Brook Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:18 am
In my respectful view, I've never once seen Beren carrying the message of religion. But he is all about the Creator, and is a follower of Jesus. Not a bad thing to follow the words of Jesus. Now I too have a bad taste for religion. In fact, most know my very biased view of religions. Especially the ones that get fat off the masses, while their representative priests behave like animals in their pedophile behavior. It's sickening. But to follow the words of Jesus is another thing all together. Without the religion.
Some great wisdom in those words. "you will do better things than I", the one I use over and over again......" He who would know everything, but fails to know himself misses the knowledge of everything".............I fail to see how these important messages from a great profit who knew that love I spoke of above, cannot be recognized. And it certainly was recognized. It became the foundation for some of the most powerful religions in the world. And what is the symbol of most of those religions? It would be Jesus on the cross.
Now this much I can recognize in the teaching of Jesus...he would not want to be remembered on the cross. His words had nothing to do with being on the cross. So that would be a real indication of how vile these religions are in taking the words of Jesus, and manipulating them to conform this society to fear the very thing we should seek. And why would they have you fear God? Because it would separate you from that spark inside you. Dogma to create a separation from that which you are.
Fear the wrath of God...would be to fear yourself. Separate yourself, and fragment yourself from that spark inside you, so you cannot see who you truly are. This was not the message of Christ. It never was. It was always about finding that power inside yourself to walk on water, or do greater things them him. That we are all sons and daughters of the Creator. To manifest, and most of all that we were separated, by the compression on our DNA, that we would not see who we truly are, and how powerful we can create in our own right.
So, here we are at a pivotal time, and we have been led to one primary reaction........if you follow those religions, it's time to fear God. If you look around, you are to surmise that we are about to be demolished by the sun a mighty CME, or a wave that carries harmful damaging x-rays. Fear that you won't be ready when the ascension comes, to ascend to the 5th. There are those out there right now scrambling to figure out how to raise their vibration to be able to ascend. In fear they may not be ready. So they are spending their hard earned cash on "programs" to get the latest method of "special" meditations and music that will raise you to that level. And many feel the need to join huge groups to do such work. When the truth have all the power you need right there inside you. You can be a lone wolf in the woods, and do the job of ten men or a hundred men. Because you are that powerful.
Fear....the greatest tool out there right now for TPTB. And never underestimate the power of fear, and it's crippling effects on your state of being. Fear, the greatest tool of religion........are you "ready" to meet your maker. Will you pass the test. Are you "worthy". Oh yes, if that was the God of this universe, then I will gladly go to hell...because I will not align myself with such.
The Creator of this universe does not teach this.....we do, as a society. Through lies and deceit. The creator I'm aware of, the one I woke up to, is pushing in a direction of "fear not". And unless I align myself with these programs, there really is nothing to fear.
The only ones that create the pain and suffering out there is us. And as such it is up to us to change things. God did not create the suffering out there...we did. The sooner we recognize this, and stop blaming God, the sooner it will be rectified. I keep hearing the words...'How could God allow this to happen...." God did not allow anything to happen...we create our world, and our reality. And it's through this manipulated society, with TPTB, who are in control right now that are allowing this to happen.
The greatest sorrow is this....we have the power to stop it. We have power beyond imagination. Yet we still allow the abuse to exist, from TPTB. Why you say? Because we do not understand that we do have the power to change it. We have been led to believe that we are powerless. By such things as the very religions that would tell us we have a vengeful God. And the only power we can have is by following a religious dogma, and get on your knees and pray that God will forgive you. And you might be allowed in his grace.
I don't know this God of vengeful rage on us. I know a creator that wishes for us to wake up and see his power inside us. And with that, we have to power to manifest heaven on earth. And it's about to go down this frequency that keeps this hidden. When it does, expect first chaos..then a settling of the dust. Then and only then will we realize who we truly are. We will be free from the deception of a program that has been running for as long as we can remember.....and that's a very long time.
Last edited by Brook on Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:26 pm; edited 2 times in total