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Vidya Moksha
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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Seashore Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:48 pm

    Vidya Moksha wrote:so then, at what altitude does the air around the earth stop rotating?

    Wouldn't that be wherever the air itself stops - on the other side of the "Karman line" and the exosphere?

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:18 pm

    Viday Moksha's words: "we need to work with nature, not against it. we need to study nature, not apply man
    made models that approximate to it. for a start anyway"

    That's very well said, I think Vidya and similar to my favored approach to ponder the flatness or roundness of planet Earth.
    As mentioned earlier, regarding my choice of subjects in posting here, I have no idea if they add value to this discussion,
    for you and seashore, or anyone else reading and/or sharing in this thread. Please let me know. I might let go of posting
    in it in an attempt to add pieces to the puzzle. And to just read this thread, now and than, possibly commenting when I
    feel like it.

    My observation in nature is that formation of natural life, growing and evolving, happens according geometrical laws.
    To me, there's a possible proof and explanation of planet Earth being round, when the formation of the first 8 cells of a
    human body, growing in the womb, are compared to the laws of geometry present in the positioning and size of planet
    Earth and the Moon. With the mathematical harmony of numbers in measuring natural bodies, be it extremely small,
    like the 8 original cells of our human body, or large, like planet Earth and the Moon. My avatar is part of this logic.

    Here's an example of "working with nature", at least with the laws of nature as presented in page 246 "Volume 2
    The ancient secret of the Flower of Life". The book is in the attachment, with illustrations. I've found no way to present
    them with the text, you have to scroll through the book and find them, if you choose to study it.

    Earth-Moon Proportions
    Many people have claimed this next piece of information as their own, but none of them were the actual originators,
    because I found an even earlier person who was involved in this and was supposedly the originator. The earliest written
    work I can find is by Lawrence Blair [Rhythms of Vision], but he doesn't claim it; he says he got it from older works.
    1 don't know who originally came up with this idea, but it's truly remarkable information, especially if you've never heard
    it before. Consider: The size of the two shaded spheres on this drawing [Fig. 937] "happen" to have exactly
    the same ratio as that of the Earth and the Moon. This ratio is located in the human body and in the original eight cells of all life.

    In addition, not only do the spheres in this drawing possess the same relative sizes as the Earth and the Moon, but just as
    in this drawing, a square that would fit around the Earth and a circle that would pass through the center of the Moon (if the
    Moon were touching the Earth would have a phi ratio. This can be proven, which also proves that the size of the Earth and
    the Moon are as stated. To prove it, you have to know the diameter of the Earth, which is equal to one edge of a square
    that would fit around it, just like the same square that fits around the human body. Multiply that by 4 to find out how many
    miles it would take to go around the square. Once you determine that, you need to know how many miles go around the
    circle that would pass trough the center of the Moon if the Moon were touching the Earth. So let's look at this.

    The average diameter of the Earth is 7920 miles. The average diameter of the Moon is 2160 miles. The perimeter of the
    square that would fit around the Earth equals the diameter of the Earth times 4, or 31,680 miles. To figure the miles in the
    circumference of the circle that passes through the center of the Moon, you need to know the diameter of the Earth and the
    radius of the Moon at both the top and the bottom of Figure 9-37—which is the diameter of both the Earth and the Moon—
    added together, times pi. If those numbers are the same or very close, then that would prove it.

    The circumference of the circle equals the diameter of the Earth (7920 miles) plus the diameter of the Moon
    (2160), which equals 10,080. If you multiply 10,080 times pi (3.1416), it is 31,667 riles [see Fig. 9-38]—only 13 miles difference!
    Considering that the ocean is 27 miles higher at the equator than it is anywhere else (the ocean is pulled outward in a 27-mile ridge),
    13 miles is nothing. However, if you multiply 10,080 miles times 22/7 (a number often used to approximate pi), it comes out to the
    exact same number as the perimeter of the square— 31,680 miles!

    Thus the size of the Earth is in harmonics with (in phi ratio to) the Moon, and these ratios are found in the proportions of our human
    energy fields and even in the very Egg of Life itself. I spent weeks thinking about this paradox. The human energy field contains the
    size of the Earth we live on and the Moon that moves around her! It was like the thought about electrons traveling at 9/10 the speed
    of light. What does it signify? Does it mean that only certain sizes of planets are possible? And that there's no randomness at all,
    in any way? If our bodies are a measuring stick for the universe, does it mean that we contain within us, somehow or somewhere,
    all sizes of all possible planets? Does it mean the sizes of all suns are located in us somewhere?"

    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Dandel12
    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 AttachmentThe-Secret-of-the-Flower-of-Life-Vol2.pdf
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    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:34 am

    B.B.Baghor wrote: "Volume 2
    The ancient secret of the Flower of Life".

    if you believe drunvalo (i presume this is his book) perhaps you can build yourself a merkaba spaceship, go an fly up into space and have a look at the shape of the earth for us.

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  burgundia Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:51 am


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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Seashore Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:00 am

    I was browsing Dubay's forum this morning when I saw a post making reference to an interesting YouTube channel, Slooh:

    Slooh is the leader in live, celestial event programming with weekly shows featuring the great wonders of the Universe - shown live by observatories worldwide. SLOOH is powered by its members—men, women and children in 80 countries who have taken 1.7 million photos of 35,000 unique objects and events in the night sky since our launch on Christmas Day, 2003. Slooh's patented instant imaging technology makes astronomical objects appear in true color and in real time over a 5 to 10 minute time frame.

    It was posted on the thread "Lunar Eclipse...what causes it?"  Here's the post associated with a Slooh YouTube video:

    Lunar eclipses happen either early morning or late afternoon when both the Sun and Moon are at opposite extremities to the Earth. The Sun's rays pass thru the Earth atmosphere then hit the moon. The blue spectrum of light is absorbed by the atmosphere but the red spectrum passes thru thus the reddish hue seen on the moon. You'll notice sunsets have an orangey-reddish hue due to the light passing thru the atmosphere but at a longer distance from your perspective. In the video above you'll see a dark curved shadow of the Earths atmosphere, not the Earth, which indicates that there is some sort of dome around the Earth either of water or ice. You will never see a completely round shadow hitting the moon during a lunar eclipse unlike the solar eclipse where we see a completely round circular shadow of the moon hitting the Earth.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:47 am

    burgundia wrote:

    i saw Dubay post this this morning.. I havent seen it, but might do, just for interest.
    In terms of real life models I did wonder if there is a big magnetic mountain, why does north vary over time when pointed to by a magnetic compass?
    And pole shifts?

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Seashore Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:12 am

    “According to the globular theory, a lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth, and moon are in a direct line; but it is on record that since about the fifteenth century over fifty eclipses have occurred while both sun and moon have been visible above the horizon.” -F.H. Cook, “The Terrestrial Plane”

    Does anyone know whether the above statement is true, and if so, how mainstream science addresses the issue?

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Seashore Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:23 am

    Seashore wrote:Here's the video he referenced:

    I thought it would be helpful to have screenshots:

    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 113
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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:14 am

    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote: "Volume 2
    The ancient secret of the Flower of Life".

    if you believe drunvalo (i presume this is his book) perhaps you can build yourself a merkaba spaceship, go an fly up into space
    and have a look at the shape of the earth for us.

    Viday Moksha, I thank you for being a practical person, dealing with what's the matter. I suggest you find evidence in a
    practical way. You're in the same position with me, in that practical approach, also regarding an opportunity to fly
    up into space, for there's nothing that stops you, or any other person, who wants to find evidence of planet
    Earth being round or flat. Go Virgin Galactic or go deeper. Is this your way of responding to my invitation,
    to let me know if my posts add to the discussion here? A straight answer sent up in cyberspace is
    enough for me, including humour. Give it to me, with a laugh that echoes around the planet,
    lovingly held within the layers of our atmophere. Now, that's how we will find evidence Lolerz

    Just in case you're genuinely interested, Vidya, to me, the knowledge of the MerKaBah
    is one of several down to earth basics for a creation, alive and kicking. If you're questioning the
    nature of the ancient secret of the flower of life. In other words, it's one of many trips in life, if you
    look at it from source, from deep space. Now, there you will find your evidence too. Plain in sight.....plane.. or globe.


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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:48 pm

    Seashore wrote:
    “According to the globular theory, a lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth, and moon are in a direct line; but it is on record that since about the fifteenth century over fifty eclipses have occurred while both sun and moon have been visible above the horizon.” -F.H. Cook, “The Terrestrial Plane”

    Does anyone know whether the above statement is true, and if so, how mainstream science addresses the issue?

    This is what I found for you, seashore, your question above and the motion of the moon relative to planet Earth:

    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Lunar_10
    Selenelion oct. 2014

    "A selenelion or selenehelion occurs when both the Sun and the eclipsed Moon can be observed at the same time. This can only happen just before sunset or just after sunrise, and both bodies will appear just above the horizon at nearly opposite points in the sky. This arrangement has led to the phenomenon being referred to as a horizontal eclipse. There are typically a number of high ridges undergoing sunrise or sunset that can see it. Although the Moon is in the Earth’s umbra, the Sun and the eclipsed Moon can both be seen at the same time because the refraction of light through the Earth’s atmosphere causes each of them to appear higher in the sky than their true geometric position".



    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 220px-10
    Libration    This is a link to an animation. I'm not very succesfull with gif-pictures

    "Animation of the Moon as it cycles through its phases. The apparent wobbling of the Moon is known as libration.
    The Moon is in synchronous rotation, meaning that it keeps the same face turned toward the Earth at all times. This synchronous rotation is only true on average, because the Moon's orbit has a definite eccentricity. As a result, the angular velocity of the Moon varies as it moves around the Earth and hence is not always equal to the Moon's rotational velocity. When the Moon is at its perigee, its rotation is slower than its orbital motion, and this allows us to see up to eight degrees of longitude of its eastern (right) far side. Conversely, when the Moon reaches its apogee, its rotation is faster than its orbital motion and this reveals eight degrees of longitude of its western (left) far side. This is referred to as longitudinal libration.

    Because the lunar orbit is also inclined to the Earth's ecliptic plane by 5.1°, the rotation axis of the Moon seems to rotate towards and away from us during one complete orbit. This is referred to as latitudinal libration, which allows one to see almost 7° of latitude beyond the pole on the far side. Finally, because the Moon is only about 60 Earth radii away from the Earth's centre of mass, an observer at the equator who observes the Moon throughout the night moves laterally by one Earth diameter. This gives rise to a diurnal libration, which allows one to view an additional one degree's worth of lunar longitude. For the same reason, observers at both geographical poles of the Earth would be able to see one additional degree's worth of libration in latitude".


    Posts : 2203
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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Seashore Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:49 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:"A selenelion or selenehelion occurs when both the Sun and the eclipsed Moon can be observed at the same time. . . . ".


    Thanks.  I learned a new word.

    Here's a YouTube video on it.  I would say the sunlight and the eclipsed moon appear at the same time:

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:13 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote: "Volume 2
    The ancient secret of the Flower of Life".

    if you believe drunvalo (i presume this is his book) perhaps you can build yourself a merkaba spaceship, go an fly up into space
    and have a look at the shape of the earth for us.

    Viday Moksha, I thank you for being a practical person, dealing with what's the matter. I suggest you find evidence in a
    practical way. You're in the same position with me, in that practical approach, also regarding an opportunity to fly
    up into space, for there's nothing that stops you, or any other person, who wants to find evidence of planet
    Earth being round or flat. Go Virgin Galactic or go deeper. Is this your way of responding to my invitation,
    to let me know if my posts add to the discussion here? A straight answer sent up in cyberspace is
    enough for me, including humour. Give it to me, with a laugh that echoes around the planet,
    lovingly held within the layers of our atmophere. Now, that's how we will find evidence Lolerz

    Just in case you're genuinely interested, Vidya, to me, the knowledge of the MerKaBah
    is one of several down to earth basics for a creation, alive and kicking. If you're questioning the
    nature of the ancient secret of the flower of life. In other words, it's one of many trips in life, if you
    look at it from source, from deep space. Now, there you will find your evidence too. Plain in sight.....plane.. or globe.[/size]

    Touch of deja vu ici n'est-ce pas? And we are way off topic once again. Last time for me. I do have the time to reply, in fact I have another 2 weeks of internet, which was unexpected. To answer your first question, post what you want in here, it has nothing to do with me. I find your replies in here off topic and irrelevant to the subject under discussion, but they are not offensive, I havent put you on my block list. I do not find your answers add to the discussion of the flat earth, they would be better suited to the subjects you post about. This thread is about flat earth vs globe earth.

    I can be a practical person, for sure. I have just spent 3 days lining one of my jackets with a nice piece of silk i just acquired, does that count as practical?

    I am not closed minded or unaware of various techniques of researching. We can be quite empirical in here. I leaned techniques for astral travelling, but never mastered it while conscious. If I could fly out of my body and take a peek at the planet, I would do so. If you know someone who can do this, then invite them to do so.

    I cant afford a trip on any virgin flight. If you have the money, please buy me a ticket. I will make sure I report what I see.

    Off topic I suggest we look to nature and not use models that approximate to it.. you reply that you agree, then tell me the universe is based on sacred geometry Rolling Eyes Go look up a definition of geometry.. it has to do with straight lines and human construction, How many straight lines do you see in nature? The only ones I am aware of are in crystals.. never in biological life. I see people saying 'Fibonacci sequence governs nature' yet that sequence is a series of mathematically drawn straight lines.. the only way straight lines describe a curve is an ever decreasing size of tangents.. again, maths approximating to nature not nature.. nature is based on the 'golden ratio', but that is a curve.. nature is curvy, not straight.. didnt Zoroaster say god is a spiral or some-such thing (from memory, i didnt check). I repeat myself: we need to study nature and not man made construct approximating to nature.  

    as for drunvalo, up to a few years ago i had read all he produced and attended a flower of life workshop, where the merkaba was taught. I also heard drunvalo say he was an alien who 'swam' the vastness of the universe for tens of thousands of years to get here, using a one armed swimming stroke, to take over a human's body with the previous incumbents permission, an agreed take-over. I have written about drunvalo in forum before and i dont want to go there again. for me, he's on the dark side and i ignore all to do with him. His work has no bearing on the flat earth model.

    You wanted some humour Wink

    William Blake: What is your name?
    Nobody: My name is Nobody.
    William Blake: Excuse me?
    Nobody: My name is Exaybachay. He Who Talks Loud, Saying Nothing.
    William Blake: He who talks... I thought you said your name was Nobody.
    Nobody: I preferred to be called Nobody.

    (Ps as i pen this attempt at humour i see you have posted something on-topic... we havent met BBB.. im not really a grumpy old man (all the time).. i am in good humour with the universe these days)

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:52 pm

    Vidya Moksha's words:

    "Off topic I suggest we look to nature and not use models that approximate to it.. you reply that you agree, then tell me the universe is based on sacred geometry Rolling Eyes Go look up a definition of geometry.. it has to do with straight lines and human construction, How many straight lines do you see in nature? The only ones I am aware of are in crystals.. never in biological life. I see people saying 'Fibonacci sequence governs nature' yet that sequence is a series of mathematically drawn straight lines.. the only way straight lines describe a curve is an ever decreasing size of tangents.. again, maths approximating to nature not nature.. nature is based on the 'golden ratio', but that is a curve.. nature is curvy, not straight.. didnt Zoroaster say god is a spiral or some-such thing (from memory, i didnt check). I repeat myself: we need to study nature and not man made construct approximating to nature".

    If I may comment, off topic, on your attending a FOL workshop, Vidya, I'm amazed that you didn't grasp the presence of curved lines,
    found in the woman sitting next to you, or in nature and in sacred geometry, presented in that huge body of work. Nature works slightly
    off topic.... off golden ratio, I mean. It's explained in the FOL work of life/nature study, I don't mean that it's THE truth or ABSOLUTE in
    whatever way. I'm pointing at the content of this work and your missing a couple of beats. Heartbeats maybe? There are numerous sources
    for sacred geometry knowledge. By observing nature we can go far indeed.

    Were you a grumpy old man at that folly time? We've got a similar humour, if I'm right, Vidya, for you may think I'm wrong and with that
    prove me right. I'm not a grumpy old woman, always. I'm in love with the Universe and I'm glad you approve of my "on topic" post Cheerful
    This topic is highly sensitive to associative probing, sometimes posts here can be like non-steered projectiles through dark space and
    sometimes they may seem to hit the right sunspot Cheerful sunny But the probing and going through unfamiliar territory, is an
    interesting process, going forward with a mind in wonder.

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:12 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:Vidya Moksha's words:

    I'm amazed that you didn't grasp the presence of curved lines,
    in nature and in sacred geometry, presented in that huge body of work. Nature works slightly
    off golden ratio,

    maybe my explanation wasnt clear. Nature works in spirals, the golden mean. This is irrefutable.
    However, the Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical model of the golden mean. its not the same thing, and this isnt pedantry.
    Geometry is man made. nature isnt man made,  

    im not denying curves.. exactly the opposite. im denying that mathematical straight lines can ever describe curves

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  mudra Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:37 pm

    burgundia wrote:

    According to Vasubandhu's Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam, Sumeru is 80,000 yojanas tall. The exact measure of the yojana is uncertain, but some accounts put it at about 24,000 feet, or approximately 4 1⁄2 miles, but other accounts put it at about 7–9 miles. It also descends beneath the surface of the surrounding waters to a depth of 80,000 yojanas, being founded upon the basal layer of Earth. Sumeru is often used as a simile for both size and stability in Buddhist texts. Sumeru is said to be shaped like an hourglass, with a top and base of 80,000 yojanas square, but narrowing in the middle (i.e., at a height of 40,000 yojanas) to 20,000 yojanas square. wrote:The 80,000 yojana square top of Sumeru constitutes the Trāyastriṃśa "heaven" (devaloka), which is the highest plane in direct physical contact with the earth. The next 40,000 yojanas below this heaven consist of sheer precipice, narrowing in like an inverted mountain until it is 20,000 yojanas square at a heigh of 40,000 yojanas above the sea.

    From this point Sumeru expands again, going down in four terraced ledges, each broader than the one above. The first terrace constitutes the "heaven" of the Four Great Kings and is divided into four parts, facing north, south, east and west. Each section is governed by one of the Four Great Kings, who faces outward toward the quarter of the world that he supervises.
    40,000 yojanas is also the height at which the Sun and Moon circle Sumeru in a clockwise direction. This rotation explains the alteration of day and night   

    wiki : Sumeru

    The dimensions attributed to Mount Meru, all the references to it being as a part of the Cosmic Ocean, along with several statements like that the Sun along with all the planets circle the mountain, make determining its location most difficult, according to most scholars. ...The Suryasiddhanta mentions that Mt Meru lies in 'the middle of the Earth' ("Bhugol-madhya") in the land of the Jambunad (Jambudvip). Narpatijayacharyā, a 9th-century text, based on mostly unpublished texts of Yāmal Tantr, mentions "Sumeruḥ Prithvī-madhye shrūyate drishyate na tu" ('Su-meru is heard to be in the middle of the Earth, but is not seen there'). Vārāhamihira, in his Panch-siddhāntikā, claims Mt Meru to be at the North Pole (though no mountain exists there as well). Suryasiddhānt, however, mentions a Mt Meru in the middle of Earth, besides a Sumeru and a Kumeru at both the Poles.

    Indra, the Lord of the heavens lives on top of the mountains ( The sun ? ) while four heavenly kings reside on four sides of the mountain ( the moon, Mars, Venus and mercury ? )

    From the data I gathered above regarding Mount Sumeru (hourglass shaped mountain that extends beyond and below earth where the sun never sets,
    in the middle of the Earth but not seen there, whose top reaches heaven ect...
    what came to mind is that this may well be a description of the magnetic field of the Earth ?

     FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Magnee11
    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Solar-11

    Love Always

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:19 pm

    Earth curvature refraction for dummies

    Why doesn't Earth's atmosphere form bands due to different rotational speeds?

    Why does the airflow in the mid-stratosphere of the northern hemisphere rotate FASTER than the earth?

    Why does the atmosphere rotate along with the earth?

    Why doesn't the speed of Earth (moving through space) kill us?

    The earth is spinning, so why don't we jump and land on a different location?

    There are some apparent contradictions in here, but I will comment later
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:43 am

    I cant shake the notion that maths can be used to prove any fixed belief system. Maths would proove the earth was centre of the universe. Maths will prove we revolve around the sun. Maths could prove the universe revolved around the end of my nose, even as i walk along the beach, it would just be very complicated formulae.

    I knew I had read something on these lines and found the following at the beginning of The Book Of Thoth, one of Crowley's better books (once you translate it into understandable english)

    "In mathematics there are no fixed facts. Bertrand Russell says that in this subject "nobody knows what he is talking about, and it matters to nobody whether he is right or wrong". For example: Begin with the assumption that the Moon is the immovable centre of the Universe. Nobody can contradict it; one simply switches the calculations over to suit. The practical objection to this is that it would not facilitate the work of navigators. It is important to have this idea in one's mind, because otherwise one fails to grasp the whole spirit of modern Science-Philosophy. It does not aim at Truth; it does not conceive of Truth (in any ordinary sense of the word) as possible; it aims at maximum convenience. They did not understand that the Circle is only one case of the Ellipse: that in which the foci coincide.
    To return to the picture of the Solar System. The Sun is the Hub of the Wheel; the outermost Planet is on its rim; and beyond, but laterally within that rim, are the Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac. Why twelve? The first rough division of the circle is into four, according to the observed seasons. This choice may also have been influenced by the division of the Elements into Four-Fire, Air, Water, Earth. (These do not mean the objects now understood by these words, as explained above.) Perhaps because they thought it necessary to introduce so sacred a number as Three into everything heavenly, or else because the observed constellations happened to be naturally divided into twelve groups, they divided the Zodiac into twelve signs, three to each Season. The Influence of the Sun upon the Earth was observed to change as He passed through the Signs. So did quite simple things like the measure of time between Sunrise and Sunset. When one says that the Sun enters the Sign of Aries, one means that if a straight line were drawn from the Earth to the Sun and pro-longed to the Stars, that line would pass through the beginning of that Constellation. Suppose, for instance, that one observes the Full Moon on the first day of Spring, one will be able to see, behind her, the stars of the beginning of Libra, the sign opposite to Aries. It was observed that the Moon took approximately twenty-eight days to pass from Full to Full; and to each day was assigned what was called a Mansion. Her mysterious influence was supposed to change in each Mansion. This theory does not enter directly into the Tarot, but it must be mentioned to help to clear up a certain confusion which is about to complicate the question.
    Early astronomers calculated that the Sun took 360 days to go round the Zodiac. This was a closely guarded secret of the learned; so they concealed it in the divine name Mithras, which adds up, according to the Greek Convention (M 40---I 10---Th. 9---R 100---A 1---S 200) to 360. Better observation showed 365 days to be more accurate; so they decided to call it "Abraxas" (A 1---B 2---R 100---A 1---X 6o---A 1---S 200). When the others found this out they put themselves right by altering the spelling of Mithras to Meithras, which adds (like Abraxas) to 365. In this there is still an error of not quite six hours; so that, in the course of centuries, the Calendar kept slipping. It did not assume its present form until the time of Pope Gregory. The Point of all this, that they divided the Circle of the Zodiac into 360 degrees, is that this is a convenient basis for calculation."

    just for a quick muse Wink

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Seashore Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:07 am

    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    ". . . For example: Begin with the assumption that the Moon is the immovable centre of the Universe. Nobody can contradict it; one simply switches the calculations over to suit. . . .

    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    A history of the evolution of astronomy from the time of the Roman Empire up to the present day ; showing it to be an amazing series of blunders founded upon an error made in the second century B.C.

    link to pdf here:

    The error made in the second century B.C. was by a great scientist, Hipparchus:

    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 114
    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 217
    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 315
    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 411

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Seashore Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:31 am

    I'm wondering about the advanced civilization who built the pyramids with technology and precision that we don't have today (at least publicly).

    Did they believe in a spinning globe?

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:51 am

    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote:Vidya Moksha's words:

    I'm amazed that you didn't grasp the presence of curved lines,
    in nature and in sacred geometry, presented in that huge body of work. Nature works slightly
    off golden ratio,

    maybe my explanation wasnt clear. Nature works in spirals, the golden mean. This is irrefutable.
    However, the Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical model of the golden mean. its not the same thing, and this isnt pedantry.
    Geometry is man made. nature isnt man made,  

    im not denying curves.. exactly the opposite. im denying that mathematical straight lines can ever describe curves

    In my reply I refer to this post as well as your post 218, Vidya Moksha. I agree with you that nature works in
    spirals, at least visibly it seems to follow curving motion, like in pine cones. Approximate the perfection of the Golden Mean.
    True, mathematical straight lines cannot describe curves. With the passing of time and the intellectual "space" to ponder
    our place in the Universe, the form of our planet's body, we found our human ability to create instruments, which lead to
    the invention of a telescope. That broadened our awareness outside of the planet, the "picture" changed and our awareness
    changes by it, inevitably. Our 2D image of a flat earth changed into a 3D image of a globe in company of other globes.

    It's an intriguing phenomenon to me, that the outside reality is mirroring our state of awareness and how we make use
    of our knowledge with it. We have no influence on the outside reality, by "thinking", we are capable of influencing how
    we are aware of it though, in essence. That's part of our non-physical presence, our being. Which proves that the discussion
    of a flat or round Earth is imbedded in that, sort of.... fluctuating field we're present in, a bit hard to grasp and put in words.

    In all this probing in finding evidence for a flat Earth or a global Earth, we can't ignore the level of awareness we hold,
    for it's our perception that is key to how we experience our planet. If we can let go of absoluteness on a left brain level,
    and try to define the form of planet Earth for the sake of our physical wellbeing and comfort and in the interest of this
    thread, I think we're in wonder and open to new insights. It's a challenge for our beliefsystem, if we step out of the box,
    out of the idea of a global planet. I keep feeling, with the usual senses of my body, that I'm on a round planet.

    I think, for our left brain to feel at ease, we need to add the company of our right brain and move from "either or..."to
    "and.. and": consider the possibility of both lines and curves present in their own way, as parts of processes in energy.
    To me, and I'm probing and trying to grasp meaning that feels right, mentally and intuitively, in understanding sacred
    geometry, there's an electric and magnetic aspect to the development of living beings, to creation of form on this planet.
    Geometry, to me, is manmade when its mentally constructed as a math tool to understand, on blackboards and paper.
    To make it work for us, in order to make things, like buildings. I see this as mainly left brain activity, when calculating
    and measuring is involved.

    For an example of how our interpretation of reality and our state of consciousness are connected, I like to point at
    the following part of the FOL book 2, shared in one of my former posts here, as an attachment, for it's explaining
    the difference in nature's growth of form and the near-perfect phi ratios, the relation between nature and the Golden
    Mean. The illustrations are missing here, they're very important to grasp meaning. That part of the book is very much
    on topic, Vidya Moksha, for it's about HOW we perceive the planet under our feet as FORM. The text includes the levels
    of awareness we hold through our existence, by which we define our reality in different ways, from within our body.

    Page 227 The First and Third Levels of Consciousness
    "In Figure 9-2 we are looking at the very beginning of consciousness in these first two phi-ratio places. This indicates
    Fig 9.2 The levels that consciousness will probably continue forever to expand, of human consciousness, near-perfect
    phi ratios. Fig. 9-3. The three geometric levels of human consciousness on Earth: square 4 and circle 5 = first (aboriginal)
    level; square 5 and circle 7 = second (present) level; and square 7 and circle 9 = third (Christ) level. Fig. 9-4- Rotating
    the second-level square 45 degrees bridges the second and third levels of consciousness and approximate the perfection
    of the phi ratio or the Golden Mean. So the fourth square relative to the fifth circle and the seventh square relative to
    the ninth circle form near-perfect phi ratios. Those happen to be, according to Thoth, the first and third
    levels of consciousness. They are very, very close to being harmonic consciousness, which makes them self-aware".

    P.S. I think that mudra's suggestion, that the Thai-tubby-allegory represents Earth magnetic field is an excellent one.


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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Seashore Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:21 am

    mudra wrote:Flat Earth Clues - Full Movie documentary

    Love Always

    It is interesting that this video has been removed by the user.

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:28 am

    Seashore wrote:I'm wondering about the advanced civilization who built the pyramids with technology and precision that we don't have today (at least publicly).

    Did they believe in a spinning globe?

    How to find evidence of our planet's form? You're great in questioning, Seashore. This thread is a challenge and a pleasure
    at the same time, for me. I think we should grow wings and fly away to see planet Earth for the first time, from space.
    Let's remind ourselves of having pondered this topic, when we do fly off, shall we? It seems to me, sometimes making
    me want to walk away from this thread, that believing in a spinning globe by whomever, in any given moment in time,
    isn't helping much in finding evidence for planet Earth's form now.

    Why is it that a flat earth theory is presented now? And studied here for its probable truth, by you and others? That in itself is
    telling something. I'm not fixing an opinion, only going by what my senses tell me and by what I've learned so far. Again, as
    I've done before, in my former post here, in the FOL book 2, there's a huge body of knowledge, giving a possible answer to
    your question, Seashore. As far as my knowledge goes, the pyramids seem to be much older than is formally stated. Not only
    is the function of the pyramid explained in the book, also its measurements of form are related to the measurements of our
    planet's body.

    And to complicate matters Cheerful in the 5 books "The Law of One" which are freely available online, Ra explains how he
    perceives the origin of the pyramids, for he seems to have been on our planet a long time ago, taking part in the building.
    There may have been a lot of time, in our existence as human beings on this planet, that the form of Earth's body wasn't
    thought about or discussed. Just like the Mayan women live each day as a day, going to the fields to work on the crops,
    while the Mayan priests quarrel among themselves about February 28th or 29th, counting the leap day in their calendars.
    Or not.

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Seashore Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:43 am

    B.B.Baghor wrote:I think we should grow wings and fly away to see planet Earth for the first time, from space.

    I would love it.  

    And I would love to ride in a flying saucer.  

    B.B.Baghor wrote:Why is it that a flat earth theory is presented now? And studied here for its probable truth, by you and others?

    I think it is a testament to how far we've come in people learning to trust their own reason and dare to challenge the status quo.

    B.B.Baghor wrote:As far as my knowledge goes, the pyramids seem to be much older than is formally stated.
    That's my understanding, as well, and I think it's relevant what the builders thought about the shape of the planet, since they apparently knew more than we do.

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Seashore Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:53 am

    Why couldn't we have a floating sphere-shaped planet with a flat map at the top surrounded by a 2 mile high Antarctica ice wall and a deep underground?

    Like this:

    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Scan10

    I don't think we have a dome over us, but I can picture a flat surface within a globe planet.

    And I guess it could be floating in the cosmos.

    It could be the sun revolves around us but the other planets revolve around the sun?
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    FLAT GLOBE - Page 9 Empty Re: FLAT GLOBE

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:59 am

    Seashore wrote:Flat Earth Clues - Full Movie documentary

    It is interesting that this video has been removed by the user.

    i never did get round to watching this fully, but i did download it and its sitting on my hard drive

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