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    Post  mudra Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:07 am

    Thank You Mercuriel ,

    As Floyd says this forum is fine .
    There is no hurry to migrate .
    Take it easy brother.
    So far so good .
    I appreciate the fact that the forum is open
    every day specially now that so important
    events are taking place .
    Thank you for you awesome work .

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    Post  E.T. Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:29 am

    Thank you Mercuriel, that is much work and more to come yet,

    it needs the right timing , lots of peace time, to accomodate things and people the way it looks and feels just great. Personally, I hope that Carol and Anchor will recover from their respective situations to be able to share responsibilities with you .

    There's certainly much to look forwards for everyone here so hope we will find ourselves in one piece later in this month again.


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    Post  Mercuriel Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:48 am

    Hope We will find ourselves in one piece later in this month again.

    We will. In this I just have a feeling and that same feeling said to Me - "Don't rush this - Do it Right and with Style..."



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    Post  E.T. Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:25 pm

    Hello Mercuriel , Namaste Features Added... - Page 4 Icon_biggrin . How was your holidaying, any adventures to tell ?

    And how about our Projects ever pending status, how is that one ?

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    Post  Mercuriel Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:55 am

    E.T. wrote:And how about our Projects ever pending status, how is that one ?

    Its been ever pending as I am trying to figure out what You're able/receptive to accomplishing and or doing relative to this Project. This takes two to tango so to speak and so if I can't get agreement on how to proceed from You, or those Involved - How can Project Origins be anything but pending until We do come to an Agreement ?


    I have a full plate ET and I am trying to do the best that I can in the current situation. It is My hope that You feel that I have Your Interests at Heart (As I do) but like I said - Things are escalating for Us All...

    That said - I'll be carrying on this Discussion back in the Thread that We began Our Discussions in...



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    Post  E.T. Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:19 pm

    Thank you again Mercuriel, your will, friendship and offer to help in this Situation are Priceless. It's a Big Task and more people can responsibly take care of it, the lighter it becomes .
    I only insist on precise understanding of the Situation as well as I will always insist on accuracy of the data given to others from the ET source ,
    because it is the accuracy of information we actually miss, with regards to intelligent ET Life, don't we ..

    If I was not 100% percent sure with the Events and Facts being real, I'd perhaps still aspire to get my story out to others, to discuss it , to find out more but while I'm very sure it was/is solid and real piece of truth,
    utterly compactible with scientific understanding of Universe and Life on Earth as we know it and as it's being taught now in schools,

    that is I feel I'm being able to contribute to this very scientific understanding that is common for human race at the moment and as we know the Question of Human Origins , Origins of Life on Earth and in Universe is one of the key questions so far unanswered ,
    among many others, even if my contribution is minute , it could still enlighten the path of human biology, medicine and physics to some extent and improve understanding of human life in general.

    Discussion back on thread, I remind myself and you can count on full cooperation from my side till there's common point of understanding on the matter between us . I hope that Barry will be here to help as well.

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    Post  Mercuriel Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:51 pm

    I wholeheartedly agree.

    I'm trying to get a New ID for Barry set up but I need another Email Address from Him aside from the one He used to sign up as THE WATCHER.

    I'm pretty sure He'll PM Me soon with the New Email Address so I can set up the New ID. As You have said - It would be good to have Him in on this as He has helped You so much already. In fact IMO - Hes invaluable to the process as He can help Me and others to not go over ground already covered.

    But Yep - Back to the Original Thread so We're not jumping all over the place...



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    Post  E.T. Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:28 pm

    Thank you again for patience and understanding ..I'm happy that Barry can be back to here as we've been working together for more than 3 years now and I'm sure that things would have been half the way sorted already as he has excellent and rational insight to the problematics backed by some 40 years of research and experience ,
    but, there had been also many health , family and security issues resulting thereof preventing us from taking steps further in any direction .

    I think that as soon as his health and time allows he will be here to help us further..

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    Post  Mercuriel Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:00 pm

    Hes all set up and using the New ID now...



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    Post  ClearWater Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:27 am

    In case others have not yet noticed, we now have a 'Like' system incorporated into the forum.  
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    Thank you Carol, or whoever else is responsible for this.  I will definitely make good use of it, recognizing the great contributions you all are making.  Crazy Happy

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    Post  mudra Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:41 pm

    Yes I noticed this today as well Clearwater.
    That was a nice surprise.
    Thank you Mercuriel Hugs

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