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    Egyptian Folklore II


    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:08 am

    I do have this to add today however given the current state of affairs at 'home' and abroad;

    Carl Jung on “Man’s Stupidity”

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 2

    Our striving focused on sagacity and intellectual superiority, and we hence developed all our cleverness.

    But the extraordinary extent of stupidity inherent in all men was disregarded and denied.

    But if we accept the other in us, we also evoke the particular stupidity of our nature.

    Stupidity is one of man's strange hobbyhorses.

    There is something divine about it, and yet something of the megalomania of the world.

    Which is why stupidity is really large.

    It keeps away everything that could induce us to intelligence.

    It leaves everything not understood which is not naturally supposed to demand understanding.

    This particular stupidity occurs in thought and in life.

    Somewhat deaf somewhat blind, it brings about necessary fate and keeps from us the virtuousness coupled with rationality.

    It is what separates and isolates the mixed seeds of life, affording us thus with a clear view of good and evil, and of what is reasonable and what not.

    But many people are logical in their lack of reason"

    Page  (P.487). ~Liber Novus, Page 316, Footnote 277.



    Megalomania is a psycho-pathological condition characterized by fantasies of power, relevance, omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem. Historically it was used as a name for narcissistic personality disorder.


    noun: megalomania

       obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.
       synonyms: delusions of grandeur, folie de grandeur, thirst/lust for power; self-importance, egotism, conceit, conceitedness
       "he's blinded by his own megalomania and quest for historic recognition at any cost"
           delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder).

    Translate megalomania to
    Use over time for: megalomania



    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 1268228942

    noun: saviour; plural noun: saviours; noun: savior; plural noun: saviors

       a person who saves someone or something (especially a country or cause) from danger, and who is regarded with the veneration of a religious figure.
    Savior or Saviour may refer to:

       a person who helps people achieve salvation, or saves them from something

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 1020

    Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya on the flip side



    Posts : 13540
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:05 pm

    I somehow think that Human-Beings are BOTH Smart and Stupid -- SIMULTANEOUSLY. I somehow think that Human-Nature is BOTH Fallen and Unfallen -- SIMULTANEOUSLY. I somehow think that the Bible is BOTH True and False -- SIMULTANEOUSLY. I somehow think that I am BOTH Orthodox and Unorthodox -- SIMULTANEOUSLY -- Hence, orthodoxymoron. I somehow support Theological-Milestones and Historical-Necessities -- SIMULTANEOUSLY. The United States of the Solar System: Oxymoron or Wave of the Future?? We might have to wait until 2133 A.D. to determine the correct response. Another thing. Consider the following Study-List:

    1. Genesis and Job through Malachi (KJV).
    2. Luke and Acts through Jude (KJV).
    3. Prophets and Kings by Ellen White.
    4. Solomon: Pharaoh of Egypt by Ralph Ellis.
    5. The Gods of Eden by William Bramley.

    As you know, I have provided dozens of study-lists throughout the years, mostly to facilitate Possibility-Thinking relative to Sacred-Scripture. But my lifelong ambivalence and reflection have made a wreck out of me -- and I am truly a Completely Ignorant Fool -- but I love that term (and use it often). What Would Raven Say?? @#&^$*^&!!?? I think I've teetered on the edge of the abyss long enough to see how dark and deep it really is -- without actually falling (or being thrown) into it. I'm "backing-off". I think my "job" was completed several years ago. Perhaps it was completed in a previous-life. It might've even been completed in a distant solar-system. Nothing would surprise me at this point. I still think there is something to the concept of an Investigative and Executive Judgment terminating in (or around) 2133 A.D. I'm obviously not sure about the validity of various "Numbers-Games" -- so I won't be shouting "The End is Near" in crowded-theaters or internet-forums. I've simply defined a particular area of research -- without formalizing my findings. I actually don't have any findings. I've merely created a "Conceptual-Laboratory" for those with greater aptitudes and resources than I am blessed with. I know my limitations -- and they are significant. I sometimes feel as if I have been hamstrung for a significant-reason. Perhaps this was a test for all-concerned. Remember John and Delenn's son, David (in the Fifth-Season of Babylon 5) being "cursed" (with some sort of an alien-parasite) on his 16th birthday. Why?? Happy-Birthday?? "Sweet Sixteen, and Never Been Cursed??" I continue to think in terms of the solar-system being one big-business (going way, way, way back). If this is even somewhat correct, resistance might really be futile -- and I have no appetite for trench-warfare (regardless of how righteous the cause might be). I continue to NOT Know what's REALLY going-on (within this solar-system and beyond). I have no idea who I really am (on a soul-basis -- going way, way, way back) even though I have modeled remote-possibilities (without remote-viewing). Please do not neglect the following Bible-Study:

    1. Genesis through Esther -- Matthew through Acts -- and the Revelation of Jesus Christ (read straight-through -- over and over -- as a group).
    2. Job through Malachi -- and Romans through Jude (read straight-through -- over and over -- as a group).

    What is your opinion of the work of Ralph Ellis and Gerald Massey?? What is your opinion of Biblical-Egyptology -- especially as applied to Genesis through Esther -- and the Four Gospels?? Is most of this material Historical-Fiction with an Egyptian-Twist?? I've been attempting to base my Biblical-Theology upon Job through Malachi -- and Romans through Jude -- with the historical-aspects (or historical-fictional aspects) viewed through two particular books by Ellen White -- namely Prophets and Kings -- and The Desire of Ages. I try to imagine these two books re-written in connection with insights gained through a study of the books of Ralph Ellis and Gerald Massey!! But how do we really know anything for certain regarding antiquity and the otherworldly?? I assume that deception is rampant -- and that everyone lies (to greater or lesser extents). I seem to be locked into a "Graveyard-Spiral" with my historical theological presuppositions -- and I continue to attempt to gain altitude -- despite encountering endless brutal-flocks of facts!! The story of Isis being thrown into the snake-pit by the reptilians (for refusing to cooperate with the enslavement of humanity) continues to haunt me. Was Isis the "Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World"?? Was The Greatest Story Ever Told based-upon the Story of Isis?? Is Isis alive and well, and living on Planet Earth?? I have no idea what to believe and disbelieve regarding antiquity and the otherworldly -- so I merely consider possibilities (especially those which might support my presuppositions -- even though this is tainted-scholarship). I have been attempting to construct realistic-eschatology without the use of the Book of Revelation -- but it's not going so well. I hate my life. Now I'm going to make the coffee. BTW -- what if Isis = Jupiter Jones?? What if God is a Black-Woman?? A Catholic Musician told me that a Catholic Priest had asked that question (decades ago). In the movie Dogma -- Rufus states that "Jesus was Black". Serendipity speaks of writing the Bible -- and 19 of the Top-20 movie ideas and/or scripts. God turns out to be a woman (Alanis Morissette) hidden in a comatose-man's body. I've done way too much poking, prodding, and speculating. It's drained the life out of me -- yet I continue to wonder as I wander. "Not all who wander are lost". I leave you with one last study-list (which is simply a conceptual snapshot in time -- which is subject to change -- without prior notice):

    1. Job through Malachi (King James Version).
    2. Romans through Jude (King James Version).
    3. Prophets and Kings (Ellen G. White).
    4. The Desire of Ages (Ellen G. White).
    5. The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale).
    6. Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking (Robert H. Schuller).
    7. The New York Times.
    8. The Wall Street Journal.
    9. The United States of the Solar System: 2133 A.D. (Books One and Two).
    10. Sacred Classical Music.

    I mostly wish to watch things "play-out" in the coming months and years. I have no idea what's going to happen (or not happen) -- but I continue to think that some of us should consider eschatological science-fiction (theistic and atheistic). Even if there were no God to rain-down asteroids, fire, and brimstone -- we still have sufficient WMD's to exterminate ourselves rather rapidly (with or without aliens). I think I could probably become a Rich Rabble-Rouser (if I wanted to) but I don't want to. I prefer to be the "Strong Silent Type". Actually, I'm probably just a "Completely-Ignorant Fool with Nothing to Say". If anyone tries to discuss my madness with me -- I'll probably just say something like "Interesting", "No Comment", or "What Are You Talking About??" I'll probably just "Play-Dumb" which actually comes quite naturally. I still wonder if most of the souls in this solar-system have a very-dark past?! What if nearly all of us "Overthrew God in Antiquity"?? What if nearly all of us have "Rejected God in Modernity"?? What if nearly all of us have been "Atoning for Our Sins" lifetime after lifetime after lifetime?? What if a Final-Judgment will precipitate a "Final-Application of the Atonement"?? What if nearly all of us will "Stand Before a Holy-God -- Without a Mediator" in the near-future?? Is a "Ticket to the Moon" a good-thing or a bad-thing?? I have no idea. Neither the Old or New Testaments of the Holy Bible are anything close to a Western-Capitalist Manifesto!! In the Torah -- conquest is fine (including killing all of the women and children) -- but you had better keep the Sabbath holy (or get stoned to death -- on the spot -- without a trial). The Pauline-Epistles seem to favor communism and socialism -- don't they?? The "Ancient Egyptian Deity" I spoke-with heavily favored Socialism and Absolute-Obedience to a Central-Deity!! Is Heaven Capitalist or Communist?? Is there Religious and Political Freedom in Heaven?? I have attempted to utilize the best of East and West with my hypothetical royal-model United States of the Solar System -- complete with 10,000 Representatives -- a King, Queen, and a God!! The idea is to achieve a Dynamic-Equilibrium of Human Responsible-Freedom with the Sovereignty of God!! Oxymoron or Wave of the Future?? I have set a tentative start-date of 2133 A.D. -- but who knows what the future holds (or drops)?? The U.S.S.S. concept involves probably half of the 10,000 Representatives serving as Solar-System Supreme-Court Justices. The remaining 5,000 would serve in something resembling the best aspects of the United Nations and Washington D.C. The Supreme-Court might be more sacred than secular -- and the UN/US amalgamation might be more secular than sacred. Unfortunately, this approach would make everyone livid with rage -- so perhaps we'll just have to watch the present-arrangement play-out (for better or worse -- I know not). I am in no position to know much of anything significant -- so I'm mostly attempting to not talk.

    A very careful examination of all-concerned throughout the history of the world might be rather difficult to judge -- due to the circumstances and previously unknown factors. I've hinted at a lot of stuff -- but I've done very little direct condemnation. I'm not saying that "anything-goes" should be "the way things are" -- but one would have to know a hell of a lot about all factions within this solar system (going way, way back). The best ideas and plans could've been repeatedly hijacked and corrupted. Some world-leaders might've been unimaginably controlled from the shadows. Do we assume that just because we find-out about the secret-stuff that we will somehow get all of it for ourselves?? What if this simply screws-up someone's business-model?? Or what if we've served our purpose, and will be eliminated?? I find it hard to believe that the Real Top-Dogs are on the run!! I suspect that they're really bad, smart, and sinister -- and that they don't give a damn about "We the Peons". But to think that they would be vulnerable enough to be completely exposed and deposed is somehow irrational and doubtful. The Real Top-Dogs might want "Disclosure" and "Regime-Change" as calculated-steps toward some unthinkable end. I don't think we should be too triumphalist and celebratory just yet. I've been attempting to think things through from the perspectives of all-concerned -- and I am finding it to be MOST Disorienting and Disillusioning. I frankly don't think we have any idea of what we're REALLY Dealing-With. I get the sinking-feeling that this thing won't be over for a VERY Long Time. An Individual of Interest told me they would "Always be Opposed to Humanity" -- and the implication was that they had existed for a very-long time -- and that they would continue to exist for a very-long time. I'm just scratching the surface of this madness -- and it's scaring the hell out of me. I tend to think in terms of pictures and panoramas -- and I find it difficult to adequately communicate what I see and perceive. I sometimes wonder if I sometimes channel some hidden aspect of my past existence.

    I continue to think that humanity has lived under a One-World (or possibly even a One Solar-System) Government for thousands of years -- and that the Original-Creator (or genetic and social engineer) of the Human-Experiment got removed in antiquity (with a much-tougher administrator taking their place) -- for better or worse, I know not. All I know is that this whole thing has been pretty darn nasty (going way, way back). BTW -- some of those Pope-Caricatures are in poor-taste and over-the-edge -- but I bet they generate a lot of laughter in and around the Vatican!! They probably laugh at me as well (if they even know about me). My U.S.S.S. threads are a big-joke, aren't they?? I wish to make it abundantly clear that I am not an insider -- and that I have withdrawn everything I've offered on the internet (and probably anywhere else). I've tried to consider various world, solar-system, and galactic issues -- with devastating results. Nothing productive has resulted -- as far as I can tell. I obviously do not have the "right-stuff" for much of anything. I continue to feel massively ignored, ridiculed, miserable, rejected, and harassed. We all have our crosses to bear, don't we?? But there might be pandemonium when we see what those who were loyal to God got. I don't know if I've been loyal or not. Have my internet questions been reasonable or not?? Why have 95% of my questions remained unanswered, after nearly eight-years?? I continue to suspect that nearly all of us have "made our choices" regarding the most important matters imaginable (whether we realize it, or not). I guess I'll continue to seek the truth, the whole-truth, and nothing but the truth -- regardless of whether anyone likes it, or not. I hope the Real Universe Powers That Be somehow appreciate and accept my feeble and tainted attempts to understand the "Real-Truth". That might be the thing which REALLY matters when all is said and done. Are they impressed by "Big-Shot Walking and Talking"?? I tend to doubt it. Are they impressed by "Fame, Fortune, and Power"?? I tend to doubt it. Have I somehow had contact with the "Real-Deal"?? I don't know -- but it wouldn't surprise me. But at this late date -- I honestly think I've been roundly rejected by both Humanity and Divinity (at least within this particular solar system). My hope is that there is some sort of a "City of Refuge" for me in this universe. I think I might do much better in a different setting. Perhaps I already have.

    I often sound stand-offish -- but I simply don't know who and what to believe and trust -- so I suppose I am in a moot-war with everyone and everything -- which I am trying to end. I've performed an experiment -- and my laboratory now seems to be in lockdown -- with sirens-wailing and lights-flashing. I simply think this thing is way too complex for me to properly deal with. I have mostly suspended judgment -- but now I think I need to suspend my experiment -- and move toward the mainstream -- for the remainder of this incarnation. This makes me very, very sad. One can get too far out on a very high limb. One can get so "above it all" that they lose touch. On the other hand -- my efforts to gel with even the "awake and aware" have failed to yield satisfactory results -- so I suppose, in a sense, I have lost confidence in those around me -- and in myself (regarding meaningful and long-term dialogue). I mostly end-up talking to myself. It's easier that way. I just wish to cease being open and honest on the internet (or anywhere else, for that matter). I've been screwed-up for most of my life -- and attempts at enlightenment and honesty just seem to make things worse. Idealism seems to backfire on a regular basis. I'm not saying that I'll stop researching and reflecting. I'm simply saying that being vocal (on the internet and/or in real-life) doesn't seem to be working for me -- and I doubt that it ever will. I am a 'friend and foe' personality (with very little personality). I can be open and friendly -- but then I can turn right around and start asking difficult and provocative questions. I do this on the internet on a daily-basis -- but I usually keep my mouth shut in real-life. I am quite fatigued and stupid in real-life -- and things seem to be worsening. With every other person being a secret-agent (or related to someone who knows someone) -- with legion agencies and lists -- I'm really not enjoying being a 'marked-man'. I think I might like to write some sort of a book (which would be a very mild version of my internet stuff) -- and then just retire -- and disappear into a small mountain cabin (with a Deep Underground Civilian Basement) for the rest of my life. That's my story -- and I'm sticking to it. I could continue -- but I'd rather not. "Silence is Golden".
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    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:48 am


    How's it going?  I noticed an attempt to reason with the Savior flavor of the hour.  Who grapples with code of ambiguity  eh? Ambiguous wordplay which came first time around music videos, and now the BIG SCREEN.

    La la lalala.....

    Rollin' Blue baby! Did you know Peyo who created the Smurfs studied with another cartoonist, Maurice de Bevere.

    Peyo decided to follow Maurice to the popular weekly comic "Spirou" in 1954

    I did not know that!  Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Got a question and excuse me for taking my time on that pdf but busy is my middle name this week after a weeks vacation.  

    Abba reference in the paper.

    I understand the Alice-Bob reference but to what context are you using it?  As I'm certain you're aware there can be several eh?

    And second:  Kristos

    Kristos left me hanging as I'm not aware again of the context.

    So if you could help me out there I'd be grateful.


    What I'm seeing in the parade of info dispersion here lately at the Mists is Shadow-self play at it finest.


    Posts : 1050
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Age : 67
    Location : Akbar Ra

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  shiloh Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:10 pm

    Brook wrote:
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 211-2


    How's it going?  I noticed an attempt to reason with the Savior flavor of the hour.  Who grapples with code of ambiguity  eh? Ambiguous wordplay which came first time around music videos, and now the BIG SCREEN.

    La la lalala.....

    Rollin' Blue baby! Did you know Peyo who created the Smurfs studied with another cartoonist, Maurice de Bevere.

    Peyo decided to follow Maurice to the popular weekly comic "Spirou" in 1954

    I did not know that!  Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Got a question and excuse me for taking my time on that pdf but busy is my middle name this week after a weeks vacation.  

    Abba reference in the paper.

    I understand the Alice-Bob reference but to what context are you using it?  As I'm certain you're aware there can be several eh?

    And second:  Kristos

    Kristos left me hanging as I'm not aware again of the context.

    So if you could help me out there I'd be grateful.


    What I'm seeing in the parade of info dispersion here lately at the Mists is Shadow-self play at it finest.

    Abba is or should be rather interesting to you, as it combines the anagram of the Egyptian Heart of the AB associated with the throne of Isis with the BA or soul of Bastet, the daughter of the Isis in the sistrum of the dances of the cats of Egypt.
    When the Krystos (see more below), came to redeem old Jehovah, he knew he could no longer call upon the 'sacred tetragrammaton' of YHWH, because of missing symmetry and so he renamed YHWH's successor as Abba, the new father of all as the pentagrammaton  and symmetric YHWHY aka YaHWHeY in the I Am That I AM! also being I AM THAT AM I? and as the "Why Oh Why?!" and changing the exclamation of the old lost creator memeplex into a question of the new redeemed creator  energy thoughtform.

    Mark 14:36 - Romans 8:15 - Galatians 4:6 -KJV

    And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.
    For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
    And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

    The Krystos used to be an older label of the Hellenes also known as the ancient Greeks and just like 'Chief' Seattle can be used as the naming of Sitting Bull 'Chief' of the Lakota Sioux; so can the word 'chief' also mean Krystos or 'Jesus the Christ'. This, btw is the reason as to why the 'symbol of the cross' is such an abomination to islamists, note I did not say muslims. The islamists are attempting to remove all 'associations' of Muhammad with the Krystos-Kristos-Christ-'Moshiah-'Anointed' honorific. (References are in the pdf).
    The caliph Abd Al-Malik ibn Marwun from the 'New Arabia' found this label of the Krystos being used by the conquered folks in the occupied Byzantine lands and decided to use the 'Krystos' venerated as an old Christian 'chief' and renamed it in a new invented title of 'Muhammad' and in the process also using the 'chieftains' of the pharaohs from the other 'people of the book' of the older lexicons as the 'Mose' in the 'Mosiach' and Ahmose and Thutmosis and Rameses and so on from even earlier times and records kept.

    Alice and Bob!? Well are you asking for it in detail? It has to do with firewalls and Black Holes and quantum entanglements.
    Here is a pic for Alice as Brook as Jenetta, which relates to this.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Susskind-png
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Ufoqr-jpg
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Gaia13d-png

    Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire
    How a new black hole paradox has set the physics world ablaze.

    Well yes, the 'Know It Smurfs' are what they are and not exactly attuned to the general ongoings in Smurfy Town.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Smurfs-village-jpg

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Paul-jpg

    Last edited by shiloh on Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:27 am; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 1394
    Join date : 2012-06-02
    Age : 55
    Location : In the Suns

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:47 pm

    shiloh wrote:
    Brook wrote:Tony,

    How's it going?  I noticed an attempt to reason with the Savior flavor of the hour.  Who grapples with code of ambiguity  eh? Ambiguous wordplay which came first time around music videos, and now the BIG SCREEN.

    La la lalala.....

    Rollin' Blue baby! Did you know Peyo who created the Smurfs studied with another cartoonist, Maurice de Bevere.

    Peyo decided to follow Maurice to the popular weekly comic "Spirou" in 1954

    I did not know that!  Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I see some "effort" of relationship here trying to happen, however, the Sleeping Giant is still asleep in "Stasis"... Hows about we wake some of us up shall we? and NOT with Coffee...


    Got a question and excuse me for taking my time on that pdf but busy is my middle name this week after a weeks vacation.  

    Abba reference in the paper.

    I understand the Alice-Bob reference but to what context are you using it?  As I'm certain you're aware there can be several eh?

    And second:  Kristos

    Kristos left me hanging as I'm not aware again of the context.

    So if you could help me out there I'd be grateful.


    What I'm seeing in the parade of info dispersion here lately at the Mists is Shadow-self play at it finest.

    Abba is or should be rather interesting to you, as it combines the anagram of the Egyptian Heart of the AB associated with the throne of Isis with the BA or soul of Bastet, the daughter of the Isis in the sistrum of the dances of the cats of Egypt.
    When the Krystos (see more below), came to redeem old Jehovah, he knew he could no longer call upon the 'sacred tetragrammaton' of YHWH, because of missing symmetry and so he renamed YHWH's successor as Abba, the new father of all as the pentagrammaton  and symmetric YHWHY aka YaHWHeY in the I Am That I AM! also being I AM THAT AM I? and as the "Why Oh Why?!" and changing the exclamation of the old lost creator memeplex into a question of the new redeemed creator  energy thoughtform.

    Mark 14:36 - Romans 8:15 - Galatians 4:6 -KJV

    And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.
    For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
    And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

    The Krystos used to be an older label of the Hellenes also known as the ancient Greeks and just like 'Chief' Seattle can be used as the naming of Sitting Bull 'Chief' of the Lakota Sioux; so can the word 'chief' also mean Krystos or 'Jesus the Christ'.
    The caliph Abd Al-Malik ibn Marwun from the 'New Arabia' found this label of the Krystos being used by the conquered folks in the occupied Byzantine lands and decided to use the 'Krystos' venerated as an old Christian 'chief' and renamed it in a new invented title of 'Muhammad' and in the process also using the 'chieftains' of the pharaohs from the other 'people of the book' of the older lexicons as the 'Mose' in the 'Mosiach' and Ahmose and Thutmosis and Rameses and so on from even earlier times and records kept.

    Alice and Bob!? Well are you asking for it in detail? It has to do with firewalls and Black Holes and quantum entanglements.
    Here is a pic for Alice as Brook as Jenetta, which relates to this.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Susskind-png
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Ufoqr-jpg
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Gaia13d-png

    Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire
    How a new black hole paradox has set the physics world ablaze.

    Well yes, the 'Know It Smurfs' are what they are and not exactly attuned to the general ongoings in Smurfy Town.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Smurfs-village-jpg

    Posts : 1394
    Join date : 2012-06-02
    Age : 55
    Location : In the Suns

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty See

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:50 pm

    We Love You!

    Posts : 1394
    Join date : 2012-06-02
    Age : 55
    Location : In the Suns

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Aquaries1111 Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:12 am

    Aquaries1111 wrote:
    shiloh wrote:
    Brook wrote:Tony,

    How's it going?  I noticed an attempt to reason with the Savior flavor of the hour.  Who grapples with code of ambiguity  eh? Ambiguous wordplay which came first time around music videos, and now the BIG SCREEN.

    La la lalala.....

    Rollin' Blue baby! Did you know Peyo who created the Smurfs studied with another cartoonist, Maurice de Bevere.

    Peyo decided to follow Maurice to the popular weekly comic "Spirou" in 1954

    I did not know that!  Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I see some "effort" of relationship here trying to happen, however, the Sleeping Giant is still asleep in "Stasis"... Hows about we wake some of us up shall we? and NOT with Coffee...


    Got a question and excuse me for taking my time on that pdf but busy is my middle name this week after a weeks vacation.  

    Abba reference in the paper.

    I understand the Alice-Bob reference but to what context are you using it?  As I'm certain you're aware there can be several eh?

    And second:  Kristos

    Kristos left me hanging as I'm not aware again of the context.

    So if you could help me out there I'd be grateful.


    What I'm seeing in the parade of info dispersion here lately at the Mists is Shadow-self play at it finest.

    Abba is or should be rather interesting to you, as it combines the anagram of the Egyptian Heart of the AB associated with the throne of Isis with the BA or soul of Bastet, the daughter of the Isis in the sistrum of the dances of the cats of Egypt.
    When the Krystos (see more below), came to redeem old Jehovah, he knew he could no longer call upon the 'sacred tetragrammaton' of YHWH, because of missing symmetry and so he renamed YHWH's successor as Abba, the new father of all as the pentagrammaton  and symmetric YHWHY aka YaHWHeY in the I Am That I AM! also being I AM THAT AM I? and as the "Why Oh Why?!" and changing the exclamation of the old lost creator memeplex into a question of the new redeemed creator  energy thoughtform.

    Mark 14:36 - Romans 8:15 - Galatians 4:6 -KJV

    And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.
    For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
    And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

    The Krystos used to be an older label of the Hellenes also known as the ancient Greeks and just like 'Chief' Seattle can be used as the naming of Sitting Bull 'Chief' of the Lakota Sioux; so can the word 'chief' also mean Krystos or 'Jesus the Christ'.
    The caliph Abd Al-Malik ibn Marwun from the 'New Arabia' found this label of the Krystos being used by the conquered folks in the occupied Byzantine lands and decided to use the 'Krystos' venerated as an old Christian 'chief' and renamed it in a new invented title of 'Muhammad' and in the process also using the 'chieftains' of the pharaohs from the other 'people of the book' of the older lexicons as the 'Mose' in the 'Mosiach' and Ahmose and Thutmosis and Rameses and so on from even earlier times and records kept.

    Alice and Bob!? Well are you asking for it in detail? It has to do with firewalls and Black Holes and quantum entanglements.
    Here is a pic for Alice as Brook as Jenetta, which relates to this.

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Gaia13d-png

    Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire
    How a new black hole paradox has set the physics world ablaze.

    Well yes, the 'Know It Smurfs' are what they are and not exactly attuned to the general ongoings in Smurfy Town.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Smurfs-village-jpg

    How did my Path of the  Sun get in Shiloh's quote? Hmmm.... time for a change!

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  shiloh Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:10 am

    Brook wrote:
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 211-2
    I do have this to add today however given the current state of affairs at 'home' and abroad;

    Carl Jung on “Man’s Stupidity”

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 2

    Our striving focused on sagacity and intellectual superiority, and we hence developed all our cleverness.

    But the extraordinary extent of stupidity inherent in all men was disregarded and denied.

    But if we accept the other in us, we also evoke the particular stupidity of our nature.

    Stupidity is one of man's strange hobbyhorses.

    There is something divine about it, and yet something of the megalomania of the world.

    Which is why stupidity is really large.

    It keeps away everything that could induce us to intelligence.

    It leaves everything not understood which is not naturally supposed to demand understanding.

    This particular stupidity occurs in thought and in life.

    Somewhat deaf somewhat blind, it brings about necessary fate and keeps from us the virtuousness coupled with rationality.

    It is what separates and isolates the mixed seeds of life, affording us thus with a clear view of good and evil, and of what is reasonable and what not.

    But many people are logical in their lack of reason"

    Page  (P.487). ~Liber Novus, Page 316, Footnote 277.



    Megalomania is a psycho-pathological condition characterized by fantasies of power, relevance, omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem. Historically it was used as a name for narcissistic personality disorder.


    noun: megalomania

       obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.
       synonyms: delusions of grandeur, folie de grandeur, thirst/lust for power; self-importance, egotism, conceit, conceitedness
       "he's blinded by his own megalomania and quest for historic recognition at any cost"
           delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder).

    Translate megalomania to
    Use over time for: megalomania



    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 1268228942

    noun: saviour; plural noun: saviours; noun: savior; plural noun: saviors

       a person who saves someone or something (especially a country or cause) from danger, and who is regarded with the veneration of a religious figure.
    Savior or Saviour may refer to:

       a person who helps people achieve salvation, or saves them from something

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 1020

    Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya on the flip side


    Anyone for the Preservation of the Pyramids?
    What really happened to the Arabian Springtimes in Egypt's Revolution 2011

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    Egypt, 2012: The Year In Fatwas

    By Raymond Ibrahim on January 30, 2013 in From The Arab World, Islam

    Published on FrontPage Magazine

    In previous decades in Egypt, the fatwas, or legal decrees issued by learned Muslims and based on Sharia law, revolved around questions like proper prayer, when and where women should wear the hijab, and if smoking was forbidden or permissible.
    That was then.
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 241-jpe
    The fatwas issued in the year 2012—the year when Islamists, spearheaded by the Muslim Brotherhood, assumed formal power—are, as one would expect, markedly different, that is, much less restrained. The popular Egyptian Arabic website El-Watan News recently compiled a list of 2012’s most “notable” (a euphemism) fatwas. I translate a summary of their findings below, augmented with additional observations:

    Destruction of the Pyramids and Sphinx
    In November, Sheikh Murjan Salem al-Jawhari, a Salafi leader, called for the destruction of all idols, relics, and statues in Egypt, specifically mentioning the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids. He called on Muslims to destroy such “idols” just as they destroyed the Buddha statues in Afghanistan. Of course, several months earlier, in July, I reported how several prominent Islamic clerics were calling on President Morsi to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As [the first Muslim invader of Egypt] could not.” Then and now, the MSM scoffed at the very idea, portraying it as a “hoax.” To date, reports from Egypt confirm that “some of the statues have already been destroyed by those belonging to the political Islamist parties.”

    Marrying Minors (i.e., Pedophilia)
    Dr. Yassir al-Burhami, Vice President of the Salafi Da‘wa movement, and thus an authoritative figure among Egypt’s Salafis, who are playing a prominent role in the nation’s new parliament, opposed setting a minimum age in the new constitution concerning the marriage of minor girls, saying “they can get married at any time,” and insisting that Sharia law is clear on this matter. Indeed, earlier, another cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, after saying that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle,” explained the fundamental criterion of when they can copulate: whenever “they are capable of being placed beneath and bearing the weight of the men,” which has less to do with age and more to do with individual capacity.

    Permitting Lies and Hypocrisy
    Dr. Yassir al-Burhami also permitted wives to “lie to their husbands” about their whereabouts—if they were going to go and vote “yes” on the Sharia-heavy constitution in Egypt, and if their husbands would otherwise have disapproved. The ever-expedient Salafi leader also permitted Egypt to borrow money from the IMF, rationalizing the “forbidden” interest rate away as “administrative charges.” (Islam forbids Muslim participation in monetary loans that charge interest, as does the IMF.)

    Scrapping Camp David Accords
    Sheikh Hashem Islam, member of the Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee, said that the peace treaty with Israel contradicts the teachings of Sharia and should be annulled, quoting the Koran: “So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and Allah is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds” (47:35). He added that “Jews cannot be trusted.” The Islamic logic he and others use is that peace treaties with infidels are legitimate only when Muslims are weak and in need, whereas now that Egypt is under proper Muslim leadership, Allah will help it to defeat Israel.

    Killing Anyone Protesting Islamization of Egypt
    Sheikh Hashem Islam also permitted the killing of anti-Islamization protesters, portraying them as traitors committing “high treason.” The Sheikh also exempted the murderers from having to pay the restitution required by Sharia to a Muslim victim’s family. Sheikh Wagdi Ghoneim issued a similar fatwa, proclaiming any Muslim who rejects the Sharia-heavy constitution of being an apostate who must be fought and killed.

    Obeying President Morsi
    Sheikh Ahmed Mahlawi, the leader of an Alexandrian mosque, denounced all Muslims opposed to President Morsi, pointing out that the Koran declares it to be forbidden to disobey those in authority: “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger [Muhammad] and those in authority among you” (4:59). He added that Morsi should be obeyed whether he was elected or not—as long as he enforces the laws of Allah. In fact, according to Sharia, the Islamic ruler must always be obeyed—except whenever he fails to enforce Sharia.

    Banning Greeting Christians
    The Committee for Rights and Reform issued a Fatwa against congratulating Christian Copts on their religious holidays, notably Christmas and Easter, since Muslims do not share the beliefs specific to those holidays. As for the ever-reliable Salafi Sheikh Burhami, he further forbade Muslim cab and bus drivers from transporting Christian priests to their churches, which he depicted as “more forbidden than taking someone to a liquor bar.”

    Banning Saluting the Egyptian Flag
    Abd al-Akhir Hamad, the mufti of the notorious Gama’a Islamiya (Islamic Group), denounced and forbade the saluting of the flag and the Egyptian national anthem, saying that doing so glorifies that which is other than Allah—not to mention music is simply “haram,” that is, forbidden. Dar Al-Ifta’ issued a counter-fatwa to allow for saluting the flag and standing up for the national anthem.

    Banning TV Shows Mocking Political Islamists
    A fatwa banning TV viewers from watching the very popular shows of Bassem Yusif, who routinely mocks Egypt’s Islamists and their fatwas, appeared and was originally attributed to Dar Al-Ifta’, though it later denied issuing it.

    Banning Marriage to Mubarak-Regime “Remnants”
    Sheik Omar Stouhi, Secretary General of the Supreme Committee for Islamic Da‘wa at Al-Azhar, forbade all Muslim women from marrying any of the sons of the “remnants” of the old regimes, portraying them as non-pious Muslims.

    Banning Joining the Dustor Political Party
    Sheikh Muhammad Nazmi issued a ban on people from joining Egypt’s Dustor political party, headed by Dr. Muhammad al-Baradei, saying that the latter is a secularist and opposed to the implementation of Allah’s laws.

    The Jihad on Egypt’s Pharaonic Antiquities

    By Raymond Ibrahim on November 14, 2012 in From The Arab World

    Published on Jihad Watch

     While Islamic hate for idols is a well documented phenomenon—permeating both the whole of Islamic doctrine and history—the “Arab Spring” has given greater rise to this hate, as it has to all uniquely Islamic phenomena.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Badree-jpg
    Sheikh Badri calls for the demolition of Egypt’s pre-Islamic past

    Soon after Muslim Brotherhood leader Muhammad Morsi became president of Egypt, calls to demolish the Great Pyramids—long seen as the ultimate in idol effrontery to Islamic sensibilities—began. When I reported this, and documented the long paper-trail of Muslims, beginning with their prophet, destroying the antiquities of their pagan ancestors, the apologists, including at Huffington Post and New York Times cried “hoax,” to lull the world back to sleep.

    Yet the cries to destroy Egypt’s Pharonic—that is, pagan—past continue. According to a Watan report, Sheikh Yusif al-Badri, a popular preacher, recently declared that “Allah created people to worship him, but demons misled them to worship other creatures in his place.”

    Accordingly, Sheikh al-Badri is calling for “the demolition of monuments [e.g., pyramids] and all idols and statues in Egypt,” characterizing it as “a religious duty, lest they [monuments and idols] create sedition, and cause people to return to worshiping idols instead of Allah.” Likewise, he pointed to the fact that “the noble prophet [Muhammad] ordered the destruction of idols and statues [when he conquered Mecca] lest they be glorified for worship instead of Allah.”

    The report continues by quoting various other Islamic figures, including from the Muslim Brotherhood, who all agree that any idol that has the potential to awe Muslims “instead of Allah” must be destroyed, though some argue that the antiquities of Egypt do not inspire Muslims to worship them and help the nation’s economy, and thus should be spared.

    Even so, the Watan report concludes by saying that, according to Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities “some of the statues have already been destroyed by those belonging to the political Islamist parties.”

    Islamic State: Militants blow up tower tombs at Syria's Palmyra, antiquities chief says

    Updated 5 Sep 2015, 9:10amSat 5 Sep 2015, 9:10am
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 6751752-3x4-340x453-jpg 
    Photo: An antiquities expert says the celebrated Tower of Elahbel was one of the tombs destroyed by Islamic State. (Supplied: Wikimedia Commons)
    Related Story: Satellite images confirm destruction of Palmyra's Temple of Bel: UN
    Related Story: Historic Temple of Bel damaged by Islamic State militants Arab Republic/@35,38,5z]

    Jihadists of the Islamic State group have blown up three of the famed tower tombs of Syria's ancient desert city of Palmyra, the country's antiquities chief says.
    "They blew up three tower tombs, the best preserved and most beautiful," Maamoun Abdelkarim said.
    News of the destruction at the world-renowned site, captured by the jihadists in May, follows their demolition of the ancient shrine of Baal Shamin and the 2,000-year-old Temple of Bel."We received reports 10 days ago but we've just confirmed the news," Mr Abdelkarim said.

     "We obtained satellite images from the US-based Syrian Heritage Initiative, taken on September 2."
    He said the tombs destroyed by IS included the most celebrated — the Tower of Elahbel.
    The whole of Palmyra, including the four cemeteries outside the walls of the ancient city, has been listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO since 1980.
    In its listing, the UN agency singles out the tower tombs as the "oldest and most distinctive" of Palmyra's funerary moments — "tall multi-storey sandstone buildings belonging to the richest families".
    "On the fronts of those that survive, foremost among them the Tower of Elahbel, there is an arch with sarcophagus halfway up, which in ancient times supported a reclining statue," it said.
    "Corridors and rooms were subdivided by vertical bays of loculi [niches for dead] closed by slabs of stone carved with the image of the deceased and painted in lively colours."

    What is Palmyra?

    • UNESCO describes Palmyra as a heritage site of "outstanding universal value"
    • Palmyra first entered recorded history in the early second millennium BC as a caravan stop for travellers
    • The ancient city stood on a caravan route at the crossroads of several civilisations; the place where the ancient Greek and Roman worlds met the ancient Persian and Parthian worlds on the Silk Road
    • Its first and second century temples and colonnaded streets mark a unique blend of Graeco-Roman and Persian influences
    • It is strategically important, placed in the centre of the Syrian desert, and is the crossroads for roads going to Jordan, Iraq, and Damascus.

    Mr Abdulkarim said the Tower of Jambalik, built in 83AD, was also destroyed along with the Tower of Ketout built in 44AD and famed for vivid scenes etched into its walls.
    He said the tower tombs were symbols of the economic boom of Palmyra in the 1st century AD when it dominated the caravan trade between east and west from its oasis in the desert.
    Some of Palmyra's monuments still remain intact, including its grand amphitheatre and the Temple of Nabu.
    The amphitheatre has instead been exploited by IS to parade its brutal version of Islamic justice since it captured the city in May.
    In one macabre display, child recruits executed 25 Syrian soldiers on the stage.

    Jihadists keen to sell artefacts on black market

    According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group, IS addressed a letter to Palmyra's residents promising further destruction.
    Gruesome violence and the destruction of priceless artefacts have become hallmarks of IS as it has expanded its so-called caliphate straddling Iraq and Syria.
    The Sunni extremist group considers pre-Islamic monuments, tombs and statues to be idolatrous and worthy of destruction.
    But experts say that while the jihadists prize the shock value of demolishing ancient sites, they are also keen to preserve some artefacts to sell on the black market to raise funds.
    According to Cheikhmous Ali of the Association for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology, upwards of 900 monuments and archaeological sites have been damaged or destroyed during more than four years of civil war.
    In addition to damaging sites in Syria, IS has also carried out widespread destruction in neighbouring Iraq, demolishing statues, shrines and manuscripts in second city Mosul, and razing the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud.


    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Raymond-ibrahim-bio-jpg

    Raymond Ibrahim is a Middle East and Islam specialist and author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007).
    His writings have appeared in a variety of media, including the Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst, Middle East Quarterly, World Almanac of Islamism, and Chronicle of Higher Education; he has appeared on MSNBC, Fox News, C-SPAN, PBS, Reuters, Al-Jazeera, NPR, Blaze TV, and CBN.
    Ibrahim regularly speaks publicly, briefs governmental agencies, provides expert testimony for Islam-related lawsuits, and testifies before Congress.
    He is a Shillman Fellow, David Horowitz Freedom Center; a CBN News contributor; a Media Fellow, Hoover Institution (2013); and a Judith Friedman Rosen Writing Fellow, Middle East Forum .
    Ibrahim’s dual-background -- born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents born and raised in the Middle East -- has provided him with unique advantages, from equal fluency in English and Arabic, to an equal understanding of the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets, positioning him to explain the latter to the former.

    Iran-Shia-(?Israel?)-----Russia-Orthodox-----(Western Alliances?)-Sunni-Islamic State

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:15 am

    Abba...Got it...I'll continue reading tomorrow as work calls today.  But I will share something I shared on this thread earlier on.

    Peripheral ~ Surface ~ Sensor

    The peripheral surface of a black hole is an Event Horizon.

    If you fall into the black hole you will get crushed.

    Egyptian: Second death.

    If approached from the inner horizon or the axis of the black hole or the north
    pole, the gravitational repulsion of the central singularity slows the entity
    down, turning it around, and accelerating it back out through the inner horizon of a
    white hole. Put simply, the space axis and time axis exchange places when one crosses
    the outer event horizon, and the future becomes an unavoidable place in
    time or the crushing singularity. Crossing the inner event horizon, time and space resume their normal axes, making the singularity an avoidable place in space, while allowing access to the past singularity of the white hole. Ultimately, one goes through four horizons

    Egyptians referred to as the opening of mouths four times. The Opening of the
    Mouth ceremony parallels the movement of the Deceased through four horizons.

    According to scientific speculations, inside a spinning  black hole, the act
    of looking backward would allow one to see a white hole or the past singularity.
    Since a white hole is a black hole running backward in time, the Negative
    Confession of the Book of the Dead describes deities:

    "Who come forth backwards".

    "He whose Face is behind him who came forth from his hole".

    The inner horizon,  radiation is blueshifted as it accumulates.

    Field of Turquoise  and the Blue One, Lake of Turquoise,
    traveling with turquoise, Lord of Turquoise, and open door of the blue sky.

    Indicates blueshift or the high frequency light associated with
    approaching radiation.

    In contrast, radiation moving away from the observer appears redshifted.
    The Dead King observes:

    he who departs is red and smeared

    "N" has gone up in the red hour.
    (N State described in video below starting at 1:16)


    According to Holographic principal:  All Information about the black hole is stored on the horizon....The peripheral!

    Particles living on the horizon boundary describe objects in the interior.

    Now here I am reviewing a scroll in a room by a supposed ancient culture with nine universal principals written on it.

    If what I have just proposed is correct then this ancient culture must certainly KNOW the landscape of space and time with great detail to know the redshift and blueshift attributes.

    Dead Kings escapes the black hole Netherworld  associated with
    uraei shedding "light by means of their radiance (which cometh) from their mouths"

    or uraei pouring fire from their mouths:

    The mouths of a wormhole are analogous to the holes at either end of the tube in a 2D plane...

    a quantum parallel exists between the transformed Deceased and Hawking radiance in the bulk, proposing the existence of large extra dimensions in small black holes.

    The Dead King is a horizon dweller: has a
    seat in the horizon, and takes possession of the horizon

    so that those who are in the horizon may live for this spirit

    "My power is in the horizon"

    ~The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts - R.O. Faulkner ~

    Peripheral ~ Sensor ~ Surface

    Peripheral: Of, relating to, or situated on the edge or periphery of something.

    Redefining the Horizon

    (Firewall debate)


    Hi Deb,

    Today....Coffee is all I've got right now.    Brook

    Tomorrow is another day and time is on my side.

    Give em enough rope they usually hang their little blue butts Wink

    Good things come to those who wait...

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 10409320_733392223387214_750194015434297524_n


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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:48 am

    And we now pause for station identification

    Back to your regularly scheduled (personal) commentary after these words from your sponsor


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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:08 am


    I read the pdf yesterday and was very impressed by your impression of the stated matter at hand.  Well done.

    But then of course being sent all the videos I watched the Stephen Greer almost four hours long and while the first half was something I already knew... the second half was quite interesting.

    So my day was pretty full while also researching the comedy of clowns.  Indeed I'm stuck in the middle with you!

    Clowns to the left... Jokers to the right...and here I am...stuck in the middle with you.

    So hard to keep this smile off my face.... Lmao

    Again well done on the pdf but I think the Jokers have yet to realize eh?



    Should prove to be an interesting day...plenty of coffee in reserve....I'm going to need it to keep from falling asleep.


    In due time more commentary on pdf to come...

    Love ya Tony!

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  shiloh Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:14 am


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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:44 am

    Now...if you can pull yourself away from sex cults for a bit....someone of great wisdom died in December and I had no interest in sex cults but much interest in doing a three day memorial....perhaps you can gain some of that wisdom from a man that will sadly be many.

    Coyote Logics:

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 6:44 pm