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    Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft


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    Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft  Empty Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft

    Post  burgundia Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:06 pm


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    Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft  Empty Re: Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft

    Post  burgundia Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:29 am


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    Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft  Empty Re: Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft

    Post  mudra Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:01 pm

    The "JADE" In Jade Helm 15 Is An A.I. SOFTWARE Program

    "JADE" is an A.I. quantum computing technology that produces holographic battlefield simulations and has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations to identify and eliminate targets, insurgents, rebels or whatever labels that can be flagged as targets in a Global Information Grid for Network Centric Warfare environments.

    The JADE II battle field system is cognitive and intuitive. It can examine prior executed battle plans and and devise 'new and better' strategies to increase the 'kill chain'. The II generation of JADE has the capability for two way communication with drones through the OCCOM technology which is one of the next generation integrations to this system.

    In short, JADE HELM will not be battles directed by Generals and Military Commanders, but by a computer. It is a cognitive software program based on a Network Centric Warfare System at the HELM.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft  Empty Re: Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft

    Post  mudra Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:23 pm

    Episode 309 – Jade Helm 2 Decoded: Today we welcome a learned network/software engineer’s analysis of what’s really behind the exercise.


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    Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft  Empty Re: Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:22 pm

    Who the Hell is Jade Helm??!! Just kidding! It sounded cool! Siriusly -- I'm wondering about the possibility of the following progression:

    1. The Old Solar Order -- going way, way, way back -- possibly millions or billions of years.
    2. The New World Order -- going back thousands of years -- possibly to ancient Babylon and Egypt -- with current NWO talk simply revealing what's existed for a very long time.
    3. The New Computer Order -- wherein all factions, races, leaders, et al -- become subservient to -- and judged by -- a Human and Non-Human Computer Collective-Network -- which effectively takes-over everything in the solar system.
    4. Some sort of meltdown and/or cleansing occurs -- possibly over several decades.
    5. A Refined Modern Version of an Ancient Kingdom of God emerges, incorporating lessons learned from all of the above, with a Dynamic-Equilibrium of Responsible-Freedom and the Sovereignty of God.

    As usual -- this is just more unsubstantiated-speculation -- but it makes me wonder. It really makes me wonder. No One Might be Capable of Riding This Solar-System Bucking-Bronco. No One Might be Capable of Comprehending and Following What's Coming to This Solar-System in the Near-Future. More and More is Being Revealed -- and Things Are Moving Faster and Faster -- in an Eschatological-Quickening. What Would Art Bell Say?? Who the Hell is Art Bell?? Never Mind.


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    Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft  Empty Re: Jade Helm 15 CERN & Microsoft

    Post  ceridwen Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:55 am

    There is some controversy around CERN. There is this man, Dr. Simon Atkins, who says that CERN actually has the purpose to dissipate an enlightening magnetic wave coming from the Cosmos. The wave will be in full swing this coming September.

    That there is a magnetic wave coming there is no doubt. The Sun is quiet and Earth's energies are behaving in a peculiar way.

    The Aquarians have also spoken about the magnetic wave.

    Personally I am contacting the wave. It feels quite good.

    Perhaps if lots of people contact the wave, CERN might be rendered inefectual?

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