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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  malletzky Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:14 pm

    Brook wrote:
    horus wrote:
    Carol wrote:Horus, like this?
    I had a dream about 10 years ago. I was on top of the Toowoomba Range, west of Brisbane. I witness a wave of energy that was fire just like in the movie KNOWING. What happened next I was with friend and we jumped into a dug out in the ground that had corrugated-iron as a cover. What was happening, inflammable liquid drops where falling from the sky, like some bible prophecy and it looked like very amoebic in nature and burnt non-believers, that was shown to me as I rushed into a old church that funny enough now connects to the Celestine Prophecies to diggings, looking back into our past. This parasite now as I look back now has a Thoth energy, so how do we know that this entire solar system of ours is a hologram and our sun is part of it, and I will tell you why. About the same time I stared right in our Sun for about a minute, I went right into the energy. Don't ask me why I did this, I could have gone blind, so don't try it. Obviously not knowing then, and knowing now its my connection to the Solar Disk and what did I see, I saw a planet that was sky blue and as I type this it looked like the star-gate portal but more like a blue mirror. It was not fire at all, it as cold energy. And when I turned my eyes away, the skin of humans was violet, and at 180 degrees up in the sky in the opposite direction what do I see, I see a second sun that is golden in color. These three colors are the Three-Fold-Flame.

    Interesting and telling view......... grab your sun glasses Cool

    This (the blue marked passage avove) is also what I see whenever I have time and I'm willing to stare at the Sun. I recognised the portal immediately, as this cold, blue-mirror ball up there produces spiral like forms of energy blastings in and a human breathing in and out...the norway spiral looked much like what I'm trying to epxlain you now. Just the motion of the energy blasting in and out is realy significant.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  horus Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:18 pm

    I'll put another twist to it, what if this solar system of our is not real at all and the real solar system has twice as many planets and are all inhabited and the program show us they are screened into our consciousness as being cold and hot and shut off from our memories as forbidden thoughts, and the reason I say this, was the dream I had showing a sun in a night's sky showing flare out-bursts, was it been shown to me as a hologram program and had developed an program error because I am onto something here... bingo!

    I said to a outline of a ship 'halo' that was in the dark opposed to the white UFO light ship coming in daylight time. So all these solar flare are a hologram and not real at all. When I woke up I could not make 'head or tail', now it all fits to the white light-ships and the dark ship energies that are part of the program, talk about a twist in Virtual Reality mind-set and blue-screen illusions. What a badly written program error, and I found it!

    I continue, suddenly 'in words you can relate', my whole world turned upside down in this dream like an earthquake. Then I hear a voice of a male say with distress, "OMG a UFO" and I saw it with my own eyes. Then it became day with a clear blue sky and I can see in my left eye a huge white UFO projected onto the inside of what looked like sun glasses. I was talking telepathically earlier to a wall phone. I think this means I'm better off talking to the wall that listens than try to warn those of the short comings than are about to arrive. Examining this message (which I have not written) showed so many are so blind, hence my last comment. What I saw was a reflection behind me seen in the glasses I was wearing. I gave thought also the meaning of a 'contact lens' taking you to safety.

    The first half of this dream had a film-set energy to a stage set, ('the stage is being set') with only one movie; Blast from the Past starring Brendan Fraser, Alicia Silverstone, Christopher Walken and Sissy Spacek. This movie has been shown to me in many dreams about communities beneath the earth. This movie was about a fallout shelter. How hear this one, in New Zealand at Christchurch, a Church spire collasped in the center of the main street. Just before I started this reply Natalie said to me, "Did you see the lady up there?". This was on the news moments after the earthquake and she was at a window with her backside sticking out. Shitz happen at the last moment, so be prepared and have a pair of clean undies in your pocket. Years ago I has dream about a Church Spire falling and the street it was in, closely relating to a anti-christ protocol with what I'm trying to post about JABBA the SLUG and the BRAIN behind everything. We all know organized religion is going to... (very clever Natalie), 'going to trans-pire" (Verb - to occur; happen; take place). I was going to say 'collapse'. Is this the first sign?

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Carol Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:32 pm

    How about putting a bigger twist on this... what if the solar system is getting ready to jump (teleport) to another Universe? I really need to get Nicolai's info transcribed. Maybe by the end of the week.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  horus Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:20 pm

    Carol wrote:How about putting a bigger twist on this... what if the solar system is getting ready to jump (teleport) to another Universe? I really need to get Nicolai's info transcribed. Maybe by the end of the week.
    I love it, thats some of the energy I have seen in dreams, maybe you are onto something! Hypnotize Hypnotize

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:30 am


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:54 am


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:22 pm


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:18 pm


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  burgundia Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:15 am

    I like the above post Brook. My type of post...Wink

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:39 am

    I recently was thinking about the Queen of England, the Pope of Rome, and the God of This World. They're a pretty exclusive trio - with extreme power - aren't they? They don't get elected by the general public, do they? Should they? I really don't know. I'm really conflicted about this sort of thing. How does a civilization make sure that they have the very best individuals in those roles? I've been trying to combine the best aspects of theocracy and democracy - and the best of the royal and servant models of leadership and authority. The whole damn thing is a slippery-slope. I've had a lot to say regarding a hypothetical Queen of Heaven ruling Earth as the Goddess of This World. I've imagined having conversations and debates with such a being - and I have really mixed-feelings about the whole thing. Extreme intelligence, economy of words, elegance, straight-forwardness, and beauty - might all be on the plus side. But harshness, cruelty, causing atrocities, committing mass-murder, corruption, deception, treachery, moral-ambiguity, and demonic-possession - might be on the negative side. But I don't know the true state of affairs. They might be human. They might be reptilian. They might be hybrid. They might be male. They might be female. They might be hermaphroditic. They might have a wardrobe of bodies. They might be able to shapeshift into any form and anyone they choose. Could a being be a God or Goddess of This World for any length of time - without becoming corrupt and insane? Are the Pope of Rome and the Queen of England - really the modern-day equivalents of the King and Queen of Egypt - serving the Hidden God Amen Ra? Are all three ruling in place of Christ? I have speculated quite a bit about this in the past. I am concerned about this, because these three seem to have control over pretty much the whole world. Is this power legitimate or illegitimate? Is this power being used benevolently and wisely? Are they doing that which is in everyone's best interest? Could the throne of this world have been stolen in antiquity? Could this hypothetical theft be ongoing? Did someone steal fire from the gods? I really and truly don't know - but I am becoming increasingly suspicious. What effect would a Michael/Horus/Jesus administered Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System have on these three? What would Michael/Horus/Jesus say? Somebody please talk to me about this. Please think long and hard about these three jobs. They don't give out job-applications - do they? This is VERY tricky territory - to say the least. I deeply appreciate the Divine Feminine as an integral part of the Divinity Within Humanity - but I am deeply suspicious of a hypothetical Reptilian/Human Hybrid, Hermaphrodite Queen of Heaven / God of This World - being at the core of monotheism - ruling a Controlled Patriarchy - and presiding over a Subjugation of Women - to control and enslave the human race - complete with the 'Chastenings of the Lord' in the form of wars, persecutions, tortures, the Crusades, the Inquisition, terorist events, etc, etc. Who REALLY controls the Monarcy and the Papacy?

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 F_elizabeth_ii_Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Pope+Benedict+XVI-753262Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 0

    One more time: I keep thinking of reincarnating archangels, in the form of Isis and Horus, or Lucifer and Michael. I keep thinking of Gabriel looking on in disgust and condemnation - ready to end the madness with terrible finality - and not without some justification. I hate to spout off speculation - and not know what I'm talking about - but I really do want to know. I keep thinking that the human race is about to receive a great, big "GAME OVER". I recently watched a very interesting episode of 'Dr. Who' titled 'Frontier in Space' from the mid-70's. I keep thinking of the Doctor as being sort of a Michael-figure - and the Madame President as being sort of a Lucifer-figure. I'm not sure exactly why. I just started reading 'The Secret Plot to Make Ted Kennedy President' by Geoff Shepard - and 'Taking on the System' by Markos Moulitsas Zuniga. I am continuing reading 'The Jesuits', 'The Keys of This Blood', and 'Windswept House' by Malachi Martin. That ought to keep me out of trouble - for a while. I have kept thinking of Lucifer as being the Mary-figure - secretly running the Roman Catholic Church. Of course, this has been speculation, but when one keeps getting lied-to, what are they supposed to do? On the other hand, Gabriel might be most closely represented by the Madame President in the above-linked 'Dr. Who' episode - and as being the Mary-figure running the church (and not necessarily the pure Mother of Christ). Consider again, this clip from 'V'. I get the picture of Lucifer being a behind the scenes adventurer, wheeler-dealer - who is very smart, smooth, and brave - but who can be very temperamental, sinister, and violent. I see Michael as being very good and refined - but not being BadAss like Gabriel and Lucifer. I continue to see three archangels in conflict with each other. I could be very, very wrong. Every time I post something - I feel torn-up inside - and again, I neglect important things on the home-front - and I pay a very high price for this. Could Gabriel and Lucifer really be two sides of the same coin? We? Might Michael be a prisoner/hostage of Gabriel/Lucifer? Original Hostage Michael? Front Man Michael? Gabriel/Lucifer in place of Michael/Christ - or Anti-Christ? The Roman Catholic Church might've had to deal with more problems than we can possibly imagine. Who Really ordered that Christians (including women and children) be eaten by lions in the Colliseum? Who really ordered the Crusades and Inquistion? Who really ordered the wars and terrorist events of at least the last 2,000 years? Who really ordered the Kennedy Assassinations? Who really ordered 9/11? Might they all have been ordered by the same being or beings? Think about THAT!!


    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 V-annaEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Ra1

    Jesus said to 'Be Wise as Serpents - and Harmless as Doves'. Interesting choice of words...

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Hathor-and-reEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Seti1hathorEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Hathor&ramsEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Hathor-1Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Sycamor1Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Pic12_hathorEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 EGtkw0988IsisHathorAphroditeEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 HathorEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Goa%27uldEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Hathorscorpion041509 Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 800pxgoldcalfEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 D11s01e09_wallpaper_07

    Once again, I deal in possibilities and probabilities. I am a possibility thinker - but I am both a positive and a negative thinker. I'm rapidly turning this solar system into one big set for my own semi-private science fiction show. But I'm finding a lot of supporting evidence for a lot of the possibilities. Sometimes we have to 'believe' it before we can 'see' it. I've been watching 'V' and I like it a lot - but 'V' really just helps me to use my imagination. I seem to be fixated upon the Queen of Heaven - in positive and negative ways. Was/is she Amen Ra's boss - or is she ALL of the gods and goddesses - including Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael, Hathor, Isis, Mary, the Prince of This World, the God of This World - and Amen Ra? I'm trying to utilize Occam's Razor to cut the crap - and I'm trying to eliminate Hegel and Machiavelli. But I really do like Sun Tzu. I wish to win without fighting. Watch this lecture by Robert Morningsky. Listen especially to what he says about Amen Ra's boss. It fits with what I have been speculating about for a couple of years now. Ra might be the One and Only God of This World - but there seems to be a Reptilian Queen of Heaven - who seems to wear the pants in this Solar System. Who is Ra - really? Who is Lucifer - really? Who is Jesus - really? Who is Mary - really? Who is Kali - really? Ra Ka Pharaoh = Rockefeller? Ra's Shield = Rothschild? Ra's Legion = Religion? Old and New Test(Amen)ts? Think, think, think. Take a look at these very interesting videos. 1. Hungry Earth:
    2. Cold Blood: Could this be the true form of the Queen of Heaven? There is something which rings strangely and hauntingly true about these episodes of 'Dr. Who'. Could this be very close to at least part of the truth? Can the Queen inhabit dozens of various bodies - century after century - male and female? Could her soul be similar or even identical to our souls? Did Humans start the hostilities - or was it the other way around? I'm surprisingly neutral regarding all of this. I feel like the interviewer in the clip. Perhaps someday I will be involved in such an interview. I don't know why I said that. Check this out. Consider the possibility of a Vengeful Reptilian Queen of Heaven - Ruling Humanity by Secrecy - Via a Controlled Patriarchy, and a Subjugation of Women. Pretty subtle and clever. A wise and deadly serpent? 1. 2.
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Nikita-posterEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 SvlafemmenikitaEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Hathor-holocaust-bookEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 GenesisArray2z1Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 V_daughters2

    Who has owned this solar system - going back thousands, millions, and billions of years? Who owns the solar system presently? Who should rightfully own this solar system presently? Who has been the God of This Solar System - going back thousands, millions, and billions of years? Who is the God of This Solar System presently? Who should rightfully be the God of This Solar System presently? How does the Monarchy and the Papacy relate to all of the above? How does the Universal Church relate to all of the above? How might a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System relate to all of the above? How does the Luciferian Rebellion and the War in Heaven relate to all of the above? How does Michael/Horus/Jesus relate to all of the above? How do Gabriel and Lucifer relate to all of the above? I think all of this is a sticky and nasty mess - which really does need to be resolved in great detail - with all deliberate speed. I am very worried about my potential reincarnational part in all of this. I'm really benign and neutral in this incarnation - but who knows what I might have been involved in - throughout history - going back thousands, millions, or even billions of years? I really desire that the truth be known, and that justice be served, in a reasonable and rational manner - without cruel and unusual punishment. But I still don't know the full and accurate story - which could invalidate most of my internet posting and telephone conversations. I continue to fly blind. But Namaste anyway!
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Indian

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:17 am


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:10 pm

    Thank-you Brook. I recognize the limitations and distortions of Hollywood - but sometimes we need the visual-aids to help us see the various possibilities and probabilities. I am trying to move in the general direction of the truth - in some rather unconventional ways. I often use Hollywood to illustrate ideas I arrived at prior to watching a show or movie. I guess it takes all kinds - but sometimes I wonder why. BTW - what parts of my last post were erroneous? I will make the necessary corrections in future posts - but I would like to keep that last post as-is for the record. My mind is not made up. Please confuse me with the facts. I'm easily confused...

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:36 am


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:48 pm

    Thank-you Brook. I think there are an infinite number of ways to get lost in this area of research. Were there errors in my previous and rather large post? It is very difficult to pin much of anything down with ultimate finality. Thinking one knows - and knowing - are very different - which is why I mostly ask questions. This will continue - and here are some more!

    Might the following be true?

    Gabriel = Theocratic Prosecuting Attorney (Attempting to reign-in the Rebels Without a Clue on this Planet in Rebellion).

    Lucifer = Charming and Opportunistic Double-Agent (Antagonizing Both Sides - and Profiting from Both Sides).

    Michael = Freedom Fighter for Humanity (Idealistic, Refined, Compassionate, and Ethical - but Relatively Powerless Against Gabriel, Lucifer, the Demonic Realm, and an Irresponsible and Rebellious Humanity).

    This is just more speculation. Was the Human Race created from a Reptilian/Mammalian-Hybrid Hermaphrodite Race - by splitting the Male and Female components, and increasing the Mammalian component, relative to the Reptilian component? Are all of the Humanoid Souls really Interdimensional Reptilian in nature - and virtually identical? Did the Human Experiment get out of control - in the view of the Universal Powers That Be? Are Humans too emotional, unpredictable, disobedient, irreverent - and too difficult to control? Are Humans a grave threat to the Universal Church Theocracy? Has the Human Experiment in Freedom been sabotaged from the very beginning? Did Michael become Jesus when he became distinctly Human? Is Michael/Jesus really in trouble with just about everyone? Has Michael/Jesus been rejected by just about everyone? Was the Human Experiment in Freedom conceived and executed by Michael/Jesus? Is this Human Experiment in Freedom about to be Terminated and Exterminated - with Horrible Finality? Will all of our souls then reincarnate into Predominantly Reptilian Hermaphrodite Bodies - and will we all be governed by a Theocracy with no tolerance for Humanity and Freedom? Our problems may be Legion - as Sinners in the Hands of Angry Angels and Archangels. I really don't know - but this is what I fear. I am particularly interested in Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Lucifer, the Queen of England, the Pope of Rome, and the New World Order. Has Michael/Jesus essentially lived in exile for thousands of years? Would Michael/Jesus presiding over a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System combined with a Solar System Exorcism be a rational next-step for the Human Race and this Solar System? I tend to think so - but I continue to be kept in the dark. I really desire for things to work out well for everyone, everywhere - throughout the entire universe. I still don't have an enemies list - but I am becoming increasingly suspicious and paranoid. I can hardly function. I continue to long for a single day of peace. If God be for us - then who can be against us - but who is God really? Listen carefully to the last 3 or 4 minutes of this video - and study my last large post for clues. So be it? What do you think?
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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:00 pm


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:23 am

    Thank-you Brook. My thinking is really a composite of everything I have researched - including Hollywood Science Fiction - plus my intuition (derived from who knows what nether-realms?). I really prefer to just ask questions - even though this wouldn't fly in a doctoral dissertation. I'm really not pulling all of this out of an anatomical black-hole. I am trying to approximate what I think might be possible and probable. I'm not writing a book or giving a college lecture. In a sense, this is a lot like seeing patterns in the clouds. Some might call this the apotalysmatic principle. I read, watch, listen, think - and then I ask questions. I realize this does not constitute sound research - but I am not representing it as such. What aspects of my previous three or four posts are erroneous? I will gladly utter 'Mea Culpa' if I'm wrong.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:20 am


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  horus Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:59 am

    Over many years I have had the ability to read between the lines and I feel I should add my little bit. I don't claim to know everything or give answers, but I will tell you this, your mind is racing 100 mph, slow down my friend. What I read is like 'imformation overload' coming in from all directions, and I have a close friend who reads every book and inbetween goes to every convention covering every known conspiracy theory, these all anchor 3D shitz into the matrix, it has to be let go, as in... it's over rover, forget it all, this planet and 3D are totally finished, pull up our 3D anchor and move on, that is what I have to say. I have posts here that have never been foreclosed or finished proving what I know, what has passed today is history tomorrow. But is anything I tell going to change anything? no! I have been there, and where you are at, your are just not centered my friend, one step at a time, you will find more peace talking to your self and you are not crackers if you do that, your inner-self will listen if you still the mind.

    Its got to a point where I just let it all go, and find the love that resides within, nothing else matters, all the bull-shitz doesn't matter, even if the end of the world happens tomorrow, I have found my Creator, I don't need to know anything else. How long have we known abouh 2012, whether it is real or not, do we remain in a world bent on self-distruction and greed, and wait for the rest of the sheepies to wake up, save yourself is what now matters, find your Creator within your self and connect, he never left you for one moment. In 14 years on this path to finding my Mother-Father I have sacrificed 14 years of income. Not one single ascending master has even spoken to me, and when they have, each one has had a private agenda energy, do you call that Oneness or still fragments of Duality? Its coming from 4D, the realm of demons in between 3D and 5D were so many tarot readers get messages, a realm where these over-lords have controlled 3D through freemasonary and have no connection to Creation. The Freemason logo is a insult to me (and my father), just as the All-Seeing-Eye on the Pyramid is displayed by the Illuminati.

    I'm nothing more than a threat to their false existance as Horus and was expelling out of this part of the Cosmos like a Genie kept in a bottle floating in space, now I am back with a vengence and they all know it, and all my recalled memories. Apart from Christ-Michael, none of them come from the Light, they are all dark 3D energies. Their leader, a false god, is the only one on the playing field game enough to show his face and he is in bed with freemasonary and the very foundations of every organized religion on this planet and the New Age Cults. I affirm my words here 100%, I know who the real God is, he is within each one of us, go within and find it.

    To change the above subject for a moment, I had a dream where I was Horus and talking like an eagle to my Father Ra as Horus the Elder and we spoke the same language, we both carry the same head of a falcon signature and I will prepare a graphic. I was in another world, I call it heaven and no other entities could be seen or heard. I may be Horus deep within my heart, but it does not go to my head, only Love with a twinflame and the Oneness I desire for both of us in a place where there are birds and bees, flowers and trees (the song). I told my ego thirteen years ago to hop into the backseat, to shut up and enjoy the ride and don't say a word, I swore like the crapper, I was not going to tolerate the dickhead within that is only the darkside of ourselves but elements of Satan in each one of us and the Christ within will remove, Satan is like a Sleeper Cell in our DNA connection to the Program.

    This anglo-saxon process killed my adrenaline rush in one foul swoop and made me allergic to adrenaline. I just didn't give a hoot, about this inner-freak, it was history. How often have we walked through our lives without a sixth sence and lost a leg walking across a minefield of created debt. I am like a bloodhound when it comes to sniffing out any ego and I read it on many websites like all the false prophets. Just focus on who you really are, seek deep within yourself and all your answers will service, its a knowing, nothing else. No one will tell you what is right, or what is wrong, its just inner knowing from the silence that is within, then all the angelic energies will bath you with Loving Light that is Truth. If you are now more confused than ever now, then I can not help you like millions of others who will not listen. If you met me 14 years ago, I was just like you, I was scattered all over the place and it took others to see it, like I see you now.

    As I said, and to changing the subject, this was a very interesting angle to many things that have surfaced in the last few weeks, so watch this video. I felt a lot of heart-chest energies of truth and resisting any ego impulse, and to the wanna-be person attacking me and also some of my friends in my dreams matched, to plagiarizing me and who is very jealous of my status, and to me having a beautiful twinflame who stands with me and at the left side of my two Mother's Sekhmet and Isis.

    Some people will not tell me they have been visited by this false god who has spooked them, and I will include my twin because of my own safety, and I know everything from 17 months ago is now revealing itself to what I now know, we have a false god in this realm who over this part of the cosmos and we are his pawns on a checkerboard, its all a game play, some lose and some win, and the winners are sinners.

    I work with protocols from movies that ALWAYS have a LOOP. Writing a dream down, you will find that loop to get your answer, and think laterally. It's a skill that has taken me many years, sometimes I can interprete someone else dream, but not always, because it is your dream and it will repeat over and over until you understand it! For so many, it would take a lifetime to figure out these riddles.

    What are your thoughts with this video Brooke?

    Video found here with editorial

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:07 pm

    Thank-you Brook and Horus for your wise words and counsel. Horus, I especially liked this part of what you said, "I may be Horus deep within my heart, but it does not go to my head, only Love with a twinflame and the Oneness I desire for both of us in a place where there are birds and bees, flowers and trees (the song). I told my ego thirteen years ago to hop into the backseat, to shut up and enjoy the ride and don't say a word, I swore like the crapper, I was not going to tolerate the dickhead within that is only the darkside of ourselves but elements of Satan in each one of us and the Christ within will remove, Satan is like a Sleeper Cell in our DNA connection to the Program." That was priceless.

    I would appreciate it if someone could specifically point out where I have gotten it wrong - in any of my posts or threads on Avalon 1 or Mists of Avalon. I tell my ego to go to hell. I go within - and listen to my higher-self. Then I post on the internet. But it's never good enough for those who are filled with love and light. Back to the drawing-board I go - chastened, contrite, yielded, and still. I won't trouble you further.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:19 pm


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:17 pm

    Thank-you Brook. You obviously have a HUGE amount of knowledge and experience - and I respect that. I can't swallow the red-pill whole, so I have to take it a little-bit at a time. Your find sounds incredible. What would Zahi Hawass say? But, on the other hand, an Egyptologist (a real cutie!) once warned me about Zahi. My question regarding solar system ownership had more to do with solar system governance than with real estate. Thank-you for your insights. Namaste Brook.

    Beware of the Dracs Beyond the Van Allen Belt! Stay Out of Space! That Journey to the Moon Might Turn Ugly!

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:35 pm


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:04 pm


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Lionhawk Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:11 pm

    There's an Orion faction that thinks they own this system ODM. A queen bitchy reptilian. Or Draconian I should say. She has ruled for eons. She and her minions have exploited this solar system for it's gold and other precious metals. Especially here on this Planet. That also includes human type slaves and children.

    What is unique, is that this Planet has an abundance of all the resources they need. It's like their 7-11, a one stop shopping center for all their needs. Now on the other Planets, the human types there were forced to go underground to escape these Draconian pillages. In order to survive. It wasn't till 2005 when this status changed. A war was fought obviously to turn this around. This war that took place is not known of from what one may consider to be normal channels, such as the Galactic Federation and various channellings. Simply because it was a faction that spontaneously put this battle in motion. The real Galactic Federation did witness the war that occurred however. The Angelic Kingdom was also involved. They rescued many who had been imprisoned on other Planets that were ruled by a league of civilizations that were connected to this Draconian Bitch. The supply lines to this empire that were connected to this solar system were disrupted and cut off. At least for a few short months after Dec. 2005. We knew that they would try to patch their damaged lines back up in the following months. If anyone remembers, it was real quiet for the first 6 months of 2006.

    At the same time as I am writing this, I amazed that an all out Solar system war has not broken out since then. This is also another probability that is not often mentioned in these latter days. If this was to occur, do you think we would finally wake up as a human family?

    Their message has been very clear for the last ten years. "If we can't have our way with this Planet, we will destroy it!" ODM, this is a very serious statement. Maybe what you don't realize is that these critters will not negotiate for the freedom of this solar system or anything else they seem to think they have claimed ownership to. So anything that has been proposed, in light of your Constitution, has already been attempted. That is why you find yourself spinning your wheels in your efforts. But at the same time I do appreciate what you have brought to the table as far as your take on a peaceful resolution. So don't think what you have offered has been a waste of time. You are anchoring those energies to the Planet. If you didn't do that, the possibility of a peaceful resolution would not be possible in the light that you have presented it. Meaning in the way with all of your angles, whether they make sense or not. You anchor an open door to a resolution of some sort. Now if you could incorporate a 5D perspective to it, you might fair much better.

    As I see it, it is a balance problem. Probabilities vs. Reality. Anything that is out of balance with that will cause you to spin your wheels. The truth of the reality is there but you have to find ways that will balance out that reality with new probabilities. Talk about a a real challenge. Sounds impossible, but if you have a little crazy in ya, you will always have a shot at it. I told you a long while ago that I would be able to watch you go through this process of spinning your wheels. You should try to solve one equation at a time instead of trying to solve all of them at once. Tackle the small ones that have a greater chance of success. It is a choice. Spinning Your Wheels or Achieving Results. You will always mirror either the lack or abundance of those said results. You want to be effective, then you will have to try something a little more different, with some "crazy juice" to change your perspective on things. Your new results will do that change for you.

    I also hear of various experts on certain civilizations who searched for a track of direction to figure something out. But what I have noticed is that all of them come up short due to the pieces that are still missing from these puzzles.

    During one of our research projects, we came across an Egyptian artifact that look very bizarre. It turned out to be a wave guide for a frequency apparatus of some kind. If I didn't have a small back ground in Electronics, I wouldn't have no idea what it could be. But then again, the other pieces were missing and we never resolved what it was actually used for.

    So after 700,000 years of war, referred to as the Orion War, everything was scattered about. There was no winner in that war. It would seem that every civilization was pushed into survival mode and that included the Draconians. Rebuilding took place everywhere that could sustain life. Then here comes Zeus, who decided to take on this Draconian Queen and we see in our Solar system what became of that attempt. Now here is a question. What if someone on this Planet decided to propose war on this Draconian queen? Would she have us blown to pieces as in Planetary? Granted, Zeus didn't declare war on her, but it was her who decided to take Zeus out. It makes no difference at this point as we have planetary proof of what became of that situation. Everyone who was involved at the time, scattered to the other Planetary bodies in this system and hid. It would also make sense that she would hijack this system with various methods all linked to controlling the minds of all living forms of every Kingdom. Just so no one else would rise up and challenge her so called claims to ownership. Compress the DNA across the whole board. Compromise the consciousness from the point of any birth on all Kingdoms in this system. Now I may have a few facts wrong as to who done what and when, but in general, the final result is enslavement. Right in everyone's face.

    Another point I would like to make, that many of the civilization that have left evidence here, are now gone. Where did they go? Did they just come here to set up a supply line for resources and then left?

    All I know is that what was intended for this Planet, has been blatantly altered. For purposes of control. Add your spells, white or black, obsessions of all types, including research work, which can lead you to nowhere in the land of the second hand, substances that alter your state of being, and behaviors that are obsessive, just note they have you your soul in the palm of their claws. We are being controlled on every level. It isn't a question anymore. If you question it, then you just woke up.

    I just hope this Galactic wave gets here like yesterday.

    Heh heh

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:02 pm

    Thank-you Lionhawk. What you said has the ring of truth - but I obviously can't confirm or refute it. However, this does support my feeling that the truth is not pleasant - and that things might have to continue their downward slide - before the human race gets any sort of traction. I guess I'm sort of a 'John the Baptist' as a voice crying in the wilderness, "prepare ye the way of the Lord". I keep hoping that the right individuals (human and otherwise) who are well placed and well heeled - will be able to lay some groundwork for the principles and concepts of a lot of what I have been contemplating. I'm just an ignorant and miserable bastard - thrashing around in the dark - trying to avert a hideous catastrophy. Mea Culpa. With your permission, I'd like to use what you wrote above - on my 'home thread' - with proper credit given. I continue to worry about my reincarnational part in this madness. I'm getting some ideas and clues - and it is scaring and disillusioning the hell out of me. There really seems to be no way out of this snake-pit. Sorry reptilians. Don't take that personally. It was merely a figure of speach.

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