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    Time Shifts & Time Slips


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    Time Shifts & Time Slips Empty Time Shifts & Time Slips

    Post  Carol Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:08 pm

    Published on Jan 31, 2013 - Filling in for George, Art Bell welcomed psi researcher and experiencer Starfire Tor, who discussed time shifts and time slips as well as other strange occurrences involving time. During the first 90 minutes, they were joined by Whitley Strieber, who shared his take on Tor's research. He mused that these time anomalies suggest that "the boundary between the classical and quantum worlds is actually fuzzier than we would like to believe." Despite the far-reaching implications of such research, Tor lamented, "no scientist, except myself, ever really tackled these anomalies."

    She shared the story of one instance where she claims to have documented a time shift taking place. She explained that she and one of her research partners had noticed the phenomenon appearing to take place in a region of Southern California, so they went to a parking lot in the area and filmed it. Upon returning three months later, they found that a massive Circuit City building now stood in the once-empty parking lot. Tor alleged that the store employees all said that the building had been there for a year. However, upon re-examining the video tape from three months prior, she exclaimed "where the Circuit City was now ... there was nothing! It's just a parking lot!"

    Another time anomaly which Tor discussed was what she called a "time shift living-dead person." This phenomenon happens when one remembers knowing that someone has died, often a celebrity, but then later finds out that they are actually still alive. One such instance of this occurring, she said, is with Nelson Mandela, a case often mentioned by Art on in the past. Tor suggested that this enigmatic scenario is the result of a time shift, where, in the new timeline, the deceased person is no longer dead. As a result, she said, the brain develops a "dual memory time line conflict," where one remembers a past event that no longer happened.


    Starfire Tor is a respected psi researcher, scholar, author, and experiencer who discovered the "Unified Field Theory of Psi", "Time Shifts", "The Core Matrix", and has developed applied "Reality Shift" psience including "Reality Shift Manifestation". Her life and work have been written about in many publications, she's appeared on Whitley Strieber's Dreamland a number of times, she herself is published and was the head science writer for "Quest Magazine", and at one time was the chief brain at a private think tank.

    Starfire Tor is currently working on her innovative interactive television series "Earthquirks", which incorporates her cutting edge research and discoveries, vast knowledge, published works, lectures, interviews, field investigations, and internet presence.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 465
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Location : There's no place like home.

    Time Shifts & Time Slips Empty Re: Time Shifts & Time Slips

    Post  eMonkey Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:15 pm

    Fascinating interview.

    I have my own experience, witnessed by two others at the same time.. we even took photos of people we were expecting to pick us up at the arranged place to go down river and then they simply disappeared in front of us. We did a search for them in the cove where they landed.. no foot prints in the sand, no people or evidence they were there - even the raft was not there... When we later looked at the photos, the people we took photos of simply were not there.

    Very strange - so I ended up swimming down the river past a rocky ridge where the trail was too dangerous, I discover that I was swimming alongside a Coral snake keeping me company... I don't know why it did not go for me... lucky it did not.. So I/we will never forget that day in the Amazon, it was a most quite bizarre moment in my life.

    Incidentally Carol, even before you posted this thread, I was already half way through another C2CAM show that also is about 'time travel'... it was very fascinating and well worth listening as it also ties in with your guys theories that says the sun is hollow Eric Dollard. Well I don't go for the hollow sun thing, but his lectures especially in Anti-Relativity, Maxwell, Tesla, electrical engineering and time and proving Einstein was wrong kinda resonates with me..

    IF you have time to watch... its a marathon but worth it...

    Posts : 426
    Join date : 2010-04-11
    Location : Denver

    Time Shifts & Time Slips Empty Blast O' De Past

    Post  SiriArc Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:14 am

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