Dr. Greer writes of this type of attack against him in Chapter 13, where he was invited to a place near Monroe Institute to talk over disclosure project. What he suggested has become a program "Project Starlight" at Monroe Institute. On the way back from Monroe Institute, all of a sudden, while driving he has lost his sense of direction, feeling like some electric weapon system was attacking him. He was driving the opposite side of the road. He later learned of dark shadow beings that at that time were monitoring the Monroe Institute.
Communications began with Ken in 1998. ET (Nicolai) has given permission for these communications to be shared with Mists.
Ken’s first contact was with a being from Andromeda in 1998, Ummo, who showed Ken a vision of a house that Ken was going to live in 2001. Ken saw the house, the details of the entrance, kitchen, living room, upstairs and everything. At the time, it was like a daydreaming so Ken did not pay much attention. 2001 passed, nothing happened, Ken did not need to move, so thought this information was false, or got wrong information for some reason. In 2006 Ken completely had forgotten about the house/vision seen some years back. Ken called a real estate agent and asked him to look for a house. A few days later, the real estate agent found the one Ken wanted, so Ken went to look at the house. The entrance gate, living room, the stairs to the studio and everything was what Ken saw in 98. Ken got really freaked out having never had this type of experience before. Realizing that the cosmos was guiding Ken, Ken signed the lease immediately. Subsequently enhanced ET communication started for Ken in this house.
This little history is to help illustrate how ET can know events, situations and locations, even a person’s time line years in advance and provide future valid future information. Ken is also a very successful professional businessperson as are the other members of Ken’s family. Ken also spent time researching information given by ET to get confirmation on the data being provided.
Ken was first contacted telepathically in 1998 by a light being from Andromeda while vacationing in Kawai. It happened suddenly on the beach while swimming and sunbathing with the family. This light being (Ummo) later mentored Ken and taught Ken the basics about the universe. Ken was a beginner in this field and did not know much about spiritualism, metaphysical matters, esoteric concept, etc.. This being is still in contact with Ken. He does not interfere with Ken’s daily life unless asked.
Then some other beings started communicating telepathically.
YWHW--Ken had something to do with him in the past life in Egypt.
Pele---Gaia conscious that brought Ummo to Ken according to Ummo.
Ken’s guides -- St. John and Rafael (Archangel). Rafael is the Archangel, Ken had worked and healed people with her in Egypt according to Rafael. Elohim being another guide, they evidently been looking after Ken throughout this life.
According to Elohim, Ken was walked in when having almost died from high fever and seizures at age 5.
St. Germaine -- He came to talk to Ken but Ken didn’t like his energy at the time so dissed him. He came back a couple of times but Ken didn’t pay attention to him.
Ken is an intuitive and was concerned as to the original source of data. Kens has verbal communication and does auto writing as a means to record ET’s telepathic responses. The message that Ken has been getting in the last 4 years, is regarding rescuing people from this planet. Ironically, Ken had a past life regression as Atlantis, being a priest, fleeing on a boat with a group of priests to Egypt before the destruction happened and later helped the indigenous people to build a civilized pyramid empire.
Ken stayed there in Egypt 600 years and just before the collapse of the 18th dynasty, the priests hid the secret documents (hall of amenity or something like that) underneath the Sphinx and departed for Sirius. Ken also communicated that one ET contact, Ummo presently belongs to Andromeda constitution and that the information Ken gets is very similar to Alex Collier. This particular ET, "Ummo" has incarnated as a physical being there on Ummit or whatever they call their planet, a long, long time ago.
Surprisingly, Ken is also in contact with Robert Monroe who is on the other side and in one of the Q&A sessions Monroe reported that, “tectonic plates will crash.” He said some energy comes from underneath the tectonic plates and it will cause them to crash each other. While this information was unfolding a size 4 earthquake stuck the area where Ken lived. Robert Monroe also said Planet X is coming very near and it’s coming towards earth much faster than expected. It has changed its course or something. Ken never thought that much about Planet X before. Ken also has photos of family members surrounded by large orbs (which were emailed to me).
Ken gets a lot of help from ET contacts and has experience them out there to help humanity. Earth changes at a rapid speed now are a confirmation of ETs earlier messages. ETs told Ken a long ago that natural disaster would happen; most of them cannot be prevented. They never tell Ken anything about Ken’s family and instead focus on many things about the earth changes and what is going on at various places. This one ET (RM) told Ken many things regarding Gulf of Mexico, Chile and Haiti earthquakes and etc. Ken was also told things regarding boarding ships.
Ken also sees shadow beings all the time but never seen a dark hole open up. A monk who has mastered spiritual rituals by esoteric Buddhism later trained Ken. He told Ken, “Don't be afraid, be strong when you see them and tell them to go away.” Ken also chants -- 2 different esoteric Buddhism chantings to send the negative spirits to where they belong.
In one communication I asked Ken about Obama (I even wonder if Obama is now dead and replaced by a clone.) and this is the response.
“About 6 months ago, I was so concerned about GMO oil spill and its effect to the earth change. I went to see Robert Monroe (he's acting like my caretaker on the other side) and asked him about what's going down and really the real deal about the incident.
RM told me that PTB knew that GOM area was instable and if they use their man-made devices, the big incident will occur. So, they used this geographical characteristic and made it into a big accident, of course, man-made.
I asked him what is really coming out from the sea floor, that black thing.
He said, "Magma."
Oh, how can it be magma? I thought.
And then I asked him why Obama let this happen? Obama seemed nice when he first elected as a president, but I was not sure about him whether he is with PTB or with us.
RM said that Obama is a clone!
The real Obama is killed and gone already, the Obama now is a clone.
Same goes with his family...Michelle and 2 daughters.
I don't know if this is true or not. But I do remember this conversation very well because it was too out of worldly comment that RM made, without me asking for it.
I told this story to my friend who was a fan of Obama initially but becoming very suspicious about recent actions of the president. He said that it really makes sense to him if Obama was now a clone; it explains all the not-so-good decisions and actions made by him.
Yesterday, I watched Obama making a speech at India. I felt his voice sounded a little different and felt the change in him.
Again, it may be all in my mind since Robert Monroe told me such an odd story.
Usually, I don't get into this type of area too deeply. After all, we can't get confirmation on this type of information. I rather spend my time on finding truth in the real life, where I can get confirmation.”
On earth changes Ken was shown a shown a big explosion that is to happen at a conjunction point of Philippine plate and Eurasian plate, just off shore of Japan. Ken saw two plates crashing at each other at such a great impact that a big white stream came out of the crack after the crash. It looked almost like a nuke was dropped on the area; the steam was so huge that this incident would be a global catastrophe.
Now, as usual, ET didn't say when this would happen but when reading earth change forum today and Instigator said, "volcano islands" the place seen is very close to Volcano Islands.
This is also the adjacent area of Kens vision, Philippine and Eurasian plates.
Ken: In 2006, Ummo warned about big earth changes are to happen, and that many people will be killed. Ummo also shared that we are to be transferred to other planet and that I would have a role to play in evacuating some humans from earth. Five years ago, I did not have much knowledge about 2012, or any interest in alien matters or ETs, no, that was not just my thing.
But along with other information that came with this message that became real in this 3D, I started to believe that this message of evacuation plan by ET might be a true message.
A year later, one day, a girl (16) came to talk to me. She said that she had a strange dream - she was lifted in UFO and arrived at some planet for exit and transfer, there, she saw me directing people to which planet to go and which ship to get on to. I was working there as a guide.
"How did you know this? You are not supposed to know this!!" I said.
She caught me off guard since that was exactly what I was told by Ummo - that I would help and guide people to evacuate to their destined planets!!
So strange that she described exactly the same as what Ummo had showed me.
I took this as a confirmation because I was getting very suspicious about this evacuation story as I was reading where people were warning about this type of thing.
Interestingly enough, Astralwalker says not to board on a ship no matter what.
Ummo told me not to tell anyone because it's not for EVERYONE. EVERYONE is not destined to other planets.
And that one third of the population will be killed by natural disasters, etc.;
and another one third of them remain on this planet;
and the remaining one third of them will be evacuated to other planets or dimensions.
Ken: Here is other info that I've got from RM and Ummo.
It was April of May of 2010; I was so concerned about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill being the sign of the beginning of earth's destruction. I asked (Monroe) what is going to happen to earth. Monroe said that there is a planet coming close to earth, but it's not Planet X per say. A very few people (PTB) know about this planet's existence but don't know what to do about it because it's coming towards earth much earlier than expected, at a much faster speed than calculated. They cannot figure out why and how to avoid the possibility of its crashing onto earth.
I told Monroe I do not know such a planet, but he insisted that this planet exists and only a few people know about this. This planet causes the disasters such as earthquakes and eruptions.
I decided to ask this same question of Ummo.
This is the translation of the memo that I typed back in May.
Ken: Monroe told me that Planet X is coming near the earth and it will crash or something to that effect.
Ummo: Who is this Monroe guy? This Planet X now exists at the opposite side of sun and it aligns with earth, sun and the Planet X, it looks like a three-planet straight-line formation. Because of this Planet X, the sun has an abnormal flair that can cause volcanic eruptions and earthquakes on earth. The energy coming from this planet is getting stronger, therefore, the energy effecting earth is getting so strong, hence, a lot of natural disasters on earth now, it's not only the sun being affected.
Ken: Well, ETs will intervene and prevent big disasters, right? That's what I understand.
Ummo: No one is capable of changing the direction and position of the Planet X. And no one knew this enormous energy from this planet would be carried over to the earth and sun.
No one. This is happening to balance out the universe, so none of these happenings can be altered artificially.
Even ETs will not be permitted to intervene in this universal matter. This is happening within a bigger scheme of things in this universe.
Ken: Then what happens to earth???
Ummo: There will be bigger disasters happening all over the planet, however, it is essential to happen in order to protect earth's orbit. Not intentionally but naturally, earth changes will happen to keep her balance. Earth is alive, and she has her own will. Her will make some earth changes if necessary.
Ken: You mean, what Monroe says is right???
Ummo: In a way, he's correct, but you are unsure because there's no way of getting its validity. Nobody will speak about this matter to you no matter how hard you try to find them.
There's only a very few people who know about this. And those people don't have any answers or solution to avoid it.
But Planet X crashing onto earth --- at this moment, we don't know if that will really occur in the future.
According to the divine plans and wishes, universe is moving and evolving, if you know that as a truth, no one will know what plans will be in process or what phenomena will manifest thereafter. Everything is within a divine scheme of things, and no one knows about this for sure.
Ken: That sounds like the end of the world. Apocalypse now? If there's no way of preventing it, that only leaves us one option... just wait for a miracle to happen?
Ummo: Souls are eternal. Even if you go on to transform into whatever the shape or thing, you (soul) will live forever. All souls live forever. And in a true sense of ascension, as they refer it as this time is the one now, what you have to remember is that your soul will live forever. And that stays as a fact, however, there's another meaning within the meaning of ascension. That is to keep and preserve your DNAs and soul memories. It means that each one of your souls will be given the memories stored at Akashic Records. It simply means that human can access into the Akashic Record's memories and use the information at the next place that you are transferred. In a way, every one will become psychic and reach at that high psychic point. This is what ascension brings to you, if that's what you are asking. So consequently, there will be the ones who remain in physical bodies and others, which will be the most of them, will choose other path.
Ken: Are you saying a lot of people are dying, killed by disasters? Or are you talking about the abstract thing like we human die some day eventually?
Ummo: Many will be killed by disasters. But again, they have chosen that path. This fact may sound cold to you but there are many who will go with their path as they chose before their birth and fulfill this lifetime duty as they planned.
Ken’s comment: What Ummo is saying is that there's a planet at the other side of sun. It's coming towards the earth, hence, eruptions and earthquakes. He said this 5 months ago but I did not really believe him. I still don't know if this is true or not but sure is strange that a lot of people are talking about this now.
All written above is a true communication with an ET.
Only my experience but all is non-fiction.
to be continued...
Personal Note: This contactee and I have been communicating via email since March 2010 and so this thread is based on the information shared during this time period. With the most recent ET communications I asked both contactee and ET if the content of these emails could be shared on the forum at Mists. As there is a years worth of info to go through and edit, then run by both ET and our contactee for final consent, it will likely take several days to get all of this posted. Please be patient and understand this started off as a private communication with no intention of being shared outside the two of us. I've been asking various questions over the year and more recently asking about Planet X, earthchanges, earthquakes, bird deaths, etc. So as one reads through this there is a history of the contactee with ET, the contactees history with me in sharing what is transpiring and ET's communications.
Members are invited to ask some questions of ET.
Last edited by Carol on Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:32 pm; edited 7 times in total