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    Questioning the Holocaust


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:00 am

    It is becoming apparent to me that the term "Holocaust" is a fabrication.

    I was first introduced to the subject by viewing a video of a presentation by Robert Faurisson.

    Then, I learned of the documentary The Greatest Story Never Told, about Hitler.

    There is a new interview from Red Ice Radio on this topic that I recommend.  Here is the Description and link:

    Nicholas Kollerstrom - Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust Myth and Reality
    Febuary 25, 2015

    Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD, is an English author, historian of science, and political activist. He was an honorary member of staff at University College London (UCL) for 11 years. Dr. Kollerstrom has always had an interest in Hermetic-alchemical issues and is presently managing New Alchemy Press. He is the author of several articles and books, and joins us to speak about his latest publication, Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust Myth and Reality. We begin our discussion with an analysis of the real physical data that exists relating to the purported existence of huge cyanide gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps. Nick gives details of the numbers and causes of deaths at Auschwitz that were recorded daily and then published, figures that are staggeringly less than the 6 million number that has been seared into the 'official' storyline. We talk about the outbreak of typhus in 1942, the delousing chambers that were created to deal with the disease infestation, and how this ordinary hygiene technology was used in an attempt to decrease mortality rates of valuable workers in the labor camps. Nick brings light to the real purpose of the camps and how the horrific stories developed during the nightmare and confusion of war. Further, he'll explain the lack of any documents or intercepted communications indicating orders to exterminate prisoners, and the reconstruction of history that has created an undebatable transcendental mythos of death by gas chambers. Then, we'll consider the motivations for perpetuating the Holocaust myth and who has come to benefit from what was certainly the worst collective experience that European Jews have endured. Nick breaks down the holocaust narrative that is the direct result of the academic world dismissing evidence multiplied by Hollywood's mythologizing of events. Later Kollerstrom describes signs that people are beginning to wake up to the motives of the holocaust industry. We end with thoughts on sacred war ratifying myths, the persecution of truth seekers, and the need for open discussion and debate regarding one of the most important events of world history.

    I think that if we are to deal with the truth, we're going to have to re-educate ourselves about historical events, the allegations about which are still impacting us today.

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:46 am

    I'm tending to think in terms of a HUGE can of worms which really started rolling in (or around) 1913 with the Federal Reserve -- with a lot of the bad-stuff since then being somehow connected to One General Phenomenon. I can only handle one or two conspiracy-theories at a time -- so I honestly try to avoid them. Back to the topic of this thread -- I was stunned when I learned that Dr. Lorraine Day was being quite vocal about Holocaust inaccuracies. I actually corresponded with Dr. Day a few years ago (regarding a completely different topic) -- and she thought I was nuts!! Some say she gets it wrong about a lot of things -- but I have found her to be very intelligent and articulate throughout the years. I'm frankly neutral about most of this madness. I just take in everything -- and move one. I think the whole thing is more complicated than any of us can imagine...


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:54 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote: I was stunned when I learned that Dr. Lorraine Day was being quite vocal about Holocaust inaccuracies.

    I didn't know that.  That's interesting.  Her main topic was cancer treatment.  Lies about that is another very important topic.

    Exposing lies is our task at hand.

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  burgundia Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:24 am


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:01 am

    burgundia wrote:

    The Description for that video has quite a few links:
    Published on Feb 24, 2013

    Click below for a FREE download of a colorfully illustrated 132 page e-book on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of Western civilization. Click on the "DOWNLOAD (7.52 MB)" green banner link.

    Booklet updated on Feb. 6th, 2015. (Now with over 48,100 Downloads.)
    PDF file:
    MS Word file:

    Watch the 10 hour video version of
    "The Zionist Attack on Western Civilization" @

    Notepad Promotional YouTube Comment:

    2 minute promotional BOOKLET video @
    (and @ )

    Are you interested in helping spread the booklet download link across the world? Then why not simply copy this text (& links) and paste it into the description box of your YouTube videos? Thank you in advance. :)

    Download the YouTube "description box" info text file below (which Patriots have downloaded over 4,050 times between Feb. 6 - Feb. 28, 2015, so thank you all for helping out) @
    Also watch the epic documentary "The Greatest Story Never Told" @

    I like it when a YouTuber goes to such efforts to spread information.

    Here is a direct link to The Greatest Story Never Told:

    After Henrik Palmgren interviewed the producer of the documentary, Red Ice Radio was banned from iTunes.  

    I was also banned from Above Top Secret forum for posting about it.

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:37 pm

    In very general terms -- I keep getting the sinking and sickening feeling that all of this madness goes way, way, way back -- and that most all of us were involved in Ancient ET Star-Wars -- and that somehow an Ancient War in Heaven and Earth is ongoing -- but I obviously can't prove it. I have recently proposed reading Job through Malachi in the King James Version of the Holy Bible -- straight-through -- over and over -- while listening to the Music of J.S. Bach -- as a mental and spiritual exercise. Part of this might involve stimulating our souls to remember things which might be associated with all of the above -- but this is certainly anything but Happy-Clappy. I just think it is absolutely essential to remain neutral and benign. I post all sorts of controversial stuff -- but I am basically dead inside. It's all sanitized and academic. It's just a puzzle or a most dangerous game to me. I've spoken with at least two individuals who I think really, really knew the whole-truth -- but they were both very reluctant to tell me much of anything. I put some things together -- but I've had to really work for it. I've posted a lot of clues online -- but I haven't really spelled anything out. A casual-observer would completely miss it. All they probably see is the scary-pictures -- bad-jokes -- and bad-words. I doubt that very few have dug any deeper than that -- but it's probably better and easier that way. I honestly don't think the "Jews" (fake or real) are any worse than the rest of us. I simply think the possibility exists that "Elite-Jews" are closer to the "Center of Things" than the rest of us (probably in good and bad ways). Take the following video with a Dead-Sea of Salt. I have no idea how much of it is true or false. It is simply one more possible piece of the puzzle. BTW -- in the old Project Avalon -- eleni (if I remember correctly) spoke of a relative who was very high-up in the "Establishment" -- and she said they were sort of dead inside -- as if the joy and vitality of life had left them. I think I might be in the process of discovering why. I think the "Real-Truth" is really bad. I guess I hope to eventually know what the insiders know -- without selling my soul to "You Know Who" and/or getting involved with bloody-rituals and absolute-obedience to reprehensible-orders...

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:21 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:51 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    Just responding to the title of the video:  I have to say that I have been wondering whether all the problems we have with what we think of as evil in the world is really just a struggle between different species in the cosmos.

    And as humans, it's just up to us to evolve so that we're not victims of more powerful species.

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  mudra Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:07 pm

    History can be twisted around to fit the respective agendas of powers at play. That's undeniable.
    Hence the only testimony I would trust is mine would I have been in one of these camps during the the 40-45 war.
    Or the ones of people I would closely know and trust.
    Regarding the Red Ice creation interview  above there is mention that ripping apart head from body of young children
    is an impossible feat.
    That reminded me however of the mother of a jewish boyfriend I had when a teenager telling me once she was arrested
    by the gestapo and witness to that very gruesome act being performed in front of her by an officer on a new born baby whose mother
    happened to have been arrested too. She told me this in 1970. I see no reason why she would have lied to me.
    Her husband was a survivor from Daschau. I wish I was able to have first hand testimony from him but he passed away
    several years ago.
    I think it is horrible enough to know that human beings would be rounded up by other human beings and put in camps where they were brutalized
    and left to starve just because they are not fitting the norm in vogue.This is barbarism.

    Love from me

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:56 pm

    mudra wrote:History can be twisted around to fit the respective agendas of powers at play. That's undeniable.

    I think the main underpinning of the use of the term "holocaust" is the allegation that Jews were gassed, and I think that has been established by researchers as being untrue.

    The persecution of people who exercise free speech on the topic is an indication that those who created the term had a purpose for doing so that needs to be exposed.

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:54 pm

    Seashore's words: "Just responding to the title of the video: I have to say that I have been wondering
    whether all the problems we have with what we think of as evil in the world is really just a struggle
    between different species in the cosmos.

    And as humans, it's just up to us to evolve so that we're not victims of more powerful species".

    To me, these are very wise words, Seashore, I can relate to them so much, specially the last line.
    To me, the struggle between different species in the cosmos, is similar to the different personalities we hold
    within. The struggle to survive is at the base of evil, ultimately, as I see it from an overview point of view.

    I see a by humans self induced duality in this place in space, here on planet Earth, as a result of leaving
    the Atlantis way of life (the sinking of that continent, our sinking into the 3rd dimension) having more or less
    played a part in that loss of a balanced way of life based on love and evolving in love.

    I imagine many of us are incarnated by choice, now, for very good reasons, although they may be veiled
    (blocked from memory) after birth. Many of us also know how to "Dance like the Egyptians" from experience.

    The present world of duality offers us a chance to find out how this works... oops.....or that works.. nope... or does it?
    In an open playground with us present, either with past life-stories and/or present life-stories. We sort them out and
    restore the balance, by jumping on the seasaw or the swing, or the plastic dragon designed to offer a nice "whoooshhh"
    going down it's back with a giggle. Or stand aside silent and alone.

    Or work in the sandbox, making tunnels or building a sandy watchtower, hitting the ones who're NOT! doing what we tell them,
    with a shovel on their heads. Aucchhh!! Making friends again one minute later. How helpful this would be, when we, as adults,
    could hold on to that inno-sense and that flexibility to make friends soon after the event. In being aware of our experiences,
    we may decide if we go on the path of separation and fear (hitting someone with the shovel) or on the path of inclusiveness,
    of others, in vulnarability and trust, showing our emotions in order to get past them.

    These experiences and the feelings connected to them, I see them as possible teachers or dementors. That creature in the tubby
    picture seems to be such a one. Dementors are vampiric soulessence sucking creatures in the Harry Potter stories.

    If I may offer one more suggestion, regarding the role of the Jews through history, in the 2nd volume of "The ancient secret of
    the Flower of Life" posted here, is an explanation of their role, in the time of Atlantis. Drunvalo explains more on the choice, made
    by the Jews, to return to the planet in our recent past, in other parts of his work. Here's a view given by Kryon, who's a being
    channeled by Lee Carroll:

    "Kryon has told us that for whatever “spiritual accounting” reason, the Jews are a pure karmic group (perhaps the first?). Anyway,
    they MUST exist on the planet for the planet to carry its spiritual purpose. He continually says that it has something to do with
    “placeholding.” He has also told us the following: If you incarnate as a Jew, you stay in that group for many, many lifetimes. If and
    when you step out of the Jewish incarnate scenario, then you don’t go back. I think has something to do with the “purity” of the
    group... they all know each other through many, many lifetimes. Kryon has also said that this group “knows how things work.”
    This is a very real-world remark, given that so many of the world’s economic giant companies are run by Jewish men and
    women... almost like “been there... done that.” By the way... may of us have been Jewish in past lives, and never will be again.
    It’s kind of like “we had our turn.”

    All this also explains why they are so persecuted. At the cellular level, the knowledge is there that if you control the Jews... you
    control the Earth. From ancient Egypt, to the second world war, to the current middle east problems... the theme of controlling or
    eliminating the tribes of Israel is like no other lineage on the planet. It really gives credibility to what Kryon is saying. Also note that
    two of the world’s greatest Avatars in history were Jews, and perhaps some we don’t even know about.

    You also ask about conversion. You should know that it is the theme of Kryon that no religious belief system is “seen” by Spirit as
    it is by humans. We are all family, searching the best we can to find “the God inside.” This means that a “converted” Jew is seen
    identically by Spirit as one that is not. We are seen by our INTENT to discover enlightenment. Many who are discovering the
    mechanics of the way things work have religious labels on them that bias us in our own society. My travels have let me meet
    Asian, Indian, and Islamic cultures... many of who continue to practice the religion of their country’s culture, yet who are light
    workers in the highest order! They get the miracles we get... even though their religious preference has a different “name on the
    door.” When you step back and see the overview of what Kryon calls “the family,” you begin to understand how all this works.
    It’s about Love and finding how it works in your life... not religion or culture. This is also why there are at least 8 other Kryon
    channels worldwide, who MUST be born within the culture in order to sort all this out for each culture represented.

    The Jews are a very special group. My Jewish friends in Israel often come to the United States just to speak to us and rest awhile
    from the constant turmoil of being in the part of the world that will decide the history of humanity. I really honor and respect their
    role in the spiritual nature of who we all are... FAMILY!
    Lee Carroll"

    For the full article, go here

    "For Karma in its effects is an unfailing redresser of human injustice, and of all the failures of nature; a stern adjuster of wrongs;
    a retributive law which rewards and punishes with equal impartiality. It is, in the strictest sense, "no respecter of persons," though,
    on the other hand, it can neither be propitiated, nor turned aside by prayer. This is a belief common to Hindus and Buddhists, who
    both believe in Karma". (H.P.Blavatsky. Key, section 11)

    To me, discussing the amount of numbers in the Holocaust, doesn't change the intention of the Nazis to wipe this race from the Earth.
    From stories by living witnesses, I learned how the Jews in Holland were treated and betrayed, when they went in hiding. Also, in the
    first part of the 20th century, the power of the banking system in Germany was in the hands of mainly Jewish people. They've always
    been great tradesmen and are acknowledged as very intelligent.

    The superiority of the Aric race originated from Hitlers youth, a veil to hide a deep inferiority in Hitler himself. As a child, he showed
    extraordinary skills of a paranormal nature. He's heavily chastized for that and this created a fierce determination in him, to one day
    "pay them back". To determine if this was meant to be, alas. Who can tell? And so, he transformed his original "innocent" paranormal
    abilities, by bringing them into the shadow world. We all know the darkness of how that is done. Also within our own heart.


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  burgundia Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:39 am


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  burgundia Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:45 am

    Official German Record of Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp, May 1940 through December 1944

    Official German Record of Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp, May 1940 through December 1944 – by Dr. Germar Rudolf.

    The railroad was responsible for the transportation of inmates to and from concentration camps and these figures from the Russian files are accurately reflected in the Reichsbahn documents.

    Another avenue for confirmation exists in the wartime radio intercepts which are known to have been made. British wartime intelligence was eavesdropping on the radio traffic as Auschwitz (and other camps) sent regular reports to the relevant government department in Berlin. These messages were either in plain text or a low-level encrypt and consisted of lists of numbers corresponding to the various prisoner categories.

    Total non-Jews in Auschwitz, 1940-1944: 161,785

    Total Jews in Auschwitz, 1941-1944: 173,000
    Total number of inmates in Auschwitz, 1940-1944: 334,785


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  enemyofNWO Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:50 am

    Thanks Burgundia . That report matches up the Report issued in 1948 by the Red Cross International
    . In that report that CRI quoted the figure of 270.000 people . Remember that the CRI speaks also German been a Swiss organization ( multilingual ) and has access to the work camps .

    The biggest hoax since Christianity !

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:06 am

    This topic is discussed beginning at 3:38:


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:38 pm

    Seashore wrote:This topic is discussed beginning at 3:38:

    Thank you, seashore, for this, strangely hilarious tubby, To me, it's a fine example of playtime in
    the sandbox, two kids hitting each other on the head, with the shovel and making up immediately and in
    between hitting. The more serious subject, the one you refer to as being discussed at 3:38 minutes, isn't
    researched properly, to be honest. The "facts" are almost casually reported, by Swerdslow. I can't find evi-
    dence of them being real "facts" and no dates, names or documentation with proof is presented either.

    Saying "I'm sorry if I upset some of you, folks" in an almost casual detached way, reported as one of many
    details of his trip, doesn't feel right to me. Maybe I'm in denial or even deep down defending the Dutch survi-
    vors of this horror, for Holland, the country where I live, has been so close to and much affected by WWII.

    I do believe there's much manipulation and concocting of political agendas and I'm very interested in the document,
    with the date of April 15 2015, saying parts of pre WWII Germany will be restored, changing the chessboard play of Europe.
    And the connection with the EU, in this document, from what I've learned recently, meant to become the superpower
    for the cabal, I find very intriguing. I don't mean to ridicule the tubby, seashore, it's just a very peculiar mix of
    vibes, I find in it.


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Tue Mar 17, 2015 6:10 am

    B.B.Baghor wrote:Thank you, seashore, for this, strangely hilarious tubby . . .

    I ignore the banter between Swerdlow and his wife which often occurs in their videos.

    You can check the information that he gives about Auschwitz-Birkenau and other locations having been reconstructed, about the numbers being way off, and about the deaths from overwork, disease, and malnutrition rather than gassing, on the internet.

    Again, I think the allegation that the Jews were gassed is the main underpinning of the term "holocaust."  The burden of proof should be on those making the allegation.  The website What Really Happened? says this:

    The accusations of mass killing in gas chambers rely entirely on:

           a few depositions by interested parties, who were not cross-examined and often did not even appear in court to present their evidence,
           confessions of men held for months in solitary confinement and interrogated under duress, and even threatened that their wives and children would be handed to the Russians if they did not cooperate,

       a small number of documents: many simply unverified copies or translations, typed and unsigned, that have never been properly tested for authenticity, presented by American, British or Soviet Intelligence services. Remember the "dodgy dossier" of 2003 and Colin Powell's 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' presentation to the UN General Assembly, the "Kuwaiti baby incubators" of 1991 or, to go further back, the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 and the Suez crisis in 1956? In all of these, governments conspired to justify their actions with false information.

    Both gas chambers and extermination were regarded by the Nuremberg Tribunals and the later SS trials in Germany as "facts of common knowledge" and therefore unquestionable. For a defendant to dispute them was a sure way to the hangman's noose or a very long time in prison. The only possible defence or mitigation was to say that these things happened but to deny or play down your own role in them. Some received lighter sentences for confessing or for testifying against others (plea bargaining). The first Commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Hoess, said at Nuremberg that while he was in charge 3 million had died in the camp of whom 2.5 million were murdered. From this a total of 4 million was extrapolated and inscribed on a monumental inscription at Auschwitz where it remained until the early 1990s, when it was reduced to just over 1 million with no attempt to distinguish between murders and natural deaths, the public being left to assume that all were gassed. So even according to the official figure, we know that Hoess was forced to exaggerate three- or four-fold. It was never clear what proportion of the four million were Jews but of the present figure 1 million are claimed to have been Jewish. Either way 3 million people are suddenly unaccounted for. Similar massive reductions in the number of alleged dead have been made for other camps--Dachau, Treblinka, Majdanek, etc, yet the canonical 6 million never budges.

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:22 am

    Seashore wrote:I was first introduced to the subject by viewing a video of a presentation by Robert Faurisson.

    I was going to post the video that I viewed, but I can't seem to locate it on YouTube.

    Here is some information about him:

    A cogent summary of his skeptical view of the “Holocaust” is his lengthy article, “Impact and Future of Holocaust Revisionism,” published in The Journal of Historical Review, Jan.-Feb. 2000. (It is posted online at )

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:23 pm

    Seashore wrote:
    Seashore wrote:I was first introduced to the subject by viewing a video of a presentation by Robert Faurisson.

    I was going to post the video that I viewed, but I can't seem to locate it on YouTube.

    Here is some information about him:

    A cogent summary of his skeptical view of the “Holocaust” is his lengthy article, “Impact and Future of Holocaust Revisionism,” published in The Journal of Historical Review, Jan.-Feb. 2000. (It is posted online at )

    Thank you, Seashore and also enemyofNWO, for providing more sources with info and data on the (in)credibility of the Shoa or Holocaust.
    I've been studying this, for initially I almost refused to accept this material. To me the study by Rober Faurisson is profound.
    The excerpt below is part of a document I've been reading, written by Robert Faurisson:

    "Even 52 years after the end of the war, the State of Israel put the official number of "Holocaust" "survivors" around the world at some 900,000.
    (More precisely, it gave figures of between 834,000 and 960,000.) note 24 According to a computation made by the Swedish statistician Carl O.
    Nordling, to whom I submitted that Israeli government evaluation, it is possible, postulating the existence of 900,000 "survivors" in 1997, to con-
    clude that there were, at the end of the war in Europe in 1945, slightly more than three million "survivors." Even today, a diverse range of organi-
    zations or associations of "survivors" flourish around the world. These include associations of veteran Jewish "résistants," of former children of
    Auschwitz (that is, Jewish children born in that camp or interned there with their parents at a very early age), of former Jewish forced laborers,
    and, more simply, formerly clandestine Jews or Jewish fugitives. Millions of beneficiaries of "miracles" no longer constitute a "miracle," but are
    rather the result of a natural phenomenon. The American press has reported fairly often on moving reunions of family members, "Holocaust"
    survivors all, each of whom, we are assured, was at one time convinced that his or her "entire family" had been lost.

    To sum up, in spite of the dogma and the laws, the pursuit of the historical truth about the Second World War in general, and about the Shoah in particular, has made headway in recent years, but the general public is kept in the dark about this. It would be stunned to learn that, since the early 1980s, establishment historians have relegated many of the most firmly held popular beliefs to the rank of legend. From this point of view, one can say that there are two levels of "the Holocaust": on the one hand, that of the public at large and, on the other, that of the conformist historians. The first seems to be unshakable, while the second (to judge by the number of hasty repairs being made to it), seems on the verge of collapse.

    Year by year (and especially since 1979), the concessions made to the revisionists by the "orthodox" historians have been so numerous and of such quality that today the latter find themselves at a dead end. No longer having anything of substance to say about the "Holocaust," they have handed the baton to the filmmakers, novelists, and theater people. Even the museum people are at a loss. At the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, the "decision" has been made not to offer for public viewing "any physical representation of the gas chambers." (This is according to a statement made
    to me, and in the presence of four witnesses in August 1994, by the Museum's Research Director, Michael Berenbaum. He is the author of a guide book
    of more than 200 pages in which, in effect, no physical representation of gas chambers appears, not even one of the miserable and fallacious mock-up
    on display for Museum visitors.)

    The public is forbidden to take photographs there. Claude Lanzmann, maker of "Shoah," a film remarkable for its utter lack of historical or scientific content, today no longer has any recourse but to pontificate in deploring the fact that "the revisionists occupy the whole terrain." As for Elie Wiesel,
    he calls on everyone to show discretion. He requests that we no longer try to closely examine, or even to imagine what happened in the gaschambers:
    "Let the gas chambers remain closed to prying eyes, and to imagination." The "Holocaust" historians have turned into theoreticians, philosophers, and "thinkers." The squabbles among them, between "intentionalists" and "functionalists," or between supporters and adversaries of a thesis such
    as Daniel Goldhagen's on the near-innate propensity of Germans to descend into anti-Semitism and racist crime, ought not to conceal from view the poverty of their historical work".


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:45 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:Thank you, Seashore and also enemyofNWO, for providing more sources with info and data on the (in)credibility of the Shoa or Holocaust.

    Thank you for your reply.

    If we can just keep the internet, more and more progress will be made in uncovering forbidden truth.

    I found this video on You Tube, which I'm listening to now:

    Published on Feb 24, 2014

    Joshua Blakeney interviewed French historical revisionist Professor Robert Faurisson on an array of topics including the alternative interpretations of WWII and the plight of French comedian Dieudonné. Dr. Faurisson described the legal and political repression he has undergone as a result of questioning the legally enforced official interpretation of WWII. In France questioning certain contentions of the victors of WWII is a criminal offence, something which Faurisson argued was an affront to elementary principles of logic and free speech. At age 85 Faurisson is still in and out of court rooms as the French state and France's influential Zionist community seek to inoculate the findings of the Nuremberg Tribunals from scrutiny.


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:47 pm

    I think the whole Hebrew--Jewish thing is a HUGE can of worms -- and that very few people will be able to properly deal with it. I presently think all of this goes way, way, way back into antiquity -- and that it involves things most of us are incapable of properly researching and understanding. I'll keep looking at all the videos and theories -- but I will probably suspend judgment for the rest of my life. Having said that -- you might find Hitler's Pope by John Cornwell to be most interesting -- especially if Rome and Jerusalem turn out to be two-sides of the same coin (as Jordan Maxwell suggested in his 2009 Awake and Aware lecture). My general studies have severely debilitated me on so many levels -- and I wish I could quit. I really do. Also -- Israel and the Nations by F.F. Bruce is an excellent historical resource. Try to approach this subject from a historical--contemporary--micro--macro perspective. Take everything in -- and then just move on. It's easier that way.


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Thu Mar 19, 2015 4:07 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote: I'll keep looking at all the videos and theories -- but I will probably suspend judgment for the rest of my life.

    In my opinion, it's a good idea to pick details that can be investigated with a good degree of certainty and then by extension draw common sense conclusions based on new-found knowledge.  I'm referring to the accepted belief that the Jews were gassed to death.  Revisionists have good, objective research on the actual impossibility of that being true because of the conditions that would have had to be present, but weren't.  

    We don't have to know everything about the past going way back.

    But we must come to grips with what falsehoods we can know about so that we can move on and learn from our mistakes.

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Mar 19, 2015 4:45 pm

    Seashore wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote: I'll keep looking at all the videos and theories -- but I will probably suspend judgment for the rest of my life.

    In my opinion, it's a good idea to pick details that can be investigated with a good degree of certainty and then by extension draw common sense conclusions based on new-found knowledge.  I'm referring to the accepted belief that the Jews were gassed to death.  Revisionists have good, objective research on the actual impossibility of that being true because of the conditions that would have had to be present, but weren't.  

    We don't have to know everything about the past going way back.

    But we must come to grips with what falsehoods we can know about so that we can move on and learn from our mistakes.

    That last line in your post I can relate to, Seashore, it's wise advise, I think. If I may share the first thought that popped up, when
    reading these words of yours, ortho "but I will probably suspend judgment for the rest of my life" I'm reminded by the importance, while doing
    research on sensitive topics like this one, to discern the value of and need for collecting facts, from the need for evidence, in order to pass judgment.
    I mean judgment as in coming from an emotional reaction, placing the subject in the light of it. Which may not reveal the wished for details.

    In my view, both forms of study: either factual or judgmental, are processed in different areas of our mind and awareness and when they become
    mixed up, the whole body of study turns into a quackmire, quicksand or an abyss, for lack of objectivity and absence of common sense and sobriety. That's good food for thought, for me, thank you, for reminding me of that, unknowingly, ortho

    Questioning the Holocaust Goldha10
    The patience and the perseverance of such a creature is a projection of us humans on its behavior and existence.
    Objctively it's a little hairy caterpillar, working for a living, looking adorable and beautiful

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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:23 pm

    Published on Feb 24, 2014

    Joshua Blakeney interviewed French historical revisionist Professor Robert Faurisson on an array of topics including the alternative interpretations of WWII and the plight of French comedian Dieudonné. Dr. Faurisson described the legal and political repression he has undergone as a result of questioning the legally enforced official interpretation of WWII. In France questioning certain contentions of the victors of WWII is a criminal offence, something which Faurisson argued was an affront to elementary principles of logic and free speech. At age 85 Faurisson is still in and out of court rooms as the French state and France's influential Zionist community seek to inoculate the findings of the Nuremberg Tribunals from scrutiny.

    A continuation of the radio program in the video:

    Published on Mar 21, 2014

    In this interview for The Real Deal journalist Joshua Blakeney asks Dr. Kevin Barrrett to reflect upon the criminalization of holocaust questioners such as Dr. Robert Faurisson. Barrett and Blakeney both agree that the persecution of Faurisson, as well as of French comedian Dieudonné, is an expression of the apparent Western state ideology of Jewish exceptionalism.


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Re: Questioning the Holocaust

    Post  Seashore Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:44 pm

    Published on Mar 21, 2014

    In this interview for The Real Deal journalist Joshua Blakeney asks Dr. Kevin Barrrett to reflect upon the criminalization of holocaust questioners such as Dr. Robert Faurisson. Barrett and Blakeney both agree that the persecution of Faurisson, as well as of French comedian Dieudonné, is an expression of the apparent Western state ideology of Jewish exceptionalism.

    Apparently, this is Dieudonné:

    Published on Mar 18, 2015

    French comedian Dieudonné has been given a two-month suspended jail sentence after being found guilty of condoning terrorism by a Paris court.

    Days after the Paris terror attacks he wrote on Facebook that he "felt like Charlie Coulibaly", the last name referring to one of the gunmen.

    "I am Charlie" became a the slogan of solidarity following the attacks. Amedy Coulibaly killed a policewoman a day after the Charlie Hebdo attack and four Jews in a raid on a kosher supermarket two days later.


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    Questioning the Holocaust Empty Holocaust Denial Laws: Evidence Inadmissable, Defense Forbidden

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:40 am

    A talk by SILVIA STOLZ  the lawyer that defended Ernst Zundel and got suspended as a law practitioner by the court tells her story .

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