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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Words of wisdom and shining diamonds in streetwise daily motion

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:52 am

    bobhardee wrote:BB
    "So what about these Earthly lessons? The truth is that the Source of all life is in the eyes of every person created, So even here on Earth, great intelligence and wisdom and love are present in every moment inside each person. Once this is seen, then it becomes clear that your thoughts, feelings and actions are the key. You know exactly what to do. In simple words, it's perfecting your character. The shining diamonds in your character become the survival tools of ascension"

    Good readings.  Thanks:)

    Thank you, bobhardea. It's to those shining diamonds in our character, that I send my invitation out in this thread, you see? Apart from being survival tools of ascension, they're in use now and in our before, in our chain of lives, I think. If you feel welcome... in other words...... if you dare, show those shining diamonds in your character, by sharing your personal experiences, bobhardea?

    I believe we're living a shift and a huge transition NOW. Call it a prelude to a new consciousness, or birthing pains, is it important how it's called? We're living it, like love can only be lived. We're part of our solar system in every cell of our body. Some of the signs, to me, are a feeling of floating in the air between leaps. Or questioning everything that used to be familiar. Or feeling alone, or feeling like starting all over.

    I'm learning in the School of Life and I'm a Shakespeare groupie  Big Grin 3  I truly believe that by sharing our daily earthly experiences, from a personal viewpoint, we show our shining diamonds in our character, in a way that strengthens our connection, our human kindness toward ourselves and each other and it beautifies our presence here as a group in an inspiring and supportive way, beneficial to the work we do in our soul, the place where our shining diamonds reside.

    I dream of a world in which we embody our soul, support each other in achieving that and express it, in order to live happy together. In that same dream I need to accept that one step at a time IS the only way to achieve that. Much of my boldness is best taken with a grain of salt.
    To me this you tubbie is one of the most sincere and compact messages by love itself:

    Thank you, for your post being instrumental in shining my diamonds.
    Or am I the only one being blinded by them now?

    Be well

    B.B.Baghor  jocolor

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:53 am

    It is I that needs to thank you. It is easy to find pertinent YouTube material that reflects most of my thoughts and concerns. But you are asking for something deeper. I was not given the gift of writing but will do my best in sharing. When I found the MOA site, I thought I had found a gold mine. Here was somewhere I could come and share with others who had similar values as my own. When I was 19, I had an up close encounter with a UFO. It flew not 300- 500 feet above my head without making a sound. Large Saucer shaped wingless craft that was low enough that you could see the windows. Little did I have any idea that this one simple event would impact my career life in many unforeseen ways. The year that happened was 1968 and even though it seems like yesterday, was 46 years ago.
    Over the years there have been people I have been drawn to who work within the science community but understand that there is a God creator who on this planet. I consider him/her /them to be the artist who has created thousands of things out of carbon. You and me being just two small lives of a bazillion. This morning I was reading about the Elementals. That's pretty cool that some people can talk with fairies. I like to talk to the trees. I believe that spirit lives in everything. That the Indians who lived here long before the European white man came to rape the land, had it right. Mother earth is a living breathing being that has supported us and we have not done our part to give back to her. I believe that our souls are travelers. I am not sure what I did to deserve the protection I have gotten in this life time but there is no doubt in my mind that I have been guided/protected and currently doing what I need to do. For whatever reason, I have always thought that I would be in some epic battle standing beside my son. Not sure if that is from a previous life but it has been with me since childhood. I have seen the insanity of war and believe that if we hold peace and love in our hearts, we will find that. Having been to war (Nam) I along with my brothers in arms, have seen first hand what it is to be a pawn of the rich. Though I didn't think so then, I do believe that there is now a controlling elite.
    A year ago I had a dream that lasted throughout the night. I would dream, wake, go pea, and then return to the dream. It was that the Off-World people came and brought commerce to this planet. In the galactic economics, we are to be cheap labor. But with many new factories, they also brought international labor laws which helped raise the prosperity of the planet. It was a marvelous and beautiful dream. Perhaps it was a vision but I have yet to see it come to fruition but hope that it does. Many seers and time travelers, have all said that the earth is to go through a mighty change. I believe the time is near. If the Off-Worlders come then I hope I can help in establishing a new order. I worked in the heath care industry and in my dream, I helped get people started going to see the Off-Worlders to get unheard of medical treatments that resembled what we used to see on Startreak. Pole shift? Something coming. Not sure what but it going to be a real interesting ride. As Captain Dan said in Forrest Gump while suspended from the superstructure of a shrimping vessel...."Bring it that the best you can do.....bring it on.

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Dreams, disclosure, have a beer..... and...... something coming

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:25 pm

    bobhardee wrote:BB
    It is I that needs to thank you. It is easy to find pertinent YouTube material that reflects most of my thoughts and concerns.  But you are asking for something deeper.  I was not given the gift of writing but will do my best in sharing. When I found the MOA site, I thought I had found a gold mine.  Here was somewhere I could come and share with others who had similar values as my own.

    (and the middle part too!)

    Pole shift?  Something coming. Not sure what but it going to be  a real interesting ride.  As Captain Dan said in Forrest Gump while suspended from the superstructure of a shrimping vessel...."Bring it that the best you can do.....bring it on.

    Thank you, bobhardee, for sharing this about your life and the UFO sighting up close! This must have changed your life, for sure. I myself witnessed a moving light once, in the evening sky.
    Your dream reminds me of one I've had in the 90's.

    I was present in a huge city of off white plain natural stone buildings, in a sort of Italian elegant style, on a large square, in a huge silent crowd. We were all in anticipation of......something coming.  We stood in awe, looking up to a huge dark-blue disk, about 300 mtrs. above us, slowly filling the whole sky, displaying small colorful lights in motion, silently.

    I felt completely at ease, because I was prepared. I knew. The sight was similar to the scene with the disk in the movie "Close encounters of the 3rd kind" which I have watched several times, long before that dream though. In my dream the disk filled the whole sky, changing the atmosphere and quality of light in the city, the square of it. It was a majestic presence nobody could even try to deny. Only most of the crowd was in a state of shock, immobilized.

    A high pitched small sound came from within my head as a signal and I looked around, only to meet the eyes of several others in the crowd going through the same experience. We were connected in a way and we knew that we were to be part of a team that would assist people in accepting that presence as real. Some disclosure... huhhh?

    I remember vividly how Alex Collier, contactee of an ET group, in a lecture, shared his emotions of frustration and denial. And I still feel the impact of what his ET companion commented, when Alex walked away from him: "The pain that you carry is the love that you withhold" To me, that's a powerful statement. Also this code of conduct, which, according to Alex, must be honored at all times, by all members of intergalactic races: "It's a matter of custom, when entering my space, that permission be asked"

    I think I can live through everything, in close encounters with love, harmony and truth. When I will meet myself from a past, looking in the eyes of an ET brother or sister, I will have to surrender and trust and step into new territory by meeting them. Who knows, the visitors may feel exactly the same toward me?

    I've laughed and cried, when Drunvalo told of ET's from the 5th dim. vibration, in full use of telepathic capacity, standing in horror and disgust, amidst us Earthlings. Our presence, our ways of dealing with emotions is hurting them and that's why they never show up, until we choose to raise our vibration, matching theirs. If that's true I don't know, but it makes sense to me and has a sobering effect on me as well.

    I enjoy your style of writing, Boghardee, the energy of it. And I agree with you, something is coming. To me, it's present thickly in the air, a pregnant waiting for.....

    This afternoon, Sanicle reminds us in a post, to use humor and I think I get the message.
    Heavy trucking needs a beer, a hamburger and a belly laugh at the pit-stop, now and then.
    Ahem.... my habit and urge to explain and present my truth and those of others as complete as possible turns into too many mouth-fulls of rice easily.

    Returning to the Mists, offers me a chance to practice lightheartedness, to be to the point more and to be online less  Cheerful

    Be well

    B.B.Baghor sunny

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:40 am


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    Post  bobhardee Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:01 pm


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:53 pm


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:15 pm


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  burgundia Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:02 am


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:59 pm

    June 22, 2014
    A 90 foot fruit tree found in Northern Sibera??? Our wondering poles.

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:26 pm


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:37 pm

    6/24/2014 -- North Pole moving towards Russia -- ESA SWARM measurements

    The European Space Agency SWARM satellites have returned the first sets of data, allowing animations to be made. Just released on June 20, 2014. They have now projected a track for the North Pole to take by 2019. Moving into Russian waters across the North Pole (out of Canada into the Arctic North).

    Love Always

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    Post  bobhardee Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:29 pm


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    Post  bobhardee Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:54 pm


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    Post  bobhardee Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:08 pm


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:58 pm

    8/13/2014 This is based on Pole Displacement more so than just a magnetic shift. It's worth the five minute listen. Enjoy.

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    Post  bobhardee Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:54 pm

    2/19/2019 Earth's megnetic shield.

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:00 pm

    The Sun's Magnetic Field is about to Flip

    August 5, 2013: Something big is about to happen on the sun. According to measurements from NASA-supported observatories, the sun's vast magnetic field is about to flip.

    "It looks like we're no more than 3 to 4 months away from a complete field reversal," says solar physicist Todd Hoeksema of Stanford University. "This change will have ripple effects throughout the solar system."
    Field Flip (splash)
    A new ScienceCast video anticipates the reversal of the sun's global magnetic field. Play it

    The sun's magnetic field changes polarity approximately every 11 years. It happens at the peak of each solar cycle as the sun's inner magnetic dynamo re-organizes itself. The coming reversal will mark the midpoint of Solar Cycle 24. Half of 'Solar Max' will be behind us, with half yet to come.

    Hoeksema is the director of Stanford's Wilcox Solar Observatory, one of the few observatories in the world that monitor the sun's polar magnetic fields. The poles are a herald of change. Just as Earth scientists watch our planet's polar regions for signs of climate change, solar physicists do the same thing for the sun. Magnetograms at Wilcox have been tracking the sun's polar magnetism since 1976, and they have recorded three grand reversals—with a fourth in the offing.
    Field Flip (WSO, 200px)
    Astronomers at the Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO) monitor the sun's global magnetic field on a daily basis. WSO home page

    Solar physicist Phil Scherrer, also at Stanford, describes what happens: "The sun's polar magnetic fields weaken, go to zero, and then emerge again with the opposite polarity. This is a regular part of the solar cycle."

    A reversal of the sun's magnetic field is, literally, a big event. The domain of the sun's magnetic influence (also known as the "heliosphere") extends billions of kilometers beyond Pluto. Changes to the field's polarity ripple all the way out to the Voyager probes, on the doorstep of interstellar space.

    When solar physicists talk about solar field reversals, their conversation often centers on the "current sheet." The current sheet is a sprawling surface jutting outward from the sun's equator where the sun's slowly-rotating magnetic field induces an electrical current. The current itself is small, only one ten-billionth of an amp per square meter (0.0000000001 amps/m2), but there’s a lot of it: the amperage flows through a region 10,000 km thick and billions of kilometers wide. Electrically speaking, the entire heliosphere is organized around this enormous sheet.

    During field reversals, the current sheet becomes very wavy. Scherrer likens the undulations to the seams on a baseball. As Earth orbits the sun, we dip in and out of the current sheet. Transitions from one side to another can stir up stormy space weather around our planet.
    Field Flip (current sheet, 200px)
    An artist's concept of the heliospheric current sheet, which becomes more wavy when the sun's magnetic field flips. More

    Cosmic rays are also affected. These are high-energy particles accelerated to nearly light speed by supernova explosions and other violent events in the galaxy. Cosmic rays are a danger to astronauts and space probes, and some researchers say they might affect the cloudiness and climate of Earth. The current sheet acts as a barrier to cosmic rays, deflecting them as they attempt to penetrate the inner solar system. A wavy, crinkly sheet acts as a better shield against these energetic particles from deep space.

    As the field reversal approaches, data from Wilcox show that the sun's two hemispheres are out of synch.

    "The sun's north pole has already changed sign, while the south pole is racing to catch up," says Scherrer. "Soon, however, both poles will be reversed, and the second half of Solar Max will be underway."

    When that happens, Hoeksema and Scherrer will share the news with their colleagues and the public.

    Stay tuned to Science@NASA for updates.


    Author:Dr. Tony Phillips| Production editor: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit NASA

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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:41 am

    8/28/2014 This video was published in July.

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    Post  bobhardee Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:23 am


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    Post  bobhardee Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:18 am


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    Post  bobhardee Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:16 am


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    Post  bobhardee Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:34 am


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    Post  bobhardee Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:13 am


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:47 am


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    Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps - Page 2 Empty Re: Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps

    Post  bobhardee Wed May 13, 2015 7:34 pm

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