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    Seismicity South Pole: Update for January to February 2, 2012


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    Seismicity South Pole: Update for January to February 2, 2012 Empty Seismicity South Pole: Update for January to February 2, 2012

    Post  Carol Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:28 pm

    Seismicity South Pole: Update for January to February 2, 2012 Ant-9
    Well if the north pole is moving toward Siberia I wonder where the south pole will end up?
    Seismicity South Pole: Update for January to February 2, 2012
    The Lt. Colonel reported that the earths pole is steadily moving (1/4 to 1/2 degree a day) and will think by the end of March or April the earth will shift 40 degrees where the middle of the US will be the new equator. Not sure about that but it is interesting to note things are shifting.

    This is also interesting to note: Powerful energy release emanating from the Earth’s core recorded

    Seismicity South Pole: Update for January to February 2, 2012 Earth
    February 2, 2012 – TURKEY – The International Geodynamic Monitoring System, a part of GNFE (London, UK), has registered on November 15, 2011 a powerful energy release emanating from the Earth’s core. The intense three-dimensional gravitational anomaly was almost simultaneously recorded by all ATROPATENA geophysical stations separated by vast distances from each other in the following cities: Istanbul (Turkey), Kiev (Ukraine), Baku (Azerbaijan), Islamabad (Pakistan) and Yogyakarta (Indonesia). According to GNFE President Professor Elchin Khalilov, the detailed analysis of ATROPATENA station records indicates a powerful energy release emanating from the Earth’s core. According to the scientist, this fact may herald intensification of geodynamic processes in our planet and as a result, a higher number of strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. As GNFE President Professor Elchin Khalilov told WOSCO news agency, ATROPATENA earthquake forecasting stations record particular three-dimensional gravitational anomalies that occur, on average, 3-7 days before strong earthquakes. These anomalies are generated by the passing of tectonic waves (stress waves) under the stations; they are emitted by the focuses of imminent large earthquakes at the moment when the stresses in them reach critical values. These waves travel very slowly, their velocity ranging from an average of 30 km/h on the continents up to 120 km/h in the oceanic crust. The stress waves are of low frequency and their period ranges from several hours to two days on average, making it impossible for seismic stations to detect them. Of course, the ATROPATENA stations record the passing of these waves with a large time difference, which helps monitor their movement and, with quite high accuracy, calculate the location of the epicenter area of the expected earthquake. –Geochange Journal

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:35 am