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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art


    Posts : 1851
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    Location : Druid county UK

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:26 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Gentle10

    In the eye of a gentle white pony. Usually, horses and other livestock in the fields of Avalon are quite relaxed and at ease.
    The kindness and feminine energy of the land here, is nurturing and warms the heart. Rural life slows one down, closer to
    a state of okay-ness: the sense of contentment, with life being good just as it IS. Smallholders are numerous here.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Gentle11

    This gentle white pony was happy to have company, standing alone in a paddock. He was very quiet and gentle!
    When I made some pictures, to "catch his eye" and scratched his head and neck, he became very silent, standing
    on 3 legs with one leg at ease without the weight on it. He fell asleep with me close by, eye to eye, specially when
    I talked softly to it, he became very drowsy. I've never seen this, it was so very sweet. When I continued my walk
    I felt him looking at me, drawing me back, for he hadn't had enough yet, of us being together. So I gave him another
    cuddle and made the long straight hairs on his forehead in little braids. Beautiful silver-white manes.

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 1851
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    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:06 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Tithe_11

    The Tithe barn in Pilton, one of the places where embroidery is on display, as part of the ArtWeeks Somerset.
    In Avalon area, large numbers of people make art at home. On paper or canvas, with wool, spinning rare breed wool
    and alpaca, felting, jewelry design, embroidery, all kinds of textiles, pottery, pictures and lino-prints. Often with the
    Tor present in the last, in mist or sunshine. The meeting with the white horse was on my way to the studios, involved
    in the Somerset ArtWeeks. There are many workshops "for the terrified" offering drawing - and painting lessons for
    groups. The term was strange to me and I had to get used to the typical English sense of humor first, before I under-
    stood what was meant. It's nice to feel that I'm one of many of those......  not so terrified... inspired artists.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Tithe_10

    Look at the wooden gate with its old design of construction, in balance with the architecture and attractively robust.
    The house behind the gate is next to the Tithe Barn.

    Posts : 1851
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    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:26 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Nubisc10

    A Nubian goat, they're noble to me.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Kleint10

    And that Nubian goat's little prince or princess. They're so lovable.

    Posts : 1851
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    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:03 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Zonneb10
    The beautiful transparency of autumn in the leaves, the sun going down..... seeds are falling onto the earth  Earth sunny

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Herfst10

    Posts : 1851
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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:24 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Marian13
    Middle Earth B.Brewster Baghor (later that day my ears grew pointed) at the Fairy Fair of Glastonbury October 24 2015

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Glasto10


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    Location : Druid county UK

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Oct 31, 2015 6:32 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 At_hom10

    Play of shadow and interior in my former home in Holland

    Happy creepy Halloween or All Souls Day to all of you. Here in the UK it's visible in pubs and shop-windows. Lots of fake spiderwebs
    and an image of Mona Lisa, in a pub, made up as a shape-shifter, sticking out a long tongue, showing horrible daunting eyes and long
    bony hands with long pale fingernails.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Dartmo10
    Play of light on Dartmoor Bellever Tor

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:17 pm (the video is not my making)

    When I asked my landlord about how to get to the moors near Glastonbury, to watch the starlings descending in

    and ascending from the reed-beds, he answered "It's a bit difficult to know how to get to where they are" and I
    said "I guess they don't know either, how to be where we are, when we get THERE, wherever that is". He stood
    for a moment, silently taking it in and he said thoughtfully "I presume you're right" and than he grinned widely.

    What a sight it is, hmmmm? I can't wait to be in that sound of tiny birds, that swirling of flight on wings!

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:52 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Impres11
    Discoveries of nature's movements during walks through the fields of Avalon area.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Burcot10
    Burcott Mill is a pretty historic place with a waterfall. Look at the center of the upper part, all the time I was watching
    there were facial expressions appearing in it. Maybe you will see what I mean.

    Posts : 3447
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    Age : 74
    Location : The Sandhills of SC

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  bobhardee Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:38 am


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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Nov 07, 2015 10:36 am

    Thank you, bobhardee, for that beautiful piece of work in that tubby! sunny 

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Hedgeh10

    Hedgehogs grouped together, with a white one in between. I've made them last week, for a coffee-morning gathering
    in the communal hall of my village, bringing some cash together for the carpet of that hall. I brought them with me,
    this morning, having no idea what to expect about what would be going on and how. I've placed them on a table
    of one of the residents, who sold items of all sorts, from a bag of sweets to teapot-covers or books and home made lemonade.
    3 of the hedgehogs were sold within 1 hour, the white one is now with the wildlife-trust nature-guide who organizes all
    sorts of walks here in the area. I can make a hedgehog in one hour now, here, they certainly need to grow in numbers Cheerful

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Tithe_12

    A so called "Tithe barn" where village-farmers brought their yearly percentage of harvest, most often grain. Look at the
    bird silhouet on the roof, it's part of the thatch-work, a style of decoration I've often found in the UK. I wonder if it's
    also a way to keep birds off the roof and prevent damage by bird-droppings, or how do you call them?

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:27 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Glenco11

    The foot of an eucalyptus tree, these trees stand out among other native ones in the UK, with their peculiar colors and loose pieces of bark.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Leaves11

    Leaves of the garden where I live and care for all that was attached to them before I picked them. They're between paper, under the cushions
    of a settee in my home. My visitors' weights help to dry them flat nicely without knowing of it. This settee isn't at all my taste and choice Nope
    by the way. It's the furniture that belongs to the house and I'm okay with what's present in it, for the time being.

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:02 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Fallen10

    Fallen Gingko leaves in beautiful contrast with the larger plant-leaves which are alive.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Quan_y11

    My beloved Quan Yin with a South American seeds-bracelet around her neck. A rare find.
    I  will have to send overseas one day. Not in my backpack though, for she's heavy!

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Confession and decision

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Nov 20, 2015 8:38 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Rijnau10
    A bridge and a confession that brings me to the decision to only post in this thread
    and follow your posts for the time being, in a "read only"  mode.

    I felt already for quite a while, and I can see now, that much of
    my posts are attempts to make a conversation and exchange views, with the hope to really level with each
    other, including the world "out there" including our personal life in 3D. With respect for each other's choice of privacy, of course.
    For some reason, I've seen little result coming from it and I need to be in touch with people who can show up in 3D life as well as
    on the Wishing Well of Wonders. This isn't a reproach, for this post reveals something of what was hidden in my style of posting,
    something that isn't entirely in freedom.

    The response to my last post, by shilo, was for me the drop that made the bucket overflow, as we say in Holland.  Cheerful
    Thank you, shilo, for being instrumental in that. I don't mean to withdraw my last reply in that thread, to be clear.

    The bridge in the picture is symbol of what I'm finding as truth these days, revealing itself slowly. A bridging of 2 worlds present in me and kept apart as well, by my own doing.  This week, I felt that "the pressure was on." I've suffered such frustration in finding an inner obedience to a higher authority, or so it feels, holding my abilities ready only for the benefit of a greater good, a higher goal that is bigger than my person. How to solve the riddle in "service to self" and "service to others", is what I'm thinking of now.

    Feeling as if my responsibilty is bigger than what I'm able to bear. Excluding myself from embodying those parts of me that nudge me in a "welcome home" manner. Uniquely present and meant to come home, which is my inner home. Becoming and growing whole, bringing my Heaven on Earth. It's such humor, to find that no effort is needed to arrive
    at that place and that simplicity is key here. This is what I feel as "a becoming", or a gradual dawning, my favorite metaphor.

    Today, while writing in my journal, I've asked myself the question "What authority outside of me is ruling me?
    Who is it?
    And while writing my thoughts and feelings, pondering this question.
    I had to stop often, letting the words sink in that appeared on the page, while talking with myself in honesty.
    I've moved from being in control, anxious and deeply frustrated, to motion or surrender.

    To really embody what I've achieved and say "yes" to it, let it be true and allow it to be expressed as a truth in the practicality, the doings and diddings of my daily life, alone and with others. Where I can move from the-little-girl-in-me- point of view: "First I need to figure out how and know if it's okay", trying to hold the reigns, holding "her horses".  
    Mother Superior is exactly on the other side of that same hand, see what I mean? Talking about a 9-headed dragon... Whistle

    Also reflecting on.... from an out of body point of view, feeling a sluggishness in my muscles, preventing me to actually realize it, live it, trusting it. Life... live... Knowing that this is the gift of life, always on the table which is prepared for me and all who feel welcome to dine and wine, celebrating that gift. Here I go again..... Wink

    The meaning of druidism and shamanism is what I pondered also, lately. It's part of living in Avalon area now.
    I've found evidence of shamanism as present in those who're naturally in touch with both worlds: tangible and ecstatic. From birth. I guess it's my personal favor of a druidic/shamanistic mixed journey in life and my hunches from intuition (I've got to find truth by experience) that it's possible to fully embody both of these worlds and bridge the gap between them. Here's that bridge again... see?

    To me, that gap is created by religions (among other concepts) which placed many veils over our eyes and by doing so humanity lost that connection. I've lost that one too, at some point. Except those born natural druids/shamans. To me, it's when that's become whole again, no outside authority has a power to reign over us. Or, to stay closer at home, to reign over me, see what I mean?

    In other words, to me, it's the restoration of our sovereignty. In the practicality of life it's about my sovereignty.
    Those of others I can't work on, nor create for them, for the path of a druid/shaman is a solitary one, in that aspect.

    The path of a human being, of being human I mean, is for me, at this moment, to embody what I've gained, trained, learned and turned in a good direction. And declare this as a truth, living it while being in trust. I knew, that after moving overseas, starting a new life in the UK, would bring me new experiences. After an initial "high" in being sooo
    happy to have made that move, I knew I could expect another phase. Another part of " coming home".

    In this lifetime, I'm born as a minister's daughter. How excellent our being works as a director of our life, as I see now, to find that condition to start life with, so that it can function as the shadow that spurs me on to be in trust and shine my light. Yesterday I asked myself "If it's true that the darkness, or shadow, in our lives on planet Earth, is part of God's creation too, I wonder if it's meant to nudge and push us, so that we're at some point ready to hold onto and persevere, shining our light"  Cheerful

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:10 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Tree_w10

    My love for trees

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Xmas_d10

    Wishing you all a lovely Xmas celebration and a happy New year 2016

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    Age : 74
    Location : The Sandhills of SC

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  bobhardee Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:41 pm

    Glad to see you back with your "roots" firmly planted.
    Next time you feel put down by someone, ask yourself the following question. Just because someone understands math or science at a deeper level than you or I, does that mean that person is smarter than you? The answer is no. Where some people have talents in some areas, they lack in others. Can they process information faster but does that mean they are happier? Nooo. Can they see the beauty in the world the way you see it? No
    We all need a 3 D life with real friends. Not just cyber buddies. The level of depth of conversation is deeper here but not humaneness.
    We moved to a new community several months back and are now getting established in a church family. It's nice. As a PK I would think you're done that as well
    Merry Christmas my cyber buddy
    Bob H

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  bobhardee Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:32 pm

    bobhardee wrote:12/9/2015
    Glad to see you back with your "roots" firmly planted.
    Next time you feel put down by someone, ask yourself the following question. Just because someone understands math or science at a deeper level than you or I, does that mean that person is smarter than you? The answer is no.  Where some people have talents in some areas, they lack in others.  Can they process information faster but does that mean they are happier? Nooo. Can they see the beauty in the world the way you see it? No
    We all need a 3 D life with real friends. Not just cyber buddies. The level of depth of conversation is deeper here but not humaneness.
    We (the wife and I) moved to a new community several months back and are now getting established in a church family.  It's nice.  As a PK I would think you're done that as well
    Merry Christmas my cyber buddy
    Bob H

    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2015-05-02

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  SophiasChoice Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:35 pm

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 12339611

    With Love

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:44 am

    bobhardee wrote:12/9/2015
    Glad to see you back with your "roots" firmly planted.
    Next time you feel put down by someone, ask yourself the following question. Just because someone understands math or science at a deeper level than you or I, does that mean that person is smarter than you? The answer is no.  Where some people have talents in some areas, they lack in others.  Can they process information faster but does that mean they are happier? Nooo. Can they see the beauty in the world the way you see it? No
    We all need a 3 D life with real friends. Not just cyber buddies. The level of depth of conversation is deeper here but not humaneness.
    We moved to a new community several months back and are now getting established in a church family.  It's nice.  As a PK I would think you're done that as well
    Merry Christmas my cyber buddy
    Bob H

    Thank you, bobhardee. Not all wanderers are lost, thank goodness  Cheerful It's for my new roots in the UK now, some firm, some not so firm, that I change and make new choices. As you and others may know my view on internet in general, it's true that we need real friends in a 3D life - reality and even enemies that are in the flesh, with which we can possibly communicate and, in any case, sort out issues, while present with body-language, mind and senses awake. Not meaning to know a definite or fixed outcome, for it's my attitude and awareness that will create one. That's only done by going through the experience. I'm not necessarily waiting for a peaceful calm existence, not making waves, for that's not in my nature. I've gone through new experiences lately and my perspective changes.

    It's not for myself... and yes, I felt a bit hurt in my heart.. but I could've seen it coming, couldn't I? that I felt shilo's response to my post was "the last drop". It's already for a long time, that I miss communication between members here. Also, talking behind people's back in critical terms without having a proper discussion about the issue with them, isn't welcome to me. It's a "school's out! student-ranting sort of thing" to me. Besides, I see no point, nor value whatsoever, in finding these chatroom-conversations in Thuban posts here. I've shared my opinion before, I don't accept this conduct. Not here and not in real life.

    I do respect the choice, of Misty Avaloneans who started this forum, that all are welcome in the Mists here, to find a place and share what they feel is needed, but for myself I have a different view on what a "self-moderating" Forum is, you see? In my point of view, not everyone online means well and intends to create a  positive atmosphere in openness and truthfulness. There are people who intend to disturb the peace and who intend to dump their emotional garbage or express their drama in all sorts of forms. We almost can't find (or bring) clarity in that, for it's due to the nature of the virtual world, that it is magnetizing this behavior much.

    When this forum is welcoming everybody, assuming that those I just described will find out soon that there's no resonance and feeding grounds here and will decide to leave the place, it is in danger of placing many bins around the place, with the text "Please bin your trash". In other words, to me it's an advertisement. There's no end to dumping trash, for some people. I don't find much inspiration here as it is, so I leave this place. There are some lovely people here, make no mistake. Those of you I feel inspired by, are willing to know who they truly are.

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:11 am

    shiloh wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 1137-36

    bobhardee wrote:
    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Star_Wars_65
    Glad to see you back with your "roots" firmly planted.
    Next time you feel put down by someone, ask yourself the following question. Just because someone understands math or science at a deeper level than you or I, does that mean that person is smarter than you? The answer is no.  Where some people have talents in some areas, they lack in others.  Can they process information faster but does that mean they are happier? Nooo. Can they see the beauty in the world the way you see it? No
    We all need a 3 D life with real friends. Not just cyber buddies. The level of depth of conversation is deeper here but not humaneness.
    We (the wife and I) moved to a new community several months back and are now getting established in a church family.  It's nice.  As a PK I would think you're done that as well
    Merry Christmas my cyber buddy
    Bob H

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Rijnau10

    A bridge and a confession that brings me to the decision to only post in this thread
    and follow your posts for the time being, in a "read only"  mode.

    I felt already for quite a while, and I can see now, that much of
    my posts are attempts to make a conversation and exchange views, with the hope to really level with each
    other, including the world "out there" including our personal life in 3D. With respect for each other's choice of privacy, of course.
    For some reason, I've seen little result coming from it and I need to be in touch with people who can show up in 3D life as well as
    on the Wishing Well of Wonders. This isn't a reproach, for this post reveals something of what was hidden in my style of posting,
    something that isn't entirely in freedom.

    The response to my last post, by shilo, was for me the drop that made the bucket overflow, as we say in Holland.  Cheerful
    Thank you, shilo, for being instrumental in that. I don't mean to withdraw my last reply in that thread, to be clear.

    The bridge in the picture is symbol of what I'm finding as truth these days, revealing itself slowly. A bridging of 2 worlds present in me and kept apart as well, by my own doing.  This week, I felt that "the pressure was on." I've suffered such frustration in finding an inner obedience to a higher authority, or so it feels, holding my abilities ready only for the benefit of a greater good, a higher goal that is bigger than my person. How to solve the riddle in "service to self" and "service to others", is what I'm thinking of now.

    Feeling as if my responsibilty is bigger than what I'm able to bear. Excluding myself from embodying those parts of me that nudge me in a "welcome home" manner. Uniquely present and meant to come home, which is my inner home. Becoming and growing whole, bringing my Heaven on Earth. It's such humor, to find that no effort is needed to arrive
    at that place and that simplicity is key here. This is what I feel as "a becoming", or a gradual dawning, my favorite metaphor.

    Today, while writing in my journal, I've asked myself the question "What authority outside of me is ruling me?
    Who is it?
    And while writing my thoughts and feelings, pondering this question.
    I had to stop often, letting the words sink in that appeared on the page, while talking with myself in honesty.
    I've moved from being in control, anxious and deeply frustrated, to motion or surrender.

    To really embody what I've achieved and say "yes" to it, let it be true and allow it to be expressed as a truth in the practicality, the doings and diddings of my daily life, alone and with others. Where I can move from the-little-girl-in-me- point of view: "First I need to figure out how and know if it's okay", trying to hold the reigns, holding "her horses".  
    Mother Superior is exactly on the other side of that same hand, see what I mean? Talking about a 9-headed dragon... Whistle

    Also reflecting on.... from an out of body point of view, feeling a sluggishness in my muscles, preventing me to actually realize it, live it, trusting it. Life... live... Knowing that this is the gift of life, always on the table which is prepared for me and all who feel welcome to dine and wine, celebrating that gift. Here I go again..... Wink

    The meaning of druidism and shamanism is what I pondered also, lately. It's part of living in Avalon area now.
    I've found evidence of shamanism as present in those who're naturally in touch with both worlds: tangible and ecstatic. From birth. I guess it's my personal favor of a druidic/shamanistic mixed journey in life and my hunches from intuition (I've got to find truth by experience) that it's possible to fully embody both of these worlds and bridge the gap between them. Here's that bridge again... see?

    To me, that gap is created by religions (among other concepts) which placed many veils over our eyes and by doing so humanity lost that connection. I've lost that one too, at some point. Except those born natural druids/shamans. To me, it's when that's become whole again, no outside authority has a power to reign over us. Or, to stay closer at home, to reign over me, see what I mean?

    In other words, to me, it's the restoration of our sovereignty. In the practicality of life it's about my sovereignty.
    Those of others I can't work on, nor create for them, for the path of a druid/shaman is a solitary one, in that aspect.

    The path of a human being, of being human I mean, is for me, at this moment, to embody what I've gained, trained, learned and turned in a good direction. And declare this as a truth, living it while being in trust. I knew, that after moving overseas, starting a new life in the UK, would bring me new experiences. After an initial "high" in being sooo
    happy to have made that move, I knew I could expect another phase. Another part of " coming home".

    In this lifetime, I'm born as a minister's daughter. How excellent our being works as a director of our life, as I see now, to find that condition to start life with, so that it can function as the shadow that spurs me on to be in trust and shine my light. Yesterday I asked myself "If it's true that the darkness, or shadow, in our lives on planet Earth, is part of God's creation too, I wonder if it's meant to nudge and push us, so that we're at some point ready to hold onto and persevere, shining our light"  Cheerful

    Dear B.B.Baghor!

    I just saw this message from you and as a 'minister's daughter' and despite your continuous admonitions about sharing 'private messages'; this particular 'private message' addresses your self-revelation contained within your message here and so I share it on your thread. It might go some way to illuminate our respective disagreements and also indicate and provide a certain 'food for your soul', should you read this message with your thinking heart and feeling mind and not vice versa.

    [12:48:22 PM - December 10th, 2015] raxnae: so I've been wondering, when someone gets "saved" is that the logos actually calling on them or is it just oabs lol
    [12:53:30 PM] ShilohaPlace: To be 'saved' means you have no longer the capacity to 'sin' rax. Now do you KNOW what sin is?
    [12:56:26 PM] raxnae: ignorance; fuc11 no wonder I had such a strong paradigm shift in my early teens when I became the philosopher haha; when confronted with the mirror of my own ignorance I had the choice to stay ignorant or throw everything away and reseek the truth
    [12:59:59 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes to be 'saved' simply means to no longer be ignorant about existentialist questions
    So of course all are ignorant in many ways, but this is not what 'being in sin' means.
    I am ignorant about knitting or painting or many other forms of artistic endeavours, here simply meaning 'without gift or talent'
    Many are ignorant about language codes like science or even other languages
    'Being in sin' means that you are STUCK in human mindedness, without an ability to SURRENDER to something greater than yourself.
    Now this surrender is the greatest of hurdle to the nabsers, as they reject anything 'god-logos' related see, but worship their own 'autonomy'
    Now the trick is this.
    If the nabser would know the TRUE GOD and TRUE LOGOS as BEING hisher own private 'higher self' then their surrender would come easy.

    [1:05:00 PM] raxnae: so they could genuinly be giving themselves over to the Logos, though I think its more likely in the wilderness than in the church house haha

    [1:06:29 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    (90) Jesus said, "Come unto me, for my yoke is easy and my lordship is mild, and you will find repose for yourselves."
    (77) Jesus said, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the all. From me did the all come forth, and unto me did the all extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."
    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

    Now you know what this 'burden of the Lord' is no? The 'Universal Ego' can say this 'without sin', that it is the all and that nothing can enter except through it, see. If the human ego says this it, is megalomania and anthropocentric egoism and in the 'original sin' or ignorance of not knowing what, where and why it is.

    [1:07:11 PM] raxnae: Not exactly sure. I know how the church sees it, to spread the gospel and save the lost souls and all that jazz but the true true I am unsure

    [1:14:11 PM] ShilohaPlace: The 'spreading of the gospel' is the elimination of sin indeed. But what gospel?
    Its the correct translation from the Old Testament into the New Testament into the 'Book of Life' as say the New New Testament in "Revelation'

    [1:26:11 PM] raxnae: oh I see makes sense; spreading the Living Gospel of Christ and so that would include my personal cosmology along with everyone elses cosmology

    [1:26:48 PM] ShilohaPlace: The Christ within AND without you rax.  Your own personal 'Universal Self'. You know who the 'Whale of Jonah' and the 'Lion of Judeah' is dont you? It is the universe you live in dead or alive and so eternally as alive dead and dead alive particular individuality and waved together family in one.
    But the human ego is the 'devil' whilst the universal ego is the 'Christ' and of course all cosmologies are like chapters in a bigger all encompassing book or script.

    The Wings of Maria and Solomon's Song !

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 655056932_1813851-gif

    A new day is breaking across the plains of the desert, Maria's golden dawn to greet;
    like a lush green meadow, Bathsheba is awaiting the dewdrops, deliciously sweet.
    It's Solomon's flowery nectar, growing in a valley of memories forgotten for so long;
    where a beautiful song is playing, birthing a new world for our sweet Maria to belong.

    Out in the dry desert, a caravan of camels paces steadily towards its vermilion oasis;
    a mighty rock, telling its tales of old, when wisdom still was found in hidden places.
    Baiame, the serpent's rainbow is arching across a glorious sky, shining in hues azure;
    and there's Maria, a flower from the desert with her love to share so gently and demure.

    Merlin, the crimson dingo has come to the great meet, with stories of a redrosy sky;
    so many desertdwellers to share in adventures, hearing a majestic eagle's eerie cry.
    Amidst the gathering is our queen, dancing to the mother's calling, love's own tune;
    What a celebration at the edge of nowhere, this wedding betwixt the sun and the moon.

    Jonathan, the emu has arrived with a message about Maria from the heavens above;
    the dragon's friends are found all about, guided in the peace of the snowwhite dove.
    There is Toby, the alabaster unicorn, pacing for Maria's mounting and to elope away;
    into a realm of lofty mountains, where the regal eagle's loveplay always holds sway.

    Excalibur, the sword of truth has broken forth to swiftly rent the veils holding asunder;
    a mighty tempest sweeps across a forlorn land, a world shaken in lightning and thunder.
    Maria's dreams of love and sublime desires, all have sprouted upon Pegasusian wings;
    from the heights of peaky treetops and of oaken branches, where the nightingale sings.

    You pretty pink flamingo, wading by across the shores of longings, bubbling all adrift;
    if you'd just fathom the inner essence of your glory, your ecstacy would come so swift.
    Upon the wings of Solomon, you shall find the Dragon's daughter's passage to be free;
    oh sweet remembrance of the days of old, Maria of Jerusalem has found her lost key.

    The name of the Mother's poem is your own; your courting troubadour so fit to see;
    a dawning of love's joy in all is splendour, so devoted and wondrously in wait for thee!

    Thank you, shilo, for that beautiful poem "The Wings of Maria and Solomon's Song".
    It may be that now and than, as the presence of a tiny spark, we all understand each other
    better than our minds wishes to tell us Cheerful

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:05 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 1851
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    Age : 73
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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:14 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 ?format=750w
    Simplicity and going into the world... out there... is what I prefer.
    Picture me at my spinning wheel this winter and on long walks, catching a fresh dog-nose  Cheerful
    I will return one day. Blessed be

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:38 am; edited 1 time in total

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  Carol Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:56 pm

    I hope it's soon.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:52 am

    Carol wrote:
    I hope it's soon.

    Well Insanely Happy you made that happen, Carol... in a way, but now I'm off again. Cheerful

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:01 pm

    Off ...... and now on again, here are a couple of pictures of mine, which I love to share here, now and than.

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Biefst10
    Beefsteak fungi in the early phase

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Grass_10
    Grass grows between the window and the windowsill, a living part of the shop-decoration.

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    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Empty Re: B.B. Baghors small and large works of art

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:29 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Clay_o10
    An earth shelter, a refuge....

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    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:35 am

    B.B. Baghors small and large works of art - Page 7 Walk_p10

    Isn't it amazing, to live in such a landscape? So much nature around, it's the best choice I could've made in my year of retirement Cheerful

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