I find it disturbing that one has to go before these guys and be vetted so they can enter a 'loaded' and sterile debating environment. And to think they are searching for truth and freedom? Farcical.
I think perhaps we should have our own entry requirements so that we to can weed out out those with something challenging and useful to say,those who dare disagree with Merc or Carol,those who think precious the freedom of thought, those that refuse to be treated like idiots by jumped up moderators, those who have a sense of humour, those who lack pretentions to being spiritually viable...etc etc
Those wishing to be considered for entry into the Mists should answer all questions in full. NB: Freedom of thought lack of sycophantic tendencies will not be tolerated
Q1: If male,Do you wear Y-fronts or boxer shorts?
Q2: Would you like to live in a community of special people who know just that little bit more than anybody else?
Q3: Do you agree to be publically humiliated by the site owners if you disagree with us?
Q4: Do you agree to be treated with mocking condescension by a hierarchy of priest like mods with a holier than thou attitutde.
Q5: Are you a bit like a sheep
Q6: Do you like watching videos of frauds, disinformants charlatans and crack pots?
Q7. Would you agree to occasionally part with your cash to participate in tedious and meaningless conference calls with those in the know?
Q8. Would you like to go against everything you previously used to stand for and sell out big time
Please answer the questions as truthfully as possible if you wish even to be remotely considered for entrance to the Great and Exclusive halls of the Mists of Avalon.
NB:please do not suggest this site to your friends as they wont get in
Last edited by Floyd on Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:24 am; edited 3 times in total