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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:59 am


    Yep - Liked It...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:31 am

    Well, I forgot all about that song until the other day...and I watched that video, and then I really listened to the they are.....


    I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
    There was something so pleasant about that place.
    Even your emotions had an echo
    In so much space

    And when you're out there
    Without care,
    Yeah, I was out of touch
    But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
    I just knew too much

    Does that make me crazy?
    Does that make me crazy?
    Does that make me crazy?

    And I hope that you are having the time of your life
    But think twice, that's my only advice

    Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,
    Ha ha ha bless your soul
    You really think you're in control

    Well, I think you're crazy
    I think you're crazy
    I think you're crazy
    Just like me

    My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
    And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them
    Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
    And it's no coincidence I've come
    And I can die when I'm done

    Maybe I'm crazy
    Maybe you're crazy
    Maybe we're crazy

    Uh, uh

    And all I can say is WOW! so much truth to that song. In the thick of it we are, at this space and time. I would simply advise as I have in this thread several times. Ground and shield.

    Because if you don't will make you crazy. Just look at that woman who is at the peak of insanity. And out of control. And if you think much of this information I have brought here is not enough to make you crazy, think again. If I did not ground and stabilize, I would be out of control. Unable to process anything in the nature of the subject, or the nature of who I am, and what I'm doing here now..............

    My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
    And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them
    Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
    And it's no coincidence I've come
    And I can die when I'm done

    Maybe I'm crazy
    Maybe you're crazy
    Maybe we're crazy

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:48 pm

    Some thoughts make you think twice.

    By writing them down & posting them on a forum, those thoughts become alive.

    From that moment on anything can happen.

    If you want to hit the jackpot in a lotery, first & for all you need to buy a ticket.

    But the chance that this is the actual jackpot ticket, is zero to nothing.

    Therefore, in order to achieve your aim, you should try to figure out how to purchase that ticket.

    Buying a random ticket opens/triggers a 'what if' portal in your mind.

    The knowledge which exact ticket to buy, opens/triggers a 'what if anybody finds out' portal.

    Decide for yourself which portal adds more joy to your mindset.

    scratch study

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:27 pm


    No No

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:01 pm

    Well, when you have a dream at the age of 8 of an event ...seeing your future husband dying in a car accident, that you were also involved in. And see yourself carrying your son with two broken legs, to get him away from the car, you question first your sanity, then reality itself. Maybe your crazy? How many times have I said that to myself? And when it happens more than once, you really start taking notice. So you search outside yourself, as I did. But as hard as I tried, the harder it got. I was stuck in that room. And not until I resolved myself to get out of that room, and face some hard reality, did I finally surrender. I had to give it up to the creator, and ask...What the hell is going on here? And then the real magic happened. Not until I gave it up to God did I finally get some answers.

    Not once after finding out did I question "what if anybody finds out"......not after I learned the truth. Now prior to this awakening...yes...that would have been my first reaction.....but not now. The "what if's" portal, faded away.....that portal is now non existent. And thank God for that! It brought some balance and reasoning to many things that were, up to the present a question to me. Especially on the level of Creator. I cursed God for taking away my first husband in that accident. But now I understand so much more as to the reasoning. Had I not closed that 'what if" portal, and released all fear, I would not have experienced the true joy of knowing who I am, and who is always around me. And most of loved I truly am. I would not have learned to listen with my heart to get the truth.

    You don't have to buy a ticket to get the jackpot....and it is so much more that zero to is everything.

    Deciding which portal adds more joy?....It's the one that leads straight to my heart. And the only one that really truly counts in my mind.

    I could truly care less now what people would think. Because I can experience what most of them are still searching for. And I'm telling you all, I am no different that any of you. You can all experience this type of peace, surrounded by all the crap that is out there right now...I'm at peace. I really like that. And it's with this peace within that I can speak, and not have a care what others would think. I'm not selling lottery tickets here...I'm telling everyone who will listen to open up that communication portal...and forget about the what if'll be glad you did.

    Last edited by Brook on Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  burgundia Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:09 pm

    Brook, you are lucky to have reached the place where you are now, which provides you with that peace and comfort...

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:21 pm

    burgundia wrote:Brook, you are lucky to have reached the place where you are now, which provides you with that peace and comfort...

    I thank my lucky stars everyday that I took the time to walk that was a painful one too...but well worth it.

    And I'm here to tell you all....that peace is attainable for all.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Beren Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:43 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:Some thoughts make you think twice.

    By writing them down & posting them on a forum, those thoughts become alive.

    From that moment on anything can happen.

    If you want to hit the jackpot in a lotery, first & for all you need to buy a ticket.

    But the chance that this is the actual jackpot ticket, is zero to nothing.

    Therefore, in order to achieve your aim, you should try to figure out how to purchase that ticket.

    Buying a random ticket opens/triggers a 'what if' portal in your mind.

    The knowledge which exact ticket to buy, opens/triggers a 'what if anybody finds out' portal.

    Decide for yourself which portal adds more joy to your mindset.

    scratch study

    Hey Dutch man! Very Happy

    How is your lordship with Swanster on GFL???
    Still holding the high rank in GFL?
    Or you were degraded Bleh

    Just kidding...

    this isn`t Disney world so that you can choose ticket freely to jump on any portal you wish for...Unfortunately this world is bringing real houses of horror along the way...
    But (there is always a BUT) there is some truth to your words, that we can choose portals...
    I for my self choose a portal that leads me straight to Creator. A direct pathway ,no second hand or third hand helpers...
    And one side not for my self and all, when you are one with Creator and when you allow him to work with its holy spirit through your self, you see all. You see ALL!!!

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:13 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    No No
    Some thoughts make you think twice.

    By writing them down & posting them on a forum, those thoughts become alive.

    From that moment on anything can happen.
    Merely a reference to the many 'philosophical' posts on the MoA - in general & in this thread particularly.

    In fact, while I was reading Brook's replies of today, I was reminded of this weekend, when I posted the link to the 'Dan Brown' thread on GLP.

    Because at first I presumed she had read & followed this story allready, untill the thought slipped through my mind that perhaps she didn't.
    A thought which made me think twice because of its implications, where after I decided to go through the hassle of finding the link, etc, in order to post it.

    The lotery ticket refers to the the search for 'Truth', often a long and almost impossible task, & the consequences of actually knowing the 'Truth', which is often not the pretty picture you hoped for.

    The dream of achieving the aim without suffering by buying a random ticket/ 'What if it would hit the jackpot' - is of the same magnitude as the one of actually trying to achieve 'the impossible' by figuring out which exact ticket to buy - Chasing the dream.

    Both enterprises have a zero to nothing chance to succeed, whilst the outcome might not be as fortunate as you hope for, in the latter case.

    In my opinion the main ambition you should have during your lifetime is to enjoy being who you are, rather than trying to become you really don't want to be.

    The more you become aware of the most possible outcome & consequences of your action, the less time you spend on achieving an aim, for the sake of the very achievement.

    By the way; please keep in mind that English is not my maiden language & therefore expressing my thoughts is considerably limited.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:58 pm

    In reference to this "DAN BROWN" type mystery, I watched Brook dive right into it. Matter of fact she tried to drag me into it. Which I kindly refused due to more important issues I have been contending with. She even went into a session concerning it and came up with some mixed results. Then more or less dropped it after qualifying those results. So please understand that Brook gave it an honest go. For what it was worth. She acquired what she needed to know.

    These mysteries are like you said Trancoso, almost impossible to solve. And so many of them are out there. All in second hand fashion and is the reason why the resolve to solve is next to impossible.

    But when your path is littered with first hand experiences in some of these mysteries, I would then say it comes very much alive. Text is just text and basically comes alive if someone places that emotional energy behind it. Not until then. It even becomes harder for that text to have any effect, because it is second hand.

    I also can assure you that Brook does do her homework but she can't cover everything to the extent we may consider it deserves. There is just way to much stuff out there and to much to stay on top of. But I have to hand it to her that she does more than an ample job when she does the do. Now if that is questionable, feel free to ask. I am sure you will get a honest answer. Plus, what she has done, just amazes me on many a day. She does it without a salary and has spent hours doing the do, to bring it forward here on her thread, to share what she has discovered with you good folks.

    I do know that what may seem impossible at times is not so impossible at times. It depends on the fortitude being applied to solving the mystery. No matter what that mystery might be. It may take years. Key is to never give up searching the answers out. If you don't energize your search path, how does one magnetize the leads to those answers?

    Your English is just fine. Thubs Up

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  tacodog Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:22 pm

    Please check your PM.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  tacodog Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:32 pm

    A thank you to Brook does not adequately express how much I appreciate the sharing of her experiences/knowledge. I mostly lurk, but I am so thankful for you all being here in the mists, contributing like you do. I wish I could share more, but I am just too loaded with questions, and Oxymoron seems to cover a lot them Wink .

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:50 pm

    tacodog wrote:Lionhawk:
    A thank you to Brook does not adequately express how much I appreciate the sharing of her experiences/knowledge. I mostly lurk, but I am so thankful for you all being here in the mists, contributing like you do. I wish I could share more, but I am just too loaded with questions, and Oxymoron seems to cover a lot them Wink .

    Don't let the questions overwhelm you. There will be more when you get them answered. It's just how it works and always remember the Universe has a sense of humor. In time you will find your way. Trust who you are and what you got going for you.

    Trancoso also made a comment about enjoying who you are in this lifetime. I concur with that as long as you remember who you are to begin with. That I think is what Brook has been trying to convey with her thread. There is no doubt that the deck was stacked when we birthed here. But somewhere deep within us, we knew we could break free and remember our divine expression of all that is. That is why we gather at places like this forum to find the clues we seek that will lead us to those doors.

    Not to be biased here as that could be easily read from my POV, as Brook and I are now together because of this Egyptian folklore. It has been one amazing journey! We are truly blessed to be together in the now as that was often interfered with in times past. And to think that neither one of us knew squat about Egypt a year ago. For that matter I still know very little, but enough to carry on. Most of what we have learned didn't come from outside sources such as the Internet or other media. It all came from within. Along with that, we both have required validation as to what we have discovered and we have gotten it. So for us it is as real as rain. Many cups of coffee have been shared on our deck. Many hours of session work still occupy us even now. We work harder at it now then before. So our time is short in some areas because of the time it takes to remember. We see it as a priority and we are making the best of it that we can. We also have physical proof of what we know of each other. But the most important thing is our connection of oneness that we share.

    On the short end of of it, I can only hope that those efforts are recognized in her thread. She has come a long way in a short period of time and from my bias POV, I am very proud of how she has handled herself through the process. It has been no way an easy endeavor. But she is a warrior now with the true sense of what a warrior really is. Not the head lopping type, like myself. hahahaha

    So thank-you TacoDog for your expressions in your posting. Just know we are doing all that we can to be of service. And keep in mind, we can't tell everything of that we know. It would be foolish to do so. Also would endanger certain souls that are already on a target list and current missions that are going on without our eyes seeing it. Mum is the word on a lot of this. But soon there will come a time when everyone will know. Soon....


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:24 am

    the main ambition you should have during your lifetime is to enjoy being who you are

    Now that is after all what it's all about is it not? And I've said earlier in my posts here, I would not change a thing. I'd do it all over again.

    To review this thread and it's contents, I will again tell you that the importance of the "discs" and the role they played here is paramount to our ability to evolve as we would have, had they not been tampered with, and replaced with these duplicates. Just think of the movie 2001 a space Odyssey, without the fiction story line, but the monolith. And remember what effect it had on the actor playing the part. Not too far off from the truth. And in the wrong hands, flat dangerous. We are so fortunate they could not duplicate it's full effects.

    And remember the rescue of the 200,000 beings, and their journey of misfortune. Know the joy they expressed to me, and the others involved upon final rescue. Oh the light they did shine. It would bring tears to your eyes to see such light. And so many of them. That upon the rescue, I sustained an injury and was taken to a hospital, which I jokingly referred to as a vet's hospital, due to the extraordinary diversity of lifeforms in the place sent to be treated. An injury I brought back to the 3D, and for the life of me I don't know how that's possible, as I have mentioned many times here, I don't have all the answers.

    Just like the room and the ability to smell Amber and lily's, was mind boggling to me. But it happened, and the fact that these two scents would be prevalent in the room where mummification would take place, was just another validation of facts that, at the time of this event, I had no idea that these two properties would be in play in such an area.

    Think long of the discovery on this very thread of the energy stream, and the players that control it. And of course the root of these two streams.....the duplicated discs.

    Know that I have also been shown the complete removal of these things, and our return to full potential, and the freedom we will finally experience once they are gone. And the operators held accountable. That the "natural order" of things are not so natural at this time, but will be soon. And will even effect the animal kingdom and the "food chain" existence they have been reduced to, instead of being allowed to evolve in what should have been the "natural order" of true evolution. The evolution we were also shorted on, due to the compression upon our DNA, which holds us in a stasis pattern instead of where we should be at this time.

    I've discussed the various Egyptian player in this, the most ominous being Ptah and Thoth. And how they controlled so many with their ritual magic. Controlled various groups to believe that ritual sacrifice was the natural order to maintain favor with the "Gods". From all walks too, not simply the Egyptians, but the Mayans, Aztecs, Sumerians, and the list goes on. But how you say? The time lines don't match up. Well they do if you can alter time. And predict time. And give deadlines such as the Mayan calendar.

    The Egyptian worship of the sun is so prevalent. The God from the sun was to be feared. The great and awesome Ra...comes down on his ship. And today what is the biggest fear out there now? The Sun my friends...........we are being given so many concerns right now to the activity of the sun. Forget about ascension if the sun fries us all. The Creator of this universe surly does not exist if the sun is allowed to destroy us, and this planet. I don't think the sun is the one to worry about as far as destroying this planet is concerned. We seem to be doing a fabulous job all by ourselves. Ourselves meaning mankind. Not our particular group.

    Ptah and Thoth are given a deadline to make things right...........and here we are. Time is at hand...and what is the fear they instill now....the sun. The sun is part of our life giving force here. Without it we would be cold and dead. Yet they are telling us, we are stuck here in this lonely place in the universe, all by ourselves, and we have no protection against the sun. The fear mounts. Right at this pivotal time. The deadline. All alone.

    Alone? all of this UFO activity, and lot's of it right out of the sun...and they would have you believe that the sun might harm us? UFO's coming right out of the sun, and so much recent activity here....does this sound like we are lone in this universe? And that the Creator would allow this planet to be consumed by the sun? Could it be that the sun may be the one thing to finally release this planet from the vermin that have hold on it?

    Why all those underground bases? Safety underground? Then you have the seismic activity to contend with.....but is that really to be feared as well? Could it be that mother is shaking these vermin out from the caverns they crawl in? We all know by now, reptilians for the most part do not fair well in the sun. And without their shields they would be rendered somewhat disabled. Maybe not totally, but certainly it would slow them down.

    Are we about to see a shake down of this planet? Ridding her of the ones that have, for so long now, kept us in the dark with their frequency driven controls. And fear based religions that tell of a God that would destroy us if we went against the religion based doctrine and dogma. The religion that praises Jesus, yet hung him on the cross? The prophet that told us we would do greater things than him? That we are all sons and daughters of God?

    And we are still in fear that the sun will cause great harm here? And God would allow this to occur? Has our creator simply given up on us to allow this to be so? I sincerely doubt this with all my heart. I fact I'm sure he is watching us closely now. And working ever so hard to get you all to wake to the truth that has been hidden from us for so long. He wishes to return us to our rightful state, and give us our power back. And allow us with our free will to discern the truth. And evolve as it was meant to be. Evolve as those out there in the universe have done. And let us have our rightful place in the galactic family.

    The notion of Aether physics has been tossed around quite a bit lately, and is quite interesting. And what exactly does Aether mean? Aether mythology goes back to the Greeks. It was the personification of "upper sky", space and heaven. Now how does that relate to physics? then you have sacred geometry. The belief that God created the universe according to a geometric plan, and has ancient origins. That this very geometry is in everything. And within everything is that magic 19.47 coordinate. Everything down to the cells in our bodies have that perfect symmetry.

    Now here we are on this forum. A very astute group, that have been searching the truth together for quite some time now. We've rehashed the views of every view out there as to what is going on with the CME's, UFO's, three letter agency's, and governments. We've talked about religion, and it's influence on humanity since it's inception. We've searched all aspects of the philosophical nature of what all this means.

    And in sharing what I have here, I know I have caught myself preaching to the choir here. Many of you here already know these things I share. You read many books, experienced the singularity. Spend many long hours, and hard work to achieve these states as well. But yet I see fear in our posts. I see doubt, and dismay as to the information that has been brought forth lately. I see confusion to the mixed messages we all seem to be getting on just what is going on. And who is telling the truth. Many of the ones we used to follow, are now labeled liars. And disinformation agents. So what to believe?

    Well, I feel very comfortable with the information I'm getting from generating and connecting to my heart. and listening to that "knowing" I know we all possess. It brings me peace, and is getting the validation I require. And if it's all too much for the members here to take with the ritual ceremony's, and karmic issues to wade through, maybe it's time to retire this thread to the archives.

    I'm only praying you can ease any pain from not remembering how brightly you all really do shine. What powers you truly do possess, and I simply wished to share here, so you all might get that spark ignited, so you can pull away from that comfortably numb position that this frequency has placed you in, that you cannot remember that part of who you truly are. And you would not have to rely on videos, or books, or whistle blowers for anything else but verification to your own findings.

    God bless you all Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 374937


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:35 am

    tacodog wrote:Lionhawk:
    A thank you to Brook does not adequately express how much I appreciate the sharing of her experiences/knowledge. I mostly lurk, but I am so thankful for you all being here in the mists, contributing like you do. I wish I could share more, but I am just too loaded with questions, and Oxymoron seems to cover a lot them Wink .

    Thank you Tacodog for your kind words. It was rather late when I last posted this thread, I will answer your PM first thing tomorrow morning.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:15 am

    Pretty awesome Post Brook - GJ...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  malletzky Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:05 am

    Brook, that last post pretty nice summarizes most of the open topics this world is trying to deal with in the last 20 years. Your personal experiences just gives the whole more vallue.

    I've been following your "journey" here on this thread, and on many occasions you revealed that almost all those entities "in controll" (such Thoth) use various devices (discs f.E.) for their purposes.

    Now, on the page 14 of this thread, I wrote a post where I pointed out the following issue:

    Awareness thru technology vs. awareness thru sprirituality.

    I will beginn with me and give you my own perception:

    my whole being, i.e. my "currentself" (me writing this letters), my "higherself" (me commanding my "currentself" to write this letters) and my "wholeself" (WE as ONE observing ourselves here on this forum) tells me that we really don't need technology to gain what we're here for.

    Technology has been needed and used by the same entities you perfectly described and debunked here in this thread, in order to facilitate some important advantages which serves "them" to maintain and control this environment we're currently "living in".

    All from you described copies of various discs or some other "helpful" tools these entities might use (and these tools really exist), are just a temporarily sollutions and "they" (whomever "they might be"...label it Thoth, Ra or whatever) are completelly aware that actually, WE don't need any tools to gain that powers "they" currently and temporarily posess but will probably never be able to gain as we will.

    What we need is You need YOU, he needs him, she need her, I need ME. Sounds philosophicaly? Might be, but it isn't cheers

    We need us to finaly cut the strings and the boundaries of this illusion. Want an example? Well how about Jesus, the real one of course (and I agree here, all "His copies" are just desperate trying to copy Him).

    And as last, I can only underline your permanent suggestions about shielding: WE SHOULD ALL BE WELL ADVISED TO SHIELD OURSELVES. Now and long as we are here and now, as we are, as vulnarable but very powerful sparks from our ONE creator!

    Thanks again for this thread and I hope you're not angry with me for eventually getting out of topic here with this sooo long post.

    with much respect

    Now, you wanted to come back again to this issue and I might've missed your answer in the meanwhile, but I would rather ask you (or anyone here with an answer) once again:

    What makes these entities so vulnerable that they desperatelly needs technology devices in order to achieve and maintain what they've been doing for eons now? Are they unable to tune in to these higher frequencies where all of this is achiavable practicaly with a fingersnipp? Obviously, their advancement seems to be limited when speaking in terms of spirituality. Is this why they sooooo much fear the real Christ? As they know that these "copied" technologies are nothing compared with the true, inner powers we're able to gain, and they just don't have access to the higher frequencies just because at the moment, they're not ready to give up their chosen path of controlling the humanity and draining our energies?

    As you described, listening to the knowing in our hearts IS the real way. And the knowing just makes me so comfortable with the idea that because of these inner powers, this whole situation in which we as humans stacks in, has and will come to an end...soon.

    with much respect

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:46 am

    malletzky wrote:What makes these entities so vulnerable that they desperatelly needs technology devices in order to achieve and maintain what they've been doing for eons now? Are they unable to tune in to these higher frequencies where all of this is achiavable practicaly with a fingersnipp? Obviously, their advancement seems to be limited when speaking in terms of spirituality. Is this why they sooooo much fear the real Christ? As they know that these "copied" technologies are nothing compared with the true, inner powers we're able to gain, and they just don't have access to the higher frequencies just because at the moment, they're not ready to give up their chosen path of controlling the humanity and draining our energies ?

    Mal You've hit on the Crux here...

    We do naturally what They need Tech for.

    Why ?

    We go about this from the Inner Path and so what is within sustains Us but as it relates to the Controllers - They've been Controlling - Violating Freewill and that is a Negative Path...

    Therefore the Gifts within are unavailable to Them in Their current Vibration and Karma and so to Control - They need Tech...

    Little (g)ods on Batteries - LOL...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:08 pm

    Little gods on batteries! Yes! I know exactly what you mean. They can bang their heads up against their own life's walls, looking for the answers on their techno devices. When others of us, have just stopped banging on the walls, and have found our spirit-uality within us, and within us are the answers.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Beren Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:27 pm

    Malecki Big Grin 2
    (provalio sam ti nadimak... Big Grin 3 )

    The thing is that without Creator there is no life.
    Nothing exists outside God.
    By free will they chose eons ago to separate themselves from God which is source of light, love and life.
    And it goes like this; step away from God and fear rises,
    2.fear grows like a cancer cells and it`s overwhelming you,
    3.then you give in and start to be in terrified state of being (always bad),
    4.then you begin imagining that you need some kind of protection because of your irrational fear
    you are afraid that someone will attack you (who??? ?
    5.then because still you`re great being ,create weapons and physical escapes for your protection
    6.all sorts of things emerge from your creative mind
    7.result is that you are spending your precious life force on your irrational creations and being away from the source you can`t reload your self with light and love thus life, twist and bend and become more and more ugly creature because of absence of the light and love,
    9.until you are hooked on your creations in no sorry state,
    10. still you deeply know who is God and who is Jesus
    11. but now your actions had brought you far away thus birthing an extreme pride
    12. you become evil (all opposite of love coming from fear) become jealous on your fellow souls because their ever presence in light in now torturing you
    14. you feel outraged because you feel that non justice has been done to you (irrational thinking)
    15. you attack your enemy (irrational thinking for there are no enemies!) endanger other free will zones start a war that never ends
    18.your force continuously fades until your technology becomes your very life line of survival because now you lost your ability to remain in spirit thus having to be carnal,
    19. you desperately need carnal things to keep you alive are just a shadow of your true being now.
    21.nevertheless pride is so vast now in you that it has eaten all of your heart and soul ( almost if not all)
    22. you can not think straight anymore thus requiring slaves to keep your systems running
    23. you are so degraded that nothing is keeping you to become an wild beast in the form of another are a beast are so destroyed by now that you can not survive even in carnal flesh thus you die (all species)

    And this is the whole circle of devolution.
    From the highest point to death.

    All that chose fear are in danger of willing devolution .

    And thank God for inspiring me to write this summary tonight Blushes

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Instigator Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:44 am

    Brook wrote:
    the main ambition you should have during your lifetime is to enjoy being who you are

    Now here we are on this forum. A very astute group, that have been searching the truth together for quite some time now. We've rehashed the views of every view out there as to what is going on with the CME's, UFO's, three letter agency's, and governments. We've talked about religion, and it's influence on humanity since it's inception. We've searched all aspects of the philosophical nature of what all this means.

    I'm only praying you can ease any pain from not remembering how brightly you all really do shine. What powers you truly do possess, and I simply wished to share here, so you all might get that spark ignited, so you can pull away from that comfortably numb position that this frequency has placed you in, that you cannot remember that part of who you truly are. And you would not have to rely on videos, or books, or whistle blowers for anything else but verification to your own findings.

    A great deal of important information has been shared on this thread, a strong empowering message for those who wished to hear and contemplate ..... However it seems a great deal believe this forum represents a soap box to express their own views and theory's without listening to the message contained, don't get me wrong I am not aiming criticism or blame anywhere, just stating the obvious and it shows just how limited and controlling some people can be.

    I would like to share my appreciation for the efforts made by Brook for this thread, and for the sharing of the message and information's embedded with in, I have found myself searching and participating and awakening myself during this process, a journey and eye opening information that I was assisted but ultimately guided by myself to learn but would not have found without some of the powerful information that this thread presented for me ... And I humbly appreciate where this has taken me on a personal level.

    We even have some added attention from the dark side in attendance in this very forum which in itself shows just how important the content is on many levels many of whom do not have a voice and hide in the corners and the cracks.

    This earth is about to shift into the 5th dimension, from where I see things very few will actually make this shift, and its quite a difficult thing to know people who wont be going through to the other side. Some family members, loved ones will not make this transition as they have not been able to spend the necessary time in self and too pre-occupied in this 3D artificial realm ..... And it may difficult for some to accept this and respect everyone's individual journey but its a process we all must allow and appreciate. Its only natural for a mother to rush to prevent a child from falling, a natural instinct ... But the real question is was this child prevented from the experience from the fall, or did the parent express unconditional love in this process as an experience was prevented..... The greater knowing of this very question will take years if not lifetimes to fully grasp.

    So many people have taken the road of ignorance and chosen to ignore mother earth's pain and only worry about themselves and their selfish specific agendas, people all lining up trying to claim fame and fortune selling their version of truth, hoping that their actions will give them some form of future god like status, a shrine of imoratality or even a statue in remembrance... Just this notion is 4th dimensional consciousness and the vast majority of the whistle blower movement and new age community are cueing up to get in the limelight right now.

    The hard work is done in stealth, the true light warriors do not seek fame and fortune, they only have a goal in mind and that is ensuring mother earth makes a successful shift others will be in this for the ride and enjoyment and many others will be completely asleep and helpless waiting for some one to save them.

    So while your experiencing this fantastic journey with full appreciation that each and everyone of us will be on our own path unless you have given your power away. Passengers, with many millions of soulless beings successfully beguiled as many fringe light workers as possible in the confusion and maze of mind control.

    You are responsable for everything in your reality, you chose this experience.

    I will take a long break from these forums now and wish you all a successful trip but I will definitely remember these words in Brooks last post as a very important message, as I nod my head with an inward smile and appreciation.

    [i][b]I'm only praying you can ease any pain from not remembering how brightly you all really do shine. What powers you truly do possess, and I simply wished to share here, so you all might get that spark ignited, so you can pull away from that comfortably numb position that this frequency has placed you in, that you cannot remember that part of who you truly are



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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  enemyofNWO Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:51 am

    Brook ,

    Thanks for the wonderful post . May I ask you a few questions . Please don't misunderstand me , what I say should be intended as a contribution to this discussion and never a criticism .
    "And we are still in fear that the sun will cause great harm here? And God would allow this to occur? Has our creator simply given up on us to allow this to be so? I sincerely doubt this with all my heart. "

    My comment : well God allowed all the nasty things that have happened to us during thousand of years . It seems that God was on a long holiday ! ( I know I speak like an atheist !)

    "I fact I'm sure he is watching us closely now. And working ever so hard to get you all to wake to the truth that has been hidden from us for so long. He wishes to return us to our rightful state, and give us our power back. And allow us with our free will to discern the truth. And evolve as it was meant to be. Evolve as those out there in the universe have done. And let us have our rightful place in the galactic family. "

    My comments : I hope that what you say is true . However ,even such a possibility creates another question : Where we used as an experiment with his (God)consensus ?

    "I'm only praying you can ease any pain from not remembering how brightly you all really do shine. What powers you truly do possess, and I simply wished to share here, so you all might get that spark ignited, so you can pull away from that comfortably numb position that this frequency has placed you in, that you cannot remember that part of who you truly are. And you would not have to rely on videos, or books, or whistle blowers for anything else but verification to your own findings. "

    My comment : Again I hope you are right ! Judging by the high percentage of Zombies in our society , I find a bit of a stretch to believe that me and the majority of the population in this very effective zombie state " would reveal " the real power that we possess . It would be a true miracle because the program used on us is very effective !

    Brook you rock ! It is a pleasure to read your perspective . It gives me hope !

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  malletzky Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:51 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:Brook ,

    Thanks for the wonderful post . May I ask you a few questions . Please don't misunderstand me , what I say should be intended as a contribution to this discussion and never a criticism .
    "And we are still in fear that the sun will cause great harm here? And God would allow this to occur? Has our creator simply given up on us to allow this to be so? I sincerely doubt this with all my heart. "

    My comment : well God allowed all the nasty things that have happened to us during thousand of years . It seems that God was on a long holiday ! ( I know I speak like an atheist !)

    I fact I'm sure he is watching us closely now. And working ever so hard to get you all to wake to the truth that has been hidden from us for so long. He wishes to return us to our rightful state, and give us our power back. And allow us with our free will to discern the truth. And evolve as it was meant to be. Evolve as those out there in the universe have done. And let us have our rightful place in the galactic family. "

    My comments : I hope that what you say is true . However ,even such a possibility creates another question : Where we used as an experiment with his (God)consensus ?

    "I'm only praying you can ease any pain from not remembering how brightly you all really do shine. What powers you truly do possess, and I simply wished to share here, so you all might get that spark ignited, so you can pull away from that comfortably numb position that this frequency has placed you in, that you cannot remember that part of who you truly are. And you would not have to rely on videos, or books, or whistle blowers for anything else but verification to your own findings. "

    My comment : Again I hope you are right ! Judging by the high percentage of Zombies in our society , I find a bit of a stretch to believe that me and the majority of the population in this very effective zombie state " would reveal " the real power that we possess . It would be a true miracle because the program used on us is very effective !

    Brook you rock ! It is a pleasure to read your perspective . It gives me hope !

    Enemy, no, no...God/Creator DIDN'T allow any nasty things that have happened to us...WE, the humanity, we are the ones with the "given to enfold" free will, remember? So WE, altough been manipulated on various levels, WE decide which and what kind of things happens to us.

    Or, as Brook has repeatedly pointed here, and this is where I completely agree, it's all the matter of making CHOICES. It's our individual and collective choices, but never others.

    Otherwise, blaiming "someone else" about anything, when that "someone else" is WE, doesn't make any sense.

    with respect


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:19 am

    Stand by for your regularly scheduled programing...........


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 19 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  burgundia Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:57 am

    Enemy, no, no...God/Creator DIDN'T allow any nasty things that have happened to us...WE, the humanity, we are the ones with the "given to enfold" free will, remember? So WE, altough been manipulated on various levels, WE decide which and what kind of things happens to us.

    with respect


    Does it mean that we wanted to be manipulated and bring all those miseries to our lives? Did we want to hurt the Earth and animals?

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