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    Post  Carol Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:45 pm

    ET COMMUNICATIONS  0098847_14457_MC_Tx360
    The following communications is from a group of heavenly beings looking after earth and humans. They have no name nor do individual beings from this particular group have names. The names used for this thread are the names given to the individual ETs and for the group of 12 beings by our contactee Ken (Ken is an alias name for the thread). Ironically, our contactee’s experience is very similar to what Steven Greer wrote about in his book HIDDEN TRUTH FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE. Yet these two individuals (Greer and our contactee Ken) live on opposite sides of the planet and are unknown to each other. Please understand that Ken is aware of and protected from the dark shadow beings that are known to attack contactees.

    Dr. Greer writes of this type of attack against him in Chapter 13, where he was invited to a place near Monroe Institute to talk over disclosure project. What he suggested has become a program "Project Starlight" at Monroe Institute. On the way back from Monroe Institute, all of a sudden, while driving he has lost his sense of direction, feeling like some electric weapon system was attacking him. He was driving the opposite side of the road. He later learned of dark shadow beings that at that time were monitoring the Monroe Institute.

    ~ ~ ~

    Communications began with Ken in 1998. ET (Nicolai) has given permission for these communications to be shared with Mists.

    Ken’s first contact was with a being from Andromeda in 1998, Ummo, who showed Ken a vision of a house that Ken was going to live in 2001. Ken saw the house, the details of the entrance, kitchen, living room, upstairs and everything. At the time, it was like a daydreaming so Ken did not pay much attention. 2001 passed, nothing happened, Ken did not need to move, so thought this information was false, or got wrong information for some reason. In 2006 Ken completely had forgotten about the house/vision seen some years back. Ken called a real estate agent and asked him to look for a house. A few days later, the real estate agent found the one Ken wanted, so Ken went to look at the house. The entrance gate, living room, the stairs to the studio and everything was what Ken saw in 98. Ken got really freaked out having never had this type of experience before. Realizing that the cosmos was guiding Ken, Ken signed the lease immediately. Subsequently enhanced ET communication started for Ken in this house.

    This little history is to help illustrate how ET can know events, situations and locations, even a person’s time line years in advance and provide future valid future information. Ken is also a very successful professional businessperson as are the other members of Ken’s family. Ken also spent time researching information given by ET to get confirmation on the data being provided.

    Ken was first contacted telepathically in 1998 by a light being from Andromeda while vacationing in Kawai. It happened suddenly on the beach while swimming and sunbathing with the family. This light being (Ummo) later mentored Ken and taught Ken the basics about the universe. Ken was a beginner in this field and did not know much about spiritualism, metaphysical matters, esoteric concept, etc.. This being is still in contact with Ken. He does not interfere with Ken’s daily life unless asked.

    Then some other beings started communicating telepathically.

    YWHW--Ken had something to do with him in the past life in Egypt.

    Pele---Gaia conscious that brought Ummo to Ken according to Ummo.

    Ken’s guides -- St. John and Rafael (Archangel). Rafael is the Archangel, Ken had worked and healed people with her in Egypt according to Rafael. Elohim being another guide, they evidently been looking after Ken throughout this life.
    According to Elohim, Ken was walked in when having almost died from high fever and seizures at age 5.

    St. Germaine -- He came to talk to Ken but Ken didn’t like his energy at the time so dissed him. He came back a couple of times but Ken didn’t pay attention to him.

    Ken is an intuitive and was concerned as to the original source of data. Kens has verbal communication and does auto writing as a means to record ET’s telepathic responses. The message that Ken has been getting in the last 4 years, is regarding rescuing people from this planet. Ironically, Ken had a past life regression as Atlantis, being a priest, fleeing on a boat with a group of priests to Egypt before the destruction happened and later helped the indigenous people to build a civilized pyramid empire.

    Ken stayed there in Egypt 600 years and just before the collapse of the 18th dynasty, the priests hid the secret documents (hall of amenity or something like that) underneath the Sphinx and departed for Sirius. Ken also communicated that one ET contact, Ummo presently belongs to Andromeda constitution and that the information Ken gets is very similar to Alex Collier. This particular ET, "Ummo" has incarnated as a physical being there on Ummit or whatever they call their planet, a long, long time ago.

    Surprisingly, Ken is also in contact with Robert Monroe who is on the other side and in one of the Q&A sessions Monroe reported that, “tectonic plates will crash.” He said some energy comes from underneath the tectonic plates and it will cause them to crash each other. While this information was unfolding a size 4 earthquake stuck the area where Ken lived. Robert Monroe also said Planet X is coming very near and it’s coming towards earth much faster than expected. It has changed its course or something. Ken never thought that much about Planet X before. Ken also has photos of family members surrounded by large orbs (which were emailed to me).

    Ken gets a lot of help from ET contacts and has experience them out there to help humanity. Earth changes at a rapid speed now are a confirmation of ETs earlier messages. ETs told Ken a long ago that natural disaster would happen; most of them cannot be prevented. They never tell Ken anything about Ken’s family and instead focus on many things about the earth changes and what is going on at various places. This one ET (RM) told Ken many things regarding Gulf of Mexico, Chile and Haiti earthquakes and etc. Ken was also told things regarding boarding ships.

    Ken also sees shadow beings all the time but never seen a dark hole open up. A monk who has mastered spiritual rituals by esoteric Buddhism later trained Ken. He told Ken, “Don't be afraid, be strong when you see them and tell them to go away.” Ken also chants -- 2 different esoteric Buddhism chantings to send the negative spirits to where they belong.

    In one communication I asked Ken about Obama (I even wonder if Obama is now dead and replaced by a clone.) and this is the response.

    “About 6 months ago, I was so concerned about GMO oil spill and its effect to the earth change. I went to see Robert Monroe (he's acting like my caretaker on the other side) and asked him about what's going down and really the real deal about the incident.

    RM told me that PTB knew that GOM area was instable and if they use their man-made devices, the big incident will occur. So, they used this geographical characteristic and made it into a big accident, of course, man-made.

    I asked him what is really coming out from the sea floor, that black thing.

    He said, "Magma."

    Oh, how can it be magma? I thought.

    And then I asked him why Obama let this happen? Obama seemed nice when he first elected as a president, but I was not sure about him whether he is with PTB or with us.

    RM said that Obama is a clone!

    The real Obama is killed and gone already, the Obama now is a clone.
    Same goes with his family...Michelle and 2 daughters.

    I don't know if this is true or not. But I do remember this conversation very well because it was too out of worldly comment that RM made, without me asking for it.

    I told this story to my friend who was a fan of Obama initially but becoming very suspicious about recent actions of the president. He said that it really makes sense to him if Obama was now a clone; it explains all the not-so-good decisions and actions made by him.

    Yesterday, I watched Obama making a speech at India. I felt his voice sounded a little different and felt the change in him.

    Again, it may be all in my mind since Robert Monroe told me such an odd story.

    Usually, I don't get into this type of area too deeply. After all, we can't get confirmation on this type of information. I rather spend my time on finding truth in the real life, where I can get confirmation.”

    On earth changes Ken was shown a shown a big explosion that is to happen at a conjunction point of Philippine plate and Eurasian plate, just off shore of Japan. Ken saw two plates crashing at each other at such a great impact that a big white stream came out of the crack after the crash. It looked almost like a nuke was dropped on the area; the steam was so huge that this incident would be a global catastrophe.

    Now, as usual, ET didn't say when this would happen but when reading earth change forum today and Instigator said, "volcano islands" the place seen is very close to Volcano Islands.

    This is also the adjacent area of Kens vision, Philippine and Eurasian plates.

    Ken: In 2006, Ummo warned about big earth changes are to happen, and that many people will be killed. Ummo also shared that we are to be transferred to other planet and that I would have a role to play in evacuating some humans from earth. Five years ago, I did not have much knowledge about 2012, or any interest in alien matters or ETs, no, that was not just my thing.

    But along with other information that came with this message that became real in this 3D, I started to believe that this message of evacuation plan by ET might be a true message.

    A year later, one day, a girl (16) came to talk to me. She said that she had a strange dream - she was lifted in UFO and arrived at some planet for exit and transfer, there, she saw me directing people to which planet to go and which ship to get on to. I was working there as a guide.

    "How did you know this? You are not supposed to know this!!" I said.

    She caught me off guard since that was exactly what I was told by Ummo - that I would help and guide people to evacuate to their destined planets!!

    So strange that she described exactly the same as what Ummo had showed me.

    I took this as a confirmation because I was getting very suspicious about this evacuation story as I was reading where people were warning about this type of thing.

    Interestingly enough, Astralwalker says not to board on a ship no matter what.

    ~ ~ ~

    Ummo told me not to tell anyone because it's not for EVERYONE. EVERYONE is not destined to other planets.

    And that one third of the population will be killed by natural disasters, etc.;

    and another one third of them remain on this planet;

    and the remaining one third of them will be evacuated to other planets or dimensions.

    ~ ~ ~
    PART 2

    Ken: Here is other info that I've got from RM and Ummo.

    It was April of May of 2010; I was so concerned about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill being the sign of the beginning of earth's destruction. I asked (Monroe) what is going to happen to earth. Monroe said that there is a planet coming close to earth, but it's not Planet X per say. A very few people (PTB) know about this planet's existence but don't know what to do about it because it's coming towards earth much earlier than expected, at a much faster speed than calculated. They cannot figure out why and how to avoid the possibility of its crashing onto earth.

    I told Monroe I do not know such a planet, but he insisted that this planet exists and only a few people know about this. This planet causes the disasters such as earthquakes and eruptions.

    I decided to ask this same question of Ummo.

    This is the translation of the memo that I typed back in May.

    Ken: Monroe told me that Planet X is coming near the earth and it will crash or something to that effect.

    Ummo: Who is this Monroe guy? This Planet X now exists at the opposite side of sun and it aligns with earth, sun and the Planet X, it looks like a three-planet straight-line formation. Because of this Planet X, the sun has an abnormal flair that can cause volcanic eruptions and earthquakes on earth. The energy coming from this planet is getting stronger, therefore, the energy effecting earth is getting so strong, hence, a lot of natural disasters on earth now, it's not only the sun being affected.

    Ken: Well, ETs will intervene and prevent big disasters, right? That's what I understand.

    Ummo: No one is capable of changing the direction and position of the Planet X. And no one knew this enormous energy from this planet would be carried over to the earth and sun.

    No one. This is happening to balance out the universe, so none of these happenings can be altered artificially.

    Even ETs will not be permitted to intervene in this universal matter. This is happening within a bigger scheme of things in this universe.

    Ken: Then what happens to earth???

    Ummo: There will be bigger disasters happening all over the planet, however, it is essential to happen in order to protect earth's orbit. Not intentionally but naturally, earth changes will happen to keep her balance. Earth is alive, and she has her own will. Her will make some earth changes if necessary.

    Ken: You mean, what Monroe says is right???

    Ummo: In a way, he's correct, but you are unsure because there's no way of getting its validity. Nobody will speak about this matter to you no matter how hard you try to find them.

    There's only a very few people who know about this. And those people don't have any answers or solution to avoid it.

    But Planet X crashing onto earth --- at this moment, we don't know if that will really occur in the future.

    According to the divine plans and wishes, universe is moving and evolving, if you know that as a truth, no one will know what plans will be in process or what phenomena will manifest thereafter. Everything is within a divine scheme of things, and no one knows about this for sure.

    Ken: That sounds like the end of the world. Apocalypse now? If there's no way of preventing it, that only leaves us one option... just wait for a miracle to happen?

    Ummo: Souls are eternal. Even if you go on to transform into whatever the shape or thing, you (soul) will live forever. All souls live forever. And in a true sense of ascension, as they refer it as this time is the one now, what you have to remember is that your soul will live forever. And that stays as a fact, however, there's another meaning within the meaning of ascension. That is to keep and preserve your DNAs and soul memories. It means that each one of your souls will be given the memories stored at Akashic Records. It simply means that human can access into the Akashic Record's memories and use the information at the next place that you are transferred. In a way, every one will become psychic and reach at that high psychic point. This is what ascension brings to you, if that's what you are asking. So consequently, there will be the ones who remain in physical bodies and others, which will be the most of them, will choose other path.

    Ken: Are you saying a lot of people are dying, killed by disasters? Or are you talking about the abstract thing like we human die some day eventually?

    Ummo: Many will be killed by disasters. But again, they have chosen that path. This fact may sound cold to you but there are many who will go with their path as they chose before their birth and fulfill this lifetime duty as they planned.

    Ken’s comment: What Ummo is saying is that there's a planet at the other side of sun. It's coming towards the earth, hence, eruptions and earthquakes. He said this 5 months ago but I did not really believe him. I still don't know if this is true or not but sure is strange that a lot of people are talking about this now.

    All written above is a true communication with an ET.
    Only my experience but all is non-fiction

    to be continued...

    Personal Note: This contactee and I have been communicating via email since March 2010 and so this thread is based on the information shared during this time period. With the most recent ET communications I asked both contactee and ET if the content of these emails could be shared on the forum at Mists. As there is a years worth of info to go through and edit, then run by both ET and our contactee for final consent, it will likely take several days to get all of this posted. Please be patient and understand this started off as a private communication with no intention of being shared outside the two of us. I've been asking various questions over the year and more recently asking about Planet X, earthchanges, earthquakes, bird deaths, etc. So as one reads through this there is a history of the contactee with ET, the contactees history with me in sharing what is transpiring and ET's communications.

    Members are invited to ask some questions of ET.

    Last edited by Carol on Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:32 pm; edited 7 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33269
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:07 am

    Part 3

    Ken: This is the image that I've got at the rescue site.

    There will be a lot of people from all over the world with the same energy signature, or soul signature and they all be guided to be on ship for one reason or another. I saw many races... some of them still don't know why they are being rescued, but that's OK.

    I also saw Christ when I was journeying in the universe. At first I saw him in the cave, and the next at the cross. I saw him in pain and the next moment he was absorbed in the cross. Such a strange encounter but I know that he is real and existed.

    I've never met or talked to greys.
    Ummo is a light being and he doesn't have a physical body.
    Others, like elohim has a light body like the one in the movie "Cocoon."
    All the ETs that I encounter tell me straight.
    Some are nice and OK, but some are not-so-sure beings nonetheless.

    I think I have the ET soul, hence, I'm going back home after this Earth tour.

    Let me share the vision I'm given about evacuation.

    [Re: This has been told to abductees and contactees as well who will be evacuated. From my various informational sources they site that there are many on this planet from other planets and many souls who were born into human bodies who will be returning home.]

    I was told about the evacuation plan 4 years ago by Ummo and I wrote it down. At the same time, he showed me a vision in which I was able to type down while he spoke to me.

    He said, there's a planet very similar to earth, and it is prepared for humans. Not for all the humans but for some humans, and they are from all over the world - all types of people from all over various countries. In my vision, this planet was just like earth. There are trees, sunshine, nice breeze, farms - everything we have here on earth is accommodated on this planet. I saw some of my friends living there in peace and harmony along with other foreigners from other countries. This place was like a utopia (if there's such a place other than the one in the bible or fictional novels).

    All kinds of humans will be evacuated because every tribe, culture, tradition and so forth must keep prospering; they cannot be lost (like the lost civilization of Atlantis).

    I heard Ummo say that the purpose of this evacuation is to let the humans evolve without any disruption (no earth changes or super wave) and have them prosper on their own with their DNA - at a more adequate planet with an atmosphere like earth. This planet is like a utopia for humanity and a great chance for humans to keep cultivating their own culture and consciousness furthermore. No battle, no war, no sickness, no need for money....

    From this communication with Ummo, this is how I felt ~ God does not want to stop human evolution and doesn't want to lose any culture or works that was created by each human, no destruction of any creation done by human - God wants to see how humans with certain type of DNA evolve. So, some humans will be living safe and sound on a different planet under earthlike atmosphere.

    It almost sounds like an experiment, doesn't it? After all, if earth is a school and some are forced to be expelled before graduation due to earth changes or planetary disorders, I guess God might want to see how humans would have evolved without intrusion - but this is just my opinion.

    Now, Ummo told me my role - to guide those people to this utopia-like planet. Find and guide them.

    I don't know how I will be able to find the right ones who are destined to this planet but I guess I'll be in communication with ETs or I will simply read their soul energies or aura or something. I will be guided by ET for this matter, I'm sure. But it is clear that SOME PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW THAT THEY ARE TO BE EVACUATED UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. At the same time, there are some who decide to stay. Like you say, it's your free choice.

    I don't know where this planet is located. They did not tell me exactly but I was under an impression that it's not in this solar system. I'm supposed to go back and forth, earth and this planet, many times (so I was told) to take people there.

    There's a man named Peter something who was interviewed by Kerry. He was saying the same thing so I was surprised. But people at PA2 were not so nice to him, calling him crazy, etc., so I did not want to tell my story to anyone, but time is getting so close that I wanted to share this with someone like you who has a role to pass the message. Not that I'm saying I'm perfectly correct in every way, I'm not, I'm still learning a lot of things with you all, but there may be some people out there who have received the same message as I have. If my information helps them to think that they are not the only one and that they haven't lost their mind, I will be grateful.

    Unfortunately, that's the end of my vision, after I take them to that planet, I don't know where I'm going or what I'll be doing. Maybe I'm going to some other planet? … or remain on that utopian planet? I just haven't gotten that far of a vision yet.

    They only tell me what's necessary, not too much into the future. He told me that I will be with my family whatever and wherever, so I'm happy to know that at least.

    Wherever I'm destined to be, I will be guided. Even if it means that I will be killed on earth and my soul will be transferred to wherever. That is fine with me.

    Question: Any possibility of a time traveler seeing this planet as a future earth?

    As far as I'm concerned, it really looks like our earth, there's no difference. One would never guess that they are at a different planet in a different universe.

    ~ ~ ~
    Ken: I'm not Christian but I have so much respect for Jesus Christ.

    Especially when he was crucified on the cross, I saw his real pain and blood right in front of him at Golgotha. It was too real - was this a real time travel to the past, I wonder? Or the holographic record set forth by PTB. Anyway, I have seen Mary Magdalene, too. She's got so much dignity and compassion for all beings.

    The ET's have been so nice to me, teaching me all about the universe and the future happenings that will be taking place in my life. When I learned about Reptilians and Greys, I asked Ummo about them if I should watch out for them when I'm communicating with him.

    He said that he had put a grid (protection) around me (at the back of my neck) so that bad ones cannot come in to interfere with me.

    This was posted on the Coast to Coast website on 11/19/11.

    Planet X and Pole Shift:

    On Thursday's show, attorney, contractor, and ET contactee Gordon James Gianninoto discussed what he knows about Planet X and the coming pole shift and how the government is covering up an imminent global catastrophe. NASA, he said, has known for decades about the rogue body (known as Nibiru or Planet X) and it has shown up in photos taken by their SOHO satellite cameras over the last 7 years. It's in the plane of the ecliptic (Earth's orbit around the Sun), is four times the size of Earth, has hundreds of moons, and is occupied by "selfish extraterrestrials" (the ones Zecharia Sitchin wrote about), he claimed.

    Planet X can be seen "to the left of the sun at sunrise, and to the lower right of the sun at sunset," he continued. The incoming planet will cause a pole shift, with the Pacific narrowing, the Atlantic widening, and South America rotating around, submerging the Caribbean, said Gianninoto. The western side of Australia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and all of India will also be submerged, and in America, the Mississippi River will grow as wide as 100 to 200 miles across, he added.

    Citing the writings of alien contactee, Nancy Lieder, he warned there would be a precursor event to the pole shift that would likely occur before the end of the year, possibly huge earthquakes in Japan or along the New Madrid fault in the US. According to Gianninoto, there are more than six billion alien hybrids in "invisible 4th dimensional domed cities, under oceans, and in motherships," waiting to emerge after the pole shift.

    Ken: Faith is the main strength that keeps people sane at this transition, I believe. ETs keep telling me that I chose this time and reincarnated to do this particular role. The earth never had this type of shift before, hence, no human has experienced anything like this before. ETs are not even sure of the outcome of this shift, what will happen, how and where humans are destined as a whole, they don't seem to know the details.

    Dr. LaViolette is saying something similar.

    ET told me once that those publicly known researchers have their own purposes and roles of doing so but their theories will not be always accurate. First, I was fascinated by the stories told by HD (Art Neumann) but after I heard his voice and saw his face with my own eyes for the first time - the video conference in Zurich - I did not feel good vibes from him.

    I was told that some of us might be transferred to another planet before 2012, but I don't know exactly when. Initially, it was supposed to happen in August 2010, but nothing happened...

    Well, there's one thing I was told by ETs before. They told me that certain events are already scheduled to manifest, but the timing is hard to predict. For example, during communication with Ummo, I was shown a vision of my future house in the city. It was in 1998 when he showed me this and he said that I will live in this house in 2001. 2000 came and we were still at old house and this "future house" did not manifest.

    So, I thought - a hoax... I probably picked up wrong information or something - and I'd forgotten all about it.

    Then 2006 came and we decided to move to the city. It was this year that I found a house that looked like my old vision.

    I went to see it, and - Wow, Bingo!

    It was the exact same house as Ummo showed me in '98. The picture of this house was in my brain the whole time. The entrance, the basement studio, living room, windows... everything was exactly the same!!! Needless to say, we rented this house for 4 years. I was quite surprised that these kinds of things happen in reality. Although timing was off by 5 years, we were guided to live in this house as they said.

    How can I explain this?

    This is a real story that I experienced.

    So, maybe, evacuation from this planet will happen.

    This event may already be embedded and scheduled to manifest to the timeline that we live on presently.

    But when? One will never know.
    It will happen very subtly when it does, I'm sure.

    If my ET's prediction did not come true in reality, I probably would not believe any of their stories.

    I saw a flash of a picture while I was on the other side during meditation. I did not ask for this information but it was one of those things that appeared in my mental screen as though something or sombody was showing me that this is what is happening at this time on this planet.

    I've seen many entities coming into earth from a wormhole or portal at Gulf of Aden (if not, at a different seaport).

    They are humanoid ETs with no facial expression.

    They just came in and walked straight on the seaport as if they were under some kind of instructions or mind control.

    Many races... Italian looking guys, African-Americans, Asians, etc. So many of them, alive humanoids!

    Those are not the invisible beings who live under the sea, or in the 4th dimension, or whatever.

    They are just like us humans. Maybe hybrids?

    I remember this so well because they looked like they did not have a soul.

    There are so many light workers like myself all over the world. I am not the only one. There is at least one from each country. In fact, I had a vision of us together having a briefing of some kind at a place like the UN. I asked UMMO if UN has anything to do with this. He said no.

    It's a private organization (run by human looking ETs) that's supporting this evacuation plan, not the UN. I was glad to know that because the UN behaves so mischievously some times

    to be continued...

    Last edited by Carol on Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33269
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:42 am

    PART 4

    Hi Carol,

    At 12:48, I heard Coast to Coast (11/21/10), George Noory say,

    “Steve Hawkins and other scientists all of a sudden started to saying, we need to leave the planet in order to protect the planet.”

    Steve Hawkins said that?

    I wonder why? There must be some scientific reasons why we have to leave this planet.

    Unscientifically, Pele (earth consciousness) told me the same thing a year ago. She told me that she's suffering and she needs people to leave until she's fully recovered. She also said that she would send me a boat. Maybe we are seeing and thinking the same way as the scientists. We are living in a very interesting time, to say the least.

    By the way, Mars is terra formed already. During my session (more than a year ago), I saw a flash of picture of life in Mars. I saw an ordinary work office and a lady was working with a Personal Computer. Nothing was out of ordinary, just a regular office except that it was underground. I was surprised to see humans in underground; I always thought the greys are the ones who lived underground in Mars.

    In a dream I saw the super wave blowing from the center of the galaxy. And the solar system, all the planets disappeared (for lack of a better term). This is what I saw in my dream long before I learned about the super wave theory. So I did not know what this big white tube-like shaped energy was, at that time.

    I've written raw information to you-- what I saw exactly, nothing more, nothing less, hoping to get some help in interpreting it right.

    I kindly want to let you know that:

    I don't read novels.
    I don't write stories.
    I'm not selling anything.
    I'm not interested in getting my name known.
    On the contrary, I'd like to stay behind the scenes.

    I'm not on drugs.
    I don't have any history of mental disorder or paranoia.
    Yeah, I drink wine at dinner, but that's about it.

    I am as puzzled as you are.
    I don't know what to think of the information I have received.
    I'm just an ordinary person with a nice spouse and 2 wonderful children.
    I'm a truth seeker like you.

    After all, this is a dream that I saw and it may not mean anything to us. It could be just hoax information that I picked up in my dream. There's always a possibility of that so I'm very careful about what info to take or discard.

    There was a very mysterious whirlpool appeared in Okinawa in September. Local fishermen said that they've never seen anything like this before. No one seems to know what it is. Doesn't this look like a wormhole?

    I was watching a special program "Bermuda Triangle" on history channel the other day. I saw a similar whirlpool like this picture so I wondered if this could be a wormhole or portal, or even a star gate?

    It's located near "God's Island" in Okinawa, Okinawa is a little bit like Hawaii, warm all year around and has a very high energy. Yonaguni is located further in North near Taiwan and Senkaku Islands. Yonaguni is the area where the remnants of Mu (Lemuria) were found by Graham Hancock. They found an incredible amount of oil and strategical metals at Senkaku Islands, that's the reason why China wants it.

    But I think there's a wormhole there.
    No proof yet and it's just my speculation but....

    My child has been having dreams of what seems to be related to pole shift also. Dreams of running away from the black stuff falling from the sky, people saying not to touch the water because you can get electric shocked...military all over.... running away... Sounds like a disaster.

    A few days ago I had a dream.

    "There were 3 major incidents scheduled to happen on 3 different timelines, initially. One incident per timeline. But now, all 3 incidents are moved to this timeline that we exist, and they will all happen here."

    Just a voice.
    No image.
    Don't know what they are talking about.
    But I thought it was very strange that they talk about timelines now.
    3 major incidents?
    I have no idea.

    Q & A for ET

    Carol: I did hear something recently about an incoming asteroid or comet, which concerned me and wondered about the time of year and location, and the possibility of a nuclear attack of some sort.

    Ken: This asteroid or a comet, whatever it is, was mentioned by Robert Monroe as a real-deal during my session last year. This asteroid is moving much faster than expected and getting very close to earth. Specialists don't know what to do about it. Nothing they can do. So called Nibiru? RM didn't say any further.

    Regarding nuclear attacks, I contacted ET last night. This ET is a head of Council 12 who appeared before me for the first time in 1987 and back again in my session in November last year. Again these are 12 individual entities from 12 different locations and not really a council. I think this is the same group that Dr. Greer encountered.


    Then I asked his name and he said Nicholai. At the time I did not realize but Nicholai was the key word name for me. It's one of the things that I only know. He used the name Nicholai just to let me know that he is the same being that I encountered in 1987.

    This story is too big to tell maybe I will write some other time.
    Anyway, Nicholai is credible, that's what I wanted to say.

    Council of 12 is not with galactic federation, or light federation or whatever the groups that channelers mention. They are one separate group of beings. Each being is from different planets in this solar system, twelve planets. I sense that that's why they call themselves council of 12. They are the ones who created this planet and therefore, they are responsible for this planet, he said.

    Nicholai said, “Possible countries that are ready to use nukes are:

    Israel, NK and Russia.
    Each country is heavily influenced by unfriendly ETs.”

    For North Korea and Russia, he didn't tell me which ET is behind them. We may not even know these particular ET races. Names did not come out, just a feeling that these who are behind North Korea and Russia, are the kind that we don't even know, maybe from other universe or other dimensions?

    Carol: I'm not worried about the pole shift because when it happens it happens and I'm more in an observer mode.

    Ken: Me too, no information on pole shift from ET.

    Carol: I do wonder about all of the bird and fish die-off and wonder if this is scalar related.

    Ken: So sad! I haven't asked ET about this matter.

    Carol: However, I was listening to Starfire Thor who said aliens were in the middle of a Time War and that this is where some of the quakes were coming from.

    Ken: No information on ET war from my source.

    Carol: Remember when you mention 3 events moving onto this timeline?

    Ken: Yes, I was told this in my dream, not in a session. It was one-way message type of dream that I could not ask anything further. Maybe, I will do a session and ask Nicholai for details.

    Carol: Well I would like to know which aliens are involved in this. I suspect the Annunaki but who else? And what are the events?

    Ken: Is it possible that Annunaki is behind Israel as Nicholai said? If so, why? I'm more concerned with two unknown ET types that are behind North Korea and Russia. It did not feel good when Nicholai said nothing about these races, just left me in a space with big long pause... silence of spooky interception.

    Carol: I suspect the incoming is one... another mega volcanic eruption - most likely the other volcano near Iceland.

    Ken: There were black particles fallen from the sky carried by the wind near Tokyo. The black stuff is all over the car's windshield, houses and everywhere. First they did not know where it came from but the next day found out that it was the volcanic ashes from Mt. Fuji. Something's cookin at Mt. Fuji, the inactive volcanic mountain?

    Years ago, Pele told me to watch out when Mt. Fuji gets activated and that is the time Japan will be in danger. Pele also told me that Mt. Fuji and Kilauea is connected strongly.

    Obama, if he's a clone like Robert Monroe said, well, can't expect much from him.

    Carol: In fact, I'm more concerned about TSA and Homeland Security then any external threats as our nation is becoming more and more like Nazi Germany.

    Ken: It makes me sad to see USA becoming a totally different country now.

    Hope everything goes well... but, Carol, to be honest; the future in your country is not too bright, as you know.

    One time I asked ET why he keeps talking about U.S. He said if U.S.A goes down, Japan will go down with her. So I should know what happens to U.S.A.

    Have you seen a movie "the nine"? At first, I thought I rented a third class movie but as I watched the whole thing, I was amazed! This is how we as multi-dimensional beings exist in now and perhaps end up as such eventually...very soon though. I recommend you watch it. You'll like it. It will make you think who we really are.

    Carol, I was reading your article 3 alien spaceships are coming towards us, I remembered seeing a craft being built on Mars last night during my session.

    It looked like:

    1. A craft being manufactured on mars, or

    2. A new earth being terra-formed on mars. It was a flash of a picture, a round craft or earth being built in the middle of Mars surface.

    Wanted to let you know before I forget.

    ~ ~ ~

    Last edited by Carol on Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33269
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:13 am

    PART 5

    Ken: Regarding a conflict with a current business relationship. The problem came from karma created in our past lives long, long time ago. Now that I know the reason, I don't hold the grudges any more.

    Strange but it's real. Time is really near that I should get rid of all the karma incarnated from this planet so that I can graduate.

    All is true.
    Maybe what Nicholai said about other ETs is also true?

    Like Sleeper says, earth is a prison planet and we are here for a reason, to serve our time. Unfortunately, if I think of it this way, a lot of things make sense. I want the best, joy and happiness for the humanity but things are not just happening in that direction... so sad!

    He also said that sun is pregnant and she is about to have a baby planet.

    But Milton hasn't told him anything about earth changes and 2012.
    I wonder why.

    Since you mentioned this, I wanted to know about ET wars if any, I asked Nicholai which ETs are behind North Korea and Russia, to begin with.

    He said that there's new type of ET (or maybe I don't have the knowledge of this particular ET, they might have been inhabiting on earth for years without my knowledge). This ET have hive mind (like grays?) and constantly under a command of a ship that is floating somewhere in the sky.

    I asked them if these ET are PLFs?

    Nicholai said, “No, they are organic humanoid beings just like us.”

    I asked him what is the name of this ET?

    He said, "Aldevaron" or "Aldebarron.”

    I'm writing this according to what I heard precisely, phonetically. I didn't know how to spell Aldevaron or Aldebarron, so I didn't google. I just thought I picked up trash information.

    Today, I googled it just to find out if there's any clue or truth in Nicholai's message. I found out that there's a star named "Aldebaran", which I didn't know anything about.

    I'm not too keen on science or astronomy. But I think this is what Nicholai was talking about.

    Is it possible that beings from Aldebaran are now on this planet? Or have they been here for some time? Telepathically speaking, I felt that Aldebarans have just arrived here.

    I asked Nicholai the reason why this ET came to this planet, he said that they just lost their planet and now looking for a planet to inhabit themselves.... does this mean that they are here to take over our planet?

    Nicholai didn't say anything about that, but the feeling I've got about this matter was not very positive.

    But this all sounds like StarTrek!!!

    Nicholai did not say that it was Aldebarron that is backing up North Korea and/or Russia. I was just impressed/shocked by his comment of new type of ET coming onto this planet. If they are positive one, I would welcome them but I'm not so sure about Aldebarran.

    Nicholai's message sounded too Science Fiction to me at that time so I was not so sure about validity of it, but needless to say that I was shocked to find a star with the same name.

    I just wanted to share my information with you so that I can keep myself sane (LOL).

    Forgot to tell you about the three incidents that are now transferred to this timeline that we are on.

    1. Volcano eruption
    2. Earthquake
    3. Nuke

    I was too occupied with my own thought. Volcano eruption - it naturally brings earthquake, so what's the use of adding earthquake?

    So, regarding number 3. Nuke, it wasn't too clear, I think it was nuke. I will ask him again next time.

    Also, regarding massive death of birds and fish, Nicholai said that it was some kind of biochemical or biohazard experiment. By whom, he did not say.

    After all it is evident that earth's magnetic field is messed up. Hence, the Tampa Airport's realignment construction, right? Personally, I think it is the abnormal magnetic condition from solar flare is causing this tragedy worldwide. It's spread worldwide as mudra posted.

    Hope we all will be guided by divine force.

    Personally, I want to know the truth but at the same time I don't want to know it. Contradicting but that's how I feel. We've got so much to worry about in our real life... surviving this economic situation and earth changes, etc.. But now this topic is embedded deeply on my mind, I'm sure I will ask Nicholai about details of ET wars next time. If I'm not supposed to know, Nicholai will not answer it.
    That's how it works.

    Carol: At least humans are due for an upgrade if we can hold out long enough. Now I understand why the illuminati are so out in the open with their agenda shoving it in everyone’s face. The heat got turned up with the new kids on the block.

    Ken: It makes sense, I was wondering about this, too. Why are they open with their agenda if they are secretly organizing black operations and etc., to hide the truth from us. They are doing a real bad job right now, I thought.

    Everybody knows their agendas now!

    As Nicholai says, illuminati don’t know what to do about certain things like an asteroid (or comet or whatever) coming, and Norway spiral (Ummo told me this was done by heavenly entities to let PTB knows that heavenly ETs are present and watching over this planet. The PTB had no clue to this phenomena, still don't, I'm sure).

    Carol: Here's some info on Rayelan. Her book was about our origin with ETs. I wasn't into the whole hierarchy thing, as I know on the upper spiritual levels it doesn't exist as she described it. However, she did mention souls forming in the sun, which reminds me of what you said about the sun being pregnant.

    Ken: Yes, Lou said the sun is pregnant, which makes a lot of sense to me observing the present sun activities. You also stated 19.47 being a important number, Nasim said that 19.47 is the location of sun's black hole, vacuuming and creating stars at the same time.

    Carol: Rayelan wrote that she was taken to Mars via the Star gate jump room similar to what Henry Deacon spoke about. She had red dust on her feet from the visit.

    Ken: Red dust from Mars? Now that Aldebaron is known as a red star and close to the sun, according to Wikipedia [the star has expanded to a diameter of 44.2 times the diameter of the Sun].

    Now, what I was told during the session re: Aldebaran is that, this ET group lost their planet because of an explosion (by nuke). Hence, looking for a new planet to inhabit. If this is true, maybe all these odd sun activities stemmed from this nuke explosion on their planet at Aldebaran located very close to the sun. Maybe so, maybe not, I can only speculate on this.

    Carol: Well we've been having volcano eruptions and earthquakes all over. There were 3 volcano eruptions just last week and quakes are almost daily somewhere.

    Ken: Two days ago, I read this blogger's article --- white smoke is coming from Mt. Fuji, which never existed before. He lives near by and never saw this smoke in his life. I saw the picture and sure enough there was a white smoke stemming from the right side of the mountain closer to the ground level.

    One month ago, black particles came flying around the air adjacent to Yokohama area and later they found out black thingy were ashes from Mt. Fuji. Now, smoke is coming out from the same mountain, yet no Main Stream Media is reporting it.

    Carol, this is serious.

    I think Mt. Fuji is cooking to erupt pretty soon. I'm told by Pele ~ when eruption happens, it is a "run away!" sign for Japanese people. But where can they run too?

    Carol: And the location of the nuke is interesting.

    Ken: I asked Nicholai, no U.S.A? No China?

    Actually, there are many locations of nukes at many countries. U.S.A, China and even Japan secretly has a nuke ( I was told this from RM). Nicholai said that North Korea, Russia and Israel are prepared to use nukes at anytime. He does not mean that they will use them but they are fully ready to ignite nukes if necessary at any time.

    Carol: Underground or above ground nukes and which side of the globe? On one hand it might be better if it was NK doing underground testing.

    Ken: It was October of 2005. I was at this outside hot spring gazing at the full moon. All of a sudden, a voice told me,

    "There's ET base on the moon."

    What! No, it can't be.

    I was all relaxed and enjoying the hot natural spring water. I did not want to know this.

    The voice went on, "But what you really have to watch out from now on is North Korea. North Korea's secret submarines at undersea. They are up to some nasty things."

    Well, I didn't know what Ummo was saying at that time.
    No knowledge of moon being ET's base at that time.
    No news about North Korea's submarine activities.

    There was no sign of North Korea's invasion at undersea or underground at that time. So I assumed that this would be key information to understand about some happenings in the near future.

    That future is our present time now. North Korea may well be active at undersea with nuke missiles on submarines. They may even have an undersea nuke base somewhere down there.

    Coincidentally, I came across with an article recently. Some scholar suspects North Korea for having undersea nuke bases just because undersea is undetectable compared to the ground level. Makes sense.

    China is buying all the water rights, forests, and massive lands in Japan under some foreign firms. Even small islands in Okinawa, they are buying! Some researchers investigated those firms, (they are using Malaysia, Australia and other foreign named firms) and they found the owners of these firms are all Chinese.

    Carol: I do think some of the animal deaths are biohazard and some weather related?

    Ken: I specifically asked about 5000 dead birds in Arkansas. Nicholai said specifically the one in Arkansas was biohazard experiment. I haven't asked him animal deaths at other areas.

    Carol: …and some magnetic ley lines are altering.

    Ken: This sounds more probable. Animal deaths are spreading to worldwide. Doing experiments all over the world - doesn't sound too realistic.

    Carol: So it seems there are 3 causes which are very possible and possibly more.

    Ken: I wonder.... so initially, on one timeline, there was huge volcano eruptions to be manifested, and another timeline, there was huge earthquakes to be manifested, and on the other timeline, nuke explosion?

    Now all these 3 or more on our timeline?
    I don't know.
    You know all about timeline concept.
    I'm still learning how it works.

    Carol: The earth axis changed with the Sumatra quake so the weather was bound to change. In addition the planet is expanding so that is the cause of the quakes and volcanic eruptions... triggered by the increase in gamma rays from the galactic center as we get closer.

    Ken: One day, about 4 years ago, a voice told me to go outside and get some sunshine.

    I said, "Why? RV is bad for my skin."

    "The ingredient of the sun is different now"

    "How different?" I asked.

    "There's gamma ray in the sun."

    "Gamma ray? What is that???"

    The voice said, as if I needed gamma ray to help me evolve or something. I had no clue to what this voice was saying at that time and no way to find out if the sun had gamma ray. So I let it go.

    Now, I see articles saying that gamma ray along with X-ray and others are on their way along with solar winds. They say Gamma Ray is harmful to our health. I don't know if it's dangerous or it's helping us to upgrade our DNA in some ways. The voice sounded like we needed this new ingredient in order to evolve further.

    But it was 4 years ago.
    Now things may be different.
    Perhaps you know more about this?

    Remember the evacuation program told by Ummo?
    The designated place (ET spaceship port) at that moment was New York.

    So, I will be going to New York to do this role, Ummo said.

    I asked him "Why New York? Why not Big Island?"

    Ummo said, "ET base will be there at the Big Island in the near future, so it's possible"

    New York is too cold and too many PTBs are living there. I much prefer Big Island.

    Carol: It was predicted that earth changes would continue to increase so I don't expect things to slow down. Just more of the same in different locations.

    Ken: So I've been told over the last 5 years.

    Carol: I've been following the news in China and impressed with their President Hu. China is very interesting to follow as they are making great strides with much of what they are doing. China is a world power and will eventually leave the US behind in many ways.

    Ken: China is buying all the water rights, forests, and massive lands in Japan under names of some foreign firms. Even small islands in Okinawa, they are buying! Some researchers investigated those firms, (they are using Malaysia, Australia and other foreign named firms) and they found the owners of these firms are all Chinese.

    ~ ~ ~

    Last edited by Carol on Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33269
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:37 am

    PART 6

    Ken: A quick note of contact information from Nicholai last night.

    Aldebaran and Annunaki are up against each other but there are also 2 other ETs that are about to join this war (war-for lack of a better term).

    Nicholai said, he cannot tell me which ETs they are, because the situation is very sensitive at this moment and his group is trying hard to negotiate peace and stop the war between them.

    I just remembered what Nicholai said about three incidents on this timeline.

    I asked him how did this happen?

    He said, "time warp."

    Time warp?
    I don't quite understand this.
    Is this possible?

    What is the difference between time travel and time warp?

    With regard to Mists of Avalon forum, Nicolai said it is a small group of people who are the most intellectual and advanced spiritual beings on this planet and there aren't too many of them.

    ~ ~ ~

    I used to spend so much time in talking to people hoping that they will wake up and start paying attention to their souls and their purpose of life. That's what light workers do. However, I started feeling recently that waking up people is no longer my role any more. There's just not enough time. People like to remain comfortable and don't want changes.

    I rather help those who are awake.
    MOA is the place such people gather, isn't it?

    I was a tough business person also.
    What happened?
    I spend most of my time talking to ET now!
    I didn't plan for this.

    Life is a mystery, isn't it?
    But while it lasts, I will enjoy being a weirdo.
    Until my ET friends comes to pick me up.

    [size=18]Regarding Japan, rocks are falling from the sky, ashes are covering all the farms, and the damage is incredibly big. Besides eruption, this area is hit with bird flu; millions of chickens are killed...

    Kirishima area is where Amaterasu (Shinto's God) descended from the heaven to rein Japan.

    Ironically, local people are wondering if they are cursed, because of the unbelievable numbers of natural disasters hitting this area.

    Carol: Do you ever feel like you are living multiple lifetimes this go around?

    Ken: It's odd that you ask this question as I was feeling this strongly recently. A few days ago, when I started to talk to Nicholai, I saw two people on a motorcycle riding in the street of Paris. They were wearing black leather jackets, riding in the modern city among the tall buildings - looks like present Paris.

    Immediately, I felt that the one of the people is me in Paris. It's strange that I felt that. I was not looking for another me in different places or dimensions so this vision caught my attention. Is it possible that another "me" living in Paris now?

    I've seen another "me" in different dimensions but not in this 3D reality now.

    I'm thinking now that maybe we don't know who we really are. Maybe it's more complexed and souls are woven into this cosmic existence in many layers.

    [size=18]Carol: What about time? Does it feel like it is speeding up to you too?

    Ken: Yes, very much so. I don't have enough time to do what I'd like to do every day. Either I'm getting slow in action or time is speeding up too fast.

    Nicolai said, to watch out for Mt. Ontake, Miyakejima and Mt. Fuji. When these three volcanic mountains become more active than usual, that is the sign of a big disaster hitting Japan.

    How's Kilauea? Any sign of abnormal activity? I kind of doubt it, though. I don't feel it will erupt in our time.

    Carol: Have you asked Nicolai if the ice age is now... has already started. I would suspect it has given the various weather reports we are receiving from various members around the planet. I saw where Washington DC was buried in snow and many are without electricity. There is the exciting side to a storm and also the dangerous side of not being prepared.

    Ken: Gee....Carol, I hate cold weather.
    That is the reason why we want to live in Hawaii.
    Hate to ask this question to Nicholai, he would most likely say "yes".

    ~ ~ ~

    Regarding time travels, the more I think about it, the more I get confused.
    What are those ET doing up there?
    They are helping the elites to tinker around the timelines and time, or whatnot?
    Who knows what will happen to this time line in the future any more.

    And please tell me the difference between time travel and time warp.

    Carol: Time lines are like threads that exist side-by-side (just a slight variation in frequency exists between the time lines and people can cross over and find themselves on a different time line.) When I think of a time warp I think of the thread time line looped where it is no longer linear and can cross over itself.

    time warp

    A hypothetical discontinuity or distortion occurring in the flow of time that would move events from one time period to another or suspend the passage of time.

    1. any distortion of space-time
    2. (Physics / General Physics) a hypothetical distortion of time in which people and events from one age can be imagined to exist in another age
    3. Informal an illusion in which time appears to stand still he is living in a time

    ~ ~ ~

    Ken: What concerns me now is Egypt. Egypt's riot started at the same time Kirishima erupted. They say that Egypt is on the same ley line with Kirishima.

    Another thing is, what Gregg Braden says. According to his calculation, events repeat throughout time. 2012 is equivalent to collapse of Egypt's19th (or 18th?) dynasty. It's still 2011 now, or, will this Egyptian riot get worse? Bad enough to destroy Egypt?

    And what happened after that collapse?
    Starvation, murder, etc.
    Or did time speed up and now we are living in 2012?

    Mmmm, another thing is my personal vision by past regression. I was there when 18th dynasty of Egypt fell. Evidently, I was involved in hiding the hall of records, the temple with a library of Atlantis history. Anyway, I saw myself leaving Egypt thru wormhole or a star gate of some kind.

    And I arrived at Sirius.
    I had no body just a being floating in the cloud of Sirius.
    Resting from the chaotic Egypt.
    That was a really strange experience.

    This is my personal experience so it may not apply to everybody. And I could be wrong, if the memories of my regression are false, then, all my assessments will become false, naturally, thereafter.

    I really enjoy your article [timeline glitches]. After researching various matters, we all come to wonder about timelines after all.

    No wonder no prediction becomes real.
    Great psychics and prophets -- they were reading the wrong timeline.
    God only know which one we are on now.

    I will let you know what Nicholai says if I can get enough energy to concentrate to do a session today.

    ~ ~ ~

    On 30th January, Nicholai told me as follows:

    There are so many UFOs around earth at this time; they are here to observe earth changes and the shift. There are many earth changes, some are natural disasters but what is unexpected was that secondary disasters happening in chain-reaction. One natural disaster manifests another incident in a chain reaction.

    This was totally unexpected, and those ETs are observing them so that they can use what they are witnessing here on earth as references at their own planets. They are also overwhelmed by what is going on with earth.

    Those ETs are from various places, other universe, other dimensions, and some are even from this solar system. Some of them are good, some are bad and some are not so good but not so bad - neutral.

    Nicholai and his group of beings have means to persuade bad ETs to leave this planet alone.

    It's against the cosmic rule, evidently.

    Bad ETs know that they are breaking the rule by manipulating certain group of humans here. They are not supposed to have any interference or direct involvement with humans and keep them under their control.

    Nicholai and his group have been already working on eliminating the bad ETs. To chase away those malevolent ETs who are heavily controlling multiple countries and people on this planet.

    But, what they cannot do is to influence humans who are tagged along with bad ETs, aka elites. These are humans and they have a free will on this planet. Nicholai and his group cannot have a direct involvement with these elites because earth is such a place like a school, that they cannot interfere with human's decisions and choices that is also a cosmic rule.

    But eventually, bad ETs will most likely betray elites in the end and leave this planet without keeping the agreement made with the elites. They will abandon them and this planet in the end.

    Bad ETs include humanoid type beings also and they will be deprived of their power somehow.

    At least, they are working on it.

    What will happen at this earth shifts this time is, TRANSFER and MOVE.
    Those 2 words are strong key words that Nicholai emphasized.
    We will be transferred and moved.

    This never happened before in the history and it is happening for the first time.

    Regarding a Mini ice age - Nicholai says there's a hole (or holes) in the sphere of earth (ozone hole). From these holes, cold air is coming in, changing the earth climate. He didn't say "ice age" is coming but this ozone hole is causing all the freezing weather now.

    Nicholai said, “Yes, it's mini ice age now.”

    ETs will make nuclear weapons unworkable when attempts are made to use them on this planet. They have technology to make them fail completely and humans will never know the reason of failure of their nuke weapons. He said they will stop it every time using all of their technology.

    I asked them what should we do now?

    He said. "There's nothing that you must do, you will be guided when time comes, So work hard as usual, do what you enjoy the most, look at pretty things, eat good food, and keep yourself happy, enjoy your life."

    I asked him many times how are we to be transferred?
    Where are we going to be transferred or moved?

    He said, "It will be done by means that you can't possibly understand or imagine.
    Some things are better left unknown at this time, for your own sake."

    I asked him why we are feeling so, so tired?

    He said, the cosmic energy - gamma ray and etc - is very dense now. It takes time for human body to get accustomed to this energy at first, but we will all get used to this.

    But I kept asking questions before he finished answering, some of the details are lost but main message is there.

    Nicholai also said that those malevolent ETs will get what they deserve for interfering and manipulating humans as if they are the owner of this planet.

    Nicholai and his group are indeed working to get rid of elites, PTBs who have sold their souls to malevolent ETs for their own benefits, remotely and indirectly.

    ~ ~ ~

    There were always 2 questions on my mind.
    I never had any answers to them.

    In another words, if I can find confirmation or answers to those 2 things that ET had told me or showed me long ago, I would believe that they are in fact benevolent ETs trying to help me evolve.

    1. Council of 12 -- As I told you previously, I did not know what to think about them. In 1987, they just showed up out of the sky. 12 transparent beings, looking like figures of some kind. You know how kids like figures of super cars or dinosaurs? Those being looked like they were standing on a small stage.... almost holographic beings.

    ET COMMUNICATIONS  0098847_14457_MC_Tx360

    I did not have knowledge of "holography" then. And I was not a believer of ETs then so I did not think they were ETs, rather than that, those beings were so holy and glorious, so I thought they were some kind of God or holy beings.

    You can imagine how surprised I was, right?

    But I was not scared at all. For the whole time they were communicating with me, I was very relaxed.

    OMG, I was so surprised when the elder (Nicholai) pointed to the sky as if he was saying (he did not say this), "let there be rain" and it started raining. It's odd that this took place in Tampa, Florida. The place where abnormal magnetics is causing all the unrest. It was 1987, the year of harmonic convergence, which I did not have any knowledge of.

    I started reading Steven Greer's "HIDDEN TRUTH FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE" in January (2011). In Chapter 22, he mentions his encounter with 12 elderly ET beings in 1996 at Colorado. They are heavenly beings, half transparent and half materialized, and each being represents their planet ~ 12 beings from 12 planets. (I thought it was a likely story when Nicholai told me this in December 2010)

    OMG, what Dr. Greer is saying is exactly what Nicholai said and showed me!!!

    2. About 2 years ago, I was communicating with Ummo.

    Ken: What can I do to raise my psychic ability?

    Ummo: You can learn Hemisync.

    Ken: What for? Never mind, I just want to be the best at my profession in my country, never mind.

    Ummo: Study Hemisync for 3 months and become a master of it.

    Ken: No, I want to be a tycoon in my business. I don’t wanna be a psychic or medium.

    Ummo: You will become a master of it if you focus on this study for the next months.

    Ken: Using Hemisync home learning CD kit? NO. Ok, if I can go to Virginia where Monroe Institute, I will gladly study there at the workshop where all the like-minded people gather, I might have fun!

    Ummo: No, you cannot go there.

    Ken: Why not? If I can go to the states and have a little fun doing workshop, I will learn something, I promise.

    Ummo: No, you cannot go there.

    Ken: Why not!!!!!

    Ummo: Monroe Institute is monitored by some negatives who wish to recruit psychic talent. You cannot be found by them.

    Ken: Why not? I'm not working for government of any kind. I wanna become a tycoon in my country. They will not monitor me. I don't have anything that they want. So drop some money from the heaven so that I can go to Virginia.

    Ummo: No, you will not.

    So I used the home study CDs and studied it for the next 3 months.

    Last year, I asked Robert Monroe

    Ken: Mr. Monroe, you are the one who founded the Monroe Institute. Why can't I go there?

    Monroe: You don't need to go there. You have already mastered it and don't need to go there.

    Ken: So weird. You don't promote your institute?

    Monroe: You don't need it.

    Ken: Mmmmm, why are the ETs stopping me from going to Monroe Institute?

    This was a big question in my mind until I read "HIDDEN TRUTH FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE." In Chapter 13, Dr. Greer writes where he was invited to a place near Monroe Institute to talk over disclosure project.

    What he suggested has become a program "Project Starlight" at the Monroe Institute. However, on the way back from the meeting, all of a sudden, he has lost senses of direction while driving, feeling like some electric weapon system was attacking him. He was driving the opposite side of the road. He later found out that there are dark shadow beings that had been monitoring the areas near the Monroe Institute.

    OMG!! This must be the reason why Ummo and Monroe stopped me from going there. They must have known this but did not tell me then.

    What I know now is that ETs do not tell me when or why, but I know now that they have told me all the truth so far. So if my information helps people, by all means, please use it. But please know that my information may not apply to everybody. Everybody is different so I cannot accommodate or cater towards their needs. Some of my information may not be correct to all the humanity on this planet; however, I will pass the raw information to you, Carol.

    When Ummo first told me the evacuation plan, he said we would be relocated to New York in August 2010.

    It did not happen.

    I asked Nicholai about this; he said that this plan is still on. Realistically, we don't have any sign of our family going to New York. It's hard for me to imagine us leaving home at this time.

    But what you mean by relocation is to go to a safe place, right?

    We will stay in here until something comes up, that is if something comes up.

    Regarding the galactic wave, I saw all the planets my dream. I don't know what to think about this with my monkey mind.

    Should I look forward to this?

    Nicholai did say, it (cosmic gamma rays) will be uncomfortable and tiring at first but we'll get used to this energy. But it's always good to monitor your health; some might have sickness as I was told that many would be leaving here.

    I learned Hemisync to help the dead spirits in a maze. I see them all the time as a medium but do not quite know how to help them to cross over. It doesn't work out like Ghost Whisperer's show and wanted to fulfill my responsibility on this planet in this lifetime.

    I've learned a lot from rescuing the dead spirits. They are all who and what they are. It is really important to live each day to the fullest. We all carry this essence of our spirits to the other side.

    I always wondered how do I look to the dead spirits. I see them as just the way they were when they died but how do I look to them? A tired middle-aged human or a witchy looking being, or what? A week ago, my daughter's teacher's mother died, she appeared to me when I was talking to Nicholai.

    She said, "Oh Ken! What are you doing here?"

    I said, "Well, it's a long story but I'm here to guide you to cross over.

    By the way, do you see me as Ken?"

    She said, "Yes, I see you and you are Ken as I know, but in bright light."

    To some of the dead spirits, it seems that I look like me enveloped in light. So interesting to know how different things reflect in other dimensions.

    When I'm wide-awake, Ghosts talk to me, if not Nicholai, 24/7.
    When I'm sleeping, ETs are talking to me.

    Did I tell you that I was speaking in an alien language in sleep about a year ago? My spouse has a very good ear and said it was an alien language that I was talking and naturally could not understand it.

    Wow, maybe I'm abducted to other planet while I sleep.
    I did not know I could speak an alien language!

    Until my time comes, I will keep on doing what I can do. I was becoming a little suspicious about taking our bodies at this shift, mainly because I was feeling sick at that time. So I told Nicholai, if we are to die and get transferred, it is fine with me, so tell me Nicholai, which is it? Do we take our bodies with us or not?

    Then he said, “Yes, this shift is very unique in that we are to be transferred or moved...” I guess we are taking our bodies with us.

    What about earth? Maybe earth may get transferred or moved?
    I will have to ask him on this next time.

    I asked Nicholai if it's OK to release his information and he said, “Yes.”

    ~ ~ ~

    Ken: As for me, I don't know if I'm a "contactee."

    I've never been aboard the ship physically, just chat with invisible ET in a different dimension.

    Contactees are the one who goes up on aboard and communicate with physical ETs, no?

    What Greer says confirms with Nicholai. Nicholai is the name that I gave him. Also, Council of 12 is the name that I gave, too, because there were 12 heavenly beings from 12 different planets. Ummo is the name that I gave him, too.

    You see, all these heavenly beings don't have names and they don't care what they are called. It's a totally different culture and consciousness they have.

    It's interesting to say the least.

    As I said before, they identified themselves as the creators of this planet but they did say that they are not a group with a name of Galactic Federation XXX or Federation of Light XXX, or whatever. They are just a group of heavenly beings looking after earth and humans.

    2/6/11 This is the latest information from Ken. I asked Nicholai & Ummo about a possible pole shift on 15 March.
    They said, "Universe never designates a date for a certain incident to happen."

    Last edited by Carol on Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:44 am; edited 8 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1385
    Join date : 2010-04-15
    Location : straight ahead


    Post  lindabaker Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:08 am

    wow thank you carol i need to re read the posts before i can comment linda

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    Post  LeeEllisMusic Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:19 am

    MAHALO CAROL, and Thank you to your friend Ken, and Deep Gratitude to Nikolai and his council for letting us here in The Mists have access to this information!

    My heart is full of hope in this moment, I love you

    And my (monkey) mind has much to process.. study

    I appreciate the opportunity more than I can say, but will think a while before asking any questions...

    Last edited by LeeEllisMusic on Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  solent Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:30 am

    sunny Carol, Ken & the Angels (don't like to call them ET's) WOW, as Lee & Linda have said, I need time to digest this info, but I have a gut feeling when reading it which means something.
    Thank you for letting this info out to us all at MOA Flowers

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    Post  Blacklight43 Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:20 pm

    Wow! Just finished reading this post. Thank you Carol.
    Now must go back and reread. Much to digest and consider.

    Posts : 231
    Join date : 2010-05-31


    Post  investigator Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:41 pm

    Can you ask him what are all of the hemi-sync cds he used to train, and what is the best order to use them all in? I figure I mine as well after I get my tax return, since I'll have plenty of time due to the recession muhahaha.

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    Post  mudra Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:32 pm

    Thanks Carol . I enjoyed reading your thread.
    Thanks for taking the time to write it up
    and thanks to Ken to share this info with us.


    Random thoughts came out of this ...
    I often see this world as a cocreated field where
    part of the souls are living the experience of going
    down lower densities while others are on their way to
    higher ones. Both paths are valid as experience.
    We are given the same settings percievable on the screen
    of our minds . Now what we do and how we respond to them
    determines which way we go.
    Were we are is at the cross road between these two time lines.
    I have no doubt both groups are assisted in their journey by
    different types of ET's . The so called malevolent ones are
    just there to assist those that decided to go the downward path
    as this is a path you can only travel through fear.
    The so called benevolent ETs are assisting those that are on their
    way to higher dimensions or state of being.
    Because I clearly see on which path I am I see no threat or danger
    caused by the other team.
    We are at a cross road but apart from one another as teams.
    It's much like a video game where the game is exactly the same for
    all players but part of them are working their way deeper into the game
    while others are playing their way out of the game.
    See... no opposition or competition there . Same game called Earth...different outcome.
    So some will have a massive cyclone heading their way and have half their
    country devastated under it while others will live little damage or none at all.
    I really believe that the key is to remain well grounded in our Hearts and move with it's flow.
    That's why it is said the world is illusion ... because of our potential to influence it .


    Love from me


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    Post  malletzky Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:18 pm

    Carol, thanks a lot for posting this material here. And to Ken, for sharing this with you previously.

    I have many thoughts about it...I see many parallels and similarities to some other materials from other sources, say Astralwalker and the incomming nexus wave from the center of our galaxy and it's purpose, or Abrax and his thuban council of 12 for example, the idea of earth being a prison planet and many more...which could only mean that maybe, the timelines of many souls (earth and ET) are somehow merging and getting linked. Just maybe...

    Sure, some of the presented resonates with my pre-set state of mind at the moment, some not.

    I will be definitely re-reading this again these days, and I will try to make some notes and post that here.

    Something else also cought my attention. It was something You (Carol) wrote somewhere above:

    Carol: At least humans are due for an upgrade if we can hold out long enough

    The word's becoming more and more meaningful in the last 2-3 weeks for me. I'm kind of getting tons of downloads on various topics at the moment...but the most of them are so complicated, that I sometimes struggle to discern what's all about. And the funniest thing is, the only way I can explain and express some of these upgrades to me is by thinking cryptic ('ve noticed that recently I guess Wink)

    For example...I was given the hint to look on our human life vis a versa. Now I thought how vis a versa. Then I had THE IDEA...we, the humans, tend to think about us as being "here", DOWN on earth...and everything else (the source, the creator, the dimensions, the ufo's, the sky, the universe etc.) is UP "there".

    Thinking logicaly...I should look on our human life from UP "there" to DOWN "here". I already have some other ideas how this should be epxlained...and I will try to scan the drawing I made and post it here in the next few days. A pretty simple drawing...and I'm starting to get a clue what's meant with vis a could also mean from inside to outside...and vis a versa! Oh boy...and here I am, being cryptic again Hypnotize

    Thanks again and much respect


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    Post  ClearWater Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:42 am

    Thank You Carol, for organizing all these communications. Flowers
    Thank You to 'Ken' and friends for allowing the information to be shared. Flowers

    I am sure you have already offered, Carol, but I would like to say personally that I would very much enjoy 'Kens' direct participation in 'the mists' if she(?)/he(?) feels so inclined...

    The first curiousity that came to me was about the state of Earth and the 1/3 of residents which remain after disasters and evacuations. Will the planet itself be more stable? What will be the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual state of the humans that remain?

    Posts : 1385
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    Post  lindabaker Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:41 am

    Carol, you are a hard working woman. Collecting the stories and posting them took some time, didn't it? Thanks to you, as this is very interesting stuff. My non-educated, non-experienced opinion about ET is based only on what I've read previously. As a novice, I have some naive questions, but I know you all won't jump on me for this. Call me the village idiot. Okay, so this group of 12 have so many issues around them. I have more questions than comments.

    1. Do you or Ken think that this 12 is the same as the 12 appearing to Greer? I must admit I have seen (in video) Greer change over the years. His face is starting to look like a T-Rex. Is this the same 12 that the Exchanger wrote about? Is this the Thuban council of 12? What are the Halls of Amenti? It makes me feel badly in my solar plexus to discuss it.

    2. I have personal experience almost daily with orbs. I was told by a Maori spiritual elder that the blue orbs can be neutral in messengers and not necessarily for "good" or "bad." Did Ken's visitor first show up as an orb, and then become more visible to Ken as a human with a "light" body? Did he ever say what are the colors of the orbs presenting? Golden, pink and white are all signatures of different energies, most of them of the best loving source.

    3. I know you all know this, but as a reminder, just because someone can see your timeline and tell you about it, does not mean that they deserve to give you counsel.

    4. This is just a side note, but in comparing some phone messages I have received from Obama, his vibratory signature is totally different now. I have worked as a casting director for film and tv and people's voices don't change THAT much. Sure, our president is tired, but it does not explain to me the different soul signature that my intuition can discern. It raised the hair on my neck and I did not mention it to anyone. When I read your posts about him being a clone, I want to say that it would not be out of the realm of possibility. Are there any voice data specialists who could compare voice one with the voice now? Wouldn't it show in the data?

    5. From my own experience, the people attached to the evacuation ideas and proposals were originating from a place of fear, control, and their stories of evil acts shared amongst them as a type of soul food. I recall a sinking feeling, almost a paralysis in the body. It feels like the body's energy is being drained out by the bottom of the feet. If anyone else feels this happening, I say, run away, it's really really destructive energy. Don't hesitate to move the moment you get the draining feeling...if you stay out of fascination, you can be caught in their web.

    6. Ken said they look like they don't have a soul. This says a lot. I would be wary. I would not personally get on any ship unless it felt right in my heart. And you cannot make that decision until and unless the situation presents itself.

    I don't worry about anybody like yourself Carol. However, how many fearful or childlike people will fail to have the necessary discernment? And why New York, for gawdsakes? I happen to love New York, so it's not a negative for me. I think Astralwalker has some sage advice for us.

    Love to you all. Linda


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    Post  Carol Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:47 am

    investigator wrote:Can you ask him what are all of the hemi-sync cds he used to train, and what is the best order to use them all in? I figure I mine as well after I get my tax return, since I'll have plenty of time due to the recession muhahaha.

    This is for you from Ken investigator.

    Ken: The one I used at first was, The Gateway Experience.

    After the above, go to Going Home series.
    I only use this nowdays, especially for rescue.

    But before you start, it may be helpful to read other people's journey.
    It helped me a lot reading Bruce Moen's books.

    I have read Rober Monroe's book before, but his book was hard to use as a guide book.Bruce Moen is more specific and adventurous in nature that your mind gets expanded to imagine the unknown world, which helps to experience the cosmic journey at every level.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33269
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:58 am

    ClearWater wrote:Thank You Carol, for organizing all these communications. Flowers
    Thank You to 'Ken' and friends for allowing the information to be shared. Flowers

    I am sure you have already offered, Carol, but I would like to say personally that I would very much enjoy 'Kens' direct participation in 'the mists' if she(?)/he(?) feels so inclined...

    The first curiousity that came to me was about the state of Earth and the 1/3 of residents which remain after disasters and evacuations. Will the planet itself be more stable? What will be the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual state of the humans that remain?

    Hi Clearwater. Ken is a member but doesn't post. That is why our communication has been via email. Ken also reads here daily and that is what we also communicate about in emails. I'm happy to post Ken's responses exactly as written.

    We didn't discuss your last question and one can only speculate. However, I do suspect those that go underground into the prepared bunkers may be some of the folks who survive. I really don't know or have an answer to their mental, physical, emotional or spiritual state after the shift.

    Last edited by Carol on Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:29 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Age : 67
    Location : Boulder, Colorado, USA


    Post  LeeEllisMusic Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:11 am

    HI Carol,

    Just a couple of thoughts and the most burning questions for me at the moment :)

    I have always been weary of being "taken away" by motherships. Perhaps that is because there is a lot of "fear"/ disinfo out there about negative ET's and soul harvests, enslavement on another planet etc... Plus, the utter creeps I get when hearing that voice on the GFL "transmissions", and to a certain extent the Operation Terra channelings as well.

    However I DO have a great connection with my inner guidance, and the "Angels" and perhaps Ken's other dimensional ET's may be considered in this category ( as Angels, as solent alluded to above) And I resonate with Suzy Ward and the Matthew channelings, though that may be because it appeals to my dearest hopes...

    So I am open to the hope that there are indeed benevolent energies that are actively working for the betterment of humanity - against the negative ( on and off world) powers that have worked to enslave us for so long.

    So my first questions to Nikolai would be:

    1) If ships do appear and offer to take me away, how will I truly know the intent of those beings for me and my fellow passengers? Trusting my intuition at that moment for sure... though with all the negative mind control technologies some of these negative ET's must posess, how will I really know?

    2) May sound silly, but I want my pets to go with me.

    3) What about people with chronic health conditins like HIV, cancer, diabetes, heart disease - will these be "chosen" to evacuate, if they are otherwise spiritually fit? Not a good way to say that - perhaps "otherwise fit your criteria" ? Can these and similar health issues be healed once we are at our new destination?

    Thank you in advance for these answers, and again, Thank you Carol, Ken, Nikolai and the group of 12 for sharing your heart, hope and wisdom with us here in The Mists~ with our lovely new banner I love you

    Posts : 1385
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    Post  lindabaker Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:24 am

    Lee, those are the questions I wanted to ask next, your first one, anyway. As to number two, when people evacuate to shelters from hurricanes in the gulf area, the biggest issue was that people won't leave their pets behind and shelters did not take them. Until recently. Now, there are shelters for those with pets. If I weren't married, I'd hug your neck, just because of question number two.

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    Post  Carol Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:27 am

    lindabaker wrote:Carol, you are a hard working woman. Collecting the stories and posting them took some time, didn't it? Thanks to you, as this is very interesting stuff. My non-educated, non-experienced opinion about ET is based only on what I've read previously. As a novice, I have some naive questions, but I know you all won't jump on me for this. Call me the village idiot. Okay, so this group of 12 have so many issues around them. I have more questions than comments.

    1. Do you or Ken think that this 12 is the same as the 12 appearing to Greer? I must admit I have seen (in video) Greer change over the years. His face is starting to look like a T-Rex. Is this the same 12 that the Exchanger wrote about? Is this the Thuban council of 12? What are the Halls of Amenti? It makes me feel badly in my solar plexus to discuss it.

    Ken felt the 12 beings were the same appearing to Greer. Greer was targeted and came down with cancer so he has been battling this and focusing on staying healthy by working out as well. My mother's face also changed with her cancer so I suspect what you see is a change resulting from health issues.

    No, this is not the same 12 that Exchanger wrote about nor is it the Thuban council of 12. I suspect the Halls are located beneath the sphinx and contains a library of sorts.

    2. I have personal experience almost daily with orbs. I was told by a Maori spiritual elder that the blue orbs can be neutral in messengers and not necessarily for "good" or "bad." Did Ken's visitor first show up as an orb, and then become more visible to Ken as a human with a "light" body? Did he ever say what are the colors of the orbs presenting? Golden, pink and white are all signatures of different energies, most of them of the best loving source.

    I really don't know but thought not. Perhaps Ken may be willing to expand on this. No, I don't recall what color they were and would have to go back and look at the photo. The orbs in the photo are huge.

    3. I know you all know this, but as a reminder, just because someone can see your timeline and tell you about it, does not mean that they deserve to give you counsel.


    4. This is just a side note, but in comparing some phone messages I have received from Obama, his vibratory signature is totally different now. I have worked as a casting director for film and tv and people's voices don't change THAT much. Sure, our president is tired, but it does not explain to me the different soul signature that my intuition can discern. It raised the hair on my neck and I did not mention it to anyone. When I read your posts about him being a clone, I want to say that it would not be out of the realm of possibility. Are there any voice data specialists who could compare voice one with the voice now? Wouldn't it show in the data?

    I thought Obama was a clone when I saw a shift in his behavior and his energy felt different to me. I've even posted about this here before Ken and I communicated about this.

    5. From my own experience, the people attached to the evacuation ideas and proposals were originating from a place of fear, control, and their stories of evil acts shared amongst them as a type of soul food. I recall a sinking feeling, almost a paralysis in the body. It feels like the body's energy is being drained out by the bottom of the feet. If anyone else feels this happening, I say, run away, it's really really destructive energy. Don't hesitate to move the moment you get the draining feeling...if you stay out of fascination, you can be caught in their web.

    This is a bit complex. A few milabs (military abductees by grays) shared that they were being trained for an evacuation of the planet and they were to do something similar to what Ken is describing. I spent a lot of time in communication with individual milabs and have a very clear picture of the difference between these two individuals and their experiences. They are completely different. Milab involves abductions, biological experiments and worse. There was often feelings of fear, anger and resistance with being abducted. The residual after effects of some milabs having been taken is of being exhausted and emotionally/physically abused. There were marks on the body from physical trauma.

    Ken has never been taken and meets his contacts in another dimension. From what I understand there has never been physical 3D contact and the communication is telepathic. The photo from cocoon is the closest to what Ken's ET contacts look like.

    6. Ken said they look like they don't have a soul. This says a lot. I would be wary. I would not personally get on any ship unless it felt right in my heart. And you cannot make that decision until and unless the situation presents itself.

    Indeed, how does one know what is safe. I've thought that this may also have something to do with what the crat looks like and of course the greys are a give away only if they are using humans (milabs) it would be easy to fool many.

    Yet, I also know other contactees on the west side of the island here in and this group is similar to Kens. They tend to remain here in a different dimension as well. I have photos of myself and our group from doing meditations with them and we are surrounded by orbs.

    I don't worry about anybody like yourself Carol. However, how many fearful or childlike people will fail to have the necessary discernment? And why New York, for gawdsakes? I happen to love New York, so it's not a negative for me. I think Astralwalker has some sage advice for us.

    Indeed, Astralwalker has sage advice. If I discover myself sans physical form I have 30 seconds to hitail it to Sagittarius A and meet the galactic wave head-on. It does help to know which direction is South. Big Grin 3

    Love to you all. Linda

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 174
    Join date : 2010-05-09
    Age : 67
    Location : Boulder, Colorado, USA


    Post  LeeEllisMusic Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:33 am

    lindabaker wrote:Lee, those are the questions I wanted to ask next, your first one, anyway. As to number two, when people evacuate to shelters from hurricanes in the gulf area, the biggest issue was that people won't leave their pets behind and shelters did not take them. Until recently. Now, there are shelters for those with pets. If I weren't married, I'd hug your neck, just because of question number two.

    Aw, thanks Linda~ I've been thinking about you and hoping you are well, what with the weather coming up from the gulf and all...

    Oh, by the way, I'm a happily partnered gay man, so, perhaps your husband would give a "special dispensation" for that friendly hug around the neck :)


    Last edited by LeeEllisMusic on Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Carol Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:34 am

    LeeEllisMusic wrote:HI Carol,

    Just a couple of thoughts and the most burning questions for me at the moment :)

    So my first questions to Nikolai would be:

    1) If ships do appear and offer to take me away, how will I truly know the intent of those beings for me and my fellow passengers? Trusting my intuition at that moment for sure... though with all the negative mind control technologies some of these negative ET's must posess, how will I really know?

    2) May sound silly, but I want my pets to go with me.

    Ironically I had mention something similar to Ken.

    3) What about people with chronic health conditins like HIV, cancer, diabetes, heart disease - will these be "chosen" to evacuate, if they are otherwise spiritually fit? Not a good way to say that - perhaps "otherwise fit your criteria" ? Can these and similar health issues be healed once we are at our new destination?

    Thank you in advance for these answers, and again, Thank you Carol, Ken, Nikolai and the group of 12 for sharing your heart, hope and wisdom with us here in The Mists~ with our lovely new banner I love you

    Your're welcome Lee and it makes my heart happy the Ken and Nicolai agreed to share this information. Hopefully Ken will ask Nicolai and/or Ummo your questions.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 174
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    Age : 67
    Location : Boulder, Colorado, USA


    Post  LeeEllisMusic Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:42 am

    Carol wrote:Your're welcome Lee and it makes my heart happy the Ken and Nicolai agreed to share this information. Hopefully Ken will ask Nicolai and/or Ummo your questions.

    Oh, And Ummo too!~ THANK YOU UMMO!~

    From my heart to yours I love you

    And, speaking about taking our pets with us... I cannot resist :)

    An old man and his dog were walking along a country road, enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to the man that he was actually dead.
    He remembered dying, and that his dog too had been dead for many years. He wondered where the road would lead them, and continued onward.

    After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill a tall white arch that gleamed in the sunlight broke it. When he was standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother of pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold.

    He was pleased that he had finally arrived at heaven, and the man and his dog walked toward the gate. As he got closer, he saw someone sitting at a beautifully carved desk off to one side. When he was close enough, he called out, "Excuse me, but is this heaven?"

    "Yes, it is, sir," the man answered.

    "Wow! Would you happen to have some water?" the man asked.

    "Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up." The gatekeeper gestured to his rear, and the huge gate began to open.

    "I assume my friend can come in?" the man asked, gesturing toward his dog.

    But the reply was "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets."

    The man thought about it then thanked the gatekeeper, turned back toward the road, and continued in the direction he had been going.

    After another long walk, he reached the top of another long hill, and he came to a dirt road that led through a farm gate.

    There was no fence, and it looked as if the gate had never been closed, as grass had grown up around it. As he approached the gate, he saw a man just inside, sitting in the shade of a tree in a rickety old chair, reading a book.

    "Excuse me!" he called to the reader. "Do you have any water?"

    "Certainly, There's a pump over there," the man said, pointing to a place that couldn't be seen from outside the gate. Come on in and make yourself at home."

    "How about my friend here?" the traveler gestured to the dog "He's welcome too, and there's a bowl by the pump," he said.

    They walked through the gate and, sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a dipper hanging on it and a bowl next to it on the ground. The man filled the bowl for his dog; he then took a long drink himself.

    When both were satisfied, he and the dog walked back toward the man, who was sitting under the tree waiting for them, and asked, "What do you call this place?"

    "This is heaven," was the answer.

    "Well, that's confusing," the traveler said. "It certainly doesn't look like heaven, and there's another man down the road who said that place was heaven."

    "Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates?"

    "Yes, it was beautiful."

    "Nope. That's hell."

    "Doesn't it offend you for them to use the name of heaven like that?"

    "No. I can see how you might think so, but it actually saves us a lot of time. They screen out the people who are willing to leave their best friends behind."


    Posts : 125
    Join date : 2010-04-12
    Age : 55
    Location : Thailand


    Post  solent Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:17 pm

    After reflecting on the issue of leaving earth with this biological body suit intact (I have thought about this many times), I can't help think that the body I call home for this life time should in fact stay with its mother. Just as my sole is a fragment of God, this body is a fragment of Earth, and should return to her. I will leave for other places I'm sure, when my time is called.

    Maybe I am one that will perish if all this really transpires, but I am comfortable in the knowledge that my soul is eternal Wink

    I am confused about what would be best for my wife & 19 month old son though. My wife is no stranger to reincarnation etc. she is Buddhist, but she does have an issue with death and may want to opt for the flight out of here, if given that opportunity of course.

    Any thoughts about this please Ken & friends.

    Posts : 562
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 56
    Location : on the other side of the mirror


    Post  malletzky Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:11 pm

    The following quote:

    With regard to Mists of Avalon forum, Nicolai said it is a small group of people who are the most intellectual and advanced spiritual beings on this planet and there aren't too many of them.

    also cought my attention yesterday.

    So obviously, we were kind of scanned* by Nicolai. But, due to the fact that Ken is reading here since few months (if I correctly understand), I just wonder if Ken asked Nicolai about the members here, or was it Nicolai himself who did the scann* and revealed this information to Ken thereafter.

    I also suppose that personal scanns* must have been done prior to the above given statement. Are there any personal informations revealed, known to Ken, which could be passed to the members here per PM for example?

    Or could we have these informations by asking now? I would appreciate.

    Thanks and much respect

    disclaimer: * = lack of a better term

    Posts : 33269
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:45 pm

    Hi malletzky,

    Ken was a member of AV1 and followed us over to Mists. The scan was done on me. I had been sharing with Ken about the slow traffic at Mists and thinking perhaps I should be doing something else with my time. Unbeknownst to me Ken asked about me and the forum. What you see is Nicholai's response

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sun Jan 19, 2025 4:22 am