interesting thanks for all the above. It's weird there was a thread on GLP on dandelions as well. somewhere on there is a hilarious video of a very sweet old lady Clara, and her war time cooking tips.
I just steam a handful and eat them with butter. I understand you need fats to absorb the green content. Chocolate ice cream works just as well, seperately maybe. I've made the dandelion root coffee, hmmm, not so good, I think I failed at the roasting stage, probably a dehydrater would help. It's getting so I no longer pull the yellow earth nail out ( chinese name for them) I just come back and harvest the roots. I'll be making nettle soup soon ,too. I feel it's important to use what's there and naturally thrives. I'd call that a hint.
Yes, will try and get photos out and up, It's very much a work in progress and I wish I had a few more hands on deck. I'd like to manifest a beekeeper who would like to put a hive or two on my patch as well. I do really well at artichokes though and have quite a few well established ones. Broad beans coming along well, also.
Last year the chemtrails made my job a lot harder, killed off all the squashes pumpkins etc with mold, but the dandelion is impervious, as is the cockroach, any good recipes? Actualy my real problem is woodlice, I have a plague of them and am not at all Buddhist about dispatching the critters.
With regard to 3d /4 d /6 double d, I hear you on the walk before you run, but ya know? I'm sick of running, I'm even getting tired of walking , crawling is too arduous/messy and frankly I'd REALLY like to just sit still through all these changes. Meanwhile, the garden calls...
the mormon stuff is intriguing as well as very funny, thanks all. No offense to the ascension buffs, cuz who knows?