There has been crazy crap happening here also...yesterday I'm sitting in the loo in the morning when I hear, outside the window, "HELP! SHE"S TRYN' TO KILL ME!" and he sounded sincere.
I jump up and grab my shoes and my phone and get to the back door and there's this white Ford Explorer in the Drive-Thru (next door, ain't city life grand!? ) and it's acting erratically. This guy jumps out of the front passenger side and then the truck is moving through the parking lot with him hanging out the door. She stops and he gets in the back. Then they sit there for two minutes and finally pull out into the street.
I figure: "Hell buddy, if you're dumb enough to get back in the truck, I guess I'm smart enough not to call the cops...."
Next door I go over and talk to the girl at the store. Everything there was alright, but she said the woman driver was beating the snot out of the guy....
Then later that day, my mom mis-interprets my fixing of a door, and the note I left...and got all upset and wrecked about it...
She thought it was a passive/agreesive thing...I explained to her what I really meant...and that worked out ok....
She's normally very, very strange...
I've not been preparing for anything other than getting my house online. Trying to get the garage free of buidling crap in order to fix my truck. Can't drive the Jetta cause the head gasket it I'm out a vehicle if I don't act soon...
I'm getting EFT and Reiki treatments done next week. So good stuff there.
Oh, and way to go on the Aloe. The stuff is majik. I use it in my mouthwash.
Happy Healing Heads & Hands
Out with the spiders, out with the ghosts
in with the Chili Peppers, Oranges and Toasts
Guide our minds and guide our hands
Give us visions of nearby lands.
( an impromptu blessing!)