I just undertook my usual pilgramage to the tor at Glastonbury and it was marvelous as ever. The tor itself is the centre piece of Aquarius in the Glastonbury Zodiac, in this instance represented by a pheonix. I was hoping to film the legendary 'mists of avalon' that appear around the foot of the tor and across the Vale of Avalon early in the morning looking like a mysterious silver grey sea over the Somerset landscape. The tor is the apex of a triangle connected with Cadbury Castle or Camelot (not Tintagel as has been suggested) and Athenly, connected to the tor on the St Micheal ley line.
Well sorry there is no mists of avalon video as it rained solid for two days so no mists. To make up for it there where two other 'Mists of Avalon' so I took pictures of them. One, a book in the house where I stayed and the other a shop in the high street !
Hope this makes yo for the disappointment. Of course, there is only one Mists of Avalon!!
Does any body else have any experiences of Glastobury or the Tor!
Well sorry there is no mists of avalon video as it rained solid for two days so no mists. To make up for it there where two other 'Mists of Avalon' so I took pictures of them. One, a book in the house where I stayed and the other a shop in the high street !
Hope this makes yo for the disappointment. Of course, there is only one Mists of Avalon!!
Does any body else have any experiences of Glastobury or the Tor!