You know aliens exist and our govt is corrupt. A possible esoteric prison? The capturing of your soul?
Will your facts track this anomaly?
Is belief really just belief?
yes human created.magamud wrote:Do you not worship? I worship Krishna who is creator of everything and most beautiful and perfect!
You know aliens exist and our govt is corrupt. Yes know know, demons are in control and rulers. Why because they even know God, they lie and cheat as they are control freaks full of bad karma (samskaras, imprints, previous deeds) A possible esoteric prison? if a human is using mind but not intelligence there was always in any age to create one to control others. The capturing of your soul? Nobody can capture soul we are not from material world. Spiritual world is about 3/4 and 1/4 is Tatva (total material world, which includes not only our universe, but enumrable universes created by Krishnas expantion Vishnu.) There are many many universes, Creator enters in each universe .......... and in each living being.
Will your facts track this anomaly? Just remember the first Living entity Brahma is serving Krishna, Every not conditioned soul serve Creator. Our business to server Creator Krishna, to serve Creator, to serve creation. Just trust and serve that all, as soon as we come up with anomalies for some we may find out is not anomaly, see, so where you are going? It shows your understanding of God. NObody can capture soul. If you will not control yourself then somebody will control you. Master to control your mind first as somebody can give you wrong info and try to control you or enslave you. Make your mind friend instead of full of animalistic not controled desires. the basic is no ilicit sex, no intox, no killing (meat, shall not kill remember). Than nobody will enslave, nobody has this power. per our mind we can degrade to the hell and per our mind we can advance . you wrong impression No Mind does not mean no soul. You are soul and mind is subtle mater. Please try to understand. No body can enslave soul. stupid mind yes, for many year, lives in the future. If you are getting salary you are enslaves, dont think otherwise, did you not notice that liberated (moksha) do not work for anybody. to get salary means to be enslaved. have to go
Is belief really just belief?
magamud wrote:This piece is propaganda for the false teachings of Maya. In actuality this is the infinity loop of deception, the labyrinth of Buddhas corrupt teachings and the endless maze that humanity must go through until they wake up. Until then, this is the image of their enslavement. God help them...
Crop Circle Tibetan Buddhist symbol of an 'endless knot'
This is the latest intricate crop circle to appear overnight in a British wheat field.
The mysterious pattern resembles the ancient Tibetan Buddhist symbol of an 'endless knot' - a complex loop of lines and circles used to illustrate the eternal flow of time.
Read more:
For come there is a beginning and an end....
He showed the 3 material world gunas (satwa, raja and tama) or (goodness, passion and ignorance) or (maintenance, creation, destruction) or (Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva) or humans in those modes very well. bravo.magamud wrote:Roger Scruton should get his mind out of the gutter to prove his points. Show me the stone the builders rejected. A house of cards at best.
I can compliment the time, balance and precision of such a philosophy, but its test is in its foundation gentlemen.
It will not survive the storm.
He has sealed himself in a bunker, an application of doublethink and an algorithm of defenses.
With English pomp to boot....
Thanks for the info Dev...
This Religion is like the Agenda 21 of philanthrope...please do not come up with new blog or labels or religions or POVs accepted in hell.
so dirty or merit? or you are confused?magamud wrote:Dev you amaze me at how you can be ignorant then "know". Almost if two characters are involved unbeknown to the one?They do not want to do their own dirty work / what dirty work??, so they give themselves up to be in emptiness because they no longer want to search / to search what??.
This is the truth.../ this is opinion
The dirty of work of finding the answer.
To search for the truth.
Truth stands on its own merit sir...
maybe nowmagamud wrote:This material world - ignorance, passion and goodness
Three modes of matter in human art
You sure are arrogant claiming what you know of human endeavors. I would suggest that you take your own advice from yourreligionand apply it to yourself. Then from there begin again.... you too :)
It is such a strange schism on how you can appreciate the beauty of creation but then want to absolve it. Strange indeed.... you are confused because you do not know the total material world modes. because you do not know that mind is subtle mater but material. The problem that so called spiritualist tries Gods beauty understand materialistic way. When you think that Master I , you think that whole world is like you. so you assumed that I "but then want to absolve it". It shows materialist POV.
But makes perfect sense...
magamud wrote:If you know nothing, how could anything grow from this? Materialists do not understand this. They are controled by external energies.
They believe it is forward when they are going backwards. Everything is in our hearts, internal energy is our power. Materialists or demonic energies tries to create their own world, they think they create, they are gods they are I AM master. They come up with new scientific ideas, they are under passion mode. The END of passion mode is misery. Please remember that and never forget it. It is too important to forget. Goodness is not passion or ignorance. However we have so many incarnated on planet who are from many life times in ignorance and they bring ignorance here on this planet that they propagade the external energies instead of internal energies. External energies to satisfy self I. This external control enslaves humanity under other external ignorant living beings. Again passion mode End is clear and guarantee - misery. temporary happiness and the end of this is misery. Those who are under ignorance mode they are animalistic they usually eat meat. they never get right and always confused and controled by others (or internet news)
You believe its all about you, yet your connected to the we. How will you separate yourself?Become a master of the I?
who told you that you are master? But we have false Ego who thinks he is master and serve himself or herself with pride of it. This is ME in the center of universe. I should say this is not imortality, but volunteer spiritual suicidal volunterely. We are not ME or I or individual first meaning. However if you do not control your mind, you do not know that you are precious soul, powerful soul and you have to meditate to use intelligence instead of mind stupid speculations, than you are not afraid of death, you know better, you connect and perceive God energies and powers and this it the way and only THE way to get back to God.
As soon as you think you I or I master or I individual, than watch out of your mind fantazies and creations. human creations are not TRUTH it is temporarry visible things they create. Before the realization of Self as individual we should have a bit brains and pray to get it. We do not create truth, God is creator, Truth is truth, not an idea of God. Those who try to propagate imagine, image it and become they do not know God. you can think about the ghostly dimensions. Buddha was God to get humanity from violence to position of humility. I am not interested in fanatism and I see that you see the fanatism in humans who try to realize the oneness, but can not get through the illiusion. Yes you are right, they loose identity, they do not have identify, lost. after some nirvana they fall down very fast.
Will you give yourself to harmonics? Read your astrology until you can't? Are we all really meeting at the same place in the end? no, we may know eath other, we may end up but this is for those who serve God not external energies. most from this planet will be animals, bugs, worms, chicken.
again megamud, the meditation helps to get rid of animalistic instincts (caused by long time deeds, imprints, samskaras). you eat animal samscaras you will incarnate to release those imprints back to material world.
To control mind is very right, but your understanding of No mind is incorrect. Humans who control mind, are not slaves of mater, they see gold and stone equaly. Those who control mind, subtle mater, they control greed, envy.... (it is said they control world) Your NO MIND meaning is different. some kind of lunatics. yes :)
Will you just be a body looking through a window? ???
Do you have a Jaccobs ladder? I am from forest, never heard about the ladder, it is from human religion yes?
Can you be in the body? Incarnated soul animates body. Presense of soul is symptom of consciousness. but people prefer to use mind to enjoy material world including mind. When soul is gone, body is dead 'nothing' dust. We should care about soul as imortal and get rid of samskaras, sins, forgiveness any when we have this opportunity in human body.
Can you matter?
Lol Dev, you are a good person. I appreciate your participation.magamud, what you trying to confuse yourself and others is not the way to go. You should have clear vision and disclose if you are qualified.
magamud wrote:Do you feel better now Devakas that you have shunned my belief and chanted your gods supremacy? your beliefe is human made satanism religion. stop reading singing eating dead and you will be ok.
Your god is lying to you. Satanist fanatic would say that. Promising you perfection when it actuality it is leading you to destruction. YOu do not know what you are talking about. Your church folowers go to wars, Hare Krishna folowers go to streets to share love to God, because God is Love. Satanistic mentality does not know that. Karma I think. It is true that you can see beautiful body, but dark soul. Living entities are getting body which reflects living entities experience of as human hilosophy of life acording of satisfacton of desires. Your desire is clear to me. The senses and enjoyment of those senses match exactly of the all life philosophy and senses reflects sense organs and features, nose particular eye, teeth and etc. In the life there are many opportunities, reminders to choose, you can do good or you can do evil, you can do right or you can do wrong. Choices are there always. Or you can chose Krishna and He will be there. This is science of transmigration of soul. All is about satisfaction of desires. You get body you deserve.
If dog would know that he will be dog , he would be so embaressed.
Human life is opportunity to choose, all depends on our deeds. We should follow dharma, regulated (sinless) principals. If somebody is not following dharma of standard humility principals (sorry you do not know those, you are better learn about Satan qualities), Those who are not following humility principals is even not considered to be human. First we should become humans, before we can even think about choosing our next life.
For all practical purposes it is a huge Ponzie scheme.
The material world is a gift of Eden, from God to you Madam. And even though your Empire of Maya is long and big and powerful and has many good sages believing in it. enjoy to fullness with great passion....
It is still false...
The Material worlds problems are not just from us. It is also a ploy from Satan himself to deny God...
This is where your confusion comes from and to where I am pointing too....
dont you deny God, dont you not trusting him?
Satan steals souls.....
magamud wrote:Do you feel better now Devakas that you have shunned my belief and chanted your gods supremacy?
Your god is lying to you. Promising you perfection when it actuality it is leading you to destruction.
For all practical purposes it is a huge Ponzie scheme.
The material world is a gift of Eden, from God to you Madam. And even though your Empire of Maya is long and big and powerful and has many good sages believing in it.
It is still false...
The Material worlds problems are not just from us. It is also a ploy from Satan himself to deny God...
This is where your confusion comes from and to where I am pointing too....
Satan steals souls.....
This is the crossroads..Maybe that little Devil is you in disguise.. Embracing again into Unity.
magamud wrote:
The Devil unfortunately has his legion and quite the vast company. And I don't see anyone running away from him. Quite the opposite madam.
In this sense there are many people who are loving the devil.
Your confusion is thinking that my Ego or projection is the Devil and it is indeed the opposite. You have to just change your perspective.
We are at the end of times my lady and the wheat from the chaff is being separated.
How does your Divide and Conquer truth apply here?
This is the crossroads..Maybe that little Devil is you in disguise.. Embracing again into Unity.
Aquaries1111 wrote:I invited her to dance with me Devakas but she doesn't want to. She's too busy competing at wanting to be the best at playing the fiddle.
In general people don't understand how the Devil works and are intertwined. Thats what the main purpose of this thread is, to use my perception to tease him out. This is not easy..It just seems to me that God and the Devil are "divided" in the Minds of Men and who will "conquer"?
The purpose is to see reality as it is. The defense system is strong which is due to the apparent circular discussion. I am hoping to catch an opening.Many of these Devil, God discussions go around and around in circles and for what purpose?
Most perceivers are separated, but believe they are whole, I am trying to help identify and integrate.Divide and Conquer is a concept of mine
This is wisdom...perhaps.. the truth reveals itself as the stories unfold.
49. Jesus said, "Congratulations to those who are alone and chosen, for you will find the kingdom. For you have come from it, and you will return there again."
The hidden father is the creator. His love manifests with his son in flesh and blood. This is a straight line. This is what Jesus is talking about that you have to go through him.-"His Mother is in charge of operations."
I don't see this at all. I see the evidence around everywhere. Consider this that so much of it is so obscure and mysterious -
113. His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."
As it would since everything flows from God...:)For His mercy endures forever.