Vidya Moksha
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Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2
lindabaker- Posts : 1385
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This is a side topic, but I had a Reiki session done for me last week. I haven't visited this thread recently, either. Anyway, in the session I saw/felt my body being mummified. I saw them using linen to wrap my head and face area. I told the Reiki master working on me that I have another body here somewhere. Creeped me out. There's some healing for ya! Talking about letting go of attachments! I absolutely refuse to go to Egypt, even when someone offers to pay. Now I know why I had fear attached to the whole subject, probably. Any ideas? Final cleansing happening for everyone?
Mercuriel- Admin
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Brook wrote:Oh yes...again one more thing to consider. They discarded the brain. Something to consider as to where memory is stored.
It surely is not in the brain or mind of gray matter.
It is in the Information Cloud known as Our Aura - Which some can see or sense - That contains the Consciousness fragmented to that Avatar.
The Avatar is animated by this Information Cloud / Aura through the Mind but the Mind is not the Information Cloud. It is merely the Interface...
Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:43 pm; edited 3 times in total
burgundia- Posts : 5520
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You are so right Brook...they are waiting for Godot...
Brook- Posts : 3469
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enemyofNWO- Posts : 1471
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Brook wrote:What if 2012 comes and goes and nothing happens? What if it's all been an implanted ruse to get you lulled into believing something that will not occur..while you passively sit back and wait for the big event?
What if the 'changes" are actually being made to control the masses in an "agenda" to put you to sleep, while they reform and put more control on your freedoms than ever before? And while you were sleeping, and dreaming of the "big coming event"...it never comes? But instead your freedoms are taken from you, because you've been proven to be led by a fantasy?
This thought has crossed my mind many times . What we are witnessing is war criminals still in power behaving as if there won't be a day of reckoning . In fact some of then command large fees for public speaking . Some of them have bought large properties in South America . They have plans for the future while we discuss possible futures . It could just be that the Earth trouble might not be as devastating as predicted . Just a possibility .
And as such, instead of getting REAL reform to occur, and economic change repaired, you sat back and followed these "savior" figures to the bottom of the pits. And it was all a lie to get you to conform to the whims of the economic bullies on wall street?
Notice ,while the Economic Titanic is slowly sinking ,how there is absolutely very little talk in the MSM about real system reform . Even blind Freddy by now got the picture that the system is hopelessly faulty and should be drastically reformed .
While all the time they gather your hard earned dollars and turn it into useless paper right in front of your nose, because you ALLOWED it?
While countries are falling to a new turn of events...Tunisia, Egypt..and where does it end? A total collapse to a doom and gloom event to end all.....
Order out of CHAOS ? After the intentional destruction of the planet's ecosystem , destruction of the faulty economic system and the distortion created in our society by the dog eat dog mentality and profit at any cost . If the plan is to destroy totally society , it might not work . A lot of people are waking up . What will awakening bring to us I don't know .
To pick up the pieces, and start again? Is that really going to happen? Are we so led by the beliefs that we are "allowing" it to happen? Are we ourselves creating it to happen by the very nature of the beast? Fear and rage and then the the glorified FEMA camps that we are aware of but still accept?
I feel that the victims of the revolution in Egypt , the ones that died , did actually achieve something positive , at least they contributed to the demise of one dictator . We don't know is another dictator will take the place of the one that just left . I don't know what is going to take to ignite a revolution in the western countries .. probably the population must be totally destitute like the protesters in Egypt ...
You tell me? What's it going to take? Ascension? Then what? Heaven on Earth? Now that's a concept! And how to create that? Through unity?
Because unity does not start with a divide and concur attitude. And that is all I'm seeing lately!
All under the guise of A Christian crusade of religious doctrine. Colleen Thomas....with her "archangel Michael" that is at the helm of a space ship. Tim Turned for a 'Christian Nation under God" with NESARA as his platform. St Germaine that leads back to NESARA, and Dove of Oneness, and the list goes on.
The so called 'enlightened" ones who follow the beliefs of Thoth, who was also followed by the OTO and Melchizedek order. The Drunvalo crowd who tells you to watch the spinning flower of life. To create a "virtual" flower of life. You all know what virtual is? The flower of life is a living thing. And this Drunvalo also channels Thoth. Yet claims "Enlightenment"? The order of the "bloodline" of Jesus Christ himself?
And where is the proof? What is the truth? What is the end result? Is this to say there is no higher order of existence? Well there most certainly is!
] Probably there is a higher order of existence but , in my opinion ,it has very little to do with Christianity or following gurus . Some of them at first hearing sound OK but on reflection there are holes in their philosophy . I will tell you that it is not very hard to find holes in dogma . A few years ago the current pope decides to abolish the Limbo ( the supposed place where non baptized babies end up when dead ) . So first of all the church told to God centuries ago to start a section in some dimension to accommodate the non baptized babies . Then the current pope told God to delete the Limbo accommodation for the babies . Who is then the most powerful entity the pope of God ? I will not go on talking about the probable composite nature of Jesus . What I observed in my travels on the Internet is that presumed "enlightened people " think that they have the moral duty to take any vile act dished out by governments including violence without complaining . My attitude on this is that I reserve my right to respond in kind and violence is not excluded . After all " getting even " is honorable .
But in this 3D space you call earth, there exists another order. To create your reality in a 3D construct. And until that changes...you had better deal with it. That means doing the 3D work to make this a better world. Instead of sitting back and waiting for this "new age' to occur.....how about trying to do the best with what we have here? Because 'ascension' does not happen in a 3D construct!
You are all being led to sit back on your "ascension" path, while watching the 3D world self Destruct! And I'm here to tell you that is not how it works! This 3D construct will be here for a very long time...make no mistakes about that. You want to "ascend' in the worst way...however you have left out one very important ingredient. To do so, you have to concur this 3D plane of existence! That means understanding how to "co exist" within these boundaries. So far all I'm seeing is a heard of shall I say "sheep", running for the door to "ascension". While allowing this world to crumble before their very eyes! And the ones who claim to be "enlightened" are allowing that to happen through sheer complacency! While all the time reminding you not to get on the ships, claiming 'enlightenment" and "ascension" as their mantel. What better way to avoid 3D reality and responsibility.
I like to read what's going on on MOA . But , I have been taken for a ride more than one in the past on other sites , and so I don't jump on any bandwagon . So I tend to watch , listen, discuss , and have a bet each way . If the world finishes in a ball of fire I don't care , if it doesn't it's OK too .[youtube]<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9_ALElMLpRA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
lawlessline- Posts : 699
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Mercuriel wrote:Brook wrote:Oh yes...again one more thing to consider. They discarded the brain. Something to consider as to where memory is stored.
It surely is not in the brain or mind of gray matter.
It is in the Information Cloud known as Our Aura - Which some can see or sense - That contains the Consciousness fragmented to that Avatar.
The Avatar is animated by this Information Cloud / Aura through the Mind but the Mind is not the Information Cloud. It is merely the Interface...
I can vouch for that. When doing healing on people, the person who is sitting infront of me often asks how I know that much about them. All the bones broken, emotional confrontations, relationship situations, both family on non family, number of kids they have, the way they are, basically all the essentials of their being. You can also access memories and I use this for people who wish to give up smoking or retreive part of their fighting or personal spirit that they have lost contact with.
All infomation is found between the third and forth layer of their magnetic field. This is what I call an aura or infomation cloud. It is part of the electric makeup of a spirit that is part of a soul. A soul consists of 6 spirits, one driving the machine, 2 guides sitting in the radar room looking over your shoulder, 2 sitting in what we could term for saving time, heaven and the last which is next to creation.
When you pass on, the other spirits collect around the driver and encircle you. This creates the tunneling effect. Then if you are ready you set off surrounded by your 5 soul mates, you in reality, till you make it through one realm to the next, or heaven as most are here for the change, we are in the close ciruit rather than the open ended circuit.
The next life, the driver could be a guide, next to creator or heaven based. The wheel turns. But the info that is held by that soul group is help in the same department of the magnetic field as the rest of the info. it is like a book that has pages from each life. Reading may not be for the faint hearted, so usually wise to do that between lives when in transit. Doing it live can get very messy. You really, really, really need to know who you are and where you are going to stop yourself from being side tracked. It is better to go through someone who can help you read the pages then doing it alone.
But yes, the info is not stored in the brain, just a inter-face, quite an apt word, for the expression of certain memories and aspects of a being.
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
horus- Posts : 196
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I love what you have written, I felt this for some time if this 'earth experiment' fails, and I am sorry to say it was shown to me years ago as a dying planet without any direction and the message come from a unknown source that I thought was Lucifer, but now I know it was Thoth because of the Ibis bird. I was warned all about this happening. Lost in Space was a better way of putting it. I want to be part of Gaia's rebirth, but when Mother spoke to me for two hours yesterday, and with this message; "Out of the blue, 9 will come and 9 will make it". This was either nine very large mother ships, or the Council of Nine. I asked to speak to my Mother & Twin with Ra to going on his 'solar boat' and I recieved a energy reply to what I call a request, maybe many of us are going back to our home planets if there are not enough souls to assist Gaia. Ra doesn't say much, you just feel it and I was given the following message; "My Dad was the Phoenix". It was only earlier I see the Horus-Ra similarity with the Head of a Hawk, and the movie Gattaca with Ethan Hawke & Jude Law. From all this I come up with the Chariots of Fire and the Benna Bird and the rest all come together was a this Chariot energy to Wheels within Wheels, maybe its the name of a hugh starship! I found the energy trail that was surely genetic and galactic. It may be part of a post that uncovered Christ energies from years ago the Adventures in Paradise, and the false Christ knows I'm with Christ Michael showing a cover-up so big, it will be like the Great Flood again ad will drown every memory. I tell you this much, when i poke at what is the truth, the program spits the dummy.Brook wrote: Now in another interview I listened to that Mel Fabregas did, he mentioned that we are all of other star systems, this I also believe strongly. He mentioned that we all have this longing to go home. And I can vouch for that. Lionhawk and I both keep telling each other we just want to finish up here and go home. I've seen this home in my "travels", I've seen my home, and my belongings. I've seen the lions roaming free among the populace. It's magnificent, and it is what I would call home. Now don't get me wrong, I love mother earth, and this is my home now. But I know in my heart I'm going to get to go home eventually with Lionhawk by my side. Robert Morning Sky could not describe it any better than he did in that interview. It's as if we did not fit in here, and although this is a wonderful place to live, it's just not home. Call it a home sickness.
You choose the energy and the DNA is unlocking! I was totally gob-smacked!
There's a lot more I could reveal, and no one can see it clearly, its all within!
Your two videos did not load are at the bottom for readers. I found the title of the second one interesting. My post about Ga-Ga had TRUTH written everywhere as a fashion label, and the 'see-through' the garment that was a web was TROTH. I came across this with interest and shown we I already know in Latin variations. It was the Goddess of Truth as Verita and to prove this point;
Veritas and Aletheia
The English word truth is from Old English tríewþ, tréowþ, trýwþ, Middle English trewþe, cognate to Old High German triuwida, Old Norse tryggð. Like troth, it is a -th nominalisation of the adjective true (Old English tréowe).
The English word true is from Old English (West Saxon) (ge)tríewe, tréowe, cognate to Old Saxon (gi)trûui, Old High German (ga)triuwu (Modern German treu "faithful"), Old Norse tryggr, Gothic triggws,[2] all from a Proto-Germanic *trewwj- "having good faith". Old Norse trú, "faith, word of honour; religious faith, belief"[3] (archaic English troth "loyalty, honesty, good faith", compare Ásatrú).
When we are baptised, or have a bath, its like a water troth and also being blessed. I could go on and on, I discovered all this is part of Christian perversion, and a program at that.
The word through has a throth energy shown to me like the rough end of pine-apple showed up Adolf Hilter in the movie Little Nicky. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YssMT0qXYOw
The two videos
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
horus- Posts : 196
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With cloning, a subject denied and DNA samples, thats a worry. If all this is true I wonder how far, and how many millions they have spent. Now add the rumors years ago that Bush jnr had genes from Hitler and the list goes on that go back to all the Aryan experiments during WW2, and like the Seed Vault, have they saved all this in some deep bunker. And some of the material in the last 24 hours I am recieving has prompted another post. The truth is going to hurt so many, they will set a torch to Churches and Universities who have been funded really by a slave race, so the Reptilians can prolong their existance and cheat their way into higher frequencies, with what I'm getting I just would not put it past them. If this was so, it would cost billions just to save their precious dark butts. In the end there is only one solution and we all know that, is total annihilation of this planet that will be lifeless and only those of love and light will go on to higher plains. I just want to be on a planet that has what we all want, without 3D energies, that has all the markings of a confused state. This shift just may happen at any moment, I trust what lies within me that has no fear. I have graphic images covering the sun with flares that wrap around this planet, that must mean we are cooked like toast, but does this forum have enough 'changing rooms' space to cater a sudden rush in bowel movements?Brook wrote:And one more thing I would like to bring to the surface once again. The process of mummification was purely for the purpose of DNA storage. The body void of all internal organs except for the heart. The head filled with resin to preserve the DNA within the head region and the body and head wrapped in cloth soaked in Amber resin to preserve the DNA. As Amber resin was the best preservative available.
Knowing that, ask your self this. Where are the bodies of these Gods? Where was Osiris, who was torn apart and buried with great regalia? Where is Isis? Where did their DNA get transported? Now you can find some mummified remains, that of King Tut, and a multitude of others...but where are the 'architects' of this culture? WHERE are the bodies?
And what became of that DNA????
Food for thought.....
tacodog- Posts : 127
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The DNA from the mummies (gods?). Would this DNA be different than ours? Why I ask is that surely they would not want to return to the disposable veiled human form would they? Unless they can change it once cloned, but they would need the memories/knowledge along with it to do so.
The DNA from the mummies (gods?). Would this DNA be different than ours? Why I ask is that surely they would not want to return to the disposable veiled human form would they? Unless they can change it once cloned, but they would need the memories/knowledge along with it to do so.
Carol- Admin
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Horus, like this?
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
enemyofNWO- Posts : 1471
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One of the many things I cannot understand is this . Why the PTW (the powers that were ) are so intent in , destroying the planet with globalization , consumerism, pollution , exploitation of the planet , destruction of resources and poisoning of the inhabitants if our probable future is illustrated in the KNOWING ? Poisons , earthquakes , tsunami, CME and pole shifts do not discriminate against victims . The Powers that Were are just like suicide bombers . What's the deal ? Continuing at this rate this fake civilization will need 4 new Earths to continue with this idiotic economic system .
burgundia- Posts : 5520
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enemyofNWO wrote:One of the many things I cannot understand is this . Why the PTW (the powers that were ) are so intent in , destroying the planet with globalization , consumerism, pollution , exploitation of the planet , destruction of resources and poisoning of the inhabitants if our probable future is illustrated in the KNOWING ? Poisons , earthquakes , tsunami, CME and pole shifts do not discriminate against victims . The Powers that Were are just like suicide bombers . What's the deal ? Continuing at this rate this fake civilization will need 4 new Earths to continue with this idiotic economic system .
I asked that question a long time ago enemy....still no answer....
horus- Posts : 196
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I had a dream about 10 years ago. I was on top of the Toowoomba Range, west of Brisbane. I witness a wave of energy that was fire jusy like in the movie KNOWING. What happened next I was with friend and we jumped into a dug out in the ground that had corrigated-iron as a cover. What was happening, immflamible liquid drops where falling from the sky, like some bible prophecy and it looked like very amoebic in nature and burnt non-believers, that was shown to me as I rushed into a old church that funny enough now connects to the Celestine Prophecies to diggings, looking back into our past. This parasite now as I look back now has a Thoth energy, so how do we know that this entire solar system of ours is a hologram and our sun is part of it, and I will tell you why. About the same time I stared right in our Sun for about a minute, I went right into the energy. Don't ask me why I did this, I could have gone blind, so don't try it. Obviously not knowing then, and knowing now its my connection to the Solar Disk and what did I see, I saw a planet that was sky blue and as I type this it looked like the star-gate portal but more like a blue mirror. It was not fire at all, it as cold energy. And when I turned my eyes away, the skin of humans was violet, and at 180 degrees up in the sky in the opposite direction what do I see, I see a second sun that is golden in color. These three colors are the Three-Fold-Flame.Carol wrote:Horus, like this?
Brook- Posts : 3469
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Brook- Posts : 3469
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Last edited by Brook on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:38 pm; edited 1 time in total