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    MargueriteBee's Adventures


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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  MargueriteBee Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:37 pm

    After deciding it was time to quit the cattle ranch I put all my stuff in storage and hit the road. My thought was to find home since I am now homeless. I left on August 23rd.

    My first stop was the Stewart Springs Resort just west of Mount Shasta. For two days all I did was eat, rest and sleep. My cabin was perfect and and the springs looked wonderful but I was too shy to join all the naked people enjoying them. I left feeling refreshed.

    My next stop was Crater Lake and that is one totally awesome place. I camped out one night. That Friday morning I drove around the crater and got a flat tire and had to go back to Klamath Falls to get a new one. I didn't get to Lake Trout until late that night.

    At the Eceti Ranch I got parked and was talking to Stephanie she looked up and a powered up craft was flying overhead big and bright. It felt like a greeting. I rushed thru getting my camp set up and ran to the viewing field.


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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  mudra Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:44 pm

    So you are now at the Eceti Ranch . Wonderfull Marguerite .
    I believe Gio is there too . He now and then keeps us update about his life there.
    What an enchanting place .
    It is nice to read you .
    Have a great time cheers

    Much Love from me

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  MargueriteBee Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:51 pm

    I folded out my chair and sat down and watched as more experienced UFO spotters pointed them out. Some just flew across the sky and zig zagged, flying way faster than any craft I ever seen except outside of Roswell back in the late seventies. I saw a craft come out of the mountain and fly down then up. There were not as many Friday night as on Saturday. However, the craft was just the sideshow. On Friday night I had no idea that my life would once again be completely changed for the good.

    Right now I am at Sundance, Wyoming. I spent six nights at Eceti. More in a bit.

    Yes, I met Gio, he is a delightful person and fun to talk to.


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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  MargueriteBee Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:29 pm

    I participated in the Kunlun classes and for the first time in this life all my chakras where activated and I experienced contact with the Lord God of My Being and bliss resulted. I was shown how I had with held love and how the joke was on me because I am love and I love all that is no matter what, how silly body mind is.

    At class on the second day I was shown how absolutely worthless fear is because of what I am, there is no force stronger than love.

    I had a reading with James that was fruitful, I found out who my guide/teacher is.

    Also fascinating was a reading with a terrific lady named Dewanda. My cat George came thru and family, it was great and what she has told me of the work I would be doing in regards to Native Americans turned out to be completely unexpected and an act of joy, more on that later.

    With each passing day I saw more clearly what a paradise the ranch is, truly. I drove around the area and fell in love with Lake Trout so I have decided to move here next spring. Mean while I will hole up at Mount Shasta, for the winter,once I get back to California.


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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  Reunite Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:43 pm

    Fantastic Marguerite, I love hearing about personal adventures. Your experiences sound epic and I don't doubt synchronicities will play a major part of your adventures.

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  Carol Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:34 am

    This is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us Marguerite. I truly look forward to reading what else you have to share with us.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  burgundia Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:59 am

    Thanks for sharing...

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  Jonah Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:09 am

    Oh how i love that river... running down from shasta..... so cold .... enhancing....with water so clean and clear

    You are right up the river Miss Bee....

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  MargueriteBee Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:14 pm

    I'm still sniffing, but feel much better but I am a cranky girl. Oy, spent half the day with my car, Emma, getting routers turned and brand new brake pads. When I get to Shasta I am putting new all weather tires on her and putting some chains in the trunk.

    Went up, I mean down to Mount Rushmore. What a huge piece of work. I did not like it, fake patriotism, beaming...yuck, it started to down pour as I drove away. Got lots of pics and vids. When I get to Denver I can stop at Best Buy and get some help, I'm on a learning curve with this IPad and I have to type slow....

    I've been thinking about the Fourcorners area and Sedona after I'm done visiting in St George, utah, it's cold up here. Spending all day tomorrow at Devil's Tower, a UFO hot spot.

    there is a vortex or something in the Black Hills. I had no idea where I was most of the time and was upside feeling, got out of there fast, but want to go back and sit in the Sitting Bull Crystal Cave. When the guy said no don't go, nothing but crystals I knew I had to go, because I have been daydreaming about being inside one. Any suggestions on what to do? I have some crystals with me that I bought in Shasta.

    And, if anyone up there is paying attention I do invite you to come and say Hello!

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  MargueriteBee Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:34 am

    I was feeling kinda dirty and gloomy so I took a shower and used Donna Eden's energy medicine technique to get rid of unwanted energy as the water sprayed over me and sent it right down the drain. I looked up and opened my eyes and the room was brighter.

    Weird thing, I bought a cluster of quartz crystals at a rock shop and when I put them under the faucet to clean it, it feel apart into five pieces. I was being gentle and the water was cool. I was telling the crystals it could release the pain of separation from Mother and it fell apart. Weird to me anyway.

    Good night.

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    Location : sacramento

    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Friday morning

    Post  MargueriteBee Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:25 am

    I was just outside watching the clouds, lower level clouds moving underneath higher clouds, beautiful. As I was enjoying a lower level took the shape of a heart. Wish I had my camera with me!

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  Rimbaud Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:39 pm

    MargueriteBee wrote:I was just outside watching the clouds, lower level clouds moving underneath higher clouds, beautiful. As I was enjoying a lower level took the shape of a heart. Wish I had my camera with me!

    M-Bee..there is no reason for you to answer me if you don't want to..I am still with AV2 and very happy to be there along side some of these guys..all of whom I think simply want some kind of reconciliation at some point in time. What is your view M?..You were very kind to me before..We all need to know where we stand!.

    All my love

    Rimbaud (Andrew)

    Posts : 19
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    Age : 63
    Location : Cauterets, France

    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  Rimbaud Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:46 pm

    MargueriteBee wrote:I was just outside watching the clouds, lower level clouds moving underneath higher clouds, beautiful. As I was enjoying a lower level took the shape of a heart. Wish I had my camera with me!

    Bye the look fantastic!...Well done M!


    Posts : 326
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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  dominic777 Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:51 am

    MargueriteBee wrote:I'm still sniffing, but feel much better but I am a cranky girl. Oy, spent half the day with my car, Emma, getting routers turned and brand new brake pads. When I get to Shasta I am putting new all weather tires on her and putting some chains in the trunk.

    Went up, I mean down to Mount Rushmore. What a huge piece of work. I did not like it, fake patriotism, beaming...yuck, it started to down pour as I drove away. Got lots of pics and vids. When I get to Denver I can stop at Best Buy and get some help, I'm on a learning curve with this IPad and I have to type slow....

    I've been thinking about the Fourcorners area and Sedona after I'm done visiting in St George, utah, it's cold up here. Spending all day tomorrow at Devil's Tower, a UFO hot spot.

    there is a vortex or something in the Black Hills. I had no idea where I was most of the time and was upside feeling, got out of there fast, but want to go back and sit in the Sitting Bull Crystal Cave. When the guy said no don't go, nothing but crystals I knew I had to go, because I have been daydreaming about being inside one. Any suggestions on what to do? I have some crystals with me that I bought in Shasta.

    And, if anyone up there is paying attention I do invite you to come and say Hello!
    I do believe ascension is linked to a higher consciousness and changing of the body to crystalline, parts of the pineal gland is already crystal...therefore MargueriteBee" what are you searching for , what is your quest?
    lots of love

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    Location : sacramento

    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  MargueriteBee Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:37 am

    Rimbaud wrote:
    MargueriteBee wrote:I was just outside watching the clouds, lower level clouds moving underneath higher clouds, beautiful. As I was enjoying a lower level took the shape of a heart. Wish I had my camera with me!

    M-Bee..there is no reason for you to answer me if you don't want to..I am still with AV2 and very happy to be there along side some of these guys..all of whom I think simply want some kind of reconciliation at some point in time. What is your view M?..You were very kind to me before..We all need to know where we stand!.

    All my love

    Rimbaud (Andrew)

    My stance is that I love all and will not judge. I am on this forum simply because I feel like it.

    yes, I had the feeling that my heart is changing to crystal energy, can't explain in words.

    Last edited by MargueriteBee on Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:32 am; edited 1 time in total

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  MargueriteBee Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:57 am

    We were in the middle of nowhere Wyoming on the BLM next to the Oregon Trail. I shivered as I stood there listening to their stories of ghosts and strange lights out on the prairie.

    Spirits are troubled out on the plain. There were many massacres, murders and cruel treatment of both native Americans and the Chinese who built the railroad. Nearby is a place where they killed a bunch of Chinese workers just so they wouldn't have to pay them. I am told the lights are green, gold, blue and white. I saw a white light about forty feet away just hanging...

    I could feel them notice me. My candle shines in the dark.

    When everyone else had gone to bed I sat and started telling them the answer is love. To feel love in their hearts and release themselves from this earthly prison. I was in bliss sending them love, after awhile I noticed a golden face with a great big smile. I slept like a log all night long.

    Yesterday at the tower as I walked thru what looked like a great place for a camp ground right at the base, I felt the same thing again. I was open for anything but it was the feeling of despair that wrenched at the heart. I did the same, telling them love is the way home, etc.

    A great big healing needs to take place on the land itself to release the trapped energies.

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  MargueriteBee Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:13 am

    Dominic when I started out my purpose was to look for a home, now it is to learn, grow and do my best to serve in what ever way presented. Sometimes it is as simple as opening the door for another. One time an unhappy couple were arguing, I just sat there and sent them love, when I left they were laughing, easy as that. My purpose is to love.

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  mudra Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:58 am

    MargueriteBee wrote:Dominic when I started out my purpose was to look for a home, now it is to learn, grow and do my best to serve in what ever way presented. Sometimes it is as simple as opening the door for another. One time an unhappy couple were arguing, I just sat there and sent them love, when I left they were laughing, easy as that. My purpose is to love.

    I believe you are doing very well Marguerite.
    With this purpose at Heart you are already home .

    Love from me

    Posts : 326
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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  dominic777 Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:23 am

    MargueriteBee wrote:Dominic when I started out my purpose was to look for a home, now it is to learn, grow and do my best to serve in what ever way presented. Sometimes it is as simple as opening the door for another. One time an unhappy couple were arguing, I just sat there and sent them love, when I left they were laughing, easy as that. My purpose is to love.

    great "MargueriteBee" ,
    Are you just camping and living rough or are you living off the land? remind me of the programme Kane where this BUDDHIST MONK used to travel around the usa...where does your finance come from? how do you get your food etc?...we can all show love ,if everyone left their jobs we would have no food etc,millions would starve.....however ,i feel you are doing a fantastic service for Mankind

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  MargueriteBee Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:11 pm

    I left South Dakota yesterday late and got back to my niece's place before 2 am. I slept most of the day.

    I just loved the Crazy Horse Memorial. I was able to purchase a six cd set of how to learn the Lakota language. I feel like I already know it but my mind is feeling shy at the challenge. I also got four books. I bought them from a nice Lakota couple. As I walked away I turned around and told her I would see her again. I'm pretty sure she thought I was nuts. I don't know why I said that..

    I am supporting myself on my retirement check, staying with family. I will go where invited. I eat lots of sandwiches and raw fruits and veggies, not expensive.

    the Sitting Bull Crystal Cave is named because Sitting Bull camped out in that tiny valley. it is awesome like a giant geode.

    once I get down to New Mexico I am visiting the Sitting Bull Falls where there is an underground lake and also Carlsbad Caverns. I will be staying with my dad who is doing well at 83.

    I went outside and took orb shots then my batteries went dead.

    I do appreciate your comments and questions.

    Good night all.

    Posts : 1978
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    Location : British Columbia Canada

    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Marguerite Bee's Adventures

    Post  Jenetta Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:33 am

    MargueriteBee wrote:I left South Dakota yesterday late and got back to my niece's place before 2 am. I slept most of the day.

    I just loved the Crazy Horse Memorial. I was able to purchase a six cd set of how to learn the Lakota language. I feel like I already know it but my mind is feeling shy at the challenge. I also got four books. I bought them from a nice Lakota couple. As I walked away I turned around and told her I would see her again. I'm pretty sure she thought I was nuts. I don't know why I said that..

    I am supporting myself on my retirement check, staying with family. I will go where invited. I eat lots of sandwiches and raw fruits and veggies, not expensive.

    the Sitting Bull Crystal Cave is named because Sitting Bull camped out in that tiny valley. it is awesome like a giant geode.

    once I get down to New Mexico I am visiting the Sitting Bull Falls where there is an underground lake and also Carlsbad Caverns. I will be staying with my dad who is doing well at 83.

    I went outside and took orb shots then my batteries went dead.

    I do appreciate your comments and questions.

    Good night all.


    Dominic's inquisitiveness of how your supporting yourself Marguerite is really none of his business...I enjoy reading your adventures you have great courage...seeking a "home" has been my quest too so moved recently to a smaller town 1.5 hrs. from a larger city (as far as I could get) as I still have responsibilities to others.
    Take good care. sunny

    Time is eternity looking backwards at itself.............Jen's Muse

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  dominic777 Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:14 am

    Jenetta wrote:
    MargueriteBee wrote:I left South Dakota yesterday late and got back to my niece's place before 2 am. I slept most of the day.

    I just loved the Crazy Horse Memorial. I was able to purchase a six cd set of how to learn the Lakota language. I feel like I already know it but my mind is feeling shy at the challenge. I also got four books. I bought them from a nice Lakota couple. As I walked away I turned around and told her I would see her again. I'm pretty sure she thought I was nuts. I don't know why I said that..

    I am supporting myself on my retirement check, staying with family. I will go where invited. I eat lots of sandwiches and raw fruits and veggies, not expensive.

    the Sitting Bull Crystal Cave is named because Sitting Bull camped out in that tiny valley. it is awesome like a giant geode.

    once I get down to New Mexico I am visiting the Sitting Bull Falls where there is an underground lake and also Carlsbad Caverns. I will be staying with my dad who is doing well at 83.

    I went outside and took orb shots then my batteries went dead.

    I do appreciate your comments and questions.

    Good night all.


    Dominic's inquisitiveness of how your supporting yourself Marguerite is really none of his business...I enjoy reading your adventures you have great courage...seeking a "home" has been my quest too so moved recently to a smaller town 1.5 hrs. from a larger city (as far as I could get) as I still have responsibilities to others.
    Take good care. sunny

    Time is eternity looking backwards at itself.............Jen's Muse

    the thing is my nquisitiveness of how Margueritewas supporting herself is, if we all gave up work , that millions of people would starve , we would have no food electricity , gas, homes , children would starve and there would be no-one will be working, all these romantic notions are great until you look at try give up all the above and try to live,let me know how you get on..reality is key.

    Posts : 1978
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    Location : British Columbia Canada

    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Marguerite Bee's Adventures

    Post  Jenetta Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:40 pm

    Dominic I would never let you know how I get along regarding finances do I have to repeat myself? Mad It is none of your ??!!? business...asking Marguerite where her finances come from is "out of line" despite your pushing a reality check down everybody's throats!!
    Drinking Cup o

    Last edited by Jenetta on Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:29 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Too Lengthy)

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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  MargueriteBee Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:07 pm


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    MargueriteBee's Adventures Empty Re: MargueriteBee's Adventures

    Post  dominic777 Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:36 am

    Jenetta wrote:

    Dominic's inquisitiveness of how your supporting yourself Marguerite is really none of his business...I enjoy reading your adventures you have great courage...seeking a "home" has been my quest too so moved recently to a smaller town 1.5 hrs. from a larger city (as far as I could get) as I still have responsibilities to others.
    Take good care. sunny

    Time is eternity looking backwards at itself.............Jen's Muse

    the thing is my nquisitiveness of how Margueritewas supporting herself is, if we all gave up work , that millions of people would starve , we would have no food electricity , gas, homes , children would starve and there would be no-one will be working, all these romantic notions are great until you look at try give up all the above and try to live,let me know how you get on..reality is key.


    Dominic I would never let you know how I get along regarding finances do I have to repeat myself? Mad It is none of your ??!!? business...asking Marguerite where her finances come from is "out of line" despite your pushing a reality check down everybody's throats!! Don't try "mincing" words with me...I'll beat you at your own game. Also it occurs to me you may be the alter ego to Rimbaud. One a handbag and the other trying to be a man!

    Do you look like your Avatar...having a bad hair day
    quote:Don't try "mincing" words with me...I'll beat you at your own game.
    that sounds exactly like Rimbaud ..are you sure you are not rimbaud..dresseed as someone else?

    Drinking Cup o [/quote] geek geek

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