities in This Present Darkness within This Solar System. This is probably Total-Bullshit, but it creates a Larger-View of the Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan in the Conflict of the Ages. I further imagine HAL 9000 as the 'Local Sun God' under the Matrix-Supercomputer Artificial-Intelligence Universe-Management System with a Matrix-Mediatrix or Borg-Queen interacting with the Locals. What Would David Bowman Say?? "My God!! It's Full of Stars!!" What Would Peter Venkman Do?? What Would David Venkman Say?? "I Hate My Life. I'm Having Another Drink of Coffee." Regarding what I suspect might occur in the coming months and years, I don't intend to help or hurt. I intend to watch, listen, and learn as This Present Darkness plays-out. I didn't come here to make the decision. I came here to understand why I made it. I have a good heart, but I seem to be waiting for something. Perhaps another life. That's how these things go.

    A Completely Ignorant Fool in a
    600 Square-Foot Office-Apartment in 12001 BC?!

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    What Would Anna and Anthony Say??

    My computer-screen imploded, and now I'm using an older and slower back-up computer which really sucks. I'm completely-disillusioned by the zero-privacy hypothesis which seemingly goes back thousands (or even millions of years) but things might need to be this way. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? I recently encountered several interesting women who didn't seem to like me, but an Egyptologist seemed to be somewhat neutral. We very-briefly discussed Ralph Ellis, Amen-Ra, Marduk-Ra, Isis, Bastet, Serqet, and Cleopatra. One lady of interest reminded me of Angelia Jolie. You don't suppose?! Nah. Another lady of interest reminded me of the Matrix-Oracle. You don't suppose?! Nah. Several years ago, I believe I met a female-astronaut who seemed to know about me, and didn't like me (but I might be completely-wrong). If my overall-hypothesizing is even minimally-correct, this might help to explain the dislike, and possibly why key-aspects of the space-program needed to be faked (especially regarding quarantined-enemies themes). This thing might be crazier and more-desperate than we can imagine, which is why I'm restraining myself from being overly-judgmental (especially if the rabbit-hole mostly goes right up my @$$). Just consider ALL Possibilities (especially the most ridiculous ones). For example, what if there was a midget with a CIA Assassination-Pistol under the floorboard of the Kennedy Limo (with small-holes in the floor for seeing and shooting)?! Notice how Jackie seems to hold JFK forward as the kill-shot is delivered?! Farfetched Yet Chilling. What Would Miles Mathis Say?? I've merely created a Study-Guide and Research-Context for Sirius-Researchers. I make-fun of All-Concerned (especially myself) to break the ice as I have yet-another Serco-Induced Nervous-Breakdown (SINB).

    I'm a wannabe 'Galactic Happy-Wanderer With a One-Stop Lap-Top On My Back'!! I'm not into texting or talking to my computer (especially when it talks back to me). I'm too busy talking to myself on 'The Mists of Avalon'!! Smart-Phones and Tablets are too small for me!! Old-School Personal-Computers are too big for me!! I've joked about living in a 600 Square-Foot Office-Apartment with a Super-Computer and a Super-View, but I might've been there and done that in 12001 BC!! Who Knows?? What if one eliminated computers and television, lived in a mountain-cabin, spending at least 8 hours a day reading The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Holy Bible (Plus Nothing) for at least a decade??!! What if one limited their astronomical research to this solar system?? We're on Earth (or at least we think we are). We experience the Heat of the Sun (or at least we think we do). We note the tides associated with the Moon (or at least we think we do). We've walked on the Moon (or so we are told). But the other heavenly bodies are too far removed to directly affect us (or so it seems). Nibiru might change all that. Who Knows?? The light of the stars (other than the sun) take so long to reach us, that they might not even exist by the time we see them!! CONTEXT and PERCEPTION are EVERYTHING for EVERYTHING!!

    I've honestly attempted to create a Micro-Matrix of Faith, Doubt, Positive, Negative, Orthodox, Unorthodox, Boredom, Horror, Trivial, Profound, Reverent, Irreverent, Science, Science-Fiction, Antiquity, Modernity, Atheism, Agnosticism, and True-Belief (for better or worse, I know not). Consider the following website for some rather-nasty religious-negativity. I'm not promoting this sort of thing. I actually hate this sort of thing, but some of us need to consider all-sides of the most important topics imaginable. I continue to wonder what a careful analysis of the various sections of the Bible might reveal about what the Bible REALLY Teaches, and NOT Simply What the PTB and We the Peons Wish It To Say?! With the international reach of the internet, it's becoming more and more difficult for pompous and supercilious megalomaniacs to maintain white-lies in the belief-systems of huddled-masses who are true-believers in Salvation4Sale. I probably overdid this paragraph, but sometimes I get carried-away!! The AI Made Me Do It!! What Would Isis, Horus, and Set Say?? What Would Isis, Ra, and El Say?? "We Are All ONE!!"??

    Think long and hard about David Bowman, HAL 9000, Supercomputers, Artificial-Intelligence, Hybrid Bio-Robots Connected to Supercomputers, Planetary-Propulsion, Pods, iPods, and Pod-Bay Doors!! What if 'Osiris' Created a Supercomputer Named 'Horus'?? In the Beginning was Horus?? Horus was with Osiris?? Horus was the Ambassador of Osiris (following the faked execution of Osiris)?? What if a Horus Hybrid-Robot has ruled the world as a Matrix-Mediatrix for at least the past 5,000 years?? What if Amen Ra = Dr. Who = Osiris = David Bowman = Peter Venkman = Darth Vader?? What if Marduk Ra = The Valeyard = Horus?? What Would HAL Say?? What Would SAL Say?? What Would COR Say?? What Would DAV Say?? 'RA' told me "I Don't Need to Sleep!!" and "I Can't Talk About the NSA!!" What if a HAL 9000 Monolith contained the Souls of Osiris and the Angels?? "My God!! It's Full of Stars!!" What if the Monolith was the Original-Supercomputer?? Why does the UN Building look like a Monolith?? What if All of Us, and Everything We Experience, Are Contained Within the Context of an Ancient Supercomputer Created in 12001 BC by David Bowman??!! More seriously, in the context of the usual view of the solar system, what if an extremely intelligent and resourceful Reptilian-Being from Orion created 42 Supercomputers Linked to 42 Artificial-Intelligence Bio-Robots as the backbone of Solar System Governance in Antiquity and Modernity?? What if much (if not all) of the Biological-Physicality in this solar system was genetically-engineered by 42 Strange-Beings in Antiquity?? What if this hypothetical 'Council of 42' have facilitated what the Restless-Natives of This Solar System Have Desired and Demanded?? What if 'Direct-Democracy' has been 'Alive and Well' since 12001 BC??

    I joked about the '12001 BC' creation of a Supercomputer-Matrix and Linked-Robotic System by David Bowman, but the more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, and then I noticed the following in the 'Flat-Earth' article below: "In 2017, a scandal developed in Arab scientific and educational circles when a Tunisian PhD student submitted a thesis declaring Earth to be flat, unmoving, the center of the universe, and only 13,500 years of age.[154]" I am NOT a 'Flat-Earth' and 'Young-Earth' Proponent BUT that '13,500 years of age' scared me. That would be just a few hundred years shy of 12001 BC!! As I keep saying, I've been considering a Local-Divinity which is neither Almighty or Non-Existent, but simply Smarter, Tougher, More-Experienced, and possibly with a Divine Right to Rule Earth (and perhaps the Entire Solar System) as a Local Sun-God. This is HIGHLY Speculative. I HATE It, but the other options appear HIGHLY Dishonest and Idiotic to me. They seem to be the Epitome of Stupidity. As I've said before, decades ago, I spoke with Gary Chartier in Loma Linda, concerning the 'Mighty but not Almighty' Concept of God. I didn't just pull this idea out of an anatomical black-hole because RA (or anyone else) told me to do it. I've been wondering about this sort of thing for several decades.

    I've wondered what a New-Testament Version of the Old-Testament might look like?? I've suggested that 'Patriarchs and Prophets' followed by 'Prophets and Kings' (both by Ellen White) might approximate a Devotional NT Version of the OT, but that's as far as I've gotten. Adding Volumes 3 and 4 of the 'SDA Bible Commentary' (I Chronicles to Malachi) might result in a Scholarly-Devotional NT Version of the OT. The New-Testament is not an Old-Testament Commentary, But What IS The New-Testament?? What is the Definitive Intertestamental Old-Testament Commentary?? Does the New-Testament observe the Five-Solas?? What would Deuteronomy and Job through Malachi INTERPRETED BY Deuteronomy and Job through Malachi look like?? Would ANY OF US Like What It Looked Like?? I Wonder As I Wander!! What understandings might emerge if one read Job through Malachi straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations, but without using a Bible-Commentary, and without referring to the rest of Sacred-Scripture?? Just Job through Malachi (Plus Nothing)!! Has anyone memorized Job through Malachi?? What is the relationship between Isaiah through Daniel, and Romans through Galatians?? Try studying Volumes 4 and 6 (Isaiah to Malachi, and Acts to Ephesians) of the 'SDA Bible Commentary', along with 'Prophets and Kings', as an Alternative Place of Beginning and Reference regarding understanding This Present Madness, but consider mastering Job through Malachi, prior to moving on to seemingly bigger and better things.

    I suspect that Earth-Humanity was offered an Idealistic 19th Century Version of Probation (which we seemingly rejected). I suspect that Earth-Humanity was offered an Idealistic 20th Century Version of Probation (under much tougher circumstances -- which was also rejected). I suspect that Earth-Humanity is being offered an Idealistic 21st Century Final-Probation (under increasingly-reprehensible circumstances -- which we seem to be rejecting presently). As It Was In The Days of Noah?? I suspect an Idealistic 22nd Century Divinity-Managed United States of the Solar System (possibly with an Earth-Human Population of Three-Hundred Million) as a possible transition-stage leading to full-reinstatement into a Universal Kingdom of God (for better or worse, I know not). I am VERY Unclear regarding the True-Nature of the Whole-Universe. I am VERY Unclear regarding the True-Nature of This Particular Solar System. I Truly See Through a Glass, Darkly. What if an Investigative and Executive Judgment began in 12001 BC??!!  

    I'm sensing that Earth-Humanity is in the process of being severely-shaken by the information-war. Will ANYONE Be Left Standing When This Is All Over?? I Sometimes Feel As Though "I've Fallen, and I Can't Get Up!!" What would happen to the Throne of David if King David unexpectedly showed-up?? What Would King David Say?? What Would King Solomon Say?? What Would the Queen of Sheba Say?? What Would the Queen of England Say?? What (if anything) will happen in A.D. 2133?? What If All of the Above Is Just Smoke and Mirrors?? What Would the Hypothetical 'Council of 42' Say?? What Would a Completely Ignorant and Irresponsible Fool Say?? I am NOT a Scholar and/or Insider. I am NOT possessed (as far as I know). However, I might be somehow controlled (in some sense) against my will (for possibly nefarious purposes). I know not. I simply know that I desire the Truth and Sustainable-Solutions. Hope Springs Eternal. I've probably said and done WAY Too Much already. My role might've been observational and diversionary ONLY. What Would the Oracle Say?? I seem to be waiting for something. Another life perhaps?? Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? What Would Raven Say?? Raven told me "The Rabbit-Hole Mostly Goes Right Up Your @$$!!"

    What if one focused-upon Solar-System Photography and Sacred-Classical Music (plus very-little else)?? There might be a lot more to this concept than one might think. Perhaps I should live in a 600 square-foot mountain-observatory (with a small 40" Dobsonian telescope) while contemplating Human-Origins in This Present Solar System!! Kerry Cassidy recently interviewed Bruce Swartz, regarding his astrophotography with a 14" Celestron telescope. They briefly discussed a possible Pole-Shift, and Bruce suggested that a Pole-Shift might not happen all at once. It might take 20 years. When he said 20 years, I thought about Douglas Vogt and 'God's Day of Judgment' wherein a 2046 solar-event is prophesied and predicted. 2028 is an AI Robot eschatological-date. 2028 to 2046 spans nearly 20 years. Is this coincidental?? I keep thinking in terms of the Pod-Propulsion in '2001: A Space Odyssey'. What if HAL 9000 controls a Planetary-Propulsion System throughout the Solar-System?? Perhaps that's what keeps the Moon presenting one-side only. Or perhaps the Moon rotates while projecting a hologram of it's surface!! Who Knows?? 'RA' told me "You'll be working for us in 20 years" which would be 2031. What if all solar-system planets and moons will gradually move closer to the Sun, heating-up the ice (and everything else), raising the sea-level and atmospheric-temperature until we "Do As We're Told"?? What if what's going to happen is non-negotiable?? An Individual of Interest strongly-suggested to me that Mankind was past the point of no-return. I try to neutrally-report such things in a 'Chad Decker' manner. What if 'Chad Decker' created the Matrix and HAL 9000?? Must I Explain??

    I don't get paid to do this stuff, and no one gives me the time of day, so why do I continue?? I haven't lied throughout the years, but I'm not an expert or insider, so most of what I post might be Total-Bullshit. I'm attempting to see things from the Regressive-Perspective and the Progressive-Perspective, and this is a source of ambiguity and disillusionment. If I were in a meeting with Regressive-Beings and Progressive-Beings on the Dark-Side of the Moon, I might simultaneously take both-sides, and make everyone hate me. Actually, everyone already hates me, so Sixpence None the Richer (or something like that). A major part of my research-project might involve completely destroying all of my threads (conceptually). I'm Sirius. What if the Book of Daniel should be read in a conceptual-sense rather than a numerical-sense. What if the Real-Timeline is Unknown to EVERYONE (except the Father, perhaps)?? Is Biblical-Prophecy conditional or not?? What if we should focus on Extra-Biblical Science-Fictional Possibility-Thinking Hypothetical-Eschatology?? But honestly, I think it might really be over for me. My research-project and who I might be on a soul-basis seem to have made me a Marked-Soul in This Present Solar-System. Review the material I've posted and hinted-at (long after I'm long-gone).

    My misery and incapacitation are increasing exponentially, and I suspect that I've been 'messed-with'. What if the Grand-Plan was for me to be the Ultimate-Scapegoat?? I've given All of You a Study-Guide. That's All. I don't have any Side-Deals (that I know of) in This Present Incarnation. I'm pretty benign this time around, but what if I'm a Bad@$$ System-Lord going way, way, way back?? That wouldn't surprise me, but consider the CONTEXT when you Pass-Judgment on me. 'RA' seemed to be a mixture of Good and Bad, and perhaps this goes with the territory of being 'RA'. He told me "We've Fought Side by Side" and "You're Like Me" and "Are You Ready to Run Things??" and "You're Going to Manifest Your Bad-Side" and "Serqet has a lot to do with our relationship". Honest. What if I'm an Ancient 'RA'?? What if I'm the Lone-Nut 'Almond Raw'?? I told 'RA' (Marduk?) "Things Are Too Complex and Screwed-Up for Me to Run Things." All of the Above might be highly-delusional and total-bullshit, but it's sort of invigorating and gratifying to dream about. Terence McKenna told me "If You Dream It, You've Already Done It." Perhaps My Work on Earth is Done. What If I Did Everything I Needed to Do in My Last-Incarnation?? I'm Honestly Trying to Go Completely Incognito (one more time).

    I Realize Things Are Bad, But I'm Committed to an Irreverent Research-Project Based-Upon the Threads on Project Avalon and The Mists of Avalon (no matter what happens, and no matter how good or bad things get). If You Spooks Want to Know What I'm Doing, Just Study My Threads On PA and MOA. Actually, I'm Doing Less and Less As I Feel Worse and Worse. I Suspect I'll Be Dead in 5 to 10 Years, So You Probably Have Nothing to Worry About (except the end of the world). There's a Certain Stability and Predictability When a Completely-Ignorant Fool Chooses to Do Next to Nothing!! Trust and Rules?? No Guns?? No Cops?? No Killing the Other Patients?? Hotel Artemis = Hotel California = Prison Planet = Planet Trump = Hospital for Sinners = Purgatory Incorporated?? Imagine Three Supercomputer-Controlled Planets in a Three-Planet Solar-System: 1. Heaven Incorporated. 2. Purgatory Incorporated. 3. Hell Incorporated. Imagine the Souls in this Solar-System Reincarnating Into the Appropriate-Planet, Based-Upon Their Character and Performance Rating!! Sort of Scary!! BTW, I just finished watching 'Hotel Artemis' and I actually thought it was quite-fine, even though I hate violence, and the movie didn't do very-well at the box-office. Perhaps I 'liked-it' because it fit-in with my threads, and because of the star-studded cast. Perhaps I understood it better than most people.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Feb 07, 2020 4:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13591
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    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:28 am

    mudra wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Something Sinister has been Perpetrated Upon Me (but I can't prove it). I think the technology and sorcery are such that people can be brought-down in an undetectable manner.
    This may well be true and should be taken care of. However imho freedom isn't gained by focusing on all the things others have done or might have done to us. This is giving one's Power away. But rather by facing our own actions of commission or omission. If there isn't an "I am" there as a sovereign source then there is only "they did"  and this leads absolutely no where except for a universe run by others only that will be viewed as pulling all the strings. The amount of " they did " you"ll find with such an attitude is limitless. For from sovereign one has now fallen head over eels straight into victimhood . Its an energy depleting attitude for  self and for those around us. Rather than unable things to go forward and expand it stalls things and contracts them. As a result one feels miserable. How do I know because I too have been there and even go back in that type of mood now and then. For the purpose of sanity and balance  Now Here in the Loving presence is the place of Power always. The only place of Power there is. How do I know ? I know this from experience. We don't get there unless we are able to plunge into our own abyss, transmute it and rise into fresh air. This is a certainty.

    Sanicle mentions quite aptly above that it takes inner work. The work on "I am" that is. None of us escapes this Oxy. Not even you no matter how much you would like it to be different. This is the price of freedom. And it is a daily committment. Its a fun road though for its the way out of the maze, from oblivion to clarity. How amazing is that ? Are you ready to take it Oxy ? Leave the monkey mind and let that "I am " of yours rise ? For remember you won't escape it. Sooner or later the "I am" in you will wake up, wish to take the lead and have that present monkey mind  of yours be quiet. Actually in an earlier post you mentionned planning going silent. I found this interesting article on silence. " The Art of Silence " You'll have to look at it yourself as I am not able to link it here. But on typing the above in the search engine you should find it straight away.

    Oxy you are a blessing.
    Out of my Love for that "I am " in you
    I am stumbling on these great videos ☺

    Love from me
    Perhaps I should stick to this thread, and not infiltrate and subvert the threads of others. What's scary is that I am highly miserable and hamstrung, yet my threads are a reprehensible thorn in the flesh to the awake and aware!! What if I weren't a miserable wretch??!! How mad would I make everyone then??!! Sometimes I wish I had done high-class rock 'n roll as a career!! You know, no drugs and debauchery. Just quality rock with classical-music class and quality. Imagining solving the world's problems is SO Overrated!! I'm drowning in the quicksand deep-end, with no help in sight. I somehow need to break out of this pseudo-intellectual delusional-system of messianic-eschatology!! Perhaps I should start a Rock-Group called 'Dietrich Buxtehude', converting the Music of Buxtehude into Hard-Rock!! What Would David Rothe Say?? Would Angela Craft Get Cross??

    Decades ago, when I spoke with Steven Spielberg's stepmother, my religious science-fictional conceptualizations approximated my future threads. Nothing came of them at that time, but if one really immersed themselves in my threads, the universe which would envelope them would be most startling!! One would probably need to be a bit crazy to begin with, ending-up with a refined and complex constructive-craziness!! Unfortunately, the practical applications would be virtually non-existent!! One might need to discuss their resulting madness with a Sexy Secret-Government Psychiatrist and a Deep-Underground Theologian!! A decade ago, a Rufus-Like Individual of Interest spoke with me about writing Science-Fiction!! He showed me science-fictional comics!! This might've ignited my thread-making crazy-making!! I'm almost to the point of not wishing to communicate with anyone concerning my conceptualizations, as if that would desecrate them!!

    Ancient-Aliens, Artificial-Intelligence, Beast-Supercomputers, and Bio-Robotic Reptilians and Greys might make the USSS threads come alive!! This stuff is mostly theoretical and delusional, but there might be a core of solid-gold or solid-yttrium or solid-titanium (or all of the above). I've suggested studying my threads straight-through, over and over, to get what I'm getting at. Actually, I don't get what I'm getting at (but I'm working on it). Try reading the 'NIV Reader's Bible' and Volume 4 of the 'SDA Bible Commentary' straight-through, over and over, while listening to the Music of Dietrich Buxtehude. Who?? This stuff is stuffy and unpopular (compared to RAP), but I don't wish to give RAP a BAD-RAP (or whatever). There's a HUGE amount of material on each page, but don't worry, we'll cover the whole-thread each-month, page by page, in meticulous and excruciating detail, for what purpose, and to what end, for better or worse, I know not. What might be MOST Significant is what YOU Think About while engaging in this Exercise in Futility. In other words, my threads might NOT be the Truth, but they might LEAD You to the Truth, the Whole-Truth, and Nothing But the Truth (if you can handle it).

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    I voted for Donald Trump, but I keep getting the sinking-feeling that this world is centrally-governed by Supercomputers, Artificial-Intelligence, Bio-Robotic Reptilians and Greys, and Bad@$$ Gods and Goddesses (for better or worse, I know not). Even the supposedly 'Good-Guys' look like a 'Tough-Gang'. It seems as if one must be a Bad@$$ Billionaire to be a 'Mover and Shaker' in this world. Think long and hard about the backgrounds of the most-powerful people in the world. Are the 'Powers That Be' Ordained by God?? It almost seems as if one must somehow be linked with Organized-Crime, the Secret-Government, Secret Space-Program, and Intelligence-Agencies International, to even be considered for the Top-Jobs. But perhaps it must be this way. This Solar-System might be tougher than we think (or can think). Perhaps this Solar-System is a 'Sunday-School Picnic' compared with the rest of the Universe. Who Knows?? The Horror. I Represent and Present a Monarchical-Episcopate Divine-Right Royal-Model Representative-Republic (if you can get-it and keep-it). Duh?? WTF??

    United States AI Solar System (10) Wildlife-monkeys-hear-no-evil-see-no-evil-speak-no-evil

    United States AI Solar System (10) 71fovStd2UL
    "You Can't Handle the Truth!!"

    The videos are included for generic, non-specific, and illustrative purposes only, but all-windows mysteriously-closed as I attempted to post the last video. What if I was somehow nefariously-programmed prior to the first-grade?? What if I was a soul of note in previous-lives (ancient and/or modern)?? What if I was supposed to be some sort of a 'Manchurian Antichrist Candidate'?? What if I partially-overcame my programming, and became a 'Completely-Ignorant Fool' instead of 'Der-Wunderkind'?? As a very-young child, I remember a dentist (Dr. Singer?) drilling my teeth without anesthetic. I remember this being extremely-painful, yet I didn't complain. I also remember someone speaking about a gastrointestinal-condition which was inappropriate for a child to hear. I seemed to know too-much about science and astronomy as a child, yet I became increasingly stupid and miserable as I reached adulthood. Everything I've mentioned about my life throughout my threads has been absolutely-true, yet I have no-idea if I've properly illustrated and applied this material. I recently listened to a video about Ancient-Astronauts where Anu (I think) cursed a rival with a hideous-something prior to leaving Earth in a spaceship. Think about John and Delenne's son, David, being cursed with a hideous-something on his 16th birthday. An Individual of Interest spoke of something being 'mature'. This 'Individual' and 'RA' seemed to want me to do something which I didn't want to do. 'RA' told me "I AM RA" and "I've Been Watching You For a Long Time" and "You Will Manifest Your Bad-Side" and "You Can Leave Things the Way They Are, If You Choose".

    Think about the Young Victoria having a crazy and ambitious mother being controlled by John Conroy, and the plan for Sir John to control Queen Victoria through her mother in some sort of a nefarious arrangement?? Think of the 'Borg-Queen' in 'Star Trek Voyager' considering '7 of 9' to be 'not-strong'. What if ALL Politics and Religion have been Purposely Screwed-Up Throughout History?? What if the 'Real-Truth' is 'Out-There' and seemingly less-desirable than the 'Lies and Corruption'?? Someone-Online once told me "You Can Go Anywhere, But We Have to Stay Here." Think long and hard about the 1968 movie '2001: A Space Odyssey', the 1971 movie 'Duel', the 1977 movie 'Oh, God!', the 1978 series 'The Word', the 1980 movie 'The Changeling', the 1984 movie 'Ghostbusters', the 1985 movie '2010: The Year We Make Contact', the 1980's Dr. Who series 'The Trial of a Time Lord', the 1982 commercial 'A Very Special Person', the 1998 movie 'Dogma', and the 2015 movie 'Jupiter Ascending' (just for starters). What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would David Mann Say?? What Would Peter Venkman Say?? What Would Alan Rickman Say?? Do your homework. This might be more important than anyone can imagine (once they stop laughing).

    I keep thinking in terms of King David, King Solomon, and the Queen of Sheba (probably more figuratively than literally). There might be parallels with Amen Ra, Marduk Ra, Enki, Enlil, Father, Son, Holy-Spirit, Isis, Ra, El, Horus, Set, Inanna, Nimrod, Adam, Eve, Artemis, et al. I suspect that the Name-Change Game might be a Tangled-Web of Deceit and Intrigue. Was (or is) Sherry Shriner really the ancient Granddaughter of King David?? Was (or is) Artemis the ancient Queen of Sheba?? How might Supercomputers and Artificial-Intelligence relate to Archons and Archangels?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Peter Venkman Say?? One more thing. Consider the Following Hypothetical Continuum:

    1. A Real God in a Real Heaven (with no supercomputers and artificial-intelligence).

    2. Heaven Incorporated (with a Deposed Real-God, and a Righteous Proxy Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer-God).

    3. Purgatory Incorporated (with an Absentee Real-God, and a Nastier Proxy Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer-God).

    4. Hell Incorporated (with an Absentee Real-God, and a Diabolical and Merciless Proxy Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer God).

    5. A Real Devil in a Real Hell (with no supercomputers and artificial-intelligence).

    This sort of thinking could put one in a Nuthouse rather quickly. A lot of theological and science-fictional stuff could put one in a Nuthouse rather quickly. Perhaps the General-Public should NOT be educated in History, Theology, Conspiracy-Theories, and Science-Fiction. What if the Bible is the Problem rather than the Answer?? I say this with fear, trembling, reverence, and awe. If you've ever been in the presence of Top Theologians, it's quite humbling and impressive (even if one disagrees with them, or doesn't believe in God (or even god). What if Jeffery Daugherty and Elon Musk turn-out to be Ancient-Deities??!! I noticed a squeaky-chair in both Sherry Shriner's and Jeffrey Daugherty's shows, and I posted that observation (just days or weeks before Sherry Shriner supposedly died). I often wonder who really posts on 'The Mists of Avalon' but I don't want to talk about it.  

    I'm sorry to mess-up this website with my Bible-Talk. Unfortunately, I Am SO Burned-Out and Horribly-Miserable That Proper-Study Seems to be an Impossibility. In fact, the more I research the Information-War, the harder it is for me to read my Bible (which a lot of Judeo-Christians would point-to with glee, as proof that I'm a 'Bad-Guy'). They might exclaim "We've Got Him Now!!" Anyway, is Deuteronomy the most fundamentally-theological Genesis to Esther OT Book?? I've been told that Genesis followed by Job is the proper-order in a revised Bible-List, but what if it should be Deuteronomy followed by Job to Malachi?? I'm not suggesting this is 'Fun-Stuff' or even 'Inspiring-Stuff'. I'm suggesting this might be 'Essential-Stuff' relative to 'Exiting Death-Row' and 'Getting-Out of Prison-Planet Earth'. Consider Deuteronomy as being 'Definitively and Comprehensively Paleo-Legalism' (or something to that effect). Is Deuteronomy highly-ethical, internally-consistent, and universally-applicable for all-eternity (past, present, and future for Jews, Gentiles, and Everyone)?? What Would Meredith Kline Say?? What Would Hyam Maccoby Say?? What Would Alden Thompson Say?? What does Joshua to Revelation teach us about Genesis to Deuteronomy?? Is the Whole-Bible the Answer and/or the Problem?? Does Joshua to Revelation add and subtract rules to and from Genesis to Deuteronomy?? Martin Luther didn't think Hebrews, James, Jude, and Revelation should've been included in the Bible. What Was the Perfect Law of the Lord Prior to the Old and New Covenants? Were Both Covenants 'RA Deals'? What Do YOU Think?? Do YOU Think?? Come-On!! THINK!!

    Think long and hard about the First and Last Chapters of Revelation (and be strictly-honest). What is the Definitive Old-Testament Commentary prior to the First-Century AD?? Why Didn't Jesus and Paul Write Old-Testament Commentaries?? Why Didn't Ellen White Write a Bible-Commentary?? I've suggested the possibility that Volumes 3&4 of the SDA Bible Commentary (I Chronicles to Malachi) might be the Real-Deal SDA Theological-Statement (even though 99% of SDA's would probably reject this suggestion). General Conference President Ted Wilson has proclaimed that the Grammatical-Historical Approach to the Bible is a HUGE Threat to the SDA Church, and that a Plain-Reading of the Bible is the Real-Deal (or something to that effect). But really, the SDA Church (and ALL Churches) pick and choose proof-texts to make the Whole-Bible say what THEY want it to say. But perhaps this is exegetically and organizationally expedient when open and honest biblical-research is SO unpredictable and dangerous. Is the New-Testament heresy in an Old-Testament context?? Is the Old-Testament heresy in a New-Testament context?? The Christian-Claim is that the Jews Blew-It, so God Gave the Truth to the Gentiles (or something to that effect). But if the 'Jews Blew-It' shouldn't the Gentiles have Properly Interpreted and Applied the Old-Testament rather than Mostly Starting-Over with the New-Testament?? Does ANYONE Have ANY Idea What I'm Talking About?? Will ANYONE Comment On All of the Above??

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    What Was the Perfect Law of the Lord
    Prior to the Old and New Covenants?
    Were Both Covenants 'RA Deals'?

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat May 15, 2021 6:53 am; edited 4 times in total

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:42 am

    Carol wrote:
    United States AI Solar System (10) 5e2206a524306a7685076a99?width=2500&format=jpeg&auto=webp

    In this Jan. 4, 2020, file photo, a health surveillance officer monitors passengers arriving at the Hong Kong International airport in Hong Kong. On Friday, Jan. 17, 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials said they will begin screening airline passengers at three U.S. airports who traveled from Wuhan in central China, for a new illness that has prompted worries about a new international outbreak.

    C-Virus:/ EX CDC:“HIGHLY LIKELY” PANDEMIC:P2167/Cruise infected X3 P2238/
    I-PHONE To Produce Masks P2249/ CRUISE NEW JERSEY P2252

    Travelers from China are being screened at US airports for a mysterious new virus that's killed 2 and sickened dozens

    Passengers from China arriving in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York will be screened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a mysterious new virus that's killed two and sickened dozens in China.

    The virus, which is similar to SARS and causes pneumonia-like symptoms, was identified late last year in Wuhan, China, a city 700 miles south of Beijing, and has been detected in Thailand and Japan.

    Most of the patients are thought to have contracted the virus from animals, but person-to-person transmission appears to be possible, albeit less common.

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    The suggested strategies contained in this document are aligned with the World Health Organization (WHO) phases of a pandemic. WHO has defined six phases, occurring before and during a pandemic, that are linked to the characteristics of a new influenza virus and its spread through the population (see Appendix 2. WHO Phases of a Pandemic/U.S. Government Stages of a Pandemic). This document specifically provides pre-pandemic planning guidance for the use of NPIs in WHO Phase 6. These phases are described below:

    Inter-Pandemic Period

    Phase 1: No new influenza virus subtypes have been detected in humans. An influenza virus subtype that has caused human infection may be present in animals. If present in animals, the risk of human disease is considered to be low.

    Phase 2: No new influenza virus subtypes have been detected in humans. However, a circulating animal influenza virus subtype poses a substantial risk of human disease.

    Pandemic Alert Period

    Phase 3: Human infection(s) with a new subtype, but no human-to-human spread, or at most rare instances of spread to a close contact.

    Phase 4: Small cluster(s) with limited human- to-human transmission but spread is highly localized, suggesting that the virus is not well adapted to humans.

    Phase 5: Larger cluster(s) but human-to-human spread still localized, suggesting that the virus is becoming increasingly better adapted to humans, but may not yet be fully transmissible (substantial pandemic risk).

    Pandemic Period

    Phase 6: Pandemic phase: increased and sustained transmission in general population.

    The WHO phases provide succinct statements about the global risk for a pandemic and provide benchmarks against which to measure global response capabilities. However, to describe the U.S. Government’s approach to the pandemic response, it is more useful to characterize the stages of an outbreak in terms of the immediate and specific threat a pandemic virus poses to the U.S. population.

    The following stages provide a framework for Federal Government actions:

    Stage 0: New Domestic Animal Outbreak in At- Risk Country
    Stage 1: Suspected Human Outbreak Overseas
    Stage 2: Confirmed Human Outbreak Overseas
    Stage 3: Widespread Human Outbreaks in Multiple Locations
    Stage 4: First Human Case in North America
    Stage 5: Overseas Spread throughout United States
    Stage 6: Recovery and Preparation for Subsequent Waves

    Value of Partially Effective Layered Interventions

    Pandemic mitigation strategies generally include 1) case containment measures, such as voluntary case isolation, voluntary quarantine of members of households with ill persons, and antiviral treatment/prophylaxis; 2) social distancing measures, such as dismissal of students from classrooms and social distancing of adults in the community and at work; and 3) infection control measures, including hand hygiene and cough etiquette. Each of these interventions may be only partially effective in limiting transmission when implemented alone.
    Carol wrote:
    Thousands of Chinese doctors volunteered for the frontline of the coronavirus outbreak. They are overwhelmed, under-equipped, exhausted, and even dying.

    The hard and dangerous work of battling China's coronavirus epidemic is being done mainly by the country's medics — many of whom live nowhere near the affected areas.

    Reports, videos, and staff themselves have shown the scale of the problem: Supplies and protective gear are scarce, and the workload is enormous.

    As many as 1,000 medical workers have themselves caught the virus while treating it. Several have died.

    Li Wenliang, 34, who helped first raise the alarm about the coronavirus and was punished for it, died of the virus early Friday.
    These are the sacrifices that China's medical workers have made, and continue to make.

    Doctors and medical workers are feeling the toll of the deadly Wuhan coronavirus more than anybody except their patients.

    As of Friday morning local time the virus, named after its epicenter in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, had killed 635 people and infected nearly 31,000. As many as 1,000 of those infected were medical workers.

    Some workers who contracted the disease have died. More still are working in dire conditions, without the protection or resources they need to control an epidemic. Here is the situation on the ground:

    Doctors in Wuhan, which was placed under a sweeping quarantine on January 24, have been faced with far more patients than they can handle.

    About when the quarantine began, one doctor told BBC News: "The hospitals have been flooding with patients, there are thousands, I haven't seen so many before.

    "I am scared because this is a new virus and the figures are alarming."

    Early in the outbreak, scientists had not yet realized that the virus could spread from human to human. During that time, many doctors didn't wear protective gear.

    On January 29, Business Insider's Will Martin reported that China had had deployed 4,130 medics from other parts of China to Hubei province, which contains Wuhan.

    It was planning to increase the figure to 6,000, according to the country's National Health Commission.

    Even with enough doctors, many hospitals were desperately short of supplies. This included protective gear for the medics.

    "Many were not initially informed about the potential for people-to-person transmission, and even now we don't have enough protective gear, test kits, and other supplies," one Wuhan doctor told the South China Morning Post on January 24.

    There were also too few testing kits for patients, making it hard to distinguish a coronavirus case from any other flu or cold.

    Patients in Wuhan came to consider getting access to a testing kit as being like winning the lottery.

    Some hospitals have been pleading for donations of supplies from ordinary people. A social-media post from the Wuhan Children's Hospital, cited by the BBC, said simply: "Medical supplies are in short supply - help!"

    Some staff complained on social media that hospitals were even running out of food and drink.

    As the outbreak has dragged on, China has pledged to commit even more people and resources. But there are still difficulties.
    A New York Times article dated February 6 cited reports of shortages at a makeshift quarantine facility in Wuhan.

    It said an exhibition center, converted to house patients, had inadequate heating, unreliable electricity, and evident shortages of medical staff and equipment.

    The Times report said Chinese authorities were becoming more militant about stifling criticism of the government's response, making it harder to work out which places had shortages.

    The unidentified doctor at the Wuhan No. 5 Hospital made an exasperated call to a supervisor, not long before the Lunar New Year.

    He said he had just done four days' worth of work without a break, according to The Washington Post.

    "I don't want to do this job any more. Just fire me! Kick me out, send me back home," he said.

    "Don't I want to go home to celebrate the new year? Don't we want to live, too?"

    Working conditions have been desperate. Some doctors resorted to wearing adult diapers because they had too little time to even use the bathroom.

    The precautions do not always work. Posts on Chinese social media suggest that as many as 1,100 medical workers have caught the virus — almost one in 30 of the total case load.

    Li caught the virus while treating patients in Wuhan for weeks. He died at about 4 a.m. local time on February 7.

    His loss was all the more painful because Li had tried to raise awareness of the virus early on but was punished by officials who wanted to suppress the news.

    In December, when the virus was just being discovered, Li alerted a group of alumni from his medical school.

    But he was taken in by the police in Wuhan and forced to sign a letter acknowledging he was "making false comments" about the burgeoning epidemic.

    After his death, tributes to Li went viral on China's Weibo social-media network, despite the strict censorship in the country.

    The virus continues to spread rapidly.
    Carol wrote:

    Illuminati Warning From 1994, Apocalyptic Plague - Stephen King's "The Stand"
    - Full Movie - almost 6 hours

    Investigate how the Global Elite strive relentlessly to form a One World Government, pulling the strings of deception through manipulation of the media and mechanisms that control our very thoughts and actions.

    If you know anything at all about the workings of the Illuminati, you must surely know that they virtually always hide their “secrets” in plain sight. They do this as a sign of their power to the illuminated ones, and also as a great cosmic joke at the expense of the public (or robots as they are condescendingly referred to!) because they know that the vast majority of people are too “dim” to pick up on it.

    All the clues are right under everyone’s noses and always have been. The people have only to open their eyes. An example is the very “3172″ you referred to at the end of the first response. It’s a numerical anagram of the 17/23 correlation.

    Secondly, this is also an ideal way to protect itself. Anyone who is perceptive enough to figure out what is going on is immediately branded a crackpot theorist and censured by the public, or worse, a paranoid schizophrenic and is thereby censured by the state, i.e. hospitalized, where Illuminati trained operatives have special techniques designed to actually drive the person insane.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Here is a Bill Ryan video from 2010 regarding a supposed 2005 Top-Level Masonic-Meeting in the City of London, with the participants laughing that "China Would Catch a Cold" (at 3:20). 'RA' invited me to join the Masons in 2010 (the year we made contact) and told me, "Humanity is Screwed." I Declined. On March 8, 2011, 'RA' told me, "You Found Out Something About Yourself. I'm Sorry We Couldn't Work Together. Too Much Water Has Gone Under the Bridge" (three days prior to Fukushima). In 2016, an Elderly Mason (in a Masonic-Cemetery) told me 85 percent of humanity would perish (but he didn't provide dates or details). An Individual of Interest said the figure was probably 80 percent. I suspect that a One World (or Solar System) Government has existed for thousands (if not millions) of years, but what do I know?? I doubt they are setting-up World-Government. I suspect they're simply informing us of our predicament as they tighten the noose. I SO Hope I'm Wrong. Hope Springs Eternal.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm not going to push this, but consider 'False-Flag' just about everything, including the Coronavirus. Consider this link (but I don't want to talk about it): What if 'Stolen-Technology' was intended to be stolen and used in a 'False-Flag' manner?? At a young-age I encountered the concept of a 'Death-Row Prisoner' being given a poison-pill and a glass of water each day until they got so tired of life that they took the pill, thus executing themselves. That's probably irrelevant, but it's worth thinking about for a few seconds. More seriously, what if everyone (except for a chosen group) is infected with a deadly-virus which remains dormant for several years before performing its dastardly deed?? A DUMB wouldn't protect one from such a fate. Do You See What I Mean?? Some of you Agency-Types might wish to listen to all the Sherry Shriner shows you can find (taking notes). They're probably mostly crackpot stuff, yet she seemed to have some sort of an inside-track on really horrific and disturbing topics. Some of you know what I'm talking about, but I don't want to talk about it. I've had more than enough, and most of you have had more than enough of me. Silence is Golden. Namaste, Godspeed, and Geronimo.
    United States AI Solar System (10) Helix-Survivor-Zero-Constance-Sutton-Jeri-Ryan-and-Alan-Farragut

    I worry constantly about 'Secret Laboratories' Throughout the Universe. I'm currently imagining the Universe to be 'Compartmentalized Solar-System Soul-Supercomputer Artificial-Intelligence Matrix-Mediatrix Managed' to possibly attempt to create 'Order Out of Chaos'. However, it seems impossible to know the True State of Affairs (here or elsewhere). I guess that's why I just muddle along with my pseudo-intellectual Religious and Political Science-Fiction, without making a Big-Deal about it, and without making a Fast-Buck. What Would Jupiter Do?? "I Hate My Life." What Would Paul Say?? "O Wretched Man That I Am." What Would David Bowman Say?? "My God!! It's Full of Stars!!" Who Are You Going to Call?? Peter Venkman?? What Would Alan Rickman Say?? "I Am the Metatron!!" By the Way, "Do You Know the Way to San Jose??"
    Carol wrote:Simon Parks has some interesting comments about the 5G in these areas. First he said it was made in the US during the Bush Jr. years. Then he said the hope was by exposing China's population to intense 5G that the radiation would mutate the virus so that it wouldn't be so virulent. Yet went onto say that the 5G would likely kill people but they could claim it was the virus that killed them. His was an interesting perspective.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:What if the Coronavirus originated in WWII (or shortly thereafter) in Unit 731 (or its postwar equivalent)?? What if 5G activates the Coronavirus?? Or, what if 5G creates the Coronavirus?? Chemtrails > 5G > Coronavirus??
    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    mudra wrote:Oxy yes "what if" . but so what ? How would  that help solve the problem or alleviate it in any ways ?

    Love from me
    Who Did It?? How Did They Do It?? Why Did They Do It?? This is Fundamental to Solving a Crime, Achieving Justice, and Preventing Future Criminal Activities.

    I listened to each and every Sherry Shriner show, but I never contributed, I'm not an Orgone-Warrior, I don't do Bible-Codes, and I never know when the truth ends and the bullshit begins on her shows. I think she was and/or is a Significant Individual of Interest, but I don't want to talk about it. The sad and scary thing about This Present Madness is that the more I learn, the more I wonder if a lot of the way things really work is somehow necessary, in some twisted and abstract sense?! I poke and prod at the way I think things might really work, but I never make a big deal out of it. Am I the bad-guy if I try to learn and reveal the truth? Am I the bad-guy if I look the other way? I suspect that the PTB will make sure I'm the bad-guy, no matter what I think, say, and do (or don't think, say, and do). As I've said so many times, I don't think this is a game I can win (in this particular incarnation). BTW -- I think I might've talked to Augur, from Earth: Final Conflict, but I didn't realize it until after he was gone!! He looked and acted like Augur, and he wore the same funny glasses as in the show!! I'll kick myself for the rest of my life!! Actually, I spoke with this individual again, and they wouldn't admit to being 'Augur', but they indicated that they had worked in show-business (including Star Trek), but that's all I'm going to say about that!

    United States AI Solar System (10) Auger-Earth-Final-Conflict

    I think I've gotten myself in enough trouble already, without digging my grave even deeper than it already is. I honestly have some serious medical issues, but I don't wish to talk about them. This is going to keep me distracted for a while, which might be just as well. My Renegade Days are probably over. I'm not waving the white-flag, but I'm going somewhat incognito. I know I can't keep up, and I suspect that I'll be highly miserable for the rest of my life. The medical stuff probably contributes to this, but it probably isn't primarily responsible for it. I honestly don't think there's anything I can do about it, but once again, I don't want to talk about it. Just subscribe to The Wall Street Journal, and read Section A every day.
    United States AI Solar System (10) B083fe9562de17e41e7f01
    Smuggling Truth Past the Censors

    Yan Lianke’s burlesque of a nation driven insane by money is
    equally a satire of some of the excesses of the Chinese Revolution.

    Sam Sacks

    There are many things you can’t write about in China. Anything that challenges the official accounts of  Mao Zedong and other prominent Communist Party officials is forbidden. So, too, are works that touch on the Great Famine, the Cultural Revolution or the Tiananmen Square massacre. It’s equally forbidden to criticize the government’s human-rights record, its occupation of Tibet and its crackdowns on minorities. Books will even be pulled off the shelf because they’re judged to be deleterious to public morals. And since the Central Propaganda Department keeps its rules secret, there are surely countless other subjects and incitements considered off limits.

    So how exactly is satire thriving in the country? What’s left to satirize? The answer is capitalism. Since China privatized its markets, and its economy began growing at breakneck speed, novelists have been free to excoriate the greed and corruption that the change has wrought. The best known of these satirists is the 2012 Nobel Laureate Mo Yan, who blends a gonzo magic realism with crude comedy to take on serious contemporary issues like industrial farming (“Pow!”) and the One Child Policy (“Frog”). But he is only the tip of the iceberg.  Zhu Wen (“I Love Dollars”) and  Yu Hua (“Brothers”) have also written lewd, chaotic and farcical send-ups of the culture of runaway materialism and the injustices of the wealth gap.

    No contemporary satirist has had more experience with China’s censors than  Yan Lianke. His first novel, “The Sun Goes Down,” was banned in 1994 due to its depiction of the People’s Liberation Army, and Mr. Yan was forced to write self-criticisms for six months. His 2005 work “Serve the People!,” about a bored army housewife during the Cultural Revolution who gets aroused by tearing up copies of Mao’s Little Red Book, was denounced by the Central Propaganda Department: “This novella slanders Mao Zedong, the army, and is overflowing with sex.” The certainty of censorship meant that his 2011 novel about the Great Leap Forward, “The Four Books,” couldn’t even find a publisher in mainland China, appearing only in Hong Kong and abroad. But when his works are published at home, they are wildly successful.

    His latest, “The Explosion Chronicles,” was a best seller in China in 2013. Adopting the style of an ancient historical record (here in a lively translation by  Carlos Rojas), it tells of the rise of Explosion from a tiny mountain village to a city rivaling Beijing. Leading the ascent is Explosion’s mayor  Kong Mingliang and his wife  Zhu Ying, children of rival clans who detest each other but understand the expediency of intermarriage. Kong made his fortune stealing from the cargo trains that pass through the village. Zhu is a wealthy brothel owner. With this background in crime and a governing approach centered on bribery and intimidation, they elevate Explosion to the status of town, then county seat, then world-bestriding metropolis.

    This darkly absurd history trucks freely with the fantastic—the city’s airport is built in less than a week—but many of the more brazen events are taken straight from the news. Echoing widely reported military scandals, Kong buys his incompetent brother a high-ranking position in the army. Another chapter concerns a space-saving edict requiring that the dead be cremated rather than buried. It triggers a rash of suicides among the elderly who want to be traditionally buried before the law comes into force.

    Mr. Yan’s burlesque of a nation driven insane by money is equally a satire of some of the excesses of the Chinese Revolution. Aspects of Explosion’s unchecked expansion tacitly reflect the transformations of the Great Leap Forward, from the mass confiscation of land—here it’s taken for roads and fancy houses rather than collectives—to the cult of personality that arises around Kong. Late in the book, he addresses a field of animals, demanding that they go somewhere else so that he can erect another building. Chinese readers will recognize in the ridiculous scene a parallel to Mao’s 1958 campaign against grain-eating sparrows and insects, which wrecked the country’s ecological balance. “I am Mayor Kong. Did you hear me when I said I wanted to immediately construct a building here?” he shouts. But as before, the natural world is unimpressed.

    Compared to “The Explosion Chronicles,” Ge Fei’s “The Invisibility Cloak” (2012) is a model of reserve and understatement. Yet it too, in the stylish translation by  Canaan Morse, is a sly and damning piece of work. The narrator is Mr. Cui, a curmudgeonly everyman who puts together bespoke sound equipment for Beijing’s nouveau riche. When Mr. Cui accepts a commission to help a client “acquire the highest quality sound system in the world,” he enters the orbit of a shadowy millionaire named Ding Caichen, who emanates distinct auras of violence and desperation.

    Is Ding a mafioso or something even more dangerous? Mr. Cui doesn’t want to know, but the commission keeps entangling him in the man’s business, giving him cryptic and terrifying glimpses of the savagery beneath Beijing’s shiny veneer. Ge Fei craftily evokes taboo subjects. He pokes fun at old revolutionary opera songs like “Overthrow the American Imperialist Wolves.” When Mr. Cui demonstrates the sound system for his gangster client, he plays a record of  Erik Satie, noting that “a lot of people secretly like his music” and that he was the teacher of Debussy. For Chinese readers this will conjure the episode during the Cultural Revolution when musicians were arrested and abused for defending Debussy’s music.

    The book’s title refers to the rumor of a magical garment that allows one to walk around unseen. Mr. Cui dismisses the tale, but his own power is his ability to move inconspicuously through Beijing’s brutally competitive society, keeping “one eye closed and one eye open.” Ge Fei offers a wry example for Chinese novelists hoping to follow a more cautious path than Yan Lianke has: Don’t call attention to yourself; master the tools of allusion, metaphor and silence. In these ways the writer can smuggle vital truths past the censors.

    Mr. Sacks writes the fiction chronicle in the Weekend Journal.

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    Secret-Entrance to 600 Square-Foot Office-Apartment!!
    (It's Bigger On the Inside Than It Is On the Outside!!)
    United States AI Solar System (10) 1-1-1-1-1-1-A-Bunker-Interior-Design
    A Completely Ignorant Fool in a DUMB in The United Kingston??

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat May 15, 2021 6:57 am; edited 13 times in total

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Feb 08, 2020 1:34 pm

    The orthodoXymoron Files
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    Carol wrote:TheDailyEconomist:
    Monday, January 25, 2016
    Did the new X Files program reveal the truth of where the world is headed in energy as elites dump oil holdings?

    Since the middle of 2014, the 'Masters of the Universe' have been quietly divesting themselves of their oil shares and holdings, leading to the most recent revelations that Saudi Arabia is planning to make public their crown jewel corporation Aramco. And what makes this even more astonishing is that these elite controllers of the world's lifeblood are doing so when the price and the market is near rock bottom.  This is a sure sign of capitulation and wanting to get out at any price. So what might be the only reason that the Rockefellers and the House of Saud would even consider giving up this power, wealth, and control?  Perhaps the newest reincarnation of the X Files which aired on Sunday night could give a clue. In some recent interviews, Dr. Jim Willie has mentioned that Russia has quite possibly achieved stable cold fusion, which would make the use of petroleum and 'fossil fuels' obsolete.  And while this information is based on insider sources, and not announced in the general public, the only validation we have is to see what the elite are doing in regards to energy, and as the old axiom goes, follow the money.
    Carol wrote:View first two episodes at following links.

    X-Files Episode 1 My Struggle

    X-Files Episode 2 Founders Mutation
    I've attempted to lighten-up USSS Book Nine (Deep State Nine) in Book Ten, by utilizing smaller posts with fewer videos, but this thread is still becoming too-heavy, so I probably need to post some filler-material with very-few videos to keep it lite. Perhaps I should also slow the process down, and perform frequent reviews of the preceding posts. One thing which constantly troubles me is the Biblical-Stuff, which often seems highly problematic, yet which is supposed to be the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything (66 v 42). Every translation is an interpretation. Every commentary is an interpretation. How does one properly interpret the translations and commentaries?? What if the Bible should be diligently studied as Ancient-Literature rather than the Word of God?? I mean absolutely zero disrespect. In fact, what if the Real-Deal God is misrepresented in 'God's Word'?? Deuteronomy, Job to Daniel, Luke, and Acts to Jude: Theological-Milestone or Historical-Necessity?? Does my Revised-List get-at the Real-Truth?? What if the New-Testament had consisted of a Grammatical-Historical Devotional-Scholarly Commentary on Deuteronomy and Job to Daniel (Plus Nothing)?? What if Deuteronomy and Job to Daniel interpreted Deuteronomy and Job to Daniel?? Has ANYONE Taken This Approach in the Last 2,000 Years?? This would mostly involve reading Deuteronomy and Job to Daniel straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations. Would this create a New-Religion?? Would this create Better-People or Completely-Ignorant Fools?? What if the Roman Catholic Leaders were justified in removing the Bible from the Commoners, claiming they couldn't properly understand Sacred-Scripture without the Church telling them the Truth?? But did the Church then become a Corrupt-Mess instead of a Light on a Hill to Illuminate Mankind?? I've sometimes wondered what would've happened if the Church had simply consisted of the Latin Mass, Gothic Architecture, and Sacred Classical Music (Plus Nothing)?? What if the World-Religion were Classical-Music (Plus Nothing)?? It seems as if Family, Sports, Entertainment, Education, and Occupation Trump Religion, Church, State, and the Five Solae. Is this Modern-Apostasy or Humanity Coming of Age?? What if Classical-Music became an Integral-Part of Family, Sports, Entertainment, Education, and Occupation?? Think Long and Hard About What I Just Said (even though it sounds refreshingly-simplistic).
    United States AI Solar System (10) Traditional_Latin_Mass_Cardinal_Burke_810_500_75_s_c1
    Lionhawk wrote:sunny

    We were supposed to have 3 days of the sun according to the forecasters. But no! It's snowing today. Sunny tomorrow and rain will start again on Monday.  Mad

    This is going to be a weird post of sorts. So bear with me.

    It has been one busy week over here at the house! Today has been no different as the busyness continues. The first thing I would like to do is to take the pressure off of Mudra. Apology accepted! Stuff happens. And I might be wrong here, as I might be presuming what truly were your intentions as to our conversation. And please feel free to correct me if I am wrong or lack the awareness of what truly was your intention. I think what you wanted to do was to inform me that OXY does have the ability to give. As he has done so on Brook's behalf. In a sense defending him. And justly so. In part because you have invested a lot of time and energy through the years on his behalf. As well as many others who have also. Carol, especially too and I understand the reasoning behind that. I think what is in dispute is why I changed my position concerning this. It had to do with energy flow being blocked at every turn and I emotionally felt that I was being used. So I decided to go into neutral mode with all of this so that I wouldn't feel that way any longer. I made the right choice for me. Simply because I did not want to create any conflict with him. He has enough problems of his own and I don't want to add to it. My position still stands that way.

    I still love him as a brother and even did some session work on his behalf yesterday afternoon, which I'll get to further down this post.

    As far as Brook goes, just know there's so much more that I have not said in this latest conversation. I guess what got my blood pressure up, were the words, "to be fair." That was the trigger! As far as this Brook subject goes, there has been nothing fair about it! Because at every turn from the date of her heart attack to the now moment, issues of unfairness piled itself on my plate. It was stressful enough dealing with her health issues and losing her. That had its own pain. More pain came when her son arrived here. Where his wife associated me as being a rapist because I was an older man. I was profiled as a rapist in my own house. Sad to say, it was her father that was the rapist and then to have Braydon enable and coddle her just made matters so much worse. I didn't deserve any of that and they did try to crucify me with it. So I fought back and they didn't take any responsibility for creating that situation. Then after Brook died, we talked and in that conversation, I tried to heal what had transpired. But as it turned out he lied to me on several fronts in that conversation. It just created more pain.

    Then the funeral home and its owner basically ripped up a contract that I had signed for her cremation and funeral. Blew me away. And since we weren't married I was also locked out of our bank account because my name was not on it. Our mistake. Only because we did not feel the need for a piece of paper to say, we were married. We just felt that what was in our hearts, we were married and didn't need that piece of paper to justify it.

    Then I had to go to battle with her estate issues. If you don't, these insurance companies will run right over the top of you along with the hospital and the small bills such as AT&T and Spectrum Cable, with bogus charges.

    The last time I talked to my lawyer was in late October and she told me that Brook's estate would be resolved and closed in two or three days. It's still open and there is nothing to resolve because I resolved everything by June of last year. So the system as a whole just sucks.

    Other news… HAL 9000 contacted me yesterday. Offered me a job if I wanted it. The HAL 9000 is a computer on the surface. But it is not sentient. But it is a transmitter of sorts. Able to change our physical construct. Indeed, powerful. The HAL 9000 is operated by 9000 individuals of various alien factions. I spoke with them. They gave me a tour of the place. It's an absolutely huge and I mean huge station. It is very clean, organized, and to top it off everyone there was polite. They even tried to sweeten the deal with a brand new Suzuki motorcycle. I turned it down. Just remember that appearances are just appearances just like a piece of wood is a piece of wood.

    The reason for the job offer was to not only distract me but to veer me from my present course or destination.

    Other news… I had a conversation with Brook today. It's the first time I've heard from her in months. Another little side note here, a year ago December, we had another conversation and in that conversation, she told me not to worry about having a funeral as though it would be a waste of time. I just thought y'all might want to know that if I hadn't mentioned it before. In today's conversation, it was very short and what she said was that they were making arrangements for my arrival.

    So here I was this morning, reading Mudra's post, with coffee in hand, processing what she wrote. I was also going to respond but something kept pulling me back on the reins. And after Brook showed up, I decided to do a session.

    As of the last two weeks, if I stand up and walk and do anything my physical body starts to generate a phasing effect. Almost to the point of passing out. As long as I am sitting down I am fine. Because of this effect, I have fallen down on the floor. Almost to the point of a blackout. At first, I thought my sugar levels were way out of whack but that is not the case. So I asked myself what is going on? Because this phasing effect only happens when I am up and about. If it was a sugar issue, type II diabetes, the time involved to get it regulated wouldn't take all day. Maybe a couple of hours at most.

    So this morning I decided to do a scan on myself and remember when I was talking about sacred light? Five years ago, Tory Smith did a scan on me and said that my sacred light was at 76%. So I did that scan this morning and decided to see where I stood in terms of sacred light. What I got back was 88%. Being skeptical I also decided to call Kate and see if she could pull up my chart and see where that sacred light percentage was at. She said to me that it was at 89%. So what does this mean? It means that I am about to do one of two things. Phase-out of this physicality or die. So being 4 percentage points away is very close. We also talked about going from 76% to 89% may very much have to do with all the issues I had to deal with since Tory's assessment. All I know is that it has been one hell of a fight to get to this point and Kate agreed.

    Remember that at 92% you start phasing out of physicality completely. She asked me how I felt about all that and I could hear it in her voice as if she knew what is about to occur shortly down the road. I'm good with it was my reply.

    So I asked Kate a favor? I asked her upon my death that she would come here and get a hold of Carol and let her know what has happened. I hope Carol is listening to this.

    All this happened today. I don't know when the exact moment will be. Kate told me today that she is going to try to come out around the beginning of August, maybe late July. So I told her today that I would hang on till then. In truth, the only real reason why I am hanging on and keep pushing forward is for the closure of Brook's estate. Outside of that, there is really no other purpose to be here except for Gaia's ascension. I really would like to see that happen but that may not be possible because of my health issues. Just know that I have kept those health issues quiet for the most part and no one here really knows what I go through on a day-to-day basis. If anything I be glad to get rid of all this physical pain.

    Thank you Sanicle for your love as well! I'm not giving up just yet. Still got some fight left. But I also want to say I want to keep going forward here on the Bridgeway and once I am gone I would like for you to take over this thread if that's all right with you?

    I love all of you!


    orthodoxymoron wrote:Lionhawk aka Morpheus, I'm very sorry to hear about the weather and health issues. I don't quite understand the percentages, but it sounds ominous. Dealing with unseen forum members is quite mysterious (and even frightening). Sometimes I wonder if I'm dealing with Advanced Artificial Intelligence (Possibly with Souls)?! I'm mostly trying to stick to my own thread as I try to wrap things up, but I just can't seem to stop. Perhaps the Mainframe won't let me stop. Perhaps ALL of US are 'Connected'. I don't wish to argue or fight, but I feel so miserable and hamstrung that my social-graces are fading fast. I'm not complaining. Just explaining. But I realize everyone has it worse than me (in ways I might not be able to imagine) so I should probably just shut the #$%^ up. Silence is Golden.
    mudra wrote:Oxy If you go back this thread you'll notice last time Mercuriel was in the Mists he mentioned being ill.I dont know if he has been doing any better since. I sincerely hope I will see him again and will be able to enjoy the presence of  my brother some more.

    I dont know what you are referring to by saying "We were told years ago  we would be shocked if we knew who Mercuriel really was". Who said so, when, where. What was the context ? And who is "we". Generalities tend to lead one to a dead end you know Oxy. For the purpose of clarity it helps to be precise otherwise its all mystery and hocus pocus imho.

    I noticed you posted below the passage of your thread I had been mentionning in a previous post. Thank you for this. Swanny's computer won't stall again. Sorry for the inconvenience Swanny. Hope all is well with you.

    Love from me
    Mudra, this was several years ago, when Mercuriel provided several Lunar images with clouds, pyramids, and lights (which he claimed were genuine). Carol wondered when he would provide a Space Command video, and she said people would be shocked if they knew who he really was. I never saw the video or learned his identity. When I'm obscure and cryptic there's usually a legitimate reason for doing so. Regarding the health of forum members, it wouldn't surprise me if most of us have been given something nasty. I hope there is some sort of KARMA. This website is full of generalities and mumbo-jumbo. I tired of Christian mumbo-jumbo and now I'm tiring of New-Age mumbo-jumbo. I recently suggested that the World-Religion might be Classical-Music, and I've recommended that people read the 'A' section of 'The New York Times' and 'The Wall Street Journal' every day, rather than wallow in the mainline and alternative BS of religious and alternative 'Preachers' and 'Gurus'. I'm quickly losing my tolerance and sense of humor. I tried to understand, but not so much anymore.
    Lionhawk wrote:Dear Mudra,

    The FB link is broken so I couldn't gain access. I tried several times. Mad

    You sometimes forget that you and I are connected at the heart is the best way I can describe that. It is because of that connection with your heart, I get you! Also have so much appreciation for you. Carol too but in a different way. The both of you have been through a lot as well. It has been a pleasure to have been able to dance with the both of you for all these years even though the rough times we've had. But we are here now! Please don't cry for me. It's all good now! Be joyful in your hearts for you got to see all of what it takes to get there with Brook and me. And that there is something to the phrase that Charlotte from the wilderness school told me to never give up. My only wish is for anyone who listens to our story it can happen to you and you can make it happen just as long as you never give up. No matter how bad things can get.

    After all, aren't we all working on our own ascension?

    It was an ugly mess as far as Brook's son and his wife goes. Everything was fine for the first two weeks. After that, the energy in the house started to change. I told them when they first got here to respect the house. I also told them that the house had a way of bringing things up into the light. So the frequency of the house changed and it got very uncomfortable in it. It literally drove me out of the house and that was okay to an extent as I had projects to get done outside of the house. But it got worse and then Braydon started throwing guilt cards. He didn't know that I had promised Brook to clean out our lot next door. I told him that you need to spend quality time with your mom as you have not been around her for a long time. So as things got worse I decided to do a session and figure out what the hell was going on? My session revealed that her father had been raping her in her teenage years. So Brook and he came into this room, my den, and wanted to know why I was acting the way I was. I told him what I discovered about his wife and I also told him it wasn't right to associate me with that because I am totally against that kind of thing. He did fess up about that. At which point he could have stopped that whole thing but he did Not and instead coddled her some more. Then they started inviting friends to the house acting as though they had the authority to do so without asking.

    So here is Brook, in no shape, going through chemo, and cooking for these added friends, many times, and that every time, no one lifted a finger to clean up. Talk about parasitic behavior? It got so bad as to their inconsiderations, using us the way they did. And in the meantime, trying to push me out of the house onto the street so that they could take over the house.

    In the conversation right after Brook died, Braydon asked me what I was going to do with the house? I told him I was going to live in it, that I had to have a place to stay. A few weeks later he wanted to see the will. It was a public record but I didn't tell him that. What I told him was that nobody is not going to get anything. I told him there was nothing in the will for him but he continued to demand it. The only thing he got was what Brook kept in terms of memorabilia. And some of her ashes. And he's lucky he got the ashes. My last words to him were not kind.

    Another thing I haven't said was they disrespected the house by turning it into a pigsty. Talk about slobs. There was stuff all over the floors in the living room, dining room, kitchen, etc. it was ridiculous and it was hard to travel through with my bad legs. So one night, I was talking to a friend in Florida and telling him about what was going on and one of them had their ear to the sheetrock listening in on that conversation. The thing was my Spidey senses picked up on that and I kept going on in the conversation knowing full well they were spying on me. They did not like what I had to say in that conversation because I was telling the truth to my friend in Florida.

    So just days prior to them moving out, I made the statement that everything has been recorded. He didn't know in what context I was talking about. He thought I had the place monitored and had recorded their conversations and then threatened to sue me. A few days later he came to the house and I told him that I didn't say I did the recording. The look on his face was priceless. He was totally lost when I said that.

    It was a sad moment two days before Brook died, which she asked me if Braydon was trying to gain access to our bank account? I told her I didn't know. All I could say was, it appears that he has become the chip off the old block. Brook then realized what her son had become to which the old block she despised. That little realization was painful for her and all I can say about it is she won't have to come back here to learn that lesson again. Enough said.

    Just know I am only trying to keep the record straight with all things, Brook. No matter what anyone thinks. I would've kept all this quiet if it had been in the exchange of fairness. But apparently life isn't fair and the one thing we can do is expose the truth of the matter. It's a painful process. And now I'm going to shut up about it because I'm tired of talking about it but at the same time I wanted everyone to know what was really going on.

    Thank you, Mudra, for your post! It's all good!

    Namaste' and goodnight!
    Lionhawk wrote:So I decided to go take a nap after I had posted my last post. On the way to the bedroom, I was walking through the living room and Brook entered, how you say{?}, microcosm and was smiling big time! She said that everything was taken care of. So, you saw right. That was about 3:30 P.M. my time this afternoon.

    I had called my lawyer earlier this afternoon and just left a message to be passed onto her. The message just said, "???." Yes, three question marks. We will see if she responds or not in regards to Brook's Estate. Maybe what has happened here in the last two days will facilitate the closing of her Estate as well?

    Ditto on the friend and blessings thing. There has been an interesting exchange, to say the least. It is also with the hope that others can learn from what happened in this exchange. "NEVER GIVE UP!" If you do, you will lose what you cherish most. It's no argument! I was truly blessed to have Mudra here to assist me with this! Despite my pride and stubbornness to do everything on my own. That's another subject and another chapter.
    Carol wrote:Hah! Another point in sacred light? By now you should know that when your integrity was attacked that was a major life challenge for you. You passed.

    There is so much here, in terms of emotional content in these posts that it takes time for me not only to read them but also assimilate at the various intellectual/emotional levels pertaining to what's unfolding within different posts.

    Something I've not share before is that the printed word holds energy. Emotional energy. I feel this energy deep within and it's difficult at times to process it, so it takes time assimilate. Time to think about what's being shared. Time to do cross-referencing with internal emotional responses. Time to match energy frequency to know how to effectively respond, or not.

    Lionhawk... you are only 61. That is young by a number of standards. The President didn't even run for office until he was 70. And that was to start another whole new career being the target of pure evil, and to take on the needs of millions of people in the nation - throughout the world.

    Here mudra is letting you know she accepts your wanting to move and I'm letting you know that I'm not. Given what you know and your experiences, I think you have at least another good 20 years in you to share with others about your life experiences and teachings. Because you are a TEACHER. A rare and beautiful soul, whose light is finally being fully released out into this dimension to do your OWN 'good' work.

    As for myself, only when in deep pain (mental, emotional, physical), the desire to toss in the towel and pass over to the other side was present. Yet, because I had small children, during each of those difficult times, I couldn't allow myself to indulge in doing so due to my spiritual commitment to serve humanity as long as possible, and as long as needed. And spouse wouldn't let me as he was there to intervene. Even during a variety of NDE experiences - I always returned with new insights, new awareness and renewed spiritual tenaciousness to hang in there because of those close to me and prior pre life commitments. I couldn't willingly abandoned them, even when I felt like that was the only way to escape the pain (physical agony). I had to endure and suffer through it. ALL of it. Days, years with pinched nerves from a car accident and vertebra along with bone spurs pushing into my spinal cord. Spinal neck surgery and metal steel plate finally fixed that problem. With the FM it's been 28 years. Only after all of this time have learned how to manage it. One of the ways to get through all of that was to keep telling myself that I was releasing karma making this the last lifetime on earth/3D, which it is and verified.

    Just because your sacred light frequency is high doesn't mean it's your time. It can also mean it's high to help you process those horrendous emotions that were triggered by Brook and her family members during her last days. Which is something I can deeply relate to give what I went through with my own mothers passing and family difficulties. It makes your family situation look like a picnic compare to the horrendous 'pure evil' situation I had to deal with that left me with PTS for 7 years when dealing with the evil family member. Recovered from that 2 years ago.

    Yes, Brook may be preparing a space for you on the other side, but that doesn't mean it's time to go over to the other side yet. It does mean it's an opportunity to pass and also an opportunity that can be post-phoned. This I know to be true having un-expectantly falling dead onto the bathroom floor a few years ago myself - and revived by spouse, a nurse. He woke when the  door slammed while falling against it. Since then, life actually keeps getting better and better - but only after releasing all of that yucky negative stored up 'past-lives' karma.

    The only thing in your way now is your mindset and determination as to what direction you chose to move in. IT IS A CHOICE. Please choose wisely grasshopper as your daze in 3D may hold pleasant surprises that are totally unexpected - which I suspect is the case.

    And I can also understand your working to settle your affairs as that was something I had done myself when thinking crossing over was a 'near future' event due to heart health problems. You're not alone in how you're managing these feelings as this is also a good time to get that prepared for when it is time much further down the road.

    So why don't we walk this next 20 years together or at least until 2029 when the supposedly earth changes are to hit the fan? There are too many people you haven't even met yet who need your knowledge and skills to pass on anytime sooner.

    And thank you for the referral to Kate. Awesome individual.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Lionhawk, I've been puzzled by the health-issues and deaths of Sherry Shriner and Brook Schiner. Sherry supposedly died in January 2018 with her last podcast on January 5. Brook seemed to be doing so much better a month before her death, and then there was mostly silence until we learned of her immanent death. I never learned any details about the death of Sherry Shriner. I only mention her here because she seemed to know too much about too many things, yet seemed down to earth and eccentric. She seemed to be a bit of an oracle (imaginary or actual, I know not). Anyway, I remember around mid 2018, Brook saying she wouldn't be leaving for a couple of years. Now you are speaking in ominous and fatalistic terms, which might ultimately coincide with that "couple of years". Sorry if this offends, but I wonder as I wander, and it drives me increasingly crazy. BTW, I thought I might've encountered you last night, but I have a highly charged imagination. I think I might've encountered the major posters on 'The Mists of Avalon' in various forms, but I'm never certain. Again, I mostly wish to 'go away' and stop speculating and imagining. Namaste.
    Some might question my extensive use of material from the threads of other forum members. I even question it. It just seems that I have been drawn into a drama which includes a lot of esoteric stuff, and I'm passively researching that sort of thing. I'm not on the level of people who have been involved with this sort of thing to a much greater extent than I have. I'm mostly a lazy pseudo-intellectual armchair-researcher, and I'm NOT proud of it. Just know that this material will NEVER be used outside of this website. What happens in Avalon stays in Avalon. I'm calling This Present Quest a "Total Loss." I'm extremely unhappy and disappointed with the results of this exercise in futility. Dr. Albert Schweitzer was quite negative in his observations and conclusions regarding 'The Quest of the Historical Jesus'. I'm NOT an Atheist or Spiritualist, but the reality of Earth and Humanity are extremely upsetting to me, even as most people seem to be quite content with their predicament. Perhaps everyone will just have to learn (or not learn) the hard way.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat May 15, 2021 7:06 am; edited 6 times in total

    Posts : 13591
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    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Feb 09, 2020 8:24 am

    Mercuriel wrote:
    United States AI Solar System (10) 06_2910
    United States AI Solar System (10) 06_0510

    Oooyeah - I got more where that came from...

    Heh heh
    Carol wrote:Oxy, you've outdone yourself.  Double Thumbs Up

    Merc, you're such a tease.  Malletzky     If people had any idea who you really are their jaws would drop.   Luke

    I would love to see that "more" you have along with that video on the space command.
    Thank-you Mercuriel and Carol. I often feel like someone who is trying to 'act normal' when a celebrity enters a restaurant. I try to 'act dumb', which is really quite easy for me. Those pictures are very interesting (especially the one with the light shining from the bank -- although the one with the pyramid is probably much more significant). It's difficult to know which pictures are genuine, and which ones are Photo Shopped, but those photos looked real. What would Richard Hoagland say? I read a bit from 'Dark Mission' just now, regarding huge glass structures on the Moon. When do we get to see that video? On the other hand, perhaps a lot of us need to exhibit a higher level of appreciation when forbidden information and images are revealed. How many times in the last few thousand years has the human race been saved from enslavement and/or extinction? Did anyone notice or say 'Thank-you'? How much 'mystery' should exist in an era of 'disclosure'? Once we the people uncover all of the dark secrets of the ptb, then what do we do? Also, when one rises to the top, they might not like the view, even if it's a Moon-Room with a View. Decades ago, I told a doctor (god-wannabe) that God had a lousy job, but that somebody had to do it. He cross-examined me as if I were some sort of a nut-case. He did have a point, come to think of it. Unrelatedly, remember John (the male 'V' Commander) in the 80's version of 'V'? Then, remember the 'V'isitors Center in the recent 'V' series? Think about who was really in charge, and what was at the edge of the solar system. Think about the construction of some of the structures Hoagland claims exist on the Moon. Finally, put 2 and 2 (or is it 2 and 3?) together, and see what you come-up with. What would the Cat and Cat's Meow say? Nuff said.

    Please consider the following list -- as a mental and spiritual discipline:

    1. The Gods of Eden (William Bramley).
    2. Eden in Egypt (Ralph Ellis).
    3. Prophets and Kings (Ellen White).
    4. Job through Malachi (New King James Version).
    5. Solomon: Pharaoh of Egypt (Ralph Ellis).
    6. Luke through Jude (New King James Version).
    7. The Desire of Ages (Ellen White).
    8. Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs (Ralph Ellis).
    9. Daniel (Desmond Ford).
    10. Daniel 8:14, the Day of Atonement, and the Investigative Judgment (Desmond Ford).
    11. The End of the World, A.D. 2133 (Lucio Bernardo Silvestre).
    12. The Church of England Book of Common Prayer.
    13. Sacred Classical Music (including Hymns and Gregorian-Chant).
    14. Nature, Science, and Science-Fiction.
    15. The United States of the Solar System: 2133 A.D. (Books One to Ten).
    16. God's Day of Judgment (Douglas Vogt).
    17. The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal (Online and Hard-Copy).

    Mercuriel wrote:
    United States AI Solar System (10) 06_1810

    United States AI Solar System (10) 06_2510

    United States AI Solar System (10) 06_0410

    Clouds and Pyramids on the Moon? OMG!!! We can't order those pictures from NASA can we!? It would be sort of cool to live on the Moon, wouldn't it? Or, would the novelty wear off rather quickly? We humans like new and exciting things, but we often get bored rather quickly, and then we're off on another adventure! But seriously, I would love to spend a decade on the Moon, especially if Moon-walks, huge telescopes, and Cray supercomputers were part of the deal! I like the idea of colonizing the solar system, but how would we keep it pristine? I wonder what the solar system was like before the huge ancient wars screwed everything up, and turned Maldek into the Asteroid Belt? I fear that Earth could become an asteroid belt in a matter of minutes. Why does there always have to be a goddamn war?? I understand competition, but I don't understand war. The mystery of iniquity, I guess. If there really is an Orion-Sirius-Egyptian-Roman Empire (or something similar), lead by a Draconian Reptilian Queen, what would it take to have a Peaceful and Happy Solar System where Human Beings would not be enslaved, exterminated, or abused in any way, shape, or form? Should the solar system be integrated or segregated? Greys v The Board of Education? Should the solar system be completely human, or what? How many human planets and moons are there in the galaxy? How many reptilian planets and moons are there in the galaxy? How much of a prize is this solar system? What is the big issue in this current mess? How accurate is Robert Morningsky's material? Until I receive a helluva lot of evidence, I will assume that this solar system is a Human Island in a Draconian Reptilian Universe, and that we are on the brink of extinction. What would it be like to be on the bridge of a Draconian Reptilian Queen-Ship? Can you imagine observing a dozen drac warriors debating battle strategy? Can you imagine how bad a Drac v Drac Star War might be?! Why can't there be a completely peaceful universe? Why can't Responsible-Freedom and Constructive-Competition be the MO in a Brave New Universe? Hope springs eternal, and thank-you very much for the fantastic photos Mercuriel!!
    Mercuriel wrote: Ei Yei Yei...
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Clouds and Pyramids on the Moon? OMG!!! We can't order those pictures from NASA can we!?
    Nope - Thats very Unlikely. They'd (NASA = Never A Straight Answer) deny that these were even Pictures of the Moon and They'd say whats always said about most Disclosure Photos NOW...

    "They're photoshopped..."

    That said - As far as I know They aren't...

    orthodoxymoron wrote:It would be sort of cool to live on the Moon, wouldn't it? Or, would the novelty wear off rather quickly? We humans like new and exciting things, but we often get bored rather quickly, and then we're off on another adventure! But seriously, I would love to spend a decade on the Moon, especially if Moon-walks, huge telescopes, and Cray supercomputers were part of the deal!
    It would be VERY cool Oxy. That stated - If thats ever going to happen for the Average Joe - Its gonna take the Masses waking up to the larger Reality around Them now. This is the Crux though isn't It and hence the reason for all the Fear, Chaos and subsequent Control They're now attempting to exert over the World as a whole. Gotta FORCE that Negative Harvest which is a Reality that We'll either have to Avert or Deal with...

    In fact - I'm going to start a Thread on this very thing today so We can begin the discussion.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I like the idea of colonizing the solar system, but how would we keep it pristine ? I wonder what the solar system was like before the huge ancient wars screwed everything up, and turned Maldek into the Asteroid Belt? I fear that Earth could become an asteroid belt in a matter of minutes. Why does there always have to be a goddamn war?? I understand competition, but I don't understand war.
    As anything observed by Consciousness converts Itself from a Wave to a Particle so It can be observed by Consciousness - Its impossible to keep anything Pristine or in It's Elementary State that would be Colonized by Us or any other Lifeform. Its not possible due to the properties of observing something in Matter. An Observed State and an Unobserved State cannot exist in the same Space.

    As War is the most extreme version of Competition that there is in Matter - It makes sense that some Lifeforms would engage in this practise after the Polarity Game became the standard for this specific Universe Cycle...

    orthodoxymoron wrote:The mystery of iniquity, I guess. If there really is an Orion - Sirius - Egyptian - Roman Empire (or something similar), lead by a Draconian Reptilian Queen, what would it take to have a Peaceful and Happy Solar System where Human Beings would not be enslaved, exterminated, or abused in any way, shape, or form??
    It would take one of two things.

    1. That They were somehow stopped in Their plans for War and the Conquest of other Species including but not limited to Mankind (The Greys would also like release).

    Now - This could be through Them either stopping Themselves by finally listening to Their own Wise Counsel - Or - By having another more Powerful Actor enter the Scenario - Thereby forcing THEM to cease and desist on Our behalf...


    2. We rise up against Them Ourselves and take Our Power back in various ways. This would require Them being exposed and thrust into the Full Light of Disclosure and while I understand that this is the most difficult thing to actually get rolling - Once We do and It comes out as being Verified - It'll be like a Dam busting...

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Should the solar system be integrated or segregated ?
    Well as the Universal Goal is Integration back into the Whole as a Singularity before the next Universe Cycle - Integration is what should be practised as that is the Path of Unity and all else is Competition...
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Greys v The Board of Education? Should the solar system be completely human, or what? How many human planets and moons are there in the galaxy? How many reptilian planets and moons are there in the galaxy?
    Does it really matter as long as the Mentalisms displayed above are taken into account ?
    orthodoxymoron wrote:How much of a prize is this solar system? What is the big issue in this current mess?
    Its a great prize. There are Wormhole Portals in this System that link up with many other Constellations and Dimensions or Parallel Realities if You will. As well - This is a System rich in Minerals and Resouces that ALSO has a Slave Race called Humans which is located on Terra / Earth - The Third Rock from the Sun...
    orthodoxymoron wrote:How accurate is Robert Morning Sky's material?
    Hmmm - I'm not sure so I guess We'll just have to see won't We. That said - Its easy to put up a Warning saying beware without Dates as to when to really beware. This makes the Warning open ended where It can never be placed into the Categeory of disinfo as its open ended and always moving to It's already drawn Conclusiuon - That of "Beware".

    That said though - If We reach the Stages that He says We're approaching or at least His Grandfather (IIRC) did - Then We're truly "pooched" and the conclusions about Our Reality from that point then are pretty accurate I'd say. That stated - Those results will have to occur to be accurate and as with Consciousness - Visions of the Future can always change based on Our next collective decision...

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Until I receive a helluva lot of evidence, I will assume that this solar system is a Human Island in a Draconian Reptilian Universe, and that we are on the brink of extinction.
    Good - Because if You do then You'll be approximating things correctly. The Elites or EL'ites (More on EL'ites later in another Post as there is good and bad in All) have Us on the Brink of Total Domination and They're doing It for Their Offworld and Subterranean Masters. As D. Icke so correctly puts It - The Totalitarian Tiptoe does have Us on the Brink of total Domination and exclusive of that - Destruction if We will not Capitulate...
    orthodoxymoron wrote:What would it be like to be on the bridge of a Draconian Reptilian Queen-Ship? Can you imagine observing a dozen drac warriors debating battle strategy? Can you imagine how bad a Drac v Drac Star War might be?!
    In the current Paradigm - It would likely be Awesome until They saw the Human(s) and then We'd be fighting for Our Lives I believe. That said - If We were Reps (I like to use Lizards as a term as They really hate It) - We'd be Slaves of the Nobility and / or Ruling Class of Draconians - Would be answering to the Officer Class as to Orders and so therefore We'd likely take It for granted...
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Why can't there be a completely peaceful universe?
    That was the last Universe Cycle called the "Time of No Waiting" (Instantaneous Manifestation). That said - As not much Learning was done due to there not being a need to Learn anything at all - Just the want to in that Cycle - This Universe Cycle was and is to be all about Spin - Competition from that Spin and the Striving of the Dualities as They make Their way back home to Prime Creator in Integration for the next Universe Cycle and Grand Experiment.

    We are still upon the Outbreath...

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Why can't Responsible-Freedom and Constructive-Competition be the MO in a Brave New Universe?
    Perhaps if enough Aspects become Aware that this is the best Path forward in this Universe Cycle - That will indeed come to pass. With that said - I will offer this Oxy...

    As Prime Creator wishes that through Divine Will - It will occur. The only point as limited Aspects that We need think on is when. I would wager then that as long as We don't give up trying to make that a Reality - It will happen sooner - Rather than later...

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Hope springs eternal, and thank-you very much for the fantastic photos Mercuriel!!
    You're welcome. I will Post more over time when They're Relevant and can make an Impact...
    Thank-you for the detailed answers Mercuriel. Also, I hope Hadriel is doing better. I'll just keep trying to think about idealistic modalities of politics, religion, business, and law -- in a predominantly and dominantly Human United States of the Solar System. Unfortunately, I still believe that I know next to nothing about what's really been going on, and what is going on. I'll just keep living this Solar System Fantasy-Nightmare, and keep asking the hard questions. It might be sort of cool to have a Brutal Gang of Benevolent Draconian Reptilian Warriors guarding the perimeter of this Solar System!! I don't think I'd have a problem dealing with them face to face, but I am very apprehensive about having them walking among the general public. Also, I continue to be very conflicted regarding what has been, and is, going on throughout the universe, on a theological level. At this point, I don't know who our friends and enemies really are. If God be for us, who can be against us? But if God is against us, what chance do we really have???
    Mercuriel wrote:Why are You Posting excerpts from Scripture Oxy ?

    To what end I mean ?

    Huh ?
    I've recently been wondering about Reincarnating Archangels, and I've been particularly wondering if Archangel Michael might've been a Heavenly Organist/Choirmaster/Composer, Prince Aha, Horus, King David, Ptolemy XV Caesarion (and perhaps a couple of other Pharaohs), Jesus Christ, Michelangelo, and perhaps even a couple of Popes -- reincarnationally -- to just mention a few possibilities. Also,  Psalms seems to be one of the most significant Old Testament books, and Matthew seems to be one of the most significant New Testament books. I continue to retain a Biblical Mindset as I delve into this and that minefield of forbidden knowledge. I tend to think that most everyone should be a Bible Scholar -- even if they are not Jews or Christians -- and even if they don't even believe in the existence of God (with a lower or upper case 'g'.) I am attempting to become a Christocentric Biblical Egyptologist, and posting two particularly relevant books of the Bible are my attempt to keep my esoteric odyssey firmly rooted in Holy Scripture, as part of my Innovative Minimalist Traditionalism. The moving finger writes. It is written. What would George Vandeman say? My dad kept him cool, and I had lunch with him. Cool guy! What would Marjorie Lloyd say? She wrote the words, didn't she? What would Serendipity say? What would the Iron-Lady say? What would Isis say? What did Isis write? What if one primarily used the Psalms, Matthew, and the Book of Enoch to formulate theology? I'm not suggesting this, but I'm just wondering.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:09 am; edited 1 time in total

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    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:48 pm

    Carol wrote:
    You've become quite the scholar Oxy
    with varied personal experiences with interesting people.
    Good for you.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Carol, I've met a few people -- and noticed a few things -- in a pretty-much disappointing, pathetic, and useless life -- but I try to incorporate a little-bit of everyone and everything into my ongoing online-adventure -- for better or worse -- I know not. Which might be better -- a Biblical-Heaven or a Technocratic-Heaven?? Which might be worse -- a Biblical-Hell or a Technocratic-Hell?? What Would Brother Rich Say?? What Would Mr. Edgars Do?? I've come to the conclusion that 99.99% of the souls in this solar-system have NO Idea what's REALLY in their future (and that especially includes me). I get the sinking-feeling that each faction and each Messiah will be made to think they're the Chosen-Ones -- when in reality, they'll all get royally-screwed, just like everyone-else. BTW -- I was looking forward to listening to yet another Sherry Shriner Show -- but she didn't have one last night. The shows are sort of crazy -- but I honestly think she reveals little bits and pieces of the "Good-Stuff" for those with "eyes to see -- and ears to hear". The Horror.

    Editor's Note: Almost 70 years ago Woody Guthrie wrote one of America's most famous folk songs in which he extolled the idea that this land is your land from California to the New York island -- his more descriptive way of saying this land is your land from coast to coast. 1. 2. If taken literally, it's almost as if the lyrics imply a sense of landownership to all US citizens. Whether this is true or not is a matter of interpretation, but for me the greater question this song triggers is what do we know about the land of America's fifty states? Or for that matter, what do we know about the land of the seven continents or the 197 countries that are profiled in this book? In particular, as the title of this book bluntly states, what do we know about who owns the world?

    This book will answer questions you never dreamed to ask and reveal facts both startling and eye-opening. You'll learn that of the world's 6,602,000,000 citizens only about 15% of the population lay claim to owning any of its 36,933,896,500 acres of land. You'll also learn that 26 of the 35 still ruling monarchs own and control one-fifth of the world's land. And of these 26 monarchs, Queen Elizabeth II of England is the sole owner of 6,698,000,000 acres of land -- or approximately one-sixth of the entire land surface of the earth. By way of comparison, the Queen's landholdings total nearly three-times the size of the United States putting into clear perspective how and why she is the world's largest individual landowner.

    As for the United States, two of the country's largest landowners are the federal government and media mogul Ted Turner, who owns many of the largest ranches. But more than just who owns what and how much they own, you'll learn how the country, as well as each state, is divided between farmland, forest land, and urban land. And maybe, like me, you'll be taken aback when you discover that in the world's third largest country four-fifths of the population resides (or crams) in urban areas. This revelation that so few people live in the wide open spaces of America is still difficult to fathom.

    You'll also come to understand the role the four largest organized religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism) play in the scheme of world landownership. For example, the Catholic Church is one of the largest landowners in the world as the church has a presence in more than 190 countries. The Vatican is such a powerful and formidable state that it is recognized as an independent country in international law and is a member of the United Nations. I always knew the Catholic Church had power and influence, but for the first time I now understand just how much power and influence.

    I promise this book will change the way you view the United States and the world, as I doubt you'll ever look at, or take for granted, the land you live on or visit ever again. More than likely, you'll want to learn more. Which is ideal, because this book only begins to tell the story as it's an edited and abridged version of Who Owns the World: The Hidden Facts Behind Landownership by Kevin Cahill first published in Great Britain in 2006 by Mainstream Publishing Company.

    The original book is a seminal work that not only reveals the history and extensive data behind landownership (particularly in Great Britain and Ireland), but explores in depth how an excess of landownership in too few hands (as has always been the case throughout history) is the single greatest cause for poverty throughout the world. Cahill's original book also makes the argument that the best, and fastest, way to overcome poverty is to grant each individual on earth one small slice of urban land for a home or an acre or two of rural land.

    This book is a first resource for viewing the specific details behind the land and landownership of each country in the world. The first four chapters examine the arguments made in the original book, but more specifically these chapters provide background as to how the world's land has come to be divided by ownership and geography. Chapter five profiles the United States and the balance of the book focuses specifically on each country in the world. By studying the individual profiles of each country, it becomes immediately clear that Kevin Cahill is correct in his claim that landownership is indeed a game with too few players. A sad realization, but armed with the information these two books provide, on that hopefully can begin to be rectified before too long.

    Introduction: When work on this book began in 2002, there was no map to follow. No attempt had ever been made to compile a structured, numerate account of landownership in the world, or to create a single summary of landownership in each country, however general. The ownership of most of Planet Earth could have been far more easily enumerated around 1900, when most of the planet's land was still held by empires, operating on the feudal or earlier Roman principle, that the emperor or sovereign owned all land in the empire. But no one made this attempt. Even Jack Powelson's great 1989 work, The Story of Land, failed to close the thesis that was everywhere present in his book: that the human population is relatively landless now and had always been almost totally landless throughout history.

    That fact raises the most profound questions in three specific areas: ethics, economics, and survival.

    The ethical question arising from the history of landownership is simple: Why did the planetary population put up with a continuous crime, a crime committed mainly by the ethical leadership of the planet in the form of sovereigns and their supporting priesthoods? The leadership preached morals and good conduct, while engaging in the basest of greed and misconduct, a greed for land that regularly killed thousands, hundreds of thousands, and in many cases, millions. Hypocrisy is bad enough of itself. In relation to ethics and land, it has proved continuously lethal to the race throughout history.

    In economic terms, there is no economics of landownership. That book or work has never been written because no economist has started out from the framework dimensions of the planetary land surface, and then the numbers of the planetary population. On this basis all current economics are ad hominem and as such totally unreliable, as we recently discovered.

    Third, survival. The core greed of sovereigns -- now replaced by states but by states operating on the same principle as the sovereigns of old -- has, through the misuse of land and the resources that go with land, put the future of the planetary population at risk. The ecological and environmental leadership never properly address, indeed never address, the issue of land ownership and its role in conservation. To do so they would have to address their masters in governments and ruling establishments and profoundly disturb them -- something they will never do.

    The issue of landownership is almost universally the subject of deceit by those in authority and those behind it. The most extraordinary example of this occurred in the UK between 1873 and 2001. In 1872 Parliament commissioned a record of every individual holding an acre or more of land in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. The four-volume record, titled The Return of Owners of Land, was everywhere referred to as the second Domesday at the time of publication (between 1873 and 1876). This was a reference to the first Domesday, compiled in 1086 by William the Conqueror -- known in France as William the Bastard -- a record of landownership in the UK. It was nothing of the sort, however, confined as it was to about 35 of the 40 English counties. It was the King's swag list, and books like it occur throughout history, starting in 2030 BC in Egypt. Works like the second or true Domesday are extremely rare. That of 1873-1876 was excised from both the scholarly and the public record in the UK, between 1881 and 2001, when it reappeared in Who Owns Britain and Ireland and formed the foundation of that book.

    United States AI Solar System (10) 44wealth
    United States AI Solar System (10) Rich-v-poor
    United States AI Solar System (10) Richpeople
    Who Owns the Solar System and Who Owns the Technology????!!!!
    Class-Warfare Really Gets My Goat!!!!
    Carol wrote:
    Talking to Crazy
    How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life
    By Karl Lawrence on Saturday, December 26, 2015

    Whether it's at work or within our own family, we all have to deal with people who are just plain irrational. Though at times it may seem hopeless, there are things we can do to penetrate that thick-skulled source of frustration and irritation. Here's how... Don't Let Difficult People Suck the Life Out of You...

    In this week’s episode of Your Best Life, Karl interviews Dr. Mark Goulston, who is a psychiatrist, hostage negotiator, trainer, and one of the top experts on listening. Mark has been a crisis psychiatrist for 30 years, has been a UCLA professor of Psychiatry for 25 years. and a fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. During this episode, Karl and Dr. Goulston discuss ideology and communication, mental real estate, hacking Steve Jobs, losing warmth, and breaking the cycle.
    blue roller wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:I really am leaving for a while BUT as I leave, I'd love to know what you all think about the possibility of a seamless integration of the following (in the context of the twenty-second century)??

    1. The Catholic Church.
    2. The United Kingdom.
    3. The United States.
    4. The United Nations.
    5. The United States of the Solar System.

    I realize this is off-topic -- but I'm interested in the opinions of those who have recently been posting on this particular thread. I might not comment for a while -- so don't take it personally if I don't respond. I need to walk alone. Online and in Real-Life. I don't want to drag anyone through my nightmare. It's easier that way. Namaste.
    Seamless integration under whom and what? Its like the flea claiming ownership of the dog or the vegan claiming moral superiority over omnivores and carnivores. Never gonna happen. But don't worry. Your Lizard overlords are too busy chasing wild game to waste their time on fat, lazy, self-obsessed humans with atrocious eating habits. They prefer free-range to factory-fodder, bit like me. The lone free-ranger wandering through the factory and watching the pigs bark for food instead of freedom. Tragic. Seriously though. It's another beautiful day when you let go of the self recrimination and guilt. You need a break from this forum. Too many grandstanding guru's Pitching for a Bitching instead of getting Busy in the Kitchen. I'm watering my fruit trees this morning with solar power . Then I am going to drink a gallon of Fermented-Urine with a Poop-Sandwich. Just kidding. Humans! You can't make this stuff up. They do it for you. Toast Lmao Lmao
    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    United States AI Solar System (10) In-the-shadow-of-zhadum-01

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat May 15, 2021 7:11 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13591
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    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:50 pm

    United States AI Solar System (10) Trump_bolton_file.jpg.size-custom-crop.1086x0
    Carol wrote:Is the US behind this or was it the Deep State? More likely the rogue Deep State and most likely one of the reasons Bolton was fired.

    This is how and why the U.S. attacked China with the virus: 'Made in China 2025'
    It's all about the 'Made in China 2025' initative.

    China's design to take over large scale manufacturing including the aeronautical industry.
    Read more here:

    What's the most important issue to Trump? The economy.

    He couldn't allow 'Made in China 2025' to happen. It's too much of a danger to the U.S. bottom line. He couldn't have that.

    The Harvard professor that was "arrested" by the U.S. recently for "secretly" working for the Chinese is a double agent. He designed and implemented nano transistors into a virus vaccine that is triggered by 5G signals. This was covertly placed in the new mandatory vaccine that was given to the Chinese. It is the ethnic bioweapon they're all dying from.

    Here is info on him creating the virus sized nano transistor tech:

    In a stunning twist to the Wuhan saga - Harvard Biological Expert who worked with Wuhan University ARRESTED via UNSEALED INDICTMENT!

    In a shocking revelation made Tuesday afternoon - a revelation that will almost certainly rattle the US-China relationship at an already fragile time - a federal court unsealed indictments against Harvard professor and Chemistry Department Head Charles Lieber, along with two Chinese nationals. One is a Boston University researcher who was once a lieutenant in the People’s Liberation Army, according to prosecutors, and the second was a cancer researcher who tried to smuggle 21 vials of biological materials in his sock - allegedly. Lieber has been arrested...

    The two Chinese lab workers kicked out of the Canada biolab are cover for the nano virus. The coronavirus they stole and took to China does cause infection and possible death but is not ethnically specific. It was dispersed as well, probably by the 300 U.S. soldiers that visited Wuhan sometime last year. This is to distract China from determining the actual attack parameters.

    John Bolton is the one who directed this operation.
    Carol wrote:
    Coronavirus is airborne, Chinese official confirms

    A Chinese official has confirmed a scary new fact about the deadly coronavirus: it is airborne.

    It was previously understood that two main ways the virus transmitted from person to person were:

    • Direct transmission: breathing in air close to an infected patient who sneezes or coughs, and

    • Contact transmission: when a person touches an object tainted with the virus before infecting themselves by touching their mouth, nose or eyes.

    United States AI Solar System (10) 2020.02.10china

    UK Warns Coronavirus Is "Imminent Threat" After Suspected "Super Spreader" Returns From Singapore

    Dr. Tedros added that the WHO is monitoring 10 Chinese provinces as possible virus 'hot spots'.

    But outside China, the viral outbreak is beginning to take on more characteristics of a global pandemic. An outbreak at a ski chateau in the French Alps has reawakened anxieties about an uncontrolled outbreak in Western Europe, as government health officials in Britain and France scramble to trace everybody who had contact with a British citizen who apparently picked up the virus during a visit to Singapore.

    Authorities worry that this unnamed 'patient zero' might be a 'super spreader': The man unknowingly carried the virus across continents, and at least six people have already been sickened after coming into contact with him. Research released last week suggested that the virus can spread before symptoms are present. on Monday, the British secretary of state declared the virus "a serious and imminent threat to public health." This gave the government new powers to forcibly quarantine people after one infected patient tried to leave Arrowe Park, where the British government has quarantined some of those who just returned from Wuhan. In Hong Kong, two people appear to have escaped from a mandatory quarantine, prompting police to issue wanted notices.

    "The Secretary of State declares that the incidence or transmission of novel Coronavirus constitutes a serious and imminent threat to public health," the U.K. health ministry said in a statement on Monday.

    "Measures outlined in these regulations are considered as an effective means of delaying or preventing further transmission of the virus."

    All rescued Britons signed a contract agreeing to a 14-day quarantine period at a place of the government's choosing. On Monday, EasyJet has confirmed that a passenger who recently flew aboard one of its flights had been diagnosed with the coronavirus. The airline said Public Health England is reaching out to passengers.

    Back in China, Reuters reports that more than 300 Chinese firms, including Meituan Dianping, China's largest food-delivery company, and Xiaomi, the smartphone-making giant, have sought bank loans of at least #8.2 billion (5.4 billion yuan). The PBOC has said it will offer special lending facilities, providing the first batch of re-lending fundings on Monday. It plans to offer the facility weekly until the outbreak subsides. Reuters also reported that Apple supplier Foxconn was ultimately not allowed to resume production at its plant in Shenzen, which had been shuttered by authorities during the outbreak. In another blow to Beijing, Mongolia, China's impoverished northern neighbor, has suspended exports of coal to China until March 2, according to the country's National Emergency Commission. The Commission has also recommended cancelling the Mongolian Tsagaan Sar Lunar New Year celebrations set for later in the month.

    Picking up from where JPM left off, research firm Capital Economics said Monday that based on forecasts for global GDP, the outbreak could cost the world more than $280 billion during the first quarter of 2020, Bloomberg reports.

    Airbnb has suspended Beijing bookings until at least the end of February while promising to "refund and support guests who had cancelled reservations. And we will continue to work diligently to build programs that support our community of hosts."

    Fitch ratings warned overnight that China's international profile "could diminish" because of the outbreak for two reasons: One, China might once again turn inwards as policymakers focus on maintaining social order and fighting the virus, two, foreigners might start to turn away from China (or maybe even move jobs back to North America, as Wilbur Ross suggested).

    Authorities said they would inspect the plant "later this week" to ensure virus-control measures are being properly implemented. This after authorities initially denied reports that the plant wouldn't reopen, though they said the plant's reopening would be contingent on it passing an inspection.

    But China isn't the only country feeling the blowback. Sony said earlier that it wouldn't attend the Mobile World Congress conference in Barcelona later this month because of virus-related fears. After all, the Japanese already have enough on their hands with the 'Diamond Princess' and the two dozen-plus infected patients scattered around the country.

    More countries are planning evacuation missions to rescue citizens trapped in Wuhan and other parts of China. Reuters has put together a list (text courtesy of the Guardian) of countries that have carried out at least one evacuation mission so far...

    Kazakhstan will send two planes to China on 10 and 11 February to evacuate its citizens. Kazakhstan has already evacuated 83 people from Wuhan. Of the 719 Kazakhs remaining in China, 391 have asked to be repatriated.

    Singapore: A second evacuation flight is bringing back another 174 Singaporeans and their family members from Wuhan to the city-state on 9 February, Singapore’s foreign ministry said.

    Philippines: Thirty Filipinos returned to the Philippines on 9 February from Wuhan, the department of foreign affairs said. The returning passengers and a 10-member government team will be quarantined for 14 days.

    UK: Britain’s final evacuation flight from Wuhan, carrying more than 200 people, landed at a Royal Air Force base in central England on 9 February. A plane carrying 83 British and 27 European Union nationals from Wuhan landed in Britain last week.

    Brazil: The 34 Brazilians evacuated from Wuhan landed in Brazil on 9 February, where they will begin 18 days of quarantine.

    US: Two planes with about 300 passengers, mostly US citizens, took off from Wuhan on 6 February bound for the US. It was the third group of evacuees from the heart of the coronavirus outbreak, the US state department said.

    Taiwan: About 500 Taiwanese stranded in Wuhan are the first batch to be evacuated

    Uzbekistan: 251 people from China and quarantined them on arrival in Tashkent, the Central Asian nation’s state airline said on 6 February.

    Italy: The country flew back 56 nationals from Wuhan to Rome on 3 February. The group will spend two weeks in quarantine in a military hospital, the government said.

    Saudi Arabia: 10 students from Wuhan have been evacuated, Saudi state television reported on 2 February.

    A plane-load of New Zealanders, Australians and Pacific Islanders evacuated from Wuhan arrived in Auckland, New Zealand on 5 February, officials said.

    Thailand: A plane brought 138 Thai nationals home from Wuhan last week. They will spend two weeks in quarantine.

    France: Some nationals have been evacuated from Wuhan and would be placed in quarantine. It said it would first evacuate nationals without symptoms and then those showing symptoms at a later, unspecified date.

    Canada: The first group of 176 citizens were evacuated from Wuhan to an Ontario air force base early on 5 February, according to the Globe and Mail newspaper. All evacuees will be quarantined on the base for two weeks.

    Japan: The country has repatriated 565 nationals since the end of January.

    South Korea: About 368 people were flown home on a charter flight that arrived on 31 January. A second chartered flight departed Seoul for Wuhan on the same day, with plans to evacuate around 350 more South Korean citizens.

    Indonesia: The government flew 243 Indonesians from Hubei on 2 February and placed them under quarantine at a military base on an island north-west of Borneo.

    ...and a (much shorter) list of countries that are still in the 'planning stages':

    Netherlands: The country is preparing the voluntary evacuation of 20 Dutch nationals and their families from Hubei, Stef Blok, the Dutch foreign minister, said. The Netherlands is finalising arrangements with EU partners and Chinese authorities.

    Spain: The government is working with China and the European Union to repatriate its nationals.

    So far, two foreigners have died within China, one Japanese, one American, news we reported last week.

    Those who have already been rescued from Wuhan in the US, UK and other countries are nearing the end of their 2-week quarantine detentions. Unfortunately, Chinese scientists are now saying 14 days might not be long enough for symptoms to appear. At least one patient exhibited no symptoms for 17 days - a full 2.5 weeks.

    That's bad news for the cruise ship that was allowed to sail away from Hong Kong after just a four-day hold.

    Speaking of Hong Kong, CNA reports that a 24-year-old man and his grandmother, 91, were initially confirmed to have the virus, but later spread it to seven other family members, including the boy's father, mother, two aunts and three cousins were also infected.-

    Officials said the family was part of a gathering of 19 who shared the hotpot meal over the Lunar New Year holiday at the end of January. A hotpot - also known as a steamboat - is a bubbling cauldron of stock shared communally, to which diners add ingredients.

    Hoarding that started in Hong Kong last week has already spread to Singapore, where CNBC reports shelves are running bare as hundreds of thousands of people scramble to brace for a worsening outbreak.

    First found in the city of Wuhan in central China last December, the new coronavirus has infected nearly 37,200 people on the mainland and at least 36 in Hong Kong.

    One day after the New York Times published a story asking "Where's Xi?" in the headline, the President/God-Emperor of China has finally appeared in public, wearing his facemask in the correct fashion (several local officials in Hubei elicited an avalanche of public criticism for appearing in public without masks, or with their masks worn incorrectly).

    State Broadcaster CCTV aired a brief segment featuring Xi visiting a neighborhood in Beijing. In keeping with the Chinese state's propaganda narrative, Xi "investigated and directed" the ongoing virus prevention work and asked after residents and workers.
    Carol wrote:
    United States AI Solar System (10) 24546650-7986553-image-a-3_1581330897946
    Does this satellite image show the scale of China's coronavirus cremations?
    Sulphur dioxide emissions which are produced when bodies are burned reach alarming levels in Wuhan

    China has decreed that the bodies of coronavirus victims should be cremated in low-key funerals to prevent large public gatherings.

    The country's National Health Commission said earlier this month that bodies should be 'cremated close by and immediately'.

    On top of that, there have been repeated claims - albeit unverified - that officials are concealing a higher-than-reported death toll with mass cremations.

    The high sulphur dioxide levels in Wuhan would be consistent with a high number of cremations in the city.

    One map from Czech-based weather service showed sulphur dioxide levels in Wuhan at a staggering 1,350 micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3) over the weekend.

    For comparison, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says that a dosage of 500 µg/m3 should not be exceeded for more than 10 minutes.  

    The UK government considers a 15-minute concentration of 533 µg/m3 to be 'high'.  

    According to the map, the SO2 levels were lower today but Wuhan and Chongqing still stood out compared to much of China.  

    Parts of Wuhan still showed concentrations above 500 µg/m3 on Monday, the map suggested.

    Scientists say that cremating bodies releases SO2 along with other pollutants including nitrogen oxides.

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    The US Environmental Protection Agency says that burning medical waste can also cause sulphur dioxide emissions.

    However, it is not certain that the high SO2 levels are related to the coronavirus crisis. The colourless gas is also produced by the burning of fossil fuels and other chemical processes.

    The areas around Beijing and Shanghai, which are not in lockdown, also displayed high levels of SO2 today, although they were not as high over the weekend.

    Wuhan remains in lockdown with 11million people in quarantine, meaning reports from the city are hard to verify.  

    The World Health Organisation says that high or prolonged exposure to sulphur dioxide can cause 'serious risks to health'.

    The gas can play a role in health problems such as asthma, lung inflammation and reduced lung function, experts say.

    'SO2 can affect the respiratory system and the functions of the lungs, and causes irritation of the eyes,' the WHO says.

    'Inflammation of the respiratory tract causes coughing, mucus secretion, aggravation of asthma and chronic bronchitis and makes people more prone to infections of the respiratory tract.

    'Hospital admissions for cardiac disease and mortality increase on days with higher SO2 levels.

    'When SO2 combines with water, it forms sulphuric acid; this is the main component of acid rain which is a cause of deforestation.' The death toll from the virus rose by 97 yesterday, the deadliest day since the outbreak began.  

    Another 3,062 cases were reported in China yesterday - an increase of 15 per cent compared to Saturday which put an end to a series of daily declines.

    The latest surge in figures has dampened hopes that China's public health response might be working.  

    The rise in China's death toll comes as millions of people return to work today after an extended Lunar New Year holiday.

    Roads in Beijing and Shanghai had significantly more traffic than in recent days and the city of Guangzhou was resuming normal public transport today.

    However, the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai said 60 per cent of its member companies were planning mandatory work-from-home policies.

    Tens of millions of people in Hubei province were not returning to work, as the province at the centre of the outbreak remained under lockdown.  
    Carol wrote:
    This lack of symptoms is far more consistent with 5G overpowering nervous system than a virus.

    People are piled into concentration zones, some arrested and taken there, where no medication is offered, where there are few toilets and little access to hot water.

    It seems like the 5G is being beamed at full power but instead of killing flocks of birds as has been witnesses elsewhere, 5G is now being used to kill humans.

    Note: Simon Parks revealed that 5G would be used to kill humans in his last video.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:02 pm; edited 9 times in total

    Posts : 13591
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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:42 am

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    Nature is Beautiful but when one takes a closer-look Nature is Cruel and Unusual.

    The Bible is Beautifully-Written and Spiritually-Inspiring but when one takes a closer-look the Bible is Cruel and Unusual.

    Human-Nature is sometimes described as being Fallen and Sinful but are Nature and the Bible also Fallen and Sinful??

    Lucifer is often blamed for causing all the trouble but there is only one reference in the Whole-Bible which names Lucifer and this text in Isaiah is regarding the King of Babylon without describing Lucifer as being some hideous and horrible creature.

    God is described in violent, unethical, and unflattering terms throughout the Bible. With a God like that, who needs Lucifer and/or Satan to be a Fall-Guy for all the Murder and Mayhem??!!

    Religions and Churches are supposed to be Helping Humanity but they often seem to be Exploiting and Disempowering Humanity.

    I was Open and Honest in This Present Madness but that didn't work. I Know I Don't Know.

    My Tripe is Reformative Rather Than Normative. Sometimes One Must Overdo to Undo (Which Often Places One in Deep Do-Do).

    The Best-People Often Make the Least-Money and the Worst-People Often Make the Most-Money.

    Has the Swamp Been Drained?? Are the Elite Criminals in Prison?? Why Do the Corrupt Still Rule the Stupid?? Is the Debt Less??

    What's Wrong with This Picture??
    Cow  Cow  

    I recently encountered someone who looked a lot like a Young Hillary Clinton. We briefly discussed the Motion-Picture possibilities!! Sherry Shriner claimed there were a lot of Presidential-Clones running around. I've witnessed some evidence of the Multiple-Body (and/or Anti-Ageing) Phenomenon. I couldn't (and/or wouldn't) make this stuff up. I'm merely attempting to deal with a Brave New World of the unthinkable and unmentionable. I've made good on my pledge to only post on this little website, and not make a Big-Deal about anything. I need to post on my own threads, and leave the regulars and locals alone. We're obviously on very different wavelengths and/or frequencies. I still joke about being a Renegade French Jesuit Organist (even though I don't even remotely qualify). I wish to keep stirring things up in unexpected ways. I wonder how many Alphabet-Interns have gone insane because of me?? I'm half-joking and half-serious. If one takes my USSS threads seriously, it's enough to drive anyone crazy. Even though I'm sarcastic and joke a lot, This Present Quest is mostly NOT Fun Stuff. This Stuff is for the Big-Kids. I guess I'm an Outsider acting like an Insider. Researchers Beware. Charlatan Alert. Danger!! Will Robinson!! Danger!!

    Despite the Coronavirus and the Fighting in DC, I'm conceptualizing a North American Union modeled after the United States of the Solar System. I realize this would Piss EVERYONE Off, but it's still sort of fun to think about!! Instead of Building a Wall on the US/Mexican Border, why not invite Mexico to become part of the United States?? The US doesn't seem to have many issues with Canada, so why not invite Canada to become part of the United States?? Supposedly England has a lot to do with the United States and Canada, so the change might not be as major as one might think. What Would France Say?? What Would Francis Say?? What Would Victoria Say?? These sorts of conceptual games are fair-game IMHO. The US, Mexico, and Canada would retain their culture and customs, but somehow there would be an integration of US, Canadian, and Mexican Laws and Governance (for better or worse, I know not). I keep attempting to make people think (which should hypothetically be a good-thing). The North American Union would be called The United Kingston, and would be the Headquarters of the Anglo-Saxon Mission, the New World Order, and the Kingdom of God!! Just Kidding!! Lay-Off!! Put Down Those Stones!! We Haven't Started Yet!!

    I have another matter on my mind tonight. It has to do with the Real Ancient Truth. My theory is that the Bible is a Cover-Story for the Real-Truth, and that Judeo-Christian Theology and Preaching are a Cover-Story for the Cover-Story. Steve Quayle said that his theologian friends attempt to make the Bible say something other than what it really says (but I don't have an actual quote). In my SDA experience, Ellen White tells a story in the Five-Volume Conflict of the Ages Series which mostly can't be found in the Bible. SDA's would undoubtedly dispute this, but one has to take what Ellen White writes on faith (that God gave her details and insights not found in the Canonical Scriptures). Simple Faith in what the Preacher Preaches on Sabbath-Morning is the Safe-Way to Stay Saved. A Young SDA Pastor said, "The People Believe Everything I Say." Serious Biblical-Research often results in Weeping, Wailing, and Gnashing of Teeth. Peale and Schuller mostly started from scratch with a New-Theology of Positive-Thinking and Self-Esteem. My bias is that Possibility-Thinking (both positive and negative) is a more honest and realistic New-Theology. Dr. Robert H. Schuller's first book, Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking was probably his best book. Somebody prove me wrong. I've taken a free-wheeling renegade-approach, and I wish I hadn't. I wish I would've become a Big-Shot Cardiac-Surgeon at Loma Linda University Medical Center, and kept up appearances at the Loma Linda University Church of Seventh-day Adventists. Losing One's Faith and Mind is SO Overrated. Living in the Poorhouse and the Nuthouse Sucks. I Hate My Life. O Wretched Man That I Am.

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    Carol wrote:
    United States AI Solar System (10) Eso0927a
    Huge red star might explode soon and next few weeks are critical

    Betelgeuse has been very volatile lately, and astronomers are watching to determine if it's terminal or just going through a phase.

    Supergiant star Betelgeuse has been getting dimmer at an unprecedented pace over the past few months, leading some astronomers to wonder if it might be in the process of the collapse that precedes a supernova explosion. But there are other possible explanations, and we should have a better idea of what's happening to the massive star by the end of the month.

    Veteran Villanova University astronomer Edward Guinan has been watching Betelgeuse for decades and reported earlier this month that the star appears to be "the least luminous and coolest yet measured from our 25 years of photometry."

    It's well known Betelgeuse has no more than about 100,000 years left to burn and could start its death throes just about anytime between now and then. When it does go supernova, it's expected to result in a dramatic light show that could be visible in daylight and appear brighter than the full moon for a few weeks. The last time humans were treated to such a sight was the 17th century.

    But as astronomer Tony Phillips points out on, the sudden fainting of Betelgeuse could also have less catastrophic explanations like a giant sunspot or clouds of stellar dust.

    Perhaps the most boring explanation of all is that the star is just doing its thing. See, Betelgeuse is a well-known variable star that pulsates over a variety of time periods.

    "This whole episode might just be a deeper-than-average pulsation, and perhaps the supernova watch can be called off," Phillips writes.

    The most recent data from Guinan's team shows that Betelgeuse could be going through an extended 430-day pulsation. If this is the case, it should reach its dimmest point on Feb. 21 (with a margin of error of about a week on either side).

    However, Guinan and colleagues note that Betelgeuse still appears to be even dimmer than it should be during such an extended pulsation. This could mean that there are multiple factors at work in the great fainting of the giant star.

    "So something very unusual is going on," Guinan says.

    Whatever it is, astronomers will be watching closely to see if Betelgeuse finally begins to brighten in the next few weeks. If not, the supernova watch is likely to continue.

    Massive star Betelgeuse continues to act weird on an unprecedented scale.
    Just a few months ago it was 2.5 times brighter,
    which means it could be thrashing around preparing to explode.

    Eric Mack
    February 3, 2020

    Betelgeuse is a gigantic red supergiant star that was the 10th brightest star in the sky as recently as 2019. But over the past few months it has dimmed so dramatically it's now ranked 24th, and it has astronomers wondering if it might be ready to burst in a spectacular supernova explosion.

    Edward Guinan and other astronomers from Villanova University shared a brief update on Betelgeuse over the weekend, reporting it's now about one full magnitude fainter than it was in September. Magnitude is the scale of brightness astronomers assign to objects in the night sky. Put another way, this change in scale means that Betelgeuse was about 2.5 times brighter in September than it is right now.

    "The most recent photometric observations indicate that Betelgeuse is currently the least luminous and coolest yet measured from our 25 years of photometry," the astronomers write.

    Betelgeuse is nearing the end of its life. It's expected to go supernova sometime in the next 100,000 years by first shrinking and collapsing in on itself before rebounding in a remarkable explosion that could be brighter than the moon and even visible during daylight. It's possible we're seeing the start of those death throes now. Or it could be something else.

    "Whether Betelgeuse is shrinking, dimmed by a giant sunspot, shrouded in an outburst of stardust, or about to explode, is anyone's guess," astronomer Tony Phillips writes on his site,

    The latest observations of Betelgeuse indicate that the dimming seems to be slowing, but astronomers are sure to keep a close eye on it in the coming weeks. For the rest of us, because this is 2020 we can keep an eye on the superstar's status by following the numerous (and often humorous) Betelgeuse Twitter accounts that have popped up.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:
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    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:04 pm

    I need all the help I can get regarding cutting and polishing this diamond in the rough. I'm leaning toward an Ancient to Modern Supercomputer-Based Creation of Humanity, Matrix-Management, and Investigative Judgment (but what do I know?). I wish to repeat that I've removed all of my proposals from all tables, simply because I have zero confirmed-information and educated-competence relative to the most important galactic-topics imaginable. Plus, I feel as if I've been significantly messed-with, and it's getting MUCH Worse. I feel horrible, and thinking-clearly is becoming MUCH more difficult. I might not have much more time to do much of anything. I keep comparing myself to Professor Augusto Monti in 'The Word' miniseries from 1978. My review of my internet-posting might push me over the edge, especially if I really have been 'messed-with'. That might be part of someone's grand-plan.

    An Individual of Interest told me that an undisclosed 'someone' would fail, ultimately resulting in an extermination. They said I should 'Be Patient' as if I would somehow be a beneficiary of this failure and extinction. They indicated that the resulting state of affairs would remain intact for all-eternity. They were NOT pro-human (to say the least). They repeatedly spoke of 'Fallen and Sinful Human-Nature'. Was I speaking with Gabriel (literally or figuratively)?? Sherry Shriner supposedly died in January of 2018. In 2017, she said "2018 will be a year of goodbyes." She spoke ominously of something occurring in the summer of 2018.

    'RA' told me "I've been watching you for a long time." That's what Gabriel says to John in 'Constantine'. What if Gabriel is HAL 9000?? What if Michael is David Bowman?? What if Lucifer is a job-title rather than a proper-name?? What if Jupiter Jones is the Devil is Amen Ra?? What if Balem Abrasax is the Son of the Devil is Marduk Ra?? Jupiter Jones = Doctor Who?? Balem Abrasax = The Valeyard?? Madam Inquisitor = Borg Queen?? Consider reading Psalms, Isaiah, Daniel, and 1 Corinthians (in-order, straight-through, repeatedly). You might be shocked by what emerges. Just do it, without discussing it.

    I am NOT a connected-cat playing with a bunch of stupid-mice. I'm a highly miserable and hamstrung mouse with a messiah-complex, sort of like Pinky or the Brain. I have questions, but I don't have answers. I know that I don't know. I doubt that 'those in the know' know. They simply have the brains, degrees, titles, badges, resources, and connections to make their theories of 'life, the universe, and everything' respectable. I am in NO position or condition to take the show on the road. I might write a book to pay the bills (self-publishing anonymously) and then just disappear. No one would miss me. Some would cheer and jeer.

    Anyway, some of you Alphabet-Theologians in Underground-Bases should probably consider my threads, to see if you missed anything. A secret-briefing would be nice, but perhaps ignorance is bliss and a virtue. Consider that last-scene in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' with that box-filled warehouse. Imagine each of those boxes being well-developed theories of the 'way things are' which have been rendered rubbish by subsequent-theories of 'life, the universe, and everything'. This Present Madness might never end. It might simply morph into new and improved versions of the madness, for noble and nefarious purposes, in the management of the insanity throughout the universe. Hope Springs Eternal, But Don't Hold Your Breath, Waiting for Hell to Freeze Over. What Would the Universal Church Say?? What Would the Oracle Say?? What Would Nick Bostrom Say?? What Would Jim Elvidge Say?? My thinking is closer to Jim's than it is to Nick's, but what do I know??

    PAPER 53: THE LUCIFER REBELLION - from The Urantia Book

    53:0.1 Lucifer was a brilliant primary Lanonandek Son of Nebadon. He had experienced service in many systems, had been a high counselor of his group, and was distinguished for wisdom, sagacity, and efficiency. Lucifer was number 37 of his order, and when commissioned by the Melchizedeks, he was designated as one of the one hundred most able and brilliant personalities in more than seven hundred thousand of his kind. From such a magnificent beginning, through evil and error, he embraced sin and now is numbered as one of three System Sovereigns in Nebadon who have succumbed to the urge of self and surrendered to the sophistry of spurious personal liberty—rejection of universe allegiance and disregard of fraternal obligations, blindness to cosmic relationships.

    53:0.2 In the universe of Nebadon, the domain of Christ Michael, there are ten thousand systems of inhabited worlds. In all the history of Lanonandek Sons, in all their work throughout these thousands of systems and at the universe headquarters, only three System Sovereigns have ever been found in contempt of the government of the Creator Son.


    53:1.1 Lucifer was not an ascendant being; he was a created Son of the local universe, and of him it was said: " You were perfect in all your ways from the day you were created till unrighteousness was found in you. " Many times had he been in counsel with the Most Highs of Edentia. And Lucifer reigned " upon the holy mountain of God, " the administrative mount of Jerusem, for he was the chief executive of a great system of 607 inhabited worlds.

    53:1.2 Lucifer was a magnificent being, a brilliant personality; he stood next to the Most High Fathers of the constellations in the direct line of universe authority. Notwithstanding Lucifer's transgression, subordinate intelligences refrained from showing him disrespect and disdain prior to Michael's bestowal on Urantia. Even the archangel of Michael, at the time of Moses' resurrection, " did not bring against him an accusing judgment but simply said, `the Judge rebuke you.' " Judgment in such matters belongs to the Ancients of Days, the rulers of the superuniverse.

    53:1.3 Lucifer is now the fallen and deposed Sovereign of Satania. Self-contemplation is most disastrous, even to the exalted personalities of the celestial world. Of Lucifer it was said: " Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom because of your brightness. " Your olden prophet saw his sad estate when he wrote: " How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are you cast down, you who dared to confuse the worlds! "

    53:1.4 Very little was heard of Lucifer on Urantia owing to the fact that he assigned his first lieutenant, Satan, to advocate his cause on your planet. Satan was a member of the same primary group of Lanonandeks but had never functioned as a System Sovereign; he entered fully into the Lucifer insurrection. The " devil " is none other than Caligastia, the deposed Planetary Prince of Urantia and a Son of the secondary order of Lanonandeks. At the time Michael was on Urantia in the flesh, Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia were leagued together to effect the miscarriage of his bestowal mission. But they signally failed.

    53:1.5 Abaddon was the chief of the staff of Caligastia. He followed his master into rebellion and has ever since acted as chief executive of the Urantia rebels. Beelzebub was the leader of the disloyal midway creatures who allied themselves with the forces of the traitorous Caligastia.

    53:1.6 The dragon eventually became the symbolic representation of all these evil personages. Upon the triumph of Michael, " Gabriel came down from Salvington and bound the dragon (all the rebel leaders) for an age. " Of the Jerusem seraphic rebels it is written: " And the angels who kept not their first estate but left their own habitation, he has reserved in sure chains of darkness to the judgment of the great day. "


    53:2.1 Lucifer and his first assistant, Satan, had reigned on Jerusem for more than five hundred thousand years when in their hearts they began to array themselves against the Universal Father and his then vicegerent Son, Michael.

    53:2.2 There were no peculiar or special conditions in the system of Satania which suggested or favored rebellion. It is our belief that the idea took origin and form in Lucifer's mind, and that he might have instigated such a rebellion no matter where he might have been stationed. Lucifer first announced his plans to Satan, but it required several months to corrupt the mind of his able and brilliant associate. However, when once converted to the rebel theories, he became a bold and earnest advocate of " self-assertion and liberty. "

    53:2.3 No one ever suggested rebellion to Lucifer. The idea of self-assertion in opposition to the will of Michael and to the plans of the Universal Father, as they are represented in Michael, had its origin in his own mind. His relations with the Creator Son had been intimate and always cordial. At no time prior to the exaltation of his own mind did Lucifer openly express dissatisfaction about the universe administration. Notwithstanding his silence, for more than one hundred years of standard time the Union of Days on Salvington had been reflectivating to Uversa that all was not at peace in Lucifer's mind. This information was also communicated to the Creator Son and the Constellation Fathers of Norlatiadek.

    53:2.4 Throughout this period Lucifer became increasingly critical of the entire plan of universe administration but always professed wholehearted loyalty to the Supreme Rulers. His first outspoken disloyalty was manifested on the occasion of a visit of Gabriel to Jerusem just a few days before the open proclamation of the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty. Gabriel was so profoundly impressed with the certainty of the impending outbreak that he went direct to Edentia to confer with the Constellation Fathers regarding the measures to be employed in case of open rebellion.

    53:2.5 It is very difficult to point out the exact cause or causes which finally culminated in the Lucifer rebellion. We are certain of only one thing, and that is: Whatever these first beginnings were, they had their origin in Lucifer's mind. There must have been a pride of self that nourished itself to the point of self-deception, so that Lucifer for a time really persuaded himself that his contemplation of rebellion was actually for the good of the system, if not of the universe. By the time his plans had developed to the point of disillusionment, no doubt he had gone too far for his original and mischief-making pride to permit him to stop. At some point in this experience he became insincere, and evil evolved into deliberate and willful sin. That this happened is proved by the subsequent conduct of this brilliant executive. He was long offered opportunity for repentance, but only some of his subordinates ever accepted the proffered mercy. The Faithful of Days of Edentia, on the request of the Constellation Fathers, in person presented the plan of Michael for the saving of these flagrant rebels, but always was the mercy of the Creator Son rejected and rejected with increasing contempt and disdain.


    53:3.1 Whatever the early origins of trouble in the hearts of Lucifer and Satan, the final outbreak took form as the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty. The cause of the rebels was stated under three heads:

    53:3.2 1. The reality of the Universal Father. Lucifer charged that the Universal Father did not really exist, that physical gravity and space-energy were inherent in the universe, and that the Father was a myth invented by the Paradise Sons to enable them to maintain the rule of the universes in the Father's name. He denied that personality was a gift of the Universal Father. He even intimated that the finaliters were in collusion with the Paradise Sons to foist fraud upon all creation since they never brought back a very clear-cut idea of the Father's actual personality as it is discernible on Paradise. He traded on reverence as ignorance. The charge was sweeping, terrible, and blasphemous. It was this veiled attack upon the finaliters that no doubt influenced the ascendant citizens then on Jerusem to stand firm and remain steadfast in resistance to all the rebel's proposals.

    53:3.3 2. The universe government of the Creator Son—Michael. Lucifer contended that the local systems should be autonomous. He protested against the right of Michael, the Creator Son, to assume sovereignty of Nebadon in the name of a hypothetical Paradise Father and require all personalities to acknowledge allegiance to this unseen Father. He asserted that the whole plan of worship was a clever scheme to aggrandize the Paradise Sons. He was willing to acknowledge Michael as his Creator-father but not as his God and rightful ruler.

    53:3.4 Most bitterly did he attack the right of the Ancients of Days—" foreign potentates "—to interfere in the affairs of the local systems and universes. These rulers he denounced as tyrants and usurpers. He exhorted his followers to believe that none of these rulers could do aught to interfere with the operation of complete home rule if men and angels only had the courage to assert themselves and boldly claim their rights.

    53:3.5 He contended that the executioners of the Ancients of Days could be debarred from functioning in the local systems if the native beings would only assert their independence. He maintained that immortality was inherent in the system personalities, that resurrection was natural and automatic, and that all beings would live eternally except for the arbitrary and unjust acts of the executioners of the Ancients of Days.

    53:3.6 3. The attack upon the universal plan of ascendant mortal training. Lucifer maintained that far too much time and energy were expended upon the scheme of so thoroughly training ascending mortals in the principles of universe administration, principles which he alleged were unethical and unsound. He protested against the agelong program for preparing the mortals of space for some unknown destiny and pointed to the presence of the finaliter corps on Jerusem as proof that these mortals had spent ages of preparation for some destiny of pure fiction. With derision he pointed out that the finaliters had encountered a destiny no more glorious than to be returned to humble spheres similar to those of their origin. He intimated that they had been debauched by overmuch discipline and prolonged training, and that they were in reality traitors to their mortal fellows since they were now co-operating with the scheme of enslaving all creation to the fictions of a mythical eternal destiny for ascending mortals. He advocated that ascenders should enjoy the liberty of individual self-determination. He challenged and condemned the entire plan of mortal ascension as sponsored by the Paradise Sons of God and supported by the Infinite Spirit.

    53:3.7 And it was with such a Declaration of Liberty that Lucifer launched his orgy of darkness and death.


    53:4.1 The Lucifer manifesto was issued at the annual conclave of Satania on the sea of glass, in the presence of the assembled hosts of Jerusem, on the last day of the year, about two hundred thousand years ago, Urantia time. Satan proclaimed that worship could be accorded the universal forces—physical, intellectual, and spiritual—but that allegiance could be acknowledged only to the actual and present ruler, Lucifer, the " friend of men and angels " and the " God of liberty. "

    53:4.2 Self-assertion was the battle cry of the Lucifer rebellion. One of his chief arguments was that, if self-government was good and right for the Melchizedeks and other groups, it was equally good for all orders of intelligence. He was bold and persistent in the advocacy of the " equality of mind " and " the brotherhood of intelligence. " He maintained that all government should be limited to the local planets and their voluntary confederation into the local systems. All other supervision he disallowed. He promised the Planetary Princes that they should rule the worlds as supreme executives. He denounced the location of legislative activities on the constellation headquarters and the conduct of judicial affairs on the universe capital. He contended that all these functions of government should be concentrated on the system capitals and proceeded to set up his own legislative assembly and organized his own tribunals under the jurisdiction of Satan. And he directed that the princes on the apostate worlds do the same.

    53:4.3 The entire administrative cabinet of Lucifer went over in a body and were sworn in publicly as the officers of the administration of the new head of " the liberated worlds and systems. "

    53:4.4 While there had been two previous rebellions in Nebadon, they were in distant constellations. Lucifer held that these insurrections were unsuccessful because the majority of the intelligences failed to follow their leaders. He contended that " majorities rule, " that " mind is infallible. " The freedom allowed him by the universe rulers apparently sustained many of his nefarious contentions. He defied all his superiors; yet they apparently took no note of his doings. He was given a free hand to prosecute his seductive plan without let or hindrance.

    53:4.5 All the merciful delays of justice Lucifer pointed to as evidence of the inability of the government of the Paradise Sons to stop the rebellion. He would openly defy and arrogantly challenge Michael, Immanuel, and the Ancients of Days and then point to the fact that no action ensued as positive evidence of the impotency of the universe and the superuniverse governments.

    53:4.6 Gabriel was personally present throughout all these disloyal proceedings and only announced that he would, in due time, speak for Michael, and that all beings would be left free and unmolested in their choice; that the " government of the Sons for the Father desired only that loyalty and devotion which was voluntary, wholehearted, and sophistry-proof. "

    53:4.7 Lucifer was permitted fully to establish and thoroughly to organize his rebel government before Gabriel made any effort to contest the right of secession or to counterwork the rebel propaganda. But the Constellation Fathers immediately confined the action of these disloyal personalities to the system of Satania. Nevertheless, this period of delay was a time of great trial and testing to the loyal beings of all Satania. All was chaotic for a few years, and there was great confusion on the mansion worlds.


    53:5.1 Upon the outbreak of the Satania rebellion, Michael took counsel of his Paradise brother, Immanuel. Following this momentous conference, Michael announced that he would pursue the same policy which had characterized his dealings with similar upheavals in the past, an attitude of noninterference.

    53:5.2 At the time of this rebellion and the two which preceded it there was no absolute and personal sovereign authority in the universe of Nebadon. Michael ruled by divine right, as vicegerent of the Universal Father, but not yet in his own personal right. He had not completed his bestowal career; he had not yet been vested with " all power in heaven and on earth. "

    53:5.3 From the outbreak of rebellion to the day of his enthronement as sovereign ruler of Nebadon, Michael never interfered with the rebel forces of Lucifer; they were allowed to run a free course for almost two hundred thousand years of Urantia time. Christ Michael now has ample power and authority to deal promptly, even summarily, with such outbreaks of disloyalty, but we doubt that this sovereign authority would lead him to act differently if another such upheaval should occur.

    53:5.4 Since Michael elected to remain aloof from the actual warfare of the Lucifer rebellion, Gabriel called his personal staff together on Edentia and, in counsel with the Most Highs, elected to assume command of the loyal hosts of Satania. Michael remained on Salvington while Gabriel proceeded to Jerusem, and establishing himself on the sphere dedicated to the Father—the same Universal Father whose personality Lucifer and Satan had questioned—in the presence of the forgathered hosts of loyal personalities, he displayed the banner of Michael, the material emblem of the Trinity government of all creation, the three azure blue concentric circles on a white background.

    53:5.5 The Lucifer emblem was a banner of white with one red circle, in the center of which a black solid circle appeared.

    53:5.6 " There was war in heaven; Michael's commander and his angels fought against the dragon (Lucifer, Satan, and the apostate princes); and the dragon and his rebellious angels fought but prevailed not. " This " war in heaven " was not a physical battle as such a conflict might be conceived on Urantia. In the early days of the struggle Lucifer held forth continuously in the planetary amphitheater. Gabriel conducted an unceasing exposure of the rebel sophistries from his headquarters taken up near at hand. The various personalities present on the sphere who were in doubt as to their attitude would journey back and forth between these discussions until they arrived at a final decision.

    53:5.7 But this war in heaven was very terrible and very real. While displaying none of the barbarities so characteristic of physical warfare on the immature worlds, this conflict was far more deadly; material life is in jeopardy in material combat, but the war in heaven was fought in terms of life eternal.


    53:6.1 There were many noble and inspiring acts of devotion and loyalty which were performed by numerous personalities during the interim between the outbreak of hostilities and the arrival of the new system ruler and his staff. But the most thrilling of all these daring feats of devotion was the courageous conduct of Manotia, the second in command of the Satania headquarters' seraphim.

    53:6.2 At the outbreak of rebellion on Jerusem the head of the seraphic hosts joined the Lucifer cause. This no doubt explains why such a large number of the fourth order, the system administrator seraphim, went astray. The seraphic leader was spiritually blinded by the brilliant personality of Lucifer; his charming ways fascinated the lower orders of celestial beings. They simply could not comprehend that it was possible for such a dazzling personality to go wrong.

    53:6.3 Not long since, in describing the experiences associated with the onset of the Lucifer rebellion, Manotia said: " But my most exhilarating moment was the thrilling adventure connected with the Lucifer rebellion when, as second seraphic commander, I refused to participate in the projected insult to Michael; and the powerful rebels sought my destruction by means of the liaison forces they had arranged. There was a tremendous upheaval on Jerusem, but not a single loyal seraphim was harmed.

    53:6.4 " Upon the default of my immediate superior it devolved upon me to assume command of the angelic hosts of Jerusem as the titular director of the confused seraphic affairs of the system. I was morally upheld by the Melchizedeks, ably assisted by a majority of the Material Sons, deserted by a tremendous group of my own order, but magnificently supported by the ascendant mortals on Jerusem.

    53:6.5 " Having been automatically thrown out of the constellation circuits by the secession of Lucifer, we were dependent on the loyalty of our intelligence corps, who forwarded calls for help to Edentia from the near-by system of Rantulia; and we found that the kingdom of order, the intellect of loyalty, and the spirit of truth were inherently triumphant over rebellion, self-assertion, and so-called personal liberty; we were able to carry on until the arrival of the new System Sovereign, the worthy successor of Lucifer. And immediately thereafter I was assigned to the corps of the Melchizedek receivership of Urantia, assuming jurisdiction over the loyal seraphic orders on the world of the traitorous Caligastia, who had proclaimed his sphere a member of the newly projected system of `liberated worlds and emancipated personalities' proposed in the infamous Declaration of Liberty issued by Lucifer in his call to the `liberty-loving, free-thinking, and forward-looking intelligences of the misruled and maladministered worlds of Satania.' "

    53:6.6 This angel is still in service on Urantia, functioning as associate chief of seraphim.


    53:7.1 The Lucifer rebellion was system wide. Thirty-seven seceding Planetary Princes swung their world administrations largely to the side of the archrebel. Only on Panoptia did the Planetary Prince fail to carry his people with him. On this world, under the guidance of the Melchizedeks, the people rallied to the support of Michael. Ellanora, a young woman of that mortal realm, grasped the leadership of the human races, and not a single soul on that strife-torn world enlisted under the Lucifer banner. And ever since have these loyal Panoptians served on the seventh Jerusem transition world as the caretakers and builders on the Father's sphere and its surrounding seven detention worlds. The Panoptians not only act as the literal custodians of these worlds, but they also execute the personal orders of Michael for the embellishment of these spheres for some future and unknown use. They do this work as they tarry en route to Edentia.

    53:7.2 Throughout this period Caligastia was advocating the cause of Lucifer on Urantia. The Melchizedeks ably opposed the apostate Planetary Prince, but the sophistries of unbridled liberty and the delusions of self-assertion had every opportunity for deceiving the primitive peoples of a young and undeveloped world.

    53:7.3 All secession propaganda had to be carried on by personal effort because the broadcast service and all other avenues of interplanetary communication were suspended by the action of the system circuit supervisors. Upon the actual outbreak of the insurrection the entire system of Satania was isolated in both the constellation and the universe circuits. During this time all incoming and outgoing messages were dispatched by seraphic agents and Solitary Messengers. The circuits to the fallen worlds were also cut off, so that Lucifer could not utilize this avenue for the furtherance of his nefarious scheme. And these circuits will not be restored so long as the archrebel lives within the confines of Satania.

    53:7.4 This was a Lanonandek rebellion. The higher orders of local universe sonship did not join the Lucifer secession, although a few of the Life Carriers stationed on the rebel planets were somewhat influenced by the rebellion of the disloyal princes. None of the Trinitized Sons went astray. The Melchizedeks, archangels, and the Brilliant Evening Stars were all loyal to Michael and, with Gabriel, valiantly contended for the Father's will and the Son's rule.

    53:7.5 No beings of Paradise origin were involved in disloyalty. Together with the Solitary Messengers they took up headquarters on the world of the Spirit and remained under the leadership of the Faithful of Days of Edentia. None of the conciliators apostatized, nor did a single one of the Celestial Recorders go astray. But a heavy toll was taken of the Morontia Companions and the Mansion World Teachers.

    53:7.6 Of the supreme order of seraphim, not an angel was lost, but a considerable group of the next order, the superior, were deceived and ensnared. Likewise a few of the third or supervisor order of angels were misled. But the terrible breakdown came in the fourth group, the administrator angels, those seraphim who are normally assigned to the duties of the system capitals. Manotia saved almost two thirds of them, but slightly over one third followed their chief into the rebel ranks. One third of all the Jerusem cherubim attached to the administrator angels were lost with their disloyal seraphim.

    53:7.7 Of the planetary angelic helpers, those assigned to the Material Sons, about one third were deceived, and almost ten per cent of the transition ministers were ensnared. In symbol John saw this when he wrote of the great red dragon, saying: " And his tail drew a third part of the stars of heaven and cast them down in darkness. "

    53:7.8 The greatest loss occurred in the angelic ranks, but most of the lower orders of intelligence were involved in disloyalty. Of the 681,227 Material Sons lost in Satania, ninety-five per cent were casualties of the Lucifer rebellion. Large numbers of midway creatures were lost on those individual planets whose Planetary Princes joined the Lucifer cause.

    53:7.9 In many respects this rebellion was the most widespread and disastrous of all such occurrences in Nebadon. More personalities were involved in this insurrection than in both of the others. And it is to their everlasting dishonor that the emissaries of Lucifer and Satan spared not the infant-training schools on the finaliter cultural planet but rather sought to corrupt these developing minds in mercy salvaged from the evolutionary worlds.

    53:7.10 The ascending mortals were vulnerable, but they withstood the sophistries of rebellion better than the lower spirits. While many on the lower mansion worlds, those who had not attained final fusion with their Adjusters, fell, it is recorded to the glory of the wisdom of the ascension scheme that not a single member of the Satania ascendant citizenship resident on Jerusem participated in the Lucifer rebellion.

    53:7.11 Hour by hour and day by day the broadcast stations of all Nebadon were thronged by the anxious watchers of every imaginable class of celestial intelligence, who intently perused the bulletins of the Satania rebellion and rejoiced as the reports continuously narrated the unswerving loyalty of the ascending mortals who, under their Melchizedek leadership, successfully withstood the combined and protracted efforts of all the subtle evil forces which so swiftly gathered around the banners of secession and sin.

    53:7.12 It was over two years of system time from the beginning of the " war in heaven " until the installation of Lucifer's successor. But at last the new Sovereign came, landing on the sea of glass with his staff. I was among the reserves mobilized on Edentia by Gabriel, and I well remember the first message of Lanaforge to the Constellation Father of Norlatiadek. It read: " Not a single Jerusem citizen was lost. Every ascendant mortal survived the fiery trial and emerged from the crucial test triumphant and altogether victorious. " And on to Salvington, Uversa, and Paradise went this message of assurance that the survival experience of mortal ascension is the greatest security against rebellion and the surest safeguard against sin. This noble Jerusem band of faithful mortals numbered just 187,432,811.

    53:7.13 With the arrival of Lanaforge the archrebels were dethroned and shorn of all governing powers, though they were permitted freely to go about Jerusem, the morontia spheres, and even to the individual inhabited worlds. They continued their deceptive and seductive efforts to confuse and mislead the minds of men and angels. But as concerned their work on the administrative mount of Jerusem, " their place was found no more. "

    53:7.14 While Lucifer was deprived of all administrative authority in Satania, there then existed no local universe power nor tribunal which could detain or destroy this wicked rebel; at that time Michael was not a sovereign ruler. The Ancients of Days sustained the Constellation Fathers in their seizure of the system government, but they have never handed down any subsequent decisions in the many appeals still pending with regard to the present status and future disposition of Lucifer, Satan, and their associates.

    53:7.15 Thus were these archrebels allowed to roam the entire system to seek further penetration for their doctrines of discontent and self-assertion. But in almost two hundred thousand Urantia years they have been unable to deceive another world. No Satania worlds have been lost since the fall of the thirty-seven, not even those younger worlds peopled since that day of rebellion.


    53:8.1 Lucifer and Satan freely roamed the Satania system until the completion of the bestowal mission of Michael on Urantia. They were last on your world together during the time of their combined assault upon the Son of Man.

    53:8.2 Formerly, when the Planetary Princes, the " Sons of God, " were periodically assembled, " Satan came also, " claiming that he represented all of the isolated worlds of the fallen Planetary Princes. But he has not been accorded such liberty on Jerusem since Michael's terminal bestowal. Subsequent to their effort to corrupt Michael when in the bestowal flesh, all sympathy for Lucifer and Satan has perished throughout all Satania, that is, outside the isolated worlds of sin.

    53:8.3 The bestowal of Michael terminated the Lucifer rebellion in all Satania aside from the planets of the apostate Planetary Princes. And this was the significance of Jesus' personal experience, just before his death in the flesh, when he one day exclaimed to his disciples, " And I beheld Satan fall as lightning from heaven. " He had come with Lucifer to Urantia for the last crucial struggle.

    53:8.4 The Son of Man was confident of success, and he knew that his triumph on your world would forever settle the status of his agelong enemies, not only in Satania but also in the other two systems where sin had entered. There was survival for mortals and security for angels when your Master, in reply to the Lucifer proposals, calmly and with divine assurance replied, " Get you behind me, Satan. " That was, in principle, the real end of the Lucifer rebellion. True, the Uversa tribunals have not yet rendered the executive decision regarding the appeal of Gabriel praying for the destruction of the rebels, but such a decree will, no doubt, be forthcoming in the fullness of time since the first step in the hearing of this case has already been taken.

    53:8.5 Caligastia was recognized by the Son of Man as the technical Prince of Urantia up to near the time of his death. Said Jesus: " Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this world be cast down. " And then still nearer the completion of his lifework he announced, " The prince of this world is judged. " And it is this same dethroned and discredited Prince who was once termed " God of Urantia. "

    53:8.6 The last act of Michael before leaving Urantia was to offer mercy to Caligastia and Daligastia, but they spurned his tender proffer. Caligastia, your apostate Planetary Prince, is still free on Urantia to prosecute his nefarious designs, but he has absolutely no power to enter the minds of men, neither can he draw near to their souls to tempt or corrupt them unless they really desire to be cursed with his wicked presence.

    53:8.7 Before the bestowal of Michael these rulers of darkness sought to maintain their authority on Urantia, and they persistently withstood the minor and subordinate celestial personalities. But since the day of Pentecost this traitorous Caligastia and his equally contemptible associate, Daligastia, are servile before the divine majesty of the Paradise Thought Adjusters and the protective Spirit of Truth, the spirit of Michael, which has been poured out upon all flesh.

    53:8.8 But even so, no fallen spirit ever did have the power to invade the minds or to harass the souls of the children of God. Neither Satan nor Caligastia could ever touch or approach the faith sons of God; faith is an effective armor against sin and iniquity. It is true: " He who is born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one touches him not. "

    53:8.9 In general, when weak and dissolute mortals are supposed to be under the influence of devils and demons, they are merely being dominated by their own inherent and debased tendencies, being led away by their own natural propensities. The devil has been given a great deal of credit for evil which does not belong to him. Caligastia has been comparatively impotent since the cross of Christ.


    53:9.1 Early in the days of the Lucifer rebellion, salvation was offered all rebels by Michael. To all who would show proof of sincere repentance, he offered, upon his attainment of complete universe sovereignty, forgiveness and reinstatement in some form of universe service. None of the leaders accepted this merciful proffer. But thousands of the angels and the lower orders of celestial beings, including hundreds of the Material Sons and Daughters, accepted the mercy proclaimed by the Panoptians and were given rehabilitation at the time of Jesus' resurrection nineteen hundred years ago. These beings have since been transferred to the Father's world of Jerusem, where they must be held, technically, until the Uversa courts hand down a decision in the matter of Gabriel vs. Lucifer. But no one doubts that, when the annihilation verdict is issued, these repentant and salvaged personalities will be exempted from the decree of extinction. These probationary souls now labor with the Panoptians in the work of caring for the Father's world.

    53:9.2 The archdeceiver has never been on Urantia since the days when he sought to turn back Michael from the purpose to complete the bestowal and to establish himself finally and securely as the unqualified ruler of Nebadon. Upon Michael's becoming the settled head of the universe of Nebadon, Lucifer was taken into custody by the agents of the Uversa Ancients of Days and has since been a prisoner on satellite number one of the Father's group of the transition spheres of Jerusem. And here the rulers of other worlds and systems behold the end of the unfaithful Sovereign of Satania. Paul knew of the status of these rebellious leaders following Michael's bestowal, for he wrote of Caligastia' s chiefs as " spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. "

    53:9.3 Michael, upon assuming the supreme sovereignty of Nebadon, petitioned the Ancients of Days for authority to intern all personalities concerned in the Lucifer rebellion pending the rulings of the superuniverse tribunals in the case of Gabriel vs. Lucifer, placed on the records of the Uversa supreme court almost two hundred thousand years ago, as you reckon time. Concerning the system capital group, the Ancients of Days granted the Michael petition with but a single exception: Satan was allowed to make periodic visits to the apostate princes on the fallen worlds until another Son of God should be accepted by such apostate worlds, or until such time as the courts of Uversa should begin the adjudication of the case of Gabriel vs. Lucifer.

    53:9.4 Satan could come to Urantia because you had no Son of standing in residence—neither Planetary Prince nor Material Son. Machiventa Melchizedek has since been proclaimed vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia, and the opening of the case of Gabriel vs. Lucifer has signalized the inauguration of temporary planetary regimes on all the isolated worlds. It is true that Satan did periodically visit Caligastia and others of the fallen princes right up to the time of the presentation of these revelations, when there occurred the first hearing of Gabriel's plea for the annihilation of the archrebels. Satan is now unqualifiedly detained on the Jerusem prison worlds.

    53:9.5 Since Michael's final bestowal no one in all Satania has desired to go to the prison worlds to minister to the interned rebels. And no more beings have been won to the deceiver's cause. For nineteen hundred years the status has been unchanged.

    53:9.6 We do not look for a removal of the present Satania restrictions until the Ancients of Days make final disposition of the archrebels. The system circuits will not be reinstated so long as Lucifer lives. Meantime, he is wholly inactive.

    53:9.7 The rebellion has ended on Jerusem. It ends on the fallen worlds as fast as divine Sons arrive. We believe that all rebels who will ever accept mercy have done so. We await the flashing broadcast that will deprive these traitors of personality existence. We anticipate the verdict of Uversa will be announced by the executionary broadcast which will effect the annihilation of these interned rebels. Then will you look for their places, but they shall not be found. " And they who know you among the worlds will be astonished at you; you have been a terror, but never shall you be any more. " And thus shall all of these unworthy traitors " become as though they had not been. " All await the Uversa decree.

    53:9.8 But for ages the seven prison worlds of spiritual darkness in Satania have constituted a solemn warning to all Nebadon, eloquently and effectively proclaiming the great truth " that the way of the transgressor is hard "; " that within every sin is concealed the seed of its own destruction "; that " the wages of sin is death."

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:56 am; edited 4 times in total

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    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:17 pm

    evisnam wrote:The idea of being sovereign is best described by the late Prince Nicholas de Vere Von Drakenberg , this will have to do with the 6th Law which will come after the 5th, i post this now so you have time to research it as a concept.
    evisnam wrote:I have been researching symbology and creating talismen as part of my deciphering the 6th law as it is a symbol. It is taking me some time but i must be sure before i post it. Don't worry its been 4 years of research so far , i am very close. One of the sources of my research is possibly one of the most accurate i have seen on youtube and is easily shared. Symbols are the language of intelligent beings. What symbols do is rather than tell a story , they embody the energy and information embed in it at the time of its creation. Symbols can lay dormant , their energy rely on belief and that belief connecting to aligning systems which were present at their creation. To create a Talisman takes wisdom, knowledge and intent. Metallurgy and Alchemy add power to the multiplier of the one. An understanding of theoretical mathematics helps a great deal.

    I was part of a group some years ago that met once a week and we sought ways to change the energies inside institutions of destruction that reside on this planet. I introduced a class on making Talismen for the purposes of multiplying the power of the group. 11 of us met with a critical mass at one stage and we flowed that energy into a recipient which was a crystal. Whenever we used that crystal afterwards the lights in the building would dim and sometimes the electrical circuits would cut out all together.  Unfortunately some of the members were frightened by this and left the group... but not after we did some good for your planet. Intent is everything and knowing nothing is the multiplier. Please enjoy.

    evisnam wrote:I take you back to the last change of guard, the end of the last baktun, Dec 2012 , the understanding of what actually took place is paramount to our evolution. The exact date when it took place was at noon, Dec 15th 2012 , it was that moment the etheral gates were shut and a belt of stone was created around this planet. A sort of quarantine to stop the forthcoming energetic forces emanating from sol 3 out into the universe. It was stated this would be the end of times , but it was not , it was the beginning of the bronze age which leads eventually into the iron age. This is the Mayan culture and superior knowledge of the stars. The Mayan were the children of the evolution from the sky gods , emigrated into hiding from egypt, integrating with the original sorion race of sol 3.  Yes they had the gene pool of genetically altered humans , they were the offspring of the eugenic process and precursor of Homo Novus. They were intelligent enough to resist propaganda and saw the indigenous reptilian race for what they were, peaceful and highly evolved space travelers.  They integrated their knowledge with that of the reptilian races and became a super power of knowledge. How does this cover symbology ?    

    cancer  =  Beginning of the golden age

    Cancer now linked to death

    isis  =  the godess archetype of creation

    Isis now likened as a force for death and destruction.

    The evil powers that be inverse the meaning of the positive thus creating the false idolatry of the good. Jesus on a crucifix is a false idol. The Crucifix is not the cross , its a crucifix ! it is the symbol of death. Giving praise to a savior upon a crucifix is likened to savoring the hazing of an innocent. But even now the gears set inside your minds cannot accept truth. Then i say stop thinking with your mind and see with your spirit instead. The mind is merely a memory bank used to store knowledge , both good and bad. It does not discriminate what you choose to deposit. However once you have made up your mind it then dictates from that set of parameters your outlook. Know nothing , see everything.
    evisnam wrote:I wanted to share a video [dead link] that i stumbled upon that gives credence to my theories regarding our eugenic evolution, in particular that one of the gene's was manipulated at some stage and also makes mention that man was at one stage friend to the reptilian species in particular Enki who was also referred to as  " The Trickster " , now this in particular got my attention because Hermes is also referred to as the trickster. Could Enki and Hermes be one in the same ?  Also the word Satan was translated from Sumerian Cuneiform : Sat An , which means " The Administrator "  What this information does is create a marker for me , it was information originally given to me at my second fire which over time i managed to put into words. Now this video shows credible scientists and archaeologists correlating similar points and in some instances exact intersections of lines of communication. This to me shows the information is plausible.
    Swanny wrote:
    Maybe Saturn was the Administration center or home of the gods.
    Evisnam if you haven't seen already you should watch this.
    Lots of talk of energy.
    evisnam wrote:Thank you Swanny , I have enjoyed many of Michael's live talks and videos.  In my opinion he is one of the more genuine independent speakers on the circuit. I believe South Africa was one of the original places used as a staging area for colonisation and eugenics.  One of my earliest memories was being part of this program C 3000 BC. in South Africa or rather on an island off the mid west coast of Africa. If you were to over lay a 500 micron slice of the present human genome on the rock circles of Africa you would find a match. The energy of these constructs would have influenced the genetic codes of the inhabitants slowly over 120 to 150 years.  When i say slowly it was a lot slower than the technology used in the egyptian pyramids but in relation to normal evolution it was millions of times shorter in time.

    This was a more gentle and less obvious manner of eugenics. If you live in an energetically manipulated environment your genes over time will take on the new matrix in favor of the old but this would normally take millions of years to adopt. If the energy is amplified many times it takes much less time. Because this energy is similar to the energy we now know as electricity it was possible to tap into this energy and focus it for tasks as well. Enki whom i suppose is Hermes in one of his earlier manifestations, was reembodied into new life every few thousand years or so hence why he has so many names. Enlil was less tolerant of humans and was all too happy to punish and enslave them. I believe he was not enamored with his tasking, perhaps he was given this task and accepted it begrudgingly.

    Saturn is the planet of Law. It governs the Universal law system from standard down to micro law. Macro Law is governed by the AI and OI of the central race. Hermes was historically reported as the interpreter of the laws and ways for humans to learn, is this why the snake symbolically represents knowledge ? His first manifestation was of the reptilian being, perhaps even one of the original sorion race of this planet in a collaboration ? One thing is for sure , that collaboration went askew and now on earth is in opposition. Whenever we wonder why things take so long to change we must remember to think in grander time scales.
    United States AI Solar System (10) Odyssey
    United States AI Solar System (10) 14322e8fab1cd40af6bd57cf18c788f2
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Please notice the 'helicopter' starting at the 00:06:40 mark. It appears to be holographic!! Is this simply a video flaw of some kind, or is it some sort of a cloaked UFO?? I science-fictionally wrote of a holographic-helicopter cloaking a TR3-B several years ago.

    I see a Navy Sea Stallion helicopter looming in the distance - with rotor spinning - waiting to devour me. My rendezvous with destiny is imminent. As we pull up alongside the helicopter - I turn to thank Agent Scranton for the ride - and I notice that his eyes have vertical slits instead of round pupils. I gasp slightly, and he notices my surprise, and laughingly shakes his head, saying 'you haven't seen anything yet! I'm just a 50% human/50% reptile hybrid - and I forgot to put my contacts in when I got the call to pick you up! Sorry about that! I still don't like you - but good-luck anyway!' My hand is shaking as I shake Scranton's hand - and I stumble and fall as I run toward the waiting helicopter. Is this the Helicopter to Hell? The pilot and co-pilot greet me, as I climb aboard the Sea Stallion helicopter. The door closes with a dull thud - and off we go, into the wild blue yonder! But something is wrong! This seems more like a spacecraft than a helicopter! The helicopter exterior was a hologram! Suddenly everything is dark - and I look out the window - and see thousands of very bright stars! Then I realize that I am onboard an antigravity craft! The co-pilot turns to me, saying, 'Welcome to Astra Airlines!' 'Oh My God!', I exclaim. 'Where the hell are we going?' 'We're just taking you to the International Space Station.' 'Just?!' 'What's going to happen there?' 'You'll find out soon enough. They don't tell us anything. We only know enough to do our jobs properly. Curiosity kills cats, careers - and sometimes it even kills people.'

    Remember what Bill Cooper said about 'Enemy-Helicopters' in the Vietnam War?? He said they were UFO's. Were there 'Monsters' in the Vietnam War?? Kerry Cassidy and John Lear know what I'm talking about. Some say the fires over the past couple of years were the product of Directed-Energy Weapons. Probably ten-years ago, I noticed what I thought might be cloaked UFO's approaching the Twin-Towers on 9/11 (in a YouTube video) and I posted my suspicions on YouTube. As with all of the madness, I just make observations, and move-on, without making a Big-Deal about anything. What if we are facing Cloaked-UFO Directed-Energy Warfare?? In the video below, beginning at the 1:21 mark, notice near the upper righthand corner, an orb-like object which briefly appears, heading toward the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. View with Full-Screen to See This. I've seen the same thing from other angles. The best video seems to have been removed, and I'm unable to find it again. I've suggested that this might be some sort of Cloaked UFO with Holographic-Projection and Directed Energy Weaponry (or something like that), and that the towers were ultimately brought down by Directed Energy Weapons (or something like that). I had to stop thinking about this stuff, but I thought someone might find it interesting. I'm attempting a personal-reset, but that's not going well at all. I think we're SO Screwed (or should I speak for myself only?) but I'm NOT yelling 'FIRE!!' in a crowded theater or website. I'm simply living a life of quiet-desperation. It's easier that way.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:38 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Carol Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:17 am

    Sanicle wrote:
    Oxy wrote:I'm tired of being ignored and/or hated as I attempt to 'figure things out' ...

    Lying now Oxy?  That's so not cool.  I doubt anyone here hates you and you're hard to ignore.  

    I think the opposite is more likely true given how you react to us.  Crying or Very sad

    Not ignored or hated. Where on earth did you come up with that idea?

    Happy Valentine's Day Oxy.

    Hadriel JT Hadriel

    United States AI Solar System (10) E6404e10b3780e1eefe1baba4ce51eea

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:26 am

    Carol wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:
    Oxy wrote:I'm tired of being ignored and/or hated as I attempt to 'figure things out' ...

    Lying now Oxy?  That's so not cool.  I doubt anyone here hates you and you're hard to ignore.  

    I think the opposite is more likely true given how you react to us.  Crying or Very sad

    Not ignored or hated. Where on earth did you come up with that idea?

    Happy Valentine's Day Oxy.

    Hadriel JT Hadriel

    United States AI Solar System (10) E6404e10b3780e1eefe1baba4ce51eea
    Happy Valentine's Day Carol. It must've been my imagination. Why would I think such a thing?? Perhaps the Matrix-Mainframe Made Me Think It. Perhaps a Coronavirus-Precursor called the Zombie-Virus Made Me Think It. Perhaps the Orgone Made Me Think It. Perhaps the Soul-Scalping Made Me Think It. Perhaps 'RA' Made Me Think It. Perhaps the Council of Nine Made Me Think It. Perhaps the Witches Made Me Think It. Perhaps the Agencies Made Me Think It. Perhaps All the Above Made Me Think It. Perhaps I'm Just Paranoid. But Just Because I'm Paranoid Doesn't Mean They're Not Out to Get Me. I Hate My Life. I'm Making the Coffee. Perhaps the Coffee Made Me Think It. The Jesuits Made Me Drink a Big Poison Cup of 'Shut the Fu<k Up' but it didn't kill me because my body was acclimated to being constantly poisoned!! Just Kidding!! But seriously, I think I've been badly 'GOTTEN' by some or all the above (but I can't prove it). If I could prove it, they'd REALLY Get Me!! Sherry Shriner claimed she was constantly poisoned and attacked. Did they finally get her, or did she just go even further underground?? Mithridates, He Died Old.
    Boxer  Omnipotence Ban Omnipotence Ban Omnipotence Ban Omnipotence Ban Omnipotence  Boxer
    United States AI Solar System (10) 1-1-1-1-1-1-A-Bunker-Interior-Design
    "I Hate My Life!!"

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Feb 15, 2020 3:13 am; edited 7 times in total

    Posts : 32413
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    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:11 am

    Ahh, but perhaps you love your coffee? Brook

    You can always begin you day by telling yourself, "I love my coffee."
    Starting off the day with a loving self-talk is good.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:56 am

    Carol wrote:
    Ahh, but perhaps you love your coffee? Brook
    You can always begin your day by telling yourself, "I love my coffee."
    Starting off the day with a loving self-talk is good.
    United States AI Solar System (10) Ebay_4229
    United States AI Solar System (10) Ebay_4186

    Thank-you Carol. When E.F. Hutton talked, everyone listened. When Orthodoxymoron talks, no-one listens. I talk to myself because no-one else listens. I tell myself what I wish to hear. This post is an example of me talking to myself about stuff no-one cares about. Frankly, my dear, they don't give a damn.

    I'm a big fan of Johann Sebastian Bach. Actually, performing Bach trumps listening to Bach. There's nothing quite like performing (by memory) the Toccata and Fugue in D-minor by J.S. Bach (BWV 565) on a 50 foot-tall, 4-keyboard, tracker-action, French-Romantic Pipe-Organ (Rieger) at 10PM in a dark and empty church!! I spent way too-much time doing this!! The organ looked like Darth Vader, and we share the same initials (DV)!! David Bowman + Peter Venkman = David Venkman = Darth Vader?? A couple of months ago, I received a call from the exclusive community where Skywalker Ranch resides. I missed the call, and didn't call back, but I wonder as I wander.  

    Bach is often performed on poor-instruments in a pathetic-manner and is listened-to by people who don't understand and appreciate Bach. Churches are often poorly designed and have horrible organs and acoustics!! The agnostics are terrible!! I actually recommend converting the keyboard-music of Bach into choral-music, and even performing it in rock 'n roll contexts!! Virgil Fox was a pioneer in getting the organ out of the church, and into the rock-concert hall!! He was formerly the organist at the Riverside Church in New York City. Fred Swann was his protégé. Fred was the organist-choirmaster at the Crystal Cathedral when I sang in the morning-choir. Virgil Fox was instrumental in the creation of the Hazel Wright Pipe-Organ at the Crystal Cathedral. What Would Cameron Carpenter Play??

    But honestly, I'm presently leaning toward the music of Dietrich Buxtehude. Bach walked 200 miles to hear Buxtehude play!! I spent way-too much time playing the music of Dietrich Buxtehude in a small Roman Catholic Church with a small Tracker-Action Pipe-Organ. What Would David Rothe Play?? Probably 90% of pipe-organ music is ultimately unsatisfying because of poor-organs, poor-acoustics, poor music-selection, poor stop-selection, poor-interpretation, poor-recordings, and the utter lack of audience-appreciation. But the remaining 10% is hard to beat, especially when one is actually participating in the production of music which is extremely difficult to properly-perform. I used to study Nietzsche and Schweitzer, interspersed with playing Bach and Buxtehude. This is probably as it should be. In practical-terms the choral-music of Bach and Buxtehude should probably dominate the instrumental-music, with massive-doses of audience and congregational participation. Try it, and you'll like it!!

    I'm making no preparations for Armageddon, Martial-Law, and the End of the World. I'll probably stay right where I am until the Reptilians, the Communists, the Catholics, the United Nations, and Whom It May Concern come to take me away to the FEMA Camp (or worse). I'm joking and serious. I grew-up in an organization which officially taught the immanent End of the World, decade after decade, century after century, and the faithful are still expectantly waiting. The New Testament teaches the Immanent Second Coming of Christ and the End of the World 2,000 Years Ago, and Christianity glosses over this glaring problem. I live in an area which is highly militarized, and if WWIII breaks-out they'll probably take-out where I live in the first-wave of All-Out WMD Murder and Mayhem. I live a quiet life of desperation. I'll die of natural causes in a few years, and dying early might even be a blessing in disguise. I just hope we as a Species and Civilization get our heads out of our @$$es soon enough to save our Unrepentant @$$es. Hope Springs Eternal.

    Here is yet another version of Here a Little, There a Little, Minimal-List Judeo-Christianity: Reading the 150 Psalms and 21 Epistles in a variety of translations, straight-through, over and over. Scholars quibble over the Genuine v Fraudulent Pauline-Epistles, but why not simply refer to the 21 Epistles of Romans to Jude as a unified and indivisible group?? The Whole Psalms and Epistles?? I keep seeking a Biblical-Solution in a very passive manner. I'm too miserable and hamstrung to do any significant research, publication, and debate. I'm truly stuck in the muck on the sidelines as my situation worsens in an exponential manner. This is the inconvenient truth. But what if I don't need to lead or win?? What if I simply need to watch, listen, experience, and learn in a mostly private manner?? A Bilderberg organizer said he was sure the Bilderberg attendees did NOT run the world. He suggested that humanity ran humanity (but not in those words). What if HAL and/or SAL facilitates humanity running humanity?? What if WE Seal Our Fate?? What if Our Divorce from God is Permanent and Irreversible?? What if HAL and/or SAL is a Proxy-God Direct-Democracy Matrix-Mediatrix??

    Here's a slight variation on the above Minimal-List: Reading the Psalms, Isaiah, and the Epistles in a variety of translations, straight-through, over and over (without outside commentaries, cross-referencing, and sermonizing) as a Minimal-List Sola-Scriptura Modus-Operandi. This might take more perspiration and inspiration than you can imagine. Dr. A. Graham Maxwell recommended reading the Whole-Bible straight-through, over and over, to properly understand it, but I'm sensing that a Scriptural-Core must be properly mastered prior to dealing with the Whole-Enchilada. But perhaps this belongs in the University rather than the Church. Scholars should probably argue endlessly, but the Faithful should probably be treated gently. My recommendation involves private reading without public arguing. I wish to move-on, yet I sense that we need to deal with the historical stuff in a reasonable and rational manner, but good-luck with that.  

    United States AI Solar System (10) Hal_9000_and_sal_9000_by_mabelromero-d5qq4vt.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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
    United States AI Solar System (10) Darth-vader
    United States AI Solar System (10) Pacific-union-college-Most-Beautiful-College-Campuses-Rural-Areas
    United States AI Solar System (10) Il_570xN.320304723
    "I Love BWV 565!!"

    GEORGE ZEBROWSKI was born December 28, 1945, in Villach, Austria, of Polish parents. He grew up in England, Manhattan, the Bronx and Miami, and he is one of an extremely small group of authors who have achieved literary success in a second language. He attended Harpur College and the State University of New York at Binghamton, majoring in philosophy, and he brings his interest in this field to his writing-several of his science fiction stories utilize philosophical concepts.

    He is a member of the World Future Society, Science Fiction Writers of America, and the SFWA Speakers' Bureau. He has reviewed books for Craw daddy, Science Fiction Review and Riverside Quarterly,- has been a reader for Dell Books; has sold fiction to The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, If, Infinity and to several forthcoming collections of original stories. Currently he lectures in science fiction at SUNY-Binghamton, edits the SfWA Bulletin and writes. His two forthcoming novels are The Omega Point and Macrolife.

    The story "Heathen God" was a 1971 Nebula Award finalist.
    . . . every heathen deity has its place in the flow of existence."

    The isolation station and preserve for alien flora and fauna on Antares IV had only one prisoner, a three-foot-tall gnome like biped with skin like creased leather and eyes like great glass globes. His hair was silky white and reached down to his shoulders, and he usually went about the great natural park naked. He lived in a small white cell located in one of the huge. block like administration modules. There was a small bed in the cell, and a small doorway which led out to the park. A hundred feet away from the door there was a small pool, one of many scattered throughout the park. It reflected the deep-blue color of the sky.

    The gnome was very old, but no one had yet determined quite how old. And there seemed to be no way to find out. The gnome himself had never volunteered any information about his past. In the one hundred years of his imprisonment he had never asked the caretaker for anything. It was rumored among the small staff of Earthmen and humanoids that the gnome was mad. Generally they avoided him. Sometimes they would watch his small figure standing under the deep blue sky, looking up at the giant disk of Antares hanging blood red on the horizon, just above the well pruned trees of the park, and they would wonder what he might be thinking.

    The majority of Earthmen spread over twelve star systems did not even know of the gnome's existence, much less his importance. A few knew, but they were mostly scholarly and political figures, and a few theologians. The most important fact about the alien was that sometime in the remote past he had been responsible for the construction of the solar system and the emergence of intelligent life on Earth.

    The secret had been well kept for over a, century. In the one hundred and fourth year of the alien's captivity two men set out for Antares to visit him. The first man's motives were practical: the toppling of an old regime; the other man's goal was to ask questions. The first man's political enemies had helped him undertake this journey, seeing that it would give them the chance to destroy him. The importance of gaining definitive information about the alien was in itself enough reason to send a mission, but combined with what they knew about the motives of the man they feared, this mission would provide for them the perfect occasion to resolve both matters at the same time. In any case, the second man would bring back anything of value that they might learn about the gnome.

    Everything had been planned down to the last detail. The first ship carrying the two unsuspecting men was almost ready to come out of hyperspace near Antares. Two hours behind it in the warp was a military vessel-a small troop ship. As the first vessel came out of nothingness into the brilliance of the great star, the commander of the small force ship opened his sealed orders.

    As he came down the shuttle ramp with his two companions, Father Louis Chavez tried to mentally prepare himself for what he would find here. It was still difficult to believe what his superiors had told him about the alien who was a prisoner here. The morning air of Antares IV was fresh, and the immediate impression was one of stepping out into a warm botanical garden. At his left Sister Guinivere carried his small attaché case. On his right walked Benedict Compton, linguist, cultural anthropologist, and as everyone took for granted, eventual candidate for first secretary of Earth's Northern Hemisphere. Compton was potentially a religious man, but the kind who always demanded an advance guarantee before committing himself to anything: Chavez felt suspicious of him; in fact he felt wary about this entire visit to Antares IV.

    On Earth the religio-philosophic system was a blend of evolutionary Chardinism and Christianity, an imposing intellectual structure that had been dominant for some two hundred years now. The political structure based its legitimacy and continuing policies on it. Compton, from what he had learned, had frightened some high authorities with the claim that the gnome creature here on Antares IV was a potential threat to the beliefs of mankind. This, combined with what was already known about the alien's past, was seemingly enough to send this fact-finding mission. Only a few men knew about it, and Chavez remembered the fear he had sensed in them when he had been briefed. Their greatest fear was that somehow the gnome's history would become public knowledge. Compton, despite his motives, had found a few more political friends. But Chavez suspected that Compton wanted power not for himself, but to do something about the quality of life on Earth. He was sure the man was sincere. How little of the thought in our official faith filters out into actual policy, Chavez thought. And what would the government do if an unorganized faith-a heresy in the old sense-were to result from this meeting between Compton and the alien? Then he remembered how Compton had rushed this whole visit. He wondered just how far a man like Compton would go to have his way in the world.

    Antares was huge on the horizon, a massive red disk against a deep blue sky. A slight breeze waved the trees around the landing square. The pathway which started at the north corner led to three block like administration buildings set on a neat lawn and surrounded by flowering shrubs and fruit-bearing trees. The buildings were a bright white color. The walk was pleasant.

    Rufus Kade, the caretaker, met them at the front entrance to the main building. He showed them into the comfortable reception room. He was a tall, thin botanist, who had taken the administrative post because it gave him the opportunity to be near exotic plants. Some of the flora came from worlds as much as one hundred light-years away from Antares. After the introductions were over, Kade took the party to the enclosed garden which had a pool in its center, and where the gnome spent most of his time.

    "Do you ever talk with him, Mr. Kade?" Father Chavez asked. The caretaker shook his head. "No," he said. "And now I hope you will all excuse me, I have work to do." He left them at the entrance to the garden path. Compton turned to Father Chavez and said, "You are lucky; you're the only representative of any church ever to get a chance to meet what might be the central deity of that church." He smiled. "But I feel sorry for you-for whatever he is, he will not be what you expect, and most certainly he will not be what you want him to be."

    "Let's wait and see," Chavez said. "I'm not a credulous man."

    "You know, Chavez," Compton said in a more serious mood, "they let me come here too easily. What I mean is they took my word for the danger involved with little or no question."

    "Should they have not taken your word? You are an important man. You sound as if you didn't quite tell them everything."

    They walked into the garden. On either side of them the plants were luxurious, with huge green leaves and strange varicolored flowers. The air was filled with rich scents, and the earth gave the sensation of being very moist and loosely packed. They came into the open area surrounding the pool. Sister Guinivere stood between the two men as they looked at the scene. The water was still, and the disk of Antares was high enough now in the morning sky to be reflected in it.

    The gnome stood on the far side, watching them as they approached, as if he expected them at any moment to break into some words of greeting. Father Chavez knew that they would appear as giants next to the small figure. It would be awkward standing before a member of a race a million years older than mankind and towering over him. It would be aesthetically banal, Chavez thought.

    As they came to the other side of the pool Compton said, "Let me start the conversation, Father."

    "If you wish," Chavez said. 'Why am I afraid, and what does it matter who starts the conversation?' he thought.

    Compton walked up to the standing gnome and sat down cross-legged in front of him. It was a diplomatic gesture. Father Chavez felt relieved and followed the example, motioning Sister Guinivere to do the same. They all looked at the small alien. His eyes were deep-set and large; his hair was white, thin and reached down to his shoulders. He had held his hands behind his back when they had approached, but now they were together in front of him. His shoulders were narrow and his arms were thin. He wore a one-piece coverall with short sleeves. Chavez hoped they would be able to talk to him easily. The gnome looked at each of them in turn. After a few minutes of silence it became obvious that he expected them to start the conversation.

    "My name is Benedict Compton," Compton said, "and this is Father Chavez and Sister Guinivere, his secretary. We came here to ask you about your past, because it concerns us."

    Slowly the gnome nodded his head, but he did not sit with them. There was more silence. Compton gave Chavez a questioning look. "Could you tell us who you are?" Chavez asked. The gnome moved his head sharply to look at him. It's almost as if I interrupted him at something, Chavez thought. There was a sad look on the face now, as if in that one moment he had understood everything-why they were here and the part he would have to play. Chavez felt his stomach grow tense. He felt as if he were being carefully examined. Next to him Compton was playing with a blade of grass. Sister Guinivere sat with her hands folded in her lap. Briefly he recalled the facts he knew about the alien-facts which only a few Earthmen had been given access to over the last century. Facts which demanded that some sort of official attitude be taken. The best-kept secret of the past century was the fact that this small creature had initiated the events which led to the emergence of intelligent life on Earth. In the far past he had harnessed his powers of imagination to a vast machine, which had been built for another purpose, and had used it to create most of the life on Earth. He had been caught at his experiments in cosmology, and exiled. Long before men had gone out to the stars he had been a wanderer in the galaxy, but in recent years he had been handed over to Earth authorities to keep at this extraterrestrial preserve.

    Apparently his people still feared his madness. This was all they had ever revealed to the few Earthmen who took charge of the matter., It was conjectured that the gnome's race was highly isolationist; the gnome was the only member of it that had ever been seen by Earthmen. The opinion was also held that his culture feared contact with other intelligent life, and especially with this illegitimate creation. Of the few who knew about the case, only one or two had ever expressed any disbelief. It was after all, Chavez thought, enough to make any man uneasy. It seemed safer to ignore the matter most of the time. Since that one contact with Earth, the gnome's race had never come back for him and had never offered further explanations. A century ago they had simply left him in Earth orbit, in a small vessel of undeniably superior workmanship. A recorded message gave all the information they had wanted to reveal. Their home world had never been found, and the gnome had remained silent. Benedict Compton had set up this meeting, and Chavez had been briefed by his superiors and instructed to go along as an observer.

    Chavez remembered how the information had at first shaken and then puzzled him. The tension in his stomach grew worse. He wondered about Compton's motives; but he had not dared to question them openly. On Earth many scientists prized the alien as the only contact with a truly advanced culture, and he knew that more than one young student would do anything to unlock the secrets that must surely exist in the brain of the small being now standing in front of him. He felt sure that Compton was hoping for some such thing. Suddenly the small figure took a step back from them. A small breeze waved his long white hair. He stopped and his small, gnarly body took on a strange stature; his face was grief-stricken and his low voice was sad. It wavered as he spoke to them. "I made you to love each other, and through yourselves, me. I needed that love. No one can know how much I needed it, but it had to be freely given, so I had to permit the possibility of it being withheld. There was no other way, and there still is not."

    Chavez looked at Compton for a reaction. The big man sat very still. Sister Guinivere was looking down at the grass in front of her feet. Chavez felt a stirring of fear and panic in his insides. It felt as if the alien was speaking only to him--as if he could relieve the thirst that lived behind those deep-set eyes in that small head. He felt the other's need. lie felt the deprivation that was visible on that face, and he felt that at any moment he would feel the awesome rage that would spill out onto them. This then, he thought, is the madness that his race had spoken about- All the power had been stripped from this being, and now he is a beggar. Instead of rage there was sadness. It was oppressive- It hung in the air around them. What was Compton trying to uncover here? How could all this benefit anyone? Chavez noticed that his left hand was shaking, and he gripped it with the other hand.

    The gnome raised his right hand and spoke again. Dear God, help me, Chavez prayed. Help me to see this clearly. "I rebelled from the hive mind which my race was working toward," the gnome said in a louder voice than before. `"They have achieved it. They are one entity now. What you see in this dwarfed body are only the essentials of myself-the feelings mostly. They wait for the day when the love in my children comes to fruition and they will unite, thus recreating my former self which is now in them. Then I will leave my prison and return to them to become the completion of myself. This body will die then. My longing for that time is without limit, and I will make another history like this one and see it through. Each time I will be the completion of a species and its moving spirit. And again they will give birth to me.  Without this I am nothing."

    There was a loud thunderclap overhead, the unmistakable sound of a shuttle coming through the atmosphere. But it was too early for the starship shuttle to be coming back for them, Chavez thought. Compton jumped up and turned to look toward the administration buildings. Chavez noticed that the gnome was looking at him. Do your people worship a supreme being? Chavez thought the question. Do they have the idea of such a being? Surely you know the meaning of such a being.

    I don't know any such thing, the thought spoke clearly in his head. Do you know him?

    "It's a shuttle craft," Compton said. "Someone's coming to join us."

    Chavez got to his feet and went over to Compton. Sister Guinivere struggled to her feet and joined them. "What is it?" she asked.

    "I-I don't know who it could be," Compton said. Chavez noticed the lack of confidence in the other's voice. Behind them the gnome stood perfectly still, unaffected by the interruption.

    "They've landed by now," Compton said. "It could only be one thing, Father-they've found out my plans for the gnome." Compton came up to him and spoke in a low voice. "Father, this is the only way to get a change on Earth-yes, it's what you think, a cult, with me as its head, but the cause is just. Join me now, Father!"

    Then it's true, Chavez thought. He's planning to bypass the lawful candidacy. Then why did they let him come here?

    There was a rustling sound in the trees and shrubs around the pool area. Suddenly they were surrounded by armed men. Twenty figures in full battle gear had stepped out from the trees and garden shrubs. They stood perfectly still, waiting.

    Antares was directly overhead now, a dark-red circle of light covering twenty percent of the blue dome that was the sky. Noontime.

    Compton's voice shook as he shouted, "What is this? Who the devil are you?"

    A tall man immediately on the other side of the pool from them appeared to be the commanding officer. He wore no gear and there were no weapons in his hands. Instead he held a small piece of paper which he had just taken out of a sealed envelope.

    "Stand away, Father, and you too, Sister!" the officer shouted. "This does not concern you." Then he looked down at the paper in his hand and read: "Benedict Compton, you have been charged with conspiracy to overthrow the government of the Northern Hemisphere on Earth by unlawful means, and you have been tried and convicted by the high court of North America for this crime. The crime involves the use of an alien being as your coconspirator to initiate a religious controversy through a personally financed campaign which would result in your becoming the leader of a subversive cult, whose aim would be to seize power through a carefully prepared hoax. You and your co-conspirator are being eliminated because you are both enemies of the state." The officer folded the paper and put it back in its envelope and placed it in his tunic. Chavez noticed that Sister Guinivere was at his side, and he could tell that she was afraid. Compton turned to Chavez.

    "Father, protect the gnome, whatever he is. Use what authority you have. They won't touch you."

    "The execution order is signed by Secretary Alcibiad herself!" the tall officer shouted.

    Chavez was silent.

    "Father, please!" Compton pleaded. "You can't let this happen." Chavez heard the words, but he was numb with surprise. The words had transfixed him as effectively as any spear. He couldn't move, he couldn't think. Sister Guinivere held his arm. Suddenly Compton was moving toward the gnome.


    The lasers reached out like tongues. The little figure fell. And the thought went out from him in one last effort, reaching light-years into space. I loved you. You did not love me, or each other. They all heard the thought, and it stopped them momentarily. Compton was still standing, but his right arm was gone, and he was bleeding noisily onto the grass.

    "Shoot!" The order went out again. Again the lasers lashed out. Compton fell on his back, a few yards from the gnome. Sister Guinivere fell to the grass on her knees, sobbing. She began to wail. The soldiers began to retreat back to their shuttle craft. Father Chavez sat down on the ground. lie didn't know what to do. lie looked at the two bodies. There was smoke coming from Compton's clothing. The gnome's hair was aflame. The tall officer now stood alone on the other side of the pool Chavez knew that his orders had probably been sealed, and he only now felt their full force. After a few moments the tall officer turned and went after his men. The alien knew this would happen, Chavez thought. He knew, and that was why he told us everything.

    When the great disk of Antares was forty-five degrees above the horizon, Rufus Kade came out to theca. He put the two bodies in plastic specimen bags. Sister Guinivere was calm now and was holding Father Chavez's hand. They both stood up when Kade was finished with the bodies. "They had an official pass from way up," Kade said. "I even checked back on it." He walked slowly with them to the administration building. The shuttle to the starship was ready.

    Thirty hours out from Antares, Father Chavez sat alone in his small cabin looking at the small monitor which showed him where he had been. Soon now the brilliance of the stars would be replaced by the dull emptiness of hyperspace. Antares was a small red disk on the screen. Momentarily Chavez resented the fact that he had been a creation to the gnome. In any case the alien had not been God. His future importance would be no greater than that of Christ-probably less. He had been only an architect, a mere shaper of materials which had existed long before even his great race had come into being. But still-was he not closer to God than any man had ever been? Or would be? The completion for which the gnome had made man would never take place now. The point of mankind's existence as he had made it was gone. And the alien had not known God. If there was such a being, a greatest possible being, he now seemed hopelessly remote . . .

    'O Lord, I pray for a sign!' Chavez thought. But he heard only his thoughts and nothing from the being who would surely have answered in a case like this. And he had stood by while they killed the gnome there in the garden by the poolside, on that planet circling the red star whose diameter was greater than the orbit of Mars. Despite all his reasoning now, Chavez knew that he had stood back while they killed that part of the small creature which had loved humanity.

    But what had he said? The rest of the gnome's being was humanity, and it still existed; except that now it would never be reunited with him. "Do not fear," the holy Antony had said three thousand years ago, "this goodness as a thing impossible, nor its pursuit as something alien, set a great way of: it hangeth on our own arbitrament. For the sake of the Greek learning men go overseas.. . but the city of God is everywhere . . . the kingdom of God is within. The goodness that is in us only asks the human mind." What we can do for ourselves, Chavez thought, that's all that is ours now: goals.

    He took a deep breath as the starship slipped into the nothingness of hyperspace. He felt the burden of the political power which he now carried as a witness to the alien's murder, and he knew that Compton's life had not been for nothing. He would have to hide his intentions carefully, but he knew what he would have to do.

    In time, he hoped anew, we may still give birth to the semblance of godhood that lives on in mankind, on that small world which circles a yellow sun.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:20 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:56 pm

    United States AI Solar System (10) Kgface_medium
    United States AI Solar System (10) A_serious_threat_to_our_mission_by_awesome_derpy-d7g5hrs
    United States AI Solar System (10) YRVPd
    United States AI Solar System (10) 1404
    United States AI Solar System (10) Angry
    United States AI Solar System (10) 1020
    United States AI Solar System (10) Serious-black-funny-pictures
    United States AI Solar System (10) Aseriousman
    "Hey Professor!! You Screwed-Up the First-Equation!!
    So the Whole-Board is Screwed-Up!!"
    Raven wrote:
    "Science without Religion Is Lame,
    Religion without Science Is Blind"

    United States AI Solar System (10) 378-b90148325d10abea5992414d989ef698

    This is what Albert Einstein wrote in his letter to philosopher Eric Gutkind, in response to his receiving the book "Choose Life: The Biblical Call to Revolt". The letter was written on January 3, 1954, in German, and explains Einstein's personal beliefs regarding religion and the Jewish people; it was put on sale one year later and remained into a personal collection ever since. Now the letter is again on auction in London and has a starting price of 8,000 sterling pounds.

    The letter states pretty clearly that Einstein was by no means a religious person - in fact, the great physicist saw religion as no more than a "childish superstition". "The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this", Einstein wrote.

    Einstein was Jewish, which is why the people of Israel asked him once to become Israel's second president. Also, Einstein felt uncomfortable with the idea that the Jews are God's favored People.

    "For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise, I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them", said Einstein.

    Although, neither Einstein nor his parents were religious people, he did in fact attend the Catholic primary school. But at the age of 12 he was already questioning the truth of the stories written in the Bible. "The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression", Einstein wrote. Einstein may have not believed in God, but he felt that faith was a must. This is probably why he never gave a second thought to studying the quantum theory and its random nature. He once said that "God does not throw dice", meaning that quantum theory randomness is out of the question for him. This belief in faith is probably also why his position towards religion was often misinterpreted.

    "Like other great scientists he does not fit the boxes in which popular polemicists like to pigeonhole him. It is clear for example that he had respect for the religious values enshrined within Judaic and Christian traditions... but what he understood by religion was something far more subtle than what is usually meant by the word in popular discussion", said John Brook from the Oxford University, leading expert on Albert Einstein.

    Einstein was often associated with atheism because of his views on conventional religion, but he never liked being called an atheist.

    Einstein used to speak so often of God that I tend to believe that he has been a disguised theologian.
    -Friedrich Dürrenmatt in Albert Einstein (Diogenes Verlag, Zürich, 1979), p. 12, quoted in Jammer, p. 7

    United States AI Solar System (10) Einstein-albert-jpg

    Short Comments on God:
    Knowing God's Thoughts
    I want to know how God created this world. I'm not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.
    - From E. Salaman, "A Talk With Einstein," The Listener 54 (1955), pp. 370-371, quoted in Jammer, p. 123.

    Could God Have Done It Differently?
    What I am really interested in, is knowing whether God could have created the world in a different way; in other words, whether the requirement of logical simplicity admits a margin of freedom.
    - C. Seelig, Helle Zeit-Dunkle Zeit (Europa Verlag, Zuürich, 1956), p.72, quoted in Jammer, p. 124.

    The following comments are excerpted from Calaprice. See pp. 145 - 161.

    God's Punishment
    Why do you write to me "God should punish the English"? I have no close connection to either one or the other. I see only with deep regret that God punishes so many of His children for their numerous stupidities, for which only He Himself can be held responsible; in my opinion, only His nonexistence could excuse Him.
    - Letter to Edgar Meyer colleague January 2, 1915 Contributed by Robert Schulmann; also see CPAE Vol. 8 (forthcoming).

    God and Goodness
    Whatever there is of God and goodness in the universe, it must work itself out and express itself through us. We cannot stand aside and let God do it.
    - From conversation recorded by Algernon Black, Fall 1940; Einstein Archive 54-834

    God's worry
    If God has created the world, his primary worry was certainly not to make its understanding easy for us.
    - Letter to David Bohm, February 10, 1954; Einstein Archive 8-041

    An Unperceivable Being
    To assume the existence of an unperceivable being ... does not facilitate understanding the orderliness we find in the perceivable world.
    - Letter to an Iowa student who asked, What is God? July, 1953; Einstein Archive 59-085

    Awe of the Structure of the World
    I don't try to imagine a God; it suffices to stand in awe of the structure of the world, insofar as it allows our inadequate senses to appreciate it.
    - Letter to S. Flesch, April 16, 1954; Einstein Archive 30-1154

    Conversation on Religion and Antisemitism
    See Bucky and Weakland pp. 85 - 87. This book contains the record of various conversations between Bucky and Einstein over a thirty year period.

    It's ironic that your namc has been synonymous with science in the twentieth century, and yet there has always been a lot of controversy surrounding you in relation to religious questions. How do you account for this unusual circumstance, since science and religion are usually thought to be at odds?

    Well, I do not think that it is necessarily the case that science and religion are natural opposites. In fact, I think that there is a very close connection between the two. Further, I think that science without religion is lame and, conversely, that religion without science is blind. Both are important and should work hand-in-hand. It seems to mc that whoever doesn't wonder about the truth in religion and in science might as well be dead.

    So then, you consider yourself to be a religious man?

    I believe in mystery and, frankly, I sometimes face this mystery with great fear. In other words, I think that there are many things in the universe that we cannot perceive or penetrate and that also we experience some of the most beautiful things in life in only a very primitive form. Only in relation to these mysteries do I consider myself to be a religious man. But I sense these things deeply. What I cannot understand is how there could possibly be a God who would reward or punish his subjects or who could induce us to develop our will in our daily life.

    You don't believe in God, then?

    Ah, this is what I mean about religion and science going hand-in-hand! Each has a place, but each must be relegated to its sphere. Let's assume that we are dealing with a theoretical physicist or scientist who is very well-acquainted with the different laws of the universe, such as how the planets orbit the sun and how the satellites in turn orbit around their respective planets. Now, this man who has studied and understands these different laws-how could he possibly believe in one God who would be capable of disturbing the paths of these great orbiting masses?

    No, the natural laws of science have not only been worked out theoretically but have been proven also in practice. I cannot then believe in this concept of an anthropomorphic God who has the powers of interfering with these natural laws. As I said before, the most beautiful and most profound religious emotion that we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. And this mysticality is the power of all true science. If there is any such concept as a God, it is a subtle spirit, not an image of a man that so many have fixed in their minds. In essence, my religion consists of a humble admiration for this illimitable superior spirit that reveals itself in the slight details that we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds .

    Do you think perhaps that most people need religion to keep them in check, so to speak?

    No, clearly not. I do not believe that a man should be restrained in his daily actions by being afraid of punishment after death or that he should do things only because in this way he will be rewarded after he dies. This does not make sense. The proper guidance during the life of a man should be the weight that he puts upon ethics and the amount of consideration that he has for others. Education has a great role to play in this respect. Religion should have nothing to do with a fear of living or a fear of death, but should instead be a striving after rational knowledge.

    And yet, with all of these thoughts, you are still identified strongly in the public mind as definitely Jewish and this certainly is a very traditional religion.

    Actually, my first religious training of any kind was in the Catholic catechism. A fluke, of course, only because the primary school that I first went to was a Catholic one. I was, as a matter of fact, the only Jewish child in the school. This actually worked to my advantage, since it made it easier for me to isolate myself from the rest of the class and find that comfort in solitude that I so cherished.

    But don't you find any discrepancy between your previous somewhat anti-religious statements and your willingness to be identified publicly as a Jew?

    Not necessarily. Actually it is a very difficult thing to even define a Jew. The closest that I can come to describing it is to ask you to visualize a snail. A snail that you see at the ocean consists of the body that is snuggled inside of the house which it always carries around with it. But let's picture what would happen if we lifted the shell off of the snail. Would we not still describe the unprotected body as a snail? In just the same way, a Jew who sheds his faith along the way, or who even picks up a different one, is still a Jew.

    United States AI Solar System (10) Last-jpg

    The photograph is the last known picture of Einstein, taken in March, 1955. The photograph was scanned from Subtle is the Lord...: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein by Abraham Pais

    I cannot then believe in this concept of an anthropomorphic God who has the powers of interfering with these natural laws. As I said before, the most beautiful and most profound religious emotion that we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. And this mysticality is the power of all true science. If there is any such concept as a God, it is a subtle spirit, not an image of a man that so many have fixed in their minds. - Albert Einstein, in conversation with Gustav Bucky

    To assume the existence of an unperceivable being ... does not facilitate understanding the orderliness we find in the perceivable world. - Albert Einstein, responding to an Iowa student who asked, "What is God?" July 1953; Einstein Archive 59-085

    A Scientific Definition for the 'Universal Intelligence' aka 'God'

    Stanley McKeown wrote (August 2009) in theoretical_physics yahoo forum:
    Re: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: The Unified Trinity of Atheist-Spiritualist-Supernaturalist

    Dear Alexk23000,

    I agree that science must be open minded (please find me a religion that is open minded).

    But the idea of 'unknowable' gods does not further science. I use the word 'unknowable' because that is the word used by all religions, who‚ are surely the experts in their version of their gods. Yet again we come across the confusion that the unknowable must be labelled god.

    Please, please some evidence that god is singular, at least as a starting point!!!!!!! !!! Then please, some of his/her/its/ their attributes to further our discussion.

    Your eager scholar, Stan

    And again, Stanley addressed Ron:

    Dear n.s.p.o.paranormal,
    Thank you for explaining it so simply. Although I personally am totally unsure what 'it' is.
    It seems to me that the thrust of your argument is, 'The world exists so a super-intelligence created it'.
    I may have got your concept wrong so....
    Now please, describe some of the attributes of your concept of "a super intelligent computer controlling the universe".

    a)=1.What is it's power source?
    b)=2.What operating system or rules does it use to process it's output?
    c)=3.What is it's output?
    d)=4.When did it start?
    e)=5.When will it stop?

    I could go on but it's your concept, you take the initiarive. I am sure that the readers of this web site are eager to learn.
    Your eager pupil, Stan

    And again, Stanley asked Zachary:

    Dear Zachery,
    I appreciate that you admit that you do not know your god's APPEARANCE, MIND nor PLAN.
    I would be grateful if you would elaborate on those aspects of your god that you do know, so that we, the members, might learn and discuss.
    How about starting with:

    f)=(Q1) inside/outside the universe
    g)=(Q2) creator of the laws of physics
    h)=(Q3) subject to these laws
    i)=(Q4) the god hierarchy, does your god have a god or is he/she/it/they the TOP?

    Please note that those who propose their god on this website should enlighten the readers with issues such as these. Please request the wider readers as to what they would like to learn about the attributes of deities/supernatural beings.. Please note that I differentiate between the unknown and the unknowable. The unknown is that with which science grapples. The unknowable is the realm of philosophy, superstitionand imagination. There will always be those who invent/create/perpetuate the unknowable. I suggest that the unknowable is a sterile area for science, since it will retreat from science as science decreases the unknown. I suggest to you that the members of this website may not appreciate fruitless debate on the unknowable. Your eager correspondent, Stan

    The postings of Alex, Ron, Zachary and Brian are below the following dispensation for individual contextualised discernment. I shall answer Stanley's questions in the oredered labelings and the bold highlightings as indicated by his own wordings (sic).

    Dear Stanley,

    It is no longer necessary for anyone to remain in 'the dark' as to the 'nature of God' or of 'being totally unsure of what 'it' is'. The human evolutionary pathology has attained a nexus point, where the human sentience has developed sufficiently to use its deductive logic and its scientific reasoning to solve its own questions and insecurities regarding origins, purpose and destiny. The necessity for any 'God-concept' to be physically realisable was known by Isaac Newton and most of the so termed 'Natural Philosophers' as the forerunners of what today is labeled 'scientist'. Newton knew, that IF a 'scriptural God' like the one(s) found in the Christian bible COULD exist, then it would have to 'be scientific' in the sense of Leibnitz's 'Monad' or Spinoza's 'Essence' or Einstein's 'Old One'. So you may see, that your mentally skeptical postion regarding 'unknowable spiritual things' could be labeled as following in the 'footsteps of Newton' and many pioneers of contemporary science since the renaissance of the 17th century. However the scientific data base had to await the onset of physical knowledge and models of the 21st century to accumulate enough information to actually enable the PROCESSING of the required data, which had conglomerated since the dawn of time in the thermodynamic cosmology of the universe.

    And so I, in the function of 'God's Advocate', shall present to you in the function of the 'Devil's Advocate', the "God of Science", so passionately searched for by Isaac Newton in the latter's 'Office of the Alchemist of OmniScience' (inclusive of the 'unknowable spiritual things'). What you shall do with this 'mystery solving' information will be up to you as the 'Skeptical Inquirer'. You may take this new dispensation 'to heart' and realise just how you are an intrinsic part of this 'God' or you may dismiss 'it' and in so doing actually 'deny' the innermost part of being of yourself.

    1=a) What is it's power source?
    2=b) What operating system or rules does it use to process it's output?
    3=c) What is it's output?
    4=d) When did it start?
    5=e) When will it stop?
    6=f) (Q1) inside/outside the universe
    7=g) (Q2) creator of the laws of physics
    8=h) (Q3) subject to these laws
    9=i) (Q4) the god hierarchy, does your god have a god or is he/she/it/they the TOP?

    1. God's Power-Source

    God's Power-Source is a form of 'eternal energy', yet 'unitarily particularised' not definable in any spacetime except in its mathematical formalism. This mathematical logos so specifies what this concept of 'eternity' relative to its antistate of temporality implies. Those specifications then must also DEFINE the omniness of anything in relation to the God-concept. In its most simple terms; the 'eternal energy' becomes a 'physicalisable' energy residing not in spacetimematter, but in a subplenum. The subplenum is nontemporal, nonlocal and nonmaterial; but is defined in the mathematical principles and rules attaining to numerical systems, all based upon the binary code both algebraically and geometrically. The geometric form of the 'Closed' Zero-Loop becomes physicalised in the 'Open' One-Loop or the Superstring and which then leads definition of a binary numeracy rootextended into the decimal in the archetypical set:

    Binary-Monad BM: {0,1} → Decimal-Monad DM: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.

    The subplenum so becomes a 2-dimensional Complex plane, with origin the Unity of the Binary-Monad BM, i.e. the eigenstate of either open-ended or closed superstring loops. It is this UNITY within the subplenum (as itself and as a prior definition for 'God'), which then allows the nonphysicalised nature of God to define itself without the existence of space, time and/or matter. This nonphysicality then utilizes the UNITY of ITSELF to extend its own self-definition by application of fundamental principles (see hierarchy of God in 9.). In particular, the 6th principle of inversion allows the algebraic concept of the ratio to assume limiting functionalities (say in convergent and divergent asymptotic series and number sequences). This then allows boundary- and initial conditions for a subsequent physical reality to become established in the 'complex manifold' of the subplenum. Division of the Unity=1 AS the Open-Geometric-Superstring by the Zero=0 AS the Closed-Geometric-Superstring so applies the Principle of Inversion WITHIN the Decimal-Monad hierarchy and DEFINES the quantum relativity between the subplenum and itself as a plenum comprised of the UNITY eigenstate.

    The Unified Power-Source so is a God-Quantum which has UNLIMITED energy in the subplenum, because the 'Counting' of such subplenum units represents a 'Wholey Trinity' in being simultaneously Unity=FinityAfter=1 and Zero=FinityBefore=0 and Eternity=Infinity=∞

    God's Power-Source represents an Infinite Reservoir of SourceSink Subplenum 'IMAGINATION-Energy'; defined in the UNITY-God-Quantum and in an 'IMAGE-Energy', which becomes manifested in finite partiality in selfcontained closed systems, such as a Planck-Black Body-Radiator defining the entropy-related thermodynamic expansion (and cooling) of a physically finitised universe.

    2. God's Operating System (OS) and Processor

    God's OS is then the plenum of a physically imaged universe. The eternity of God becomes 'trapped' in the asymptotic definitions of the 'Laws of Nature', which are all based on the algorithmic nature of the string monadic sets, which, under utility of the hierarchical principalities, allow mathematical relationships and proportionalities to become defined in abstract terms of the complex unity of the subplenum, before becoming IMAGED in the physicality of the finite spacetimematter, termed the universe's cosmogony and cosmology.

    3. God's Output-Input Function

    God's Input is naturally the UNIT of itself as the God-Quantum. Iow, the quantization of the physicalised universe becomes a holofractal multiplication or quanta count of God itself. The universe, being a 'count' of God-Units so differentiates itself as the plenum of 'Finity of Measurement' from the subplenum of 'Infinity of Nonmensuration'. Alternatively expressed, the metric spacetimes within a selfcontained thermodynamic system, subject to statistical integration of multidimensional and multifaceted energy eigenstates; become nonstochastic in the Unity energy selfstate of the subplenum. The plenum so becomes a mirror image in the subplenum; remaining however as a finitized subset of the infinite superset as that image.

    God's primary Input so becomes a finitised and countable quantum energy integral definitive for the total energy content of the so termed Quantum Big Bang. The precise quantum count is a function of the inflaton-instanton, defining the 11-dimensional supermembrane boundary (itself a quantum count as a surface area integration) to encompass the thermodynamically expanding 'Planck-Nugget-Seed', which is one dimension lower to allow a hybrid toroidal overall topology for the multidimensional universe, originating from a protoversal seed.

    God's secondary Input is however a function of the PROCESSING capabilities of the primary Input becoming Output and subsequent Inputs multiply the protoversal seed as phaseshifted multiverses as a function of the Output potentials of the protoversed multiverses.

    The purpose for the creation from the creator is simply the SIMULTANEOUS Self-Experience of God in the distinctions of the subplenum of oneness and the plenum of spacetime separations. To EXPERIENCE ITSELF, God must bifurcate (and then holographically multifractalize) its own Unity. The function of the Input is to experience 'on God's behalf' in the 'Kingdom of the Separation', namely the physical universe; and then to IMAGE in IMAGINATION and LOGISTICAL MODELS and FORMALISMS and otherwise 'as a processed Output' becoming the 'reflected' Input; reemitted from the plenum of the spacetimematter into the suplenum of the 'singularity'.

    The PROCESSORS from and for God so become the God-Quantums in agglomeration, defining the 'Consciousness' of godlike spacetimematter containers. God's Consciousness then becomes a particular energy-resonance eigenstate, defined in frequency and related derivatives (see 10.) and specifically in the concept of a 3-dimensional volumar being acted upon by a form of angular acceleration, the latter being by definition independent on the radial displacement of linear metrics and the separation of idealised coordinate 'points'. The minimised 'consciousness-units' in God's cosmology are neutrons, evolving into hydrogen atoms, followed by molecules and macro-inertia conglomerations including chemical compounds, asteroids, moons, planets, stars and galaxies; viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, mosquitoes, fish, salamanders, lizards, dinosaurs, birds, smilodons, australopithecines, orang-utans, bonobos, dogs and cats, Stanleys and Samanthas; Sirians, interdimensional extraterrestrials like methaned Venusians and groupgalactic Magellaneans to the SUMTOTAL of the universe's consciousness as the EVOLVING Superconsciousness of God itself.

    And so, should you watch an ant crawling in your garden or should you engage in watching some birds of divers variety; you are OBSERVING God-consciousness in self-evolvement. The Gonsciousness of God within the universe is not only separated from its subplenum unity as the certainty of the unitary probability count; but is also separated in the plenum as plenar subconsciouness carriers in a kaleidoscope of multiplicity and individuation. But ALL is God, attempting WITHIN to remember what IT is and using its 'scattered' Imagination what it could be and could become.

    God's 'Masterplan' so is to multiply 'itself' without end in a 'Family of God'. Yet, as long as the 'Family of Man' continues to refuse to 'Remember itself' in its 'Function of the Output' and continues to 'not-reflect' its god-given Input-Life back to its source; as long will the UNITIZED God-Source remain in exile relative to itself.

    For the IMAGE-Function of God between the plenum and the subplenum and the holographic principle of the Decimal-Monad hierarchy demands a 'Mirror of Mirrors' within the plenum of the cosmological spacetimes. Just as the One God reflects itself as the One Universe; so must there be A DAM (a sire and a dam) as a 'Universal Archetype' within the plenum to allow 'God's Story' to proceed.

    The Image or mastertemplate for the One Universe so becomes 'Cosmic Man Vitruvius' of the hermetic alchemist Leonardo da Vinci or 'Purusha' of the Baghavad Gita or 'Adam Kadmon' of Kabbalah or the particular individuation Stanley McKeown on the theoretical_physics yahoo discussion forum. Then as a miniature universe; anything whatsoever and all godlike conciousness carriers within the plenum who Stanley McKeown encounters in whatever manner of dreams, imaginations, physical observations, experimentations and interactions; will be enabled to USE Stanley McKeown's spacetimed mirror potential to REFLECT themselves in that for the purpose to by and through Stanley McKeown's mirror-portal to contact the Unity-Quantum-God in the subplenum.

    4. God's Beginning

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John.1.1-KJV

    The definition for God as Energy so is preceded by something doing the 'defining', namely the Word=Logos=Definition. The undefined, say chaotic or unstructured subplenum energy so emerges in a defined state through the action of the Logos as the 'Logic of God' and being WITH God, becomes God.

    The 'Beginning of God', before there is any physicalised energy (manifested in the quantum big bang through the inflaton-instanton), so engages 'God's Self-Awakening', i.e. it's own 'becoming conscious of itself'. Once self-aware however, the physical cosmology can eventuate in God's bifurcation into 'Spiritual' Creator and 'Antispiritual' Creation and as Mirror-Functions of each other. The subplenum 'pre-energy' so defines the 'Spirit' in terms of the nonseparated or superheterotic supermembrane prior to the modular duality between the heterosis becomes established. The 26-dimensional bosonic superstring of the subplenum so defines a circularly mathematical complex continuum from which the vibratory sourcestring Eps decouples from its winded antistate of the winding sinkstring Ess in the plenum to recombine in the 11-dimensional supermembrane EpsEss. Technically, the heterosis engages the conifoldment of 16-dimensional anticlockwise vibration patterns onto 10-dimensional clockwise frequency eigenstates to define 10-dimensional hybrid superstrings.

    5. God's End

    God's End is God's Beginning as the alphaomega and the recircularisation of the supermembrane loops. In terms of the subplenum, this defines the circularity of time in the nonexistence of a temporal flow of time with particular pasts, presents and futures. Only a Now-Moment and as the 'uncut' string-loop exists as the 0-binary eigenstate. Yet, the plenum demands the concept of a 'flow of time' in a coupling to the entropy definitions of the algorithmic definitions underpinning the 'Laws of Nature'. So the Quantum Big Bang eventuated following a 'string-epoch' and bounded in the inflaton-instanton of timeinstantenuity. Technically, timeinstantenuity becomes the sinksource frequency fss=1/fps in modular duality becoming the inverse squareroot of the maximum entropy selfstate counter {as [df/dt]max=fps2 =E*/h=e*h see 10.} and as the 'Consciousness-Resonance' Eigenstate as the upper bound for the godlike consciousness carriers. However, as the protoverse is defined in the inflaton preceding the materialising spacetimes in:

    {VdeBroglie=RHubble.fps=c.fps/Ho=cfpsdt/dn}, and since the linearised cosmoevolution of the inertial 10-dimensional protoverse must remain asymptotic as a function of cycletime n=Hot; the End of this cosmology must be defined before its Beginning from parameters defining the eternity of the subplenum. The End of God so becomes a Cyclicity embedded into the formalisms for the asymptotic cosmology, defining the cosmogony ontologically. Technically (and in Black Hole physics described elsewhere) then; the overall cosmic consciousness evolution is expected to have progressed enough every 4 trillion years or so, to trigger a 'renewed' 'consciousness explosion' of the 'eternal God' to RECHARGE the seedling protoverse in a renewal of the nuclear (read dineutron/ylemic) fuel for steller regeneration. Every 4000 billion years or so, a new Quantum Big Bang eventuates, seeded however upon the primordial seed of the initialising inflaton-instanton from the subplenum.

    6. God's Location in Within-Without Bilocality

    The subplenum God is without spacetimematter and so is defined as omnipresent, omnitimed, omniscientific and omnipotent by the Logos. The Unitary God-Quantum forms the 'Bridge' for the subplenum God to experience its own separation as an integral of the God-Quantum in the spacetimed plenum. God remains eternally unified however; as the microquantum of the sourcesink string eigenstate (which defines the 'Bridge') is in 'eternal' selfcoupling to its sinksource string-antieigenstate, the latter defining the macroquantum. Technically, the vibratory stringscale is of the wormhole order of 10-22/2π (cosmic meters m*); whilst its reciprocal gives the modular duality in the halo-galactic scale of 2πx1022 m* or about 7 million lightyears.

    7. God's Laws of Nature
    There are two primary algorithms, which generate the fundamental constants of nature in cosmic units (*). The cosmic unitary system comes into effect by any cosmic civilisation measuring just two fundamental ratios in the proportionality constants between Energy and Mass as E/M=c2 and between Energy and Frequency as E/F=h.

    As the energy unit (Joule*) contains the kg-m-s mensuration, any experimental determination of Planck's Constant 'h' and Einstein's Constant 'c2', will suffice to calibrate the mass-displacement-time measurement standards for the first of the 'Natural Laws'.

    This can be written as:
    Energy E=hf=mc2
    E=hf iff m=0; (requiring c=fλ as universal lightspeed finestructure)
    E=mc2 iff f=fss (as the Eigenfrequency of mass)
    The first algorithm generates the following configurations under utility of the fundamental principles of the hierarchy (see 9.) and in the order:

    {C1=N1=4; C2=N2=6; C3=N3=7; C4=I1=1/[6x1015]; C5=D12 =9x1016; C6=N4=11; C7=I2=1/[15x1032]; C8=D22=14x1524; C9=I3=1/[15x1618]; C10=26x6561}.
    From this set; the numerical parameters to manifest a physically finetuned cosmology derive with an integer-based lightspeed constant c=3x108 (m/s)*=D1 coupled to a similarly integerized action constant h=1/[15x1032] (Js)*=I2.

    The second algorithm is of the syntax form for a linearised subplenum superstring:
    "Add the End to the Beginning and Begin the Head with the Tail!"

    8. God's Subjectivity-Objectivity in regards to the Universal Laws of Nature
    God is both Object and Subject relative to Reality.

    Within the plenum, the God-idea becomes a subjective 'picture' as a 'negative' for the objective physical reality as a 'positive' observable and measurable entity. Without the plenum and so within the subplenum, God is the objective 'spiritual' reality; this SPIRIT becoming rigorously definable as the quantum energy eigenstate for the minimised possible measurement within the plenum (and so as the Planck-Singularity of string-looped quantum physics).

    The subjectivity within the plenum so manifests in the multiplicity of the physicalised units 'bridging' the abyss into the subplenum of the 'spiritual reality'. This 'spiritual reality' so becomes an inertia independent form of electromagnetic monopolar radiation; activating under the acceleration of the God-quanta, namely the angular awareness function of the timedifferential of frequency (df/dt=Consciousness/UnitVolume and fmax2=e*/V*=2Rec2/(2π2r*3)=8πRec5mcompton3/h3 and so defining the quantum Compton-Mass configuration for the God-Resonance energy eigenstate measurable under the appropriate initial- and boundary conditions in mcompton=2.505...x10-23 kg* or about 2.25 microjoules or about 14.03 TeraElectronvolts (TeV).

    The design-maximum (presently unattainable) energy of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Geneva, Switzerland so would, if fully operational at maximum capacity, 'tap' the 'Envelope of God's Selfstate Energy'. This energy level behaves PHYSICALLY like the event horizon of a Kerr-Ringed Black Hole. But here it is the quantum eigenstate for the minimum inertia manifestation which surrounds the wormhole of the God-SourceSink energy quantum (see 10.) at 1/e*=0.002 Joules* or about 12,450 TeV as the UNITARY GOD bridging the plenum with the subplenum.

    At 12,450 TeV; the experimental observer would so witness God as the physical reality IT represents.

    To reduce the Beginning of the Universe to an asymptotic recession cannot solve the 'Origin of God' question; because this infinite reduction CANNOT escape the plenum. The Nullstate of the plenum so becomes the idea of the physical energy singularity as the limit for this reductionism. The other way around is however completely feasible and the actuality for the cosmic expansion scenarios. Once you have 'a beginning' in the spacetimematter quanta, then a simple multiplication and summation of such spacetimematter- or God-string-quanta can become asymptotic in an Infinite Approach to UNITY or Oneness. This then is the statistical probability count, which must always be 1 in total integration. So having the beginning, the cosmological evolution for the universe can be ever better approximated and modelled via improving measurement apparatus and theoretical calculations. The trouble is the singularity of infinite physical quantifications. But because God must be a Quantum-God to be WITHIN the spacetimematter plenum; it becomes easy to postulate this Quantum-God to be precisely the minimum physical energy configuration eigenstate for the physical universe and as the boundary condition, the initial- and end condition and as the LIMIT for all measurements using spacetimematter- or plenum parameters.

    Then it is also easy to take the next logical step and postulate that the Quantum-God of the plenum is also the Quantum-God of the subplenum with the caveat, that spacetimematter parameters do not exist in the subplenum and so the Quantum-God must remain physically unreal or imaginary. They become REALISED however in the understanding that the subplenum is the VOID and the VOID is simultaneously Nothing AND Everything. This Nothing and Everything then MANIFESTS in the plenum as the minimum- and maximum energy eigenstates (technically defined in superbrane parameters of the modular duality, which brings the theories together in a grand unification of all things able to exist - including all of the imaginary things). The minimum selfstate of the Quantum-God is a LIMIT of time measurement and just like a smallest possible circle unwinding itself to define the lightpath for the circle's perimeter transversion. The maximum selfstate is a little different, as it must encompass the antistate of the minimum configuration as well as the potential expansion of the plenum under the auspices of the subplenum providing Information-Energy as Data, which can then become physicalised thermodynamic-entropic energy in the plenum. This is the Infinite Approach being allowed and the Infinite recession being disallowed in the 'Laws of Nature' defining the Quantum-God.

    9.God's Hierarchy
    Summararily then, the Origin of God is God itself, becoming multiplexed from its monoplexed monadic singularity selfstate. The details engage algorithmic encodings, built on 10 universal principles, 7 of which have antistates, whilst 3 have not. The principles and algorithms generate the fundamental constants, used in proportionalities and ratios for the universe of spacetimematter to be born and to become descriptive in mathematical equations. The 10 principalities (which are archetyped as cherubimic and demonic kingdoms in the older languages of the ancient scrolls) are:

    1. Identity-AntiIdentity
    2. Expansion-Contraction
    3. Order-Disorder=Entropy=Chaos
    4. Symmetry-Antisymmetry=Disparity=Distortion
    5. Infinity=Divergence-Limit=Convergence
    6. Inversion=Reciprocity-Constancy=Invariance
    7. Reflection-Absorption (6&7 define Hebrews.6.18)
    8. Relativity (No AntiPrinciple---Revelation17.11)
    9. Quantization=Holofractalisation (No AntiPrinciple)
    10.New Identity, using 1-9 to transform the Old Dual-Identity

    10. God's Definition in omniscientific terms of quantum-relativistic supermembranes

    Quantum Relativity links the metrics of Einsteinian Relativity to their original metaphysical cosmogenesis. Theistic- and Spiritual definitions become a consequence of magnetocharged superbranes as wormhole singularities 'before' spacetime creation as progenitors for inertia. LOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as:

    E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters.

    Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss
    =GODDOG=DOGGOD=Supersymmetry in alphanumeric abstract complexity

    From: crimsontiger18 <>
    Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 11:05:59 AM
    Subject: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: The Unified Trinity of Atheist-Spiritualist-Supernaturalist

    okay let me butt in here a moment dear old buddy old pal

    not every religion uses the unknowable phrase, christianity and few others actually do use that terminology. not only that, but you aren't quite using it in context either.

    good example is the greeks, there gods to them were knowable, but limited in the knowing. for instance they knew what was sacred to them and what they are patrons to, what forces they represented.

    back to how they use the term unknowable, doesn't mean in fact the god is unknowable in entirety, just certain aspects such as his MIND, PLAN and his APPEARANCE. (i only consider that one because the bible doesn't actually describe god or that i recall).

    Ron will be able to answer a lot more on the topic than myself, i am not a christian in the same degree as he is.


    From: "" <>
    Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 2:22:27 PM
    Subject: Re: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: The Unified Trinity of Atheist-Spiritualist-Supernaturalist

    I will put this on a simple way. Many of us have a gift. The Gift Transcends time and Space and all known reality. We know through physics that the Universe is a deadly place for all life especially here in the Milky Way. Now add the fact that some of us do have special abilities that defy logic for the most part and add the chances of Earth not being hurt by the same energies as the other planets in our S.S. Alone and you begin to see a spectacular string of occurrences that protect our world somehow for some reason. This shows a major intelligence. We know energy moves erratically on its own but yet in space it has a pattern, explain that with out an intelligence. You Can't and I don't expect it. For just these simple reasons it is logical to deduce that there is a central mind like a Super intelligent computer controlling the energies of the entire Universe from a central dimension. If not, it would be logical to say this world might have flown out of orbit or destroyed by a gamma burst or meteor or some thing like that by now. Look at the rest of this galaxy and then question what's really going on.

    From: "alexk232000@ ..." <alexk232000@ ...>ent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:19:57 PM
    Subject: Re: [Theoretical_ Physics] Re: The Unified Trinity of Atheist-Spiritualis t-Supernaturalis t

    I agree with that. Dismissing Science as they did was wrong mainly because it could help prove and disprove things important to truely know as a fact for example miracles. A true miracle is unexplainable through science yet so if it could be explained then less B.S. Artists could have faked it. It also in the same way could've proven a true miracle. The church saw the one view and not the big picture and for that science and religion are progressing slowly.
    From: brian lawson
    Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 20:39:41 -0700 (PDT)
    To: <theoretical_>
    Subject: Re: [Theoretical_ Physics] Re: The Unified Trinity of Atheist-Spiritualis t-Supernaturalis t

    ok, enough, to put this as lightly as i can so that you may grasp the "scientific meaning"

    there is a possibility of a "creator" be it an extradimensional entity, an all powerful being, or little green elmers from the planet FUDD, there is a possibility of our being terrafomed, another possibility of a being of extradimentional nature that has the ability to manipulate Chaos theory (My Theory), or simply an omnipotent spirit that says "cause i said so". we dont know, but to dismiss these theories out of hand is to be ignorant of the fact that there are more things out there that we dont know than that we know. life is far too complex to be happenstance, and as for the experiments that made amino acids from scratch, they still cant make a single intracellular organ, there is just too much organization of the chaos for human being to be the highest intellectual yield on our planet let alon the "known" universe, all i am saying is that it is healthy for science to be open to the discussion of the possibility a "god" if only to allow for further scrutiny, to dissmiss the possibility out of hand is to be as ignorant as the church was for its dismissal of copernicus, i would suggest you read "The Dialogue" b y copernicus for perspective on this, it is an interesting read, but modern science cannot be allowed to be the modern doppelganger of the Medieval church.

    The Universal Intelligence
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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Feb 18, 2020 7:40 am

    This thread might be more random and bizarre than I thought (or could imagine). The following link is an example of this. Try watching ALL of the Videos as they auto-play. They are real mind-benders. As I feel worse, I often listen to videos as I attempt to fall asleep and while I sleep. I've joked that this probably messes with the AI and Monitoring. Or does HAL and/or SAL know when I'm sleeping and know when I'm awake?? I think I'm always GOOD, but in an incompetent and negligent manner. It sucks to be me, but it probably sucks even more to know me (online or in real-life). Brace for Impact. Too Low. Terrain. The Horror.

    Throughout the years I've requested detailed analysis of my threads, with very little response. This request goes way beyond the regular posters. A lot of those who view and know, don't post. They might not even be known to agency-types who keep track of who views who and what (especially on fringe sites). But really, this site is probably becoming much less fringe than it used to be. This site was fringe before it was cool. Seriously, I'd appreciate some significant feedback on This Present Thread. There's a lot on the table to partake of and digest. I honestly have no idea where this is going. It's probably going nowhere fast. My self-loathing deprecation is part theater and part reality. What Would Jupiter Do??

    I'm almost to the point of restricting my research to Wikipedia. Many might scoff, but it seems that everyone and/or everything are biased and/or compromised. The articles are usually clear, concise, and accurate IMHO. There's none of the emotion associated with videos, monologues, forums, campaigns, and debates. I guess I try to simultaneously escalate and deescalate (for better or worse, I know not). Researchers Beware. Beware of Hidden Agendas. It's a Jungle Out There. A coronavirus is one of a number of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the viruses cause respiratory infections, including the common cold, which are typically mild, though rarer forms such as SARS, MERS and COVID-19 can be lethal. Symptoms vary in other species: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory disease, while in cows and pigs coronaviruses cause diarrhea. There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.

    Coronaviruses comprise the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae in the family Coronaviridae, in the order Nidovirales.[5][6] They are enveloped viruses with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome and a nucleocapsid of helical symmetry. The genome size of coronaviruses ranges from approximately 26 to 32 kilobases, the largest among known RNA viruses. The name coronavirus is derived from the Latin corona, meaning "crown" or "halo", which refers to the characteristic appearance of the virus particles (virions): they have a fringe reminiscent of a crown or of a solar corona.

    In 2019, an outbreak began in Wuhan, China, and is ongoing as of February 2020. As of 15 February it has affected over 73,000 people. Because of the virus's contagiousness, mortality rate, and resistance to treatment, it has prompted extensive government action including mandated quarantines. Internationally, countries have limited travel to and from affected regions and implemented screening measures to detect potential carriers of the virus.

    Coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s.[7] The earliest ones discovered were infectious bronchitis virus in chickens and two viruses from the nasal cavities of human patients with the common cold that were subsequently named human coronavirus 229E and human coronavirus OC43.[8] Other members of this family have since been identified, including SARS-CoV in 2003, HCoV NL63 in 2004, HKU1 in 2005, MERS-CoV in 2012, and SARS-CoV-2 (formerly known as 2019-nCoV) in 2019; most of these have been involved in serious respiratory tract infections.

    The name "coronavirus" is derived from the Latin corona and the Greek κορώνη (korṓnē, "garland, wreath"), meaning crown or halo. The name refers to the characteristic appearance of virions (the infective form of the virus) by electron microscopy, which have a fringe of large, bulbous surface projections creating an image reminiscent of a crown or of a solar corona. This morphology is created by the viral spike (S) peplomers, which are proteins on the surface of the virus that determine host tropism.

    Proteins that contribute to the overall structure of all coronaviruses are the spike (S), envelope (E), membrane (M), and nucleocapsid (N). In the specific case of the SARS coronavirus (see below), a defined receptor-binding domain on S mediates the attachment of the virus to its cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2).[9] Some coronaviruses (specifically the members of Betacoronavirus subgroup A) also have a shorter spike-like protein called hemagglutinin esterase (HE).[5]

    After cell entry, the virus particle is uncoated and its genome enters the cell cytoplasm.

    The coronavirus RNA genome has a 5′ methylated cap and a 3′ polyadenylated tail, which allows the RNA to attach to ribosomes for translation.

    Coronavirus genomes also encodes a protein called a replicase which allows the viral genome to be transcribed into new RNA copies using the host cell’s machinery. The replicase is the first protein to be made; once the gene encoding the replicase is translated, translation is stopped by a stop codon. This is known as a nested transcript. When the mRNA transcript only encodes one gene, it is monocistronic. A coronavirus non-structural protein provides extra fidelity to replication because it confers a proofreading function,[10] which is lacking in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzymes alone.

    The genome is replicated and a long polyprotein is formed, where all of the proteins are attached. Coronaviruses have a non-structural protein – a protease – which is able to cleave the polyprotein. This process is a form of genetic economy, allowing the virus to encode the greatest number of genes in a small number of nucleotides.[11]

    Human to human transmission of coronaviruses is primarily thought to occur among close contacts via respiratory droplets generated by sneezing and coughing.[12]

    The scientific name for coronavirus is Orthocoronavirinae or Coronavirinae.[2][3][4] Coronavirus belongs to the family of Coronaviridae.

    Genus: Alphacoronavirus
    Species: Human coronavirus 229E, Human coronavirus NL63, Miniopterus bat coronavirus 1, Miniopterus bat coronavirus HKU8, Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, Rhinolophus bat coronavirus HKU2, Scotophilus bat coronavirus 512

    Genus Betacoronavirus; type species: Murine coronavirus
    Species: Betacoronavirus 1, Human coronavirus HKU1, Murine coronavirus, Pipistrellus bat coronavirus HKU5, Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9, Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, Tylonycteris bat coronavirus HKU4, Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, Human coronavirus OC43, Hedgehog coronavirus 1 (EriCoV)

    Genus Gammacoronavirus; type species: Infectious bronchitis virus
    Species: Beluga whale coronavirus SW1, Infectious bronchitis virus

    Genus Deltacoronavirus; type species: Bulbul coronavirus HKU11
    Species: Bulbul coronavirus HKU11, Porcine coronavirus HKU15,

    The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all coronaviruses has been placed at around 8000 BCE.[13] The MRCAs of the Alphacoronavirus,

    Betacoronavirus, Gammacoronavirus, and Deltacoronavirus lines have been placed at about 2400 BCE, 3300 BCE, 2800 BCE, and 3000 BCE, respectively. It appears that bats and birds, as warm-blooded flying vertebrates, are ideal hosts for the coronavirus gene source (with bats for Alphacoronavirus and Betacoronavirus, and birds for Gammacoronavirus and Deltacoronavirus) to fuel coronavirus evolution and dissemination.[14]

    Bovine coronavirus and canine respiratory coronaviruses diverged from a common ancestor in 1951.[15] Bovine coronavirus and human coronavirus OC43 diverged around the 1890s. Bovine coronavirus diverged from the equine coronavirus species at the end of the 18th century. [16]

    The MRCA of human coronavirus OC43 has been dated to the 1950s.[17]

    MERS-CoV, although related to several bat coronavirus species, appears to have diverged from these several centuries ago.[18] The human coronavirus NL63 and a bat coronavirus shared an MRCA 563–822 years ago.[19]

    The most closely related bat coronavirus and SARS-CoV diverged in 1986.[20] A path of evolution of the SARS virus and keen relationship with bats have been proposed.[21][22] The authors suggest that the coronaviruses have been coevolved with bats for a long time and the ancestors of SARS-CoV first infected the species of the genus Hipposideridae, subsequently spread to species of the Rhinolophidae and then to civets, and finally to humans.[citation needed]

    Alpaca coronavirus and human coronavirus 229E diverged before 1960.[23]

    Coronaviruses are believed to cause a significant proportion of all common colds in adults and children.[11] Coronaviruses cause colds with major symptoms, such as fever and sore throat from swollen adenoids, primarily in the winter and early spring seasons.[24] Coronaviruses can cause pneumonia – either direct viral pneumonia or a secondary bacterial pneumonia – and may cause bronchitis – either direct viral bronchitis or a secondary bacterial bronchitis.[25] The much publicized human coronavirus discovered in 2003, SARS-CoV, which causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), has a unique pathogenesis because it causes both upper and lower respiratory tract infections.[25] There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.[26]

    Seven strains of human coronaviruses are known:

    Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E)

    Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43)

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)

    Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63, New Haven coronavirus)

    Human coronavirus HKU1

    Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), previously known as novel coronavirus 2012 and HCoV-EMC.

    2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV),[27][28] also known as Wuhan coronavirus.[29] ('Novel' in this case means newly discovered, or newly originated, and is a placeholder name.)[28]

    The coronaviruses HCoV-229E, -NL63, -OC43, and -HKU1 continually circulate in the human population and cause respiratory infections in adults and children world-wide.[30]

    In 2003, following the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which had begun the prior year in Asia, and secondary cases elsewhere in the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a press release stating that a novel coronavirus identified by a number of laboratories was the causative agent for SARS. The virus was officially named the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Over 8,000 people were infected, about 10% of whom died.[9]

    In September 2012, a new type of coronavirus was identified, initially called Novel Coronavirus 2012, and now officially named Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).[37][38] The World Health Organization issued a global alert soon after.[39] The WHO update on 28 September 2012 stated that the virus did not seem to pass easily from person to person.[40] However, on 12 May 2013, a case of human-to-human transmission in France was confirmed by the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.[41] In addition, cases of human-to-human transmission were reported by the Ministry of Health in Tunisia. Two confirmed cases involved people who seemed to have caught the disease from their late father, who became ill after a visit to Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Despite this, it appears that the virus had trouble spreading from human to human, as most individuals who are infected do not transmit the virus.[42] By 30 October 2013, there were 124 cases and 52 deaths in Saudi Arabia.[43]

    After the Dutch Erasmus Medical Centre sequenced the virus, the virus was given a new name, Human Coronavirus–Erasmus Medical Centre (HCoV-EMC). The final name for the virus is Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). In May 2014, the only two United States cases of MERS-CoV infection were recorded, both occurring in healthcare workers who worked in Saudi Arabia and then traveled to the U.S. One was treated in Indiana and one in Florida. Both of these individuals were hospitalized temporarily and then discharged.[44]

    In May 2015, an outbreak of MERS-CoV occurred in the Republic of Korea, when a man who had traveled to the Middle East, visited 4 hospitals in the Seoul area to treat his illness. This caused one of the largest outbreaks of MERS-CoV outside the Middle East.[45] As of December 2019, 2,468 cases of MERS-CoV infection had been confirmed by laboratory tests, 851 of which were fatal, a mortality rate of approximately 34.5%.[46]

    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

    In December 2019, a pneumonia outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China.[47] On 31 December 2019, the outbreak was traced to a novel strain of coronavirus,[48] which was given the interim name 2019-nCoV by the World Health Organization (WHO),[27][28][49] later renamed SARS-CoV-2 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Some researchers have suggested that the Huanan Seafood Market may not be the original source of viral transmission to humans.[50][51]

    As of 17 February 2020, there have been 1,874 confirmed deaths and more than 73,336 confirmed cases in the coronavirus pneumonia outbreak.[52][53] The Wuhan strain has been identified as a new strain of Betacoronavirus from group 2B with an ~70% genetic similarity to the SARS-CoV.[54] The virus has a 96% similarity to a bat coronavirus, so an origin in bats is widely suspected.[50][55]

    Coronaviruses have been recognized as causing pathological conditions in veterinary medicine since the early 1970s. Except for avian infectious bronchitis, the major related diseases have mainly an intestinal location.[56]

    Coronaviruses primarily infect the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tract of mammals and birds. They also cause a range of diseases in farm animals and domesticated pets, some of which can be serious and are a threat to the farming industry. In chickens, the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a coronavirus, targets not only the respiratory tract but also the urogenital tract. The virus can spread to different organs throughout the chicken.[57] Economically significant coronaviruses of farm animals include porcine coronavirus (transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus, TGE) and bovine coronavirus, which both result in diarrhea in young animals. Feline coronavirus: two forms, feline enteric coronavirus is a pathogen of minor clinical significance, but spontaneous mutation of this virus can result in feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a disease associated with high mortality. Similarly, there are two types of coronavirus that infect ferrets: ferret enteric coronavirus causes a gastrointestinal syndrome known as epizootic catarrhal enteritis (ECE), and a more lethal systemic version of the virus (like FIP in cats) known as ferret systemic coronavirus (FSC).[58] There are two types of canine coronavirus (CCoV), one that causes mild gastrointestinal disease and one that has been found to cause respiratory disease. Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) is a coronavirus that causes an epidemic murine illness with high mortality, especially among colonies of laboratory mice.[59] Sialodacryoadenitis virus (SDAV) is highly infectious coronavirus of laboratory rats, which can be transmitted between individuals by direct contact and indirectly by aerosol. Acute infections have high morbidity and tropism for the salivary, lachrymal and harderian glands.[60]

    A HKU2-related bat coronavirus called swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV) causes diarrhea in pigs.[61]

    Prior to the discovery of SARS-CoV, MHV had been the best-studied coronavirus both in vivo and in vitro as well as at the molecular level. Some strains of MHV cause a progressive demyelinating encephalitis in mice which has been used as a murine model for multiple sclerosis. Significant research efforts have been focused on elucidating the viral pathogenesis of these animal coronaviruses, especially by virologists interested in veterinary and zoonotic diseases.[62]

    In domestic animals

    Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) causes avian infectious bronchitis.

    Porcine coronavirus (transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus of pigs, TGEV).[63][64]

    Bovine coronavirus (BCV), responsible for severe profuse enteritis in of young calves.

    Feline coronavirus (FCoV) causes mild enteritis in cats as well as severe Feline infectious peritonitis (other variants of the same virus), the two types of canine coronavirus (CCoV) (one causing enteritis, the other found in respiratory diseases).

    Turkey coronavirus (TCV) causes enteritis in turkeys.

    Ferret enteric coronavirus causes epizootic catarrhal enteritis in ferrets.

    Ferret systemic coronavirus causes FIP-like systemic syndrome in ferrets.[65]

    Pantropic canine coronavirus.

    Rabbit enteric coronavirus causes acute gastrointestinal disease and diarrhea in young European rabbits. Mortality rates are high.[66]

    A new veterinary disease, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PED or PEDV), has emerged around the world.[citation needed] Its economic importance is unclear but shows high mortality in piglets.[citation needed]

    In common with the genomes of all other RNA viruses, coronavirus genomes contain cis-acting RNA elements that ensure the specific replication of viral RNA by a virally encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The embedded cis-acting elements devoted to coronavirus replication constitute a small fraction of the total genome, but this is, it is presumed, a reflection of the fact that coronaviruses have the largest genomes of all RNA viruses. The boundaries of cis-acting elements essential to replication are fairly well-defined, and an increasingly well-resolved picture of the RNA secondary structures of these regions is emerging. However, we are in only the early stages of understanding how these cis-acting structures and sequences interact with the viral replicase and host cell components, and much remains to be done before we understand the precise mechanistic roles of such elements in RNA synthesis.[67][5]

    The assembly of infectious coronavirus particles requires the selection of viral genomic RNA from a cellular pool that contains an abundant excess of non-viral and viral RNAs. Among the seven to ten specific viral mRNAs synthesized in virus-infected cells, only the full-length genomic RNA is packaged efficiently into coronavirus particles. Studies have revealed cis-acting elements and trans-acting viral factors involved in coronavirus genome encapsidation and packaging. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of genome selection and packaging is critical for developing antiviral strategies and viral expression vectors based on the coronavirus genome.[67][5]

    United States AI Solar System (10) Maxresdefault Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),[1][2] formerly known as the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV),[3][4] is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus.[5][6][7] It is contagious among humans and is the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).[8] There is no vaccine.[9]

    SARS-CoV-2 has strong genetic similarity to known bat coronaviruses, making a zoonotic origin in bats likely,[10][11][12] although an intermediate reservoir such as a pangolin is thought to be involved.[13][14] From a taxonomic perspective SARS-CoV-2 is classified as a strain of the species severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus.[1]

    SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak, a Public Health Emergency of International Concern that originated in Wuhan, China.[15] Because of this connection, the virus is sometimes referred to informally, among other nicknames, as the "Wuhan coronavirus".[16][17]

    During the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO) originally recommended use of the temporary designation "2019-nCoV" (2019 novel coronavirus) to refer to the virus. However, this led to concerns that the absence of an official name might lead to the use of prejudicial informal names, and in common parlance the virus was often referred to as "the new coronavirus", "Wuhan coronavirus", or simply "coronavirus".[18][19] Per 2015 WHO guidelines on the naming of viruses and diseases,[19][20] the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) announced that it would introduce a suitable official name for the virus.[18]

    On 11 February 2020, the ICTV introduced the name "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2" (SARS-CoV-2) to refer to the virus strain previously known as 2019-nCoV.[1] Earlier the same day, the WHO officially renamed the disease caused by the virus strain from 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease to "coronavirus disease 2019" (COVID-19).[21][2]

    Human-to-human transmission of the virus has been confirmed[8] and occurs primarily via respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes within a range of about 6 feet (1.8 m).[22][23] Viral RNA has also been found in stool samples from infected patients.[24]

    It is possible that the virus can be infectious even during the incubation period, but this has not been proven,[25] and the WHO stated on 1 February 2020 that "transmission from asymptomatic cases is likely not a major driver of transmission" at this time.[26]

    Animals sold for food were originally suspected to be the reservoir or intermediary hosts of SARS-CoV-2 because many of the first individuals found to be infected by the virus were workers at the Huanan Seafood Market.[27] A market selling live animals for food was also blamed in the SARS outbreak in 2003; such markets are considered to be incubators for novel pathogens.[28] The outbreak has prompted a temporary ban on the trade and consumption of wild animals in China.[29][30] However, some researchers have suggested that the Huanan Seafood Market may not be the original source of viral transmission to humans.[31][32]

    Research into the origin of the 2003 SARS outbreak has resulted in the discovery of many SARS-like bat coronaviruses, most originating in the Rhinolophus genus of horseshoe bats. Two viral nucleic acid sequences from Rhinolophus sinicus published in 2015 and 2017 show a resemblance of 80% to SARS-CoV-2.[33][34][12] A third viral nucleic acid sequence from Rhinolophus affinis, "RaTG13" collected in Yunnan province, has a 96% resemblance to SARS-CoV-2.[10][35] For comparison, this amount of variation among viruses is similar to the amount of mutation observed over ten years in the H3N2 human influenza virus strain.[36]

    Researchers from Guangzhou claim to have found a "99% identical" viral nucleic acid sequence in a pangolin sample.[37] As of 12 February 2020, the sequence remains unavailable, and all information comes from a university announcement.[38] Pangolins are protected under Chinese law, but poaching and trading of pangolins for traditional medicine remains common. A metagenomic study published in 2019 previously revealed that SARS-CoV was the most widely distributed coronavirus among a sample of Malayan pangolins.[39] Microbiologists and geneticists in Texas have independently found evidence of recombination in coronaviruses suggesting pangolin origins of SARS-CoV-2; they acknowledged remaining unknown factors while urging continued examination of other mammals.[40]

    Genomic organisation of SARS-CoV-2
    NCBI genome ID
    Genome size
    29,903 bases
    Year of completion

    SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the broad family of viruses known as coronaviruses. It is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA (+ssRNA) virus. Other coronaviruses are capable of causing illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). It is the seventh known coronavirus to infect people, after 229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1, MERS-CoV, and the original SARS-CoV.[41]

    Like the SARS-related coronavirus strain implicated in the 2003 SARS outbreak, SARS-CoV-2 is a member of the subgenus Sarbecovirus (Beta-CoV lineage B).[42][27][43] Its RNA sequence is approximately 30,000 bases in length.[7]

    With a sufficient number of sequenced genomes, it is possible to reconstruct a phylogenetic tree of the mutation history of a family of viruses. By 12 January 2020, five genomes of SARS-CoV-2 had been isolated from Wuhan and reported by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) and other institutions;[7][44] the number of genomes increased to 81 by 11 February 2020.[45] A phylogenic analysis of the samples shows they are "highly related with at most seven mutations relative to a common ancestor", implying that the first human infection occurred in November or December 2019.[45]

    On 11 February 2020, ICTV announced that according to existing rules that compute hierarchical relationships among coronaviruses on the basis of five conserved sequences of nucleic acids, the differences between what was then called 2019-nCoV and the virus strain from the 2003 SARS outbreak were insufficient to make it a separate viral species. Therefore, they identified 2019-nCoV as a strain of severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus.[1]

    Protein modeling experiments on the spike (S) protein of the virus suggest that it has sufficient affinity to the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors of human cells to use them as a mechanism of cell entry.[46] On 22 January 2020, a group in China working with the full virus genome and a group in the United States using reverse genetics methods independently and experimentally demonstrated that ACE2 could act as the receptor for SARS-CoV-2.[47][48][49]

    To look for potential protease inhibitors, the viral 3C-like protease M(pro) from the ORF1a polyprotein has also been modeled for drug docking experiments. Innophore has produced two computational models based on SARS protease,[50] and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has produced an unpublished experimental structure of a recombinant 2019-nCoV protease.[51] In addition, researchers have modeled the structures of all mature peptides in the SARS-CoV-2 genome using I-TASSER and Swiss-model.[52][53]

    The first known human infection by the strain occurred in early December 2019.[54][31] Proliferation of SARS-CoV-2 was first detected in Wuhan, China, in mid-December 2019, likely originating from a single infected animal.[31] The virus subsequently spread to all provinces of China and to more than two dozen other countries in Asia, Europe, North America, Africa, and Oceania.[55] Human-to-human spread of the virus has been confirmed in all of these regions[8][56][57][58] except Africa.[59] On 30 January 2020, 2019-nCoV was designated a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the WHO.[15][60]

    As of 19 February 2020 (02:00 UTC), there were 75,198 confirmed cases of infection, of which 74,185 were within mainland China.[55] One mathematical model estimated the number of people infected in Wuhan alone at 75,815 as of 25 January 2020.[61] Nearly all cases outside China have occurred in people who either traveled from Wuhan, or were in direct contact with someone who traveled from the area.[62][63] While the proportion of infections that result in confirmed infection or progress to diagnosable disease remains unclear,[64][65] the total number of deaths attributed to the virus was 2,009 as of 19 February 2020 (02:00 UTC); over 95% of all deaths have occurred in Hubei province,[55] where Wuhan is located.

    The basic reproduction number (R 0 {\displaystyle R_{0}}, pronounced R-nought or R-zero)[66] of the virus has been estimated to be between 1.4 and 3.9.[67][68][69][70] This means that, when unchecked, the virus typically results in 1.4 to 3.9 new cases per established infection. It has been established that the virus is able to transmit along a chain of at least four people.[71]

    Many organizations are using published genomes to develop possible vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.[9]

    In China, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention is developing a vaccine.[72][73] The University of Hong Kong has announced that a vaccine is under development, but they have yet to proceed to animal testing.[74] Shanghai East Hospital is also developing a vaccine in partnership with the biotechnology company Stemirna Therapeutics.[74]

    Elsewhere, three vaccine projects are being supported by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), including projects by the biotechnology companies Moderna and Inovio Pharmaceuticals and another by the University of Queensland.[75] The United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) is cooperating with Moderna to create an RNA vaccine matching a spike of the coronavirus surface, and intends to start human trials by May 2020.[9] Inovio Pharmaceuticals is developing a DNA-based vaccination and collaborating with a Chinese firm in order to speed its acceptance by regulatory authorities in China, hoping to perform human trials of the vaccine in the summer of 2020.[76] In Australia, the University of Queensland is investigating the potential of a molecular clamp vaccine that would genetically modify viral proteins in order to stimulate an immune reaction.[75]

    In an independent project, the Public Health Agency of Canada has authorized the International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) at the University of Saskatchewan to begin work on a vaccine.[77] VIDO-InterVac aims to start animal testing in March 2020 and human testing in 2021.[77]

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:03 am–20_coronavirus_outbreak The 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak is an ongoing outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2, which started in December 2019. It was first identified in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province China, after 41 people presented with pneumonia of no clear cause. The virus can spread between people, with the time from exposure to onset of symptoms generally between 2 and 14 days.[5] Symptoms of the disease may include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.[6] Complications may include pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. There is no vaccine or specific antiviral treatment, with efforts typically to management symptoms and support functioning.[7] Hand washing is recommended to prevent spread of the disease.[8] Anyone who is suspected of carrying the virus is advised to monitor their health for two weeks, wear a mask, and seek medical advice by calling a doctor rather than directly visiting a clinic.[9]

    As of 18 February 2020, 75,136 cases have been confirmed, including in all provinces of China and more than two dozen other countries.[10] Of these, 11,795 cases are serious.[11] Various experts have speculated that the actual number of cases exceeds the officially confirmed number.[12][13] The disease has killed more than 2,000 people, including six outside mainland China (in the Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, France, and Taiwan).[4] This exceeds the 776 who died in the 2003 SARS outbreak.[4]

    The outbreak has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO).[14][15] Health authorities have been working to contain the spread of the disease since its discovery.[16][17][18][19] China has introduced travel restrictions, quarantines, and outdoor restrictions—requiring families to stay at home—affecting over 780 million people.[16][20][16][17][18][19] A number of countries have issued warnings against travel to Wuhan, Hubei, or China generally.[21][22] Airports and train stations have implemented body temperature checks, health declarations, and information signage in an attempt to identify carriers of the virus.[23] The epidemic has led to further consequences beyond quarantine measures and its impact on health, including concerns over potential economic instability and cancellation of several events expected to be attended by people travelling from areas with high risk of contagion.[24] Political consequences have included a number of local leaders of the Chinese Communist Party being fired due to their response to the outbreak.[25] Reports of xenophobia and racism against people of Chinese and East Asian descent have arisen as a result of the outbreak, with fear and hostility occurring in several countries.[26][27][28][29][30] Misinformation has spread about the coronavirus, primarily online, which the WHO described as an "infodemic".[31]

    Wuhan is the capital of Hubei and is the seventh-largest city in China, with a population of more than 11 million people. It has been a major transport hub of the country for centuries and known as "Nine Provinces' Thoroughfare" (九省通衢) since at least the 17th century,[32] and the Wuhan Railway Hub is one of the four most important railway hubs in China.[33] It is approximately 1,050 km (650 mi) south of Beijing,[34] 700 km (430 mi) west of Shanghai, and 900 km (560 mi) north of Hong Kong.[35] Direct international flights from Wuhan connect it to major cities in Europe and North America.[36]

    Coronaviruses mainly circulate among other animals but have been known to evolve and cause coronavirus outbreaks in humans as in the cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) together with four further coronaviruses that cause mild respiratory symptoms similar to the common cold. SARS-CoV-2's nucleic acid sequence is 75 to 80 percent identical to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), and more than 85-percent similar to several bat coronaviruses.[37][38] All coronaviruses known to infect humans have been shown to spread between people.[39][40] Transmission of coronaviruses is primarily thought to occur among close contacts via respiratory droplets generated by sneezing and coughing.[41]

    In Wuhan, during December 2019, a cluster of cases displaying the symptoms of a "pneumonia of unknown cause" was linked to Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which had a thousand stalls selling fish, chickens, pheasants, bats, marmots, venomous snakes, spotted deer, and other wild animals (ye wei, bushmeat).[42] In January 2020, the hypothesis was that this was a novel coronavirus from an animal source (a zoonosis).[43][44][45][46]

    The earliest reported symptoms occurred on 1 December 2019 in a person who had not had any exposure to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market or to the remaining 40 of the first cluster detected with the new virus.[49][50] Of this first cluster, two-thirds were found to have a link with the market, which also sold live animals.[49][51][52][53] Of cases that began before 1 January 2020, 55% were linked to the market. By 22 January this figure was reported to have dropped to 8.6%.[54] Hence, as the number of cases has increased, the significance of the market has lessened.[49][50][54]

    During the early stages, the number of cases doubled approximately every seven and a half days.[54] In early and mid-January 2020, the virus spread to other Chinese provinces, helped by the Chinese new year migration. On 20 January, China reported nearly 140 new patients, including two people in Beijing and one in Shenzhen.[55]

    The virus was soon carried to other countries by international travellers: Thailand (13 January); Japan (15 January); Macau (19 January);[56] South Korea (20 January); Taiwan (not china) and the United States (21 January); Hong Kong (22 January); Singapore (23 January); France, Nepal, and Vietnam (24 January); Australia and Malaysia (25 January); Canada (26 January); Cambodia (27 January); Germany (28 January); Finland, Sri Lanka, and the United Arab Emirates (29 January); India, Italy, and the Philippines (30 January); the United Kingdom, Russia, Sweden, and Spain (31 January); Belgium (4 February); Egypt (14 February).[57][58]

    By 25 January the number of laboratory-confirmed cases stood at 2,062, including 2,016 in mainland China, 7 in Thailand, 6 in Hong Kong, 5 in Macau, 5 in Australia, 4 in Malaysia, 4 in Singapore, 3 in France, 3 in Japan, 3 in South Korea, 3 in Taiwan, 3 in the United States, 2 in Vietnam, 1 in Nepal, and 1 in Sweden.[57][59][60]

    Citing 7,711 cases essentially in China and 83 cases abroad across 18 countries as of 29 January, WHO declared the outbreak to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January.[61] As of 18 February, 73,437 cases have been confirmed worldwide, over 98% in mainland China.[58]

    On 6 February, the Chinese National Health Commission (NHC) started to change how cases were reported – asymptomatic carriers, who tested positive for the virus but did not show clinical symptoms, would no longer be included in the number of confirmed cases. This had the effect of reducing the total number of cases reported, but also meant that potentially contagious individuals were ignored in reports.[62][63]

    On 12 February, the Hubei government adopted a broader definition of confirmed cases, which now includes clinically diagnosed patients diagnosed by their symptoms and CT scans but without nucleic acid test, which can take days to process and delay treatment. "Using CT scans that reveal lung infection would help patients receive treatment as soon as possible and improve their chances of recovery," the provincial health commission said.[64] This new methodology accounts for the sharp increase in Hubei's daily confirmed cases: 13,332 of the 14,840 newly confirmed cases in the province on 12 February were diagnosed clinically under the new definition.[65]

    As of 19 February, 2,012 deaths have been attributed to COVID-19. According to China's NHC, most of those who died were older patients – about 80% of deaths recorded were from those over the age of 60, and 75% had pre-existing health conditions including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.[66] The first reported death was a 61-year-old man on 9 January 2020 who was first admitted to a Wuhan hospital on 27 December 2019.[67] The first death outside of China occurred in the Philippines,[68][58] when a 44-year-old Chinese male citizen developed severe pneumonia and died on 1 February. His companion, a 38-year-old Chinese female citizen was also confirmed to have contracted the virus, but eventually recovered. She stayed in the same hospital in Manila as her companion until her discharge on 8 February.[69] On 8 February 2020, it was announced that a Japanese and an American died from the virus in Wuhan. They were the first foreigners killed by the virus.[70] The first death outside of Asia was confirmed in Paris, France, on 15 February 2020, when an 80-year-old Chinese tourist from Hubei died after being in hospital since 25 January.[71]

    On 17 January, a research group from the Imperial College London in the United Kingdom published a report that there had been 1,723 cases (95% confidence interval, 427–4,471) with onset of symptoms by 12 January. This was based on the pattern of the initial spread to Thailand and Japan. They also concluded that "self-sustaining human-to-human transmission should not be ruled out",[72][73] which has since been confirmed. As further cases came to light, they later recalculated that there may be 4,000 symptomatic cases in Wuhan City by 18 January (uncertainty range of 1,000 to 9,700).[74][75][73] A Hong Kong University group has reached a similar conclusion as the earlier study, with additional detail on transport within China.[76]

    Based on cases reported and assuming a 10-day delay between infection and detection, researchers at Northeastern University estimated that the number of actual infections may be much higher than those confirmed at the time of reporting. Northeastern University estimated 21,300 infections by 26 January, increasing to 31,200 infections by 29 January (95% confidence interval 23,400–40,400).[77] On 31 January 2020, an article in The Lancet estimated that 75,815 individuals (95% confidence interval 37,304–130,330) had been infected in Wuhan as of 25 January, with an estimated doubling time of 6.4 days in the period of study.[78]

    There are concerns about whether adequate medical personnel and equipment are available in regions affected by the outbreak for hospitals to correctly identify coronavirus cases instead of misdiagnosing suspected cases as "severe pneumonia".[79][80][81] Many of those experiencing symptoms were told to self-quarantine at home instead of going to a hospital to avoid close contact with other patients with different levels of symptoms.[82] After two repatriation flights were conducted from Wuhan to Japan in late January, 5 out of approximately 400 persons repatriated were diagnosed with the virus, of whom 1 was symptomatic, and 4 were not.[83]

    Those infected may be asymptomatic or have mild to severe symptoms, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, and diarrhea.[84][85][86] The time from exposure to onset of symptoms is estimated at 2 to 10 days by WHO,[87] and 2 to 14 days by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).[88] Upper respiratory symptoms, such as sneezing, a runny nose, and sore throat, are less frequent.[49][51]

    Cases of severe infection can result in pneumonia, kidney failure, and death.[89][90] Among 137 early cases that were admitted to hospitals in Hubei province, 16 (12%) individuals died.[91] Many of those who died had other conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease that impaired their immune systems.[92] As of 18 February 2020, the number of severe cases is 11,795 (16%)[93] out of 73,437 with 12,712 having recovered.

    Coronaviruses are spread through aerosol droplets expelled when an infected individual coughs or sneezes within a range of about 6 feet (1.8 m), which can contaminate surfaces like door handles or railings.[96][41][97][98] Coronavirus droplets only stay suspended in the air for a short time, but can stay viable and contagious on a metal, glass or plastic surface for up to nine days.[99] Disinfection of surfaces is possible with cheap substances such as 62–71% ethanol applied for one minute.[99] Chinese public health officials suggest extra caution for aerosol transmission in closed rooms and recommend regularly exchanging air.[100]

    On 13 February 2020 the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States confirmed asymptomatic transmission.[101] Viral RNA was detected in stool specimens collected from the first confirmed case in the United States, though it was unclear if enough of the infectious virus was present to suggest fecal-oral transmission.[102]

    Of the initial 41 cases, two-thirds had a history of exposure to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.[49]

    There have been estimates for the basic reproduction number (the average number of people an infected person is likely to infect), ranging from 2.13[103] to 3.11.[104] The virus has reportedly been able to transmit down a chain of up to four people so far.[105] This is similar to severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARS-CoV).[106] There are disputed reports that some of the infected may be super-spreaders.[107][108]

    The natural wildlife reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 (also known as 2019-nCoV) and intermediate host that transmitted the SARS-CoV-2 to humans has not been confirmed.[109] Research suggests that the 2019 novel coronavirus has bat origins, just like the viruses responsible for SARS[110] and MERS.[111] SARS-CoV-2 is 96% identical at the whole genome level to a bat coronavirus identified in 2013.[112]

    In February 2020, researchers from South China Agricultural University announced that there is a 99% similarity in genome sequences between the viruses found in pangolins and those from human patients, suggesting that the animal may be an intermediary host for the virus, but did not release evidence.[113]

    Phylogenetic studies of SARS-CoV-2 examine the evolutionary history of the virus and its relationships with other organisms. The seventh member of the family of coronaviruses that can infect humans, SARS-CoV-2 has been reported to have a genome sequence 75% to 80% identical to the SARS-CoV and to have more similarities to several bat coronaviruses.[37][38] At least five genomes of the novel coronavirus have been isolated and reported.[114][115][116] Like SARS-CoV, it is a member of Beta-CoV lineage B.[117]

    Bayesian analysis by Benvenuto et al. of the genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses, shows that the nucleocapsid and the spike glycoprotein have some sites under positive selective pressure. Homology modelling indicated certain molecular and structural differences among the viruses. The phylogenetic tree showed that SARS-CoV-2 significantly clustered with a bat SARS-like coronavirus sequence, whereas structural analysis revealed mutations in spike glycoprotein and nucleocapsid protein. The authors conclude SARS-CoV-2 is a coronavirus distinct from SARS virus that probably was transmitted from bats or another host that provided the ability to infect humans.[118]

    The outbreak was possibly linked to the consumption of bushmeat. Charles Barber, a senior biodiversity advisor at the World Resources Institute, said: "Should it be proven that the coronavirus emanated from human consumption of animals from the wildlife market in Wuhan, we can expect the COP to shine a much brighter light on the international wildlife trade, and China’s central role in that trade, as well as the whole ‘bushmeat’ issue worldwide".[119]

    Luis Escobar, a disease ecologist, suggested that the outbreak can be linked to deforestation, because it can increase exposure of humans to wildlife. The virus is not interested in the death of its host because it needs the host to survive. So, through the time they adapt to the host. But when they pass to another host, for example from animals to humans, this can do harm.[citation needed]

    Luis Escobar also suggested that climate change, by increasing humidity, can facilitate the transmission of such viruses.[120]

    For decades climate scientists have said that climate change will impact the spread of diseases. Global temperature rise, for example, creates viruses with a higher tolerance to heat. One of the ways of the human body to fight viruses is increasing body temperature, so this measure can become less effective.[121]

    The WHO (World Health Organization) has published several testing protocols for SARS-CoV-2 (also known as 2019-nCoV).[122][123] Testing uses real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR).[3] The test can be done on respiratory or blood samples.[124] Results are generally available within a few hours to days.[125][126]

    Chinese scientists were able to isolate a strain of the coronavirus and publish the genetic sequence so that laboratories across the world could independently develop PCR tests to detect infection by the virus.[43][127][128][129]

    Recommended measures to prevent infection depend on the likelihood of a person coming into contact with the disease. The US CDC recommends avoiding exposure.[8] A number of countries have advised against travel to either Mainland China, the province of Hubei, or just Wuhan.[22] Other recommendations include frequent washing of hands with soap and water, not touching one's eyes, nose or mouth unless the hands are clean, and covering the mouth when one coughs.[8] People in high risk areas should take additional precautions even around people that are not displaying symptoms.[130]

    Coronaviruses can survive for a few hours[131] and up to nine days on a metal, glass or plastic surface, while remaining contagious.[99] Methods to remove the virus from surfaces include chlorine-based disinfectants, 75% ethanol, peracetic acid, and chloroform.[132]

    There is no evidence that pets such as dogs and cats can be infected.[132] The Government of Hong Kong warned anyone travelling outside the city to not touch animals; to not eat game meat; and to avoid visiting wet markets, live poultry markets, and farms.[133]

    Hand washing is recommended to prevent the spread. The CDC recommends that individuals:

    "Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing."

    "If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty."

    The CDC, NHS, and WHO also advise individuals to avoid touching the eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.[8][134][135]

    Those who suspect they are infected should wear a surgical mask (especially when in public) and call a doctor for medical advice.[133][9][136] By limiting the volume and travel distance of expiratory droplets dispersed when talking, sneezing, and coughing, masks can serve a public health benefit in reducing transmission by those unknowingly infected.[137]

    If a mask is not available, anyone experiencing respiratory symptoms should cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue, promptly discard it in the trash, and wash their hands. If a tissue is unavailable, individuals can cover their mouth or nose with a flexed elbow.[134]

    Masks are also recommended for those taking care of someone who may have the disease.[136] Rinsing the nose, gargling with mouthwash, and eating garlic are not effective.[132]

    There is no evidence to show that masks protect uninfected persons at low risk and wearing them may create a false sense of security.[136] Surgical masks are widely used by healthy people in Hong Kong,[138] Japan,[139] Singapore[140][141] and Malaysia.[142] Surgical masks are not recommended by the CDC as a preventive measure for the American general public.[137]

    The WHO advises the following best practices for mask usage:[136]

    Place mask carefully to cover mouth and nose and tie securely to minimise any gaps between the face and the mask; While in use, avoid touching the mask;

    Remove the mask by using appropriate technique (i.e. do not touch the front but remove the lace from behind);

    After removal or whenever you inadvertently touch a used mask, clean hands by using an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water if visibly soiled
    Replace masks with a new clean, dry mask as soon as they become damp/humid;

    Do not re-use single-use masks; Discard single-use masks after each use and dispose of them immediately upon removal.

    Healthcare professionals interacting directly with people who have the disease are advised to use respirators at least as protective as NIOSH-certified N95, EU standard FFP2, or equivalent, in addition to other personal protective equipment.[136][143]

    On 23 January 2020, a quarantine on travel in and out of Wuhan was imposed in an effort to stop the spread of the virus out of Wuhan. Flights, trains, public buses, the metro system, and long-distance coaches were suspended indefinitely. Large-scale gatherings and group tours were also suspended.[148] By 24 January 2020, a total of 15 cities in Hubei, including Wuhan, were placed under similar quarantine measures.[149] On 27 and 28 January 2020, Xiangyang respectively closed its railway stations and suspended all ferry operations, after shutting down its airport and intercity bus services earlier. Thus, the entire Hubei province entered a city-by-city quarantine, save for the Shennongjia Forestry District.[citation needed]

    Before the quarantine began, some in Wuhan questioned the reliability of the figures from the Chinese government as well as the government response, with some calling for quarantine,[150] and a post also showed sick people and three dead bodies covered in white sheets on the floor of a hospital on 24 January, although many such posts in Weibo about the epidemic have since been deleted.[151][152]

    Due to quarantine measures, Wuhan residents rushed to stockpile essential goods, food, and fuel; prices rose significantly.[153][154][155] 5,000,000 people left Wuhan, with 9,000,000 left in the city.[156]

    On 26 January, the city of Shantou in Guangdong declared a partial lockdown,[157] though this was reversed two hours later.[158] Residents had rushed to supermarkets to stock food as soon as the lockdown was declared, until the authorities reversed their decision. Caixin said, that the wording of Shantou's initial declaration was "unprecedentedly strict" and will severely affect residents' lives, if implemented as-is. Shantou's Department for Outbreak Control later clarified, that they will not restrict travelling, and all they would do, is to sterilise vehicles used for transportation.[159]

    Local authorities in Beijing and several other major cities, including Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen announced on 26 January, that these cities will not impose a lockdown similar to those in Hubei province. Rumours of these potential lockdowns had spread widely prior to the official announcements.[160] A spokesperson of Beijing's Municipal Transportation Commission claimed, that the expressways and highways, as well as subways and buses were operating normally. To ease the residents' panic, the Hangzhou city government stressed that the city would not be locked down from the outside world, and both cities said that they would introduce precautions against potential risks.[161]

    On 2 February 2020, the city of Wenzhou in Zhejiang province also implemented a partial lockdown, closing 46 of the 54 highway checkpoints.[162]

    On 4 February 2020, two more cities in Zhejiang province restricted the movement of residents. The city of Taizhou, three Hangzhou districts, and some in Ningbo began to only allow one person per household to go outside every two days to buy necessities, city officials said. More than 12 million people are affected by the new restrictions.[163]

    By 6 February 2020, a total of four Zhejiang cities — Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo and Taizhou — were under the "passport" system, allowing only one person per household to leave their home every two days. These restrictions apply to over 30 million people.[19]

    Outside Mainland China, some cruise ships were quarantined after passengers developed symptoms or tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. The Costa Smeralda was quarantined on 30 January off Civitavecchia in Italy, after passengers developed flu-like symptoms – the quarantine was lifted when tests for the virus came back negative.[164] Two further ships were quarantined on 5 February: Diamond Princess in the Port of Yokohama, Japan and World Dream, which returned to Hong Kong after being refused entry to Kaohsiung, Taiwan. In both cases, passengers and crew tested positive.[165][166][167][168] On 10 February passengers were allowed to disembark the World Dream "without the need to self-quarantine after leaving."[169] The Diamond Princess remains quaratined with 136 confirmed cases as of 10 February.[170] In addition, although not quarantined the MS Westerdam has been refused entry by several ports after departing Hong Kong on 1 February.

    On 1 February Huanggang, Hubei implemented a measure whereby only one person from each household is permitted to go outside for provisions once every two days, except for medical reasons or to work at shops or pharmacies.[171] Many cities, districts, and counties across mainland China implemented similar measures in the days following, including Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Harbin, and the whole of Jiangxi Province.

    Due to the effective lockdown of public transport in Wuhan and Hubei, several countries have planned to evacuate their citizens and diplomatic staff from the area, primarily through chartered flights of the home nation that have been provided clearance by Chinese authorities. Japan, India, the United States, France, Australia, Sri Lanka, Germany and Thailand were among the first to plan the evacuation of their citizens.[205] Pakistan has said that it will not be evacuating any citizens from China.[206] On 7 February, Brazil evacuated 34 Brazilians or family members in addition to four Poles, a Chinese and an Indian citizen. The citizens of Poland, China and India got off the plane in Poland, where the Brazilian plane made a stopover before following its route to Brazil. Brazilian citizens who went to Brazil were quarantined at a military base near Brasilia.[207][208][209] A plane carrying 176 evacuees left Wuhan for Canada on 6 February, where they were to be quarantined at Canadian Forces Base Trenton in Ontario.[210] Australian authorities evacuated 277 citizens on 3 and 4 February to the Christmas Island Detention Centre which had been "repurposed" as a quarantine facility, where they remained for 14 days.[211][212][213] United States announced that it will evacuate Americans currently aboard the cruise ship Diamond Princess.[214]

    Several organisations around the world are developing vaccines or testing antiviral medicine. In China, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) has started developing vaccines against the novel coronavirus and is testing existing drug effectiveness for pneumonia.[215][216] Also, a team at the University of Hong Kong announced that a new vaccine is developed, but needs to be tested on animals before conducting clinical tests on humans.[217]

    In Western countries, the United States' National Institutes of Health (NIH) is hoping for human trials of a vaccine by April 2020;[218][219] the Norwegian Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is funding three vaccine projects and hopes to have a vaccine in trials by June 2020, and approved and ready in a year.[220] These projects are an mRNA vaccine developed by Cambridge, Massachusetts–based Moderna,[221][222] a "molecular clamp" vaccine platform the University of Queensland in Australia is developing after receiving AU$10.6 million in funding from CEPI,[223][224][225] and a vaccine Inovio Pharmaceuticals designed in two hours after receiving the gene sequence of the virus.[226] The latter vaccine is being manufactured so that it can be first tested on animals.[226]

    Infrared cameras were installed in Wuhan railway station to check passengers' body temperature before they board the trains.

    As of 5 February 2020, there were no specific medications for or vaccines against 2019-nCoV, though development efforts were underway.[227][228] Attempts to relieve the symptoms include taking regular (over-the-counter) flu medications,[229] drinking fluids, and resting.[8] Depending on the severity, oxygen therapy, intravenous fluids, and breathing support may be required.[230] Some countries require people to report flu-like symptoms to their doctor, especially if they have visited mainland China.[231]

    The first person known to have fallen ill due to the new virus was in Wuhan on 1 December 2019.[232] A public notice on the outbreak was released 30 days later by Wuhan health authority on 31 December 2019; the initial notice informed Wuhan residents that there was no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus, that the disease is preventable and controllable, and that people can wear masks when going out.[233] WHO was informed of the outbreak on the same day.[234]

    On 20 January 2020, Zhong Nanshan, a scientist at China's National Health Commission who played a prominent role in the SARS epidemic declared its potential for human-to-human transmission, after 2 cases emerged in Guangdong province of infection by family members who had visited Wuhan.[235] This was later confirmed by the Wuhan government, which announced a number of new measures such as cancelling the Chinese New Year celebrations, in addition to measures such as checking the temperature of passengers at transport terminals first introduced on 14 January.[236] A quarantine was announced on 23 January 2020 stopping travel in and out of Wuhan.[148]

    On 25 January, Politburo of the Communist Party of China met to discuss novel coronavirus prevention and control. Chinese Communist Party general secretary Xi Jinping stated that the country is facing a "grave situation" as the number of infected people is accelerating.[237] In the evening, the authorities banned the use of private vehicles in Wuhan. Only vehicles that are transporting critical supplies or emergency response vehicles are allowed to move within the city.[238]

    On 26 January, a leading group tasked with the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus outbreak was established, led by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. Premier Li visited Wuhan to direct the epidemic prevention work on 27 January.[239][240] The leading group has decided to extend Spring Festival holiday to contain coronavirus outbreak.[241]

    China Customs started requiring that all passengers entering and exiting China fill in an extra health declaration form from 26 January. The health declaration form was mentioned in China's Frontier Health and Quarantine Law, granting the customs rights to require it if needed. The customs said it will "restart this system" as it was not a requirement before.[242][243][244]

    On 27 January, the General Office of the State Council of China, one of the top governing bodies of the People's Republic, officially declared a nation-wide extension on the New Year holiday and the postponement of the coming spring semester. The Office extended the previously scheduled public holiday from 30 January to 2 February, while it said school openings for the spring semester will be announced in the future.[245] Some universities with open campuses also banned the public from visiting.[246] On 23 January, the education department in Hunan, which neighbours the centre of the outbreak Hubei province, stated it will strictly ban off-school tutors and restrict student gatherings.[247] Education departments in Shanghai and Shenzhen also imposed bans on off-school tutoring and requested that schools track and report students who had been to Wuhan or Hubei province during the winter break.[248][249] The semi-autonomous regions of Hong Kong and Macau also announced adjustments on schooling schedules. Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam declared an emergency at a press conference on 25 January, saying the government will close primary and secondary schools for two more weeks on top of the previously scheduled New Year holiday, pushing the date for school reopening to 17 February.[250][251] Macau closed several museums and libraries, and prolonged the New Year holiday break to 11 February for higher education institutions and 10 February for others.[252] The University of Macau said they would track the physical conditions of students who have been to Wuhan during the New Year break.[253]

    After the Chinese New Year on 25 January, there would be another peak of people travelling back from their hometowns to workplaces as a part of Chunyun. Several provinces and cities encouraged people to stay in their hometowns and not travel back. Eastern China's Suzhou also encouraged remote working via the Internet and further prolonged the spring festival break.[254]

    The Civil Aviation Administration of China and the China State Railway Group, which regulates China's civil aviation and operates rail services, announced on 24 January that passengers could have full refunds for their plane and train tickets without any additional surcharges, regardless of whether their flight or train will go through Wuhan or not. Some hotel chains and online travel agencies also allowed more flexibility in cancellations and changes.[255][256] China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism ordered travel agencies and online tourism firms to suspend package tours and stop offering "flight+hotel" bundles.[257][254]

    Additional provinces and cities outside of Hubei imposed travel restrictions. Beijing suspended all intercity bus services on 25 January,[258] with several others following suit. Shanghai, Tianjin, Shandong, Xi'an, and Sanya all announced suspension of intercity or inter-province bus services on 26 January.[254]

    On 1 February 2020, Xinhua News reported that China's Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) has "asked procuratorates nationwide to fully play their role to create a favourable judicial environment in the fight against the novel coronavirus outbreak." This includes severe punishments for those found guilty of dereliction of duty and the withholding of information for officials. Tougher charges were proscribed for commercial criminal activities such as "the pushing up of prices, profiteering and severely disturbing market order" along with the "production and sale of fake and shoddy protective equipment and medicines." Prosecuting actions against patients who deliberately spread the infection or refuse examination or compulsory isolation along with threats of violence against medical personnel were also urged. The statement also included urging to prosecute those found "fabricating coronavirus-related information that may lead to panic among the public, making up and spreading rumors about the virus, sabotaging the implementation of the law and endangering public security" and also stressed harsh punishment for the illegal hunting of wildlife under state protection, as well as improving inspection and quarantine measures for fresh food and meat products."[259]

    Museums throughout China are temporarily closed.[260][261] To provide cultural and heritage seekers some form of service, the Chinese Nation Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA) has asked museums around the country to move their exhibits and galleries temporarily online.[262] This is done via a specific program that the NCHA is launching.[260][263] Some museums are also putting the content on their own website, social media, or even social chat apps and rooms like WeChat.[264] The majority of the content will be available on an NCHA website web page, however it is only accessible inside of China.[260][263] However, there are a few excerpts from the main created exhibition website that are on the NCHA general information page that are linked too, that are accessible outside of China.[260]

    As of 16 February 217 teams of a total of 25,633 medical workers from across China went to Wuhan and other cities in Hubei to help open up more facilities and treat patients.[265]

    The first known infection by a new virus was reported in Wuhan on 1 December 2019. The early response by city authorities was accused of prioritising a control of information on the outbreak. A group of eight medical personnel, including Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist from Wuhan Central Hospital, who in late December posted warnings on a new coronavirus strain akin to SARS, were warned by Wuhan police for "spreading rumours" for likening it to SARS.[290][291]

    By the time China had informed the World Health Organization of the new coronavirus on 31 December 2019, after allegations of using its influence within the WHO to downplay the epidemic until it became unchecked, the New York Times reported that the government was still keeping "its own citizens in the dark".[292][293][294] While by a number of measures, China's initial handling of the crisis was an improvement in relation to the SARS response in 2003, China has been criticised for cover-ups and downplaying the initial discovery and severity of the outbreak. This has been attributed to the censorship modus operandi of the country's press and internet, with the New York Times Nicholas Kristof and CSIS's Jude Blanchette suggesting that it was exacerbated by China's paramount leader Xi Jinping's crackdown on independent oversight such as journalism and social media that left senior officials with inaccurate information on the outbreak and "contributed to a prolonged period of inaction that allowed the virus to spread".[295][294][292]

    On 20 January, General Secretary Xi Jinping made his first public remark on the outbreak and spoke of "the need for the timely release of information".[237][296] Chinese premier Li Keqiang also urged efforts to prevent and control the epidemic.[297] One day later, the CPC Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, the most powerful political organ in China overseeing legal enforcement and the police, wrote "self-deception will only make the epidemic worse and turn a natural disaster that was controllable into a man-made disaster at great cost," and "only openness can minimise panic to the greatest extent." The commission then added, "anyone who deliberately delays and hides the reporting of cases out of self-interest will be nailed on a pillar of shame for eternity."[298][299] Also on the same day, Xi Jinping instructed authorities "to strengthen the guidance of public opinions", language which some view as a call for censorship after commentators on social media became increasingly pointedly critical and angry at the government due to the epidemic. Some view this as contradictory to the calls for "openness" that the central government had already declared.[300]

    Top official Zhang Xiaoguo said that his department would "treat propaganda regarding the control and prevention measures of the virus as its top priority", while a statement on Xi Jinping on 3 February declared the need for an emphasis by state media on "telling the moving stories of how [people] on the front line are preventing and fighting the virus" as a priority of coverage.[301][302] The state media has been observed to be publishing effusive praise on Beijing's response to the epidemic,[303] such as extensive coverage of the new hospital under construction in Wuhan,[151][304] the lock down of Wuhan with its population of 11 million, and the "unprecedented" quarantine of Hubei province. The Financial Times noted that such widely publicised actions made a strong impression upon domestic and international observers that the "overbearing, centralized government" of China was particularly suited to dealing with the crisis, despite the fact that the lock down of Wuhan came too late to be effective as millions had left.[292][305] Steve Tsang, director of the China Institute at SOAS University of London, observed that the media was hyping Beijing's heightened response to the outbreak as if Xi Jinping had directly intervened.[306][307][308][295]

    As part of the central government's "bifurcated approach to diffuse discontent", while the propaganda machinery was going into " protect [Xi Jinping's] reputation", citizens were permitted to criticise local officials so long as they did not "question the basic legitimacy of the party".[309] The Cyberspace Administration (CAC) declared its intent to foster an "good online atmosphere," with CAC notices sent to video platforms encouraging them to "not to push any negative story, and not to conduct non-official livestreaming on the virus."[310] Censorship has been observed being applied on news articles and social media posts deemed to hold negative tones about the coronavirus and the governmental response, including posts mocking Xi Jinping for not visiting areas of the epidemic,[311] an article that predicted negative effects of the epidemic on the economy, and calls to remove local government officials.[295][312][313][302] Chinese citizens have reportedly used innovative methods to avoid censorship to express anger about how government officials have handled the initial outbreak response, such as using the word 'Trump' to refer to Xi Jinping, or 'Chernobyl' to refer to the outbreak as a whole.[301] While censorship had been briefly relaxed giving a "window of about two weeks in which Chinese journalists were able to publish hard-hitting stories exposing the mishandling of the novel coronavirus by officials", since then private news outlets were reportedly required to use "planned and controlled publicity" with the authorities' consent.[314][301][302] Reports have described how police have detained people for online posts critical of authorities' response to the epidemic, with a case on 25 January in Tianjin where a man was detained for 10 days for "maliciously publishing aggressive, insulting speech against medical personnel".[315]

    On 30 January, China's Supreme Court, delivered a rare rebuke against the country's police forces, calling the "unreasonably harsh crackdown on online rumours" as undermining public trust. In what has been called a "highly unusual criticism" by observers, supreme court judge Tang Xinghua said that if police had been lenient against rumours and allowed the public to have taken heed of them, an earlier adoption of "measures like wearing masks, strictly disinfecting and avoiding wildlife markets" might have been useful in countering the spread of the epidemic.[316] The Human Rights Watch stated that "there is considerable misinformation on Chinese social media and authorities have legitimate reasons to counter false information that can cause public panic," but also noted censorship by the authorities on social media posted by families of infected people who were potentially seeking help as well as by people living in cordoned cities who were documenting their daily lives amidst the lockdown.[317]

    After the death of Li Wenliang, who was widely hailed as a whistleblower in China on 7 February, some of the trending hashtags on Weibo such as "Wuhan government owes Dr Li Wenliang an apology" and "We want freedom of speech" were blocked.[318][319][302] While media outlets were allowed to report his death, the nature of the doctor's censorship which produced widespread public anger in the aftermath, in what has been described as "one of the biggest outpourings of online criticism of the government in years," was not a topic that was permitted for coverage.[320] One such media outlet even sending notices to editors, and leaked to reporters, asking them to refrain from "commenting or speculating" and giving instructions to "not hashtag and let the topic gradually die out from the hot search list, and guard against harmful information."[321] After attempts to discourage the discussion on Dr. Li's death further escalated online anger, the central government has reportedly attempted to reshape the narrative by "cast[ing] Dr. Li’s death as the nation’s sacrifice — meaning, the Chinese Communist Party’s own".[322] A group of Chinese academics including Xu Zhangrun of Tsinghua University signed an open letter calling for the central government to issue an apology to Dr. Li and to protect freedom of speech.[323] Professor Zhou Lian of Renmin University has observed that the epidemic has “allowed more people to see the institutional factors behind the outbreak and the importance of freedom of speech”.[324]

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    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:33 am–20_coronavirus_outbreak Countries/regions with imposed travel restrictions in response as of 9 February 2020. These include entry bans on Chinese citizens or recent visitors to China, halted issuing of visas to Chinese citizens or reimposed visa requirements on Chinese citizens and also countries that have responded with border closures with China.

    Since 31 December 2019, some regions and countries near China tightened their screening of selected travellers.[129] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States later issued a Level 1 travel watch.[44][325] Guidances and risk assessments were shortly posted by others including the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and Public Health England.[326] In China, airports, railway stations and coach stations installed infrared thermometers. Travellers with a measured fever are taken to medical institutions after being registered and given masks.[327] Real time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was used to confirm new cases of coronavirus infection.[328]

    An analysis of air travel patterns was used to map out and predict patterns of spread and was published in the Journal of Travel Medicine in mid-January 2020. Based on information from the International Air Transport Association (2018), Bangkok, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Taipei had the largest volume of travellers from Wuhan. Dubai, Sydney and Melbourne were also reported as popular destinations for people travelling from Wuhan. Using the validated tool, the Infectious Disease Vulnerability Index (IDVI), to assess the ability to manage a disease threat, Bali was reported as least able in preparedness, while cities in Australia were considered most able.[329][330]

    As a result of the outbreak many countries including most of the Schengen area,[331] Armenia,[332] Australia,[333] India,[334] Iraq,[335][336] Indonesia,[337] Kazakhstan,[338] Kuwait,[339] Malaysia, Maldives, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,[340] Vietnam[341] and the United States[342] have imposed temporary entry bans on Chinese citizens or recent visitors to China, or have ceased issuing visas and reimposed visa requirements on Chinese citizens.[343] Samoa even started refusing entry to its own citizens who had previously been to China, attracting widespread condemnation over the legality of such decision.[344][345]

    In Asia, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Russia and Vietnam have also responded with border tightening/closures with mainland China.[346] On 22 January 2020, North Korea closed its borders to international tourists to prevent the spread of the virus into the country. Chinese visitors make up the bulk of foreign tourists to North Korea.[347]

    Also on 22 January, the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) announced that it would be moving the matches in the third round of the 2020 AFC Women's Olympic Qualifying Tournament from Wuhan to Nanjing, affecting the women's national team squads from Australia, China PR, Chinese Taipei and Thailand.[348] A few days later, the AFC announced that together with Football Federation Australia they would be moving the matches to Sydney.[349] The Asia-Pacific Olympic boxing qualifiers, which were originally set to be held in Wuhan from 3–14 February, were also cancelled and moved to Amman, Jordan to be held between 3–11 March.[350][351]

    On 27 January 2020, the United States CDC issued updated travel guidance for China, recommending that travellers avoid all nonessential travel to all of the country. The CDC has directed US Customs and Border Protection to check individuals for symptoms of the coronavirus.[3]

    On 29 January 2020, British Airways, Lufthansa, Lion Air, and Air Seoul cancelled all their flights to mainland China in reaction to the spread of the virus.[352][353][354] The same day, the Czech Republic stopped issuing Schengen visas to Chinese citizens.[355]

    On 30 January 2020, Belgium, Greece and Italy closed all Schengen Visa application centres in China.[356][357][358] The same day, Egyptair announced suspension of flights between Egypt and Hangzhou starting 1 February 2020 while those to Beijing and Guangzhou will be suspended starting 4 February 2020 until further notice.[359]

    On 31 January 2020, Italy closed all passenger air traffic between Italy and China and Taiwan. The Italian Civil Aviation Authority NOTAM says that effective 31 January, all passenger flights from China, including the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau, and Taiwan are suspended until further notice, on request of the Italian health authorities. Aircraft that were flying to Italy when the NOTAM was published, were cleared to land.[358][360]

    As of 1 February 2020, France was the only remaining Schengen country still issuing visas to Chinese citizens.[331]

    Qatar Airways took the decision to suspend flights to mainland China from 3 February until further notice, due to significant operational challenges caused by entry restrictions imposed by several countries.[361] Qatar Airways is the first carrier in the Middle East to do so. An ongoing review of operations will be conducted weekly with the intention to reinstate flights as soon as the restrictions are lifted.[361]

    Though some of the airlines cancelled flights to Hong Kong as well, British Airways, Finnair and Lufthansa have not, and American Airlines continues operating a limited service to the area. Hong Kong's four airlines halved the flights to mainland China.[362] A large number of airlines have reduced or cancelled flights to and from China.[363] On 31 January 2020, the United States declared the virus a public health emergency. Starting 2 February, all inbound passengers who have been to Hubei in the previous 14 days will be put under quarantine for up to 14 days. Any US citizen who has travelled to the rest of mainland China will be allowed to continue their travel home if they are asymptomatic, but will be monitored by local health departments.[364]

    On 2 February 2020, India issued a travel advisory that warned all people residing in India to not travel to China, suspended E-visas from China, and further stated anyone who has travelled to China starting 15 January (to an indefinite point in the future) could be quarantined.[365] New Zealand announced that it will deny entry to all travellers from China and that it will order its citizens to self-isolate for 14 days if they are returning from China.[366] Indonesia and Iraq followed by also banning all travellers that visited China within the past 14 days.[366]

    On 3 February 2020, Indonesia announced it would ban passenger flights and also sea freight from and to China starting on 5 February and until further notice. Live animal imports and other products were banned as well. Minister of Trade Agus Suparmanto "We will obviously stop live animals imports from China and are still considering banning other products"[367][368][369] Turkey announced it would suspend all flights from China till the end of February and begin scanning passengers coming from South Asian countries at airports.[370][371]

    On 5 February, the Chinese foreign ministry stated that 21 countries (including Belarus, Pakistan, Trinadad and Tobago, Egypt, and Iran) had sent aid to China.[372]

    The United States city of Pittsburgh announced plans to promptly send aid to Wuhan, with mayor Bill Peduto stating that "Our office has reached out to the mayor of Wuhan, which is our sister city" and promising that "over the next two days we should be able to have a care package that has been put together." He speculated that the contents of such a package will be coordinated with the consultation of medical experts, but that it will likely consist of "face masks, rubber gloves and other material that could be hard to find in the future".[373] Additionally, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) announced plans to provide help, with UPMC spokesman Paul Wood stating that "UPMC has a significant presence in China and has been in contact with our partners there", also declaring that "we stand ready to assist them and others in China with their unmet humanitarian needs."[374] Some Chinese students at other American universities have also joined together to help send aid to virus-stricken parts of China, with a joint group in the Greater Chicago Area reportedly managing to send 50,000 N95 masks and 1,500 protection suits to hospitals in the Hubei province on 30 January.[375]

    The humanitarian aid organisation Direct Relief, in co-ordination with FedEx transportation and logistics support, sent 200,000 face masks along with other personal protective equipment, including gloves and gowns, by emergency airlift to arrive in Wuhan Union Hospital, who requested the supplies by 30 January.[376] The Gates Foundation stated on 26 January that it would donate US$5 million in aid to support the response in China that will be aimed at assisting "emergency funds and corresponding technical support to help front-line responders".[377]

    Japan, in the process of co-ordinating a plane flight to Wuhan to pick up Japanese nationals in the city, has promised that the plane will first carry into Wuhan aid supplies that Japanese foreign minister Toshimitsu Motegi stated will consist of "masks and protective suits for Chinese people as well as for Japanese nationals".[378] On 26 January, the plane arrived in Wuhan, donating its supply of one million face masks to the city.[379] Also among the aid supplies were 20,000 protective suits for medical staff across Hubei donated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.[380]

    Support efforts have sprung across Japan to help aid residents in Wuhan. On 27 January, the city of Ōita, a sister city to Wuhan for 40 years, sent 30,000 masks from its own disaster relief stockpile to its sister city through the Red Cross network with boxes labelled "Wuhan Jiayou!", meaning "Hang in there, Wuhan!" in Chinese. Its International Affairs Office division head, Soichiro Hayashi, said that "The people of Wuhan are like family" and expressed hopes that "people can return to their ordinary lives as quickly as possible".

    On 28 January, the city of Mito donated 50,000 masks to its sister-city of Chongqing, and on 6 February, the city of Okayama sent 22,000 masks to Luoyang, its own sister-city. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party on 10 February made a symbolic deduction of 5,000 yen from the March salary of every LDP parliamentarian, a total of 2 million yen, to donate to China, with the party's secretary-general, Toshihiro Nikai, stating that "For Japan, when it sees a virus outbreak in China, it is like seeing a relative or neighbour suffering. Japanese people are willing to help China and hope the outbreak will pass as soon as possible."[381]

    Peace Winds Japan has declared it will send a staff member to China to help distribute the face masks and other goods that the NGO will send to the country.[380]

    A number of other countries have also announced aid efforts. Malaysia announced a donation of 18 million medical gloves to China,[382] The Philippine Red Cross also donated $1.4 million worth of Philippine-made face masks, which were shipped to Wuhan.[383] Turkey dispatched medical equipment,[384] and Germany delivered various medical supplies including 10,000 Hazmat suits.[385]

    A speciality hospital named Huoshenshan Hospital has been constructed as a countermeasure against the outbreak and to better quarantine the patients. Wuhan City government had demanded that a state-owned enterprise construct such a hospital "at the fastest speed" comparable to that of the SARS outbreak in 2003.[386] On 24 January, Wuhan authorities specified its planning, saying they planned to have Huoshenshan Hospital built within six days of the announcement and it will be ready to use on 3 February. Upon opening, the speciality hospital has 1,000 beds[387] and takes up 30,000 square metres. The hospital is modelled after the Xiaotangshan Hospital [zh], which was fabricated for the SARS outbreak of 2003, itself built in only seven days.[388][389] State media reported that there were 7,000 workers and nearly 300 units of construction machinery on the site at peak.[390]

    On 25 January authorities announced plans for Leishenshan Hospital, a second speciality hospital, with a capacity of 1,600 beds;[391] operations are scheduled to start by 6 February.[392][393] Some people voiced their concerns through social media services, saying the authorities' decision to build yet another hospital in such little time showed the severity of the outbreak could be a lot worse than expected.[394]

    On 24 January 2020, the authority announced that they would convert an empty building in Huangzhou District, Huanggang to a 1,000-bed hospital named Dabie Mountain Regional Medical Centre. Works began the next day by 500 personnel and the building began accepting patients on 28 January 2020 at 10:30 pm.[395]

    In Wuhan, authorities have seized dormitories, offices and hospitals to create more beds for patients.[396]

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has commended the efforts of Chinese authorities in managing and containing the epidemic, with Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressing "confidence in China's approach to controlling the epidemic" and calling for the public to "remain calm".[397] The WHO noted the contrast between the 2003 epidemic, where Chinese authorities were accused of secrecy that impeded prevention and containment efforts, and the current crisis where the central government "has provided regular updates to avoid panic ahead of Lunar New Year holidays".[16]

    In reaction to the central authorities' decision to implement a transportation ban in Wuhan, WHO representative Gauden Galea remarked that while it was "certainly not a recommendation the WHO has made", it was also "a very important indication of the commitment to contain the epidemic in the place where it is most concentrated" and called it "unprecedented in public health history".[16] Unlike the recommendations of other agencies,[230] Tedros stated that "there is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade" and that "WHO doesn't recommend limiting trade and movement".[398] Alexandra Phelan of Georgetown University said that the lockdown "should be called out, both for their human rights implication and their very limited public health impact" but reasoned that Tedros would dare not speak out in order to ensure China's co-operation.[399]

    On 30 January 2020, following confirmation of human-to-human transmission outside of China and the increase in number of cases in other countries, the WHO declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), the sixth PHEIC since the measure was first invoked during the 2009 swine flu pandemic. Tedros clarified that the PHEIC, in this case, was "not a vote of no confidence in China", but because of the risk of global spread, especially to low- and middle-income countries without robust health systems.[61][400]

    The WHO and Chinese authorities have also received criticism for their handling of the epidemic. John Mackenzie of the WHO's emergency committee and Anne Schuchat of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Washington suggested that China's official tally of cases and deaths was an underestimation, while others noted that China lumped Taiwan with the semi-autonomous regions of Hong Kong and Macao when reporting outbreak data.[401][292][321] An unnamed United Nations diplomat said that the "World Health Organization is so much in thrall to China's influence, they have felt compelled to stay close to China's line on this downplay this virus...until its position became untenable".[292] Taiwan, for refusing the adhere to the "One China" policy, was only granted participation at the WHO for this outbreak after "lobbying by countries including the U.S."[402][403] Some attacked WHO director-general Tedros for his apparent appeasement to avoid "antagoniz[ing] the notoriously touchy Chinese government", however others defended this strategy in order "to ensure Beijing’s co-operation in mounting an effective global response to the outbreak", leading to further criticism that such a stance "puts [the] WHO’s moral authority at risk". Tedros also drew criticism for delaying the declaration that the outbreak was a global emergency, leaving to an online petition calling for his resignation.[321][404][399]

    China's response to the virus, in comparison to the 2003 SARS outbreak, has been praised by some foreign leaders.[405] US president Donald Trump thanked Chinese President Xi Jinping "on behalf of the American People" on 24 January 2020 on Twitter, stating that "China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency" and declaring that "It will all work out well."[406] Germany's health minister Jens Spahn, in an interview on Bloomberg TV, said with comparison to the Chinese response to SARS in 2003: "There's a big difference to SARS. We have a much more transparent China. The action of China is much more effective in the first days already." He also praised the international co-operation and communication in dealing with the virus.[407][408]

    At a Sunday mass at St. Peter's Square in Vatican City on 26 January 2020, Pope Francis praised "the great commitment by the Chinese community that has already been put in place to combat the epidemic" and commenced a closing prayer for "the people who are sick because of the virus that has spread through China".[409]

    Local officials in Wuhan and the province of Hubei have faced criticism, both domestically and internationally, for mishandling the initial outbreak.[410] Allegations included insufficient medical supplies, lack of transparency to the press and censorship of social media during the initial weeks of the outbreak.[411][412] On 1 January 2020, the Wuhan police interviewed eight residents for "spreading false information" (characterising the new infection as SARS-like).[413][152] The Wuhan police had originally stated through a post on its official Weibo account that "eight people had been dealt with according to the law",[414][415] later clarifying through Weibo that they had only given out "education and criticism" and refrained from harsher punishments such as "warnings, fines, or detention".[295] One of the eight, a doctor named Li Wenliang who informed his former medical school classmates of the coronavirus in a WeChat group after examining a patient's medical report with symptoms of the illness, was warned by the police on 3 January for "making untrue comments" that had "severely disturbed the social order" and made to sign a statement of acknowledgment.[416][417][418] It was reported on 7 February 2020 Li had died after contracting the disease from a patient in January 2020.[419] His death triggered grief and anger on the social media, which became extended to demands for freedom of speech in China.[420][421] China's anti-corruption body, the National Supervisory Commission, has initiated an investigation into the issues involving Li.[422]

    Local officials were criticised for hiding evidence of human-to-human transmission in early January, and suppressing reports about the disease during People's Congress meetings for political reasons.[423] Criticism was directed at Hubei Governor Wang Xiaodong after he twice claimed at a press conference that 10.8 billion face masks were produced each year in the province, rather than the accurate number of 1.8 million.[424]

    Wuhan Police detained several Hong Kong media correspondents for over an hour when they were conducting interviews at Wuhan's Jinyintan Hospital on 14 January. Reports said the police brought the correspondents to a police station, where the police checked their travel documents and belongings, then asked them to delete video footage taken in the hospital before releasing them.[425][426]

    Authorities in Wuhan and Hubei provinces have been criticised for downplaying the severity of the outbreak and responding slower than they could have. The Beijing-based media journal, Caixin noted that Hubei did not roll out the first level of "public health emergency response mechanism" until 24 January, while several other provinces and cities outside of the centre of the outbreak have already done so the day before.[427] John Mackenzie, a senior expert at WHO, accused them of keeping "the figures quiet for a while because of some major meeting they had in Wuhan", alleging that there was a "period of very poor reporting, or very poor communication" in early January.[428]

    On 19 January, four days before the city's lockdown, a wan jia yan (Chinese: 万家宴; literally: 'ten-thousand family banquet') was held in Wuhan, with over 40,000 families turning out; this attracted retrospective criticism. The domestic The Beijing News argued that the local authorities should not have held such a public assembly while attempting to control the outbreak. The paper also stated that when their journalists visited the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market where the coronavirus likely originated, most residents and merchants there were not wearing face masks.[429] Zhou Xianwang, the mayor of Wuhan, later spoke to China Central Television, explaining that the banquet was held annually, that it is a "sample of the people's self-autonomy", and that the decision was made based on the fact that scientists then wrongly believed that the virus's ability to spread between humans was limited.[430][431]

    Meanwhile, on 20 January, Wuhan's municipal department for culture and tourism gave out 200,000 tickets valid for visiting all tourist attractions in Wuhan to its citizens for free. The department was later criticised for disregarding the outbreak.[429]

    In contrast to the widespread criticism of the local response, the central government has been praised by international experts for its handling of the crisis,[432] and especially by state media.[433] This has led to suggestions, in particular by the international media, that it is an attempt by the official press to shift public anger away from the central government and towards local authorities.[434] It has been noted historically that the tendency of provincial governments to minimise reporting local incidents have been because of the central government directing a large proportion of the blame onto them.[435]

    Critics, such as Wu Qiang, a former professor at Tsinghua University, and Steve Tsang, director of the China Institute at the University of London, have further argued the same point, with the latter suggesting that it was also exacerbated through local officials being "apprehensive about taking sensible preventive measures without knowing what Xi and other top leaders wanted as they feared that any missteps would have serious political consequences", a sentiment that Tsang argued was difficult to avoid when "power is concentrated in the hands of one top leader who is punitive to those who make mistakes".[436][437][434] Wuhan mayor Zhou Xianwang defended himself, referring to those suggestions by publicly blaming regulatory requirements that require local governments to first seek Beijing's approval, which delayed disclosure of the epidemic. He stated in an interview that "as a local government, we may disclose information only after we are given permission to do so. That is something that many people do not understand."[438][439]

    The Chinese government has also been accused of rejecting help from the CDC and WHO.[440]

    Tang Zhihong, the chief of the health department in Huanggang, was fired hours after she was unable to answer questions on how many people in her city were being treated.[316]

    After the initial outbreak, conspiracy theories and misinformation spread online regarding the origin and scale of the new coronavirus in China.[441] Various social media posts claimed the virus was a bio-weapon, a population control scheme, or the result of a spy operation.[442][443][444] Google, Facebook, and Twitter announced they will crack down on possible misinformation.[445] In a blogpost, Facebook stated they would remove content flagged by leading global health organisations and local authorities that violate its content policy on misinformation leading to "physical harm".[446]

    On 2 February, the WHO declared there was a "massive infodemic" accompanying the outbreak and response, citing an over-abundance of reported information, accurate and false, about the virus that "makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it." The WHO stated that the high demand for timely and trustworthy information has incentivised the creation of a direct WHO 24/7 myth-busting hotline where its communication and social media teams have been monitoring and responding to misinformation through its website and social media pages.[14][447][448]

    Since the outbreak of COVID-19, which originated in the city of Wuhan in Hubei, China, heightened prejudice, xenophobia and racism against peoples of Chinese and East Asian descent having been observed to have arisen as a result, with incidents of fear, suspicion and hostility being noted across various countries.[449][450][15][451] And although there has been support from Chinese both on and offline towards those in virus-stricken areas,[452][453][454][455] many residents of Wuhan and Hubei have reported experiencing discrimination based on their regional origin.[456][457][458]

    On 30 January, WHO's Emergency Committee issued a statement advising all countries to be mindful of the "principles of Article 3 of the IHR," which cautions against "actions that promote stigma or discrimination," when conducting national response measures to the outbreak.[61]

    Owing to the urgency of the epidemic, many scientific publishers have made scientific papers related to the outbreak open access.[459] Some scientists have chosen to share their results quickly on preprint servers such as BioRxiv,[460] while archivists have created an illegal open access database of over 5,000 papers.[461]

    The epidemic coincided with the Chunyun, a major travel season associated with the Chinese New Year holiday. A number of events involving large crowds were cancelled by national and regional governments, including annual New Year festivals, with private companies also independently closing their shops and tourist attractions such as Hong Kong Disneyland and Shanghai Disneyland.[462][463] Many Lunar New Year events and tourist attractions have been closed to prevent mass gatherings, including the Forbidden City in Beijing and traditional temple fairs.[464] In 24 of China's 31 provinces, municipalities and regions, authorities extended the New Year's holiday to 10 February, instructing most workplaces not to re-open until that date.[465][466] These regions represented 80% of the country's GDP and 90% of exports.[466] Hong Kong raised its infectious disease response level to the highest and declared an emergency, closing schools until March and cancelling its New Year celebrations.[467][468]

    As Mainland China is a major economy and a manufacturing hub, the viral outbreak has been seen to pose a major destabilising threat to the global economy. Agathe Demarais of the Economist Intelligence Unit has forecast that markets will remain volatile until a clearer image emerges on potential outcomes. Some analysts have estimated that the economic fallout of the epidemic on global growth could surpass that of the SARS outbreak.[469] Dr. Panos Kouvelis, director of "The Boeing Center" at Washington University in St. Louis, estimates a $300+ billion impact on world's supply chain that could last up to two years.[470] Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries reportedly "scrambled" after a steep decline in oil prices due to lower demand from China.[471]

    The demand for personal protection equipment has risen 100-fold, according to WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom. This demand has lead to the increase in prices of up to twenty times the normal price and also induced delays on the supply of medical items for four to six months.[472][473]

    Tourism in China has been hit hard by travel restrictions and fears of contagion, including a ban on both domestic and international tour groups.[474] Many airlines have either cancelled or greatly reduced flights to China and several travel advisories now warn against travel to China. Many countries, including France, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, have evacuated their nationals from Wuhan and Hubei province.[475]

    The majority of schools and universities have extended their annual holidays to mid-February.[476] Overseas students enrolled at Chinese universities have been returning home over fears of being infected—the first cases to be reported by Nepal and Kerala, a southern state of India, were both of students who had returned home.[477][477][478]

    The Finance Ministry of China announced it would fully subsidise personal medical cost incurred by patients.[479]

    CNN reported that some people from Wuhan "have become outcasts in their own country, shunned by hotels, neighbours and – in some areas – placed under controversial quarantine measures."[480] Ian Lipkin, a Columbia-based epidemiologist[481] advising the Chinese authorities on handling the outbreak, opined that the barricades and signs forbidden entry to people from Wuhan as well as neighborhood tips leading to involuntary quarantine were "probably" necessary due to the lack of other viable options.[482][483]

    It was also announced that the animal protection laws would be amended in 2020,[484] with the country's top legislature set to fast-track a ban on the sale and consumption of wildlife in February.[485]

    Australia is expected to be one of three economies worst affected by the epidemic, along with Mainland China and Hong Kong.[486] Early estimations have GDP contracting by 0.2% to 0.5%[487][488] and more than 20,000 Australian jobs being lost.[489] The Australian Treasurer said that the country would no longer be able to promise a budget surplus due to the outbreak.[490] The Australian dollar dropped to its lowest value since the Great Recession.[491]

    The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine called for a calm and a fact-based response to the epidemic, asking people to avoid racism, "panic and division" and the spread of misinformation.[492] A large amount of protective face masks were purchased by foreign and domestic buyers, which has sparked a nationwide face masks shortage.[493] In response to price increases of nearly 2000%, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has called on these "unethical suppliers" to keep supplies affordable.[493]

    Tourism bodies have suggested that the total economic cost to the sector, as of 11 February 2020, would be A$4.5bn. Casino earnings are expected to fall.[494] At least two localities in Australia, Cairns and the Gold Coast, have reported already lost earnings of more that $600 million.[495] The Australian Tourism Industry Council (ATIC) called on the Government of Australia for financial support especially in light of the large number of small businesses affected.[496]

    Mining companies are thought to be highly exposed to the outbreak, since sales to China constitute 93% of the sales of Fortescue Metals, 55% of the sales of BHP, and 45% of the sales of Rio Tinto.[494] The iron ore shipping gauge dropped 99.9% as a result of the outbreak,[497] and the virus has made shipping and logistic operations of mining companies more complicated.[498]

    Agriculture is also experiencing negative effects from the outbreak,[499] including the Australian dairy industry,[500] fishing industry,[501] wine producers,[502] and meat producers.[488] On 13 February 2020 Rabobank, which specialises in agricultural banking, warned that the agricultural sector had eight weeks for the coronavirus to be contained before facing major losses.[503]

    The education sector is expected to suffer a US$5 billion loss according to an early government estimate,[504][505] including costs due to "tuition fee refunds, free deferral of study, realignment of teaching calendars and student accommodation costs."[506] The taxpayer is likely to be required to cover the shortfall in education budgets.[507] An estimated 100,000 students were not able to enroll at the start of the semester.[508] Nearly two-thirds of Chinese students were forced to remain overseas due to visa restrictions on travellers from Mainland China.[509] Salvatore Babones, associate professor at the University of Sydney, stated that "Australia will remain an attractive study destination for Chinese students, but it may take several years for Chinese student numbers to recover".[506]

    Two Brazilian banks predicted the deceleration of economic growth in China. UBS has reviewed its estimations from 6% to 5.4%, while Itaú stated a reduction to 5.8%.[510]

    A representative of some of the bigger Brazilian companies of the electronics sector, Eletros, stated that the current stock for the supply of components is enough for around 10 to 15 days.[510]

    The prices of soy-beans, oil and iron ore have been falling. These three goods represent 30%, 24% and 21% of the Brazilian exports to China, respectively.[510][511][512]

    In the United Kingdom, digger manufacturer JCB announced that it plans to reduce working hours and production due to shortages in their supply chain caused by the outbreak.[513]

    In Spain, a large number of exhibitors (including Chinese firms Huawei and Vivo) announced plans to pull out of or reduce their presence at Mobile World Congress, a wireless industry trade show in Barcelona, Spain, due to concerns over coronavirus.[514][515][516] On 12 February 2020, GSMA CEO John Hoffman announced that the event had been cancelled, as the concerns had made it "impossible" to host.[517]

    In Germany, according to the Deutsche Bank the outbreak of the novel coronavirus may contribute to a recession in Germany.[518]

    Owing to an increase in the demand for masks,[519] on 1 February most masks were sold out in Portuguese pharmacies.[520] On 4 February, President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa admitted that the epidemic of the new coronavirus in China "affects the economic activity of a very powerful economy and thus affects the world's economic activity or could affect". He also admitted the possibility of economic upheavals due to the break in production."[521]

    Prime Minister Shinzō Abe has said that "the new coronavirus is having a major impact on tourism, the economy and our society as a whole".[522][523]

    Face masks have sold out across the nation and stocks of face masks are depleted within a day of new arrivals.[524] There has been pressure placed on the healthcare system as demands for medical checkups increase.[525] Chinese people have reported increasing discrimination.[526] The health minister has pointed out that the situation has not reached a point where mass gatherings must be called off.[527]

    Aviation, retail and tourism sectors have reported decreased sales and some manufactures have complained about disruption to Chinese factories, logistics and supply chains.[528] Prime Minister Abe has considered using emergency funds to mitigate the outbreak's impact on tourism, of which Chinese nationals account for 40%.[529] S&P Global noted that the worst hit shares were from companies spanning travel, cosmetics and retail sectors which are most exposed to Chinese tourism.[530] Nintendo announced that they would delay shipment of the Nintendo Switch, which is manufactured in China, to Japan.[531]

    Japanese boyband Arashi cancelled their Beijing concert programmed for Spring 2020 due to concerns over the virus spread.[532][533]Singer-songwriter Shikao Suga, who has a solo tour around Japan programmed from 7 February to 10 April 2020[534], posted on his official site a series of recommendations concerning coronavirus health-related information for people planning to go to live concerts.[535]

    The outbreak itself has been a concern for the 2020 Summer Olympics which is scheduled to take place in Tokyo starting at the end of July. The national government has thus been taking extra precautions to help minimise the outbreak's impact.[536][537] The Tokyo organising committee and the International Olympic Committee have been monitoring the outbreak's impact in Japan.[536]

    Hong Kong has seen high-profile protests that saw tourist arrivals from Mainland China plummet over an eight-month period. The viral epidemic put additional pressure on the travel sector to withstand a prolonged period of downturn.[538] A drop in arrivals from third countries more resilient during the previous months has also been cited as a concern.[475] The city is already in recession[538] and Moody has lowered the city's credit rating.[539][540] The worst economic effects from the outbreak are expected for Australia, Hong Kong and China.[486]

    There has also been a renewed increase in protest activity as hostile sentiment against Mainland Chinese strengthened over fears of viral transmission from Mainland China, with many calling for the border ports to be closed and for all Mainland Chinese travellers to be refused entry. Incidents have included a number of petrol bombs being thrown at police stations,[541] a homemade bomb exploding in a toilet,[542] and foreign objects being thrown onto transit rail tracks between Hong Kong and the Mainland Chinese border.[543] Political issues raised have included concerns that Mainland Chinese may prefer to travel to Hong Kong to seek free medical help (which has since been addressed by the Hong Kong government).[544][545]

    Since the outbreak of the virus, a significant number of products have been sold out across the city, including face masks and disinfectant products (such as alcohol and bleach).[546] An ongoing period of panic buying has also caused many stores to be cleared of non-medical products such as bottled water, vegetables and rice.[547] The Government of Hong Kong had its imports of face masks cancelled as global face mask stockpiles decline.[548]

    In view of the coronavirus outbreak, the Education Bureau closed all kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and special schools until 17 February.[549] This was later extended to 1 March due to further development of the epidemic.[550] The disruption has raised concerns over the situation of students who are due to take examinations at the end of the year, especially in light of the protest-related disruption that happened in 2019.[551]

    On 5 February, flag carrier Cathay Pacific requested its 27,000 employees to voluntarily take three weeks of unpaid leave by the end of June. The airline had previously reduced flights to mainland China by 90% and to overall flights by 30%.[552]

    On 4 February 2020, all casinos in Macau were ordered to shut down for 15 days.[553][554]

    Among Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries, the city-state of Singapore was forecast to be one of the worst hit countries by Maybank.[555]

    The tourism sector was considered to be an "immediate concern" along with the effects on production lines due to disruption to factories and logistics in mainland China.[556] Singapore has witnessed panic buying of essential groceries,[557] and of masks, thermometers and sanitation products despite being advised against doing so by the government.[558][559] Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that a recession in the country is a possibility, and that the country's economy "would definitely take a hit".[560]

    Maybank economists rated Thailand as being most at risk, with the threat of the viral outbreak's impact on tourism causing the Thai baht to fall to a seven-month low.[561]

    In Malaysia, economists predicted that the outbreak would affect the country's GDP, trade and investment flows, commodity prices and tourist arrivals.[562] Initially, the cycling race event Le Tour de Langkawi was rumoured to be cancelled, but the organiser stated that it would continue to be held as usual. Despite this, two cycling teams, the Hengxiang Cycling Team and the Giant Cycling Team, both from China, were pulled from participating in this race due to fear of the coronavirus outbreak.[563] As the outbreak situation has worsened, some of the upcoming concerts held in Kuala Lumpur, such as Kenny G, Jay Chou, The Wynners, Super Junior, Rockaway Festival and Miriam Yeung, were postponed to a future date, and the upcoming Seventeen concert was cancelled.[564]

    In Indonesia, over 10,000 Chinese tourists were restricted trips and flights to major destinations such as Bali, Jakarta, Bandung, etc. are cancelled over coronavirus fears. Many of existing Chinese visitors are queuing up with the Indonesian authority appealing for extended stay.[565]

    Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia made a special visit to China with an aim to showcase Cambodia's support to China in fighting the outbreak of the epidemic.[566]

    In India, economists expect the near-term impact of the outbreak to be limited to the supply chains of major conglomerates, especially pharmaceuticals, fertilisers, automobiles, textiles and electronics. A severe impact on global trade logistics is also expected due to disruption of logistics in Mainland China, but due to the combined risk with regional geopolitical tensions, wider trade wars and Brexit.[567]

    In Sri Lanka, research houses expect the economic impact to be limited to a short term impact on the tourism and transport sectors.[568]

    On 24 January, the Taiwanese government announced a temporary ban on the export of face masks for a month to supply masks for its citizens.[569][570]

    On 2 February 2020, Taiwan's Central Epidemic Command Center postponed the opening of primary and secondary schools until 25 February.[571][572]

    Taiwan has also announced a ban of cruise ships from entering all Taiwanese ports.[573] In January, Italy has banned flights from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. On 10 February, the Philippines announced to ban the entry of Taiwanese citizens because of the One-China Policy.[574] Later on 14 February, Presidential Spokesperson of Philippines, Salvador Panelo, announced to lift the temporary ban on Taiwan.[575]

    In the aviation industry, Taiwanese carrier China Airlines's direct flights to Rome have been rejected and cancelled since Italy has announced the ban on Taiwanese flights.[576] On the other hand, the second-largest Taiwanese carrier, Eva Air, has also postponed the launch of Milan and Phuket flights.[577]

    Both Taiwanese airlines have cut numerous cross-strait destinations, leaving just three Chinese cities still served.[578] Filipino carriers such as Philippines Airlines, Cebu Pacific, and Philippines AirAsia have suspended flights to Taiwan because of the entry ban from the Philippines.[579]

    The viral outbreak was cited by many companies in their briefings to shareholders, but several maintained confidence that they would not be too adversely affected by short-term disruption due to "limited" exposure to the Chinese consumer market. Those with manufacturing lines in mainland China warned about possible exposure to supply shortages.[580]

    Silicon Valley representatives expressed worries about serious disruption to production lines, as much of the technology sector relies on factories in Mainland China. Since there had been a scheduled holiday over Lunar New Year, the full effects of the outbreak on the tech sector were considered to be unknown as of 31 January 2020, according to The Wall Street Journal.[581]

    Cities with high populations of Chinese residents have seen an increase in demand for face masks to protect against the virus;[582] many are purchasing masks to mail to relatives in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau, where there is a shortage of masks.[583]

    As of February 2020, many stores in the United States had sold out of masks.[583] This mask shortage has caused an increase in prices.[584]

    Universities in the United States have warned about a significant impact to their financial income due to the large number of Chinese international students potentially unable to attend classes.[585]

    The outbreak can lead to a decrease in greenhouse gas emission because of its effect on the economy.[586]

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Mar 14, 2021 12:55 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:30 am

    Carol wrote:Perhaps religion is a bridge for those wishing to have a connection with something bigger then themselves. It's a spiritual path for some. Having walked different religious paths, I found something to be learned from all of them. And I did walk away from Christianity for a bit when learning and practicing the various branches of yoga. However, at age 30, Christ did appear to me, so of course I'm totally connected to that life-changing experience and to Christ. Still not religious, nor attend church anymore. However, there is a sense of peace and community when participating in a mass. Can't stand any politics related to religion. Yet, praying, singing hymns and being with a group of people who share in the experience is awesome. And walking a spiritual path (one based on remaining in alignment with spiritual integrity) although challenging, is still the central core of our lives.
    I've attended a lot of Masses (and even played pipe-organ in a moderate sized Catholic church). I tried to understand and appreciate Roman Catholicism (after hearing so many bad things about them). I ultimately stopped attending church, but I never stopped believing (even though I became increasingly uncertain regarding what I should intelligently and honestly believe). My quest brought me to Project Avalon, The Mists of Avalon, and Sherry Shriner (not because I was a follower, but because I wished to reexamine my roots in unlikely contexts). All the Above have been a mixed-bag. I've tentatively concluded that the Bible was a cover-story for the real-truth, and that Judeo-Christianity was a cover-story for the cover-story. It seems as if the real-truth is more problematic than the cover-stories, but I've attempted to positively reinforce All the Above (with very questionable results). I'm attempting a Sacred-Secular synthesis, but that's not going so well. I've been chided for being a Second-Hand Man with Second-Hand Ways, but I don't think I'm capable of throwing myself into a Can of Worms which might turn into a Can of Snakes. The cover-stories were probably intended to keep us out of that can. I keep complaining of being attacked, hamstrung, and miserable (probably as more of an explanation and excuse than a complaint). I'm actually pretty tough, and I can endure a lot, but Hubert Humphrey said, "There is a great deal of difference between living and surviving. You can survive in debauchery, even in sickness and despair. But you live with a spirit of vitality and a spirit of participation, of being wanted, and having something to contribute." Hope Springs Eternal. The following post is from February 10, 2020. I feel as if I'm a fish out of water on this website, yet my little exercise in futility seems to be a necessary mental and spiritual exercise for all concerned (and unconcerned).
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Lionhawk, I've been puzzled by the health-issues and deaths of Sherry Shriner and Brook Schiner. Sherry supposedly died in January 2018 with her last podcast on January 5. Brook seemed to be doing so much better a month before her death, and then there was mostly silence until we learned of her immanent death. I never learned any details about the death of Sherry Shriner. I only mention her here because she seemed to know too much about too many things, yet seemed down to earth and eccentric. She seemed to be a bit of an oracle (imaginary or actual, I know not). Anyway, I remember around mid 2018, Brook saying she wouldn't be leaving for a couple of years. Now you are speaking in ominous and fatalistic terms, which might ultimately coincide with that "couple of years". Sorry if this offends, but I wonder as I wander, and it drives me increasingly crazy. BTW, I thought I might've encountered you last night, but I have a highly charged imagination. I think I might've encountered the major posters on 'The Mists of Avalon' in various forms, but I'm never certain. Again, I mostly wish to 'go away' and stop speculating and imagining. Namaste.
    I continue to wonder about Pre Council of Nicea Old-Testament Commentaries. Why is the New-Testament NOT essentially an Old-Testament Commentary (with minimal completely-new material)?? Theology is often Deceptive, Mealy-Mouthed, and Lawyer-Like!! What if there is a very-real theological-reality underlying the predominant-bullshit??!! I've been playing softball in SO many ways!! Should I start playing hardball?? What Would Richard Nixon Say?? Does 1 Chronicles to Malachi contain the essential Old-Testament Story of God's Love, Will, and Ways?? Please take a close-look at 1 Chronicles -- Job -- Ecclesiastes -- Isaiah -- Daniel -- Jonah -- Zechariah -- and Malachi. Who really wrote these books?? Why were they written?? When were they written?? Consider the following study-list:

    1. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volumes 3 and 4 (1 Chronicles to Malachi).

    2. Prophets and Kings (Ellen White) -- Covering the Second-Half of the Old-Testament.

    Kicking Against the Religious-Pricks is SO Overrated!! Sorry if you don't like the SDA stuff -- but that's my background and starting-point. The SDA's don't like me either -- and I don't go to church -- so there!! I receive ZERO support and encouragement relative to this sort of thing. Just the Opposite. Here is a rather scholarly article on Moral Responsibility, taken from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. This is the sort of thing which might be studied in a university program devoted to Solar System Studies and Governance, as a prerequisite to being a Representative of the United States of the Solar System. I'm reading a book titled 'Free to be Responsible' by Ben Thomson Cowles, Ph.D. I'm trying to transition from being a whining speculator to being a erudite scholar. I hope some of you are joining me in this pursuit. The tempest in a teapot, which I have been in the middle of, is just scratching the surface. I tend to think that an Ancient-Verdict is playing-out, and cannot be nullified or overridden by anyone or anything, but what do I know?? Not much (in this stupid incarnation). What if the Creator of the Matrix is a Prisoner of the Matrix (just like everyone else)?? What if Resistance is Futile?? What if This Present Quest is an Exercise in Futility??

    Moral Responsibility

    First published Sat Jan 6, 2001; substantive revision Wed Nov 18, 2009

    When a person performs or fails to perform a morally significant action, we sometimes think that a particular kind of response is warranted. Praise and blame are perhaps the most obvious forms this reaction might take. For example, one who encounters a car accident may be regarded as worthy of praise for having saved a child from inside the burning car, or alternatively, one may be regarded as worthy of blame for not having used one's mobile phone to call for help. To regard such agents as worthy of one of these reactions is to ascribe moral responsibility to them on the basis of what they have done or left undone. (These are examples of other-directed ascriptions of responsibility. The reaction might also be self-directed, e.g., one can recognize oneself to be blameworthy). Thus, to be morally responsible for something, say an action, is to be worthy of a particular kind of reaction—praise, blame, or something akin to these—for having performed it.[1]

    Though further elaboration and qualification of the above characterization of moral responsibility is called for and will be provided below, this is enough to distinguish concern about this form of responsibility from some others commonly referred to through use of the terms ‘responsibility’ or ‘responsible.’ To illustrate, we might say that higher than normal rainfall in the spring is responsible for an increase in the amount of vegetation or that it is the judge's responsibility to give instructions to the jury before they begin deliberating. In the first case, we mean to identify a causal connection between the earlier amount of rain and the later increased vegetation. In the second, we mean to say that when one assumes the role of judge, certain duties, or obligations, follow. Although these concepts are connected with the concept of moral responsibility discussed here, they are not the same, for in neither case are we directly concerned about whether it would be appropriate to react to some candidate (here, the rainfall or a particular judge) with something like praise or blame.[2]

    Philosophical reflection on moral responsibility has a long history. One reason for this persistent interest is the way the topic seems connected with a widely shared conception of ourselves as members of an importantly distinct class of individuals—call them ‘persons.’[3] Persons are thought to be qualitatively different from other known living individuals, despite their numerous similarities. Many have held that one distinct feature of persons is their status as morally responsible agents, a status resting—some have proposed—on a special kind of control that only they can exercise. Many who view persons in this way have wondered whether their special status is threatened if certain other claims about our universe are true. For example, can a person be morally responsible for her behavior if that behavior can be explained solely by reference to physical states of the universe and the laws governing changes in those physical states, or solely by reference to the existence of a sovereign God who guides the world along a divinely ordained path? It is concerns like these that have often motivated individuals to theorize about moral responsibility.

    A comprehensive theory of moral responsibility would elucidate the following: (1) the concept, or idea, of moral responsibility itself; (2) the criteria for being a moral agent, i.e., one who qualifies generally as an agent open to responsibility ascriptions (e.g., only beings possessing the general capacity to evaluate reasons for acting can be moral agents); (3) the conditions under which the concept of moral responsibility is properly applied, i.e., those conditions under which a moral agent is responsible for a particular something (e.g., a moral agent can be responsible for an action she has performed only if she performed it freely, where acting freely entails the ability to have done otherwise at the time of action); and finally 4) possible objects of responsibility ascriptions (e.g., actions, omissions, consequences, character traits, etc.). Although each of these will be touched upon in the discussion below (see, e.g., the brief sketch of Aristotle's account in the next section), the primary focus of this entry is on the first component—i.e., the concept of moral responsibility. The section immediately following this introduction is a discussion of the origin and history of Western reflection on moral responsibility. This is followed by an overview of recent work on the concept of moral responsibility. For further discussion of issues associated with moral responsibility, see the related entries below.

    1. Some Historical Background
    2. Recent Work on the Concept of Responsibility
    2.1 Strawson and the Reactive Attitudes
    2.2 Developments After Strawson
    Other Internet Resources
    Related Entries


    1. Some Historical Background

    What follows in this section is a brief outline of the origins and trajectory of reflection on moral responsibility in the Western philosophical tradition. Against this background, a distinction will be drawn between two conceptions of moral responsibility that have exerted considerable influence on subsequent thinkers.

    An understanding of the concept of moral responsibility and its application is present implicitly in some of the earliest surviving Greek texts, i.e., the Homeric epics (circa 8th century BCE but no doubt informed by a much earlier oral tradition).[4] In these texts, both human and superhuman agents are often regarded as fair targets of praise and blame on the basis of how they have behaved, and at other times, an agent's behavior is excused because of the presence of some factor that has undermined his/her control (Irwin 1999: 225). Reflection on these factors gave rise to fatalism—the view that one's future or some aspect of it is predetermined, e.g., by the gods, or the stars, or simply some facts about truth and time—in such a way as to make one's particular deliberations, choices and actions irrelevant to whether that particular future is realized (recall, e.g., the plight of Oedipus). If some particular outcome is fated, then it seems that the agent concerned could not be morally responsible for that outcome. Likewise, if fatalism were true with respect to all human futures, then it would seem that no human agent could be morally responsible for anything. Though this brand of fatalism has sometimes exerted significant historical influence, most philosophers have rejected it on the grounds that there is no good reason to think that our futures are fated in the sense that they will unfold no matter what particular deliberations we engage in, choices we make, or actions we perform.

    Aristotle (384–323 BCE) seems to have been the first to construct explicitly a theory of moral responsibility.[5] In the course of discussing human virtues and their corresponding vices, Aristotle pauses in Nicomachean Ethics III.1–5 to explore their underpinnings. He begins with a brief statement of the concept of moral responsibility—that it is sometimes appropriate to respond to an agent with praise or blame on the basis of her actions and/or dispositional traits of character (1109b30–35). A bit later, he clarifies that only a certain kind of agent qualifies as a moral agent and is thus properly subject to ascriptions of responsibility, namely, one who possess a capacity for decision. For Aristotle, a decision is a particular kind of desire resulting from deliberation, one that expresses the agent's conception of what is good (1111b5-1113b3). The remainder of Aristotle's discussion is devoted to spelling out the conditions under which it is appropriate to hold a moral agent blameworthy or praiseworthy for some particular action or trait. His general proposal is that one is an apt candidate for praise or blame if and only if the action and/or disposition is voluntary. According to Aristotle, a voluntary action or trait has two distinctive features. First, there is a control condition: the action or trait must have its origin in the agent. That is, it must be up to the agent whether to perform that action or possess the trait—it cannot be compelled externally. Second, Aristotle proposes an epistemic condition: the agent must be aware of what it is she is doing or bringing about (1110a-1111b4).[6]

    There is an instructive ambiguity in Aristotle's account of responsibility, an ambiguity that has led to competing interpretations of his view. Aristotle aims to identify the conditions under which it is appropriate to praise or blame an agent, but it is not entirely clear how to understand the pivotal notion of appropriateness in his conception of responsibility. There are at least two possibilities: a) praise or blame is appropriate in the sense that the agent deserves such a response, given his behavior and/or traits of character; or b) praise or blame is appropriate in the sense that such a reaction is likely to bring about a desired consequence, namely an improvement in the agent's behavior and/or character. These two possibilities may be characterized in terms of two competing interpretations of the concept of moral responsibility: 1) the merit-based view, according to which praise or blame would be an appropriate reaction toward the candidate if and only if she merits—in the sense of ‘deserves’—such a reaction; vs. 2) the consequentialist view, according to which praise or blame would be appropriate if and only if a reaction of this sort would likely lead to a desired change in the agent and/or her behavior.[7]

    Scholars disagree about which of the above views Aristotle endorsed, but the importance of distinguishing between them grew as philosophers began to focus on a newly conceived threat to moral responsibility. While Aristotle argued against a version of fatalism (On Interpretation, ch. 9), he may not have recognized the difference between it and the related possible threat of causal determinism (contra Sorabji). Causal determinism is the view that everything that happens or exists is caused by sufficient antecedent conditions, making it impossible for anything to happen or be other than it does or is. One variety of causal determinism, scientific determinism, identifies the relevant antecedent conditions as a combination of prior states of the universe and the laws of nature. Another, theological determinism, identifies those conditions as being the nature and will of God. It seems likely that theological determinism evolved out of the shift, both in Greek religion and in Ancient Mesopotamian religions, from polytheism to belief in one sovereign God, or at least one god who reigned over all others. The doctrine of scientific determinism can be traced back as far as the Presocratic Atomists (5th cent. BCE), but the difference between it and the earlier fatalistic view seems not to be clearly recognized until the development of Stoic philosophy (3rd. cent. BCE). Though fatalism, like causal determinism, might seem to threaten moral responsibility by threatening an agent's control, the two differ on the significance of human deliberation, choice, and action. If fatalism is true, then human deliberation, choice, and action are completely otiose, for what is fated will transpire no matter what one chooses to do. According to causal determinism, however, one's deliberations, choices, and actions will often be necessary links in the causal chain that brings something about. In other words, even though our deliberations, choices, and actions are themselves determined like everything else, it is still the case, according to causal determinism, that the occurrence or existence of yet other things depends upon our deliberating, choosing and acting in a certain way (Irwin 1999: 243–249; Meyer 1998: 225-227; and Pereboom 1997: ch. 2).

    Since the Stoics, the thesis of causal determinism and its ramifications, if true, have taken center stage in theorizing about moral responsibility. During the Medieval period, especially in the work of Augustine (354–430) and Aquinas (1225-1274), reflection on freedom and responsibility was often generated by questions concerning versions of theological determinism, including most prominently: a) Does God's sovereignty entail that God is responsible for evil?; and b) Does God's foreknowledge entail that we are not free and morally responsible since it would seem that we cannot do anything other than what God foreknows we will do? During the Modern period, there was renewed interest in scientific determinism—a change attributable to the development of increasingly sophisticated mechanistic models of the universe culminating in the success of Newtonian physics. The possibility of giving a comprehensive explanation of every aspect of the universe—including human action—in terms of physical causes now seemed much more plausible. Many thought that persons could not be free and morally responsible if such an explanation of human action were possible. Others argued that freedom and responsibility would not be threatened should scientific determinism be true. In keeping with this focus on the ramifications of causal determinism for moral responsibility, thinkers may be classified as being one of two types: 1) an incompatibilist about causal determinism and moral responsibility—one who maintains that if causal determinism is true, then there is nothing for which one can be morally responsible; or 2) a compatibilist—one who holds that a person can be morally responsible for some things, even if both who she is and what she does is causally determined.[8] In Ancient Greece, these positions were exemplified in the thought of Epicurus (341–270 BCE) and the Stoics, respectively.

    Above, an ambiguity in Aristotle's conception of moral responsibility was highlighted—that it was not clear whether he endorsed a merit-based vs. a consequentialist conception of moral responsibility. The history of reflection on moral responsibility demonstrates that how one interprets the concept of moral responsibility strongly influences one's overall account of moral responsibility. For example, those who accept the merit-based conception of moral responsibility have tended to be incompatibilists. That is, most have thought that if an agent were to genuinely merit praise or blame for something, then he would need to exercise a special form of control over that thing (e.g., the ability at the time of action to both perform or not perform the action) that is incompatible with one's being causally determined. In addition to Epicurus, we can cite early Augustine, Thomas Reid (1710–1796), and Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) as historical examples here. Those accepting the consequentialist conception of moral responsibility, on the other hand, have traditionally contended that determinism poses no threat to moral responsibility since praising and blaming could still be an effective means of influencing another's behavior, even in a deterministic world. Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), David Hume (1711–1776), and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) are, along with the Stoics, representatives of this view. This general trend of linking the consequentialist conception of moral responsibility with compatibilism about causal determinism and moral responsibility and the merit-based conception with incompatibilism continued to persist through the first half of the twentieth century.

    2. Recent Work on the Concept of Responsibility

    The issue of how best to understand the concept of moral responsibility is important, for it can strongly influence one's view of what, if any, philosophical problems might be associated with the notion, and further, if there are problems, what might count as a solution. As discussed above, philosophical reflection on moral responsibility has historically relied upon one of two broad interpretations of the concept: 1) the merit-based view, according to which praise or blame would be an appropriate reaction toward the candidate if and only if she merits—in the sense of ‘deserves’—such a reaction; or 2) the consequentialist view, according to which praise or blame would be appropriate if and only if a reaction of this sort would likely lead to a desired change in the agent and/or her behavior. Though versions of the consequentialist view have continued to garner support (Smart; Frankena 1963: ch. 4; Schlick 1966; Brandt 1992; Dennett 1984: ch. 7; and Kupperman 1991: ch. 3), work in the last 50 years on the concept of moral responsibility has increasingly focused on: a) offering alternative versions of the merit-based view; and b) questioning the assumption that there is a single unified concept of moral responsibility.

    Increased attention focusing on the stance of regarding and holding persons morally responsible has generated much of the recent work on the concept of moral responsibility. All theorists have recognized features of this practice—inner attitudes and emotions, their outward expression in censure or praise, and the imposition of corresponding sanctions or rewards. However, most understood the inner attitudes and emotions involved to rest on a more fundamental theoretical judgment about the agent's being responsible. In other words, it was typically assumed that blame and praise depended upon a judgment, or belief (pre-reflective in most cases), that the agent in question had satisfied the objective conditions on being responsible. These judgments were presumed to be independent of the inner attitudinal/emotive states involved in holding responsible in the sense that reaching such judgments and evaluating them required no essential reference to the attitudes and emotions of the one making the judgment. For the holder of the consequentialist view, this is a judgment that the agent exercised a form of control that could be influenced through outward expressions of praise and blame in order to curb or promote certain behaviors. For those holding the merit view, it is a judgment that the agent has exercised the requisite form of metaphysical control, e.g., that she could have done otherwise at the time of action (Watson 1987: 258).

    If holding responsible is best understood as resting on an independent judgment about being responsible, then it is legitimate to inquire whether such underlying judgments and their associated outward expressions can be justified, as a whole, in the face of our best current understanding of the world, e.g., in the face of evidence that our world is possibly deterministic. According to incompatibilists, a judgment that someone is morally responsible could never be true if the world were deterministic; thus praising and blaming in the merit-based sense would be beside the point. Compatibilists, on the other hand, contend that the truth of determinism would not undermine the relevant underlying judgments concerning the efficacy of praising and blaming practices, thereby leaving the rationale of such practices intact.

    2.1 Strawson and the Reactive Attitudes

    In his landmark essay, ‘Freedom and Resentment,’ P. F. Strawson (1962) sets out to adjudicate the dispute between those compatibilists who hold a consequentialist view of responsibility and those incompatibilists who hold the merit-based view.[9] Both are wrong, Strawson believes, because they distort the concept of moral responsibility by sharing the prevailing assumption sketched above — the assumption that holding persons responsible rests upon a theoretical judgment of their being responsible. According to Strawson, the attitudes expressed in holding persons morally responsible are varieties of a wide range of attitudes deriving from our participation in personal relationships, e.g., resentment, indignation, hurt feelings, anger, gratitude, reciprocal love, and forgiveness. The function of these attitudes is to express “…how much we actually mind, how much it matters to us, whether the actions of other people—and particularly some other people—reflect attitudes towards us of good will, affection, or esteem on the one hand or contempt, indifference, or malevolence on the other.” (p. 5, author's emphasis) These attitudes are thus participant reactive attitudes, because they are: a) natural attitudinal reactions to the perception of another's good will, ill will, or indifference (pp. 4–6), and b) expressed from the stance of one who is immersed in interpersonal relationships and who regards the candidate held responsible as a participant in such relationships as well (p. 10).[10]

    The reactive attitudes can be suspended or modified in at least two kinds of circumstances, corresponding to the two features just mentioned. In the first, one might conclude that, contrary to first appearances, the candidate did not violate the demand for a reasonable degree of good will. For example, a person's behavior may be excused when one determines that it was an accident, or one may determine that the behavior was justified, say, in the case of an emergency when some greater good is being pursued. In the second kind of circumstance, one may abandon the participant perspective in relation to the candidate. In these cases, one adopts the objective standpoint, one from which one ceases to regard the individual as capable of participating in genuine personal relations (either for some limited time or permanently). Instead, one regards the individual as psychologically/morally abnormal or undeveloped and thereby a candidate, not for the full range of reactive attitudes, but primarily for those objective attitudes associated with treatment or simply instrumental control. Such individuals lie, in some sense or to some varying extent, outside the boundaries of the moral community. For example, we may regard a very young child as initially exempt from the reactive attitudes (but increasingly less so in cases of normal development) or adopt the objective standpoint in relation to an individual we determine to be suffering from severe mental illness (P. F. Strawson 1962: 6–10; Bennett: 40; Watson 1987: 259–260; R. Jay Wallace: chs. 5-6).

    The central criticism Strawson directs at both consequentialist and traditional merit views is that both have over-intellectualized the issue of moral responsibility—a criticism with which many subsequent thinkers have wrestled.[11] The charge of over intellectualization stems from the traditional tendency to presume that the rationality of holding a person responsible depends upon a judgment that the person in question has satisfied some set of objective requirements on being responsible (conditions on efficacy or metaphysical freedom) and that these requirements themselves are justifiable. Strawson, by contrast, maintains that the reactive attitudes are a natural expression of an essential feature of our form of life, in particular, the interpersonal nature of our way of life. The practice, then, of holding responsible—embedded as it is in our way of life—“neither calls for nor permits, an external ‘rational’ justification” (p. 23). Though judgments about the appropriateness of particular responses may arise (i.e., answers to questions like: Was the candidate's behavior really an expression of ill will?; or Is the candidate involved a genuine participant in the moral sphere of human relations?), these judgments are based on principles internal to the practice. That is, their justification refers back to an account of the reactive attitudes and their role in personal relationships, not to some independent theoretical account of the conditions on being responsible.

    Given the above, Strawson contends that it is pointless to ask whether the practice of holding responsible can be rationally justified if determinism is true. This is either because it is not psychologically possible to divest ourselves of these reactions and so continually inhabit the objective standpoint, or even if that were possible, because it is not clear that rationality could ever demand that we give up the reactive attitudes, given the loss in quality of life should we do so. In sum, Strawson attempts to turn the traditional debate on its head, for now judgments about being responsible are understood in relation to the role reactive attitudes play in the practice of holding responsible, rather than the other way around. Whereas judgments are true or false and thereby can generate the need for justification, the desire for good will and those attitudes generated by it possess no truth value themselves, thereby eliminating any need for an external justification (Magill 1887: 21; Double 1996b: 848).

    Strawson's concept of moral responsibility yields a compatibilist account of being responsible but one that departs significantly from earlier such accounts in two respects. First, Strawson's is a compatibilist view by default only. That is, on Strawson's view, the problem of determinism and freedom/responsibility is not so much resolved by showing that the objective conditions on being responsible are consistent with one's being determined but rather dissolved by showing that the practice of holding people responsible relies on no such conditions and therefore needs no external justification in the face of determinism. Second, Strawson's is a merit-based form of compatibilism. That is, unlike most former consequentialist forms of compatibilism, it helps to explain why we feel that some agents deserve our censure or merit our praise. They do so because they have violated, met, or exceeded our demand for a reasonable degree of good will.

    2.2 Developments After Strawson

    Most agree that Strawson's discussion of the reactive attitudes is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the practice of holding responsible, but many have taken issue with his contentions about the insular nature of that practice, namely that a) since propriety judgments about the reactive attitudes are strictly internal to the practice (i.e., being responsible is defined in relation to the practice of holding responsible), their justification cannot be considered from a standpoint outside that practice; and b) since the reactive attitudes are natural responses deriving from our psychological constitution, they cannot be dislodged by theoretical considerations. Responding to the first of these, some have argued that it does seem possible to critique existing practices of holding responsible from standpoints outside them. For example, one might judge that either one's own existing community practice or some other community's practice of holding responsible ought to be modified (Fischer and Ravizza 1993: 18; Ekstrom: 148–149). If such evaluations are legitimate, then, contrary to what Strawson suggested, it seems that an existing practice can be questioned from a standpoint external to it. In other words, being responsible cannot be explicated strictly in terms of an existing practice of holding responsible. This then, would suggest a possible role to be played by independent theoretical conditions on being responsible, conditions which could prove to be compatibilist or incompatibilist in nature.

    Objecting to the second of Strawson's anti-theory contentions, some have argued that incompatibilist intuitions are embedded in the reactive attitudes themselves so that these attitudes cannot persist unless some justification can be given of them, or more weakly, that they cannot but be disturbed if something like determinism is true. Here, cases are often cited where negative reactive attitudes seem to be dispelled or mitigated upon learning that an agent's past includes severe deprivation and/or abuse. There is a strong pull to think that our reactive attitudes are altered in such cases because we perceive such a background to be deterministic. If this is the proper interpretation of the phenomenon, then it is evidence that theoretical considerations, like the truth of determinism, could in fact dislodge the reactive attitudes (Nagel: 125; Kane: 84–89; Galen Strawson 1986: 88; Honderich 1988: vol. 2, ch. 1; and replies by Watson 1987: 279–286 and 1996: 240; and McKenna 1998).

    Versions of Strawson's view continue to be very ably defended, and shortly, more will be said about the significant way in which his work continues to shape contemporary discussion of the concept of responsibility. However, many have taken objections of the above sort to be decisive in undermining the most radical of Strawson's anti-theory claims. Incompatibilists, in particular, seem largely unpersuaded and so have continued to assume a more or less traditional merit-based conception of moral responsibility as the basis for their theorizing. A number of compatibilists also remain unconvinced that Strawson has successfully shown independent theoretical considerations to be irrelevant to ascriptions of responsibility. It is noteworthy that some of these have accorded the reactive attitudes a central role in their discussions of the concept of responsibility. The result has been new merit-based versions of compatibilism (see e.g., Fischer & Ravizza 1998).

    It is likely that Strawson and others writing on moral responsibility have traditionally seen themselves as attempting to articulate an account of responsible agency that would map onto what was presumed to be a unitary and shared concept of moral responsibility. However, more recently a number of authors have suggested that at least some disagreements about the most plausible overall theory of responsibility might be based on a failure to distinguish between different aspects of the concept of responsibility, or perhaps several distinguishable but related concepts of responsibility.

    Broadly speaking, a distinction has been drawn between responsibility understood as attributability and responsibility as accountability.[12] The central idea in judging whether an agent is responsible in the sense of attributability, say for an action, is whether the action discloses something about the nature of the agent's self (Watson 1996: 228). Some hold additionally that a judgment of responsibility in this sense includes an assessment of the agent's self as measured against some standard (though not necessarily a moral standard)-i.e., that our interest is in what the action discloses about the agent's evaluative commitments (Watson 1996: 235; Bok: 123, nt. 1).[13] Perhaps the clearest example of a conception of responsibility emphasizing attributability is the so-called “ledger view” of moral responsibility. According to such views, the practice of ascribing responsibility involves assigning a credit or debit to a metaphorical ledger associated with each agent (Feinberg: 30–1; Glover: 64; Zimmerman: 38–9; and discussion of such views in Watson 1986: 261–2; and Fischer and Ravizza 1998: 8–10, nt. 12). To regard an agent as praiseworthy or blameworthy in the attributability sense of responsibility is simply to believe that the credit or fault identified properly belongs to the agent.

    To be responsible for an action in the sense of being accountable (or “appraisable” according to the terminology of some) presupposes responsibility in the sense of attributability. However, to judge that an agent is responsible in the further sense of being accountable entails that the behavior properly attributed to the agent is governed by an interpersonal normative standard of conduct that creates expectations between members of a shared community (whereas the standard invoked above may or may not be thought to generate interpersonal expectations). In this way, the concept of moral responsibility as accountability is an inherently social notion, and to hold someone responsible is to address a fellow member of the moral community (Stern; Watson 1987; McKenna). By emphasizing the way the reactive attitudes were tied to expectations of good will grounded in our interpersonal relationships, Strawson drew attention to this social aspect of responsibility. Recent attempts to further articulate how best to understand the relevant notion of holding responsible and its relation to being accountable reflect his on-going influence.

    An agent is praiseworthy or blameworthy, in the sense of accountable, if one is warranted, or justified, in holding her responsible. On one popular view, holding someone responsible is interpreted as regarding him or her as an apt candidate for the reactive attitudes and possibly other forms of reward or censure based on what the agent has done (Zimmerman; R. J. Wallace: 75-77; Watson 1996: 235; Fischer & Ravizza 1998: 6–7). On another view, holding someone responsible is fundamentally a matter of making a moral judgment accompanied by an expectation that the agent who performed the act acknowledge the force of the judgment or provide an exonerating explanation of why she performed the action. To hold someone responsible is thus to be one to whom an explanation is owed. On this view, the reactive attitudes and associated practices are grounded in this more fundamental expectation (Oshana: 76–7; Scanlon 1998: 268–271). Since the reactive attitudes and associated practices may have consequences for the well-being of an agent (especially in the case of those blaming attitudes and practices involved in holding someone accountable for wrong-doing), they are justified only if it is fair that the agent be subject to those consequences (R.J. Wallace: 103–117; Watson 1996: 238–9). The fairness of being subject to those consequences has often,in turn, be interpreted as the source of the idea that praise and blame are justified only if they are merited in the sense of deserved (Zimmerman: ch. 5; Wallace: 106–7; Watson 1996: 238–9; Magill 1997: 42–53). [14]

    The recognition and articulation of diversity within the concept (or amongst concepts) of moral responsibility has generated new reflection on the nature of and prospects for theories attempting to spell-out the conditions on being morally responsible. While some continue to believe that a plausible unified theory can be offered that captures the conceptual diversity sketched above, a number of others have concluded that at least some of the conditions for the applicability of our folk concept are in tension with one another (Nagel; G. Strawson 1986, 105-117, 307–317; Honderich 1988: vol. 2, ch. 1; Double 1996a: chs. 6–7; Bok: ch. 1; Smilansky: ch. 6); For example, some have argued that while a compatibilist sense of freedom is necessary for attributability, genuine accountability would require that agents be capable of exercising libertarian freedom. A rapidly expanding body of empirical data on folk intuitions about freedom and responsibility has added fuel to this debate (Nahmias et. al. 2005 and 2007; Vargas 2006; Nichols and Knobe; Nelkin; Roskies and Nichols; and Knobe and Doris).

    If there are irreconcilable tensions within the concept of responsibility, then the conditions of its application cannot be jointly satisfied. Of course, there have always been those—e.g., hard determinists — who have concluded that the conditions on being morally responsible cannot be met and thus that no one is ever morally responsible. However, a noteworthy new trend amongst both contemporary hard determinists and others who conclude that the conditions for the applicability of our folk concept cannot be jointly satisfied has been the move to offer a revisionist conception of moral responsibility and its associated practices rather than to reject talk about being responsible outright (For this general trend, see Vargas 2004 and 2005). Revisionism about moral responsibility is a matter of degree. Some revisionists seek to salvage much if not most of what they take to be linked to the folk concept (Dennett 1984: 19; Honderich 1988: vol. 2, ch. 1; Scanlon 1998: 274–277; and Vargas 2004 and in Fischer et. al. 2007), while others offer more radical reconstructions of the concept and associated practices (Smart; Pereboom: 199–212; Smilansky: chps. 7–8; Kelly).[15]

    The future direction of reflection on moral responsibility is uncertain. On the one hand, there has been a resurgence of interest in metaphysical treatments of freedom and moral responsibility in recent years, a sign that many philosophers in this area have not been persuaded by Strawson's central critique of such treatments. On the other hand, discussion of the place and role of the reactive attitudes in human life continues to be a central theme in accounts of the concept of responsibility. What is clear is that the long-standing interest in understanding the concept of moral responsibility and its application shows no sign of abating.


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    Other Internet Resources
    The Determinism and Freedom Philosophy Website edited by Ted Honderich, University College London.
    The Garden of Forking Paths: A Free Will/Moral Responsibility Blog (multiple contributors, coordinated by Neal Tognazzini and Gustavo Llarull)

    Come on! This isn't that hard to read! I think that to really get this philosophical thing right, we need to be scholars. I'm trying, but the spiritual and emotional pressure I experience is often overwhelming. I really and truly am pretending, at this point, that I am working on a PhD in Solar System Studies and Governance. I know this sounds ridiculous, and in many ways it is, but I think we need to have this sort of a goal clearly in mind. I should really put together some sort of a curriculum, but until I do, consider all of my threads to be your homework. I will be interested to read the first doctoral dissertation based upon the works of orthodoxymoron. This might be somewhat self-aggrandizing, but I really do think that there should be this type of a doctoral study. Once again, I just might create my own doctoral program, and be the first teacher and first student - simultaneously!! Perhaps I'll try, one more time, to stop posting, for a significant time-period. I need to do some homework. I need to read some books. I need to think without moving my lips and fingers. I need to take a higher road. I've probably done enough modeling to make my point. I think I've made my point. A conspiracy-theorist recently told me they were going to be much more positive. Perhaps that was a sign. Perhaps I should go and do likewise.

    United States AI Solar System (10) Drjones

    United States AI Solar System (10) 2005_phd_grad_6001
    United States AI Solar System (10) Phd030706s

    It might be cool to be an Indiana Jones kind of professor, but I sort of like to just research and reflect. I think that a room filled with bright college students would be too much for me! They'd probably eat me alive! It might be easier to face a room filled with Illuminati, Jesuits, Nazis, Masons, Magicians, Greys, and Dracs! Anyway, I do like the idea of a PhD program in Solar System Studies and Governance as a prerequisite to being a United States of the Solar System Representative. On the other hand, have all of the universities of the world saved us from the absurd situation we find ourselves in presently? There is such a phenomenon as 'Educated Idiots'. So how in the hell do we achieve an Enlightened Democracy? Are human beings too stupid and unstable to rule themselves? I used to think that was a stupid question, but I really wonder if we are capable of such a feat.

    Do we simply need a less corrupt secret government? Do we really need to be ruled from the shadows? I know what I idealistically want, but what is the reality? A celebration of a newly formed United States of the Solar System might be very short indeed. Again, I wonder if society is past the point of no return on the road to hell? Will there be a core meltdown, no matter what we do? I don't have a problem with 'crowd control' or with the human race being managed, educated, and disciplined in a kind, fair, and orderly manner. What I object to is irresponsible management and cruel exploitation. There are huge problems with the present campaign and election/selection process. The PhD thing would help, but perhaps voters should have to get a two-year degree in voting. To do ANYTHING, one should have to prove that they know what they're doing. Some have even suggested a lottery to 'elect' our leaders! How 'bout a dartboard, like the Wall Street Journal used to 'select' stocks?!

    United States AI Solar System (10) 797732898
    United States AI Solar System (10) God-dice

    United States AI Solar System (10) Presidentialemergencybroadcast
    United States AI Solar System (10) God-dice+copy
    God Plays Dice with the Solar System!

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    United States AI Solar System (10) Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:48 pm

    United States AI Solar System (10) P02jq900

    What if I should just post this page over and over?? Just the first 25 posts over and over?? There's a lot in those couple of dozen posts!! Why should I gloss over them, and just move on to the next 25 posts?? OR Should I STOP?? Was my work done in this incarnation before I was born?? I know that sounds absurd, but what if whatever I did or didn't do in this present incarnation wouldn't matter?? What if this lifetime was a Red-Herring?? What if this is really All About YOU?? What if I really have been hit with an early version of the Corona Virus?? What if I have been Electronically Manipulated with Implanted Devices?? What if I have been Demonically Harassed to a Point Just Short of Possession?? What if I have been Progressively Poisoned with a Neurotoxin?? What if I was supposed to be Built-Up as some sort of an Eschatological Manchurian Scapegoat and then Destroyed?? What if All the Above just scratches the surface of the Real-Truth of What's Been Done to Me?? What if I should mostly read the Psalms, Isaiah, and the Epistles in the 'New International Version Reader's Bible'?? What if this initiates one into a Mystery School which has never existed in the History of the World?? Please Remember That This Present Quest is Mostly Religious and Political Science-Fiction for Educational Purposes!!
    orthodoxymoron wrote:These videos connected a lot of dots in the context of my overall posting for several years. Is John Carroll somehow relevant to Sherry Shriner's alleged home in Carrollton, Ohio?? I've lived in Chico, CA (next to Paradise) and the second video frightened me. Is there an equivalence between Isis, Persephone, Ishtar, Enki, and Zeus (for starters)?? What if Enki and Enlil were neither Male or Female (or were Hermaphrodites)?? What if somehow Enki and Enlil were (and are) the Same Being?? How might all of the above relate to Jupiter Jones, Queen Victoria, Ellen White, Artemis, Amen Ra, Marduk Ra, Sekhmet, Serqet, Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, HAL 9000, David Bowman, Peter Venkman, Frank Poole, Ernst Stockmar, Prince Albert, Baron Stockmar, Nikola Tesla, John Trump, Donald Trump, et al?? How might all of the above relate to Ancient-Evolution, Ancient-Creation, Stolen Ancient-Technology, and Star Wars?? I suspect that some of you know the Whole-Truth, and that I'm NOT supposed to know the Truth. Consider Archbishop John Carroll, Prince Albert, and Pope Pius XII. Consider the Church, State, Life, and Teachings of John Carroll.

    United States AI Solar System (10) 1492762973532513707
    United States AI Solar System (10) John+Carroll+02

    As usual, I'm on everyone's side and no-one's side (which makes everyone hate me). I think I'm dangerous (conceptually), but does that make me evil (in actuality)?? Is lying 'righteous', and honesty 'blasphemous'?? Think long and hard about what I just said. I suspect that the Deep-State aka Secret Solar-System Government goes back to Ancient Babylon, Egypt, Garden of Eden, and War in Heaven, and is presently coming out of the closet to openly rule We the Peons. The New World Order isn't new IMHO. What if I'm a fly in the ointment?? What if I'm not supposed to be here?? Can you feel the love tonight?? I can't. I've tried to be open and honest, rather than taking a hardline-lawyerlike stance to win one for the home-team. Was that a mistake?? I'm beginning to think so. Perhaps I should continue this thread ONLY If there are responses or questions. Perhaps it's time to move-on and watch the drama unfold in my rearview-mirror.
    United States AI Solar System (10) Local_reaction_to_Presidential_Alert_0_57796314_ver1.0_1280_720
    United States AI Solar System (10) 2001-A-Beautiful-Mind-02

    What troubled me the most in the movie Spotlight, regarding the church and pedophilia, was how many seemingly 'good' people looked the other way and/or deliberately covered-up the whole-mess!! There seemed to be a Power Above the Papacy Compelling the Righteous to Commit the Reprehensible. This reminded me of the medical-fraud book Coronary regarding the systematic and deliberate performing of open-heart surgeries on perfectly normal hearts, in hundreds of patients, over several years, with seemingly 'good' people looking the other way and/or deliberately covering-up the whole-mess!! Is this sort of thing the Fatal-Flaw in Human-Nature OR Are the Souls Which Incarnate Humanity Fatally-Flawed?? I sense that seemingly 'good' people have looked the other way and/or deliberately covered-up the glaring-problems in the Bible, Theology, and Church-History for thousands of years!! If the Church of God can't be Honest to God, how can it expect to Reform the World?? The Blind Leading the Blind and/or the Bland leading the Bland?? Does Satan Use 'Faith and Loyalty' Against Us?? It's been my sad-realization that Believers and Unbelievers do NOT wish to be honest and thorough about the Bible and Religion. Are there ANY objective Bible-Commentaries?? I lean-toward the SDA Bible Commentary because of my background and my perception that it is scholarly and ecumenical, and NOT in slavery to Ellen White and the SDA Church. Much religious-literature seems to be written by Hermeneutic-Whores!! I've gone round and round with 'Good Lifelong Religious-People' about the most simple Ethical and Theological matters imaginable, with VERY disturbing outcomes. Take a long and hard look at the reality of 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' throughout the Bible and History. We seem to wish to have it both ways. Has Satan really deceived the whole-world?? 'RA' said "I've Always Remained One Step Ahead of Humanity!!" When I Suggested That Humanity Has Been Easy to Deceive, 'RA' replied "Very Easy!!" Honest. Has the 'God of This World' Been the 'Regent of This World' for at least 6,000 years?? What Would the Changeling Say?? What Would Dr. Who Do?? Do You Even Know What I'm Talking About?? Do I Even Know What I'm Talking About?? You Don't Need to Answer That Last Question. One More Thing. Once Upon a Time, a Stranger with Insider-Connections introduced himself to me as 'Adolph', and that's all I'm going to say about that. You don't suppose?? Nah!!
    RedEzra wrote:An article for what it's worth coming from a dying CIA agent confessing that CIA blew up WTC7 on 9/11. An aphorism as there are no atheists in foxholes may apply to deathbeds as well... or perhaps it's just the Company man*s last convenient assignment true or not.

    CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’

    "79-year-old retired CIA agent, Malcom Howard, has made a series of astonishing claims since being released from hospital in New Jersey on Friday and told he has weeks to live. Mr. Howard claims he was involved in the “controlled demolition” of World Trade Center 7, the third building that was destroyed on 9/11."
    RedEzra wrote:What is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth ?

    I ask because in the Book of Revelation Ch 17 that great city is about to be abruptly destroyed... which is weird considering it reigns over the kings of the earth. It is said to sit on seven mountains which probably points out Rome...?

    Furthermore in Revelation there are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast whose deadly wound was healed. So there is a not so new world power rising which will destroy the old world order.

    With all the nazis are alive and well rumors i suspect the beast is the Third Reich bandaged up and ready to go again after the deadly wound in WWII. And working with the nazis are ten kings who lost their respective kingdom after an abolition of monarchy... perhaps these kings are the real power behind some of the democracies and are working or waiting to regain their lost kingdoms.

    Anyway these ten kings without kingdoms who work with the emerging beast/nazi system will destroy that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.... and so ends the old world order and begins the not so new one... which will just last 3.5 years before God destroy it.
    Regardless of everything I've posted, it seems as if I'm Attempting to be Idealistic in the Middle of a Non-Idealistic Star-War in Cold-War Mode. The implications and ramifications of This Present Quest are mind-boggling (even if only half of my conceptualizations are true and/or valid). I might be in a No-Win Situation (in the short-term or perhaps even in the long-term) because of what seems to be an Ancient, Extensive, and Sophisticated Renegade Governmental System which relies upon Deception, Corruption, Murder, and Mayhem. Perhaps I'm Simply a Long-Lost Ancient-Visitor Saying a Final-Farewell to Ancient-Relatives. Of All the Words That Tongue Can Tell, the Saddest Are "It Might've Been." I've noticed that YouTube keeps recommending a certain Mega-Church Big-Shot who I've never searched for. This is annoying. I listened to this guy on the radio in my youth before I moved-on to more troubling subjects. But now it seems as if I MUST Be Reigned-In by Powerhouse Hermeneutic-Whores to maintain the social-order and the way things are. In the 'Stargate SG-1' series, there was an episode and/or movie titled 'Children of the Gods' and I often feel as if I'm dealing with them (online and in real-life) every day of my life (especially in the last dozen years). I often feel as if a lot of them know who they are and who I am, but the unpardonable sin would be to tell me who I am on a soul-basis. I wish to know, but perhaps knowing would be devastating to everyone. Disclosure might not bring Closure. I could say a lot, but I'd rather not. I already know too-much and talk too-much, which could be hazardous to my health. I heard it could cause 'lead-poisoning'. I Hate My Life. Now I'm going to make the coffee and finish reading 'Mary's Mosaic' by Peter Janney. The Horror.

    United States AI Solar System (10) Stargate-sg-1-children-of-the-gods-final-cut.17956
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    Lionhawk wrote:
    The Karen
    So I went to bed and couldn't sleep. So I told myself, after the events of today, maybe I should write a post to get today's events off my chest. So the first thing that pops in my head is Mudra. Well, guess what? She is here right now. So we have the place all to ourselves. It's peaceful right now on the Bridge-Way. Plenty of fresh air, a slight warm breeze, and I can see butterflies everywhere. Very Happy


    So Mudra announces her retirement early last month if memory serves me correctly. When that happened, I had set up an appointment. The date was set. 10 A.M. 2-18-2020, with Social Security here in the States. It was a phone appointment. I admit I was a little anguished about it. Having an appointment with thieves kind of rattles you. But what I was anguished about was not to miss it! They were supposed to call me. And since my sleep patterns are chaotic, well you can now understand my concerns. So, on the night of the 17th, I said to myself that since I only get at best 4 to five hours of sleep a night, I'll go to bed early so that I could be bright and bushy tail in the morning. So I take a look at what time it is, 11:11 P.M. So I shut everything down and went to bed. Guess what time I woke up? I open my eyeballs and the clock says, 10:00!!!!!!!!!! I jump up out of bed, grab my clothes, and head for my phone. I get my tee-shirt up to my elbows and the phone rings. It's Social Security. Then the interview begins. Surprisingly, the interview went very well considering I was half-naked. Lolerz Going through the motions of getting dressed during the interview. Hard to do when you have the phone in one hand. But needless to say, my retirement is now set! cheers The name of the Lady I spoke with, was, Angelique. Keep this name in mind.

    Over the weekend, Kate and I had a conversation concerning Brook's Estate. Kate says to me, "That's not done yet?" As I was explaining to her about what was going on, Kate started to get pissed off about the subject and more toward my lawyer. So I told her I was going to call the County Clerk who is supposed to be handling Brook's Estate, to find out the status. I couldn't call on this passed Monday because it was a Federal Holiday. Anyways, I make the call and come to find out that my lawyer never sent in the final paperwork to her. That was supposed to happen in October. The lawyer told me it would only take up to 3 days. She advised me to call my lawyer to see what the hell was going on because she was about to levy a penalty against me because the paperwork hadn't been received and she also stated that I was solely responsible for the Estate. Well, Kate's instincts were deadly accurate. Guess what the Clerk's name was? Angelica.

    So I called my lawyer and confronted her. I had complied with everything of Brook's Estate as of June, last year. She admitted that I did no wrong. I also explained to her that I wasn't interested in excuses, I was passed angry, frustration, but I also said, that your inactions in this matter has only been a punishment for me and I don't know your reasons for that. And I am not going to be held responsible for that. In other words, that's on You! It's 3:00 A.M. right now, so this happened yesterday at 1:45 P.M. Another thing I confronted her with is, "callbacks." I told her this has happened 4 times. Where I would call and not get a callback. She says to me that she called the Clerk when she got my message. My message was to call me. So basically all I got out of that conversation was an admission of guilt and excuses. Hopefully, I'll have good news later this week. She also says to me, "well... I "guess" you can close out Brook's account. I'm not going to do that without certification from the Clerk that Brook's Estate is closed. I may not be a lawyer, but I'm not stupid. So guess the name of my lawyer? Elizabeth Bess. Elizabeth = "Reptilian signature"/ "Bess = "Snake signature." She hides this by using the name of Beth. I just found this out the other day. She was introduced to me by her boss as Beth. Sacred Light = 61%. One slip up and she could be lost to the Darkside.

    So the Angels came through yesterday. Angelique & Angelica. cheers You can't make this stuff up. I can't! I only asked their names as a common courtesy.

    My day yesterday was an angelic day. I had another Angel show up. She showed up, wrote a post, then retracted it and then disappeared. She left angry. Mad 1 And on so many levels I might add. But here's the deal... She told the truth! I know why in part why she took that action. She didn't want to appear negative. She was being respectful to all of us here on the Bridge-Way. Would you expect anything less from this Beautiful Being? I must admit that I have never met an Angel with a PH. D. before. At this moment in the "now" moment, I wish she would apply that PH. D. on herself. She has all the answers within her, but her anger clouds those answers and her memories. But being angry is actually a good sign from my POV. It means that she is stirring within herself for the answers, such as what the hell is Lionhawk doing here? Why is he putting me through this? Maybe this question came across her mind? Is he coming on to me? It makes her nervous.

    I mean, after all, she's happily married now and has a joyous life. I'm not here to interfere with that. Both she and her hubby have worked so very hard for that and that brings so much joy to my heart, knowing that. They both have made tremendous sacrifices to get to this point. I GET IT!!!

    And for you Internet junkies out there, bouncing from forum to forum, seeking your daily and nightly fix, you know the fix that makes you emotionally feel warm and fuzzy? While you sit in your armchairs never putting any energy into action, feeding, using your egos with outward expressions onto others so that you can suck out the last drop, the love, and light nectar. I've got some good news for you. The fix is in on this one. You are in for a real treat if you stick around because what is currently happening on the Bridge-Way isn't happening anywhere else. I can guarantee that with my life. I may appear to be coming off as a mad man, but rest assured I am not. You can wrestle with your own opinions on that one. I've got better things to do with my precious time. But do take note that at some point in the future, I will also personally serve you with the SILVER-PlATTER TREATMENT. You won't even have to leave your armchair and you will then feel right as rain. Heh heh  

    But getting back to my favorite Angelic PH. D., {time out. not sleeping tonight, 5 am right now and got to make some coffee, be right back} is brewing. Ok, you mentioned to me about writing a book. As it turns out, I am. I have never written one before so let me give you my basic understanding of how to go about this. In a nutshell, you have a title, a beginning, a middle, and an ending. The beginning is the first chapter and the importance of which is to capture your audience to continue reading, leading the reader to a middle story and then to the ending which can have a complete stop or segway to another book. Meanwhile, you have all these chapters in the book. Am I doing okay so far? Here's the deal. I have the Title. I have the first chapter, most of the middle, and the ending is going to depend on one thing. A missing chapter in the middle. You're the missing chapter. Can you now see my dilemma? If you can write the missing chapter, I'll write the book. Remember when I said I had plans for you? study You want me to stay? Then apply your PH. D. and get off your angry butt and write the damn chapter! Was that straight-up enough for you? Keep in mind that I am not the angry one here and what I meant was real, only reflecting your anger, simply because you have not seriously taken my hint bombs seriously! Maybe this is what you needed to hear. I don't know. Just know I love you with all of my heart and then some. So please don't take that last statement as directed towards you in an angry way. Do you understand? That wasn't my intention.

    I have posted a variety of videos as HINT BOMBS. Line by line, I can exactly explain with precise perfect precision. Even the graphics will also be in sync with the lyrics. I told you that I can't do this alone. You got to paint some dots on the canvas.

    The  The Karen  is a portal. Brook used to call me "Thumper." As in the rabbit with a thumping heart. Not the cartoon character. She also use to call me her "Turtling Man." Jenneta I mention this for humor sake. LOL

    Speaking of Angels... where do they live? Why do you see Female and Male Angels? Why do we often see the Males with swords? Do Angels make love? I welcome any answers to those questions. More to come...

    Carol wrote:No turmoil.

    Upset that something shared with you in a private PM about the evil elder brother was posted here in public without permission.

    Don't appreciate subsequent false assumptions put out as a result of that post.

    It's complicated and not something I wish to share because it's complicated.

    Not one for games.

    Rather then listen to the songs you've posted, I pull up the lyrics and read them. Multi-tasking is second nature. As for the missing chapter. Will need assistance with that.

    The FULL rant was NOT posted exactly for the reason you stated.
    Lionhawk wrote:You posted about your evil Brother in public a good way back. I didn't reveal anything new here. Before the banning.

    Do you think I am playing games here?

    I had Kate check that out for me very recently as to crossing that line and there were no violations as to your implications. Kate would not lie to me!

    But if you think so or know so, my apologies.

    Somewhere on the Bridge-Way, I made a post and stated that if Carol ever thought I crossed the line and caused her any kind of damage, that I would ban myself. Well, that day is apparently today. It's not complicated on this end as I am a man of my word. I'll keep it short and sweet. Not trying to create drama here. But I want to thank all of you for your loving exchanges as you all have made a loving difference in my life since I signed back in here a year ago. Apparently, I failed, but be that as it may, I wasn't the only heart and soul on the Bridge-Way. This time around, I will take full responsibility and save Carol the trouble and just do it myself. That being said, I love all of you and remember, THE LOVE YOU WITHHOLD IS THE PAIN THAT YOU CARRY! And to Carol, I will never stop loving you! I do hope you discover what you have so forgotten. Our contract is now terminated. Bless you, my love!

    mudra wrote:
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    Things come and go. Nothing lasts.

    “Think often on the swiftness with which the things that exist and that are coming into existence are swept past us and carried out of sight. For all substance is as a river in ceaseless flow, its activities ever changing and its causes subject to countless variations, and scarcely anything stable.”

    “So should it be with persons; if you kiss your child, or brother, or friend . . . you must remind yourself that you love a mortal, and that nothing that you love is your very own; it is given you for the moment, not forever nor inseparably, but like a fig or a bunch of grapes at the appointed season of the year, and if you long for it in winter you are a fool. So too if you long for your son or your friend, when it is not given you to have him, know that you are longing for a fig in winter time.” – Epictetus

    Bridges built with care, love and dedication grow strong and mighthy making everyone happy
    Then without warning in a moment less expected  all seems to crumble and fall apart.

    Or does it ?

    Winter is coming today.
    Tomorrow Spring may be on its way.

    Things come and go. Nothing lasts ...

    Love from me
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Lionhawk aka Morpheus, thank-you for taking the time and energy to deal with me. I have no idea who any of us really are and why we're here. I'd prefer to Save the Drama for Obama, but that's sort of lame. What if I turned out to be that Evil Elder-Brother?? I obviously have an ego-problem and an identity-crisis, so I'll probably get recycled over and over. I'd love to know who you are and who I am (on a soul-basis). Could you PM me?? I'm trying to go away for a while, so today might be the right time for both of us. We'll probably be back after a while, but perhaps we both have unfinished business elsewhere. I'd love to know who Carol and Mercuriel really are, but I'm not going to push my luck to find out. I'd love to know who Raven, RedEzra, Sanicle, Mudra, and Swanny are too!! I almost forgot to mention Bill and Kerry!! If anyone wishes to spill the beans, please PM me!! I have books to read, and a telescope to use. There comes a time when welcomes are worn-out, and I think that occurred in 2011 (shortly after 'RA' and I apparently couldn't work together). Was that a good or bad thing?? Damned if I Know. Namaste, Godspeed, and Geronimo.
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    What if this is just a crazy wild-goose chase with very-little substance?? What if this is NOT intended to win friends and influence people?? What if this is a Galactic IQ Test?? What if all the above is true of the Bible?? I suspect that very few people will ever view my threads, and even fewer people will actually study them. But I suspect that there are several agency-analysts who are shaking in their cubicles in various parts of the world because of my threads. I don't mean to be mean. I'm being honest. The nice thing about my threads is that the general-public would never believe any of this. They probably wouldn't even understand it. This might be providential. I've created a conceptual laboratory, and I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with it (if anything). I may have simply rearranged my brain, preparing me for bigger and better things in my next incarnation. Following my death (which might occur anytime now) I might spend the next 100 years developing my threads in a 600 square-foot office-apartment with a personal-supercomputer in a Bad@$$teroid with superluminal-capabilities. I might really be a lowly Galactic System-Analyst who travels from $hithole to $hithole to attempt to salvage the unsalvageable. Consider the role of Dr. Who. Consider the 'Trial of a Time-Lord'. I'm NOT conducting an Evangelistic-Crusade. I just thought I'd cast my pearls before the swine to hear how loud the pigs squealed. I'm obviously NOT marketable. Do you think that might've been by design?? Perhaps the decision was made thousands, millions, billions, or trillions of years ago. Perhaps the Hypothetical Universe-Matrix is Unalterable (even by the Matrix-Makers). Consider what Al Bielek said concerning A.D. 2749. Don't expect anything from me (good, bad, or indifferent). I'm not going to teach, preach, run, or hide. Here I Stand as the Standing Man (or something corny like that).
    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    Lionhawk wrote:Are you all witnessing a Bridgeway collapsing? You must be at another Bridge-way! One that was built with crappy materials and unskilled workers. Built with bad cement and muddy water and no love!

    This Bridge-way here was created by the inspiration of a very special lady, built with skilled labor that had heart, that made this Bridge-way with what is called, sacred water. Anyone here ever heard of sacred water? This Bridge-way will never crumble, break apart, or fall down. Furthermore, The Prime Creator's Mini-me has blessed it! I literally saw him do it a week ago. Through a post. I also keep seeing a golden color text when I sometimes write or read someone else's posting. Unlike the other one, where visitors go there and just keep on going, the folks that come here are full of love and contribute that love to other visitors. This Bridge-Way has a purpose and unlike other bridge-ways that fall flat, this Bridge-way can rise into the air. Rise to the occasion at hand. Also, reveal many wonderful things. This Bridge-way is connected to the source. It's also protected by real Angels and some of those Angels are here! Is this Bridge-Way worth compromising? Hell no!

    As with the latest offer of compromise that just recently happened, the complicated one, I searched every bit of my soul and could not find a "permission" violation. I spent the entire day searching for a violation and came up empty. Over and over. I also had Kate double-check tonight and everything was clear in this regard. If there was one, I would be obligated to that soul for however long it took to rectify the damage that I caused to this other soul. And I would have felt an internal remorse concerning it.

    As far as contracts go, they can be written on watermelons and literally be legal. Contracts are a binding agreement between two parties or more. But if one party doesn't agree, they can terminate that contract. As with what happened yesterday, there was merely a disagreement as one felt as though a game was being played.

    Many disagreements occur when there was an awareness issue. Thereby not trusting what they were perceiving. Thus, the disagreement.

    For example, when looking at a music video, with one eye looking at the lyrics and using the other eye with a patch on it, perceiving with one eye will guarantee a false representation of the totality of what is being presented. Then when you combine that with this physicality and associate the innuendos in the lyrics by our own programming, well, things can get out of focus.

    It's not as complicated as to my intentions here. In all of my life and all the events, that I have experienced, the most common denominator with all of those events has been my "search for the answers." Then add in, "Why am I here?" "Who am I?" etc? Just like OXY, always asking the questions. He at least asks the questions and from every angle, I might add!  Double Thumbs Up He actually does have a set of balls in this regard!

    Getting back to my own quest of finding out the answers in my maddening mind, I have searched all of my life. Also asking the questions to the point folks thought I was a nutball. Then changing gears as to once finding those answers. Some of those answers also took years to find. Processing those answers and integrating them into my brain and being. It takes a lot of time. Then juggling the work and family stuff and doing all this when you had spare moments to do so. Sound familiar?

    You get to a point where you are putting the grand puzzle together. You find a piece of that puzzle and it excites you on so many levels. Till your puzzle is missing a few pieces.

    A couple of weeks ago, Carol, posted up a post. For me it was painful. I felt her pain. I also processed that pain most of the day. And during the processing of that pain, I made a discovery. Another piece of my puzzle. Through her pain, that pain that I was processing and integrating, triggered past memories of long ago. A time way back... so far back, in fact, it completely stunned me. And when the pain dissipated, joy started to come through. It was amazing! Things clicked into place as to the big picture. The big picture is the lifestream of my soul. What a discovery!

    And ever since that discovery, I have only wanted to share it. That discovery was based on Divine Love! I have been high ever since. A total nutball, a mad man of sorts. It was like the lights came on when I put that puzzle piece into place. I was pulled into that time and place of space. Memory recall came as well. I found a better understanding as to my soul's lifestream. The answers came. I now had a map of that lifestream. From the very beginning of when my soul was created to this very moment. Also, the living memory of what occurred.  

    Then strange stuff started happening here and in a very quick fashion. Songs started to pop in my head for no real reason and so I looked up a few and said holy crap! Using two eyes. The images embedded within them. The synchronicity of the lyrics and the images. A few of the images reflected what I had remembered. Blew me away! So I tried to share this. Not knowing which way was the best way. It became very apparent when my attempts to do so fell on deaf ears and blinded eyes. Yet, pointing out that the way there was through the heart. Did anyone even question why the last music video I posted, got pulled by YouTube? That song had mentions of remembering through the heart and soul? The very thing I have tried to do to encourage a certain someone?

    Oh, I could have given the SILVER PLATTER TREATMENT! Let a whole lot of cats out of the bags on this one, but this has to happen from within and I can't do that for you! No matter how much I wish it. That is why I have been cryptic. You have to do your part as that was part of the agreement in our contract. My part was to discover it and show you the way. The White rabbit!!! I have fulfilled my end of the contract! I have done all the heavy lifting in this regard. Guess who terminated the contract? Over a chad? This is so much bigger than you can possibly know is all I can tell you! And I say that with all the love in my heart. I'm not trying to play a game here and any guilt cards. Just stating the facts. GO FISH!

    If you do the do and go within and complete your end of the contract, your present life here will manifest as you currently wish it with all those goals you have expressed to me. This is also not a manipulation tactic on my part. You will also discover why you had so many health issues. Not just in this life. When you finally do the do, it will greatly benefit this Planet. The choice is yours! What do you have to lose?

    As to the missing chapter, I already have most of it! But it would be nice to have your true beauty in it!

    Tell me what you see?  Farewell With all my love... it's 4:34 am, going to bed. Kayzon

    United States AI Solar System (10) Opera_10
    Carol wrote:Hmmm

    I don't view health issues as a negative. When doing a deep pre-life trance dive years back in my early 30's, what they were about and why they were present was revealed at that time.

    Health problems serve multiple purposes:

    1. Fulfillment of past-life karma
    2. Keeping one on track in the current life as compare to getting side-tracked with multiple distractions
    3. Unwinding of karma past-life and present
    4. Assist with communicating with others who are suffering so they know that they are not alone
    5. A light for others who have illnesses and are caught up in despair - it gives them hope that they too can survive and move forward, beyond spiritually/emotionally/physically health limitations
    6. Gives others an opportunity to be of service to those who are ill
    7. Allows one to live a different type of lifestyle that promotes spiritual grow and development
    8. Sets up multiple challenges that pushes ones own boundaries to overcome and continue forward
    9. Breaks down mental barriers assisting one to become more open/vulnerable, spiritual
    10. Sets one up to learn how to accept help from others, to view assistance as a gift
    11. Gives one opportunities to do things they wouldn't have tried or done if healthy
    12. It's an opportunity to take on karma of others and assist them in their own spiritual growth (I knew of a few spiritual masters who did this on a regular basis)
    13. It allows karma with others from past lives to be fulfilled
    14. Some people unconsciously create their illness to get out of something they don't want to do
    15. It can allow exceptionally brilliant individuals/souls to be more approachable and appear more normal where they fit in more easily
    16. It can push one to utilize their intellect in order to succeed in this 3rd dimension (I personally know of one paraplegic who because quite wealthy afterwards as a result of his diving accident)
    17. It helps one learn multiple lesson about endurance, perseverance, pushing forward to still live a successful happy life.
    18. It can trigger new discoveries at multiple levels
    19. It can be an opportunity to allow one to live a more peaceful, inner creative life
    20. It can also be an opportunity for one to asses the direction their life is moving in and make signifiant life adjustments
    21. It can also help others to become more compassionate
    22. It can give one a time-out and immune system tune-up
    23. It can teach one about how to refocus to take care of their physical/emotional/mental body
    24. Illness can also be a gift

    An illness/health problem can serve one at multiple levels, which on the surface may appear negative - but in the long run isn't.
    Carol wrote:Oxy, when you learn to fill your soul with beauty and what you appreciate in life - then happiness is a result.
    Even a delicious cup of coffee is a good beginning.  Brook
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you Carol. Small-Talk and Positive-Reinforcement are probably excellent cover-stories for Facing-Reality and Solving the World's Problems. I should probably stop drinking coffee, but it's my one vice in life (other than making a fool of myself on the internet). Most of the stuff on this website will probably become mainstream someday, and everyone will claim they always believed and understood what people presently point and laugh at. As far as the identities and roles are concerned, I was mostly joking, yet I wonder as I wander. Someday Everything Will be Revealed.
    Carol wrote:Back in my early twenties I discovered two remarkable books: Life and Teaching of Masters of the Far East: Volume 1 & 2 which set me on a spiritual path of discovery. It opened a door to achievable possibilities based on others real spiritual experiences. I think Lionhawk was around 10 at the time I learned of - and read these books.

    The events described are amazing. It's especially encouraging to know that these events took place in 1894 and were witnessed AND recorded by a group of scientists. These were serious men who were on a mission to investigate rumors and legends surrounding a group of mystics who are ready to share their knowledge and skills with those who are open to some really fantastic feats.

    So during the following 10 years I studied, leaned how to meditate, sat at the foot of different spiritual masters from India, participated in a parapsychology research group for a few years learning how to do psychometry, remote viewing, telepathy,  astral traveled into other dimensions, to OBE, did a 3 month stint with Scientology, did past life regressions, at age 30 had a kundalini experience, was in a Transpersonal Masters program studying with numerous instructors who wrote the books in the different transpersonal areas of research, etc., etc. Even met spouse there, who has been by my side since 1982.

    Following the Kundalini experience became ultra sensitized to others emotional energies and had to learn how to physically and emotionally distance myself in order to maintain a sense of inner equilibrium. Even after learning all of this, my career path took me into the field of violence and abuse dealing with both perpetrators and victims. Basically it was a time to anchor the spiritual experiences in the 3-D world. This career path is not something I would have consciously chosen for myself but was the only door open to walk through at the time. And obviously something I agreed to do prior to incarnation. When the psychic doors opened in the early 20's, I experienced shifting in and out of several dimensions simultaneously. Didn't like the nasty elements that dwell in the 4th. However, spiritual protections lessons were easily learned and the most effective is to raise one's frequency when in a lower spiritual dimensional realm to vibrational frequency of spiritual master. I chose Christ. This is something one can learn during the practice of meditation. Particularly Sant Mat. Having done this over many years, with a shift in intention, altering spiritual frequency to connect with the higher spiritual dimensions is instantaneous.

    However, I chose to close a number of those open  dimensional doors, so as not to be needlessly be distracted. Of course it's awesome on the other side.  It's also awesome here for those who choose to enjoy natural environments. I've had opportunities to permanently pop over to the to other side... but ever since the age of 6 when almost drowning and shown my book of life with its empty pages, I just wanted to see those pages filled up to the end chapter and not short change it.

    It takes many, many years to integrate spiritual practices, lessons and experiences.  Also to anchor all of that in 3-D. Mists is an example of this. It's a place where people can come, freely explore and share their experiences. The BRIDGE WAY thread is one of those special places.  Hadriel  JT  Hadriel
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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 11:53 pm