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Vidya Moksha
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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Carol Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:54 pm

    Note 3/30/19
    Brook deleted a number of posts in this thread which is sad and why some of the initial ones were deleted as there was nothing of content in them.

    However the good news is that it was all saved by another member who put it into a couple of pdf files. Enjoy.

    Vidya Moksha & mudra posted Brooks Egyptian work in several PDF files at this link:

    Ptah 1
    Merkaba 2
    Flower of Life – Kings Chamber 5
    Sacred Geometry  - 19.47 5
    Winged Solar Disk 8
    Emerald Tablets 10
    Hermes 11
    Phaistos Disc 14
    The Dropa Stone Discs 14
    Egyptian Hyroglyph -Shen Ring 15
    Isis 16
    The cat in ancient Egypt 19
    Ra 20
    Thoth / Crowley 21
    The Egyptian Lily and it's use in Ancient Egypt........Blue Water Lily 25
    Tri-lobed Bowl 27
    Egyptian High Priests, directional energy rituals 32
    DNA preservation through mummification 36

    Vidya Moksha UPDATE:

    I can clarify whats in the uploaded documents.

    The first document I uploaded is 'egypt-specific'... I wanted the info for background to something I was working on. Its my edit of Brooks threads specific to what I was interested in.

    The second two documents are the entirety of Brook's Egyptian folklore threads, possibly containing all the deleted posts, depending on the timing of my copy and Brook's deleting..... These are unedited, I just copied Brook's individual posts and pasted them into a word document. I still might edit these documents, but not now..perhaps a job for the winter?

    Thank you Beren.  I am very fortunate and very blessed.. to finally get it right after not doing to great previously.  Needless to the dues were paid in full and then some before this union took place.  Everyday I tell myself I'm exceptionally blessed to have such a wonderful person in my life.

    Last edited by Carol on Sat Mar 30, 2019 8:30 pm; edited 3 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  horus Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:27 am

    Carol wrote:As my twin flame sleeps in the bed next to me I'm not in such a hurry to depart the planet and leave him on his own. I already know what that looks like having spent 5 months away from him and our daughter while on the mainland taking care of my mother who has cancer. Besides we made a commitment on our first date... first date mind you, that we would pass over together. Don't know when or how all of this will come to pass but that was 29 years ago and we are still in alignment with our original knowing.

    I forgot to add that my husband also made agreements with many, many souls in the interspace that he would be there for them when it was time for them to pass over. In addition to being a home health nurse he is also a hospice nurse and is there with many of his patients assisting them and their families during this transitions. As his work is not done yet, neither is mine. Neither of us are afraid of death because we both know death is just a doorway to expanded consciousness and spiritual experience.

    Prior to meeting my husband I announced to God/Universe that I was not willing to continue on this earthly journey alone as it was too difficult to move forward by myself. Having lived alone I realized there was only so much growing I could do on my own and needed a partner to reflect back to me those areas that needed some polishing. We got together within 30 days after my spiritual call for some assistance. Indeed, we are the energetic mirror opposite of each other and compliment the masculine and feminine within.
    Ditto, Ditto!
    I have so much to look forward to, to be with my twin who is so fun loving. Whats your thoughts on this whole physical experience then that separated twinflames, was it just another Thoth program that separated us from God-Goddess that led us into darkness and lost memories? I do know this, we came here on a mission, we volunteered and only recently I was with my twin as a warm-up to our re-union shown by Father Creator, it was so real and I looked into her eyes and felt just like it was only yesterday we had parted. The messege was the wait for us to join was getting closer and it looked like just after a 'major shift of earth energies'. The question I ask, in the last say ten years now, divorce rates are sky high and I have seen some marriages full apart from lower expections within a week to a month. So many cannot settle down and some don't want a life that beckons on debt just to be part of the status quo. That inner love chemistry is also missing. If I just miss my twin by one day, we are over each other with love and passion, it is beautiful. We may differ from other twins because we get into each other like a single jump-suit together. Natalie is in every cell of form, so it must be the same with her, the love is so intense we can experience what I call a natural love drug from endorphins. Today my twin said; "John, my feelings for you are incredible, I don't know know how to explain it". It followed the same words I have always have endorsed, to find LOVE within LOVE itself and LOVE within LOVE itself again and again and go deeper and deeper within. It gets deeper and deeper and this has been our joint experience and a focued energy. We both know we will eat each other alive (so to speak), thats the love and passion we share and I do know this, do wear sun-glasses if you catch us in the act as light we produce will will be blinding, these are not words of ego, this is our twinflame love and the feelings just are multiplying daily. Even Father spoke a few weeks ago, "We've got to get you two together, you are so matched for each other". As Mother said to me years ago, "Whether you are Dead or Alive, you're coming home". At times I come across subject matter with these posts and this time is one of them, with Endorphin and this is very interesting underlined below, and one does thinks about our DNA. Have these DNA programs blocked this love chemistry and kept us pegged at a curtain level, a level just enough to pro-create as lust more slaves. Its no accident in finding this, Brook may have some of her words to add to this.

    In 2001, American neurobiologist Donald Pfaff and associates showed that genetically modified mice made to be incapable of producing endogenous opiates (lacking endorphins), behaved such that the smallest fright made the animals freeze. In large rooms, they stayed close to walls and showed other typical signs of fear.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:14 pm


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Beren Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:20 pm

    I received this inspiration few days ago... it just came smoothly ...I already posted it on my thread but here it goes again , I love the synchronization of spirits here :-)

    Beneath the starlight on the western seas
    we sang a song of power
    and hearts aligned right
    and moonlight was set to shine !

    Beneath the starlight on the western seas
    we stood high and praised love
    and each and every tone
    joined in harmony of souls in love!

    Beneath the starlight on the western seas
    we created peace in hearts of many
    who live across the vastness of your sparkle
    aiming high in splendor peacefully being...

    Above the stars and worlds we sang
    until flowers and trees grew
    until mothers carried their babies
    in everlasting love and morning dew...

    High above all that is
    dwells our essence ,our peace.
    Praised be, O everlasting one
    forever you have and are our love!

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:00 pm


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:05 pm


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:19 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  enemyofNWO Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:17 pm

    Glad you are back Brook !

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:39 pm


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  mudra Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:53 pm

    Great post Brook Cheerful


    Love from me

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  devakas Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:01 pm

    Brook wrote:This is what I like to hear! That realization of the meeting of twin flames, and balance of the masculine and feminine.

    Blessing to Carol and Brook and your twin flames! This is the way to be.

    It has to be 50 x 50 !
    Beautifully explained here how the chakras affect our personality, and why do relationships often become codependent.

    I love you

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:41 pm

    What amazes me is that we've been together a good 29 years and are still learning and growing with each other. It never gets old. But again, timeless relationships are like that, aren't they?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:17 am


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Carol Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:42 am

    Thank you for this insight Brook. I've been attempting to explain the ineffable for decades and always fail. So your message is easily understandable when viewing from the perspective that you present it.

    And just for the record, I had two very difficult marriages and a number of relationships prior to connecting with my husband. It was not an easy journey yet it was a worthwhile journey.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:32 am


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:26 pm


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Lionhawk Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:30 pm

    Taking this so called red pill has had it's up and downs. I took it when I was very young. All to young to know there was a red pill. I had thought my life was cursed and there was no way around it. The more I fought it, the more terrified I became. Along with my haunted surroundings was a very dysfunctional family. The norm you could say for dysfunctional. But what was more haunting then the haunted souls that surrounded me was the feeling of being isolated with no one to turn to for any kind of advise that contained solutions to my surroundings. These souls were looking for me to provide them with the solutions and it took some 30 years to finally come up with those solutions. Talk about a daunting task.

    I had way back then, searched out what books there were on the subject. Most of the spiritual books I had sought always seemed to have some religious under lay to them. To be honest, I never did find any solutions written in black and white. This was also pointed out to me when I was dealing with our old haunted house and land. I was clearly shown that the answers were within me all the time. When I fully realized this, the real work began. When you are dealing with a spiritual situation, there is no book that will wield the power that you must have to deal with it. Been there, done that with the Bible. It never worked. The darkside just laughed when I would use it. The real power is from within and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong on this. The second hand as in any media, will not solve for a first hand situation under way. It can't, simply because it can't catch up to it in that now moment. All second info is written after the fact and that is how it operates in this construct. It has it's place and it works in that place.

    Same with this Egyptian folklore. Take the red pill or the blue one. The red one will take you down a round that will lead you to an alien agenda of sorts that are still operating to this very day. Take the blue one and you will just be amazed at all the artifacts and think how artistic these Egyptians were. But as we have discovered in this thread that their agenda is much more sinister than we had realized or suspected. The blue pill will make you think that all this happened in the past and that is the end of it. The red pill will surely let you see how it started in the past and where it has gone in that time line to the present.

    The technology used, was fitted right in front of everyone. That hasn't changed in the present. The specialists who work the Egyptian lore, suspect that a certain technology was used but haven't fully understood it. The reason being is that they are not applying with the same sort of consciousness that the Egyptian creators applied. Also for what intended purposes. The specialists aren't looking at the sinister agenda as they are distracted by details of the artifacts and glyphs. It's a grand puzzle of sorts. But if we look in the now and see the similarities of the technology being used today, right in front of your face, you might see the agenda as well. It has only changed shape, the technology that is.

    There is one thing that always sticks in my mind and that is the behaviors of a civilization. Look at the behaviors and you will find the agenda. You can track it. Also a lot of the stories are written in the form of fictional lies. The key is to turn those lies back into truth. The lies indicate the opposite of what happened or are an indicator that something did happen but the truth was withheld. So part of researching this is going to be very tricky with this propaganda to hide these truths as they are not so plainly written.

    Now if you apply the within aspect when you research this out, the whole story changes dramatically. The puzzle pieces fit. So understand that a lot of information has been withheld from Brook's thread here. But there has been enough said here to cause you to wonder a different approach that will produce the results you seek. Granted, that many will not remember the parts they played in all of this. What is most important are for those that have a slight remembrance, to remember where they once fitted in this puzzle. You can forget it if you took the blue pill. It always comes down to choice.

    Keep in mind that many who resonate with Atlantis, should sense a connection to Egypt. They are connected. Hell, it's all connected. You can flow chart it by the evidence left all over the world. So keep in mind when search things out, do yourself a favor instead of being codependent on second hand media, is to apply the within angle. If you then write about it, you won't sound like a redundant tape recording if you apply the within. That is what the red pill is all about.

    Although I had never pursued Egyptian folklore, I was fascinated by it like everyone else. I didn't pursue it because it just looked to complex to decipher it. It still is. But in the last year many things have happened and so I did some digging. Past life stuff mind you. You would be amazed what is there if you the reader would delve in that direction. In my case, I discovered how corrupted the Egyptian story really is. What they want you to believe. It is also the very same angle that they applied to Jesus, when he was here. Again, what they want you to believe. There is a big difference when you take those beliefs and prove it in the first hand. Isn't that what good research should consist of? So many just read about it and accept it as such. Those that do are really missing out on the truth. So why bother researching if you don't apply yourself to finding the truth? It takes real work and many hours. It can also be dangerous. But you will at least be alive in your pursuits. Instead of being a half baked brainwashed armchair quarter back who sounds like a tape recording. Boring.

    There are several frequency generators on the Planet. These generators are the very ones that allow these Reptilians to be cloaked. This was Egyptian technology at it's finest and is being used today, right in your face. You get rid of these generators and these Reptilians will be de cloaked and then you can watch the shock and awe of the Planet. Maybe that would wake up folks. You also might find that what you sleep next to every night is not what he or she appears to be. So it would also be a blessing to know that you are with your twin flame at this stage in this time line.

    Hope this was something to encourage some different the now.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  burgundia Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:20 pm

    Lionhawk...i hope I will not have scales,, a tail and long teeth when I look in the mirror one day...I wouldn't like to scare

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  mudra Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:50 pm

    Thank you LionHawk .

    I made quite a bit of research into my past lives and spent hundreds of hours going up and down the time track until way behind with the guidance of a facilitator first and later when I became able to , alone . It certainly opened and widened my perspective to understand what I had been part of , the hats I wore and those that my present individuality is still wearing to this day. I have gone down the maze until it became all clear to me. In the same way that in the course of a life time you can look at a few years back to better understand today , it helps to be able to go back even further and see the continuity of things with an unoccluded mind.At first the content of incidents was what fascinated me ... , of course I was eager to know who I had been , and the process had value . What happened to me over time is that I lost interest in content as what I more and more realized is the absolute infinity of my Being despite any particular incident or drama I had been part of at any given point on the track.
    In fact the time line erased itself for me . I think that in the process of dissolving the different " I s " I had found myself identified with I arrived at a point of letting them go. I can recreate and bring incidents back to my present awareness or travel to them if needed but I must admit this has become a rare event .I had no lives in Atlantis nor Egypt which is the reason you haven't seen me participating much on this thread.

    I can relate to you mentioning the Now as indeed this is where I most enjoy Being realizing that all the answers needed are within, in the Heart of Consciousness always and that this is where miracles take place.

    Love from me

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:18 pm


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:30 pm

    [youtube]<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]

    Love that song!

    Good to hear from you, Brook!

    This one's for you


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  horus Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:02 am

    Thank you Brook,

    Your words do echo to dream messages!

    Many of my dreams have such clarity, but on recall faces I knew and words I have read were impossible to recall with the same clarity. Putting dreams to one side, I cherish the conversations I have with Mother and my twinflame that can last up to three hours. The contents of some dreams, quiet frankly get so drawn out and appear so real I just don't bother writing them up to find a loop. Which Christ Michael spoke to me at length a few days go, I was all ears, it was beautiful to what he said to and so different to the usual sugar-coating on AbundantDope that reminds me of Hansel & Gretel with all her sweet offerings of Candy Floss and this founder trashed me on her forum. She does not believe in twinflames and when she asked me, "What is your Mission", I replied, it was Love, and my membership was terminated after I said those two sacred words TANTRIC SEX in a second post, and I quoted Jesus & Mary Magdalena practised Tantra. She was very nervous to my presance as Horus. Candace Frieze is a control freak, a total mind-probe for the false energies appearing real. She loves to get in the last word and the first word out when her own Christ-Michael messages. I have tried to find out about Stasis and Jupiter and nothing, and I mean nothing has ever been validated. I said to Mother last night I'm going to give AbundantDope a quick scan of energies, and all I could feel was a mirror image to fourwinds! It just proved to me once more, in a world of false prophets and teachings, the sheepies will follow these ones so blindly.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Hanselgretel2

    Please tell me someone, I'm going to start a post-string on this forum to capture a wide audience of attention, where should I start off, maybe a new directory heading and how can that be formatted. The content will be very, very graphic and cement everything about the experience I had that could have easily made me brain-dead, and had not Lionhawk not come to my attention, I would just be absorbed back into the Matrix as fodder. Everything comes back to a false god who now speaks to me with a forked tongue and is so foul-mouthed, I cannot repeat here. This same false god rules over many spiritual and conspiracy theory websites that feed the brain behind the program. It was not this way 13 years ago when the Internet had no corporate interest, no banks even existed then on-line. Many good sites are gone. This story needs to be shared. I'm not here as a hero or a savior. My graphics purely illustrate who we are dealing with, that is calling all the shots in this illusion that is still a veil and he has no repect for Creation or Humanity, to him we are just pawns on a Freemason Checker Board like snakes & ladders, in each incarnation. If you are in the wrong place in time, you'll get hit by some DNA poop right out of a Jurassic Park movie, turning you into some takeaway food!

    As I conclude this post reply, a incoming message to this song by Talking Heads... "We are are on a road nowhere until we go inside"

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  horus Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:21 pm

    For those who are interested...
    The Short Comings of Our DNA and the Matrix - My Side of The Story

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:17 pm


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:42 pm; edited 10 times in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:30 pm


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:22 pm


    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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