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    1/8/2012 -- German 'SWARM' satellites to study Pole Shift -- Launching early 2012


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    1/8/2012 -- German 'SWARM' satellites to study Pole Shift -- Launching early 2012 Empty 1/8/2012 -- German 'SWARM' satellites to study Pole Shift -- Launching early 2012

    Post  Carol Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:58 am

    1/8/2012 -- German 'SWARM' satellites to study Pole Shift -- Launching early 2012 _50399592_tides_gfz_body304sq
    1/8/2012 -- German 'SWARM' satellites to study Pole Shift -- Launching early 2012
    Here is the original story:
    Swarm satellite mission to try to sense ocean magnetism
    Euronews put out this news in Oct. 2011 -- announcing what the "SWARM" satellite array will do -- they announced the project for "early 2012". Word has come to me that the launch will be announced shortly. This study will measure the movement of the earths magnetic poles. European scientists are going to try to measure the movement of the oceans by tracing their magnetism alone. The effort will be achieved using three super-sensitive spacecraft called Swarm, which should launch in 2012. "When salty ocean water flows through the magnetic field of the Earth, an electric field is generated and this electric field again makes a magnetic field," explained Dr Hermann Lühr, from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) and a leading investigator on Swarm."We hope to have the possibility to measure the ocean currents which are so important for climate dynamics, because oceans are transporting a lot of heat. The German Champ mission was the first to see at least the tidal signal, but with Swarm we want to be able to monitor the currents themselves."

    here's my original video from Oct. 2011 -- no longer on my list mirrored by a viewer --

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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