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    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven


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    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven Empty Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:08 pm

    The book is in the attachment... enjoy cheers

    (quote from the book) "If you . . .

    are deeply saddened by the way humans treat each other, suffer from allergies and other sensitivities, feel somewhat alienated, even from friends and loving family, love to gaze out at the stars, find yourself thinking that UFOs and channeling might be true, are more comfortable with plants or animals than with people, have a sense that you came here to do something important . . .you may be one of the seventy million Wanderers who are here to assist with the impending shift. These cosmic servers have come to Earth from other dimensions through the Veil of Forgetting. The information in this book is structured to restore their memory.

    If you are one of them, this book is meant for you.

    It has long been predicted that the world as we know it will soon come to an end. The Bible speaks of a great battle, Armageddon, as the omega and alpha—the cessation of chaos and the dawn of a millennium of peace. The Hopi, Mayans, and numerous other indigenous cultures are replete with calendars, legends, and assorted predictions targeting the same moment in time—somewhere between now and the end of 2012—as the termination of civilization.

    These early writings—for the most part by unsophisticated and relatively primitive people—are turning out to be astonishingly accurate. According to an increasing flow of esoteric information channeled by psychics all over the world, our entire solar system is indeed passing through the last segment of a great arc representing the final moments of its current state of awareness. We are being told that within a few years, a great shift in consciousness—affecting all forms of Creation—will engulf us like a tsunami advancing inexorably toward our shores.

    Apparently, many advanced beings who live well outside the illusions of earthly existence have also known about these precipitous events for some time. Our planet, orbiting one of the larger suns on the remote fringes of one of the 125,000,000,000 galaxies in this physical universe, has long fascinated intergalactic observers. The experiment conducted here has been rich beyond expectation, yet in many ways deeply disturbing.

    When the illusion that humans choose to call “reality” was first envisioned, it was meant to be a game board upon which highly evolved beings would “pretend” to forget who they are. There they could play at creating new experiences possible only in the crucible of duality and polarity where belief and emotion are the prime forces of motivation. It soon became apparent that the illusion was too well crafted. The experiment, while interesting, was not going as planned; with each successive incarnation, souls were experiencing greater levels of pain and suffering.

    Several times in the history of our planet, advanced beings incarnated on Earth to help shift consciousness and offer expanded choices. In each instance, their higher teachings were appropriated by the priesthood and ultimately created more harm than good. Now that we are well into the anticipated shift, more than seventy million of these advanced beings have already incarnated on Earth. Unlike their predecessors, who kept their full awareness during their time on this planet, these Wanderers—as entities from higher densities are called—agreed to pass through the Veil of Forgetting as they entered the illusion. This means that they took on limited human awareness as well as human form.
    (end of quote
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    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven Empty Re: Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:27 pm

    What if things will never make sense?? What if the best we can do is to keep asking and answering questions?? What if the only thing we can be certain of is "uncertainty"??

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    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven Empty Re: Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:26 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:What if things will never make sense?? What if the best we can do is to keep asking and answering questions?? What if the only thing we can be certain of is "uncertainty"??

    I guess this defines where you're at, ortho. Now you and only you may decide if you're okay with that.
    Probably this will provoke more questioning in you and thus.... it goes on and on and on and on......
    Does it?


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    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven Empty How nature makes love, excerpt from the book "Going Deeper"

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:09 am

    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven Salcom10

    From the book "Going Deeper" posted as an attachment at the start of this thread.

    Page 46: (Zeus is Harry's dog... and more of course)

    ..... Zeus, asking Harry "Now let me ask you a question. Where is the dumbest place to stand during a lightning storm?
    "Under a tree" "And why is that?" "Because lightning will strike the highest attractive object it can find "Excellent" Zeus
    said "Now let's go deeper. Your scientists might explain the process as follows: All thunderclouds are made up of billions
    of water droplets and ice crystals. Great shear drafts create a sudden, massice movement within these clouds, causing
    static electricity to build. As the water droplets and crystals crash madly into each other, they exchange some of their
    electric charge.The larger droplets take on a negative charge and migtrate to the bottom of the cloud. This charge repels
    the negative charges on the trees below.

    As a result, positive charges begin to build in the trees. An electric potential now starts building between cloud and tree.
    This would drive the cloud's charges towards the earth, except that the air between provides very efficient insulation.
    But if the opposing charges built up sufficiently, they overcome this barrier. The negative charge at the base of the cloud
    seeks a path to the ground with initial flashes of energy called leader strokes. "As one of these leader strokes gets close
    to the ground a large positive charge, called a streamer stroke, builds up around the tree. It shoots up into the sky,
    connectingwith the leader stroke some thirty to sixty feet above the ground. This conjunction of charges is merely foreplay.

    It creates a channel along which a second, more powerful flash can run. This second flash is called a return stroke. It's the
    one that contains the jolt. Sexy stuff, huh? If you take slow motion photographs of this electric ecstacy, you would see
    something extraordinary. The tree reaches up to the cloud just as the cloud reaches down to the tree, and when the two
    lovers meet, they pulse in hundereds of throbbing shivers per second until, fully depleted, they consume each other totally"

    "Where was this kind of science when I went to school?" I don't think I'll ever look at a cloud or a tree again without smiling"
    Larry said. "Once we're finished here, you probably won't look at anything ever again without smiling" Zeus responded.
    "But I digress.

    Science paints a thin coat of reason of the force of attraction- or, to use a more comprehensive word, Love.
    All Creation is electric in nature. It arises from the infinite sea of Love, seeking to explore the infinite through
    form, motion, sound, color, or experience. Creation always seeks to know itself. It simultaneously calls and answers.

    Trees are tuned to universal energies in a most remarkable way. They reach to the sky in constant dialogue with the Great
    Unfoldment. In a sense they act as antennas, drawing csomic Consciousness into themselves just as they transmit their essence
    into All That Is. Do you now grasp the deeper reason behind the pyramids, the standing stones, and even cairns placed in the
    middle of medicine wheels like this one?"

    "Wow" Larry exclaimed. "They act as antenas, drawing down additional streams of energies" "Go on" said Zeus. "When
    these structures point to a specific star or some other astronomical event, what else takes place?" "You've got to be kidding!
    You mean they can actually draw in the energy of the stars they align with?" "Now you're cooking, partner. This is one super-
    nifty, ginger- peachy-keen place we're in. Buckle you seat belts, we're in for the ride of your life. Ready?"

    * * * *
    In all persons, all creatures, The self is the innermost essence
    And it is identical with Brahman:
    Our real self is not different
    From the ultimate reality called God.

    __ The Upanishads

    (for further reading go to the attachment posted at the start of this thread)

    Posts : 1851
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    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven Empty Re: Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:53 am

    CHAPTER 26 Redefining Reality page 347

    “But didn’t I contact my Higher Self when I was with Junie?” Larry asked. “I wasn’t asleep then.” “Ah, then we have to define our terms more precisely. By ‘dreaming,’ we refer to any activity that establishes a bridge between your conscious and unconscious. Space/time flows into time/space along this pathway, allowing you and your Higher Self to connect. This state can be most easily achieved in sleep. However, it is also reached through deep meditation, especially with judicious use of the breath, and through other activities that call for surrender, such as channeling, deep ritual, and—though unpredictably—the use of mind-altering substances. Your ability to speak with your Higher Self in Junie’s presence was largely due to her particular magic. She induced the required state in you.” “So it is possible to commune with the Higher Self while you’re still alive and awake in the third density.” “Yes, Larry, it is,” the Voice replied. “However, this state— called the magical personality—is accessible only to serious adepts who have already balanced their chakras and honed their ability to reach into the Infinite Intelligence. You will have greater success by confining your attempts to the modes of dreaming that come through sleep and meditation.” “Fair enough,” Larry said, “I can read a ‘no trespassing’ sign as well as the next guy. What do you suggest I do?” “The opportunities available when you link with your Higher Self are limited only by your imagination. You have only to express your clear intent and, provided it does not interfere with the lessons you are programmed to learn on this side of the Veil, it will manifest.” “Does that mean I can ask to be healed?” Larry asked. “Yes.” “Can I ask for guidance and understanding about problems or relationships?”

    “Absolutely.” “And how do the answers come?” “In many ways,” the Voice responded. “Healings, of course, are self-evident. Moreover, the reasons for a particular physical disharmony are often made clear, and the lesson that is its gift is learned, so the illness departs. With regard to guidance or understanding, the Higher Self communicates through many means, often catching your attention through synchronicities and coincidences. Words on a billboard might suddenly take on a profound meaning, or the right book might fall off a shelf at a key moment. One might overhear a key remark in a restaurant or—in your case—read a relevant fortune cookie. Perhaps a random thought suddenly appears in your mind, a line from a movie or a play sticks in your Consciousness, or a friend you haven’t seen or thought about for years unexpectedly contacts you.” “If they’re so diverse,” Larry asked, “how will I know what to take seriously?” “That’s the easiest question you’ve asked yet,” the Voice chuckled. “Take it all seriously. There is no need to travel to India in search of your guru. There is nothing in all Creation that is not your teacher, provided you are present and open to learning. Understand that virtually nothing occurs randomly. Every chance encounter, every casual remark, every serendipitous happenstance contains deeper meaning than is first apparent. “Consider the complexity of events in a world of well over six billion people, each personally guided by his or her Higher Self—like an unimaginably elaborate, intricate multidimensional chess game with remarkably dynamic rules. Because of the Oneness of Creation, every single interaction has a direct effect— grossly palpable or exquisitely subtle—on you. Fortunately for each entity on your planet, the game is played by Grand Masters with levels of Love, Wisdom, and Power beyond your wildest conception.

    We promise, when you finally review your incarnation after leaving this illusion, you will be amazed at the many, many blatant messages you’ve ignored.” Zeus smiled, thinking of all the thirty-foot neon signs Larry had missed during their few years together. His mind echoed the famous words of Matthew Henry, “None so blind as those that will not see.” But honoring the process and Larry’s Free Will, he said nothing. “How do I become more aware of them?” Larry asked. “By not being so consumed by the magnitude of your daily drama that you fail to appreciate the wonders surrounding you at all times,” the Voice replied. “By learning to listen, treating everyone you meet as if he or she was an avatar. By relinquishing the need to seek rational answers to the enigmas of life. By focusing less on being interesting and more on being interested. But by far the greatest way to open up to the riches offered you moment by moment is to reverse your third-density instincts and learn to think with your heart and love with your mind. “In Zeus’s words,
    the key is to show up—to be as present as possible. You cannot be completely in the now if ingrained patterning and prejudgments control you. So cultivate the art of not knowing. It is up to you to find and celebrate the uniqueness of each aspect of Creation. We suggest you play this simple game: Wherever you find yourself at any moment, try to observe three things you have never noticed before. Look for them in the people you encounter, in your physical surroundings, and most especially in your own thoughts.”

    Posts : 1851
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    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven Empty Pages 355-360 Book Going Deeper

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:31 am

    Pages 355-360 from the book Going Deeper

    Zeus said. “Let’s dive into the deep end one last time before we leave the energy of Joshua Tree. You recall the Love, Wisdom, and Power triangle? What do you suppose these three cosmic principles really are?” “From what I remember, Love is mastered in the fourth density; Wisdom, which balances Love, is gathered in the fifth; and Power, which unifies Love and Wisdom, is attained in the sixth.” “And the beat goes on,” Zeus said. “What do you mean by that?” Larry demanded.

    “You speak as if answering a test question—carefully defining the surface. What you’re looking for lies deeper. Remember the Voice’s advice to think with your heart and love with your mind. You might want to give the Voice’s meditations on the three sides of the Great Triangle a try—especially if you expect to get the meaning behind the words I am about to use.” “Calling Love, Wisdom, and Power ‘principles’ is misleading, because it suggests that one can grasp the essence of this Great Cosmic Triangle with the intellect. They are not theoretical concepts. Each is an aspect of the All That Is—three interlocking pieces of a puzzle that combine to form the unity of the Infinite One. Love is Infinite Consciousness, Wisdom is Infinite Intelligence, and Power is the innate ability to Create. “Earlier I used the illustration of waves on the surface of a pond forming interference patterns.”

    “Yes, I remember that,” Larry said. “Now, imagine the water as an omnidirectional plasma—like a cosmic, multidimensional game board—where these three interact. How do you suppose the logos manifests galaxies? Through intentional design. It manipulates the wave patterns of Love, Wisdom, and Power in the potential flux of hyperspace to create precise interference patterns. When these are frozen in the illusion of space and time, presto! Cosmic arrays of apparent realities, in all their multifarious expressions, take their appointed places in the Grand Experiment!”

    “I think I’m getting the idea,” Larry said, “though I can’t begin to imagine the level of intelligence required to hold it all together.” “There’s no way you can, so don’t even try,” Zeus said. “It’ll help, though, if you substitute ‘Awareness’ for ‘intelligence.’ This Love-Wisdom-Power model of Creation opens up a whole new understanding of the nature of the cosmos. Space is not, as your scientists once believed, a vacuum.

    It is living, throbbing, holographic Consciousness. That’s why information is instantly and universally available. That’s why there are solar winds and heliospheres. That’s what makes ESP and channeling possible. That’s what our host in the rocks meant by saying every single interaction throughout all Creation has a direct effect on you.” Noting Larry’s silence, Zeus continued, “Why do I get the distinct impression you’re not following me here? Let me take another approach. Until your scientists grasp the significance of Consciousness, they are better off accepting the electric model of cosmos suggested by the plasma physicists. It’s a more elegant platform from which to explain cosmic curiosities such as recurring spiral structuring, galactic magnetic fields, and the dynamic movement of galaxies.”

    “I don’t get it,” Larry interjected, “what’s all this got to do with lightning?” “I digress not, little chickadee. You just hang in there. We’re about to discuss lightning as an effect of cosmic orgasm. It’ll just be gift wrapping if you haven’t grasped how the Universe operates. Stay with me, now.”

    “Okay, sorry.” “So hold onto your image of a charged electrical plasmic Universe made up of Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, and the Power of Intention. Instead of thinking of stars as gigantic thermonuclear engines, try them on as electrodes in a galactic glow discharge—great concentrated balls of lightning. What looks like activity—sunspots and solar flares and the like—is essentially determined by their electrical environment, which can change suddenly. Every star is actively communicating with its galaxy’s central sun and with other parts of the cosmos. They’re not atomic furnaces; they’re great beings, the sublogoi of Creation. “This brings us to the object of your insatiable curiosity—the nature of lightning. Lightning is really a dense stream of luminous plasma manifested as a powerful electric discharge. When you see a great jagged burst of electricity explode from the sky, where does the electric charge really come from? What I said the other day—that it comes from static electricity built up in storm clouds—was pretty simplistic. But given your understanding at the time, it was the best I could do. Besides, it made for a helluva story!”

    “Thanks. And now you’re going to tell me the tooth fairy doesn’t exist?” “No way, José. I no spoil ‘joo foone para toda el Tequila een Tijuana. I gonna turn ‘joo fairy into some pretty hot, chili-pepper mamma. ‘Joo bet.” Larry chuckled as Zeus continued, abandoning his south-ofthe-border ccent. “Guess what? Your government has several low-light photos of the upper atmosphere that conclusively prove—since seeing is believing to the beltway boys—that while you are enjoying the lightning lightshow below the clouds, there’s a simultaneous above-the-clouds plasmic discharge that reaches up to seventy kilometers above the planet’s surface. Now, what tree lives high enough to create the necessary positive ionic charge, do you suppose?”

    “The Tree of Life?” Larry quipped. “Cute. And not so far removed from what’s actually happening, I might add. Toss out the belief that lightning is created in the clouds. It simply ain’t so. Clouds are merely a convenient pathway for electricity originating in space to descend to Earth. Keep in mind that your planet, together with its solar system and galaxy, is speeding through the vast, dynamic electrical plasmic medium of the Great Cosmic Triangle.” “Talk about the potential for a sparking good time!” Larry said. “There’ll be a hot time in the old town tonight,” Zeus quipped to the tune of the old refrain. “It means that the Sun and Mrs. O’Leary’s cow may not be the only source of Earth’s thermal and electrical stimulation. If your planet freely exchanges its energetic favors with every good-looking hunk of cosmic plasma it encounters, can you imagine how that might affect weather patterns?

    As I said, your scientists actually have photographs showing the illicit discharge between the ionosphere and the center of a hurricane. Scandalous!” “But everyone knows weather comes from the sun,” Larry said. “As the sun heats up the oceans they get warmer and stir up the air above them. This creates wind, which in turn creates weather.” “Then tell me, little hummingbird, how come there is weather on the sun? Who heats her buns? Besides, last time I checked her out, I didn’t find too may oceans—or cows for that matter. While you’re at it, perhaps you’ll explain how come Neptune, one of the more distant planets from the sun, has the most violent winds in the entire solar system.

    And how do your little theories explain away the huge dust devils and planet-wide dust storms peppering Mars? Exactly why do your astronomers observe spokes in Saturn’s rings or St. Elmo’s fire dancing over the tops of Venusian mountain ranges? “No, my little mosquito, these are not caused by the sun. They’re merely part of the outward pyrotechnic display caused by interesting interference patterns. It’s the clash of planes in a great cosmic joke.” “Pretty soon,” Larry said, “you’ll soon be calling me your little molecule! Why are you stressing all this weather stuff?” “Ah, so!” Zeus replied. “Since we are about to leave the energetic hospitality of Joshua Tree, perhaps it’s time for us to join together alpha and omega to make a complete sacred circle—not unlike the one we encountered soon after we got here.

    Let’s go back a few days. Why did you leave work early last Friday and make tracks towards Phoenix?” “My despondency over the terrorist attacks last Tuesday,” Larry answered. “And do you not see the connection between what I have been telling you and 9/11?” Zeus asked. “No, I’m afraid I don’t.” “Then allow me to fill in the gaps. If we live in an electric Universe, and if the sun and all the planets are significantly affected by plasmic interference patterns, how do you suppose they affect all other life forms, which are also electric in nature?” “I’m not sure I get the question,” Larry said. “Fair enough,” Zeus said. “Do you grasp the idea that the sun is not a burning ball floating in empty space, but the visible manifestation of an energy nexus—or a major confluence of interference patterns, as your scientists might say—in the electrical plasmic ethers?”

    “Yes, I’ve got a picture in my mind—a Universe made up of a multidimensional, plasmic electrical field that manifests all the created objects in space, such as planets, stars, comets, and galaxies,” Larry answered. “Good,” Zeus said. “Then what does that make you?” “Oh, my God!” Larry exclaimed. “Me too?” “Every one of us,” Zeus said. “Every rock, every tree, every bird, fish, and drop of dew. Every entity that ever lived in any of the infinite subsets of the many densities. What are these, if not the products of interference patterns in the same plasma field, albeit on a smaller scale? You’re not very different from your sun—a projected electrode of Consciousness linked to the Infinite Hologram by the silver thread of Love. . . .

    My, how poetic,” he mused. “Even if it doesn’t quite say it all, it sure sounds pretty. You think I’m ready to publish?” “Oh, cut it out,” Larry replied. “This stuff is tough enough without you making light of it.” “Why thank you, Larry, what a kind thing to say. To think I’ve created Light—which, in a sense, is exactly what I’m talking about. “How you choose to see yourself is little more than a function of the position you choose along your continuum of existence, defined by the I’s of infinity. You can look out into the heavens from here on Earth and explore the Unknowable Mysteries, or you can turn the telescope around and view Creation from the point of view of All That Is, who’s exploring life behind the Veil through you. Either way, you discover that a part of yourself has been projected from the larger You into this remarkable dualistic illusion. How can any biochemical/electric entity—whether it be the sun or an ant—move through the electrical field of plasmic Consciousness without interacting with it?”


    Posts : 1851
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    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven Empty Pages 355-360 Book Going Deeper

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:31 am

    Pages 355-360 from the book Going Deeper

    Zeus said. “Let’s dive into the deep end one last time before we leave the energy of Joshua Tree. You recall the Love, Wisdom, and Power triangle? What do you suppose these three cosmic principles really are?” “From what I remember, Love is mastered in the fourth density; Wisdom, which balances Love, is gathered in the fifth; and Power, which unifies Love and Wisdom, is attained in the sixth.” “And the beat goes on,” Zeus said. “What do you mean by that?” Larry demanded.

    “You speak as if answering a test question—carefully defining the surface. What you’re looking for lies deeper. Remember the Voice’s advice to think with your heart and love with your mind. You might want to give the Voice’s meditations on the three sides of the Great Triangle a try—especially if you expect to get the meaning behind the words I am about to use.” “Calling Love, Wisdom, and Power ‘principles’ is misleading, because it suggests that one can grasp the essence of this Great Cosmic Triangle with the intellect. They are not theoretical concepts. Each is an aspect of the All That Is—three interlocking pieces of a puzzle that combine to form the unity of the Infinite One. Love is Infinite Consciousness, Wisdom is Infinite Intelligence, and Power is the innate ability to Create. “Earlier I used the illustration of waves on the surface of a pond forming interference patterns.”

    “Yes, I remember that,” Larry said. “Now, imagine the water as an omnidirectional plasma—like a cosmic, multidimensional game board—where these three interact. How do you suppose the logos manifests galaxies? Through intentional design. It manipulates the wave patterns of Love, Wisdom, and Power in the potential flux of hyperspace to create precise interference patterns. When these are frozen in the illusion of space and time, presto! Cosmic arrays of apparent realities, in all their multifarious expressions, take their appointed places in the Grand Experiment!”

    “I think I’m getting the idea,” Larry said, “though I can’t begin to imagine the level of intelligence required to hold it all together.” “There’s no way you can, so don’t even try,” Zeus said. “It’ll help, though, if you substitute ‘Awareness’ for ‘intelligence.’ This Love-Wisdom-Power model of Creation opens up a whole new understanding of the nature of the cosmos. Space is not, as your scientists once believed, a vacuum.

    It is living, throbbing, holographic Consciousness. That’s why information is instantly and universally available. That’s why there are solar winds and heliospheres. That’s what makes ESP and channeling possible. That’s what our host in the rocks meant by saying every single interaction throughout all Creation has a direct effect on you.” Noting Larry’s silence, Zeus continued, “Why do I get the distinct impression you’re not following me here? Let me take another approach. Until your scientists grasp the significance of Consciousness, they are better off accepting the electric model of cosmos suggested by the plasma physicists. It’s a more elegant platform from which to explain cosmic curiosities such as recurring spiral structuring, galactic magnetic fields, and the dynamic movement of galaxies.”

    “I don’t get it,” Larry interjected, “what’s all this got to do with lightning?” “I digress not, little chickadee. You just hang in there. We’re about to discuss lightning as an effect of cosmic orgasm. It’ll just be gift wrapping if you haven’t grasped how the Universe operates. Stay with me, now.”

    “Okay, sorry.” “So hold onto your image of a charged electrical plasmic Universe made up of Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, and the Power of Intention. Instead of thinking of stars as gigantic thermonuclear engines, try them on as electrodes in a galactic glow discharge—great concentrated balls of lightning. What looks like activity—sunspots and solar flares and the like—is essentially determined by their electrical environment, which can change suddenly. Every star is actively communicating with its galaxy’s central sun and with other parts of the cosmos. They’re not atomic furnaces; they’re great beings, the sublogoi of Creation. “This brings us to the object of your insatiable curiosity—the nature of lightning. Lightning is really a dense stream of luminous plasma manifested as a powerful electric discharge. When you see a great jagged burst of electricity explode from the sky, where does the electric charge really come from? What I said the other day—that it comes from static electricity built up in storm clouds—was pretty simplistic. But given your understanding at the time, it was the best I could do. Besides, it made for a helluva story!”

    “Thanks. And now you’re going to tell me the tooth fairy doesn’t exist?” “No way, José. I no spoil ‘joo foone para toda el Tequila een Tijuana. I gonna turn ‘joo fairy into some pretty hot, chili-pepper mamma. ‘Joo bet.” Larry chuckled as Zeus continued, abandoning his south-ofthe-border ccent. “Guess what? Your government has several low-light photos of the upper atmosphere that conclusively prove—since seeing is believing to the beltway boys—that while you are enjoying the lightning lightshow below the clouds, there’s a simultaneous above-the-clouds plasmic discharge that reaches up to seventy kilometers above the planet’s surface. Now, what tree lives high enough to create the necessary positive ionic charge, do you suppose?”

    “The Tree of Life?” Larry quipped. “Cute. And not so far removed from what’s actually happening, I might add. Toss out the belief that lightning is created in the clouds. It simply ain’t so. Clouds are merely a convenient pathway for electricity originating in space to descend to Earth. Keep in mind that your planet, together with its solar system and galaxy, is speeding through the vast, dynamic electrical plasmic medium of the Great Cosmic Triangle.” “Talk about the potential for a sparking good time!” Larry said. “There’ll be a hot time in the old town tonight,” Zeus quipped to the tune of the old refrain. “It means that the Sun and Mrs. O’Leary’s cow may not be the only source of Earth’s thermal and electrical stimulation. If your planet freely exchanges its energetic favors with every good-looking hunk of cosmic plasma it encounters, can you imagine how that might affect weather patterns?

    As I said, your scientists actually have photographs showing the illicit discharge between the ionosphere and the center of a hurricane. Scandalous!” “But everyone knows weather comes from the sun,” Larry said. “As the sun heats up the oceans they get warmer and stir up the air above them. This creates wind, which in turn creates weather.” “Then tell me, little hummingbird, how come there is weather on the sun? Who heats her buns? Besides, last time I checked her out, I didn’t find too may oceans—or cows for that matter. While you’re at it, perhaps you’ll explain how come Neptune, one of the more distant planets from the sun, has the most violent winds in the entire solar system.

    And how do your little theories explain away the huge dust devils and planet-wide dust storms peppering Mars? Exactly why do your astronomers observe spokes in Saturn’s rings or St. Elmo’s fire dancing over the tops of Venusian mountain ranges? “No, my little mosquito, these are not caused by the sun. They’re merely part of the outward pyrotechnic display caused by interesting interference patterns. It’s the clash of planes in a great cosmic joke.” “Pretty soon,” Larry said, “you’ll soon be calling me your little molecule! Why are you stressing all this weather stuff?” “Ah, so!” Zeus replied. “Since we are about to leave the energetic hospitality of Joshua Tree, perhaps it’s time for us to join together alpha and omega to make a complete sacred circle—not unlike the one we encountered soon after we got here.

    Let’s go back a few days. Why did you leave work early last Friday and make tracks towards Phoenix?” “My despondency over the terrorist attacks last Tuesday,” Larry answered. “And do you not see the connection between what I have been telling you and 9/11?” Zeus asked. “No, I’m afraid I don’t.” “Then allow me to fill in the gaps. If we live in an electric Universe, and if the sun and all the planets are significantly affected by plasmic interference patterns, how do you suppose they affect all other life forms, which are also electric in nature?” “I’m not sure I get the question,” Larry said. “Fair enough,” Zeus said. “Do you grasp the idea that the sun is not a burning ball floating in empty space, but the visible manifestation of an energy nexus—or a major confluence of interference patterns, as your scientists might say—in the electrical plasmic ethers?”

    “Yes, I’ve got a picture in my mind—a Universe made up of a multidimensional, plasmic electrical field that manifests all the created objects in space, such as planets, stars, comets, and galaxies,” Larry answered. “Good,” Zeus said. “Then what does that make you?” “Oh, my God!” Larry exclaimed. “Me too?” “Every one of us,” Zeus said. “Every rock, every tree, every bird, fish, and drop of dew. Every entity that ever lived in any of the infinite subsets of the many densities. What are these, if not the products of interference patterns in the same plasma field, albeit on a smaller scale? You’re not very different from your sun—a projected electrode of Consciousness linked to the Infinite Hologram by the silver thread of Love. . . .

    My, how poetic,” he mused. “Even if it doesn’t quite say it all, it sure sounds pretty. You think I’m ready to publish?” “Oh, cut it out,” Larry replied. “This stuff is tough enough without you making light of it.” “Why thank you, Larry, what a kind thing to say. To think I’ve created Light—which, in a sense, is exactly what I’m talking about. “How you choose to see yourself is little more than a function of the position you choose along your continuum of existence, defined by the I’s of infinity. You can look out into the heavens from here on Earth and explore the Unknowable Mysteries, or you can turn the telescope around and view Creation from the point of view of All That Is, who’s exploring life behind the Veil through you. Either way, you discover that a part of yourself has been projected from the larger You into this remarkable dualistic illusion. How can any biochemical/electric entity—whether it be the sun or an ant—move through the electrical field of plasmic Consciousness without interacting with it?”

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    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven Empty Daily pages...... from Going Deeper

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:05 am

    Pages 368-373 from the book Going Deeper:

    “The fabric of the entire Creation is woven of threads of Consciousness. Or, as Empedocles once said, ‘The nature of God is a circle of which the center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere.’ We are all connected in ways so inextricably intimate, the drunken chicken antics of your illusion would be laughable if it weren’t for the pandemic pain and suffering rippling out from your planet.” Suddenly Zeus became uncharacteristically serious. “You yearn to help humanity move on to the density of Love and

    Compassion, but right now that seems impossible. Do you know what you and your brothers and sisters are failing to see?” “No. I wish I did,” Larry answered. “The majority of those who will eventually hear or read your words live in relative comfort and security. The little they know of the suffering that plagues much of the rest of the world comes from sanitized news bytes on CNN. The few who are moved by the anguish may contribute money or time, attend benefits, sign petitions, but then they continue with their normal lives. They hear the cries as if muted and they’re screened from feeling the pain, for that is how events are meant to be perceived on your side of the Veil. “Those in the higher densities perceive a different reality.

    The sounds of the six o’clock news travel through a particulate medium, so no matter how loud the cries are at first, eventually their wave vibrations cannot overcome the inertia of the medium, and silence returns. This is not so with the energy of pain and suffering. When these tortured pebbles are cast into the plasma of Love, Wisdom, and Power, they create interference patterns that ripple through all Creation. These do not dissipate. They’re not weakened by time and distance. And they cause great concern for those learning to master Love in the fourth density. Perceiving the personal tragedies played out on this planet with selfless tenderness and understanding, they feel compelled to help in any way possible. Such is the nature of Compassion.” “We must look pretty pathetic from on high,” Larry said.

    “But given our unwillingness to let go of our deeply ingrained ways of seeing things, wouldn’t you agree the odds are pretty much stacked against us?” “Yes and no,” Zeus replied. “When you try to predict what the flock will do, it’s a complete crapshoot. However, it isn’t about the collective anymore. That’s the gift of 9/11.” “You are nuts,” Larry said. “Why would you call 9/11 a gift?” “I expected you’d see it yourself by now,”
    Zeus replied. “Our friend in the rock gave you a pretty good clue, describing the events of 9/11 as either as a great tragedy that needs to be mourned or an unparalleled opportunity that needs to be seized—depending on one’s point of view. On the surface, the world was presented with four commercial airliners commandeered by Islamic terrorists bent on teaching the United States and the rest of the ‘infidels’ a lesson. Their sheer audacity called the bluff of America’s invincibility and exposed a basic flaw in the matrix that all the posturing and saber rattling can’t hide. The net result is that, for a moment, everyone felt as vulnerable as the twin towers. When those two buildings collapsed into a heap of twisted rubble, so did the certainty of humanity.

    “Now let’s revisit these events on a deeper level. If all of you are one, then, despite what your elected leaders say, there is no ‘us and them.’ There’s just a collective family of humanity, inexorably linked, hurtling through space together on this fragile sphere. When you went back and observed the world as it was on September 10, you found most people living lives of quiet desperation, driven by fear and uncertainty. Collectively, humankind was no better off than the ostrich, lying flat on the ground feigning death when it’s frightened. I’m here to tell you that no matter how tight you shut your eyes, the monster won’t disappear. The time has come to face the bogeyman and make sense of a life that, for the vast majority of humans, has no
    real relevance beyond their structures of belief.

    “Once the planes hit the buildings, the world ceased to make sense to a great many people. Many, no doubt, will return to the fold, marching in lockstep to the beat of chauvinistic war drums and outrage. Some will not. It is to those who are no longer willing to buy a pig in a poke from the well-heeled merchants pedaling yesterday’s wares that you must speak. To these folk, 9/11 was not an isolated event that pitted terrorism against democracy; it was an unmistakable symbol—stunningly visible to billions all over the world—proclaiming that humanity is in big trouble. “With the untimely death of some three thousand individuals, 9/11 accomplished what the deliberate slaughter of six million men, women, and children in Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, and other Nazi extermination camps could not. September 11 has commanded the attention of humanity even as a million subSaharan Africans starve to death each month in total anonymity and the two-mile-high cloud of toxic pollutants shrouding Asia from Afghanistan to Sri Lanka goes unreported, though it threatens the immediate well-being of over 20 percent of the globe’s population.

    “Are those who die in Africa or Europe or Asia of less value than those who perished in New York or Virginia or Pennsylvania? I think not. Yet only 9/11 has managed to stop the implacable machinery of events dead in its tracks. That is its greatest gift. For the briefest instant in the history of your world, 9/11 disrupted the deeply ingrained flow you just spoke of. Routines were not just interrupted; they were completely overturned. People were brutally shaken from their semisleep to face, for the first time, the horror of their own creation. And most, thank God, did not like what they saw. As Walt Kelly aptly observed through the voice of Pogo, his ingenuous swamp possum, ‘We have met the enemy and he is us.’

    “For a moment, Larry, put yourself in the position of this planet’s collective oversoul.” “What exactly is that?” Larry asked.
    “It’s not all that mysterious,” Zeus replied. “The Higher Selves of every third-density being on this planet are connected and communicate with each other through the Infinite Universal Hologram. Each one knows what’s happening not only with its own lower self but with the billions of other lower selves sharing the third-density experience. Is it inconceivable that they might act collectively?” “Now I see what you’re driving at,” Larry eplied.
    “Given the current state of affairs on the planet and the limited amount of time remaining, what else could they have done to get our attention? From that perspective, I can see why you call 9/11 a gift. But isn’t such a deliberate act of terror a blatant violation of Free Will?” “Interesting question,”
    Zeus replied. “You just touched on one of the major dilemmas facing a sixth-density guide: how to create options without compelling a particular action. That’s why all the signposts your Higher Self places along your everyday path are oblique.

    And that’s why true channeling from the higher realms is always equivocal, allowing wiggle room for interpretation. If channeling comes as a directive, you can bet something’s amiss! “As I said yesterday morning, the Prime Mandate of Creation—senior even to Love itself—is Free Will. No Higher Self can violate this law, no matter how urgently it wishes to warn or help its third-density self. That’s why the events of 9/11 are open to interpretation. Those who want to hold tight to the old paradigm will probably use the attacks to justify further acts of hostility. Others may react with despair, confusion, anger, pride, outrage, and a whole host of other reflexive emotions. We honor each and every choice. Collectively, we ask only that each choice is made as consciously as possible.[/color]

    “September 11, in spite of its sudden and dramatic impact, is completely equivocal. Whether it evokes compassion or fear, love or revenge, sorrow or joy, is simply a function of selecting a point along the I-continuum from which to view. There’s no correct answer. Any decision allows the All That Is to know itself more completely. The question at hand is simply: what will your choice be?” Larry stopped dead in his tracks, mulling Zeus’s last question over and over in his mind. He turned to face his most remarkable dog, who gazed back at him with his head cocked expectantly. “Amazing,” Larry thought. “Whoever I thought I used to be I certainly ain’t any longer. Whatever I decide to be I get to choose right here, right now. Absolutely amazing!”

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Book Going Deeper.......How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense by Jean Claude Koven Empty Bridging heaven & earth show with Jean-Claude Gerard Coven and an awesome song

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:49 pm

    Thubs Up A very uplifting interview between two easy laughing men pretty much switched on,
    with some other goodies, like a "song of an angel" in the break

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