11 posters
Refugees are coming....
burgundia- Posts : 5520
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Poland
- Post n°1
Refugees are coming....
Another step in the NWO plan.
mudra- Posts : 23280
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Age : 69
Location : belgium
- Post n°5
Re: Refugees are coming....
Millions on the move and European leaders don't know what to do because they know the world is watching!
Migrant families block Hungary's M1 motorway yesterday as they set out in blistering heat on the 110-mile journey that will take them to the Austrian border
Staggering statistics of refugee numbers wanting to enter Europe is staggering and breaking all records daily.
For example more than 23,000 migrants arrived in Greece by sea last week, nearly 50 percent more than in the previous week, according to preliminary data collected by Frontex.
The number of Syrians detected at the borders in the Western Balkans region nearly quadrupled to 20,000 in the second quarter compared to the previous three months.
Syrians ranked just ahead of Afghans, whose number nearly tripled to 18,850.
In the month of July, the number of migrants detected at EU’s borders more than tripled to 107,500 compared to the same month of last year, surpassing the 100,000 mark in a single month for the first time since Frontex began keeping records in 2008.
The above picture is not warn torn Syria but a refugee camp in Calais northern France were thousands of refugees hope to reach the UK.
Despite the dangers, the migrant tide shows no sign of abating, even though, nearly 7,000 refugees drowned in less than 2 years trying to reach Europe from Syria
In the latest disaster off the coast of Libya, two overcrowded vessels packed with an estimated 450 migrants sank last Thursday, leaving 150 dead, after leaving the Libyan port of Zuwara - a major launchpad for smugglers, 200 are still missing feared dead.
read on: http://www.thebigwobble.org/2015/09/millions-on-move-and-european-leaders.html?spref=fb
Love Always
Migrant families block Hungary's M1 motorway yesterday as they set out in blistering heat on the 110-mile journey that will take them to the Austrian border
Staggering statistics of refugee numbers wanting to enter Europe is staggering and breaking all records daily.
For example more than 23,000 migrants arrived in Greece by sea last week, nearly 50 percent more than in the previous week, according to preliminary data collected by Frontex.
The number of Syrians detected at the borders in the Western Balkans region nearly quadrupled to 20,000 in the second quarter compared to the previous three months.
Syrians ranked just ahead of Afghans, whose number nearly tripled to 18,850.
In the month of July, the number of migrants detected at EU’s borders more than tripled to 107,500 compared to the same month of last year, surpassing the 100,000 mark in a single month for the first time since Frontex began keeping records in 2008.
The above picture is not warn torn Syria but a refugee camp in Calais northern France were thousands of refugees hope to reach the UK.
Despite the dangers, the migrant tide shows no sign of abating, even though, nearly 7,000 refugees drowned in less than 2 years trying to reach Europe from Syria
In the latest disaster off the coast of Libya, two overcrowded vessels packed with an estimated 450 migrants sank last Thursday, leaving 150 dead, after leaving the Libyan port of Zuwara - a major launchpad for smugglers, 200 are still missing feared dead.
read on: http://www.thebigwobble.org/2015/09/millions-on-move-and-european-leaders.html?spref=fb
Love Always
mudra- Posts : 23280
Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 69
Location : belgium
- Post n°6
Re: Refugees are coming....
Love Always
B.B.Baghor- Posts : 1851
Join date : 2014-01-31
Age : 73
Location : Druid county UK
- Post n°7
Re: Refugees are coming....
This is for Aylan Kurdi.
How sad that a little boy, whose body washed ashore lifeless, is a cry to humanity and also how joyful this little life will be remembered,
when that cry is heard, bringing people's hands and heart together in all places where refugees are in need of shelter, food and clothes!
In our village, we've started to collect food and clothes for them.
I've asked villagers and passengers about their view on helping refugees in Calais, the attempts to pass through the Channel-tunnel.
Most people I meet, when asking for directions on the road or in the local bus where everybody is chatting with each other, suddenly have
to go... or wish me a nice walk or day. Subject closed. Too painful and touchy to discuss... I presume?
The one answer given, discussing the immigrant problem at the table, by a man whose wife invited me as her guest to a WI lunch-gathering
(Women's Institute) was "I'm sure there are all kinds of people among them, good and bad. When you're a father of a family almost starving,
I assume your morals are lost soon" which set me aflame with fury, for hearing such a comment, while, upon entering the house I found an
abundance of pot-luck edibles of all sorts, much more than we could ever eat on one day. (All left overs were taken home by the cooks who
prepared them). Besides, the garden of my hosts was so large, that I had to walk about 15 minutes, to reach a corner. Space to set up a camp!
I was a guest and couldn't reply in that furious state, if ever that's wise of course. I noticed all the women "shutting their shells" around me,
in their typical English politeness. For he who spoke was the host and his wife a hostess, that afternoon. If I had spoken my mind, I suppose
I could've been eyed as a newcomer and who knows.... as an unwelcome immigrant in their community.
The wind of change in the UK seems to pick up for the better, under pressure of social media too, for many initiatives are beginning to emerge now.
Here's an update of this afternoon Sept. 5th 2015 in The Guardian:
"Archbishop Philip Tartaglia, the Archbishop of Glasgow, has criticized Britain’s approach to the refugee crisis. In an article in the Herald, the
archbishop said Cameron’s pledge to resettle thousands more refugees was a “welcome but vague promise to allow in more desperate people
fleeing chaos”, but that the PM “appeared to offer no hope to those who have already reached Europe”.
In my view the refugees crisis is a test, not of political shrewdness, but of common humanity. What is happening in the Mediterranean, Calais
and other access points is an affront to human dignity. The UK should be generous in providing a safe haven for refugees and asylum seekers;
Britain’s policy in the Mediterranean of rescue and deposit elsewhere is mean-spirited and unhelpful to the nations who are bearing the brunt
of the migrations - especially Italy and Greece".
Source: http://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2015/sep/05/refugee-crisis-austrians-greet-thousands-off-hungarian-buses-live-updates
"How do migrants get asylum status in the EU?
They have to satisfy the authorities that they are fleeing persecution and would face harm or even death if sent back to their country of origin.
Under EU rules, an asylum seeker has the right to food, first aid and shelter in a reception center. They should get an individual assessment of
their needs. They may be granted asylum by the authorities at "first instance". If unsuccessful, they can appeal against the decision in court,
and may win.
Asylum seekers are supposed to be granted the right to work within nine months of arrival.
In 2014, the EU statistics agency Eurostat reports, 45% of first instance asylum decisions were positive - that is, authorities granted refugee
or subsidiary protection status, or permission to stay for humanitarian reasons.
Nearly 104,000 got refugee status in the EU last year, nearly 60,000 subsidiary protection status and just over 20,000 authorization to stay
for humanitarian reasons. (Austria was not included in the data.)
The highest number of positive asylum decisions in 2014 was in Germany (48,000), followed by Sweden (33,000), then France and Italy
(both 21,000) and the UK (14,000)".
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-24583286
burgundia- Posts : 5520
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Poland
- Post n°10
Re: Refugees are coming....
On one of the Greek islands
burgundia- Posts : 5520
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Poland
- Post n°12
Re: Refugees are coming....
EU refugee crisis ‘absolutely expected’ – Putin
EU refugee crisis ‘absolutely expected’ – Putin
burgundia- Posts : 5520
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Poland
Perhaps more than any other crisis in recent years, the current 'migrant' crisis in Europe has exposed the profound moral bankruptcy of Western society as represented and directed by white men and women in positions of political and economic power. But perhaps 'moral bankruptcy' is the wrong phrase to describe the essence of the problem, because it suggests that Western government policy makers ever had a functioning moral compass or genuine concern for the 'other'.
A cursory yet objective glance at Western powers' domestic and foreign policies over the course of the last 100 years shows a repeated penchant for exploitation, abuse, insatiable greed and mass murder, all under the guise of 'fiscal responsibility', 'peace keeping', 'foreign investment', 'fighting terrorism' or some other paramoralistic hokum. If you don't agree, then you're probably an authoritarian follower, emotionally or 'spiritually' unable to accept such a truth; or you may have ingested too much 'truth' from Fox or BBC news. A strict regimen of abstinence is advised.
Normal humans have a remarkable ability to lie to themselves, usually to justify things that make them 'feel good', or that are necessary for survival. Put another way, the human mind has the ability to justify to itself today what yesterday it could not. We can, for example, remark on the cuteness of a young calf one day and kill it and eat its flesh the next.
Ideally, what makes humans feel good would be synonymous with what they need to survive. At their foundation, human needs are quite simple: cooperation with others, a sense of community and access to adequate food, water and shelter. 'Mother nature' has provided more than sufficient renewable resources for all species on this planet to thrive. Some species of animals on this planet even kill their own kind, but always in the context of survival. So killing for survival is not a moral question, and therefore not a 'problem' for any society.
A hardwired genetic or moral 'code' in all normal humans and animals appears to act as a safeguard against any species on this planet deviating from the 'natural order' and engaging in wanton destruction of its environment or fellow beings, even in 'hard' times. In this way, the continuation of the species and its habitat is secured. By now, I hope you can see where I'm going with this.
Human beings are the only species on this planet that produces members who appear to kill for nothing more than the 'fun' of it. This seems to be a deviation from the 'natural order'; certainly, such individuals are not 'normal in the sense that they appear to be a relatively small minority. Trophy hunters are one example of this deviancy, but their ethical excesses are insignificant compared to the licentiousness of the aforementioned Western government policy makers. It seems reasonable to conclude that a human being that nonchalantly sanctions or engages in the unnecessary murder of other human beings is missing a conscience or is incapable of internalizing the moral code that prohibits such depravity outside of the context of survival. Such people are more appropriately described as nondescript 'creatures', because they don't even meet the criteria to be called animals.
At the local social level, those who must live with these creatures generally experience significant problems in the form of repeated anti-social behavior. At a global level, where such creatures, with the ability to command armies, have insinuated themselves into positions of power over millions or billions of others, the problem manifests as never-ending war, slaughter and widespread social chaos, all based on some trumped-up, ostensibly 'noble' pretext: the lie or narrative used by the creature to justify the 'fun' it derives from the carnage it creates. Otherwise normal human beings, those with a conscience or that ability to internalize moral codes, can have this faculty compromised or destroyed by repeated exposure to the paramoralistic narratives of such creatures, to the point where normal human beings become little more than creatures themselves.
In case I need to be explicit, it seems clear that many of our vaunted 'leaders' fit the profile of these 'creatures'.
So when you hear someone say that such and such a politician, president or prime minister 'lies', you can understand that this isn't technically correct. Rather, these are unnatural 'creatures' who have a supreme ability to lie to themselves, to casually and sincerely wash their hands of responsibility for the most heinous acts, in itself an ability born of their complete lack of anything resembling a conscience that might provoke a pang of guilt or even embarrassment at what is, objectively, their repeated and monstrous twisting of the truth.
This prodigious ability to self-deceive, combined with access to the minds of the population through the mainstream media, means that all those authoritarian followers who devotedly seek direction from such people are also deceived as a matter of course. With no conscience to bother them and no 'soul' to sell, these creatures, aka psychopaths in power, lose nothing. The ordinary humans under their influence, however, may be risking everything by allowing that which makes them a human and not a 'creature' be eroded by repeated psychological interaction with the twisted 'ethics' of the creatures in power.
Sadly, this process of 'ponerization' of millions of people happens in very subtle and manipulative ways, akin to the fabled 'boiling frog'. As a result, you won't hear much outrage from the average human being. On the contrary, most are highly invested in supporting their chosen 'authority' and are so 'plugged in' to the 'feel-good' narrative that, if you try pointing out to them how they are being lied to and what the truth is, you'll see a real life example of what Morpheus meant in the movie The Matrix when he told Neo:
"You look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. [...] You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."
In the last 4 years, the 'creatures' in the American government and their European stooges deliberately destroyed the societies of Syria and Libya, partly for profit, partly for 'fun'. So go ahead and be horrified at the images of Syrian (or Iraqi or Libyan) babies washed up on European beaches; just don't be surprised. And don't be surprised when your apathy-turned-compassion transforms into intolerant bigotry whenever some 'terrorist' among the 'migrants' kills some European(s) in another typical false-flag attack. That's what false-flags are designed for - to manipulate you - and humans are so very easily manipulated.
Most self-satisfied 'neo-liberal' Westerners have swallowed (and are currently regurgitating) the 'feel-good' narrative that the 'migrants' are both a danger and a compliment to Europe's 'high democratic ideals' and lifestyle. If I could offer such people one piece of advice, it would be that rather than fretting about the situation, they feel grateful that the only blow-back they must endure from their government's actions is the odd 'migrant' child or family washed up on their pristine beaches. Because if this were some other universe where the truth was universally recognized, we all might be required to look at the thousands of Syrian babies killed in the US- and EU-inspired Syrian 'revolution' to overthrow Assad, and concede that behind the feel-good narrative of 'freedom and democracy', those babies were killed for 'fun', and in your name. Then we could move on to the tens of thousands of dead Iraqi babies...
Perhaps more than any other crisis in recent years, the current 'migrant' crisis in Europe has exposed the profound moral bankruptcy of Western society as represented and directed by white men and women in positions of political and economic power. But perhaps 'moral bankruptcy' is the wrong phrase to describe the essence of the problem, because it suggests that Western government policy makers ever had a functioning moral compass or genuine concern for the 'other'.
A cursory yet objective glance at Western powers' domestic and foreign policies over the course of the last 100 years shows a repeated penchant for exploitation, abuse, insatiable greed and mass murder, all under the guise of 'fiscal responsibility', 'peace keeping', 'foreign investment', 'fighting terrorism' or some other paramoralistic hokum. If you don't agree, then you're probably an authoritarian follower, emotionally or 'spiritually' unable to accept such a truth; or you may have ingested too much 'truth' from Fox or BBC news. A strict regimen of abstinence is advised.
Normal humans have a remarkable ability to lie to themselves, usually to justify things that make them 'feel good', or that are necessary for survival. Put another way, the human mind has the ability to justify to itself today what yesterday it could not. We can, for example, remark on the cuteness of a young calf one day and kill it and eat its flesh the next.
Ideally, what makes humans feel good would be synonymous with what they need to survive. At their foundation, human needs are quite simple: cooperation with others, a sense of community and access to adequate food, water and shelter. 'Mother nature' has provided more than sufficient renewable resources for all species on this planet to thrive. Some species of animals on this planet even kill their own kind, but always in the context of survival. So killing for survival is not a moral question, and therefore not a 'problem' for any society.
A hardwired genetic or moral 'code' in all normal humans and animals appears to act as a safeguard against any species on this planet deviating from the 'natural order' and engaging in wanton destruction of its environment or fellow beings, even in 'hard' times. In this way, the continuation of the species and its habitat is secured. By now, I hope you can see where I'm going with this.
Human beings are the only species on this planet that produces members who appear to kill for nothing more than the 'fun' of it. This seems to be a deviation from the 'natural order'; certainly, such individuals are not 'normal in the sense that they appear to be a relatively small minority. Trophy hunters are one example of this deviancy, but their ethical excesses are insignificant compared to the licentiousness of the aforementioned Western government policy makers. It seems reasonable to conclude that a human being that nonchalantly sanctions or engages in the unnecessary murder of other human beings is missing a conscience or is incapable of internalizing the moral code that prohibits such depravity outside of the context of survival. Such people are more appropriately described as nondescript 'creatures', because they don't even meet the criteria to be called animals.
At the local social level, those who must live with these creatures generally experience significant problems in the form of repeated anti-social behavior. At a global level, where such creatures, with the ability to command armies, have insinuated themselves into positions of power over millions or billions of others, the problem manifests as never-ending war, slaughter and widespread social chaos, all based on some trumped-up, ostensibly 'noble' pretext: the lie or narrative used by the creature to justify the 'fun' it derives from the carnage it creates. Otherwise normal human beings, those with a conscience or that ability to internalize moral codes, can have this faculty compromised or destroyed by repeated exposure to the paramoralistic narratives of such creatures, to the point where normal human beings become little more than creatures themselves.
In case I need to be explicit, it seems clear that many of our vaunted 'leaders' fit the profile of these 'creatures'.
So when you hear someone say that such and such a politician, president or prime minister 'lies', you can understand that this isn't technically correct. Rather, these are unnatural 'creatures' who have a supreme ability to lie to themselves, to casually and sincerely wash their hands of responsibility for the most heinous acts, in itself an ability born of their complete lack of anything resembling a conscience that might provoke a pang of guilt or even embarrassment at what is, objectively, their repeated and monstrous twisting of the truth.
This prodigious ability to self-deceive, combined with access to the minds of the population through the mainstream media, means that all those authoritarian followers who devotedly seek direction from such people are also deceived as a matter of course. With no conscience to bother them and no 'soul' to sell, these creatures, aka psychopaths in power, lose nothing. The ordinary humans under their influence, however, may be risking everything by allowing that which makes them a human and not a 'creature' be eroded by repeated psychological interaction with the twisted 'ethics' of the creatures in power.
Sadly, this process of 'ponerization' of millions of people happens in very subtle and manipulative ways, akin to the fabled 'boiling frog'. As a result, you won't hear much outrage from the average human being. On the contrary, most are highly invested in supporting their chosen 'authority' and are so 'plugged in' to the 'feel-good' narrative that, if you try pointing out to them how they are being lied to and what the truth is, you'll see a real life example of what Morpheus meant in the movie The Matrix when he told Neo:
"You look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. [...] You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."
In the last 4 years, the 'creatures' in the American government and their European stooges deliberately destroyed the societies of Syria and Libya, partly for profit, partly for 'fun'. So go ahead and be horrified at the images of Syrian (or Iraqi or Libyan) babies washed up on European beaches; just don't be surprised. And don't be surprised when your apathy-turned-compassion transforms into intolerant bigotry whenever some 'terrorist' among the 'migrants' kills some European(s) in another typical false-flag attack. That's what false-flags are designed for - to manipulate you - and humans are so very easily manipulated.
Most self-satisfied 'neo-liberal' Westerners have swallowed (and are currently regurgitating) the 'feel-good' narrative that the 'migrants' are both a danger and a compliment to Europe's 'high democratic ideals' and lifestyle. If I could offer such people one piece of advice, it would be that rather than fretting about the situation, they feel grateful that the only blow-back they must endure from their government's actions is the odd 'migrant' child or family washed up on their pristine beaches. Because if this were some other universe where the truth was universally recognized, we all might be required to look at the thousands of Syrian babies killed in the US- and EU-inspired Syrian 'revolution' to overthrow Assad, and concede that behind the feel-good narrative of 'freedom and democracy', those babies were killed for 'fun', and in your name. Then we could move on to the tens of thousands of dead Iraqi babies...
burgundia- Posts : 5520
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Poland
- Post n°14
Why the Refugee Crisis?
Thousands of refugees and asylum seekers head for safe havens daily – a human flood entering Europe, risking life and limb to get there. Why?
Endless US direct and proxy wars force desperate people to seek safety out of harm’s way. Numbers fleeing war and destabilized areas are greater than any time since WWII – increasing exponentially as conflicts and chaos rage in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Donbass, Somalia, South Sudan, and elsewhere.
According to a UNHCR report, 60 million people were forcibly displaced by end of 2014. Globally one in every 122 people are asylum seekers, refugees or internally displaced persons. More than half the world’s refugees are children.
On August 28, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said over 300,000 refugees and asylum seekers crossed the Mediterranean to reach Europe so far this year – greatly exceeding 2014’s 219,000 total, a human flood likely to approach half a million by year end, likely hundreds of thousands more in 2016 and beyond.
Thousands of others die or go missing. On August 27, hundreds were feared dead after two overcrowded vessels capsized off Libya’s coast. Dozens of Syrian refugees were found suffocated to death in a truck parked on an Austrian highway – their bodies in a state of decomposition. Other similar horror stories repeat with disturbing regularity.
Statements expressing concern by Germany’s Angela Merkel, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other top world officials ring hollow.
Crisis resolution is obvious – not considered nor will it be. End US orchestrated and led imperial wars. The UN Charter’s pledge “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind” proved empty rhetoric.
America’s record is unparalleled – endless wars at home and/or abroad every year in its history, begun long before the republic’s inception.
The current US presidential race features an array of imperial warriors – not a peace and stability advocate in the bunch.
Hillary Clinton is a reckless war goddess. Donald Trump wants “the strongest military that we’ve ever had.” Other Republican aspirants support increased defense spending and militarism. Bernie Sanders supports all Obama wars. They exceed the worst of George Bush.
No matter who becomes president in 2017, America’s killing machine will keep raging – ravaging and destroying one country after another, causing an endless human flood of refugees, risking the unthinkable if Russia or China are challenged belligerently.
Thousands of refugees and asylum seekers head for safe havens daily – a human flood entering Europe, risking life and limb to get there. Why?
Endless US direct and proxy wars force desperate people to seek safety out of harm’s way. Numbers fleeing war and destabilized areas are greater than any time since WWII – increasing exponentially as conflicts and chaos rage in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Donbass, Somalia, South Sudan, and elsewhere.
According to a UNHCR report, 60 million people were forcibly displaced by end of 2014. Globally one in every 122 people are asylum seekers, refugees or internally displaced persons. More than half the world’s refugees are children.
On August 28, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said over 300,000 refugees and asylum seekers crossed the Mediterranean to reach Europe so far this year – greatly exceeding 2014’s 219,000 total, a human flood likely to approach half a million by year end, likely hundreds of thousands more in 2016 and beyond.
Thousands of others die or go missing. On August 27, hundreds were feared dead after two overcrowded vessels capsized off Libya’s coast. Dozens of Syrian refugees were found suffocated to death in a truck parked on an Austrian highway – their bodies in a state of decomposition. Other similar horror stories repeat with disturbing regularity.
Statements expressing concern by Germany’s Angela Merkel, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other top world officials ring hollow.
Crisis resolution is obvious – not considered nor will it be. End US orchestrated and led imperial wars. The UN Charter’s pledge “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind” proved empty rhetoric.
America’s record is unparalleled – endless wars at home and/or abroad every year in its history, begun long before the republic’s inception.
The current US presidential race features an array of imperial warriors – not a peace and stability advocate in the bunch.
Hillary Clinton is a reckless war goddess. Donald Trump wants “the strongest military that we’ve ever had.” Other Republican aspirants support increased defense spending and militarism. Bernie Sanders supports all Obama wars. They exceed the worst of George Bush.
No matter who becomes president in 2017, America’s killing machine will keep raging – ravaging and destroying one country after another, causing an endless human flood of refugees, risking the unthinkable if Russia or China are challenged belligerently.
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32064
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- Post n°15
Re: Refugees are coming....
That this continues to occur in our world today is a tragedy. They leave because where they are from is so awful the only escape is to flee with no real safe exit plan or place to go.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
mudra- Posts : 23280
Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 69
Location : belgium
- Post n°16
Re: Refugees are coming....
The World's Most Humble President Just Opened His House to 100 Syrian Refugee Children
The news: One hundred children orphaned by the Syrian civil war could find a home in Uruguayan President José "Pepe" Mujica's summer retreat, "a mansion and riverfront estate surrounded by rolling pastures," according to Yahoo News. That would be a welcome sight for any of the hundreds of thousands of refugees displaced by Syria's political turmoil.
The children could arrive as early as September, coming from refugee camps in the Middle East. The UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) does not relocate orphans without a family member; each child would arrive with at least one relative — like an uncle, cousin or sibling. The exact number of children expected at Mujica's summer residence is still being worked out, particularly since the Uruguayan government will be responsible for all of the expenses.
More than 2 million Syrians have fled the country since the conflict began in 2011. Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon have taken in the majority. More than 1 million Syrians have relocated to Lebanon, while 600,000 are in Jordan and 700,000 are in Turkey. Germany and Brazil have granted immigration visas to Syrian refugees, 10,000 from the former and 2,000 from the latter.
Notice who's not in the mix? U.S. President Obama's administration has been pretty listless in aiding Syrian refugees. Out of the estimated 2.3 million Syrians displaced, the U.S. only admitted 31 into the country in 2013. That number seems even worse when you take into account the fact that 135,000 Syrians have applied for asylum by January of this year. Most applications were rejected because of strict immigration laws instituted to prevent terrorists from entering the country.
In February 2014, the Obama administration announced that it would ease up some of the immigration restrictions. According to a statement signed by Secretary of State John Kerry and Jeh Johnson, secretary of homeland security, the U.S. will grant exemptions to Syrian refugees "on a case-by-case basis to the 'material support' bar in U.S. immigration law," reported Reuters.
Mujica keeps one-upping President Obama. This is not the first instance where Uruguay's president has taken the lead. Mujica turned his leftist guerrilla past into game-changing national leadership through several strategic political moves and by capitalizing on an everyman brand.
Mujica is known as the sandal-wearing, VW Beetle-driving, farm-living "poorest president in the world." He donates most of his $12,000 monthly salary to charity and lives in a one-bedroom home, even though a recent report indicates his assets to be well into the six-figure range.
Coolness factor aside, Mujica broke ground by making Uruguay the first country to legalize the production, distribution and consumption of marijuana. Notably, he also legalized gay marriage and took in six detainees from Guantanamo Bay, which the U.S. still hasn't dismantled after promising to do so six years ago.
Under Mujica's presidency, Uruguay is aggressively fighting a $2 billion lawsuit filed by Phillip Morris, since the country's strict anti-smoking laws force the company to place graphic warnings on 80% of all cigarette packs. And Uruguay now has the most liberal laws on abortion in all of Latin America.
Are you taking notes, Mr. President? Lucia Topolansky, Mujica's wife, said that the move to take in the Syrian orphans is to "motivate all the countries of the world to take responsibility for this catastrophe."
read on: http://mic.com/articles/89809/the-world-s-most-humble-president-just-opened-his-house-to-100-syrian-refugee-children
Love Always
The news: One hundred children orphaned by the Syrian civil war could find a home in Uruguayan President José "Pepe" Mujica's summer retreat, "a mansion and riverfront estate surrounded by rolling pastures," according to Yahoo News. That would be a welcome sight for any of the hundreds of thousands of refugees displaced by Syria's political turmoil.
The children could arrive as early as September, coming from refugee camps in the Middle East. The UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) does not relocate orphans without a family member; each child would arrive with at least one relative — like an uncle, cousin or sibling. The exact number of children expected at Mujica's summer residence is still being worked out, particularly since the Uruguayan government will be responsible for all of the expenses.
More than 2 million Syrians have fled the country since the conflict began in 2011. Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon have taken in the majority. More than 1 million Syrians have relocated to Lebanon, while 600,000 are in Jordan and 700,000 are in Turkey. Germany and Brazil have granted immigration visas to Syrian refugees, 10,000 from the former and 2,000 from the latter.
Notice who's not in the mix? U.S. President Obama's administration has been pretty listless in aiding Syrian refugees. Out of the estimated 2.3 million Syrians displaced, the U.S. only admitted 31 into the country in 2013. That number seems even worse when you take into account the fact that 135,000 Syrians have applied for asylum by January of this year. Most applications were rejected because of strict immigration laws instituted to prevent terrorists from entering the country.
In February 2014, the Obama administration announced that it would ease up some of the immigration restrictions. According to a statement signed by Secretary of State John Kerry and Jeh Johnson, secretary of homeland security, the U.S. will grant exemptions to Syrian refugees "on a case-by-case basis to the 'material support' bar in U.S. immigration law," reported Reuters.
Mujica keeps one-upping President Obama. This is not the first instance where Uruguay's president has taken the lead. Mujica turned his leftist guerrilla past into game-changing national leadership through several strategic political moves and by capitalizing on an everyman brand.
Mujica is known as the sandal-wearing, VW Beetle-driving, farm-living "poorest president in the world." He donates most of his $12,000 monthly salary to charity and lives in a one-bedroom home, even though a recent report indicates his assets to be well into the six-figure range.
Coolness factor aside, Mujica broke ground by making Uruguay the first country to legalize the production, distribution and consumption of marijuana. Notably, he also legalized gay marriage and took in six detainees from Guantanamo Bay, which the U.S. still hasn't dismantled after promising to do so six years ago.
Under Mujica's presidency, Uruguay is aggressively fighting a $2 billion lawsuit filed by Phillip Morris, since the country's strict anti-smoking laws force the company to place graphic warnings on 80% of all cigarette packs. And Uruguay now has the most liberal laws on abortion in all of Latin America.
Are you taking notes, Mr. President? Lucia Topolansky, Mujica's wife, said that the move to take in the Syrian orphans is to "motivate all the countries of the world to take responsibility for this catastrophe."
read on: http://mic.com/articles/89809/the-world-s-most-humble-president-just-opened-his-house-to-100-syrian-refugee-children
Love Always
burgundia- Posts : 5520
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- Post n°18
Re: Refugees are coming....
"Here is the original place where it was found the body of small Aylan, the small #Kurdish Kobanî, drowned with his brother and his mother off the #Turkish coast when the family was trying to reach the island of Kos in Greece. The body was then moved by photographers Turks in a more photogenic and put in a more dramatic, to pick up the emotional drive of the international public in order to accuse Al-Assad's death that little migrant .. ... all this is just awful, a media manipulation..."
SYria Real Infos And News - SYRIAN
SYria Real Infos And News - SYRIAN
burgundia- Posts : 5520
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Location : Poland
- Post n°19
Re: Refugees are coming....
VIDEO: Shocking footage from Hungarian refugee camp
A video from a Hungarian refugee camp, filmed last month, has received considerable attention in Hungary in recent weeks.
The video shows how illegal immigrants in southeastern Hungary, mainly Syrian refugees, are chanting "Allahu Akbar" and attack the police.
According to the Hungarian public broadcaster service M1 Hirado the scenes are unfolding outside an asylum accommodation in Hungary's second largest city Debrecen. The TV broadcaster also reports that people who live near the asylum accommodation was so frightened by the incident that they hardly dare leave their homes.
Eyewitnesses tell of Syrian immigrants who attacked both police and threw stones and branches against passing cars. After a while they calmed down, after collectively having screamed various Islamist "battle cries" reports M1 Hirado.
In the video one can also see the immigrants holding up a Hungarian flag which they ostentatiously painted the Muslim Crescent and other Islamic or Islamist symbols on.
In the Hungarian immigration debate, this video, and numerous other such videos, where one see men, men and only men, who behave like radical Islamists as soon as they arrive Europe, have led many to strongly question whether the hundreds of thousands of immigrants who come to Europe from Africa and the Arab world really are refugees.
For Hungarians, however, the problem will vanish, as the migrants who manage to enter the country rarely stay on. The majority are seeking to countries as Germany, the UK and Sweden, where the possibility of obtaining asylum is greater and above all contributions are much higher.
VIDEO: Shocking footage from Hungarian refugee camp
A video from a Hungarian refugee camp, filmed last month, has received considerable attention in Hungary in recent weeks.
The video shows how illegal immigrants in southeastern Hungary, mainly Syrian refugees, are chanting "Allahu Akbar" and attack the police.
According to the Hungarian public broadcaster service M1 Hirado the scenes are unfolding outside an asylum accommodation in Hungary's second largest city Debrecen. The TV broadcaster also reports that people who live near the asylum accommodation was so frightened by the incident that they hardly dare leave their homes.
Eyewitnesses tell of Syrian immigrants who attacked both police and threw stones and branches against passing cars. After a while they calmed down, after collectively having screamed various Islamist "battle cries" reports M1 Hirado.
In the video one can also see the immigrants holding up a Hungarian flag which they ostentatiously painted the Muslim Crescent and other Islamic or Islamist symbols on.
In the Hungarian immigration debate, this video, and numerous other such videos, where one see men, men and only men, who behave like radical Islamists as soon as they arrive Europe, have led many to strongly question whether the hundreds of thousands of immigrants who come to Europe from Africa and the Arab world really are refugees.
For Hungarians, however, the problem will vanish, as the migrants who manage to enter the country rarely stay on. The majority are seeking to countries as Germany, the UK and Sweden, where the possibility of obtaining asylum is greater and above all contributions are much higher.
mudra- Posts : 23280
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- Post n°22
Re: Refugees are coming....
burgundia wrote:http://speisa.com/modules/articles/index.php/item.1793/video-shocking-footage-from-hungarian-refugee-camp.html#.VezcKeod5Ag.facebook
VIDEO: Shocking footage from Hungarian refugee camp
A video from a Hungarian refugee camp, filmed last month, has received considerable attention in Hungary in recent weeks.
The video shows how illegal immigrants in southeastern Hungary, mainly Syrian refugees, are chanting "Allahu Akbar" and attack the police.
According to the Hungarian public broadcaster service M1 Hirado the scenes are unfolding outside an asylum accommodation in Hungary's second largest city Debrecen. The TV broadcaster also reports that people who live near the asylum accommodation was so frightened by the incident that they hardly dare leave their homes.
Eyewitnesses tell of Syrian immigrants who attacked both police and threw stones and branches against passing cars. After a while they calmed down, after collectively having screamed various Islamist "battle cries" reports M1 Hirado.
In the video one can also see the immigrants holding up a Hungarian flag which they ostentatiously painted the Muslim Crescent and other Islamic or Islamist symbols on.
I wonder how many of those will cross the border .
Love from me
enemyofNWO- Posts : 1471
Join date : 2010-04-10
Location : Trieste ,Italy
Quote " Questions this broadcast answers:
1.) Why would Syrian refugees make the dangerous and extremely long journey to European nations and U.S. (who hold damnable doctrine and life-styles according to the Quran) rather than the Arab nations (who are Islamic oriented) around them?
2.) Why has it taken 5 full years (length of civil war in certain parts of Syria) for Syrians in the particular regions to leave?
3.) Why are refugees tossing out good water and food given to them by western governments on their arrival?
4.) Why are many of the refugees young men?
5.) Why are the 5 wealthiest Gulf Nations refusing to take even one refugee? What do they know that we don’t?
6.) Could it be this refugee crisis is not really a crisis at all but a Trojan Horse?
7.) Could it be that we could be looking at the most massive Infiltration of Muslims and the religion of Islam the West has EVER seen in History
8.) Could it be this “refugee crisis” is a planned takeover by the United Nations, U.S. and EU sensitive to the Caliphate of Islamic Teachings?
9.) Could it be that due to Russian intervention in the Syrian war backing Assad this Exodus of Syrians is due to a major surprise all-out attack to be launched by the U.S. and Nato in Syria making Damascus a “ruinous heap”?
10.) Does the China and Russia warships spotted off the coast of Alaska and Georgia U.S. last week indicate something far more threatening and sinister is about to take place on the global scene?
Tune in and get the answers to these questions and much more!
Headlines used:
6 charts and a map that show where Europe’s refugees are coming from – and the perilous journeys they are taking: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/wor…
ISIS plotting Trojan Horse campaign by smuggling militants into western Europe disguised as refugees:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/artic…
Refugees refuses food and water from Red Cross because of the “Cross”:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeMIX…
UN Calls for Countries to Accept 180,000 Syrian Refugees as ISIS Says They’re Using Refugees as Trojan Horse: http://www.dailystormer.com/un-calls-…