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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  tacodog Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:42 pm

    Seems to me Cliff High was asking what the secret word could be on his blog. Any ideas?

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:00 pm

    I'd be careful of any "word" that Thoth offered as a word of enlightenment.

    Remember, There has been a "spell" attached to the Emerald Tablets...and I'd advise anyone who reads these published words to shield themselves before even attempting to read them. As for offering a "word" that will lift the veil from the face of the serpent....well....I'd just advise not to trust it. I'd be more inclined to believe that to "lift the veil" would require a "technology" as opposed to a "word"
    ......A technology such as the "sun disc"
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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:16 am

    Lindabaker wrote:I vote this the most interesting thread ever, Brook yu rock. Lionhawk, there are present day versions of the sound frequency healing technologies in place right now. Of course, they are "dissed" on the net, made to be under suspicion, because they work and would take down the present medical money machine in the US and elsewhere. Where are the healers? When will they stand up and say: "I must uphold my vow to 'Do No Harm'?" The ability to diagnose by electro-magnetics and heal by frequency modulation is here, available, and is so so suppressed. What can we do? I have personally experienced the frequency diagnosis and resultant healing through frequency modulation. It would fix so many many conditions for us. I believe it saved my life by diagnosing a particular bacteria. I took a frequency specific antidote. Otherwise, I would be in a different place right now, I think.

    I can put people in touch with the folks distributing the technology if anyone would like to know...

    Now is the time for knowledge to come back for us on this planet, and this will be our era for finding the information that has been denied to us for so long. We don't need off planet entities to show us technology aboard their ships. We already have that technology. We just need to let it become mainstream and become "legal."

    I couldn't agree more Linda. But you have to admit some very important things would have to happen in order for this technology to actually do any good on a global scale.

    It seems that every civilization with alien roots has abused this technology. And that is what is not being talk of very much if at all. Egypt is a prime example as to how this technology was abused. More disturbing is the fact that this civilization was taken over by the Draconians. The evidence lies within their rituals behind closed doors.

    One example of this for instance is using this technology to place a field around a child, compressing the field, making the child to emotionally react with fear. Turning the dial upward with the compression and then feeding off the child's fear to the point where this child is in such a frightful state that it dies. As this is happening you can see these Egyptians change states from their normal physical appearance to a Reptilian state. It is so euphoric for these Reptilians to do this in such a way as they do not have to apply any effort to hold the child. The technology does it for them.

    My whole angle on this is that appearances are not what they seem. As even in today's world this technique is still being used after several thousand years. The only reason why some of these Egyptians were liken to Gods was because they commanded who lived and died behind these chambers, using this fear technique to control the masses. Many families made sacrifices with full knowing of the leverage placed against them. Though these families, the fear mechanism did the dirty work. If you look at these Egyptians as to how they did things back then you can see the similar patterns of ruler-ship being applied today. Draconians under the disguise.

    Now they have basically spread like a disease conquering the whole world. They use a field generator to hide their identities. These field generators have been placed all around the world in secure places. I am not talking about Haarp here but I can see how that technology could also be used to remotely set up a field for these Draconians to come through or appear. Like in your bedroom closet. Now if we could find these generators and disable them, these Draconians would be exposed and it would be game over. Personally, I think it all comes down to frequency and energy. But more importantly who is commanding it.

    I think it would be great if someone who had the resources, pursue this on this level. If you want to overcome a problem, change the damn frequency. Or find the the locations of these field generators and disable them. There are three in the USA alone. All of them are underground. Of course they have one in Britain.

    As to what I think is stressed in Brook's thread here is that much of the technology comes in disc shape. Where I think where everything went wrong as to what to look for is that the sun disc has nothing really to do with a sun, perse. It is a disc with certain properties that can manipulate physicality between here and the fourth dimension on a genetic level. Thoth knew how or discovered how to control this technology to the point where he even topped Ptah in personal power. He is still on the loose. In my mind he is like the Doctor Who of the Egyptian hierarchy. Draconian to top it off. After all, that was what this technology was all about. To be able to comeback through Mother Earth's womb, time after time with full memory to control the world. When David Icke says there are very few compared to the rest of the world, I wonder if he knows really how few we are talking about and as to how this group has overcome the memory problems we all have been dealt with.

    I would also like to add, without diverting away from this thread, that all the variances in this Planet's history, has been because of a few power grabbing groups, whether alien or otherwise. The Egyptians were just another chapter. These Draconian types are master scavengers. Master System Exploiters. They can't even feed themselves. Their food has to be provided to them. Once man understands that and stops feeding them, then maybe we can have all these healing technologies out on an open market.

    There's more and the truth about it can be ugly, but it is with hope we do something more about it to change it, because this old program has run it's course in my mind, and it hasn't worked out for the greatest good of our world and all that habit it. If we are the change, then so be it. But it takes action to get it done.

    I also would like to say that Brook has put together, an awesome thread. I think she should write a book about it. Don't you?


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:31 am

    Yes, Brook, write a book. Lionhawk, do you know where the three generators are in the US? Are they electro mechanical or are they organic? By the way, I think the clue to what the word is, is in the poem Brook posted. Anybody with me on that one? I met with the Thoth energy once, and it is powerful. I won't say any more because who needs taunting? Things are how they are. Where is the main gold disc right now? Why was it moved recently?

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:55 pm

    Remember that these Dracs are exploiters. They assimilate technology like the Borg in Star Trek. Another comparison to consider is with an Alex Collier approach. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible.

    Has anyone really noticed the influence of the Feline Race in the Egyptian history? Sekhmet? She is depicted everywhere and the stories about her are packed full of lies. Another part of the cover up and they used her like they use everyone as to discredit or hide the real truth. Same as how they did it with the Mary energy. Mind you that Mother Mary represents one blood line and Sekhmet represents another. We are talking about Star bloodlines here.

    The Feline Race are our genetic parents. Not the Draconians. The Draconians couldn't use the technology to create anything with a God like potential. They could only create abominations, hybrids, etc. The Feline race had technology which worked within a planet to produce viable life with a God potential. In other words without limits. Keep in mind the simple fact that the Planet is the one with all the codes to produce the life on itself. The Feline race came here to enhance those planetary codes. When the Dracs decided to assimilate this world, they got too close to what the Feline Race was doing and tried to get their claws on that. They did get their claws on some of it and Thoth was the one who exploited it. However, he could not duplicate the technology they did manage to steal to the level of the original. I am speaking of the discs that were assigned to this Planet that were of the Feline Race.

    These disc were intended to enhance the Planet's ability to produce off spring that had maximum potential. A super human if you will. Ever lasting life was one of the attributes. It was also the main reason why the Dracs wanted this technology. They sought to increase their life spans because when you can live forever and can manipulate the species of a planet by shorting their life spans, will give a most distinctive advantage in terms of control. Part of the reason why many people back in the day were reported to have lived so long was because this technology was in Gaia's tool box. When the Dracs grabbed a sample of this technology, they, or more specifically Thoth, could only get about 20% efficiency when he duplicated it. Upon which, the Feline race and Mother Earth determined that if the Dracs got a firm hold on this technology, the Dracs would use it for destructive purposes and chance killing Gaia and everyone, all Kingdoms who reside here. So it was decided to have the original technology removed and for Gaia and all Kingdoms to have a better chance for survival without the Dracs influencing this technology to their will which would further create more abominations and so forth. This was the moment when the time line of Earth made a drastic adjustment. This was the reason for the step back that Anna Hayes had mentioned but the reasons given were not these details. Also for the record, I don't subscribe to her pricing of such information.

    Now what you have are what could be called duplicate discs that Thoth created and called the Emerald Tablets. These duplicates are networked around the planet, couple with some sort of field generator that in turns works as a cloak to their true identities, amongst other things, like mind control, etc.

    Point of fact that the general theory as to how these Dracs made it work in the way that it works has not changed. The methods are the same although they do employ different hardware. You can recognize the same patterns at different times in history. Even up to the present the method is the same. Before present technology in terms of amplifying, the Crystal Kingdom was used to transmit into the 3rd dimensional bandwidth. Now consider that these Dracs were transmitting from the lower fourth through the second, where these crystals resided, then into the third. No wonder no one could find them or the source to be more specific in terms of anomalous dark behavior or effects that seems very mystical. These crystal caverns were the perfect buffer as well to hold frequency patterned agendas. Now they use computers with huge buffers and transmit more effectively as in targeting specific regions or even small areas.

    This faction is still on the hunt for the real ones, discs that the Feline Race has since taken off world and put in other safer places. But they will never find them. They have made some wild attempts at the retrieval of these discs and Brook probably would be willing to share one of those ways that everyone is aware of.

    3 of these duplicates are in these states; Arkansas, Colorado, and Maryland. Underground and under heavy security. There are a small number more that are scattered about. Again, one is in the UK. These duplicates were transported out of Egypt using an underground network, under Egypt. Many of the Kings that were buried had many superstitions surrounding them. The King's treasure was always the bait to divert the real treasure. That being these discs and the artifacts that worked with these discs. These discs are not gold in color. Nor were the originals.

    Also keep in mind that the conflict in the Middle East isn't just about oil, and Star-gates. When the fall of Egypt was to occur in real time, the Dracs decided to set up in a new place and that place was England. Many think that the war that William Wallace fought was about the liberation from England. Guess again. As this story thickens.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Guest Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:50 pm

    lindabaker wrote:Okay, I'll bite Brook's bait. Or trigger. I could hardly look at the Egyptian stuff, and I don't know why. It gives the greatest unease. My daughter's violin teacher had the dog head statue in his studio, and I asked him to hide it. I couldn't stand it. My soul group is from somewhere else, and we don't resonate with these beings. Now, if you tell me they are due to show up soon, I can deal with that. These sum baaaad mo fos. Oops, can I say that? I'll be bunned.

    I'm thinking that an esoteric study of Egypt and Babylon will be the most disillusioning and enlightening experience imaginable - especially for life-long Christians. I can only take so much of this subject at a time. I have to engage in sort of a pseudo-intellectual hit and run. There are some very interesting black speakers who address the subject of ancient Egypt - especially Kemet. Unfortunately there is a strong black vs white undercurrent - which is quite understandable - and I just look past it.

    On AV1 - there have been over 13,000 views of the 'Amen Ra' thread - and the number is increasing every day. This subject could be the key to a lot of things - but we should be careful not to focus so much on the symbols and folklore that we miss the hidden realities which they point to. Even the Bible seems to be a giant puzzle to be solved. When we really solve it - this truth may set us free. The Bible may be a giant safe - containing unimaginable hidden treasures. Egyptology may be the key which unlocks this safe. 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness --- and all these things shall be added unto you.'

    I sometimes wonder if black giants, or the ones with the interesting head shapes, ruled the world - until Battlestar Moon showed up around 10,000 years ago - filled with white-folk from Aldebaran??? There were giants in the promised land. Hmmmm. Think long and hard regarding ancient black vs white --- male vs female ----- human vs reptilian ----- and various combinations. Use Occam's Razor (sounds like a slasher movie!) to cut to the chase! Occam was a Slasher. Oedipus was a Mother. Pavlov was a Dog. And.....if my speculations are correct....the Father of Lies is a Real Mother. Notice who's on top in the second video at the beginning of this thread. Notice who's on top of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

    Wow Lionhawk! Your posts always floor me! Can you tell me if Reptilian Beings have Human Souls? OR -- do Human Beings have Reptilian Souls? Are we all Human/Reptilian Hybrids --- with various percentage differentials? Are Greys really Reptilians? Do Humans, Reptilians, and Greys have more in common than we think? Is most of this madness homegrown --- going back thousands of years --- right here on Earth --- mostly in North Africa and the Southwestern United States? Is the U.S. really the 'Head of the Snake'? Do the Underground Bases and the City States constitute the Biblical Babylon? Is Lucifer the Whore of Babylon? 'What fate Omoroca?' (Stargate SG-1 'Fire and Water') Nuff said!

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:12 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:27 pm

    Lionhawk: Forgive me if I am repeating a question that has been asked of you in previous forums. Tell us how you know all of this very interesting information, if you don't mind doing so. Are you an immortal who can remember a lot, or are you someone who has access to historical records previously unknown to most earth people? If the discs are not gold, what is their composition? By duplicates, do you mean discs that also work, kind of like burning another music cd? Why do the discs I see in my dreams look to be the size of large oranges? When will the information on the discs be revealed, and by whom, and where? What will the reaction be, do you think? Which Star family are you aligned with? Is your alignment with the Christ Energy, and if not, which alignment best describes your position?

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:34 pm

    They have made some wild attempts at the retrieval of these discs and Brook probably would be willing to share one of those ways that everyone is aware of. (Lionhawk)

    Brook, please share the story of some of the wild attempts to which he is referring, please?

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:38 pm

    Lionhawk: William Wallace! Do tell.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  burgundia Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:32 am

    I am wondering if changing of the sun frequency may have anything to do with the lifting of the veil....

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Instigator Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:19 am

    burgundia wrote:I am wondering if changing of the sun frequency may have anything to do with the lifting of the veil....

    Interssting way in putting it burgundia, The sun is providing cosmic/universal energies for all planets in this solar system, we feel these energies through earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, CME's and solar flares provide different frequuency information which are felt as wild weather here on earth such as typhoons/hurricanes ect.

    So indeed the sun is upgrading which in essence is the lifting of the veil I love you

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:50 am

    Wow Lionhawk! Your posts always floor me! Can you tell me if Reptilian Beings have Human Souls? OR -- do Human Beings have Reptilian Souls? Are we all Human/Reptilian Hybrids --- with various percentage differentials? Are Greys really Reptilians? Do Humans, Reptilians, and Greys have more in common than we think? Is most of this madness homegrown --- going back thousands of years --- right here on Earth --- mostly in North Africa and the Southwestern United States? Is the U.S. really the 'Head of the Snake'? Do the Underground Bases and the City States constitute the Biblical Babylon? Is Lucifer the Whore of Babylon? 'What fate Omoroca?' (Stargate SG-1 'Fire and Water') Nuff said![/quote]

    There he is! Good to see you old friend! Always wondered where you went. I know many disappeared for awhile and justly so. Often thought as to what you found in your digging of the truth. You have been missed. Again, great to see you once again. Cool

    As far as flooring you, I will humbly take that as a compliment. But I'm not out here trying to floor anyone. Personally I think we are all basically truth seekers and we all have an individual way about going about it. Of course the cheap version of the truth is the copy and pasted version. Using only materials that someone researched and wrote out without doing any footwork to support their point of view.

    The better version is finding an idea and pursuing it and then write down what you found. The process of proving it out in real time. How many books have we read where someone just took pieces of information and just pieced a book together? Without any experience being applied or melded in the book. Originality is the best way to go about sharing ideas and working out the puzzles that comprise the truth.

    As to your questions, I will say I am no expert or an authority of other factions soul make ups. In my opinion however, I think the soul is of the same stuff across the board and it is whether how much light is allowed to shine by the free will of that soul or the choices that soul has made, regardless of the species it represents. Or the polarity.

    What is most disturbing is how these Dracs have cheated DEATH. Most systems that I am aware of have a death cycle or a transition cycle. Usually there is a station where the soul goes back to and gets debriefed and adjustments are made and new lessons are given and the soul starts again on another quest. These Dracs have found a way to by pass that and have their own place or station as it were, to re spawn with full memory of who or what they were previously. In part, the technology in Egypt was used to do this. Now I also know there are other aliens who have done this but most of them know of a higher consciousness is present and honor the processes in an alignment with a God presence. The Dracs only honor their own presence. Everything and every life form is considered below them. So when I hear that there are good reptilians out there, I always end up asking where.

    The greys are even a mystery. I think the government has a limited view point on them as well. Simply because they want to compartmentalize these beings. From what I have gathered, there are at least 20 species of this form out there. Not just the 4 types that have been revealed by government sources.

    I have already given you in the past what has happened to Lucifer. That wasn't something made up. It also hasn't changed as to what he chose for himself. It's a done deal. One that I was allowed to witness. That event just amazed me as to the Creator's level of grace that he/she exercises. It is unlimited. It also showed me how deep the Creator's love goes for all of his/her creations no matter what they have experienced in this Universe, good or bad. No matter what polarity or frequency, these souls have chosen to experience.

    This thread is a prime example of what I have mentioned in the above. Or the contents there of. And please don't feel like I dissed you by not answering all of your questions as some of those questions could apply in another thread and not here. I say that out of respect for what Brook is trying to accomplish in this thread.

    Glad you are here ODM! bounce

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:03 am

    I'm thinking that an esoteric study of Egypt and Babylon will be the
    most disillusioning and enlightening experience imaginable - especially
    for life-long Christians. I can only take so much of this subject at a
    time. I have to engage in sort of a pseudo-intellectual hit and run.
    There are some very interesting black speakers who address the subject
    of ancient Egypt - especially Kemet. Unfortunately there is a strong
    black vs white undercurrent - which is quite understandable - and I
    just look past it.

    Hi ODM.....I'm so pleased your here to ask all of these questions.....and provide as well Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Icon_biggrin By Kemet, I presume you are refering to Kemetism..which is the revival of Ancient Egyptian Religion. Mostly practiced by Wicca...and also extensively toyed with by Crowley....a HUGE Thoth follower. I'll talk about his connection to an event that I happened to view for the sake of a question from Linda shortly. But highest amont the practice of this revival of such " the Goddess Isis.

    Before I start with Isis...I will add something here....this is the third time I've written this post. Something simply does not want me to post it, it would seem. And I've also noticed a change in the internet access through Google.....6 months ago when I would research a "subject" I could find the when I research the very same thing...I get something quite different...and even now I've noticed I cannot find the same sites and pictures I'd like to share. Example of this is the cartoushe of Isis...very hard to find now....and before it was very simple. Which tell me that certain subjects are being monitored, and controlled.
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Egyptian_gods_isis_1Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Egyptian_gods_isis_2Seen by some as the most important deity, as she absorbed all the
    attributes and associations of every other goddess in the land during
    the course of her history. She is most closely associated with
    motherhood, healing, marital devotion and magical matters. She was
    believed to be the most powerful magician in the universe.

    Isis....her name meaning "seat" or "throne"......very prevalent in the Kemtism practice today. If you again google'll find hundreds of Wicca sites adorning her..and using her energy to do magic. And of course that is because she was known to be the most powerful magician in the universe.

    At some point in her history..her throne was removed...and replaced with a sun disc. So what exactly is the importance of this throne? In fact you now see that a throne is a seat of status....adorned with jewels for the monarch. Even the Pope has a what is the importance of such a seat? A seat she would have most likely had adorned with crystals? And made of gold? A seat of "power"....ODM....remember the Stargate Atlantis video that was added to the Amun Ra thread, where there was a chair that had the power to fight the wrath or "gould"? controlled by putting his hands on the arms? did Isis have such a "seat"? And most important....when did she lose it? When did she have it removed and replaced with the disc. My assumption is that this "throne" was a seat of her the most awesome of powers related to "magic"

    And how did she lose it? Was it stolen? 6 months ago you could google "Isis"...and her "throne" picture was if you do the's sparse...and most of it is reproductions...not original pictures on the walls of great palaces. You can find them..but now you must pay hell to get is down played by the masters of manipulation as to information search on the vast worldwide web. And why would that be?

    Now the Isis cartouche is Everywhere in Egypt....I challenge anyone to find it easily on the internet....and post a picture of it here. Not a reproduction..but an original picture from the walls of and actual carving. Extremely hard to find now...and 6 months ago as I was starting this was everywhere. for the story of them trying to find the discs.....Out of the blue I had, shall I say a vision in one of my "travels". And the information I got was this.....

    A man named Jack Parsons...who was a follower of Crowley, and a big fan of Thoth.....was involved in the first Atomic Explosion...and in this bomb was a "duplicate" disc....put there to "ping" one of the original ones so they could find it. And they have been trying to find the "original discs" every since.

    Then I found this...........the story that is told is not what I saw....and indeed I did see this....and they failed miserably to find it...but in the process got the attention of the universe.
    If indeed there was a "Golem" put in the was sitting on a "duplicate disc"...of this I'm absolutely positive...and was guided to search this information before I knew a thing about it.
    I did not see this video until after I had the vision


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:40 am

    I'll add...unlike the video above states, it's my belief that Oppenheimer, the creator of the Atom Bomb....was used. But that Parsons knew exactly what the result would be.

    And that the ones who removed the original discs....heard the signal from that event ring through the galaxy.
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 808451


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:47 am

    Hearing Oppenheimer speak of the Bhagavad Gita....reminds me that I was going to do a post on that very subject....

    The Bhagavad Gita (Sanskrit भगवद्गीता, Bhagavad Gītā, "Song of God"), also more simply known as Gita, is a sacred Hindu scripture,[1][2] considered among the most important books in the history of literature and philosophy.[3] The Bhagavad Gita comprises roughly 700 verses, and is a part of the Mahabharata. The teacher of the Bhagavad Gita is Lord Krishna, who is revered by Hindus as a manifestation of God (Parabrahman) himself,[3] and is referred to within as Bhagavan, the Divine One.[4]
    The content of the Gita is the conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna taking place on the battlefield before the start of the Kurukshetra war.
    Responding to Arjuna's confusion and moral dilemma about fighting his
    own cousins over materialistic things such as Rajpaath and above all
    over a princess called Dropadhi who had five husbands , Lord Krishna
    explains to Arjuna his duties as a warrior and prince and elaborates on
    different Yogic[5] and Vedantic philosophies, with examples and analogies. This has led to the Gita often being described as a concise guide to Hindu theology
    and also as a practical, self-contained guide to life. During the
    discourse, Lord Krishna reveals His identity as the Supreme Being
    Himself (Svayam Bhagavan),
    blessing Arjuna with an awe-inspiring vision of His divine universal
    form. It is a glaring example of hindu prophets taking themselves to be
    God yet they could not conquer death itself.Whosoever gets engendered
    on earth is by default a earthling or could be a messenger of God PROPHET but its a flaw to be called a GOD or a Bhagvan.
    The direct audience to Lord Krishna’s discourse of the Bhagawata
    Gita included Arjuna (addressee), Sanjay (using Divya Drishti gifted by
    Rishi Veda Vyasa) and Lord Hanuman (perched atop Arjuna’s chariot) and
    Barbarika, son of Ghatotghaj who also witnessed the complete 18 days of
    action at Kurukhsetra.

    Here you have a scene of "Gods" fighting in the chariots, and "cities in the sky". It is said the the battle is an allegory of the "battle of the soul"...played down by the priests today as just that. But if you dig into the information in this see the battle of battles fought in the skies....

    This text is Sanskrit and predates Christianity.

    Then come up in time....another such great battle....Sodom and Gomorrah.....the destruction of two "God"...for the "sins of their inhabitants"

    Now what were they fighting for? What brought such a that in both cases was perceived to be by "Gods"....
    and were both for the battle of the soul.

    In the Vedic literature of India, there are many descriptions
    of flying machines that are generally called Vimanas. India's national epic, The
    Mahabharata, is a poem of vast length
    and complexity.

    According to Dr.
    Vyacheslav Zaitsev: "the holy Indian Sages, the Ramayana for
    one, tell of "Two storied celestial chariots with many windows"
    "They roar like off into the sky until they appear like comets." The
    Mahabharata and various Sanskrit books describe at length these chariots,
    "powered by winged was a ship that soared into the air,
    flying to both the solar and stellar regions."

    There is a just a mass of fascinating information about flying
    machines, even fantastic science fiction weapons, that can be found in translations of the
    Vedas (scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit text.

    There are no physical remains of ancient Indian
    aircraft technology but references to ancient flying machines are commonplace in
    the ancient Indian texts. Several popular ancient epics describe their use
    in warfare. Depending on one's point of view, either it contains some of the earliest
    known science fiction, or it records conflict between beings with weapons as powerful and
    advanced as anything used today.

    Above all we need to
    remember: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    ?) an expert at the Russian
    Munitions Agency

    has written:

    - an ancient Indian epic compiled 3000
    years ago - contains a reference to a terrible weapon. Regrettably, in our age
    of the atomic bomb, the description of this weapon exploding will not appear to
    be an exaggeration: '.
    ... a blazing shaft possessed of the effulgence
    of a smokeless fire (was) let off...'. That was how this weapon was perceived.
    The consequences of its use also evoke involuntary associations. '... This makes
    the bodies of the dead unidentifiable. ... The survivors lose their nails and
    hair, and their food becomes unfit for eating. For several subsequent years the
    Sun, the stars and the sky remain shrouded with clouds and bad weather'.

    weapon was known as the Weapon of Brahma or the Flame of Indra......".

    Riddles of Ancient History -
    Gorbovsky, The Sputnik Magazine
    , Moscow, Sept. 1986, p. 137).

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:46 am

    Burgundia....this one is for you Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 374937

    Cats in Ancient Egypt

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Coloredsunwing

    Animal worship in ancient Egypt is part of the culture of daily
    life of Egyptians. Animals of every kind were respected and revered, as
    they were in close contact with deities and gods that the average
    Egyptian could not reach.

    The cat in ancient Egypt, or miw (to see), was a
    sacred and respected beast. These small companions fascinated the
    Egyptians, and were venerated by all. It was in Egypt that the cat was
    first domesticated 4,000 years ago and where they were held in the most
    admiration and respect. There is evidence of wild felines around the
    banks of Egypt, but it was not until around 2000 BCE that the fully
    domesticated cat was brought into the houses of Egyptians.

    The first domesticated Egyptian cats in Egypt were more than likely
    used for warding off the common asp and other snakes, and the typical
    chasers of rodents. Slowly though, the cat became more to the Egyptians
    than just a normal animal, the cat became a god.

    During the New Kingdom (1540 to 1069 BC), there were many tomb
    scenes that started showing cats as part of everyday life. The ancient
    Egyptians took their cats on hunting excursions instead of dogs, The
    most popular excursions being the marshes where cats may have been
    trained to retrieve fowl and fish. Another very common scene in tomb
    paintings was the picturing of a cat seated underneath a woman's chair.
    Children had become known in their family as Mit or Miut, showing great
    affection not only for the child but for the cat as well. Statues of
    cats were placed outside the house to protect the inhabitants and to
    ward off evil spirits. This showed scientists that the cat had become
    an integral part of the ancient Egyptian family life.

    Mafdet was the first Egyptian feline deity, sometimes depicted as
    a lynx, but the most famous cat goddesses in the world, first revered
    by the ancient Egyptians were Bastet (also known as Bast, Pasch,
    Ubasti) and the lion-headed Sekhmet.

    Bastet had the roles of fertility, protector of children and the
    protector of all cats. Bastet became so popular infact that she became
    a household goddess. This goddess was called Bastet when in full cat
    form, and Bast when only having the head of one and the body of a
    beautiful woman. Bastet's counterpart was the goddess Sekhmet who
    represented the cat goddess' destructive force. Sekhmet is known as the
    goddess of war and pestilence. Together, Bastet and Sekhmet represented
    the balance of the forces of nature in Egypt.

    In Bubastis, or Tell Basta, the cats lived a lavish life as the
    `embodiment' of Bastet in her temples. Here they were served upon and
    taken care of until they passed away, and it was here that their bodies
    were mummified and given as offerings to Bastet. Bubastis contains the
    remains of over 300,000 cat mummies. Upon being inspected, some feline
    mummies had severe trauma to the head or neck, signifying that they
    were killed on purpose, perhaps to lower the growing population or for
    offerings for Bastet. Giza, Abydos, and Dendereh were also feline tomb
    cities other than Bubastis.

    When a cat died their former owners and occupants of the house
    would go into deep mourning and shave their eyebrows as a sign of
    grief. People are not the only mummies in Egypt, as the cat was also
    mummified significantly. The process of feline mummification had six

    1. Removal of organs
    2. Body is stuffed with sand or packing material
    3. Feline is placed in a sitting position
    4. Body is wrapped tightly
    5. Faces and designs are painted on wrappings with black ink
    6. No chemicals, only natural dehydration

    In the tombs of the cats were set bowls of milk along with mice and rats.

    Cats were not only protected by almost every occupant of Egypt, but
    also by the law. So extreme infact was the devoutness of the Egyptian
    culture to the cat, that if a human killed a feline, either
    intentionally or unintentionally, that human was sentenced to death.
    Laws were set that also forbid the exportation of cats, though more
    often than not, many were smuggled to the neighboring Mediterranean
    countries. Documents state that armies sometimes were set out to
    recapture these cats from the foreign lands.

    Herodotus stated a story once about a fire in a house in Egypt. The
    men from the house stood outside in a line to protect the cats from
    harm and danger. Another statement from Herodotus explains even greater
    the significance of the cat to Egypt. Herodotus begins with the
    Egyptians in war with Persia. The Persian general had decided to
    collect as many cats that his men could find or steal, knowing the
    great importance of the cat to Egypt. The soldiers then returned to the
    town of Pelusium and set the cats free on the battlefield. Horrified,
    the Egyptians surrendered the city to the Persians rather than harm the

    The cat held a powerful spot in the history of Egypt. While she
    protected his land and his people, she also protected the mystique that
    is and was the cat in ancient Egypt.

    Bubastis Location of the Temple of Bastet

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Bubastis

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  burgundia Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:34 pm

    Thank you Brook.... sunny

    I have been told that in one of my previous incarnations I was a keeper of royal cats..Wink

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:20 pm

    lindabaker wrote:Lionhawk: Forgive me if I am repeating a question that has been asked of you in previous forums. Tell us how you know all of this very interesting information, if you don't mind doing so. Are you an immortal who can remember a lot, or are you someone who has access to historical records previously unknown to most earth people? If the discs are not gold, what is their composition? By duplicates, do you mean discs that also work, kind of like burning another music cd? Why do the discs I see in my dreams look to be the size of large oranges? When will the information on the discs be revealed, and by whom, and where? What will the reaction be, do you think? Which Star family are you aligned with? Is your alignment with the Christ Energy, and if not, which alignment best describes your position?

    Calling me out, eh? No worries. When I look back on Av1 and Av2, I guess what I got hammered with most was where did I get my training. Simply because I think I scared some individuals with what I had revealed. How was I able to penetrate the secrets of those who had hidden agendas that participated on those forums? I never did answer the question simply because I felt it was a trap to do so. Plus, they wouldn't understand the answer even if I gave it to them. All I can say is I am who I am because I chose to be. Now that might sound like an egotistical statement, but without my ego I would be a blank. I am like the many who seek the real truth and will expose it when everything is in such alignment to do so. I also use what is in my toolbox by that I mean what spiritual tools I do have. Copy and paste is not a spiritual tool.

    Where I get my information in regards to Egypt is not from the Internet. It is so packed full of lies, that if I did use that information, I would be caught red handed in seconds and probably burned at a stake somewhere.

    Let me just say that I am from the Orion sector. My star lineage is the Family of An. Pronounced "on." It is the middle Star of Orion's Belt. EL-AN-RA. I am an Angelic in the Warrior Cast from that sector. Mother Mary, as far as lineages go, is my Mother. She has many sons and daughters and I am simply one of them. She informed me of this 2 years ago at my house in Florida in the kitchen. She said I was one of her Royal sons and wondered what had happened to me. I also know as of this moment why she stated that. Till very recently, her visit troubled me and I couldn't figure out why. Then she visited me once again and it was a very sad visit, as she had apparently gone to find out what had happened to me and why I was off her radar for so long, after her first visit. It all fits now as I have so much recall as to what had occurred and why she said what she said. Yes, Jesus is my brother. I am very proud to have a brother who has accomplished so much and who continues to serve in his present capacity. He is one of the commanders of the real Galactic Federation. Also let us not confuse him with a replica provided by the darkside called Lord Sananda, who serves as their version of Jesus of their copy and pasted Galactic Federation. You know the one where all the channeled messages come from.

    How this recall occurred, is also an interesting story. As it turns out I had done it to myself and did such a good job at it. Somewhere, I had taken half of myself and gave it amnesia. There was a very important reason to do so. Reminds me of Claudia Black that did something similar to serve on a mission on the SG-1 series. Don't remember the episode. Of course there was a trigger word that would snap me out of it. That word was spoken to me on February 11th of this year by my mate. Everything changed at that moment. It was my name back in those Egyptian days. Mind you I didn't say I was Egyptian.

    In any regard, I discovered that I had married into the Feline Race. That's how I ended up and why I have a current affiliation with them in the present. The marriage came about from two life streams from two separate countries, where both got involved with each other because of these discs. That involvement grew and became a sacred union as in such a way that had never been experienced before on the Earth. It was so profound as that sacred union also represented the unconditional love they had for each other and for the entire Earth and all of her people to such an extent that the Creator took notice and said that this sacred union would be used as a template in this Universe to go by in terms of unconditional love. This was a wonderful occasion where the Mother Mary linage and the Feline lineage came together in oneness. It was also sounded across the Universe so it is well known by other races as well. So if there is anyone out there who has any doubts as to what I have thus far written, feel free to get off your chair and find the answers. If you are all that connected to these other races that is.

    These two life streams were obviously killed by the corrupt Draconian figure heads of those distant times in Egypt. Not necessarily for what they did to create a new universal template, but for defying the power elite's will. If they could not use you, consider yourself dead. That thought pattern still exists today. But when it all went down, these Bastards found out that they couldn't use everybody.

    In the present, I am now living with a whole remembered heart. I am fully activated in the physical. I pay attention to many things now that I use to take for granted. For instance two butterflies flying through the air at incredible speeds, never extending more than a few inches from each other as they are flying through an area full of birds and predatory insects, celebrating their union with each other in flight. Also no fear. The one I married back then is the one I am with now. We are still married as we never allowed our love to be compromised by anyone or anything, even though they may have killed us at different times.

    William Wallace you say.....or did I say that? hahahhahhaa

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 200px-MacDougall_of_MacDougall_arms.svg

    The above Coat of Arms is where the trail jumped from Egypt to Scotland. Talk about triggers from Egypt. And you may wonder how it has anything to do with William Wallace. To be brief, these two love birds incarnated into this time line. My name was Alexander MacDougall and although I was married and had a castle, I also had a mistress, hidden in the hillside. This mistress was my sacred love. Her name was Isadora and she originated from Norway. She was murdered by some reptilian thugs. 4 of them attacked her while on route to help my son, John. Thus, her death started my new career in head loping. Talk about getting on a Karmic bicycle. I was also allied at this time with William Wallace against Robert the Brus. Also notice in the coats of arms, the lions and the ships. In other coat of arms you will also find the dragons. Again, it comes down to the conflict of the lions vs. the dragons.

    Not to get out of topic here, but this thread is also about triggers. And if you were to look in your present life in the past, you will see things that came up and said here I am for a split second. As in how you might be drawn to an image or something that was said that ringed something within you. All these little rings bounced around for years and I never found an explanation for them until Feb. 11th 2010. All these little reminders fell into place. The little things that made you curious in that moment that you couldn't explain as to why it rang something inside you. Like maybe why you might had a curiosity about a certain figure in history but couldn't explain it.

    All I can say is that I had thought my life to have been blessed before and now I look upon it as miraculous. It has taken a lot of inner work to get here but it has been worth it. Granted the inner work never seems to stop but I can relax a little bit now as I know things will be slightly easier. If you do the work you will find that your story is an amazing one. Also make note that I am not trying to put myself on any kind of stage here. I am just sharing it and I left a lot out. So for the ones that might have pithy comments, spare me. It isn't because I am the one who is insecure. I say what I just said so that I don't have to deal with your insecurities and I am sure there are others out there who are sick of that old record as well. I think we should spend more time celebrating those who are getting there instead of the bashing from those who are either jealous or just lack, period. You have to earn it, for yourself.

    So I leave this here. I hope I answered more than you questioned Linda.
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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:04 pm

    burgundia wrote:Thank you Brook.... sunny

    I have been told that in one of my previous incarnations I was a keeper of royal cats..Wink

    Now that sounds like a wonderful job! Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 83084

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:05 pm

    A brief synopsis..........

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Tt353_2a

    Here you have a picture of Ra...the Sun God...worshiped from a star system in Sirius. With all of his Gods adorned with their Sun discs. He comes down, landing on the Spinx, to see what the heck the children are up to. They have been playing with the matches....and it's time to see how badly they have gotten burned.

    He has come to find out what happened to Atlantis.....What has caused the disconnect of the children of fragment their connection...and divide the aspects of their very souls. To see how it all played out. And I'm sure he was not happy to find out that a chosen few have been creating and playing God himself...source that initiates the propagation of the Children of earth.

    Least we not forget who our true mother is in this world. Mother earth. And the connection has been tampered with. The energy of what should have been a grand cycle of life as a whole...has now been fragmented. DNA and frequency the tampering of the source of power and frequency that connected us both. Changing the time line of Mother earth and her children.

    You are all children of Earth.....but the frequency of that connection was tampered with. So now you must recycle to come here...and if you're lucky you might remember only a small fragment of that which is your whole. Speaking to your higher self should not have been an would have had the "whole" self had the tampering of a few rogue visitors not happened.

    And what of the Mother Earth herself? How did this all play out for her? Has she been able to let her children evolve as they were meant to live long lives...and learn of the true connection as a whole...not just as a fragment...but the whole enchilada. Has she been able to enjoy the growth of those children as they are connected, like and arm or a leg of herself? In the simplest of terms....she had her limbs cut off. And to top it all off...the energy that was placed there was of a "dark" and sinister nature.

    Then you have other star systems bringing their energy to investigate, and try to help....such as Jesus himself.....son of the Mary energy...the Christ consciousness...comes here to help us remember...but to what cost? To be used in a story of religious be worshiped as a God himself...when in fact we are all of the same energy....he said so himself. He told us we could walk on water..and he was not lying. But instead left this world saying "Forgive them father, they know not what they do".

    And what of the other visitors..the in particular, Lucifer....came here to torment our fragmented souls. And a good job he did...until finally those few who woke up found out exactly what and how he played his game. Purely on our faith energy did he reside, until a few found out there was more to it. And his power had a weak spot...a program that you can over ride. That free will clause that Source created to help us along.....or did it? did the fragmenting assist in the abuse of the 'free will' clause...which allowed for the other "dark" side to monopolize on? And the free will to run a muck here and trash our Mother and her enslave our own, and start a cycle that ran it's course to this point?

    What of "ascension" get to this point to put our fragmented selves back together and rejoin Mother Earth as was intended? To ascent to the fifth...another frequency where the manipulation will cease? And the intended life propagation of earth can once again flourish..and she can have her limbs reattached....her children reborn....made whole.

    To allow her abundant life forms of plants and animals as well to also become whole and reach her full it was meant to be. Not to be fragmented and experienced on other levels of dimension..but right here in the "now" that we all feel a great need to return to. Is that what we are hoping is the potential of ascending to the fifth and joining Mother earth to experience heaven on earth?

    Only time will tell...and as we all wake up, and return to our given experience will it be all we want it to be? Will these other beings that have tampered with us be able to tamper again in the fifth dimension? Or will we stand up and allow no further tampering of that which was our birthright in the first place.

    Who am I...I am a human of the planet earth....striving to bring all of my aspects together as one.....and connect to earth...where we all are one....and unique in our own share in that is a grand concept and one I hope will come to fruition.

    And to the "one" who in the inception of this forum, claimed that I was "crazy as a loon"...well that may be so....however I'm not afraid to say who I am....a star seed of this earth...a "HUman" resident and again state I'm not afraid to say so.....I am Brook of earth.......I don't pose as an "angelic" using a Saturday cartoon character as my disguise.



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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:14 pm

    Lionhawk, I wasn't really calling you out in the sense that I needed some type of defense from you. I had some hints in the last few days, or should I say synchronicities, that kept me focused on the Mary energy. I'm glad I asked the questions that perhaps others are too polite to ask. I do have a curiosity that causes my boldness, and I appreciate your answers! The Mary energy was palpable and I had to figure it out. Thanks!

    You said you left out a lot. Well, here is your invitation to tell us some bits and pieces, please. It is all very interesting to me, and I'm sure very interesting to everyone reading the thread. I don't know if you grew up watching American tv, but I like to play "Columbo" the detective. He always seems to be asking the most stupid, obvious questions. He always got great answers, though! Ha ha.

    Cheers to you and your mate. I believe that finding unconditional love and a mate and a friend are the most important things a person can do.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:08 pm

    Please don't take my comments as a defense. I was being facetious when I wrote that.
    For as you can see, if I was really on the defensive I wouldn't have answered you dear Linda. Wink As far as the invite, I feel as though I have already said too much.
    But thanks anyway. Also thanks for the cheers Very Happy

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:25 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:Please don't take my comments as a defense. I was being facetious when I wrote that.
    For as you can see, if I was really on the defensive I wouldn't have answered you dear Linda. Wink As far as the invite, I feel as though I have already said too much.
    But thanks anyway. Also thanks for the cheers Very Happy

    Ah, good, I at first interpreted your response as facetious, but then I double clutched. Goes to show ya...

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Guest Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:12 am

    Thank-you Brook and Lionhawk. I keep thinking of a goddess killing a god - stealing this god's technology - and ruling Earth - from the Garden of Eden to the present. There is an aspect of the goddess concept which I like - and there is an aspect which I despise and oppose. There is an aspect of Anna in 'V' which I really like - and there is an aspect which is hideously reprehensible. My soul and reptilian questions are very relevant to the goddess concept - which includes the mythology and reality of the goddess in ancient Egypt. I am running with the concept of Lucifer = Lilith = Hathor = Isis = Mary and others. In other words - a single key entity who reincarnates endlessly into human/reptile/hermaphroditic bodies - with total reincarnational recall and 100% use of the brain - and complete access to the Vatican library and other repositories of ancient wisdom and technology - which could include the complete contents of the Library of Alexandria (was there a duplicate created before the fire, or were the best contents removed before the fire?) - which might include antigravity craft, zero-point energy, atomic energy, nuclear weapons, tectonic weapons, supercomputers, genetic manipulation and hybridization, etc. What if all of this wisdom and technology was really stolen from us? I'm just going to keep pressing forward with this line of thinking to see where it leads. Obviously, the proof will probably be virtually non-existant, and circumstantial evidence may have to suffice until insiders really start fessing up in the confessional - and the skeletons start falling out onto the ground. Don't hold your breath.

    I'm a Columbo fan too, Linda. I once saw Peter Falk, on location, one dark night. I liked his style, and in many ways, I try to emulate it in my postings. One more thing:

    In that first video (post 63), at 01:50, the Whore of Babylon looks like Kali, except that her tongue isn't sticking out.
    Usually the Whore of Babylon is equated with the Roman Catholic Church. I think this is incorrect. I think the Whore of Babylon may give orders to the Black Pope. I suspect it - but I can't prove it. I just can't get away from the thought of being in the Sistine Chapel, in the Vatican, with the Black Pope, the Top-Ranking Jesuits, the Whore of Babylon, and a Nine Foot Tall Drac (principle pimp and chairman of the board) - listening to a completely open debate regarding forbidden knowledge. I'm thinking this would send me sobbing uncontrollably into the night. As interested and nice as we are - we are amateurs. I think an alphabet-type told Kerry something to that effect. There is a certain arrogance to this - but there is also a certain truth to it as well. My emotional state, and my thinking ability, is severely compromised. I know I'm not even close to hitting bedrock in my search for truth, solutions, security, and happiness. I am very concerned that the old paradigms and lies are going to be replaced by new paradigms and lies - which continue to bypass the real truths and answers. I'm seeing an ongoing infowar rather than a golden age of peace and happiness. I so hope that I'm wrong. Kali was/is the black Indian goddess who kills lots and lots of people. Sort of reminds me of Hathor on a bad day. I'm thinking that all of the different gods and goddesses may represent the various aspects of a single god or goddess - and, as you know, I am leaning toward the unified goddess hypothesis. But I can't prove it. If I could - I'd probably be history. I have heard that Lucifer is dead - but could this be an exaggeration? Would Lucifer prefer that people think that he or she is dead? I'm thinking that Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer are alive and well - and living in this solar system - and that they might lead the three primary competing factions in this neck of the woods. I'm not subscribing to a lot of the 'aliens from distant stars, inhabiting numerous dimensions and densities, many dozens of alien races' new age mumbo jumbo. I'm going to attempt to exhaust theories which place nearly everything 'alien' within this solar system - and which involve humans, reptiles (as in dinosaurs or sauroids), and human/reptile hybrids - all with the same type of soul (which can reincarnate into any of these varieties). I'm also toying with the idea that interdimensional reptilians and human souls are one and the same thing - and that what I just said in the last couple of sentences constitutes 99% of the so called 'alien presence'. (at least for the last 10,000 years, or so) I think that some very, very evil laboratories have existed in this solar system for thousands of years - and have produced many varieties of Frankenstein's Monster. The truth may be sharper than Occam's Razor - and it may cut both ways.

    I think that the Creator God of the Universe set things up in a most excellent way - which then got screwed-up in a most horrible manner. I'm not sure who was/is responsible - but justice needs to be served - and law and order needs to be restored in this solar system. I believe that a Solar System Exorcism and a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System would remedy most of the most pressing ills we face. But what the hell do I know. I don't go out of the body. I don't do regression hypnosis. I don't have spirit guides. I don't even pray anymore. I don't trust the gods and goddesses. They let me down. I'm currently reading through the Four Gospels in the New King James Version of the Holy Bible (I recommend doing this regularly) - but I do not consider this to be the Word of the Creator God of the Universe. Could this be some of Lucifer's best work? Don't laugh at me, or hate me. Jesus said that he had many things to tell us - but that we couldn't bear them. Paul tried to do good, but did evil instead - and considered himself to be a wretched man. Was Paul really Josephus? Were they all the same individual? Were they front-men (or creations) of Mary? Was the Historical Jesus created by the Woman in Scarlet to be a Red Herring? Are the Teachings of Jesus mostly true and beneficial? Was Mary a continuation of a Whore of Babylon Apostolic Succession? If we do not consider all of the possibilities - even the far-fetched and seemingly ridiculous ones - are we really doing our job? If you sing a song or throw a football - the crowds cheer, and you get paid tens of millions of dollars. If you search for truth, and try to save the world - you get nothing but a swift kick where it counts. What's wrong with this picture? Is this world really worth saving? Perhaps the Georgia Guidestones have a point. How many people will read this? Ten maybe? How many demonic entities have been assigned the task of spying on me and reigning me in? Ten maybe? I just swore at them, and flipped them off! These b@stards live with me without paying rent!! There's a shapeshifting Jesuit living in my attic! The heart of darkness could of at least sent a sexy cyborg from another dimension to keep track of me!

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:06 pm; edited 7 times in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Jonah Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:04 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote: What's wrong with this picture? Is this world really worth saving? Perhaps the Georgia Guidestones have a point. How many people will read this? Ten maybe? How many demonic entities have been assigned the task of spying on me and reigning me in? Ten maybe? I just swore at them, and flipped them off!

    im sure those demons are laughing with you as we all are ortho.... our magic will be greater than ever... and those who's lives we touch are best honored with peaceful allowance...

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 2:27 am