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    We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself.


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2014-09-22

    We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself. Empty We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself.

    Post  mikke Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:57 pm

    Have a look guys my new paper. My site with full version

    We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself.

    lite version 22 Sep 2014

    I believe that the origin of the universe and the origin of mass are the most important issues. And so, how the Universe was created?

    At the beginning there was nothing. Nothing but the physical Vacuum. Physical Vacuum consists of immobile particles adjacent to each other. It's like sand in the desert. Each grain has the form of a torus. I called it heavy photon.
    Each torus is electrically neutral, but contains elementary charges of opposite signs. These elementary charges are grouped in pairs. A pair looks like dumbbell with two opposite charges on it's ends. All dumbbells rotate about the center of the dumbbell and they do not interfere with each other during rotation. How to imagine these rotating dumbbells?

    If you cut bagel before buttered, and put on it a few round slices of salami, so they do not overlap each other, but no vacant space left, you will understand what I mean. Each dumbbell under rotation sweeps an area equal to the area of salami slice. Although the positive and negative charges in the dumbbell are in rotation the magnetic energy of the dumbbell is zero. (There is no current). Dumbbell exists due to the balance of rotation and electrostatics energy, which are equal if we took elementary charge as electron charge, if we took distance between charges as classical electron radius, r.

    Then total dumbbell energy is 1MeV , or 2*m*c*c where m is electron rest mass, c is the speed of light.
    Although all the heavy photons are in rest, as all space is filled with them, heavy photons can transfer rotation from one point in space to another. This transfer you can see as light. Why am I so sure?
    Imagine that one billiard ball collides centrally on the other, which was in rest before. Incoming ball stops, ball in rest
    begins to move. Energy is transferred in space.

    Let slightly complicate the task. Let the incoming ball moves at speed V+delta , and let the ball, which was at rest to move in the same direction with a less speed V. Collision is still center. Balls exchange their speed. What is the transfer of kinetics energy? It is(mV+delta)(mV+delta)/2-m*V*m*V*/2= m*V*delta = k*delta, where k is constant
    If all the balls have the same mass, and the same speed V (except one incident ball) In such an analysis, k is a linear
    momentum (m*V).

    When tori transfer rotation energy in space constant k will be some angular momentum, and delta will be linear frequency. In the proposed geometry (see last full version) k value proved to be Planck constant. This means light is transfer of rotational energy for tori .

    Now consider the linear chain of 3 tor. First torus has excess rotational momentum in a clockwise direction, the third torus has opposite rotation momentum. Two oppositely directed torques try to break the second torus. If their total energy is greater than the binding energy of the dumbbell(1MeV) , then one of the dumbbells will be broken.
    How big must be energy, to do this? The wavelength which is correspond to the energy must exactly equal the big torus circumference λc. In energy equivalence there are two photons having m*c*c (0.5MeV) energy each.

    Well when you screw cap with the bank, you have to grab it with your fingers of one hand along the entire circumference and you have to grab with you fingers of other hand along the bottom bank circumference.
    Corresponds of photon energy to λc is crucial moment. Imagine you use just two fingers, not five, so wavelength correspond to different from 0.5MeV photon energy. You can't open bank if screw cap is tight.

    That is, two energetic photon breaking down one of the dumbbells, carried away two elementary charges, but it is now the electron and positron. Why?
    Because they carry away not the only elementary charges, they carry away their "rotation". "rotation" of charge is current. In dumbbell there is no total current because electron compensates positron . So, before energy was in rotation form. Now it is magnetic energy.

    So the electron (positron) came to existence as charged rotating sphere. Photon accepted charge and torque in one time. Charge and torque can't exist separate never more. It's mass.

    Actually, Charged sphere must be broken by the force of repulsion, and the only current due to sphere
    rotation pulls the sphere to the central point.

    So just borne electron (positron) has rest energy m*c*c ,(sum of electrostatic energy of charged sphere and current magnetic energy. Last value is double mechanical rotation energy of sphere in the same time . Kinetic energy (took from photon) is m*c*c also. So it's looks like it is hoop. Let’s check it. When hoop is rolling it must be correlation between linear frequency c/λc and double kinetic energy:

    m*c*c = k*c/λc

    It proved to be k is Planck constant. It is second definition of Planck constant.
    But hoop total energy must be mcc in regular case. Why it's double big? Because it's charged hoop. I call it: charged hoop must drug its field. That is why I tell "double kinetic mechanical energy" every time.
    Electron can reduce it's speed to from c to v , but electron always moves in a circle of radius λd/2π due conservation of angular momentum, which was m*c*λc. That is why electron wavelength must be λd =c* λc/v . Electron can be anywhere in the space along its wavelength λd, as Prince de Broglie has predicted 100 years ago, but now you know where de Broglie wavelength came from.

    What is the mass of heavy photon?
    It's depends of how many dumbbells match big torus circumference. There are λc/r, where r is dumbbell length (classical electron radius r). Mass of every dumbbell is 2*m. But inside torus every mass is "heavier" by 13/12 factor due to torus binding energy with neighbours. λc was measured already. It is Compton wave length for electron. Value of r is known. So mass of heavy photon is proved to be 1862*m.

    Heavy photon can lose some number of dumbbells, due to above predicted mechanism. Let heavy photon to lose 12 dumbbells. I think it is neutron. The axis of rotation are able to precess under the influence of neighboring dumbbells. It's like a worn engine, with loose gear, sooner or later some of them get broken.
    So one of the dumbbells get broken, the electron rolls out to carry energy 2*m*c (kinetic and rest mass) and angular
    and linear momentums. Acquired linear momentum neutron does not feel because it's very heavy. But the acquisition of angular momentum leads to dramatic consequence. Neutron curls and now it is a proton (1836*m) . That is why the rest mass of the neutron bigger the rest mass of a proton by 2*m*c*13/12 electron masses.

    So how the Universe come to existence?
    God just opened the tap and let light with average energy 0.5MeV to come in. Corresponding thermodynamic temperature is 10 in power 12К. It is Big Bang temperature.

    Posts : 23280
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    We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself. Empty Re: We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself.

    Post  mudra Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:05 pm

    Warm Welcome in the Mists Mikke.
    Thank you for sharing your insight on this Universe.
    Looks like quite an epiphany you downloaded Cheerful

    You may enjoy reading this link Alchemikey shared on his reminders of remembrance thread.

    Love from me

    Posts : 1050
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Age : 67
    Location : Akbar Ra

    We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself. Empty Re: We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself.

    Post  shiloh Wed Sep 24, 2014 7:55 am

    mike on Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:57 am wrote:Have a look guys my new paper. My site with full version

    We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself.

    lite version 22 Sep 2014

    I believe that the origin of the universe and the origin of mass are the most important issues. And so, how the Universe was created?

    At the beginning there was nothing. Nothing but the physical Vacuum. Physical Vacuum consists of immobile particles adjacent to each other. It's like sand in the desert. Each grain has the form of a torus. I called it heavy photon.
    Each torus is electrically neutral, but contains elementary charges of opposite signs. These elementary charges are grouped in pairs. A pair looks like dumbbell with two opposite charges on it's ends. All dumbbells rotate about the center of the dumbbell and they do not interfere with each other during rotation. How to imagine these rotating dumbbells?

    If you cut bagel before buttered, and put on it a few round slices of salami, so they do not overlap each other, but no vacant space left, you will understand what I mean. Each dumbbell under rotation sweeps an area equal to the area of salami slice. Although the positive and negative charges in the dumbbell are in rotation the magnetic energy of the dumbbell is zero. (There is no current). Dumbbell exists due to the balance of rotation and electrostatics energy, which are equal if we took elementary charge as electron charge, if we took distance between charges as classical electron radius, r.

    Then total dumbbell energy is 1MeV , or 2*m*c*c where m is electron rest mass, c is the speed of light.
    Although all the heavy photons are in rest, as all space is filled with them, heavy photons can transfer rotation from one point in space to another. This transfer you can see as light. Why am I so sure?
    Imagine that one billiard ball collides centrally on the other, which was in rest before. Incoming ball stops, ball in rest
    begins to move. Energy is transferred in space.

    Let slightly complicate the task. Let the incoming ball moves at speed V+delta , and let the ball, which was at rest to move in the same direction with a less speed V. Collision is still center. Balls exchange their speed. What is the transfer of kinetics energy? It is(mV+delta)(mV+delta)/2-m*V*m*V*/2= m*V*delta = k*delta, where k is constant
    If all the balls have the same mass, and the same speed V (except one incident ball) In such an analysis, k is a linear
    momentum (m*V).

    When tori transfer rotation energy in space constant k will be some angular momentum, and delta will be linear frequency. In the proposed geometry (see last full version) k value proved to be Planck constant. This means light is transfer of rotational energy for tori .

    Now consider the linear chain of 3 tor. First torus has excess rotational momentum in a clockwise direction, the third torus has opposite rotation momentum. Two oppositely directed torques try to break the second torus. If their total energy is greater than the binding energy of the dumbbell(1MeV) , then one of the dumbbells will be broken.
    How big must be energy, to do this? The wavelength which is correspond to the energy must exactly equal the big torus circumference λc. In energy equivalence there are two photons having m*c*c (0.5MeV) energy each.

    Well when you screw cap with the bank, you have to grab it with your fingers of one hand along the entire circumference and you have to grab with you fingers of other hand along the bottom bank circumference.
    Corresponds of photon energy to λc is crucial moment. Imagine you use just two fingers, not five, so wavelength correspond to different from 0.5MeV photon energy. You can't open bank if screw cap is tight.

    That is, two energetic photon breaking down one of the dumbbells, carried away two elementary charges, but it is now the electron and positron. Why?
    Because they carry away not the only elementary charges, they carry away their "rotation". "rotation" of charge is current. In dumbbell there is no total current because electron compensates positron . So, before energy was in rotation form. Now it is magnetic energy.

    So the electron (positron) came to existence as charged rotating sphere. Photon accepted charge and torque in one time. Charge and torque can't exist separate never more. It's mass.

    Actually, Charged sphere must be broken by the force of repulsion, and the only current due to sphere
    rotation pulls the sphere to the central point.

    So just borne electron (positron) has rest energy m*c*c ,(sum of electrostatic energy of charged sphere and current magnetic energy. Last value is double mechanical rotation energy of sphere in the same time . Kinetic energy (took from photon) is m*c*c also. So it's looks like it is hoop. Let’s check it. When hoop is rolling it must be correlation between linear frequency c/λc and double kinetic energy:

    m*c*c = k*c/λc

    It proved to be k is Planck constant. It is second definition of Planck constant.
    But hoop total energy must be mcc in regular case. Why it's double big? Because it's charged hoop. I call it: charged hoop must drug its field. That is why I tell "double kinetic mechanical energy" every time.
    Electron can reduce it's speed to from c to v , but electron always moves in a circle of radius λd/2π due conservation of angular momentum, which was m*c*λc. That is why electron wavelength must be λd =c* λc/v . Electron can be anywhere in the space along its wavelength λd, as Prince de Broglie has predicted 100 years ago, but now you know where de Broglie wavelength came from.

    What is the mass of heavy photon?
    It's depends of how many dumbbells match big torus circumference. There are λc/r, where r is dumbbell length (classical electron radius r). Mass of every dumbbell is 2*m. But inside torus every mass is "heavier" by 13/12 factor due to torus binding energy with neighbours. λc was measured already. It is Compton wave length for electron. Value of r is known. So mass of heavy photon is proved to be 1862*m.

    Heavy photon can lose some number of dumbbells, due to above predicted mechanism. Let heavy photon to lose 12 dumbbells. I think it is neutron. The axis of rotation are able to precess under the influence of neighboring dumbbells. It's like a worn engine, with loose gear, sooner or later some of them get broken.
    So one of the dumbbells get broken, the electron rolls out to carry energy 2*m*c (kinetic and rest mass) and angular
    and linear momentums. Acquired linear momentum neutron does not feel because it's very heavy. But the acquisition of angular momentum leads to dramatic consequence. Neutron curls and now it is a proton (1836*m) . That is why the rest mass of the neutron bigger the rest mass of a proton by 2*m*c*13/12 electron masses.

    So how the Universe come to existence?
    God just opened the tap and let light with average energy 0.5MeV to come in. Corresponding thermodynamic temperature is 10 in power 12К. It is Big Bang temperature.
    mudra on Wed Sep 24, 2014 7:05 am
    We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself. 9625957065_93d90ac4cf_q

    Warm Welcome in the Mists Mikke.
    Thank you for sharing your insight on this Universe.
    Looks like quite an epiphany you downloaded We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself. 854501

    You may enjoy reading this link Alchemikey shared on his reminders of remembrance thread.

    Love from me

    Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
    ~~ Buddha ~~

    We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself. Feathe10

    In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time.

    Just a small reminder mikke that the definition of a derivative as the rate of change of a function f(x) = limit {h=delta x goes to 0) is defined as:

    df/dx = lim{[f(x+h)-f(x)]/h}

    So your derivative used would result in mV+0 in that limit for a function f(x) =½mV2 for the kinetic energy of mass m.

    In that limit then:  ½m{V2 +2Vh + h2 - V2}/h = mV

    Your basic idea is valid however in a general sense, as the original Big Bang Creation was a function of Temperature only, but not associated with the kinematics of particles.
    The Big Bang temperature can be calculated from particular algorithmic premises which resulted in a Temperature Gradient between a superspace plenum not physically definable and the then well known Planck Black Body spectrum manifested AFTER and not BEFORE the socalled de Broglie Phase Acceleration aka the Inflaton.

    The algorithmic Temperature can be termed  a 'Frequency - or Number Inversion' at  so 7.54x1037 Kelvin* with the Big Bang thermodynamic Temperature then 'quantum tunneling' to 2.94x1036 Kelvin * to define the inflation time for the 'False Higgs Vacuum' as the time- or frequency differential from  1.29..x10-32  to 3.33..x10-31 cosmic seconds *.

    As you seem to be rather interested in the properties of the Electron, here is some information for your consideration and mudra's reference to the 'sacred geometry' underpinning the same is indicated in the derivation of its restmass in the appearance of the 'Golden Ratio' or 'Fibonacci roots'.

    The Stability of the Electron and its missing mass in QED

    Hi All!

    Allow me to raise a most important issue in quantum mechanics, namely the stability of the electron and the nature of its mass. QED postulates the electron as a point-particle of a size smaller than 10-18 metres; yet the extremely successful calculations in Quantum ElectroDynamics or QED are required to 'scale up' the electron to its 'classical' size of so 3x10-15 metres.

    Postulating a 'Dirac Sea' of 'virtual particles' within this classical electron radius Re=ke²/mec²; the electron should be unstable due to the repulsion of the 'virtual electrons' of that 'uncertainty soup'.

    The following references to the Canadian physicist Vesselin Petkov further detail the scenario and its avenue of resolution in the form of a correct calculation of the electromagnetic mass of the electron.

    I highly recommend the two papers, as they also describe the equivalence principle between gravitational- and inertial mass and should put to rest the 'varying c' lightpath questions which Petkov nicely analyses in the original 'Einstein Elevator' thought experiment in the 'Acceleration-paper'.

    I shall then add and show that what the experimenters measure as the restmass of the electron is actually a REDUCED EFFECTIVE electronmass.

    So the electron's mass is purely electromagnetic and via the equivalence principle it links the classical electron radius to its self-energies of its electric field and its magnetic field.

    Finally, a relationship to the string parameters in Quantum Relativity shall show that in those parameters, the stability of the electron is assured in the electron's energy incorporating the experimental mass defect in the (v/c) ratio assuming its unitary value.

    In other words, the higher dimensional electron is gauge-photonic, so always moving at lightspeed c, say as manifested in its spin angular momentum:

    This last expression is highly significant in Petkov's side-notes below and seems to relate to a so called 4-atomism advanced concept of the discretization of spacetime.

    Vesselin Petkov on the 4-atomistic model

    "Such a possibility follows from a work [37] which has received little attention so far. By bringing the idea of atomism to its logical completion (discreteness not only in space but in time as well - 4-atomism), it is argued in that work that a quantum-mechanical description of the electron itself (not only of its state) is possible if the electron is represented not by its worldline (as deterministically described in special relativity) but by a set of four-dimensional (4D) points (modeled by the energy-momentum tensor of dust - in this case a sum of delta functions) scattered all over the spacetime region in which the wave function of the electron is different from zero. The 4-atomism hypothesis gives an insight into two questions relevant to the issues discussed here:

    (i) how an elementary charge can have ”parts” and still remain an elementary charge, and

    (ii) why there is no stability problem despite that the ”parts” of an electron repel one another. Since, according to the 4-atomism hypothesis, for 1 second an electron is represented by 1020 4D points (the Compton frequency) at one instant the electron exists as a single 4D point carrying a greater (bare) charge, but for one second, for example, there will be 1020 such points occupying a spherical shell that manifest themselves as an electron whose effective charge is equal to the elementary charge. If we can observe the electron without interacting with it for, say, 10-9 s the electron will appear to us as a spherical shell since during the observation time (10-9 s) the electron is represented by 1011 4D points appearing and disappearing on the spherical shell. Each charged 4D point feels the repulsion from other previously existing constituents of the electron, but cannot be repelled since it exists just one instant.

    Therefore, such a spherical distribution of the electron charge appears to be stable. This hypothesis also appears compatible with the scattering experimental data - the dimensions of the constituents of the electron (its 4D points) can be smaller than 10-18 m. The 4-atomistic model does not lead to the difficulties of a purely particle and a purely wave models of the electron and may be a candidate for what Einstein termed ”something third” (neither a particle nor a wave).

    The electron here actually represents 1011 4D-points which in a 'bosonic unification' time of order a nanosecond (10-9 s) would constitute the electron as the Re shell, which is stable.

    Our description of the higher dimensional electron justifies this in rendering lightspeed c intrinsic to the action quantum being FINESTRUCTURED in h=λo.1010/2Rec³ and with λo.1010/360=10-22.1010/360=10-12 /360=Re describing precisely this 4-atomisation introduced by Petkov. The wormhole or 'singularity Black Hole' as a 'point electron' of QED, then assumes its property of quantized angular momentum in ro/(1010)={λo/2π}/(1010)={360Re/2π}/(1010)={180{Electron Diameter}/2π}/(1010) and relating the 'degree measure' of 'Pi=π' to its 'radian measure' in a 'higher dimensional' equality between the two measures as COSMIC PI.


    We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself. Cosmicpi_(2)

     I shall continue after the Vesselin Petkov references.

    Did 20th century physics have the means to reveal the nature of inertia and gravitation?
    Authors: Vesselin Petkov
    (Submitted on 14 Dec 2000 (v1), last revised 17 Dec 2000 (this version, v3))

    Abstract: At the beginning of the 20th century the classical electron theory (or, perhaps more appropriately, the classical electromagnetic mass theory) - the first physical theory that dared ask the question of what inertia and mass were - was gaining momentum and there were hopes that physics would be finally able to explain their origin. It is argued in this paper that if that promising research path had not been inexplicably abandoned after the advent of relativity and quantum mechanics, the contemporary physics would have revealed not only the nature of inertia, mass, and gravitation, but most importantly would have outlined the ways of their manipulation. Another goal of the paper is to try to stimulate the search for the mechanism responsible for inertia and gravitation by outlining a research direction, which demonstrates that the classical electromagnetic mass theory in conjunction with the principle of equivalence offers such a mechanism.

    12 pages, LaTeX
    Classical Physics (physics.class-ph)
    Cite as: [physics.class-ph]

    Acceleration-dependent selfinteraction effects as a basis for inertia

    Vesselin Petkov

    Physics Department, Concordia University
    1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West
    Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8

    [18] In order to account for the stability of the classical electron Poincar´e [8] assumed that part of the electron mass (regarded as mechanical) originated from forces (known as the Poincar´e stresses) holding the electron charge together and that it was this mechanical mass that compensated the 4/3 factor (reducing the electron mass from 4/3m to m). However, the 4/3 factor, as discussed above, turned out to be an error in the calculations of electromagnetic mass as shown in [10]-[15]. As there remained nothing to be compensated (in terms of mass), if there were some unknown attraction forces (the Poincar´e stresses) responsible for holding the electron charge together, their negative contribution to the electron mass would result in reducing it from m to 2/3m.

    This made the stability problem even more puzzling - on the one hand, a spherical electron tends to disintegrate due the repulsion of the different parts of the spherical shell; on the other hand, however, an assumption that there is a force that prevents the electron charge from blowing up leads to a wrong expression for its mass.

    Obviously, there is an implicit assumption in the classical model of the electron that leads to such a paradox - it is assumed that at every instant the electron charge occupies the whole spherical shell (see [20]).
    [19] D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1989, p. 439.

    [20] It is not impossible for an elementary charge to have a spherical but not continuous distribution. Such a possibility follows from a work [21] which has received little attention so far.

    Such a possibility follows from a work [37] which has received little attention so far. By bringing the idea of atomism to its logical completion (discreteness not only in space but in time as well - 4-atomism), it is argued in that work that a quantum-mechanical description of the electron itself (not only of its state) is possible if
    the electron is represented not by its worldline (as deterministically described in special relativity) but by a set of four-dimensional (4D) points (modeled by the energy-momentum tensor of dust - in this case a sum of delta functions) scattered all over the spacetime region in which the wave function of the electron is different
    from zero. The 4-atomism hypothesis gives an insight into two questions relevant to the issues discussed here:

    (i) how an elementary charge can have ”parts” and still remain an elementary charge, and

    (ii) why there is no stability problem despite that the ”parts” of an electron repel one another. Since, according to the 4-atomism hypothesis, for 1 second an electron is represented by 1020 4D points (the Compton frequency) at one instant the electron exists as a single 4D point carrying a greater (bare) charge, but for one second, for example, there will be 1020 such points occupying a spherical shell that manifest themselves as an electron whose effective charge is equal to the elementary charge. If we can observe the electron without interacting with it for, say, 10-9 s the electron will appear to us as a spherical shell since during the observation time (10-9 s) the electron is represented by 1011 4D points appearing and disappearing on the spherical shell. Each charged 4D point feels the repulsion from other previously existing constituents of the electron, but cannot be repelled since it exists just one instant.

    Therefore, such a spherical distribution of the electron charge appears to be stable. This hypothesis also appears compatible with the scattering experimental data - the dimensions of the constituents of the electron (its 4D points) can be smaller than 10-18 m. The 4-atomistic model does not lead to the difficulties of a purely particle and a purely wave models of the electron and may be a candidate for what Einstein termed ”something third” (neither a particle nor a wave).

    What is promisingly original in the 4-atomism hypothesis is its radical approach toward the way we understand the structure of an object. The present understanding is that an object can have structure only in space. The 4-atomism suggests that an object can be indivisible (structureless) in space (like an electron) but structured in time. Whether or not this hypothesis will turn out to have anything to do with reality remains to be seen, but the very fact that it offers conceptual resolutions to several open questions and goes beyond quantum mechanics (which cannot be discussed in this paper) by predicting two new effects that can be tested makes it a valuable candidate for a thorough examination.


    The magnetic energy stored in a magnetic field B of volume V and area A=R2 for a (N-turn toroidal) current inductor N.i=BdR/μo for velocity v and selfinduction L=NBA/i is:

    Um=½Li²=½(μo.N2R)(BR/μoN)²=½B²V/μo and the Magnetic Energy Density per unit volume is then Um/V=½B²/μo.

    Similarly, the Electric Energy density per unit volume is: Ue/V=½εoE² say via the Maxwell equations and Gauss' law.
    By the Biot-Savart and Ampere Law: B=μoq.v./4πr² and εo=1/c²μo for the E=cB foundation for electrodynamic theory.

    So for integrating a spherical surface charge distribution dV=4πr².dr from Re to ∞:

    Um=∫{μoq²v²/8πr²}dr = μoq²v²/8πRe.

    Similarly, Ue=∫dUe=q²v²/8πεoRe =kq²/2Re=½mec² as per definition of the classical electron radius and for the total electron energy mec² set equal to the electric potential energy. We term me here the EFFECTIVE electronmass and so differ it from an actual 'bare' restmass mo.

    We now define the electric electromagnetic mass and the magnetic electromagnetic mass as:

    melectric=kq²/2Rec²=Ue/c²=½me and consider the electric electron energy to be half the total energy (akin the virial theorem for PE=2KE,
    say in the Bohr atom's PE=(-)ke²/RBohr = e²/4πεoRBohr = (2)e²/8πεoRBohr =2KE).

    mmagneticoe²[v/c]²/8πRe=melectric.(v/c)²=½me.(v/c)² and which must be the KE by Einstein's c²dm=c²(me-mo) and for the relativistic electronmass m=mo/√(1-B) for B=(v/c)².

    Note: (B here is not the magnetic flux density vector B=E/c, measured in Tesla or gauss but a conventional label for the (v/c) ratio in Special Relativity).

    But we can see, that should one use the measured electron mass from the Re-definition as the electron's restmass, that mmagnetic + melectric=me{½+½(v/c)²} < me, because of the mass-velocity dependency factor B and the groupvelocities v.

    From the Dragon Science Almanacs of the Thuban Dragons:

    The de Broglie inflaton-instanton can be defined to set a de Broglie phasespeed of VdB=Roc/λo and a de Broglie phase acceleration AdB=Roc2o2 to define the maximum Hubble-Frequency as fo=c/λo  in a direct (string parametric) coupling between displacement and frequency using the lightspeed invariance:
     c = foo = Ho.Ro and subsequently defining the crucial initialisation parameter no=Hoto = λo/Ro.

    This 'normalisation' of the Hubble-Radius Ro in the closed de Sitter universe implies a 'quasi-displacement' Ro superimposed onto a quantum displacement λo as the characterisatic length parameter for the local Friedmann universe, yet coupled to the characteristic boundary of the Hubble radius Ro=RH in the de Sitter cosmology.

    This coupling is then attained in the time instanton and which can best be modeled on string parameters defining the de Broglie wave mechanics as a string-inflationary matter wave, which initialised the two displacement scales as minimal and maximal boundary conditions for the asymptotic dynamics of the de Sitter spacetime.

    In other words, the universe was defined in a hierarchy of Planckian string classes and including a Planck-Length bounce of the order Sqrt(Alpha)=√[e2/2εohc]=[ec]√(μo/2hc)={e/c2.LP} ~1/11.7 until a string-boson decoupling occurred (via a 'monopole mass' [ec]) at the instanton to=1/foo/c.
    Five string classes transform into each other in energy gradients from the Planck class I (for open and closed string modalities) via the Monopole class (selfdual IIB) to the heterotic XL-Boson class (HO(32) bifurcating into quark-lepton templates) into the CosmicRay class (IIA open-ended but D-brane attached as all classes bar the I class) into the final heterotic Weyl-class (HE(64)) of the wormhole scale λo, which effectively quantizes all physical parameters in the modular duality definitions of the final Planck-Length transformation.

    The conformal mapping between the de Sitter space of the closed HDU and the Friedmann open LDU then manifests the limiting scale parameter atomically and in the form of a localised L=λo2/LP ~ 5x10-10 meters with a maximised de Sitter curvature of ΛL~1/L2 ~4x1018 and where λ=λo=10-22 meters as the Weyl-perimeter to map the typical scale of a star.
    For the wormhole radius roo/2π, the contracted atomic scaling of 10-11 meters then results in the conformal mapping for an extended astronomical scale at local curvature  ΛL~1/L2 ~ 6x1021.

    Phenomenologically then, the Planck-Weyl-Coupling-String transformation is characterised in the atomic mapping of stellar scales from a Planck-Scale reduction CPW={λo/LP} of order 5x1012, with the Planck-Weyl coupling leading to the emergence of the Big Bang inertia seedling Mand the energy-stress tensor in General Relativity Tuv traced in the expression 8πG/c4 with energy density ε=mc2/V.

    The square of the inverse Planck-Time or Planck-Curvature {c/LP}2=2πc5/hG~2x1086 (s-2)  is transformed into the Weyl-Curvature {c/λo}2=fo2 of the instanton of the maximum Hubble-Frequency and  to become the omnipresent cosmological parameter for the cosmogenesis and the universe's dynamics.

    The gravitational inertia trace emerges from the Einstein-lambda via the zero-point of the Planck-Oscillator and as: Eomin=½hfo=½moc2 = ½GmoMo/R*S   for  2R*S=λ*S/π =2GMo/c2
    Λo(no)=GMoo2 =GMofo2/c2 ~ 2x1085  (m/s2)  to unitise the emergent static Schwarzschild perimeter as: λ*S=2πR*S = 4π{Λo(no)}{LP/c}2 =4π{GMo/c2}{LPo}~1  for R*S={2GMo/c2}/CPW2.

    The atomic scale of  λ=10-10 meters conformally maps the scale of a typical solar system in L=1015 meters for a ΛL~10-30 (1/m2);

    the nuclear-leptonic scale of  λ=10-15 meters in Minkowski space conforms to the size of an astronomical orb in L=105 meters for a local curvature of ΛL ~10-10 (m-2) and the subnuclear-mesonic range at λ=10-18 meters maps L=10 centimeters as a macroscopic scale with a de Sitter curvature of ΛL ~100 (m-2).

    The maximum local scale of the Hubble horizon then gives Ro2/LP ~ for a curvature mapping of the Hubble scale onto the biovital boundary for the microbial realm at   λ~60 microns for the localised zero curvature of the Friedmann universe as ΛL~10-52 1/mwithin  the de Sitter encompassment.

    But the asymptotic condition for a Euclidean flat universe of zero curvature no longer requires a Hubble-scale at infinity, but assigns the expansion parameter the asymptotic form for an oscillatory Hubble evolution and as a(n)=n/(n+1).

    The de Sitter universe so behaves like a 'Standing Wave' bouncing the lightpath in semicycles given in the nodal Hubble-Time 1/Ho between its minimum value at the odd nodes as Ho and its maximum value at the instanton as fo at the even nodes.
    After the instanton to, the universe expands in dualistic fashion into the de Broglian de Sitter space created in the inflaton in timeinstantenuity, that is a 'higher dimensional' universe of hypersphere volume 2π2Ro3, enveloping a spherical volumar 4π[R(n)]3/3.

    A thermodynamic Planckian Black Body radiator expands relativistically and classically and under the auspices of the de Sitter 'Lambda' Λo(n) aka the 'Dark Energy' and in terms of an intrinsic acceleration, here labeled the Milgrom-Deceleration AMilgrom= -2cHo/(n+1)3 = -2Ho2/Ro(n+1)3.

    This Friedmann-Milgrom universe is the one described by inertial parameters, as it alone manifests the stress-energy tensor in General Relativity, coupled however to the de Sitter lambda Λo(n) in a form of quintessence.

    This 'lower dimensional universe' (LDU) decelerates asymptotically, incorporating a 'Hookessence' Λo(n) and using a parametrisation of the expansion parameter a(t) in terms of the dimensionless cycletime n.

    It has an intrinsic zero curvature, which however inflattens asymptotically because of the superposition of the positive de Sitter curvature.
    Overall, the described multidimensional universe is given in perfect Euclidean flatness, due to the manifestation of the initial boundary conditions.
    Superimposed onto the LDU, is however the expansion of the 'higher dimensional universe' HDU, here named the de Sitter universe; which juxtaposes the de Broglie inflaton and which exceeded lightspeed in hyperspace: {VdB=λf=(h/mc)(mc2/h)=c2/vgroup>c for all vgroup<c}

    So we introduce the relativistic restmass mo and set Constant Amooe²/8πRe for AB=1/√[1-B] -1 from:

    c2(m-mo)=μoe²v²/8πRe with m=mo/√(1-[v/c]2).

    This leads to the quadratic (in B2):
    1=(1+AB2)2(1-B2)=1+B2(2A+A2B2-2AB2-A2B4-1) and so: {A2}B4+{2A-A2}B2+{1-2A}=0

    with solution in roots: B=([A-2]±√[A²+4A])/2A={(½-1/A)±√(¼+1/A)}.

    This defines a distribution of B=(v/c)² velocity ratios in mo.AB=μoe²[v/c]²/8πRe.

    mmagneticoe²[v/c]²/8πRe=mo.AB=½me.(v/c)² then finestructures mmagnetic in the relation moA=½me and allows correlation between the relativistic and kinetic restmass mo and the effective electron groundmass me (say).

    In particular me =2Amo and is moA for A=½ AS the NEW minimisation condition.

    In string parameters and with me in *units, the following is found:

    moA=30e²c/e*=½me=4.645263574x10-31 kg*.

    This implies, that for A=1, mo=½me, where me=9.290527155x10-31 kg* from the prequantum algorithmic associations, based on the magnetic constant defining the Classical Electronic Radius.

    As B≥0 for all velocities v, bounded as groupspeed (not de Broglie Phasespeed always >c) in c for which B=1; a natural limit is found for the B distribution at A=½ and A=∞.

    The electron's restmass mo so is binomially distributed for the B quadratic.

    Its minimum value is half its effective mass me and as given in melectric=kq²/2Rec²=Ue/c²=½me for A=½ and its maximum for A=∞ is the unity v=c for B=1.

    The X-root is always positive in an interval from 0 to 1 and the Y-root is always negative in the interval from -3 to 0.

    For A=½: B=-3/2±3/2 for roots x=0 and y=-3;

    for A=¾: B=-5/6±√(19/12) for roots x=0.425 and y=-2.092;

    for A=1: B=-½± ½√(5) for roots x=X=0.618033... and y=Y=-1.618033...;

    {These  quadratic roots represent the famous Fibonacci Numbers (Phi=X and the Golden Mean Y) for the 'sacred geometry' of the Greeks and other architects of antiquity

    for A=∞: B=½[-]±½[+] for roots x=1[-] and y=0[-];

    Letting B=n, we obtain the Feynman-Summation and the Binomial Identity gives the limit of A=½ in:

    A=1/2 - B{3/8 - 5B/16 + 35B²/128 -...} and as the nonrelativistic low velocity approximation of E=mc² as KE=½mov².

    But the FRB or Functional-Riemann-Bound in Quantum Relativity (and basic to the pentagonal string/brane symmetries) is defined in the renormalisation of a wavefunction B(n)=(2e/hφ).exp(-alpha.T(n)), exactly about the roots X,Y, which are specified in the electron masses for A=1 in the above.

    The unifying condition is the Euler Identity:  XY=X+Y = i2 = -1 = cos(π)+isin(π) = ℮.

    This concludes this introduction to the electron's missing restmass.

    Tony B.   ---

    Gospel of Thomas - Lambdin

    (50) Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where did you come from?', say to them, 'We came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and became manifest through their image.' If they say to you, 'Is it you?', say, 'We are its children, we are the elect of the living father.' If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father in you?', say to them, 'It is movement and repose.'"

    (83) Jesus said, "The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light."  

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself. Empty Re: We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself.

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:07 am

    Thank You, Shiloh

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:54 am