The first experience I have ever had was when I was much much younger than I am now. If memory serves efficiently, I was between the ages of two and four years old. I was raised in a religious home and I was also raised on military bases as my father was in the Air Force. My parents sheltered my siblings and I from the world. We were not allowed to watch scary movies or really anything of the like. Anyhow like most of these experiences, I was not in the third dimension, at least I don't think I was, as this was a long time ago. I was running through the halls of some kind of ship or building complex. I do not believe that I was necessarily afraid, but I knew that an entity was following me. I cannot remember the events that happened before I started running, but apparently I knew what this entity looked like, and I know that something caused me to run. I kept running until I reached a pair of double doors that opened by themselves vertically, as one would expect in a highly advanced vessel. I went inside of what I remember to be a storage room of some kind and then I went into a closet, which also had automatic doors. I waited inside of that closet for several moments. I do not remember what the stored equipment looked like, except that it was colorful. There were long, yellow tubes, almost styrofoam looking. Eventually the entity, which I now believe to be a "grey" alien, of the taller, orange/yellow variety, opened the closet door, and looked directly at me, as if it had known exactly where I was the entire time. The "grey" did not say anything to me. It just stared at me for a moment and left. That's when I "woke up" I believe. I never told anyone. I don't even know if I remembered the experience until I was older. I just know now that it happened.
I remember always being interested in UFOs. I would occasionally check out books from the school library about them. Of course my parents discouraged my reading because they considered it "evil" and "demonic." I would have dreams of being chased by UFOs in broad daylight. The UFOs were always the disk shaped craft. I would always run into a house and then wake up.
I am not sure how many experiences I have had. But I remember only a few of them. The following experiences have taken place within the past 2 years. This next experience is not something that I really understand. It did not take place while I was asleep. Instead it took place shortly after I woke up at about 5 AM. I was trying to go back to sleep when I felt a gust of wind. It may have been the air conditioner but it would have been quite a coincidence because only mere seconds later, I felt footsteps approaching my bed. For some reason I did not open my physical eyes. I was in a state between being asleep, and being awake, and what I saw was viewed through what is known as the "third eye." A tall, female, pale skinned figure, with long, black hair, pitch black eyes, and dressed in black attire, sat down on my bed. I could distinctly feel the metal coils in the bed creak beneath her weight, and I could actually feel the impressions of her weight while she sat down. She kissed my neck and stood back up. At this point I got the clearest view of her. She was quite ethereal from the waist down, only her more upper body being clear, as if she was partially in another dimension. She was not malevolent despite her appearance, and was actually grinning down at me in a friendly way. At that point it finally occurred to me to open my physical eyes and she was gone. I was quite shocked at the experience and it took me a moment to go back to sleep.
This next encounter took place after my final conversion to christianity. I had been scared back into religion after watching a youtube video about the Illuminati. The video basically said that aliens are the christian fallen angels and that you better get "saved" or you will go to hell. I was in a fragile state at the time and I was easily sucked back into the control program. I started talking out against ET life forms, saying that they were demons out to deceive humanity. This lasted all of about a week. One night I went to sleep and had my next experience. I was in some kind of blue liquid, obviously not on earth, and floating above me were several grey aliens, all of them the classic white-gray color. They told me telepathically that I was either "going to leave christianity" or that I "need to leave christianity." Sure enough, about two or three days later, I left religion for the final time with their words in mind. I have never gone back and it has been almost exactly one year since that experience.
The experience after that one happened about a month after the experience with the greys. I was trying to astral project one morning right after I woke up. I was making some good progress I believe, but I suddenly found myself in a "dream" or astral state (surprise surprise. I never got to astral project on my own because I believe that I was "zapped" somewhere else.), and in front of me was a light skinned, red haired human ET, who had I believe green eyes. He was my height and was wearing some kind of uniform. I believe that I know him and I believe that I came from the place that I was taken to. It was a sunny place, with plants, grass, and very similar to earth, but I felt that I was not on earth. He simply told me, "You are not ready." Then he lifted his right palm, and pushed me back into my body, waking me up with a jolt. It is my belief that my energetic frequency was, and still is, too low, too heavy, to properly enter higher dimensions on my own. I believe that my energy was too negative for this human ET to tolerate for long because he only said those words and quickly sent me back. I believe he was trying to spare me a long period of failure because I was trying to take a big step far too soon.
The most recent experience was not a positive experience at all. I was on some kind of vessel and I was in a room with white furniture. I was sitting with a female reptilian. This was when I was in a very negative place spiritually. I guess I was in her lap, draped around her, and I felt attracted to her. She was telling me that only "males feed on human energy." She said other things to me that I cannot remember clearly. A bit after that we stood up and she left the room for a moment, saying that she "had another for me", and leaving the circular, automatically opening door open behind her. I stared out into the hallway waiting for her to return. She came back with a blonde woman of unknown origins. They stopped in the hallway close to the room and the woman seemed reluctant or afraid to come into the room. It was at that point that I woke up.
That is the sum of my experiences that I can recall at this time. I have probably had more of them that I cannot remember. Some of them sound quite crazy, if not all of them, but I can assure you that all of them took place as I have described. I am sure that others have had experiences as well, perhaps more detailed, longer experiences. Thank you for taking the time to read this as I am happy to put this out there for you to read.