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    Welcome to the Bridging Heaven & Earth healing Art Project


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    Welcome to the Bridging Heaven & Earth healing Art Project Empty Welcome to the Bridging Heaven & Earth healing Art Project

    Post  mudra Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:41 pm

    Welcome to the Bridging Heaven & Earth healing Art Project Ali_miner_angel

    The Bridging Heaven & Earth healing Art Project

    The Bridging International Healing Art Project came as a vision, as a dream, as a mechanism for healing the Heart of the an acupuncture for the having so many amazing people, of any age, any skill level, any format, any size, any medium, as on-going, infinite and inclusive, with no deadlines or time frames, no paperwork (in effect helping to set a new paradigm) produce a new, original piece based on the theme, "Bridging Heaven & Earth".....

    The Bridging International Healing Art Project is, simply:

    A world-wide energy amplifying process using art and the collective energies of many.....and the result of having the collective energies of so many unbelievable, creative, people, from all over the world thinking, meditating on, and manifesting Bridging Heaven & Earth " will be huge......


    Fifth Annual International Healing Art Project Show

    The Karen

    Love Always

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Welcome to the Bridging Heaven & Earth healing Art Project Empty Bridging two worlds, what does it take to be in the flightpath of arrows between them?

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:22 am

    This is about a remarkable experience and a teaching to me. I share this with you for it's about healing the feminine
    and stepping into the power of our feminine nature. be it men or women. I choose this thread, created by mudra, for in essence
    I perceive the balancing of feminine and masculine natures as also a bridging of Heaven and Earth. As above, so below.

    Yesterday, Wednesday July 29th 2015, I was in the bus on my way to Glastonbury, the spiritual I love you of England, as it's called
    by the mainstream public of all sorts of backgrounds and lifestyles, hippily jumping around in that place. Early morning it was.
    I was looking forward to visit the place and spend a whole day in and around the village. At a bus-stop a woman of the village
    I live in stepped in. She's fun and we meet in all kind of places and circumstances. She plays drums and makes radio interviews
    about gardening, for Radio Glastonbury. I often smile about her casual but determined way of telling me about what she does.

    She told me of a Goddess Conference in Glastonbury, this week. I had no idea, for I'm not a tourist studying flyers, frantically
    planning my days full of local or other-dimensional excitement. I've got my hands full on what's present already in my life on
    English soil: stone and red clay, now Wink

    Alas, back to the Goddess Temple, after stepping out of the bus, I went in to have a look, inform myself on the events in the
    Goddess Hall. I had a couple of chats with some trades-women who sell their craft and use their skills for healing, if requested.
    My favored plan though was to explore the area of the Tor, so I walked through Mary Magdalen street towards the path leading
    to the steps. Halfway that street is a church dedicated to Mary Magdalen and I decided to have a look inside.

    The portal was open, but the glass door inside was closed. A woman with a vacuum cleaner in her hands arrived and asked me if
    I wanted to go in. She opened the door for me and I had a chance to see the tapestry on the back wall. The church was modern
    and sober, I walked out and met the woman outside again, who had opened the door for me.

    For some reason we started a conversation and discussed the Goddess Conference of this week. She told me she left the Goddess
    Temple for the Church. I was intrigued and asked her, in a tactical way, about her decision. She told me that although she was in full
    glory as a trained priestess at some point, finding her workshops evolving prosperously, she felt miserable inside all of the time.
    She learned that the Goddess Temple didn't want anything to do with the Church. "I turned to the Church, a couple of years ago and
    found what I needed, but now I'm feeling miserable again" she said, while tears came in her eyes.

    "What happened?" I asked. She said "I've worked many years to create a bridge between the Goddess Temple and the Church, today
    the "Goddesses" are welcomed to visit this church during their break. (funny thought: Goddesses having a break!) "No ceremonies,
    just visits and a moment of quietude, if they feel welcome here. We've had a witches' ceremony a while ago, in here, but it all went
    wrong, for the energies were evil and much wasn't properly handled. When I discussed the invitation of today with the vicar, he said
    "I'll make sure the doors are locked" And when I replied "This is a visit during their breaks, no ceremony" he said "All the more reason
    to make sure the doors are locked". (how symbolic, this talk about locking the doors)

    Now what? She was here, standing with me in the portal of this church and no vicar was in sight. But I recognized the conflicting
    vibes in her situation and I said "I'm not sure, but it seems you're in the middle of conflicting energies, being involved in both church
    and Goddess Temple. It seems you're in a vulnerable position, a possible target for all sorts of projections and it may be that you feel
    miserable for that reason" She was thoughtful and took my words in. I knew she was a trained priestess, with the skills to solve this
    "riddle", for her own core issues were shouting very loud throughout this story of hers. I touched her shoulder and said "Don't be too
    hard on yourself" and said goodbye. While I walked away she called after me "Thank you very much for this conversation" and we
    waved again. How familiar it felt to me, that story!

    After walking to the Tor and around it, trying to find hidden wells, passing through the apple orchard, I walked into the Goddess Hall
    again, intrigued by the drumming that went on behind closed doors. In the cafe I ordered a coffee and managed to sit near those doors
    so that I could listen as close as possible. Many women were dressed in Goddess garments, of course in their own 21st century-way,
    some looking rather priestess-like and royal, others like girls in mommies' shoes and dresses. It's pretty common to see voluminous
    female bodies in the UK. Isn't that the "picture" we have, in general, when imagining "Madam Undine" telling the future to us from her
    crystal ball sightings, in such a frame? The intention of creating a Goddess Temple hasn't anything to do with appearances, to be honest.
    Of course it's fun to dress up, when you feel good about it and are playful. It's great fun when a sense of humor is present in all of it.
    I giggled as much as some of these ... seemingly crazy girls and wild women. Isn't the seriousness practiced by the church, more than
    enough, you think? (hear who's speaking Cheerful )

    On a different note, to be present between opposing forces of a spiritual nature, with human personalities involved, is a Sirius subject
    though. The effort, practiced by this woman in the Mary Magdalen church, is an example to me, in real 3d life, of how the feminine nature
    and approach, is denied by patriarch - as well as matriarch - cultures. For as I perceive it, the resistance in the Goddess Temple may come
    from anger and pain, not responsibly dealt with, therefore creating conflict and locking closed doors with new keys, if you get what I mean.

    To be a seeker of truth involves many roles on the playground of life, as I've found in real life and in general it seems to be the nature of
    members, such as the MoA people present here. A learning curve in perseverance and acceptance of the nature of who we truly are
    Luke sunny Earth Spiritual Boxer Gathering flower

    This is what they say in the leaflet I found, about the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury:
    "Glastonbury Goddess Temple was first opened to the public in 2002 and was formally registered as a Place of Worship on 18th of June 2003.
    We believe that we are the first indigenous British Goddess Temple for perhaps 1500 years, to be officially recognized as such within Brigit's
    Isles of Europe. This is a "herstoric" registration as for the first time a sacred space has been recognized which rests within the embrace of
    Goddess. Glastonbury Goddess Temple is dedicated to the Lady of Avalon, who is Goddess of the Sacred Isle of Avalon, which is the Otherworldly counterpart to the everyday world of Glastonbury. Our Temple is a very special place and we hold it with open hearts and wide loving consciousness
    as a Sacred Space of Goddess. People travel from all over the world to visit our Goddess Temple, to commune with the Lady in this sacred space specially dedicated to Her".

    Here's a tubby with Kathy Jones, the initiator of the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury:


    I've found an older post by Floyd, about his visit to Glastonbury and the Tor, so far it seems the "Mists of Avalon" movie, based
    on the book by Marion Bradley Zimmer, isn't present here. I'm sure some of us know about the movie and may have seen it.
    It's valuable background for understanding, Marion has been a diligent explorer of the history of that place Avalon.
    Ynis Witrin is the name by which the druids called that place. It means "Glass Island" for its numerous lakes around the hill,
    reflected the sky, as if from a glass surface. The book presents the clearest story, for the movie is "molded" around it, but not
    revealing all details, as is usual the case when books are translated into movies.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:48 am