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B.B. Baghor
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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...


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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:59 am

    K626, Mar 15 2010, 11:53 AM

    Nassim Haramein: "The Vacuum is not Empty"

    Nassim_2 I had the pleasure of being in scientist-philosopher-mystic Nassim Haramein's session at the Institute of Noetic Sciences conference a while back. His was one of the most interesting presentations. A multi-dimensional pioneer, he is working on a unified field theory he calls the �Holofractographic Universe.� I deeply resonated with what he was saying - not through the lens of a scientist, but through my lens of the living, fertile, fractaled, integrative, shape-forming, creative universe. He has mathematically and scientifically discovered what creators and mystics have always known - that we create by feedback and change and that we are all beings of infinite creative potential - in a very literal sense: the vacuum is not empty - it is not nothing. It is actually highly organizing and always communicating - an "unknown" that is actually fertile with creative potential. He founded The Resonance Project Foundation. You can see him speak on the Crossing the Event Horizon video on YouTube.

    I found this write-up of him at The Laughing Coach Newsletter:

    Nassim Haramein, a world traveler, was born in Geneva, Switzerland. As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a holographic hyper-dimensional theory of everything he calls the �Holofractographic Universe.�

    The Holofractographic Universe theory is a unified field theory resulting from over two decades of investigation into the geometry of hyper-dimensional systems and their relation to the creation of three-dimensional reality and all of its forces�including consciousness.

    The premise of The Holofractographic Unified Field Theory research is that space is not empty, it is full. It is full of an energy that, through a specific set of fractal geometry, creates atomic structures that are themselves made of 99.999% space. It is a sea of electromagnetic flux we call the zero point energy, which has been demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt, since its mechanical effects have now been measured in laboratories.

    This is nothing new, most ancient civilizations believed in a primordial soup of energy embedded within the fabric of space and in a primary geometric pattern coordinating creation. Later many of the world's great thinkers, including such scientists as Albert Einstein, Nicolas Tesla, Buckminster Fuller, and Walter Russell, believed in an all prevailing energy at the base of the fabric of space.

    Haramein's findings have resulted in theoretical and practical developments based on a specific geometric array fundamental to creation. This theory has now been presented to the standard scientific community with great success, and his papers on the Holofractographic Universe will soon be followed by a book for the layman entitled "Crossing the Event Horizon."

    Nassim's investigation of the geometry of hyperspace has combined quantum physics and cosmological understandings of universal forces with other sciences such as biology and philosophy, resulting in advanced unification computations that, astonishingly, relates to ancient codes left in monuments and documents around the world�including the Bible, the I Ching, the Mayan Sacred Calendar, Pyramids, and Egyptian temples. The results of his research may bring our planet to a new dimension of understanding and existence, one which was predicted by the ancients to arrive at this time in history.

    Nassim is fluent in both French and English. He conducts workshops and seminars on his theories to help bring an awareness that is greatly needed in these times. His lectures are designed around his life experiences beginning with childhood illuminations and culminating in the discovery of a technology and united view that seems to have been left encoded by ancient civilizations for us to rediscover. His work may lead to some of the most important scientific, philosophic and technological discoveries in written history." NH

    Spoke to him a bit last year, the dude rocks etc...

    His core site



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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:59 am

    (unregistered) toothfairy, Mar 15 2010, 12:37 PM

    Hi K,

    I like Nassim and his work since doing the big 12 hour YouTube videos of his lecture and his various interviews. I think his work ties in nicely with David Talbot and Wallace Thornhill. I probably should have posted my link to Thornhills video and interview under this topic but I don't think you'd started it then.

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:00 am

    K626, Mar 15 2010, 12:41 PM

    Hi T,

    I'm running out of friends to force to watch the u-tube marathon...

    If we get bigger here I can probably cajole him to come and do a Q&A.




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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:00 am

    tacodog, Mar 15 2010, 12:47 PM

    I like Nassim too. Enjoyed the Youtube video's, when I have more time, I will go back and re-watch much to absorb.


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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:01 am

    truthseekerdan (unregistered), Mar 15 2010, 04:28 PM

    IMHO, Nassim is way better than Michio Kaku...

    What do you guys think?

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:02 am

    K626,Mar 15 2010, 11:53 AM wrote:Spoke to him a bit last year, the dude rocks etc...

    Most definately! I love Nassim!

    He said if we don't get ourselves in sympathetic resonance with the energies coming our way, there's a big chance we can get extremely sick. He knows so much!

    Thanks for the thread! :)


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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:04 am

    gita, Mar 15 2010, 04:56 PM

    Nassim is brilliant. The guy talks so much sense and has a knack of making things simple � a total genius. I especially love what he says about living in a black whole.

    BTW, he�s half Iranian if anyone is interested in his full background and has some wonderful anecdotes about his dad.

    He rocks.

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:04 am

    toothfairy, Mar 15 2010, 05:09 PM

    QUOTE (K626 @ Mar 15 2010, 12:41 PM)
    Hi T,

    I'm running out of friends to force to watch the u-tube marathon...

    If we get bigger here I can probably cajole him to come and do a Q&A.



    Yes, its difficult to get people interested enough for the long lectures, but well worth the effort in my view. For me, he ties in a lot of stuff that I was intrigued by. You may remember Richard Hoagland ( talking about NASA and esoteric symbolism a few years back, then when Nassim explains the science, Hoaglands theories got more plausible... 19.5 degrees and that stuff. There is a merging of what was once "alternative to mainstream" with Nassim, Hoagland, Thornhill, Talbot which really replaces the mainstream views completely for me. The only real difference is Nassims view about black holes at the center of everything and Thornhill/Talbots view that black holes can't exist. Apart from that minor issue I think they are in the same ballpark. I like them to "join" theories and then I think they cracked it (at least till the next idea comes along )

    Interesting times.


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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:05 am

    gita, Mar 15 2010, 05:12 PM

    I'm pretty sure i've seen Nassim refer to black holes as black Wholes (with a W to make a point of everything being whole).

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:08 am

    CosmicSuspect, Mar 15 2010, 05:28 PM

    I remember the first time I found his 64 video youtube lecture, once I started watching it I couldnt stop. I also remember that he talked briefly about how his findings led him to develop his own form of meditation and someone asked him to talk about it. He said one day he would. Has anyone got any information about his meditation techniques??

    Black Whole Theory!

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:09 am

    gita, Mar 15 2010, 05:41 PM

    QUOTE (CosmicSuspect @ Mar 15 2010, 05:28 PM)
    I remember the first time I found his 64 video youtube lecture, once I started watching it I couldnt stop. I also remember that he talked briefly about how his findings led him to develop his own form of meditation and someone asked him to talk about it. He said one day he would. Has anyone got any information about his meditation techniques??

    Black Whole Theory!

    He runs retreats to do his meditation techniques which is quite expensive - not sure if he's got them out on dvd yet.

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:09 am

    aroundthetable, Mar 17 2010, 08:40 PM

    QUOTE (Truthseekerdan @ Mar 15 2010, 04:28 PM)
    IMHO, Nassim is way better than Michio Kaku...

    What do you guys think?

    I agree Dan Good to see you, i see theres a spirituality thread here now,


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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:10 am

    gita,Mar 15 2010, 05:12 PM wrote:I'm pretty sure i've seen Nassim refer to black holes as black Wholes (with a W to make a point of everything being whole).
    Yes indeed he does Gita! Let's say he has a most "wholistic" approach to science! Very Happy

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:11 am

    Carol, Mar 22 2010, 05:41 AM

    Years ago when I was just a wee lass I was turned onto science and fell in love with it as a passion... Science and spirituality are closely entwined as one explains the how. Amazing.


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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:12 am

    GregorArturo, Mar 22 2010, 05:07 PM

    I'm going to Sedona today to stay on a ranch with this wonderful psychic/exorcist for a week, and she's going to be getting me in personal contact with Nassim to discuss my work. I am absolutely psyched. I have admired Nassim very dearly and my own research is based off his initial concepts.

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:12 am

    Mercuriel, Mar 22 2010, 06:12 PM

    Whoa - Can You tell Him something ? Tell Him this if You can.

    He is a Bright and Shinning Light and for Shining His light upon All of Us We thank Him...

    If You can give Him this Message It would mean alot to Us Gregor.



    Peace, Love, Light, Unity and Harmony...

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:22 am

    malletzky, Mar 22 2010, 09:12 PM

    QUOTE (Mercuriel @ Mar 22 2010, 07:12 PM)
    Whoa - Can You tell Him something ? Tell Him this if You can.

    He is a Bright and Shinning Light and for Shining His light upon All of Us We thank Him...

    If You can give Him this Message It would mean alot to Us Gregor.

    Wow, wouldn't that be great to have him here for one day (few hours if possible)

    Then this place will



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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  Luminari Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:32 am

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  Luminari Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:56 am

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Reply on Nassim Haramein's work

    Post  B.B. Baghor Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:47 pm

    Hi there, just entered this Forum and found some lovely topics here. I am very fond of Nassim and admire his ability to keep things simple and also his hilarious humor in his lectures. He is just being himself, almost amazed by his own findings, sort of, like a child but a very clever and intuitive one! David Wilcock has included Nassim in the film that he's making now, for those interested, David's site is I guess most Mistics here know about him. I am excited about the bleeding through of spirituality in the scientific world! Up till now it has been mostly fragmented pieces of material quality and it lost a lot of life and vitality. Now the spark is returning Wink bringing life back where it should be: heaven and earth united. Enjoy your weekend, be well!

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  Micjer Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:12 am

    Absolutely awesome vid and very funny also. A must watch for those that want to understand the universe.


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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  Micjer Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:29 am

    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Milliongalaxies_2mass

    Explanation: Are the nearest galaxies distributed randomly? A plot of over one million of the brightest "extended sources" detected by the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) shows that they are not. The vast majority of these infrared extended sources are galaxies. Visible above is an incredible tapestry of structure that provides limits on how the universe formed and evolved. Many galaxies are gravitationally bound together to form clusters, which themselves are loosely bound into superclusters, which in turn are sometimes seen to align over even larger scale structures. In contrast, very bright stars inside our own Milky Way Galaxy cause the vertical blue sash.

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  Micjer Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:02 am

    This helps to visualize Nassim's talk.

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  HigherLove Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:10 pm

    I hope this works, here. It should have the entire series on Unified Field Theory. Just click the screen in the upper left and the videos should scroll like a music player.

    <embed src="" quality="high" wmode="window" bgcolor="55A51C" flashvars="mycolor=55A51C&mycolor2=7CF229&mycolor3=FFFFFF&autoplay=false&rand=0&f=4&vol=100&pat=0&grad=false" width="410" height="311" name="myflashfetish" salign="TL" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" border="0" style="visibility:visible;width:410px;height:311px;" /><br> <alt="Music" border="0">

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    Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond... Empty Re: Nassim Haramein, Sexy Physics and adventures beyond...

    Post  mudra Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:46 pm

    Awesome Higher Love .
    The links work well.
    Thank you for sharing Nassim's work with us.
    Such a bright shining soul.


    Love from me

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