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    Dog Poet Transmitting


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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  enemyofNWO Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:54 pm

    Great stuff from Les Visible at the website Smokingmirror . Absolutely worthwhile reading

    Wednesday, September 15
    Time for that Old Time False Flag Redux.

    Dog Poet Transmitting…….


    Get ready people because they are at it again. Yes, those wild and crazy, zany Marx Brother’s typos posing as art students, without palettes, brushes or berets are back on the scene. We’re hearing from people in B.C. and maybe we’ll even hear from people in A.D. that… Israelis with vans and pickups are modifying their rides for the mini-monster truck, explosive competitions. They’re hot and heavy. They’re in a hurry. They got to get it online, on time and never mind, it’s coming to an urban area somewhere in the great gentile, murder land of the not so United States, Canada or wherever there are a lot of you useless breeders and eaters.

    Why are they revving up now? Well, folks, the bottom has dropped out on the 9/11 concealment industry. The Apocalypse is going nova with getting the truth some new walking around shoes. Everywhere you look now there’s a new group that’s hammering on that old 9/11 side walking, side winding blues. They know that ‘some of us’ know that they know that we know that they know that we know and they got to get the focus off the truth. Truth is a hot, scalding discomfort for the Zionist world conquest tour. Who knew that Zionism actually meant the entire planet? Go figure. It doesn’t matter what you figure because they got a Chinese abacus that says, “You lose”.

    So, what will the U.S. and international intelligence services do about this; zilch and less than zilch? They know which side their bread is buttered on because they helped these psychopaths steal their bread and butter and sell it back to them at twice the price which is still what they can get for you wholesale, somehow and… cheaper than stolen.

    Well, let’s pause a moment and list a few things; Zionista, Nazi propagandists own the world media and all the entertainment businesses. Zionista bankers and Wall Street traders made huge mistakes, betting on your future and then stole your future to pay for it. Zionista, rat Xxxxxx reptiles, plunged your countries into unwinable wars, based on a fly paper strategy of getting, yet to be created terrorists killed and or placed into rendition programs, so that they could confess to acts which were carried out by the Zionistas. Zionistas compose a certain percentage of a .2% demographic of some sort of killer human virus that condemns you for inquiry into fabricated history, which makes up fantastic stories about non events AND destroys you for saying they have the power to destroy you, which is Anti-Semitic. They aren’t Semitic but the people they are genociding out of existence are and you can’t say that. I don’t care what it is, you can’t say it.

    Let’s go on with that theme. These genetically engineered vultures have been performing total mayhem upon a so called gentile world; that’s you pilgrim. They come out of a mix of people who are more silent than the silent they accused everyone else of being when they were wiped out with no population change. The single most informed entity on Earth stated their figures and no one paid attention. Winston Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower and a whole lot of other war time, memoir making famous people wrote thousands and thousands of words and never mentioned death camps and gas chambers. Oh, don’t bother to look it up; stupid will defend itself until its last, gasping ignorant breath.

    Let’s keep going; a country got formed out of a myth, for a people who don’t exist, for a land without people, once they had driven the people off of their land, so that a crime family could have its own nation in order to have certain sovereign protections against prosecution. Then they took control of the money supply of major nations in order to compel a selected group of crack whore politicians to support their right to bugger them- and you- into insensibility; probably because they liked it and you do too. These whores represented your interests but you weren’t all that interested, because they were right about something; you are so incredibly stupid that you read, absorb and accept things that didn’t happen because you were too lazy to check.

    They controlled the pornographic empire because that is one of the forces that militate against your having the energy to check anything. They own everything they want to own and they own you too and you don’t have the balls or the intellect to protest because it couldn’t be exactly the way it looks, because these vultures who are raping and killing with impunity couldn’t be doing the same thing to you now, could they? "


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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  Linda Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:42 am

    Thanks for the link.

    EVERYBODY needs to understand what we are dealing with.

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  Carol Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:54 pm

    What a great thread title and interesting thread. Thank you for posting this ENOW.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:56 am

    Carol wrote:What a great thread title and interesting thread. Thank you for posting this ENOW.

    Carol ,

    As I mentioned to Linda , the Smoking Mirror website has been attacked a few time recently because the owner Les Visible tells the public how things are . A certain ethnic gang of controllers does not like what he says . He has escaped from the US and now lives in Southern France and Italy . I visit the smoking mirror website often . I perceive Les Visible as a fellow truth seeker who is not afraid of calling a spade a spade . In a time when people are banned from other websites for speaking their mind and the MOA shines as a beacon in the night , we must know that other people are fighting the same battle ( metaphorically speaking ) we are engaged in .Cheers

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  Carol Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:08 pm

    Indeed. It really all boils down to what freedom is, doesn't it. Thubs Up

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  earthian Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:38 pm

    Absolutely worthwhile reading, indeed!

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:04 am

    Les Visible from Smoking Mirror has started a new forum it is called Shangri -la . He hopes to start a community of like minded people in southern Italy . I wish him good luck . It is certainly a worthwhile experiment ( may be I am using a the wrong word ) . I will keep observing in the meantime .

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Gotter and Dammerung on the Horizon

    Post  enemyofNWO Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:54 pm

    New post at Smoking mirrors

    Sunday, September 19

    Gotter and Dammerung on the Horizon

    Dog Poet Transmitting…….


    " Some of us are big picture people and some of us are into the details. I’m a big picture person myself. What I tend to notice are the major forces that account for the present state of being. The foremost condition I am noticing is the revealing and unveiling powers that are at work in the world of the moment. The mass media is a lying disinfo machine that props up, apologizes for and promotes the agenda of corporate fascism. This is countered by an amazing amount of internet and street level chatter that is in direct contradiction to carefully woven and globally repeated lies. 9/11, like June, is “bursting out all over”.

    You have to be capable of a wide and objective perspective in order to see with clarity, the operations of the predatory liars and banking interests, which run counter to the greater good of the people. You have to be honest with yourself. You have to be in a position to say. “I don’t want any position, power or influence in this shitstorm of murder, oppression and lies.” When you can do that it comes clearly into view. It’s very tough for those with families and occupations that are required to support them. You can’t be a fearless crusader for truth if you have too much to lose. You also can’t be a fearless crusader, unless you know what the truth is, because the truth won’t support you otherwise and so the first thing you have to say is, “I don’t know” and then there is a possibility that you will be informed by the truth, which takes the statement of personal limitation of knowledge to be the right starting point for a relationship with it.

    This strikes the ordinary mind as extremely contradictory. How can you not know and then know? It seems that you have to have certitude that the truth exists and that it has certain characteristics of a living thing which acts upon falsity with a corrosive effect. You have to be able to see that we are in a period of tremendous change, which demarcates the passing of the old world and the emergence of the new. This can also be extremely difficult because the old world is enraged. It put so much time and trouble into thieving, lying, mass murder and global crowd control, making it near frantic, that all of its activities are now being exposed to an ever greater degree, as time speeds up and exposure becomes exponential.

    You can’t turn over a rock anywhere it the world today without seeing a Zionist plot underneath it. It doesn’t matter to me whether there are Masons, illuminati’s or whatever else engaged in the global oppression and deceptions. Get rid of Zionism and their agents and tools and you will have gotten rid of the underpinnings of all of the rest. The central banks have to be destroyed. The media has to be wrenched from the hands of the corporate vampires, the corporations have to be dissolved; principally concerns like Monsanto, BP and Rothschild, among others. Every Zionist organization needs to be criminalized and disenfranchised and named as enemies of greater humanity. The world has to rise up and name them as agents of a world wide, murder incorporated. This can only come about when they are more and more exposed and more and more caught out in the operation of their business as usual. They have to go, period. Israel has to go; its residents scattered to the winds and the land returned to the Palestinians. Jerusalem has to be declared an international city state, like The Vatican and The Vatican needs to be cleaned from the top down.

    The great lies upon which Israel are based must be exposed to the eyes of the world. Their role in the Bolshevik Revolution and their murder of the German people must be set before the world as well as their role in 9/11 and the murder and displacement of millions in the Middle East. This is all going to happen and is happening. If the winds of positive change are at our backs, tomorrow is going to be a bad day for Israel. If not, another bad day will appear. This loathsome murder factory of a country has to be expunged from the world stage because it is carrying out false flags all around the world and then blaming it on the people they wish to attack and destroy. The press spins the lies and public opinion follows. 9/11, The London Tube, The Madrid Train Station and Mumbai are all Zionist false flag operations. Somehow they have seduced the world’s leaders into going along with the program and I can only assume this has to do with a control of the world’s currencies and global blackmailing operations, along with threats of murder and mayhem in boardrooms, homes and small airplanes.

    They have gotten control of phone systems all around the world and are the owners of security companies that are in charge of a great many of the sensitive and dangerous sites around the world. The beginning of restoring order to the emerging new age is in having Zionism declared an international criminal organization. The agendas and actions of Zionism must be declared criminal so that it is seen as the Nazis were portrayed at the end of World War 2. Zionists and Zionism must be expelled from every country in the world and put somewhere that they can’t harm the rest of us. They founded and own Monsanto. They own a controlling interest in BP. They are the Rothschilds.

    They own 96% of the world’s media. They own the entertainment companies, publishing and music industries and a whole lot more. They own the American congress. .2% of the population on Planet Earth did not come by these possessions and level of control through honest industry. They got this by gaining control of the money supply, which they manipulate to their own ends. The founding Rothschild announced this practice and policy a long time ago. They have manufactured lies to make themselves out to be victims when they are the chief victimizers on the planet. What they have stolen must be taken from them and it will, whether humanity can come into accord about it or not. Powerful, unseen forces are at work toward their destruction. It is a fait accompli. It doesn’t matter what anyone does, their time has come and they must go. The universe is outraged at their behavior and you will see it happen while you are still here. It’s over and it’s marching to completion now.

    I am not afraid of these people. My fate is not in their hands and they can do nothing without permission. You should not be afraid of them either. You will never get free of them as long as you fear them. Their power is over and being withdrawn by the moment. Goldman Sachs needs to be torn apart by massive hands and scattered like polluted confetti over the brokerage houses of Wall Street. It’s in advance of a parade of free and marching people, taking back their own rightful possessions from the demons who defrauded them of what was theirs. The sick and sycophantic cowards in governments, religions and businesses need to be called what they are, ‘enablers in global suffering and misery'. Their doom is upon them.


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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  Linda Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:28 pm

    enemyofNWO wrote:
    I am not afraid of these people. My fate is not in their hands and they can do nothing without permission.

    You should not be afraid of them either. You will never get free of them as long as you fear them.

    The sick and sycophantic cowards in governments, religions and businesses need to be called what they are, ‘enablers in global suffering and misery'. Their doom is upon them.

    Yes, EXPOSURE is necessary. This has to STOP.

    Getting banned at forums for exposing their crimes shows you who the bought off willing slaves are.

    Unless we are willing to stand up and call a spade a spade, nothing will ever change.

    Thanks for your part enemyofNWO....I am also an enemy of them as you've noticed.
    I really admire what they are doing at smokingmirrors.

    And thank God for this great forum to help get the truth out in the open!


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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty The Queen and Sexy Sady need some Heat

    Post  enemyofNWO Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:09 pm

    The Queen and Sexy Sady need some Heat


    Dog Poet Transmitting.......

    " It doesn’t get much better when you can find out that the Queen of England wanted to tap the money set aside for the poor to heat her palaces and dwellings. It’s certain to make a heart feel glad that her Royal Shitstress need not be concerned about the temperature in any of those, oh so many rooms that might happen to be empty at the time. It’s a possibility that any of a number of her lingering and occasionally visiting ghosts of departed ancestors might get the notion to move through some of those rooms and we wouldn’t want them inconvenienced if there were a chance that temperature might have an adverse affect on these wraiths.

    One of the first things that came to mind while writing this was an immediate concern that the coffin of the gin-soaked dead Queen Mother might be lying in an unheated coffin. I hope they took care of that from the gitgo, while making sure that conditions were all that much worse in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib and all those other lovely haciendas where those who did 9/11 have chosen to imprison and torture all those people they paid warlords a bounty to snatch off of the battlefields of the wars they engineered as a result of the 9/11 attacks that they orchestrated so that they might extract information from these hapless insurgents who didn’t know nothing about nothing in a sort of sardonic, travesty of a Kafkaesque burlesque of a “You must confess, sign ze papers or I shoot ze dog and sell your daughter to Israel to have sex with a camel on Hebrew National reality TV”.

    They can have a soundtrack done by Madonna and kill Palestinian’s in their hovels that get to watch it happen to them. Am I lacking compassion? Am I not attentive enough? I apologize for being clumsy and useless in serving you tea, while you enjoy yourselves. Did you break a nail! Ah… let me attend to thar right away. Let’s put hunger, disease and common human need aside for a moment because; not only did you break a nail but it was your favorite one; my apologies for not having done something sooner. I hope you will let me make it up to you.

    I suppose it’s always like this when this long term situation approaches its climax. You’re going to see your share of Marie Antoinette types and all the other surfacing scoundrels, as this chapter, this age, is brought to its summation. It’s only fitting that we see them in all their glory acting just like one would suppose they would act, if one still possessed enough of a mind to be able to come to that conclusion.

    The day has arrived and all the bad things that can happen to all of the bad people are about to happen. One might wonder about that, given that they have been getting away with all of this for so long but… sooner or later, the time comes and the moment is there and it all begins to outwork itself according to pure mathematical design, if you prefer or according to the will of some mysterious, unknown agency, if that makes you feel better. One might rightly assume that either infers and proves the other but that’s a personal matter you can sort out for yourselves.

    What’s about to happen may even be enough to drag some of you away from your TV’s. You might actually get up off of the couch and walk outside and look around because I suspect it will be dramatic. The idea of ‘as above, so below’ should apply in all cases so if you’ve seen drama and spectacle on your television or in some theater or staging area concerning awards and performances and that sort of thing, you can expect a much higher degree of that in the cosmic working out of things.

    It’s the funny thing about being asleep and waking up. Just moments before you were in a dream and then you awaken and… unless the dream was a profound one, it fades quickly away and here you are. You come to yourself and it’s you and you go on as you doing what you do. That’s karma in a way. Karma compels you to go through it and denies you the ability to see a way to transform it because you committed some kind of a crime against someone else and at the same time committed a terrible crime against yourself. That defines insanity to me.

    It’s the same thing with being rich and being able to afford whatever you want but someone has more than you do so you should try to have more than them and even go to the extent that you will injure and abuse others just to accumulate what you won’t even use in order to prop up your own sense of self importance. What kind of people are these?
    These are also the sort of people who will laugh about it when they think about it because they think it’s funny. That’s a good description of the psychopathic personality. I guess that is where their enjoyment lies. For them, the idea of having a friend or caring about someone else looks like something stupid. Why should you actually help someone else if you don’t get any benefit out of it?

    This is how evil destroys itself. You go against your own best interests sooner or later and you get tagged by the very scheme you engaged in. You can see it as math. You can look at it in the sense of sporting competitions where there are rules and violations; penalties and so on and so forth. "

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Dumb, Dumber and Dead. Dog Poet Transmitting.......

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:08 am

    Dumb, Dumber and Dead.
    Dog Poet Transmitting.......
    Just as there may be no boundaries to wisdom and understanding and just as the key to their treasures may be found in the magic phrase, “I don’t know”, stupidity and greed seem to have no boundaries either and the password is, “I know”. Not a day passes when I am not stunned, shocked and dismayed by the depths of ignorance and greed that pervades this planet in this Dark Age. Those who profiteer from this ignorance and greed, do everything they can to encourage and develop them. They’ve turned the human race into a retarded Bonsai farm, metaphorically speaking; a world of stunted proles.

    A partnership exists between humanity and Nature. When the relationship is optimum, they work for a mutual improvement whose result is paradise. When humanity bends Nature out of shape for the purpose of blind self interest then the result is Hell. Paradise on Earth and Hell on Earth are the two prime options, with a chiaroscuro fan that opens between them. Balance is the trademark of the one end and imbalance is the accelerating condition on the other.

    We can argue until doomsdays break about the perceived reasons for any and all of this but the fact is that it is and the good news and the bad news is that the results are specific to the acts and intentions of those engaged. It’s like a long suffering, domestic argument. In the course of it, things will be said that apply to the problem and things will be said that are not properly understood, because the motivation is not to understand but to persist. So the argument continues, until the protagonists have grown so far apart that there is no remedy that can result in union. The smart thing is to realize that there is a problem and to fix it, while it can be fixed. It all comes down to selfish willfulness on one or both parts and there is no solution to be found there, except to cease from the practice.

    Once stupidity has got its hooks into you, due to the pursuit of blind, comfort oriented progress; the imperative of self will triumph over any and all restraint. You become the victim of imperfect awareness that accompanies this kind of mind set and behavior, then torment, enslavement and certain death are the inevitable results. You can’t get there from here. It’s painful on my end to see it surrounding me and to know the causes and the predators that use these conditions for their own gain, sport and amusement. We are dealing with a type of psychopath that has no limits upon what they will do to get what they want.

    A whole lot of us are going to get flushed down the cosmic toilet. It’s what we want. We can be told what’s going to happen but it makes no difference. We’re so damn sure that we are right that no information to the contrary is going to have any effect at all. Those of us that are on another path can only do our best to help as we go and keep our eyes on the goal of liberation and an awareness of the protections that follow those whose course is aligned with the best intentions of the universe itself. It could all be so simple and it is but the base drives of the possessed and deceived require ever increasing complexities and confusions to mask the truth of their obsessions.

    Every day I think of something I might say that might contribute to an improvement in the human state and day by day I am informed that very few people will ever come here to experience it. Things like Facebook and Twitter; networking portals, for those who take things at face value, or come under the definition of ‘twits’ rule the day. Verizon has an ad out now about Rule the Air. The odious cynicism is a marvel. The pandering is a work of art. At no point is any reference made to ‘the prince of the air’. Is this some kind of coincidence? I’m not pushing any particular religious viewpoint. I am calling attention to the main religion of a country, where the ad is based and wondering… are they serious and what do they really mean? For those of us whose eyes are somewhat opened, you can see examples of this sort of thing everywhere and it is clear that the political and religious institutions are corrupt in a spectacular way and that the greatest enemy of both systems is the master of both and the tiniest demographic tyrannizes in relation to the largest demographic and is this some kind of coincidence too? It’s not.
    I watched the movie, “The Social Network” last night and it said as much as anyone wants to see about how success is achieved in this world and by what means. Treachery and betrayal are the order of the day. Here you have someone who believes in nothing beyond what is in the material realm, …..

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    Post  enemyofNWO Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:40 pm

    The Psychopathy of International Banker Scum.
    Dog Poet Transmitting.......

    One of the worst personal shortcomings a person can have is a lack of capacity to be embarrassed by their own behavior. Alex Jones is a classic example. When I heard what he said, I couldn’t believe it at first. It’s the sort of thing that only gets said by absolutely sold out hacks without conscience, principles or a brain. In Alex’s case it’s a form of career suicide. You can’t take something like that back and only a Tea Party supporter or a southern Baptist fundamentalist would believe it. I expect Alex Jones to be a Fox commentator in six months. He said that Hezbollah was training Mexican drug gangs. That’s laugh out loud funny.

    I’m one of a small percentage of people who actually understands the mindset of Mexican gangsters. Their sense of humor alone would never permit something like this; much less their innate machismo. Somebody ordered Jones to say that because the bad guys are getting desperate. I’m not talking about Hezbollah because, in the scheme of things as they stand today, they are not bad guys and neither is Hamas. I’ve got a lot of respect for both groups, given that they walk the talk.

    It’s a day by day thing as to when the world wakes up to the reality of the bankers. You can see the reality of their agenda being discussed in a wider format than before. People now know something about money printed out of thin air and then loaned out for the purpose of enslaving and impoverishing countries. I expect to see bankers getting offed shortly. I can only hope that those driven to such actions will direct their attention to the real rat XXXX operators like high end Goldman Sachs employees, hedge fund managers and people like David Rockefeller. Of course I’m not suggesting anyone go out and do this, I’m only saying if you can’t stop yourself from doing it, make it count.

    Years ago I was in the paraphernalia business and I used to sell handmade smoking pipes made out of wood, seashells and semi-precious stones. You probably saw one of them back in the day because they were popular, unique and got around. I did trade shows and also craft shows in large malls. I was at a high end New Jersey mall on the day Nelson Rockefeller died with his metal rod supported penis buried in Megan Marshak. I promptly went out to a greensward by a turnoff to the freeway and did a little dance while singing, “Ding dong the witch is dead”. Then I went back to my booth and put a folded card on the display table that said something about how glad I was that that sonofabitch was in Hell.

    People got outraged by it and a couple of guys wanted to kick my XXX, which I wasn’t too concerned about because I like to spar with amateurs. I’m not like that anymore but I used to take a lot of enjoyment from going up against self styled hard guys who lose their cool in combat and like to throw roundhouse haymakers like that was an effective weapon; for me, yeah (grin). I had the respect of a lot of Hawaiian mokes and it doesn’t get better than that. At this time I had yet to go to Hawaii. But this is about how intensely I disliked the Rockefellers and this was even before I knew what I came to know about them. I just knew they were big time scum and remembered well how Nelson was received on his tour of South America. I also was aware of Chase Manhattan’s policy of foreclosing on the mortgages of war widows. It was something of a specialty of theirs.

    It’s said that The Rothschild’s set a table for Satan when they sit down to eat. Lately certain Rothschild’s have said some interesting things. One of them was bragging about how many mistresses he has and how he would never run for political office when he can control the ones who are in them. You’ve basically got one of them admitting to what they are routinely accused of. They got no shame either. It’s hard to have compassion for someone who has no shame and no restraint in the areas where most of us do. You could eliminate a lot of the things that we collectively call evil and perhaps not make as much of an impact on the world as you might think but… eliminating the international banking population would certainly transform the world. No group of people has more to do with the day to day suffering of the world than they. "
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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  enemyofNWO Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:31 pm

    Helen Thomas and the Zio-Ogres from the Synagogue of Satan
    Monday, December 6

    I am now very happy with Helen Thomas and I hope her recent behavior becomes a contagion. It may look like she has destroyed her legacy and trashed her reputation in her final years but the fact is, she has put an imprimatur of divine courage and integrity upon the totality of her time here, as opposed to those who possess neither and scream the loudest. She has revealed herself to be more than she was in a profession that never allows you to actually do your job, because you have to cater to the Synagogue of Satan, which owns the media, because it owns the banks, that prints the money out of thin air, which allowed them to buy anything they wanted to buy, while denying that right to anyone else besides a member of the Zio-Ogre Tribe. If Jesus Christ was the flesh embodiment of truth, his greatest enemy was the Pharisees, who were the diametrical opposite of everything he stood for. Two thousand years later, the same truth is under fire from the descendants of the same psychopathic, reptile crew.

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty How Can so Many People be so Incredibly Blind?

    Post  enemyofNWO Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:06 am

    How Can so Many People be so Incredibly Blind?
    "You ask yourself, just how twisted, indifferent and malevolent can some people get before the universe begins to construct an international gallows franchise everywhere there needs to be one. Each day we see unknown wannabees and the usual suspects, vying and competing to see which of them can be registered and remembered as one of the greatest assholes of our time. They’re looking for immortality in all the wrong places, while imagining its location is a suite at The Plaza, followed by a cameo appearance as an ornate urn in the remake of “The Loved One”. "

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty A Transmission from the Invisible Planes.

    Post  enemyofNWO Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:22 am

    A Transmission from the Invisible Planes.
    Dog Poet Transmitting…….

    I spent the last two days with the master of all things and it’s been a riveting, punishing and exhilarating experience. I’m kind of in the middle of it right now but between sessions. Those who have been reading at these blogs for awhile might remember a visit I had with Lord Ayahuasca a couple of years ago. He’s a facilitator for the supreme. Think of him as a conveyance, like a car or a flying saucer. You may remember how I was told, “thank you visible for waking me up. I’m going to stretch and wipe the dream matter from my eyes and then I am going to have my morning coffee. Then I am going to confer my blessings. Then I am going to open a window of forgiveness and then, then visible, I’m going to kick some XXX. I’m going to show up right in the middle of these villains and expose and destroy them and then send them to Hell.” I heard this and other things, over and over for hours.

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    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Tuesday, December 28 ; Julian Assange and Abe Foxman get Married.

    Post  enemyofNWO Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:16 am

    Tuesday, December 28
    Julian Assange and Abe Foxman get Married.
    Dog Poet Transmitting…….


    Well now, I was wondering what I might write about today when I saw this. It’s impossible for me to resist an opportunity like this, so I’m going to go on record and say that Wikileaks is an Israeli scam and Andy Warhol Jr., better known as Julian Assange, is a Rothschild backed, Israeli stooge. Knopf and Canongate are giving Assange 1.5 million dollars to team up with hungry Ghost Writers in the Sky and spin his autobiography, accent on ‘auto’. I had heard that Rupert Murdoch was involved. I realize that since this involves dark places under large rocks, near unregulated, septic systems that… Murdoch has to be connected somehow, still… I don’t actually know that he’s engaged, so I shouldn’t say so. However, as a line in Murdoch’s theme song goes, “the butt bone's connected to the smut bone” so we can’t discount him.

    Let me encapsulate the main thrust of the last paragraph, Assange is an Israeli stooge and Wikileaks is an Israeli scam. I hope that does it. I hope I make the list. I don’t know how much time my mother may have left and I do want to make her proud. If I don’t make the list, I’ll be devastated and she’ll be disappointed. I’ve been singled out by members of The Neo-Pharisees for career destruction in various media, as well as being blacked out in the major markets and, I have to admit, that is a sign of disfavor that wears well but, it’s not the big time. The big time is when you are not just ignored but publicly noted as someone to be ignored. It’s a toss up really. Do you settle for nothing as a sign of something or do you throw in ignominy and calumny and take the risk that there might actually be no such thing as bad publicity? It’s a two-edged Ginsu is what it is.

    Assange is getting the full boat spread"


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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty The Western World's Murder of Logic and Reason.

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:13 am

    Wednesday, December 29, 2010

    The Western World's Murder of Logic and Reason.
    Dog Poet Transmitting…….
    Does anyone still not know that 9/11 was done by Mossad and the CIA, along with various parties in certain government agencies and sundry? Most of us are not hackers and we don’t deal with secret cables leaked by whistleblowers ‘or’ deliberately leaked after being sanitized in order to give the appearance of veracity. You would think that someone who is involved in intelligence information would have the intelligence and information to work out the obvious. I did it years ago, though the details are still fleshing themselves out, the names of the ones behind the attacks haven’t changed and aren’t likely to.

    I measure a person’s truthfulness and intelligence according to the way they define what happened on 9/11. Let me make a very clear and unequivocal statement. Everything changed because of 9/11. All the so-called secrets that Assange possesses are influenced by 9/11. Every war since 9/11 has come about, one way or another, because of 9/11. The whole concept of terrorist has been set and sold according to 9/11. 9/11 is the Big Kahuna, period.

    I got a few emails yesterday after my posting about Assange and Foxman. Unfortunately with the death of logic and reason, a number of people were unable to compute that my posting was largely about Foxman’s comment about pursuing those who tied Wiki-Leaks and Israel together. I wanted to be known as someone who did. That was the main thrust of my piece, not Assange’s, questionably valuable information, of which I have yet to see anything useful or earth-shaking. Interestingly, the emails, along with comments from mostly, never before heard from, contributors, all used the same syntax, buzzwords and arguments. Is this coincidence? All of them were cut from the same cloth, all of them avoided the 9/11 commentary, given in cavalier fashion by media model, Assange. Here is what Assange said, "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud."

    I don’t need to hear anything else from Assange to be convinced that he is a tool of the PTB.


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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty The Endless Tragedy of the Clueless and Manipulated.

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:38 am

    The Endless Tragedy of the Clueless and Manipulated.
    Dog Poet Transmitting.......

    " It’s not easy being me. Manifesting multiple personalities, in order to survive early horrors, leaves one with a clan of various characteristics, not all of them harmonious with all of them.

    I just finished reading David Icke’s recent article on Rothschild Zionism. It seems like that’s the most serious problem in the world. Inbreeding Satanists have taken control of the world in large measure; I used to wonder, when I would see The Forbes List of the richest people on Earth, why weren’t The Rothschilds on the list?

    Another thing I wonder about; no one has ever taken control of the whole world and, invariably when they try, the angry mob, the headsman, the gibbet come to claim them. They’re trying it now, once again. What part of ‘this has never happened’ don’t they get? It’s kind of like marching into Afghanistan expecting different results. That pipeline is never going to be operational for long.

    The Rothschilds and their brood remind me of something from Clive Barker’s “Nightbreed”. They’ve been successful for a long time, ever since Amschel made his pact with the devil and set a place at their table for him to dine. I wonder if he ever shows up? Usually he shows up inside people, not outside. The same could be said for all the good influences too.

    I have to hand it to the American public and let’s not leave out the Canadians and The British and the ambulatory, perambulating toadstools (your government) in Oz. Goldman Sachs is right there in your face and you don’t storm the building? They are behind just about everything you are suffering from but you can’t get it together. I am sincerely glad I left the US. I would be in chains by now if I had not gone. I used to get thrown into chains back when the place was halfway sane. These days… how do you manage?"

    the rest at

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty ' Its a Long Hard Highway and I don't know Where it Ends

    Post  enemyofNWO Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:36 am

    Thursday, January 13, 2011
    'ts a Long Hard Highway and I don't know Where it Ends
    Planetary awakening; the shifting of poles, the catastrophes of a generation of vipers, indifferent to the needs of others, it’s all here in some form but no one knows what shape it will take. There’s a lot of humor too, though it’s bitter and ironic a lot of the time; Sarah Palin and her dumb parrot act about ‘blood libel’, even though it’s not libel anymore than Leo Frank was innocent. Now there’s a wonder of vicious disinfo, turned inside out on itself and birthing the ADL.

    People are saying that violence is the result of right wing rhetoric, of course it is but, it’s also because the left and right are two wings on the body of the same vulture who pretend to argue against each other but are both necessary for the bird to fly. Like the cartoon says, “Screw patience, I’m going to go kill something” and, that’s what they do.

    It’s a source of sad amusement to me that Bill O’Reilly gets all incensed about the New York Times and that hack, Krugman …and they both work for the same bank. I saw O’Reilly doing a caricature of his bombastic, all knowing self in a movie recently. Was it Red? Or Iron Man 2? How could he not know he was making fun of himself and making a mockery of all the things he’s so hypocritically passionate about? He has to know. He has to know.

    I’ve heard Michael Savage and no one can tell me that that vicious demagogue, like Beck, O’Reilly, Hannity, Bachmann and so many others aren’t stoking the hate fires of the people stupid enough to listen to them. They pander to the lowest common denominator and don’t give a XXXX about anyone or anything except their imagined self importance and the millions they rake in, raking everyone else over the coals. Beck and Bachmann are especially loathsome, although I still can’t tell if Bachmann is real or some kind of Bride of ‘Leo’ Frankenstein. Somebody is going to start shooting these people soon. It’s only a matter of time. O’Reilly whines about having to have 24 hour security. Does anyone see any reason why this shouldn’t be the case? Bill thinks it’s because he’s a man of principle. Some of us are just made differently. That’s all there is to it.

    They want to make laws that you can’t have a gun within 1,000 yards of a politician. What kind of sense does that make in these times? (grin). It’s pretty clear that someone staged this latest caper because you can always tell by the follow up and direction taken by the people who spend all their time abusing the public and expect to be protected from the inevitable fallout. Goldman Sachs employees can all carry guns but not the people seeking to protect themselves from them. The governments are crime syndicates, so is the media and most religions. They get caught at it every day but it’s not wrong, you’re just misinformed and you will stay that way if you keep listening to them.

    Bachmann talks about revolution and quotes Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson would have pointed her out as one of the reasons for revolution. This is why the liars, shills and demagogues all seize the high ground and co-opt all the slogans, quotes and rhetoric because they are the one’s doing all the things that no decent person would engage in.

    I told myself I wasn’t going to put advertising on my sites or charge people money because I don’t want to be like them. They got no problem with it. If we could see them in real life they’d all be dressed up like Payton Manning in NASCAR suits, as if commercial success were somehow the measure of integrity, when it is just the reverse. "

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Holocaust Porn, I Know it When I see It.

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:42 am

    "Friday, February 4
    Holocaust Porn, I Know it When I see It.

    Dog Poet Transmitting.......

    " Like the judge said, “Pornography may be hard to define but I know it when I see it.” Ordinary pornography is just ordinary and doesn’t concern me. I don’t pay any attention to it anyway. I might admit to an appreciation of certain skills, say, when a woman can shoot ping pong balls into a shot glass from ten feet... but the horizontal hula, trampoline act of people bouncing up and down on each other, as if there were some reason for them to be so excited, escapes me. I’m also something of a critic as far as the art of the procedure goes. There’s an old joke about 3 young French boys watching a couple make love through a window. One boy is 12. One boy is 10 and one boy is 6 years old. The youngest asks, “What are they doing?” The ten year old responds, “They are making love”. “Yes, and badly” adds the 12 year old. So I guess I’m a critic at the way people perform sex. Well, they don’t know who they’re having sex with in the first place and they don’t know who they are, so it boils down to groping in the dark (grin) and caring and focus are at war with the urgency of passion; goats pissing all over themselves prior to coitus.

    You see this everywhere all the time. You see it on the highway, in the fashion that people drive. You see it in supermarket lines. More than half the people perpetually look like they have to take a leak. They are in a state of urgency to get somewhere but when they get there, what happens? What happens when they get there? Where is there? They never get ‘there. There is a place that retreats before desire. The heat of desire drives it away so, ‘there; dangles forever out of reach, until urgency has been replaced by control and control comes through Love, which places all of its emphasis on the loss of self in the beloved. Everything is under control of the eternal master of life and that is Love. Before the highest expression of Love everyone automatically bows their head, knowingly or unknowingly because it is the source of life and the ultimate destination.

    There’s a tarot card called The Hermit. Each Major Arcana card, of which there are 22, represents a planetary influence, or a sense, or a quality, along with a great many other things. The sense associated with The Hermit is the sense of touch and that is why mystics often talk of their interaction with the divine in erotic terms. Everything is sex, which at its higher arc transforms into Love and at its highest arc is engaged with all life at all times.

    Each card is a book and as Eliphas Levi puts it in his book, “The Dogma and Ritual of High Magic”, a prisoner, devoid of books, had he only a Tarot of which he knew how to make use, could in a few years, acquire a universal science and converse with an unequalled doctrine and inexhaustible eloquence. Meanwhile, people attempt to read these cards to tell the future, when the means of changing it is in their hands. Priorities? There are so many examples of similar confusions, where the glitter of a semi-precious stone, of dubious value, masks the presence of something priceless. Some things you can’t see for so long as your values are terrestrialized.

    I’ve got another Litmus Test and this is the first time I’ve talked about it. It’s the holocaust Litmus Test. I’m bringing it up because all sorts of nasty nonsense is rearing its anti-Gentile head. New heights of ridiculous are being scaled daily. My secret litmus test is called The Holocaust Litmus Test. The truth doesn’t do mercy fucks and when you think that’s what you’re getting, it hurts. Why it hurts I will leave to the imagination of the one experiencing it.

    I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how Dwight Eisenhower, Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle could write tens of thousands of post war memoirs and never mention death camps and crematoriums. I’m waiting for someone to explain how taking over three million from the death count at Auschwitz does not affect the number of six million as the official tally. There are a lot of statistics I would love to have explained to me but no one seems able to. I’m especially interested in how the world population for a certain demographic actually went up during the war years. The census reports a trend that can’t possibly be true has to be. It’s the law.

    From the moment I first heard this man speak, I said to myself, he’s off. Something’s not right with this fellow. There are other writers that have been around for awhile who are bigged up about Palestinian rights but who set my teeth on edge. It’s not because their writing lacks any kind of passion or fire, although that is the case. It’s something behind the front agenda that creates a disconnect between what I’m being told and what I’m feeling.

    I am mystified as to why there are so few voices- and almost none among those who could actually make a difference- that will stand up and call this masquerade for what it really is. It’s one of the most cynical and manipulative efforts in the whole of history and millions of people are freeloading on it and adding their own fantastic and impossible tales to the mix. They are striving to out do each other in the theater of the ridiculous and they’ve got no shame or hesitation concerning it. Is it some kind of genetic insanity that travels along particular bloodlines or is it the close proximity to so much money, that only requires the use of a slanderous title or the threat of public injury to one’s persona, to have wheelbarrows of cash pull up to the door. Yeah, it’s a money machine and it just keeps expanding like McDonald’s franchises, so that there’s a McHolocaust outlet somewhere near you, in case you’re looking for ideas about how to support your family in these trying times, in large part brought to you courtesy of the same people.

    Far be it from me to deny the holocaust because, there very definitely was one and it was performed on the German people as much as anyone of the time. It was performed on them by the Zionist run Soviet army on the one hand and the Zionist controlled U.S. on the other and it was from there that the war was first declared on Germany by the neo-Pharisees. They were all hot and bothered because Hitler was none too pleased about what was happening to the German economy or in the Cabaret Society of Berlin. "

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  icecold Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:55 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:A Transmission from the Invisible Planes.
    Dog Poet Transmitting…….

    I spent the last two days with the master of all things and it’s been a riveting, punishing and exhilarating experience. I’m kind of in the middle of it right now but between sessions. Those who have been reading at these blogs for awhile might remember a visit I had with Lord Ayahuasca a couple of years ago. He’s a facilitator for the supreme. Think of him as a conveyance, like a car or a flying saucer. You may remember how I was told, “thank you visible for waking me up. I’m going to stretch and wipe the dream matter from my eyes and then I am going to have my morning coffee. Then I am going to confer my blessings. Then I am going to open a window of forgiveness and then, then visible, I’m going to kick some XXX. I’m going to show up right in the middle of these villains and expose and destroy them and then send them to Hell.” I heard this and other things, over and over for hours.

    Wow ENWO,

    This is errr.....unusual material. They are a good writer whatever else is going on. Its a unique perspective. I can understand your interest in the material. They remind me a little of Hunter S. Thompson.

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:28 am

    icecold wrote:
    enemyofNWO wrote:A Transmission from the Invisible Planes.
    Dog Poet Transmitting…….

    I spent the last two days with the master of all things and it’s been a riveting, punishing and exhilarating experience. I’m kind of in the middle of it right now but between sessions. Those who have been reading at these blogs for awhile might remember a visit I had with Lord Ayahuasca a couple of years ago. He’s a facilitator for the supreme. Think of him as a conveyance, like a car or a flying saucer. You may remember how I was told, “thank you visible for waking me up. I’m going to stretch and wipe the dream matter from my eyes and then I am going to have my morning coffee. Then I am going to confer my blessings. Then I am going to open a window of forgiveness and then, then visible, I’m going to kick some XXX. I’m going to show up right in the middle of these villains and expose and destroy them and then send them to Hell.” I heard this and other things, over and over for hours.

    Wow ENWO,

    This is errr.....unusual material. They are a good writer whatever else is going on. Its a unique perspective. I can understand your interest in the material. They remind me a little of Hunter S. Thompson.


    There was a very long thread about " Ayahuasca " in the original Avalon website. Apparently it works. There are plenty of videos on the Internet about it . It helps people to reconnect with the " self " . I never tried the weed and in my situation, being watched 24/7 , I can't afford anything even remotely illegal .
    Les Visible is a very,very , very brave man . Read the last instalment of his wisdom on Smokingmirrors .

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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty b]The Weirder it Gets, the Stranger it Looks. Dog Poet Transmitting.......[/b]

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:32 am

    Thursday, March 3, 2011
    The Weirder it Gets, the Stranger it Looks.

    Dog Poet Transmitting.......


    ‘May your noses always be cold and wet’.

    We can’t see where the increments of change begin and end. All we can garner from the affair is that one day we are in another one, different than the one before. Sometimes the differences are dramatic and sometimes they are subtle but no one can argue against the fact that things are changing rapidly and no one can predict accurately what is going to happen next. This is due to the X Factor of the invisible side of things that plays into the field of action. Most feel they have no control over any of it, outside of their small sphere of influence. Then there are those who believe they have a great deal of control, followed by those who think they are in control. Every one of these groups are wrong, one way or another.

    Several major newsgathering sites link to my work, or used to link to my work, on a regular basis. One of them hasn’t posted anything by me in several days and hasn’t responded to any of my emails. A couple of years ago, this same newsgathering site did not print my work for about one year. This happened after repeated efforts on my part to reach the person in charge, until I finally quit trying. At the end of the year I am referencing, I noted that this particular newsgatherer was experiencing some difficulty in disseminating his work. I wrote him to say that despite how he may feel about me, I wanted to give him some assistance. He wrote back to tell me that he had no idea what I was talking about and would like me to explain what I meant about the way he feels about me. He said he loved my work and that was all there was to it. Boy am I glad I never blamed him or spoke out against him (grin)

    I had noted that my work would sometimes get linked at this site over that year but that was mostly due to a member of the newsgathering site, taking it upon himself to see that it was linked. I don’t know what happened but I assume it has something to do with Google mail and then with Yahoo mail, which I was using to inform newsgathering sites of a new posting.


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    Dog Poet Transmitting Empty Re: Dog Poet Transmitting

    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:36 am

    excellent post - thanks for sharing it

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