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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  Pris Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:14 pm


    Last edited by Pris on Sat Jul 15, 2017 4:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  Pris Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:29 pm

    RedEzra wrote:
    Pris wrote:
    To you, I must be 'God'.  I can take disorder (example:  dirty water) and reorder it into a perfect state.  According to you, that's impossible.  Nature does it constantly.  What do you think precipitation is?  The hilarious part is, each of us does this all the time with our own bodies (thanks to our soul spark in there, our singularity) whether we are aware of it or not.  You are your own 'God', Red, and you are completely oblivious.

    I admit and i don't hate to admit it that you are made in the image of God... and that is why humans are able to maintain some order in our environments despite the universal flow towards disorder. So humans can do what the universe can't... namely make some order and organisation out of the universal tendency towards disorder.

    The point is that the universe did not because it simply can't order organise and evolve life... so how did humans come to be or any animal for that matter ? How come there is life in a universe which cannot create nor evolve life ?

    The truth is that God did it... so you can thank God for the earth and your life and all the little kittens.


    And those who think that aliens seeded mankind... obviously did not think this through for how did aliens come into being ?

    You know what, Red?  I want to take a moment to thank you.  You've successfully blown any thoughts I may have had that your 'God' is real clear out the window.  Thanks!  Very Happy

    Go on believing whatever you want to believe, that is your right.  You can cry about it and stamp your militant boots all you want at what you believe to be an illegitimate perception of 'reality' (mine), but you and your beliefs only exist within your own little mind bubble.  Have at it. cheers

    Sorry... I don't mean to burst your bubble...

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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  Swanny Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:07 am

    RedEzra wrote:
    Seriously the world owes a lot to the catholic church for upholding the truth of God and His plan of salvation for all who will receive it... likewise we owe a lot to ancient Israel who strived with the truth of God for so long. And eventually they both went the way of the world.

    The way of God is not the same as the wayward world... God got some standards or rules which the world will not observe. Have we forgotten about the Flood or Sodom and what happened to ancient Israel ?

    We will either observe God's morals or be very sorry we didn't.

    So you're saying that we owe something to the catholic church for lying to us?
    You really need to wake up to what religion is, it's making a fool out of you. People here are trying to help you but you're too brainwashed to realise it.
    There is no god in the sense you perceive it. There is energy but there is not some old white bloke with a white beard floating on a cloud

    Bible - Page 30 God-monty-python

    Wake up for fcuks sake

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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:00 am

    What i'm saying is that the universe is stating that there is a God... so what people think or say do not change that fact. God is a reality so deal with it.

    Now who God is... that is not so clear as there are a lot of religions or philosophies in the world. So we got a God but we can't agree on who God is. It's a mess really as most are born into a tradition about God... and some cling to an idea about God and some are searching for God.

    It's a personal quest... so i can only voice my viewpoint based on what i believe to be true because it is anchored in evidence. I'm not here to convert or crucify anybody... but i am somewhat surprised over the combined opposition against what used to be common knowledge in the west for over a thousand years.

    But God is not surprised because the Bible foretold that this is exactly what would happen in the last days... just another little evidence of the truthfulness of God.

    Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, - 2 Thess 2:1-3

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    Post  RedEzra Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:05 am

    Is it so hard to imagine an ethereal God and ethereal beings in an ethereal Heaven ?


    And by the way admiral s i'm so sorry for not being moronic enough to believe what other people say when what they say is hearsay. Some are so caught up in their own fantasy world that they cannot have any concept of evidence... facts are foreign to them in their flight of fantasy.

    And you keep saying source is energy.... but for Heaven's sake man how many times must i say that the information in DNA obviously did not come from energy but intelligence ? Also it is high time to take the head out of the ass and look around at all the intelligence in nature. That clearly can't come from energy !

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    Post  RedEzra Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:25 am

    JoeEcho wrote:
    What do you think RedEzra, if Jesus were to stand before you as drag queen would you still accept him as your savior or would you be in line to crucify the 'scoundrel'?

    How about if Jesus were to stand before you as He actually is described in the Bible would you still accept Him as your Savior ?

    I don't hate anybody... in fact i care so much for everybody that i take the time to tell truths that are universal and unavoidable. If truths hurt then know that in the end it is for our own good.

    There is an ethereal hell... and i would not like to see myself nor anybody else end up there. That is the truth.

    One may believe very strongly that there is no God angels heaven and hell... but however hard humans may try... Reality is simply not going away. It doesn't matter if mankind kills all who believe in God angels heaven and hell... Reality still stands.

    Some things we cannot change so the smart thing to do would be to comply with what we cannot change. We cannot change God angels heaven and hell... so if we're smart we will comply with God.

    It's not exactly genius to observe God's morals... but it is a smart thing to do.

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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  Swanny Tue Jul 04, 2017 9:16 am

    The bible is the problem. People are not allowed to question it or look into other options. It is the ultimate control manual rewritten by whoever is currently running the joint.
    Chuck the rubbish in the bin where it belongs

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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Tue Jul 04, 2017 9:48 am

    No God's book is not the problem... it's people's ideas that is the problem. God is not the problem... people are.

    We got a huge people problem in the world with people who think and act according to their ideas... instead of standing together with God.

    Secular socialism communism nazism facism islam hinduism satanism selfism shintoism buddhism etc etc all false ideas are the problem... not God nor His book. What you will witness is all those isms and falsehoods ending up in an ethereal rubbish bin.

    Oups i almost forgot modern catholicism and prosperity christianity... that goes with the rest of the rubbish as well.

    Who will be left ?

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    Post  Swanny Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:32 am

    Your religion is just one of many

    Bible - Page 30 HfF6SVAzv2OzG8mKBmwBWvFYrPer41zH4Bt3DEtFymA

    The believers all believe that theirs is the one true control system

    In my opinion following a religion is a sign of an immature spirit/soul whatever you want to call it

    Hey Red you better watch out the muslims are taking over. What will your god do to stop that?

    Islam is growing faster than any other religion, according to a study by the Pew Research Center. In fact, most of the world's major religious groups are expected to rise in absolute numbers by 2050, the research finds, with Islam set to overtake Christianity and become the world’s dominant religion by 2070.

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    Post  RedEzra Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:46 am

    There are a lot of ideological bubbles in the world... big religious bubbles like christendom islam and hinduism... big secular bubbles like communism... big self bubbles like buddhism and a lot of small self and cult bubbles. In fact there are also bubbles within both big small and cult bubbles. Perhaps one is in one's own personal bubble...?

    And all the bubbles think that they got it right or the truth... else they would not be in that bubble but move into another bubble.

    Well which bubble is the correct bubble ? They obviously can't all be right else there would be just one big bubble... but there isn't. I can hear some of the small bubbles say that if not their bubble then there is no correct bubble because it's all subjective anyway... and that's why they are small bubbles.

    So there are a lot of bubbles to be burst... but only time can tell which bubble is floating still. Hope this helps bubbleheads.


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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:00 pm

    Swanny wrote:
    Hey Red you better watch out the muslims are taking over. What will your god do to stop that?

    God did not stop Assyria and Babylon or Rome from punishing ancient Israel... so are we in the west so observant of God's morals that we are protected by God and will not be punished by for example islam ? I think not... what do you think ?

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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  Swanny Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:23 pm

    Out of the 6.8 billion sheeple on planet Earth 4.7 billion don't believe in your god and its book. Christianity hasn't even been around for very long. Christians are the minority yet they claim to be right Lolerz

    Your made up god is a waste of space, he's not going to help you, you're well and truly buggered Naughty

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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  mudra Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:59 pm


    The Ghost Danse

    I will tell you this from personal observation: the whole universe is alive, even "dead" matter, even photons. Much of it is not conscious except in a very rudimentary sense, but it is alive. And life feels, and yearns and desires.

    What I have come to understand personally is that both theists and atheists are correct:

    Life is a divine spark from the infinite which came down into matter.

    Life is the blind urge upward through matter becoming more complex systems of chemicals which develop awareness.

    Both statements are true, and the real truth is both at once. Life once separated seeks to reunite. Life once united seeks to reseparate.

    It is the ghost danse.

    Love Always

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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:06 pm

    Swanny wrote:

    In my opinion following a religion is a sign of an immature spirit/soul whatever you want to call it

    So you are the repository of truth... and we all ought to think and act like you do... admiral swanny of the gfl is it ?

    You are not the only one with opinions... everybody got opinions about everything. But evidence is much more tangible than opinions. An opinion is just a subjective fiction whereas evidence is an objective fact. The former is only seen by oneself while the latter is seen by all who look at it.

    Wouldn't it be nice if reality is as one thinks... but it's just that there are objective facts in other words evidence which tell a different story than most think.

    In our modern world which is obsessed with selfies it is the new normal to think that self is the shite. Whatever one today thinks is right is right today and tomorrow it might change but so what. It's all very flexible but extremely subjective and self-centered.

    The point is that there are a lot of evidence for the God of the Bible which are easily seen by all who look at them... but the governments have done a good job in suppressing obvious evidence and replacing God with everything else. And you gobble down bottles of blue pills...

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    Post  Swanny Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:55 pm

    The big difference between my opinion and yours is that mine's right. Malletzky Your opinion doesn't even belong to you, it's just script written in a book

    I've been thinking, if I was going to worship a god it would have to be one worth worshiping. Your god is a bit rubbish, it doesn't do anything impressive, it couldn't even beat the devil. I reckon Viking gods are much more impressive and there are loads of them Lawless

    Take Thor for example. That's a real mans god, not some pussy old man floating about on a cloud

    P.S The gfl is just as much of a joke as your god alien

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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:12 pm

    mudra wrote:


    The Ghost Danse

    I will tell you this from personal observation: the whole universe is alive, even "dead" matter, even photons. Much of it is not conscious except in a very rudimentary sense, but it is alive. And life feels, and yearns and desires.

    What I have come to understand personally is that both theists and atheists are correct:

    Life is a divine spark from the infinite which came down into matter.

    Life is the blind urge upward through matter becoming more complex systems of chemicals which develop awareness.

    Both statements are true, and the real truth is both at once. Life once separated seeks to reunite. Life once united seeks to reseparate.

    It is the ghost danse.

    Love Always

    That was a beautiful post mother... truth is perhaps so but the words are wise nevertheless.

    I have no idea how God brought this universe into being... or how He sustains it. But i understand that our bodies and all bodies for that matter are breathtakingly complicated on the cellular level. And that the amount of thought and care encoded within DNA is beyond comprehensible.

    So i'm aware of the great importance of our bodies... they are not just for (ab)use before being cast away. And Jesus after death was resurrected bodily... and that is the promise of God and was the hope of many men and women who are now long gone... that one day they will be bodily resurrected just like Jesus was.

    It is not possible to circumvent Jesus when trying to understand God. His historicity and crucifiction cannot be doubted because Roman records affirm it. So if one has not looked into the problem or solution of Jesus and how He fits into all this... then there is the slippery slope of making God in our own image.

    God is not as i think... and in fact i have no control over God. I just want to know who God is... and i can't help but see Him in Jesus.

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    Post  RedEzra Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:23 pm

    Swanny wrote:The big difference between my opinion and yours is that mine's right. Malletzky

    No my dick is bigger than yours... that's the big difference Razz

    Swanny wrote:
    I've been thinking, if I was going to worship a god it would have to be one worth worshiping. Your god is a bit rubbish, it doesn't do anything impressive, it couldn't even beat the devil.

    Rubbish or not... Resurrection is pretty impressive. And how about turning water into wine and walking on it ? Feeding 5000 with a couple of loaves of bread and fish is magic. How about waking up dead people or heal the sick and exorcism... it's cool to be God.

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    Post  Swanny Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:28 pm

    Has your god done anything worth taking about in the last 2000 years??

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    Post  RedEzra Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:05 pm

    According to thousands of testimonies on utube and elsewhere God is still in the business of magic and miracles with a helping hand and healing. I don't think God likes the fake media and that's maybe why He is never on the news.

    So yes God is still doing God stuff... what else can God do ? Sit and watch cat clips on utube all day...? I don't think so.

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    Post  Pris Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:39 am


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    Post  Swanny Wed Jul 05, 2017 3:07 am

    RedEzra wrote:
    According to thousands of testimonies on utube and elsewhere God is still in the business of magic and miracles with a helping hand and healing. I don't think God likes the fake media and that's maybe why He is never on the news.

    So yes God is still doing God stuff... what else can God do ? Sit and watch cat clips on utube all day...? I don't think so.

    I'm not impressed. The doctor down the road from me can heal sick people. How about doing something worthwhile like fixing Fukushima. Maybe he likes watching the Pacific die.

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    Post  Pris Wed Jul 05, 2017 3:43 am


    Umm... you might want to check out my link, Swanny.

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    Post  RedEzra Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:58 am

    I'm not blueroller whoever that is... i'm redezra and have always been. And i don't think my style has changed at all. I'm still putting words together in a language that is not my mother tounge... so sometimes i may mispronounce or make mistakes in both spelling and meaning.

    So i'm not out to fool you... in fact i think you are perfectly capable of that yorself.

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    Post  Pris Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:08 am

    RedEzra wrote:
    I'm not blueroller whoever that is... i'm redezra and have always been. And i don't think my style has changed at all. I'm still putting words together in a language that is not my mother tounge... so sometimes i may mispronounce or make mistakes in both spelling and meaning.

    So i'm not out to fool you... in fact i think you are perfectly capable of that yorself.


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    Bible - Page 30 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:26 am

    Swanny wrote:How about doing something worthwhile like fixing Fukushima. Maybe he likes watching the Pacific die.

    Listen to the word of the LORD, O sons of Israel,
    For the LORD has a case against the inhabitants of the land,
    Because there is no faithfulness or kindness
    Or knowledge of God in the land.

    There is swearing, deception, murder, stealing and adultery.
    They employ violence, so that bloodshed follows bloodshed.

    Therefore the land mourns,
    And everyone who lives in it languishes
    Along with the beasts of the field and the birds of the sky,
    And also the fish of the sea disappear.

    - Hosea 4:1-3

    So godlessness and lawlessness causes mass animal deaths... and the people of world has to turn to God and observe His moral laws in order to fix Fukushima and end the dying of wildlife.

    And that is probably not going to happen anytime soon... so we are stuck in this mess which might get worse.

    Look the world is going to hell in a handbasket... our only choice is to be rescued by God or not. We either go down with the world or get picked out individually by God. The world as a whole is done dying and soon dead because of the amount of people who don't want to observe and obey God's laws.

    It's in the world's grasp to fix this but the world won't even reach out and try ... the people of the world will be captains on their own ships and go down with it.

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