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    Refugees are coming....


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    Refugees are coming.... - Page 6 Empty Re: Refugees are coming....

    Post  shiloh Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:56 am

    Dear Office!

    I joined your party last week and have composed an article on and about the infiltrating islamization of the western civilization.

    I am sending this email with a pdf attached, which might be of use for the political efforts to inform the general population about the seriousness of the islamization of western civilization.
    I invite your political organization to use this material in any way suitable for your agenda. There is no copyright. The pdf file does not show the supportive videoed evidence and the link to my website below, will allow access to the pdf file in a more accessible format.

    I realise my contribution is rather academic and uses both theological and scientific nomenclature. So I would ask for your office to pass this, in my opinion important material and information on to people who are able to follow the discourse. Your office is of course welcome to use any or parts in any kind of editorial mode in your own press releases.
    Our problem is of course, and anyone who peruses this article should realise this; that we have little chance to address a wider populus using the mainstream media.
    As your proponents have experienced, in the western civilized world, it are the proponents for free speech and individual freedom, who become the terrorists, racists and islamophobists, in critisizing a century old political ideology and not the ‘mentally hijacked’ political prisoners of that ideology. The islamic worldview is masquerading itself as a religion and utilizing the legislated ‘freedom of religion’ in its well organized, but highly deceptive agendas to undermine and replace the jurisdictions they operate in.
    As this article should make clear, the agenda is a global caliphate under sharia law, declared by Baghdadi in 2014 and this after the last caliphate was abolished by Ataturk in the collapse of the ottoman empire in 1924.

    This timeframe then became the laudable event of a previous islamic political system to secularise and modernise and something the current western administration apparently believe to be the status quo in the present crisis.

    Civic independence and the Caliphate, 1924–1925

    Abolition of the Caliphate was an important dimension in Mustafa Kemal's drive to reform the political system and to promote the national sovereignty. By the consensus of the Muslim majority in early centuries, the caliphate was the core political concept of Sunni Islam.[69] Abolishing the sultanate was easier because the survival of the Caliphate at the time satisfied the partisans of the sultanate. This produced a split system with the new republic on one side and an Islamic form of government with the Caliph on the other side, and Mustafa Kemal and İnönü worried that "it nourished the expectations that the sovereign would return under the guise of Caliph."[70] Caliph Abdülmecid II was elected after the abolition of the sultanate (1922).

    The caliph had his own personal treasury and also had a personal service that included military personnel; Mustafa Kemal said that there was no "religious" or "political" justification for this. He believed that Caliph Abdülmecid II was following in the steps of the sultans in domestic and foreign affairs: accepting of and responding to foreign representatives and reserve officers, and participating in official ceremonies and celebrations.[71] He wanted to integrate the powers of the caliphate into the powers of the GNA. His initial activities began on 1 January 1924, when[71] İnönü, Çakmak and Özalp consented to the abolition of the caliphate. The caliph made a statement to the effect that he would not interfere with political affairs.[72] On 1 March 1924, at the Assembly, Mustafa Kemal said:

    The religion of Islam will be elevated if it will cease to be a political instrument, as had been the case in the past.[73]

    On 3 March 1924, the caliphate was officially abolished and its powers within Turkey were transferred to the GNA. Other Muslim nations debated the validity of Turkey's unilateral abolition of the caliphate as they decided whether they should confirm the Turkish action or appoint a new caliph.[72] A "Caliphate Conference" was held in Cairo in May 1926 and a resolution was passed declaring the caliphate "a necessity in Islam", but failed to implement this decision.[72]

    Two other Islamic conferences were held in Mecca (1926) and Jerusalem (1931), but failed to reach a consensus.[72] Turkey did not accept the re-establishment of the caliphate and perceived it as an attack to its basic existence; while Mustafa Kemal and the reformists continued their own way.[74]

    On 8 April 1924, sharia courts were abolished with the law "Mehakim-i Şer'iyenin İlgasına ve Mehakim Teşkilatına Ait Ahkamı Muaddil Kanun".[75][76]

    The removal of the caliphate was followed by an extensive effort to establish the separation of governmental and religious affairs. Education was the cornerstone in this effort. In 1923, there were three main educational groups of institutions. The most common institutions were medreses based on Arabic, the Qur'an and memorization. The second type of institution was idadî and sultanî, the reformist schools of the Tanzimat era. The last group included colleges and minority schools in foreign languages that used the latest teaching models in educating pupils. The old medrese education was modernized.[77] Mustafa Kemal changed the classical Islamic education for a vigorously promoted reconstruction of educational institutions.[77] Mustafa Kemal linked educational reform to the liberation of the nation from dogma, which he believed was more important than the Turkish War of Independence. He declared:

    Today, our most important and most productive task is the national education [unification and modernization] affairs. We have to be successful in national education affairs and we shall be. The liberation of a nation is only achieved through this way."[78]

    In the summer of 1924, Mustafa Kemal invited American educational reformer John Dewey to Ankara to advise him on how to reform Turkish education.[77] His public education reforms aimed to prepare citizens for roles in public life through increasing the public literacy. He wanted to institute compulsory primary education for both girls and boys; since then this effort has been an ongoing task for the republic. He pointed out that one of the main targets of education in Turkey had to be raising a generation nourished with what he called the "public culture". The state schools established a common curriculum which became known as the "unification of education."
    Unification of education was put into force on 3 March 1924 by the Law on Unification of Education (No. 430). With the new law, education became inclusive, organized on a model of the civil community. In this new design, all schools submitted their curriculum to the "Ministry of National Education", a government agency modelled after other countries' ministries of education. Concurrently, the republic abolished the two ministries and made clergy subordinate to the department of religious affairs, one of the foundations of secularism in Turkey. The unification of education under one curriculum ended "clerics or clergy of the Ottoman Empire", but was not the end of religious schools in Turkey; they were moved to higher education until later governments restored them to their former position in secondary after Mustafa Kemal's death.

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    Atatürk with his Panama hat just after the Kastamonu speech in 1925.

    Beginning in the fall of 1925, Mustafa Kemal encouraged the Turks to wear modern European attire.[79] He was determined to force the abandonment of the sartorial traditions of the Middle East and finalize a series of dress reforms, which were originally started by Mahmud II.[79] The fez was established by Sultan Mahmud II in 1826 as part of the Ottoman Empire's modernization effort. The Hat Law of 1925 introduced the use of Western-style hats instead of the fez. Mustafa Kemal first made the hat compulsory for civil servants.[79] The guidelines for the proper dressing of students and state employees were passed during his lifetime; many civil servants adopted the hat willingly. In 1925, Mustafa Kemal wore his "Panama hat" during a public appearance in Kastamonu, one of the most conservative towns in Anatolia, to explain that the hat was the headgear of civilized nations. The last part of reform on dress emphasized the need to wear modern Western suits with neckties as well as Fedora and Derby-style hats instead of antiquated religion-based clothing such as the veil and turban in the Law Relating to Prohibited Garments of 1934.
    Even though he personally promoted modern dress for women, Mustafa Kemal never made specific reference to women's clothing in the law, as he believed that women would adapt to the new clothing styles of their own free will. He was frequently photographed on public business with his wife Lâtife Uşaklıgil, who covered her head in accordance with Islamic tradition. He was also frequently photographed on public business with women wearing modern Western clothes. But it was Atatürk's adopted daughters, Sabiha Gökçen and Afet İnan, who provided the real role model for the Turkish women of the future. He wrote: "The religious covering of women will not cause difficulty ... This simple style [of headcovering] is not in conflict with the morals and manners of our society."[80]
    On 30 August 1925, Mustafa Kemal's view on religious insignia used outside places of worship was introduced in his Kastamonu speech. This speech also had another position. He said:

    In the face of knowledge, science, and of the whole extent of radiant civilization, I cannot accept the presence in Turkey's civilized community of people primitive enough to seek material and spiritual benefits in the guidance of sheiks. The Turkish republic cannot be a country of sheiks, dervishes, and disciples. The best, the truest order is the order of civilization. To be a man it is enough to carry out the requirements of civilization. The leaders of dervish orders will understand the truth of my words, and will themselves close down their lodges [tekke] and admit that their disciplines have grown up.[81][82]

    On 2 September, the government issued a decree closing down all Sufi orders and the tekkes. Mustafa Kemal ordered their dervish lodges to be converted to museums, such as Mevlana Museum in Konya. The institutional expression of Sufism became illegal in Turkey; a politically neutral form of Sufism, functioning as social associations, was permitted to exist.[citation needed]
    The abolition of the caliphate and other cultural reforms were met with fierce opposition. The conservative elements were not happy and they launched attacks on the Kemalist reformists.[72]

    How far removed from those statements are the present declarations and proclamations of ‘Islamic State?'
    And yes, it is a state, if recognised by a brainwashed and fact challenged political, intellectual, media and elitist class in the west notwithstanding. In terms of the 1+ billion muslims in the world, the Islamic State in Syria is their ‘Nation Islam’ and since it exists, those 1+ billion muslims are ordered by their holy book of the Qu’ran to forfeit all allegiances to the states and countries they might reside in and to expect a worldwide exodus into their ‘promised utopian land’ within ten years according to their ‘prophecies’ and calculations.
    Beginning with the life of Muhammad and the supposed creation of the Qu’ran (who did not exist, surprise, surprise, but became an invention by the administrators, both clerical and military of the occupied territory of christendom's Byzantine) and with the fall of Constantinople-Istanbul in 1453 as its midpoint and so pointing to a 2025 ‘time of the end’ according to their reckonings.
    In other words, the present intensity of the terrorist attacks by the general unassimilatable muslims relates to a genuine expectation by a worldwide ‘Islamic Brotherhood’ having a 57 islamic nation voting block in the UN, to have infiltrated the west enough to by then be able to establish their ‘utopian sharia law based’ caliphate.

    How to inform a media brainwashed public about those factual realities and circumvent the apathetic lunatic and insane multicultural nightmare with regards to the by definition incompatible ideologies between the rational-scientific-secular but toothless Christian west and Islam in any civilized manner possible, so becomes a task for the remnant of common-sensical people in Australia and of course the political west.
    Sweden is bordering on collapse and as we know, London and Paris and Brussels are not far behind.
    In the global ‘oil supply crisis’ of the early 1970’s the forerunners of our present crop of economistical politicians sold out to Saudi Arabia in asking for a secure oil supply in exchange of allowing the ‘petro dollar’ to begin a frenzy of mosque building in all of the 'ransoming' countries and who basically sold out their millennia old cultural heritages for oil in apparently still binding contracts and agreements

    Well this is why we formed this party is it not?

    Tony B.

     The Ontological Metaphysics behind the Physical Manifesto of Islam
    The Jihad of Islam and the Hadji of Logos

    The Resistance or Counter Movement to the Islamisation of Western Civilization by the Rationalisation of Fundamental Christianity as an Eschatological Alternative to Islam's "Islamic Nation" as a Politico-Religious Movement and Organization.

    An Open letter to all liberty centred individuals and political affiliates or friends of Roger Spencer, Pamela Geller and Geert Wilders.

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    Refugees are coming.... - Page 6 Empty Re: Refugees are coming....

    Post  Pris Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:25 pm


    It's plain to see the fear, hate, and warmongering propaganda unceremoniously dumped into this thread as well.  Anyone who pays attention to this rubbish has got to be out of their mind.

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    Refugees are coming.... - Page 6 Empty Re: Refugees are coming....

    Post  Pris Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:48 pm

    burgundia wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote:

    The balancing of compassion with wisdom, matters of the heart and the head,
    is practiced and shown in many many words and ways. This isn't to prove anything,
    just a point of view I support and share here. I find this approach workable, for its
    quality of creative use and growth, away from fear. There's no day passing by, where
    I don't find these nudges

    What a bore pushing NWO agenda.

    Eckhart:  "Humanity, ultimately, is going to evolve as a whole, as a single organism, more and more."

    I agree with you, burgundia.  And, that was really boring.

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    Post  shiloh Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:01 pm

    Dear Jacquie!

    I am sending this letter to you to in response to the ridicule you experienced in this interview:

    It is very easy to expose islam as the political theocratic totalitarian system it is and the accusations against you of being misinformed or underinformed about things Islamic applies to all of your political opponents and include educated and well meaning folks including the prime minister who in the house states in earnest opinion that "Islam is the enemy of Islamic State!"

    This statement is erroneous in its very core as the entire history of how the Arab worldview regarding its culture and civilization revolves about its cultural identity and the notion of what a muslim is.
    Around 550AD the 'Old Rome' of the empire had lost its political influence, but the 'New Rome' centered at Constantinople, now Istanbul in Turkey still remained as its remnant.
    It though was warring against the Persian empire as its competitor for territorial domination.
    This created a war related vacuum, which the then Arabian land used to expand its own borders. Because of the weakness and decay of the older powers, they invaded and over the next century began to dominate and occupy their expanding empire.

    It was then, when islam was born as a necessary method of clerical domination of the occupied territories to support the control by a basically military agenda.
    Remnants of the religions in Byzantine Christendom included the idea of the 'Krystos' and the symbolism of the early New Testament as well as the 'conquering' model of Moses loyal to Jehovah, the god of the Jews and Israelites. The Arabs, they were not muslims from the start but Arabs, were following some pagan religion like any other culture or tribes on the planet at that time, except the ones we now call 'world religions'.

    So this is the reason why Jesus is in the Qu'ran. The clerical administrators required symbols and figures of authority to further their political control structures in their expanding empire, expanding of course by military invasion and just as is the case today with Islamic Sate.
    Islam is not a religion, but uses religion to further its political motivation to grow its 'New Arabia' as a globally dominating form of administration.
    The ultimate aim, easily explored by anyone, is to form a 'New Nation Islam' as a worldwide caliphate.

    This 'Great Islamic Nation' then existed in the political sense since the time of Muhammad, himself created as an authority figure by the said clerics as the politically motivated tool of the caliphs, say the kings and rulers.
    In 1453 Constantinople became fully integrated in the 'Universal Islamic Brotherhood' and the muslimisation proceeded on the historical lines in competition with other 'kingdoms' or nations as is the case today. However in 1924 the caliphate in Turkey was abandoned by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and with it the control of the clerics.
    It was then that Islam became moderate and the separation of religion and state was actual fact.
    It lasted however only until Mustafa Kemal Ataturk died and as you can easily confirm, the Arab muslim world resisted any such 'reforms' vehemently from the start.

    But the shortlived attempt to 'modernise' Islam, which can only be done by removing the power of administration from the clerics, occurred then and has brainwashed the western administrators and politicians.
    A similar attempt to 'modernise' and to secularise islam was attempted in Persia, until the western friendly Shah of Iran was forced into exile by the Ayatollah Khomeini and the real anti-westernization leading to todays Islamic State occurred in 1979.

    There was an 'oil crisis' in the early 70's and to ensure supplies, many western administrations prioritized the continuity of energy supply over their principles and signed or made agreements with the financial centre of the Arabic Islamic brotherhood, which is of course Saudi Arabia today.
    The agreement basically allowed the integration of Islam into the western culture in construction of mosques and Islamic centers throughout the places and nations with whom the agreemens were made.
    Now remember there was no caliphate since Mustafa Kemal Ataturk abolished it in 1924.

    On June 29th, 2014, Baghdadi declared the caliphate of ISIL of the Islamic State in the Levant including an extension of Syria into Iraq and Lebanon and also including Israel.
    This declaration was accepted by the 'Muslim Brotherhood' which has a 57 nation voting block in the UN, if not openly in the 'political correct' form, but in its form of the basic tenets found in the Qu'ran and in the libraries.
    So since June 2014 a caliphate of 'New Worldwide Nation Islam' exists and its mere existence suffices to allow ANY muslim to forfeit all allegiances or loyalties to wherever they might live or find themselves as 'unassimilated' or 'not integrated'. Once the worldwide Ummah or 'Muslim family' as its own statehood, it alone deserves allegiance and loyalty according to the Qu'ran.

    The consequence is an increasing shift of loyalty by the Ummah from their past attempts to integrate, like Turkey and Iran, to a future perspective of a worldwide rule of shariah law under the auspices of a theocratic totalitarianism.
    Political solutions are not possible; the only way out is to reform the Qu'ran or the division of the state and the theology. The first option is impossible without 'a new Islamic prophet' and personages like Osama bin Laden and Baghdadi are such 'prophets' with the sole aim to create the global caliphate and so reformation of the Islamic 'holy book' is highly unlikely.
    The second option also has failed as the attempts in Turkey and Iran have shown.

    So I end here and I would be available to help you with further advice, if required.

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    Refugees are coming.... - Page 6 Empty Re: Refugees are coming....

    Post  Pris Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:11 pm

    Pris wrote:.

    It's plain to see the fear, hate, and warmongering propaganda unceremoniously dumped into this thread as well.  Anyone who pays attention to this rubbish has got to be out of their mind.

    See above:  case in point.  Right on schedule.

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    Post  shiloh Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:48 am

    Israel and Palestine - Facts and Fictions


    We cannot pretend, as Malcolm Turnbull does, that Islam is as cheek-turning as Christianity

    October 14, 2015 9:00pm
    ANDREW BOLT - Herald Sun:

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    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

    MALCOLM Turnbull is very right to reach out to Australian Muslims. He is wrong, though, to tell untruths to non-Muslims. And the Prime Minister, a Catholic, is particularly wrong to suggest that a key moral teaching of Christianity — a “golden rule” — is that of Islam, too.

    Last week Turnbull urged “mutual respect” between Muslim and non-Muslim Australians, even though most of the disrespect so far — as measured by bomb plots, sieges and attacks on police — seem to come from the extremist Muslim side.
    Still, mutual respect is indeed critical if we’re not going to kill each other, so give Turnbull credit for at least winning the trust of many Muslim leaders.

    But to back his appeal he added this: “Every religion, every faith, every moral doctrine, understands the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

    First, an apology. I’m going to quote Christian and Islamic scripture.
    Heavy, I know. But too many of us have forgotten how Christianity shaped our society, and are blind to how the Koran created radically different societies.

    If we don’t understand those things, we’re clueless in dealing with the cultural clash we’ve so recklessly imported into our own suburbs.
    What Turnbull claims is the “Golden Rule” of all faiths is in fact a direct quotation from just one — from the Christians’ New Testament.

    Luke’s Gospel quotes the alleged words of Jesus Christ himself: “Love your enemies … If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also … Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

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    Ultra-Orthodox Jews at the site of one of the stabbings in Jerusalem.

    These are powerful words of immense resonance in Christian countries, even if hardly a Christian alive has lived up to this ideal.

    It’s this ideal that gives such moral weight to Turnbull’s offer of “mutual respect” to a community that has produced 21 jihadists jailed for terrorism offences, and three more shot dead during attacks.
    But contrast Christ’s “Golden Rule” and turning of the cheek with the Koran’s commands to strike hard at the enemy: “The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger ... will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land.”

    True, the sacred Hadith do quote the Muslims’ prophet Muhammad, founder of their faith, stating: “None of you have faith until you love for your neighbour what you love for yourself.” But that version of the “Golden Rule” seems limited to fellow Muslims, and has been interpreted that way by many scholars for many centuries.
    No wonder, given that the Koran and Hadith give repeated examples of Muhammad and his followers killing his critics, including even women and poets who mocked him.

    No turning of the cheek there.

    In vivid contrast, Christ would not let his disciples fight even to save him from capture and crucifixion.
    There is another critical difference between the two religions that has helped set up this clash here of Christian and Muslim cultures.
    The Jesus of the Gospels drew a line between church and state, which is why the Christian West has secular governments, not religious ones such as Iran’s and Saudi Arabia, which even bans the public practice of Christianity.

    As John’s Gospel notes: “Jesus replied, ‘Mine is not a kingdom of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my men would have fought to prevent my being surrendered to the Jews.” And from Matthew, when Jesus was asked whether fellow Jews should pay taxes to the pagan Roman emperor: “Pay Caesar what belongs to Caesar — and God what belongs to God.”

    In the Koran, the message is very different. Muslims should live under Muslim law where possible: “Allah hath sent down no authority: the command is for none but Allah ...”

    This is why extremists refuse to stand in court for our judges or call our democracy “haram” — sinful.
    Moreover, the sacred Sahih Muslim urges Muslims to make nonbelievers submit to Muslim rule.

    “Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them,” it says. “If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya (a tax on unbelievers) … If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah’s help and fight them.”

    True, many Muslims do not live up to these ideals and don’t want to, either. But it is foolish to pretend these Koranic teachings don’t exist or aren’t influential.

    For instance, the Islamic State quoted holy scripture at least 25 times in its infamous statement last year ordering Muslims around the world to kill unbelievers — to “smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car”.
    Those quotations included this, from the Koran: “Kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush.”

    Last week gave another example of Muslim preachers citing the Koran to urge the killing of unbelievers.
    Israel’s Jews have suffered a wave of stabbings by young Muslims over the past fortnight. On Tuesday alone there were four attacks. In the worst, two men got on board a public bus, locked the doors and shot and stabbed passengers, killing two.

    In another, a driver rammed his car into people at a bus stop and jumped out to hack at his victims with a knife, killing an elderly rabbi.
    What motivates such savagery?
    Here’s a clue. Giving the Friday sermon last week at the Al-Abrar Mosque in the Gaza strip, Sheik Muhammad Sallah waved around a knife and shouted for Muslims to stab Israeli Jews. “Attack in threes and fours,” he bellowed, and “cut them into body parts. Some should restrain the victim, while others attack him with axes and butcher knives.”

    And to justify this slaughter he quoted the example of Muhammad himself — “recall what He did to them in Khaybar” — in attacking and subjugating a Jewish tribe in a battle in 629.
    Yes, moderate Muslims insist other parts of the Koran invalidate the passages quoted by extremists.

    Good luck to them. Let’s back their attempts to reform Islam and make it safe for our multi-religious secular democracy. But to reform Islam we must first admit there is something to reform. We cannot pretend, as Turnbull does, that Islam is as cheek-turning as Christianity.
    Leave Islam out of the discussion and we’re just left with all this useless yammer about terrorism just being about “marginalised” youths facing “discrimination” and needing only a job or sympathetic ear to become as peaceful as, well, Buddhists or Presbyterians. And we then get the list of demands from people from whom more should be demanded — demands to ban criticism of Islam, to issue more grants and to scrap foreign policies that help Israel or hurt Islamist groups abroad.
    No, Islam needs reform. Without that, we’re left only with only two dark choices: submission or even more policing of our streets and our tongues.

    On November 24th, 2015, the Australian Prime Minister (Liberal Conservative Party) stated: "Islam is the enemy of Islamic State!"   -  An unaffiliated politically incorrect observer would ask: Really???

    This statement is 'believed' by 80%-90% of all western political administration, irrespective of their intranational political persuasions.


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    Refugees are coming.... - Page 6 Empty Re: Refugees are coming....

    Post  burgundia Wed Nov 25, 2015 2:52 pm


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    Post  burgundia Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:02 am


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    Post  mudra Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:45 am

    Denmark's government wants to seize valuables from Syrian refugees

    Denmark has one of the harshest records on Syrian refugees of any European Union nation, and last week it got even worse. On Thursday, December 10, the center-right Danish government proposed legislation that would enable immigration authorities to seize jewelry and other personal valuables from refugees.

    "The Danish Government has on 10 December presented a bill before the Danish Parliament which includes a number of different initiatives on asylum policy, including the initiative on seizing valuable assets," Mia Tang, head of press for the Danish Ministry of Immigration, Integration, and Housing explained in an email. "The bill will go through Parliamentary debate in January and will enter into force after adoption by the Parliament. The bill is expected to be effective from February 2016."

    read on:

    Love Always

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    Post  burgundia Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:33 pm


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    Post  burgundia Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:25 pm


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    Post  burgundia Fri Dec 25, 2015 1:33 pm

    US Elites Are Trying to Destroy Europe with Immigrants

    A side effect of the American neocon strategy of up-ending the Middle East is to flood Europe, and in particular, Germany, the continent's dominant power, with non-Christian immigrants.

    The author argues that this is deliberate, and that Merkel and Obama are neocon patsies, leading Europe to destruction, and that Russia is one of the few countries whose leadership understands what is happening, and is fighting back.

    A few years ago, views like these would be considered on the fringe. Today they are going mainstream. Witness the popularity of Donald Trump.

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    Post  burgundia Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:46 am


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    Post  burgundia Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:58 am


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    Post  burgundia Wed Dec 30, 2015 7:08 am


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    Post  burgundia Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:21 pm


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    Post  burgundia Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:25 pm


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    Post  burgundia Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:12 am


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    Post  burgundia Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:40 pm


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    Post  burgundia Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:27 am


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    Post  burgundia Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:20 pm


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    Refugees are coming.... - Page 6 Empty Re: Refugees are coming....

    Post  Carol Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:22 pm

    I'm glad you're doing this thread burgundia and agree with you. The refugee situation is destabilizing Europe along with other countries that are being inundated by another culture that is in direct conflict with the existing cultures of the nations they are fleeing too. This is a huge problem at multiple levels and I suspect planned to create a NWO eventually under one government (likely NATO). What I'd like to know who (elite / Soros?) is funding this enterprise and why don't they get rid of those these people are fleeing from and send the refugees back to their homeland.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Refugees are coming.... - Page 6 Empty Re: Refugees are coming....

    Post  Sanicle Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:49 am

    burgundia wrote:

    Yes and their mindset against women truly is the most disturbing IMO.  'Rape game'?  Sickening. No

    I'm not sure which is the worst aspects of their beliefs.......the killing or the degradation. At least if you are killed you can leave the pain behind, but with degradation you are stuck with living it.

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    Refugees are coming.... - Page 6 Empty Re: Refugees are coming....

    Post  burgundia Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:45 am


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    Refugees are coming.... - Page 6 Empty Re: Refugees are coming....

    Post  burgundia Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:12 pm

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