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    My ET experiences


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    My ET experiences Empty My ET experiences

    Post  Neteru Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:51 pm

    Now that I have shared where I am at spiritually in another thread, and since I am being encouraged to do so, I am going to share my experiences with ET entities. I have never been harmed in any of my experiences, but one of my experiences was not exactly benevolent. I can actually talk about all of my experiences in one post because they were all a bit short compared to others. I believe that this is because they took place in a "dream" or astral state and did not occur in this dimension. My complete memory of these experiences may not be accessible to me until, or if I ever, try to undergo hypnosis, which can be dangerous for the mind. So for now this is what I have to share:

    The first experience I have ever had was when I was much much younger than I am now. If memory serves efficiently, I was between the ages of two and four years old. I was raised in a religious home and I was also raised on military bases as my father was in the Air Force. My parents sheltered my siblings and I from the world. We were not allowed to watch scary movies or really anything of the like. Anyhow like most of these experiences, I was not in the third dimension, at least I don't think I was, as this was a long time ago. I was running through the halls of some kind of ship or building complex. I do not believe that I was necessarily afraid, but I knew that an entity was following me. I cannot remember the events that happened before I started running, but apparently I knew what this entity looked like, and I know that something caused me to run. I kept running until I reached a pair of double doors that opened by themselves vertically, as one would expect in a highly advanced vessel. I went inside of what I remember to be a storage room of some kind and then I went into a closet, which also had automatic doors. I waited inside of that closet for several moments. I do not remember what the stored equipment looked like, except that it was colorful. There were long, yellow tubes, almost styrofoam looking. Eventually the entity, which I now believe to be a "grey" alien, of the taller, orange/yellow variety, opened the closet door, and looked directly at me, as if it had known exactly where I was the entire time. The "grey" did not say anything to me. It just stared at me for a moment and left. That's when I "woke up" I believe. I never told anyone. I don't even know if I remembered the experience until I was older. I just know now that it happened.

    I remember always being interested in UFOs. I would occasionally check out books from the school library about them. Of course my parents discouraged my reading because they considered it "evil" and "demonic." I would have dreams of being chased by UFOs in broad daylight. The UFOs were always the disk shaped craft. I would always run into a house and then wake up.

    I am not sure how many experiences I have had. But I remember only a few of them. The following experiences have taken place within the past 2 years. This next experience is not something that I really understand. It did not take place while I was asleep. Instead it took place shortly after I woke up at about 5 AM. I was trying to go back to sleep when I felt a gust of wind. It may have been the air conditioner but it would have been quite a coincidence because only mere seconds later, I felt footsteps approaching my bed. For some reason I did not open my physical eyes. I was in a state between being asleep, and being awake, and what I saw was viewed through what is known as the "third eye." A tall, female, pale skinned figure, with long, black hair, pitch black eyes, and dressed in black attire, sat down on my bed. I could distinctly feel the metal coils in the bed creak beneath her weight, and I could actually feel the impressions of her weight while she sat down. She kissed my neck and stood back up. At this point I got the clearest view of her. She was quite ethereal from the waist down, only her more upper body being clear, as if she was partially in another dimension. She was not malevolent despite her appearance, and was actually grinning down at me in a friendly way. At that point it finally occurred to me to open my physical eyes and she was gone. I was quite shocked at the experience and it took me a moment to go back to sleep.

    This next encounter took place after my final conversion to christianity. I had been scared back into religion after watching a youtube video about the Illuminati. The video basically said that aliens are the christian fallen angels and that you better get "saved" or you will go to hell. I was in a fragile state at the time and I was easily sucked back into the control program. I started talking out against ET life forms, saying that they were demons out to deceive humanity. This lasted all of about a week. One night I went to sleep and had my next experience. I was in some kind of blue liquid, obviously not on earth, and floating above me were several grey aliens, all of them the classic white-gray color. They told me telepathically that I was either "going to leave christianity" or that I "need to leave christianity." Sure enough, about two or three days later, I left religion for the final time with their words in mind. I have never gone back and it has been almost exactly one year since that experience.

    The experience after that one happened about a month after the experience with the greys. I was trying to astral project one morning right after I woke up. I was making some good progress I believe, but I suddenly found myself in a "dream" or astral state (surprise surprise. I never got to astral project on my own because I believe that I was "zapped" somewhere else.), and in front of me was a light skinned, red haired human ET, who had I believe green eyes. He was my height and was wearing some kind of uniform. I believe that I know him and I believe that I came from the place that I was taken to. It was a sunny place, with plants, grass, and very similar to earth, but I felt that I was not on earth. He simply told me, "You are not ready." Then he lifted his right palm, and pushed me back into my body, waking me up with a jolt. It is my belief that my energetic frequency was, and still is, too low, too heavy, to properly enter higher dimensions on my own. I believe that my energy was too negative for this human ET to tolerate for long because he only said those words and quickly sent me back. I believe he was trying to spare me a long period of failure because I was trying to take a big step far too soon.

    The most recent experience was not a positive experience at all. I was on some kind of vessel and I was in a room with white furniture. I was sitting with a female reptilian. This was when I was in a very negative place spiritually. I guess I was in her lap, draped around her, and I felt attracted to her. She was telling me that only "males feed on human energy." She said other things to me that I cannot remember clearly. A bit after that we stood up and she left the room for a moment, saying that she "had another for me", and leaving the circular, automatically opening door open behind her. I stared out into the hallway waiting for her to return. She came back with a blonde woman of unknown origins. They stopped in the hallway close to the room and the woman seemed reluctant or afraid to come into the room. It was at that point that I woke up.

    That is the sum of my experiences that I can recall at this time. I have probably had more of them that I cannot remember. Some of them sound quite crazy, if not all of them, but I can assure you that all of them took place as I have described. I am sure that others have had experiences as well, perhaps more detailed, longer experiences. Thank you for taking the time to read this as I am happy to put this out there for you to read.

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    My ET experiences Empty Re: My ET experiences

    Post  Carol Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:55 pm

    I'm so glad that you are comfortable enough in sharing this with us. Thank you. Thubs Up

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    My ET experiences Empty Re: My ET experiences

    Post  Neteru Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:04 am

    You are quite welcome. I am actually curious as to whether anyone else can see similarities to their own experiences. Such as seeing white furniture on a reptilian vessel or grey aliens spending large amounts of time in blue liquid. I do know that reptilians and blonde human ET are often seen together for some reason, perhaps as prisoners, or as more malevolent human ET working with the reptilians. The woman I saw with the reptilian was very likely a prisoner however.

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    Post  Carol Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:08 am

    I'll respond to this tomorrow as I do have info on this.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Neteru Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:10 am

    That is very encouraging to hear actually! I have not told many people about these experiences and I have always wondered about more than a few of them. :)

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    My ET experiences Empty Re: My ET experiences

    Post  lawlessline Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:59 am

    I was visited by the greys in a very simular state as you were. I was meditating and they appeared before me. They were afraid to approach me and kept their distance. I then opened the negociation which they were very candid as to what they wanted. I confirmed the fact that they are not supposed to be interfering with humans at the moment and that is for all types of ETs. This is a crucial time in our evolution and any interferance or interaction from outside could give a false result to our evolution. As they would not be clear as to what they wanted I asked them to leave, which they did after conversing between them.

    The second was a very tall 2-3 metres they were like a peying mantis type. They were speaking with lovely with voices like chimes. I asked them to manifest which they refused. They said that if they did there would be a good chance that I would die. When I asked why, they said that they were very partial to human meat and it would be better if I didin't meet them within the physical dimension. They were very concerned about the interaction mentioned earlier and said that all should respected. They conversed with me giving info about varu=ious subjects of my interest. When they left they said that if in need they could be called on. I have not as yet needed such help.

    So I am very wary of greys and their desires here.

    But their true nature in our dimension is not yet finished.

    Oh yes sorry, welcome to the mists.


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    My ET experiences Empty Re: My ET experiences

    Post  sabina Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:40 am

    first want to say thanks for sharing your experience lawlessline and Neteru,
    i never have had an ET visitation but anyway Iam sure they are here because of my indian background I know
    already in the vedas is written about all the different lokas( Sri bagavatam )
    Neteru maybe you should look at astralwalker at the old avalonforum
    all the best I love you I love you sabina

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    Post  Neteru Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:04 am

    That is very interesting Lawlessline. That could be another reason why the encounters were always kept so short. They are not allowed to really interfere. I wonder why the greys chose to do so at that particular time in my life then. The human ET who pulled me to his frequency did so I believe to protect me. I have heard that astral projecting before you are ready, before your energy is ready, can be dangerous. Other entities like Reptilians might attempt to harm me. That is what I heard at least.

    And Sabina I agree. There is are a lot of instances in older civilizations that mention ET presence on earth. :)

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    Post  sabina Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:02 pm

    well you got it
    astralwalker Pane he has written an Ebook about his experiences
    Mal has written about him too
    it can be dangerous to be unprotected in the astral realm
    please inform yourself about astraltravel you will find material
    All the best I love you I love you

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    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:56 pm

    there are a lot more planes, than just astral
    we tried to tell people about them, trouble is, not that many people actually listen

    free appears, and, seems to have the highest cost of all

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    Post  Neteru Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:09 pm

    Oh yes I do know there are many dimensions. I suppose I should have said, "Out of body" instead of "Astral" as I was not in the literal astral realm. :) It's a bad habit to say "astral" when referring to any experience that happens to be out of my body. I believe that there are at least 12 dimensions that are known. I was likely in the 4th or 5th dimension when the human ET "zapped" me out of the 3rd dimension. The other experiences may have been in the 4th dimension. There could be more than 12, apparently, if the Prime Creator is part of a group of beings itself. What we believe to the the Prime Creator may have a species of it's own in a way that we cannot yet understand. If this is the case, then something created what we know as the "Prime Creator" and that would mean that there are more than 12 dimensions. This marvels me.

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    Post  devakas Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:55 pm

    I love your analysis and clearing your path Neteru. Try not to think linear

    I love you


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    Post  firefly Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:54 pm

    This is the first time I have shared my experience on a forum, only last night or should I say at 12.30 am on the 8th February it happened again. I don't know how often it has been happening to me that I'm not aware of, only that I have very sleepless and restless nights and this is what I experienced last night.

    I went to bed at 11.30 p.m listening to the radio which turns off after 30mins. I was woken buy a vibrational humming sound, I tried to open my eyes but my lids were extremely heavy as though I had been drugged. I managed to open them just a little and enough for me to notice a flashing light. I couldn't determine if the light was coming from outside or inside my room it was so quick. I turned and noticed a shadow next to me which I thought was my cat coming up to my face but it was another face I looked around the now semi dark room and noticed shadows moving around the room, then the room was clear and I yelled out in my mind to leave me alone and that I gave them no permission to do what ever it was that they had done to me,I was not afraid of them. I got up and walked around to my window and could see nothing. There was no bright moon as it had been raining earlier, later I felt extreme pain in my left knee and wondered if the entities had caused it. This is only the second time in 13years that I have been aware of something similar. I have not read the other posts because I didn't want to be influenced by their stories so I shall read them now. I had hoped that the small orgones that I have placed under my bed would protect me after the last episode, perhaps it encourages them, I don't know, all I know is, that it is real. And I find that the subject and experience is difficult to talk to my family and friends about.

    Thanks for the provision on this forum which allows me to share it with you.

    Love and friendship


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    Post  Neteru Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:10 pm

    I am not sure. I have never been abducted that I know of, not in that fashion, as all of my experiences took place in higher dimensions. In the third dimension, we have the advantage of keeping them away through willpower, and choice, probably because of certain laws that they have to follow, or treaties. I suppose the loophole is that that unless we object, they can do it. If they are coming back over and over then it means that they really want to take you somewhere. I am not going to outright suggest that you let them take you, but you should at least find out why they want to visit you, and I say "they" because you could be dealing with any number of ET groups. I am no expert but this is just based on the information that I have come to understand.

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    Post  Carol Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:06 pm

    Thank you for sharing what happened with you Firefly. I have organ pyramids all over our bedroom. Full moon tends to be an active period for abductions. What makes abductions different is that medical experiments are often performed on the abductees where DNA is removed. Initially this was for the purpose of the greys hybridization program. Then tend to follow certain families and the abduction can occur throughout a number of generations. Military families tend to be at high risk for this type of experience. In addition, with actual physical abductions implants are left in the body. The most common one being up the nose but I've known people who have multiple implants in various areas of the body. A black light will show if your body has been touched by an ET as there is a residue left behind.

    There are a few abductees who shared their experiences and different books that are good when it comes to describing what happens during an abduction. It also seems that some from of secret government (military) is also involved with this at different levels in secret underground bases). The hierarchy begins with the Reptilians who control the greys. The blond human looking individuals are a combination of hybrids and clones. One of my patients (an abductee) once told me the greys said their species was dying so this was their way to continue their existence. They basically have been combining their genetic structure with human DNA. I have actual photos of hybrids who look human.

    I've another friend who was the mother of a number of reptilian hybrids and she also wrote a book about her experiences.

    The blue liquid the greys float in was reported to be one way they take nourishment into their bodies. Not sure if this is accurate. However, there were other reports of humans being put into a liquid chamber so that their physical body could withstand space travel. I think Jim Sparks has some interesting experiences to pass on.

    There is a difference between a contactee and an abductee. Stefano Breccia is a contactee and his experiences are amazing. Contactees remember their experiences and generally are not subjected to mind-control programming or hypnosis where their memories of interaction are blocked.

    Most of the abductees I've communicated with are terrified to go to sleep and often have fear associated with their experiences. They also tend to have relationship problems, sleep problems, hyper vigilant, ongoing post traumatic stress and so on. Some abductees give into their experience and later claim it was a good thing. Others experience rape and other violations where they are battered and have bruises from their different abduction experiences at the hands of those humans who are working with the greys.

    Personally, I don't trust the greys. They have their own agenda and IMPO it is not to the benefit of humankind. As Mercuriel would say, some of these negative ET beings wish to keep humans around in the lower vibrational frequency so they have toys to play with after the shift. If fear or anger is involved - it's likely a negative entity.

    Here are some books if you wish to learn more.

    Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls: The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity [Paperback]

    The THREAT: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda [Paperback]

    Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens [Paperback]

    Messages: The World's Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contact Story

    The Keepers
    Camelot Video:

    Mass Contacts by Stefano Breccia

    Beyond the Heavens: A Story of Contact

    Last edited by Carol on Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    My ET experiences Empty Re: My ET experiences

    Post  Carol Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:25 pm

    These are some strange videos out regarding negative ET. Timing is off so there is no way to know if this is authentic or not.

    My ET experiences Watch?v=H1brjmOKFVc&feature=related
    Dying Nasa Scientist talks about alien life

    QUOTE: This is part of a series of clips that my client wished to be posted on the internet after his death.

    Dying Nasa scientist talks about the interior of the mothership.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    My ET experiences Empty Re: My ET experiences

    Post  Neteru Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:39 pm

    Thank you Carol! I was amazed that the blue liquid was such a significant detail in my experience. I had no idea what the blue liquid was for or why I was inside of it. It makes my experiences all the more clear. You know after the experiences, and after much time, you start to take those experiences for granted. But hearing your information has made them feel new again. I am not sure why my experiences with the greys were benevolent or why they were helping me, other than that I have always felt a connection to the greys, and I believe that I have past lives as a grey myself. I have heard that there are certain groups of greys who are benevolent. Perhaps I will find myself, in my next life, as such a grey once again. I would love to find a way to view my past lives to be more clear on this. Alex Collier mentions a benevolent group, perhaps a group who broke away from Reptilian control (My personal theory) but it is clear that most of the encounters with greys are with the malevolent groups. I have had more experiences with greys than any other group. I feel a connection as well to the red haired human ET that "zapped" me out of my bed. But reptilians I have no connection to. I am glad that I only had that one experience with them.

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    Post  firefly Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:37 am

    Thank You Carol for your info. The first real encounter that I was aware of was back in 1998 and that left me with anxiety and panic attachs for many years. However as I said before I wasn't afraid of them the other night. I just didn't know who to call on because my religious beliefs have changed somewhat. And where before I called on the name of Jehovah which caused the grays to take off. I didn't feel I could do that this time simply because I now believe that Yahweh is the leader of the reptilian race operating from the moon. But I do believe in a Divine Consciousness and Creator of the universe. I have come to realize that the god of the bible is a jealous and cruel being. However, maybe I should not be so hard on him/her. Perhaps some of the bloody stories in the bible were from great imaginations and if not the Israelites were very cruel people and so is their God. I will certainly check on some of the information Carol. Have you seen the doco/movie "The Fourth Kind"? scary stuff.


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    Post  Neteru Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:03 am

    I agree about the biblical entity called 'Yahweh.' It's many names cause these entities to flee for some reason. Likely because the names of their most feared leaders cause them to scatter the same as the names bring back horrid memories of religious programming back to my own mind. The malevolent ET groups respond to the names of their leaders. Benevolent greys would not make you feel afraid or negative in any way. I am sorry that you have never met them. They were the ones who helped me back out of religion. :) I am very much connected to the benevolent greys.

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    My ET experiences Empty Re: My ET experiences

    Post  lawlessline Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:32 am

    Neteru wrote:Oh yes I do know there are many dimensions. I suppose I should have said, "Out of body" instead of "Astral" as I was not in the literal astral realm. :)

    Oh for the want of words. I was gonna post something along those lines. I wouldn't consider myself as a contactee of any sort. As for the dimensions, the dimension that I was in would not allow the prey mantist to jump from where they were to where I was. There is a distance linked to level of vibration. Dimensions never stop until you end a loop which has a different trajectory each time.

    It is a bit like following the circumference of a sphere but each time looping in a different degree. so you can make you way to the same dimension via a different route and as you arrive at the same spot but from a different angle. So that dimension could appear completely different from when you were there last time.

    Now I mananged to get that off my chest, will read the rest of the thread, some catching up to do with Firefly and Carol's info. Love thread.



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    Post  Mercuriel Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:40 am

    There are Benevolent Greys but Its Semantics really. Please let Me explain...


    In the Ancient past - The Greys were much like Us but much more Technologically Advanced. They moved forward however on a Path of Materialism and Conquest (This is how They got involved with the renegade Alpha Draconans / ET Reptilians). Note - This does not reflect in any way however on the Terran Saurian Reptilians (Yeah more on them later) that have been here longer than Man in It's current Genus.

    At any rate as the Greys evolved and moved forward - They managed to destroy Their Planet and Their Species in the process (Genetic Corruption). They however were avid Time Travelers and a Group of Greys broke off early and moved forward in Time to Inhabit Their Future and escape what had occured in Their previous Reality and Time when They were a part of the Negative collective there.

    They became the Super-Advanced Greys which are primarily Benevolent...

    Then there are the Grey factions that are a part of this Time and have traveled here for Conquest / Hybridization along with the Renegade Reptilians / Draconans. This Group can be Nasty but now that They've made contact with the Super-Advanced Greys - A Fifth Column has developed within Their Ranks and there have been firefights now between Them...


    There are the Ancient Greys who left with the Above Group but went to another Quadrant of the Milky Way once Their World died and the Sun went Nova. These are incredibly Nasty...

    Now - As Humans share a Genus that runs across Light Years - So too do the Greys. So - As there are divergent Human Groups across the Cosmos - There are divergent Soul Carrier groupings across the Cosmos from what We could call at this point - The Grey Genus also...

    In fact - Andromedans look much like Your Avatar Neteru but that General Body typing is all that They share with the Modern or Ancient Greys...


    Its all in the Eyes...

    BTW - One can wear a Rare Earth Magnet around Their Neck or place Four of 'em around the Room that They sleep in and this should prevent the Abductions to a large extent...

    Why ? In a Faraday Way - The Magnetic Interference caused screws with the Teleport / Tractor Beam System that They use. If They want You that bad after that - Then They'll have to get off the Ship and come get You ole school...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Post  Neteru Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:08 pm

    That is very interesting. Since only one of my experiences were linked to a malevolent group, which I believe were those rogue reptilians you mentioned, I have never had a need for such precautions. Of course I would not hesitate to do so if I began to experience negative encounters on a regular basis. The benevolent greys have contacted me only twice in my entire life that I can remember. Other experiences were likely taken from my memory. If I really have had only two experiences with them, then clearly they only contact me if it is -very- important.

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    Post  Carol Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:29 pm

    Mercuriel, where did you get your Rare Earth Magnet from?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  firefly Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:35 pm

    Thanks Mecuriel, however I have one rare earth magnet on my window sill and 5 together in my bedside table and two orgone under my bed, but it still didn't stop them from coming for me.

    Love and friendship

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    Post  Neteru Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:01 pm

    It may sound a bit silly, but is it possible that some ET groups are finding ways to get through the magnets/orgone?

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