malletzky Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:36 am
Carol wrote:One of the things that stuck in my mind was when LaViolette talked about how as the planet goes through the super wave it will neutralized the radiation (think Fukushima) and clean up many of these problems. I've often thought that no matter how bad things get there is a reset button.. somewhere that sets things right. IMPO the superwave is nothing to be afraid of.
Isn't it sad enough that we as humanity need that reset button? There are overwhelming indications and proofs of existence of many other human civilizations in the past. We're not the first one, we will not be the last one.
But I find it disturbing that the creation itself was forced to push that reset button many times in the past.
Our curent "amnezia", which includes all our progress but also all our mistakes which we as species have had in the past and which leaded to the almost total extintion of the human race, shouldn't be an excuse at all for our behaviour within our current lifes.
As long as we continue to worship the materialism in it's present form and do not recognize that the point of no return has already been reached by now, we could be just happy to have that "option" with the reset button to "save" us from our own calamity.
Being a person with a positive attitude I will never give up to have this situation changed. But also, I am not even close to be afraid that the creation itself will push that reset button again. Just because I know what's or so...
Much respect