lindabaker Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:10 am
Thank you! Yes! We are birthing this new golden age and the old era is cracking and crumbling around us. Ready or not the feminine energy is taking over where and when the old patterns are disintegrating. There is a birth, Mudra, the birth of the Phoenix. I think it is slow at the moment. The Solar flares are throwing us down, energetically, because we are not used to the power of it.
My whole family and my friends are losing stamina. We have to sleep more, and sleep during the day which is unusual. We keep hearing the high pitched tone and can feel our nervous systems trying to adjust. Short term memory is off, big time. It's like we are being re-wired.
I am reverting back to some old bad habits. I had two bowls of chocolate ice cream for dinner! And then a piece of southern fried chicken! I guess subconsciously I'm treating myself because we don't know if things will soon change so radically that we will be unable to have our comforts. By things changing, it could be earth changes or economic changes, or both.
The mostly young people are starting to gather in the city centers in all of the larger cities in the US. Perhaps we sense the danger at hand for them. They are naive. There is a lot of anger among the unemployed and newly homeless. We all feel the is palpable.
When giving birth, there is a null point, a time before the big push. I think we are there now. Knowing that this is happening to my forum friends around the world is good to know. Let's all thank each other for being in communication about this. We need to be strong for those around us who weren't educated in the process that is unfolding.
I still think big quakes are more tsunami events are coming. The earth is ripping and rippling and flooding and sinking, and rising at the same time. I say, better a slow process than a quick one, so people have time to move. Thailand and Pakistan are under water in large portions. If people have to move, then better that they do it gradually.
Everyone here feels like it's the calm before the storm. The knowing that something big is coming. I turn to yogic breathing and meditation, and ask higher self to guide me. That's all we can really try to stay tuned in so to speak.
I have been watching video from New York. I think this weekend there will be more people in the streets. It could turn into millions of people. In the old western lingo, it is called a Showdown. Let cooler heads prevail. Let the local police find their orientation and their loyalty. Let it be the people that they serve, not their military masters. Yes, the old money system is teetering on the brink. But, didn't we want it to go, anyway? We need action plans. Marching in the street is okay for the gathering of like minds. Now, it's time to get a new plan. One that is peaceful, organized, and productive. I worry about the angry chanting and drumming and the footsteps. This energy bounces to the sun and then back. It can cause quakes as the earth is sensitive and connected.
Too much exposure to the more powerful sun rays could be harmful right now...we need to keep balanced and keep our heads cool, and rest. Also, I think the longer our bodies have been on the planet this time, (older people) the more we are having a difficult time with the new energy. We have lived in darkness for so long...that the new light is hurting our spiritual eyes. We are blinking.