hippihillbobbi Tue May 04, 2010 11:04 am
Dearest Mudra--
Thank you so much, lovely one, for yet another beautiful offering. This Language of Light definitely "resonates" with me (as we may be too fond of saying! lol) and i found myself feeling high-as-a-kite after listening to these affecting tapes. i can't imagine what we'd do without your presence among us, Mudra. You are such a PRECIOUS GIFT!
I wonder if you or anyone else here might have some insights on the similarity/dissimilarity of the Language of Light with what some Christians (Protestant and Catholic) refer to as their "Prayer Language." this language (or languages) is often a corollary of the experience known as the "Baptism" or the "Release" of the Holy Spirit in pentecostal (Protestant)/charismatic (Catholic) circles. i use such a language sometimes in my prayers, though i'm ashamed to say "not very often" anymore.
i first had this experience in my early 20's (i'm 60 now) during meditation a few times. i had not heard anything about the "Baptism/Release of the Holy Spirit" then ...... as i was not going to Church at the time. but i remember deciding when the "words" came to me just to "let it flow." and i also remember it reminding me of native American languages i had heard (and again -- listening to these tapes -- i found myself inwardly remarking how the Language of Light reminded me of a native American "tongue.") Later on ..... a few years after i returned to a traditional church (Episcopalian), i again experienced this phenomenon and joined a very small "Charismatic" prayer-group affiliated with a Catholic parish (no clergy involved & no leaders per se) where each of us had had this experience. we mostly used our "prayer language(s)" privately as part of our individual prayer/meditations. Occasionally someone would "bring a message in tongues" within our prayer-group meeting, but this was almost always followed by someone's "interpretation" in English (following Paul's admonition in the NT not to speak-in-tongues in the community worship unless there could be an interpretation which would "edify" everyone present. my experience of this phenomenon is definitely positive ..... sometimes people "sing in the Spirit" as well and spontaneous harmonizing can occur .... even though one is NOT normally able to spontaneously sing a harmony line! that, indeed, is a very moving, beautiful and uplifiting experience. utilizing this tool has been especially effective for me when i am in some sort of deep sadness or grieving mode ..... then, the language seems to come out as "moans or groans," low guttural sounds which i experience as deeply healing.
i would love to hear any of your thoughts on this!
much love to you, mama Mudra, and all my sisters & brothers here,