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anomalous cowherd
8 posters

    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime


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    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  seeingterra Sun May 09, 2010 11:59 am

    Hi everyone

    First I want to congratulate the good people running this forum on doing an excellent job with the mists :)

    Many of you have probably experienced that project camelot has been down for the past few days. This was due to several faulty hard-drives on our servers.

    Project Light Warrior is still down and I sadly have no ETA for when it will be running again.

    I want to ensure everyone that we are currently taking steps to prevent this from ever happening again. is currently down, and I am currently investigating why.

    Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer as best as I can.

    All the best,



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    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  Floyd Sun May 09, 2010 12:45 pm

    Thanks for the update Tommy. Hope you get it up soon ( to speak)

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    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  UncleJohn Sun May 09, 2010 1:20 pm

    Hi Tommy, I'm sorry that Project Camelot and your forum are down.

    I've been involved with computers since 1964. I know how to setup and document systems so they rarely go down or lose data and can be easily moved to alternate servers.

    When I was a moderator at PA1, I made several suggestions about this to the admin's and Bill and was not only ignored but scorned for doing so.

    If you would like to discuss these topics here, I would be glad. I am not interested in being an admin.

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    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  seeingterra Sun May 09, 2010 1:52 pm

    UncleJohn wrote:Hi Tommy, I'm sorry that Project Camelot and your forum are down.

    I've been involved with computers since 1964. I know how to setup and document systems so they rarely go down or lose data and can be easily moved to alternate servers.

    When I was a moderator at PA1, I made several suggestions about this to the admin's and Bill and was not only ignored but scorned for doing so.

    If you would like to discuss these topics here, I would be glad. I am not interested in being an admin.


    Yes I was just wanting to keep you in the loop since I was sure many was wondering what was going on.

    We are currently working on having mirror sites set up, I am sad to hear about your experience with avalon regarding this, that was uncalled for I think.

    Thanks for your input :)

    all the best,

    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  anomalous cowherd Sun May 09, 2010 2:28 pm

    I seriously don't understand why more people don' t just hang out here anyway.
    Even the mild problem with the gfl stuff is not really an issue . You want drama? we got it !
    I'm busy in my garden but I check in here and more posters with perhaps differing viewpoints and news would be an enticing and stimulating reason to drop the trowel.

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    Age : 64

    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  Chitty Sun May 09, 2010 2:32 pm

    Who Cares Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime 425557
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  anomalous cowherd Sun May 09, 2010 2:34 pm

    Are you being chitty?

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    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  UncleJohn Sun May 09, 2010 2:51 pm

    Some of my suggestions for what they are worth.

    Use phpBB and mySQL on a paid for server instead of free forums.
    Document everything done in a public blog. This means every script and every command used to setup and maintain the forum.
    Have everything reviewed by someone else. No shooting from the hip. No being the tech guru that everyone depends upon; who keeps what they do to themselves in order to be more valuable and powerful.
    Make sure that one can easily backup the forum and restore it to an existing alternate and a new alternate.
    Always remember that if something goes wrong you look like a fool to those who know. Richard and Gareth are good examples of fools for having the system they admin go down so many times.
    In every successful system I was associated with the tech admin's and the moderators or decision makers were separate and stuck to their focus.

    Posts : 8
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    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  seeingterra Sun May 09, 2010 5:07 pm

    UncleJohn wrote:Some of my suggestions for what they are worth.

    Use phpBB and mySQL on a paid for server instead of free forums.
    Document everything done in a public blog. This means every script and every command used to setup and maintain the forum.
    Have everything reviewed by someone else. No shooting from the hip. No being the tech guru that everyone depends upon; who keeps what they do to themselves in order to be more valuable and powerful.
    Make sure that one can easily backup the forum and restore it to an existing alternate and a new alternate.
    Always remember that if something goes wrong you look like a fool to those who know. Richard and Gareth are good examples of fools for having the system they admin go down so many times.
    In every successful system I was associated with the tech admin's and the moderators or decision makers were separate and stuck to their focus.

    I agree, we do not use free hosting at all for our services.

    Also the issues at hand now because of a batch of faulty hard-drives on the servers, so out of our control at this point.

    We are a crew of several people working on our systems\sites, but the hosting issues has been to much for us to ensure a stable user experience at this point, but actions are being taken to prevent this from ever happening again I ensure you :)

    Thanks again for all input, that is what keeps us running! Razz

    This thread was not created because we wan't members to use "our" community or anything, just for general updates and Q&A.

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    Location : Midgard

    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  SuiGeneris Sun May 09, 2010 8:02 pm

    Thanks so much for the updates Tommy...I was wondering why Camelot was down...

    Please let us know about P Lightwarrior and if you do find out what happened to Camelot.



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    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  Mercuriel Sun May 09, 2010 9:31 pm

    Thankyou for letting Us now the Facts seeingterra...

    Much Love to You and Yours...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Re: Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime

    Post  Carol Sun May 09, 2010 10:24 pm

    Hi Tommy. Glad to see you and thank you for the update. Given my own computer problems these days I have limited access so can understand the various frustrations folks are dealing with. I hope it gets sorted out sooner then later.

    As for UJ's experience. Why is it I'm not surprised. Sorry you had to go through that UJ.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1236
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    Location : Midgard

    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime Empty Happy Birthday Tommy!!!

    Post  SuiGeneris Fri May 14, 2010 7:41 am

    Project Camelot and project light warrior downtime 88033710
    Happy Birthday Tommy!!Band

    Don't forget to make a wish!!Big Grin 2
    (I wish you get a new computer soon)

    Much Love to you!!Happy Birthday


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