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    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013


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    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Empty Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:07 am

    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Cropped-200169_10151224555009023_894709738_n1
    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013
    Posted on January 2, 2013 by Pat Donworth
    The turning of the tide can be a subtle thing at first but eventually the change becomes undeniable. That is what is happening now with the family cabal that has been secretly ruling the West through control of the creation and distribution of money. These people have already lost the ability to control the future of this planet and are now barely clinging on to power. The key to their loss was the spreading of the truth, for the truth shall set us free.

    In one example of the sort of truth that is coming out, here is what MI5 is saying about former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair: “Blair received an offshore payment of Euro 75 million into Belize for signing the EU Treaty of Rome. All signatories were offered Euro 50 million but [Italian Prime Minister] Berlusconi was insulted by the low amount that could buy an Italian PM so the payment went up to Euro 75m. Blair then paid nearly half of his share into his wife Cherie’s offshore account at H. Ansbacher in the British Virgin Islands.” Outgoing Bank of England Governor Sir Mervyn King also has an account (in his mother’s name) in the British Virgin Islands with H. Ansbacher, MI5 says.

    Belize is also the center of much of the Bain capital drug money laundering linked to defeated US presidential candidate Mitt Romney, according to MI5 and CIA sources. This in turn links to the Bush Nazi faction and their financing of the Euro with stolen Asian gold.

    This is the sort of detailed information of criminal behavior is coming out about a whole slew of Western leaders these days and no amount of murders and terror attacks can put the genie back into the bottle.

    There is still a lot of frantic fighting going on, though, and clearly the battle is not yet over. It is time to seize

    the initiative.

    The obstacles to a new financial system and the start of a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and free humanity have been identified as a very few old men, some of whom claim to work for off-world entities.

    In specific, blockages have been linked to the pope, President Obama, and a series of occult organizations linked to the worship of an entity variously known as Ba’al, Lucifer, Molech and Satan among other names. It sounds too strange to be true but the fact is that such occultists have seized the power to create money in the West and have been using it to exploit the people of the world.

    The frustration with the ongoing rape of America and the turning of the EU into a new Soviet Union has reached a crisis point and many angry people are starting to point the finger of blame on the Jews. “Is it time to go after the Jews?” is what many very powerful and dangerous people are asking.

    In answer, the White Dragon Society presented a Hollywood version of the biblical Book of Ruth to some of these dangerous groups in order to provide some historical background to the difference between Jews and devil worshippers. In this story, likely based on a true historical incident, a woman by the name of Ruth from the tribe of Moab converts to the Judaism of their arch enemies, the tribe of Benjamin.

    Ruth admitted to participating in the sacrifice of children as part of the worship of Molech. She is forgiven, however, because she made a full confession, converted and appeared to sincerely regret the role she played in child sacrifice.

    For most decent, law abiding people, the thought of child sacrifice going on in this day and age is so horrific that the mind enters a state of denial. Any yet the evidence is overwhelming that a large portion of the Western elite not only worships Molech, or Satan, but that they actually carry out mass sacrifices.

    The recent Sandy Hook murder of children is one glaring example starting us in our faces. The official account is such a mess of contradictions that only the aspartame stoned couch potatoes actually believe that a single autistic child could have carried out all those murders. Early news reports quote a principle who is later listed as “killed,” describe multiple gun-men etc. The dead children are never shown and the bodies vanish to God knows where. There has been so much good research done on this false flag killing by others that this murderous incident is not going to be buried.

    This is where real Jews need to get involved. They need to renounce the child murderers who have been hiding in their midst or else risk being prosecuted as accomplices to mass murder. In the tale of Ruth the Jews did not hesitate to kill Moabites, even as they forgave Ruth. This is what needs to be done. Otherwise, prepare for the pogrom to end all pogroms.

    Meanwhile, as far as the new financial system is concerned, there were frantic efforts to close a deal before the end of 2012 but last minute cabal interference has postponed the launch of the new system supposedly until mid-January. Those of us who have been following this sort of news are sick and tired of hearing that the “check is in the mail,” and that good times are “around the corner.”

    The sudden death of General “Stormin Norman” Schwarzkopf, the rumoured death of 8 other generals, the multiple ailments of Hillary Clinton and other signs all point to a severe ongoing struggle. Both the Navy Intelligence Office information/disinformation site Sorcha Faal and the Mossad site Debka, both say Clinton and some military were involved in a mysterious plane crash. Both sites mention the same things and certainly something unusual is going on with Hillary.

    In other signs of high level disarray in the West’s power pinnacle, the Bushes remain hiding in the hospital, the pope has survived yet another poisoning attempt (according to P2 sources) and Obama admits in public he might be removed from office.

    Western war-mongering also continues unabated in many countries even if World War 3 itself has been prevented.

    By contrast in Asia, former Bush cabal “rogue country” North Korea’s leader Kim Jon-un calls for peace. This call is welcomed by the newly elected South Korean president. In Japan, meanwhile, a firmly anti-cabal government has seized the reins of power with the full backing of the military, and is also calling for peace.

    The question still is, however, when the war-criminals will finally be removed from power in the West.
    As usual, there is a lot of good concrete stuff going on that we are being asked not to report at the present time. However, rest assured the final defeat of the satanic cabal has become a mathematical certainty.

    Last edited by Carol on Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013

    Post  Brook Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:10 am

    However, rest assured the final defeat of the satanic cabal has become a mathematical certainty.

    Wishful thinking? Let's hope so!

    Posts : 32544
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:15 am

    POOF for December 30, 2012: Always Darkest Before the Dawn
    Posted on December 30, 2012 by Pat Donworth
    Dec. 30, 2012 | RMN

    *Lyrics to “When the Ship Comes In” below.

    Greetings and Salutations:

    …in the Kingdom of ‘Reap what you Sow’. The Indians call this the law of karma. The crap you put out always comes home to roost. Humans have never been able to get away from it. No amount of physical denial can disconnect the connection between thoughts and deeds and its’ return to its source. So, as cocky and arrogant that these folks have been, they are headed for places unknown for some reason.

    There are some bones in this stew so let your gut push you to the truth. Sometimes the ‘facts’ are just accepted opinions and opinions are like fly crap. It is everywhere, forming specks on the clearest glass. Tho the masses have had no idea of what was up for the the global thieves, you can be sure they knew and were given many chances, to get on the right side. They chose the dark side, an impossible position to win from. This no place to negotiate from, they were always destined to lose. As I understand it, there will be no half measure, we’re not bumbling into the future, doing constant skirmishes, that’s not how you clean up a planet. Each of us has a job and most already know what’s in their hearts to do, all folks need is the resources to participate and he whose job it is, is large and in charge, is making it happen, no matter the opposition. People say to me, I don’t ‘see’ any changes, the folks in charge didn’t want anyone to see the lead up to the change, you don’t telegraph the movements of your troops. They have a habit of killing the innocent to make a point. the closer they get to utter defeat.

    When the door is opened for the masses, the messes which have been created will be cleaned up, the atmosphere, so we have clean air to breathe free of chemicals, pure water brought to the surface, and free energy to power your homes. It’ll be better than the Jetson’s world. Many things have been sitting on shelves in various places, that research and development is not necessary. We’re not talking about anything long term here, just getting busy and ‘doing’ it. ‘The doing gets done in the being it’. Change your mind and your ##### will follow, think about it. lololol I suggest, be prepared to have long held beliefs challenged. Some of them are like the dog that don’t hunt.

    I’m ready, are you? All things end and begin, in this world. The lid has already been partially, lifted as I told you last week, now the total reset approaches, don’t be surprised at How things get done. Many are talking on the net with pieces of the puzzle so, they assume things which have no basis in actuality, but they sound good. The truth is stranger than fiction. So stay loose. Your personal business is yours so, watch the ‘sharing’. The folks in charge, know where you are and what you’re doing not necessary to get on somebody’s list to get an invite to the party. That’s work that’s already been done by the right people.

    In closing, I wish everyone a happy new year and a fantastic future.

    Consultations until the knock on the door.

    Love and Kisses,


    Bob Dylan
    When the Ship Comes In Lyrics

    Oh the time will come up
    When the winds will stop
    And the breeze will cease to be breathin’
    Like the stillness in the wind
    ‘Fore the hurricane begins
    The hours when the ship comes ind.

    And the seas will split
    And the ship will hit
    And the sands on the shoreline will be shaking
    Then the tide will sound
    And the wind will pound
    And the morning will be breaking.

    Oh the fishes will laugh
    As they swim out of the path
    And the seagulls they’ll be smiling
    And the rocks on the sand
    Will proudly stand
    The hour that the ship comes in.

    And the words that are used
    For to get the ship confused
    Will not be understood as they’re spoken
    For the chains of the sea
    Will have busted in the night
    And will be buried at the bottom of the ocean.

    A song will lift
    As the mainsail shifts
    And the boat drifts on to the shoreline
    And the sun will respect
    Every face on the deck
    The hour that the ship comes in.

    Then the sands will roll
    Out a carpet of gold
    For your weary toes to be a-touchin’
    And the ship’s wise men
    Will remind you once again
    That the whole wide world is watchin’.

    Oh the foes will rise
    With the sleep in their eyes
    And they’ll jerk from their beds and think they’re dreamin’
    But they’ll pinch themselves and squeal
    And know that it’s for real
    The hour that the ship comes in.

    Then they’ll raise their hands
    Sayin’ we’ll meet all your demands
    But we’ll shout from the bow your days are numbered
    And like Pharaoh’s tribe
    They’ll be drownded in the tide
    And like Goliath, they’ll be conquered.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32544
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:19 am

    Ex-Feds & Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding-Why?
    by Dave Hodges -
    December 25, 2012 - Conspiracy, Main
    Part Two

    In my role as a talk show host, I have been approached by individuals who claim to have “insider information” about what is coming, and according to these individuals, what is coming is very bad. Most credible sources demand complete anonymity. As a result, I have found myself in a position to try and evaluate whether to write about and broadcast some very controversial information. Sometimes, my insider information turns out to be stunningly accurate as evidenced by the Chris Stevens murder story which was spot on. My information on the Aurora Batman shootings has also proven to be very accurate.

    There is a risk in using unnamed sources. Simply, they could be wrong, they could be disinformation agents or they might just be crazy as they are looking for their 15 minutes of fame. It takes a degree of courage to air information derived from confidential sources. Therefore, I want to thank Doug Hagmann for daring to publish his dire warnings which come from an inside source at DHS. I have subsequently decided to reveal what I know as well. The decision to air these warnings will undoubtedly encourage others to come forward. Hopefully, so many “insiders” will come forward that it will become impossible to hide what it is coming from those who are actively seeking answers. To the general public, it does not matter what they are told, for they will still believe that the government will take care of them, CNN truthfully reports the news and Santa Claus exists. As a result, these fools will never know what hit them.

    Although the Hagmann warnings differ somewhat from my sources, there are some common threads. One area that Hagmann’s source did not focus on is the dropping out of sight by ex-federal officials and prominent figures on Wall Street. and that is the remaining focus of this article.

    The Marrs Observation
    In a December 9, 2012 interview on The Common Sense Show, Jim Marrs discussed how approximately 400-500 top level bankers have left their positions and have gone into seclusion. Marrs reminded my listening audience of how the elite have developed seed vaults which only they have access to. Marrs was clearly alluding to the fact that some very bad events are coming and the global elite are aware of it and are moving to meet the threat. My insider sources inform me that the same thing is happening in various federal organizations who have recently retired from the CIA, DHS, NSA and FEMA. This fact is indisputable. I have firsthand knowledge of three ex-fed officials and their families who have relocated to safety enclaves when doing so was very disruptive to their respective family’s lives. Increasingly, it is looking like some major event(s) is/are coming and persons with insider information are attempting to remove themselves from harm’s way.

    Massive Retirements From
    the Alphabet Soup Agencies

    When government officials, from the various alphabet soup agencies, retire en masse, it is not necessarily a noteworthy event. However, when the same officials retire en masse and then relocate to form their own survivalist enclaves, then this is something that we should all sit up and take notice of, especially when we are seeing the same behavior on the part of Wall Street executives.

    In my dealings with purported alphabet soup agency informants, I have been receiving some very dire warnings in terms of what lies ahead for America. Given the above facts, it should be understandable why I found the recent Hagmann interview with Rosebud to be a little bit more than interesting. I have had conversations with two insiders and a relative of another insider who tell similar stories of a coming series of apocalyptic events. Much of the Hagmann information, to a large extent, corresponds to the information I’ve received except for the fact that many ex-feds are forming self-sustaining communities. Therefore, this installment will strictly deal with the fact that officials from the NSA, CIA, DHS and FEMA are retiring/early retiring and going into seclusion with their former comrades in arms.

    DHS and CIA Relocations
    It is a matter of official agency policy that some current DHS and CIA officials and their families will be provided safe sanctuary in various strategic locations in Colorado in times of trouble. Most people in the know are aware of the underground facilities which lies below the Denver International Airport which has an underground connected railway to the Cheyenne Mountain NORAD/Fort Carson/Peterson Air Force Base underground facilities. The structures are part of the Continuity of Government program developed by the United States government in the early days of the Cold War. However these facilities are increasingly becoming the planned refuge for many of the global elite residing within the United States when all hell breaks loose. In September 2011, the evacuation of the elite to this safe hideaway was rehearsed in the DHS exercise known as Operation Mountain Guardian in which the Denver airport was shut down to commercial air travel except for specific, undesignated planes which were allowed to land in preparation for some staged catastrophe. This aforementioned event is not newsworthy because it has been reported in the mainstream. However, where this even becomes noteworthy to the public is because it is not coincidental that the CIA has relocated its major data collection facilities to underground structures in the Denver International Airport. The implications for residents living in or near the Washington DC Metropolitan area should be clear. The planned obsolescence for the nation’s capital is becoming increasingly apparent. If I were you and I lived in this area, I would be looking for a new place to live in the very near future. The previous information is what is publicly available. The following information has not been disseminated but is highly relevant to what lies ahead.

    Ex-CIA and DHS Relocations
    Parallel to the Colorado being prepared to become the new capital, it is highly relevant to note that retired officials from the DHS and the CIA, who are not part of the privileged elite but who know what is coming, have developed their own enclaves in the Rocky Mountains outside of Denver and Colorado Springs. As it has been described to me that these facilities are a poor man’s imitation of the Denver International Airport facilities. The structures are largely natural, but are very well equipped and the resources include a self-contained air supply. My source for this information is a former DHS insider. This is the same insider who revealed to me in mid-2008 of a rift between the old guard of the New World Order and the up and coming new wealth of the same group. His information at that time proved to highly credible then and I believe that this is credible as well.

    NSA Relocations
    Recently, retired officials from the NSA have relocated to an area in the Ozarks where they have access to underground safety zone which have/are being transformed into mini-villages of self-sustainable protection. Their properties consist typically of 5 to 10 acres for each family, contains a portable water supply, residents are armed to the teeth, have alternative communications that are not reliant on the grid and have years of stored food. My source is an individual who retired from the NSA almost two years ago. His decision to participate in the relocation was triggered by the impending re-election of President Obama which he said will hasten the onslaught of what is to come because Obama’s administration fully embraces the destruction of America.

    Ex-FEMA Relocations
    Recently retired officials from FEMA are relocating to mountainous areas, in North Carolina, approximately one hour from the coast. Their enclave contains the same resources involving air, water, food and guns. These enclaves also include underground structures which are sensibly self-contained and can serve to isolate the inhabitants from the outside. I have two sources on this information which includes a family member and a retired FEMA official who has chosen not to participate in this relocation. The nonparticipant ex-official from FEMA did not seek sanctuary with these groups because he feels that several of these enclaves will be targeted for destruction by the powers that be because of the knowledge contained by the inhabitants in this case of “dead men tell no tales.” This makes sense because it would allow the elite, following the coming cataclysms, to rewrite history in their own version without any contradiction from knowledgeable individuals that know what really has gone on. This insider knowledge is a threat which would serve as an obstacle to the new truth. Personally, I think this view has a great deal of merit.

    I fully realize that unnamed sources don’t carry as much credibility as documented sources. However, as similar stories make their way into the national discussion, it might be wise to take a closer look. I don’t ask that the facts presented here be taken at face value, I encourage everyone to do their own research and if you find credibility to the claims made in the following parts in this series, it would be prudent to take the proper precautions.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32544
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:55 pm

    Brook wrote:
    However, rest assured the final defeat of the satanic cabal has become a mathematical certainty.

    Wishful thinking? Let's hope so!

    I too wonder if this is just someone's fantasy. However, the words "hope so" are something I suspect most of us are hoping for as well. Somewhere along the line something has to give and for once it would be nice if it were evil being snuffed out instead of the good guys. A heavenly invasion would be nice.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3497
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Walking the Path...

    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013

    Post  Mercuriel Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:39 pm

    Brook wrote:
    However, rest assured the final defeat of the satanic cabal has become a mathematical certainty.

    Wishful thinking? Let's hope so!

    Simply put - As They operate under Cellestial Auspice through Their Black Majick ceremonies and selection of Dates...

    The Math is no longer there to support Them...

    They must needs Whither and Die now. Either that or Evolve...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 32544
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:31 pm

    Some follow-up on NESARA.

    Ghost: URGENT NOTICE TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES NESARA_ NESARA means: The National Economic Security and Reformation Act ZEROES OUT (Forgives) ALL Credit Card, Auto, Personal, Educational, and Mortgage Loan Debt as a remedy for years of Bank Frauds! ABOLISHES the IRS! Tax Collections Cease IMMEDIATELY. Creates a Sales Tax Revenue on non-essential new items ONLY to fund legit government operations. Creates a U.S. Treasury Bank System; Absorbs the Federal Reserve; Issues new precious metals backed currency! Permanently ELIMINATES Inflation!

    Restores Constitutional Law; Retrains public servants to uphold Constitutional Law, including law enforcement, the courts and the remaining government agencies! Requires the immediate RESIGNATIONS of the current administration. Constitutionally acceptable President and Vice President Designates will take office. New elections will be held 120 days from the day of the announcement! Requires the President Designate to DECLARE PEACE immediately; ENDS all aggressive U.S. military actions. This promotes the above banking changes to take place internationally. Many more beneficial improvements to follow worldwide.

    Born as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court's 1993 rulings, NESARA upheld the Farmers Union charges that U.S. banks were fraudulently foreclosing on farm mortgages and that the U.S. government was in collusion with these banks. Drawn up as reformations, NESARA was passed secretly in March, 2000 and signed into law by Bill Clinton in October, 2000. Strict gag orders were in effect early on, but news of NESARA passage began coming from U.S. naval intelligence contacts in June, 2000. Now, thousands of people know about NESARA.

    The U.S. Supreme Court Justices need to hear that we Americans support the true NESARA law. Public support will help the Justices streamline the process to get this law announced and implemented WITHOUT DELAY! NESARA will be the FIRST worldwide economic action to put MORE MONEY in your pockets, bring instant PEACE and restore our God-Given LIBERTIES. ALL nations will soon follow suit! WHAT YOU CAN DO Write a 23 cent POSTCARD to the U.S. Supreme Court. Urge the Justices to make NESARA's official announcement immediately. They are waiting to hear from YOU. Send your postcard to: U.S. Supreme Court One First Street Washington, D.C. 20543

    COPY OR PRINT THIS FLYER AND HAND IT OUT TO FAMILY, FRIENDS, EVERYONE! NESARA GOES INTO EFFECT AS SOON AS IT IS PUBLICLY ANNOUNCED. DEMAND THIS NOW. IT IS YOUR RIGHT! ELEVEN Ways People can Confirm the true NESARA law! Because many people directly involved with NESARA preparations have signed secrecy agreements which put their careers and lives on the line, they will only confirm NESARA to TRUSTED personal friends.

    [Precious] Tuesday, January 1, 2013 The bridge between now and nesara Text of H.R.2990 as Introduced in House: National Emergency Employment Defense Act of 2011 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress http://www.opencongress. ··· 990/text Please post this on the site ASAP. This is the bridge between now and nesara. Very important. Everyone must know about this bill that is currently in congress. Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:43 PM

    [Precious] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 21, 2011 Mr. KUCINICH (for himself and Mr. CONYERS) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services A BILL To create a full employment economy as a matter of national economic defense; to provide for public investment in capital infrastructure; to provide for reducing the cost of public investment; to retire public debt; to stabilize the Social Security retirement system; to restore the authority of Congress to create and regulate money, modernize and provide stability for the monetary system of the United States; and for other public purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

    [winalot] .

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32544
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013

    Post  Carol Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:39 am

    Benjamin Fulford Blurb: The Holiday Lull is Over, The Fascist’s Days Are Numbered
    Date: Monday, 7-Jan-2013 10:35:02
    Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis

    The fight to over the world’s financial system has been in limbo over the new year’s holiday but big moves are now being made by various players in preparation for some upcoming decisive battles.

    In the US, Obama’s regime, in a show of bravado to hide fear and desperation, has announced it will issue trillion dollar coins, confiscate American’s guns, murder and imprison Americans without due process and eliminate term limits so Obama can be made dictator for life.

    In the Middle-East, a move to revive the nation of Kurdistan, complete with control over massive oil fields, has slipped in under the radar. The Turks appear to have given a green light to this arrangement in exchange for promises of oil revenues, according to a Turkish government source.

    The real game changer though, remains the ongoing process of bringing Asian gold and treasure holdings into play in the international financial system. Here some very nitty-gritty technical discussions are proceeding smoothly, if slowly.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3447
    Join date : 2012-09-08
    Age : 74
    Location : The Sandhills of SC

    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013

    Post  bobhardee Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:15 pm


    (Benjamin Fulford) The G20 meeting that just ended in Australia was a total defeat for the cabal and its agenda, multiple sources say. The cabal tried to use the Ukraine as an excuse to start war against Russia as a way to rebuild Western economies and keep itself in power. However, instead, the French, British and Germans abandoned the cabal controlled Americans and joined with the vast majority of the planet to support a BRICS led initiative for a new Marshall plan for the planet, the sources say. The attempts to inflame the sentiment for war using the Ukraine and ISIS went nowhere with most world leaders.

    The BRICS and APEC summits week ended up focusing on stopping tax evasion by multinational corporations and increasing resources for fighting poverty and ending environmental destruction.
    Furthermore, the US military has been in a state of shock and demoralization after a top of the line Aegis class US warship was turned into a crippled sitting duck in the Black Sea earlier this year, according to French and other reports.

    As a Russian general explained “the more complicated an electronic system is, the easier it is to interfere with it.” The obvious implication here is that much of the US military’s highly computerized military equipment can all be electronically scrambled, making it no more dangerous than refrigerators. It is as if that Arthur C. Clarke 1951 science fiction story “Superiority,” about an army that lost because of its reliance on untested high tech equipment, has come true. That story used to be mandatory reading for US military officers.

    In any case, the Russians and others are saying that when the Russian navy stationed a fleet near the G20 meeting in Australia the Americans were too scared to send their own fleet to respond.
    Not only that but detailed evidence was presented to world leaders showing the Malaysian Airlines flight 370/17 incidents were

    nuclear blackmail carried out by the Bush and Cohen crime families of Florida, P2 Freemason lodge and pentagon sources say. The Pentagon has reacted to these revelations by carrying yet another restructuring of its nuclear forces in order to stop any more Bush/Cohen nuclear terror.
    According to the P2 Lodge, the United States is now run by seven crime families. Of these families, it is the Bush and Cohen families that are now standing between the people of the world and freedom, the P2 lodge sources say.

    The Bush/Cohen hardline faction in the cabal has now been reduced to a few slaves like Prime Minister Abe of Japan, Abbott of Australian and, to this writers’ deep regret, Harper of Canada.

    Abe returned to Japan only to find a mutiny against him inside the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komeito parties, according to Japanese right wing sources. The anti-Abe faction has been leaking news of a planned general election in December while Abe himself has been fighting tooth and nail to prevent that from happening, they say. The ruling coalition is split between two large factions and the pro-Abe faction is losing support fast.

    The latest economic numbers showing that Japan’s economy shrank at an annualized 1.6% in the July to September quarter. This means Japan is officially in recession and Abenomics has been a failure. In fact, Abenomics has been nothing more than wholescale looting of Japan’s pensions and other financial assets aimed at supporting the cabal in the US. If Abe is removed, then it is game over for the Bush/Cohen Nazionist faction.

    That is why there is expected to be heavy duty infighting in Japan over the coming weeks.

    It is also interesting to note that a senior Mossad official was sent to Tokyo last week to meet with a White Dragon Society representative. This official has been completely out of contact since the March 11th, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan. It was immediately after this terror attack that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu phoned Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan to demand that Japan hand over all of its holding in US Treasuries. If he did not, Netanyahu threatened to destroy all of Japan’s nuclear reactors. Kan duly handed the Treasury certificates over and I guess the cabal thought they had emerged victorious.

    They were wrong. The Mossad agent was told that Netanyahu and the other individuals responsible for that attack would face criminal prosecution. He was also told that there was going to be no pogrom, but that the highly brainwashed section of the Jewish population would have to be re-educated based on actual historical fact.

    The fact is that Hebrew and Yiddish are Germanic languages from central Europe, not Middle-Eastern languages. The only people in the ancient Middle East who spoke an Indo-European language were the Hyksos who worshiped a goat faced being with a forked tail. That is the image we now associate with Satan. The people of Judea whose story the Torah tells spoke Aramaic.

    The Hyksos invaded and ruled Egypt for a while and when they were kicked out they took a bunch of Egyptian slaves with them. The implication here of course is that for millennia, Jews have been unwitting slaves of a Satan worshipping ancient Hyksos cult. The Mossad agent was told that once the Jews learned this, they would finally be freed from millennia of slavery.

    The Mossad agent also asked why US President Barack Obama was so anti-Israel. He was told Obama was just a spokesperson for the US military. It was explained to him that the US military was angry about such things as 911 and the USS Liberty incident.

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    Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford (Full Update): January 2, 2013

    Post  bobhardee Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:15 pm

    12/15/2014 Interesting

    Benjamin Fulford - December 15, 2014: Torture report paves way for arrest of top Nazionists
    The 500 page report of Bush era torture issued by the US Senate marks a major turning point in US power. While much of what is in the report is old news to most aware humans, the fact that it was issued by the US Senate Intelligence Committee and the fact that it was widely reported on in the corporate propaganda media is very important. For one thing it shows that Nazi faction of the cabal no longer controls the corporate media. It confirms information given to me earlier that the Cohen faction of the cabal had broken ranks with the Bush faction.

    Even more important is that, according to establishment rules, once an incident is “in the news” then action must be taken. Since the United States is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions, it means their government is bound by law to prosecute war criminals. This means, just as we predicted last week, that George Bush Jr. and the entire Nazi (Neo-con) faction of the cabal, are headed for jail and possibly even the death penalty.

    The release of this report comes as the British Crown Prince William was in Washington to “attend a World Bank conference.” Japanese government sources say that while in Washington, William signed treaties that confirmed a change of ownership of the corporate government of the United States. However, MI5 sources could only confirm that William did sign some documents. The timing of the release of the torture report may have been linked to that.

    Also, remember how Bush Jr. and Tony Blair each went for private audiences with pope malevolent (Benedict XVI) after they left office? They were showing the world they had a powerful protector and were beyond prosecution. Well, the new Pope Francis and the P2 have taken away their immunity and that is why war crimes trials are now possible.

    The UN, UK government officials, the Chinese and many others are clamoring for this right now.

    Some of the top Bush clients around the world are now, understandably, running scared because their big patron is losing. One of these is the Dalai Lama, a hypocritical Nazi murderer who was refused an audience with the pope last week. This means he has no protection. Another one is the Sultan of Brunei who, according to CIA agents in South East Asia, has always been one of the key money launderers for the Bush world wide narcotics business. A third is the Agha Khan, a descendant of the Prophet Mohamed who runs a lot of the Al Qaeda type of stuff for the Bush faction, according to MI5 sources

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 12, 2024 5:35 am