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anomalous cowherd
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    Where is the true Avalon?


    Posts : 326
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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  dominic777 Fri May 14, 2010 4:33 pm

    Where is the true Avalon? A lot of people obviously say Glastonbury , I was there a few weeks ago and the early morning mist, seemed like is also the seat of the divine feminine.Glastonbury identified as the ancient and mysterious Isle of Avalon where
    King Arthur was taken to be healed of his fatal Battle wounds?
    Then you have people who say Cornwall claims to be the home of many King Arthur sites, from Tintagel place of King Arthur\'s birth to his death...and also places like Winchester in Hampshire where the round table seats...The reason why I am asking is , "Is this an archetypal myth," a reality , or something to aspire to, i.e chivalry ,justice , compassion and so on?, basically the hero archetype in all of us...could it be that from the Mists of Avalon a Great King shall arise , who has survived the abyss...

    Last edited by dominic777 on Fri May 14, 2010 4:42 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Carol Fri May 14, 2010 4:38 pm

    When I was in Glastonbury I thought it the true Avalon area for a number of reasons. The primary one being that the area itself seemed both holy and magical to me. In fact, I felt very at home there and thought if I ever were to live in England, Glastonbury would be my first choice to relocate to.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Floyd Fri May 14, 2010 4:53 pm

    There is a bit of heavy duty battle going on Glastonbury I heard from a couple of channelers I know. you know the old black versus white routine. they both had to move out the area. It has a very femimine energy about it. It is also full of new age tat. However it is a very special location and when one is top of the tor and looks over the land you can see Avalon in the minds eye. it is very powerful and the place pulls you in. I m thinking of heading that way If i dont decide to go anywhere else but im only 45 mins from there anyway. Personally I think we should all move there and eat lots of cheese sandwhiches whilst offering pickled onions to the Great Sun God whilst playing Barry Manilow songs to the cows on a wad box.

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  dominic777 Fri May 14, 2010 5:01 pm

    Floyd wrote:There is a bit of heavy duty battle going on Glastonbury I heard from a couple of channelers I know. you know the old black versus white routine. they both had to move out the area. It has a very femimine energy about it. It is also full of new age tat. However it is a very special location and when one is top of the tor and looks over the land you can see Avalon in the minds eye. it is very powerful and the place pulls you in. I m thinking of heading that way If i dont decide to go anywhere else but im only 45 mins from there anyway. Personally I think we should all move there and eat lots of cheese sandwhiches whilst offering pickled onions to the Great Sun God whilst playing Barry Manilow songs to the cows on a wad box.

    Is the 45 mins by car or shanksy's pony?....I reckon you live next door to me...however , you don't have a 1970 ford anglia do you?......anyway back through the mists of Avalon to Glastonbury...which in days gone by the somerset levels were covered in water and it looked like glass, which is a metaphor for crystal or people with crystal clear thought...crystal clear thought , honour justice compassion, now that sounds chivalrous to me ..........................

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Floyd Fri May 14, 2010 5:07 pm

    The idea of new Camelot is being touted. One channeler I know talks of the women impregnating the land. he sees a network of communities in the Mists of Avalon. in fact he evens defines the geographical boundries of Avalon. he hears the massive Tsunamis not far away at the coast. The levels were once flooded. will they be again?

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Floyd Fri May 14, 2010 5:10 pm

    I hope I dont live next door to you Dom..theres only so much 5th dimension stuff I can take!

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  dominic777 Fri May 14, 2010 5:14 pm

    Floyd wrote:I hope I dont live next door to you Dom..theres only so much 5th dimension stuff I can take!
    Aah yes but haveyou tasted my 5 dimensional cake, I also have a3 dimensional car and I paint in maybe 3 dimensions...45 mins which way west or east?....secondly on a more serious note the Somerset levels if covered again could be a sign of greater things ahead
    p.s I have to use my dongle tomorrow going east

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Floyd Fri May 14, 2010 5:25 pm

    dominic777 wrote:
    Floyd wrote:I hope I dont live next door to you Dom..theres only so much 5th dimension stuff I can take!
    Aah yes but haveyou tasted my 5 dimensional cake, I also have a3 dimensional car and I paint in maybe 3 dimensions...45 mins which way west or east?....secondly on a more serious note the Somerset levels if covered again could be a sign of greater things ahead
    West my friend. There is probably little point in taking flight from impending waters when we are already drowned in our egoic sense of personality. Better to swim in the oceans of otherness.
    I make a great 7D cheese sandwhich

    Posts : 326
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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  dominic777 Fri May 14, 2010 5:31 pm

    Floyd wrote:
    dominic777 wrote:
    Floyd wrote:I hope I dont live next door to you Dom..theres only so much 5th dimension stuff I can take!
    Aah yes but haveyou tasted my 5 dimensional cake, I also have a3 dimensional car and I paint in maybe 3 dimensions...45 mins which way west or east?....secondly on a more serious note the Somerset levels if covered again could be a sign of greater things ahead
    West my friend. There is probably little point in taking flight from impending waters when we are already drowned in our egoic sense of personality. Better to swim in the oceans of otherness.
    I make a great 7D cheese sandwhich

    IS 7D ...7 days old?.......not far from the capital of somerset then?This ocean of otheness , its not the one filled with oil at the moment is it?

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Floyd Fri May 14, 2010 5:41 pm

    Sacred 7 delicious cheeses. The slick like all human nonsense is astral in origin. without living consciously,this is the kind of thing we leave ourselves wide open to. only thing is.its very difficult for materialistic westeners to escape astral domination. Its like a sub conscious gaff on a big fracking scale and the planet has had enough and we are just about to get our arses kicked. I have played my part in this. im not intersted in floating up like a little cork into ascension with lots of other lucky "enlightened beings", rather in living the best way I can (mindful) in what time is left.

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  dominic777 Fri May 14, 2010 5:45 pm

    Floyd wrote:Sacred 7 delicious cheeses. The slick like all human nonsense is astral in origin. without living consciously,this is the kind of thing we leave ourselves wide open to. only thing is.its very difficult for materialistic westeners to escape astral domination. Its like a sub conscious gaff on a big fracking scale and the planet has had enough and we are just about to get our arses kicked. I have played my part in this. im not intersted in floating up like a little cork into ascension with lots of other lucky "enlightened beings", rather in living the best way I can in what time is left.

    sorry to offend you about your 7 D sanwich..Ididn't think you would take it to heart

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Floyd Fri May 14, 2010 6:02 pm

    Not in the slightest. its a fine thraed you started. There are many view points from our members and there is a cheese sandwhich of truth in all of them. From TRANSCO to carol from merc to AC, from mp3 to mudra and so on an so on. We help each other in our differing opinions. That should make us wise?

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Mercuriel Sat May 15, 2010 2:55 am

    Aah yes but haveyou tasted my 5 dimensional cake, I also have a3 dimensional car and I paint in maybe 3 dimensions...45 mins which way west or east?....secondly on a more serious note the Somerset levels if covered again could be a sign of greater things ahead

    Sacred 7 delicious cheeses. The slick like all human nonsense is astral in origin. without living consciously,this is the kind of thing we leave ourselves wide open to. only thing is.its very difficult for materialistic westeners to escape astral domination. Its like a sub conscious gaff on a big fracking scale and the planet has had enough and we are just about to get our arses kicked. I have played my part in this. im not intersted in floating up like a little cork into ascension with lots of other lucky "enlightened beings", rather in living the best way I can (mindful) in what time is left.

    Perhaps what is being spoken of here is the Astral Realms and the Etheric and Onwards...


    3D, 4D, 5D, 6D

    Into the great Self-Governed - Free of All Hierarchy and One with Self as an Aspect of the First Source and Center of All Things. With Personality still but yet Knowing where It really emanates from as Higher Self outside of Matter - Time & Space...

    7D, 8D and then onto the great transit point...


    We will talk of the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th Ds if People have the patience and willingness to read the Document attached to this Message as a precursor to that. What I find ironic is We're All essentially talking about the same thing - Just from Dot and or Angle perspectives so far apart that It can be hard to connect Them together into a Cohesive whole - Or a Cosmology if You will...

    The only way to really accomplish this on an En Masse scale effectively - Is to come at it from First Experience back into Matter - Not the reverse...

    As Spirit is the First Experiencer - Always remember that It is Spirit having a Body - Not Body having a Spirit...

    Heh heh


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  anomalous cowherd Sat May 15, 2010 3:28 am

    glastonbury village?, I'd have to agree, no thanks to actually living there. There is , of course, great energy at the sites but the area itself just seems to attract the bonkers amongst humanity, that and all the new age gifty shoppes... Where is the true Avalon? Icon_mad
    How many crystal dream catcher windchime aura tuning wands can a gal actually need? I already knitted my own.

    I'd also have to agree with Floyd ( and btw, are you gone phishing? I'm confused) I find all the ascencion "us and them" talk rather silly and spritiual elitism might just bite you in the asp if you think you are special and/ or saved. Yikes smacks of fundamentalism without the fun, so all you are left with is the MENTAL ism

    I seem to remember, it's the MEEK who inherit the earth, should it still be worth having. So they get all the carrots, ok? As to my actual 3d carrots, I haven't actually planted them yet, but you Floyd, are welcome to all my fish ( my ocean is just down the hill, ego much?) and of course my dandelions, they are doing really well as it happens. Seriously dandelions are very very good internally for liver/kidneys what with all the toxiciy we incur from the chemspew. The cure grows next to the poison/ poisson and all, well it always used to, admittedly the stakes are a bit raised.

    I am going to try and have some fun with 3d for now, I haven't quite made the most of it yet. You never know what you had til it's gone , eh?

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Floyd Sat May 15, 2010 3:59 am

    anomalous cowherd wrote:glastonbury village?, I'd have to agree, no thanks to actually living there. There is , of course, great energy at the sites but the area itself just seems to attract the bonkers amongst humanity, that and all the new age gifty shoppes... Where is the true Avalon? Icon_mad
    How many crystal dream catcher windchime aura tuning wands can a gal actually need? I already knitted my own.

    I'd also have to agree with Floyd ( and btw, are you gone phishing? I'm confused) I find all the ascencion "us and them" talk rather silly and spritiual elitism might just bite you in the asp if you think you are special and/ or saved. Yikes smacks of fundamentalism without the fun, so all you are left with is the MENTAL ism

    I seem to remember, it's the MEEK who inherit the earth, should it still be worth having. So they get all the carrots, ok? As to my actual 3d carrots, I haven't actually planted them yet, but you Floyd, are welcome to all my fish ( my ocean is just down the hill, ego much?) and of course my dandelions, they are doing really well as it happens. Seriously dandelions are very very good internally for liver/kidneys what with all the toxiciy we incur from the chemspew. The cure grows next to the poison/ poisson and all, well it always used to, admittedly the stakes are a bit raised.

    I am going to try and have some fun with 3d for now, I haven't quite made the most of it yet. You never know what you had til it's gone , eh?
    Yes Gone fishing. Ive heard women go nuts in Glastonbury because of the energy.
    There is a ot of cosmetic new age stuff there but some good stuff goes on behind the scenes no doubt.
    Did you know the Mormons have their own brand of Ascensionism. They call it thethe celestialization of planet earth when certain souls become as gods and live with God on the Planet Kolob.The whole 5d Ascension thing can be gravely misunderstood. Our human psyches really have no idea what 5D can be like. Its not a matter of saving or being saved. Thats the problem with us humans its always about us. This is about the planet and frankly we have little or no say in the matter. Call it Mother Earth if you will. It is all about her and we have been hitching a lift on her back, destroying our planet in front of her eyes. They way to understand, true spirituality and or understanding can only begin to be perceived when we stop being so precious about ourselves.
    What can a mass consciousness shift achieve? Hopefully a lot. I think its better to concentrate on what you can do well in 3D first. Though others no doubt will be racing ahead to all the other Ds. Gotta walk before you can run. There may be super evolved consciusnes entities out there which can assist us but we have to help ourselves first.
    AC why dont you join my virtual eco village and send me some videos of your home vegetable growing. Thats the kind of thing im after.

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Floyd Sat May 15, 2010 4:03 am

    ive been thinking about dandelions a lot latley. Lovley yellow things that are unused and all over the place. They are very good for you so ive heard. You can store them in ajar in olive oil for a few weeks.

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Mercuriel Sat May 15, 2010 4:14 am

    Where is the true Avalon? P1000091

    While the dandelion is considered a weed by most gardeners and lawn owners, the plant has several culinary uses. The specific name officinalis refers to its value as a medicinal herb, and is derived from the word opificina, later officina, meaning a workshop or pharmacy. The flowers are used to make dandelion wine, the greens are used in salads, the roots have been used to make a coffee-like drink and the plant was used by Native Americans as a food and medicine.

    Dandelions are grown commercially on a small scale as a leaf vegetable. The leaves (called dandelion greens) can be eaten cooked or raw in various forms, such as in soup or salad. They are probably closest in character to mustard greens. Usually the young leaves and unopened buds are eaten raw in salads, while older leaves are cooked. Raw leaves have a slightly bitter taste. Dandelion salad is often accompanied with hard boiled eggs. The leaves are high in vitamin A, vitamin C and iron, carrying more iron and calcium than spinach.

    Dandelion flowers can be used to make dandelion wine, for which there are many recipes. It has also been used in a saison ale called Pissenlit (literally "wet the bed" in French) made by Brasserie Fantôme in Belgium. Another recipe using the plant is dandelion flower jam. Ground roasted dandelion root can be used as a coffee substitute. In Silesia and also other parts of Poland and world, dandelion flowers are used to make a honey substitute syrup with added lemon (so-called May-honey). This "honey" is believed to have a medicinal value, in particular against liver problems.

    Dandelion root is a registered drug in Canada, sold principally as a diuretic. A leaf decoction can be drunk to "purify the blood", for the treatment of anemia, jaundice, and also for nervousness. Drunk before meals, dandelion root coffee is claimed to stimulate digestive functions and function as a liver tonic. "Dandelion and Burdock" is a soft drink that has long been popular in the United Kingdom with authentic recipes sold by health food shops. It is unclear whether cheaper supermarket versions actually contain extracts of either plant.

    The milky latex has been used as a mosquito repellent; the milk has also been used to treat warts, as a folk remedy.

    Yellow or green dye colours can be obtained from the flowers but little colour can be obtained from the roots of the plant.

    Heh heh


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  anomalous cowherd Sat May 15, 2010 5:32 am

    interesting thanks for all the above. It's weird there was a thread on GLP on dandelions as well. somewhere on there is a hilarious video of a very sweet old lady Clara, and her war time cooking tips.

    I just steam a handful and eat them with butter. I understand you need fats to absorb the green content. Chocolate ice cream works just as well, seperately maybe. I've made the dandelion root coffee, hmmm, not so good, I think I failed at the roasting stage, probably a dehydrater would help. It's getting so I no longer pull the yellow earth nail out ( chinese name for them) I just come back and harvest the roots. I'll be making nettle soup soon ,too. I feel it's important to use what's there and naturally thrives. I'd call that a hint. Where is the true Avalon? Icon_wink

    Yes, will try and get photos out and up, It's very much a work in progress and I wish I had a few more hands on deck. I'd like to manifest a beekeeper who would like to put a hive or two on my patch as well. I do really well at artichokes though and have quite a few well established ones. Broad beans coming along well, also.

    Last year the chemtrails made my job a lot harder, killed off all the squashes pumpkins etc with mold, but the dandelion is impervious, as is the cockroach, any good recipes? Actualy my real problem is woodlice, I have a plague of them and am not at all Buddhist about dispatching the critters.

    With regard to 3d /4 d /6 double d, I hear you on the walk before you run, but ya know? I'm sick of running, I'm even getting tired of walking , crawling is too arduous/messy and frankly I'd REALLY like to just sit still through all these changes. Meanwhile, the garden calls...

    the mormon stuff is intriguing as well as very funny, thanks all. No offense to the ascension buffs, cuz who knows?

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Mercuriel Sat May 15, 2010 5:58 am

    Think of It - Once a thing is known - Belief can truly be based. First Experience doesn't run (If You'll allow Me to borrow that), and to get to the point where We actually do things at Our own pace and not Another's - Is from that Perspective alone - Outside of Hierarchy...

    Its kind of like the way forwards is back (If anyone asks about that One LOL - I'll display It). That being that when We experience Ourselves as Spirit moving a Body and not the reverse - We just get down to Governing Ourselves without a need to do so by others as We remember It finally.

    Now how does One get down to Governing Oneself without a need to have others do It or impose It ? Theres the Choicepoint - As Control always comes from the Violation of Another's Free-will Choices or the lack thereof.

    Again an involved subject and perhaps WAY outside the Scope of this Thread.



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Carol Sat May 15, 2010 7:57 am

    How to get others to do something?

    Invite them.

    And be willing to allow them to decline without fuss and with a smile.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 326
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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  dominic777 Sun May 16, 2010 2:29 am

    Mercuriel wrote:Think of It - Once a thing is known - Belief can truly be based. First Experience doesn't run (If You'll allow Me to borrow that), and to get to the point where We actually do things at Our own pace and not Another's - Is from that Perspective alone - Outside of Hierarchy...

    Its kind of like the way forwards is back (If anyone asks about that One LOL - I'll display It). That being that when We experience Ourselves as Spirit moving a Body and not the reverse - We just get down to Governing Ourselves without a need to do so by others as We remember It finally.

    Now how does One get down to Governing Oneself without a need to have others do It or impose It ? Theres the Choicepoint - As Control always comes from the Violation of Another's Free-will Choices or the lack thereof.

    Again an involved subject and perhaps WAY outside the Scope of this Thread.

    Where is the true
    Avalon? A lot of people obviously say Glastonbury , I was there a few
    weeks ago and the early morning mist, seemed like is also the
    seat of the divine feminine.Glastonbury
    identified as the ancient and mysterious Isle of Avalon where

    King Arthur was taken to be healed of his fatal Battle wounds?
    you have people who say Cornwall claims to be the home
    of many King Arthur sites, from Tintagel place of King
    Arthur\'s birth to his death...and also places like Winchester in
    Hampshire where the round table seats...The reason why I am asking is ,
    "Is this an archetypal myth," a reality , or something to aspire to,
    i.e chivalry ,justice , compassion and so on?, basically the hero
    archetype in all of us...could it be that from the Mists of Avalon a
    Great King shall arise , who has survived the abyss...

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Mercuriel Sun May 16, 2010 3:27 am

    I've seen the Ground reflected back at the Sky as a Parallel Earth if You will on 2 occasions over the past Year...

    Huh ?

    Perhaps I have seen the Promised Land. The Apparitions have been Mystical and Awesome at any rate both times...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  dominic777 Sun May 16, 2010 7:37 am

    Mercuriel wrote:I've seen the Ground reflected back at the Sky as a Parallel Earth if You will on 2 occasions over the past Year...

    Huh ?

    Perhaps I have seen the Promised Land. The Apparitions have been Mystical and Awesome at any rate both times...

    synchronicity, this fits nicely with the dimensional thread and parallel Earths

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    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Carol Mon May 17, 2010 7:32 am

    Best to find a place to graze the cow if you wish to continue to eat cheese sandwiches Paul. I was atop the Tor but it was over where the hawthorn tree was atop the other knoll that I had a vision of how the valley looked when it was filled with water many, many years past. It can also happen again, I suspect.

    Glastonbury reminded me of another Berkeley in California as it has an international flavor about it as well. International communities are very appealing energy wise. There appears to be more tolerance for individual differences.

    As for location... I still think England is likely to end up under ice sooner then later. Especially if the gulf currents change with what is currently happening in the oceans. Lots of wood to have a bonnie fire would be at the top of my list for your area. Of course who am I to talk given the 8 months of winter here in the high mountians of North East Oregon, home of the glaciers many years back. The lake, several hundred feet deep just on the other side of the merraigne (small crescent shaped hill) on the farm here seperating the farm from it was created by a glacier. The mountian peaks are jagged and look a lot like the Swiss Alps here and just as frigid cold during winter and currently buried under snow. However, the fishing is verra, verra good.

    Take a gander at these photos as this is where I'm currently at - a stones throw from the lake. 5th picture down on the right column. However, you can see the ranch house in the ariel photo on the bottom right column. The roof looks like two white specks on the lower left side of the photo almost mid way up.

    And I have to tell you Paul ~ after living here for several years, I see white outside and am ready to burst into tears. Hawaii is a much more friendly climate to live in and you can grow food all year round. Here you can keep food frozen outside in the trunck of your car 3/4 of the year.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Where is the true Avalon? Empty Re: Where is the true Avalon?

    Post  Floyd Mon May 17, 2010 7:49 am

    Carol wrote:Best to find a place to graze the cow if you wish to continue to eat cheese sandwiches Paul. I was atop the Tor but it was over where the hawthorn tree was atop the other knoll that I had a vision of how the valley looked when it was filled with water many, many years past. It can also happen again, I suspect.

    Glastonbury reminded me of another Berkeley in California as it has an international flavor about it as well. International communities are very appealing energy wise. There appears to be more tolerance for individual differences.

    As for location... I still think England is likely to end up under ice sooner then later. Especially if the gulf currents change with what is currently happening in the oceans. Lots of wood to have a bonnie fire would be at the top of my list for your area. Of course who am I to talk given the 8 months of winter here in the high mountians of North East Oregon, home of the glaciers many years back. The lake, several hundred feet deep just on the other side of the merraigne (small crescent shaped hill) on the farm here seperating the farm from it was created by a glacier. The mountian peaks are jagged and look a lot like the Swiss Alps here and just as frigid cold during winter and currently buried under snow. However, the fishing is verra, verra good.
    I would say Avalon where ever or whatever it is would be exempt from any ice age. It is more or less impossible to predict what areas will be under what after any planetary pole shift. Channelers and visionaries are incorrect 90% of the time. I go by that good old chestnut called intuition. The geological violence in the pacific ring of fire, China, the middle east and around the San Andreas would be may prime cause of concern. After that anything goes. perhaps coastal areas will be inundated. Is the weather different on 3D than 4D 5D or 6D anyone as im not sure??

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