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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art


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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Dec 07, 2014 7:24 am

    Art does not lie down on the bed that is made for it; it runs away as soon as one says its name;
    it loves to go incognito. Its best moments are when it forgets what it is called".

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Angel_10
    An angel on wallpaper, created with all kinds of material and much love and fun.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Oranda10

    This is the logo of my last business Oranda, a tree in its full presence, above and below the surface of the Earth.
    The roots are my ancestors heritage, their values and strivings of the heart, nurturing the branching out of the
    crown of the tree, the place for the future of their children.

    By healing our pain, as a collective, we change our ancestors collective memory as well, when that's connected to
    our imprints and energetic stamps in our DNA, in our genes. As I see it, when we don't reflect on our and their past,
    we will repeat the same dance steps with them, in endless circular motion and never break free from the wheel of karma.[/size]

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:23 am; edited 4 times in total

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Angelic beings with a streak of human nature

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:35 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Freezi10
    A freezing praying little angel

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Sneeuw10
    A snowballing angel crowned by nature

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:27 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Little10
    Found it on the Dutch beach and it smiled at me after a while

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Kissin10
    Trees sharing a kiss

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  mudra Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:22 pm

    Very nice thread BB.
    From Art to Heart

    The Karen 

    Much Love from me

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty How sheep can you be?

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:30 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Schape10


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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Strutting in front of me at an animal farm.... a turkey!

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:32 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Kalkoe10

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:55 am

    Years ago, I briefly corresponded (on YouTube) with someone who reminds me of you, B.B. They seemed to know a lot about ancient history and extraterrestrials. Their initials were V.T. Could that possibly have been you, B.B.?? BTW -- are you sure those trees are kissing??

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:22 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Years ago, I briefly corresponded (on YouTube) with someone who reminds me of you, B.B. They seemed to know a lot about ancient history and extraterrestrials. Their initials were V.T. Could that possibly have been you, B.B.?? BTW -- are you sure those trees are kissing??

    Are the trees kissing? It's what you may choose as an answer to that question, ortho. I haven't asked them.
    I don't think I have corresponded with you, ortho, tubbywise or otherwise. My initials aren't V.T. As far as
    extraterrestrials, I'm not into much of that subject, I have my hands full on firma terra and I like to let them
    take care of their own business.

    They're possibly us from a far into the future time or maybe our friends on the other side, who waved us
    goodbye when we left for this planet and now coming to see us, how we're doing, maybe eager to see our
    return to their dimension, the world we may begin to recognize, once we're there.

    I don't see myself very knowledgable in ancient history. To give you a summary of my interests in that corner:
    My study of the past goes back to the Classical Maya, Goethe, Rudolf Steiner, Krishnamurti and some philosophers
    of the Renaissance, like Rousseau. I've found it awesome, with shivers, fascinated by how deep the hate towards
    the rich and royal has grown, so that many heads were publicly chopped off by the guillotine, all in the name of
    "egalite, fraternite and liberte". (equality, brotherhood and freedom) Seldom has life shown a wider gap between
    logic and sentiment, than during the French Revolution, although our now may come close for comparison.

    I'm very fond of Henry David Thoreau, with his mind of his own in "WALDEN, and ON THE DUTY OF CIVIL
    DISOBEDIENCE" I like this line of Henry, in that book:

    "The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right".

    Here's the link to that book:
    I've got a slight hunch that I've posted this link in an earlier post here, this springtime.

    I've gone through the "history of creation" lessons in the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life
    material, the 2 books presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek, with the help of Thoth. I'm very
    much in heartsync with the old Egyptian culture, the Cathars and the Celtic history, king Arthur
    and the memory of Albions soil and the stonecircles of Stonehenge and Avebury. Albion is an
    old name for England, alba = white and that refers to the white cliffs of Dover.

    For now, contrary to going into ancient history and et's, the basics of securing a good life,
    very practical and down to earth, are what I need to pay attention to. I'm preparing my next
    step to bring that closer, at the start of 2015. I'm working on a plan, with good argumentation,
    to get permission to work as a volunteer in the last year of my official working life.

    The Dutch wellfare system, paying people without a job a monthly income, is now forcing us to
    work in slavery for a dime, in the elderly care industry. With only 1 year to go, dependent on that
    income attached to those inhumane conditions for both carers and clients, I'm planning my move
    overseas, to a new "home is where the heart is" Devon UK.

    In the days to come I'll go overseas and explore opportunities for a job as domestic organizer and
    personal guide. I will visit places, for a possible future location, like a home-share or a room within
    a community. Those are my priorities for now and I'm looking forward to a 3 week-holiday, celebrating
    Xmas and my 64th birthday, on Newyears day 2015, for the first time in winter, in Devon UK.

    Let's raise a glass when the firework starts going off and the clock strikes twelve. Even when our clocks
    don't always match the time, I like to salute you, ortho and all of you here, now and on that hour. And
    to wish you safe journeys on your paths, wherever you find yourself on the globe and here, sitting under
    the Xmas tree and at 0.00 hrs. in the Fireworks and Mists of Avalon. Cheers!

    New Year

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Peacocks and snowwhite's seat

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:28 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Pronke10

    This is the sheik of the peacock family, parading in his shining armor. The movements of his body and the shaking
    of his feathers is impressive, due to the determination in this display. Often the whole peacock family sleeps on a high place
    and during the day the wife takes her little ones with her, to find food in the vegetable garden, feasting on the berries end of

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Pauw_m10

    At certain nights, these birds make such loud cries, that some people in the neighborhood wake up with a start. Several of them,
    have threatened to shoot the sheik, in anger for being kept awake. Until now, I'm happy that no one has put that in practice.
    I don't live near enough to hear those cries and risk waking up with a start, planning to eat peacock beef soon. 

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Pauw_g10

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:01 pm; edited 5 times in total

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:39 pm

    Thank-you B.B. There was someone with the screen-name "Veronica Thule" who was quite perceptive and knowledgeable regarding the unknown and unknowable. I'll try to find some of that correspondence -- and repost it. I was particularly interested in what she said about Satan (as being a "Prosecuting-Attorney"). She also spoke of a Galactic Freedom-Fighter who was insane by the time they reached Earth. What if this "Freedom-Fighter" got deposed in the Garden of Eden -- with Satan taking their place as the Ruler of Earth??!! But what if that Ancient Galactic Freedom-Fighter is unexpectedly back (much to everyone's horror)??!! But what if they're still crazy??!! The horror!! Here's a website with some of Veronica's work.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:54 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Snowhi10

    Snowwhite's seat

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty I think I'd better start minding my own business

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:34 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you B.B. There was someone with the screen-name "Veronica Thule" who was quite perceptive and knowledgeable regarding the unknown and unknowable. I'll try to find some of that correspondence -- and repost it. I was particularly interested in what she said about Satan (as being a "Prosecuting-Attorney"). She also spoke of a Galactic Freedom-Fighter who was insane by the time they reached Earth. What if this "Freedom-Fighter" got deposed in the Garden of Eden -- with Satan taking their place as the Ruler of Earth??!! But what if that Ancient Galactic Freedom-Fighter is unexpectedly back (much to everyone's horror)??!! But what if they're still crazy??!! The horror!!

    How can we discuss the unknowable, ortho? I truly wonder what it is, or can it be only talked about in a round about way? Regarding digesting lots of info, without meaning offense to it being shared here by you, these days, particularly this year, I'm constantly reminded by the world around me, of minding my own business and pay attention to putting this in practice and not in need of being reminded of it. Making ends meet is hard work I've noticed.

    I guess I've been anxious for too long in uncertainty and it's taking it's toll, end of this year. I sleep very well, but I so long for getting up in the morning and just go through my days without any obligation, secure in knowing that I've got enough to eat, drink and be able to pay my bills. That's why I look forward to a well deserved  Xmas holiday. And one year of living in freedom of work for an income, the last one of my official working years.
    I'm much better off creating with my own hands, with others, like in building strawbale homes.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Heeze_10

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:33 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Cbelle10
    The road near the bridge over the Dart near Bellever YHA, an often visited hostel.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Dartmo10
    In the same area.

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  mudra Fri Dec 26, 2014 5:17 pm

    Lovely photos BB. Thank you for sharing these pearls of nature Cheerful

    Love from me

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Trees and violets in my neighborhood

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:01 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Alex_n10

    Trees in winterdress, my neighborhood

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Bloeme11

    Violets in summerdress

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Mexican in frost

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:27 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Totnes10e

    This is in a garden in Totnes, on the one day when frost had whitened the Earth, I walked by and noticed
    the cute little Mexican in frost. I almost wanted to wrap a shawl around this little creature, so.. endearing.

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty In the eye of a pony

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:38 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Fietst10

    In the eye of a pony

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:28 pm

    very nice

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Ravenw10

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty A huge tree

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:23 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Walk_t10
    Often, in the fields in Devon, trees are allowed to grow and grow tall. It's not done in Holland, everything in the fields is flattened, usually.
    Also, in many English rural parts that I know of, wooden steps are constructed at fences, so that you can walk through, without a hindrance.
    Except when cattle is in the field, close by.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Dartin10
    One of the old pubs in Devon, look at the wonderful way the roof is constructed, creating an impression of a home that is alive.

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  Carol Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:47 pm

    What an awesome roof. How do they get it to look like that?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:17 am

    Carol wrote:What an awesome roof. How do they get it to look like that?

    Such a roof is a "made by handcraft" roof, in the times that this was done, normally.
    Before the ready made roof tiles etc, came on the market. That area in England has a
    long tradition of such houses, often the walls are made of cob. I don't know if this one is,
    but cobhouses can be 200 years old and still be robust and okay. Cob is a material, of clay,
    some sand, shells, little stones and water, all mixed into a "dough" like texture, although
    it's not gluey like dough.

    I marveled just like you, thinking of how this roof was a work of art, completely in sync with
    the part of the home under the roof, like the spaces left open for the windows.

    I've often stood, looking at craftsmen at work on such roofs, putting layers of straw
    in bundles and cutting them in longer and shorter bundles, in that way it's very mallable material.
    This is one of the reasons why I like to work on houses made with natural material.

    It's so much more fitting and a natural feel in such a home, in the air you breath and the humidity inside.
    The acoustic is very very different, compared to a brick home. Also due to the fact that square corners
    aren't present, usually, with the thick plaster, covering the strawbales or any other material, formed in
    such a way that walls are attached to each other by shaping smooth rounded bends, or the home being
    circular to begin with. The house is literally breathing around you and with you. That's how it feels.

    Are you planning to build such a home?
    Happy to help with it Wink

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Spain_10
    This is the cob-house I worked on in Spain, last year. The material is in the soil nearby, very handy and free of costs!

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:15 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Asch_v10
    Street pavement in the city of Utrecht, dating early 20th century

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Animal10
    Animal track underneath the snow

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:40 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Treeba10
    Treebark up close

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Prieel10
    detail arbor tree, shaped like an arbor with branches hanging down, large enough to hide in it.

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:29 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Oase_b10
    A forest visit on one of my bike tours, near the city of Utrecht

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Wilgen10
    An old willow in a park near my home

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:14 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Singel10

    View on the old architecture of canals in the city of Utrecht

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art Mijn_s12

    A window of a below streetlevel wharf along the canals of the city of Utrecht, former crafts workspaces or breweries and storage spaces

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