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    Egyptian Folklore II


    Posts : 3469
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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:05 pm

    Just the Abstract /facts mam:

    "There is now a significant body of results on quantum interactions with closed timelike curves (CTCs) in the quantum information literature, for both the Deutsch model of CTC interactions (D-CTCs) and the projective model (P-CTCs). As a consequence, there is a prima facie argument exploiting entanglement that CTC interactions would enable superluminal and, indeed, effectively instantaneous signaling. In cases of spacelike separation between the sender of a signal and the receiver, whether a receiver measures the local part of an entangled state or a disentangled state to access the signal can depend on the reference frame. We propose a consistency condition that gives priority to either an entangled perspective or a disentangled perspective in spacelike-separated scenarios. For D-CTC interactions, the consistency condition gives priority to frames of reference in which the state is disentangled, while for P-CTC interactions the condition selects the entangled state. Using the consistency condition, we show that there is a procedure that allows Alice to signal to Bob in the past via relayed superluminal communications between spacelike-separated Alice and Clio, and spacelike-separated Clio and Bob. This opens the door to time travel paradoxes in the classical domain. Ralph [T. C. Ralph, arXiv:1107.4675 [quant-ph].] first pointed this out for P-CTCs, but we show that Ralph's procedure for a “radio to the past” is flawed. Since both D-CTCs and P-CTCs allow classical information to be sent around a spacetime loop, it follows from a result by Aaronson and Watrous [S. Aaronson and J. Watrous, Proc. R. Soc. A 465, 631 (2009)] for CTC-enhanced classical computation that a quantum computer with access to P-CTCs would have the power of PSPACE, equivalent to a D-CTC-enhanced quantum computer."


    Making Star Trek Real
    Jack Sarfatti
    Internet Science Education Project

    “The future, and the future alone, is the home of explanation.”
    Henry Dwight Sedgwick

    “Sarfatti's Cave is the name I'll give to the Caffe Trieste in San Francisco, where Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D. in physics, writes his poetry, evokes his mystical, miracle-working ancestors, and has conducted a several-decade-long seminar on the nature of reality … to a rapt succession of espresso scholars. ... It's Jack Sarfatti against the world, and he is indomitable. …One of his soaring theories is that things, which have not happened, yet can cause events in the present. … Cornell University B.A. , University of California Ph.D., his credentials are impeccable. Following is a quotation from a Lecture given to a San Francisco State physics seminar on 30 April 1991:

    By Dr. Jack Sarfatti

    The universe is created by intelligent design but the Designer lives in our far future and has evolved from us … Perhaps, all the works of cultural genius, from the music of Mozart to the physics of Einstein, have their real origin in the future. The genius may be a real psychic channeler whose mind is open to telepathic messages from the future. The genius must be well trained in his or her craft and intellectually disciplined with the integrity of the warrior in order to properly decode the quantum signals from the future. The purpose of our existence would then be to ensure, not only the creation of life on earth, but also the creation of the big bang itself! We obviously cannot fail since the universe cannot have come into existence without us in this extreme example of Borgesian quantum solipsism [bolstered by John Archibald Wheeler’s “observer-participator” and “the universe as a self-excited circuit]. Existentialism is wrong because it is an incorrect extrapolation of the old physics. Breton’s surrealism, with its Jungian idea of meaningful coincidence, is closer to the truth. This would then be the final secret of the Illuminati – that charismatic chain of adepts in quixotic quest of their ‘Impossible Dream’ of the Grail. Enough of my subjective vision. Now on to the objective physics. Gold, Herbert. Bohemia: Where Art, Angst, Love & Strong Coffee Meet.

    Love the last line:

    Coffee lust ~ Effect Soul


    There is now a significant body of results on quantum interactions with closed timelike curves (CTCs) in the quantum information literature, … As a consequence, there is a prima facie argument exploiting entanglement that CTC interactions would enable superluminal and, indeed, effectively instantaneous signaling. …. Using the consistency condition, we show that there is a procedure that allows Alice to signal to Bob in the past via relayed superluminal communications between spacelike-separated Alice and Clio, and spacelike-separated Clio and Bob. This opens the door to time travel paradoxes in the classical domain … offering a possible window on what we might expect in a future theory of quantum gravity. Quantum interactions with closed timelike curves and superluminal signaling, Jeffrey Bub and Allen Stairs, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 022311 (2014)

    ‘In this case, Bob possesses the unknown state even before Alice implements the teleportation. Causality is not violated because Bob cannot foresee Alice’s measurement result, which is completely random. But, if we could pick out only the proper result, the resulting “projective” teleportation would allow us to travel along spacelike intervals, to escape from black holes, or to travel in time.” Seth Lloyd et-

    This is a series of blog essays about teleological destiny, quick time travel to colonize Earthlike exoplanets through stargates, and the possibility that we are three-dimensional hologram images in a virtual reality programmed by a cosmological conscious super-intelligence that is alive and well on our future two-dimensional dark energy edge of space that we can ever hope to see with light signals. My speculative hypothesis-conjecture of this book is that our idea of time and cause and effect is profoundly wrong. In particular the “unproven theorem paradox” of time travel is not a paradox at all.
    “The “unproved theorem” paradox points out that if there are CTCs, then it might be possible to take a published proof of a theorem into the past and present it to someone, who then uses it to produce the very manuscript that leads to the theorem’s publication Bub & Stairs op-cit

    Evidence on “brain presponse” (Libet, Radin, Bierman, Bem) suggests that our consciousness and creativity are such meme self-creating strange loops. The universe does only not emerge out of the past, but is also pulled toward the future for a purpose. This idea is not new in philosophy, but has reappeared in physics starting with the work of John Archibald Wheeler and Richard Feynman in the 1940s. This back-from-the-future effect is needed to understand the nature of both dark matter and dark energy that is most of the stuff in our accelerating universe and most importantly to understand our own consciousness and how to reach the stars and beyond.

    Lots of science in this one but the basic is in the beginning


    If even a small quotient of the above is correct...It's all clear, you were meant to be here!

    Time travel experiment demonstrates how to avoid the grandfather paradox

    And last for the day, add this video to that information and how you say...

    Quiff Pop?

    Listen to what William Henry says in the first part of this video. The rest is pretty interesting as well.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 21xz0m

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:07 pm

    Speaking of time:

    In keeping with measuring TIME and the pyramid "drag on time"

    After writing the last post regarding CTC's and Time travel I stop to watch a few minutes of television. What do you suppose was on?

    Destination Orion

    Ancient Aliens season 5

    Having never seen it I see William Henry again this morning! What are the chances?

    So I watched it.

    Lot's of speculation...Lots of DOT connecting!

    Patterns and Connect the DOTS!

    6 degrees of separation and the video I'm going to post here the video and show mentions:

    Order from Chaos!

    So lets take a look at these numbers....


    Posts : 3469
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    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:11 pm

    46 + 2 = 48

    42 + 6 = 48

    6 degrees of separation...


    Messier object M42 = Orion Nebula

    42 Negative Confessions (Papyrus of Ani)


    42 is the number with which God creates the Universe in Kabbalistic tradition. In Kabbalah, the most significant name is that of the En Sof (also known as "Ein Sof", "Infinite" or "Endless")


    Magic numbers used by programmers:

    The glyph, or character, corresponding to the number 42 in the ASCII character set, is *, the asterisk, commonly known as the wildcard character.

    In the TIFF image file format, the second 16-bit word of every file is 42, which is used together with the first word to indicate byte order.

    In the reiser4 file system, 42 is the inode number of the root directory.

    In the military IRIG 106 Chapter 10 data recording standard, the hex value 0x464F52545974776F (ASCII "FORTYtwo") is used as a magic number to identify directory blocks.

    The GNU C Library, a set of standard routines available for use in computer programming, contains a function—memfrob()—which performs an XOR combination of a given variable and the binary pattern 00101010 (42) as an XOR cipher.

    42 is the result given by the web search engines Google and Wolfram Alpha when the query "the answer to life the universe and everything" is entered as a search.

    Tiling a plane using regular hexagons, which is honeycomb in appearance, is approximated in a topological sense to an accuracy of better than 1% using a stretcher bond brick pattern with bricks of 42 squares (6 by 7).

    The password expiration policy for a Microsoft Windows domain defaults to 42 days.

    In Judaism, the number (in the Babylonian Talmud, compiled 375 AD to 499 AD) of the "Forty-Two Lettered Name" ascribed to God. Rab (or Rabhs), a 3rd-century source in the Talmud stated "The Forty-Two Lettered Name is entrusted only to him who is pious, meek, middle-aged, free from bad temper, sober, and not insistent on his rights". [Source: Talmud Kidduschin 71a, Translated by Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein]. Maimonides felt that the original Talmudic Forty-Two Lettered Name was perhaps composed of several combined divine names [Maimonides "Moreh"]. The apparently unpronouncable Tetragrammaton provides the backdrop from the Twelve-Lettered Name and the Forty-Two Lettered Name of the Talmud.[citation needed]

    The Gutenberg Bible is also known as the "42-line Bible", as the book contained 42 lines per page.

    The Forty-Two Articles (1552), largely the work of Thomas Cranmer, were intended to summarize Anglican doctrine, as it now existed under the reign of Edward VI.

    Sutra of Forty-two Chapters


    I wonder what William Henry would say to my theory of Drag on time and Chaos and the Chimera State in an Ancient tomb by a possible time traveler?

    Historical note:

    1954 before the human diploid number was confirmed as 46. Chimpanzees (the closest living relatives to modern humans) have 48 chromosomes (as well as the other great apes: in humans two chromosomes fused to form chromosome 2).

    Chromosome 2 presents very strong evidence in favour of the common descent of humans and other apes. According to researcher J. W. IJdo, "We conclude that the locus cloned in cosmids c8.1 and c29B is the relic of an ancient telomere-telomere fusion and marks the point at which two ancestral ape chromosomes fused to give rise to human chromosome 2.

    46 + 2 = 48

    Posts : 3469
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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:21 pm

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Sooevk

    So my imagination has gone wild.  I'm just seeing things that aren't there?

    Possibly...Possibly not.

    Check it:

    24 x 4 = 96    
    96 divided by 32 (bits) = 3

    24 x 8 = 192
    192 divided by 64 = 3

    6 degrees of separation:

    6 x 32 = 192



    the point at which bifurcating occurs... the act of bifurcating :  the state of being bifurcated

    bifurcate:   to cause to divide into two branches or parts

    Bifurcation theory & Chaos

    In a dynamical system, a bifurcation is a period doubling, quadrupling, etc., that accompanies the onset of chaos.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 5belo7

    384 = 192 + 192

    The primary split of the holistic parameter 384 into two 192’s represents a bifurcation or — more accurately —a polarization of the system into two complementary but polar-opposite sets of elements. For the case of sacred geometries, it divides into two halves that are either mirror images of each other or related by spatial inversion.


    How about the 64 notation...

    192 divided by 64 (bits) = 3

    In the beginning we were one:

    Vesica Piscis (1)

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Mvrbbl

    But things changed.  We began to think we were separate from each other (2)

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 15zsd4h

    The ultimate goal:

    All in one (3)

    64 grid tetrahedron ~ Better known and the Flower of life and one (if not the oldest) of symbols in Egypt.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 33nw7c4

    64 hexagrams of the I Ching table comprise 192 (Yang) lines and 192 (Yin) broken lines

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Azdli9

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Azdli9

    Now...Do you see the pattern in Chaos within the image I posted from the tomb and the Chimera state as depicted?

    Patterns of Chaos in the Cosmos of the oh so Parallel Universe

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2edqhlg

    But that's not all....More coffee please... Brook

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:27 pm


    What else do you see here?

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Sooevk

    It never occurred to me in my search for the Red Dot; that would be exactly what I needed to pay attention to.

    Remember I said in another post there are two Eyes. Two messages here in the encryption.

    I turn your attention to the dual message in this tomb to the Red Dots.

    Look closely at the bottom portion.

    There are seven gods on one side and six on the other with RED DOTS. In between is a tall inverted "V", similar to a pyramid top pointing to a red star the eye of Eye of Taurus the red star (DOT) Aldebaran.

    on the bottom are circles; four on one side eight on the other side.

    4 + 8 = 12

    or represents


    Take your pick!

    Atop the heads of the gods; Red Dots!

    7 (gods) + 6 (gods) = 13

    or represents


    This image has been represented at a star map no? Surrounded by stars in fact.

    Did you know:

    4 + 8 = 12

    12 + 76 = 88

    12 Signs of the Zodiac Plus 76 = 88 constellations


    How can that be?


    Date of the tomb is 18th dynasty; Roughly 1513–1499 BC

    Did you know 88 constellations were not mapped and made official until 1922, when the International Astronomical Union (IAU) adopted the modern list of 88 constellations?

    At its first meeting in 1922, the International Astronomical Union (IAU), astronomy's governing body which is responsible, among other things, for assigning names to celestial objects and features on those objects, officially adopted the list of 88 constellations that we use today. Definitive boundaries between constellations, which extend out beyond the star figures, were set in 1930, so that every star, nebula, or galaxy, no matter how faint, now lies within the limits of one constellation. For today's astronomer, constellations refer not so much to the patterns of stars, but to precisely defined areas of the sky.

    Are you familiar with " The 48 Main Constellations" ?

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 1pjfvl

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 23thw88

    by Claudius Ptolemy

    BORN: AD 90

    Who wrote the Almagest and listed the 48 Main Constellation long AFTER this 18 dynasty image in a tomb.


    12 zodiac constellations plus 76 = 88 constellations!

    This being is depicted in an 18th dynasty star chart? Nah couldn't be!

    So where does 13 come into play?

    how about the 13th (ambiguous) sign of the zodiac?

    Ophiuchus ~ The Serpent-Bearer included in the 88 MODERN constellation count!

    Ophiuchus is one of thirteen constellations that cross the ecliptic. It has therefore been called the '13th sign of the zodiac'.

    Which didn't come about (confusion between the notion of a sign and constellation) until 1970

    Ophiuchus is one of thirteen constellations that cross the ecliptic. It has therefore been called the '13th sign of the zodiac'.

    Oh but it gets better!

    7 and 6 coming up next post!

    Posts : 3469
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    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:39 pm

    A cube:

    Four sides with a top and a bottom = 6 sides


    In geometry, a hypercube is an n-dimensional analogue of a square (n = 2) and a cube (n = 3). It is a closed, compact, convex figure whose 1-skeleton consists of groups of opposite parallel line segments aligned in each of the space's dimensions, perpendicular to each other and of the same length.


    In geometry, the tesseract, also called an 8-cell or regular octachoron or cubic prism, is the four-dimensional analog of the cube; the tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square. Just as the surface of the cube consists of 6 square faces, the hypersurface of the tesseract consists of 8 cubical cells. The tesseract is one of the six convex regular 4-polytopes.

    Oh look what I see!

    A generalization of the cube to dimensions greater than three is called a "hypercube", "n-cube" or "measure polytope"

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Sdlg03


    A six cube!

    In geometry, a 6-cube is a six-dimensional hypercube with 64 vertices, 192 edges


    If you intersect lines from all sides of a cube you would get a single point totaling 6 with a point in the middle.  Add  another point for a total of seven points.  But the cube only has 6 sides...intersecting to make a point in the middle.

    Now add an outside point that would be a total of 8

    8 X 8 = 64

    Oh boy there's that number again!

    But let me show you something else

    A point of origin and destination:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2lrl15

    And let me show you one other thing:

    Look at the inverted long V shape with the Red Dot (Aldebaran)

    And look at this:

    Check out the "7th" seal!

    seven points to outline a course to a find a destination within any three dimensional space, you need six points to determine the exact location...but to chart a course, you need a point of origin...

    So, which came first the chicken or the egg?  Am I seeing a Hollywood movie made on this or this was made from a Hollywood movie?  Because I'm telling you there it sits in an 18th dynasty tomb!

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 33a3vjc
    Gamma Symbo flipped aroundl:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 0263

    Gamma/Time Dilation

    Should I say there's a (w)hole lot more?

    Last edited by Brook on Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:43 pm

    So number 6 Started with (I wrote it down): Peripheral Sensor/Surface

    Started with the actual definition of Peripheral: Of, relating to, or situated on the edge or periphery of something.

    In the image I've shown the False Door/Back Door, Chaos theory and Time travel.

    The peripheral surface of a black hole is an Event Horizon.

    If you fall into the black hole you will get crushed.

    Egyptian: Second death.

    If approached from the inner horizon or the axis of the black hole or the north
    pole, the gravitational repulsion of the central singularity slows the entity
    down, turning it around, and accelerating it back out through the inner horizon of a
    white hole. Put simply, the space axis and time axis exchange places when one crosses
    the outer event horizon, and the future becomes an unavoidable place in
    time or the crushing singularity. Crossing the inner event horizon, time and space resume their normal axes, making the singularity an avoidable place in space, while allowing access to the past singularity of the white hole. Ultimately, one goes through four horizons

    Egyptians referred to as the opening of mouths four times. The Opening of the
    Mouth ceremony parallels the movement of the Deceased through four horizons.

    According to scientific speculations, inside a spinning  black hole, the act
    of looking backward would allow one to see a white hole or the past singularity.
    Since a white hole is a black hole running backward in time, the Negative
    Confession of the Book of the Dead describes deities:

    "Who come forth backwards".

    "He whose Face is behind him who came forth from his hole".

    The inner horizon,  radiation is blueshifted as it accumulates.

    Field of Turquoise  and the Blue One, Lake of Turquoise,
    traveling with turquoise, Lord of Turquoise, and open door of the blue sky.

    Indicates blueshift or the high frequency light associated with
    approaching radiation.

    In contrast, radiation moving away from the observer appears redshifted.
    The Dead King observes:

    he who departs is red and smeared

    "N" has gone up in the red hour.
    (N State described in video below starting at 1:16)

    According to Holographic principal:  All Information about the black hole is stored on the horizon....The peripheral!

    Particles living on the horizon boundary describe objects in the interior.

    Now here I am reviewing a scroll in a room by a supposed ancient culture with nine universal principals written on it.

    If what I have just proposed is correct then this ancient culture must certainly KNOW the landscape of space and time with great detail to know the redshift and blueshift attributes.

    Dead Kings escapes the black hole Netherworld  associated with
    uraei shedding "light by means of their radiance (which cometh) from their mouths"

    or uraei pouring fire from their mouths:

    The mouths of a wormhole are analogous to the holes at either end of the tube in a 2D plane...

    a quantum parallel exists between the transformed Deceased and Hawking radiance in the bulk, proposing the existence of large extra dimensions in small black holes.

    The Dead King is a horizon dweller: has a
    seat in the horizon, and takes possession of the horizon

    so that those who are in the horizon may live for this spirit

    "My power is in the horizon"

    ~The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts - R.O. Faulkner ~

    Peripheral Sensor/Surface

    Peripheral: Of, relating to, or situated on the edge or periphery of something.

    Redefining the Horizon

    Taking a break for the Thesis and the primer....

    Posts : 13540
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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:59 pm

    Thank-you, Brook, for all of your internet-posts throughout the years. I've learned a lot, but I still don't seem to be able to absorb a lot of your work. Hopefully that will change in the coming months and years. I seem to need to deal with this sort of material in an indirect manner. I'm sorry I haven't been able to properly interact with you. My path seems to not intersect with most anyone's experience -- so I tend to walk alone.

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 1:08 pm

    That's quite alright ODM....and Thank you!

    While I'm waiting for lunch to come out of the (argh) microwave....I'll reacquaint you all with the Primer I wrote about years ago...'s my flipping conscious brain seeing this tentacle titled Thoth.....can you say 180 turnaround?!? My brain at the time could not "compute" what it was in shows me this biological tentacle....and the whole thing was bizarre! But that drawing of the lines above...that was KEY. Key to what I had no idea..but suspected the lines contained some kind of information for processing.

    Then sometime later I get the primer.....the primer led me to "codes" of I've stated several times in this thread.....

    Fist day back at work and it reminded me why I took that break. Upon first entering the room the first time I looked in wonder how I would go through all this stuff..and there is lot's of stuff to find what I needed. Yes it is like Christmas. Lot's of really cool stuff. But where to begin? Little did I know at the time of that thought that was the primer.....the "beginning". All I saw was lots of work ahead to get to it. Going through crates and baskets of papyrus (documents) with schematics and hieroglyphs. Medallions of unusual mineral compounds. and it simply boggled my mind. So I decided to take a break from the session work and clear whatever was in my projected view to be able to clearly see and study the contents of this room.

    So warp drive engage....docking in a parallel quadrant to have a pre entry meeting with four associates. Greeting and salutations very informal and lighthearted. The first recognition in the minutes of this meeting was four chairs / thrones (seats of power) to view. One being out of phase. To be assessed after the primer is found.

    Engaging laughter at the primer seen months prior......

    "BEGINNING"....Say what? Three "N"s in the word.

    And the glyph for N.....

    Beginning having THREE.... N's 'highlighted'. DOH!

    Three wavy lines......

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Hiero_N35

    the three ripples,

    referring to water, or waters became an important hieroglyphic block in itself.

    Okay the code is in the glyphs themselves. And the primer is three wavy lines. So I have to find not only the place where the three wavy lines are in the room. What it is the open room and stamped for viewing.

    The primer itself being a clue as well it is within the object to be yet discovered.

    Sometime the obvious clues as to to "where to begin"...smacks you in the face and makes you go ...DOH!

    So I have to keep this short as I have to go to work now to find the location of the primer. Then I have to find the code in the glyphs to decipher them.

    As it turns out the three wavy lines (represented as the "n's")

    also mean (determined by how they are "grouped" in the hieroglyph)


    Now time for the microwave meal.... Cool

    Posts : 3469
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    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:54 pm

    Good golly miss Molly!

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2rra23a

    “You’ve got randomness, and you’ve got order. And right between them, you’ve got the phase transition,”

    'The idea is, you want to get as close as possible to chaos, but you don't want to go into the chaos.'

    Dedicated to Chaos ~ Getting Started

    A phase transition is the transformation of a thermodynamic system from one phase or state of matter to another

    Thriving on the Edge of Chaos

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 29nbdqc

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2w33rph

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 16c1b3a

    Compare the images. Turn one sideways to see the similarity.

    So what is that image of?

    That's a Glucose transporter (hunter) titled

    Beta-D-Glucose which starts the

    Gluconeogenesis Pathway consisting of a series of "eleven" enzyme-catalyzed reactions.

    In humans the main gluconeogenic precursors are lactate, glycerol, alanine and glutamine.

    Glucose is the human body's key source of energy.

    Glucose is a primary source of energy for the brain, so its availability influences psychological processes. When glucose is low, psychological processes requiring mental effort (e.g., self-control, effortful decision-making) are impaired.


    Lactose is a disaccharide sugar derived from galactose and glucose that is found in milk.

    Infant mammals nurse on their mothers to drink milk, which is rich in lactose. The intestinal villi secrete the enzyme called lactase (β-D-galactosidase) to digest it. This enzyme cleaves the lactose molecule into its two subunits, the simple sugars glucose and galactose, which can be absorbed. Since lactose occurs mostly in milk, in most mammals, the production of lactase gradually decreases with maturity due to a lack of constant consumption.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Szd30y

    But that's just silly no?

    I suppose we will never know for certain as the library and knowledge in Alexandria was burned to the ground.


    So what have I just provided in the images here?

    The "hour glass" shape of Orion and "hour glass" shape of Glucose have a similarity. But the connotation is different. One is a pattern in the stars. One is a molecular structure of glucose.

    That's a symbol of visual semiotics.

    Double meanings?

    Check it:

    Signs can hypnotize no?


    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:00 pm


    A flower:

    The Egyptian Blue Lily
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 25akx20

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2wck8r4

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 25zm6np

    Egyptian connotation (False door):
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2czrrq8

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2nr1toi

    Isis Knot/Blood of Isis (NO! Really???....We'll see.)
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2i9goes

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 10dxdsn

    Egyptian Game:
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Svi70h

    Posts : 3469
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    Age : 71

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:04 pm

    Current string theory in Ancient Egypt? Nah....could it be? And if We've only begun to scratch the surface...or so it seems eh?

    Max Tegmark wrote a book and said this theory can't be discribed in 6 numbers.....[6 degrees]

    Apparatjiks made a little song and here it is:


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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:13 pm

    “The “unproved theorem” paradox points out that if there are CTCs, then it might be possible to take a published proof of a theorem into the past and present it to someone, who then uses it to produce the very manuscript that leads to the theorem’s publication ....

    Note: The tomb of Senemut was discovered during the 1925-1927 excavations

    The 48 main constellations were not taken into account until 1922.....

    And...So far I've only shown you the bottom half of the image/star map in the tomb.....

    There are things in that tomb that should not be there for that time period when it was made 18th century dynasty.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2mfk64l


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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:17 pm

    The significance of the top portion of the image/star map is quite interesting. It's also been a big controversy between Egyptology and Astronomers. There is something quite unique that they have been trying to determine.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 6qcod2

    In particular....this:

    The empty boat represents Mars
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2nbttsk

    So why is it empty? Many would presume it's because this would indicate a particular alignment and view of the night sky. Being that Mars is not when might this be? And what exactly is the significance? Particularly since Aldebaran is a Key star in the bottom portion:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 E9yq2o

    This is most likely showing a particular alignment and time.....but when?

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:19 pm

    I will now attempt to show you some interesting dates and some interesting qualities about a certain planet discovered.

    Now during my search for this code I stopped for a time when I was sidetracked by a group working on some kind of Pyramid that was alleged to be built in Russia. This pyramid was also in some way connected to the work at CERN. It was also said that the top of this pyramid was a crystal. That there were "measurements" and alignments involved with the building of this pyramid.

    I was also told a date that might be the testing of this pyramid. I will be sharing that date here soon. Because this particular date also had great importance to developing calendars for measuring days and time etc.


    So first of all...this image in the tomb is quite interesting and has been worked on for quite some time to determine when exactly this might be. When this alignment of stars and constellations might have occurred.

    First I'm going to leave you with a paper written by one who has studied this map and the Abstract:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2hi0br5

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:22 pm is a view where Mars would not be in view of the northern hemisphere but clearly Aldebaran would be. It's also an interesting date which I will be sharing here soon.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Apcxgo

    I also at this time would like you to note the vicinity of Jupiter.

    This freaky fluid as NASA calls it is:

    A Freaky Fluid inside Jupiter?

    "Liquid metallic hydrogen has low viscosity, like water, and it's a good electrical and thermal conductor,"

    Makes for one gigantic generator!

    It's important to understand this behemoth because it wielded a lot of influence in the solar system's formation. After the sun took shape out of the solar nebula, Jupiter formed from the majority of leftover material. The state and composition of the material remaining just after the sun formed are preserved in Jupiter.

    "It holds the heirloom recipe that made our solar system's first planets," says Bolton. "And we want it.

    Speculation: Is Jupiter the Eye of Horus?

    O Osiris the King, the gods have knit together your face for you and Horus has given you his Eye, that you may see with it.



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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:27 pm

    There has been a whole lot of speculation as to what exactly they are doing there at the CERN Location which is located in Switzerland of course.

    In the circles I've investigated there is this one I noted last year. His name is John Walker from Fourmilab. Allow me to share with you a twitter note:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Vcykgk

    This would indicate radiation:

    On one of his trips to CERN he realates this:

    ..."While nobody is allowed in the accelerator tunnels and detector halls while the machine is running (for the excellent reason that the radiation and magnetic field would quickly kill them), during the stand-down the environment is benign and, if you know somebody, it is possible to visit these magnificent machines".

    What is emitted from a black hole according to Stephen Hawking and coincidentally named after him?

    Hawking radiation.

    So is it true the rumors that CERN might be causing and making tiny black holes? Might they be working on creating a stable worm hole? Or studying such in the offing of particle acceleration? Something to certainly think about....

    Noting John Walker is a computer programmer with a wide variety of interests:

    A trip to CERN and the South Pole in 2013 among others...

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:33 pm

    Cosmic accelerators

    Black holes are well known for their ability to pull matter into them. But not all material near a black hole finds itself lost. Some bits of matter just outside the point of no return (called the event horizon) are accelerated away at near-light speeds, creating jets of particles shooting out above and below the black holes.

    "I like to call black holes 'cosmic LHCs,' or very powerful particle accelerators," Nemmen said, referring to the Large Hadron Collider, an underground machine in Switzerland that speeds protons to 99.9999991 percent the speed of light.

    When matter is spun away from a black hole in the form of a jet, most of its energy goes into its motion, but some of it is changed into light in the form of gamma-rays. Nemmen and his team studied findings on 293 previously observed black holes and calculated how efficiently the jets converted energy to light. They found that the rate scaled across the range of black holes.

    "This was one of the surprises of this work, that this efficiency of conversion of the energy into light is essentially the same for black holes with very different masses, very different ages and completely different environments," Nemmen said.

    Black holes are powerful beasts, interesting in and of themselves. But by accelerating ionized gas, they also have the potential to change their environment. Heating up space, they could affect the production of new stars, thereby influencing the galaxy they live in.

    "These jets might be powerful agents of creating changes in the host galaxy," Nemmen said.


    WATER emitted from a black hole:

    Discovery of WATER being emitted from a black hole....

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Jzcox3

    In ancient Egyptian this is the letter N:
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Vnlf7n

    Three of them make the word for water:
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Vnlf7n
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Vnlf7n
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Vnlf7n

    There has been much speculation about the constellation represented by four stars encircled by an ovoid:
    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 5x2ali

    The wavy lines around the middle star (three of them) represent WATER.....Which is also the "PRIMER" to the code.

    Wasn't it Russia that was some how involved in this spinning light show?

    When matter is spun away from a black hole in the form of a jet, most of its energy goes into its motion, but some of it is changed into light in the form of gamma-rays. Nemmen and his team studied findings on 293 previously observed black holes and calculated how efficiently the jets converted energy to light. They found that the rate scaled across the range of black holes.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 B8ptoo


    The inner horizon, radiation is blueshifted as it accumulates.

    "Field of Turquoise and the Blue One, Lake of Turquoise,
    traveling with turquoise, Lord of Turquoise, and open door of the blue sky".

    Indicates blueshift or the high frequency light associated with
    approaching radiation.

    In contrast, radiation moving away from the observer appears redshifted.
    The Dead King observes:

    he who departs is red and smeared

    "N" has gone up in the red hour.


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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:37 pm

    I know what you're thinking. Lot's of this seems quite ambiguous right? I thought so too for awhile until I started connecting some dots.

    A teaser:

    Want to see the night sky when the Norway spiral occurred FROM Norway? For kicks and giggles because I didn't know the exact time I plugged in 11:11...and the date December 9th, 2009. here it is:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2hol21j

    Oh wait couldn't be! On 10 December 2009, the Russian Ministry of Defence confirmed that a Bulava missile test had failed.

    Sun turnin' 'round with graceful motion
    We're setting off with soft explosion
    Bound for a star with fiery oceans
    It's so very lonely, you're a hundred light years from home
    Freezing red deserts turn to dark
    Energy here in every part
    It's so very lonely, you're six hundred light years from home
    It's so very lonely, you're a thousand light years from home
    It's so very lonely, you're a thousand light years from home
    Bell flight fourteen you now can land
    Seen you on Aldebaran, safe on the green desert sand
    It's so very lonely, you're two thousand light years from home
    It's so very lonely, you're two thousand light years from home

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:40 pm

    okay then;

    Lots of speculation on this blue spiral from Norway. The photo I presented was a view from Norway.

    But through some efforts there was an analysis done on this thing what ever it was.

    It was determined the center volocity was at 8000 RPM's. Can you imagine! It was also determined that this spiral was not directly over Norway but:

    Contrary to some assertions that have placed this event over Norway or Finland, the vector analysis establishes the initial spiral over the Russian province of Murmansk and the Kola Peninsula with the origin (contrail) located in the vicinity of the western White Sea...

    Oh okay so back to the drawing board. It was headed Northeast so I reconfigured it from Murmansk in a NE direction....Here is what I got. I also determined it happened just before 8AM so I used 7:53 as the time...

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2hi9tew

    But that is not the interesting part. In this analysis in 2011 they analyzed a video:

    Where at the end it created one huge "apparent" black hole:


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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:44 pm

    So in 2009 the Russians had a foul up test which at first they denied then the next day admitted.

    A few years later:

    Then later I start up with this group where somebody tells me and other members of this group that there is this experiment being done in Russia. It involves a involves "brackish water" involves a "crystal top" to the pyramid....and quite interestingly it has an "atomic clock" perched in the center toward the top.

    Then I'm told that they are going to "test" this thing...possibly...on August 11, 2012.

    Well now...That it turns out is quite an interesting date. It happens to be the date the Mayan Calendar was started. To be exact it was the starting-point equivalent to August 11, 3114 BCE in the proleptic Gregorian calendar or 6 September in the Julian calendar (−3113 astronomical).

    So I checked out these dates and a few others and noticed pattern.

    First date to check the one of the supposed test: August 11, 2012

    An alignment of the moon, Jupiter, and Aldebaran.

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Zlqmhl

    Okay I thought what's the significance? First thing I thought of was Jupiter as a great relay power station of sorts. But remember this was just a test right? A measurement of sorts. But for what? And why? I really had no idea.

    Then I started to look into this date and much to my surprise I ran into this star Aldebaran once again. Only this time it was in the middle of the pacific ocean.

    So, here I am one morning having my coffee while researching the Cornell University Library for "philosophy of physics" and what do you suppose pops up?

    Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor and retrieve my coffee cup....I find this:


    The Astronomical and Ethnological Components
    of the Cult of Bird -Man on Easter Island

    What? What the heck is that doing in the "Physics" category I ask myself?

    So I click on it and do a bit of skim reading.

    My eyes popped out of my head!

    Astronomical Simulations as the Main Clue: Part 2...Page 6 & 7 of PDF

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 3091spf


    So I checked those dates:

    August 10, 1690

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 F22bld

    August 11, 1796 when the dates stopped for this particular activity at Easter Island:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Rkcv9l

    Notice the proximity of Jupiter in all of these...

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:49 pm

    So let's take a look at the Mayan Calendar dates:

    starting-point equivalent to August 11, 3114 BCE in the proleptic Gregorian calendar or 6 September in the Julian calendar (−3113 astronomical).

    August 11 3114:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 M7yp2e

    Sep 6 3113:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2d9plqr

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 900fwi

    Now...let's look at that big day where nothing happened on December 21, 2012

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Ws1jrq

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 2cg1mk4

    Are you seeing the pattern? The proximity to Jupiter and the line of sight to Aldebaran?

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:55 pm

    Where was I? Oh yeah....CODE and Grappling with ambiguity!

    So this is not to say what I've presented so far is wrong. In fact I think it's integral. It is however not solving for "N".

    When I was first directed to this I was told there is encryption in this tomb. I was told only one thing then left on my own to find it. That one thing was:

    "The primer is 3 "N's"

    That's it. That's all I was told. Except it's on me to find it. That when I do find it I would be amazed.

    Well I was. It took me a very long time of laughing, frustration and occasional delight when I would find certain paths.

    I will tell you I still have a long way to go. I probably will never get the actual message in the encryption. It may be something as big as the secrets to the universe...time travel or something as simple as "Kilroy was here". However I doubt the latter would be the extent of such complex encryption when I show you the type I'm speaking of and discovered.

    One reason I will probably never solve the complete encryption is it cannot be solved by that "image". That image is a drawing of the actual ceiling of the tomb. Which really looks like this:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 144-decanal-stars?tmpl=component&phocadownload=2

    To find the message I believe you would need an encryption expert and somebody that could decipher hieroglyphs from studying inside tomb itself. You probably would also need a computer. I think a great deal of the message is surrounding the false door presented before the ceiling. To know for certain you would have to be inside the tomb. I doubt very much I personally will ever get that advantage.

    The numbers don't lie in this case and I'm about to show you part of the key in the next post that would illuminant this as such.

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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:59 pm

    If you were to travel to the past and leave an encrypted message in a tomb you would want to leave no uncertainty that it comes from a certain time in the future. There are hundreds of different encryptions you can use. But you would want to use one recognizable to specific time.

    You may want to get out your own basic kind of calculator to crunch some numbers with some easy math.

    All the numbers I've presented so far seem to coordinate around a specific set.

    You might want to leave a Rosetta stone of language/numbers. If you'll recall the Rosetta stone is a key that was used to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs and it derived from the "3" languages on the stone.

    Noting three doorways in the false door ~ Three languages/blocks of information.

    You would want to use something STANDARD in the encryption process:

    Introducing: Advanced Encryption Standard ~ Key sizes:128, 192 or 256 bits

    Rounds 10, 12 or 14 (depending on key size)

    128 ~ 192 ~ 256 are multiples of 64 bits. The rest of the math I've already presented but....

    A basic tutorial which you should watch to understand the rest of what I'm going to present here:

    So where is the "key" in the image? And where does 76 come into play?

    Remember two languages and N the "primer"?

    I went to look at the number 76 and discovered:

    76 duodecimal number is 64 ~ 76-12 = 64 (bits)

    The duodecimal system (also known as base 12 or dozenal) is a positional notation numeral system using twelve as its base.

    Historically, units of time in many civilizations are duodecimal. There are twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve months in a year, and the Babylonians had twelve hours in a day (although at some point this was changed to 24).

    The number twelve (that is, the number written as "12" in the base ten numerical system) is instead written as "10" in duodecimal (meaning "1 dozen and 0 units", instead of "1 ten and 0 units"), whereas the digit string "12" means "1 dozen and 2 units"

    Two Units ~ Two observable Eyes (on the false door)

    The Egyptian hieroglyph for N = Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Vnlf7n

    "3'of them equal = "Water" 3 is also the number of AES blocks: 128, 192, 256

    the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet (remember the Rosetta Stone) is MU .

    Mu was derived from the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for water

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 144-decanal-stars?tmpl=component&phocadownload=2

    In this image it's center top:

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Sooevk

    Four stars ~ four to the fourth power is what?

    Noting: "3" stars in a row with a fourth sub key


    (AES) 256

    256 - 76 = 180 + 12 = 192

    This block is what is termed the WATERMARK.

    In cryptography, a watermarking attack is an attack on disk encryption methods where the presence of a specially crafted piece of data (e.g., a decoy file) can be detected by an attacker without knowing the encryption key.

    And this:

    Suffice it to say if this has "watermark encryption"....

    As the blind guy said in the movie Contact: "there's a whole lot more here". He was basically discovering a digital "image" with "sound". Which would be the primary reason to decode this in the tomb with a computer at hand.

    But that's not all...Next:


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    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 Empty Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    Post  Brook Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:00 pm

    So that would be a bit less ambiguous... Brook

    Open for interpretation as well. If that is indeed encryption of the AES Standard sort it would have to be from a time far in the future from the construction of the tomb. Which would of course equate to proof of some kind of time travel for it to get there in the first place.

    One more thing to interpret:

    On the false door are two empty "blocks" (upper left corner) and five blocks to the right of the outer false door... sitting there for what reason?

    Egyptian Folklore II - Page 2 28i9nvm

    Interpreted as "block code"? See the video I just posted for "block code.

    Last edited by Brook on Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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